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Noman Hasany
Assistant Professor
Computer Engineering Department
Course Outline
• Theory • Application
– AI (Intro) – Prolog
– Searching – Natural Language Tool
– Intelligent Agents kit (NLTK) + Python
– Logic and Inference
– Knowledge-based
– Natural Language
– Neural Nets
• Heuristic is a rule or piece of information that
is used to make a problem-solving method more
effective (to achieve the goal) or more efficient
(fast and/or have less space) .
• Example: a person who is looking for a suitable
gift would go to straight to the shop that he
considered to be most likely to have a suitable
gift, then to the next most likely and so on.
• Humans use such heuristics all the time to
solve all kinds of problems  Computers can
also use.
Why study AI?

Search engines

Appliances What else?
AI State of the art
• Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess champion
GarryKasparov in 1997
• Automated Reasoning methods proved a mathematical
conjecture (Robbins conjecture) unsolved for decades
• No hands across America (driving autonomously 98% of
the time from Pittsburgh to San Diego)
• Military still the strongest factor for AI research: During
the 1991 Gulf War, US forces deployed an AI logistics
planning and scheduling program that involved up to
50,000 vehicles, cargo, and people
• NASA's on-board autonomous planning program
controlled the scheduling of operations for a spacecraft
• Proverb solves crossword puzzles better than most
AI State of the art
• Have the following been achieved by AI?
– World-class chess playing
– Playing table tennis
– Cross-country driving
– Solving mathematical problems
– Engage in a meaningful conversation
– Handwriting recognition
– Observe and understand human emotions
– Express emotions
AI (John McCarthy)
• It is the science and engineering of
making intelligent machines, especially
intelligent computer programs. It is related
to the similar task of using computers to
understand human intelligence, but AI
does not have to confine itself to methods
that are biologically observable.
AI (Marvin Minsky)
• “Artificial Intelligence is the science of
making machines do things that require
intelligence if done by men."
• Views of AI fall into four categories:
» Rationally means logically
What is AI?
The exciting new effort to “The study of mental faculties
make computers thinks … through the use of
machine with minds, in the computational models”
full and literal sense” (Charniak et al. 1985)
(Haugeland 1985)
“The art of creating A field of study that seeks to
machines that perform explain and emulate
functions that require intelligent behavior in terms
intelligence when of computational processes”
performed by people” (Schalkol, 1990)
(Kurzweil, 1990)
Systems that think like Systems that think
Systems that act like rationally
Systems that act rationally
[Above are Emulation] [Above are Simulation]
(Imitate) (Replicate)
Acting humanly: Turing Test
• Turing (1950) "Computing machinery and
–operational test for intelligent behavior: the
Imitation Game
–components needed for passing the test:
natural language processing, knowledge
representation, automated reasoning,
machine learning
Acting humanly: Turing Test
Thinking humanly: cognitive
• not only the results, but also the reasoning steps
made for solving a problem must be similar
• requires scientific theories of internal activities of
the brain: introspection (the observation of things
internal to one's self) and psychological
• cognitive science: computer models from AI and
experimental techniques from psychology
-theories of the workings of the human mind
Thinking rationally:
"laws of thought"
• Aristotle: what are correct arguments/thought
– syllogisms: patterns for argument structures that always
yielded correct conclusions when given correct premises
• several Greek schools developed various forms of
logic: notation and rules of derivation for thoughts;
• direct line through mathematics and philosophy to
modern AI
• problems:
– 1.difficulties in translating “everyday knowledge” into a
logical formalism (the presence of uncertainty)
– 2.scalability (degree/range) of logic-based reasoning
Acting rationally: rational agent
• Rational behavior: doing the right thing
• The right thing: that which is expected to maximize goal
achievement, given the available information
• doesn't necessarily involve thinking
–but thinking should be in the service of rational
action (thought is involve in design phase)
• more amenable to scientific development than human-
like behavior or thought approaches
Rational agents
• An agent is an entity that perceives and acts
• Abstractly, an agent is a function from percept
histories to actions:

• For any given class of environments and tasks,

we seek the agent (or class of agents) with the
best performance
• Caveat (limitation): computational limitations
make perfect rationality unachievable
– design best program for given machine resources
• Intelligence is the computational part of
the ability to achieve goals in the world.
• Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence
occur in people, many animals and some
• Ultimate intelligence is the spiritual part of
the ability to achieve goals in this world
and for the world hereafter. (rabbana atina
fidduniya hasana wafil akhirate hasana…)
Types of AI (MSN Encarta)
• Symbolic AI: Symbolic AI is based in logic. It uses sequences of
rules to tell the computer what to do next. Expert systems consist
of many so-called IF-THEN rules: IF this is the case, THEN do that.
Since both sides of the rule can be defined in complex ways, rule-
based programs can be very powerful.
• Connectionist AI: Connectionism is inspired by the brain. It is
closely related to computational neuroscience, which models
actual brain cells and neural circuits. Connectionist AI uses
artificial neural networks made of many units working in parallel.
Each unit is connected to its neighbors by links that can raise or
lower the likelihood that the neighbor unit will fire (excitatory and
inhibitory connections respectively). Neural networks that are able
to learn do so by changing the strengths of these links, depending
on past experience. These simple units are much less complex
than real neurons. Each can do only one thing: for instance, report
a tiny vertical line at a particular place in an image. What matters is
not what any individual unit is doing, but the overall activity-pattern
of the whole network.
Types of AI (MSN Encarta)
• Evolutionary AI: Evolutionary AI draws on
biology. Its programs make random changes in
their own rules, and select the best daughter
programs to breed the next generation. This
method develops problem-solving programs,
and can evolve the “brains” and “eyes” of robots.
It is often used in modeling artificial life (A-Life).
A-Life studies self-organization: how order arises
from something that is ordered to a lesser
degree. Biological examples include the
flocking patterns of birds and the development
of embryos.
Branches of AI (John McCarthy)
• Logical AI: What a program knows about the world in
general the facts of the specific situation in which it must
act, and its goals are all represented by sentences of
some mathematical logical language. The program
decides what to do by inferring that certain actions are
appropriate for achieving its goals.
• Search: AI programs often examine large numbers of
possibilities, e.g. moves in a chess game or inferences
by a theorem proving program. Discoveries are
continually made about how to do this more efficiently in
various domains.
Branches of AI (John McCarthy)
• Pattern recognition: When a program
makes observations of some kind, it is
often programmed to compare what it
sees with a pattern. For example, a vision
program may try to match a pattern of
eyes and a nose in a scene in order to find
a face, for finding word sense, tag sense
in a natural language text, for playing next
move in a chess game
Branches of AI (John McCarthy)
• Representation: Facts about the world have to be
represented in some way. Usually languages of
mathematical logic are used.
• Inference: From some facts, others can be inferred.
Mathematical logical deduction is adequate for some
• Common sense knowledge and reasoning: This is the
area in which AI is farthest from human-level, in spite of the
fact that it has been an active research area since the
1950s. While there has been considerable progress, e.g. in
developing systems of non-monotonic reasoning and
theories of action, yet more new ideas are needed. The Cyc
system contains a large but spotty collection of common
sense facts.
Branches of AI (John McCarthy)
• Learning from experience: The approaches to AI
based on connectionism and neural nets specialize in
that. There is also learning of laws expressed in logic.
Programs can only learn what facts or behaviors their
formalisms can represent, and unfortunately learning
systems are almost all based on very limited abilities to
represent information.
• Planning: Planning programs start with general facts
about the world, facts about the particular situation and a
statement of a goal. From these, they generate a
strategy for achieving the goal. In the most common
cases, the strategy is just a sequence of actions.
• Epistemology: This is a study of the kinds of knowledge
that are required for solving problems in the world.
Branches of AI (John McCarthy)
• Ontology: Ontology is the study of the kinds of things that
exist. In AI, the programs and sentences deal with various
kinds of objects, and we study what these kinds are and
what their basic properties are. Emphasis on ontology
begins in the 1990s.
• Heuristics: A heuristic is a way of trying to discover
something or an idea embedded in a program. Heuristic
functions are used in some approaches to search to
measure how far a node in a search tree seems to be from
a goal. Heuristic predicates that compare two nodes in a
search tree to see if one is better than the other, i.e.
constitutes an advance toward the goal,
• Genetic programming: Genetic programming is a
technique for getting programs to solve a task by mating
(friendly) random Lisp programs and selecting fittest in
millions of generations.
Foundations of AI
• Philosophy
• Mathematics
• Economics
• Neuroscience
• Psychology
• Computer engineering
• Control theory
• Linguistics
Engineering Intelligent Entities

– The science of understanding intelligent

entities by developing theories that attempt to
explain and predict the nature of such entities.
– The engineering of intelligent entities.
Engineering Intelligent Entities
• The engineering of such intelligent entities means that
we want to build machines to perform tasks for us.

• However, these machines must act in an intelligent way.

• Intelligence can be considered to be manifest in a

number of different but interconnected forms of
behaviour, such as:
– reasoning about beliefs,
– reasoning about actions,
– the ability to communicate,
– the ability to learn, both from mistakes and also through gaining
new knowledge,
– social awareness.
• The key notion here is that we want to equip such intelligent
systems, known as ‘agents’, with the ability to think and act

• There is actually no universal agreed upon definition of an agent but

a popular definition has been given by Wooldridge and Jennings

“An agent is a computer system that is situated in some

environment, and that is capable of autonomous action
in this environment in order to meet its design
• In addition to this, a collection of such agents situated together in an
environment and capable of interacting in with one another is known
as a ‘multi-agent system’.
What is an (Intelligent) Agent?
• An over-used, over-loaded, and
misused term.

• Anything that can be viewed as

perceiving its environment through
sensors and acting upon that
environment through its effectors to
maximize progress towards its goals.
What is an (Intelligent) Agent?
• PAGE (Percepts, Actions, Goals,
– Task-specific & specialized: well-defined
goals and environment
– The notion of an agent is meant to be a
tool for analyzing systems,
– It is not a different hardware or new
programming languages
Intelligent Agents and Artificial
• Example: Human mind as network of thousands or millions
of agents working in parallel. To produce real artificial
intelligence, this school holds, we should build computer
systems that also contain many agents and systems for
arbitrating among the agents' competing results.
• Distributed decision-making
and control


• Challenges:
– Action selection: What next action
to choose
– Conflict resolution
Human agent: eyes, ears, and other organs for
hands, legs, mouth, and other body parts for actuators
• Robotic agent: cameras and infrared range
finders for sensors;
• various motors for actuators
Intelligent Agents
• In order for these entities to be deemed as intelligent, there are a
number of capabilities that we would expect such agents to
possess, again taken from a list defined by Wooldridge and
Jennings (1995)

• Reactivity: Intelligent agents are able to perceive their environment,

and respond in a timely fashion to changes that occur in it in order
to satisfy their design objectives.

• Proactiveness: Intelligent agents are able to exhibit goal-directed

behaviour by taking the initiative in order to satisfy their design

• Social ability: Intelligent agents are capable of interacting with other

agents (and possibly humans) in order to satisfy their design
Intelligent Agents


Action output Sensor input

A Windshield Wiper Agent
How do we design a agent that can wipe the windshields
when needed?

• Goals?
• Percepts?
• Sensors?
• Effectors?
• Actions?
• Environment?
A Windshield Wiper Agent
Goals: Keep windshields clean &
maintain visibility
• Percepts: Raining, Dirty
• Sensors: Camera (moist sensor)
• Effectors: Wipers (left, right, back)
• Actions: Off, Slow, Medium, Fast
• Environment: Inner city, freeways,
highways, weather …
Interacting Agents

Collision Avoidance Agent (CAA)

• Goals: Avoid running into obstacles
• Percepts ?
• Sensors?
• Effectors ?
• Actions ?
• Environment: Freeway
Interacting Agents
Lane Keeping Agent (LKA)
• Goals: Stay in current lane
• Percepts ?
• Sensors?
• Effectors ?
• Actions ?
• Environment: Freeway
Interacting Agents
Collision Avoidance Agent (CAA)
• Goals: Avoid running into obstacles
• Percepts: Obstacle distance, velocity, trajectory
• Sensors: Vision, proximity (closeness)
• Effectors: Steering Wheel, Accelerator,
Brakes, Horn, Headlights
• Actions: Steer, speed up, brake, blow horn,
signal (headlights)
• Environment: Freeway
Interacting Agents
Lane Keeping Agent (LKA)
• Goals: Stay in current lane
• Percepts: Lane center, lane
• Sensors: Vision
• Effectors: Steering Wheel,
Accelerator, Brakes
• Actions: Steer, speed up, brake
• Environment: Freeway
Structure of Intelligent Agents
• Agent = architecture + program
• Agent program: the implementation of f : P* → A, the
agent’s perception-action mapping

function Skeleton-Agent(Percept) returns Action

memory ← UpdateMemory(memory, Percept)
Action ← ChooseBestAction(memory)
memory ← UpdateMemory(memory, Action)
return Action

• Architecture: a device that can execute the agent

program (e.g., general-purpose computer, specialized
device, beobot, etc.)
• What is a Beobot?
– It is an autonomous robot that uses off-the-
shelf PC hardware and software to perform its
• It is designed to run in actual outdoor
unconstrained environments, which is a
far cry from the insulated test labs that
robots are mainly tested in.
Using a look-up-table to encode

f : P* → A
Example: Collision Avoidance
– Sensors: 3 proximity sensors obstacle
– Effectors:Steering Wheel, Brakes
• How to generate?
• How large? agent
• How to select action?
Using a look-up-table to encode
f : P* → A
• Example: Collision Avoidance sensors
– Sensors: 3 proximity sensors
– Effectors:Steering Wheel, Brakes agent
• How to generate: for each p ∈ Pl × Pm × Pr
generate an appropriate action, a ∈ S × B

• How large: size of table = #possible percepts times # possible

actions = |Pl | |Pm| |Pr| |S| |B|
E.g., P = {close, medium, far}3
A = {left, straight, right} × {on, off}
then size of table = 27*3*2 = 162

• How to select action? Search.

Information agents
• Manage the explosive growth of information.
• Manipulate or collate information from many distributed sources.
• Information agents can be mobile or static.
• Examples:
– BargainFinder comparison shops among Internet stores for CDs
– FIDO the Shopping Doggie (out of service)
– Internet Softbot infers which internet facilities (finger, ftp, gopher)
to use and when from high-level search requests.
• Challenge: ontologies for annotating Web pages (eg, SHOE).
Intelligent Agents
• Agents observe the environment in which they are
situated and perform actions based on their knowledge
of their environment.

• However, observing an environment is no easy task for a

number of reasons:
– the agent needs be equipped with some suitable representation
of the environment which it inhabits
– the agent needs to be able to reason about the state of the
– the agent needs to be able to update its beliefs when the
environment changes
– the agent needs to know how its action will affect the
environment it inhabits.
• Russell and Norvig (1995) have given a
classification of the different types of environment
that an agent can inhabit:
• Accessible vs inaccessible
• Deterministic vs non-deterministic
• Episodic vs non-episodic
• Static vs dynamic
• Discrete vs continuous

• We will look at a brief description of each…

Accessible vs. Inaccessible
• An accessible environment is one in which the
agent can obtain complete, accurate, up-to-date
information about the environment’s state.

• Most moderately complex environments

(including, for example, the everyday physical
world and the Internet) are inaccessible.

• The more accessible an environment is, the

simpler it is to build agents to operate in it.
Deterministic vs. Non-
• Output problem
• A deterministic environment is one in which any
action has a single guaranteed effect — there is
no uncertainty about the state that will result
from performing an action.

• The physical world can to all intents and

purposes be regarded as non-deterministic.

• Non-deterministic environments present greater

problems for the agent designer.
Episodic vs. Non-Episodic
• Input Problem
• In an episodic environment, the performance of an agent is
dependent on a number of discrete episodes, with no link between
the performance of an agent in different scenarios.

• Episodic environments are simpler from the agent developer’s

perspective because the agent can decide what action to perform
based only on the current episode — it need not reason about the
interactions between this and future episodes.

• An example of an episodic environment is a mail sorting system.

Static vs. Dynamic
• A static environment is one that can be assumed
to remain unchanged except by the performance
of actions by the agent.

• A dynamic environment is one that has other

processes operating on it, and which hence
changes in ways beyond the agent’s control.

• The physical world is a highly dynamic

Discrete vs. Continuous
• An environment is discrete if there are a fixed,
finite number of actions and percepts in it.

• A chess game is an example of a discrete

environment, and taxi driving is an example of a
continuous one.

• This is not really an intrinsic property of the

environment, but more a property of how we
choose to model the environment. So, you can
think of your perceptions of the world or your
actions as being discrete or continuous.
• So, the type of environment that an agent
inhabits effects its design and behaviour.

• In order for an agent to think rationally it

needs to be aware of the environment it
inhabits, which requires knowledge
representation, and it needs to be able to
reason about this knowledge in order to
act rationally and fulfil its tasks.
Multi-Agent Systems
• However, the situation becomes even more complicated
when there are other such agents operating within the
same environment.

• Now, the agent must be able to not only reason about its
own beliefs but also about the beliefs of other agents


• it also needs to reason about the way the environment

can be changed by these other agents.

• All this requires rational reasoning.

Reasoning about Beliefs
• In order to represent agents’ environments in a manner
that they can understand we use logic.

• We encode information about the environment in the

form of logic and this information forms the agent’s
knowledge base and thus its beliefs about the world.

• In order to enable an agent to reason with this

knowledge, the agent needs to have a set of rules that
tell it how this environment can change.
Reasoning about Action
• The agent’s knowledge about the environment should
also tell it how the environment will change when it
performs actions.

• So the ability to act rationally is intrinsically (built-in)

linked with the ability to think rationally.

• The agent will have specific goals that it is trying to

achieve and these goals are represented as particular
states of the environment.

• In order to act rationally the agent must choose an action

to execute that will achieve this particular goal.
Domain Applications

• Agents’ spheres of knowledge will differ

depending upon the particular domain
they are constructed for use in.

• For example…
Example Domains
• The following domains are examples of
where agent technology is being

– The internet: e.g. softbots (software robots)

which visit websites and gather information
from them.
• e.g. for comparison shopping, or for harvesting
Example Domains
– Medicine: multi-agent systems can be used
for simulation, decision making,
communication and risk assessment
• one such group working on the application of multi-
agent systems to medicine is the Advanced
Computation Lab at Cancer Research UK
Example Domains
– Air traffic control: agents are deployed in
systems to assist in the control of air traffic
and the provision of information.
• example: the OASIS system tested at Sydney

– Spacecraft: agents are currently being tested

for use in spacecraft computers
• e.g. for autonomous navigation and detection of
• e.g. NASA’s Deep Space 1 mission.
Example Domains
– Telecommunications systems: e.g. for managing
dynamic information concerning the routing of
network traffic.

– Law: to support decision making and information

management involved in legal reasoning.

– These are just a few domains that are currently

making use of agent technology and KR&R methods.
There are many more application domains.
Agents and KR&R
• All the previous application domains for agent systems
each have their own aims with respect to the problems
that they address.

• So, the knowledge and reasoning embodied will differ

depending upon the domain.

• But, what is common to all the application areas that

make use of AI and agent technology is that they need
systems that possess the relevant knowledge of the
domain and environment and they also need to be able
to reason effectively with this information in order to fulfil
their specific tasks.
Agents and KR&R
• Expressive logics, such as modal and description
logics, are being used as an efficient and effective
way of dealing with KR&R (Knowledge
representation and reasoning) in intelligent
systems, as we will come to see during the course.

• Further detailed information about agent technology

and applications can be found in:

M. J. Wooldridge
An Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems
John Wiley and Sons Publishers
• Overview of:
– AI
– Intelligent agents
– Environments
– Reasoning about beliefs and actions
– Domain applications

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