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1. What is the first element on the periodic table?
2. What is the centre of an atom called?
3. True or false? Acids have a pH level below 7.
4. What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?
5. True or false? An electron carries a positive charge.
6. Famous New Zealand scientist Ernest Rutherford was awarded a Nobel Prize in which field?
7. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
8. K is the chemical symbol for which element?
9. What orbits the nucleus of an atom?
10. At room temperature, what is the only metal that is in liquid form?
11. True or false? A neutron has no net electric charge.
12. A nuclear reaction where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts is known as nuclear
fission or nuclear fusion?
13. What is H20 more commonly known as?
14. What is the third most common gas found in the air we breathe?
15. What is the name given to substances that are initially involved in a chemical reaction?
16. True or false? Bases have a pH level below 7.
17. Is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) an acid or base?
18. Atoms of the same chemical element that have different atomic mass are known as?
19. True or false? A proton carries a positive charge.
20. What is the fourth most abundant element in the universe in terms of mass?
21. When light bends as it enters a different medium the process is known as what?
22. A magnifying glass is what type of lens?
23. Electric resistance is typically measured in what units?
24. A person who studies physics is known as a?
25. Metals expand when heated and do what when cooled?
26. What is the first name of the famous scientist who gave us Newtons three laws of motion?
27. What state of the art computer technology is used to train pilots when wanting to copy the
experience of flying an aircraft?
28. Electric power is typically measured in what units?
29. The most recognized model of how the universe begun is known as the?
30. Who is the Hubble Space Telescope named after?
31. The wire inside an electric bulb is known as the what?
32. Theoretical physicist James Maxwell was born in what country?
33. Infrared light has a wavelength that is too long or short to be visible for humans?
34. What kind of eclipse do we have when the moon is between the sun and the earth?
35. True or false? Iron is attracted by magnets.
36. What is the earths primary source of energy?
37. Conductors have a high or low resistance?
38. Electric current is typically measured in what units?
39. What scientist is well known for his theory of relativity?
40. Earth is located in which galaxy?

1. Hydrogen
2. A nucleus
3. True
4. Nitrogen (around 78%)
5. False
6. Chemistry
7. Au
8. Potassium
9. Electrons
10. Mercury
11. True
12. Nuclear fission
13. Water
14. Argon (around 1%)
15. Reactants
16. False
17. Base
18. Isotopes
19. True
20. Carbon
21. Refraction
22. Convex
23. Ohms
24. Physicist
25. Contract
26. Isaac
27. A flight simulator
28. Watts
29. Big bang
30. Edwin Hubble
31. Filament
32. Scotland
33. Long
34. A solar eclipse
35. True
36. The sun
37. Low
38. Amperes
39. Albert Einstein
40. The Milky Way galaxy

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