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TennCarePpolit Program Reform Tenncare--Education--anti-lobbist reform- other issue where I work at nite
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Basil Marceaux @ Freemens Bureau Commissioner Home office
810 hyatte rd, soddy daisy, tn.37379
Soddy Daisy ,Tennessee 37379
1.Civil right act of 1866
2. The Great Man federal law 241
3. Rec-ognize and maintain the freedom of such persons
4 Force Recon Marine civilian
5. U.S. Code Title 1- chapter2- section 1113-iii
6 Knowels vs Iowa
Attention The United Nation
Hi my name is basil Marceaux , I am an U.S. Marine Force Recon
civilian who is under a protect and defend oath to our federal
constitution. The military side of our government say Im under
oath for the rest of my life and the justice side refuses to honor
what the military say I earned while no other branch of service
Being one of the best elite groups in our country I come to you
for help!
Seven years ago I was involved in a traffic stop where a police
officer put a gun at my head and pulled my Navy Seal friend out
of the car and beat him up at a stop sign.
Im here hoping I can find someone who cares about a tool of
mass destruction that was never thought of before, what would
the world say is they found out that our nation justice system
does not listen to the highest court decisions of the our land
which allows murdering of 18,645 and massive constitutional
rights violations at traffic stops to balance state budgets and
governmental jobs and fill there jails.
I do not know if anyone from the United States ever asked for
you help before, First after I sued sheriff, attorney general,
county attorney, and media in three state courts asking the judge
to stop slavery, racketeering, extortion, jury and election poll
fixing, at traffic stops. With the judges being a member of there
bar association they decided to laugh at the higher court and
ruled against me because the bar association members would
loose 65% (346 million dollars) a year of there business.
Secondly, I informed all my state officials from mayor to the
governor even ran for governor three times concerning the higher
court decisions This Great Man argues res judicata under t ,
the U.S. Supreme ruled all the below violate the 4th. amendment,
Knowels v Iowa which ruled no crimes of no knowledge can be
look for
at a routine traffic stops and the officers gun intimidate the citizen
. .Adams v Mfilliam 407 u.s. 143 June 12 1972::: gun cars, heron
. Michigan Department of state police v Sita::: sobriety check
Dolmare v Prouse 440 u.s. 648 March 27,1979 marihuana in plain
Illinois v Gates 462u.u. 213 June 8 1983::: informant, acting on a tip
,drugs, ear
Michigan v long:: u.s. 456 u.s. 798 June I 1982==speeding,
Page 3841 Column 3
Sir, I know that it is perfectly useless to appeal to the
Constitution of the United States. It is a dead letter.
It has no more weight or consideration in the
legislation of Congress, in my judgment, than any
other piece of printed matter. Not only are the
negroes of the South set free by which the object
and the aim of all the abolitionists in the land was
accomplished as in the land was accomplished as we
supposed, but a bill is passed by Congress
conferring upon them all civil rights enjoyed by
white citizens of the country, and they are now
selected out from among the people of the United
States, the public Treasury put at their disposal, and
the white people of the country taxed for their
support. Lands to which you claim title by virtue of a
purchase under a tax sale, lands, therefore (if you
have the title) of the United States, you take and
give to the negroes in South Carolina. You give
these lands to no white person, if it be said that is
not an absolute gift, you may make money of it, the
answer is that you say you sell them to negroes for
$1 50 an acre. If you have the title to these lands,
what is the reason that you select out the negro race
and fix the price at $1 50 an acres, when, if your title
be perfect, you can command perhaps fifty or one
hundred dollars an acre for these cotton lands? If it
was proper to make the remark in the Senate of the
United States, I could say that you could have a
purchaser without going out of the Senate at ten
dollars an acre, taking the whole of them, every acre
of the sixty-odd thousand acres which you propose
to sell to these negroes at $1 50 an acre. If you have
the title to these lands, that is the way you propose
to dispose of them at a nominal price to the negro
Mr. President, I shall attempt no review of the
operations of the Freedmans Bureau. I never
believed that Congress has any right to establish
any such bureau to take under its charge any
particular portion of the people of the United States
and to provide for them out of the public Treasury or
out of the public lands. Such legislation was
unknown in the early history of the Government,
unknown until these extra ordinary times; but, sir, it
seems that we have become so much wiser than our
fathers that we have discovered new principles of
government, and have found somewhere within our
legislative power the authority to become guardians
for four million negroes.
Mr. President, there is one aspect of this case, and it
will apply to many other cases that come before
Congress, that it is time for the American people to
begin to consider. If there is anything in private life
to which I am opposed; if there is anything that I
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U.S. v Ross 456 us 798, junr82=== informant, white powder in car
Tenn v pucket and tenn v Hick Dui is unconstitutional in state
appeal court
and no-one cares because they need the 265 million dollars to
balance and at the same time the media failed to report what I said
and fixed the polls and kept a slaver in office. One state senator
said this matter is bigger than Watergate or 911 and he would be
finished in politic if he help.
Third, I informed the F.B.I , the U.S. Marshals, U.S. Senators and
Congressmen, the president all refused to act to save the citizens
who put them in office and protect the media for not telling the
citizen about money versa slavery at gun point. They just refused
to take knowledgement of the court rulings. If where no
knowledgement excepted they are not doing any wrong.
If our federal constitution # 13 says no slavery shall exist in the
United States except duly convicted criminals. So if the highest
court of the nation says no to traffic stop (Knowels versa Iowa)
and county court says yes we can and overruling the higher
court you are not duly convicted are you? SO SLAVERY IS IN
Im thinking as we move though the world in the name of
democratic we will be doing the same to them.
Will the world tell President Bush to stop his slavery operation?
Finally while I was researching this information I found
something even worst than slavery. In the minutes to our 39th
congress (called Congressional Globe) on page 3842 first column
where they passed a law that says my country was invaded on
July 1966 by a specimen of government who did not believe in the
forefather principles and ask someone in the future to turn my
country back to the principles of the framers of a republic nation.
We are not a republic nation even though we all pledge to our
flag and to a republic which we stand. Can a democracy take an
oath to a republic? No it cant! So in our pledge to our flag it says
one nation under god but we our under two nations and no god
in our government.
As a citizen I was never told we were invaded it was censored
from history and our education practices. We are having a
president election going right now and it really matter who wins
because if a republic wins he will still have to use democracy
principles. Would that make me a republican a traitor to my
country? Yes it would. If I did not know we were invaded it would
bother me but I do know and everybody in my nation has the
right to know. Being President Bush is a republican would he tell
us if he new? I try to tell his aids but they must have not told him.
Our country went down the wrong time line for the last 146 years
can we change back? Would you help?
In our motion pictures movies like the Roman Empire was a
democracy and they killed anyone who does not believe the
same. Julius Caesar friends came here in 1791 and teamed up with
Thomas Jefferson one of our for-fathers to a republic isnt that a
Now we can go further back in history to the Troy a republic and
the Trojan Horse was full of Greek democrat who burned and
killed everybody while under a 12 days of truce .
Enclosed are notarized documents too prove to you who I claim
to be with the minutes of our 39th congress ,read page 3941 3rd
column where it says who these people who are a,b civilian , well
that me a marine, I belong to the president Army and I belong too
to which I am opposed; if there is anything that I
would oppose as a legislator, it is the repudiation of
a private debt, and I do not believe in the repudiation
of a public debt. This species of legislation taxes an
unwilling people to support negroes in idleness,
gives away your lands, if they be your lands, to
negroes, that they may live in idleness upon them;
deprives citizens of the United States of their title to
lands contrary to the principles of the Constitution
of the United States, which declares that they shall
not be so divested except by due process of law. Pile
up your public debt until it becomes so onerous that
the people cannot and will not further bear it, and
there are men in this country so anxious for political
power, so anxious for political promotion that they
will start a part in the country to wipe out the debt
and get clear of the burden which you wish to
impose upon them. I do not wish to see this; I wish
to see the national faith and the national honor
maintained; but sire, there is a limit to oppression
and there is a limit to taxation beyond which the
people will not suffer. Already, not in the South, for I
have seen no indications from the quarter of any
intention to repudiate this debt, but I will tell you, sir,
that now, in your own free States, there are men, in
my judgment, who would hail the day when your
public debt-at least so much of it as has accrued
from the appropriation of many to support
Page 3841 Column 2
these negroes in idleness-there are men, I say, who
would gladly see that portion of the public debt
wiped out.
This may be plain talk. No man can charge me with a
design or a wish that such should be the case; but
you must know that men are governed by interest.
Your public debt is now over $3,000,000,000. You
have added to it enormously during the present
session. You propose to continue taxes upon the
people of the United States to support this
Freedmens Bureau for two years longer, and what
will be the amount of expenditure under this bill no
one can tell. The Commissioner may appoint just as
many agents as he pleases, at a salary of not less
than $300 each. It is impossible, there fore, for you to
determine the amount of expenditure that will take
place under this bill. It is so much more needlessly
added to your public debt.
Why, sir, it seems to me that we have got to
conclude that there is no end to the resources of this
country or the ability of the people to pay taxes. It
used to be that a public debt of $100,000,000 was
considered a great burden. An annual expenditure
for the purposes of Government of fifty or sixty or
seventy-five million dollars was considered such a
wasteful expenditure of the public money that when
you met in Chicago in 1800 you proclaimed
yourselves the friends of retrenchment and reform,
and were going to administer this Government upon
more economical principles, at a less expenditure
than it had been administered theretofore. And yet,
sir, in the five or six year you have been in power
you have piled up a debt of some five thousand
million dollars. You yourselves admitted, the
chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means in
the House at the commencement of the session
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that me a marine, I belong to the president Army and I belong too
the Navy and I am a civilian, continue to read where it states Im a
judge, now to page 3842 tells of a invasion and a standing order
to turn our country back to a republic.
Means of vindication Sec.4 On April 9, 1866
Using the Means of vindication Sec.4 On April 9 1866 which was
adopted into the 14th amendment that says a Freemens Bureau
Agent shall be, and they are hereby, specially authorized and
required, at the expense of the United States to institute
proceeding against all and everybody' who shall violate the
provision of the act called Means of vindication act. I am an
This Great Man argue that you to Enforce president Lincoln
restraining order of the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION
Whereas on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1862, a
proclamation. was issued by the President of the United States,
containing, among other things, the follow & to be whit the naval
authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such
persons and win do no act or acts to repress such persons, or
any of them,, in any efforts they may make for their actual
freedom or any of them to keep people free, henceforward, and
recognize and maintain and a such person
President Abraham Lincoln said we the people ARE THE
THE government just the MEN WHO PERVERT THE
The Little and Brown edition of law and treaties
Last comes the moving party to protect the citizens of the U.S.
land sea, domestic and foreign against all enemy as described in
the authority of the U.S. code title 1 chapter 2 section 113 the
Little and Brown edition of law and treaties on page iii where it
is claim that a section of government with a protect and defend
oath shall protect the constitution , the only one in this nation
with a protect and defend oath is a Marine where all tribunals
and public offices of the U.S. Unites need to honor without any
further proof. Im a Marine.
I do not know what stop you can give me to stop the slavers or
return our country back too a republic. I would be glad just too
stop the slavers.
Thank you for taking my call
.From the desk of Freedom Bureau
Commissioner /agent Basil Marceaux I as
a civilian U.S. Force Recon Marine
Brad Moore
Thank for taking my call the other day I only had little time to
cover all details but as we read the congressional globe and other
documents in the annals of congress in is clear that our county
the House at the commencement of the session
admitted that the public debt was $4,000,000,000 and
more, and you are levying taxes upon the people of
the country to pay the interest upon this enormous
debt, and you propose to pay a portion of the
principal. Where is the money to come from? There
is taxation burdensome, onerous, upon all classes of
the community, a stamp upon everything, the
necessaries of life two or threefold higher in price
than heretofore, and you suppose the people of this
country are so absolutely demented that for mere
love of the idle, worthless negro race they are going
to submit to all this burden of taxation, and that this
false philanthropy, the parent of idleness and
vagabondism as far as that race is concerned, is
going to waft you again into the seats of power and
that a tax-ridden and tax-burdened people are going
to hail you as the great party to save the country
upon the principles of liberty and there to meet you
with hosannas wherever you bear your partisan
standards and cast their votes to continues you in
the high places of power.
Sir, there are periods in the history of the world, of all
nations and people, when madness seizes upon the
mind, when the judgment flies to brutish beasts. We
have for a long time been in that situation, passing
through it, in it, however, still; but, thank God, the
symptoms of a political and a bright dawning began
to appear. The People of this country at least are
beginning to wake up to the true character of this
legislation. Sirs, you sit not quietly in your seats;
you are not entirely calm when you can be so
alarmed at the call for a little meeting in Philadelphia.
IT shows that you yourselves begin to think that
there is something in your past political action that
the judgment of the American people may not
approve. You cannot pretend now that we are in the
midst of a war. You cannot set up that plea of
necessity, the last refuge of every man without any
legal authority to support his action. You cannot set
up such a plea as that, and say that there is any
necessity for this Freemens Bureau. When the
people of this country are called upon for their taxes,
which, in part, are to be appropriated to the support
of this Freemens Bureau, you cannot plead that we
are now in a state of war and it is necessary to break
down the military power in the South;
Page 3841 Column 3
it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the
country; for I presume that in view of your
legislation you yourselves will even now blush to
say that you ever have preserved the American
Union. You can plead none of these things. It is a
direct, plain, palpable proposition to the American
people to put their hands in their pockets, pull out
the earning of their labor, and appropriate them to
support the negroes in idleness. It seems to me that
you believe sincerely the honestly that they will
respond to such a call as that.
But, Mr. President, there is a feature in this bill that
undertakes to declare and almost undertakes to say
that that shall be so which cannot in the very nature
of things be so. This bill says that these agents of
the Freemens Bureau, these guardian angels of the
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documents in the annals of congress in is clear that our county
was invaded by a specimens group who does not follow the
republic principles of our forefathers as stated in the
congressional globe below .
This president was the last president who served as a president
for republic form of government being that this one nation under
god is now two nations under god and there nothing that he
could do about ihe was invaded and today the second nation
does not like our nation being under god.
The first document tell the duties of a U.S. Marshal when a
freedom bureau Commissioner/ agent comes to there door and
when the treasury of the United States specially authorize and
required to pay the cost to bring the constitutional violators to
The second document tell who the Freedom Bureau
commissioner/agent are. As it was ask by the congress who are
the guardian angels of the Negro? are they army or navy? The
Man who can walk in any state court and remove the judge who
does not follow republic principle and go to the highest civil
court of the land and do the same when it comes to breaking The
U.S. Constitution and taking property from a citizen while doing
so and is no appeal when these commissioner rules and all
freedom Bureau commissioner/ agents a immuned from all crimes
that may exist and has a license to kill for life.
Im sure you can see it in the third column where the president
told the congress you take a=b who is a civilian and the soldier
with no powder in there musket are also included and may work in
the field is a Freedom Bureau commissioner/agent and should be
paid $500 a year by the treasury
In the last paragraph this president order anyone of these agents
to change the U. S. back to a republic because the navy and the
army allowed our country to be invaded this was there final hope.
Because i hold a federal protect and defend oath to the
constitution for life Once a Marine always a Marine, if you do not
believe me call the Marine and ask them if my oath is for life?
Im am the president army and navy , Im a civilian and i use a
knife no gun or powder 80% of the time.
Being the invaders stop my funding the act is still law and
enforceable and I now ask you to respect the wishes of that
congress and fund me so i can stop the continuing collecting of
illegal funds at state courts who allows masses breaches of oaths,
slavery though false arrest and imprisonment. If the supreme
court say no you can not look ,state court can not say yes we are
so we can collect estimated 1.4 billion dollar per state and there
nothing you are going to do about it, then fixes the trial that 95%
of the citizens are guilty just to balance there budget and keep
people working. It should only take one rulings but the invader
keep breaking the citizens rights hoping they will appeal and a
new judge will over turn a old ruling which also fixxes the trial.
There are costs that incurred in 5 counties courts amounting to
around $5.000 where a freedom bureau commissioner ask the
judge of the county to arrest the district attorney ,the sheriff and
the county attorney for slavery though false arrests the case is
on appeal but you read it when an agent rules there is no appeal
but the trial judge refused to listen to the supreme court, the U.S.
Constitution, which allows them to believe there court are ferior
to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The U.S. Marshal office in Chattanooga refused to follow federal
the Freemens Bureau, these guardian angels of the
saintly negroes, these protectors of the idols of your
heart, shall be under the military protection and
subject to the military jurisdiction of the United
States. What are they? Are they persons belonging
to the Army or Navy of the United States? And can
you by act of Congress say that A B, who in fact is
in civil life, shall for certain purposes be considered
as belonging to the military service? If you can say
that the agents of the Freedmens Bureau, who
cultivate the cotton lands of the South by negro
labor for their own benefit, and who dispense your
alms to those freed negroes, shall be under the
military jurisdiction and protection of the United
States, you may say that every member of this
Senate and every private citizen of the United States
shall be subject to the military protection and under
the military jurisdiction of the United States; that he
shall be protected by and have a remedy by and
through the military power of the United States.
How, sir, do you reconcile that with the Constitution
of the United States, which declares that all civilians
shall be subject to the civil law, and that only those
persons who are engaged in the land and the naval
forces shall be subject to the military jurisdiction of
the United States?
An attempt is made by this bill, therefore, to subvert
a plain, palpable provision of the Federal
Constitution by rendering civilians subject to
military jurisdiction and affording them military
protection. And what will be the consequence of
this? If one of these agents, clothed with a little brief
authority, dares to invade the right of any citizen of
any State in which he shall be located, and the
citizen seeks redress in the courts of law against him,
you say by your bill that he shall be subject to the
military jurisdiction and have the protection of the
military power. You bring him in direct conflict with
the civil authority of the States wherever any branch
of this Freedmens Bureau shall be located. He is to
b e protected by the military authority of the United
States, and you exempt him in fact from trial for any
wrong whatever, murder, breach of the peace, or any
crime that can be committed. You exempt the party
committing such offenses from responsibility to the
civil tribunals. Some little military hero, who perhaps
has never smelled gunpowder in battle, but who has
been placed in charge of this Freedmens Bureau, is
to step in and say to the highest courts in the States
and to the highest civil authority, You shall not take
cognizance of offenses against the laws, for I am the
great man, above the State law and all State
authority, that is to determine whether this one of
the pet lambs of congressional legislation shall be
held amenable for his action or not.
This provision of this bill is totally subversive of the
civil law of the land, and it is subjecting the civil
authority in time of peace to the military authority.
But, sir, that is not all. There is another provision of
this bill. It used to be thought that it required many
years of long labor and study to become a judge. It
used to be a maxim that twenty years at least were
required; but, sir, you are making judges fast. These
commissioners and agents are by the provisions of
this bill actually constituted judges-men who neither
know the definition of an estate for life, for years, or
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The U.S. Marshal office in Chattanooga refused to follow federal
law and now owes 550 million dollars and climbing every day in
tax , I now ask you to freeze funding to that unit until the tax is
paid to the bureau it is the law.
We need bureau cars with gas ,at least three to fill the
requirements of this act that is still law.
The bureau needs a office building with phone and office supply
with a staff.
When one of the agent in the future step forward as agent it
required that a salary be paid ,back then it was $1.50 a day a
carpenter made a dollar a day. Today a carpenter makes $15 - $20
per hour making a commissioner pay about $21.00 per hour. This
marine became a commissioner 4 years ago.
Stay funding to the flag room in Washington until they make all
states in the U.S. to fly the U.S. flag right as required my the U.S.
Flag code of 1959 most important the state court can not fly a war
flag in there court only the executive branch of the government
can fly the U.S. Flag with the gold trim and in a public fourm the
Flag should be ahead of the audience and behind the speaker.
The D/a, the criminal, the witness is speakers we come to speak to
the judge he audience the U.S. flag must be moved and no other
flag shall be equal or higher than the U.S Flag . Must show
superior presence wherever it may stand.
Thank you
Basil MarceauxI
As stated by the 39th congress on April 09, 1866 in an act that
they call The civil rights act of 1866, the Mean of vindication
which also states The freedom bureau commissioner can arrest
anyone who breaks the U.S. Constitution rights of a citizen for a
misdemeanor and hand them over to U.S. Marshal . The marshal
refused to obey this law
On 6/23/2004 using the civil rights act of 1866 the founder of the
US MARSHAL of Chattanooga to take into cusdy 33,480 people
who violated the said act . These people in question are all the
state of Tennessee 867 public officials and all the are lawyers of
Tennessee. In a US Supreme Court ruling Knowels vs Iowa says
states can not look for crimes of no knowledge at a routine traffic
stop and the gun police wear while on their stops must go and a
ticket giver must be in place. All of these people are laughing at
know the definition of an estate for life, for years, or
in fee, who
Page 3842 Column 1
know nothing in the world about land except they
see the dirt of which it is composed and the
vegetation that springs out of the ground. They are
made judges, and judges in reference to title to
lands, and judges, too, from whose decision there is
to be no appeal. This bill expressly declares that
these commissioners and agents shall determine the
title to lands, and to give no appeals from their very
learned and grave decision. Any ignoramus that has
never seen a law book, and perhaps if he ever saw
one could not read it, and ever fellow who never
conceived a principle of law or a principle of justice,
is to sit in solemn judgment in reference to the title to
estates, and from his decision no aggrieved party
can appeal.
Mr. President, I question not the motives of others; I
have no right to question them; but I have a right to
speak my own honest opinions, and I think that the
wit of man could not have framed a bill obnoxious to
more serious objections in point of law than this bill
to extend the operations of the Freedmens Bureau;
and certainly if it had been the design to frame a bill
impolite in its character, unwise in its provisions,
ingenuity could not have possibly devised a bill to
accomplish such a purpose more effectually than
this. But, Mr. President, it is a foregone conclusion
that this bill is to pass. A war, it seems, has been got
up between the President of the United States and
another portion of his party. The hostile armies on
either side are arrayed. I will not be even a private in
the ranks of either. I support the President wherever
I believe he is right, and I oppose him where ever I
believe his is wrong; and while I believe that you by
your legislation are greatly promoting his political
interests, and peradventure may lead to a renewal of
his term of office, yet I claim not to belong to his
party nor to yours-neither detachment nor wing of
the party. But, sir, it seems this war has been got up,
feeling has been engendered; and then when the
President of the United Sates sends in a message
assigning the strongest possible reasons why your
bill should not become a law of the land, the bill must
be fought out on this line though it takes all summer-
no trace, no cessation of hostilities. All I have got to
say is, keep on if you think there is no hereafter. It
will not be long before the American people will
decide upon the merits of this controversy. Passion
is not going to last always; men are not going to be
maddened always; the time for clear deliberation and
clam thoughtfulness will come at last, and when it
does come, I apprehend the reaction will be as
powerful as was the invasion of constitutional
liberty and constitutional principles by the now
dominant party.
The people of this country will not always submit to
this species of legislation, but resorting to the
peaceful method of the ballot box, tired of the control
and mismanagement of a part that keeps one third of
this Union practically out of the Union, which shuts
the halls of legislation against the representatives of
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ticket giver must be in place. All of these people are laughing at
the US Constitution and higher courts. This act requires a one
thousand dollars fine per person per day for failure to take them
into cusdiy
fine = 771 days x 33480 violators = $25,813,080.
This act was vetod by the President and over ruled by the
Congress., this happen less than 6 times in our history!
. I know you know what a time capsule is! The contents of this
capsule makes a Marine ,one of the Few The great man To
protect and defend the Constitution.
As stated by the 39th congress on July 16 1866 our country was
invaded by a specimen of government that does not follow
republic principles and specially authorize and assigned and
ordered A civilian in the future ,who is army (A) and navy (B)
who is a civilian as the highest judge of the country and once
that judge ruled there is no appeal he called The Great Man. On
page 3842 2nd column the 1st. paragraph say It is now pronoun
law ,please read the first column.
In both civil right act of 1866 and freedom Refuse Revise Act ,
Know as federal law 341 require you the treasury to pay all my
court fees and pay me a salary of $500.00 a year which equal to
$27.00. in 1866 A MAN OF CARPENTRY RECEIVED $ 1.00 A
.SALARY FOR 4.8 YEARS 5572 hours $ 150,331
In a plot, all of Tennessee officials actually planned. for there
cities , like James Wilkinson did actual, direct, and concrete
involvement in an attempt to forcefully overthrow a Republic form
of government to recruit others with pay and immunity into the
plot, to create an empire (city) in the United States, ruled by all
the judges where the U.S. Constitution ,U.S. Supreme court and
state court rulings are over turned every day by a city that fixes
trials not consistence with the 6th, that everyone is guilty and
putting free citizens in to slavery not consistence with the 13th
because they were all not duly convicted, at the same time they
are in jail, work along the road, and working at Walmart to pay
court fines and court cost
day of September, A.D. 1862, a proclamation. was issued by the
President of the , containing, among other things, the follow & to
writ the United States including the military and naval authority
thereof, will recognize and maintain a such persons, or all of them
and do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them,, in
any efforts they may make for flier actual freedom will supersede
any law enforcement when it come to slavery. If the constitution ,
U.S. Supreme court say no county court can not say yes . Doing
so violate the right to a fair trial, 13th the citizens are not duly
convicted and are slaves
. I would thank anyone who has the courage to act with an urgent
to my request for the gun that Regan quoted in one of this
speeches ! You break the rights of a citizens I will send a gun to
stay the break Am a Marine it is best to do for someone else than
yourself I worry about the women in Franklin Tennessee, 51
deaths in my town at road stops , then I have all the other millions
the halls of legislation against the representatives of
eleven States of the Union, and assumes to legislate
not only for the States they represent but for those
who are denied a voice in the councils of the nation,
the time will come, I humbly hope and believe, when
the American people, aroused to a sense of their
own dignity and their own character and their own
interests will, by filling these Halls with
representatives of their will, forever put an end to
this species of legislation and again restore the
Government to the principles upon which it was
administered by the founders of the Republic.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is Shall
the bill pass, the objections of the President
notwithstanding? This question, under the
Constitution, will be taken by yeas and nays.
The question being taken, resulted yeas 33, nays
12; as follows:
YEAS-Mesars. Anthony, Brown, Chandler, Clark,
Conness, Cruxfu, Creswell, Edmunds, Frsuden,
Foster, Grimce, Harris, Henderson, Howard, Howe,
Kirkwood, Lane of Indiana, Morgan, Morrill, Nye,
Polland, Pomeroy, Ramsey, Sherman, Sprague,
Page 3842 Column 2
Sumner, Trumbul, Wade, Willey, Williams, Wilson,
and Yates-33.
NAYS-Messrs, Buckalew, Davic, Doolittle, Gatherie,
Hendricks, Johnson, McDougall, Nesmith, Norton,
Riddle, Saulsbery, and VanWinkle-12.
ABSENT-Messrs, Cowan, Dixon, Lane of Kansas,
and Wright-4.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Two thirds of this
body have passed the bill, and it having been
certified to this House that two thirds of the House
of Representatives have voted for this bill, the
objections of the President notwithstanding, and
two thirds of this body having also voted for the bill,
after reconsideration, the objections of The
President notwithstanding, I now pronounce that
this bill has become a law.
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deaths in my town at road stops , then I have all the other millions
of them! If the U.S. court says no that it you can not look in any
car with your gun , that slavery at gun point an murders .
Who will protect our citizens of the fu
fine = 771 days x 33480 violators $25,813,080
.SALARY FOR 4.8 YEARS 5572 hours $ 150,331
Total $ 25,968,171
Marine are oath cop- great man free from all state crimes including murder click here
============= The U.S. District Court at Chattanooga
William (Billy) Long
Comes the moving party with the Little and Brown edition of law and treaties to protect the citizens of the U.S. land
sea, domestic and foreign against all enemy as described in the authority of the U.S. code title 1 chapter 2 section 113
the Little and Brown edition of law and treaties on page iii where it is claim that a section of government with a
protect and defend oath shall protect the constitution , the only one in this nation with a protect and defend oath is a
Marine where all tribunals and public offices of the U.S. Unites need to honor without any further proof
Whereas on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1862, a proclamation. was issued by the President of the United States,
containing, among other things, the follow & to be whit the naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the
freedom of such persons and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them,, in any efforts they may
make for their actual freedom or any of them to keep people free. This is a marine because the pentagon says a marine is
a marine for life and their oath is for ever
henceforward, and forever free
If laws or acts means anything when its comes to any form of slavery in the U.S. this request can not be refused
because no act or acts can stop a such person
As a member of the Freemens Bureau the Revised Act of 1866-Federal Act 241 ,1866-- This law says that these agents
of the Freemen Bureau, these guardian angels of the saintly negroes, these protectors of the idols of your heart, shall
be under the military protection and subject to the military jurisdiction of the United States. What are they? Are they
persons belonging to the Army or Navy of the United States? And can you by act of Congress say that A B, who in
fact is in civil life, shall for certain purposes be considered as belonging to the military service?
An attempt is made by this law, therefore, to subvert a plain, palpable provision of the Federal Constitution by
rendering civilians subject to military jurisdiction and affording them military protection.
. You bring him in direct conflict with the civil authority of the States wherever any branch of this Freedmens Bureau
shall be lo
He is to b e protected by the military authority of the United States, and you exempt him in fact from trial for any wrong
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He is to b e protected by the military authority of the United States, and you exempt him in fact from trial for any wrong
whatever, murder, breach of the peace, or any crime that can be committed. You exempt the party committing such
offenses from responsibility to the civil tribunals. Some little military hero, who perhaps has never smelled gunpowder
in battle, but who has been placed in charge of this Freedmens Bureau, is to step in and say to the highest courts in
the States and to the highest civil authority, You shall not take cognizance of offenses against the laws, for I am the
great man, above the State law and all State authority, that is to determine whether this one of the pet lambs of
congressional legislation shall be held amenable for his action or not.
This provision of this law is totally subversive of the civil law of the land, and it is subjecting the civil authority in time
of peace to the military authority. But, sir, that is not all. There is another provision of this law. It used to be thought
that it required many years of long labor and study to become a judge. It used to be a maxim that twenty years at least
were required; but, sir, you are making judges fast. 13.
These commissioners and agents are by the provisions of this law actually constituted judges-men who neither know
the definition of an estate for life, for years, or in fee, who know nothing in the world about land except they see the dirt
of which it is composed and the vegetation that springs out of the ground. They are made judges, and judges in
reference to title to lands, and judges, too, from whose decision there is to be no appeal.
This law expressly declares that these commissioners and agents shall determine the title to lands, judges and to give
no appeals from their very learned and grave decision. Any ignoramus that has never seen a law book, and perhaps if
he ever saw one could not read it, and ever fellow who never conceived a principle of law or a principle of justice, is to
sit in solemn judgment in reference to the title to estates, and judges and from his decision no aggrieved party can
But, sir, it seems this war has been got up, feeling has been engendered; and then when the President of the United
Sates sends in a message assigning the strongest possible reasons why your bill should not become a law of the land,
the law must be fought out on this line though it takes all summer-no trace, no cessation of hostilities. All I have got to
say is, keep on if you think there is no hereafter. It will not be long before the American people will decide upon the
merits of this controversy. Passion is not going to last always; men are not going to be maddened always; the time for
clear deliberation and clam thoughtfulness will come at last, and when it does come, I apprehend the reaction will be as
powerful as was the invasion of constitutional liberty and constitutional principles by the now dominant party.
Means of vindication Sec.4 On April 9, 1866
Using the Means of vindication Sec.4 On April 9 1866 which was adopted into the 14th amendment that says a
Freemens Bureau Agent shall be, and they are hereby, specially authorized and required, at the expense of the United
States to institute proceeding against all and everybody' who shall violate the provision of the act called Means of
vindication act.
The moving party comes after 135 years to ask the president to take first jurisdiction over subject matter and appoint
this moving party as the commissioners of the Freedom Bureau using the Means of vindication act ,Sec.4 And be it
further enacted, that the district attorney, marshals and deputy marshals of the U.S., the commissioners appointed by
the circuit and territorial courts of the U.S., with the powers of arresting, imprisoning, or bailing offenders against the
law of the U.S., the officers and agent of the Freedom Bureau . to stop a massive collection of constitutional violation
and murders at gun point are somewhat different than the breaking of a normal law, both in terms of seriousness and
punishment. Laws can be declared unconstitutional, and under 39th congress 1st session chapter 31 1866 where the
congress overruled the president and sign an act of vindication and it is a crime to break the U.S. Constitution and a
portion of the land and naval forces who not covered by e comitatius law which is a U.S. Marine., U.S. Supreme court
ruled it. But the circuit will not appoint and allowing their fellow members of the bar association to violate all acts
,number one law of the land for profits.
Marshal to obey all precept under this act. penalty for refusal.
Commissioners may appoint person to execute warrants
And to enable the said commissioner to execute their duties faithfully and efficiently, in conformity with the
constitution of the U.S., and the requirements of this act, they are hereby authorize and empowered, within their
counties respectfully, to appoint, in writing, under their hands, any one or more suited person, be issue from time to
time, to execute all warrants andother process as may be issue by them in the lawful performance of their duties; and the
person so appointed to execute any warrant or process ass afore-said shall authority to summon and call to their aid the
bystander or e comitatius of the county
And to enable the said commissioner to execute their duties faith within their counties respectfully, to appoint, in
writing, under their hands, any one or more suited person, be issue from time to time, to execute all warrants and other
process as may be issue by them in the lawful performance of their duties; and the person so appointed to execute any
warrant or process ass afore-said shall authority to summon and call to their aid the bystander or po-se comitatius of
the proper county, or such portion of the naval forces of the U.S. or the militia, as may be necessary to the performance
of their duty with which they are charged, and to insure a faithful observance of the clause of the constitution which
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of their duty with which they are charged, and to insure a faithful observance of the clause of the constitution which
prohibits slavery, in conformity with the provisions of this act; and said warrants shall run and be executed by said
officers anywhere in the state or territory with which they are issued.
EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION This Great Man argues that President Lincoln ordered it forever free and
wouldnt need the President to order t his such person to free the slave of the future. There is no cops or oath takers
to enforces this act, Just because he dead he still known as President Lincoln and his order is for life, just as it would be
if President Bush gave a order to change something of equal important
Abraham Lincoln said we the people ARE THE RIGHTFUL MASTERS OF the court and not to OVERTHROW THE
government just the MEN WHO PERVERT THE CONSTITUTION . Look this citizen is calling the kettle back
This Great Man argues that the county legal system makes most of the oath takers to break their oath and to refused
to listen to U.S, Supreme Court order to balance the budget though False arrest , linking the county to Slavers,
Kidnapper extortionists. racketeers, jury fixers, and all felony crimes
I , Basil Marceaux argue why does a marine go to Leavenworth when he break this oath, and when civilian break their
oath they are all immuned, does that sound like justice.
This Great Man argues that !3th says ,No slavery should exist in U.S. except for duly convicted criminals Supreme
court say no county court says yes--- you not duly convicted
This Great Man argues that the states citizens are begging for help with massive violations of the 4th, 6th , !3th and
no-one obeying the U.S. Supreme court rulings and all of above and all the city, county criminals judges, could be
indicted for not following the court orders of the U.S. Supreme Court which are generic through out the legal system
submitted with respect
And A.R.K.
Random Act of Kindness====================================
If you believe I am right let us recall all the judges , it will take
many singitures .Send me a letter for each judge you think should
be recalled and i will stack them on different piles until there
enough to do it . please hurry . send to: recall 810 hyatte rd road,
soddy daisy,tn 37379.
you must be a register voter for each judge and all letters must be
signed and addressed
click here--To get the war flag out of my
Marceaux for Governor
press release basil marceaux for your next governor has the guts that is needed to take tennessee to the future. at this
crossroad where tennessee has so many candidates for the governor race, who has the answers , which party or
candidate will come forward with a plan that will increase the standard of living for the citizen of tennessee? not for just
the next five years but for 98 years or more. the question is would addition tax burden on the citizen be the answer? no
,there is an answer. this is a new century new times why think prehistoric thing that work for the last century may not
work this century. under this candidate tenncare pilot reform program will produce the needed funds at the same time
allow coverage of health care for all citizens as stated in the tennessee code creation of tenncare, create 12,000 or
more jobs, increase state productivity .by estimated $ 152,426,492.annual sale tax $91,455,895.any many more benefits
for the citizens we have to remember tenncare was to be a pilot program but we dont have the gut to take the steps,
this front runner independent candidate from day zero stated what his plan is at every public forum that he was invited
too. this candidate has three important issue that needs to be address. first, what is an oath? if an elected official break
his/her oath to the public are they accountable? to whom? should they be allowed to be elected to a governor seat or
any seat? i know that all of our congressman and u.s.. senator, district attorneys and a lot of our legislators full into
category and as your governor i will firer anyone who break there oath to the public which is a felony and appoint
someone that wont to finish theres term. second in september the tennessee supreme court ruled in tennessee vs larry
allen hicks ruled road blocks are a tool to seek out criminal wrong doer under the guise of checking for drivers license
and road block are illegal. this happen 9 months ago but all law enforcement , district attorneys , counties judges are
laughing at the tennessee supreme court by allowing it to continue and collecting fund to balance there budget with
these false arrest and putting citizens in jail so they can get more of tax money to build more jail, to train police officers
coming out of the academy before going on the road and giving our tax money to lawyers to fight our citizens in court
that file for wrong doing. this cost could be as high as $500,000. times 800 filings = $400,000, all the moneys that
is paid to district attorneys to represent the state on each case lets estimate this cost at $ 200 times 193,000 = $
39,600,000. this is $439,000,000. that we give to the legal profession for free last , in 1998 the u.s. supreme court ruled in
knowels vs iowa that law enforcement in a traffic situation is only a ticket giver all justices stated if evidence for
speeding cant be found in the car a search for crimes that are not know at that time are a illegal search.. they mention
getting out of the car, guns , passengers in the car, a ugly face that show guilt all protected by 4 th amendment of the
u.s constitution and is illegal. law enforcement, district attorneys, lawyers, judges and everyone to the top are laughing
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u.s constitution and is illegal. law enforcement, district attorneys, lawyers, judges and everyone to the top are laughing
at the u.s. supreme court. why didnt our u.s. senators or congressmen insist that our state to change? if they cant
follow the campaign laws that they sign into law or do there job as our federal connection will they do a good job as a
governor or any office we are talking about estimated 193,000 false arrest against our citizens last year 34,567,876 since
1983, over $120,786,497.000 add this to the $439,000,000 =$ 559,786,497. stolen .if elected i will give everyone annuity
and clean all records, empty jails with the understanding that no law suits will be allowed. a house cleaning of this
magnitude would bankrupt the state for 150 years . at time like this we need to think what mr. spock said the whole more
important than the one. as you governor i will not allow this to continue. let me say even as a governor it will be hard
for me to stop it because there to many people involved . how do you stop 160 years old crimes? what is the crimes?
kidnapping. extortion, racketeering , jury fixing all felonies. and felonier cant vote or hold office. as a candidate for
governor and u.s. senate, an u.s. marine force and bn. recon sworn to protect the constitution for life , and a citizen of
this great state had to try to stop this practices. so i civil arrested everyone by the way of a law suit in davidson county
chancy court which is being sent to tennessee supreme court every soon.
i welcome anyone who wants to be a A SUPPORTER. I need up to $90.00 @ PERSON for campaign funds to pay for
spots on tv
CALL 423-362-0088
hey lou FRON CNN
I'm a force recon marine civilian who privacy was intruded on at a traffic stop six year ago. That day
the unmark police put a gun at my head and pulled my passenger a navy seal out of the car and beat
him up.
Now being piss off I went too see if a marine who has a protect and defend oath to the constitution, the
highest oath in the nation and i am still under oath, ask the corp. can arrest a cop who violate the
Well after 3 1 years of researching I found the answer, yes i can.
The 39th congress specially authorize an army navy civilian that me a marine a federal judge who
judges land deal, and judges of state court and the highest civil court of the land and when ruled no
appeal can be taken and you and I was never told.
What would you say if i tell you that this congress ordered someone in the future to turn our country
back to a republic because they were invaded and could not do anything about it then and ordered that
this law stay in place until we are a republic again, that means democracy invaded us.
look in the dictionary under democracy it states in a democracy all members are democrats, but I'm a
republican that make me a traitor.
Look republican in a 168 years old dictionary it states to be a republican you must live in a republic
which makes our country under two nations under god, one believe, one does not.
Do you know where democracy came from, Greece a democracy went to troy with a horse filled with
democrats and party with the Troyians during the day and at nite they climbed out of the butt hole and
killed everybody and at the same time burned. it to the ground. Then sent Julius creaser to Rome
another republic and invaded them force them in democracy.
Thomas Jefferson signed the republic constitution in 187 5 and then in 1891 became the father of
democracy which makes him a traitor. I know why but that another story.
If the U.S. Supreme court ruled ten years old looking for crimes of no knowledge a traffic stops violate
the citizens constitutional rights and the gun the traffic cops wear violate the same and a meter maid
should in place.
Now 10 years later county court are overruling the supreme court 100 weekly here in Chattanooga.
But if they say no gun for cops and traffic cops shoot us that murder, with 18,645 across our country
and 52 here in Chattanooga is mass murder, the tools of mass destruction has been found.
this law make all marines immune from all crimes including murder and are above all civil law.
One last thought if the supreme court has no and county court say yes are you duly convicted--no you
are not so under the 13th no slavery shall exist in the U.S. except duly convicted citizens so the invader
is operating a slavery ring at gun point, violating Rico law, jury fixxing.
What I just told you is very bad and I can prove everything with official documents.
I only wanted to see if i can arrest a cop and found out we were invaded and our nation is going down
the wrong time line.
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the wrong time line.
tell the citizens and the candidates about this after you met with me to show you the documents and if
they are real American all democrats will become a conservative or liberal republicans as the flag
pledge requires to a republic
Maybe god can reign over our government again after 145 years. Gob bless American
I do not know what you will do concerning this, but i hope you would allow me for the first time in 145
years to fix the justice system in two days because the bar association will not arrest themselves.
a random act of kindness
signed by
basil a:
Great Man- federal law 241
Freedom Bureau gent- civil act of 1866
such person--emancipation proclamation
protect and defend department of U.S. chapter2, section113
U.S.code title 1,
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