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201 E. Rodriguez Sr., Quezon City

Nursing Process
I. Assessment
A. General Data
Patients Initial! A.G.F. In"ormant! The Clients pri!ry "!regi#er $or
t%o &2' ye!rs !nd the "lient (r.
A##ress! Quezon City Date o" A#mission! )e"e*er 0+, 2011
Age! ,- ye!rs old Or#er o" A#mission! .i! Stret"her
Se$! (!le No. o" #a%s in t&e &os'ital! /00 d!ys to present
Date o" (irt&! August 2+, 1-12 Data o" )istor% Ta*ing! Septe*er 1, 3 1+, 2011
Place o" (irt&! 4ue#! .iz"!y!
Ci+il Status! (!rried
Occu'ation! Forer Re!l St!te 5%ner6Tr!"tor )ri#er67!"iendero
(. C&ie" Com'laint! ,(!t!g!l ng !y u*o si d!ddy g! t!long &1' t!on n!- !s #er*!lized
*y the "lients "!regi#er.
C. )istor% o" Present Illness
The "lient h!s e8perien"ed ild stro9e 5ne &1' ye!r prior to !dission, he %!s
!ditted in the :ntensi#e C!re ;nit &:C;' in (!ri9in! .!lley 7ospit!l $or t%o &2' %ee9s,
!nd %!s dis"h!rged. <e"!use o$ the illness, he "!n no longer resue his nor!l !"ti#ities
%ithout support sin"e he h!s !lre!dy le$t sided *ody %e!9ness. A$ter ! $e% onths, the
p!tient h!d !spir!tion pneuoni! hen"e he %!s !ditted !g!in to (!ri9in! .!lley
7ospit!l, then he h!d undergone into, ! tepor!ry tr!"heostoy &$enestr!ted' to pre#ent
$urther "opli"!tion, *ut these restri"ts in his $eeding through outh !nd !n endos"opi"
edi"!l pro"edure "!lled =er"ut!neous Endos"opi" G!strostoy &=EG', %herein ! tu*e
%!s p!ssed into the p!tients sto!"h through !*doin!l %!ll, it %ill pro#ide ! e!ns o$
$eeding %hen or!l int!9e %!s not !de>u!te.
?ith the s!id "ondition o$ the "lient, he %!s then re$erred to ! long ter $ull tie "!re
$!"ility &hoe"!re' %herein they pro#ide !dult d!y"!re ser#i"es $or seniors %ho need
post@hospit!l or post@oper!ti#e edi"!l !ttention !t St. C!illus (edh!#en *y her
physi"i!n )r!. A. Cruz. 7en"e, le!ding to his !dission.
D. Past )istor%
.. C&il#&oo# Illness/es! Chi"9en po8 !t the !ge o$ - ye!rs old
0. A#ult Illness/es! )i!*etes (ellitus type :: sin"e 10 ye!rs old, (ild Stro9e one &1'
ye!r prior to !dission.
1. Immuni2ation! The "lient "!nnot re"!ll his iuniz!tion re"ords.
3. Pre+ious )os'itali2ation! )ue to ! (ild stro9e
4. O'eration/s! The "lient h!d ! tepor!ry tr!"heostoy &$enestr!ted' !nd
=er"ut!neous Endos"opi" G!strostoy &=EG' lo"!ted !t
Ae$t ;pper Qu!dr!nt6Epig!stri" Region.
5. In6uries! 4one
7. 8e#ications ta*en 'rior to con"inement 9For 5 8ont&s:! &C!r*o"isteine Solu8'
(u"olyti" $or produ"ti#e "ough, &(etroprolol' !nti B hypertensi#e edi"!tions to
lo%er his <lood =ressure !nd &Apidr!' :nsulin to lo%er his sug!r le#el.
;. Allergies! 4one
E. S%stem Re+ie<s
)ealt& Perce'tion = )ealt& 8anagement Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lient is ,, ye!rs old. The "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t,
he h!d !n unhe!lthy li$estyle $or he h!s *een so9ing $or $i$ty eight &0+' ye!rs !nd Cust
stopped in 200+. 7e so9es 1 p!"9 o$ =hilip (orris ! d!y !nd drin9s !l"oholi" *e#er!ge
o$ 1 B 2 *ottles o$ *eer in ! %ee9. The "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t during his younger
ye!rs, he !">uired dise!ses li9e "hi"9enpo8. The "lient "!nnot re"!ll his iuniz!tion
re"ords during his "hildhood ye!rs. 7e h!s no 9no%n !llergy. 7e h!s )i!*etes (ellitus
type ::, sin"e %hen he %!s thirty $i#e &10' ye!rs old !nd h!d ! ild stro9e one &1' ye!r
prior to "on$ineent !t St. C!illus (edh!#en, (!ri9in! City
)uring "on$ineent, the "lientDs "!regi#er reported th!t the "lient "!n no longer
do the things th!t he used to do *e$ore. The "lientDs !"tion is ore liited !nd %ith ore
pre"!utions. The "lient *e"!e ore !%!re !*out his he!lth, espe"i!lly the things th!t he
needs to !#oid li9e drin9ing !l"oholi" *e#er!ges !nd so9ing "ig!rettes. ?ith his "urrent
"ondition, he e!gerly "oplies %ith the do"tors order !nd other edi"!l st!$$ $or the
*etterent o$ his he!lth !nd $or his $!ily.
Anal%sis! ?ith the "lients "ondition, he h!d e8pressed his e!gerness to stop
so9ing !nd drin9ing !l"ohol *e"!use he h!d per"ei#ed th!t *oth !re the !Cor $!"tors
!$$e"ting his illness. <e"!use o$ his "urrent "ondition, the "lient $eels th!t his illness %ill
e#entu!lly *e"oe se#ere, i$ he %ill not *e "opli!nt %ith his edi"!tion !nd to the
do"tors !d#i"e. 7e holds tot!l responsi*ility, !nd re!dy to $!"e !nd de!l the
"onse>uen"es o$ his !"tions.
Nutritional an# 8eta>olic Process
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er reported, th!t the "lients !ppetite %!s
good. 7e used to e!t &1' three to &2' $our ties ! d!y th!t in"ludes his sn!"9 in the
!$ternoon, or in the e#ening *e$ore he sleeps. 7e e!ts !lost e#erything *ut r!rely e!t
#eget!*les. A""ording to the "lients "!regi#er, "lient %eighs /0 B ,0 9ilogr!s.
)uring "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er s!id, th!t the "lient is restri"ted to so$t
diet only. The "lient h!s no teeth !nd he h!s ! tepor!ry tr!"heostoy &$enestr!ted'. The
"lient is no% on =er"ut!neous Endos"opi" G!strostoy &=EG' sin"e l!st ye!r o$ 2012,
%here osteorized $ood &5F' is gi#en e#ery +E00 !, 12E00 noon, 2E00 p !nd +E00 p.
7e "onsues 110"" osteorized $ood e!"h e!l %hi"h is ! tot!l o$ 1,120"" o$ osteorized
$ood in ! d!y. App!rently !s o$ the onth o$ Septe*er 2011, the "lient %eights 00 B /0
9ilogr!s %ith ! *ody !ss inde8 o$ 1+.1 !nd height o$ 010F.
Anal%sis! ?eight loss h!s *een noted in the l!st / onths $ro /0 @,0 9ilogr!s
to 0+ 9ilogr! !s o$ this onth o$ Septe*er 2011. Sin"e the "lient h!s "hroni"
*ron"hitis ! ye!r !go, this sho%s th!t the o8ygen!tion in his *ody is ip!ired. The
o8ygen needed $or respir!tion is in!de>u!te to supply enough nourishent to the "ells
!$$e"ting the *ody tissues. ?ith this "ondition, the priority is $o"used on the "lients
respir!tion to !int!in !de>u!te g!s e8"h!nge %ithin the *ody th!n the "lients nutrition.
Th!t is %hy the "lient h!s us"le %!sting !nd %eight loss.
1 Da%s Diet Recall
?e %!nted to h!#e ! 1 d!ys diet re"!ll ho%e#er "lient is on osteorized $ood sin"e l!st ye!r o$
2012. 5steorized $ood %!s "oputed *!sed on the "lients *ody !ss inde8 &<(:' %hi"h is 1+.1,
height o$ 010F, %eight o$ 0+ 9g. Tu*e $eeding o$ 2000 G"!l, 00 H C754, 00H C75 !nd 20H
F!ts. Feeding r!te6#olue o$ 110 "" e#ery $our &2' hours, $eeding $lush o$ /0 "". Forul! is
"oposed o$ /00 l. Glu"ern! %hi"h "ont!ins #it!in suppleents, "hroiu pi"olin!te !nd
phytosterols. Se#en &,' s"oops o$ =oly"ose %hi"h "ont!ins "!r*ohydr!tes, iner!ls,
phosphorous, "!l"iu, "hloride !nd sodiu !nd one &1' s"oop o$ :p!"t %hey %hi"h "ont!ins
%hey protein %hi"h is ! i8ture o$ *et!@l!"toglo*ulin, !lph!@l!"t!l*uin, *o#ine seru !l*uin.
Elimination Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er reported th!t he #oids 1 B 2 ties !
d!y, his urine "olor %!s yello%, there %!s no *urning sens!tion $elt during urin!tion. 7e
usu!lly o#es his *o%el e#ery orning %ith *ro%n !nd $ored stools.
)uring "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er reported th!t she "h!nges his di!per
t%o &2' ties ! d!yI his urine is *right yello% %ith no p!in or *urning sens!tion during
urin!tion. The "lient h!s episodes o$ "onstip!tion th!t r!nges $or 1 B 2 d!ys. 4o
edi"!tions is gi#en, *ut the "!regi#er reported th!t she gi#es <!rley $or 10"" e#eryd!y
!t 10E00 !, !s ordered $or prophyl!8is in order to pre#ent the signs !nd syptos o$
"onstip!tion. ?hen the "lient de$e"!tes, the stool is $ored in !ppe!r!n"e, d!r9 *ro%n in
"olor !nd no presen"e o$ *lood.
Anal%sis! There %!s no o*#ious pro*le on the "lients eliin!tion p!ttern prior
to "on$ineent. The pro*le on de$e"!tion o""urs during "on$ineent, %herein the "lient
h!s episodes o$ "onstip!tion due to io*ility *e"!use o$ the "lients *ody %e!9ness. :n
!ddition to th!t the "lient h!s lesser $luid !nd $i*er int!9e.
Acti+it%= E$ercise Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, !""ording to the "lients "!regi#er he pre$erred to sleep %ith
one &1' to t%o &2' pillo% on his he!d. The "lient "!n %!l9 !round their *!"9y!rd e#ery
orning $or 10 B 10 inutes, !nd the "lient %!s !lre!dy e8perien"ing $!tig!*ility !nd
shortness o$ *re!th. The "lient h!d his person!l !ssist!nt !round the house, !ssisting the
"lient on doing his !"ti#ities o$ d!ily li#ing. 7is Co* %!s ! tr!"tor dri#er !nd re!l est!te
o%ner. The "lient li9es to %!t"h sho%s !nd o#ies on his tele#ision !nd resting. 5n
%ee9ends, soeties the "lient li9es to pl!y !t the "!sino $or $un !nd h!#e ! drin9 !t the
)uring "on$ineent, !""ording to the "lients "!regi#er, he "!n still l!y do%n on
*ed %ith one &1' to t%o &2' pillo% on his he!d %hile lying on sei B $o%lers on *ed. 7e
does h!#e ! physi"!l ther!py e#ery Tuesd!y !nd Frid!y $ro -E00 ! to 11E00 !. The
"lient does %!l9ing %ith !ssist!n"e $ro the physi"!l ther!pist o$ St. C!illus !nd his
"!regi#er, !""op!nied %ith the use o$ %!l9er, he %!l9s $or se#en &,' ties *!"9 !nd
$orth &/, steps, *!"9 !nd $orth', "ir"ling his le$t !nd right !r $or 10 inutes !nd "y"ling
$or 20 inutes %ith %eights o$ t%o &2' 9ilos $or e!"h $oot to enh!n"e the "lients us"le
strength !nd *uild us"le tone in the upper !nd lo%er e8treities. 7e is !*le to o#e his
*ody slightly in his *ed. The "lient usu!lly e8perien"ed e!sy $!tig!*ility %hile doing his
ther!py &%!l9ing' %ith ! respir!tory r!te o$ 20 *re!ths per inute !nd ! pulse r!te o$ 110
*e!ts per inute !s o$ Septe*er 1,, 2011. 7e h!s liited r!nge o$ !"ti#itiesI he !lso
needs !ssist!n"e &"!regi#er' on his siple !"ti#ities o$ d!ily li#ing.
Anal%sis! The "lient is se#enty nine &,-' ye!rs old, sin"e the "lient is !t his old
!ge, the physiologi"!l "h!nges on his pulon!ry *rought !*out *y !ging in"ludes
redu"ed *re!thing "!p!"ity, redu"ed #it!l "!p!"ity, in"re!sed residu!l #olue, de"re!se
"ough re$le8 !nd de"re!se "ili!ry !"ti#ity. Sin"e the "lient h!s "hroni" *ron"hitis, the
"lient h!s "hroni" !ir$lo% liit!tion. This is *e"!use the *ron"hi!l tu*es !re in$l!ed
%hi"h n!rro%s the !ir%!y !nd the "!pill!ry pere!*ility on the "lients lungs is high, so
there is ! hyperse"retion o$ u"us th!t ip!irs !ir$lo%. Th!t is %hy the ip!ired lungs o$
the "lient "!n !9e *re!thing di$$i"ult !nd liit !"ti#ity. :$ there %ill *e !n in"re!se
%or9lo!d !"ti#ity, the "lients *ody %ill "opens!te *y in"re!sing his respir!tion !nd
pulse r!te.
Slee' Rest Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er reported th!t, %hen the "lient %!s still
residing !t their house in Cu*!o, Quezon City, he reported th!t his "hroni" "oughing
re!lly *others his rest in the !$ternoon !nd espe"i!lly his sleep !t night. Coughing
persistently %!s !n e8h!usting e8perien"e. A""ording to the "lient, ost o$ the tie he
only sleeps $or si8 hours or less !nd %!9es up in *et%een !nd h!#e thirty inutes to one
hour !$ternoon n!ps. 7e pre$ers sleeping %ith one to t%o pillo%s on his he!d !nd l!ying
do%n on his side is the ost "o$ort!*le position. ;su!lly %!t"hing tele#ision rel!8es
)uring "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er reported th!t, sin"e the "lient "!e to
this institution St. C!illus (edh!#en, his sleep !nd rest got *etter. The "!re !nd
guid!n"e th!t the institution !nd the person!l "!re h!#e pro#ided %ere re!lly ! gre!t
"ontri*ution, !nd in$luen"e to the ipro#eent o$ the "lients sleep !nd rest p!ttern. This
is not only *e"!use o$ the edi"!tion !nd ther!py th!t he h!d t!9en $or his "ough, *ut
!lso the "onsistent independent nursing "!re. 7is "!regi#er s!id th!t, the "lient sleeps $or
eight &+' hours ! d!y %herein he st!rts to sleep !t se#en &,' in the e#ening, %!9es up !t
ele#en &11' in the e#ening !nd sleeps !g!in !t one &1' in the orning !nd $in!lly %!9es up
!t $our &2' in the orning. :n !ddition to th!t, the "lient sleeps $or t%o &2' hours $or his
!$ternoon n!p e!"h d!y. Although, the "lient still h!s produ"ti#e "ough %ith %hitish
phleg, the "!regi#er e8pl!ined th!t his sleeping !nd resting p!ttern h!#e gre!tly
ipro#ed. A""ording to the "!regi#er, his "lient is re!lly loo9ing $or%!rd to h!#e ! *etter
he!lth st!tus.
Anal%sis! Sleep !nd rest !re essenti!l to physi"!l he!lth !nd eotion!l %ell@*eing.
<!sed on the report st!ted *y the "lients "!regi#er, it sho%s th!t the "lients sleeping !nd
resting p!ttern h!s *een !$$e"ted *y three &1' $!"tors %hi"h !re the $ollo%ingE "lients
sleeping p!ttern "h!nges *rought !*out *y nor!l !ging pro"ess, "hroni" "ig!rette use,
!nd "oughing. Sin"e "lient is !lre!dy se#enty nine ye!rs old, it is nor!l th!t sleeping
hours *e"oe less due to old !ge %herein it is nor!l $or elderly to sleep lightly,
interittently !nd %!9es up $re>uently. The "lient !s *eing ! "hroni" so9er sin"e his
teen !ge li$e, !nd %ho h!d re"ently stopped $e% ye!rs !go is ! 9ind o$ li$estyle %here it is
"oon to h!#e di$$i"ulty o$ sleeping due to the stiul!ting e$$e"ts o$ ni"otine $ro
"ig!rettes. A""ording the C7EST (!g!zine@Fe*ru!ry 200+ :ssue, the peer@re#ie%ed
Courn!l o$ the Aeri"!n College o$ Chest =hysi"i!ns &ACC=' e8pl!ins th!t so9ers
usu!lly h!#e less deep sleep !nd ore on light sleep %hi"h e8pl!ins the e8perien"e o$
ni"otine %ithdr!%!l e!"h d!y th!t ser#es !s ! "ontri*utor to sleep distur*!n"e
&s"ien"ed!ily."o'. Another "!use is the "lients persistent "ough %hi"h *others hi
"!using e8h!ustion to the "lient. <ut e#en so, sin"e "lients st!yed !t St. C!illus,
sleeping !nd resting p!ttern h!d gre!tly ipro#ed due to "!regi#ers inter#entions !nd
edi"!tions !s ordered.
Cogniti+e Perce'tual Pattern
=rior to his "on$ineent, the "lients thin9ing "!p!"ity !nd underst!nding is
logi"!l !nd inn!te, !nd there !re no signs o$ !ltered ent!l st!tus. 7is de"ision !9ing
s9ills %ere not tr!nsp!rent, sin"e the p!tient is ! stri"t type o$ person !nd thus this e!ns
th!t the p!tient is not !%!re o$ his "ondition.
)uring "on$ineent, the "lients de"ision !9ing !*ility still re!in int!"t.
A""ording the "lients "!regi#er, the "lient is !*le to underst!nd the gi#en instru"tions, !s
%ell !s the iport!n"e o$ the inter#ention per$ored *y his "!regi#er. ?ith this, the "lient
is !*le to "ooper!te %ith the nursing "!re !nd soe%h!t "ould respond $reely to e8press
hisel$, !ns%er the >uestion, or !s9 ! $!#or. There !re ties th!t he is stu**orn, !s per his
"!regi#er, *ut he 9no%s ho% to listen !nd !""ept reinders.
Anal%sis! Su!rizing the "ogniti#e !spe"t o$ the "lient, his "urrent "ondition
did not !$$e"t his de"ision !9ing s9ills, he is still !rti"ul!te %ith %h!t he %!nts to s!y.
7is Cudgent s9ills is still good $or he listens to his "!regi#er !nd underst!nds the
iport!n"e o$ instru"tions, %hi"h helps hi to h!#e *etter progress o$ his he!lth
Sel" Perce'tion an# Sel"Conce't Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, the Clients "!regi#er st!ted th!t, he %!s ! re!l st!te "o"onut
$!r o%ner, ! h!rd %or9er !nd ! lo#ing $!ther. 7e %!s stri"t in !n!ging his $!r, $or he
%!nted to !tt!in its su""ess, produ"ti#ity, !nd !int!in st!*ility. 7e is %ise in !9ing
di$$i"ult de"ision, espe"i!lly e>uipped to o#e under pressure. 7e is !lso s!rt in
!n!ging his e8penditures. 7e r!ised his $!ily %ell !nd %!s re!lly ! gre!t pro#ider to
his $!ily.
)uring "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t, initi!lly there !re p!rtly
soe "h!nges in his *eh!#ior due to his ip!ired he!lth st!tus, *e"!use !ll the things he
used to do *e$ore, he "!nt do it !nyore due to his "hroni" illnesses. 7is %eight got
lo%er th!n *e$ore, !s per his "!regi#er. There !re ties th!t he thin9s he is useless,
*e"!use he "!nt e#en do the *!si" hygieni" e!sures $or hisel$. Although, initi!lly he
$elt this %!y $or hisel$, the "!regi#er reported th!t he e#entu!lly !""epted his o%n st!te
!nd Cust le!rned to $o"us on ho% to ipro#e hisel$ $or the *etterent o$ his he!lth *y
*eing optiisti", inste!d o$ *eing pessiisti".
Anal%sis! =rior to "on$ineent, the "lients sel$@estee h!d de"re!sed due to his
"hroni" illnesses. )uring "on$ineent the "lient understood th!t he needs !ssist!n"e $or
his d!ily !"ti#ities !nd h!d !""epted th!t he needs to ipro#e hisel$ !nd his he!lth
"ondition *y "oplying %ith his "!regi#er, do"tor !nd nurses. :n this %!y, it "!n pre#ent
in"re!se %or9lo!d !nd in"re!se o8ygen de!nd.
Se$ualit%=Re'ro#ucti+e Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er reported th!t, his "lient is no longer
se8u!lly !"ti#e. A""ording to the "!regi#er, his %i$e !nd his $!ily per!nently resides
in the ;nited St!tes o$ Aeri"! $or ore th!n 20 ye!rs !nd usu!lly his %i$e Cust #isits
=hilippines to see her hus*!nd $or ! "ert!in period o$ tie, then go *!"9 to the ;nited
St!tes o$ Aeri"! !g!in. She !lso !dded th!t she h!snt seen the "lient $or !ny !ttepts or
inst!n"e o$ !stur*!tion !nd Cust $o"uses on his he!lth. Reg!rding the "lients
reprodu"ti#e !spe"t, there %!s no noted history o$ reprodu"ti#e pro*les or se8u!lly
tr!nsitted in$e"tion. )uring the "lients %ell st!te %hen he is ore physi"!lly "!p!*le to
*e se8u!lly !"ti#e, he h!s eight &+' "hildren. 4o history o$ !ny $or o$ !le
"ontr!"eption th!t %!s used.
)uring "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t, his %i$e is in the
=hilippines $or $our onths sin"e August 2011 Cust to "ele*r!te his *irthd!y !nd %ill *e
going *!"9 to the ;SA *y 4o#e*er 2011. <!sed on the "!regi#ers report, his %i$e is
s%eet to his hus*!nd. E8pression o$ !$$e"tion is ore on %ordings, holding h!nds, !nd
through hugs !nd 9isses. The "!regi#er $eels th!t, the "lient is not "!p!*le o$ eng!ging on
se8u!l !"ti#ities due to his present st!te o$ e!sy $!tig!*ility on his !*ul!tion !nd other
o#eents th!t is %hy it re>uires "!regi#er !ssist!n"e.
Anal%sis! Se8u!lity !nd reprodu"tion p!ttern "!n *e s!id to *e he!lthy $or the
"lient %herein he %!s !*le to reprodu"e eight &+' "hildren %ithout !ny !*nor!lities or
"!used !ny reprodu"ti#e pro*les. The "lients penis is in good "ondition %ith nor!l
"h!nges *rought !*out *y !ging. <!sed on re"ent studies !nd loo9ing !t the "lients
li$estyle, so9ing "!n de"re!se the >u!lity o$ seen, !nd distur*s horon!l *!l!n"e th!t
!y *oth !$$e"t $ertility &n"*'.
Role Relations&i' Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t, he is ,- ye!rs old !nd he is
"hild in his $!ily. 7e is !rried !nd h!s eight &+' "hildren. 7e is ! lo#ing hus*!nd, !
good $!ther !nd ! role odel $or the. The "lient h!s *een !%!y $ro his $!ily, %ho !re
!ll residing in the ;nited St!tes o$ Aeri"! $or ore th!n 20 ye!rs. For the "lient, this is
Cust $ine $or hi *e"!use he is Cust *eing pr!"ti"!l %ith the situ!tion. As long !s there is
"ouni"!tion, he is "ontented.
)uring "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t, he h!d !""epted !nd no%
"ontented %ith his "urrent st!te. E#en his $!ily li#es iles !%!y $ro hi, he is
th!n9$ul th!t his %i$e !nd "hildren still !9e hi $eel spe"i!l !nd iport!nt in soe
%!ys. 7e is gl!d th!t he r!ised his $!ily %ell, *y gi#ing support !nd lo#e to the. 7e is
gr!te$ul th!t !ll o$ his eight &+' "hildren $inished their studies. This %!s ! gre!t
!"hie#eent $or hi, *e"!use $or the "lient, edu"!tion is the only tre!sure th!t he "!n
gi#e to his "hildren th!t "!nnot *e stolen. 7e is h!ppy *e"!use he %!s !*le to do th!t, $or
his $!ily. And he is proud o$ his "hildrens !""oplishent !nd $or !ll the help th!t
they#e gi#en to hi. As per his "!regi#er, the "lient is #ery th!n9$ul in spite o$ his
"urrent he!lth "ondition, *e"!use he $eels th!t his $!ily "!res $or hi ore in spite o$
their dist!n"e $ro e!"h other.
Anal%sis! The "lient h!s ! good "h!r!"ter !nd h!d per$ored his role !s ! $!ther
!nd ! lo#ing hus*!nd so %ell. The "lient is Cust *eing pr!"ti"!l !s long !s there is "onst!nt
"ouni"!tion, he is "ontented.
Co'ing=Stress Tolerance Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t, the ost stress$ul e#ent th!t
the "lient e8perien"ed %!s the tie %hen he %!s di!gnosed to h!#e )i!*etes (ellitus
type :: %hen he %!s 10 ye!rs old !nd ild stro9e one ye!r prior to his !dission. The
"lient %!s irrit!*le !s reported *y his "!regi#er. 7e usu!lly de!ls %ith his stress *y
isol!ting his sel$ $ro people !round hi. :n !ddition, the "lients pri!ry re!son %hy
theres ! need $or this type o$ !dission, %!s no one is !*le to t!9e "!re o$ hi in his
hoe. ?ith this he de"ided to get !ditted in ! long ter $!"ility "!re &hoe "!re' %here
he!lth "!re pro#iders !re present to "losely onitor !nd t!9e "!re o$ hi.
)uring "on$ineent, "lients "!regi#er reported th!t the "lient h!s *een stressed
out due to his illness. 7e "!nnot resue his nor!l !"ti#ities %ithout support. 7e h!d
!lso undergone ! tepor!ry tr!"heostoy &$enestr!ted' !nd l!ter he h!d =er"ut!neous
Endos"opi" G!strostoy &=EG' sin"e or!l int!9e is not !de>u!te. The "!regi#er s!id th!t,
the "lient is #ery e!ger to h!#e his tepor!ry tr!"heostoy &$enestr!ted' reo#ed sin"e
he %!nted to e!t nor!lly. Soeho% the "lient is !*le to "ope@up %ith his present
situ!tion through or!l support $ro his $!ily, "!regi#ers !nd !*o#e !ll his $!ith to God
th!t li$ts his spirit th!t he "!n o#er"oe !ll these tri!ls in his li$e.
Anal%sis! :n the !ging pro"ess, there !re physiologi"!l "h!nges th!t o""ur on e!"h
indi#idu!l. )epending on ho% people "ope %ith it. For the "lients situ!tion th!t is #ery
!"ti#e *e$ore, it %!s ! nor!l re!"tion $or the "lient to $eel irrit!ted, $rustr!ted !nd
stressed out due to un%!nted "h!nges th!t h!ppened in his *ody, th!t "!using ip!irent
on his "!p!*ility to do his !"ti#ities o$ d!ily li#ing. <ut e#entu!lly, the "lient %!s !*le to
le!rn ho% to "ope up %ith the present situ!tion !nd h!d !""epted the things th!t he "!n no
longer do. ?ith this, the "lient is !*le to de!l %ith his he!lth situ!tion !nd h!s the
deterin!tion to ipro#e his he!lth st!tus.

?alue (elie" Pattern
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er s!id th!t, the "lient deeply *elie#es in
God %hi"h he !d!pted $ro his p!rents. As per his "!regi#er, *e$ore !dission he
!"tu!lly goes to "hur"h t%i"e ! %ee9. 7e h!d di$$erent stress in li$e th!t he en"ountered,
*ut he !l%!ys pr!y to God $or %isdo !nd .
)uring "on$ineent, his "!regi#er st!ted th!t his $!ith in God %ill not "h!nge. 7is
*elie$s re$le"t his roo !tosphere %herein it is $ull o$ religious !teri!ls !nd $igurines
displ!yed. 7is "lients priest #isits hi on"e ! %ee9 !s he pr!ys o#er hi %hile he is
!ditted !t St. C!illus. 7is rel!ti#es #isit hi !s %ell %hen his priest "oes o#er. 7e
h!s ! strong $!ith in God th!t he %ill get *etter !nd %ill *e *!"9 in his ipro#ed st!te.
Anal%sis! 7is #!lues !nd *elie$s !$$e"t his "ondition *e"!use it helps hi to thin9
ore positi#ely !nd strengthens hi to ipro#e hisel$ !nd his he!lth. 7is $!ith !nd trust
in God gi#es hi "our!ge to $eel *etter !nd o#e $or%!rd.
F. Famil% Assessment
Name Relation Age Se$ Occu'ation E#ucational
C. F. ?i$e ,0 y6o Fe!le Retired <!n9er College
).F. Son /0 y6o (!le <usiness!n College
A.G. )!ughter 0+ y6o Fe!le <usiness%o!n College
G.R. )!ughter 0, y6o Fe!le <usiness%o!n College
C.S. )!ughter 22 y6o Fe!le Re!l St!te College
G.F. Son 21 y6o (!le Re!l St!te College
(.4. )!ughter 20 y6o Fe!le 7otel (!n!ger College
A.T. )!ughter 1, y6o Fe!le <usiness%o!n College
<.E. )!ughter 10 y6o Fe!le <usiness%o!n College
G. )ere#itar%
@Famil% Illness
8aternal! )i!*etes (ellitus !nd 7ypertension
Paternal! )i!*etes (ellitus !nd 7ypertension
). De+elo'mental )istor%
T&eorist Age Tas* Patient
Ego Integrit%
Eri"9son ,- Appre"i!tes the p!st, present, !nd the $uture, sel$@
!""ept!n"e o$ o%n "ontri*ution to others, sel$@
%orth !nd sel$@!""ept!n"e o$ "h!nge. JE!st ?est
4ursing Re#ie% Center. Coprehensi#e Re#ie%er
$or the 4urse Ai"ensure E8! &4AE' p.2+2K
The "lients
"!regi#er st!ted
th!t, hes so
gr!te$ul th!t he
the things th!t he
pl!nned $or his
$!ilys $uture.
As per his
"!regi#er, his
"lient is not yet
re!dy to die !s
$or his !"tion
deterin!tion in
$ighting to
ipro#e his
he!lth st!tus
despite o$
e#erything he
h!d e8perien"ed.
Freud ,-
Genital Stage
Se8u!lity is "h!nnelled into rel!tionships %ith
opposite se8. )e#elopent o$ se8u!l identityI
!*ility to lo#e !nd %or9. JE!st ?est 4ursing
Re#ie% Center. Coprehensi#e Re#ie%er $or the
4urse Ai"ensure E8! &4AE' p. 2+1K
The "lients
"!regi#er st!ted
th!t his %i$e
li#es in ;SA.
7is %i$e is in the
=hilippines $or
$our onths
sin"e August
2011 Cust to
"ele*r!te his
*irthd!y !nd %ill
*e going *!"9 to
the ;SA *y
4o#e*er 2011.
<!sed on the
report, his %i$e
is s%eet to his
E8pression o$
!$$e"tion is ore
on %ordings,
holding h!nds,
!nd through
hugs !nd 9isses.
The "!regi#er
$eels th!t the
"lient is not
"!p!*le o$
eng!ging on
se8u!l !"ti#ities
due to his
present st!te o$
e!sy $!tig!*ility
on his
!*ul!tion !nd
other o#eents
th!t is %hy it
=i!get ,-
Formal O'erational T&oug&t
A*str!"t thin9ing, Sep!r!tion o$ $!nt!sy $ro $!"t,
Re!lity@oriented, A*le to thin9 !*out ! pro*le
!nd Aogi"!l, dedu"ti#e re!soning J$ro gener!l to
spe"i$i"K. JE!st ?est 4ursing Re#ie% Center.
Coprehensi#e Re#ie%er $or the 4urse Ai"ensure
E8! &4AE' p. 2+0K
As per "lients
"!regi#er, his
"lient !nd his
$!ily !re #ery
generous !nd
#ery help$ul.
E#en though he
is ! type person
%ho is #ery
stri"t, he is
!nd sh!res his
%isdo to
Gohl*erg ,-
Le+el 1 Stage 4 Post Con+entional
So"i!l "ontr!"t, utilit!ri!n l!%@!9ing
perspe"ti#es. Follo%s st!nd!rds o$ so"iety $or the
good o$ !ll people. JE!st ?est 4ursing Re#ie%
Center. Coprehensi#e Re#ie%er $or the 4urse
Ai"ensure E8! &4AE' p. 2/0K
7is "!regi#er
st!ted th!t his
"lient is ! stri"t
person in ters
o$ *eh!#ior !nd
!l%!ys $ollo%s
rules !nd
regul!tionI he
!lso underst!nds
his dise!se
despite o$ his
"ondition !nd
!ge. 7e !lso
st!ted th!t he
re!lly %!nted !ll
to *e in pl!"ed
!s %h!t it is to
*e done.
Fo%ler ,-
Stage 4 Con6uncti+e Fait&
A"9no%ledges p!r!do8 !nd tr!ns"enden"e rel!ting
re!lity *ehind the sy*ols o$ inherited systes.
The indi#idu!l resol#es "on$li"ts $ro pre#ious
st!ges *y ! "ople8 underst!nding o$ !
ultidiension!l, interdependent LtruthL th!t
"!nnot *e e8pl!ined *y !ny p!rti"ul!r st!teent.
The "lients
"!regi#er st!ted
th!t, his "lient is
not yet re!dy to
die !nd still
$ighting despite
th!t he 9no%s
%h!t %ill h!ppen
in the $uture.
I. P&%sical E$amination 9Se'tem>er .7 A .;B 0C.1:
)eig&t! 010F Feet &1,,.+0 "' Deig&t! 0+ 9ilogr! &12, l*s'
Actual )eig&t! 010F Feet &1,,.+0 "' I#eal (o#% Deig&t! /0.0@,0 9ilogr!s
&122@102 l*s' <(:
?ital Signs!
Tem'erature! 10.2
C Res'irator% Rate! 20 *re!ths per inute
Pulse Rate! 102 *e!ts per inute (loo# Pressure! 1106+0 7g
Regional E$amination
A. S*in Ins'ection
S9in "olor is $!ir
%ith soe !re!s o$
The =EG "o#ers
the le$t epig!stri"
!re! o$ the "lient,
no s%elling or
lesions noted.
S9in te8ture is
roughed, %rin9led
!nd s!gged.
)e"re!sed s9in
S9in "olor is good,
no *ruising,
erythe! or !re!s
o$ dis"olor!tion,
s9in te8ture loo9s
sooth !nd int!"t.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
The "lient h!s $!ir
"olored s9in, roughed
in te8ture %ith
noti"e!*le %rin9ling
o$ the s9in *rought
!*out *y nor!l
"h!nges o$ !ging.
(. Nails Ins'ection
4!il *eds !re p!le
in "olor.
4!il *eds !re
slightly "ur#ed.
4!il edges !re
sooth !nd
Slight "lu**ing o$
n!ils in *oth upper
!nd lo%er
4!il *eds r!nges
$ro pin9 to *ro%n
depend on the s9in
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
A*nor!l $indings !re
p!le n!ils !nd
"lu**ing o$ $ingers.
=!le n!ils !y
indi"!te de"re!sed
o8ygen!tion in the
*lood !nd "lu**ing o$
$ingers !y indi"!te
poor o8ygen!tion in
the e8treities !s %ell
!s "hroni" hypo8i!.
C. )ea# an# Face Ins'ection
7e!d is
syetri"!l in
7!ir is $ine to
tou"h !nd %ith
!le *!ldness
p!ttern in the he!d.
7e!d ust *e
nor!l in sh!pe !nd
! tr!u!ti", h!ir h!s
!#er!ge te8ture.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
The h!ir distri*ution
in the he!d o$ the
"lient is $ine %ith
o*#ious !le *!ldness
p!ttern due to !ging.
(ole in the le$t
lo%er "hi"9.
D. E%es Ins'ection!
4o ede! or
lesions present on
the eyelids.
S"ler! is p!le in
"olor !s %ell !s the
7!s "loudy
!ppe!r!n"e on the
"entr!l p!rt o$ the
.isu!l !"uity is
diinished 206200
!s #er*!lized *y
the "lients
.isu!l !"uity is
*il!ter!lly 20620.
=upils "onstri"t !t
2 to 2 in
di!eter %hi"h !re
e>u!lly re!"ti#e to
light. S"ler! is
%hite !nd
"onCun"ti#! is pin9.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
The #isu!l !"uity !y
diinish due to !ging,
The "loudy
!ppe!r!n"e in the
"orne! !y "on"lude
"!t!r!"t "!used *y
"hroni" di!*etes
ellitus or "ould *e !
senile $or o$ "!t!r!"t
*rought !*out *y
!ging. The "onCun"ti#!
is p!le %hi"h !y
indi"!te !nei!.
E. Ears Ins'ection
4o #isi*le !ss or
!ny dis"h!rge
dr!ining $ro the
e!r "!n!l.
=!tient is !*le to
he!r %hispered
#oi"e or e#en
nor!l #oi"e.
4o !ss or !ny
dis"h!rge dr!ining
$ro the e!rs !nd
%ith good he!ring
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
The p!tient h!s no
pro*le in he!ring.
7e "!n he!r !nything
!nd respond %hen he
is "!lled or !s9ed.
F. Nose Ins'ection
4!s!l u"os! is
pin9I septu is in
4o #isi*le
(u"os! is pin9ish
in "olor. There is
neither septu
de#i!tion nor
#isi*le dis"h!rge.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
The "lient h!s no
!*nor!l $indings
Edition, A.?.?,
G. 8out& an#
5uter Aips !re dry
!nd h!#e dus9y
5r!l u"os! !nd
tongue is p!le in
Gus h!#e dus9y
5r!l u"os! is
pin9. )entition is
good. =h!ryn8 h!s
no e8ud!tes.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
4o other !*nor!l
$indings e8"ept $or the
lips !nd gus th!t is
dus9y in "olor due to
"ig!rette so9ing $or
0+ ye!rs.
). Nec* Ins'ection
=!tient h!s !
?hitish sputu &0
l B 10 l'
Gurgling sound
during "oughing.
5#er de#eloped
d us"les
4o tenderness,
s%elling !nd !ss
upon p!lp!tion.
Thyroid isthus
p!lp!*le, lo*es not
$elt, no "er#i"!l
lyph node
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
The p!tient h!s history
o$ !spir!tion
pneuoni! %hi"h
le!ds hi to h!#e !
tr!"heostoy. The
"lient *re!thes through
his tr!"heostoy
&$enestr!ted' !nd upon
"oughingI there is !
l!rge !ount o$
sputu e8pelled $ro
it. )uring the "lients
respir!tory p!ttern
!ssessent, the "lient
uses h!s
due to "hroni"
I. S'ine Ins'ection
The p!tient is
slightly 9yphoti" in
st!ture %hen
Spine is in idline
%ithout de#i!tion
on the other side.
?hene#er the "lient
does %!l9ing
e8er"ises, the
%!l9ing %ith !n
!ssisti#e de#i"e.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
"!regi#er !ssists hi
%ith the use o$ !
%!l9er. 7!#ing !
slightly 9yphoti"
st!ture "!n *e *rought
!*out *y !ging
F. T&ora$/ Lungs Ins'ection
"on$igur!tion is
syetri"!l on
*oth sides.
di!eter o$ 1,"
!nd Tr!ns#erse
di!eter is 20 ".
<!rreled "hest in
The "lients
respir!tion is 20
*re!ths per inute.
7e h!s $!st !nd
sh!llo% *re!thing
%ith o#erde#elop
d us"les.
7!#e "hest
=rodu"ti#e "ough
%ith %hitish
Reson!nt during
Chest "on$igur!tion
is syetri"!l side
to side. The A=T
di!eter is less
th!n the tr!ns#erse
di!eter or 1E2 in
r!tio. Respir!tions
!re >uiet !nd
l!*ored. Reson!nt
during per"ussion
!nd there is no
!d#entitious sound.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
A*nor!l $indings
h!#e *een seen in the
"lient %here he h!s !
*!rrel sh!ped "hest
This sho%s th!t !n
di!eter o$ 1, !nd !
tr!ns#erse di!eter o$
20 h!s s!ll
di$$eren"e or !lost
e>u!l in e!sureent.
The "lient h!s
%heezing %hi"h %!s
he!rd during
e8pir!tions. Rhon"hi
is ! lo% pit"h sound
he!rd !ll throughout
the "y"le o$ his
respir!tions %hi"h
indi"!tes !ir%!y
o*stru"tion. Reson!nt
upon per"ussion is
present *e"!use o$ the
in"re!sed u"us
produ"tion. 7e h!s
"hest retr!"tions !nd !
produ"ti#e "ough %ith
%hitish sputu %hi"h
is ! sign o$ "hroni"
*ron"hitis. )uring
episodes o$ "oughing,
=!tient h!s
%heezing during
e8pir!tion he!rd
o#er upper thor!"i"
7!#e rhon"hi
during e8pir!tion
respir!tory "y"le.
there is ! $lushing o$
the $!"e due to
hypo8i! "!using
#!sodil!tion to
in"re!se *lood $lo%
$or ore o8ygen!tion
!s ! "opens!tory
e"h!nis during
G. Car#io+ascular/
=ulse r!te is 102
*e!ts per inute.
Regul!r !nd not
7e!rt ururs.
4or!l pulse r!te is
/0@100 *e!ts per
inute, regul!r
*e!ts !nd not
*ounding. ;pon
!us"ult!tion, S1 !nd
S2 he!rt sounds !re
nor!l. S2 he!rt
sound is nor!l $or
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
Client %ith "hroni"
*ron"hitis is prone to
right sided he!rt
$!ilure there$ore he
h!s !ni$est!tions
su"h !s he!rt ururs
%hi"h "!n *e ! nor!l
$inding $or !n elderly
L. (reast Ins'ection
<re!st s9in is
nor!l !nd
syetri"!l. 4o
ede! or erythe!
<re!st s9in is
sooth, undipled
!nd s!e "olor !s
the s9in.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
4or!l $indings in the
*re!st !re o*ser#ed.
8. A>#omen Ins'ection
7!s =EG on the
le$t upper
region %ith
neg!ti#e residu!l.
7igh pit"hed
gurgling *o%el or
noro!"ti#e *o%el
sound he!rd e#ery
10 se"onds.
A*doen is
protu*er!nt %ith
nor!l *o%el
sounds. :t is so$t
!nd non@tender.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
The "lient h!s =EG
sin"e he h!d his
tr!"heostoy. 7e h!s
nor!l *o%el sounds.
N. E$tremities Ins'ection
The "lient h!s p!le
p!ls !nd soles.
The "lient h!s
*ody %e!9ness on
the le$t side &due to
ild stro9e'.
C!n o#e
e8treities %ithout
!ny di$$i"ulty.
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
The "lients p!ls !nd
soles !re p!le in "olor
%hi"h !y indi"!te
poor o8ygen!tion.
O. Genitals Ins'ection
Clients genit!li!
h!#e no dis"h!rge
or !ny
4o s%elling or
!ss o*ser#ed.
Client %e!rs !dult
4o dis"h!rge or
lesions noted, !s
%ell !s !ss !nd
s%elling in the
&S9ill!stersE 1
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
Client %e!rs di!per
*e"!use he h!s urin!ry
in"ontinen"e. 7e
"h!nges di!per 2 B 1
ties d!ily.
P. Rectum an#
The "lient h!#e
de$e"!ted $ored
stools during our
4o dis"h!rge,
lesion, or
heorrhoids noted.
&S9ill!stersE 1
The "lient is using
di!pers due to
in"ontinen"e *rought
!*out *y !ging.
4o heorroids or
s%elling noted.
Client h!s ! he!led
*ed sore on his
inute !ssessent,
Edition, A.?.?,
H. Neurologic
The "lient is !lert
!nd "oherent. 7e
h!s pro*les %ith
*!l!n"e due to le$t
sided *ody
The "lient "!n
shrug his shoulder,
pupils !re e>u!l,
eyes o#e $reely,
*oth eyes "!n *e
"losed, "!n sell,
"!n identi$y odors,
"!n he!r !
%hispered #oi"e,
no tongue
de#i!tion, !nd
#oi"e is "le!r !nd
&S9ill!stersE 1
!ssessent, 2

Edition, A.?.?,
The "lient h!s no
!ltered ent!l st!tus
he underst!nds %h!t
h!s *een s!id to hi.
7e is oriented to d!te
!nd tie e#eryd!y !s
%h!t his "!regi#er
does in the orning.
II. Personal / Social )istor%
)a>its! ?!t"hing tele#ision &espe"i!lly ne%s'
?ices! 1 p!"9 per d!y !nd 1 B 2 *ottles o$ *eer ! %ee9.
Li"est%le! ;nhe!lthy li$estyle $or he h!s *een so9ing 0+ ye!rsI so9es 1 p!"9 o$
=hilip (oris ! d!y !nd drin9s !l"oholi" *e#er!ge o$ 1 B 2 *ottles o$ *eer !
Social A""iliation! E!ting in ! rest!ur!nt %ith $!ily !nd rel!ti#es e#ery %ee9end
!nd going to *!r o""!sion!lly !nd e#ery tie %hen he %!s
in !nil! %ith his $riends.
Clients usual #a% li*e! Going to his 7!"iend!.
Ran*/Or#er in t&e "amil%! The "lient is 2
in $i#e &0' si*lings.
Tra+el 9"or t&e last 5 mont&s onl%:! 4one.
E#ucational Attainment! College Gr!du!te &<!"helor o$ Coer"e'
III. En+ironmental )istor%
=rior to "on$ineent, the "lients "!regi#er st!ted th!t, he %!s li#ing in ! *ig
house $ully "eentedI its li9e ! !nsion !s #er*!lized *y his "!regi#er. As the
"!regi#er des"ri*es it, the "lient h!s $our &2' !ids %hi"h !int!in the "le!nliness o$
his house. 7e is !lso using ! $lushed type o$ toilet, !nd their %!ter supply is supplied
*y their pri#!te %!ter supplier. They *uy iner!l %!ter $or their %!ter to drin9. :n
!ddition, he h!s he"t!res o$ "o"onut $!r th!t ser#es ! sour"e o$ in"oe. 7e used his
tr!"tor !s ! e!n o$ tr!nsport!tion in going to his $!rI %herein e#eryd!y he %!s
e8posed to dust. 7is $!ther h!s *een so9ing "ig!rettes %hen the "lient %!s still
young. And one o$ his *usinesses is %ith "o"onut pl!nt!tion !nd !9ing "opr! &it is
the pro"ess o$ !9ing "o"onut oil *y e!ns o$ drying, ste!ed, !nd pressurized'
%hi"h e!ns he is de!ling %ith en#ironent!l pollut!nts !nd !ir%!y irrit!nts $ro
so9es $ro !"hineries.
)uring "on$ineent, the "lient %!s !ditted !t St. C!illus (edh!#en, (!ri9in!
City. 7e is !ditted in ! suite type o$ roo %ith $ully !ir "onditioned !nd $ully
$urnished roo %ith !ppli!n"es li9e tele#ision !nd re$riger!tor. 7is rel!ti#es "!n #isit
hi t%i"e ! %ee9 or ore. St. C!illus (edh!#en is ! hoe"!re $or elderly th!t
"!ters di$$erent types o$ p!tient li9e psy"hi!tri" !nd edi"!l6surgi"!l "lients %hose
$!ily "!n no longer gi#e !ttention they re>uire.
I?. Pat&o'&%siolog%
?. La>orator% E$am
&Septe*er 1,, 2011'
Normal Range Result Anal%sis/Inter'retation
Com'lete (loo#
/E00 ! +0 B 120 g6dl 12/ g6dl :n"re!sed, "on"entr!tion
o$ glu"ose in the *lood 11E00 ! +0 B 120 g6dl 120 g6dl
&August 0, 2011'
Normal Range Result Anal%sis/Inter'retation
Com'lete (loo#
Count <it& Platelet
)emoglo>in 121 @ 101 g6A 120 g6A )e"re!sed, the p!tients
o8ygen "ir"ul!tion in the
*ody de"re!ses so the
heoglo*in "!rrying
"oponent de"re!ses
)ematocrit 0.12 @ 0.20 g6dl 0.2+ g6dl )e"re!sed, due to
de"re!sed R<C sin"e
he!to"rit is siply !
e!sure o$ ho% u"h the
*lood #olue is !de up
o$ red *lood "ells.
Re# cell count 1.-1 @ 0.22 8 10N126A 2.+0 8 10N126A )e"re!sed, sin"e this is
the pri!ry e!ns o$
deli#ering o8ygen to the
*ody tissues.
D&ite cell count 2.0 B 10.0 8 10 Ng6A 11.20 8 10 8Ng6A :n"re!sed, *e"!use there
is presen"e o$ in$e"tion.
Neutro'&ils 0.00 B 0.,0 0.+2
&(!y 20, 2011'
Normal Range Result
Arterial (loo# Gas Result
p7 Re!"tion ,.12 @ ,.22 ,.11
=!C52 10 @ 20 7g 2, 7g
7C51 22B2/ E>6A 2, E>6A
Anal%sis! =!rti!lly Copens!ted, Respir!tory A"idosis.
I= Ra% Re'ort &5"to*er 10, 2011'
Aung $ields !re seen in grey.
The he!rt is enl!rged.
Aort! is "!l"i$ied.
7!ziness in Appe!r!n"e
Athero!tous Aort!.
?I. Drug Stu#%
?II. List o" Priorit% Pro>lem
1. :ne$$e"ti#e !ir%!y "le!r!n"e rel!ted to in"re!sed u"ous se"retions se"ond!ry to
stiul!tion o$ go*let "ells6hyperpl!si! o$ u"us se"reting org!ns pri!ry to
Chroni" <ron"hitis !nd in$l!!tory response.
2. :ne$$e"ti#e *re!thing p!ttern rel!ted to in"re!se u"ous se"retions in the !ir%!y
!s !ni$ested *y Chest retr!"tions, in"re!sed u"ous se"retions $!st *re!thing,
use o$ !""essory us"les, e8ertion!l dyspne! %hen %!l9ing !nd Shortness o$
1. :p!ired g!s e8"h!nge rel!ted to poor "ir"ul!tion o$ the o8ygen se"ond!ry to
*ron"hitis !s !ni$ested *y Shortness o$ *re!th, in"re!sed se"retions in the
!ir%!y, sp!ss o$ the *ron"hus !nd $!st sh!llo% *re!thing.
2. A"ti#ity intoler!n"e rel!ted to i*!l!n"es to o8ygen supply !nd de!nd
se"ond!ry to o*stru"tion in the !ir%!y pri!ry to hyper se"retions o$ the u"ous
se"reting org!ns !s !ni$ested *y e8ertion!l dyspne! %hen %!l9ing, *ody
%e!9ness !nd e!sily $!tigue.
0. :*!l!n"ed nutritionI less th!n *ody re>uireents rel!ted to liited $ood int!9e
se"ond!ry to "hroni" o*stru"tion o$ the !ir%!y.
/. :p!ired s%!llo%ing rel!ted to in!*ility to !sti"!te solid $oods se"ond!ry to
o*stru"tion o$ the !ir%!y !s !ni$ested *y presen"e o$ tepor!ry tr!"heostoy
&$enestr!ted' tu*e, de"re!sed g!g re$le8 !nd in"re!se u"ous se"retions o$ %hitish
,. Ris9 $or !spir!tion rel!ted to presen"e o$ tepor!ry tr!"heostoy &$enestr!ted'
tu*e in the !ir%!y se"ond!ry to o*stru"tion o$ the !ir%!y !s !ni$ested *y %hitish
sputu se"retions, presen"e o$ =EG tu*e, !nd in!*ility to s%!llo% o$ the p!tient.
?III. Nursing Care Plan
II. Ongoing A''raisal!
#a% 9Se'tem>er .7B 0C.1:
?e %ere endorsed to ! "lient n!ed (r. A.G.F %ho is ,- ye!rs old %ith ! "!se o$
C5=) &Chroni" 5*stru"ti#e =ulon!ry )ise!se'E Chroni" <ron"hitis. 7e %!s
!ditted in ! pri#!te isol!tion roo %hi"h is the l!st roo $ro the nurses st!tion.
?e h!#e seen the "lient lying on *ed, %ith he!d ele#!ted to 20 degrees, !nd %ith
tr!"heostoy !nd =er"ut!neous Endos"opi" G!strostoy &=EG'. 4o other
"ontr!ptions hoo9ed to the "lient, *ut h!s su"tion !"hine, o8ygen %ith huidi$ier,
!nd ne*ulizer !t the *edside. Su"tion !nd o8ygen "!n *e used !s needed *y the
p!tient. )uring the $irst d!y o$ rot!tion, the "lient h!d his orning shi$t pri#!te
"!regi#er %ho h!d !lre!dy per$ored the orning "!re $or the "lient. To h!#e ! *etter
underst!nding !*out the "lient !nd his "!se, %e pro"eed to the nurses st!tion to re!d
his "h!rt !nd re!d his edi"!tion sheet.
A$ter g!thering the d!t!, *!sed on his "lients s"hedule, he is $or Coplete <lood
Glu"ose &C<G' onitoring !t /E00 ! %hi"h %!s t!9en !nd re"orded %ith ! result o$
12/ g6dl. 7e %!s onitored $or his C<G *e"!use he h!s "ontrolled Type :: )i!*etes
(ellitus sin"e he is 10 ye!rs old. A$ter th!t %e g!#e hi his A!ntus &Apidr!' 1+ units
Su*"ut!neous on the 2
le$t !re! on his !*doen. :t "ontrols his glu"ose le#el in the
*lood. At ,E10 ! %e h!#e t!9en his #it!l signs !nd re"orded %hi"h !re the $ollo%ingE
! teper!ture o$ 10.2
C, ! pulse r!te o$ 102 *e!ts per inute, ! respir!tory r!te o$ 20
*re!ths per inute !nd ! *lood pressure o$ 1106+0 7g. A$ter th!t, %e h!d prep!red
his edi"!tions !nd the osteorized $ood $eeding %hi"h %ill !ll *e !dinistered !t +E00
!. #i! =EG. 7is edi"!tion %ere (ethy"o*!l 1 t!* 000 g !nd %!s diluted to 10
"" o$ hot %!ter, this is indi"!ted $or his .it!in <12 !n!geent, !nother is :*eret
10"" gi#en $or his !nei! !nd Citi"holine 2 "" $or ner#e stiul!tion %hi"h %ere !ll
pl!"ed in one edi"ine "up to *e in"orpor!te to his osteorized $ood o$ 110 "" during
$eeding. There is $lushing o$ 10 "" o$ %!ter *e$ore !nd !$ter $eeding $ollo%ed *y !$ter
"!re. There is neg!ti#e residu!l noted $ro the peg.
At -E00 !, the "lient is s"heduled e#ery Tuesd!ys !nd Frid!ys $or his =hysi"!l
Ther!py Reh!*ilit!tion !nd %e !ssisted hi on his %!y to the =hysi"!l Ther!py
Roo. The "lient %!s hoo9ed into ! TE4S &Tr!ns"ut!neous Ele"tri"!l 4er#e
Stiul!tion' to $urther stiul!te his us"les $or o*ility. ?e !ssisted hi on his
%!l9ing !nd "y"ling o#eent o$ his lo%er !nd upper e8treities %ith !tt!"hed one
pound o$ %eights $or his !rs %hile doing the e8er"ises $or toning !nd strengthening
o$ his us"les. The reh!*ilit!tion ther!py l!sts $or t%o &2' hours !nd then %e !ssisted
hi *!"9 on his %!y to the roo. :n doing his e8er"ises, these !de hi re!lly tiredI
he !ni$ested shortness o$ *re!th !nd re>uested to "oe *!"9 to his roo to rest.
At 10E00 !, he is s"heduled to h!#e his <!rley $lushing o$ 10 "" on"e ! d!y, it is
! prophyl!8is $or his "onstip!tion it !lso "ont!ins $i*er, !nd #it!ins !nd iner!ls.
?e !lso !dinistered .entolin #i! ne*uliz!tion to relie#e *ron"hosp!s !nd li>ue$y
se"retions. A$ter !ll the ne"ess!ry inter#entions %!s "!rried out, th!ts the tie %e
%ere !*le to t!l9 to his pri!ry "!regi#er, !s *eing the ost reli!*le sour"e $or our
g!thering o$ our d!t! *e"!use shes *een ! pri#!te "!regi#er o$ the "lient $or t%o
ye!rs, $!ilies resides outside the "ountry !nd no $!ily e*ers6rel!ti#es th!t
#isited during our shi$t. )uring the "on#ers!tion, %e !s9 her soe in$or!tion !*out
the "lient th!t %e "!nnot $ind or o*t!in $ro his "h!rt. ?e !lso did ! physi"!l
e8!in!tion %hene#er the "lient is in "o$ort!*le disposition. At 12E00 noon, %e h!d
gi#en !g!in his pres"ri*ed !$ternoon edi"!tions &the s!e edi"!tions gi#en in the
orning' !nd osteorized $ood $eedings. ?e h!d !lso t!9en his #it!l signs prior to th!t
!s %ell !s the C<G %ith the result o$ 120 g6dl *e$ore his $eeding in lun"h.
:n su!riz!tion o$ %h!t h!ppened on the $irst d!y o$ "lient "!re, in ters o$ the
"lients o*ility, he "!nnot %!l9 !lone %ithout !ny !ssist!n"e o$ ! %!l9er !nd
guid!n"e $ro his "!regi#er !nd physi"!l ther!pist. 7e !y $!ll do%n %hen no one is
!ssisting hi. The edi"!tions th!t %ere gi#en to the "lient %ere $or his di!*etes
ellitus Type ::, his *ody %e!9ness, $or pre#ention o$ his "onstip!tion, !nd #it!in
<12 !nd :ron !s suppleents to tre!t his !nei!. These !re the edi"!tions th!t %ere
ordered *y his do"tor to !id the "lient on his nutrition!l i*!l!n"e, sin"e he lost ! lot
o$ %eight !$ter he %!s on =EG. The "lients "!regi#er %!s "on"erned *e"!use the
"lient h!d e8pressed his deterin!tion o$ %!nting to go *!"9 to his nor!l $eeding
%ithout =EG !nd e!t regul!r $ood.
#a% 9Se'tem>er .;B 0C.1:
At 0E10 !, %e did the orning "!re $or the "lient. ?e "h!nged his di!per, did
tr!"heostoy "!re !nd =EG "!re !nd "h!nged the linens. ?e !lso did ne*uliz!tion on
the "lient !t /E00 !.
At ,E10 !, C<G %!s t!9en !nd re"orded %ith ! result o$ 12, g6dl. Sin"e the
"lients *lood sug!r %!s high he %!s gi#en A!ntus &Apidr!' insulin, 1+ units #i!
su*"ut!neous in his 2
right !*doin!l !re!. This %!s gi#en to hi $or his "ontrolled
insulin le#el. .it!l signs %ere t!9en !nd re"orded %ith the $ollo%ing resultsE !
teper!ture o$ 10.0
C, ! pulse r!te o$ +- *e!ts per inute, ! respir!tory r!te o$ 20
*re!ths per inute, *lood pressure o$ 1206+0 7g !nd !n o8ygen s!tur!tion o$
-/H. A$ter th!t, %e h!d prep!red his edi"!tions !nd the osteorized $ood $eeding
%hi"h %ill !ll *e !dinistered !t +E00 ! #i! =EG. 7is edi"!tion %ere (ethy"o*!l
1 t!* 000 g !nd %!s diluted to 10"" o$ hot %!ter, this is indi"!ted $or his .it!in
<12 !n!geent, !nother is :*eret 10 "" gi#en $or his !nei! !nd Citi"holine 2 ""
$or ner#e stiul!tion %hi"h %ere !ll pl!"ed in one edi"ine "up to *e in"orpor!te to
his osteorized $ood o$ 110 "" during $eeding. There is $lushing o$ 10 "" o$ %!ter
*e$ore !nd !$ter $eeding $ollo%ed *y !$ter "!re. There is ! neg!ti#e residu!l noted
$ro the =EG.
At 10E00 !, %e h!d gi#en his .entolin #i! ne*uliz!tion. A$ter ne*uliz!tion, the
"lient %!s %ith produ"ti#e "ough !nd produ"es ! lot o$ %hitish sputu !ppro8i!tely
0@10 l per episodes o$ "oughing %hi"h %!s !n!ged *y "hest #i*r!tion %hene#er
he "oughs produ"ti#ely. At 11E00 !, he %!s !g!in s"heduled to t!9e his C<G re!ding
%hi"h resulted to 120 g6dl glu"ose le#el. ?e prep!red !g!in the pres"ri*ed
edi"!tion &the s!e edi"!tions gi#en in the orning' !s %ell !s his osteorized
$ood $eedings. At 12E00 noon %e !lre!dy h!d gi#en hi his $eedings !nd edi"!tions
#i! =EG. And then #it!l signs %ere t!9en !nd re"orded.
)uring our $ree tie, %e "ontinued g!thering d!t! !*out the "lients history !nd
other ne"ess!ry in$or!tion !nd !lso per$ored !ssessents !nd physi"!l
e8!in!tions. ?e !s9ed soe help $ro his pri!ry "!regi#er to gi#e us the needed
in$or!tion *e"!use the "lient h!s !n ip!ired spee"h due to the presen"e o$ his
tr!"heostoyI he ight h!#e ! h!rd tie gi#ing us the in$or!tion %e needed
*e"!use t!l9ing re>uires o8ygen de!nd. ?e h!#e g!thered in$or!tion !*out his
p!st !nd present illnesses, his $!ily history, !nd o*t!in d!t! $or our gordon
I. Disc&arge Plan! 46A

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