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S.No. Company Address Pers.

Profile Skills /Resumes of interest

1 Abacus GTEC Abacus Consultants! "ffice #1$ %. &. Classic$ Telco Road$
C'inc'(ad Station$ C'inc'(ad.
Pune )11*1+ , CA- CA% CAE Trainin. and Placements CA- CA% CAE Ser/ices
0 AbaloneSoft Tec'nolo.ies 011$ Ganes'
Pune )11*02 1* AbaloneSoft is a 3ebsite -esi.n 4 3eb -e/elopment Ser/ices
Company$ (it' 3ebsite -esi.n 4 -e/elopment center in 5ndia.
6 Ab'i7it 5nfolead 5ndia P/t 8td. &'osle
Pune )11*1) Aiipl$ 5s C'ild Company "f 9s &ased :ast Gro(in. "ptimy; Soft(are 5nc.
Company 5s Currently 5n <a/a &ased Tec'nolo.y.
) Ace &rain Systems 4 soft(are P/t 8t 1,,+ Na/i Sadas'i/ Pet'$ Near Na/i pet' /itt'al
opp =otel Suyas'
Pune )11*6* 3e are 06 Cr =ard(are 5T solution company based in Pune (it' sales of
=ard(are Solutions in corporate$ Go/t and PS9 sectors as (ell as (e 'a/e a s'o(room
for our retail acti/ity. 3e are present in Pune for last 1, >ears
Accounts$ Administration$ %arketin./Sales$ Purc'ase$
, Acu Trans Solutions 5nc.
Tel? *0*@01A606,+ A)/ *1 Amba Batika$ N5&% Road$ Cond'(a
Pune )11*)A 3e are primarily into medical transcription and related soft(are
1 Al.or'yt'm Tec' P/t ltd R& &usiness Centre
Pune )1**02 6* Al.or'yt'm is focused on deli/erin. customi;ed solutions for Supply
C'ain "ptimi;ation$ employin. its o(n "ptimi;ation En.ine @ Dtra Sensory.
2 Arri/e As'(amed'$ 10C Ganes' Crupa Society$ 16t' 8ane Param'$
Near Bana;$ Paud Raod$ Cot'rud$
Pune )11*6A 1* Arri/e 'as been created to le/era.e t'e con/er.ence of 5T/ AB soft(are
and net(orked solutions as part of t'e Bisionaire Es /ertical .ro(t' strate.y and is a 'i.'
potential business in/estment by t'e .roup. -ot net$ P=P/%ysFl$ 3eb -esi.n$ 3eb
A Artemis Tec'nolo.ies P! 8td. 01)$ 8. &. S. %ar.$
Na/i Pet'
Pune )**61* Artemis Tec'nolo.ies is buildin. solutions t'at cater to neGt .eneration
mobile net(orksEs data needs.
+ Aura Soft(are P/t. 8td "ffice No. 1 Amit compleG Tilak Road
Pune )11*6* 0, A9RA Soft(are is an Aut'ori;ed Autodesk System Centre. 3e are
Aut'ori;ed Partner of Autodesk for &uildin. Solutions$ Platform Tec'nolo.y and
Education -i/isions.
1* aGis soft(are &'osale Terrace$ s'i/$ off apta road
Pune )11*1,
11 &etter 1, Trade :ield$ 6rd :loor
San.'/i$ Aund'
Pune )11**2 &etter is one of leadin. -emand Generation company. %ost 5T Skills
10 C65T Soft(are Solutions Pri/ate 8td
Tel? H+1@0*@,,66012/01A ISANCA8PI$ 10*1/ 0A$ Apte Road$ -eccan
Pune )11**,
16 Cas'Tec' Solutions 5ndia P/t. 8td. Ganes' &'a/an$ &ritis' Council 8ibrary 8ane
:er.usson Colle.e Road$
Pune )11**) 6+, 3e are a soft(are ser/ices company en.a.ed in t'e business of
pro/idin. complete cas' mana.ement soft(are solutions to banks.
1) Clariance 5T Solutions P/t 8td Sus'rut =ouse$ Sur/ey No. 0AA$ NeGt to %5-C
=in7e(adi P'@0
At %ann$ Tal %uls'i$
Pune )11*,2 ERP Soft(are
1, Clarion Tec'nolo.ies P/t. 8td Corportate office @ Pune
&ranc' @ %umbai JAnd''eri EastK 3e are a Pune base soft(are de/elopment company$
pro/idin. ser/ices to clients ma7orly in America and Europe. currently a team of 1** Jand
11 ComptriGsystems P/t 8td
Tel? 60+*+,1) Cot'rud
Pune )11*6A )* ComptriG Systems P/t. 8td. pro/ides 8inuG/ Embedded Soft(are
-e/elopment Solution 4 =i.' @ End Trainin. Ser/ices to its clients in 5ndia 4 across t'e
12 CSSAGlobal +$ :irst floor$ Cetaki &uildin.$ S'adas'i/ Pet'$ 8. &. S. Road$ Pune@6*.
1** 3e are an 5T :irm ('o are (orkin. on open source tec'nolo.ies.
1A -&Sentry Solution C@)*)$ Aks'ay Garden$ -'anka(adi
Satara Road
Pune )11*)6 2 -&Sentry combines eGpertise and eGperience into pro/idin. inte.rated
tec'nolo.y solutions for your electronic -ocument %ana.ement Systems needs.
1+ -'arne Systems P/t. 8td )0*/ ,t' :loor$ Amit S'rip'al$ G'ole Road
NeGt to :ederal &ank
Pune )11**, 6* 3ebsite -e/elopement %ost 5T Skills
Accounts$ C.A.$ :inance$ =R-
0* -i.iSol Tec'nolo.ies Pri/ate 8imited Ground :loor$ Camad'enu$ 1*1A$
Senapati &apat Road$
Pune )11*11 1, 3e take .reat pleasure in introducin. our company$ -i.iSol
Tec'nolo.ies Pri/ate 8imited$ as a one of t'e leadin. 5T Recruitment 4 Staffin. Company
based in Pune$ 5ndia. %ost 5T Skills
01 -ris'ti @ Tec' -ocum Ser/ices
Tel? 011)11A6 Pune Camp
5ndia Tec'nical -ocumentation and 8ocali;ation ser/ices
Administration$ %arketin./Sales$ Teac'in.$
00 -risti Tec'nolo.ies 8 Cris'an C'ambers Sus Road Pas'an
Pune )11*01 0, 8inuG 4 3indo(s Tec' Support
06 eGuru 5T solutions 5ndia P/t. 8td. Cris'na
Pune )11*1+ 1, 3orks on 8inuG$ pro/ides (ebsite de/elopment$ %edical billin. soft(are$
Electronic %edical RecordsE%R!$ Practice %ana.ement$ Payroll soft(are for 'ospital$
Clinic. Searc' en.ine optimi;ation SE" 4 SES!$ 5n/entory
%arketin. / Sales
0) EGimiuus Tec'nolo.ies P/t. 8td. 1,$ Par/ati C'ambers$ Press Rd.$ Cot'rud$
Pune )11*6A ,, Soft(are -e/elopemnt and consultancy. 3e focus on de/elopment in
%s. NET tec'nolo.ies.
0, Globalstep 5ndia
Tel? *0* )1*1,1** 1*1 Sidd'i/inayak Aurum$
Biman$ Pune @ )11*1) )* GlobalStep @5ndia is a .ame testin. company (it' offices
in -allas$ Amsterdam and LA labs in Pune$ 5ndia. 3e are at current stren.t' of )* H
professionals in Pune.
01 =i Tec' 5nfosys S=ARA- S=A=
Pune 5n %edical Transcription &usiness
02 5ndi.o Arc'itects lunkad to(ers$ 1t' floor$ Bimaan
Pune )11*1) 3e are custom soft(are application de/elopment company in Pune.
8ookin. for people ('o dream and t'ink about buildin. .eneration of products/
tec'nolo.ies. 3e are tec'nolo.y@a.nostic neutral most of our recent (ork 'as been on.
Net tec'nolo.ies. <a/a/<0EE$ "racle$ 3eb -esi.n$ 3eb -e/eloper$
0A 5nfotek Soft(are 4 Systems P! 8td P @ 1)$ P'ase @ 5$ 505T Campus$ Ra7i/ Gand'i
5nfotec' Park$
Pune )11*,2 6, 5N:"TEC S":T3ARE 4 S>STE%S P! 8T-. also kno(n as i@TEC$ is a
leadin. Radio :reFuency 5dentification R:5-! System 5nte.rator based in Pune.
0+ 5nn/y Consultants 4 5T Solutions &@1*1$ Calyani
Pune )11*1) ), 5nn/y pro/ide result oriented desi.n solutions for our clients enablin.
t'em a Icompetiti/e ed.eI and a better c'ance for success on t'e (eb 4 soft(ares.
6* 5n/en.ence Tec'nolo.ies P/t. 8td. %a.arpatta$ =adapsar
Pune )11*0A ,* 1**M E"9 based in Pune ASP$ P=P / %ysFl$ 3eb / Grap'ic -esi.n
61 5rus Soft(are Applications P/t. 8td
Tel? *0* @ )**6 1**6 Gi.aspace
Pune )11*1) 6* T'e 5rus Group$ 5nc.$ 'ead Fuartered in Bir.inia$ 9S$ (it' its "ff@S'ore
-e/elopment Centre in Pune$ is an 5nformation Tec'nolo.y Ser/ices and Soft(are
-e/elopment firm speciali;in. in deli/erin. %icrosoft$ "racle$ Co.nos and =yperion
solutions. ASP$ -ot net$ Soft(are testin.
60 <A%S Tec'nolo.ies 6*,$ 6rd :loor$ At'atr/a ferye; Pla;a$
Pune Satara road$ "pp. S'ankar %a'ara7 mat' 1, <A%S specilises in de/elopin.
soft(are products used in Call Centres t'at are inte.rated (it' Cisco 5P Contact Centre
Product Suite. <a/a / <0EE
66 <ob Curry Systems P/t ltd )t' :loor$ 8unkad To(ers$ Bimaan
6) <os' Soft(are Pri/ate 8imited baner Pune 0* <os' Soft(are Pri/ate 8imited is a
soft(are ser/ices firm t'at speciali;es in product and application de/elopment. 5tEs ser/ice
offerin.s span across product en.ineerin.$ application de/elopment$ maintenance and
system inte.ration. -ot net$ <a/a / <0EE$ 8inuG$ Net(orkin.$ System admin@8inuG$ BCHH /
%:C / C"%
6, Cra(ler Net(orks #1 Tara 5con
Pune )11**6 Cra(ler Net(orks is t'e maker of Cra(lerJGKN t'e neGt .eneration of
distributed portals.
61 leosys first floor$ clo/er center
pune )11**1 ,* 8eosys is a product de/elopment and consultancy company speciali;in.
in t'e area of settin. up off s'ore de/elopment centers. 3e pro/ide end@to@end$ cost
effecti/e offs'ore de/elopment consultancy ser/ices.
62 8e/ia Solutions Cot'rud -epp
Pune )11*6A 1** A ma7or e brandin. and soft(are de/elopment company on nic'e
tec'nolo.ies in /arious platforms
6A 8i/etek Solutions
Tel? *0*@0,)11,)+ 6*1$ &usiness Guild$ "pp. Cris'na -inin. =all$ 8a( Colle.e Road$
Pune 6* A Pune based 3eb Solutions Company.
6+ 5nfotec' 5ndia P! 8td.$ 8a( Colle.e Rd.$
Pune )11**) 60 &usiness Solutions ? ERP$ CR%$ EP% O 8earnin. Solutions ? Pro7ect
%ana.ement$ SiG O Soft(are Soltuions ?. NET$ SL8 Reportin. 4 Analysis Ser/ices$
&usiness 5ntelli.ence -ot net$ SL8 ser/er
%arketin. / Sales$ Teac'in.
)* %atriG &usiness %ac'ines P/t 8td 6rd :loor Aditi Commerce &aner Road
Pune )11*), ,* 1A year old 5S" certified company in/ol/ed in 5T infrastructure
mana.ement and solutions suc' as net(orkin. and &5 Net(orkin.$ System admin@8inuG$
System admin@3indo(s
)1 %a/en Consultancy Pune 11 %a/en Consultancy is a soft(are consultancy and
ser/ices company speciali;in. in t'e business of pro/idin. ser/ices to its clients .lobally.
EGperts in soft(are consultancy$ Corporate Trainin.s$ %obile tec'nolo.u %ost 5T Skills
%ost non@5T Skills
)0 %edsynaptic P/t 8td Paud Road
Pune )11*6A -e/elopment of 'i.' tec' medical soft(are products specially in t'e area Bisual &asic$
)6 %obile Solutions and Tec'nolo.y C@1*,$ %e.acenter$
Pune@ Solapur =i.'(ay$ =adapsar$ ,* -ealin. into -"T NET based Solutions
-e/elopment and Smart cards and Embedded System Tec'nolo.ies %ost 5T Skills
%ost non@5T Skills
)) Ne'a Soft(are Company S'i/prasad I&I$ s'op no A/ +
8eft b'usari colony$ Cot'rud
Pune )11*6A 1, Ne'a Soft(are Tec'nolo.ies stands to pro/ide (orld class tec'nolo.ical
solutions any industry. "ur past four years of Soft(are -e/elopment eGperience 'as led
us to understand t'e &usiness Automation Systems needed for t'e Corporate 3orld.
), ne/is net(orks C@6*1$ Pune 5T Park$ 16* product based co. (orkin. in area of
net(ork security C$ CHH$ -&A$ -e/ice dri/ers$ <a/a / <0EE$ 8inuG$ Net(orkin.$ Soft(are
testin.$ System admin@8inuG$ System admin@3indo(s
)1 N5 8"G5C PBT 8T- 01/ 00 &andal -'ankude Pla;a$ "pp P%T depo$
Paud Rd$ Cot'rud.
Pune )11*6A 6* E-A company
)2 "asis Tec'nolo.ies PBt. 8td. 0*6/0*)$ Eden =all$ "pp. "m Super %arket$
Gok'ale Road$ %odel Colony$ S'i/a7ina.r
pune )11*11 ,* 5ts into Embedded Tec'nolo.y C$ CHH$ 8inuG$ System admin@8inuG$
3eb / Grap'ic -esi.n$ 3eb -e/eloper
)A Pelf 5nfotec' Pri/ate 8imited /imal sadan 11/ 11@A
Pune )11*6A 1* Pelf 5nfotec' P/t. 8td. P5P8! is .ro(in. rapidly to become one of t'e
leadin. En.ineerin. and 5T Solution pro/iders in Pune industrial city of %a'aras'tra. 3e
are offerin. a /ariety of ser/ices in areas of CA- @CA% @ CAE
)+ Primus 5nfo Solutions Pune Camp 10 Company based in Pune. =a/in. offices in Goa
and -el'i.
,* Priyatec' SolutionsPune!P/t 8td S'i/
Pune )11**, 1, 3e pro/ide 5T related turnkey solutions$ products and ser/ices for
.o/ernment$ education and commercial or.ani;ations. Typical or.ani;ations include
municipal corporations$ lar.e .o/ernment or.ani;ations$ and soft(are
de/elopment companies. 8inuG$ Net(orkin.$ System admin@3indo(s
,1 LualEG Systems )01$ Sidd'art' To(ers$ &ld.. No. 1$ Near Press$ Cot'rud$
Pune LualEG Systems is an offs'ore soft(are de/elopment company in Pune$ re.istered
under t'e STP5. "fferin. ser/ices systems soft(are and data stora.e solutions.
,0 LueGst Solutions P/t 8td LueGst Solutions P/t. 8td. An 5S" +**1?0*** Certified
Company 6rd :loor$ S'i/am Arcade$ "pp. Cot'rud &us -epot$ Paud Road$ Cot'rud$ Pune
4#1,,66N )11*6A. %a'aras'tra$ 5ndia. 1,* 3e are a leadin. offs'ore or.ani;ation in
Resource "utsourcin.$ %ana.ed Soft(are Testin.$ Luality En.ineerin.$ Professional
Ser/ices. 3e are an 5S" +**1?0*** Certified "r.ani;ation (it' nearly 1* years successful business.
,6 Ri.'triG Solutions &'andarkar Road
-eccan Gymk'ana
Pune )11**) ) Ri.'triG @ @ Researc' and ad/isory ser/ices @ Real (orld soft(are
solutions @ Tec'nolo.y content sites 5ndicT'reads. com$ Pyt'onT'reads. com 4
LT'reads. com. @ "r.ani;es t'e 5ndicT'reads. com Conference "n <a/a Tec'nolo.y
<a/a / <0EE$ 8inuG$ P=P / %ysFl$ 3eb / Grap'ic -esi.n$ 3eb -e/eloper
Content / Copy 3riters
,) Salus Alp'a 5nformation Tec'nolo.ies Pri/ate 8td
Tel? +10*110,226A$ 8e/el 0$ Connau.'t Place$ &und Garden Rd.
Pune )11**1 1* Salus Alp'a 5nformation Tec'nolo.ies Pri/ate 8imited$ Pune$ 5ndia$ is a
('olly o(ned subsidiary of Salus Alp'a Group AG$ S(it;erland pro/idin. 5T solutions and
ser/ices to Salus Alp'a Group and its subsidiaries. %ost 5T Skills
,, si.nure 10$ R. %. Corner$ Paud Road$ Cot'rud
Pune )11*6A 1* Si.nure Tec'nolo.ies is a solution inno/ation company. 3e are (orkin.
to de/elop inno/ati/e solutions t'at can radically c'an.e and impro/e your life. 3e 'a/e
a team of t'inkers$ inno/ators in 9C and anot'er team in 5ndia.
,1 Sine(a/e Computer Ser/ices P/t. 8td.
Tel? *0* )*1111*2 T@00 Super %all$ Salunke Bi'ar Road$
Pune )11*)* 2, Soft(are Products suc' as TaGbase$ Ser/ice TaG$ Payroll$ E@audit$ R"C
etc. Company is in eGistance since 00 years in Pune.
,2 SN< ProCA- Automation P/t. 8td.
Tel? ++1*161622 0+$ Sona Garden$ <ay S'ankar Soc.
Pune )11**+ En.ineerin. desi.n and dra(in. .eneration automation CA-/CA%/G5S$
Bisual &asic
,A Soft(are 5nstitute for Rural -e/elopment )+A par/ati pune ,* "ur Bision is to create
5nformation Tec'nolo.y REB"89T5"N in 9se of 5T in A.riculture and A.ri@&usiness
Natural Resource %ana.ement 3ater Supply and :ood Security in Rural Sector Rural
&ankin. Soft(are Education 8i/eli'ood Pro7ects. C$ CHH$ <a/a / <0EE
,+ starent net(orks 'in7e(adi
Pune )11*,2 ,** telcom s/ ( C$ CHH$ Embedded / B8S5$ <a/a / <0EE$ 8inuG$ Net(orkin.$
Soft(are testin.$ Telecom@Radio$ Telecom@S(itc'in.
1* SunmaG systems P/t 8td A@16$ 5ndranil$
"pp. As'(ame.' Auto$ Pune@Satara Road 6* SunmaG Systems is one of t'e leadin. 5T
industry$ (it' /ision to ac'ie/e .lobal 5T ser/ices leaders'ip in pro/idin. /alue added$
'i.' Fuality$ cost@effecti/e solutions to our clients ERP$ <a/a / <0EE$ 3eb / Grap'ic
-esi.n$ 3eb -e/eloper
%arketin. / Sales
11 Sutra Systems 06$ electronic estate$ pune@ satara road 1** Sutra is a (orld@class
company pro/idin. soft(are solutions and ser/ices for en.ineerin. and enterprise
applications. 3e are an 5S" +**1?0*** certified company 'a/in. o/er + years of
international business eGperience
10 Synt'esys Solutions P/t 8td 1)C@55$ 8ane @ 10$ Ramkris'na Parama'ansa$
Paud Road$ Cot'rud
Pune )1**6A ,* Synt'esys is a .lobal pro/ider of inno/ati/e information Tec'nolo.y
solutions to companies$ 5nstitution and leadin. business enterprises in different sectors of
t'e economy. Call centre$
%ost non@5T Skills$
16 Tec' Craft 60466$ Ra'ul CompleG$ Paud Pune Road Tec' Craft @ Get 5. T. Ri.'tPP Tec'
Craft is a multilocational fast .ro(in. 5. T. Trainin.$ "utsourcin. and Resourcin. firm
located in 5ndia. 3e are a one stop solution firm for all 5. T. needs of ou r clients.
1) 9r7it Tec'nolo.ies P/t. 8td. C@0$ 1*1@1*0$ Gan.a "rc'ard$ %und(a Road$
Pune )11*61 ,, 9r7it Tec'nolo.ies is an 5T company based in Pune$ 5ndia. 9r7it
Tec'nolo.ies 'as also stron. business alliances in Nort' America$ Europe and Asia
Pacific. 9r7it 'as t'e capability of offerin. ser/ices in t'e 5T Enabled Ser/ices$ &P". ASP$
-ot net$ P=P/%ysFl$ 3eb -e/eloper
1, B8ife Sciences 1 Aks'ay ,* Anand Park
Pune )11 **2 At B8ife$ (e 'a/e stimulatin. (ork culture t'at fosters creati/ity and
inno/ation amon. our team. 3e 'a/e a perfect blend of youn. and ent'usiastic talent
from di/erse back.rounds (orkin. closely$ in full syner.y

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