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Lucid Dreaming Studying a Maple Tree

December 23rd, 2005 by Steve Pavlina

Last night during a 20-minute midnight nap, I had a lucid
dream. This is the fourth one Ive experienced since starting
polyphasic sleep 64 days ago. It started off as a regular
dream, and then at some point I realized I was carrying a
gargoyle, which seemed odd to me.
I asked myself, What the heck am I doing carrying this
gargoyle around? Thats unusual even for me. And its so
light for its size. Hmmm Is it possible Im actually
dreaming? Nah. Everything seems so real. Look at those
trees and that building. And besides, I just had a chat with
Gandhi in his tent a little while ago, and he seemed real
enough. But what about this gargoyle? I dont normally
transport such things from place to place. Maybe I should
ask the gargoyle. He doesnt seem to speak English. I
wonder if theres a way to ask him in gargoyle-tongue.
Something is definitely odd about this situation. Am I
absolutely certain this isnt a dream? Wait a minute I
remember telling myself that if I ever had to ask that
question, then Im definitely dreaming. So this must, in fact,
be a dream.
At that point I became lucid. I had already gone through a
fairly long dream up to that point, so I sensed I didnt have
much time left before waking up. My alarm was set for 25
minutes it would be nice if I could get an interface to see
the countdown in my dreams. Since it was nighttime in my
dream world, it was dark, so I did my let there be light
thing, and the sun came up. Then I decided to try to run
really fast like the Flash, and that was fun for a bit. Finally I
jumped into the air and did some flying, and for some
reason I saw a tree that seemed unusually realistic looking,
so I flew in for a closer look.
I identified it as a maple tree, and I spent a few minutes
studying it to see if I could find any flaws that would
differentiate this dream tree from a real one. I floated up
through the branches and studied their fractal patterns,
which seemed just like a normal tree, not a fake computer-
generated one. I examined the leaves and noticed how vivid
and real they seemed. It looked like a tree, felt like a tree,
and smelled like a tree. The only difference I could discern
was that the dream tree had an energy to it that made it feel
slightly more alive than a real tree. It seemed more real
than reality. As I studied the tree, I said to myself, This is
remarkable. This looks so incredibly real. Yet supposedly
this tree doesnt even exist. So even though I was looking
at a tree that supposedly exists only within my imagination,
I couldnt see any evidence in the tree itself that would
indicate it wasnt just as real and solid as a waking world
Now that Im sitting in my office, supposedly wide awake,
staring out the window at the trees in my backyard, I have
to wonder whether those trees are real either. What
evidence do I have that all of reality isnt simply an
experience playing out in my own consciousness? Really
theres no way to know. I cant escape my own
consciousness (can I?), so any evidence of objective reality
that comes to me is no different than the same type of
evidence presented within my dream world. I even have
stable persistent locations in my dreams that seem to
evolve over time across years of multiple dream visits, just
like physical reality.
Partly because of this conundrum, I view my waking reality
as similar to my dreams in the sense that everything is
taking place within consciousness. Im not the characters
(i.e. physical bodies) in those realities Im the conscious
being thats having those mental experiences. Once I
started thinking this way, I noticed that my dreams became
much more vivid. This coincided with my switch to
polyphasic sleep as well. My dreams are so realistic and
complex now that its hard to tell them apart from waking
reality. I have to be triggered by something out of the
ordinary, like noticing that Im carrying a gargoyle.
The physical matter in my dreams seems so solid and real.
About the only difference is that it has a different energy
feel to it as if its vibrating at a different frequency. I feel
a sense of radiant energy coming off of dream matter that is
different from that in the physical world. Perhaps its an
alternate reality where the laws of physics are a bit
One thing I should mention is that when I went to sleep for
that midnight nap, I actually put out the intention to have a
lucid dream. I hadnt done that in a while, but it was nice to
see that it worked the first time. I think Ill try doing that
more often, since lucid dreams are a very exciting way to
explore alternate realities. Its pretty amazing being fully
conscious in your dream world, knowing that your real body
is actually sleeping.
If you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and try it for
yourself, I recommend you read Dr. Stephen LaBerges
Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.
Theyre the best books Ive read on lucid dreaming and
the ones that helped me get started more than 11 years ago.
Lucid dreaming is a completely learnable skill.

Lucid Sleeping (Yoga Nidra)
Also known as Yoga Nidra , lucid sleeping is among the
deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining
full consciousness. It is not the same as the similarly
named "lucid dreaming", though the two can be easily
confused, since the practices that lead to lucid sleeping can
also generate lucid dreaming. What further confuses the
issue is that, as opposed to being completely separate
experiences in kind, the two states are actually only
different in degree, existing as they do at opposite ends of a
particular slice out of the spectrum of consciousness.
Hence, lucid sleeping can "slide into" lucid dreaming and
vice versa, a fact which can cloud the real difference
between the two.
The distinguishing difference is the degree to which you
remain cognizant of your actual physical environment as
opposed to a dream environment. In lucid dreaming, we are
only (or mainly) cognizant of the dream environment, and
have little or no cognizance of our actual environment.
Sounds or events in our actual environment may become
translated into very different dream material and we will feel
our bodies "moving" just as in normal dreaming. During
lucid sleeping, on the other hand, we remain fully cognizant
of our physical environment and of the actual content of
sounds and other events, and likewise maintain a correct
sense of the position of our bodies.
Hence, so-called "out of body" experiences are instances of
lucid dreaming, even though we may have a sense of the
room in which we are sleeping. Nevertheless, the sense of
our body as moving in space is dream material, likely
initiated by the activity of the propioceptive sensory organs
influencing the subconscious mind. What "out of body"
experiences nicely demonstrate is the fluid nature of the
boundary between lucid sleeping and lucid dreaming,
existing as they do at a point somewhere midway between
the two.
On a final note, neither state is necessarily "deeper" than
the other. That said, lucid sleeping can potentially be far
deeper, given the kind of brain waves predominantly
generated, than lucid dreaming. During any kind of
dreaming, we are effectively blocked from the deepest
states of relaxation by the generation of dream material,
which occurs within a specific range of brain wave
frequencies which are relatively high in comparison to those
of deep sleep. While engaging in lucid sleep, on the other
hand, we can consciously relax ourselves beyond that
dreaming range of frequencies into the slowest range of
deep sleep frequencies.
It is best to attempt this practice only after you have
mastered 61 Points insofar as 61 Points is the easier of the
two. It serves as a good way to learn how to navigate
progressions of points through the body (there are nearly
150 points used in the following Lucid Sleeping exercise),
and it also offers a stepping stone to the deeper relaxation
youll experience with Lucid Sleeping.
It will also likely be necessary to stop practicing 61 Points
altogether once you begin with Lucid Sleeping. The format
of the concentration points is quite different. If you try to
alternate the practices, you can become confused as to the
correct progression of the points, which in turn can make
you tense and unable to relax. Nor do you want to have to
concentrate on remembering which point follows which, as
this too will affect your ability to relax. Each point should
follow effortlessly and automatically one after the other,
with no need to try to remember which one comes next.
Of course, the first few times you do the exercise, you will
need to make an effort to remember the format, so dont
expect to have a deeply relaxing experience right away.
Once you know the format by memory, the deep relaxation
will follow.
The practice is best done lying down on your back. You can
place your hands by your sides palms up or else palms
down upon your hips/lower belly. Its best to use either no
pillow or at most one low pillow beneath your head as your
neck should remain fairly flat. Basically, try to be as
comfortable as possible so you wont have to move for the
duration of the practice.
The progression through the points is quite different from 61
Points, both in the specific points used as well as what you
do with each point. First off, you dont count or imagine
anything at each point. You simply come briefly to rest and
then move on to the next point. Secondly, the pace is
considerably faster with roughly one second spent at each
point. Dont time the movement with the breath. If you like,
you can hear a silent, slow mantra such as om, with
each repetition lasting roughly 8 seconds, which is to say 8
It seems odd that a faster pace can lead to deeper
relaxation. The reason is because a steady, slow rhythm is
set up which can be very relaxing indeed. But this can only
happen once the progression of the points is well
memorized and comes automatically. So again, expect to
spend some time just learning the progression before you
can experience the deeper levels of relaxation.
Here is the progression of the points:
Right thumb
Right index finger
Right middle finger
Right ring finger
Right little finger
Right palm
Back of right hand
Outside right wrist
Inside right wrist
Inside right lower arm
Outside right lower arm
Outside right elbow
Inside right elbow
Inside right upper arm
Outside right upper arm
Outside right shoulder
Right armpit
Right side mid chest
Right side abdomen
Right side iliac crest
Right side between iliac crest and hipbone
Right hipbone
Crease at right side of groin
Front of right thigh
Back of right thigh
Back of right knee
Front of right knee
Front of right lower leg (shin)
Back of right lower leg (calf)
Outside right ankle
Inside right ankle
Top of right ankle
Right heel
Bottom center of right foot
Top center of right foot
Right large toe
Right second toe
Right third toe
Right fourth toe
Right little toe
[Repeat same progression for left side]
[Now you proceed down the front of the body]
Base of the front of the neck
Simultaneously two points to each side
Center of upper chest
Simultaneously two points to each side
Center of mid chest
Simultaneously two points to each side
Center of lower chest
Simultaneously two points to each side
Center of upper abdomen
Simultaneously two points to each side
Center of mid abdomen
Simultaneously two points to each side
Simultaneously two points to each side
Center of lower abdomen
Simultaneously two points to each side
Upper pubis
Simultaneously two points to each side
Lower pubis
Simultaneously two points to each side
Simultaneously two points to each side
Simultaneously two points to each side
Simultaneously two points to each side
Mid sacrum
Simultaneously two points to each side
Top sacrum
Simultaneously two points to each side
Lower back
Simultaneously two points to each side
Lower mid back
Simultaneously two points to each side
Upper mid back
Simultaneously two points to each side
Lower upper back
Simultaneously two points to each side
Mid upper back
Simultaneously two points to each side
Upper upper back
Simultaneously two points to each side
Lower back of neck
Simultaneously two points to each side
Middle back of neck
Simultaneously two points to each side
Upper back of neck
Simultaneously two points to each side
Lower back of head
Simultaneously two points to each side
Middle back of head
Simultaneously two points to each side
Upper back of head
Simultaneously two points to each side
Top of head
Down to center of head
Down to center of neck
Down to center of lower neck
Down to center of mid chest
Down to center of upper abdomen
Down to center of belly
Down to center of lower belly
Back to center of belly
At this point, rest your attention for a few moments at the
center of your belly. Then imagine a plane that passes
through the center of your belly dividing your upper body
from your lower body. On the next exhalation, feel the plane
pass down through your lower body to the soles of your
feet, completely relaxing everything on the way through. On
the inhalation, the plane returns to your belly and then, on
the exhalation, passes up through your upper body to the
top of your head, relaxing everything on the way through.
Now the plane turns on its side so that, still passing through
your belly, it divides the right side of your body from the left
side. On the next exhalation, feel the plane pass through the
left side of your body, completely relaxing everything on the
way through. On the inhalation, the plane returns to your
belly and then, on the exhalation, passes through the right
side of your body, relaxing everything on the way through.
Now the plane turns flat so that, still passing through your
belly, it divides the top half of your body from the bottom
half. On the next exhalation, feel the plane pass through the
back half of your body, completely relaxing everything on
the way through. On the inhalation, the plane returns to your
belly and then, on the exhalation, passes through the front
half of your body, relaxing everything on the way through.
At this point, you should be either fast asleep or else deeply
relaxed. If you are still awake, just enjoy the sensations of
deep relaxation, allowing yourself to go deeper and deeper,
as deeply as you can.

Self Hypnosis for Lucid Dreaming
By Rebecca Turner
Dreaming Lucid Dream Forum
Self hypnosis is another great tool for lucid dreaming.
Like meditation, it draws on the same relaxation response
that helps calm your body, reduce stress hormones, and
focus your mind on affirmative thoughts. You can use it to
program your dreams and increase your self-awareness,
teaching your subconscious to recognize when you are
dreaming (and thereby trigger lucidity).
Hypnotizing yourself is different
from meditation because it uses
auto suggestion to plant certain
thoughts and affirmations. So if
you want to use self hypnosis for
lucid dreaming, plant
suggestions like: "I can
remember my dreams" and "I can
recognize when I'm dreaming"
and "All my dreams are vivid".
For a full length hypnosis recording, check out my lucid
dreaming hypnosis sessions in The Lucid Dreaming Fast
Track . They use guided visualizations and auto
suggestions to help incubate lucid dreams every time you
What is Self Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the act of sending your brain into a trance,
similar to sleep. It makes you more suggestible than
normal. It is not unnatural, evil, or mind control!
Hypnosis gets a lot of dubious press - most people are
familiar with stage hypnotists, who often make fun of people
in a trance state. They convince their victims to perform
embarrassing tricks such as flapping around like a chicken
or humping a chair.
In the real world, hypnosis has much more productive uses
in therapy and personal development. It gives you the
ability to talk to your inner self and program your
subconscious mind. So let's dispel a few myths about
You are self aware during hypnosis. The deeper you go,
the more you will become immersed in an inner reality.
But you are always aware of the hypnotist's voice and
instructions and what you do.
You have complete control over yourself during hypnosis.
You may be more suggestible but you still decide what
you say and do. You can't be convinced to do anything
that breaks your moral code.
You can't get stuck in a hypnotic trance. Even if the
hypnotist were to keel over midway through a session,
you would surface from the trance naturally, just as you
wake up after a night's sleep.
Everyone can be hypnotized to some degree. We all enter
unconscious hypnotic trances every day, whether we are
watching TV, going through our morning routine, or
staring out the window. Some of us are just more willing
to go under than others. It is simply a relaxed state in
which we are open to ideas.
In self hypnosis, you become closer to your inner voice and
more suggestible. You'll enter a deep, relaxing trance,
causing the release of endorphins (the natural happy
chemicals). You can then plant any number of powerful
auto suggestions to improve your life - in this case, to
encourage lucid dreaming.
How To Hypnotize Yourself
While there are a lot of details to learn about hypnosis that
will make your session much more effective, here is a quick
run-down of the essentials.
1. Get Comfortable
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie. Don't cross your arms
or legs - have an open posture that is easy to stay in for the
next 20 minutes.
Allow your eyes to close naturally. Take three deep, slow
breaths - releasing any tension and anxiety as you do.
Observe the thoughts that enter your mind and gently
release them without any interaction. Let yourself float.
2. Release Tension
Focus on releasing physical tension throughout your body.
Starting from your toes, visualize each muscle relaxing and
melting into the furniture. It brings a pleasant, warm feeling
of relaxation. Systematically release each muscle group,
heightening the sense of relaxation every time. Spend extra
time on your shoulders and upper back, which tend to hold
a lot of tension. Visualizing soothing water or a golden glow
may help to free up the muscles.
3. Visualize Your Way Down
Visualize yourself at the top of a staircase. This represents
your consciousness. As you descend each stair one at a
time, drift deeper and deeper into your soothing, relaxing
trance state. Count the steps if you like, starting from 10.
Try rolling your eyes gently back into your head and keep
your body still.
4. Place Auto-Suggestions
Once you reach the bottom of the staircase, you are ready to
begin your auto suggestion script. Softly repeat one or more
of the following phrases in your mind (choose whichever
feels right for you):
"I can remember my dreams"
"I can have lucid dreams"
"I can become conscious in my dreams"
"I can realize when I am dreaming"
"I can control my dreams"
Of course, you can introduce any type of auto suggestion.
Just remember to make every phrase positive and in the
present tense :
"I am calm and relaxed"
"I am strong and confident"
"I am in control of my destiny"
"I can have everything I want"
"I am healthy and energetic"
5. Wake Up Gently
Repeat your chosen affirmation as many times as you want.
Revel in the feeling of deep relaxation. Visualize yourself
achieving your goal.
When you're ready, prepare to wake up from your trance.
Tell yourself you will count to 10, and with each step you
will slowly return to full awareness. Then count upwards as
you climb the steps in your mind.
Take a deep breath when you reach the top, then open your
eyes. Sit for a moment if you like - and remember to stand
up slowly.
Final Thoughts
Self hypnosis is a deeply relaxing state. Everyone should
try it.
I used self hypnosis in my early days of lucid dreaming and
became very familiar with the hypnotist's voice on the tape.
Even in the first few seconds of hearing his voice, my mind
was triggered with a rush of thoughts and feelings about
having more vivid dreams and becoming lucid. It became
I think it's good to fall into a self
hypnosis routine - perhaps by
listening every night just before
sleep or when you wake up in the
morning. Your mind will quickly
relate the feelings induced with
relaxation and lucid dreaming. In
NLP this is called anchoring and
it's a good way of quickly
inducing a feeling or state of
mind. There is no better time to
do this than when you are in bed
ready to dream.

Linkzelda's Self-Hypnosis Guide for Lucid Dreaming + Self-
Hypnosis Scripts To Use!!!
Linkzelda's Self-Hypnosis Guide for Lucid Dreaming + Self-
Hypnosis Scripts To Use!!!
Table of Contents
[1.1] Disclaimer
[1.2] Introduction
[1.3] What Hypnosis is NOT
[1.4] Transderivational Search & The Unconscious
[1.5]Examples of Digging Into the Unconscious to Relate to
the Situation & Using it In Self-Hypnosis
[1.6] What is the Critical Factor?
[1.7] How To Bypass/Interrupt/Distract The Critical Factor
[1.8] General Format of Self-Hypnosis/Hypnosis Scripts
[1.9] Example Hypnosis Script Dream Task of the Month
Hypnosis Script
[2.0] Breakdown & Analysis of Example Hypnosis Script
[2.1] Secrets in Developing the Hypnotist Voice & Tonality
[2.2] Secrets in How to Listen to Audio Hypnosis
[2.3] List of Words of Power
[2.4] Final Thoughts & One More Secret To Know About
[2.5] (Frequently Asked Questions) FAQ
[2.6] List of Hypnosis Scripts For You To Use
[2.61] Improving Dream Recall Hypnosis Script
[2.62] Dream Task of the Month Hypnosis Script
[2.63] Finding Your Dream Guide Hypnosis Script
[2.64] MILD (Mantra/Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream
Hypnosis Script)
[2.65] WILD (Wake Initiated/Induced Lucid Dream Hypnosis
The contents within this guide are based on what I've learned
through applying self-hypnosis, be it for recalling dreams
better, conceptualizing techniques more efficiently (after
learning them a bit beforehand of course), from concentrating
more in things like drawing with minimal distractions, and
much more.
I do not claim that I'm an expert hypnotist, and I do not claim
that hypnosis is an absolute alternative compared to actually
committing yourself to building your own foundations for
lucid dreaming techniques and all that entails to make you a
better lucid dreamer. In fact, Hypnosis in general should be
considered a supplement or complimentary towards your lucid
dreaming endeavors.
And a word of warning, whether you find yourself recording
your own scripts (or the scripts I've made from trial and error)
or just reading them to yourself, it's ideal that you do it in a
safe environment where you're not operating machinery (or
doing a work assignment that requires your full attention).
Of course, machinery other than laptops, computers, etc. that
won't pose a risk to you. And you should take my ideas as a
supplement towards your own endeavor in unfolding what
Hypnosis can truly do for you in dreaming and in life in
general! I am not responsible for anything that happens if you
find yourself trying to practice hypnosis in dangerous
situations (i.e. Driving a car).
The first portions of this guide will cover what Hypnosis is
NOT, so that we all will be aware later on with what it is, so
that we may find ourselves connecting the dots when
attempting self-hypnosis sessions.
Hello everyone!
After going through several months experimenting with self-
hypnosis, I found myself being able to grasp and
conceptualize the rudiments behind it that may be used as a
supplement for your lucid dreaming endeavors. The word
"Hypnosis" itself has so much weight into it because there are
varied interpretations of it, and generally, in order for one to
truly understand it, they must understand what it is not. So
when you are ready and comfortable, allow yourself to pay
close attention to the common misconceptions of Hypnosis.
[1.3]What Hypnosis is NOT
Hypnosis means I'll lose all sense of control and awareness of
what's going on.
Hypnosis, no matter how experienced you are in it, no matter
how you are able to understand the rudiments behind it (such
as it being used as a process to bypass the critical factor and
such), if the contents within the hypnosis-related activities
contradict or CHALLENGES our moral code, it simply will not
work. The reason being is, having those predispositions that
are ingrained so deeply within the confines of our minds, even
if we reach deeper levels of suggestibility, if it does not
conform to our moral code, it will be difficult or nearly
impossible for the person practicing it to make the session
Now, the person who is being hypnotized is in full control
over themselves, and the reason people may have an
misconception of lack of control or no control is simply
because they're confusing it with the emotional tranquility
that comes with performing self-hypnosis. You are aware of
what's going on, because you're having inward concentration
towards the task at hand, and you can instantly follow and
stop the self-hypnosis session with ease.
Hypnosis is sleep or I'll become unconscious from it
Hypnosis, like I've stated before, has the participant(s) being
able to be completely aware of what's going on, since it's
more of a process that leads to guided concentration. Unless
you actually make a script to emulate feelings of transcending
to sleep, hypnosis does not mean sleep mode. Think of
Hypnosis as a PROCESS in order to get to a trance, and
understand that there are other processes that can get us into
a trance. So to quickly summarize what I've stated, Hypnosis
is the process, trance is the result.
And in general, it's a self-induced trance, whether you do it by
yourself or someone does it to you. The reason being is that
because you're allowing another person to guide you, they are
more as conduits that help you ease yourself into a trance
state (the result) that allows you to be in a more suggestive
Hypnosis is all mumbo jumbo and magic and a bunch of
sorcery, so it clearly must be fake!
Now, things pertaining to psychosomatic, physiological,
psychological and other conditions (and learning how to
moderate them) are topics in Science that still has gaps in it.
However, Hypnosis in general, based on the rudiments behind
it, is not voodoo, black magic, or sorcery. The reason you may
have those predispositions is simply because of the shows
and stage acts with classical hypnosis (i.e. The magician that
somehow makes the participants say Moo and really think
they're cows).
An important concept you must realize is that in order for
things like that to work, the participants are considered
volunteers. Imagine why the word volunteers is utilized (or
words synonymous to it), it's because when everyone knows
what may happen, the question itself has people being
suggestible to the event to come. However, let's say a
person's moral code is that they can't dance because of
cultural practices that discourage the act.
So if a magician or some stage hypnotist wanted the person
to dance, chances are, they won't comply, because it's against
their moral code. I know you're wondering how that can relate
to anything, but it's just an example to remind you on how our
moral codes affect the result of hypnosis sessions.
Hypnosis involves being able to manipulate a person entirely
It seems because of the events in history of misconceptions
with Hypnosis, people tend to presume you're being
manipulated and controlled (like the first concept I introduced
in this section of the guide). However, it brings me back to
saying once more that Hypnosis does not mean you can
destroy a person's moral code, or strip them entirely from it.
And as you go through your self-hypnosis sessions, you'll
begin to notice that when you feel the emotional tranquility
that comes with it (and having higher inward concentration
with other obvious states), it's because the content within the
scripts (or audio you recorded on your own or from someone
else) complies within the schema of your moral codes.
[1.4]Transderivational Search & The Unconscious
Transderivational Search essentially means a phenomenon in
which aspects of our mind will scavenge the confines of our
unconscious in order to find some relation or connecting the
dots with something that may be particularly vague or
seemingly ambiguous. You may be wondering how this can
tie into lucid dreaming and using hypnosis as a supplement
for your endeavors, am I right?
If you want a more detailed explanation on this phenomenon,
then check out the Wikipedia link below:
Transderivational search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you understand this concept already or find yourself
realizing it after reading several definitions behind it, you
might find yourself already experiencing it throughout reading
this guide. And I'll give you examples of how this
phenomenon typically happens, and I wonder if you'll realize
how easy it is to identify how these scenarios can relate to
conversations and storytelling!
[1.5]Examples of Digging Into the Unconscious to Relate to
the Situation & Using it In Self-Hypnosis
The following below are examples of how we might find our
unconscious digging through its experiential totality (and
implicit knowledge) to relate to a particular event or situation.
And the examples below, you can find more by searching
around on things related to leading statements (like the
transderivational search).
You know how
---You know how when you go to a grocery store, you see
someone you know and you talk to them for a bit and say
your goodbyes, only to to see that you meet them again in a
different aisle and it starts becoming awkward?
I know you're wondering....
---I know you're wondering why hypnosis can help you
obtain an inward concentration in order to reach a certain
outcome right? It's a good habit to speculate on these
Just pretend for a moment...
---Just pretend for a moment on how it would feel to have
the mannerisms of being relaxed at your own pace and
what's comfortable for you.
My friend (Name)...
---Ah! That reminds me of my friend, Bob, who also found
himself in that predicament, and what he did in order to get
out of that situation was to simply let go and move on.
---Imagine for a moment of seeing yourself in the car you
want to be in, how it feels comfortable the moment you sit
on it. You realize how you get that vibe that this is the right
car because of how it feels to you.
When you realize...
---When you realize the underlying meaning behind lucid
dreaming guides, you'll see that creating your own
foundations is how you can truly succeed.
---Remember that time where you felt as if you couldn't get
out of a situation, only to have a shift in mentality that
enabled you to overcome it?
You might find yourself realizing how easy it was for you to
associate those moments because your unconscious was
quickly digging up contents within your experiential totality
and learning to associate to them. It's part of how with
implicit knowledge and transderivational search and other
factors come into play in order for us to relate to a person, as
if we have a natural predisposition to find events and
moments that can match and mirror to the situation/event
being talked about.
This creates a sense of harmony whenever you find yourself
talking to someone that you could talk with for hours and
You know it's happened to you at some point in your life, and
if not, you can still find those moments whenever you watch
television or go on the Internet and watch videos of people
interacting with each other and being gregarious individuals.
If you take advantage of how this system our minds go
through to match and mirror things that may happen with a
story or event (like the My friend, [NAME] example I posted),
you might realize why hypnosis can be a powerful supplement
towards your lucid dreaming endeavors.
With practice, you can literally overload your conscious mind,
so that the thoughts you can't fathom all at once seeps into
your unconscious mind, and since your unconscious mind has
better grasp of conceptualizing more things, if not, all things
you have in your experiential totality and learning, then surely
you're aware of more things than you think you do.
So the reason why reading a hypnosis script (or saying it
mentally while mouthing the words), or even engaging by
listening to an audio of yourself or someone saying a
hypnosis script, you might be able to really get into a trance
state, a state of inward concentration that focuses at the task
desired and removes the distractions.
This is why that even though you may think you're not
processing things properly consciously, your unconscious is
going to utilize its vast implicit knowledge to take care of the
This is one of many fundamental aspects that can make
Hypnosis effective, and how it can overload the critical factor
we have so much that while its busy being distracted by the
content, your unconscious mind is already getting the patterns
and using implicit knowledge to associate and connect.
[1.6]What is the Critical Factor?
The Critical Factor is the part of our mind that uses
comparative analysis that allows us to make conscious
reasoning with incoming information. It can be a nasty thing
to deal with, and it can sometimes affect us negatively
because it's meant to protect our schema of reality, concepts,
and presumptions and knowledge of things.
A simple example that I feel we can all imagine for a moment:
When a newcomer (in general) or even a seasoned member
makes a particular topic related to a problem they're having
with their dreaming endeavors, you might realize how they use
things like:
I've went through countless of threads but haven't been able
to get anything that can help me out!
And you might find yourself knowing how when someone
offers their suggestion and insight, the original poster might
Well I already tried that or I already know that, and I know I
have to do [so and so], but it's not working!
Notice how this is that part of their mind that already went
through the workings and unfortunately wasn't able to have
any luck with the attempts. And you may be wondering how
threads like that usually ends up with someone mentioning
(in varied ways) practicing perseverance with what that
person knows. And you're also wondering how this can relate
to this guide, well, if you allow me to address that our
interaction with the critical factor with lucid dreaming
techniques can be a hit and miss.
And only with practice and diligence, we may find the critical
factor eventually welcoming our attempts (or being distracted/
interrupted) while the unconscious mind will already get the
suggestions and develop and redefine its own blueprint of
processing and conceptualizing things like:
How to do a WILD/MILD/DILD/DEILD/etc.
How to recall dreams better
Dealing with Lack of Motivation with Dry Spells
Think of the critical factor as the bouncer outside a bar or club
building, or even a gate guardian, or a royal knight in a
luxurious and gargantuan castle. It's protecting what's inside,
the totality of our unconscious mind, which is a good thing
because if we were really that suggestive towards anything
that comes to our perception of reality, we would all have an
inconsistent schema of viewing reality.
But it can also be a bad thing because when we're trying to
add new suggestions or building conditioned responses, even
when we can visualize and enforce prospective memory, it
takes some repetition until it's accepted.
[1.7]How To Bypass/Interrupt/Distract The Critical Factor
To give a quick overview on how we eventually accomplish
this feat (but not limited to just this list mind you):
1. There's people who use techniques like mantras and
affirmations that have to hammer the repeated phrase or
saying to where they finally tired out the critical factor and the
suggestions are implanted (but usually involves some back-
and-forth motion with relapses and motivation and using
conscious willpower.
2. There's people who use techniques like mantras and
affirmations, except they use guided imagery (or things related
to prospective memory, which is building up strong emotional
moments and such) to get to the desired outcome. They are
able to pour their heart and soul and practice to be able to
build conditioned responses to succeed in their MILD attempts
(or any other lucid dreaming technique)
3. There are people who use self-hypnosis as a supplement, a
mental rehearsal for what they know will come, and then
attempting their lucid dreaming techniques with that increased
inward concentration that gives assurance that with practice,
whether they fail or succeed, their unconscious is going to
use implicit knowledge and transderivational search to
redefine and polish every attempt.
4. Doing things at night (you definitely wouldn't have an over-
analytical mind 2AM-4 AM for a Wake Back to Bed (WBTB)
I know you're wondering on my opinion pertaining to #1, and
I'm not aiming to make a narrow-minded response towards
the use of mantras and affirmations. If you are able to easily
visualize and imagine where you want to be and knowing how
you'll get there, and you can use the mantra as a guide in
reaching there, then by all means, continue using it.
When I mentioned how one is essentially trying to hammer
things down in comparison #1, it is simply just that. Whether
you type or say a mantra over and over, such as (but not
limited to):
Counting from 1-10 or 1-5 and repeating
Typing/Saying/Writing I will have lucid dream or Eyes
shut, mouth closed, body still, I will find myself being able
to become aware of my dreams," or whatever mantra/phrase/
You are doing constant repetition (initially with mantras/
sayings/phrases) until you tired out the critical factor and it
eventually gets accepted, which usually leaves you exhausted
at times (but it gets less exhausting with practice of course).
Just like how the critical factor is the bouncer/gate guardian/
royal knight protecting our unconscious, when you do mantras
without the whole feeling it as well and other aspects, it's
like trying to battle with your analytical side.
Imagine how that would end up! You find yourself finally
being able to beat the bouncer to the pulp, but you had some
backlash from the bouncer as well. And as you finally get up
with some bruises and cuts on your face and body, you're
finally able to walk into the club/area the guardian was
protecting/castle the royal knight was over-watching. (I.e.
Saying over and over Eyes shut, mouth closed, body still, I
will find myself being able to become aware of my dreams.)
Now, you can take that route, it's going to lead to the same
result eventually (lucidity or just better dream recall or what
have you), which is why I heavily encourage you to see
hypnosis as a supplement that might make the route a little
easier for you (so you sweet-talk with the bouncer or the
critical factor instead of fighting against it). And you don't
need to use hypnosis if you feel you're confident enough with
battling and tiring out your critical factor like that.
And even with comparison #2, hypnosis can be a supplement
to augment that ability you've made a conditioned response to
with building prospective memory and guided imagery. But
hypnosis is not necessary, since it's just a process that leads
towards guided concentration with a self-induced trance state
as the result, and there are many processes to reach a trance
Hypnosis is about sweet-talking with the critical factor, so
that its overloaded with trying to grasp and conceptualize the
data being given, and while it's distracted/interrupted, the
embedded messages are already seeped into the unconscious
mind to utilize its implicit knowledge to connect the dots, to
find the needle in the haystack.
[1.8] General Format of Self-Hypnosis/Hypnosis Scripts
Here is a blueprint on how Hypnosis scripts generally go:
1. Gathering Attention
2. Being Obvious with mentioning the goal (usually one goal
is ideal to have better concentration, and with practice, you
can extend that to two or more goals)
3. Making Agreement Frames (To prime the mind to get into a
Yes, Yes, Yes ,Yes! format)
4. When the Critical Factor is distracted/interrupted/sweet-
talked/persuaded, you might start feeling the emotional
tranquility, or going through gradual relaxation
5. Fraction and implanting, and repeating the process (to
continue distracting the critical factor and implant suggestions
for the unconscious to use implicit knowledge to find the
underlying meanings with thoughts you couldn't fathom all at
once consciously).
6. Creating Unconscious Responses and Triggers (i.e. Priming
the Transderivational Search even more)
7. Shifting the Unconscious Towards the Desired Result/
Outcome/Solution (and usually ends with a count up or even
count down along with being able to practice and
conceptualize things better in the future)
Of course, there's much more to it than that, but I won't be
going too into that. Now that you know the general idea of
how Hypnosis Scripts typically work, the next thing I'll be
going through is an example Hypnosis Script!
[1.9] Example Hypnosis Script - Dream Task of the Month
Hypnosis Script
The following example hypnosis script will pertain to
accomplishing dream tasks of the month (and you can switch
it around for dream task of the year obviously) that can be
found here:
Task of the Month
Please do not listen to your recording of this script (if you
make one of it) or go through saying this script (orally or
mentally while mouthing the words) if you're operating
machinery (other than a laptop, computer, etc.)
When you're ready to focus all of your attention towards the
example script and are in a comfortable position, read the
following content in italics.
Dream Task of the Month Hypnosis Script Example
(If you see a ... between words, imagine yourself pausing in
between to really absorb what will come next)
So now that you know what you must do, feel free to read the
content in italics below:
Spoiler for Dream Task of the Month Hypnosis Script: Hide
Now that you are seated comfortably, you will be able to
relax....sit back....focus....and enjoy learning and
accomplishing your goal for the Dream Task of the Month. As
you're sitting there comfortably, you might find yourself being
able to shift yourself to an inward state of concentration to
achieve the tasks easily.
So let's just pretend for a moment on what it would be like to
accomplish a Dream Task of the Month. You might find
yourself being able to utilize the skills you've learned as a
dreamer with ease because of how your unconscious is able
to conceptualize things for you whenever you're busy
consciously figuring out what to do.
Because your unconscious, the storehouse and the database
of the experiences, memories, skills, and abilities you have
within your mind is there, and because you know that you can
only consciously remember a few things, your unconscious
mind takes care of the rest of information and thoughts that
seeps into your mind and expands them to something
beneficial for you. It is able to make connections to what you
learned before and neatly makes a format that you can
structurally follow with ease, because that's its job.
You may notice that because of this, because of your
unconscious being able to process more information within
your mind, that you actually know more than you think you do
to. It's not necessary that you worry too much about this,
because you'll notice that this process comes by naturally all
by itself.
Because the unconscious is able to process and dig through
what you've accumulated throughout your life, you'll be able
to let go and feel relaxed and confident in its ability to do so.
Because every time you find yourself wanting to accomplish a
task, you'll begin to notice it takes peaceful collaboration with
your conscious and unconscious mind.
As you're seated comfortably, you're imagining the
mannerisms of what it's like to be relaxed and at ease with
yourself, especially when trying to accomplish a task. I know
that you're learning things now because you're able to let
your mind become open to new possibilities and ways to
accomplish the dream task of the month.
In fact, it's a good thing you're learning things now by being
seated comfortably and imagining what it's like to be relaxed,
because this state of tranquility will allow you to absorb the
contents in an enjoyable and engaging learning process. You
should remember that accomplishing a task means knowing
how to enjoy the journey of reaching there as well.
As you're going through imagining what it would be like go
through gradual stages of relaxation, your unconscious mind
will easily do its job in gathering and digging through ways to
make your dreaming endeavor of finishing the dream task of
the month that much easier.
The more that you are able to easily imagine what it would be
like to accomplish the smaller tasks, the more you are able to
easily connect the dots to finish the bigger tasks.
Have you ever started learning something new and discovered
ways to truly enjoy it? You might find yourself being able to
easily recall the moments and the sensations you felt after you
tackled a challenging task, big or small. Perhaps a moment
where you were ready to face a new challenge because of how
you found yourself overcoming previous tasks in life and in
your dreams.
And you know you can, can you not? You can't stop it, can
you? That's because your unconscious' ability in being able
to pull and grab everything to match and mirror your desire
will always be there. You can choose to either learn these
sensations consciously now, or later on in your natural sleep.
So when you find yourself descending into your natural sleep,
your unconscious will be able to easily create a dreamscape
suited for your intentions to accomplish certain tasks. It will
be able to find the needle within the haystack that the
storehouse is of your memories, experiences, and abilities is
of accomplishing tasks in a natural and relaxed manner.
Sooner or later, you may notice the the feeling of comfort that
comes with being aware of this natural ability to take tasks
easily one step at a time. Inch by inch, things will become a
cinch for you and your unconscious, because it will continue
making neurological connections whether you want to feel the
sensations now, or later on during your peaceful sleep.
And as you find yourself being able to imagine yourself in
peaceful sleep, you'll be able have the sense of awareness
when aiming for a lucid dream. It isn't necessary that you
worry too much about this awareness, because I wonder if
you realized that because of previous moments of lucidity,
you were able to shift yourself easily into the dreaming state!
There's no need to worry about having to concentrate on
achieving that lucidity in your descent towards sleep, because
it will happen naturally. Whether you're non-lucid or lucid in
your dreams, you'll be able to easily remember the moments
that led to you to accomplishing the dream tasks of the
months with ease, one task at a time.
Because after all, when you notice how your mind
conceptualizes and imagines what it would be like to be lucid
in your dreams, that ability, that experience, will continue to
be redefined and polished as the days, weeks, and months go
by. It's always growing, expanding, and you can choose to
improve that now, or later on when you've reached the right
sensation that's comfortable for you.
Now that you have all the knowledge you need, you may find
yourself being able to learn how to accomplish tasks, big or
small, within the confines of your mind and where you can
truly allow your unconscious to create a dreaming
environment ideal for the dream tasks you're naturally
interested in.
As soon as you're ready to prepare yourself for better
awareness of your dreams and accomplishing dream tasks,
you're going to count up from one to five. As you're sitting
there preparing to count up to five, you may notice how easy it
is to continue holding onto your concentration better without
giving too much effort, because your unconscious mind will
be the one that deals with the balancing.
You really shouldn't make changes IMMEDIATELY to anything
part of your behavior, because you'll have more than enough
time, in fact, all the time you want to welcome the types of
changes you want introduced to you. When you find yourself
realizing this, you'll allow yourself to count up from one to
So let's do that now.
One, feeling relaxed and confident as you prepare for natural
Two, stretching a bit and feeling more aware of what you must
do now.
Three, you're feeling your muscles loosening, enabling you to
shift into natural sleep.
Four, becoming more aware of the things you do and how
you'll achieve them.
Five, fully relaxed, confident, and ready to descend into
natural sleep!
[2.0] Breakdown & Analysis of Example Hypnosis Script
Now, see how easy that was? It doesn't have to be picture
perfect or too long, the script itself was only 2 and 1/4 pages
long, which would most likely equal into 6-7 minutes of
actually saying it or hearing yourself or someone's voice
saying it in a recording!
You'll begin to notice how I stated the obvious, the goals in
mind, and how a person will find themselves being able to
shift into an inward concentration, and from there, it's merely
about distracting the critical factor to where we can't fathom
everything all at once.
Things must be taken unconsciously and learned
unconsciously while the person is busy going through the
contents of the script, and with practice and developing
tonality, the embedded suggestions are already implanted.
This was just a simple script that went along with the 7 points
I mentioned beforehand, and trust me, you can easily find
yourself being able to create these scripts on your own the
more you practice and let your mind be spontaneous and
engaging. I know you're probably wondering how one can
develop the tonality with having a hypnotist voice., well
check out the next section for some tips in doing so!
[2.1]Secrets in Developing the Hypnotist Voice & Tonality
The words in whatever hypnosis script you read or whatever
audio hypnosis you listen to, you'll begin to notice how
there's shifts in tonalities, all coming full circle and easily
shifting from one idea to the next. Here are some tips in
developing tonality and the hypnotist voice within you:
Go headstrong, Imagine yourself visualizing the mannerisms
of what it would be like to talk calmly and slowly. In order
for you to conceptualize what to write/type/say, you have to
get yourself into the state of being.
Pay more attention to advertisements and notice how easy it
is for you to identify the types of tonalities they utilize and
the words they use to create an emotional impact towards
people. (I.e. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!!! or You following
me camera guy??!)
Understand concepts with copy-writing (see definition in the
link below):
( Copywriting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
Because you'll be able to know how to find power words,
leading statements, and such that companies, writers, etc.
Use to promote their business/service/etc.
Pay attention to the people you interact, especially those you
tell stories to. Notice how you tend to shift towards certain
words with a certain express (I.e. Man! Tried to get past
rush hour only to end up dealing with a boring and
exhausting wait in traffic! Ughhhhh...). Also notice how
people feel when they talk about how great their day is
going, or how excited they are to wait for a holiday to come.
Listen to a few hypnosis videos on Youtube and such to see
how the person is using a voice for certain occasions. There
are times where you talk in a relaxed manner, and there are
times you talk a bit faster and with more energy.
And here are examples of how using words with the wrong
tonality can confuse and often make the experience weird and
Bad example #1:
I want you to relax right now! Loosen your muscles, relax your
jaw, quickly! You must find yourself being able to get into the
hypnotic state immediately! Quickly! Slowly find yourself
relaxing and easing into a state of concentration right now!
Begin to notice how you're learning at a deeper and
unconscious level immediately!
You can already tell that was an annoying experience, having
to quickly shift into certain ideas and thoughts in the wrong
manner. You definitely wouldn't want to hear yourself talk like
that in trying to relax yourself, and you most definitely
wouldn't want to hear a hypnotist saying that to you or even
an audio on YouTube doing that.
Bad example #2:
This is what you would do if you were to talk slowly when
there are words that obviously shift you into being more
energetic, spontaneous, and quick.
I want you to quickkkkkly find yourself being able to
rapidddddly conceptualizing what it would be like to have a
spontaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaneous mind that let's loose of all
blocks and censoring instanttttttlly.
Now, that example wasn't that hard to see what was wrong
with it. The point being, in order to know when to shift to a
specific type of tonality, you'll have to keep practicing and
becoming aware of the people around you.
Go to a coffee shop or somewhere that has people really
being social and personal with each other, and see how
people are engaging through a mental harmony with each
other, how they go about their day speaking what's on their
mind with different tonalities without even realizing it.
[2.2] Secrets in How to Listen to Audio Hypnosis
If you were to listen to yourself in a recording of you stating a
hypnosis script (or by chance listening to me saying a script
in a recording), here are some tips to ensure you don't end up
developing passiveness and making the sounds white noise or
background noise.
Whenever you're listening to an audio hypnosis, the aim is for
you to be engaged with the person's voice (be it your own
voice or another person's voice). The reason being is, you
have to imagine as if you're going through a conversational
hypnosis with that person. You allow them to go through
those sayings in order for you to bypass your critical factor
(or disrupting/interrupting it). You start feeling their tonalities,
how they express themselves, as if they're gathering an aura
or essence within themselves that extends out like a hand the
gently taps your shoulder and eases you into tranquility.
In order to do this, I emphasize how it's important for you to
be aware of the people you interact with and those you find
yourself going through mental harmony with. Audio hypnosis
(listening to a script you said or someone else said) can work,
but you have to imagine it as a mental rehearsal just like
doing the same orally on your own. You have to be
headstrong, go in the situation first so you can know those
sensations at a faster rate with practice.
[2.3] List of Words of Power
Words of power simply means words or phrases that allows
one to flow easily from one idea to the next, which is useful
when building your own hypnosis script. You may notice
these are some words I used in the example hypnosis script
for the Dream Task of the Month!
Means (and other variants of it such as Which means this
means, etc.)
These are words of power that can allow you to go in and out
with suggestions, and when you notice yourself listening to an
audio hypnosis, you'll see how you tend to accept them
naturally. And you may also notice how I've used them
throughout this guide as well (and words such as Now and
most importantly, you).
I encourage you to look for more words of powers and leading
statements, and if you want more information, it's best to
check out concepts pertaining to the Milton Model of
Hypnosis. You'll be able to see it plastered all over the
Internet and in books, since Milton H. Erickson was known to
be an iconic figure in relation to medical hypnosis and family
[2.4] Final Thoughts & One More Secret To Know About
The most important thing that I want you to be able to get out
of this guide is that Hypnosis, just like any other process in
learning how to become lucid, having better dream recall, etc.,
just because you memorized the techniques, mechanisms, and
rudiments behind it, it doesn't mean you're set in stone for
What truly makes Hypnosis a useful supplement (just like with
anything), is the Emotional Impact you can create for yourself.
You may notice that the more you do this, the more you find
you can tap into the unconscious and use its implicit
knowledge and gain empathy for others and yourself as an
individual. And because with the concepts of transderivational
search and extending that phenomenon with hypnosis, you'll
start becoming aware of yourself at a deeper, unconscious,
and emotional level.
Just like with MILDs, Affirmations, WILD, DILDS, anything
really, diligence, perseverance and hard worked COMBINED
with creating genuine and deeply emotional states of being is
what distinguishes those who are merely copycats vs. Those
who build their own foundations from the techniques and the
rudiments behind them.
Now that you know what self-hypnosis can do for you
generally (and some of the processes behind it), feel free to
test out the Hypnosis Scripts I have laid out for you! You'll
find yourself understanding both consciously and
unconsciously of how I created these scripts from the
fundamentals. And honestly, I would love to mention more
mechanisms, but even when you have all the information that
you can get out of this, it's about learning how to mentally
rehearse where you want to be, and how you know you'll get
So if you think hypnosis is magic, think again, it's just like
any supplement, take it in moderation. However, because of
what hypnosis does, there's rarely any plateau effect
compared to using actual lucid aids (dream drugs, etc.) simply
because what's preventing a person from having consistent
success with hypnosis is them not being able to create an
emotional impact towards their goals.
I know you're wondering, Isn't this just to get us motivated
to do things? Well yes, it is, why wouldn't I or anyone want
to do something that can help us get to where we want to be?
But it's more than just being motivated in things, it's about
seeing how the processes that gets us there and using it to let
us grow as individuals.
Thank you all for reading the contents of this guide , and if you
haven't read it completely, that's perfectly fine, but if you find
yourself not understanding a few things, you probably just
weren't able to read the guide in its entirety. However,
because I had to put this guide as concise as I could (I know
that's an understatement), I will be more than happy to
answer ANY questions you have to the best of my abilities.
Please notice that my views expressed in this guide were
based on what I collected and experimented back and forth
endlessly for about 8-10 months. I mostly aimed to use
hypnosis for real life situations rather than dreaming (lucid
dreaming became much easier with hypnosis, at least for me).
Now that I've conceptualized and built my own schema of
things with hypnosis (and I know I can always improve and
redefine my schema of it), I've recently started getting better
progress. And you can too!
[2.5] Frequently Asked Questions) FAQ
These are obviously questions I've made up since I'm sure
these will come up eventually:
How long should the Hypnosis Scripts Be?
There isn't an absolute standard you should go by, but a
general rule of thumb, to really get some progress (in my
opinion), 2-4 pages is something you can aim for. It may
seem like a lot, but you'll find yourself being able to know the
process of making a script. There's really no page limit you
should go for, but just know that putting it concise will be
easier for you so you don't wake up feeling groggy and too
lazy to listen or read a script that's too long.
And the secret to being able to make those types of script is
to take things ONE step at a time. Those 7 points I mentioned
with how hypnosis scripts generally work, do them one step at
a time and think and question where do I go to next?
Allow your mind to be spontaneous, you don't have to be
picture perfect! Your subconscious and unconscious will get
the bigger picture. The idea with the scripts is to extend the
transderivational search while being able to bypass/disrupt/
interrupt the critical factor within us.
And when that happens, when you find yourself expressing
yourself at a deeper and emotional level (with tonalities and
being able to understand the concepts of storytelling and
building harmony with yourself and others), that's when
hypnosis can really shine. It's not perfect, it has the chance
of not working, but when you start building your own schema
of conceptualizing it with practice, hard work, diligence,
perseverance, and with emotion, the probability of it failing is
When Should I Stop Using the Hypnosis Scripts?
A general rule of thumb is, if you want to know when you
should stop using the scripts, is to just be analytical of the
process when you used them. This is so you know how to
emulate those same sensations because of what the hypnosis
session did for you to mentally rehearse those feelings.
Imagine it this way, if you find yourself going through a dry
spell, or that you feel you're rusty because you haven't tried
recalling dreams and lucid dreaming for quite some time,
Hypnosis can be a supplement that gets you into creating
those emotional triggers again and convincing the
unconscious mind to scavenge the experiential totality and
learning you've accumulated and find what's right for you.
What if I can't find time to say the scripts because I don't
want to make too much noise?
You can mentally read it with your mind-voice and mouth the
words, and if you can still express tonalities well with it, that
can be one way to prevent making too much noise (especially
if you don't want your family members questioning what
you're doing). And if anything, just mentally reading it can be
another option, however, you might become passive because
we can scroll through mentally reading it without actually
trying to say or mouth the contents. The oral aspect
(mouthing it or saying it, or even listening to it) increases the
chance for the unconscious to dig deeper to find moments to
relate to the goal you have in mind with hypnosis sessions.
How Many Scripts Should I Do Per Day/ How Many Times
Should I do a Particular Script?
Ideally, you want to use a script aimed for one goal (that can
encompass smaller goals) simply because it causes less
overload for your mind (I know that's contradicting since I
mentioned how hypnosis is a process to overload the critical
factor so it's distracted/interrupted/etc., but one goal that is
repeated in varied ways is something you should consider
doing initially.
That's because you want to be able to see yourself building
conditioned responses and emotional unconscious triggers for
a particular goal (since hypnosis aids in guided and inward
concentration along with guided imagery and other aspects).
When you feel confident, you can make a script with two goals
in mind, or even more, but just know that you'll have to pour
out your heart and soul even more. But that will become
easier the more you do it in time. Just take things gradually
and see what happens, and extend things a bit when you feel
If you find yourself being overwhelmed, take things down a
notch, and just work from there until you're ready next time.
Should I use I or You within the Script(s)?
From personal experience, it doesn't really matter, since either
way, it's meant to give you guided concentration, and as long
as you know it's meant for your own personal endeavors, your
success won't be heavily affected stating I or You when
you're talking things out or listening to yourself or someone's
voice. Remember, the words are just one small percentage,
what really matters is your tonality or you being able to
embrace the tonality of your voice or another person's when
Aren't MILDs and breathing while mentally saying them or
saying them physically a hypnotic experience?
Mantras, mnemonics, and short phrases can all contribute into
bypassing the critical factor, so yes, in a way, they do allow
you to perform hypnosis. However, people tend to assume
that because you're in hypnosis, that you must be in a trance.
However, Hypnosis is the PROCESS of bypassing/interrupting/
disrupting the critical factor, and when that's done, self-
induced trance is the result.
You might start feeling the emotional tranquility as you're
going through the hypnosis, but its result is the trance.
However, this is just my opinion, and it may change in the
future, but for now, until I find out it's something else,
Hypnosis is simply the process that can help lead to the result
of being in a trance.
Mantras can be considered doing slight hypnosis, and when
you build conditioned responses, you are in fact able to
bypass the critical factor more (when you understand how to
put emotion and feeling into those mantras and sayings, i.e.
Your tonality), however, that's a hit and miss. The reason why
it's a hit and miss is because you have to be able to
consistently create emotional impact, and sometimes when
you're not prepared to do that, you might have varied results
of success with it.
Which is why if you use hypnosis as a supplement with MILD,
you have that mental rehearsal established the more you
practice at it, so mantras can be easier to do because when
you build conditioned responses to unconsciously know the
feelings and tonalities behind the mantras/sayings/short
phrases, MILD can definitely have its efficacy increased.
What kind of Hypnosis are you explaining in this guide, NLP
Hypnosis, Conversational Hypnosis, or the Milton H.
Erickson's Hypnosis Model?
You could call this type of hypnosis explained in this guide
overall elements of Conversational Hypnosis, but the
rudiments behind them (both NLP and Conversational
Hypnosis) are derived from Milton H. Erickson's Hypnosis
Model and the Meta Model that you can find definitions
online. You might get varied opinions on this, and just know
that this is based on what I've researched over the months to
the best of my abilities.
This type of Hypnosis I'm covering is more of the indirect
approach, seeing how using certain language patterns (from
Erickson's language patterns mostly) to prime and extend the
time with transderivational search that we have within our
minds when given an overload of things that are too much for
the critical factor to fathom all at once. NLP Hypnosis and
Conversational Hypnosis can be the same in terms of the
language patterns (that Erickson is an iconic figure for
building a list of), but their techniques are different.
Usually NLP Hypnosis (like how street hypnosis is practiced)
involves engaging with people that may not be in a deep
trance, while conversational hypnosis can be used more
indirectly and has more potential to lead to deeper self-
induced trance states. And I personally feel Conversational
Hypnosis, at least the rudiments behind it and how NLP
Hypnosis can be encroached into practice here and there (but
not as much in this guide), is effective for your lucid
dreaming endeavors with any techniques, aids, etc.
This is just my opinion, and I'm aiming to find more reasons
to falsify it, but currently, it seems my perspective on it will
be the same until something persuasive and convincing
comes up. I will edit if that time comes.
Where Can I Find These Milton Language Pattern Cards/List?
I can't provide links, seeing how that might end up being
advertisement for something, and I don't want to have
disputes with the wonderful staff here. Just do a simple
search engine search on Milton's Language pattern cards, and
you'll be able to find it with ease. Hope this helps.
[2.6] List of Hypnosis Scripts For You To Use
Here are a few hypnosis scripts I created recently, these aren't
meant to be picture perfect, and the more I create hypnosis
scripts on my own, and the more I find myself making
emotional impact towards these scripts when reading or
hearing them, the more I can become better at redefining them
in the future.
So expect to see more hypnosis scripts compared to these in
the future, and FEEL FREE to post any of your own custom-
made scripts as well! Warning, please make sure you're in a
safe environment and that you stop what you're doing in order
to pay full attention reading/listening/or speaking out the
contents of a script.
[2.61]Improving Dream Recall Hypnosis Script
Spoiler for Improving Dream Recall Hypnosis Script: Hide
Now that you're seated comfortably, you may notice that
you'll be able to learn at a conscious and unconscious level
throughout this hypnosis session to improve your dream
recall. Notice that as you're sitting there gradually finding
yourself being relaxed, you'll be able to imagine what it would
be like to have better dream recall.
People can, you know, train themselves to recall their dreams
better the more they practice the fundamentals behind it. You
might want to breathe in and out slower now....feeling
yourself being relaxed every time you do so, because
breathing is something that comes by naturally. Just like how
being able to imagine what it would be like to have improved
dream recall is also a natural and easy process to do.
Just imagine for a moment on where you had a situation
where you woke up and found yourself having difficulty
recalling your dreams. You might realize that this usually
happens because you moved too quickly, because moving too
quickly disrupted you to unconsciously grab and learn the
contents you experienced within your dreams with ease.
The more you found yourself relaxing and remaining calm, the
more you were able to unconsciously grab elements that
helped you recalled things better. What would it be like if you
could wake up anytime and being able to be relaxed and calm
to recall your dreams better?
You can choose to let that thought process now, or later on in
your natural sleep. Because in order to recall things better,
you simply have to have a desire to remember it, and this
desire can come by naturally because recalling dreams can
truly be an enjoyable experience with practice and effort.
The more you find yourself recalling your dreams, the more
you're allowing yourself to make neurological connections to
have a structural format of storytelling when recalling your
dreams. Because dreams themselves are like stories, just like
telling stories of your life events to your friends, families, and
How would it feel if you were able to make this change of
seeing your dreams as stories, windows to another experience
in your natural sleep? How would it feel to be able to recall
these stories, glimpses into your expansive and growing
You might realize that in order to have better recall, you might
find yourself seeing having a dream journal as a useful
supplement to sustain all the memories and experiences
within your dream, both non-lucid and lucid.
And as you're sitting there aiming to have better dream recall,
you'll begin to notice that your desire to recall your dreams
makes dream journals an enjoyable medium to get your
thoughts out. Whether if you're typing, writing, or even
recording with your voice of your dreams, you'll be able have
an easier time getting those thoughts out naturally.
Every time you wake up, you'll find yourself having a natural
ability to relax and focus on the dreams you experienced,
since you know, everyone has dreams. You can't stop it, can
you? Because it's something natural and something enjoyable
to remember, because you can learn from your dreams if you
have the desire to do so.
So will you learn to enjoy this simple fact that most people
can now, or later on in your natural sleep? When you find
yourself seeing bits of dream elements coming together to
make a natural and easy to follow story or journey to recall,
the more you'll be able to unconsciously connect the dots.
You don't have to worry about putting too much effort into
recalling your dreams naturally, because in order to have
better dream recall, you must allow your unconscious to
collaborate with you. There are times where we remember the
significant moments in our dreams, and as you find yourself
remembering those important moments, you'll remember you
were able to unconsciously have those moments right in front
of you mentally to categorize and organize at your own pace.
And there are times where you'll find yourself being able to
remember dreams much longer if you were to find yourself
having more time to focus on them as you're waking up. And
it's a good thing that your unconscious is there to help you
out in recalling your dreams, because that's its responsibility,
that's its job.
You can't stop your unconscious being able to help you, can
you? Because with your growing desire to see your dreams as
stories, journeys, and glimpses into your expansive mind, the
unconscious must be able to do its job easily and naturally.
Because of this simple fact, this is what enables you to
remember things better, because your dreams and you being
in them is you embracing the storehouse of your memories,
experiences, and moments with dream characters, which is all
made with the workings of your subconscious and
unconscious mind.
Because dream signs, themes, and such are a supplement
towards having better dream recall, you might find yourself
being able to capture the underlying meaning within your
dreams as well. You may also remember the emotions that
you and dream characters expressed, simply because there's a
universal harmony within the confines of your mind in all
Because these moments can help you mentally evolve and
make better connections with yourself in order to remember
them better. Recalling as much as we can and to the best of
our abilities, and our unconscious ability to sustain them with
ease allows us to know more about ourselves, and learning
more about ourselves is a pleasurable and enjoyable
As soon as you find yourself feeling more relaxed and
comfortable, and having that sense of assurance with your
unconscious being able to map things out for you so that you
can pick and choose with ease on what to recall, you may find
yourself being able to ease yourself into natural sleep as soon
as you count from one to five.
As you're sitting there, preparing to count from one to five,
you will be able to be more content and relaxed and confident
in knowing that every time you wake up, you will be able to
recall your dreams, because they are moments where you're
learning at a deep and unconscious level!
So let's do that now.
One, you'll find yourself being able to loosen your muscles
Two, you'll remember that recalling dreams is easier when you
collaborate with your unconscious mind.
Three, you know that dreams are windows and opportunities
to know more about yourself, and knowing more about sense
of self is always an enjoyable and interesting experience.
Four, feeling more relaxed and confident in your ability to
recall dreams better when you practice and put effort into it
that allows you to enjoy using your dream journal. Because
the more you are able to enjoy telling the stories and journeys
within your dreams, the easier and natural it becomes to recall
Five, you might find yourself being able to learn and improve
your ability to recall and enjoy your dreams during your
natural sleep and waking up later on feeling more alive,
relaxed, and prepared to see yourself learning about yourself
as you use your dream journal to remember the moments.
[2.62] Dream Task of the Month Hypnosis Script
Spoiler for Dream Task of the Month Hypnosis Script: Hide
Now that you are seated comfortably, you will be able to
relax....sit back....focus....and enjoy learning and
accomplishing your goal for the Dream Task of the Month. As
you're sitting there comfortably, you might find yourself being
able to shift yourself to an inward state of concentration to
achieve the tasks easily.
So let's just pretend for a moment on what it would be like to
accomplish a Dream Task of the Month. You might find
yourself being able to utilize the skills you've learned as a
dreamer with ease because of how your unconscious is able
to conceptualize things for you whenever you're busy
consciously figuring out what to do.
Because your unconscious, the storehouse and the database
of the experiences, memories, skills, and abilities you have
within your mind is there, and because you know that you can
only consciously remember a few things, your unconscious
mind takes care of the rest of information and thoughts that
seeps into your mind and expands them to something
beneficial for you. It is able to make connections to what you
learned before and neatly makes a format that you can
structurally follow with ease, because that's its job.
You may notice that because of this, because of your
unconscious being able to process more information within
your mind, that you actually know more than you think you do
to. It's not necessary that you worry too much about this,
because you'll notice that this process comes by naturally all
by itself.
Because the unconscious is able to process and dig through
what you've accumulated throughout your life, you'll be able
to let go and feel relaxed and confident in its ability to do so.
Because every time you find yourself wanting to accomplish a
task, you'll begin to notice it takes peaceful collaboration with
your conscious and unconscious mind.
As you're seated comfortably, you're imagining the
mannerisms of what it's like to be relaxed and at ease with
yourself, especially when trying to accomplish a task. I know
that you're learning things now because you're able to let
your mind become opened to new possibilities and ways to
accomplish the dream task of the month.
In fact, it's a good thing you're learning things now by being
seated comfortably and imagining what it's like to be relaxed,
because this state of tranquility will allow you to absorb the
contents in an enjoyable and engaging learning process. You
should remember that accomplishing a task means knowing
how to enjoy the journey of reaching there as well.
As you're going through imagining what it would be like go
through gradual stages of relaxation, your unconscious mind
will easily do its job in gathering and digging through ways to
make your dreaming endeavor of finishing the dream task of
the month that much easier.
The more that you are able to easily imagine what it would be
like to accomplish the smaller tasks, the more you are able to
easily connect the dots to finish the bigger tasks.
Have you ever started learning something new and discovered
ways to truly enjoy it? You might find yourself being able to
easily recall the moments and the sensations you felt after you
tackled a challenging task, big or small. Perhaps a moment
where you were ready to face a new challenge because of how
you found yourself overcoming previous tasks in life and in
your dreams.
And you know you can, can you not? You can't stop it, can
you? That's because your unconscious' ability in being able
to pull and grab everything to match and mirror your desire
will always be there. You can choose to either learn these
sensations consciously now, or later on in your natural sleep.
So when you find yourself descending into your natural sleep,
your unconscious will be able to easily create a dreamscape
suited for your intentions to accomplish certain tasks. It will
be able to find the needle within the haystack that the
storehouse of your memories, experiences, and abilities is of
accomplishing tasks in a natural and relaxed manner.
Sooner or later, you may notice the the feeling of comfort that
comes with being aware of this natural ability to take tasks
easily one step at a time. Inch by inch, things will become a
cinch for you and your unconscious, because it will continue
making neurological connections whether you want to feel the
sensations now, or later on during your peaceful sleep.
And as you find yourself being able to imagine yourself in
peaceful sleep, you'll be able have the sense of awareness
when aiming for a lucid dream. It isn't necessary that you
worry too much about this awareness, because I wonder if
you realized that because of previous moments of lucidity,
you were able to shift yourself easily into the dreaming state!
There's no need to worry about having to concentrate on
achieving that lucidity in your descent towards sleep, because
it will happen naturally. Whether you're non-lucid or lucid in
your dreams, you'll be able to easily remember the moments
that led to you to accomplishing the dream tasks of the
months with ease, one task at a time.
Because after all, when you notice how your mind
conceptualizes and imagines what it would be like to be lucid
in your dreams, that ability, that experience, will continue to
be redefined and polished as the days, weeks, and months go
by. It's always growing, expanding, and you can choose to
improve that now, or later on when you've reached the right
sensation that's comfortable for you.
Now that you have all the knowledge you need, you may find
yourself being able to learn how to accomplish tasks, big or
small, within the confines of your mind and where you can
truly allow your unconscious to create a dreaming
environment ideal for the dream tasks you're naturally
interested in.
As soon as you're ready to prepare yourself for better
awareness of your dreams and accomplishing dream tasks,
you're going to count up from one to five. As you're sitting
there preparing to count up to five, you may notice how easy it
is to continue holding onto your concentration better without
giving too much effort, because your unconscious mind will
be the one that deals with the balancing.
You really shouldn't make changes IMMEDIATELY to anything
part of your behavior, because you'll have more than enough
time, in fact, all the time you want to welcome the types of
changes you want introduced to you. When you find yourself
realizing this, you'll allow yourself to count up from one to
So let's do that now.
One, feeling relaxed and confident as you prepare for natural
Two, stretching a bit and feeling more aware of what you must
do now.
Three, you're feeling your muscles loosening, enabling you to
shift into natural sleep.
Four, becoming more aware of the things you do and how
you'll achieve them.
Five, fully relaxed, confident, and ready to descend into
natural sleep!
[2.63] Finding Your Dream Guide Hypnosis Script
Spoiler for Finding You Dream Guide Hypnosis Script: Hide
Now that you're seated comfortably, you will find yourself
being able focus all your attention towards having guided
inward concentration towards your goal of finding your dream
guide, an aspect of yourself that guides you into learning
more about yourself within the dreaming world and potentially
apply those learning experiences in waking life as well.
Most people can find their dream guides when they have faith
that they can create or find them on their own. Most people
know that the concept of dream guides are subjective, and
that everyone that chooses to have a dream guide should
have every right to enjoy the desire of interacting with one.
To have a higher aspect of yourself, to have your unconscious
mind being able to easily create and aid you in finding your
dream guide with ease is an enjoyable and rewarding
experience. And because your unconscious can't stop helping
you, because that's its job, you can't stop it, can you? The
more you accumulate experiences both in dreaming and
waking life, the more your unconscious mind will be able to
easily store everything with ease.
Because after all, it is the storehouse of all the experiences,
moments, and abilities you've learned and have ingrained
within you. The same goes for dream guides being able to tap
into that unconscious database and totality of your mind to
help you in your dreaming endeavors.
Just pretend for a moment that your conscious mind is like
you going inside of a dark cave and only holding a small torch
light. And as you find yourself going through the confines of
your mind within your dreams, whether non-lucid or lucid, you
know that in order to expand that torch light that represents
your conscious and lucid being, having a dream guide can
expand the light further and beyond.
Because that's what dream guides do, they help you find the
boost that you need to know more about yourself and knowing
more about them. And because of this simple fact, you will be
able to remember things better because of how your dream
guide is the conduit, the entity in which you can easily
collaborate, communicate, and learn at an deep unconscious
Your unconscious mind is filled with gold and treasures that
you are trying to find with the torch light that represents your
conscious and lucid being, and dream guides are there for us
to delegate that desire to want to learn more about ourselves.
And you might find yourself being able to remember those
emotional and thought-provoking moments you'll have with
your dream guide, because they are a source of unconditional
love that you have a natural ability to tap into.
And because you know the unconditional love is there to help
you gain a sense of security with yourself and the confines of
your mind, the love will be able to spread and expand with
everything you do in your dreaming endeavors. It's a good
thing that you're able to delegate your desire to learn more
about yourself and all there is to yourself along with your
dream guide.
Because learning to delegate allows you to have confidence
and trust with your dream guide being able to aid you in your
dreaming endeavors. It's a simple fact that as our minds
constantly makes neurological connections with ease, the
same will happen when you interact with your dream guide.
You might find yourself being able to have a peaceful
conversational harmony with you dream guide, because you
have trust in them knowing more about you than you think
you do. Because that's also an ability for your unconscious to
have, to be the storehouse of everything you've experienced,
learned, and hold dear to you.
How would it feel like to have that sense of confidence,
connection, and trust with your dream guide? To imagine how
it would feel like to have them by your side and more than
happy to help you out. Because you can't stop the
unconditional love, can you? It's natural, and you'll be able to
realize how to moderate and enjoy that unconditional love
with your dream guide and other dream characters as well.
And not only that, your dream guide, the entity that is the
conduit with you being able to communicate with the
unconscious and subconscious, will be able to guide and
teach you things you never thought you knew before. And you
should remember that being able to know more about yourself
in a deeper and unconscious level with your dream guide and
other dream characters is always an enjoyable experience.
And as you're sitting there imagining what it would be like to
have a dream guide and being with your dream guide, you
might find yourself being able to expand your ability in
identifying your dream guide with ease. There will be a sense
of unconditional love and hope that will radiate around them.
Because they are more than happy to guide you and help you,
to be your friend, a companion that can stay true to you for as
long as you want to be with them, and you may find yourself
having a sense of assurance every time you think and interact
with them.
Having such a powerful and compassionate dream guide
allows you to be more confident in challenging yourself and
learning to expand your knowledge of things and being able to
store them within your unconscious that will also be able to
make connections to what will matter to you in all situations.
And as soon as you're ready to find and interact with your
dream guide, you'll find yourself counting up from one to five.
And as you imagine yourself counting to five, you will know
how it would feel like being able to feel relaxed and confident
that with practice and effort.
You will also be able to find your dream guide being able to
help you in your dreaming and waking life endeavors. And
because you're ready to find your dream guide, that means
you will be able to remember and have a sense of control
within your dreams with them as well.
So let's do that now.
One, you'll find yourself being able to shift into natural sleep
as you're counting up to five.
Two, the moment you reach five, you will be able to descend
into comfortable and peaceful sleep.
Three, you'll find yourself being able to imagine your dream
guide and finding with ease simply because you know the
unconditional love that they can express.
Four, feeling more relaxed than before, being able to have
better assurance in finding your dream guide because your
unconscious is more than happy to create those moments for
Five, now that you're in a state of being able to descend into
natural sleep much easier, you will find yourself learning and
interacting with your dream guide and being able to remember
the experiences with them when you wake up.
[2.64] MILD (Mantra/Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream
Hypnosis Script)
Before you read this script, find a mantra, mnemonic, or short
phrase you know you can repeat after you read through the
Spoiler for MILD Hypnosis Script: Hide
As you're seated there comfortably, you will be able to learn
and conceptualize how effective mantras can be in helping
you allow your unconscious to grab moments of what it would
be like to be lucid in your dreams. You may find yourself
being able to remember the moments behind the mantra that
will allow you to enjoy stating them with ease.
Just pretend for a moment on a quote or a few quotes that you
may find yourself easily remembering because of the
emotional impact the phrases have done to you. I know you're
wondering how these phrases truly shifted yourself into a
positive and relaxed sense of self.
Quotes, phrases, and mantras can be useful supplements that
enable us to know the memories and experiences behind
them, and the more you find yourself using your mantras, the
more you can conceptualize the memories and emotions to
get where you want to be with ease.
And because your unconscious mind, the totality of your
experiences, abilities and memories is there, it will do its job
in helping you remember what's right for you to get as much
emotional impact packed inside the mantras that you'll find
yourself declaring easily and naturally later on. Because after
all, mantras are meant to be easy to follow and say because
they can allow us to ease in our desires in such a short set of
And with the level of intense power and emotional impact
these words have, this is what enables us to go through a
burst of visualization of where you want to be and how you'll
get there. Like shooting a shotgun, and feeling the powerful
blast expanding more and more.
And the more you repeat your mantra later on, the more you
can feel the energy and emotions surging within you, but let's
not worry about that for now, it will come by naturally all by
itself. Just pretend for a moment of what it would be like to
utilize your mantra as a supplement in potentially becoming
You know that as long as you add more emotion, feeling, and
positive intentions within your mantra or phrase, you will be
able to repeat it with ease, but just enough to where its
efficacy can increase the more you utter it through your
mouth. And as you find yourself uttering your mantra and
phrase with ease, you can feel a growing sense of relaxation
and awareness that's enough to be implanted within your
unconscious to carry out your desire.
Because that's the job of the unconscious, to take care of the
more complex feelings and experiences and being able to dig
deep within the confines of your mind to match and mirror
your desired outcome. And you can't stop your unconscious
from easily helping you out, can you?
You know that mantras and phrases have true power and true
potential when you've implanted the seed within your
unconscious that will blossom into something memorable and
enjoyable. The mantras and phrases that you find yourself
using in your mantra induced lucid dreaming attempts will
instantly grow into something you can tap into whenever you
Because in order to grow something properly so that it may
blossom into something magnificent, one has to be able to
truly care for it to the best of their abilities. Most people can
learn how to grow something if they put a little love in it,
right? And you should remember that putting love and giving
your heart and soul as you're declaring the mantras and
phrases will enable you to achieve a better awareness of your
Imagine that moment where you find yourself being able to
become aware of your dreams because of how the mantras
and phrases were mental rehearsals of what you knew would
come. Notice what it's like to go through something like that,
something made as preparation for the inevitable, a higher
state of awareness in your dreams and better control.
And them more you take care of your mantras and phrases just
like a seed growing into a beautiful flower, the more you can
visualize yourself where you want to be and getting there as
smoothly and naturally as possible. And it's a good thing that
your unconscious is able to grab and dig for moments and
experiences and utilize its implicit knowledge, the knowledge
to see the patterns necessary to reached a desired outcome.
That type of knowledge is something everyone has ingrained
in them simply because this allows people to learn new things
and being able to still remember things they've learned before,
their experiential totality of learning and remembering things.
When you find yourself going into natural sleep, you may
notice how easy it is for you to mentally think about your
mantra and phrase along with being able to utter them with
your mouth smoothly.
And the more you utter those words that you know has a
powerful impact that will naturally be expressed all by itself,
the more you can shift yourself into natural sleep and perhaps,
a better awareness of your dreams. So you can find yourself
learning how these mantras and phrases can help you now or
later on in your descend towards natural sleep.
And as you're sitting there, being able to have the mantra or
phrase mentally visualized for you, you will be able to count
up from one to five. So let's do that now.
One, finding yourself being able to ease into remembering the
mantra or phrase you have in mind from the very beginning.
Two, feeling more confident in how you express your mantras
mentally or orally, and being able to apply the right level of
tonality that you feel is right for you.
Three, feeling more relaxed and content as you're preparing to
state your mantra or phrase with ease.
Four, the moment you reach five, you may find yourself being
able to state your mantra or phrase fluently and naturally. You
may also begin to notice having synchronized breathing
because of how easy it is to speak physically and mentally
declare your mantra or phrase.
Five, as you go through preparing and eventually declaring
your mantra or phrase, your unconscious will be able to
provide you guided imagery of where you want to be, and
when you descend into natural sleep, you may find yourself
having higher awareness of your dreams!
[2.65] WILD (Wake Initiated/Induced Lucid Dream Hypnosis
Spoiler for Wake Initiated Lucid Dream Hypnosis Script: Hide
Now that you've seated yourself comfortably, you will find
yourself being able to have a better grasp in performing the
wake initiated lucid dreaming technique. And not only that, as
you're breathing in and out slowly, you'll find yourself being
able to learn at a deeper and unconscious level of what it's
like to perform this technique that involves being able to shift
from waking state to dreaming state.
Most people can agree that this technique is considered to be
the holy grail of lucid dreaming induction techniques, and that
in order for you to master it in its entirety, you simply have to
acknowledge how your unconscious mind will always aid you
in finding a balance that's right for you and your endeavors in
attempting this technique. Because that's what the
unconscious mind does, it allows you to learn new things and
also retain the experiential totality within your mind with ease.
So it's perfectly natural for you to let go of anything you
believe is needed to perform this technique with ease,
because the more you practice this technique, the more your
unconscious mind will make neurological connections for like
it has always done throughout your life. It is able to utilize its
implicit knowledge in order to find the patterns of things you
have within the confines of your mind.
Which means that you actually know more to this technique
than you think you do, because of all of the bits and pieces of
guides, videos, books, and other mediums of information that
talked about this wake initiated lucid dreaming technique.
Your unconscious mind is always finding ways to redefine
how you can find the right balance of awareness in your wake
initiated lucid dreaming technique attempts, and because of
this, you can have a sense of assurance that level of
knowledge within you will always be with you.
You might find yourself experiencing sensations ranging from
being very peculiar to being very pleasurable and enjoyable,
but you don't have to worry about those sensations because
you'll allow them to happen unconsciously all by themselves.
There's no need for you to worry about these sensations until
you find yourself easily experiencing them naturally and
happening unconsciously.
So you can choose to imagine the level of balance with
awareness needed that's right for you in order to accomplish
the wake initiated lucid dreaming technique, or you can find
yourself later on easily conceptualizing and going through that
balance of awareness and falling into natural sleep. When you
want to fall asleep naturally, you can't stop it, can you?
Simply because in order to shift from waking state to
dreaming state, you must allow yourself to have that ability to
gain natural sleep. And because your unconscious, the
storehouse that remembers those sensations, can enable you
to shift from waking to dreaming state, you'll find yourself
seeing yourself being guided towards the dreaming state
It's the true and natural power of allowing yourself to learn at
a deeper and unconscious level that can redefine and make
neurological connections in every wake initiated lucid
dreaming technique you perform.
Try to resist......the deepening sensation of relaxation as you
breathe in and out, and you may find that you must allow that
natural sensation and ability to flow through and surge within
your body. You should remember that having the right level of
balance of awareness is being able to trust that your
unconscious mind is more than capable enough to guide and
shift you from waking to dreaming state.
As soon as you are ready to perform the wake initiated lucid
dreaming technique, you should count up from one to five. The
moment you count to five, you will find yourself being able to
experience the balance of awareness that will allow you to
shift into natural sleep just enough so you can shift from the
waking to dreaming state.
So let's do that now.
One, feeling the sensation that comes with breathing in and
out slowly and in a relaxed manner becoming stronger.
Two, this feeling is increasing the more you breathe in and
out, which is also you being able to find the right balance of
awareness at a deeper and unconscious level.
Three, as you continue breathing at your own pace, being able
to imagine yourself succeeding in your wake initiated lucid
dreaming technique endeavors will become redefined the more
you continue breathing in and out as the days, weeks, months,
and years go by.
Four, the moment you reach and count to five, the breathing
will becoming something that happens naturally all by itself,
along with the sensation of embracing the balanced
awareness that's right for you to enable yourself to shift from
waking state to dreaming state.
Five, now you've accepted your unconscious to do its job to
easily find the balanced level of awareness that's right for
you, now you know what you must do, descend into your
natural sleep, and find yourself in the dreaming state with full

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