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B 9

t h c 7 1 E t i e n i n j J ! u 1 I e t i n
Saturday, May 9, 1959
sell-addressed envelope will be answered.
Historic House Razed
For New Apartments
historic background, at 6904
Rising Sun ay., Lawndale, is
being razed to make way for
new apartment buildings.
The house was erected in
1857 by Trinity Episcopal
Church, Oxford av. and Diss-
ton st, as a parsonage for
the' Rev. Dr. Edward Y. Bu-
chanan, brother of President
James Buchanan, only na-
tive son of Pennsylvania to
be President of the U. S.
Dr. Buchanan was rector
of Trinity Church from 1854
to 1882. His wife, ElizaFos-
ter Buchanan, was a sister
of Stephen Foster, the fa-
mous composer. One of their
daughters was the wife of
Alexander J. Cassatt, presi-
dent of the Pennsylvania
Railroad. from 1899 to 1906.
The Rising Sun av. site of
about an acre was purchas-
ed by the church in 1856.
The mansion-type houze
was converted to a two-fam-
ily dwelling some years ago.
It has a frontage of about
100 feet. A huge old tree in
the yard was also removed
to make way for the new
Joseph E. Graber, realtor,
acquired the site for con-
struction of two 16-family
apartment buildings to be
erected by Doria Bros.,
builders, at a cost of $160,-
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