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il> B A E U i<' B A E DF
rig. 639/ Fig.
059(7. Fig. Ui9/i.
194.'5A. To draw an ogee arch
of four
629k.). Ei.sect the sjiiiii, draw the
centre line, fix
the four points,
and describe
the arcs AG,
G B; then di-
vide G B into
four parts, and
proceed as above indicated. But
a difference is taught by an illus-
tration adduced by Viollet le Due,
to show another feature of medie-
val art. In
6'29i. it will be
ob.served that the arch GA is di-
vided into
portions, and that
the line AH is drawn through the second divi-
sion. The line F2 produced, cuts the horizontal
line JH in M; or 2H may be bisected, and a
perpendicular obtained meets in the point M,
for the ogee line -.^H. A centre N has been as-
sumed for the line RR; and also another centre,
O, for the line PP, both lines being drawn each
way from T
from which arrangement it results
that the lines A2H, RI R.and PIP, are not paral-
lel for their whole lenuths. In some cases the^
line of work muijtbe tlie centre of a fillet or of a
boltel. It should be noticed that .some very
Fi;;. 't'2i>i.
good decorated work of tie middle of the 1-1 tli century, uses five-eightlis of the space
for the radius, and finds the centre of the ogee curve upon a line drawn from tliat
central point of radius at an angle of
with tlie hori-
zontal springing line.
]943i. To draw a c.unped ogee arch
6-9h.). Proceed
as abi>ve described for an arch of one jjoint as far as the
construction of the horizontal line JK. Then from the centre
F through E draw a line, and thereon make lUequal to l.S,
being so much of I Fas is intercepted by the centre line of
the pointed arch
; and then on the horizontal line JK make
WH equal to IS : thus are obtained the two centres for the
cusp. But V^iollet le Due appears to prefer another mode,
which very sliglitiy differs in result. He draws SI produc ed
at an angle of 43
with theliase line; on this he marks (j'U,
which is the half of a semicircle, equal to GA, fixing lU,
and continuing the process as in tlie former method.
1944. II. Op the Construction of intersecting
Vaults ok Groins. The forms of vaults may be so adapted
to one another that the lines of intersection shall be in planes,
and these planes the diagonals of the plan of the intersecting pai t of the vaults
; if, however,
tliey he not so adapted, the lines of intersection will I
e curved on tlie plan, and curves it
is necessary to ascertain in making both the moulds and the centerings for executing the work.
194.5. To detfriniiie the form
a Doult to intirsect with a giret one in the filane of
diai)on(il, and aho to
the dingntial rill
fur the centering. Let the given vault be EIF
6'30.) and AC and BD the diagonals, crossing \n
Draw /I peipendicular to EF,
futtiug EF in c. In the arc I F take any number of ooints ah, and draw ag, b/i iiarallel to
cutting EF in d, e, and the diagonal AC in
h. Drawy)i, ])arallel to EF, cutting
the base GH at m, n, o. INIake nip. ntj, or, each respectively equal to cl, dn, eb. Draw /'I',
gk, hi, perpendicular to AC, and make/I', gk, hi respectively equal to cl, da, eb. Make

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