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Proiecte de dezvoltare
n Transilvania de Nord
minisite-ul Anului European 2010 poate f accesat aici.
minisite-ul Europa 2020 poate f accesat aici.
minisite-ul Tratatului de la Lisabona poate f accesat aici.
minisite-ul Criza economic i fnanciar poate f accesat aici.
Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional (ADR) Nord-Vest,
Centrul regional Europe Direct Transilvania de Nord
Strada Sextil Puscariu nr. 2, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romnia
Tel: 00-40-264-599544, Fax: 00-40-264-599544
Telefon local ED: +40 264 599544,
Telefon gratuit, unic la nivel european: 00800 6 7 8 9 10 11
Proiecte de dezvoltare n Transilvania de Nord.
11 ani de dezvoltare regional n Transilvania de Nord PROIECTE DE SUCCES
Programul Operaional Regional (POR) Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional (ADR) Nord-
Programul Naional de Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit (PNDR) - Agenia de Pli pentru
Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit, Centrul Regional 6 Satu Mare
Programul Operaional Sectorial de Mediu (POS Mediu) - Organismul Intermediar POS
Mediu Regiunea Nord-Vest Cluj-Napoca
Agenia Naional pentru Implementarea Proiectelor i Programelor pentru IMM - Ofciul
Teritorial pentru ntreprinderi Mici i Mijlocii i Cooperaie Cluj
Programul Operaional Sectorial Creterea Competitivitii Economice (POS CCE)
- Autoritatea Naional pentru Cercetare tiinifc Direcia General (Organism
Intermediar), Biroul Regional Cluj - Regiunea Nord-Vest
Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POS DRU) - Centrul
Naional de Dezvoltare a nvmntului Profesional i Tehnic, Filiala Regional Nord-
Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POS DRU) - Unitatea
Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POS DRU) - Organismul
Intermediar Regional pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor
Umane Regiunea NordVest
INVESTING IN OUR REGIONS - 150 examples of projects
Comisia European, partenerul Dvs. n afaceri
Fonduri noi, reguli mai bune pentru 2007-2013

11 ani de dezvoltare regional n Transilvania de Nord


Viitorii cercettori, viitorul Europei

Proiect de dezvoltare a studiilor de doctorat n tehnologii avansate Prodoc
Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 16.813.707 lei, Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaional
Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 2013, Axa prioritar: 1
Educatie si formare profesionala initiala de calitate in sprijinul dezvoltarii si cresterii
Domeniul major de intervenie: 1.5 Programe doctorale si postdoctorale in sprijinul
Persoan de contact: Lazea

Studiile tehnice doctorale au nevoie mai mult ca oricnd de o interconectare ntre
discipline, ntre universiti, de un schimb rapid al informaiei. n acest context
programul Prodoc, care a beneficiat de finanare european a venit s sprinjine 165
de doctoranzi cu frecven n domeniile prioritare ale Strategiei Naionale de
Cercetare Dezvoltare 2007/2013, s mbunteasc mobilitatea academic i s
creasc nu doar capacitatea de cercetare tiinific ci i vizibilitate dar i parteneri n
programe de cercetare naionale i internaionale.

Mai precis, pentru a-i putea continua studiile i cercetrile, doctoranzii au primit
sprijin material, s-a trecut la promovarea doctoratului n cotutel, au fost elaborat
pograme mbuntite de doctorat cu caracter interdisciplinar, au fost efectuate vizite
de documentare i s-a participat la conferine.

Cu alte cuvinte, finanarea european a fost un suport binevenit pentru formarea
unor profesioniti care astfel au putut dezvolta activiti reale i aprofundate de
cercetare i au avut un mai bun acces la informaii n domeniul studiat, la resursele
europene de nvare i cercetare.

Tineri cercettori romni, traiectorii europene

Studiile doctorale factor major de dezvoltare al cercetrilor socio-economice i
Universitatea Babe-Bolyai

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 12314.414.272,18 lei, Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltare
Resurse Umane (Educaie)
Persoan de contact: Gabriela CRIAN

Proiectul Studiile doctorale factor major de dezvoltare al cercetrilor socio-
economice i umaniste a debutat n octombrie 2008 i are ca grup int doctoranzi
din domeniile filologie, istorie, filosofie, management, marketing, psihologie, relaii
internaionale i studii europene, sociologie, tiine ale comunicrii i tiine ale
Considerm c succesul acestui proiect nu este determinat att de atingerea
unor indicatori tehnici sau de realizarea unor activiti, ct de beneficiile directe pe
care grupul int le percepe. Performanele proiectului se datoreaz n primul rnd
feedback-ului constant primit din partea doctoranzilor care n scurt timp au devenit
parte integrant a echipei de implementare.
Dei privite cu scepticism la nceput, beneficiile stagiilor de cercetare propuse
prin proiect au fost repede admise de ctre doctoranzi. Un doctorand mrturisete:
(...) ca atia ali colegi, am comentat i eu mrunt, cu ciud, mpotriva sa. Stagiul mi
s-a prut ulterior nu doar binevenit, ci esenial, absolut necesar. Acum m ntreb cum
am putut avea ideea c pot termina un doctorat fr confruntarea cu bibliografia i
viziunea strintii.
La ntoarcerea din stagiile de mobilitate, majoritatea doctoranzilor privesc
proiectul cu ali ochi, considernd c bursa POSDRU nu reprezint doar confortul
financiar, ci i marea oportunitate de a lucra cu valori pentru a crea valoare, precum
i o real ans n perfectarea procesului de documentare esenial redactrii unei
teze cu aport tiinific semnificativ n domeniul de cercetare.
Prin stagiile de mobilitate, proiectul reprezint o interfa ntre cercetarea
romneasc i cea european deoarece acestea ofer posibilitatea unor contacte
ntre tnrul cercettor romn i Uniunea European, conectnd cercetarea
romneasc la cea european, permindu-i s nu fie una marginal, aa cum era n
mare parte pn n prezent.
Un alt beneficiu perceput ca atare de grupul int l reprezint cursurile de formare
propuse prin proiect, considerate ca fiind o ans efectiv de a afla concret ce este
un proiect de cercetare, cum se muncete la realizarea lui, de la idee pn n faza
aprobrii i mai apoi la implementarea lui. Doctoranzii recunosc c formrile propuse
le-au oferit instrumentele tehnice necesare pentru a gndi un proiect de cercetare,
reuind s nlture teama sau reticena pe care birocraia romneasc o insufl att
de uor. Extrem de bine percepute au fost simulrile realizate n timpul cursurilor
care le-au permis s conceap un proiect din perspectiva finanatorului: Am neles,
astfel, c dincolo de a avea o idee bun, e nevoie i de dezvoltarea unor competene
manageriale. nainte de cursurile de formare, credeam c o idee inovatoare nu poate
fi ignorat. Acum pot s spun c modul n care se elaboreaz i se desfoar un
proiect e la fel de important ca ideea n sine. (...) Cnd competiiile vor fi reluate, voi
scrie un proiect de cercetare cu mai mult ncredere i siguran.
Din perspectiva formatorilor, cursurile de formare au reprezentat unele dintre cele
mai importante experiene de formare, de la dezbateri aprinse pe coninut, la mici
incursiuni n universul de cercetare al doctoranzilor, de la analiza structurii logice a
unui proiect de finanare, pn la analiza rolului muncii n echip bazate pe
colaborare, respect reciproc, creare de valoare.
n concluzie, din perspectiva grupului int, proiectul Studiile doctorale factor
major de dezvoltare al cercetrilor socio-economice i umaniste aduce un plus de
valoare cercetrii din Universitatea Babe-Bolyai. n acest sens, considerm ca fiind
relevant mrturia unei doctorande care a efectuat stagiul de mobilitate la Paris: (...)
m-am lsat la nceput prad scepticismelor, nemulumirilor, depresiilor de im-
perfeciune. Dar proiectul m-a nvat ncet i sigur cum s m dezbar de toate
acestea. Mai corect ar fi: am nvat prin acest proiect, despre care, fr a spune c
este perfect, pot depune mrturie, de aici din perspectiva personal, c este unul de
succes, n timp ce, cu un ochi extins, pot spune c este un proiect care se plaseaz
sau chiar creeaz un vector al schimbrii social-culturale n Romnia.

Creativitate la nivel european

Creterea valorii adugate a produselor forestiere
Sat Corneti, Comuna Mihai Viteazu, Jud. Cluj
SC Agro Lira SRL

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 75.215 Euro (din care valoare contribuie privat: 37.607,5 Euro, valoare
contribuie FEADR: 37.607,5 Euro, Msura 123A Creterea valorii adugate a
produselor agricole i forestiere
Persoan de contact: Bucur Radu Bogdan
Telefon: 0264-285274

Zona Mihai Viteazu, cunoscut i recunoscut ca grnarul Clujuluinc din perioada
interbelic a avut o evoluie oarecum particular n istoria post-revoluionar a
Romniei. Productorii agricoli din zon, dei divizai, au continuat tradiia locului,
investind n exploataiile agricole. S-au nscut mici exploataii agricole relativ timpuriu
dup momentul 1989. ns dezvoltarea mult ateptat, similar i egal celei
europene s-a lsat ateptat, chiar dac, spre deosebire de alte regiuni agricole cu
acelai fond de formare i dezvoltare, grnarul Clujului s-a orientat mai bine i a
pus bazele unei creteri economice locale mai timpurii.

Momentul aderrii Romniei la Uniunea European a deteptat n productorii locali
o contien a faptului c se confrunt cu o competitivitate direct i nemijlocit din
partea firmelor i a productorilor din rile Europene. Importurile de produse lactate
sau din carne erau deja o realitate. Importurile de fin din rile vecine, erau o
constan. Producia local pe aceste produse suferea inclusiv din lipsa
procesatorilor autohtoni care s o valorifice n produse finite, pe piaa local.

Soluia i pentru Agro Lira SRL a fost realizarea unei investiii n propria capacitate
de producie i distribuie cu fonduri europene, mai precis cu fonduri FEADR.
Valoarea proiectului acceptat spre finanare a permis firmei s fac un pas nainte n
a-i dezvolta infrastructura de producie i transport i n a-i crete numrul de

Astfel, fondurile obinute au finanat de la achiziia unui mixer dozator de apa, a unui
cerntor modern, a unui sistem de filtrare industrial pn la achiziia unei maini de
transport a pinii. Toate acestea au ajutat compania s se adapteze la standardele
comunitare privitoare la sigurana alimentelor i la calitatea produselor. Mai mult,
numrul de angajai al firmei a crescut cu 7 persoane, pn la 17 angajai, ntr-o
perioad de implementare de numai 6 luni.

De la ruina satului romnesc, la prosperitate

Modernizarea brutriei i achiziionarea utilajelor noi n vederea creterii
competitivitii Comuna Sic, Judeul Cluj

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 123.073 Euro (din care valoarea contribuiei private: 61.637 Euro, iar
valoarea contribuiei FEADR: 61.356 Euro), Msura 123A Creterea valorii adugate
a produselor agricole i forestiere
Persoan de contact: Pop Martin
Telefon: 0745475461

Ca mai toate comunele din preajma marilor orae, i comuna Sic a avut destinul unui
satelit dependent de piaa muncii dezvoltate de o industrie energofag, n cazul de
fa dependent de industria clujean. Dei cunoscui ca muncitori exceleni, sicanii au
suferit din plin efectele recesiunii economice survenite dup 1989, odat cu cderea
fabricilor i uzinelor care populau platformele industriale vechi. Disponibilizrile
masive i o economie care nc nu reuea s produc suficiente locuri de munc au
fost i pentru locuitorii comunei Sic tot attea probleme aproape insurmontabile la
nceput. A fost nevoie de timp i de bani pentru ca o parte dintre locuitorii comunei s
reueasc s investeasc n agricultur i n crearea de companii care s ofere nu
doar servicii locuitorilor ci s le ofere i o alternativ economic exprimat n locuri de
munc care s le permit s-i susin traiul de zi cu zi.

ncercrile timide, dificultile economice au fcut i victime n economie dar au
desemnat i nvingtori. n aceasta din urm categorie se nscrie i compania SC
PAP SRL din Sic. A supravieuit dificultilor unei economii n formare i s-a vzut
confruntat cu competiia european. A decis s rmn printre nvingtori n
momentul n care administratorul companiei a ales s aplice pentru a obine o
finanare din Fondul European Agricol pentru Dezvoltare Rural.

Rezultatul este unul pe msur. Dincolo de achiziionarea tehnologiei care s permit
firmei nu doar o producie mai mare de pine i produse de panificaie care s poat
fi ambalate la gramaje mici i s aib un termen de valabilitate mai mare, numrul
angajailor a crescut i el, iar valorificarea finii n procesul tehnologic a crescut i el,
asigurnd astfel un flux de producie mai eficient, mai puin consumator de energie i
mai rentabil. i toate acestea s-au realizat n doar 12 luni de la startul implementrii
proiectului de finanare FEADR.

Mai competitivi ntr-o Europ a competitivitii

Creterea valorii adugate a produselor forestiere
Satu Mare
SC Oct Trans SRL

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 436.663 RON (la data contractrii) Msura 123 Creterea valorii
adugate a produselor agricole i forestiere Schema de Ajutor de
Stat XS 28
Persoan de contact: Fola Ioan Sebastian
Telefon: 0264-311.311

Exploatarea forestier a fost un proces care a ridicat multiple probleme romnilor. De
la retrocedarea pdurilor i pn la o exploatare decent, n condiii normale i
moderne, Romnia a avut de strbtut un drum lung, plin de tensiuni i marcat de
lipsuri dar i confruntat dup anul 2007 cu o competiie direct din partea companiilor
de profil din Europa. Avnd una dintre cele mai mari suprafee mpdurite din sud-
estul Europei, Romnia avea cea mai proast infrastructur de exploatare i
transport din regiune la nivelul anilor 1990, astfel nct companiile care au dorit s se
axeze pe exploatarea i prelucrarea maselor lemnoase s-au vzut puse fa n fa
cu o industrie depit tehnic i energofag. Lipsa de know how i debusolarea
legislativ au construit vreme de aproape 20 de ani cel puin o stagnare n domeniu,
dac nu chiar distrugeri masive.
n acest context, companiile romneti de profil au fost nevoite s nvee din
mers, s se adapteze, dar le-au lipsit fondurile care s le permit s ajung la
capaciti de exploatare i producie similare competitorilor lor externi. Fondurile
europene au fost acel colac de salvare ntins curajoilor, dar mai ales acelor
companii romneti care au neles s se evalueze prin prisma competitorilor lor i s
investeasc n propria dezvoltare i n crearea unei infrastructuri de business interne.
Acesta este contextul n care S.C. Oct Trans S.R.L. a decis s acceseze o
finanare sub forma ajutorului de stat care s-i permit achiziia de utilaje cu care s-
i poat crete capacitatea de producie, dar care s-i permit i s ofere condiii de
munc decente angajailor si, n exploatarea forestier. Astfel, compania a
achiziionat dou tractoare forestiere pentru colectarea masei lemnoase n parchetele
de exploatare; dou autotractoare forestiere cu macara, dintre care unul cu
semiremorc i o rulot pentru cazarea muncitorilor n zonele de exploatare a masei
lemnoase. Compania exploateaz masa lemnoas de pe suprafaa a trei judee:
Bistria, Maramure, Suceava.
Finanarea obinut a ajutat compania s creasc numrul angajailor de la
dou persoane la 11 i s asigure o constan a fluxului productiv, lucru care i era
imposibil de realizat nainte.

Schimbarea n comunitile de rromi vine prin investiii europene

L@EGAL 2 investiie european pentru viitorul romilor din Romnia
Fundaia Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitile de Romi (CRCR)
Parteneri: Asociaia Centrul de Resurse i Formare n Profesiuni Sociale (CRFPS)
PRO VOCAIE i Fundaia Soros Romnia

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest, judeul Cluj, Cluj Napoca
Buget proiect: 4.279.427,60 RON, Organismul Intermediar Regional pentru
Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane Regiunea Nord
Persoan de contact: Manager proiect Radu LCTU

Una dintre marile probleme sociale cu care s-au confruntat toate rile sud-est
europene a fost dat comunitile de rromi. Neglijate complet de sistemul comunist,
aceste comuniti s-au confruntat cu o democraie care le-a marginalizat din nou.
Inclusiv comunitatea european s-a confruntat cu aceast realitate i problematic n
diverse momente, n ultimii ani. Soluia nu putea fi gsit pe fundalul crizei acute de
investiii i lichiditi cu care i Romnia s-a confruntat n contextul unei economii
aflate la primii ei pai n democraie.
Proiectul generat de Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitile de Romi,
Asociaia Centrul de Resurse de Formare n Profesiuni Sociale Pro Vocaie i
Fundaia Soros Romnia a venit s rezolve una dintre cele mai stringente nevoi ale
acestei comuniti i anume aceea de a forma experi care s reprezinte comunitile
de rromi la nivelul autoritilor publice locale i s interacioneze cu aceste comuniti
n a le sprijini incluziunea social, integrarea la nivel ocupaional, ntr-un cuvnt n a
genera schimbarea la nivelul acestor comuniti.
n final, 55 de beneficiari au fost instruii pentru a-i mbunti comunicarea i
munca n calitate de experi n probleme ale rromilor.

Biocombustibili pentru viitorul european al Romniei

Laborator de testare, cercetare si certificare a motoarelor cu ardere interna ce
functioneaza cu biocombustibili/TESTECOCEL Cluj-Napoca
Universitatea Tehnic, Cluj-Napoca

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest, judeul Cluj, Cluj Napoca
Buget proiect: 8.931.904 lei, Programul Operaional Sectorial Creterea
Competitivitii Economice (ANCS)
Persoan de contact: Bogdan Varga

Cercetarea romneasc a fcut un pas mare nainte i orict de banal ar putea suna,
la Cluj, laboratoarele de cercetare ale Universitii Tehnice, alturi de parteneri
economico-sociali au realizat i au testat biocombustibilii produi de cercettorii din
instituia clujean. O activitate de pionierat care ar fi fost imposibil fr o finanare
european cu ajutorul creia s poat fi create toate premizele tehnice pentru testele

De rezultatele cercetrii lor depinde viitorul eco sau mai puin ecologic a aproximativ
3 milioane de beneficiari direci n arealul regiunii Transilvania. Aceti beneficiari ar
putea folosi n viitorul nu foarte ndeprtat mijloace de transport n comun care
folosesc biocombustibilii i n consecin ar putea tri ntr-un mediu mai curat i mai
sigur, dar ar putea beneficia i de preuri mai mici la transportul n comun.

Un pas mai aproape de nivelul cercetrii europene

Centrul GRID de performan academic
Universitatea Tehnic, Cluj-Napoca

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 2.295.830 RON, Programul Operaional Sectorial Creterea
Competitivitii Economice (ANCS)
Persoan de contact: Emil Cebuc

La nceputul anilor 1990, Romnia se confrunta cu o realitate dur: nu doar
economia ei se afla ntr-o total deriv i napoiere, dar i sistemul ei informaional se
afla ntr-un decalaj considerabil fa de cel al rilor europene. Dei anii 80
reprezentaser o epoc de dezvoltare la nivelul tehnologiei informaionale care ar fi
putut poziiona Romnia n rndul celorlalte state dezvoltate pe aceast ni, acest
proces evolutiv s-a oprit pe fundalul unui puternic declin economic.
Debutul anilor 2000 a adus o contientizare a acestei nevoii de dezvoltare i
de recuperare a decalajelor existente la nivelul cercetrii romneti, raportate la
cercetarea european. S-a ajuns la concluzia domeniul IT trebuie dezvoltat pentru
ntr-o msur suficient care s permit accesul rapid a mii de utilizatori simultan,
utilizatori care s poat avea acces la spaii de stocare mari i care s poat efectua
calcule extrem de precise i de rapide. Mai mult, o condiie sine qua non a cercetrii
moderne este i vizibilitatea i itnerconectarea cu centre similare din toat lumea.
Cercetarea s-a globalizat i ea, iar Romnia nu putea face excepie. De aici plecnd,
principalele universiti din ar, printre care i Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj au
demarat proiecte care s le permit realizarea acestei infrastructuri i a colaborrii
Astfel a luat natere ideea construirii in Cluj a unui Centru Grid, n cadrul
Universitii Tehnice care s permit nvarea programrii paralele necesar
rezolvrii unor probleme din diverse domenii tiinifice sau tehnice cum ar fi: fizica
energiilor nalte, tiina materialelor, simulri de mare complexitate din comunicaii,
bio-chimie, nano-tehnologii, etc.
Astfel, construirea unui Centru GRID va asigura: posibilitatea nvrii
programrii paralele necesar rezolvrii unor probleme din diverse domenii tiinifice
sau tehnice cum ar fi: fizica energiilor nalte, tiina materialelor, simulri de mare
complexitate din comunicaii, bio-chimie, sau nano-tehnologii, i altele.
Existena Centrului GRID cu caracteristici notabile va creste vizibilitatea
internaional a universitii clujene i va permite angrenarea echipelor de cercettori
n proiecte de cercetare pan-europene FP7 (n prima faz EGEE III, SEEGRID) dar
va asigura i atragerea de noi resurse pentru dezvoltare.
Din punct de vedere tiinific infrastructura propus va permite experimentarea
unor tehnici si algoritmi de paralelizare, a unor metode eficiente de execuie paralel
de joburi, a unor metodologii de acces securizat la date si servicii performante. Ca
prime aplicaii avute n vedere sunt cele din domeniul criptografiei si de management
de coninut digital ( unde exist deja experimente si rezultate preliminare). Realizarea
proiectului va rspunde obiectivelor operaiunii O2.2.3 - Dezvoltarea unor reele de
centre C-D, coordonate la nivel naional si racordate la reele europene si
internaionale de profil (GRID, GEANT) din cadrul Programului Operaional Sectorial
Creterea Competitivitii Economice.
Astfel, Clujul va recupera din decalajele informaionale i tehnice existente i
se va apropia de nivelul i cerinele cercetrii europene.

Peste 17.000 de euro cost succesul n medicin

Cabinet de medicin estetic
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Centru Laser i IPL

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: valoare 5.500 euro, Programul Naional Multianual START
Persoan de contact: Irina Ionescu
Telefon: 07456-223062

O idee care promite a fi una gndit la timpul potrivit a dus la nfiinarea unui cabinet
de nfrumuseare corporal, dotat n mare parte cu fonduri nerambursabile
prin programul Start implementat de Oficiul Teriotorial pentru ntreprinderile Mici
i Mijlocii i Cooperaie Cluj-Napoca (OTIMMC).
Luase startul nainte de Start
nainte s afle c ar putea accesa un program pentru tinerii antreprenori, Irina
Ionescu, absolvent a Universitii de Medicin i Farmacie Iuliu Haieganu,
medic specialist n medicina nuclear, plnuia deja s-i fac un cabinet care s
ofere servicii de nfrumuseare, n special pentru femei. Astfel c, n momentul n
care a aflat de programul Start, ea alegea deja culori pentru tapet, mobilier sau alte
obiecte de decor pentru ceea ce avea s fie viitorul ei cabinet.
M-am ocupat de aranjarea cabinetului, de la primul cui la ultimul finisaj. Am aflat de
programul Start n ultimul moment, motiv pentru care nici nu apucasem s particip la
etapa nti, respectiv cursul de pregtire. M-am nscris n luna iulie 2009, dar eram pe
locul 200 i ceva i tiam c fondurile ajung doar pentru vreo 70 de planuri de
afaceri. Mi-a ieit total din minte, cnd n toamn am primit un telefon de la oficiu i mi
s-a spus c n cteva zile trebuie s depun planul de afaceri, povestete Irina. Atunci
a pus pe hrtie, cum a tiut mai bine, ideea care i cocea n minte de mult vreme:
planul unui cabinet de nfrmuseare corporal.
E mai mult dect un ajutor
La partea cu cifrraia din planul de afaceri recunoate c a ajutat-o i un specialist,
adic un contabil, ns doar cu cteva sfaturi pentru c a descifrat ea tot ce trebuia
fcut. i-a depus actele i, pentru c avea partea ei de finanare (51% plus valoarea
TVA-ului pentru ntreg proiectul), nu a recurs la un credit, iar banii i-au intrat repede
n cont.
Cei care au avut nevoie de un credit pentru a-i acoperi partea de finanare au primit
banii mai greu, am neles c a durat mai mult. n cazul meu nu au fost probleme, iar
n decembrie am nceput deja s am activitate. Am cerut circa 5.500 de euro prin
programul Start, iar cu banii acetia am pltit o parte din aparatura necesar pentru
microdermabraziune, spune medicul Irina Ionescu.
Locaia, deja rezolvat
Se spune c cele mai importante trei lucruri la care trebuie s se gndeasc un
antreprenor n momentul n care i pune pe picioare o afacere snt urmtoarele:
locaia, locaia, locaia. Irina Ionescu avea, din start, spaiul potrivit mai multor
businessuri: un apartament cu trei camere la parterul unui bloc din cartierul Bun
Ziua. A ales s fac de la zero un cabinet pentru c deja avea experien n
domeniu. Mai lucrase nainte ntr-unul.
Am fcut de toate. M-am ocupat de amenajarea spaiului, eu am cumprat totul. M-
am ocupat singur i m ocup n continuare de publicitate. Am creat, n prima faz,
logo-ul firmei, o floare de orhidee stilizat, i de atunci lansez mereu oferte i
campanii de reduceri, povestete Irina. Concepe mereu fluturai, trimte mailuri cu
oferta cabinetului, creeaz carduri cu gratuiti etc. n cele cteva luni de activitate,
Irina i-a dat seama ce merge i ce nu. Oricnd merg undeva i m ntlnesc cu
diverse persoane, mi iau carduri cu reducere pentru tratamentele pe care le fac.
Dac le dau personal i lansez invitaii nominale, lumea vine. Dac trimit mailuri, n
care chiar ofer reduceri, nu prea vine lumea. E ciudat cum se percep lucrurile, dar n
timp se pare c descopr cum e mai bine, mprtete medicul din experiena sa.
Cine nu i-ar dori o secretar?
n acest moment, Irina se descurc singur cu cabinetul. Colaboreaz cu un medic
dermatolog care ofer consultaii o dat sau de dou ori pe sptmn pentru
pacientele care au nevoie de astfel de servicii. Tot n colaborare cu un alt medic, la
cabinetul ei se pot face i tratamente diferite cu laser. Nu are nc o secretar, dei
n unele zile resmite acut lipsa uneia. n momentul n care businessul i va permite, i
va angaja o asistent i o secretar. Acum nu mi permit s angajez pe cineva cu
norm ntreag, dar n timp cred c voi ajunge la asta. Sper, cel puin, spune Irina.
Nu doar pentru femei
n cabinetul ei se pot efectua o serie de proceduri medicale: consultaii de estetic,
consultaii de dermatologie, dermatocosmetologie i anti-aging, tratamente
dermatologice, tratamente de peeling chimic, microdermabraziune medical cu
cristale, tratamente de epilare definitiv cu lumin intens pulsat (IPL), fotontinerire
cu IPL, tratamentul ridurilor prin injectare de Botox, tratamentul ridurilor prin injectare
de acid hialuronic, tratamente anti-aging, tratamentultranspiraiei excesive etc.
Cele mai cerute tratamente snt cele de microdermabrazine. Clienii principali snt
femeile cu media de vrst de 35 de ani, ns i brbaii au trecut pragul cabinetului.

Ap vie pe Arie

Extinderea i reabilitarea sistemelor de ap uzat n regiunea Turda-Cmpia Turzii
Turda, Cmpia Turzii, Luna, Mihai Viteazu, Snduleti, Viioara
Compania de Ap Arie Turda

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: valoare 80 mil. Euro, Programul Operaional Sectorial de Mediu (POS
Persoan de contact: Nicu Rozenberg
Telefon: 0264 418714

Compania de Ap Arie-Turda a fost nfiinat cu puin timp n urm, mai exact n
anul 2007. Cu toate acestea, gestioneaz un proiect de 80 de milioane de euro care
vizeaz mbuntirea alimentrii cu ap, sistemul de canali a regiunii pe care o
administreaz. Cofinanarea din partea Uniunii Europene se ridic la 80% din
valoarea proiectului, iar resursele financiare vizeaz reabilitarea i extinderea
reelelor de furniyare a apei potebile (84 km), mbuntirea unei staii de tratare a
apei, construcia a 2 noi staii de clorinare, reabilitarea a 3 rezervoare i reabilitarea,
respectiv contrucia a 4 staii de pompare.
Toate acestea vor contribui la creterea calitii vieii locuitorilor din bazinul
hidrografic al Arieului.

Un mediu mai curat, populaie mai sntoas

Extinderea i reabilitarea sistemelor de ap uzat din judeele Cluj-Slaj
Cluj-Napoca, Dej, Gherla, Huedin, Zalu, imleul Silvaniei,
Jibou, Cehu Silvaniei
S.C Compania de Ap Some S.A.

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 197 mil. Euro, Programul Operaional Sectorial de Mediu (POS Mediu)
Persoan de contact: Nicu Rozenberg
Telefon: 0264 418714

Cu o infrastructur de extragere i tratatre a apei potabile mult nvechite, deteriorate,
n care nu se mai fcuser investiii serioase de zeci de ani, Romnia pea ntr-o
Europ mult avansat. Investiiile n acest tip de infrastructur depeau cu mult
posibilitile autoritilor naionale i ulterior ale celor locale sau judeene. Procesul
de formare a regiilor responsabile cu meninerea i extinderea acestei infrastructuri a
fost unul de durat, iar finanrile au prins contur odat cu perspectiva aderrii la
Uniunea European.
Dei cu o resurs de ap foarte bogat, Regiunea de Nord-Vest se confrunta cu o
infrastructur deficitar la nivelul extragerii apei n aria Huedin-Jibou-Cehu Silvaniei,
cu o tratare deficitar i cu o distribuie a apei potabile i mai problematice.
Finanarea de 197 de milioane de euro a avut ca scop rezolvarea tuturor acestor
probleme, ridicnd astfel nivelul de calitate al vieii locuitorilor aflai n acest

Investiii pentru un mediu fr deeuri

Sistem de management integrat al deeurilor n judeul Bistria-Nsud
Judeul Bistria-Nsud
Consiliul Judeean Bistria-Nsud

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: valoare 37 mil. Euro, Programul Operaional Sectorial de Mediu (POS
Persoan de contact: Nicu Rozenberg
Telefon: 0264 418714

Una dintre cele mai mari probleme cu care se confrunt nc majoritatea centrelor
urbane ale Romniei este managementul deeurilor. Ultimii 20 de ani au scos n
eviden problemele grave cu care societatea romneasc se confrunta i nainte la
nivel de educaie referitoare la respectarea mediului nconjurtor, la managementul
deeurilor, la respectul fa de semeni i viaa n colectivitate. Problemele de aceast
natur au ajuns s fie luate n considerare abia atunci cnd societatea s-a vzut
confruntat direct i nefericit cu propriile reziduuri. Colectarea, depozitarea,
reciclarea au devenit nevoi stringente pentru care ns nu existau fonduri. Odat n
plus soluia venea tot din Europa i se exprima nu doar n know how ci i n fonduri.

Un asemenea proiect este i Centrul Integrat de Management al Deeurilor de la
Dumitra, un rspuns la nevoia regiunii de a gestiona problema reziduurilor colectate
din zon. Un depozit ecologic regional, o staie de compostare, o staie de sortare, o
staie de transfer cu patru puncte, utilaje, 5 centre de colectare i nchiderea a patru
depozite urbane toate acestea sunt menite s schimbe i s amelioreze harta
mediului nconjurtor a Regiunii de Nord-Vest n urmtorii ani.

Integrare profesional, integrare european - Student sau omer
de lux?

Convergena pregtirii universitare cu viaa activ
Cluj-Napoca, jud. Cluj
Universitatea Babe Bolyai Cluj Napoca

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: valoare 18.380.000 lei, Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane (POS DRU)
Persoan de contact: Cristina Ciuma

Potrivit datelor publicate de mass-media romneasc, 20% dintre studenii care au
absolvit cursurile unei faculti n anul 2009 nu au reuit s-i gseasc un loc de
munc pn la mijlocul anului 2010. Considerai omeri de lux, fotii studeni se vd
adeseori nevoii s practice meserii pentru care nu s-au pregtit i care sunt sub
nivelul educaiei primite, nscris pe diplomele de absolvire. n cele mai multe cazuri
acetia au fost greit orientai profesional, sau nu au reuit s se integreze n
meseriile studiate n timpul facultii fie din lipsa de cunotine pe care s le fi
dobndit pe parcursul perioadelor de practic, fie chiar din motivul c au descoperit
ulterior c studiile alese, nu sunt cele potrivite.

Universitatea Babe-Bolyai a neles c orientarea sau reorientarea studenilor se
face nc de pe bncile facultii. Finanrile europene au fost i n acest caz soluia
cu ajutorul creia rata omajului n rndul tinerilor absolveni s scad, iar acetia s
fie mai puin vulnerabili, ca oferta educaional s rspund cerinelor pieei muncii,
s formeze formatori i s contribuie la achiziionarea de mijloace fixe care s pun
la dispoziia studenilor laboratoare n care s poat dobndi nc din facultate acele
deprinderi care s i ajute s-i dobndeasc un loc de munc nc din primele zile
dup absolvirea facultii.

Astfel, peste 15.000 de studeni la nivel de licen i masterat, provenind din ntreaga
Regiune de Nord-Vest au putut efectua stagii de practic la un potenial loc de
munc, au fost formai 250 de tutori n vederea asistrii acestor studeni n procesul
de derulare a pregtirii practice i au fost instrui cinci consilieri care s-i ajute pe
studeni s se orienteze profesional.

n pas cu Europa - Transilvania nva despre formarea profesional

Campania succesului tu
Baia Mare, jud. Maramure
Colegiul Tehnic Anghel Saligny Baia Mare

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: valoare 1.792.650,00 lei, Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane (POS DRU)
Persoan de contact: Nicolae Lazin

Pentru cei mai muli romni noiunea de pregtire, respectiv de formare continu era
un termen necunoscut chiar i la 10 ani dup momentul 1989. Pentru generaiile
trite n comunism cursurile de calificare i recalificare erau o noiune greu de definit,
sau poate aplicabil aa-numitelor coli de ucenici sau calificri la locul de munc.
Reconversia profesional, pregtirea ulterioar momentului terminrii unei coli
profesionale, toate acestea erau inexistente. De aceea, democraia a fost mai
degrab un oc pentru generaiile deja ncadrate n munc n momentul n care
acestea au constatat c nu te nati strungar i mori strungar, c de-a lungul
existenei profesionale poi mbria diverse cariere, activiti.

A fost nevoie de timp pentru a se forma un reflex sociale de conversie profesional,
dar a fost nevoie i de banii care s permit construirea unor proiecte care s
permit aceaste reconversie sau formarea profesional continu.

n acest context, proictul Colegiului Tehnic Saligny din Baia Mare a venit s schimbe
mentaliti i profesii ntr-o zon care pentru muli ani a fost considerat arie
economic defavorizat. Investiia fcut cu ajutorul unui proiect finanat din fonduri
europene n valoare de peste 1,792 mil. Lei a vizat 275 de angajai care aveau
nevoie de calificare/recalificare, 12 de angajai care trebuiau s obin noi certificate
profesionale i n consecin trebuiau reevaluai, 10 persoane care au mbriat
noua carier de evaluatori de competene profesionale. Cele 410 persoane
proveaneau din judeele Maramure, Satu Mare i Salaj, zone care aveau nevoie de
investiii n capitalul uman pentru a se putea adapta la noile condiii de pia.

anse, productivitate, soluii ntr-o Romnie european

O nou calificare, o nou ans!
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
SC ARINI SRL Cluj-Napoca

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: valoare 1.553.190 lei, Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane (POS DRU)
Persoan de contact: Camelia Bakri

Femeile au constituit o for de munc vulnerabil n epoca industrializat, n
societi mai mult sau mai puin dezvoltate. O categorie social care a avut mereu
nevoie de suport, o categorie creia Uniunea European i acord o atenie special
i n ntmpinarea creia vine cu programe speciale dar i cu susinere financiar. n
Romnia post-decembrist femeile au avut adeseori de ntmpinat nu doar
mentaliti care le-au aezat mai mereu ntr-o poziie de dezavantaj n raport cu
brbaii ci s-au confruntat i cu dificulti serioase n a se orienta/reorienta pe piaa
muncii. Pltite mai prost, considerate neinteresante pentru piaa muncii de ndat
ce au atins vrsta de 40 de ani, sau au dat natere unui copil, provenind din aa-
numita clas medie, de regul din pturile societii cu venituri sub-medii i poziii
sociale mai mult dect incerte, fora de munc a acestor femei a fost rareori
valorificat la justa ei valoare.

i n sprijinul acestei categorii sociale, proiectul O nou calificare, o nou ans! s-
a dovedit a fi o soluie i pentru aceste femei, n msura n care 195 dintre cei 212
angajai vizai de programele de formare profesional din cadrul acestui proiect, au
fost femei care s-au calificat n meseriile de confecioner cablaje auto i
confecioner articole din piele i nlocuitori. Compania a fost autorizat n ocupaia
de confecioner articole din piele i nlocuitori, s-a realizat un ghid de bune practici
n domeniul calificrii/recalificrii angajailor i s-a elaborat inclusiv un manual al
cursantului. Ali ageni economici au deveni parteneri n proiect i astfel s-a ncurajat
egalitatea de anse pe o pia a muncii n continu schimbare.

O ans pentru viitorul copiilor abandonai

Modernizarea i extinderea complexului de servicii comunitare Cehu Silvaniei prin
nfiinarea de ateliere vocaionale pentru tinerii ieii din sistemul rezidenial
Cehu Silvaniei, Slaj
Unitatea Administrativ Teritorial a Judeului Slaj

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: Programul Operaional Regional, Axei Prioritare 3, Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.2. Reabilitarea/modernizarea/dezvoltarea i echiparea infrastructurii
serviciilor sociale. Persoan de contact: Zoe Crihan Director Executiv,
DireciaManagementul Proiectelor
Mob.: 0744.629.341

Complexul de Servicii Comunitare Cehu Silvaniei constituie o unitate de protecie a
aflat n subordinea Direciei Generale de Asisten Social i Protecia Copilului
Slaj, care se confrunt cu o serie de probleme: majoritatea serviciilor din unitate
funcioneaz n condiii
improprii, iar numrul de copii i tineri instituionalizai n CSC Cehu Silvaniei crete
De asemenea, trebuie avut n vedere procesul anevoios de integrare socio-
profesional a tinerilor care prsesc sistemul rezidenial de protecie i
rentoarcerea majoritii tinerilor care prsesc sistemul rezidenial la instituia creia
i-au aparinut.

De aceea, au fost identificate o serie de soluii, printre care modernizarea CSC Cehu
Silvaniei i transformarea acestuia ntrun centru multifuncional care s asigure
creterea abilitilor vocaionale i facilitarea integrrii socio-profesionale prin:
asigurarea condiiilor optime de gzduire pentru beneficiarii complexului,
mbuntirea serviciilor furnizate copiilor/tinerilor aflai n dificultate prin darea n
folosin a unei sli polivalente, nfiinarea a dou ateliere vocaionale i a trei
locuine de tranzit i transferarea vechiului Centru Maternal ntr-un spaiu special
amenajat n vederea aplicrii standardelor de funcionare n vigoare. Scopul
proiectului vine n ntmpinarea obiectivelor Axei Prioritare 3, Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.2. Reabilitarea/modernizarea/dezvoltarea i echiparea infrastructurii
serviciilor sociale. n prezent, exist contracte de servicii ncheiate pentru
consultan, publicitate i audit financiar i este n curs de semnare contractul de
servicii pentru supravegherea execuiei lucrrilor. Rezultatele proiectului vor fi de
impact: transformarea CSC Cehu Silvaniei ntr-un serviciu social multifuncional cu o
infrastructur modern, mbuntirea condiiilor de cazare, ngrijire i educare a
copiilor/tinerilor aflai n dificultate, creterea gradului de integrare socio-profesional,
reducerea abandonului copiilor prin facilitarea accesului la serviciile oferite de Centrul

Finanare pentru transparen i calitate n serviciile imobiliare

Achiziionarea de echipamente de specialitate, moderne n vederea asigurrii unor
servicii de calitate n domeniul topografie-cadastru
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 269.654 lei, Programul Operaional Regional, Axa Prioritar 4, Domeniul
major de intervenie 4.3. Sprijinirea microntreprinderilor
Persoan de contact: Ion Cipcigan Director
Tel.: 0741.031.659

Nevoia implementrii proiectului a aprut ca o urmare fireasc a alinierii Romniei la
legislaia cadastral european, a dezvoltrii conceptului de proprietate n Romnia
i a utilizrii acesteia, a necesitii crerii unei baze de date solide pentru garantarea
proprietii i a necesitii evidenierii precise, corecte i transparente a proprietilor
imobiliare. Importana datelor colectate i prelucrate i implicaiile pe care acestea le
genereaz la nivelul pieei imobiliare determin necesitatea folosirii echipamentelor
moderne pentru furnizarea serviciilor de nalt calitate n domeniul topografie-

Toate acestea au condus la ideea companiei Coroli Consult din Cluj-Napoca de a
furniza un pachet complet de servicii de topografie-cadastru complet, ce conine
servicii tehnice de nalt calitate i servicii juridice aferente. Valoarea proiectului este
de 269.654 lei i este finanat prin Axa Prioritar 4, Domeniul major de intervenie
4.3. Sprijinirea microntreprinderilor.
n prezent au fost finalizate toate etapele de implementare a proiectului: comunicate
de pres, realizare website, pliante publicitare i autocolante pentru echipamente,
realizarea achiziiilor privind atribuirea contractelor, depunerea cererilor
de finanare, fiind ateptat rambursarea ultimei trane financiare. Toate obiectivele
specifice au fost atinse: furnizarea de servicii specifice de topografie, realizarea de
documentaii tehnice de specialitate, msurtorile topografice, realizarea planurilor
topografice. n urma implementrii proiectului, compania estimeaz o cretere i o
rentabilitate de lung durat a afacerii, msurabil prin: lucrri de cea mai bun
calitate, eliminarea erorilor de msurarepoiectare prin obinerea datelor tehnice cu
precizia necesar cu ajutorul noilor echipamente achiziionate, durat de realizare a
unei lucrri i costuri directe mult mai mici,
lucrri complete oferite beneficiarului la pachet prin mbinarea serviciilor tehnice de
specialitate cu cele juridice, aportul la realizarea bncii de date cadastrale.

Ajutor european pentru salvarea patrimoniului romnesc

Circuitul trgurilor medievale din Transilvania de Nord Castelul Karolyi din Carei,
Castelul (Cetatea) Karolyi din Ardud
Carei, Jud. Satu Mare
Primrila Municipiului Carei

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 23.179.393,51 lei, Programul Operaional Regional, Axa Prioritar 5,
Domeniul major de intervenie 5.1. Restaurarea i valorificarea durabil a
patrimoniului cultural, precum i crearea/modernizarea infrastructurilor conexe
Persoan de contact: Carmen Egli Responsabil proiecte
Tel.: 0261.861.060

Datorit trecutului i poziiei geografice, Careiul a devenit n decursul anilor un ora
multicultural, unde triesc mpreun romni, maghiari, germani i rromi. Lund n
considerare tradiia, puternica ncrctur istoric, valoarea monumentelor de
arhitectur, potenialul turistic pe care ambele obiective l dein, valoarea simbolistic,
avantajul oferit de drumurile europene care tranziteaz zona i mai ales necesitatea
unor intervenii rapide n ceea ce privete cele dou obiective, pentru evitarea
proceselor ireversibile de degradare, proiectul reprezint o prioritate pentru regiune,
avnd un important impact regional.

Astfel, obiectivul general al proiectului l constituie valorificarea durabil a
cultural i arhitectural n Transilvania de nord, implicit creterea atractivitii turistice a
regiunii prin valorificarea optim a resurselor regionale. Proiectul contribuie la
atingerea obiectivului Axei Prioritare 5, Domeniul major de intervenie 5.1.
Restaurarea i valorificarea durabil a patrimoniului cultural, precum i
crearea/modernizarea infrastructurilor conexe. Valoarea total a proiectului este de
23.179.393,51 lei, din care 18.775.621,80 lei cheltuieli eligibile totale (16.053.156,64
lei pentru Castelul Karolyi din Carei i 2.722.465,16 lei pentru Castelul/Cetatea
Karolyi din Ardud) i 18.371.945,93 lei asisten financiar nerambursabil. Durata
proiectului este de 41 de luni, aflndu-se n etapa de implementare, activitile de
informare i publicitate fiind n derulare. Pn n acest moment s-au fcut lucrri de
restaurare la Castelul Karolyi din Carei i spturi arheologice n Ardud. Rezultatele
proiectului se anun a fi de impact: reintegrarea n circuitul turistic a unui patrimoniu
cultural i arhitectural de valoare naional, corelarea i valorificarea optim a
resurselor culturale, istorice i arhitecturale regionale, creterea numrului de turiti
n regiune, crearea unui brand turistic regional, revitalizarea urban, dezvoltarea
local, promovarea durabil a turismului.

Finanare european pentru independen economic romneasc

Internalizarea activitilor de execuie fundaii i pregtire teren pentru drumuri prin
achiziia de utilaje
Oradea, jud. Bihor

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
Finanare: 575.922,11 lei, Programul Operaional Regional, Axa Prioritar 4,
Domeniul major de intervenie 4.3. Sprijinirea microntreprinderilor
Persoan de contact: Bianca Anamaria Sljan Contabil

Compania Vox Brio Construct din Oradea a aplicat pentru finanare european prin
Programul REGIO, proiectul avnd ca scop dotarea cu utilaje tehnologice
performante pentru operaiuni de executare de fundaii i pregtire a terenului pentru
construcii rezideniale i nerezideniale. Nevoia tehnologizrii firmei a aprut ca
urmare a creterii concurenei pe piaa construciilor i ca urmare a necesitii de a
dezvolta firma astfel nct s poat ncheia singur contracte, fr a mai fi
dependent de subcontractare.

Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivelor REGIO, att a celor specifice, legate de
creterea rolului economic al centrelor urbane, ct i a obiectivelor strategice.
Obiectivele specifice obinute prin proiect sunt tehnologizarea activitii ntreprinderii
prin achiziionarea celor dou utilaje, un buldoexcavator i un cilindru compactor,
creterea competitivitii serviciilor de construcii i, nu n ultimul rnd, creterea
numrului de angajai. Proiectul are o durat de derulare de ase luni i o valoare de
575.922,11 lei, ncadrndu-se n Axa Prioritar 4, Domeniul major de intervenie 4.3.
Sprijinirea microntreprinderilor. n momentul de fa, proiectul societii Vox Brio
Construct a fost implementat, realizndu-se toate activitile, adic partea de PR i
promovare (reprezentnd comunicate de pres, postere, brouri i pliante) i partea
propriu-zis a proiectului, adic achiziionarea celor dou utilaje de ultim generaie,
cu un consum redus de combustibil. Impactul implementrii proiectului a constat n
creterea cifrei de afaceri a firmei, creterea rentabilitii, dezvoltarea societii prin
extinderea activitilor realizate. Acum, lucrrile realizate sunt de o calitate
superioar, iar costurile sunt reduse substanial, o urmare imediat a proiectului fiind
creterea ncrederii mediului de afaceri local n finanrile europene nerambursabile.


Programul Operaional Regional (POR)
Aplicabilitate: 2007-2013


Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Turismului Autoritatea de Management,

Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional (ADR) Nord-Vest Organism Intermediar pentru
Regiunea Nord-Vest (Transilvania de Nord)
str. Sextil Pucariu, nr.2, Cluj-Napoca, judeul Cluj
Tel: +40 264 431550, Fax: +40 264 439222

Director General : Claudiu N. COIER
Contact: Lia VALENDORFEAN, Andreea ATANASIU, Lacrima ANDREICA (Biroul de
Comunicare Public i Relaii Internaionale)


Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Locuinei - la nivel central: Autoritate de Management
Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional Nord-Vest - la nivel regional: Organism Intermediar

Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional (ADR) Nord-Vest este o organizaie de utilitate public,
constituit n baza Legii 151/1998, prin hotrrea nr. 4/16.12.1998 a Consiliului pentru
Dezvoltare Regional (CDR) al Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest. ADR Nord-Vest este
organismul executiv al CDR Nord-Vest.
Responsabilitile ce revin ADR Nord-Vest se circumscriu obiectivelor politicii de dezvoltare
regional n Romnia, aa cum sunt ele definite de Legea 315/2004 (care a abrogat
151/1998) - Legea privind dezvoltarea regional n Romnia:
Diminuarea dezechilibrelor regionale existente;
Corelarea politicilor sectoriale guvernamentale la nivelul regiunilor, prin stimularea
iniiativelor i prin valorificarea resurselor locale i regionale n scopul dezvoltrii
economico-sociale durabile i al dezvoltrii culturale a acestora;
Stimularea cooperrii interregionale, interne i internaionale, transfrontaliere, inclusiv
n cadrul euroregiunilor, precum i participarea regiunilor de dezvoltare la structurile i
organizaiile europene care promoveaz dezvoltarea economico-social i
instituional a acestora, n scopul realizrii unor proiecte de interes comun, n
conformitate cu acordurile internaionale la care Romnia este parte.
Principalele atribuii ale Ageniei de Dezvoltare Regional Nord-Vest sunt:
Elaboreaz i propune Consiliului pentru Dezvoltare Regional, spre aprobare,
strategia, planul i programele de dezvoltare regional, precum i planurile de
gestionare a fondurilor;
Asigur realizarea programelor de dezvoltare regional i a planurilor de gestionare a
fondurilor, n conformitate cu hotrrile adoptate de Consiliul pentru Dezvoltare
Regional, cu respectarea legislaiei n vigoare i rspunde fa de acesta pentru
realizarea lor;
Solicit instituiei naionale cu atribuii n domeniul dezvoltrii regionale sume din
Fondul Naional pentru Dezvoltare Regional, pentru finanarea proiectelor de
dezvoltare aprobate;
Acioneaz, mpreun cu Consiliul pentru Dezvoltare Regional, pentru atragerea de
resurse, n scopul ndeplinirii atribuiilor sale;
Transmite, spre aprobare, Consiliului pentru Dezvoltare Regional proiectele selectate
n cadrul programelor de dezvoltare regional, n baza prioritilor, criteriilor i a
metodologiei elaborate de instituia naionala responsabil pentru dezvoltarea
regional, mpreun cu organismele regionale specializate; n cazul licitaiilor
organizate la nivelul regiunii, proiectele aprobate de Consiliul pentru Dezvoltare
Regional vor fi trimise spre avizare Consiliului Naional pentru Dezvoltare Regional;
n cazul licitaiilor de proiecte organizate la nivel naional, proiectele selectate vor fi
avizate de Consiliul pentru Dezvoltare Regional i aprobate de Consiliul Naional
pentru Dezvoltare Regional;
Asigur i rspunde, pe baza contractelor ncheiate cu instituiile naionale, de
implementarea, monitorizarea tehnic i financiar i controlul execuiei proiectelor
finanate de Uniunea European, n cadrul programelor de dezvoltare regional i/sau,
dup caz, a proiectelor din cadrul programelor naionale care se implementeaz la
nivel regional, prin ADR Nord-Vest; pentru atribuiile delegate ADR Nord-Vest de ctre
instituiile aparinnd administraiei publice centrale sau locale, monitorizarea i
controlul unor astfel de activiti se fac de ctre instituia care a delegat aceste atribuii;
ntocmete rapoarte semestriale, precum i raportul anual de implementare referitor la
activitile derulate conform contractelor cu instituia naional cu atribuii n domeniul
dezvoltrii regionale;
Evideniaz stadiul, dificultile de implementare, precum i impactul
programelor/proiectelor de dezvoltare regional i propune msuri de mbuntire;
rapoartele se aprob n prealabil de ctre Consiliul pentru Dezvoltare Regional i sunt
transmise instituiei naionale cu atribuii n domeniul dezvoltrii regionale;
Organizeaz i dezvolt, cu sprijinul i sub coordonarea Consiliului pentru Dezvoltare
Regional, parteneriatele regionale i promoveaz la nivel regional cunoaterea
politicilor i practicilor Uniunii Europene, precum i a principiilor care stau la baza
politicilor de dezvoltare regional;
Identific i promoveaz, n parteneriat, proiecte de interes regional i local, precum i
proiecte de cooperare intraregional; promoveaz, cu sprijinul Consiliului pentru
Dezvoltare Regional, regiunea i atragerea de investiii strine; dezvolt colaborri cu
organisme i instituii similare din Uniunea European i particip la implementarea
proiectelor internaionale de interes regional i local.


Comunitile Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest (Transilvania de Nord), prin intermediul
reprezentanilor n grupurile de lucru iniiate i coordonate de Agenie, ntre anii 1999-2007, n
vederea elaborrii documentelor de planificare regional, au creionat modul n care doresc s
arate regiunea noastr dup 20 de ani de la data integrrii n Uniunea European. Este
viziunea noastr, acel ceva spre care dorim s ne dezvoltm.

"Comunitile din Regiunea Nord-Vest (Transilvania de Nord) neleg s valorifice mpreun,
respectnd principiile dezvoltrii durabile, resursele naturale, materiale, umane, tradiiile
istorice i interculturale n scopul unei dezvoltri susinute, constante care fac din Transilvania
de Nord una dintre cele mai dinamice regiuni europene. Regiunea Transilvaniei de Nord, prin
amplasarea i dotrile sale infrastructurale ndeplinete un rol strategic, de deservire logistic
a teritoriilor de la Vestul, Estul, Sudul i Nordul su. Domeniile de excelen ale regiunii, care
se disting prin potenialul lor inovativ, dezvoltare tehnologic i poziionarea pe pieele
europene a produselor regionale, sunt: IT&C, universitile i cercetarea, agricultura, industria
alimentar i a bunurilor de consum (mobilier i confecii), industria de maini i echipamente,
turismul. Regiunea dispune de un valoros capital uman, sistemele de educaie a adulilor, de
formare continu a adulilor i nvmnt universitar fiind recunoscute la nivel internaional.
Cetenii regiunii se disting prin mentalitatea lor inovativ, cooperant care, alturi de un nivel
al calitii vieii ridicat (cu un PIB de 55% din media european) fac din Transilvania de Nord
una dintre destinaiile preferate de investitori i turiti n Europa Central i de Est."


Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional Nord-Vest, organism executiv al Consiliului pentru
Dezvoltare Regional, prin competenele sale de planificare strategic, este fora motrice a
dezvoltrii durabile a regiunii.
Agenia susine dezvoltarea i interesele de dezvoltare ale comunitilor locale, fiind puntea
de legtur ntre acestea, autoritile naionale i instituiile europene relevante.
Agenia urmrete implementarea politicilor de coeziune economic i social la nivelul
regiunii, promoveaz i implementeaz programe de dezvoltare i asigur serviciile necesare
comunitilor i investitorilor, pentru maximizarea beneficiilor economice i sociale la nivelul

Implicarea, Parteneriatul i Comunicarea sunt elemente eseniale n ndeplinirea misiunii
Verticalitatea i fermitatea caracterizeaz relaiile noastre profesionale.
Solidaritatea este principiul care st la baza cooperrii cu partenerii notri.
Destinatarii serviciilor noastre au ntotdeauna prioritate.
Creativitatea i inovarea sunt ,,marca noastr instituional.


Programul Operaional Regional implementeaz Strategia Naional de Dezvoltare Regional
a PND, contribuind, alturi de celelalte Programe Operaionale Sectoriale (POS), la realizarea
obiectivului general al Cadrului Naional Strategic de Referin, respectiv diminuarea
disparitilor de dezvoltare economic i social dintre Romnia i media dezvoltrii statelor
membre ale UE.
Prin Decizia Guvernului Nr. 402/2004, fostul Minister al Integrrii Europene, actualmente
Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Locuinei a fost desemnat Autoritate de Management
pentru POR 2007-2013, avnd responsabilitatea managementului, gestionrii i implementrii
asistenei financiare alocate acestui program.
La nivel regional, au fost desemnate ca Organisme Intermediare pentru POR cele opt Agenii
de Dezvoltare Regional la nivelul Regiunii Nord-Vest (Transilvania de Nord) ADR Nord-
Vest -, conform angajamentelor asumate n Capitolul 21 de negociere ntre Romnia i UE,
respectiv Politica regional i coordonarea instrumentelor structurale.
Obiectivul strategic al POR const n susinerea dezvoltrii economice i sociale echilibrate
teritorial i durabil a regiunilor Romniei, n funcie de nevoile i resursele lor specifice, cu
accent pe polii urbani de cretere, mbuntirea infrastructurii de baz i a infrastructurii de
afaceri, pentru a face din regiunile Romniei, mai cu seam din cele rmase n urm, locuri
mai atractive pentru a tri, vizita, investi i munci.

Activitile ADR Nord-Vest ca Organism Intermediar pentru POR 2007-2013

Prin proiectul Sprijin pentru ADR Nord-Vest, n calitate de Organism Intermediar, n perioada
2007-2008 pentru implementarea Programului Operaional Regional 2007-2013, la nivelul
Regiunii Nord-Vest, pentru care Agenia a obinut o finanare nerambursabil n valoare de
5.491.001 lei, n cadrul axei prioritare 6 a POR "Asistena tehnic", ADR Nord-Vest i-a
asumat urmtoarele activiti:
I. Constituirea, dezvoltarea i asigurarea funcionalitii structurilor/ parteneriatelor necesare
implementrii POR la nivelul Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest (Transilvania de Nord);
II. Operaiuni pregtitoare POR i contribuii la elaborarea ghidurilor n vederea lansrii axelor
de finanare;
III. Informare i publicitate pentru POR n Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest;
IV. Organizarea activitii de rspunsuri la solicitri de informaii/clarificri n cadrul ADR
Nord- Vest;
V. Evaluarea proiectelor ( verificarea i evaluarea cererilor de finanare);
VI. Contractarea proiectelor n baza cererilor de finanare aprobate de Autoritatea de
Management (AM) POR;
VII. Verificarea realizrii operaiunilor legate de finanarea proiectelor;
VIII. Monitorizarea POR la nivelul Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest.

Alocrile financiare pentru POR 2007-2013

Pentru perioada 2007-2013 alocrile financiare pentru Programul Operaional Regional provin
din fonduri FEDER (Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala) - n valoare de 3,72
miliarde Euro, fonduri publice naionale - 0,657 miliarde Euro i fonduri private estimate la 184
milioane Euro. Contribuia maxim din FEDER poate s ajung pn la 85% din totalul
costurilor eligibile, iar co-finanarea public naional de 15%.

Axele prioritare ale POR 2007-2013

1. Sprijin pentru dezvoltarea durabil a polilor urbani de cretere;
2. mbuntirea infrastructurii de transport regionale i locale;
3. mbuntirea infrastructurii sociale;
4. Consolidarea mediului de afaceri regional i local;
5. Dezvoltarea durabil i promovarea turismului;
6. Asistena tehnic.

Aceste axe prioritare sunt n concordan cu politicile comunitare privind creterea economic
i crearea de noi locuri de munc promovate de Uniunea European.
Din totalul sumelor disponibile pe POR n perioada 2007-2013, Axa prioritar 1 are alocat o
cot important de fonduri -30%; Axa 2 are alocat 20.35% din bugetul POR; Axa 3 1/5 din
totalul alocrilor financiare; n timp ce pentru Axele 4 i 5 fondurile sunt aproximativ egale
17% i respectiv 15% iar restul de 2.5% sunt alocai pentru Axa 6, asistena tehnic POR.

Scurt descriere a Programului Operaional Regional 2007-2013:

Denumire Axa de

Axa prioritar 1:
dezvoltrii durabile a
oraelor -principali
poli de cretere de
la nivel regional, pe
baza planurilor de
dezvoltare urban

a. Poli de cretere;
b. Poli de
Dezvoltare Urban;

Poteniali beneficiari

Pentru Subdomeniul a. - cei
7 poli de cretere
desemnai prin H.G.
nr.998/2008, respectiv
Braov, Cluj-Napoca,
Constana, Craiova, Iai,
Ploieti, Timioara.
(proiectele pot fi depuse de
autoritile publice locale la
nivel judeean sau din
mediul urban, asociaii
pentru dezvoltare
parteneriate ntre unitile
administrativ-teritoriale -

Activiti eligibile (care pot
obine finanare)

Valoarea nerambursabil a
Planurilor Integrate de
Dezvoltare Urbana:
subdomeniul a. 82,41
milioane Euro.
Subdomeniul b. 10,98
milioane Euro pentru
fiecare dintre cei trei
poli desemnai
Subdomeniul c. 50,45
milioane Euro pentru
toate centrele urbane

Categorii de operaiuni:
c. Centre urbane. autoriti ale administraiei
publice locale)

Pentru Subdomeniul b.
municipiile Oradea, Baia
Mare si Satu Mare

Pentru Subdomeniul c. 23
de orae i municipii din
a) reabilitarea infrastructurii
urbane i mbuntirea
serviciilor urbane, inclusiv
transportul urban:
- infrastructura public
- transport i mobilitatea
- patrimoniu cultural
mondial (UNESCO),
naional i local, din
mediul urban
b) dezvoltarea durabil a
mediului de afaceri;
c) reabilitarea infrastructurii

Axa prioritar 2:
infrastructurii de
transport regionale
i locale

Domeniul major de
intervenie 2.1.
Reabilitarea i
modernizarea reelei
de drumuri judeene,
strzi urbane
inclusiv construcia /
reabilitarea oselelor
de centur

unitile administrativ
teritoriale (judee, municipii,
orae), avnd ca
reprezentant legal
preedintele consiliului
judeean, respectiv
primarul, n cazul
municipiilor i oraelor;
Consiliul judeean avnd
ca reprezentant legal
preedintele consiliului
Primriile reprezentate de
primar, dac primriile au n
administrare imobilul
subiect al cererii de
Consiliile locale
reprezentate de primar,
dac consiliul local are n
administrare imobilul
subiect al cererii de

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre minim
3.000.000 lei i maxim
134.000.000 lei (echivalentul
aproximativ a 1.000.000
40.000.000 Euro).

Reabilitarea i
modernizarea reelei de
drumuri judeene
Reabilitarea i
modernizarea reelei de strzi
din mediul urban (categoria 1,
2 si 3);
Construcia / reabilitarea /
modernizarea oselelor de
centur cu statut de drum
modernizarea/ reabilitarea de
poduri i podee;
modernizarea/ reabilitarea de
pasaje rutiere i pasarele;
Eliberarea i amenajarea
Devierea reelelor de ap,
electricitate, gaze i canal,
Amenajri pentru protecia
Modernizarea i
extinderea reelelor de utiliti
existente n corpul drumului
(ap, canalizare, electricitate,
gaze, telefonie).

Axa prioritar 3:

Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.1.
modernizarea si
infrastructurii de
servicii de sanatate
reabilitarea si
spitalelor judetene.

Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.2.
dezvoltarea si
infrastructurii de
servicii sociale
inclusiv cladiri
multifunctionale si
echiparea si
centrelor sociale.

Domeniul major de

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.1. autoritile
publice locale, asociaii de
dezvoltare intercomunitar
sau liderul desemnat printr-
un acord de parteneriat
ntre uniti administrativ-
teritoriale (3 spitale
judeene: Maramure, Satu
Mare i Slaj)

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.2. autoriti
ale administraiei publice
locale, direct sau prin
serviciile publice de
asisten social din
subordine, furnizorii publici
sau privai de servicii
sociale, acreditai n
condiiile legii, autoriti ale
administraiei publice locale
desemnate, lideri ai unor
parteneriate ncheiate cu
furnizori de servicii sociale
de drept public sau privat

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.3. asociaiile
de dezvoltare

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre
200.000 - 25 milioane Euro -
pentru domeniul major de
intervenie 3.1.

modernizarea i echiparea
spitalelor judeene, precum i
modernizarea, dezvoltarea i
echiparea ambulatoriilor (din
spitale i de specialitate)

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre ntre
minim 350.000 lei i maxim
3.500.000 lei - pentru
domeniul major de
intervenie 3.2.

modernizarea, dezvoltarea
i echiparea cldirilor n care
funcioneaza centre sociale
multifuncionale i
modernizarea i echiparea
cldirilor n care funcioneaz
centre sociale rezideniale,
din mediul urban i rural

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre minim
10 000 000 lei i maxim 50
000 000 lei - pentru domeniul
major de intervenie 3.3.
intervenie 3.3.
operationale pentru
interventii de
siguranta publice in
situatii de urgenta

Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.4.
dezvoltarea si
infrastructurii de
instruire pre-
universitara si a
infrastructurii de
instruire continue

intercomunitare formate din
consiliile judeene ale
regiunilor de dezvoltare.
Astfel, pentru Regiunea
Nord-Vest, beneficiarul
eligibil este Asociaia de
Dezvoltare Intercomunitar
Transilvania de Nord

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 3.4. uniti
(autoriti ale administraiei
publice locale): Consilii
judeene, Consilii locale
municipale, oreneti,
comunale i
Instituii de nvmnt
superior de stat
(universiti, institute,
academii de studii)

- achiziionarea de
echipamente de
specialitate i
echipamente de
comunicaii aferente
centrelor de comand i
control mobile,
autovehicule cu destinaia

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre minim
500.000 lei i maxim
67.000.000 lei - pentru
domeniul major de
intervenie 3.4.

modernizarea, echiparea
infrastructurii educaionale
pre-universitare i
universitare; Crearea i
dezvoltarea campusurilor
preuniversitare; Reabilitarea,
modernizarea, echiparea
Centrelor de Formare
Profesional Continu

Axa prioritar 4:
dezvoltrii mediului
de afaceri regional i

Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.1.-
durabil a
structurilor de
sprijinire a afacerilor
de importan

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.1.- autoriti
publice locale, camere de
comer, asociaii care
reprezint mediul de afaceri
i societi comerciale sau

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.2.- autoritile

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre
1.700.000 i 85.000.000 lei -
pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.1

crearea/ extinderea/
modernizarea structurilor de
sprijinire a afacerilor

regional i local

Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.2.-
Reabilitarea siturilor
industriale poluate i
neutilizate i
pregtirea pentru noi

Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.3.-

publice locale

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.3.- societi
comerciale sau societi de
tip cooperativ care au
pn la 9 salariai i
realizeaz o cifr de afaceri
anual net sau dein active
totale de pn la 2 milioane
de euro

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre
1.700.000 i 85.000.000 lei -
pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.2

- reintroducerea siturilor
industriale n circuitul
economic, prin depoluare,
curare i reabilitare pentru
a putea fi transformate n
structuri de sprijinire a

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre
20.000-500.000 Euro -
pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 4.3

- achiziionarea de
echipamente i tehnologii
noi, moderne pentru
activitatea de producie,
prestare servicii, construcii a
achiziionarea de sisteme IT
(hardware i/sau software);
construirea/ extinderea/
modernizarea spaiilor de
producie/ prestare servicii
ale microintreprinderii

Axa prioritar 5
Dezvoltarea durabil
i promovarea

Domeniul major de
intervenie 5.1.-
Restaurarea i
patrimoniului cultural,
crearea i

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 5.1.- Uniti
(Autoriti ale administraiei
publice locale), Autoritate a
administraiei publice
centrale, Uniti de cult,
(Persoane juridice de drept
privat fr scop patrimonial),

Valoarea total a proiectului
poate fi cuprins ntre minim
1.700.000 lei i maxim
85.000.000 lei.

Restaurarea, protecia i
patrimoniului cultural
mondial i modernizarea
infrastructurii conexe

Domeniul major de
intervenie 5.2.-
infrastructurii de
turism pentru
dezvoltarea durabil
a resurselor naturale,
pentru creterea
calitii serviciilor de

Unitate administrativ-
teritorial (autoritate a
administraiei publice locale)
leader al unui parteneriat cu
un ONG

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 5.2.- autoritatile
publice locale de la nivel de
judete, municipii, orase,
comune, Parteneriate
constituite intre unitati
Asociatii de dezvoltare
intercomunitara (ADI),
intreprinderi mici, si mijlocii
cu activitate in domeniul
turismului si/ sau activitati
conexe, parteneriate
constituite intre unitati
administrativ-teritoriale si
ONG-uri cu activitate in
domeniul turismului si/ sau
activitati conexe

infrastructurii conexe;
Restaurarea, protecia i
conservarea patrimoniului
cultural naional i
infrastructurii conexe, cu
potenial turistic important
n vederea introducerii lor
n circuite turistice;
Restaurarea, protecia i
conservarea patrimoniului
cultural din mediul urban.

Valoarea total a proiectului:
- Pentru infrastructura de
turism de utilitate public
(care nu intr sub
incidena ajutorului de
stat) - 700.000
85.000.000 RON
- Pentru infrastructura de
turism de utilitate public/
privat (care intr sub
incidena ajutorului de
stat -700.000
85.000.000 RON

Amenajarea obiectivelor
turistice naturale cu
potenial turistic
Valorificarea potenialului
turistic montan
Dezvoltarea turismului
Dezvoltarea turismului
Modernizarea i
extinderea structurilor de
cazare, precum i a
utilitilor conexe
Crearea, reabilitarea i
extinderea infrastructurii

Domeniul major de
intervenie 5.3.-
potenialului de
turism i crearea
necesare pentru a
crete atractivitatea
Romniei ca i
destinaie turistic

Pentru Domeniul major de
intervenie 5.3.-
(implementat de Ministerul
1. Operaiunea -
Crearea Centrelor
Naionale de
Informare i
Promovare Turistic
(CNIPT) i dotarea
acestora: Unitate
teritoriala (Autoritate
a administraiei
publice locale (APL)
2. Operaiunea -
Dezvoltarea i
turismului intern prin
sprijinirea promovrii
produselor specifice
i a activitilor de
marketing specifice:
Unitate administrativ-
Organizaie non-
guvernamental sau
Parteneriate intre

3. Operaiunile Crearea
unei imagini pozitive a
Romniei ca destinaie
turistic prin definirea i
promovarea brandului
turistic naional i Crearea
Centrelor Naionale de
Informare i Promovare
Turistic (CNIPT) i dotarea
acestora - Componenta:
Instituirea unui sistem
integrat i informatizat a
de agrement, inclusiv a
utilitilor aferente

Valoarea total a proiectului:
Operaiunea 1: minim
170.000 lei i maxim
1.700.000 lei
Operaiunea 2: minim
170.000 i maxim 1.000.000
Operaiunea 3: A) valoarea
total a proiectului este
cuprins ntre minim
17.000.000 lei i maxim
100.000.000 lei ; C)
valoarea total a proiectului
este cuprins ntre minim
1.000.000 lei i maxim
2.500.000 lei

- Crearea Centrelor
Nationale de Informare si
Promovare Turistica (CNIPT)
si dotarea acestora
- Dezvoltarea si consolidarea
turismului intern prin
sprijinirea promovarii
produselor specifice si a
activitatilor de marketing
- Promovarea brandului
turistic national

ofertei turistice romneti:
Ministerul pentru
ntreprinderi Mici i Mijlocii,
Comer, Turism i Profesii
Liberale prin Direcia
General Promovare


Etapele pe care un potenial beneficiar trebuie s le urmeze pentru a putea obine o finanare
n cadrul Programului Operaional Regional 2007-2013 sunt urmtoarele:

Etapa solicitrii: Aceasta etap ncepe cu Apelul pentru propuneri de proiecte pentru un
anume domeniu major de intervenie al POR i se ncheie cu depunerea cererilor de finanare
de ctre solicitani la sediul Ageniei de Dezvoltare Regional Nord-Vest.

Etapa de evaluare: n cadrul acestei etape o comisie de evaluare constituit n cadrul ADR
Nord-Vest evalueaz cererile primite, apoi trimite Autoritii de Management (AM) pentru
POR un raport privind proiectele eligibile. AM aprob raportul i, mpreun cu ADR Nord-Vest
anun public proiectele selectate pentru finanare.

Etapa de implementare: Aceast etap este cea mai lung dureaz maxim 3 ani
respectnd regula N+3 -, dar i cea mai dificil pentru beneficiar care trebuie s respecte
ntocmai activitile la care s-a angajat prin proiectul su.






1. O ans pentru viitorul copiilor abandonai - Modernizarea i extinderea
complexului de servicii comunitare Cehu Silvaniei prin nfiinarea de ateliere
vocaionale pentru tinerii ieii din sistemul rezidenial

Unitatea Administrativ Teritorial a Judeului Slaj
bugetul total al proiectului: 3.499.441,69 RON

2. Finanare pentru transparen i calitate n serviciile imobiliare- Achiziionarea
de echipamente de specialitate, moderne n vederea asigurrii unor servicii de calitate
n domeniul topografie-cadastru din Cluj-Napoca

bugetul total al proiectului: 269.654 RON

3. Ajutor european pentru salvarea patrimoniului romnesc - Circuitul trgurilor
medievale din Transilvania de Nord Castelul Karolyi din Carei, Castelul (Cetatea)
Karolyi din Ardud, Jud. Satu Mare

Primria Municipiului Carei
bugetul total al proiectului: 23.179.393,51 RON

4. Finanare european pentru independen economic romneasc -
Internalizarea activitilor de execuie fundaii i pregtire teren pentru drumuri prin
achiziia de utilaje, Oradea, jud. Bihor

bugetul total al proiectului: 575.922,11 RON



Programul Naional de Dezvoltare Rural
Aplicabilitate: 2007-2013


Ministerul Agriculturii, Pdurilor i Dezvoltrii Rurale - la nivel central: Autoritate de
Agenia de Pli pentru Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit, Centrul Regional de Pli
pentru Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit 6 Satu Mare (Organismul Intermediar) - la nivel
regional, cu oficii judeene: Organism Intermediar
str. Mircea cel Batran, nr. 8 A, Satu Mare, cod postal 440012
Tel/fax: 0261/768.707
E-mail :

Director Coordonator: Sorin Ioan RADU
Persoana de contact: Andrada GHENCEAN

Oficiul Judeean de Pli pentru Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit Cluj
Bd. 21 Decembrie 1989, nr. 47, Cluj-Napoca, judeul Cluj
Tel/fax: 0264/590.017

Director Coordonator: Istvn Valentin VKR
Persoana de contact: Anamaria Pop (0264/439.430)

Autoritatea de management pentru Programul Naional de Dezvoltare Rural este
Direcia General de Dezvoltare Rural (DGDR) din cadrul Ministerului Agriculturii,
Pdurilor i Dezvoltrii Rurale. Agenia de Pli pentru Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit
(APDRP) a fost nfiinat prin Ordonana de Urgen a Guvernului nr. 13 din 27
februarie 2006, prin reorganizarea Ageniei SAPARD i a primit acreditarea de
funcionare la finalul anului 2007. APDRP este structurat la nivel judeean n 42 de
Oficii Judeene, la nivel regional n 8 Centre Regionale i un sediu central. Activitatea
Centrului Regional de Pli pentru Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit 6 Satu Mare acoper 6
judee: Bihor, Bistria-Nsud, Cluj, Maramure, Satu-Mare, Slaj, unde exist cte un
Oficiu Judeean de Pli pentru Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit. Centrul Regional de Pli
pentru Dezvoltare Rurala i Pescuit este o instituie public fr personalitate juridic
care are ca scop aplicarea i respectarea procedurilor specifice de lucru, coordonand
totodata activitatea Oficiilor Judeene.

Principalele direcii de investiii care sunt finanate prin Fondul European pentru
Agricultur i Dezvoltare Rural (FEADR), reprezint o continuare fireasc a
Programului SAPARD prin mbuntirea procesrii agroindustriale, sprijinirea
dezvoltrii fermelor de semi-subzisten, managementul pdurilor i a produselor
forestiere, dezvoltarea i modernizarea infrastructurii rurale i n general a satului
romnesc. Totodat, o component foarte important a FEADR este i cea de
conservare a biodiversitii prin mpduriri a terenurilor agricole, ncurajarea metodelor
de producie agricol compatibile cu protecia i mbuntirea mediului, dar i
meninerea fermelor din zonele montane. n concordan cu celelalte componente de
investiii se finaneaz att activitile de diversificare economic, turism, conservarea
patrimoniului natural, cultural i arhitectural, ct i renovarea satelor. Nu n ultimul rnd,
o prioritate de finanare este i implementarea programului pilot LEADER pentru
ncurajarea inovaiei n sectorul agricol i forestier, folosirea resurselor naturale i
culturale ntr-un mod raional i mbuntirea calitii vieii n zonele rurale. n ceea ce
privete Fondul European pentru Pescuit, Ageniei de Pli pentru Dezvoltare Rural i
Pescuit i-a fost atribuit funcia de plat i, n condiiile delegrii n baza unui acord
interinstituional, i funcia de implementare aferent acestui fond.

Experii Agenia de Pli pentru Dezvoltare Rural i Pescuit (APDRP) au
asigurat derularea Programului SAPARD pn la finalizarea acestuia n 2009, n ceea
ce privete efectuarea plilor pentru proiectele contractate, iar pn n decembrie
2013, vor fi monitorizate toate proiectele care au fost finanate prin Programul SAPARD
n sensul respectrii clauzelor asumate prin contractele de finanare. Pe lng preluarea
integral a personalului Ageniei SAPARD, APDRP i-a extins operaiunile la nivel
judeean prin nfiinarea Oficiilor Judeene. n acest fel, cererile de plat pentru
Programul SAPARD au fost primite direct la nivel judeean, la fel ca i cererile de
finanare i de plat pentru FEADR.


Dezvoltarea mediului rural prin implementarea tehnic i financiar a Fondului
European pentru Agricultur i Dezvoltare Rural (FEADR), prin operarea ntr-o
manier prudent i transparent. Ne bazm succesul pe ncrederea partenerilor notri
construit prin nelegerea nevoilor lor locale i regionale, pe calitatea i eficiena tuturor
activitilor pe care le desfurm. De asemenea, recunoatem i motivm talentul,
ncrederea i devotamentul angajailor notri.
Angajaii notri dau valoare ageniei i particip n mod esenial la succesul acesteia,
fiind mpreun responsabili pentru ndeplinirea misiunii noastre. Recunoatem calitatea,
motivarea i performana ca factori principali n atingerea succesului. Valorile noastre
sunt: ncredere; Dinamism; Inovaie; Stabilitate; Profesionalism; Flexibilitate;
Transparen; Integritate; Orientare spre parteneri.


S fim recunoscui ca un partener puternic, stabil i profitabil pentru partenerii publici si
privai din mediul rural, un partener care administreaz eficient, crete n mod dinamic i
se implic puternic n dezvoltarea i consolidarea mediului de afaceri din zonele rurale
ale rii.

OBIECTIVELE Programului Naional de Dezvoltare Rural:
Obiectivul Axei I l constituie creterea competitivitii sectoarelor agro-alimentar i
forestier prin sprijinirea fermierilor i persoanelor care i desfoar activitatea n
sectoarele agroalimentar i forestier, pentru mbuntirea capitalului uman prin
sprijinirea acestora n vederea adaptrii la noul context.
Obiectivul Axei III l constituie ncurajarea diversificrii economiei rurale i
mbuntirea calitii vieii din spaiul rural prin crearea i modernizarea infrastructurii
fizice de baz din zonele rurale, mbuntirea calitii mediului social, natural i
economic din spaiul rural, protejarea i conservarea patrimoniului cultural i natural
rural, crearea, mbuntirea i diversificarea facilitilor i atraciilor turistice.


Denumire Ax

AXA 1 - Creterea
sectorului agricol
i silvic
i aciuni de
informare -
Msura 111
serviciilor de
agricol de

Poteniali beneficiari

(Msura 121):
fermierii (persoane fizice
sau juridice care practic n
principal activiti agricole -
activitate principal, a cror
exploataie este situat pe
teritoriul rii, are o
dimensiune egal sau mai
mare de 2 UDE1 i care
este nregistrat n Registrul
fermelor/Registrul agricol i
are codul CAEN 01xx)

(Msura 123):

Activiti eligibile (care pot
obine finanare)

Alocari n perioada 2007-
2013:3 ,25 mld . Euro
(Msura 121):
- achiziia de tractoare,
combine, maini, utilaje,
echipamente etc;
- construirea i/sau
modernizarea cldirilor
operaionale care conduc la
conformitii cu standardele
agricoli i
proprietarii de
pdure -
Msura 114
Msura 121
adugate a
agricole i
forestiere -
Msura 123
i dezvoltarea
legate de
dezvoltarea i
agriculturii i
silviculturii -
Msura 125
grupurilor de
productori -
Msura 142
persoane fizice autorizate,
ntreprinderi mici si mijlocii
i alte ntreprinderi

- diversificarea productiei n
funcie de cerinele pieei,
realizarea de noi produse i
introducerea de noi
- obiective de mediu si

(Msura 123):
- mbuntirea i
optimizarea fluxurilor de
producie, prelucrare i
marketing a produselor
agricole i forestiere (de ex:
creterea randamentului de
- crearea i/sau
modernizarea reelelor locale
de colectare, a capacitilor
de recepionare, depozitare,
condiionare, sortare i
ambalare a produselor
agricole i forestiere (de ex:
prelungirea perioadei de
pstrare, creterea calitii
- introducerea de tehnologii
i procedee pentru obinerea
de noi produse care s
satisfac diferitele cerine ale
consumatorilor (de ex:
diversificarea gamei de
- mbuntirea produciei,
procesrii i marketingului
produselor cu standarde de
calitate superioare, inclusiv
produsele ecologice;
- mbuntirea controlului
intern al calitii materiei
prime, semifabricatelor,
produselor i subproduselor
obinute n cadrul unitilor
de procesare i marketing
(de ex: creterea siguranei

AXA 3 - Calitatea
vieii n zonele
rurale i
economiei rurale
non-agricole -
Msura 311
Sprijin pentru
intreprinderi -
Msura 312
turistice -
Msura 313
Renovarea i
satelor -
Msura 322

(Msura 322):
comunele, Asociaiile de
Dezvoltare Intercomunitar
(ADI), ONG-uri, aezminte
culturale i instituii de cult,
persoane fizice i juridice
care dein n proprietate sau
administreaz obiective de
patrimoniu cultural sau
natural din spaiul rural

Alocari in perioada 2007-
2013: 2,12 mld . Euro

(Msura 322):
- drumuri, canalizare, ap,
gaze, curent electric
- colectarea gunoiului
- reabilitarea cldirilor de
patrimoniu, centrului civic al
- nfiinarea de servicii pentru
populaia rural


Pregatirea proiectului
Elaborarea cerereii
de finantare

a cererii de
privind rezultatul
selectarii i
implementare proiect


1) Dezvoltarea durabil a S.C. OCT TRANS S.R.L. prin schema de ajutor de stat
XS 28/123F/2008


Valoarea total eligibil a proiectului: 432.435
Valoarea contribuiei private: 216.217,5
Valoarea contribuiei FEADR: 216.217,5

29.08.2008 29.02.2009

2) Achiziionarea de utilaje i echipamente noi, n vederea modernizrii fabricii
de panificaie AGRO LIRA, comuna Mihai Viteazu, sat Corneti, nr. 284, judeul
Cluj, prin schema de ajutor de stat XS 13/123A/2008


Valoarea total eligibil a proiectului: 75.215
Valoarea contribuiei private: 37.607,5
Valoarea contribuiei FEADR: 37.607,5

19.12.2008 19.06.2009

3) Modernizarea brutriei i achiziionarea utilajelor noi n vederea creterii
competitivitii firmei S.C. PAP S.R.L, comuna Sic, judeul Cluj, prin schema de
ajutor de stat XS 13/123A/2008


Valoarea total eligibil a proiectului: 123.073
Valoarea contribuiei private: 61.356
Valoarea contribuiei FEADR: 61.356

29.08.2008 29.08.2009


Programul Operaional Sectorial de Mediu (POS Mediu)
Aplicabilitate: 2007-2013


Ministerul Mediului i Pdurilor Direcia general AM POS Mediu - la nivel
central, ca Autoritate de Management
str. Justiiei, nr. 59-61, sector 4, Bucureti
tel: 021.316.61.57, fax: 0021.316.07.78
Director General Doina FRAN
Persoan de contact: Mlina FRTEANU


Organismul Intermediar POS Mediu Cluj-Napoca, Regiunea Nord-Vest - la
nivel regional, ca Organism Intermediar
str. Minerilor nr. 47, Cluj-Napoca, cod potal 400409, Cluj
Tel: +40 264 418.714, Fax: +40 264 418.714

Director: Marius BICAN
Persoan de contact: Nicu ROZENBERG


Organismul Intermediar pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial de Mediu (OI
POS Mediu) Cluj-Napoca pentru Regiunea Nord-Vest funcioneaz n
conformitate cu prevederile Hotrrii Guvernului nr. 368/2007 privind organizarea
i funcionarea Ministerului Mediului i Dezvoltrii Durabile.

OI POS Mediu Cluj-Napoca este o unitate finanat de la bugetul de stat, fr


Cluj-Napoca, Str. Minerilor Nr. 47, 400409, Cluj, Romania; Tel/Fax: 0264-418.714
personalitate juridic, cu structur funcional distinct, n subordinea Ministerului
Mediului - Direcia General pentru Managementul Instrumentelor Structurale,
care este Autoritatea de Management pentru POS Mediu.

OI POS Mediu Cluj-Napoca ndeplinete atribuiile delegate de ctre Autoritatea
de Management, prin Acordul de Delegare de Atribuii nr. 78516 semnat n data
de 15.10.2007, modificat prin Act Adiional nr.1/07.05.2008 i Act Adiional
nr.2/05.03.2009, n scopul gestionrii la nivelul Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest
a programelor de mediu finanate prin Programul Operaional Sectorial Mediu din
Instrumentele Structurale (Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regional, Fondul de


OI POS Mediu Cluj-Napoca este o direcie a Autorittii de Management POS
Mediu, care funcioneaz n conformitate cu prevederile Hotrrii Guvernului
Romniei nr. 1635/2009 privind organizarea i funcionarea Ministerului Mediului
i Pdurilor, precum i a altor acte normative aplicabile, la nivelul Regiunii Nord-
OI POS Mediu Cluj-Napoca acioneaz pentru a proteja mediul i resursele
naturale, pentru a garanta generaiei actuale i celor viitoare un mediu curat, n
armonie cu dezvoltarea economic i progresul social prin:
- Integrarea principiilor dezvoltrii durabile n toate politicile i strategiile
- programarea i monitorizarea utilizrii asistenei financiare nerambursabile
acordate de Uniunea European pentru mediu.


Valorile comune mprtite de toi angajaii ministerului sunt:
spirit de echip;
dezvoltare continu.

Infrastructura modern i eficient realizat prin finanare european n
cadrul POS Mediu, va contribui la mbunatirea calitii vieii populatiei n
regiune, precum i la creterea posibilitilor de investiie.

Obiectivul global al Programului Operaional Sectorial Mediu este mbuntirea
standardelor de via ale populaiei i a standardelor de mediu viznd, n
principal, respectarea aquis-ului (legislaiei) comunitar de mediu.

Domenii de aplicabilitate:
Extinderea/modernizarea sistemelor de ap/ap uzat;
Dezvoltarea sistemelor integrate de management al
deeurilor i extinderea infrastructurii de management al deeurilor;
Reabilitarea zonelor poluate istoric;
Reabilitarea sistemelor urbane de nclzire n zonele fierbini (hot-spot);
Dezvoltarea infrastructurii i a planurilor de management n
vederea protejrii biodiversitii i Natura 2000;
Protecia mpotriva inundaiilor;
Reducerea eroziunii costiere.


Obiectivele specifice ale POS Mediu sunt:
Obiectiv specific 1

mbunatirea accesului la
infrastructura de ap, prin
asigurarea serviciilor de
alimentare cu ap i
canalizare n majoritatea
zonelor urbane, pn n 2015

Axa prioritar 1

Extinderea i modernizarea
infrastructurii de ap i ap uzat

2,44 mld EURO
(din Fondul de Coeziune)

Obiectiv specific 2

Ameliorarea calitii
solului, prin mbunatirea
managementului deeurilor i
reducerea numrului de zone
poluate istoric, n minimum
30 de judee, pn n 2015

Axa prioritar 2

Dezvoltarea sistemelor de
management integrat al deeurilor i
reabilitarea siturilor contaminate

773 mil EURO (din Fondul European de
Dezvoltare Regional - FEDR)

Obiectiv specific 3

Axa prioritar 3

Reducerea impactului
negativ cauzat de centralele
municipale vechi n cele mai
poluate localiti pn n
mbuntirea sistemelor
municipale de termoficare n zonele
prioritare selectate

200 mil EURO (din Fondul de Coeziune)

Obiectiv specific 4

Protecia i mbuntirea
biodiversitii i a
patrimoniului natural, prin
sprijinirea implementrii
reelei Natura 2000

Axa prioritar 4

Implementarea sistemelor
adecvate de management pentru protecia

150 mil EURO (din Fondul European de
Dezvoltare Regional - FEDR)

Obiectiv specific 5

Reducerea riscului la
dezastre naturale care
afecteaza populaia, prin
implementarea msurilor
preventive n cele mai
vulnerabile zone, pn n

Axa prioritar 5

Dezvoltarea infrastructurii
adecvate de prevenire a riscurilor naturale
n zonele cele mai expuse la risc

237 mil EURO (din Fondul de Coeziune)

Axa prioritar 6

Asistena tehnic

160 mil EURO (din FEDR)


Etapele de urmat n vederea obtinerii finanrii din POS Mediu:

1. Unele proiecte sunt identificate i prioritizate pe baza strategiilor naionale din
fiecare sector i nu pe baz de competiie deschis. Aa sunt proiectele care pot
obine finanare n cadrul axelor prioritare 1, 2, 3 i 5. Pentru axa prioritar 4
(protecia naturii), selecia proiectelor se face pe baz de competiie deschis.

2. Beneficiarii POS Mediu apeleaz la AM sau OI POS Mediu pentru a afla dac
sunt eligibili (dac se ncadreaz ntre potenialii beneficiari ai programului, aa
cum sunt ei definii n program). Beneficiarii POS Mediu sunt:
- Axa 1- Asociaia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitar, reprezentat prin
Operator Regional;
- Axa 2 - Asociaia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitar, reprezentat prin
Consiliul Judeean sau autoritile administraiei publice locale (Consiliile
Judeene, Consiliile Locale);
- Axa 3 - autoritile publice locale sau, n anumite cazuri, operatorii
serviciilor de nclzire urban;
- Axa 4 - administratorii i custozii ariilor protejate, ARPM-urile i APM-urile,
autoritile publice, ONG-urile, institutele de cercetare, universitile,
- Axa 5 - Administratia Naional Apele Romne;
- Axa 6 Autoritatea de Management (AM) i OI POS Mediu.

3. Beneficiarul apeleaz la AM, OI POS Mediu sau direct pe site, intr n posesia
i analizeaz ghidul de finanare (Ghidul Solicitantului).

4. Beneficiarul (sau o firma de consultan) elaboreaz cererea de finanare i
documentele suport (pentru proiectele majore din cadrul axelor prioritare 1, 2, 3
i 5 cererea de finanare va fi nsoit de: Master Plan, Studiu de Fezabilitate,
Evaluarea Impactului asupra Mediului, Analiza Cost-Beneficiu, Analiza
Instituional, avize i autorizaii, etc.).

5. Beneficiarul depune aplicaia de finanare la Organismul Intermediar (pentru
axa prioritar 4) i la Autoritatea de Management (proiecte majore), cu
respectarea condiiilor impuse prin POS Mediu i Ghidul Solicitantului.

6. Aplicaiile de finanare sunt evaluate la nivelul Regiunii Nord-Vest iar selecia
este realizat la nivelul AM POS Mediu (pentru axa 4). Aplicaiile de finanare
aferente proiectelor majore sunt aprobate de ctre Comisia European.

7. Se semneaz contractul de finanare ntre AM i solicitant, dup aprobarea
finanrii proiectului prin POS Mediu de ctre Comisia European/Comitetul de
selecie constituit la nivelul AM POS Mediu.

8. Implementarea proiectului (realizarea ntocmai a activitilor cuprinse n

9. Beneficiarul depune cererea de prefinanare la AM.

10. Beneficiarul depune cereri de rambursare la OI POS Mediu Cluj-

11. Beneficiarul poart ntreaga responsabilitate pentru stabilirea i meninerea
unui sistem propriu de eviden, ndosariere i arhivare, care s permit
controlul/auditul proiectului pe durata de implementare a acestuia i timp de 5 ani
de la data nchiderii oficiale a Programului Operaional Sectorial Mediu 2007-


1. Extinderea i reabilitarea sistemelor de ap i ap uzat din judeele Cluj
S.C Compania de Ap Some S.A.
197 milioane euro

2. Extinderea i reabilitarea sistemelor de ap i ap uzat n regiunea
Turda Cmpia Turzii
Compania de Ap Arie Turda
80 milioane euro

3. Sistem de management integrat al deeurilor n judeul Bistria-
Consiliul Judeean Bistria-Nsud
37 milioane euro


Programul pentru dezvoltarea abilitilor antreprenoriale n rndul tinerilor i
facilitarea accesului acestora la finanare - START -
Programul de dezvoltare i modernizare a activitilor de comercializare a
produselor i serviciilor de pia
Programul naional multianual pe perioada 2005-2012 pentru dezvoltarea culturii
antreprenoriale n rndul femeilor manager din sectorul ntreprinderilor mici i
Programul naional multianual pe perioada 2002-2012 pentru susinerea
meteugurilor i artizanatului

Aplicabilitate: multianual


Ministerul Economiei, Comerului i Mediului de Afaceri
Agenia pentru Implementarea Proiectelor i Programelor pentru IMM (AIPPIMM)

Oficiul Teritorial pentru ntreprinderi Mici i Mijlocii i Cooperaie Cluj (OTIMMC)
str. Horea, nr.13, cod potal 400174, Cluj Napoca, judeul Cluj
Tel: +40 264 487.224, Fax: +40 264 487.244

ef oficiu: Mircea MIHETEAN
Persoan de contact relaii cu mass-media: Lavinia CIURAR


Agenia pentru Implementarea Proiectelor i Programelor pentru ntreprinderi Mici i Mijlocii -
la nivel central: AIPPIMM.
Autoritatea de Implementare Tehnic i Financiar - la nivel regional: OTIMMC CLUJ.
OTIMMC Cluj funcioneaz ca organ de specialitate al administraiei publice, are personalitate
juridic i este subordonat Ageniei pentru Implementarea Proiectelor i Programelor pentru
ntreprinderi Mici i Mijlocii.
Domenii de aplicabilitate: sectorul ntreprinderilor mici i mijlocii IMM
Perioada de implementare a proiectelor: 4060 de zile lucrtoare de la semnarea contractului
de finanare n funcie de program, urmnd ca perioada de monitorizare s se efectueze pe
urmtorii 3 ani.

de a fi liantul i motorul unui mediu de afaceri n continu cretere i dezvoltare;
de a ncuraja i furniza suportul necesar dezvoltrii tinerilor ntreprinztori;
de a fi liantul ntre mediul de afaceri local i sectorul public;
de a fi partenerul principal al mediului de afaceri local i liantul dintre acesta i sectorul
de a furniza servicii de consiliere i identificare a oportunitilor oferite IMM-urilor n
interiorul i n afara granielor UE;
de a ndruma cu profesionalism i competen mediul de afaceri local n scopul
identificrii i accesrii cu succes a oportunitilor oferite de ctre UE;
de cretere a competitivitii, eficienei, credibilitii, ncrederii i impactului mediului de
afaceri local n context regional;
de a crea o reea puternic de antreprenoriat n regiune;
de a stimula inovarea n cadrul mediului de afaceri local;
de a susine crearea i dezvoltarea unui mediu de afaceri concurenial i eficient prin
implementarea programelor cu finanare de la bugetul de stat.
Scopul principal al OTIMMC Cluj este de promovare continu a creterii i dezvoltrii mediului
de afaceri zonal, att n interiorul ct i n afara granielor UE, prin stimularea inovrii n
domeniul IMM i creterea competitivitii acestora.


Principiile care ne conduc n activitatea pe care o desfurm sunt:


Vrem s fim principalul sprijin pentru dezvoltarea durabil a mediului de afaceri zonal.


Scurt descriere a programelor finanate de la bugetul de stat ale AIPPIMM:
Denumire Program

Programul pentru
antreprenoriale n
rndul tinerilor i
facilitarea accesului
acestora la finanare

Poteniali beneficiari

1. Persoanele fizice
s fie ceteni romni;
s aib vrsta cuprins
ntre 18 i 40 de ani
s aib studii medii sau
superioare definitivate.
2.Societi comerciale

Activiti eligibile (care pot
obine finanare)

Valoarea alocaiei
nerambursabile este maxim
49% din valoarea total a
cheltuielilor eligibile efectuate
(exclusiv TVA) i nu poate
depi 60.000 lei de
Obiectul finanrii trebuie s
se ncadreze n una sau mai
multe din categoriile eligibile:
Aparate i instalaii de
msur, control i
Mijloace de transport
auto pentru mrfuri ;
Licene, brevete, mrci,
francize, etichetare
Taxe pentru nfiinare
societate comercial la
Registrul Comerului
(doar pentru aplicani
persoane fizice).

Programul de
dezvoltare i
modernizare a
activitilor de
comercializare a
produselor i
serviciilor de pia

Persoane juridice (societi
comerciale / societi
cooperative), aa cum sunt
definite de Legea nr.
346/2004 privind stimularea
nfiinrii i dezvoltrii
ntreprinderilor mici i

Valoarea alocaiei
nerambursabile poate fi
maxim 60% din valoarea
total a cheltuielilor eligibile
efectuate (exclusiv TVA) i
nu poate depi 50.000 lei
de beneficiar.
Alocaia financiar
nerambursabil se acord
pentru urmtoarele categorii
de activiti eligibile:
achiziionarea de tehnic
de calcul;
achiziionarea de cititoare
pentru cod cu bare;
achiziionarea de cntare
electronice cu/fr printer
pentru etichetare;
achiziionarea de aparate
de marcat electronice
achiziionarea de maini,
utilaje i instalaii de
lucru, aparate i instalaii
de msur, control i
reglare din subgrupele
2.1, 2.2 fixe);
achiziionarea de electro
i motostivuitoare.
Alte programe

multianual pe
perioada 2005-
2012 pentru
n rndul femeilor
manager din
mici i mijlocii;
multianual pe
perioada 2002-
2012 pentru
meteugurilor i



Cabinet de medicin estetic
Irina Ionescu (32 de ani)
5.500 euro
PERIOADA de ncepere a activitii:
decembrie 2009
Scrisori de
list pe site


Programul Operaional Sectorial Creterea Competitivitii Economice (POS CCE)
Aplicabilitate: 2007-2013


Ministerul Economiei - la nivel central: Autoritate de Management
Autoritatea Naional pentru Cercetare tiinific DG OI cu birouri la nivel regional:
Organism Intermediar
Biroul Regional Cluj- Regiunea Nord-Vest
str. Republicii 107, cam 309-310, Cluj-Napoca, judeul Cluj
Tel/Fax: +40 264 590445

Consilier superior: Rodica-Doina MEZA
Consilier superior : KATONA Reka


Autoritatea Naional pentru Cercetare tiinific (ANCS) este organul de specialitate al
administraiei publice centrale, aflat n subordinea Ministerului Educaiei, Cercetrii i Inovrii,
prin care acesta i realizeaz atribuiile n domeniul cercetrii. Autoritatea este o instituie
public, finanat de la bugetul de stat. Funcionarea ANCS este reglementat prin HG
1449/17 noiembrie 2005, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Autoritatea de Management ( pentru Programul Operaional
Sectorial Creterea Competitivitii Economice (HG nr. 457/2008, HG 738/2003, HG nr.
1720/2008, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare) funcioneaz n cadrul Ministerului
Economiei i are responsabilitatea managementului, administrrii i implementrii POS CCE.

Pentru implementarea eficient a programului, au fost desemnate Organisme Intermediare ale
POS CCE pentru fiecare ax prioritar.
Pentru Axa Prioritar 2 Competitivitate prin cercetare-dezvoltare i inovare, OI a fost
desemnat Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Inovrii, prin Autoritatea Naional pentru
Cercetare tiinific, reprezentata n Regiunea Nord-Vest prin Biroul Regional Cluj al

Derularea activitii OI pentru Axa prioritara 2 - Cercetare se concentreaz pe atingerea
ctorva obiective:

creterea capacitii de cercetare prin dezvoltarea infrastructurii de cercetare-dezvoltare
(CD), att pentru instituii publice de CD (universiti i institute CD), ct i pentru firme
care au departamente de cercetare;
intensificarea activitilor de CD n sprijinul ntreprinderilor;
stimularea transferului tehnologic bazat pe cooperarea dintre instituii CD i
ntreprinderi; stimularea cererii de inovare a ntreprinderilor; susinerea formrii i
dezvoltrii firmelor innovative

ndeplinirea obiectivelor se realizeaz prin stimularea cererii i orientarea spre sectorul privat,
- prin finanarea direct a ntreprinderilor private inovative;
- prin sprijinirea parteneriatului bazat pe cerere i nu pe ofert, unde aplicarea direct
a rezultatelor cercetrii in sectorul productiv este un criteriu cheie de selecie;
- prin mbuntirea infrastructurii de cercetare pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea de
clustere si poli de excelen i specializarea tinerilor cercettori i tehnicieni care
ulterior vor migra ctre sectorul afacerilor.


Instituia are misiunea de a asigura elaborarea, aplicarea, monitorizarea i evaluarea politicilor
n domeniul cercetrii-dezvoltrii i inovrii, n acord cu strategia i cu programul de guvernare,
n scopul de a fi asigurate, pe aceste baze, lrgirea patrimoniului naional i internaional
tehnologic i de inovare, dezvoltarea economic durabil, accesul pe piaa intern, european
i pe piee globale, realizarea societii informaionale bazate pe cunoatere, satisfacerea
nevoilor ceteanului i creterea calitii vieii acestuia.


Programul Operaional Sectorial Creterea Competitivitii Economice (POS CCE) 2007-2013
este unul dintre cele apte programe operaionale sectoriale (POS-uri) - instrumente pentru
realizarea prioritilor trasate prin Cadrul Naional Strategic de Referin (CNSR) i prin Planul
Naional de Dezvoltare (PND) 2007 2013.
inndu-se seama de posibilitile identificate pentru mbuntirea competitivitii
ntreprinderilor romneti pentru a face fa noilor provocri precum i de folosirea
oportunitilor de a opera pe Piaa Unic European, i de eligibilitatea Romniei pentru
finanarea din FEDR, n cadrul POS CCE au fost stabilite cinci axe prioritare:

- Axa Prioritar 1: Un sistem inovativ i eco-eficient de producie
- Axa Prioritar 2: Competitivitate prin cercetare, dezvoltare tehnologic i inovare
- Axa Prioritar 3: Tehnologia informaiei i comunicaiilor (TIC) pentru sectoarele privat
i public
- Axa Prioritar 4: Creterea eficienei energetice i a securitii furnizrii in contextul
combaterii schimbrilor climatice
- Axa Prioritar 5: Asistena tehnic

Axa prioritar 2 - Cercetare are 3 domenii majore de intervenie, fiecare cu un numr de
operaiuni specifice:

Denumire Ax

Axa prioritar 2

prin Cercetare,
tehnologica si

Domenii majore de

1. Cercetare dezvoltare n
parteneriat ntre universiti
/ institute de cercetare-
dezvoltare i ntreprinderi
(industrie), n vederea
obinerii de rezultate
aplicabile n economie

Operaiuni (activiti
eligibile, care pot obine

1. Proiecte de CD n
parteneriat ntre
universiti/institute de
cercetare i ntreprinderi;

2. Proiecte CD de nalt nivel
tiinific la care vor participa
specialiti din strintate.

Axa prioritar 2

prin Cercetare,
tehnologica si

2. Investiii n infrastructura
de CDI i dezvoltarea
capacitii administrative

1. Dezvoltarea infrastructurii
CD existente i crearea de
noi infrastructuri (laboratoare,
centre de cercetare);
2. Dezvoltarea de poli de
3. Dezvoltarea unor reele de
centre CD, coordonate la
nivel naional i racordate la
reele europene i
internaionale de profil (GRID,
4. ntrirea capacitii

Denumire Ax

Axa prioritar 2

prin Cercetare,
tehnologica si

3. Accesul ntreprinderilor la
activiti de cercetare-
dezvoltare i inovare

1. Sprijin pentru start-up-urile
i spin-off-urile inovative;
2. Dezvoltarea infrastructurii
de CD a ntreprinderilor i
crearea de noi locuri de
munc pentru CD;
3. Promovarea inovrii n
cadrul ntreprinderilor.



1.Laborator de testare, cercetare i certificare a motoarelor cu ardere intern ce
funcioneaz cu biocombustibil -TESTECOCEL
Universitatea Tehnic Cluj-Napoca
bugetul total: 8.931.904 RON

2. Centrul GRID al Universitii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca
Universitatea Tehnic Cluj-Napoca
bugetul total: 2.295.830 RON


Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POS DRU)
Aplicabilitate: 2007-2013


Bucureti, Calea Plevnei, nr.46-48, sector 1, cod 010233
Telefon: 021 315.02.01; 021- 315.02.07; 021-315.02.08
Fax: 021-315.02.06; 021-315.02.07
Director: Anca Cristina Zevedei

Bucureti, Strada Spiru Haret, nr. 10-12, sector 1, cod potal 010176
Telefon: 021-311.11.62, 021-312.11.61,
Fax: 021- 312.54.98

Director: Gabriela Ciobanu
Director adjunct: Viorel Mihai
Persoana de contact: Ioana Crstea, Alexandru Giurgea
Persoana care asigur relaia cu mass media: Viorel Mihai

Cluj-Napoca, Str. Piaa tefan cel Mare, nr. 4 birou 25, cod potal 400192, jud. Cluj
Telefon: 0264-59.44.10, Fax: 0264-59.44.10
Coordonator regional: Maria Simu
Persoana de contact: ofieri informare, publicitate, help-desk Adriana Plea, Oana

Centrul Naional de Dezvoltare a nvmntului Profesional i Tehnic (CNDIPT) este
una dintre structurile de specialitate care funcioneaz n subordinea Ministerului
Educaiei, Cercetrii i Inovrii.
Din anul 2007, CNDIPT ndeplinete i funcia de organism intermediar (OI) pentru
implementarea Programului Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane
2007 2013 (POSDRU).
n calitate de OI, CNDIPT are atribuii de gestionare a dou domenii majore de
intervenie ale POSDRU: Tranziia de la coal la viaa activ i Acces i participare
la formare profesional continu, n cadrul Axa Prioritare 2 a Programului.


CNDIPT dezvolt politici educaionale i strategiile de dezvoltare a formrii
profesionale iniiale prin reeaua de uniti colare a nvmntului profesional i
tehnic, precum i principiile de corelare a pregtirii profesionale i de specialitate din
nvmntul preuniversitar i universitar i asigur mbuntirea calitii n
nvmntul profesional i tehnic.
CNDIPT ndeplinete funcia de organism intermediar pentru Programul Operaional
Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (CNDIPT-OIPOSDRU), n baza Acordului
de delegare de funcii ncheiat cu Autoritatea de Management (AM) pentru POSDRU
din cadrul Ministerului Muncii, Familiei i Proteciei Sociale, fundamentndu-se pe
principiile managementului eficient, transparenei i parteneriatului, n conformitate cu
legislaia naional i comunitar.

CNDIPT-OIPOSDRU crede n nvarea pe tot parcursul vieii i, prin roul ndeplinit n
cadrul structurii care gestioneaz POSDRU 2007-2013, contribuie la formarea i
dezvoltarea capitalului uman care particip activ ntr-o pia a muncii modern,
flexibil i incluziv pentru o economie competitiv i dinamic. Totodat, susine
parteneriatul ca principiu de aciune pentru realizarea obiectivelor acestui program.

Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane este un program
propus de Romnia i aprobat de Comisia European care definete strategia privind
dezvoltarea resurselor umane, prin intervenia Fondului Social European.
Obiectivul general al POSDRU l constituie dezvoltarea capitalului uman i creterea
competitivitii, prin corelarea educaiei i nvrii pe tot parcursul vieii cu piaa
muncii i asigurarea de oportuniti sporite pentru participarea viitoare pe o pia a
muncii modern, flexibil i inclusiv a 1.650.000 de persoane.

Domeniu de

Domeniul major de
intervenie 2.3
Acces i participare
la formare
Cererea de
Propuneri de
Proiecte nr. 80
Calificarea - o
ans pentru viitor!

Poteniali beneficiari

Furnizori autorizai pentru
formare profesional
continu, publici i privai;
Ministerul Muncii, Familiei
i Proteciei Sociale i
de ctre acesta;
Consiliul Naional pentru
Formarea Profesional a
Furnizori de orientare i
consiliere n carier,
publici i privai;
Instituii sau ONG-uri
(asociaii i fundaii)
specializate n
dezvoltarea resurselor
umane; Instituii sau ONG-
uri (asociaii i fundaii)
specializate n
organizarea i derularea
campaniilor de informare
i promovare;
Membri ai Comitetelor
Sectoriale i Comitete
Sectoriale cu
personalitate juridic;
Instituii i organizaii
membre ale consoriilor i
parteneriatelor regionale
i locale n domeniile
ocuprii, educaiei i
formrii profesionale;
Instituii i organizaii
membre ale Pactelor
Regionale i
Parteneriatelor Locale
pentru Ocupare i
Incluziune Social,
Organizaii sindicale;
Organizaii patronale;
Asociaii profesionale;

Activiti eligibile (care pot
obine finanare)

Sunt finanate proiecte
strategice care ndeplinesc
Se implementeaz la
nivel naional, multi-
regional sau sectorial
Valoarea total a unui
proiect este cuprins ntre
2.094.150 lei
20.941.500 lei (500.000
Euro 5.000.000 Euro).
Participarea angajailor la
programe de formare
profesional continu
pentru calificare sau
Dezvoltarea i
autorizarea programelor
de calificare/ recalificare;
Consiliere i orientare
profesional a angajailor;
Campanii de informare
Activiti inovative.

Camere de comer i

Domeniul major de
intervenie 2.3.
Acces i participare
la formare
Linia de finanare
Nr. 76 Calificarea/
angajailor proprii


strategiilor/ planurilor
de dezvoltare a
resurselor umane;
Formarea profesional
continu a angajailor
proprii, n vederea
calificrii/ recalificrii.

Domeniul major de
intervenie 2.1
Tranziia de la
coal la viaa activ

Linia de finanare
Nr. 75, Programe
de mentorat pentru
tinerii angajai


ndrumarea/ evaluarea
activitii tinerilor
angajai de ctre un
Consilierea profesional
a tinerilor angajai;
Fomarea mentorilor.

Domeniul major de
intervenie 2.1
Tranziia de la
coal la viaa activ
Cererea de
Propuneri de
Proiecte nr.90
nva o meserie

Uniti de nvmnt i
instituii de nvmnt
superior din sistemul
naional de nvmnt;

; Asociaii
profesionale; Camere de
Comer i Industrie;
Organizaii sindicale;
Organizaii patronale;
ONG-uri cu activitate
relevant pentru domeniul
n care se implementeaz
Ministerul Educaiei,
Cercetrii i Inovrii i
structuri/ agenii/
organisme relevante,
subordonate/ coordonate

Sunt finanate proiecte
strategice care ndeplinesc
Se implementeaz la
nivel naional, multi-
regional sau sectorial
Valoarea total a unui
proiect este cuprins ntre
2.094.150 lei
20.941.500 lei (500.000
Euro 5.000.000 Euro)
Stagii de pregtire
practic la un potenial
loc de munc
Consiliere i orientare
Monitorizarea inseriei pe
piaa muncii (numai
de ctre acesta;
Ministerul Muncii, Familiei
i Proteciei Sociale i
structuri/ agenii/
organisme relevante,
de ctre acesta.

pentru absolvenii de
Campanii de informare i
Activiti inovatoare (de
exemplu metode
interactive de nvare
precum firma de exerciiu
sau ntreprinderea

- Consultarea paginii de internet pentru identificarea lansrii
Cererilor de Propuneri de Proiecte i a Ghidurilor Solicitantului de ctre Autoritatea
de Management (AM) pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane;
- Identificarea nevoilor de dezvoltare de ctre potenialul beneficiar;
- Realizarea unei idei de proiect pentru soluionarea nevoilor;
- Identificarea surselor de cofinanare i, opional, a unor parteneri pentru
implementarea proiectului;
- Consultarea Ghidului Solicitantului Condiii Generale i Condiii Specifice;
- Completarea i transmiterea Cererii de finanare prin intermediul aplicaiei on-line
Action Web, disponibil pe

- Evaluarea cererilor de finanare depuse i selecia celor eligibile de ctre
evaluatori independeni;
- Anunarea beneficiarilor privind rezultatul evalurii/ seleciei;
- Pregtirea documentelor suport n vederea contractrii (activitatea este realizat n
perioada de precontractare - 20 de zile calendaristice - de ctre fiecare solicitant al
crui proiect a fost aprobat);
- Semnarea contractului de finanare ntre solicitant, AM i OI POSDRU.

- Demararea proiectului, respectnd graficul de activiti i bugetul propus;
- Depunerea cererilor de rambursare conform cu graficul transmis la AM POSDRU;
- Monitorizarea implementrii proiectului pe toata durata acestuia (activitatea este
realizat de ctre reprezentani ai AM i OI POSDRU).

1.Convergena pregtirii universitare cu viaa activ

Universitatea Babe-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
buget total: 18.380.000 RON
36 de luni

2. O nou calificare, o nou ans

S.C. Arini S.R.L.
buget total: 1.553.190 RON
24 de luni

3. Campania succesului tu

Colegiul Tehnic Anghel Saligny Baia Mare alturi de partenerii si n proiect:
Camera de Comer i Industrie Maramure i Asociaia Patronatului Intreprinderilor
Mici i Mijlocii Maramure
Buget total 1.792.650 RON
20 de luni


Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Ummane (POS DRU)
Aplicabilitate: 2007-2013


Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Inovrii (Autoritatea de Management)
Organismul Intermediar POS DRU (OI POSDRU - MECI)
Str. Spiru Haret, nr. 10-12, sector 1, Bucureti, cod potal 010176
Tel. 021-311.75.25, Fax 021-311.75.26
Director General: Irina Olgua DICEA
Persoan de contact, coordonator Compartimentul Managementul Informaiei:

Str. Piaa tefan cel Mare, nr. 4, birou 19-21, Cluj-Napoca, judeul Cluj, cod potal
Tel/Fax: +40 364 116445

Coordonator regional: Ana DACIN
Persoana contact: Ana DACIN


Organismul Intermediar pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane - Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Inovrii (OI POSDRU MECI)
este un Organism Intermediar naional, avnd n subordine cte o Unitate Regional
n fiecare din cele 8 regiuni de dezvoltare a rii. n sprijinul activitii OI POSDRU
MECI, n cadrul Inspectoratelor colare ale municipiilor Bucureti, Neam, Brila,
Clrai, Dolj, Timi, Alba, Cluj este organizat cte o unitate regional (UR
UR POSDRU Nord-Vest este subordonat funcional Organismului Intermediar
POSDRU i administrativ Inspectoratului colar Judeean Cluj.
OIPOSDRU MECI are urmtoarea baz legal de funcionare:
Acordul de delegare de funcii privind implementarea Programului Operaional
Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 ncheiat ntre Autoritatea de
Management pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor
Umane Ministerul Muncii, Familiei i Proteciei Sociale (AMPOSDR MMFPS) i
Organismul Intermediar Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului, aprobat
prin Ordinul MMFPS nr. 600/23 septembrie 2008 i Actul adiional la acesta
aprobat prin OMMFPS 159/2009;
Ordinul Ministrului Educaiei, Cercetrii i Inovrii nr. 3747/2009 privind
organizarea administrativ i funcional a Organismului Intermediar pentru
Programul Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POS DRU) cu modificrile i
completrile ulterioare;
Hotrrea Guvernului nr. 51/2009 privind organizarea i funcionarea Ministerului
Educaiei,Cercetrii i Inovrii, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare;
Hotrrea guvernului nr. 457/2008 privind cadrul instituional de coordonare i de
gestionare a instrumentelor structurale.
Organismul Intermediar POS DRU este organizat ca direcie general n cadrul
Ministerului Educaiei, Cercetrii i Inovrii. OIPOSDRU-MECI, conform acordului de
delegare de funcii, are funcii delegate de ctre AMPOSDRU MMFPS, funcii
specifice de gestiune a interveniilor din Fondul Social European (FSE) pentru
domeniul educaiei i formrii profesionale n cadrul Programului Operaional
Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POS DRU) 2007-2013, Axa
prioritar 1 cu Domeniile majore de intervenie (DMI) 1-5 i Axa prioritar 2, cu
domeniul major de intervenie 2.


n cadrul Axei prioritare 1, prin gestionarea interveniilor din Fondul Social European
(FSE) din cadrul POSDRU, n baza acordului de delegare de funcii, OIPOSDRU-
MECI, urmrete s sprijine dezvoltarea unor traiectorii flexibile de nvare pe tot
parcursul vieii i s mbunteasc accesul la educaie i formare profesional prin
furnizarea de educaie i formare iniial i continu, modern i de calitate,
incluznd nvmntul superior i cercetarea; prin gestionarea interveniilor din
Fondul Social European (FSE) din POSDRU, n cadrul Axei prioritare 2, DMI 2, n
baza acordului de delegare de funcii, OIPOSDRU-MECI urmrete prevenirea i
corectarea fenomenului de prsire timpurie a colii, prin meninerea/reintegrarea n
educaie i formare profesional a elevilor cu risc de prsire timpurie a colii.
Activitile ntreprinse pentru prevenirea i diminuarea fenomenului de prsire
timpurie a colii sunt n conformitate cu noile linii integrate privind tinerii din cadrul
Agendei Lisabona i din cadrul Pactului European privind Tinerii.


Politica de coeziune a Uniunii Europene, prin instrumentele sale de finanare,
incluznd i Fondul Social European, reprezint punctul central al strategiei de
susinere a Europei pe perioada crizei i de asigurare a unei reveniri rapide la o
cretere economic sustenabil.
Fondul Social European este principalul instrument financiar al UE n ceea ce
privete investiia n capitalul uman, inclusiv din domeniul educaiei i formrii
Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane este un
document aprobat de Comisia European care definete strategia privind
dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin intervenia Fondului Social European.
Obiectivul general al POSDRU l constituie dezvoltarea capitalului uman i creterea
competitivitii, prin corelarea educaiei i nvrii pe tot parcursul vieii cu piaa
muncii i asigurarea de oportuniti sporite pentru participarea viitoare pe o pia a
muncii modern, flexibil i inclusiv a 1.650.000 de persoane.
Autoritatea de Management pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane este Ministerul Muncii Familiei si Proteciei Sociale (AM

Valoarea total gestionat de OIPOSDRU MECI n cadrul POSDRU 2007-2013
pentru Axa 1 i Axa 2, DMI 2.2, n baza acordului de delegare de funcii, reprezint
1,253 Mld. Euro (28,6% din valoarea total a POSDRU).

Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltare Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 are
urmtoarea structur a Axelor prioritare i a Domeniilor Majore de Intervenie:

Educaia i
profesional n
economice i
bazate pe
nvrii pe
tot parcursul
vieii cu piaa
lucrtorilor i a
serviciului public
de ocupare
msurilor active
de ocupare
Asisten tehnic
1.1. Acces la
educaie i
iniial de
2.1. Tranziia
de la coal la
viaa activ
3.1. Promovarea
4.1. ntrirea
Serviciului Public de
Ocupare pentru
furnizarea serviciilor
de ocupare
5.1. Dezvoltarea
i implementarea
msurilor active
de ocupare
6.1. Dezvoltarea
economiei sociale
7.1 . Sprijin pentru
managementul general i
evaluarea POS DRU
1.2. Calitate n
Prevenirea i
timpurii a
3.2. Formare i
sprijin pentru
ntreprinderi i
angajai pentru
4.2. Formarea
personalului propriu
al Serviciului Public
de Ocupare
5.2. Promovarea
sustenabilitii pe
termen lung a
zonelor rurale n
ceea ce privete
resurselor umane
i ocuparea forei
de munca
6.2. mbuntirea
accesului i a
vulnerabile pe
piaa muncii
7.2.Sprijin pentru promovarea
i comunicare POSDRU
umane n
educaie i
2.3. Acces i
participare la
3.3. Dezvoltarea
parteneriatelor i
iniiativelor pentru
partenerii sociali i
societatea civil

6.3. Promovarea
egalitii de anse
pe piaa muncii

1.4. Calitate n

6.4. Iniiative
pentru o pia
inclusiv a muncii

1.5. Programe
doctorale i
n sprijinul

Co-finanarea din Fondul Social European n cadrul POS DRU se poate accesa prin
proiecte, depuse on line n sistemul Actionweb ( seciunea
Cereri de propuneri de proiecte), n cadrul cererilor de propuneri de proiecte
n trimestrul II al anului 2009 AMPOSDRU a lansat noi linii de finanare pentru
proiectele strategice de tipul: Calificri europene, Educaie mai bun pentru toi,
Universitate pentru viitor, Profesioniti n educaie i formare, Burse doctorale,
Programe postdoctorale, A doua ans n educaie.
Proiectele strategice sunt implementate la nivel naional, sectorial sau multiregional
(implementate n cel puin 2 regiuni de dezvoltare).
Valoarea total a unui proiect strategic poate fi cuprins ntre: minim 500.000 euro
echivalentul n lei (Cursul Inforeuro) i maxim 5.000.000 euro. Durata de
implementare a unui proiect strategic trebuie s fie cuprins ntre: minimum 6 (ase)
luni i maximum 3 (trei) ani.
Exemple de oportuniti de finanare n cadrul DMI, gestionate de OI POSDRU

A) Oportuniti de finanare pentru nvmntul preuniversitar:
planificarea i mbuntirea managementului educaional n nvmntul
dezvoltarea i furnizarea de programe de educaie;
asigurarea calitii n nvmntul preuniversitar;
mbuntirea calificrilor profesorilor, formatorilor i a altor categorii de
personal din educaie i formare;
programe pentru meninerea elevilor n educaie, de tip a doua ans i
prevenirea prsirii timpurii a colii.

B) Oportuniti de finanare pentru nvmntul superior:
asigurarea calitii n nvmntul superior;
mbuntirea managementului universitar;
evaluare i acreditare;
creterea accesului la educaia universitar;
dezvoltarea nvmntului superior bazat pe competene (programe de
licen i masterat);
sprijinirea tinerilor cercettori prin programe doctorale i postdoctorale.

Finanarea nerambursabil poate fi solicitat - prin proiecte strategice, de ctre o
categorie larg de beneficiari eligibili, n funcie de specificul fiecrei cereri de
propuneri de proiecte strategice, instituii publice i private, precum:
MECI i agenii, structuri aflate n coordonarea/ subordonarea acestuia;
Uniti de nvmnt;
Instituii de nvmnt superior;
Furnizori de formare profesional continu;
ONG cu relevant in educaie.

Ciclul de via al unui proiect este prezentat succint n schema urmtoare:

Faza de
Faza de
Faza de
Faza de
Faza de
Evaluare impact

1. Proiect de dezvoltare a studiilor de doctorat n tehnologii avansate - Prodoc

Universitatea Tehnic Cluj-Napoca
buget total: 16.813.707 RON

2. Studiile doctorale factor major de dezvoltare al cercetrilor socio-economice
i umaniste

Universitatea Babe-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
buget total: 12314.414.272,18 RON





Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POS DRU)
Aplicabilitate: 2007-2013


Ministerul Muncii, Familiei i Proteciei Sociale - la nivel central: Autoritate de Management

Organismul Intermediar Regional pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane, Regiunea NordVest (O.I.R.P.O.S.D.R.U. NordVest) - la nivel regional:
Organism Intermediar
Str. Someului nr. 42, cod 400145, Cluj-Napoca, judeul Cluj
Tel. / fax +40 264 530.191

Director Coordonator: Ana Florica CMPEAN
Persoan de contact: Cristian CURTA

,, F

Organism Intermediar POS DRU Regiunea Nord Vest


Organismul Intermediar Regional pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane
Regiunea NordVest (OIRPOSDRU NordVest), instituie public cu personalitate juridic, aflat n
subordinea Ministerului Muncii, Familiei i Proteciei Sociale i finanat de la bugetul de stat,
gestioneaz, ncepnd cu luna aprilie 2010, i proiecte strategice, pe lng cele regionale, aferente
domeniilor majore de intervenie delegate n baza Acordului de delegare:


Axa Prioritar 3: Cresterea adaptabilitii forei de munc i a ntreprinderilor, domeniile majore de
intervenie: (3.1) Promovarea culturii antreprenoriale i (3.2) Formare i sprijin pentru
ntreprinderi i angajai pentru promovarea adaptabilitii.
Axa Prioritar 5: Promovarea msurilor active de ocupare, domeniul major de intervenie (5.1)
Dezvoltarea i implementarea msurilor active de ocupare.
Axa Prioritar 6: Promovarea incluziunii sociale, domeniile majore de intervenie (6.2)
mbuntirea accesului i participrii grupurilor vulnerabile la sistemul de educaie i pe piaa
muncii si (6.3) Promovarea egalitii de sanse pe piaa muncii.


O.I.R.P.O.S.D.R.U. Nord Vest ndeplinete, n principal, urmtoarele atribuii:
implementarea schemelor de finanare nerambursabil, componenta Dezvoltarea
Resurselor Umane din cadrul Subprogramului PHARE 2004 2006 Coeziune
Economic i Social, n calitate de Autoritate de Implementare, pe baza acordului de
implementare ncheiat cu Agenia de Implementare PHARE din cadrul Ministerului Muncii,
Familiei i Proteciei Sociale;
implementarea Programului Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane, n
calitate de organism intermediar, pe baza prevederilor Acordului de delegare de funcii
ncheiat cu Autoritatea de Management pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial
Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane.


Ce este POS DRU?
Statele Membre i regiunile Uniunii Europene au acces la finanare din Fondul Social
European (FSE) n cadrul unei perioade de programare de apte ani. Actualul exerciiu de
programare se desfoar pe perioada 2007-2013. Pentru a beneficia de asistena FSE, Statele
Membre elaboreaz programe operaionale care sunt implementate de actori socio-economici,
precum instituii de nvmnt, furnizori de formare profesional, IMM-uri, camere de comer i
industrie, parteneri sociali, ONG-uri, instituii publice, autoriti locale etc.
Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 a fost elaborat
n cadrul unui larg proces partenerial i s-a inut cont de Planul Naional de Dezvoltare 2007-

2013 i Cadrul Strategic Naional de Referin 2007-2013, care au integrat n strategiile lor
obiectivele tuturor documentelor relevante n domeniul dezvoltrii resurselor umane.

Care sunt obiectivele POS DRU?
Obiectivul general al POS DRU l constituie dezvoltarea capitalului uman i creterea
competitivitii acestuia, prin conectarea educaiei i nvrii pe tot parcursul vieii cu piaa
muncii i asigurarea participrii crescute pe o pia a muncii modern, flexibil i inclusiv,
pentru 1 650.000 de persoane.
Obiective specifice ale POS DRU sunt:
Promovarea educaiei i formrii iniiale i continue de calitate, inclusiv a nvmntului
superior i cercetrii;
Promovarea culturii antreprenoriale i creterea calitii i productivitii muncii
Facilitarea accesului tinerilor pe piaa muncii;
Dezvoltarea unei piee a muncii modern, flexibil i incluziv;
Promovarea (re)inseriei pe piaa muncii a persoanelor inactive, inclusiv n mediul rural;
mbuntirea Serviciului Public de Ocupare;
Facilitarea accesului grupurilor vulnerabile la educaie i pe piaa muncii.

Ce cuprinde POS DRU?
Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane cuprinde:
Analiza situaiei curente n domeniile educaiei, ocuprii, incluziunii sociale, sntii.
Capitolul cuprinde o analiz a diferitelor domenii de dezvoltare a resurselor umane,
reflectat n indicatori specifici, evideniind, totodat, experiena dobndit prin
programele PHARE n cadrul asistenei financiare de pre-aderare a Uniunii Europene.
Strategia, n care sunt evideniate axele prioritare i domeniile de intervenie care vor fi
sprijinite prin finanare din Fondul Social European. n acelai timp, strategia prevede
mijloacele prin care alte Programe Operaionale vor sprijini dezvoltarea resurselor umane
n mod complementar, evitnd eventualele suprapuneri;
Mecanismul de implementare, respectiv sistemul administrativ de gestionare a POS DRU;
Planul financiar, prin care sunt stabilite alocrile financiare aferente fiecrei axe prioritare
i domeniu de intervenie, pe ansamblul perioadei de programare 2007-2013, precum i
pe fiecare an.


Care sunt axele prioritare ale POS DRU?
POS DRU finaneaz apte domenii de activitate, cunoscute i sub denumirea de Axe
prioritare. Fiecare din aceste axe prioritare este mprit la rndul ei n mai multe subdomenii,
denumite i Domenii majore de intervenie. Strategia POS DRU cuprinde 6 axe prioritare i o
ax prioritar dedicat asistenei tehnice, astfel:

Axa prioritar 1 Educaia i formarea profesional n sprijinul creterii economice i
dezvoltrii societii bazate pe cunoatere urmrete modernizarea sistemelor de educaie
i formare profesional prin dezvoltarea de standarde i instrumente specifice la nivel de sistem
i de furnizori de educaie i formare, crearea condiiilor de dezvoltare a unor rute flexibile de
nvare pe tot parcursul vieii, dezvoltarea ofertelor de educaie i formare n concordan cu
cerinele pieei muncii, asigurarea calitii la toate nivelurile de educaie, prin mbuntirea
competenelor cadrelor didactice, formatorilor i cercettorilor. n scopul dezvoltrii societii
bazate pe cunoatere vor fi susinute activitile inovatoare, programele doctorale i post-
doctorale care s vin n sprijinul competitivitii i creterii economice.

Axa Prioritar 2 Corelarea nvrii pe tot parcursul vieii cu piaa muncii finaneaz
activiti care urmresc facilitarea tranziiei de la coal la viaa activ prin dezvoltarea de
programe integrate de orientare i consiliere n carier i prin sprijinirea parteneriatelor ntre
coli, universiti i ntreprinderi; prevenirea i corectarea fenomenului de prsire timpurie a
colii prin programe integrate pentru prevenirea abandonului colar, ncurajarea participrii
colare i reintegrarea celor care au prsit coala timpuriu; creterea accesului i participrii la
formare profesional continu prin diversificarea programelor de formare profesional continu
i sprijinirea participrii angajailor la astfel de programe.

Axa Prioritar 3 Creterea adaptabilitii lucrtorilor i a ntreprinderilor urmrete
promovarea culturii antreprenoriale ca un factor important al creteri competitivitii economice,
prin aciuni de formare pentru asigurarea pregtirii de baz n management a celor care vor s
nceap o afacere, prin mbuntirea competenelor manageriale la nivelul ntreprinderilor mici
i mijlocii, prin calificare i asisten pentru angajaii acelor sectoare afectate de restructurri
economice. Totodat, vor fi finanate aciuni care vizeaz mbuntirea adaptabilitii

ntreprinderilor, n special a IMM-urilor, dar i a angajailor, fa de schimbrile intervenite ca
urmare a introducerii pe scar larg a tehnologiilor moderne i a soluiilor organizaionale noi. Va
fi susinut dezvoltarea parteneriatului i vor fi ncurajate iniiativele pentru partenerii sociali i
societatea civil.

Axa Prioritar 4 Modernizarea Serviciului Public de Ocupare are ca obiectiv mbuntirea
calitii serviciului public de ocupare, diversificarea serviciilor de ocupare furnizate, fcndu-le
mai vizibile i mai accesibile pentru beneficiari omeri, persoane aflate n cutarea unui loc de
munc, angajatori. Aciunile n acest domeniu finanate prin POS DRU vor viza: asigurarea unei
mai mari transparene a oportunitilor de ocupare i formare profesional la nivel naional i
local, n vederea facilitrii mobilitii geografice i ocupaionale; anticiparea mai bun a nevoilor
pieei muncii, inclusiv a deficienelor i blocajelor pe piaa muncii; managementul corespunztor
al migraiei forei de munc.

Axa Prioritar 5 Promovarea msurilor active de ocupare propune msuri pentru
motivarea persoanelor inactive n vederea reintegrrii lor pe piaa muncii, furnizarea de asisten
i consiliere, promovarea mobilitii geografice i ocupaionale i eliminarea perioadelor de
inactivitate economic. Proiectele ce vor fi lansate vor promova msurile active pe piaa muncii
pentru tinerii omeri i omerii de lung durat, precum: formare profesional, servicii de
mediere a locurilor de munc, orientare i consiliere profesional, inclusiv dobndirea de abiliti
antreprenoriale. n ceea ce privete populaia din mediul rural ocupat n agricultura de
subzisten, POS DRU va urmri atragerea acestei categorii spre domenii de activitate non-
agricole (turism, servicii, construcii, alte ramuri ale industriei), pentru care se vor asigura
programe integrate viznd contientizarea cu privire la oportunitile de ocupare existente n alte
domenii, formarea profesional, consilierea i orientarea n carier, plasarea n munc, etc.

Axa Prioritar 6 Promovarea incluziunii sociale va finana operaiuni avnd ca finalitate
creterea incluziunii sociale, prevenirea excluziunii de pe piaa muncii i sprijinirea integrrii n
munc a grupurilor vulnerabile aflate ntr-o situaie dezavantajat n ceea ce privete accesul la
educaie i la un loc de munc. Prin POS DRU vor fi finanate proiecte avnd ca scop
promovarea economiei sociale, ca factor de integrare n societate a persoanelor care ntmpin
dificulti la angajare (populaia de etnie roma, persoane cu dizabiliti, tinerii peste 18 ani care

prsesc sistemul de stat de protecie a copilului, persoane care au suferit o condamnare etc.).
Totodat, vor fi susinute dezvoltarea serviciilor sociale integrate i formarea personalului din
sistemul de asisten social. Vor fi promovate msuri viznd asigurarea egalitii de anse ntre
femei i brbai i vor fi ncurajate iniiativele trans-naionale n toate domeniile.

Axa Prioritar 7 Asisten tehnic finaneaz aciuni de sprijinire a Autoritii de
Management pentru Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane i a
Organismelor Intermediare n implementarea, monitorizarea i evaluarea Programului, precum i
pentru informarea beneficiarilor cu privire la domeniile n care poate fi accesat FSE.

Cum se implementeaz POSDRU?

Prin POSDRU se finaneaz dou tipuri de proiecte i scheme de ajutor de stat:
Strategice proiecte cu valoare total cuprins ntre 500.000 i 5.000.000 EUR, cu
durata de implementare ntre 6 luni i 3 ani; proiecte cu impact naional, multi-regional
sau sectorial
De grant (regionale) proiecte cu valoare total cuprins 50.000 i 500.000 EUR, cu
durata de implementare ntre 6 luni i 2 ani; proiecte cu impact local sau regional
Scheme de ajutor de stat i ajutor de minimis proiecte cu valoare cuprins ntre
10.000 EUR i 2.000.000 EUR, respectiv 200.000 EUR in cazul proiectelor depuse sub
schema de ajutor de minimis

Atribuiile delegate OIR POSDRU Nord-Vest de ctre Autoritatea de Management pentru
Programul Operaional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane, finanat prin
Fondul Social European, se refer la urmtoarele axe prioritare i domenii majore de
intervenie i doar pentru proiecte de tip regional:
Axa Prioritar 3: Creterea adaptabilitii forei de munc i a ntreprinderilor, domeniile
majore de intervenie: (3.1) Promovarea culturii antreprenoriale i (3.2) Formare i
sprijin pentru ntreprinderi i angajai pentru promovarea adaptabilitii.
Axa Prioritar 5: Promovarea msurilor active de ocupare, domeniul major de
intervenie (5.1) Dezvoltarea i implementarea msurilor active de ocupare.

Axa Prioritar 6: Promovarea incluziunii sociale, domeniile majore de intervenie (6.2)
mbuntirea accesului i participrii grupurilor vulnerabile la sistemul de educaie i pe
piaa muncii i (6.3) Promovarea egalitii de anse pe piaa muncii



Cerere de finanare

Cereri de finanare

Idee de
Scrisoare notificare
privind rezultatul
evalurii i
implementare proiect

i parteneri



L@EGAL 2 investiie european pentru viitorul romilor din Romnia

Fundaia Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitile de Romi (CRCR)
Parteneri: Asociaia Centrul de Resurse i Formare n Profesiuni Sociale (CRFPS) PRO VOCAIE i
Fundaia Soros Romnia
4.279.427,60 RON












The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily
reect the views of the European Commission. Figures have
been rounded up in this publication.
Manuscript completed in February 2010
European Union, 2010
European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional Policy
Avenue de Tervueren 41, B-1040 Brussels
ISBN: 978-92-79-13763-1
DOI: 10.2776/14362
This brochure is printed in English, French and German.
Additional language versions of all these projects and many
more are available at:
Page 7 iStockphoto/Jan Rysavy, page 15 iStockphoto/Buket Bariskan, page 17 Get Real, page 19 Martin Rigler, JSI, 2009, page 25 Plastics Cluster Upper
Austria, page 29 ESA/NASA, page 31 AERODIUM, 2009, page 37 Alfred Gunnarsson/Salmiak Media, page 41 iStockphoto, page 47 ASTRON/Top-Foto
Assen&Henri Meulmann, page 55 Thomas Stggl, page 63 Virtual Reality Institute of the Polytechnic University, page 65 Vanparysmedia, page69 iStockphoto/
Jacob Wackerhausen, page 71 Kreativ Coaching Centre, page 75 Luxinnovation GIE, page 89 SPINEA, page 95 iStockphoto, page 97 iStockphoto,
page99 iStockphoto/S.P. Rayner, page 107 Rgion Guyane/Guyane Numrique, page 113 Ilma Elsberga, page 115 CSR, page 119 V.Motekaityte, page 121
iStockphoto/Youssouf Cader, page 123 Krypton Photo, page 125 SGAR Midi-Pyrnes/P.Lasvenes, page 129 EC, page 143 Tallinn Environment Dept, page151
Dr. Fred W.B. van den Brink, page 153 iStockphoto/David Hands, page 155 iStockphoto/Jos Luis Gutirrez, page 161 Pitt Fotograe, page 163 EEEGmbH,
page 167 Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust, page 175 EnergyAgency.NRW, page 177 Environnment Park, page 179 EC, page181, page 183
Toni, page 189 iStockphoto/Ryan Lane, page 193 [2008] Railway Procurement Agency. All Rights Reserved, page203 TUC RAIL, page 205 Juris Kalni,
page 213 Vanparysmedia, page 215 iStockphoto/Sascha Burkard, page 219 iStockphoto/Ettore Marzocchi, page 221 Fira 2000, page 225 Wiels, page 237
Broholm Gods, page 239 iStockphoto/Joop Snijder, page 243 Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience, page 245 Account3, page 259 Bard Castle/Autonomous
Region of the Aosta Valley/Italy: Muriel Faure, page 267 iStockphoto/Eva Serrabassa, page 279 Kuldiga District Council, page 281 Imagence MG Design /
Syndicat Mixte Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, page 283 EMDA, page 285 Ville de Lige, page 289 Cilengua, page293 Arche Nebra, Photo: J. Liptk, page 297
Conseil gnral de la Savoie, Conservation dpartementale du patrimoine, page 299 iStockphoto, page 309 Pop-Akademie Baden-Wrttemberg, page 311
Municipality of Nicosia, page 313, page 315 Cvlcob.
Page 7 iStockphoto/Jan Rysavy, page 15 iStockphoto/Buket Bariskan, page 17 Get Real, page 19 Martin Rigler, JSI, 2009, page 25 Plastics Cluster Upper
Austria, page 29 ESA/NASA, page 31 AERODIUM, 2009, page 37 Alfred Gunnarsson/Salmiak Media, page 41 iStockphoto, page 47 ASTRON/Top-Foto
Assen&Henri Meulmann, page 55 Thomas Stggl, page 63 Virtual Reality Institute of the Polytechnic University, page 65 Vanparysmedia, page69 iStockphoto/
Jacob Wackerhausen, page 71 Kreativ Coaching Centre, page 75 Luxinnovation GIE, page 89 SPINEA, page 95 iStockphoto, page 97 iStockphoto,
page99 iStockphoto/S.P. Rayner, page 107 Rgion Guyane/Guyane Numrique, page 113 Ilma Elsberga, page 115 CSR, page 119 V.Motekaityte, page 121
iStockphoto/Youssouf Cader, page 123 Krypton Photo, page 125 SGAR Midi-Pyrnes/P.Lasvenes, page 129 EC, page 143 Tallinn Environment Dept, page151
Dr. Fred W.B. van den Brink, page 153 iStockphoto/David Hands, page 155 iStockphoto/Jos Luis Gutirrez, page 161 Pitt Fotograe, page 163 EEEGmbH,
page 167 Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust, page 175 EnergyAgency.NRW, page 177 Environnment Park, page 179 EC, page181, page 183
Toni, page 189 iStockphoto/Ryan Lane, page 193 [2008] Railway Procurement Agency. All Rights Reserved, page203 TUC RAIL, page 205 Juris Kalni,
page 213 Vanparysmedia, page 215 iStockphoto/Sascha Burkard, page 219 iStockphoto/Ettore Marzocchi, page 221 Fira 2000, page 225 Wiels, page 237
Broholm Gods, page 239 iStockphoto/Joop Snijder, page 243 Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience, page 245 Account3, page 259 Bard Castle/Autonomous
Region of the Aosta Valley/Italy: Muriel Faure, page 267 iStockphoto/Eva Serrabassa, page 279 Kuldiga District Council, page 281 Imagence MG Design /
Syndicat Mixte Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, page 283 EMDA, page 285 Ville de Lige, page 289 Cilengua, page293 Arche Nebra, Photo: J. Liptk, page 297
Conseil gnral de la Savoie, Conservation dpartementale du patrimoine, page 299 iStockphoto, page 309 Pop-Akademie Baden-Wrttemberg, page 311
Municipality of Nicosia, page 313, page 315 Cvlcob.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 1 13/04/10 17:13
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 2 13/04/10 17:13
Europes many and diferent regions are proof of the huge diversity and variety that exists in the European
Union (eu). As a whole, the eu is a prosperous part of the world. However, within its own borders, there
are signifcant diferences in economic, social and territorial development. Te eus regional policy works to
reduce these disparities, and promote balanced development throughout the Union. In doing this, regional
policy is an explicit and visible expression of solidarity within the eu.
But regional policy is about more than closing the gap. It is also a development policy working to create the
right conditions for sustainable growth, help create jobs, improve our well-being and our environment and
strengthen the integration of regional economies.
To achieve this, the eus regional policy is chiefy targeted at promoting investment to help mobilise resources
in regions where they are underused, removing bottlenecks where productivity is already high, improving the
capacity of regions to adapt to a constantly changing economic environment, and supporting co-operation
and exchange between regions and countries. It does this in line with the overarching goal of the eu to
achieve socially, environmentally and economically sustainable development.
Millions of European citizens have benefted from regional policy through projects co-fnanced by the Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund (erdf) and the Cohesion Fund. Tese projects have resulted in a cleaner
environment, better transport links, energy savings, a broader basis for research and innovation, the estab-
lishment and development of small enterprises as well as co-operation and integration across national
borders. And this investment is set to continue. Between 2007 and 2013, just over 270 billion is available
under the erdf and the Cohesion Fund. Working in partnership with Member States and regions, these funds
are targeted primarily at projects designed to improve competitiveness, boost growth, create jobs, protect the
environment and strengthen social cohesion.
In this book, we have selected 150 projects that illustrate how the erdf and the Cohesion Fund are being used
successfully by our regions and countries. Tese projects tell the story of how investments in infrastructure,
environmental improvements, innovation and business development and skills, have delivered real benefts for
citizens throughout the eu. Tey also show how the partnership between diferent levels of governance (local,
regional, national, and European) plays a key role in building a more stable, integrated and prosperous Europe.
Johannes Hahn
Member of the European Commission in charge of Regional Policy
Foreword Investing in our regions 3
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4 Investing in our regions Table of contents
Table of contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Research and Development (R&D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Business support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Information and communication technologies (ICT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Urban and rural development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Tourism and culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Education and social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Index by country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Index of Territorial Co-operation Programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Index by theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
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Regional policy is one of the European Unions most visible policies.
With its two funds the European Regional Development Fund and the
Cohesion Fund eu regional policy works to help the least prosperous
regions catch up with those that are more developed. Complemented
by the work of the European Social Fund, it aims to ensure equality
of opportunity right across the entire Union, helping all regions to
become more competitive in an increasingly globalised world.
On these pages, you will see how funding from European regional pol-
icy has been a catalyst for change in Europes regions. It has brought
benefts to millions of eu citizens, not only by creating jobs and foster-
ing the right conditions for growth, but through improving transport
links, transforming landmark public spaces, and investing in a cleaner
Te focus for regional funds has always been on strategic, high-quality
and long-term investments. To achieve this, the overarching frame-
work for investment is set at the eu level through commonly agreed
guidelines, designed to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship,
and create more and better jobs. But a large part of the success of
the policy lies in the fact that it is the European regions themselves
which select and implement the projects. Te decentralisation of the
policy, with programmes managed in the Member States at national or
regional level, makes it as relevant and close to the citizen as possible.
Te project descriptions are set out here under ten categories inno-
vation, research and development, business support, information and
communication technologies, environment, energy, transport, urban
and rural development, tourism and culture, education and social
refecting the priorities for investment of the strategic guidelines.
High-speed rail networks, faster internet access, upgraded waste
treatment facilities, state-of-the-art technology parks, revitalised city
centres, restored cultural assets, new educational centres this bro-
chure tells the stories of these projects and many more and gives you a
taste of the real impact of European funding on peoples lives.
However, this is by no means the complete picture. Te eu, its Member
States and regions, have invested regional funds in tens of thousands
of projects over many years. Te 150 projects
highlighted here serve as
an illustration of some of the more recent activities. You can fnd many
more examples of projects which have benefted from eu regional funds,
as well as more detailed selected case studies in the online database:
Tese project descriptions cover a broad range of themes and show how
the eu is investing in all regions across each of the 27eu Member States.
We invite you to take a look at the impact of European funding on your
region and on other regions across the European Union.
Introduction Investing in our regions 5
* Whilst most of the projects which have been selected are from the funding period from 2000 to 2006, the descriptions of each theme relate to the current 2007-2013 period.
Tere are also evidently fewer projects to include from the Member States which joined the eu after 2004.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 5 13/04/10 17:13
6 Investing in our regions Innovation
Attiki, Greece: Corallia technology hub to drive innovation in Greece
Birebbua and urrieq, Malta: Toy manufacturer makes energy
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg turns up the heat in
material technology
Etel-Suomi, Finland: Clusters for environmental care
Karlshamn, Smland med arna, Sweden: Building a better future for
Ljubljana, Slovenia: Nanoscience and technology take the limelight in
Neratovice, Stedn echy, Czech Republic: Czech town launches
triple-hybrid fuel cell bus
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands: All eyes on Dutch technology
Obersterreich, Austria: Cultivating innovation in Upper Austria
Padova, Veneto, Italy: Making nanotechnology work for industry
Saarbrcken, Saarland, Germany: SAAR develops innovative
approach to space
Sigulda, Latvia: All eyes on oating humans
Tartu, Estonia: Estonian enterprise on the rise
Wrocaw, Dolnolskie, Poland: New opportunities for innovation in
Territorial Co-operation
DK, SE: Research and industry combine forces for cross-border growth
DE, ES, IE: Four regions gain leading-edge technological experience
Stedn echy
med arna
and urrieq
outermost regions
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 6 13/04/10 17:14
Innovation Investing in our regions 7
Innovation is a key driver to improv-
ing the EUs competitiveness,
increasing growth and boosting
jobs. However, innovation means
more than just creating new prod-
ucts. It is also about inventing new
processes, generating new services,
exploiting new ideas... In a nutshell,
innovation is about doing different
things and doing things differently.
Regions and countries need to re-
invent themselves to compete.
This is crucial for survival and suc-
cess in increasingly complex global
It is no surprise then that investment
in innovation is a core priority for the
EU. Between 2007 and 2013, almost
one quarter of the EUs regional devel-
opment funds some 86 billion
will be spent on projects aimed at
boosting the development of innova-
tive practices, processes and products
(see also projects featured on R&D
and ICT in separate sections in this
book). Regions are often key develop-
ers and implementers of innovation
policies. Investment from EU funds is
used to encourage the development
of regional innovation strategies.
It seeks to energise the knowledge
economy by investing in cutting-edge
research and technological develop-
ment, innovative information and
communication technologies, entre-
preneurship, business development
and training to ensure a more skilled
and qualied workforce.
This massive investment has the
potential to transform regional econ-
omies, as shown in projects like the
Corallia Technology Hub in Greece.
Bringing together industry and
research organisations working in the
area of microelectronics, this cluster
is driving innovation in this eld. Not
only have research efforts received a
signicant boost, but the project has
also sparked ambitious spin-off ven-
tures thanks to investment incentives
offered to business angels. Other ini-
tiatives include a Centre of Excellence
on Nanoscience and Nanotechnol-
ogy, set up in Slovenia with backing
from EU regional funds. This centre is
working to overcome the traditional
lack of co-operation between public
research institutes and business. By
giving businesses access to highly
specialised equipment, new oppor-
tunities have opened up for more
advanced applied research develop-
ment and testing activities.
The EUs commitment to inno-
vation is also shown through
more than funding and grants.
Modern economies depend on infor-
mation networks. Regional policy
programmes promote co-operation,
supporting a vast network across the
public and private sectors to exchange
experience and good practices, and to
jointly develop new opportunities.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 7 13/04/10 17:14
8 Investing in our regions Innovation
he initiative helps to stimulate and expand
the innovative activity of cluster members
by providing support and ofering incentives.
It also helps to draw local and foreign investment
to the cluster and to create a favourable environ-
ment for innovation through cluster development
policies. Microelectronics and embedded systems
are the focus of Corallias frst innovation cluster,
now a reference point for over 100 organisations
(industry, academic labs and research institutes).
Economies of scale and scope
Cross-industry synergies and research collaborations
are increasingly important in todays competitive
climate. Tey allow the members of these so-called
clusters to become pioneers in their respective felds
and to attract direct foreign investment.
Corallia ofcially came together in May 2006
with fnancing from the eus third Community
Support Framework (csf) through the Hellenic
Operational Programme for competitiveness
and entrepreneurship. It is hosted in the Athena
Research Centre under the auspices of the General
Secretariat for Research and Technology of the
Hellenic Ministry of Development.
Corallia technology hub to drive innovation in Greece
The Hellenic Technology Clusters Intiative (HTCI-Corallia) supports state-of-the-art innovation clusters in knowledge-
intensive, export-oriented technology sectors. It is the rst project of its kind in Greece whose aim is to boost competitiveness,
entrepreneurship and innovation under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Hellenic
Ministry of Development.
Corallia hclps Grcccc to
bccomc an intcrnational busi-
ncss focal point with thc
Innovation Madc In Grcccc
Attiki, Greece
Seeing tangible results
Trough Corallias activities in the area of micro-
electronics and embedded systems, tangible
results including a signifcant increase in annual
turnover, exports, patent submissions and job
creation are achieved. Sharing the same premises
resulted in substantial benefts for the cluster
members. It strengthened co-operation between
the companies involved and boosted research
Te cluster received positive publicity, with over
200 articles and special reviews published in the
local and international press. It also cooperated
closely with other centres of excellence and clus-
ter initiatives in Europe and beyond. Subsequently,
Corallias public relations and communications
programme was granted the European Excellence
Award in Berlin in December 2007.
More about this project can be found at:
Corallia put in place strategic, well-organised
j a one-stop shop for unique business opportu-
nities and added-value services;
j support for the creation of new ventures;
j incentives for business angels to invest early
on to create favourable conditions;
j development of networks to enhance tech-
nology transfer;
j training programmes to expand the innova-
tion-knowledge horizon;
j promotion of an innovation made in Greece
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 8 13/04/10 17:14
Innovation Investing in our regions 9
Small details leading to great strides in innovation
rEU funding
From May 2006 to November
2008 Corallia received
3.09 million
from the ERDF
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10 Investing in our regions Innovation
y exploiting this form of energy, Playmobil
Malta is cutting its overall consumption
levels and making a positive contribution
to environmental sustainability. Te small behav-
ioural changes and system adjustments being
made are helping Playmobil Malta to cut energy
consumption costs in the areas of air conditioning,
heating and cooling.
From waste to resource
Te Playmobile Malta project saw the development
of a heat recovery system. Tis system was built to
cover the heating requirements of the administra-
tion department and fve shopfoors.
As of February 2008, the temperature of the
administration department has been regulated
through the use of two pumps with a combined
heating/chilling action. Te temperature of the
fve shopfoors has been regulated by 12 air han-
dling units using electric heating elements.
Toy manufacturer makes energy savings
Playmobil Malta is making the most of heat generated as a result of its toy manufacturing process. Through a new heat recovery
system, the company is able to warm its ofces and shopoors. Commonly known as waste heat, as no useful application for it
is found, it is in great supply in energy-intensive industries such as plastics processing.
Wastc can bc
rcsourccful - usc it!
Birebbua and urrieq, Malta
Energy efciency means cost efciency
As a result of this heat recovery system, electric-
ity consumption at Playmobil Malta from January
to April of 2009 was almost two million kWh less
than for the same period of 2008 this amounts
to savings of as much as 62% of the total kWh used
at the company for air conditioning.
More about this project can be found at:
Playmobile Malta has also been running its
injection moulding machines of which there are
220 using motors capable of converting some
of the consumed energy into heat. Te excess
or waste heat generated from these machines is
being dissipated using water which runs through
two cooling towers.
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Innovation Investing in our regions 11
Technology in use to save money and heat
rEU funding
35 000
was allocated to the Playmobil
Malta Ltd project from the
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12 Investing in our regions Innovation
hera has created a laboratory for thermal
characterisation and accelerated ageing of
materials, where an entire gambit of services,
including tailor-made tests, is ofered to compa-
nies in a single location. In doing so, industrial
companies avoid the need to set up their own,
often expensive, facilities, and instead beneft
from the experts and high-tech equipment ofered
at this accredited facility.
Talent and technology lead the way
Te partners involved in the project included both
industrial companies and academic organisations.
Te laboratory is part of the Public Research Cen-
tre Henri Tudor and as such has ready access to
high-level, updated expertise. Te support ofered
is therefore among the best in the business. Te
sectors benefting from the services include the
metallurgy, chemical, non-metal mineral prod-
uct, construction, agri-food, electric/electronic,
energy and pharmaceutical industries.
Te laboratory is also an active member of
afcat (French association of calorimetry and
thermal analysis) and ictac (International
Luxembourg turns up the heat in material technology
The increasing complexity of modern technology can often hinder companies as they embark on research, testing and development
of equipment and materials. The highly specialised eld of material characterisation is one case in point. The THERA project,
backed by EU funding, has come up with a practical solution to this problem, offering a one-stop shop concept for the thermal
and thermo-physical characterisation of materials.
Tanks to thc laboratorys
activity, which gavc us thc
opportunity to cvaluatc thc
thcrmal dccomposition of thc
polymcr matrix and thc syncr-
gctic ccct of nano caco

polyvinyl butyral (vvu) as sta-
biliscrs, wc wcrc ablc to draft a
Europcan patcnt in aoo8.
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Confederation for Termal Analysis and Calo-
rimetry), and a recognised European expert and
consulting laboratory under evitherm (European
Virtual Institute for Termal Metrology).
Monitoring the ageing process
Te laboratorys work includes simulation of age-
ing under diferent atmospheres (inert, oxidising,
thermal, photochemical and gaseous fuids); ther-
mal, thermo-mechanical and physico-chemical
analysis and identifcation; mechanical charac-
terisation (hyperelastic, viscoelastic, viscoplastic);
scientifc consulting; quality assurance; inspec-
tions and certifcation of products.
To measure the diverse transformations and
assess a materials thermo-physical properties, the
evolution of these diferent properties is studied
at various temperatures. Te equipment acquired
for the work at the laboratory has been chosen
so that the key properties can be determined and
above all so that a full range of materials can be
studied (polymer, metal, ceramic, multilayer, com-
posite and biological), thereby ensuring that as
many businesses as possible can beneft from the
facilities on ofer.
More about this project can be found at:
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Innovation Investing in our regions 13
Testing under way to analyse characteristics of materials
rEU funding
259 000
was allocated from the ERDF to
the THERA project over the
period 2000 to 2006
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14 Investing in our regions Innovation
o ensure the development of environmental
know-how and to create real co-operation
between companies, a register was created
and includes some 650 companies linked to similar
international registers where over 6 000 compa-
nies from across the globe are actively sharing
information and experience in this feld.
Small efforts generate big rewards
InnoEnvis partners (Green Net Finland prin-
cipal partner, Lahti Science and Business Park
Ltd, hamk University of Applied Sciences, Lap-
peenranta University of Technology, Helsinki
University of Technology Lifelong Learning Insti-
tute Dipoli, Helsinki Metropolia University of
Applied Sciences and Turku Science Park Ltd) are
regional organisations with recognised skills in
supporting environmental companies. Initially,
700 private and public companies were taking
part; however this has grown tenfold and also
now covers seven countries. Since August 2003,
co-operation has become a reality with four online
services to facilitate exchanges between the sub-
group members. Six market and trend surveys,
Clusters for environmental care
Finns are recognised as experts when it comes to environmental matters; however businesses in this eld are often modest in
size and face difculties expanding. To help them nd new business opportunities and increase their potential for export, the
InnoEnvi project in southern Finland has created thematic groups (clusters) and sub-groups (mini-clusters) of environmental
operatives and resulted in the set-up of over 50 second- and third-generation projects.
Tc InnoEnvi projcct was
rcally a starting point for our
company. Tc wcb scrvicc crc-
atcd during thc projcct was latcr
dcvclopcd as a largcr, intcrna-
tional Matcrial Exchangc portal,
which cxpandcd our busincss to
anothcr lcvcl.
Etel-Suomi, Finland
measurement, ecological environmental research
and environmental management in the mining
and minerals industry were set up joint projects
have started in all these mini-clusters. Clusters
ofer smes the chance to make use of the resources
and experiences of larger companies, centres of
expertise and national and international ngos.
Snowball effect of Finnish expertise
Bio-energy, contaminated soil treatment, irri-
gation pipe manufacturing and geo-technology
consultancy show the ever-increasing range of
services and subjects covered by InnoEnvi. Te
project has had a signifcant snowball efect on
environmental business growth in Finland and
also abroad. Te projects clustering model was
applied to the feen Prognoos Project in which
the Southern Finland environmental cluster was
extended into Estonia by forming joint Finnish-
Estonian mini-clusters in related sectors.
More about this project can be found at:
brochures such as for Green Net Mining, 33 pub-
lications, strategic planning, marketing as well as
fairs and road shows all feature in InnoEnvis work.
The birth of new clusters
Mini-clusters covering waste management, water
supply and sewerage, energy, environmental
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Innovation Investing in our regions 15
InnoEnvi is in the energy efciency business
rEU funding
700 000
was allocated from the ERDF to
InnoEnvi over the period May
2002 to February 2004
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16 Investing in our regions Innovation
etPorts ambitions are high but are on
their way to being realised. Karlshamn is
being renewed and developed into a place
that is attractive to work, study and live in, with
bigger and better opportunities for its residents.
Finding new sources of growth
Local industries in the Karlshamn region on the
south coast of Sweden have lost as many as 3 000
jobs in the past 30 years. In a bid to reverse this
trend, key players from the Karlshamn munici-
pality, the Blekinge Institute of Technology, and
trade and industry assocations drew up a new
vision of local development and worked towards
implementing a series of projects to promote long-
term socio-economic prosperity.
As it seemed unlikely that the manufacturing
industry would return, other options to make the
region fourish were needed. Te key to moving
on from industrial production to innovation and
business development was found in the develop-
ment of digital communications. Tis was taken
on board by the NetPort project which focused on
becoming a leader in the feld of new media, cre-
ative industry and intelligent logistics.
Building a better future for Karlshamn
Creating long-term growth in the Swedish town of Karlshamn is the aim of the NetPort project which supports the transfer of
knowledge from the local university to businesses and the public sector, thereby increasing businesses levels of expertise in
tandem with the universitys experience in real-life conditions.
Tc NctPort projcct is fun-
damcntal to thc dcvclopmcnt
of our work in highcr cducation
and rcscarch at thc Karlshamn
campus of thc Blckingc Institutc
of Tcchnology (uin). Tc work
has so far rcsultcd in scvcral
hundrcds of bachclor dcgrccs in
Mcdia Tcchnology, rcscarch
dcgrccs and companics startcd
by studcnts.
Karlshamn, Smaland med arna, Sweden
Trough co-operation between industry, uni-
versity and the public sector, NetPort has been
driving development and contributing to strong
and long-term growth.
The benets of a shared vision
Te quality and level of negotiation, mutual trust
and interchange between the municipality (Kom-
mun), the associated local businesses (Nringsliv)
and the Institute of Technology (Hgskola) were
vital factors to the success of the project. In the
projects intial stages 12 new companies were set
up, 37 new jobs created and ten safeguarded.
Tis represents just a drop in the ocean for the
project. NetPort aims to create 1 100 new jobs and
125 new companies within its three focus areas by
the year 2020. Te ambition is also to have added
2 200 inhabitants to the region and to host 2 000
students in higher education by the same date.
Te new media programme includes several bach-
elor and masters degrees on new media, digital
games, and digital media training.
Te erdf seed capital provided the impetus for
the creation of a sustainable local development
initiative in a region seeking to fnd new sources
of growth.
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Innovation Investing in our regions 17
A hub of knowledge transfer from university to businesses and the public sector
rEU funding
The NetPort Karlshamn project
was allocated
550 000
under the ERDF for the period
2000 to 2006
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18 Investing in our regions Innovation
ot only are the participating research
institutes and businesses benefting from
the project, students from the local Jozef
Stefan International Postgraduate School are also
able to make the most of the sophisticated equip-
ment for their own research and to participate in
the ongoing research activities of the centre.
Co-operation opens new doors
Insufcient co-operation between public research
institutes and businesses is seen as a major obsta-
cle to economic growth in Slovenia. To exploit the
potential of this untapped resource, the Slovenian
government decided to create a Centre of Excel-
lence in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology which
would rely heavily on this form of co-operation.
By giving businesses access to the highly
expensive equipment used for nanoscience and
nanotechnology research, new opportunities have
opened up for more advanced basic and applied
research, development and testing activities.
Nanoscience and technology take
the limelight in Slovenia
Innovation pushes ahead in Slovenia as researchers come together from the public and private sector to form a centre of
excellence in nanoscience and nanotechnology (CE NS&NT). The centre boasts top level facilities that enable researchers to
achieve optimum results for specic projects chosen in collaboration with local businesses. So far, six research institutes and as
many as 26 businesses work with the centre.
Tc Ccntrc of Exccllcncc on
Nanoscicncc and Nanotcchnology
is incrcasing collaboration bctwccn
industry and rcscarch institutions.
Onc of thc most wclcomc innovativc
clcmcnts of thc ccntrc is thc shar-
ing of cxpcnsivc and sophisticatcd
rcscarch cquipmcnt not only among
public rcscarch institutions but also
with busincsscs. Anothcr impor-
tant dimcnsion of thc ccntrc is thc
involvcmcnt of thc Jozcf Stcfan
Intcrnational Postgraduatc School.
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Te centre has bridged not only the public-
private divide but also the disciplinary divide
research activities cover physics, chemistry and
electronics. Before, public fnancing for cross-
disciplinary research was practically unheard of,
being available only for basic and applied research
of a particular scientifc feld.
Raising skills across the board
Six research institutes and 26 businesses came
together for six major research projects.
Te projects are coordinated by the research
institutes, and the businesses involved as poten-
tial end-users provide funding. In some cases, the
businesses also participate in the research.
Te six projects cover: nanoelectronics and
equipment for nanotechnology; synthesis of
nanoparticles and nanocomposites; nanomateri-
als in electrochemical systems; nanostructured
surfaces and layers; synthesis of 1D inorganic
nanostructures and bionanostructures; charac-
terisation on nanometric scale.
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Innovation Investing in our regions 19
Nanotechnology in action for business and research
Te ability to share the modern testing equip-
ment has increased the motivation of industry
partners, who previously viewed co-operation as
a burden rather than a beneft. Te project is also
raising the skills among industry researchers and
providing grounds for participation in research for
postgraduate students and young researchers.
Te team has recently applied for new fund-
ing from the erdf for the 20102013 period. Tis
will help to improve the centres facilities and give
them the possibility of competing with some of
the best nanoscience and nanotechnology facili-
ties in Europe.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
From June 2004 to June 2007,
the centre received
829 400
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 19 13/04/10 17:14
20 Investing in our regions Innovation
hriving cities and towns need no longer be
synonymous with smog-flled skies and noisy
trafc, Neratovices 16 400 inhabitants are
learning. With hydrogen as the fuel of the future,
not only can urban dwellers enjoy cleaner air and
less disturbing sound levels but they can also feel
the health benefts as the risks of sufering from
associated efects, such as asthma and high blood
pressure, are greatly reduced.
TriHyBus co-operation
Te TriHyBus is the product of a co-operation
agreement between Czech nuclear research
institute Rez, Skoda Electric, Linde Gas, Veolia
Transport, Proton Motor (Germany) and ife Hal-
den (Norway). Skoda Electric was responsible for
the bus, including its electric drive system and
system integration, and Proton Motor supplied
the triple hybrid fuel cell propulsion system.
Te standard-sized, 12-metre-long bus uses a
48-kw Proton Motor fuel cell along with a bank
of ultracapacitors which are recharged during
braking. Te bus is flled with 20 kg of gaseous
Czech town launches triple-hybrid fuel cell bus
Travelling by bus in the town of Neratovice in the Central Bohemia region of the Czech Republic will never be the same again
following a recent development coordinated by the nuclear research institute Rez. Marked by an absence of noise and vibration
so typical of traditional diesel engines the newly introduced Triple Hybrid Bus or TriHyBus now circulating in the town offers
passengers a more enjoyable, environmentally friendly mode of travel.
Tc TriHyBus projcct hcralds
a ncw cra in thc Czcch Rcpublic,
onc in which thc transport scc-
tor is lcss dcpcndcnt on fossil
fucls and morc dcpcndcnt on
hydrogcn and clcctricity. Tis
projcct has opcncd many doors
for us, cspccially in thc rcncw-
ablc cncrgy scctor.
Neratovice, Stedn echy, Czech Republic
compressed hydrogen gas of site. Te flling pro-
cess takes less than 10 minutes.
Greener and smarter travel
As the fuel of the future, hydrogen is entirely
environmentally friendly. Te only emissions pro-
duced are water emissions. Whats more, this new
fuel substantially reduces Europes dependence on
imported fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas.
Te smart hybrid design system the fuel cell
is an energy converter which uses chemical energy
to produce electricity boasts an overall efciency
of 50%. Currently, one bus and one hydrogen fll-
ing station are in operation.
Tis development was made possible thanks
to fnancing from the erdf, the Czech Ministry
of Transport and the individual partners of the
More about this project can be found at:
hydrogen at 350 bar and does more than 250 km
per tank with a maximum speed of 65 km/h.
A hydrogen refueling station was built by the
Linde Group in Neratovice and is supplied with
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 20 13/04/10 17:14
Innovation Investing in our regions 21
Triple Hybrid Bus at the service of passengers and nature
rEU funding
The Czech Hydrogen Buses
project was allocated
1.3 million
for the period 2004 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 21 13/04/10 17:14
22 Investing in our regions Innovation
or people with poor literacy skills, this
technology will fnd widespread use for
addressing problems related to reading.
One of the major innovations and advantages
of Pseyecatcher is the fact that it can be used by
On track towards better reading
Eye tracking and the information this gener-
ates about visual perceptions is a technique used
extensively in advertising to determine to what
extent advertisements and commercials attract
peoples attention. Pseyecatcher builds on this
tried and tested technology using a clever idea
from two companies that on the surface had little
in common: inno-metal, a builder of high-tech
computer-controlled hardware; and i-Test Talent-
center, a consultant specialising in psychological
tests. Te result: technology for testing (reading)
skills and detecting dyslexia and illiteracy, a par-
ticularly important issue for young children.
All eyes on Dutch technology
The ability to track human eye movements results in a better understanding of how the mind processes visual perceptions and is
seen as a powerful tool for companies engaged in marketing, advertising and commercials. Experts in North Brabant have gone
a step further in this technique, seizing on the potential they saw in testing reading skills using eye tracking. They developed
Pseyecatcher, a tool now used for identifying problems such as illiteracy and dyslexia.
In cducation and busincss,
thcrc is a high rcquircmcnt to
mcasurc rcading lcvcls quickly
and aordably. But thc cxisting
cquipmcnt was too cxpcnsivc
and slow to tcst rcading skills,
hand-cyc coordination and
visual alcrtncss. Tc Pscyc-
catchcr solvcs that problcm.
Wc now havc thc rst objcc-
tivc mcasurcmcnt mcthod with
rcgard to tcsting tcchnical rcad-
ing skills.
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
A diverse pool of knowledge
Te two companies involved combined their
respective expertise and worked together with
specialists from the scientifc world who con-
tributed to Pseyecatcher with their eye-tracking
know-how: the University of Utrecht, Rotterdams
Erasmus University (Institute of Psychology), and
the Verify Test Lab. Te market launch is currently
being developed in co-operation with roc ter Aa
in Helmond, with some 400 students being given
an intake test using Pseyecatcher.
Te i-Test Talentcenter emphasizes the inno-
vation at work here, notably that non-experts
can use the test equipment. Added to this, Pseye-
catcher is a very mobile device given its compact
size and is also afordable, ensuring its widespread
More about this project can be found at:
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Innovation Investing in our regions 23
High-tech method for tracking eye movements
rEU funding
221 600
was allocated from the ERDF
to Pseyecatcher over the
programming period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 23 13/04/10 17:15
24 Investing in our regions Innovation
hese tools were applied in 38 rio funded
projects, involving some 130 participants.
Te result was greater co-operation between
the whole Upper Austrian innovation network
that comprises institutions in the areas of r&d,
technology transfer, education and innovation.
Te project has also fostered closer co-operation
between schools and businesses leading to greater
numbers of students following more technical pro-
fessions, thereby overcoming one of the obstacles
to innovation the lack of skilled labour.
New skilled labour
Te rio concept was designed by the Upper Aus-
trian Technology and Marketing Company to
optimise the economic efect of innovation net-
works, institutionalise networking between
business and support groups and to tackle the
shortage of skilled labour in technical professions.
Te human resources network fostered the
introduction of innovative tools, such as e-learn-
ing tools and fexible working time models, to
improve the quality of work and boost on-the-job
Cultivating innovation in Upper Austria
Networking gives a new lease of life to innovation in Upper Austria through the RIO scheme. By mobilising enterprises, research
institutes, education establishments, public authorities and support service providers around ve thematic networks, RIO has
integrated effective innovative tools into the areas of human resources, research and technology, logistics, design and media,
and rural development.
Tc human rcsourccs nctwork
hcld spccial cvcnts for cntrcprc-
ncurs to discuss innovativc nu
tools and to strcngthcn thc par-
ticipating companics cxpcrtisc
in nu. Young pcoplc wcrc also
targctcd to makc thcm morc
intcrcstcd in nu. Tis nctwork
is still up and running.
Obersterreich, Austria
satisfaction levels. Te network was used as a plat-
form for learning and placements were set up to
encourage students to enter the profession.
Te research, technology and innovation net-
work focused on technology transfer between
science and business. Tis raised awareness of
the importance of co-operation with research
institutes and of publicising the services these
institutes can ofer to businesses. New products
were developed for high performance materi-
als such as polymer nanocomposites which fuse
metal and natural fbres.
Fostering co-operation
Te 38 pilot projects funded by the rio programme
succeeded in nurturing collaboration between
research, education establishments and busi-
nesses. More girls were encouraged to pursue
technical careers and one pilot project brought a
business and a university together to share mate-
rial testing facilities.
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Innovation Investing in our regions 25
Networking provides a basis for advancing innovation at work
Te networks served to transfer skills to busi-
nesses via best practice events, newsletters and
other forms of communication. Tree of the net-
works are now self-sustained human resources,
design and media, and logistics. Clusterland Upper
Austria Ltd hosts the secretariat of two of the net-
works, while a logistics association took over the
logistics network.
Early stage involvement of all actors is char-
acteristic of the rio programme and one of the
reasons for its resounding success.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
RIO received
2.55 million
from the ERDF for the period 2004
to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 25 13/04/10 17:15
26 Investing in our regions Innovation
he facility has helped to turn around the once
crisis-stricken region of Veneto in northeast
Italy by transferring technological knowledge
and industrial research results to local companies.
Tis has helped the local economy to take a major
stride towards knowledge-based production.
Fostering nanotechnology research
Te Nanofabrication Facility is managed by
Nanofab, a non-proft organisation created by
the vega science park and the Civen association.
Te essence of the venture is to open up advanced
laboratories to manufacturing industries in order
to support technology and scientifc expertise, as
well as links with national and international aca-
demic institutions.
Nanofab research activities are organised into
two or three-year projects. Te frst fve projects
have already been conducted and nine other proj-
ects are ongoing. Tey are carried out by Civen
researchers, a team of 45 people and a scientifc
director, together with students from the associ-
ated universities.
Making nanotechnology work for industry
The Nanofabrication Facility located in VEGA science park is one of the rst European laboratories applying nanotechnology to
industrial production. Innovative techniques for treating leather and natural fabrics, anti-reective moth-eye surfaces and cold
spray technical coatings are all examples of areas in which nanotechnology is able to make a difference.
Strong tics havc bccn forgcd
bctwccn univcrsitics in thc
Vcncto rcgion and NanoFab as a
dircct rcsult of this projcct. Tc
lcvcl of cxpcrtisc now availablc
thanks to this partncrship has
raiscd thc prolc of thc facility
and drawn intcrcst from many
of thc rcgions top companics.
Padova, Veneto, Italy
In general, the research projects focus on sur-
face treatments and coatings such as hard and
low friction, anti-scratch, anti-corrosion, anti-
bacterial, anti-shrinkage, impact resistant and fre
Outlook bright based on early success
While the NanoFab project is still young, it has
already achieved outstanding results. In its frst
year alone, the facility was involved in no fewer
than 40 projects led by regional companies. Nano-
Fab acts in an advisory capacity for 36 projects
funded by the research and education ministry.
On top of this, it also takes orders from companies
to conduct feasibility studies. Around 300 compa-
nies are benefting from NanoFab services.
Te fact that Veneto was an industrial area in
decline made it easier to gain fnancial support to
develop this high capital intensive facility and to
upgrade the existing infrastructures. Te money
has been used to create 2 700 m of labs and tech-
nical ofces, and to acquire 80 pieces of specialist
equipment for the production of nanomaterials
and research control.
A strong partnership with local universities and
companies is one of the key features of the project
and has led to its expansion towards new felds of
More about this project can be found at:
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Innovation Investing in our regions 27
Workers in protective clothing handling high-tech equipment
rEU funding
The Nanofabrication Facility
4.6 million
from the ERDF for the April
2002 to October2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 27 13/04/10 17:15
28 Investing in our regions Innovation
nnovation used in it, nanotechnology, energy,
biomedical and automotive sectors can add
value to the space community. Te SpaceInno-
vation saar initiative coordinates the innovation
process in collaboration with the European space
community and non-space sectors in the Saarland
Customising the approach
Closer co-operation is being forged between
innovative industries, small and medium-sized
businesses (smes) and research institutes in Saa-
rland and the European Space Agency. Te project
is the frst of its kind to bring the expertise of a
non-space oriented region to the space sector.
Te individuals behind the leading-edge tech-
nologies in Saarlands nano-bio, automotive, it
and healthcare sectors are being involved to bring
improvements to the space sector. Software and
hardware technology are crucial elements of any
long-term mission to the Moon or to Mars. Guar-
anteeing this technology is reliable and safe is one
of the ways Saarland can contribute to the space
SAAR develops innovative approach to space
Space ventures in particular long-term missions to the Moon and Mars will require cutting-edge software and hardware of
the highest standard. To make this a reality, the SpaceInnovation SAAR initiative is bringing expertise from non-space related
sectors to bear on the European space community. Industries, small businesses and research institutes in the Saarland region are
accessing new high-tech markets.
Tc Europcan Spacc Agcncy
has initiatcd a consultation
group to analysc thc potcn-
tial for a Europc-widc rcgional
approach to complcmcnt its
futurc innovation stratcgy for
cxploration activitics.
Saarbrcken, Saarland, Germany
Te Verisoft consortium comprising academics
and smes in Saarbrcken could provide this exper-
tise. It specialises in the security of embedded
systems and the verifcation of complex soft-
ware and hardware systems. Trough this project,
Verisoft is working alongside research and tele-
com experts from the space sector to see where
improvements can be made.
Converging developments
Te SpaceInnovation saar initiative has become a
benchmark project for convergence mechanisms
between space and non-space industries and smes
in Europe.
Examples of valuable projects include intel-
ligent logistics being developed by the German
centre for artifcial intelligence (dfki) in Saar-
brcken, smart nanostructured surfaces for the
experiment facilities of the International Space
Station, and customised technology from a com-
pany mainly developing medical applications
(Sarastro GmbH).
Te innovative partners from Saarland are ben-
efting from new contracts and customers, while
the space sector is benefting from leading-edge
technologies and solutions from outside tradi-
tional supply and delivery chains.
More about this project can be found at:
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Innovation Investing in our regions 29
Space equipment being produced using expertise from diverse German enterprises
rEU funding
From October 2007
to September 2008,
SpaceInnovation SAAR received
79 800
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 29 13/04/10 17:15
30 Investing in our regions Innovation
he main idea behind the project was to fnd
technological solutions that would enable
the construction of an open-air wind tunnel
suitable for show business, including stunt shows
for the public. Aerodium was the company that
rose to the occasion, and in 2006 became widely
recognised after its machine was used in the clos-
ing ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Torino.
Not for the faint-hearted
Te project aim was to develop a mobile, vertical
wind tunnel prototype and produce a device ready
for distribution beyond Latvias borders. Te pio-
neering spirit of the company Aerodium, based in
the popular tourism region of Sigulda, was what
was needed. Te company owns and runs the frst
ever vertical wind tunnel in Eastern Europe. Te
spectacular Olympic Games show that brought it
renown featured fying acrobats in a tunnel blow-
ing a wind stream of 200 km/h within a diameter
of 3.7 metres.
Te main challenge was to make the electrical
device truly portable and easy to transport from
one show to the next. Te developers also needed
All eyes on oating humans
People often wonder what it would be like to oat in the air. Well, Sigulda, Latvia is one place they could visit to nd out.
Drawing on the enthusiasm for experiment, risk, excitement and technological advances at one company, the project dubbed
Development of a Mobile Wind Tunnel Prototype has taken humans and technology to new heights. The success of the projects
technological development is evident in the fact that it has been sold to more than 10 countries.
Tc tcchnological progrcss
madc as a rcsult of this projcct
has brought job sccurity as wcll
as intcrnational rccognition for
our company.
Sigulda, Latvia
to improve the air quality of the wind tunnel and
boost its level of power, all the while ensuring
safety. Given the challenges inherent in such a
project, several scientists were brought into the
team during the development process. Te tech-
nological superiority of the fnal result was so
dominant, that the Latvian company eventually
took over its parent company Aerodium Canada
in 2009.
Educating through entertainment
Te fnished product soon attracted attention, with
the Ministry of Education flming it and producing
an educational movie for schools explaining the
physics of aerodynamics. Te prototype was also
extensively used for training fying acrobats. Since
the project was completed, Latvia has become the
leading country in this very specialist industry
and its know-how is now recognised worldwide.
A design with many uses
Te 50 staf at Aerodium are reaping the benefts
of the projects success in terms of job security as
well as insight into understanding the technology.
Subcontractors are also gaining from the develop-
ment through the rise in exports of the equipment.
Apart from the entertainment industry now being
able to ofer more breathtaking excitement to the
public, the military is also using the device, in this
case for sky diver training.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 30 13/04/10 17:15


Innovation Investing in our regions 31
Thrill-seeker experiences the wind tunnel
rEU funding
47 400
was allocated from the ERDF to
Development of a Mobile Wind
Tunnel Prototype over the
period 2004 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 31 13/04/10 17:15
32 Investing in our regions Innovation
eveloping team spirit, quality control,
export plans and cutting-edge software
systems were just some of the areas cov-
ered. Te markets for their products remain
competitive, but already Regios success across the
globe, including Saudi Arabia, India and Europe,
has shown the benefts of well-targeted funding
Training for growth
Life at Regio revolves around mapping, geospa-
tial data, geographical positioning systems and
mobile positioning. Te human factor at Regio is a
key ingredient, which is why funding support was
used for training courses that matched personal
development plans, particularly for it specialists.
Training was also used for devising a quality man-
agement system and clear company marketing
strategy, vital in this highly specialised market.
Mapping the way forward
Te Regio project also included putting together
and implementing a plan for exports to Finland,
as well as an export plan for its gis (geographical
Estonian enterprise on the rise
Regio is an Estonian company specialised in geographical maps and related software. Its expertise and success have not gone
unnoticed, with 2005 awards including the Entrepreneurship Award and Most Innovative Enterprise in Estonia. With the support
of EU funding, the company has been able to capitalise on this success and provide a boost to key components of the business:
training, export and R&D activities.
Tanks to support from Euro-
pcan Structural Funds, Rcgio
has bccn working in thc cld of
innovation for ycars, and now
wc arc rcaping thc bcncts in
markcts abroad.
Tartu, Estonia
information system) products. Results were not
long in coming, with large-scale exports of its
mobile phone software heading to Saudi Arabia,
the United Arab Emirates, Slovakia, India and
Te development of logisme and gisser sys-
tems was covered by the project as was a pre-study
into mobile software for location-based services.
Regio keeps its eyes looking towards the future
with ways it can advance and grow and also con-
tinue benefting the region through jobs and high
quality services.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
1.16 million
was allocated from the ERDF and the
European Social Fund to Regio over
the period 2004 to 2009
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Innovation Investing in our regions 33
A company showing the way with mapping technology
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 33 13/04/10 17:15
34 Investing in our regions Innovation
his collaboration has resulted in the creation
of over 24 technological start-ups including
fve set up by professors and six laboratories
covering research into biotechnological processes,
board and electronic circuit production and vac-
uum technology.
Shared facilities, greater possibilities
Te Incubator Technology Centre attracts small
businesses interested in making the most of cut-
ting-edge technology. It is part of the Wrocaw
Technology Park, a business support and tech-
nology transfer initiative which encourages and
advises knowledge-based businesses.
Te park provides the ideal conditions for
businesses, both large and small, to develop and
interact in a mutually benefcial environment. Te
premises ofer high-quality ofce space, labora-
tories and workshops, conference rooms, guest
rooms for visiting scientists, telecommunications
services, and advisory and support services.
Te six laboratories installed in the technol-
ogy centre cover: board and electronic circuit
production and diagnostics; vacuum technology;
New opportunities for innovation in Poland
The gap between high levels of scientic potential and low levels of innovation in business is being bridged in the Lower Silesia
region of Poland thanks to the Incubator Technology Centre. The centre offers a place for businesses to interact with the academic
world, namely the University of Wrocaw, the Wrocaw University of Technology, and the Wrocaw University of Environmental
and Life Sciences.
Ncxwcll Enginccring com-
pany was cstablishcd in aoo in
Wroclaw Tcchnology Park aca-
dcmic cntcrprcncurship incuba-
tor. Sincc thcn, Ncxwcll has bccn
using thc clcctronics laboratory
to build and tcst ncw dcsigns.
Wrocaw, Dolnolskie, Poland
biotechnological processes; electronic processing;
low temperature research; metallic properties diag-
nostics; and advanced mechanical technologies.
Each laboratory is run by a company located in
the technology park that is committed to training
users. Tis means knowledge is shared while test-
ing prototypes. Te laboratories are available to
any company wishing to make use of them. Tis
arrangement has led to research being commis-
sioned from outside and novel know-how being
Innovation comes to Poland
Te Wrocaw Technology Park ofers companies
unique facilities and services. Tis has clearly flled
the existing gap, as it now hosts the highest con-
centration of innovative companies in Poland and
is still expanding. Approximately 96 companies
are located in the park. Te park also draws inter-
est from large research institutions elsewhere
in Europe Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron,
the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and
the European Organisation for Nuclear Research,
Te laboratories, which are equipped with
hi-tech equipment, are open to interested com-
panies. Te companies do not have to make heavy
investments; they can simply rent the equipment
for short periods of time. Staf at the technology
park are there to provide assistance in testing and
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 34 13/04/10 17:15
Innovation Investing in our regions 35
Home to interaction and innovation in Lower Silesia
Tanks to the project, the technology park sup-
ports newly established companies with the best
business ideas. Te supported companies located
in the Incubator Technology Centre pay decreased
rent, can take advantage of consulting services
and also take part, at preferential rates, in train-
ing courses on how to run their business. Te park
also helps companies to fnance their business
ideas by arranging meetings with representatives
of funds, such as venture capitalists and seed capi-
tal business angels.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
4.2 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the Incubator Technology Centre
over the period October 2004
to September2007
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 35 13/04/10 17:15
36 Investing in our regions Innovation
he initiative embraces the unique strengths
of the region, namely a highly educated
population and market-leading technology.
It has forged a partnership between the regions
11 universities, 6 science parks, 2 000 companies
and some 12 000 researchers. Together these
parties are bridging the gap between research
and industry by overcoming challenges relating
to the diferent arrangements that exist in each
country, such as intellectual property rights,
funding mechanisms, capital requirements,
business traditions and academic educational
Co-operation to drive growth
Te resund Science Region (sr) is a regional
development project designed to boost innovation
and research by linking authorities, industry and
universities across the Swedish-Danish border in
identifed core areas of expertise.
Te following platforms are part of the sr:
resund it, resund Environment Academy, re-
sund Food Network, resund Logistics. Tese
platforms secure and develop an innovative
Research and industry combine
forces for cross-border growth
Local government, businesses and universities across the Swedish-Danish border are working hand-in-hand to further knowledge-
based economic development in this cross-border region. The resund Science Region initiative is designed to sustain the
momentum gained following the opening of the resund bridge.
Tis projcct has had rcal
impact and has ovcrcomc lan-
guagc, lcgislativc and physi-
cal barricrs by building intcr-
rcgional partncrships that had
prcviously bccn non-cxistcnt. It
is an cxccllcnt cxamplc of a bot-
tom-up triplc hclix approach.
Tc projcct has a good admin-
istrativc foundation, good
working partncrships and is
a good cxamplc of succcssful
Territorial Co-operation, Denmark and Sweden
environment for new knowledge and an efcient
structure for commercialisation. Tey integrate
the various disciplines among academia, industry
and the public sector.
One of these platforms, resund Food
Network, initiated a network project, called
Unlimited Health, to establish a health indus-
try in the resund region. Major university
hospitals, universities, authorities and food
and pharma industries from Sweden and Den-
mark are part of this network. Te outcome
has increased innovation and regional company
growth in new health promoting food products,
thereby improving general public health in the
long run.
Model for growth
Te sr developed a unique model for growth,
known as the double triple-helix. Tis model is
based on knowledge in a cross-border region that
brings together local government, businesses and
universities from two diferent countries, with
their diferent administrative and legal cultures,
industrial landscapes and languages.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 36 13/04/10 17:15
Innovation Investing in our regions 37
Building on the resund bridge
Te sr achieved: state-of-the-art scientifc
clusters and networks; creation of new knowledge
in areas where the resund Region is competitive
on a global scale; the development of an innova-
tive environment and efcient commercialisation
structure; setting up of global branding and mar-
keting for the resund Region as a high-tech
region; securing sustainable economic growth
while maintaining a high ethical standard; promo-
tion of integration across the borders of Denmark
and Sweden; a worldwide infow of students, sci-
entists, capital and companies into the region.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
The resund Science Region
1.93 million
from the ERDF for the period
February 2002 to May 2005
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 37 13/04/10 17:15
38 Investing in our regions Innovation
stiic brought together local and regional
government, development agencies, busi-
ness organisations, third-level education
establishments, and research and technology cen-
tres from all four regions for projects refecting
the regions development priorities. Ultimately,
estiic aims to improve the efectiveness of related
policies and instruments and their responsiveness
to the needs of small and medium businesses.
Making it happen
Te main element of estiic was a mini-funding
programme for projects furthering technological
innovation and the information society. Contracts
were negotiated and drawn up and then launched
in the spring of 2006. Te outcome was the
approval for funding of eight subprojects involv-
ing interregional co-operation.
Te eight approved subprojects covered Radio
Frequency Identifcation (rfid), nanotechnology,
individualised publishing strategies, adapting
academic research to the needs of small busi-
nesses, broadband and regional development, the
Four regions gain leading-edge
technological experience
Fostering competitiveness through technological innovation and the information society is what ESTIIC is seeking to achieve by
pooling the specic expertise of four regions Asturias and Cantabria from Spain, North Rhine-Westphalia from Germany and
the Southern and Eastern region of Ireland.
Tc idca cmcrgcd thanks
to thc joint corts of thc Gov-
crnmcnt of thc Principality
of Asturias, toevn, thc labo-
ratory and thc appcllation of
origin Cabralcs chccsc, and rcc-
ognition of thc nccd to support
thosc small produccrs who work
to producc high-quality chccsc,
cnsuring that this quality is
approvcd on thc markct through
thc introduction of ncw tcchnol-
ogics such as radiofrcqucncy.
Territorial Co-operation, Germany, Ireland and Spain
business potential of eHealth, and the use of spa-
tial information in business processes.
As an example, rfid technology was used to
develop a prototype to track and trace foods like
Cabrales cheese using special tags. Dissemination
activities such as seminars and exhibitions helped
to promote rfid technologies in the small busi-
nesses of the four regions.
A show of potential
Te subprojects yielded very positive results, the
value of which could be seen beyond the four
regions involved.
Te rfid subproject was of great interest to
smes in the agri-food sector. Cabrales cheese is
only made by family-owned businesses in rela-
tively small quantities yet farmers must comply
with eu laws requiring the tracking and tracing
of the product throughout the production pro-
cess. Te developments showed that it is possible
to tag individual cheese with rfid and to record
and maintain specifc data to track and trace each
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 38 13/04/10 17:15
Innovation Investing in our regions 39
Cheese quality benets from modern technology
During the fnal phase of estiic the regional
partners discussed and approved the develop-
ment of additional activities linked to the topics
tackled by subprojects, such as fve regional stud-
ies, two workshops for smes, fve international
conferences and two study visits, thus ensuring
the achievement of the initial objectives in each
region. Additionally, these activities helped with
the drafting of the European ict Manifesto for
the Regions to support regional policy makers in
their attempts to develop successful strategies for
delivering the Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas.
Te activities helped to identify ict trends and
showed how to incorporate these into proactive
regional policies.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
From July 2005 to June 2008
ESTIIC received
3.16 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 39 13/04/10 17:15
40 Investing in our regions Research and development
Andaluca, Spain: Horizons expand for natural stone industry
Charleroi, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgium: Bringing sophisticated
solutions to aeronautical research
Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, Netherlands: LOFAR hails new
generation of radio telescopes
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany: Building expertise to harness
wind power
Lithuania: Laser vision gives Lithuania competitive edge
Niedersterreich, Austria: Technology to the power of three
stersund, Mellersta Norrland, Sweden: National winter sports
centre goes for gold
Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes, France: Helping hand for hydrogen
energy and CO
Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany: Wider horizons for Potsdam-Golm
Science Park
Swansea, West Wales and the Valleys, Wales, United Kingdom:
DIPLE breathes new life into Welsh printing industry
Vorarlberg, Austria: Vorarlberg gets virtual reality centre
ilina, Stredn Slovensko, Slovakia: Tackling tough transport
Territorial Co-operation
CZ, ES, IT, NL: Matching technologies and opportunities
West Wales and
the Valleys
Friesland and
Mellersta Norrland
outermost regions
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 40 13/04/10 17:16
Research and development Investing in our regions 41
Research, talent and education are
crucial components of growth and
innovation. However, there are
large disparities between EU Mem-
ber States and regions in terms of
spending on research and devel-
opment. The EU as a whole is also
lagging behind its closest competi-
tors, investing less on research and
development than the US or Japan.
This means that a much greater
effort needs to be put into creating
an environment that encourages
innovation and R&D. Europe needs
to step up a gear become more
inventive, and react more quickly
to changing market conditions and
consumer preferences. Plugging the
R&D gap is crucial. However, this
can only be achieved with a strate-
gic partnership approach involving
business, research institutes, aca-
demia and public authorities.
In response, the Union has put in
place a comprehensive set of poli-
cies and strategies, at European,
national and regional levels, aimed
at bolstering investment in research
and technology. A large slice of this
(50.5 billion) is directed towards
developing R&D facilities, sup-
porting technology transfer and
collaboration between research
institutions, government and the
business sector, improving research
capacity in small rms, and helping
small and medium sized enterprises
to promote environmentally-friendly
products and production processes.
The projects highlighted over the
next few pages give a taste of how
the EU is trying to turn the de-
cit around by investing in projects
such as Belgiums Cenaero research
centre, which provides world-class
technological services and solutions
to industries in the aeronautical sec-
tor. Support from EU regional funds
has also helped to increase the com-
petitiveness and develop the export
potential of a group of Lithuanian
hi-tech companies specialised in
laser technology. By helping to cre-
ate strong research capabilities,
investment from the regional funds
is helping to boost regional economic
Research and
Development (R&D)
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 41 13/04/10 17:16
42 Investing in our regions Research and development
ade a reality through eu funding, this
centre was set up to develop innovation
in Andalusias masonry sector. By work-
ing closely with businesses to assess and adapt to
market trends, the centre is successfully promot-
ing the Andalusian regions special craft heritage.
Businesses are ofered scientifc expertise and lab
facilities, as well as support for new designs, tech-
nological development, training and marketing
Ingenuity in action
As the frst industrial technology centre in Anda-
luca, the centre itself represents a pioneering
endeavour. erdf assistance was used for the con-
struction of a building to house the centre and for
the acquisition of scientifc and technical equip-
ment, such as a test laboratory. Before beginning
operations, the centre conducted a rigorous anal-
ysis of the stone sector from the perspective of
local companies.
Ten ctap set about identifying a range of
possible services and projects to improve the
activities of the companies. Tese services
Horizons expand for natural stone industry
Macael marble hewn from Almeras mountains can be seen in the Roman and Arabic architecture that abounds in Granadas
Alhambra, Mridas Roman theatre and Crdobas Great Mosque. Today, having overcome make-or-break challenges, the industry
comprises roughly 400 companies employing some 9 000 people. This is thanks largely to the ingenuity of the Andalusian stone
technology centre (CTAP).
cinv is thc bcst platform in
Andaluca for thc innovation
and dcvclopmcnt of a traditional
scctor. Tc ccntrc collaboratcs
dircctly with cntrcprcncurs
and is fully committcd to con-
tinuous improvcmcnt and thc
promotion of usost. cinv hclps
cntrcprcncurs to dcvclop ncw
products and to nd thcir nichc
in thc markct.
Andaluca, Spain
include r&d, quarry restoration, waste recovery,
industrial design, quality control and guidance
for innovation. Close co-operation with universi-
ties helps the centre to identify areas of research
from which specifc development projects could
One spin-of company, Macaedis, makes urban
furniture in natural stone. Trough its innova-
tive products, Macaedis is opening up a niche
for itself in the well-designed urban furniture
market. Tis high-end niche has been created
in co-operation with prestigious architects and
Changing mentalities, nding new markets
Companies in the region are now thinking more
in terms of their innovation potential. Increased
pressure from competitors has opened their eyes
to the need for the kind of professional help that
ctap can provide. Wary at frst, the companies
now appreciate that ctap can help them gain a
competitive edge thanks to support and training
in line with their needs, not to mention a special-
ist research team.
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Research and development Investing in our regions 43
ctap also helps companies adopt longer term
strategies, rather than simply continuing in what
they have always done. Te general development
of the stone sector is overseen by the ctaps 53
paying members which include the Government
of Andaluca, the Provincial Government and the
University of Almera, as well as private organisa-
tions and companies.
ctap in 2008 has participated in more than
27 innovation projects in two years with more
than 545 diferent companies. Andaluca is now
responsible for some 42% of the total production
of marble stone in Spain, the second biggest pro-
ducer in the eu, after Italy.
More about this project can be found at:
Marble stone being worked on by expert hands
rEU funding
2.55 million
was allocated to the Andalusian
Stone Technology Centre from
the ERDF for the period 2002
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 43 13/04/10 17:16
44 Investing in our regions Research and development
enaeros mission is to support innovation
among aeronautic companies by providing
them with focused expertise in numerical
simulation and modeling methods. Te centre
bases its success on well-developed co-operation
between universities and industry.
From the virtual to the real
Simulation ranks high among todays design cycle
priorities, boosting profts by reducing time to
market. Cenaero develops software to model cer-
tain manufacturing processes allowing designers
to reduce tedious manual tuning and to optimise
the resulting manufactured part. One such soft-
ware, Morfeo, has become a reference in unifed
simulation for wide-ranging applications. Mor-
feo is designed to handle large and complex
mechanical components within a real industrial
In order to develop multidisciplinary simula-
tion technologies for aeronautics, Cenaero relies
on the scientifc and technological expertise
provided through a partnership of four universi-
ties (Universit de Lige, Universit Catholique
Bringing sophisticated solutions
to aeronautical research
Cenaero is a research centre located in Charlerois Aeropole business park providing sophisticated services and technological
solutions to industries in the aeronautical and related sectors. Set up in 2002, Cenaero has played an important part in Wallonias
economic turnaround.
Its idcal to bc ablc to makc
usc of a ccntrc spccialiscd in
numcrical mcthods as wc look
for thc ncw tools and applica-
tions wc nccd.
Charleroi, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgium
than 50 highly qualifed engineers and PhDs and
the biggest High Performance Computing (hpc)
centre of the region, Cenaero has become a refer-
ence for numerical simulation.
In terms of impact, Cenaero has led to the
creation of more than 75 jobs. Te Centre is now
entering its second phase of development and
aims to consolidate its position at European
level while at the same time diversifying its mar-
ket opportunities. By 2015 some 50 additional
jobs should be created as well as two start-up
companies. Te full self-fnancing of the struc-
ture should also be achieved.
As part of the regional innovation strategy,
Cenaero has clearly contributed and will con-
tinue to play an important role in the economic
development of the Hainaut area, and, more
generally, in the competitiveness of the Walloon
More about this project can be found at:
de Louvain, Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Uni-
versit Mons-Hainaut), a research centre (Von
Karman Institute) and ewa (the association
of Walloon companies in the aeronautical sec-
tor). A local development agency for Charleroi
(igretec) also became a member of the centre
in order to fully integrate its growth within the
regional innovation strategy.
Gaining well-merited recognition
Cenaero is now recognised all over Europe for its
expertise and performance. With a team of more
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Research and development Investing in our regions 45
Modern research centre helping to boost Walloon economy
rEU funding
From April 2002 to June 2008,
Cenaero received
4.13 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 45 13/04/10 17:16
46 Investing in our regions Research and development
he lofar project is being led by the Nether-
lands Institute for Radio Astronomy, astron,
and forms part of the organisations plans
for the Square Kilometre Array (ska) project to
build the worlds biggest radio telescope capable
of shedding light on such things as gamma-ray
bursts, extrasolar planets and dark matter. Sen-
sor technology is another rapidly developing feld
with a broad range of potential applications, from
agriculture and healthcare to trafc management
and oil production.
Astronomy at low frequencies
lofar is a multi-purpose sensor array whose
main application is astronomy at low frequencies
(10-250 MHz). An array of telescopes made up of
many relatively inexpensive antennas are organ-
ised in aperture array stations located in the north
of the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom,
France and Sweden. A wide area network connects
these stations with the central processing facility
and a Blue Gene/P supercomputer processes the
data at the University of Groningen.
What sets lofar apart from traditional tele-
scopes is its fexibility. Instead of the traditional
mechanical signal processing with a dish antenna,
LOFAR hails new generation of radio telescopes
A new window on the universe, this is what the LOFAR radio telescope hopes to offer through a network of 7 000 small antennas
spread across 45 stations in the north east of the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Sweden. Enthusiastic
astronomers and engineers will be looking to LOFAR to help answer age old questions about the origins and evolution of the
tornu is a cutting-cdgc, low-
frcqucncy, multi-cld apcrturc
array tclcscopc that is using
innovativc tcchnologics and
novcl softwarc approachcs.
Tis tclcscopc has vcry rcccntly
startcd producing uniquc data
in a rclativcly uncxplorcd spcc-
tral window.
Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, Netherlands
amounts of data streaming from the antennas
(roughly 10 Tbit/s).
Other sensors are also being attached to the
shared networking and processing facilities; geo-
phones and infrasound sensors for geophysical
studies, as well as other dedicated sensors to
monitor the climate in crops and the movements
of animals for precision agriculture. Further sen-
sors and/or applications may follow.
Stimulating local business
lofar has stimulated local businesses to invest
in technology development. Tis has resulted in
12 collaboration agreements with companies that
were active in the r&d phase of the project. Tese
investments have led to an increase of the level of
expertise and competitiveness of these companies.
lofar will look for signs of the frst stars and
galaxies in the very early universe. It will detect
and study the highest energy cosmic ray protons,
the very existence of which theoreticians cannot
explain thereby providing essential physical
information not otherwise available.
More about this project can be found at:
lofar detects the incoming signals using an
array of simple omni-directional antennas, the
electronic signals from which are digitised.
Tis is why lofar is also referred to as a soft-
ware radio telescope. Innovative information
and communication technology hardware has
been developed to reduce and manage the huge
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 46 13/04/10 17:16
Research and development Investing in our regions 47
Some of the 7000 antennas taking us deeper into the universe
rEU funding
From July 2004 to September 2008,
LOFAR received
10.84 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 47 13/04/10 17:16
48 Investing in our regions Research and development
he technological achievements of the project
so far include what is known as a twist fow
wind tunnel. Tis is being used to test sailing
yachts and other wind-driven systems, particu-
larly wind turbines for renewable energy. Tanks
to the centre, technological know-how is being
transferred to support the local maritime industry.
Wind-driven industry
Te goal of the project was twofold: to set up a com-
petence centre (ccts) to serve as a contact point
for industry which would address any technical or
scientifc difculties, and to develop aerodynamic
research and optimise wind-driven systems.
Until recently, little was known about how
wind-driven systems could be optimised in the
light of the phenomenon of twist fow or shear
fow. Now, however, the process is raising consid-
erable interest in the maritime industry.
Te new twist fow wind tunnel which is eas-
ily adaptable not only to boats and sails of
varying sizes but also to wind turbines and air-
craft shows that even variations as small as one
millimeter can have a signifcant impact on the
speed of a boat.
Building expertise to harness wind power
The wind is a precious resource with great potential for energy production and propulsion provided the right systems are in place
and the right expertise is at hand. To do just that, a competence centre for wing system and wind tunnel verication was set up
in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The centre offers services rarely available elsewhere and works in tandem with the maritime
Our ow invcstigation
scrviccs provcd to bc an out-
standing cxamplc of working
tcchnology transfcr. It hclpcd
thc local sailmakcrs, yachtdc-
signcrs, boat and shipyards to
stay compctitivc, whilc allowing
thc univcrsity to carry out uso
programmcs in co-opcration
with industry to improvc thc
lcvcl of scicncc and tcchnology
in thc cld of uid dynamics.
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Unit which has been heavily involved in the
project has succeeded in obtaining two research
co-operation projects with large international sail
sport campaigns, demonstrating the competitive-
ness of the venture.
Small businesses are also benefting from the
technology which is helping them to design better
sails and thereby boost their sales. Tey are able
to improve their sail sets and ofer regatta sailors
and ambitious sportsmen a promising alternative.
Another development placing the research unit
at the forefront of science and engineering in this
particular feld is the Fluid Structure Interaction
Method for analysing sails which makes use of
experimental as well as simulation techniques.
Te project which has been successful in trans-
ferring the results of academic research into
industrial application for local industry has been
supported by the regional government and by the
University of Applied Sciences in Kiel.
More about this project can be found at:
Optimising sails
Since the wind tunnel began operations in March
2006, several local sail makers have used the tun-
nel to optimise their sails. Te Kiel Yacht Research
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 48 13/04/10 17:16
Research and development Investing in our regions 49
Model demonstrating how to harness wind for power
rEU funding
The centre received
983 000
from the ERDF for the period
November 2003 to
September 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 49 13/04/10 17:16
50 Investing in our regions Research and development
he project is contributing to the growth
of Lithuanias knowledge-based economy
through the development of competitive
laser systems, material micromachining and spec-
troscopy technology.
Pooling resources
Four Lithuanian laser and photonics compa-
nies joined forces to devise specifc lasers for the
industrial market. Te companies participated in
leading international conferences on lasers and
cooperated closely with each other and with spe-
cialists from outside the country. Laser testing
then followed and prototypes were created.
Ekspla, Light Conversion, Optida, and Standa
have been creating new laser technologies for
industrial application to enter Southeastern
Asia. Ultra-fast laser impulse technology makes
these manufacturers competitive with other
well-known laser companies.
Te desire to exploit novel applications of
laser in industry stemmed from the constraints
of the scientifc laser market. Lithuanian com-
panies would be limited to a maximum of 10%
Laser vision gives Lithuania competitive edge
The development of industrial lasers for micromachinery has given four specialist companies in Lithuania the leading edge in the
global market for micromachinery and diagnostics. Ekspla, Light Conversion, Optida, and Standa have combined forces to design
more advanced, powerful and robust lasers for industrial use.
Tc projcct signicantly con-
tributcd to thc dcvclopmcnt of
thc lascr industry in Iithuania.
Bascd on thc projcct rcsults, a
ncw branch of industrial lascrs
has bccn introduccd at Ekspla.
Two fast-growing startup com-
panics wcrc also launchcd.
innovative new lasers that satisfy industrial appli-
cation requirements. Tis should boost the hi-tech
sectors contribution to economic growth in Lith-
uania. It is forecast that sales in the laser industry
sector could reach ltl 0.5 billion (145 million) by
By developing technologies that give access to
the worlds industrial laser market, the expecta-
tion is that Lithuanias export potential will grow.
Tis will then lead on to higher turnovers for the
companies involved and to greater investment in
human skills and knowledge. Already Light Con-
version alone holds 80% of the global market of
tunable femtosecond lasers.
As many as 20 students were given the
opportunity to follow placements in the laser
companies, with some staying on in permanent
posts. Ten new jobs were created as a result of
the collaboration.
global market share in scientifc lasers. By wid-
ening their horizons to industry, the companies
were able to tap into the increased demand for
industrial laser equipment.
Innovative lasers
Ekspla, Light Conversion, Optida, and Standa
are working on providing the global market with
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 50 13/04/10 17:16
Research and development Investing in our regions 51
Laser industry propels forward with advanced technology
rEU funding
From April 2005 to October 2007,
the lasers for micromachining and
diagnostics project received
1.09 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 51 13/04/10 17:16
52 Investing in our regions Research and development
he Technopol Program of Lower Austria has
its roots in a decision by this state earlier
this decade to focus on applied research as a
means of developing the economy. Te four-year
programme focused on the towns of Krems, Tulln
and Wiener Neustadt three Technopol locations
that combine technology with business centres.
Seeking critical mass
Te programme started in April 2004 and was
established around recognised educational and
research institutes at several Technopol sites. Te
main goal was to develop a critical mass in the
areas of r&d, education and the economy at each
site, with a view to fnding a new platform for
interdisciplinary scientifc work and for applica-
tion-oriented collaboration.
Guided by Ecoplus, the Business Agency of
Lower Austria, the programme concentrated on
fve core areas, namely innovation, technology,
co-operation, internationalisation and mobilisa-
tion of start-ups. Te total cost of 2 888 000 was
co-fnanced by the European Regional Develop-
ment Fund and Austria.
Technology to the power of three
An innovative technology programme aimed at boosting the competitiveness of Austrias largest state companies has generated
more than 50 different projects. Launched in 2004, it centres on three high-tech Technopol sites in Lower Austria, with respective
expertise in biomedical technology, agrobiotechnology and environmental biotechnology, and modern industrial technologies.
Tc closc nctworking of
rcscarch activitics bctwccn
rcscarch institutions and cdu-
cational facilitics guarantccs
thc crcation of cxpcrtisc on thc
front lincs of thc intcrnational
uso community.
Niedersterreich, Austria
At each of the three sites, a designated manager
was responsible for the activities of the r&d facili-
ties, business operations, and the educational and
training institutions based there. Tey were also
tasked with management of marketing, business
development and key accounts.
Higher prole
Under the programme, international benchmarks
have been established and top-level research is
being carried out at the three Lower Austrian
Technopols. All of these activities provide valu-
able new stimulus to the states economy, while
enhancing its profle as a centre for world-class
applied research.
More than 50 diferent projects were success-
fully developed with the support of the Technopol
management, including co-operation between
local r&d facilities and companies. Among these
was the onlab project, developed at the Wie-
ner Neustadt site, which ofers a state-of-the-art
nano-analytics laboratory. Tis new infrastructure
is used in projects shared with industrial compa-
nies as well as by masters and doctorate students.
A further beneft has been the creation of several
new posts for highly qualifed employees.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 52 13/04/10 17:16
Research and development Investing in our regions 53
State-of-the-art in Austrian R&D
rEU funding
960 000
was allocated to the Technopol
Program of Lower Austria from the
ERDF for the period April 2004 to
March 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 53 13/04/10 17:17
54 Investing in our regions Research and development
he region now attracts many athletes the
majority of the Swedish cross-country skiing
and biathlon squads live and train in ster-
sund. With this development, many jobs have
been created and the centre is now internation-
ally renowned for winter sports and adventure
Creating the winning team
Te idea to set up a winter sports centre in the
city of stersund, in the region of Jmtland at the
heart of Sweden, originates at the Jmtland-Har-
jedalen regional sports confederation. Tis sports
confederation formed a partnership with the
stersund city council, Jmtland country council
and various private companies to create a world
class sports centre, focussing on winter sports and
public health.
Te centre became part of the Mid Sweden Uni-
versity stersund campus in 2007 and is operated
by four institutions, sports organisations, the city
council and the county council. Te centre has
four diferent purposes: to promote r&d; to host
a university lab for the sports science students;
to act as a testing centre for world class sports;
National winter sports centre goes for gold
The technical expertise of the Mid Sweden University is being applied to ski research in the Mid-North Sweden region, helping
skiers raise their performance levels to the very highest standards. By bringing together researchers, coaches and athletes, the
stersund National Winter Sports Centre (NWC) has become a unique and inspirational meeting place.
Uniquc lab rcsourccs
and rcscarch compctcncc
in closc proximity to sports
makc it casy to choosc thc
Mid Swcdcn Univcrsity.
stersund, Mellersta Norrland, Sweden
and to provide training for the Swedish Olympic
Six teams of athletes, whose disciplines cover
cross-country, biathlon, alpine, freestyle, snow-
boarding and skating, work side by side with the
centre testing techniques and technologies in a
mutually benefcial arrangement. Tanks to this
input from elite athletes, the centre is now able to
develop and upgrade specialist sports equipment.
From new cross-country skiing and pole
jumping techniques, whose value has been dem-
onstrated by Olympic gold winner Bjrn Lind in
Turin in 2006, to wiser nutritional choices thanks
to research into the metabolism of sugar during
hard physical exercise, there is no doubt that the
test centre is a goldmine for athletes looking to
better their performance.
Getting on the map
stersund has become one of the main r&d
sports centres in the whole of Sweden. By combin-
ing elite sports and research, it is helping both the
athletes and the university. Athletes are given the
opportunity to improve their techniques as well
as the possibility to continue their studies. Te
university is benefting from research laboratories
of a world class standard, especially in physiology
and biomechanics.
Te region is now frmly on the global winter
sports map. Most of Swedens participants in the
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 54 13/04/10 17:17
Research and development Investing in our regions 55
Ski movements being tested for peak performance on the slopes
Olympic Games in Vancouver in 2010 are con-
nected with the nvc and the university, using its
facilities for various purposes. Trough the use of
global positioning systems, the centre is also able
to re-create certain environments such as Van-
couvers ski stadium. Tis gives athletes an added
advantage when they compete.
Although at the beginning the main focus
was on world class athletes, the same equipment
used for testing these athletes can also be used to
assess various public health projects. In the past
couple of years, the nvc has been working with
other universities in Austria, Germany, France,
Italy, Finland, Norway and the usa. One example
of collaboration is in the feld of human develop-
ment and ageing.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
The National Winter Sports Centre
was allocated
1 million from the
ERDF for the period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 55 13/04/10 17:17
56 Investing in our regions Research and development
he new facility is part of a project hosted
by the Graduate School of Engineering in
Aeronautics, Transport, Mechanics and
Energy (ensma). Project results could pave the
way for faster rollout of innovative clean energy
High-tech platform
Te development of hydrogen as an energy source
and the possibility of permanently burying co

are vital for the eu, due to declining fossil energy
resources and increasing demand to reduce
emissions. Yet much remains to be done to
develop storage structures and a reliable transpor-
tation network.
Te platform for mechanical testing under
hydrogen (h
) and carbon dioxode (co
) project
addresses some of these challenges. It is an EU co-
funded project run by ensma, the young graduate
engineers school next to Poitiers-Futuroscope, a
European theme park based on multimedia, cin-
ematographic and audiovisual techniques.
Helping hand for hydrogen energy and CO
Environmental challenges linked to hydrogen energy and CO
storage are a step closer to being solved, thanks to a project at
Poitiers-Futuroscope. With a unique new mechanical testing platform, researchers are assessing the feasibility of carrying
hydrogen over natural gas pipelines and of storing CO
in facilities lined with rubber seals.
Tis uniquc ncw tcsting
platform opcns up signicant
prospccts for thc dcvclopmcnt
of hydrogcn as a ncw sourcc of
cncrgy and for storing CO
Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes, France
Te size of a large wardrobe, the platform is in
the Laboratory of Materials, Mechanics and Phys-
ics (lmpm). Tis facility conducts fundamental
studies and analyses the behaviour and durability
of materials under very diferent conditions of
stress, temperature and environment.
Work started in May 2007, with several industry
and university partners. It included characterising
new generation steels and polymers, to see if these
new materials could be used in hydrogen transport
pipelines, calling on pipelines designed for natu-
ral gas. Research suggests pipes may crack in the
presence of hydrogen. Other tests are focused on
rubber seals for use in co
storage facilities, since
this gas can afect their integrity.
Testing times
Te lmpm mechanical testing platform has been
used for testing metallic materials, polymers or
composites, with pressurised hydrogen, carbon
dioxide and nitrogen gas at temperatures up to
150c. Te aim now is to reduce the risk of pipeline
leakage and rupture, and optimal use of existing
or new pipelines.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 56 13/04/10 17:17
Research and development Investing in our regions 57
Testing platform for carrying hydrogen and storing CO
Te platform will also improve knowledge of
complex interactions between the presence of gas
and the mechanisms of deformation and damage
of materials. Tis should lead to better materials
prediction models.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
230 000
was allocated to the Poitiers-
Futuroscope ENSMA mechanical
testing project from the ERDF for
the period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 57 13/04/10 17:17
58 Investing in our regions Research and development
pread over an area of more than 50 hect-
ares, this science park attracts the brightest
of minds to lead international research on
anything from biotechnology to gravitational
physics. Te park ofers excellent infrastructure
and ideal conditions for renowned scientifc
research institutes, technology-oriented and
research-based companies and innovative
Where science and business meet
Renovation started on the old buildings of the
former University of Potsdam in 1993. Previously
run by the Ministry of State Security in the gdr
period, the site attracted much investment from
national sources in its initial construction phase.
In the second and third phases, the project was
fnanced in part from the European Regional
Development Fund.
Te main aims of the project were to create
a park which would integrate both science and
business, combine research through greater
interinstitutional co-operation, initiate spin-
ofs, support know-how and technology transfer
to local and regional businesses.
Wider horizons for Potsdam-Golm Science Park
Potsdam-Golm Science Park is transforming into one of the most innovative and promising locations for scientic research in
the state of Brandenburg. Since the mid-1990s, the science park has grown to host three Max Planck institutes, two Fraunhofer
Gesellschaft institutes, an incubation centre (GO:IN) and many innovation-oriented businesses.
Wc joincd oo:tN a ycar ago
bccausc it ocrcd us thc opti-
mum conditions for turning
our scicntic idcas into markct-
ablc propositions. Tc fact that
thc dcsign of laboratory and
occ arcas could bc individually
sclcctcd by cach lcascholdcr was
also a crucial factor in our dcci-
sion. Furthcrmorc, oo:tN ocrs
us a broad spcctrum of additional
scrviccs. Tcsc includc thc usc of
consultation rooms, prcscntation
tcchnology and a sccrctarial scr-
vicc if rcquircd. In a nutshcll oo:tN
makcs cvcry cort to cnsurc that
wc fccl at homc.
Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
In 1999 the Max Planck Institutes for Gravi-
tational Physics, Colloids and Interfaces and
Molecular Plant Physiology opened their doors.
With investments of more than 75 million from
national funds, Golm marked the biggest invest-
ment in the history of the Max Planck Society.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer
Research joined Potsdam-Golm Science Park in
2003 and in 2006 the Fraunhofer Institute for
Biomedical Engineering started its research
work in a new and modern building.
Creating conditions for growth
Te extensive research potential ofers optimal
conditions for new product developments and
services and new enterprises. Consequently
many start-up companies arose from the research
institutes and the university. In order to support
technology transfer and to foster networking
between science and the economy, the city of Pots-
dam created go:in, the Golm Innovation Centre,
co-fnanced by the erdf.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 58 13/04/10 17:17
Research and development Investing in our regions 59
Birds-eye view of the science park
go:in opened in 2007 and ofers 4 000 m of
ofce space, laboratories and storage. It provides
ideal starting conditions for new entrepreneurs
with services like conference rooms, joint mar-
keting and a coaching service. By the summer of
2008, 80% of available space was booked and 28
enterprises were housed within go:in.
Te strategic decision to concentrate specifc
research institutes and important Potsdam Uni-
versity faculties within the Science Park at Golm
made it possible to establish within a decade a
research cluster which is recognised at inter-
national level. More than 1 500 scientists are
working at the science park and the diferent
university institutes boast 7 700 students.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
From 1997 to 2007, the Potsdam-
Golm Science Park received
74.3 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 59 13/04/10 17:17
60 Investing in our regions Research and development
hrough these case studies, diple has devel-
oped a toolbox of solutions which have been
conveyed to the wider printing industry in
Wales through networking and company visits.
Tese provide the links necessary for sustainable
transfers of technology and ofer a source for iden-
tifying new topics for investigation.
Targeted research for effective solutions
DIPLE identifed specifc areas for research together
with the printing industry so that each project would
have a direct impact on the company in question.
In this way, case studies have been used to reduce
waste and improve certain printing processes.
Te best practices were developed using the
facilities of the Welsh Centre for Printing and
Coating (wcpc), the frst European Regional
Development Fund project fnanced by the West
Wales Objective 2 programme in 1996. Tese prac-
tices are of particular beneft to small businesses
where printing is used as a quality manufacturing
process, as in the automotive, aerospace, medical
and pharmaceutical sectors.
Te geographical spread meant diple had
an impact across the whole of Wales, where the
DIPLE breathes new life into Welsh printing industry
Working with small businesses to develop best practice and come up with innovative uses of printing to create high quality
products, DIPLE has reinvigorated the printing sector in the Welsh town of Swansea and beyond. Digital Technology and Colour
Control, Industrial Printing, Packaging, Lean Manufacturing and Environmental Improvement, otherwise known as DIPLE,
performs case study projects with partner companies using the experience gained as a basis for knowledge transfer.
otvte has workcd with small
Wclsh printcrs to dcvclop bcst
practicc so that thcy can bccomc
morc compctitivc. Its also
cncouragcd thcm to innovatc
ncw products smart packag-
ing, biodcviccs.
Swansea, West Wales and the Valleys, Wales, United Kingdom
New chapter for the printing industry
Te Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating for
technology transfer into industry is just one of the
projects funded by the erdf. A further four print-
ing process networks were formed under the erdf,
bridging the technology gap between fundamen-
tal science and industrial applications.
In total, the diple project which ran from Jan-
uary 2004 to April 2008 led to 118 collaborative
projects between the wcpc and industry. Advice
was given in 169 cases concerning innovation and
R&D and 170 jobs were safeguarded. An indepen-
dent review conducted in March 2008 considered
the project worthwhile and successful, with tar-
gets exceeding expectations.
Its main objectives were to: deliver new tech-
nologies to industry; encourage indigenous
industry to innovate; support knowledge and
technology transfer programmes; promote the
wider application of clean technologies and
reduce the use of natural resources.
More about this project can be found at:
printing industry employs over 28 000 people
and is considered one of the main driving forces
of the economy. Te benefts of the case stud-
ies are being applied across the whole of the
industry. Cross-industry themes include: colour
consistency, benchmarking of colour reference
books, environmental impact, employee health
and safety, ink consistency, and innovation.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 60 13/04/10 17:17
Research and development Investing in our regions 61
Printing industry moves forward with innovative processes
rEU funding
From January 2004 to April
2008, DIPLE received
1.14 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 61 13/04/10 17:17
62 Investing in our regions Research and development
ith backing from the eu and the Aus-
trian government, the centre is able
to bring these applications to bear
in sectors ranging from medicine, architecture
and industrial production to the entertainment
Virtual reality studies
Although Vorarlberg has no university of its own,
its workforce of roughly 145 000 has a very high
standard of education. Besides the primary, sec-
ondary and higher education establishments, the
polytechnic institute ofers highly technical sub-
jects such as production automation, internal
process management and intermedia. A trainee
programme is also an important part of the voca-
tional education provided.
Te virtual reality centre was set up at the
polytechnic institute as part of its user centered
technologies research unit. Activities undertaken
at the centre have been incorporated into the
institutes degree course in media design. Virtual
reality has now become a major new feld of study
at the institute.
Vorarlberg gets virtual reality centre
Bordering three highly developed countries, Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Austrias westernmost state Vorarlberg
is ideally located for innovative minds and projects. The example of the virtual reality centre is no exception. Stretching the
boundaries of computer science, the centre is able to explore and invent new multimedia applications.
Virtual Rcality Rcscarch Iab
has bccn cstablishcd with support
from euor and has bccomc part
of thc uscr ccntcrcd tcchnologics
rcscarch institutc at thc polytcch-
nic institutc of Vorarlbcrg. Using
this ncw rcscarch infrastruc-
turc wc wcrc ablc to build a ncw
co-opcration nctwork with rcgional
companics such as Bcnningcr
no, Coastcr GmbH, Doppclmayr
GmbH, and zr Fricdrichshafcn
no. Whats morc, wc wcrc ablc to
implcmcnt virtual rcality as a ncw
major cld of study at polytcchnic
institutc of Vorarlbcrg.
Vorarlberg, Austria
One example of the new and improved facili-
ties is a stereoscopic projection wall which enables
users to interact with a virtual environment.
Opening up opportunities
Te centre has created new opportunities for
research and development with universities and
companies in the region. It currently collaborates
with 48 regional companies, undertaking market
analysis, among other things.
Te project is helping Vorarlberg attract and
retain high-skilled workers after a period of
exodus to industrial frms in the neighbouring
In addition to product visualisation for archi-
tecture and specifcally for museums, virtual
reality is now being used in the centre for product
evaluation for ergonomics and orthopaedics.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 62 13/04/10 17:17
Research and development Investing in our regions 63
Virtual reality on display
rEU funding
23 900
was allocated to the Virtual
Reality Centre from the
ERDF for the period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 63 13/04/10 17:17
64 Investing in our regions Research and development
iloted by the University of ilina, the proj-
ect will look at everything from signal
processing to user-friendly data display.
Researchers will call on the institutions wide expe-
rience of transport and communication issues.
Four new facilities
Established in 1953, the University of ilina
specialises in transport and communication edu-
cation. It works closely with frms in these sectors,
and with public and private bodies in the region
and nationwide.
Te Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Trans-
port Systems and Services project started in May
2009 and is managed by the Faculty of Informat-
ics and Management Science. It follows on from
several completed projects, including one on intel-
ligent transport systems and another creating a
European Network of Excellence. Since 2002, the
University of ilina has been involved in more
than 30 European projects on road, rail and ship-
ping transport.
Te project is 85% co-funded by the eu, with
national funds making up the rest of the total cost.
Its main aim is the establishment of four research
Tackling tough transport problems
A new Centre of Excellence is emerging in northwestern Slovakia, integrating four research facilities for the development and
production of intelligent transport systems. The two-year project will create a multidisciplinary institution studying solutions to
common transport and trafc challenges.
Our initial focus is to crcatc
a national Ccntrc of Exccllcncc
for Intclligcnt Transport Sys-
tcms and Scrviccs.
ilina, Stredn Slovensko, Slovakia
facilities for intelligent transport. Tey will
respectively cover means and transported objects;
infrastructure; subsystems for control, manage-
ment and monitoring, and developing knowledge
databases; and systems and services.
Practical applications
Sixteen separate laboratories will support the
work of the four facilities. Tey have expertise in
areas such as embedded systems, payment sys-
tems, speech synthesis, and safety and reliability.
Te University of ilina has long developed
practical applications for industry and business
in Slovakia and the rest of Europe through inter-
national research and technology projects. Under
this project, researchers have already created and
successfully tested a unique procedure for generat-
ing transport timetables from complex databases,
for easy display on mobile consumer devices. A
simplifed version of this is now used by Slovak
Te project has also developed promising solu-
tions for designing evacuation plans for places
that are threatened by a disaster of some kind.
Te aim is to optimise the assignment of vehicles
to evacuate people to shelters, and to minimise
evacuation times.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 64 13/04/10 17:17
Research and development Investing in our regions 65
Mobile train timetables make life easier for passengers
rEU funding
1.19 million
was allocated to the Centre of
Excellence for Intelligent Transport
Systems and Services project
from the ERDF for the
period 2007 to 2013
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 65 13/04/10 17:17
66 Investing in our regions Research and development
welve interregional sub-projects were
undertaken in eight important sectors:
biotechnology, aerospace, advanced mate-
rials, pharmaceutical and medical technologies,
mechatronics, renewable energies and process
and production technology. Trough the inter-
national partnerships formed, companies were
able to develop new products and reach new
Innovation unlimited
Navisto is one such sub-project which helped
companies to identify where they could use and
make the most of Global Navigation Satellite Sys-
tems applications. Trough technology matching
events, companies in Catalonia, Lombardy and
North Brabant were able to create partnerships
with each other increasing their competitiveness
through the connections made and know-how
Tetrinno smartex, another sub-project, helped
small businesses in the textile sector to compete
with foreign companies with cheaper production
costs. Knowledge and practical solutions were
shared regarding the use of smart fabrics and
interactive textiles. Applications for these inno-
vative textiles include clothes that will monitor
Matching technologies and opportunities
Stimulating technology-driven innovation in four complementary European regions Catalonia, Lombardia, North Brabant and
South-West Bohemia was the ambitious aim of the three-year MATEO project. Working both at policy level and directly on the
ground, MATEO helped to boost innovative processes in small businesses throughout all four regions.
Wc havc idcnticd vc
companics in Spain which arc
intcrcstcd in dcvcloping thc
smnuiex projcct to industrial
lcvcl onc is intcrcstcd in thc
intcgration of solar cclls into
fabrics and anothcr in thc intc-
gration of clcctro conductivc
matcrial for dual ccct.
Territorial Co-operation, Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands and Spain
companies. cidem was supported by a total of 53 dif-
ferent public bodies in the four countries concerned.
Knowledge shared and multiplied
Te most tangible results of this project are the
concrete sub-projects which companies in the
respective regions were involved in, developing new
products and reaching new markets through new
international partnerships. Te project also served
to enhance knowledge of innovative techniques
and access to more advanced sources of technical
Te mateo project formed an international
system of technology transfers between research
centres and small businesses. Te involvement of
other countries helped companies to obtain bet-
ter results than would have been possible within a
regional or national context.
Te eforts have had a strong impact on the cre-
ation of new businesses in the eight targeted sectors,
with many new business opportunities and possi-
bilities for the creation of start-ups.
More about this project can be found at:
the heart, thereby providing a new approach to
healthcare and emergency services.
Tese sub-projects, together with ten others, were
approved for co-fnancing in March 2006. cidem,
which led the operations, ensured that the activi-
ties undertaken all fulflled the projects dual aim of
promoting technology transfer to small companies
and fostering the creation of new technology-based
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 66 13/04/10 17:17
Research and development Investing in our regions 67
Combining expertise to boost innovation in small businesses
rEU funding
The MATEO project was allocated
4.4 million
from the EU for the period
2000 to 2006 as part of the
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 67 13/04/10 17:17
outermost regions
68 Investing in our regions Business support
Berlin, Germany: Giving creativity a chance to ourish
Besanon, Franche-Comt, France: Fast-tracking microtechniques to
Foetz, Luxembourg: Entrepreneurial spirit alive in Luxembourg
Galway, Border, Midland and Western Region, Ireland: The business
of innovation
Glasgow, South Western Scotland, United Kingdom: Glasgow
university gives small businesses a helping hand
Mol, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen, Belgium: Lowering barriers to green
technologies uptake
Nordjylland, Denmark: Northern Denmark generates export growth
North East England, United Kingdom: Turning research into business
Podkarpackie, Poland: High-ying rms land at Aeropolis
Preov, Vchodn Slovensko, Slovakia: Taking on the world of
Steiermark, Austria: Technological help on hand for Styrias
Toru, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland: Tailor-made services open
doors for entrepreneurs
Territorial Co-operation
DE, EE, LT, LV, PL, SE and NO: Baltic Sea innovation boosted with new
tools of the trade
North East
Border, Midland and
Western Region
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 68 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 69
Boosting the number of businesses,
in particular small and medium
sized enterprises (SMEs), and help-
ing them grow through competitive
funding and support, is a key way
in which EU regional policy helps to
strengthen regional economies. In
2007-2013, some 55 billion from the
regional development fund is being
spent on business support, with half
of this targeted at SMEs.
SMEs account for 99% of businesses
in the EU and up to two-thirds of
private sector jobs. But often these
smaller companies nd it difcult
to access capital, or cope with struc-
tural change in the market. Whether
through direct investment to help
companies to start up or by directly
funding business support services,
EU regional policy is rmly focused
on growing business across the EU
by tackling these problems at the
grassroots. A rolling programme of
investment in the new knowledge
economy, in higher value sectors
like bioscience and information and
communication technologies (ICT),
is helping to stimulate business
innovation and creativity for decades
to come.
Regional policy funds provide
a complete toolkit for business
to thrive. Small businesses can
nd help for entrepreneurship and
start-up, accessing nance, improv-
ing research and innovation capacity,
upgrading information and commu-
nication technologies and boosting
environmentally friendly production.
Projects featured in this section
will show you how this money is
being spent. Initiatives such as the
JOSEFIN project in the Baltic Sea
region which helps SMEs to secure
nancing, or the United Kingdoms
groundbreaking North East Proof of
Concept fund which takes forward
market-focused business ideas
from ambitious entrepreneurs, show
how the EU is making an important
contribution in increasing rates of
business start-up and helping busi-
nesses to grow.
Business support
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 69 13/04/10 17:18
70 Investing in our regions Business support
team of 20 professional consultants help
entrepreneurs rise to the challenge of
succeeding in the creative industry, tai-
loring their expertise to the specifc needs of the
company in question. Skilled input is given in a
number of areas ranging from fnancing and strat-
egy to marketing and distribution.
City as stage, catwalk and music mecca
Whether design, fashion, multimedia, advertis-
ing, music or architecture, creative industries are
thriving in the German capital. Tese industries
have enhanced the image of the city visitors now
number around 240 million per year. And, the jobs
created as result of the activities greatly bolster
economic growth in the region.
Te kcc project was set up to build on the posi-
tive experience of the Technologie Coaching Center
(tcc). Te coaching model used by this centre for
over ten years was applied to the kcc in 2008 to
assist creative businesses in Berlin. Te underlying
Giving creativity a chance to ourish
Berlin stands out in Europe as one of the most cultural cities with over 170 museums, 150 stages, 11 symphony orchestras and
300cinemas. The creative industry in 2004 in Germany alone generated a turnover of as much as 117 billion. Fostering this creative
environment is the raison dtre of the Kreativ Coaching Center or KCC in Berlin where experienced coaches offer valuable advice to
up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
Tc xcc managcmcnt consul-
tant gavc us thc ncccssary impctus
and dircction to rcally succccd.
Tc support givcn has ocrcd us
furthcr possibilitics for growth
and strcngthcncd our companys
Berlin, Germany
A sustainable business model
Since it was set up in March 2008, the kcc has
successfully assisted 111 projects. It has ofered
professional business management advice and
facilitated valuable networking whereby entre-
preneurs have made useful, and even lucrative,
contacts. Depending on the project, clients have
managed for example to fnd funding, improve
their business strategy and gain access to well
known stages, all thanks to the contacts made.
Te kcc enables growing creative businesses to
solve business related problems themselves by pro-
viding advice and conveying know-how. It instructs
so that businesses, when faced with similar issues
in the future, are prepared to handle them. Tis
contributes to a highly prosperous creative sector in
More about this project can be found at:
purpose of the centre is twofold to strengthen
the setting up and growth of creative businesses in
Berlin and to provide support for creative entrepre-
neurs on matters related to business management.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 70 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 71
Consultants seize the creative energy of entrepreneurs
rEU funding
The Kreativ Coaching Centre was
525 000
from the ERDF for the
period 2009 to 2010 as a
pilot project
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 71 13/04/10 17:18
72 Investing in our regions Business support
ounded in 2000 near Besanon, the park
is an incubator for microtechniques and
healthcare frms. It has a major economic
infuence on the region of Franche-Comt, as well
as nationally and across Europe.
New technology cluster
Franche-Comt specialises in precision engi-
neering and has several related higher education
institutions. Tey increasingly focus on micro-
techniques used to make tiny parts for consumer
and industrial goods.
Covering 130 hectares, temis (Technopole
microtechnique et scientifque) is home to some 35
laboratories, both public and private, as well as
transfer centres, research and educational insti-
tutions, and so on. Since the parks launch, the
companies and research laboratories on site have
benefted for their projects from co-fnancing
from the eus erdf programme and the Franco-
Swiss interreg iii programme. Tirteen of these
projects were awarded a total of 2.2 million from
these European funds, out of a global budget of
4.6 million. Te remaining funds were provided
Fast-tracking microtechniques to market
The TEMIS microtechniques science and technology park in eastern France is a magnet for emerging and innovative companies.
One part of the park, the microtechniques competitiveness cluster, has worked with some 60 companies over the last three years.
Tc Scout-M projcct cnablcd
us to apprcciatc thc importancc
of nctworking and rcinforccd
our urgc to divcrsify in thc bio-
mcdical scctor.
Besanon, Franche-Comt, France
by the projects partners the companies, labora-
tories and training organisations.
Among the organisations at temis is the micro-
techniques competitiveness cluster (Ple des
microtechniques). It has contributed to several
innovative collaborative projects, which bring
together groups of researchers, technical or trans-
fer centres, and businesses. One such project was
scout-m, which helped ten frms (mainly smes)
that design and make medical devices (ads, Alli-
ance, Createch, Deco-jura, Dcolletage de la
Garenne, Schrader, Plastigray, gep, sts industrie,
VP Plast) with market studies, training, client
prospecting and manufacture. Tey were assisted
for one year by four consultancies and supported
by Johnson & Johnson.
Getting close to market
Of more than 80 commercial or r&d projects
approved by the microtechniques competitiveness
cluster, almost 30% are medical and health innova-
tions. Tree of the parks frst biomedical projects
are being fnalised. Among the scout-m frms,
two are seeking international quality certifcation
and three now work together. Potential clients are
also being followed up and partnerships estab-
lished with Johnson & Johnson.
Some 400 jobs have been created at temis over
seven years. Almost 180 are in temis Innovation,
Maison des Microtechniques, created between 2002
and 2004.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 72 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 73
Microtechniques becoming a weapon in competitive markets
rEU funding
2.19 million
was allocated to the TEMIS
microtechniques science and
technology park projects from
France/Switzerland for the
period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 73 13/04/10 17:18
74 Investing in our regions Business support
he support is targeted specifcally at innova-
tive businesses, including high-tech start-ups
and other businesses looking to get estab-
lished in Luxembourg. Te ecostart centre has
already helped with the start-up of 16 new and
innovative companies, including the creation of
some 132 new jobs.
Converting ideas into reality
The Ministry for Economic Affairs launched
ecostart in 2002, a first of its kind in Lux-
embourg. With support from the erdf, the
acquired Thomas & Betts building was soon
renovated and converted into the support struc-
ture that stands there today. In 2007, the newly
built ecostart 2 was inaugurated and entered
into operation. The structure is an effective
instrument for creating the type of companies
targeted by ecostart, namely individuals set-
ting up innovative businesses (young graduates,
researchers, managers, etc.), innovative com-
panies at the idea or start-up phase, and small
Entrepreneurial spirit alive in Luxembourg
To address the difculty faced in attracting major investment projects to Luxembourg and to maintain the countrys industrial
structure, there is a need to develop new projects with high added value. The ECOSTART project is doing just that by offering
a business support structure in two buildings covering some 8 000 m and providing 6 500 m of assembly and production
facilities and 1 500 m of ofce space.
Joining thc ecosinui ccntcr in
Fcbruary aoo8 providcd us with a
pcrfcct working cnvironmcnt and
thc ncccssary support to allow us
to conccntratc on uso in ordcr to
dcvclop our uniquc dynamic o
foot scanncr for biomcdical applica-
tions. Wc havc alrcady hircd thrcc
dcvclopcrs, spccialising in optical
applications, and havc produccd thc
rst working prototypc. Wc arc now
looking forward to commcrcialising
our product.
Foetz, Luxembourg
high-tech companies looking to establish them-
selves in Luxembourg.
Dual function
The buildings act as a business incubator, wel-
coming the entrepreneur and project from the
initial idea stage and supporting them for a
limited time, including drawing up and imple-
menting business plans. Companies can benefit
from tailor-made services provided by Luxinno-
vation, the national agency for innovation and
research, and specialised consultants. ecostart
is also a relay centre for companies coming out of
the start-up phase and needing to leave the busi-
ness incubator, and also for foreign companies
looking to set up new business in Luxembourg.
As businesses move through the development
phase, they can use the temporary accommoda-
tion available to stabilise their growth.
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Business support Investing in our regions 75
Luxembourg attracting investments through targeted support
Expansion on the horizon
The centre has helped the start-up of sixteen
new and innovative companies with high growth
potential. The fields covered by the companies
include plastics processing, multi-scale model-
ling and development of intelligent composite
materials, merchandising evaluation for retail-
ers, optical applications and innovative services
for production companies.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
1.55 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to ECOSTART over the period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 75 13/04/10 17:18
76 Investing in our regions Business support
he success of the project, both in economic
and regional terms, is evident in the 82 new
jobs created and in the eight potential start-
ups now benefting from the services ofered. Te
risks often associated with starting out on your
own in business, especially when its of an inno-
vative nature, are shouldered by the IiBC which
works to develop both business and region.
Innovation in context
Te IiBC has a twofold objective: to support and
facilitate the emergence of new market-led and
knowledge-based companies in the region and to
forge strategic links between the college and the
world of industry and commerce.
Te centre is part of the Regional Incubation Cen-
tres measure in the Border Midland and Western
region in Ireland which provides for the develop-
ment of incubation centres on the campuses of the
regions institutes of technology.
Te measure is a central element of the innova-
tion strategy of Irelands indigenous enterprise
support agency, Enterprise Ireland. It supports the
objective of increasing the number and regional
spread of high potential start-up enterprises, par-
ticularly in new technology sectors.
The business of innovation
Creative minds are being given the chance to ourish in the Galway region of the west coast of Ireland. In areas as diverse as e-document
management and implantable vascular devices, the Innovation in Business Centre (IiBC) at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
(GMIT) is fostering the development of new businesses by providing a space in which new ideas can be nurtured and commercialised.
Evcry cntrcprcncur is faccd with
an cnormous amount of challcngcs
on thcir journcy to succcss or fail-
urc. To havc pcoplc of thc calibrc of
Gcorgc McCourt, thc IiBC Ccntrc
Managcr to assist in thc proccss of
ovcrcoming thcsc challcngcs is a trc-
mcndous rcsourcc. To havc acccss
to programmcs such as Midlands 8
Wcst Entcrprisc Programmc (mwev)
for start-up busincss is akin to put-
ting thc most solid of foundations in
placc, into what onc day cvcry cntrc-
prcncur hopcs to bc a skyscrapcr.
Galway, Border, Midland and Western Region, Ireland
Entrepreneurial culture
Te IiBC enables companies to work in a secure,
innovative and entrepreneurial environment as
they progress through the various stages of a new
company start up. A range of supports are avail-
able to the companies, ranging from fnancial and
legal to marketing and networking.
Total revenue from IiBC clients in 2008 amounted
to 2.5 million and as much as 6 500 000 invest-
ment funding was raised. One start-up company,
EcoOla, a bio-diesel frm, was awarded two licences
to produce 270 000 litres and 9 million litres of bio-
diesel. Te company has subsequently been acquired
by Grow Oil.
Te IiBC is developing an entrepreneurial culture
by integrating gmit students with real-life projects
for incubator client companies and by ofering a
one-year Entrepreneurship Start-Up Programme
which has already attracted 54 participants.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 76 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 77
The centre where ideas grow into business
rEU funding
The Innovation in Business Centre
at the Galway-Mayo Institute of
Technology (GMIT) received
2.3 million
from the ERDF for the period
2000to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 77 13/04/10 17:18
78 Investing in our regions Business support
ll this has become a thing of the past,
however, as the Dialogues projects aim
to create mutually benefcial relation-
ships met with resounding success. Te scheme
has supported and advised over 265 businesses,
creating 50 new jobs. As many as 1 600 new
links have been forged between the University
of Glasgow and small businesses and research
Filling market gaps
Te Dialogues project was all about developing
and communicating business opportunities to
fll existing market gaps. It pulled together all the
key players in the regions economic development,
from Scottish Enterprise, the city council, the pri-
vate sector, the National Health Service and the
research community.
Te Dialogues team developed online resources
to help small businesses fnd research that was
in line with their interests, as well as a website
Glasgow university gives small
businesses a helping hand
Helping businesses in the west coast of Scotland tap into the potential benets of one of the largest research bases in the United
Kingdom was the main goal of the Dialogues initiative which helped support Scottish companies between 2002 until the programme
ended in 2008. Traditionally, Scottish businesses have been slow to exploit the expertise available to them from universities and
academics have been slow to recognise the benets of working with businesses.
It has bccn vcry rcwarding to
scc Univcrsity dcpartmcnts and
so many busincsscs cnrichcd by
thcir association.
Glasgow, South Western Scotland, United Kingdom
the frst time allow energy companies to use accu-
rate scientifc analysis to extract oil economically.
Business incubation space was also created for
a number of start-ups, with a wide range of net-
working events and seminars held to spark new
partnerships and raise the profle of the project
among the business community.
One example of a start-up made possible by
Dialogues is Paper Filament. Te Dialogues project
helped two product design and engineering stu-
dents to set up an innovative design company which
brought solutions to real-life problems. Teir sig-
nature inventions are a child-safe door hinge and a
portable epilepsy alarm.
A rewarding experience all round
A whole range of activities are being undertaken
as a result of the Dialogues initiative. An outreach
programme saw Dialogues representatives visit
small businesses to ofer consultancy support
from university students in areas such as product
providing of-the-shelf licensing agreements to iron
out any formalities of working in partnership.
Dialogues worked closely with the business com-
munity and Sciencesoft, a local company which
develops and supplies technical computing software
to the oil and gas industry, went from strength to
strength as a result of a Scottish Executive score
project with the university. As a result, a unique
software package was developed which would for
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 78 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 79
Glasgow university welcomes business co-operation
innovation and market research. Te bioscience
network, Nexxus, was created to support existing
bioscience companies in the region and to forge
collaborative links with the research base.
Te lessons learnt from Dialogues have helped to
foster a more joined-up approach between the dif-
ferent public and private organisations involved and
improve the delivery of knowledge transfer.
Following on from the successes of Dialogues, the
university has launched the Innovation Network,
which was created to increase engagement by Scot-
tish companies in innovation, product development
and new supply chains. Companies are able to access
funding of up to 5 700 for collaborative r&d proj-
ects, therefore giving companies the opportunity
to develop strong partnerships with the university
which could assist their long-term sustainability.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
Dialogues received
707 500
from the ERDF for the
period 2002 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 79 13/04/10 17:18
80 Investing in our regions Business support
he project is hosted by vito, the Flemish
Institute for Technological Research. It
supports small businesses in taking the
step towards sustainable production by set-
ting up demonstration projects and feasibility
Advice, studies and demonstrations
In Flanders, most small businesses know their
core business. But few have the time or knowledge
to introduce more sustainable development prac-
tices into their workplace and operations.
Vito is an independent and customer-oriented
research organisation. It provides innovative tech-
nological solutions as well as science-based advice
and support to stimulate sustainable development
and reinforce the Flanders regions economic and
social fabric. It decided to focus on sustainable
development practices through Prodem, which
stands for PROmotion and DEMonstration Centre
for environmental and energy-friendly technolo-
gies for small businesses.
Te project has continued more or less continu-
ously since it began in 1996, with several diferent
Lowering barriers to green technologies uptake
More than 300 small businesses in Flanders have beneted from professional advice, coaching and operational training on
sustainable technologies at the Prodem centre in Mol in the northeast of Belgium. Launched in 1996, the project has been renewed
several times, partly nanced with European funds.
Prodcm hclpcd us to validatc
tcchnologically an innovativc
proccdurc to maximisc thc bcn-
cts of mcchanically dcboncd
mcat. Tc dcmonstration proj-
cct cnablcd us to asscss thc
fcasibility of sctting up a ncw
busincss linc and wcvc invcstcd
a million in a ncw production
Mol, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
Flemish regional partners. It has also benefted
from eu co-funding through the erdf since 2000.
At the centre in Mol, companies learn how to
green up their production processes. Tey can for
example assess the appropriateness and feasibil-
ity of existing and proven environment-friendly
technologies. Or they can participate in demon-
stration projects to test new technologies, before
deciding to invest in them.
Encouraging sustainable investment
During its partnership with Antwerp and Limburg
provinces, the project helped a number of Flemish
companies to make more sustainable investments
in areas ranging from sewage to odour and dust
remediation. It also pioneered environmental tech-
nology verifcation (etv), helping one frm and its
technology-supply partners to select for instance
photo-oxidation as a way of tackling odour in its
production process. Under Prodem, the technol-
ogy verifcation check cost around 15 000 for
the small business and its technology-supplying
partner, but could represent a signifcant break-
through of an innovative technology.
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Business support Investing in our regions 81
Experimental works benet from Prodem support
Prodem also organised several seminars
highlighting success stories for use of environmen-
tally-friendly technologies in Flanders. Towards
the end of the project, the focus was increasingly
on renewable energy technologies, in response
to questions from small businesses about smart
energy networks.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
499 500
was allocated to one phase of the
Prodem project from the ERDF
for the period December 2007
to March 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 81 13/04/10 17:18
82 Investing in our regions Business support
he programme was launched in 2000 follow-
ing a study by the University of Aalborg which
showed that the economy of this region of
500 000 inhabitants in the northernmost point of
the Danish peninsula could beneft from a strate-
gic programme focused on seizing lucrative export
opportunities. Some 87 businesses saw this oppor-
tunity and soon benefted from the programme in
the form of high sales fgures and grants for con-
sultancy costs.
Providing support behind the scenes
County authorities initially set up a working
group to design a method that smes in North Jut-
land could use to promote exports. Te main aim
was to increase employment and revenues from
exports. Following this, a network of consultants
began providing tailor-made services for the spe-
cifc needs of businesses, including market studies
and advice on what strategies to deploy when it
comes to exporting. Te grants provided covered
70% of consultancy costs.
On board and on target
Tis programme has clearly shown that the inno-
vative and efective use of fnancial support from
Northern Denmark generates export growth
With an untapped export potential for the region estimated at 540 to 670 million, the North Jutland Export Programme in
Denmark has been instrumental in providing support to small businesses to boost regional exports and job opportunities. Figures
calculated following the conclusion of the project period showed marked increases in both exports and turnover.
Tc cxport programmc
provcd a rcsounding succcss
with aq privatc companics
taking part from aooqaoo8.
Exports wcrc up and oo
ncw jobs wcrc crcatcd.
Nordjylland, Denmark
eu regional funding does work. With a total of
87 businesses already benefting from the pro-
gramme, a new phase has been launched and is
looking to get some 150 businesses on board.
Numbers tell a success story
Since the initiative began, aggregate turnover
of the businesses taking part has increased by
8.6 million, while the aggregate sales value has
also risen by 6 million. Te North Jutland region
has benefted in terms of employment, with an
estimated 404 additional people securing work
either directly or indirectly as a result of the
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
670 000
was allocated from the ERDF to the
North Jutland Export Programme
over the period January 2002
to December 2004
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Business support Investing in our regions 83
Danish exporters discover their potential
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 83 13/04/10 17:18
84 Investing in our regions Business support
he high risk nature of such ventures means
funding is hard to come by through conven-
tional means such as banks. Te nepoc fund
helps to plug this equity gap in the form of con-
vertible loans ranging anything from 76 000 to
113 000. Te fund is currently managed by North-
Star Equity Investors.
From drawing board to market
In sectors as diverse as nanotechnology, commu-
nications, ict, biotechnology, healthcare, chemicals,
processing and renewable energy nepoc takes for-
ward market-focused business ideas from ambitious
Investments are made up to a value of 76 000
for commercial projects and 113 000 for university
projects. Tese funds are managed by NorthStar
Equity Investors, a venture capital frm specialising
in early stage high-growth opportunities and regu-
lated by the Financial Services Authority.
Te fund managers look for three key elements in
each potential investment: novelty of idea; market
potential; team enthusiasm. Te ideal candidates
are considered to be market-driven companies with
capacity for rapid expansion.
Turning research into business
Catalysing technological innovation in academia and the business community is the main goal of the North East Proof of Concept
fund (NEPOC) which invests in early stage science and technology projects. Ambitious entrepreneurs unable to raise nance for
their project, due to the unproven state of the technology, can call upon the NEPOC to help them maximise their growth and return
Tc Proof of Conccpt fund pro-
vidcd us with thc initial funding to
allow us to dcmonstratc that thc
tcchnology workcd bcforc raising
anothcr small round of funding to
dcvclop prototypcs. Wc could not
havc takcn thc tcchnology from
Univcrsity labs without it.
North East England, United Kingdom
Te fund is part of a broader strategic regional
approach, known as the Strategy for Success. Tis
strategy focuses on the commercialisation of the
regions knowledge base by boosting innovation
research into emerging technologies for growing
markets. Te advantage of this commercial approach
is that it prepares investees for the rigours of later
stage venture capital investment and it addresses
many issues which would restrict later stage private
Te erdf 2007-2013 programme is expected to
create and safeguard 28 000 new jobs, start 3 000
new businesses and increase the North Easts pro-
ductivity by 1.26 billion per annum.

More about this project can be found at:
proofofconceptfund.cfm Transforming the North East
In total, over the last fve years nearly 125 mil-
lion of investment fund initiatives have been
developed in the North East region. Tis has helped
the region to overcome capital market failures and
has led to unprecedented levels of investment from
outside the North East region into small businesses.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 84 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 85
Entrepreneurs now able to turn science and technology projects into real successes
rEU funding
From October 2004 to December
2008, North East Proof of Concept
5.63 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 85 13/04/10 17:18
86 Investing in our regions Business support
odkarpackie Science and Technology Park
(pstp) Aeropolis benefted greatly from
a European co-funded project over some
three years. Tis equipped the land with the tech-
nical infrastructure necessary for business activity
and for attracting further investors.
Focus on aviation
Situated in southeast Poland, Podkarpackie was
able to beneft from funding equivalent to 10
million under the erdf for the pstp Aeropolis a
project capitalising on one of the regions major
strengths, the aviation industry.
Te project was implemented between Janu-
ary 2005 and November 2008 and managed by
the pstp Centre of Management, part of Rzeszw
Development Agency. Another unit, the Inward
Investment Centre, provides companies with com-
plex services.
Aeropolis is ideally located alongside several
main roads and rail lines, as well as Rzeszw-
Jasionka International Airport. Tere are plans to
extend the existing railway to Warsaw, underlining
the parks strategic importance for Podkarpackies
development and competitiveness.
High-ying rms land at Aeropolis
A Polish region known for its aviation expertise is encouraging innovative businesses to set up in a new science and technology
park. Covering some 118 hectares, Aeropolis has attracted 16 companies, among them a world-class maker of aircraft engines.
Critcria accting our dcci-
sion to invcst in Rzcszw
wcrc thc attractivc infrastruc-
turc, availability of qualicd
sta, cxccllcnt intcr-rcgional
transport conncctions and an
attractivc nancial packagc.
Podkarpackie, Poland
Of the parks three zones, the largest (70 hect-
ares) is next to the airport, with a second one
(47 hectares) in Rogonica town. Te third
(997 square metres) is at Rzeszow University of
Technology. Known as the Academic Preincubator
of pstp, it supports development of entrepre-
neurship in the Podkarpackie region especially
innovative ideas connected with technology and
company organisation.
Infrastructure in place
Te project resulted in the construction of signif-
cant infrastructure. Tis includes almost 49 000
square metres of road, the Academic Preincubator
premises, and systems for sewage, water, gas, elec-
tricity and so on.
Aeropolis has already found 16 of its target of 30
companies. Tey employ around 1 225 people and
have invested some 142 million in the park. By
mid-2009, two companies there had started their
production: mtu Aero Engines, making turbines
for airplane engines, and Borg Warner making tur-
bochargers. As a result, the park is widely seen as a
showcase development for promoting technology
transfer and enhancing the skills ofer through its
associated academic centres.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 86 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 87
View over the home of innovative aviation
rEU funding
10 million
was allocated to the Aeropolis
Science and Technology Park
project from the ERDF for the
period 2004 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 87 13/04/10 17:18
88 Investing in our regions Business support
he company spinea, based in Preov, is in Slo-
vakias third largest town. It produces gearing
systems for use in high-precision robotics and
is the only producer in Europe working in this feld.
Under the eus sectoral Operational Programme
Industry and Services, the company received
fnancial support to build a new production site
for robotics and introduce new technologies.
More value, greater growth
The company spinea was established in 1994
to develop and produce reducers based on new
technology developed in Slovakia. It supplies
numerous sectors, including the automotive
sector which has a strong presence in Slovakia,
and also targets areas such as high-precision
applications in healthcare. This project ensured
continuation of the company growth, which saw
sales almost double between 2004 and 2008.
With the support of eu funding, spineas posi-
tion was thus strengthened, generating greater
added value and higher levels of production.
Taking on the world of technology
Staying ahead in business with the right tools of the trade is vital to any company success. With the prospects of expanding yet
competitive global markets, businesses also need to be well equipped to meet tough customer demands. The Spinea project embraced
these challenges by supporting the expansion of one of Europes leading robotics developers and producers of high-precision reducers,
the result of which saw greater production levels, job creation and a 10% increase in its share of the European market.
Tis projcct crcatcd ncw jobs
for highly qualicd workcrs in pro-
duction, tcsting and dcvclopmcnt
(which saw growth of somc )
bctwccn aooq and aoo8). Tis was a
major bcnct for thc Prcov Rcgion,
which has onc of thc highcst uncm-
ploymcnt ratcs among Slovakias
Preov, Vchodn Slovensko, Slovakia
Regional and global leader
The companys existing capacities were enhanced
under the project, with new production capaci-
ties improved in the form of new technologies
21 pieces of technological equipment were
acquired. The project generated real benefits
through higher levels of labour productivity, due
in part to the implementation of management
systems, development of co-operation with
major suppliers, and increased competitiveness
of its products in eu, Asia, North America and
Australasia, becoming a veritable competitor of
the global market leader, Japan.
Indirect benefts have also resulted in the form
of more intensive co-operation between spinea and
the Technical University of Koice. spinea has thus
had a strong infuence locally, in terms of innova-
tion and technical development of the Preov region.
More about this project can be found at:
Staff also benefited, with average wages in the
company increasing by 42% between 2004 and
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 88 13/04/10 17:18
Business support Investing in our regions 89
Expansion of robotics company produces jobs, growth and a competitive edge
rEU funding
2.3 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to the project over the
period 2004 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 89 13/04/10 17:19
90 Investing in our regions Business support
usinesses with little or no experience in
innovative processes were taken under the
wing of Technoft Pro whose staf of seven
transfer specialists drew on the expertise of 1000
scientists to help in areas of need. As many as
160 small businesses attended specially organ-
ised Technoft Pro events; 30 were coached by an
individual expert or given guidance on innovation
Redressing the balance
By addressing the specifc needs of small busi-
nesses established in the peripheral areas of Styria,
the Technoft Pro project sought to redistribute
innovation performance levels more evenly. Te
relatively high performance levels of these areas
had up to that point been attributed to several
large industrial companies, four universities, two
polytechnics, two major r&d institutes and nine
centres of excellence rather than Styrias small
To redress this balance, the four Technoft Pro
partners (3 universities and 1 r&d institute) ofered
consulting and coaching services tailored to the
Technological help on hand for Styrias businesses
Comprehensive technological expertise tailored to the needs of business this is what Technot Pro has offered to small businesses
in the southeast of Austria. Three universities and a major R&D institute combined forces to assist small businesses in their uptake
of modern technology.
Wc uscd euor funding to makc
univcrsitics and uso institutions
acccssiblc for rcgional smes in
a vcry hands-on way. Dozcns of
projccts kickcd o in thc coursc of
iecnNorti vuo dcmonstratc thc
sustainability of our tcchnology
transfcr tcam cort.
Steiermark, Austria
and the delivery of individual expert meetings to 30
small businesses.
Targeted change
Te Technoft Pro project saw eu funding targeted
directly at facilitating innovation in small busi-
nesses. Support which otherwise would have
been non-existent was channeled into expand-
ing the knowledge and technological expertise of
these businesses.
From the 90 individual innovation audits,
25 projects got underway. While these projects
received a modest amount of funding, their com-
bined activities acted as a lever for a new segment
of the regional economy to engage with academic
Te steps taken so far are just the beginning. Sty-
rias Regional Competitiveness programme which
runs from 2007 to 2013 will continue to give support
to small businesses by building their innovation lev-
els through various transfer networks.
More about this project can be found at:
needs of the business concerned. Tese services
were provided through a neutral, not-for-proft
transfer network and were based on a coordinated
and standardised approach.
Te activities undertaken include: the develop-
ment of four packages of innovation services; the
hosting of events attracting 160 small businesses;
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 90 13/04/10 17:19
Business support Investing in our regions 91
Combined R&D and academic talent help local businesses
rEU funding
The Technot Pro received
97 400
from the ERDF for the
period from April 2005
to March 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 91 13/04/10 17:19
92 Investing in our regions Business support
he Park occupies six buildings covering
8 660 m and hosting 33 frms employing
over 260 people. Te project is breaking new
ground in the region by encouraging co-operation
between industry and the scientifc community.
Tis is leading to technology transfer and concrete
initiatives to increase innovation in the region.
Room for technological development
Te project addressed the need to transfer high
levels of technological know-how to individual
businesses in order to make them more competi-
tive in the feld. By providing low cost, high-quality
ofce space, ctt helped entrepreneurs in the early
stages of their business as well as scientists wish-
ing to commercialise an idea. Tis well-equipped
and hospitable space increased their chances of
fruitful collaboration.
Te building of the centre began in 2002 and, by
2005, consisted of four technology halls, 86 ofces,
a modern conference room, two training rooms, a
computer laboratory, two meeting rooms, cafeteria
and ofers attractive land for development, occu-
pying a total area of 10.5 hectares. Te services
Tailor-made services open doors for entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs in Kuyavia-Pomerania Voivodship are being offered professional advisory services in a variety of domains as the Toru
Technology Park (TTP) looks to stimulate technological uptake and to commercialise ideas from scientists. The Centre for Technology
Transfer (CTT), which has become the focal point of the park, provides a market analysis and subsequent personalised service for
Toru Tcchnology Park gath-
crs togcthcr companics with grcat
tcchnological potcntial, giving thc
companics prcstigc and rccogni-
tion and attracting pcoplc looking
for innovativc solutions. By sct-
ting up my busincss in thc Torun
Tcchnology Park, I am ablc to work
alongsidc othcr busincsscs with
high lcvcls of tcchnical cxpcrtisc.
Toru, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
Development; the Enterprise Europe Network of
the European Commission which ofers free con-
sultation services to small businesses; and training
courses for entrepreneurs.
One of the key services provided conducts tech-
nology audits to identify a companys capacity
for collaboration and its ability to get involved in
activities aimed at developing specifc clusters in the
region. Clusters are formed in the following indus-
tries; machine-tools, spa-tourism, wood-furniture
and it.
Modernising the technology base
Toru Regional Development Agency played a key
role in the project, acting as an interface between
politics and business in order to develop the cen-
tre. Te agency has a long tradition of consensus
building and of fnding the right balance between
supply and demand. University co-operation is
desirable and a close and active partnership is
being forged with the Nicholas Copernicus Uni-
versity and University of Technology and Life
Sciences in Bydgoszcz to unite business and
provided by the centre include: support for inno-
vation and technology transfer; a consultation
point managed by Polish Agency for Enterprise
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 92 13/04/10 17:19
Business support Investing in our regions 93
Poland proud of its centre for technology transfer
Annually some 2 000 people are trained at the
centre in anything from company management to
industrial property protection. A special team from
the university prepares econometrical and compara-
tive analyses which can then be used in economic
and business activity.
Te example set by the centre the frst project
of its kind and size in Kuyavia-Pomerania Voivod-
ship is being followed in several other projects.
Te Regional Centre for Innovation Support and
Technology Transfer and sector clusters are two
examples. ctt is considered a benchmark for the
delivery of efective services to entrepreneurs not
just in Torun but in the entire region.
Te concentration of high-tech activity is stimu-
lating innovation in the region as well as raising the
overall level of technological uptake, thereby mod-
ernising the technology base for companies and
research centres.
More about this project can be found at: and
rEU funding
1.25 million
was allocated from the ERDF to the
CTT over the period October 2002
to December 2004
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 93 13/04/10 17:19
94 Investing in our regions Business support
mes are often faced with reluctance on the
part of banks when it comes to securing
financing for transnational projects. This
often prevents them from developing their full
potential. To address this issue, josefin (Joint
sme Finance for Innovation) is offering strategic
services to smes in the Baltic Sea region, includ-
ing individual coaching and tailor-made advice.
Baltic Sea business looking to new horizons
Development of the Baltic Sea region depends
to a large extent on the ability of key actors to
take part in international markets. However,
smes often focus on local markets rather than
international ones, due partly to the difculty in
securing fnancing. Te josefin project has been
introduced to stimulate direct transnational co-
operation and provide improved access to fnance,
enabling them to innovate and exploit new prod-
ucts and services.
Baltic Sea innovation boosted
with new tools of the trade
The Baltic Sea region is recognised for its strong knowledge-based and innovative economy, with small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) playing a key role in this innovation process. To help these SMEs with nancing as they look to expand
internationally, the recently launched JOSEFIN project is introducing a range of practical instruments designed to support them
in their endeavours, including a European counter guarantee and a new risk-sharing model.
Onc impulsc for this projcct is
thc succcss story of an ti company
in Bcrlin wc workcd with, Condat
no. Wc arrangcd spccial nancing
and tcchnical support for thcm,
which soon opcncd up markcts in
China for thcir ti systcms.
Territorial Co-operation, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Norway
Seizing the innovation potential
Te main players in the innovation process,
namely incubators, technology transfer centres
and public development banks will jointly develop
concrete tools and instruments to be used in the
countries involved, namely Germany, Poland,
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden and Nor-
way. To reach its goals, the josefin partnership
includes organisations with business develop-
ment expertise, such as partners of the Enterprise
Europe Network, public authorities in charge of
policy development and implementation, public
fnancial institutions and research and technology
development organisations.
Secure backing for SMEs
Te main achievement of the project will be the
use of a European counter guarantee fund. Tis
will back up sme loans, guarantees and seed or
venture capital, thus reducing the fnancial risk of
transnational business activities of companies and
fnancial institutions and boosting co-operation
and international business. For fnancial institu-
tions, a new risk-sharing model for safer credit
provision will be introduced, enabling more realis-
tic assessment of sme creditworthiness.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 94 13/04/10 17:19
Business support Investing in our regions 95
Stockholm is one of the places that could see SMEs beneting from the JOSEFIN project
rEU funding
2.9 million
is being allocated from the
ERDF to JOSEFIN over the
period January 2009 to
January 2012
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 95 13/04/10 17:19
outermost regions
96 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands: Entire Almere community goes
Bratislava, Bratislavsk kraj, Slovakia: Building communication
Dolenjska, Slovenia: Slovenia embraces digital culture
Gran Canaria, Canarias, Spain: Maximising island mobility
Guyane, France: French Guiana takes rst step on information
Gygyszervonal, Kzp-Magyarorszg, Hungary: Medical products
given a voice in Hungary
Kujawsko, Pomorskie, Poland: Rural Poland embraces the digital age
Latvia: The digital face of Latvian libraries
Lule, vre Norrland, Sweden: Smart technology comes to Norra
Oulu, Pohjois-Suomi, Finland: New impetus for digital content
services in Finland
Vilnius, Lithuania: Extending education beyond the blackboard
Bratislavsk kraj
vre Norrland
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 96 13/04/10 17:19
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 97
Information and communication
technologies (ICT) have trans-
formed the way in which we do
business, learn and entertain our-
selves. To remain competitive,
Europe needs to be at the leading
edge of technological change and
harness the power of the digital age
for the benet of its citizens and
This is why the EUs regional policy
is targeting substantial resources on
ICT: 15.3 billion is being invested
between 2007 and 2013 to develop
knowledge-based service econo-
mies. Support is available for
activities such as ICT education and
training, high-speed internet infra-
structure (particularly in rural or
remote areas), and for developing
online services to businesses and
citizens. Regional funds have backed
new ICT companies and helped many
companies adopt new e-business
practices. Investment in broadband
connectivity has brought the internet
to thousands of local rms, putting
them at the cutting edge of ICT.
Provision of online e-government
services have also been stepped up
giving the public easy access to the
most up-to-date government infor-
mation without having to spend
time, energy and money to get it.
Projects highlighted in this sec-
tion, such as the broadband network
in the Polish region of Kujawsko-
Pomorskie, show how EU support is
helping to reduce the digital divide
in remote areas by installing high
speed internet infrastructure and ser-
vices. Another example is an online
portal in the Netherlands, funded by
regional policy grants, which makes it
easier for local people to nd out all
kinds of practical information about
their community. These projects and
many more, show how in helping
to provide the right ICT training and
infrastructure, the EU is ensuring that
employees and businesses can com-
pete in a digital world.
Information and
technologies (ICT)
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 97 13/04/10 17:20
98 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
hether its booking an appointment with
a doctor, informing the police of a par-
ticular incident or just reading the local
news, the Wijkportaal Literatuurwijk ofers key
online services to its inhabitants bringing them
closer to those running the town and improving
their own welfare.
The benet of going local
Te Literatuurwijk project which began in 2004
was the frst of many projects in the Almere region
to bring local services closer to their intended pub-
lic. From the portals homepage, local inhabitants
can fnd all kinds of practical information to help
them in their day-to-day lives. By posting requests
on the website, people can get the answers they
need without even having to leave the house.
For those inhabitants without internet access,
facilities were opened in the health centre itself,
available free of charge. Te interactive nature of
the portal service allows inhabitants not just to
communicate with service providers but also with
the local community.
In addition to being highly practical, the por-
tal made the most of multimedia, broadcasting
live webcams and local WebTV. Visitors to the
Entire Almere community goes online
A health centre has tapped into the potential of the virtual world, bringing with it a whole range of other community services.
Through an online service portal, the brainchild of Herman Linzel, the inhabitants of Literatuurwijk in Almere West are able to
access many kinds of information and services all in the one place.
Tis portal cnablcs us to
cxpand thc scrviccs of our
hcalth ccntrc, a rcal focus point
in thc ncighbourhood, to thc
onlinc world rcaching cvcn morc
clicnts. Pcoplc should fccl safc
and comfortablc in thcir ncigh-
bourhood and wc bclicvc that a
portal likc this can cvokc such a
fccling. Wc invitc cvcryonc who
wants to ocr information and
scrviccs to post thcm on this
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
section. And through the local guide, Wijkklap-
per, visitors can fnd information on government,
businesses and organisations.
Improving the model and passing it on
Te mayor of Almere, Annemarie Jorritsma,
opened the portal on 25 June 2005. It rapidly
proved to be very popular and, consequently, it
didnt take long for the initial content to grow.
When a local radio station enquired about the use-
fulness of the portal, locals rated the service 8.5
out of 10.
Te portal experience proved instrumental
in raising awareness about social media, online
services and user-generated content. Te diy
approach adopted in the beginning highlighted
the need to give participants more technical
support and to adapt the content management
system to allow for users, whether professionals
or inhabitants, to upload content (text, images,
videos) more easily.
Te Literatuurwijk model has since inspired
other projects in Almere and other Dutch cities.
More about this project can be found at:
portal could get international, national and local
news, as well as weather and trafc reports. Young
people are catered for too in a specially designated
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 98 13/04/10 17:20
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 99
People in Almere can now make their next appointment online
rEU funding
The Literatuurwijk received
231 800
from the ERDF for the
period 2004 to 2005
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 99 13/04/10 17:20
100 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
hether in the feld of employment and
social afairs, health and safety, or even
urban planning, Bratislavas popula-
tion of roughly 605 000 residents now have rapid
access to the data they require in the form of
tables, charts and interactive maps.
A two-way communications system
Te geoportal enables users by way of an internet
connection to conduct targeted searches using
particular attributes. It makes it possible for data
exchange between many local bodies the Ofce
of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region, its towns
and villages, state administration, academic estab-
lishments, and the public and private sector.
Users no longer need to be familiar with the
entire administrative system as information can
now be simply retrieved at the click of a mouse
from one portal. And, in contrast to standard web
pages, geoportal publishes information in 3d using
maps, charts, tables, documents, pictures, etc.
Computers have been purchased for the
Bratislava region and training ofered to govern-
ment staf so that they are able to upload all of the
latest information. Secured workstations ensure
Building communication bridges
Towns and villages in the Bratislava region are being brought closer to their local administration thanks to a newly developed
internet network. The new network increases the effectiveness of public services via a secure, integrated system. Carefully
designed search engines enable residents to easily access the information that interests them.
With thc data obtaincd from
thc gcoportal on building plans,
wc havc bccn ablc to conduct
analyscs on thc dcvclopmcnt
and nccds of thc rcgion and
thcrcby contributc to stratc-
gic dccision-making. Tc data
availablc on thc gcoportal has
also hclpcd us to crcatc tari
zoncs for Bratislavas intcgratcd
transport systcm
Bratislava, Bratislavsk kraj, Slovakia
Moving into the digital age
Te geoportal represents an important step
towards the informatisation of this Self-Governing
Region. Until recently, only one in ten municipali-
ties in the region published basic information on
their web pages. With the geoportal, there are now
established conditions for better online communi-
cation between regional and local administration,
and the general public.
Te system also means enhanced communica-
tion between other regions of the Slovak Republic
and their own information systems, state admin-
istration bodies, and certain institutions such as
the statistical ofce, the cartography and cadastre
authority and the national roads authority.
Advertising is another key feature of the
geoportal which attracts visitors to the area by
promoting its museums, cultural events and his-
torical monuments.
More about this project can be found at:
the integrity of the data as only authorised people
are able to make modifcations.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 100 13/04/10 17:20
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 101
Locals now more in touch with administrations
rEU funding
541 700
was allocated from the ERDF to
the Bratislava Geoportal project
for the period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 101 13/04/10 17:20
102 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
olenjska Multimedia Centre, operational
since late 2003, was jointly fnanced by
the Slovenian Ministry of Culture and
the European Regional Development Fund. Te
driving force behind the project was the need to
ensure that young people, some of whom may not
have ready access to such equipment, would have
a place to go when undertaking activities such as
non-proft projects or learning programmes.
Pioneering spirit
Te eu funding covered investment in ict equip-
ment and also the construction of a gallery, while
investment from national funds was used for
ensuring the project ran smoothly, preparing and
providing training activities and workshops and
delivering a multimedia art programme.
Te Dolenjska Multimedia Centre is also the
founder and an active member of the M3C net-
work of multimedia centres in Slovenia, which
brings together multimedia centres and coordi-
nates their work. Services provided by the centre
include free educational services, access to com-
puter equipment and even website development.
Slovenia embraces digital culture
There is no escaping the fact that computers and multimedia equipment have become an integral part of modern society. Access
to these tools and also the ability to use them are a necessity, particularly when it comes to technical skills and communication.
The project Dolenjska Multimedia Centre has taken strides to addressing this need by establishing a centre where young people
can benet from ICT equipment and also the free cultural and educational activities on offer.
Having dcvclopcd thc Multi-
mcdia Ccntrc, thc Iokalpatriot
institution bccamc onc of thc kcy
actors in thc dcvclopmcnt and
implcmcntation of computcr
know-how in thc southcastcrn
part of Slovcnia. Our pcrsonncl
has contributcd to dclivcring an
array of rcfcrcncc projccts in thc
domain of wcb portals intcndcd
for thc main providcrs of culturc
and cducation-rclatcd activitics
in thc rcgion.
Dolenjska, Slovenia
Culture and computers working together
Dolenjska Multimedia Centre operates within
LokalPatriot, Novo Mesto, a local youth organi-
sation for culture, which focuses on supporting
quality creativity both in the region and throughout
Slovenia. Te original and inventive programmes
presented here are conceived by youth, for youth.
Te centre functions as a regional multimedia cen-
tre, ofering six computers with a diverse range of
software installed.
Digital culture has already made considerable
strides among the local population, thereby ensur-
ing the centres popularity. Visitors can use new
hardware and software for their own non-proft
projects or take part in a range of creative and edu-
cational projects organised by the centre. Its new
multimedia portal has been developed as part of
the future national cultural portal.
More about this project can be found at: and
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 102 13/04/10 17:20
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 103
Quick access to new technology for Slovenias young people
rEU funding
79 600
was allocated from the ERDF
to the Dolenjska Multimedia
Centre over the period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 103 13/04/10 17:20
104 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
opular with passengers and the bus opera-
tor, the system highlighted the benefts
of combining new ict technologies with
transport systems. It may be rolled out across the
island of Gran Canaria and has caught the eye of
other European transport operators.
Information terminals
In 2000, the archipelagos government drew up
a plan to increase the use of ict in the Canary
Islands, including trafc management and
resource planning, one aim being to improve pub-
lic transport systems for inter-island mobility. Te
sivr: En Route Passenger System project ftted
into this scheme, by developing a prototype termi-
nal that provides passengers with more and better
travel information.
Supported by the Canary Islands government,
the project was co-funded by the eu and completed
after 12 months in December 2005. It involved muni-
cipalities and island councils, plus regional transport
companies, technology frms and the University of
Las Palmas. Te main contractor was local frm desic,
responsible for coordinating the project, developing
software modules, monitoring and other key work.
Maximising island mobility
Bus passengers in the Canary Islands spent several months testing a prototype real-time information system. Designed and
built locally, it had static and active screens on an information terminal, so they could quickly check vehicle times or plan wider
journeys within the archipelago using other means of transport.
Tc stvu ocrs rcal-timc
information to thc uscrs and
sta of thc intcrcity transport
buscs of Gran Canaria, rcgard-
ing thc nctwork, dcstination,
lincs, locations, timctablcs, ctc.
Gran Canaria, Canarias, Spain
Real-life tests were done in the Santa Lucia
municipality on Gran Canaria, the archipelagos
second-most populated island. Information termi-
nals in the shape of a totem pole were developed
and installed at some bus stops used by vehicles of
local public transport company Global.
Commercially viability
Each information point had a static top screen
displaying bus timetables and adverts. Te touch-
screen below allowed users to plan journeys on the
island or to consult local tourism information.
Further innovations included WiFi, so passen-
gers could access information via mobile phones
or laptops, and central monitoring of the termi-
nals through gps and radio-contact. Te terminals
also provided network information to bus inspec-
tors and drivers.
Designed to be transferable to other transport
companies, the sivr: En Route Passenger System
demonstrated how ict could facilitate passenger
mobility, improve transport services and enhance
the efciency of transport companies. Gran
Canarias main bus operator may adopt the whole
system, while parts of it could be commercialised
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 104 13/04/10 17:20
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 105
Planning your journey around Gran Canaria now much easier
rEU funding
138 500
was allocated to the SIVR: En
Route Passenger System project
from the ERDF for the 2000 to
2006 programming period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 105 13/04/10 17:20
106 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
he days of frustratingly sluggish internet con-
nections are soon to be banished as Guyane
Numrique puts in place infrastructure to
connect 84% of the population to adsl always-on
technology and the remaining 16% in hard-to-
reach areas to satellite services.
A fairer playing eld
In December 2006 Guyanes regional council
entrusted Guyane Numrique, a public service pro-
vider, with the task of putting in place a high-speed
internet network to serve the whole community.
Tis network would create a fairer playing feld for
innovation and business in general.
Arteria, part of the lectricit de France group,
was chosen to lay four optic fbres in the region
which would connect the vast majority of resi-
dents and, importantly, the regions businesses.
Trough this connection, the prestigious Guiana
Space Centre is covered. Te centre is crucial to the
regions economy. It accounts for 25% of gdp and
employs around 1 700 people.
For the more remote locations, a satellite hub
near Guyanes regional council has been set up.
Cutting-edge satellite technology brings the inter-
net to 17 of the regions hard-to-reach communes.
French Guiana takes rst step on information superhighway
An overseas department of France located on the northern coast of South America is being ushered into the digital age thanks to
the installation of high-speed broadband connections covering the whole of the region. Over 85 km of optic bre have been laid
linking the capital Cayenne to Kourou, where the greatest concentration of the regions 221 500 inhabitants reside.
For thc usc of wi by satcllitc
to rcally takc hold in this rcmotc
location, thc Amcrindian com-
munity must havc acccss to
computcrs and training. As for
thc young, thcy arc hopcful that
this ncw dcvclopmcnt will givc
thcm grcatcr opportunitics to
conncct with thc widcr world.
Guyane, France
Bridging the digital divide
It is expected that the developments currently
underway in Guyane will bridge the digital divide,
allowing the population to make the most of every-
thing the internet has to ofer. Prices will drop
with increased competition, making connections
more afordable for residents.
Te Guyane region will become a more attrac-
tive area for new kinds of investment as this sector
gains ground. Te region will be able to modernise
and new opportunities will allow residents to
diversify from the regions traditional industries
of fshing, gold mining and timber.
Tis should promote the growth of information
and communication technologies and generate
employment, especially important for the region
given that its current unemployment rate stands
at between 20% and 30%.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 106 13/04/10 17:20
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 107
One of the many dishes connecting residents to broadband
rEU funding
12.81 million
was allocated to the Guyane
broadband connection project under
the ERDF for the 2000-2006
period, an additional 15million
will cover the 2007-2013
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 107 13/04/10 17:20
108 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
he system is designed to be accessible by every-
one, in particular those living in disadvantaged
areas as well as the blind and visually impaired.
Tis innovative approach opens the door to new
horizons in terms of access to regularly updated
medical information, with patients now able to fnd
out more direct from their hospital beds.
Connecting people and products
Te project was carried out by the Budapest Univer-
sity of Technology and Economics, Department of
Telecommunications and Mediainformatics (bme
tmit) and the National Institute of Pharmacy
(ogyi). With backing from eu funds, their work
resulted in an automatic, 24-hour information
system, easily accessible via the Internet, mobile
phone (wap and text information) and telephone
(equipped with speech synthesis and recognition
technology). Hungarian-speaking people there-
fore have access to the package leafet information
on all medicinal products approved by the ogyi.
New tools of the trade in healthcare
Innovation has been a key feature of the system.
Te computer employs an automatic speech-based
Medical products given a voice in Hungary
With greater numbers of new medications and therapies entering the market place, easy access to accurate information on
them has become increasingly important. The MedicineLine (Gygyszervonal) project has provided such a service in the form of
an automatic speech-based dialogue system, where package leaet information on some 5 000 products are now available via
telephone, web and WAP (text information).
Tc McdicincIinc has brought
major changcs to Hungary in
tcrms of communicating packagc
lcact information to paticnts
and hcalthcarc profcssionals.
Tc McdicincIinc is bccoming
morc rccogniscd among pcoplc
with visual impairmcnts sincc
its spccial fcaturcs allow thcm to
obtain rcgularly updatcd infor-
mation on mcdicinal products.
Kzp-Magyarorszg, Hungary
dialogue system to identify the name of the medi-
cine the user is looking for and to provide the
information required. People speak to the system
(or control it by touch-tone) and the text of the
package leafet is read back by an application-ori-
ented speech synthesizer. Advanced techniques
ensure the accuracy of the system, including
specialised grapheme to phoneme rules for the
generation of automatic pronunciation models.
Relevant information for timely decisions
Te MedicineLine service meets the needs of
several social groups as mentioned above. Accord-
ing to users, the system is the only one that
provides real access to medical information. More
importantly, the systems automatic updater, a
web-based administration tool, refreshes the drug
data twice a month. Tis is a vital component,
since there are continual changes to the list of
drugs available (new drugs added, others deleted).
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 108 13/04/10 17:20


Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 109
Medical product information moves from paper to voice system in Hungary
rEU funding
125 000
was allocated from the ERDF to
MedicineLine over the period
February 2005 to June2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 109 13/04/10 17:20
110 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
he broadband network is the frst and larg-
est regional ict project in Poland and is the
result of the combined eforts of the local
Voivodeship (district) and regional universities.
Te network provides a basis for many applica-
tions and e-services, including tax collecting and
vehicle registrations, resulting in more efcient
and cost-efective procedures.
The changing face of rural internet
Te k-psi project is a result of co-operation
between three organisations: Kuyavia and Pomer-
ania Voivodeship, Nicolaus Copernicus University
in Torun and the University of Technology and
Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz. Several strategic docu-
ments such as e-Europe 2002 An Information
Society for All and ePoland Action Plan provide
background for the projects key objective of build-
ing and exploiting a non-proft communication
Connecting people for the future
Te project is helping partner institutions and
organisations (mostly clusters and regional
Rural Poland embraces the digital age
The Broadband Communication Network of Kujawsko-Pomorskie region (K-PSI) project aims to close the digital divide which
has been a characteristic of the region, notably in the more rural and remote areas. With backing from EU funds, the Polish region
is installing a high-speed network, connecting 19 counties via fast broadband access throughout the territory, in turn supporting
applications in e-government, e-learning, e-business and e-health.
Tc x-vst projcct has rcduccd
thc digital dividc in rcmotc and
rural arcas. Institutions and
pcoplc in thc rcgion now havc
acccss to broadband scrviccs
through thc construction and
opcration of a non-prot com-
munication nctwork.
Kujawsko, Pomorskie, Poland
networks for telemedicine, libraries, gis, innova-
tion centres, enterprise development centres), as
well as those in remote areas, with access to it
and modern broadband services (e-government,
e-learning, e-health, e-work, e-commerce) with
the installation of 144 access nodes and a 900-km
optical fbre network (backbone) connecting all
19counties in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region.
K-PSI leads the way
Te Ministry of Economy and Labour regards k-psi
as a model project in Poland. Its success stems
from efcient exchanges of information between
the participants. k-psi was also recommended as
a model for other projects, including the German-
French Twinning Project. k-psis positive impact is
expected to continue over the long-term, notably
as regards fghting depopulation and stimulating
economic growth, development and competitive-
ness. Te region should also see better and more
efective on-line services including telecentres,
systems for transaction processing, passport
applications and access to medical data.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 110 13/04/10 17:20
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 111
Some 19 counties in Polish region now hooked up to broadband
rEU funding
11 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
Broadband Communication
Network of Kujawsko-
Pomorskie region over the
period June 2005 to
June 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 111 13/04/10 17:20
112 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
nown also under the name Network of
Light (sulin), the project has seen Latvian
libraries transform into a social, cultural,
educational and information network, refect-
ing the needs and benefts of the interconnected
information age we live in. A broad spectrum of
libraries is now part of the network and includes
national, academic, public, scientifc, school and
special libraries.
A network of opportunity
Te development and acquisition of software for
the library information system and the creation of
a library portal were key features of the project. A
local network for libraries was also developed and
implemented, adding to the source of potential
information in other locations, with users abroad
also benefting from the system introduced.
Te project has succeeded in increasing the ict
skills of locals when it comes to using resources
and has improved equal opportunities in terms of
access to information.
The digital face of Latvian libraries
The ability to source relevant information is important for the public, especially when it comes to research, studies and learning.
Through the project National Unied Library Information System, libraries throughout Latvia are now embracing the high-
tech age we live in and beneting with fast access to information using the latest equipment, including 748 new computers for
librarians and vastly improved internet connections.
Tc Bauska Ccntral Iibrary
has turncd into a modcrn infor-
mation ccntrc, largcly thanks to
this projcct. Tc library now has
high-capacity computcrs with uscr-
fricndly softwarc and high-quality
imagcs. Tis has solvcd thc for-
mcr problcms wc had computcrs
brcaking down, largc lcs not opcn-
ing, and impossibility connccting
to ccrtain Intcrnct addrcsscs. Uscrs
can thcrcforc makc bcttcr usc of thc
opportunitics our library ocrs.
For library users, 752 computers were provided,
helping people in the region enhance their edu-
cation and knowledge, especially important in
todays competitive labour markets and informa-
tion society.
Tool training for librarians
Acquiring new tools and technical infrastructure
demands that the user knows what to do with
the tools. To ensure that the services provided
by librarians remain of high quality and relevant,
training was an integral part of the project actions.
Some 216 training sessions were provided for
librarians at level 1 (i.e. without technical knowl-
edge); 384 for librarians at level 2 (with basic
technical knowledge).
Reliable internet connections in libraries were
also seen as vital to the needs of librarians and visi-
tors. Some 104 internet connections were therefore
set up, another 86 improved, adding to the solid
infrastructure of the national library system.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 112 13/04/10 17:20
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 113
Librarians in Latvia using advanced equipment in their work
rEU funding
1.76 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the National Unied Library
Information System over the
period 2004 to 2007
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 113 13/04/10 17:20
114 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
rom low-cost gps technology for mobile
phones to boat alarms detecting whether or
not a boat has been moved, the university
assists each business in developing their own tech-
nological product right from the drawing board to
the market place. More than 250 companies have
benefted from the project and over 40 product
prototypes have made it to market.
Finding a methodology that works
Te project began in 2000 at the Lule University
of Technology in the eis lab for research and edu-
cation in electronics and computer engineering.
Two clusters or platforms were set up the frst
focusing on industry and the second focusing on
research and academia. Together these clusters
worked to provide the right conditions for eco-
nomic growth and sustainable development.
Businesses were contacted by an academic or a
consultant with a high level of technical and social
skills who explained the possibilities of the tech-
nology and invited the business to attend a special
seminar. Interested businesses would then come
up with an idea so that each product would fll a
pre-identifed gap in the market.
Smart technology comes to vre Norrland
Businesses in the north of Sweden take lessons from the Lule University of Technology to bring their technology up to speed
with all the latest applications offered by embedded electronics. Using the internet as a form of remote control is the essence of
the Embedded Internet System (EIS) project.
Tc ets projcct has not only
dcvclopcd and markctcd a
largc numbcr of ncw products
and scrviccs, it has also grcatly
improvcd thc rcgions cxpcrtisc
in thc cld of cmbcddcd systcms
and cstablishcd a triplc hclix
bascd innovation systcm.
Lule, vre Norrland, Sweden
Developing niche products
While the projects impact on the regions econ-
omy was relatively minor, it was signifcant in the
sense that it relied on the development of entirely
new products featuring embedded intelligence
capable of internet communication. In 2006 nine
products had commercial customers with a mar-
ket value of 7.6 million.
Te industrial platform gathered more than
250 companies around eis technology, thereby
forming a network of businesses producing actual
products, consultants, venture capitalists and
manufacturers, all working with the university.
Five spin-of companies were created. One,
WarnIT AB, produces mobile alarm technology
to protect trucks and wheel loaders, for exam-
ple. Another, NordNav, sold in January 2007 for
50million. It aims to develop gps technology for
mobile phones that is available for as little as one
A group of students would work with the busi-
ness on developing a corresponding prototype.
Tis formed part of their course work. A senior
research was appointed as project leader and
would work alongside other senior researchers to
decide informally which prototype project ofered
the most economic potential.
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Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 115
eGPS technology uses embedded electronics
rEU funding
3.75 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to the Embedded Internet
System project over the
period February 2001 to
March 2007
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 115 13/04/10 17:21
116 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
total of 16 projects were supported to bring
consumers all the latest possibilities of
digital content. From car parking services
(Nextpark) to sound editing (Playtone), the proj-
ects were practical at times and playful at others.
Mobient brought jobs to the region and paved the
way towards an increasingly bright digital future.
Relevant content for a digital age
Te Mobient project set small businesses on the
expansion trail, by helping them market, sell and
distribute their products as well as by preparing
them for international markets. It laid down more
favourable conditions for those businesses hoping
to enter the sector and looked into the hot topic of
intellectual property rights and ownership.
Five calls for proposals were published to fnd
ambitious businesses wishing to develop their
new modes of production and distribution. From
those interested, the Oulu university selected 12
and granted them co-fnancing of between 5 000
and 20 000 for their production costs.
Te resulting projects included a weight
control application (MobileCalories), a photo
ordering system for camera phones (MobiOrder),
New impetus for digital content services in Finland
Emerging digital content business branches out in the Oulu region of Finland as targeted funding drives new commercial projects.
The Mobient project set its sights on the endless business opportunities being offered by new content distribution channels such
as the internet, digital TV and mobile phones.
Trough thc Mobicnt proj-
cct, our softwarc company
which spccialiscs in usability
and thc dcvclopmcnt of intcrac-
tivc gamcs grcw from strcngth
to strcngth. Wc bclicvc that thc
projcct is an ccctivc way to
boost busincss.
Oulu, Pohjois-Suomi, Finland
Nine permanent posts and seven temporary posts
were created, and 33 posts were safeguarded.
Te Mobient project served to diversify the
regions economic make-up through new tools
and know-how. It also promoted digital content in
other sectors which led to the creation of one new
company and ten new jobs.
In stark contrast to previous ways of net-
working which were sporadic at best, Mobient
managed to forge solid ties between content and
media production companies. Tis changed per-
ceptions in the sector so that the other companies
were seen more as potential partners rather than
A mutually benefcial operation was set up
between information communication technology
product developers and creative designers which
often lack the expertise of the other party. Tis
co-operation instilled a sense of trust and created
further opportunities to work together.
More about this project can be found at:
an adventure game (Dragon Slayer) and a garden-
ing game for kids (Backyard).
Turning digital content into business
Of the 16 projects funded, 14 had already made
it onto the market by the end of the project. And,
many are now available on the international
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 116 13/04/10 17:21
Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 117
Digital content rapidly advancing across Finland
rEU funding
Mobient received
165 000
from the ERDF for the period
dating from April 2004 to
March 2007
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118 Investing in our regions Information & communication technologies
he main goal of the project Development of
an information and communication tech-
nologies based Distance Learning Network
in Lithuania was to create an information society
in a country where the use of it for education was
lagging behind. Some 60 key facilities essential for
distance learning benefted.
Network building
Lithuania faces several major development chal-
lenges. Tese include ensuring that all its citizens
can successfully compete in the international
labour market and master modern information
Te nation quickly recognised the potential of
distance learning to address some of these issues,
and set up the Lithuanian Distance Education
Network (liedm) in 1998. Te network expanded
during the projects lifetime to include numerous
national educational institutions, as well as sci-
ence institutions in the country.
Work carried out during the project some
three-quarters of which was funded by eu money
included enlarging the network of distance
Extending education beyond the blackboard
Lithuania boosted its distance learning network signicantly over a period of 26 months, with a project aimed at improving
dedicated facilities in universities, schools, colleges and education centres around the country. The work included upgrades to
video conference studios, ministudios and classes, plus installation of new mini-workshops and distance learning classes.
With this softwarc, wc
cstablishcd non-formal adult
cducation and startcd to dcvclop
formal adult cducation. Wc also
bcnct from a virtual lcarning
cnvironmcnt that is ccntrally
maintaincd and supportcd by
thc tteom coordinating ccntrc.
Vilnius, Lithuania
learning classes throughout Lithuania, establish-
ing new distance learning centres, and developing
the liedm networks technical capacities. Video
conference equipment was also upgraded.
Parallel learning
Facilities were upgraded in three video con-
ference studios, six ministudios and 12 video
conference classes. Te project also established 10
new ministudios, plus 28 new distance learning
classes 15 in colleges and schools and 13 in edu-
cation centres. Te new ministudios and classes
were established as part of liedm institutions
structural departments.
Te centralised software support was much
appreciated. According to project manager Alek-
sandras Targamadz, this lowered costs, allowed
secure functioning and maintenance, and above
all equally high quality of service for all users.
Te original goal of providing parallel learn-
ing to an almost unlimited number of classes has
now been realised. Tanks to the projects achieve-
ments, the liedm can today simultaneously
connect up to 100 classes with video equipment.
More about this project can be found at:
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Information & communication technologies Investing in our regions 119
The faces of modern education
rEU funding
762 100
was allocated to the Distance
Learning Network project from
the ERDF for the March
2005 to May 2007
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120 Investing in our regions Environment
Aores, Portugal: Island sheds light on volcanic past
Bagnres de Bigorre, Midi-Pyrnes, France: Natural resources come
to mountain rescue
Baltic Sea coastline, Lithuania: Rebuilding nature for today and
Celje, Slovenia: Waste sorting goes high-tech
Gorna Oriahovitza, Severen tsentralen, Bulgaria: River systems given
the royal treatment in Bulgaria
Lahti, Etel-Suomi, Finland: Lahti research goes green
Logroo, La Rioja, Spain: A window of opportunity for waste
Myjava, Zpadn Slovensko, Slovakia: Respect for river
Piatra Neamt, Nord-Est, Romania: Better waste management comes
to Piatra Neamt
Notio Aigaio, Greece: Floating factory makes salt water drinkable in
Aegean Islands
Pskla, Estonia: Yesterdays waste is todays energy
Piaseczno, Mazowieckie, Poland: Clever water handling, a vital
ingredient for healthy communities
Valea Jiului, Vest, Romania: Improved wastewater for Jiu Valley
West Midlands, England, United Kingdom: Stimulating the uptake
of green technologies
Territorial Co-operation
AT, BE, CZ, DE, EE, EL, ES, HU, LT, NL, PT, RO, SK, UK and RS:
Turning back the tide in ood-threatened regions
EL, ES, FR, IT: Every drop counts in Mediterranean countries
Baltic Sea
Notio Aigaio
West Midlands
La Rioja
outermost regions
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Environment Investing in our regions 121
Regional development policies need
to be sustainable. Protecting and
enhancing the environment for future
generations is a strategic goal of all
EU policies. Matching this ambition
means putting money where your
mouth is. This is why the EU, through
its regional funds, is investing an
unprecedented 105 billion between
2007 and 2013 on environmentally-
friendly initiatives. By encouraging
sources of growth that are smarter,
greener and more sustainable, invest-
ment from the EUs regional policy
offers a real opportunity to reduce
energy dependency, boost sustain-
able regional development and create
locally sustainable jobs.

Around one half of this total invest-
ment will be spent on providing
essential environmental services
such as waste and waste-water treat-
ment plants or clean water supplies,
but also in protecting biodiversity and
decontamination of polluted indus-
trial sites. The other half will go on
measures with an environmental
impact like promotion of eco-inno-
vation in business, or investment
in renewable energies and energy
The EU as a whole is putting in
place a range of measures to tackle
the effects of climate change and
reduce emission levels. Regional
policy is making a crucial contribution
to these efforts at local and regional
level. Some 48 billion will be allo-
cated to combating climate change
in line with the overall strategy to
make the EU a low carbon economy
(including 23 billion supporting rail-
ways, 4.8 billion renewable energies
and 4.2 billion energy efciency).
This commitment gives incentives
to the EUs regions to approach cli-
mate change as an opportunity and
reinforces the EU as a lead market for
green technologies.
Projects featured like Finlands
Lahti Cleantech Cluster which bene-
ted from substantial EU investment
to turn it into the countrys leading
environmental technology centre,
or the upgrading of the Celje waste
treatment plant and recycling facility
in Slovenia are just some examples
of how the EU is helping to improve
environmental performance across
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122 Investing in our regions Environment
movies, interactive and artistic mod-
els, information panels and computers
are just some of the attractions at
the Interpretation Centre. Visitors to the region
can therefore combine the pleasure of exploring
the natural surroundings with learning about
the islands history and the dynamics of volcanic
Capturing the regions magic
Te entire Azores archipelago of the Portuguese
coast is a popular tourist destination, ofering
natural beauty, stunning scenery and historical
heritage. Tis project has combined these elements
and developed the Capelinhos Lighthouse site, at
all times following the principle of sustainable
tourism. Tis includes maintaining the biodiver-
sity of fora, habitats and landscape, enhancing
resources and promoting environmental harmony.
Te Centre is now equipped to inform current and
future generations about the natural phenomena
that have left a lasting mark on both locals and
the site itself.
Island sheds light on volcanic past
The Capelinhos Lighthouse was built in 1903 on Faial Island in the Azores. When the nearby volcano erupted in 1957/1958, part
of the lighthouse was damaged and buried under volcanic ash. Through this project, an Interpretation Centre has been built in
the buried ruins and annexed areas of the old lighthouse. It serves as a reminder of the people affected by the eruption, and also
provides visitors with information on the region and its volcanic past through high-tech facilities.
Tc ccntrc gavc mc a valuablc
opportunity to lcarn morc. In
my capacity as a tcachcr, I con-
sidcr thc ccntrcs visit to bc a
rich cxpcricncc from thc pcda-
gogical point of vicw.
Aores, Portugal
The volcanic experience
Te centre has an educational purpose, providing
explanations on the volcanic activity of the region
and how the archipelago was formed, and tracing
back the lighthouses history, including the volca-
nic eruption in 1957/58 which buried most of its
buildings. Te main room houses an impressive
piece of engineering a shaft that recreates an
eruption. From here, visitors move on to other
rooms with permanent and temporary exhibi-
tions on volcanism. When eventually arriving at
the ruins of the lighthouse, the visitors can climb
to the top and see the stunning dormant volcano.
More about this project can be found at:
Exploring an underground world
A unique aspect of the Capelinhos Lighthouse
Environmental Interpretation Centre is its loca-
tion in the buried ruins of the lighthouse. Tis
special structure retains the lighthouses original
appearance and ofers tourists a unique under-
ground experience. Te lighthouse is also a perfect
viewing spot for visitors who can enjoy panoramic
views of the entire surrounding area.
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Environment Investing in our regions 123
Visitor enjoying the underground Interpretation Centre experience
rEU funding
3.2 million
has been allocated from the ERDF to
the Redevelopment of Capelinhos
Lighthouse Interpretation
Centre project for the period
2007 to 2013
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 123 13/04/10 17:21
124 Investing in our regions Environment
hrough various partnerships with experts
in seed production, plant conservation and
genetics, the Ecovars project was able to
apply the best possible ecological solutions to the
Pyrenees region. Using local seeds, a long lasting
protection was erected against erosion.
Replant to restore
Te idea of using local seeds was frst developed in
the 1990s to restore small areas in the Pyrenean
National Park. Te Pyrenean Botanical Conser-
vatory then recommended its widespread use
throughout the Pyrenees mountain range, partic-
ularly for the restoration of plant cover following
the construction of ski resorts.
Te conservatory got together with a geneticist
from the French national institue of agronomy
(inra) and set up the Ecovars project. Te two
parties ran the project alongside the authority
responsible for coordinating agricultural devel-
opment in the Pyrenees (suaia-p). While the
conservatory provided expertise in plant conser-
vation, the suaia-p provided expertise in seed
production and the inra expertise in genetics and
social science.
Natural resources come to mountain rescue
Protecting mountainous terrain from erosion and improving the local environment was the main goal of the Ecovars project
undertaken by the Pyrenean Botanical Conservatory. Backed by EU support, this project involved the restoration of plant cover
following various types of construction work. By replanting seeds at newly developed ski resorts and on the sides of newly built
roads, this project sought to protect and improve the Pyrenees by restoring its verdant alpine grasslands.
Onc of thc main achicvcmcnts of
thc projcct has bccn thc sctting up
of a nctwork of widc-ranging play-
crs: rcscarchcrs, administrators,
ski rcsorts, tcrritorial authoritics,
farmcrs, associations, schools,
ctc. which havc bccn madc awarc
of thc rcplanting projcct and of
thc importancc of prcscrving thc
Pyrcnccs surroundings during
rcnovation. Today, thcsc samc
playcrs makc up thc promotcrs of
thc approach and somc arc dcvcl-
oping thcir own projccts towards
bcttcr planting practiccs.
Bagnres de Bigorre, Midi-Pyrnes, France
Scaling up from the park to the Pyrenean Mas-
sif increased the amount of seeds needed and
required the production of seeds of native species.
Te partners went about their threefold objective
of choosing and collecting pioneer species whose
ranges covered the Massif, clarifying what local
actually covered by taking into account the genetic
diferentiation of the targeted species along the
Massif and producing the seeds.
Knowledge sharing
Te use of non-local species for restoration can
increase the risk of poor adaptation and pose a
threat to local plant populations. It was essen-
tial therefore to have on board a range of experts
to assess the complexity and specifcity of the
restoration projects and to fnd the appropriate
More about this project can be found at:
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Environment Investing in our regions 125
Research taken from lab to rebuild alpine landscapes
rEU funding
The Ecovars project was
47 600
from the ERDF for 2008
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126 Investing in our regions Environment
he combined eforts of Klaipeda County and
the eu have produced marked results for the
region, including: improved business condi-
tions; 15 000 metres of wooden pathways and
stairs enabling people to enjoy more of the coast,
particularly the elderly and disabled; fences pro-
viding protection for animals, water, plants and
birds; and 110 000 m of branch covering to pro-
tect dunes. With Palanga beach itself attracting
some 250 000 holidaymakers on summer week-
ends, the benefts are enjoyed by many.
Shifting sands tell a story
Te erosion process had seen some beaches nar-
rowed to 10 metres, partly caused by hurricane
Anatoly in 1999. Te coastal seabed, less visible,
yet equally important, had also seen destruction.
Five dune areas were therefore protected, with
some 300 000 metres of wicker fence built along
the coastline, and another 1 100 on the Curonian
Spit. In total, 40 000 m of sand were unloaded
at Palanga beach to replace what had been lost to
Rebuilding nature for today and tomorrow
The spectacular beauty of Lithuanias Baltic Sea coastline, a source of enjoyment for locals and visitors and home to diverse
ora and fauna, had been threatened by a gradual erosion process over several decades. A restoration and preservation project
has successfully reversed this trend, helping to bring the area back to its former glory by reinforcing the dunes, constructing
walkways and providing information on the coastline.
Wc build up protcction cco-
logically, without using ccmcnt
or thc likc. Wc lay out branchcs
from local forcsts on top of cach
othcr. Sand thcn covcrs ovcr thc
branchcs. Tc duncs arc soon
strcngthcncd and thc coast
Baltic Sea coastline, Lithuania
instil a sense of respect for the natural environ-
ment. A booklet on methods for preserving this
natural area was also produced, along with articles
in newspapers and on the internet. Te public can
therefore learn about the coastline and also any
potential dangers.
Long-term protection
With sustainability at the heart of the coasts res-
toration and preservation eforts, a research study
entitled Evaluation of opportunities for sand
utilisation and expedience of using hydro-engi-
neering equipment for coast development was
put together. Tis is designed to provide a basis
for the intelligent and sustainable development of
Lithuanias Baltic Sea coastline.
Learning and warning about coastal nature
A key aim of this project was to inform the public
about the local environment. Some 38 informa-
tion boards were put up giving background on
the coastal zone and also explaining any poten-
tial dangers. Informing the public also serves to
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Environment Investing in our regions 127
Locals enjoy the recently restored Lithuanian coastline
rEU funding
2.47 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the project Restoration and
preservation of the Baltic Sea
coast line over the period
2004 to 2006
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128 Investing in our regions Environment
he main problems detected in terms of waste
management had been the lack of separate
waste collection at sources, adequate treat-
ment of municipal waste before disposal, and
recycling facilities. Tis Stage II project therefore
focused on the mechanical-biological and thermal
treatment of municipal waste and has seen posi-
tive results, including a reduction in biodegradable
waste deposits at landflls.
Stepping up to the task
With backing from eu funding, the project has helped
solve the problem of how to manage communal waste
and dispose of sludge from the waste water treatment
plant in Celje. With the introduction of modern treat-
ment methods, the quantity of landfll waste in the
targeted waste collection region looks set to decrease
by 62% in the long-term. Te project has also helped
ensure that the treatment facilities at the waste man-
agement centre comply with European technical and
environmental standards covering waste and landflls.
Modern methods for modern challenges
Te funds invested were used for two key features:
frstly, the construction of a mechanical-biological
Waste sorting goes high-tech
Dealing with rubbish has been high on the agenda in many European towns and cities in recent years. The municipality of Celje,
located in central-eastern Slovenia, is no exception. Prior to the current project, a common waste treatment programme was
servicing some 185 000 inhabitants in 17 municipalities. Upon completion of the project, the Regional Waste Management
Centre, the RWMC will cater for 31 municipalities representing some 250 000 residents.
Dcspitc somc obstaclcs, wc
succccdcd in implcmcnting
thc projcct thanks to a posi-
tivc attitudc and collaborativc
cort of thc local community,
rcgion, country and Europcan
Union. Cohcsion Fund assis-
tancc has hclpcd us mcct high
cnvironmcntal standards and
has bcnctcd thc population of
thc Savinjska rcgion by dcliv-
cring an cnvironmcnt-fricndly
and cost-ccicnt wastc man-
agcmcnt systcm.
Celje, Slovenia
treatment (mbt) system for municipal waste, with
a total capacity of 61 000 tons of waste residue per
year; and secondly, the construction of a thermal
treatment (tt) system for municipal waste with a
total capacity of 25 000 tons per year (broken down
into 20 000 tons of biological waste and 5 000 tons
of dehydrated sludge).
Clearing the air for the future
Te level of methane (ch
) and greenhouse gas
emissions from landflls has fallen as a result of
reduced amounts of organic waste disposed of at
landfll sites. Tere is also less sludge and fewer
biodegradable waste deposits at landflls. One
important feature is that a heat supply has been
generated, thus minimising the consumption of
non-renewable energy and ensuring less reliance
on fossil fuels. Te introduction of such efcient
technology means cleaner air and a greener envi-
ronment for residents and businesses, and also
those visiting the region.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 128 13/04/10 17:22
Environment Investing in our regions 129
Modern waste sorting methods in Slovenia
rEU funding
20.33 million
was allocated from the Cohesion Fund
to the Regional Waste Management
Centre in Celje from August 2005 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 129 13/04/10 17:22
130 Investing in our regions Environment
his project was seen as vital to local com-
munities given the high level of concern for
protecting both the environment and resi-
dents. Te facility benefts the environment in
terms of the cleanliness of water fowing into local
rivers, and consequently fora and fauna habitats,
and residents in the region and visitors to the
region in terms of public health and an attractive,
clean natural environment. With a full tertiary
treatment, reductions in nitrogen and phospho-
rous will meet the requirements for sensitive areas.
Nearby cities causing less environmental damage
Te wastewater collection project was one of the
36 priority projects of the National Programme
for construction of urban Waste Water Treatment
Plants (wwtps) in the Republic of Bulgaria. In addi-
tion to treating wastewater from the cities of Gorna
Oriahovitza (pop. 45 000) Liaskovetz (pop. 12 000)
and Dolna Oriahovitza (pop. 4 000), and protect-
ing the Danube River basin, the facility has been
designed to meet the requirements of the Urban
Waste Water Treatment Directive for agglomera-
tions with population equivalents of over 10 000.
River systems given the royal treatment in Bulgaria
The Danube River has often seen untreated domestic and industrial wastewater discharged into its waters. To work towards
putting an end to this and to ensure that the Danube River and surrounding tributaries remain protected in the future, the
Gorna Oriahovitza Regional Wastewater Collection and Treatment project saw the construction of a treatment plant to handle
wastewater coming from three nearby settlements.
Trough construction of thc
trcatmcnt plant, thc bcncts
for thc population in thc rcgion
includc rcduccd risk of pollution of
soil, groundwatcr and rivcrs, thus
lcss risk to human hcalth ctc., as
wcll as improvcd utility infrastruc-
turc cnabling incrcascd cconomic
activitics, improvcmcnts in thc
quality and rangc of scrviccs for
thc population, bcttcr conditions
for dcvcloping tourism and agri-
culturc, and thc crcation of ncw
cmploymcnt opportunitics.
Gorna Oriahovitza, Severen tsentralen, Bulgaria
Efforts channelled towards clean owing rivers
Tis particular project was signifcant in that it was
considered to be a pilot project in the water sec-
tor in Bulgaria it was the frst project to fnance
a tertiary treatment wwtp in the fragile area of
the Danube River basin. Apart from construction
of the plant, several elements of the collection sys-
tem were also fnanced. Te Yantra River, which is
a tributary to the Danube River, also sees pollution
from untreated sewerage discharged into its waters,
however this trend looks set to reverse with the
new facilities. By 2030, the domestic, commercial
and industrial wastewater of some 102 000 people
will be treated.
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Environment Investing in our regions 131
The Danube River benets from a new wastewater treatment plant
rEU funding
11.23 million
was allocated from the Instrument for
Structural Policies for Pre-accession
(ISPA)/Cohesion Fund to the project
Regional Wastewater Collection
in Gorna Oriahovitza over
the period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 131 13/04/10 17:22
132 Investing in our regions Environment
U investment of 1.5 million in this project
provided the necessary catalyst to promote
innovation and develop environmental
technologies. Overall, 170 new jobs were created,
20 new cleantech companies set up and the proj-
ect attracted more than 30 million in total
Bringing pilot projects to global markets
Te Lahti Cleantech Cluster helps small and
medium-sized businesses access a rapidly expand-
ing cleantech market, with growth per year
estimated at 5-15%. Te cluster provides services
which make it easier for its 200 participating
businesses to network and branch out into the
international market.
Te cluster is also seen as a gateway for foreign
companies wishing to fnd partners in Finland.
Tese companies set up networks with smaller
Finnish companies, thereby expanding their own
businesses and opening up Finnish companies to
international markets.
Te cluster is made up of four centres provid-
ing expertise on Finlands cleantech sector: Lahti,
Lahti research goes green
Innovation and investment in environmental technologies, particularly recycling, energy efciency, water management and soil
decontamination are the focus of Lahtis Cleantech Cluster, located in southern Finland. Cleantech Cluster has transformed
Lahti. Once lagging behind in research, it is now host to Finlands leading environmental technology centre.
Clcantcch Clustcr is prac-
tically indispcnsablc for thc
companics opcrating in cnvi-
ronmcntal issucs in thc rcgion.
Many of thcsc companics arc
small and thcir chanccs of gct-
ting involvcd in projccts with
big companics arc so much bct-
tcr with thc clustcr.
Lahti, Etel-Suomi, Finland
Leading the way
Te Lahti Science and Business Park which
coordinates the cluster has become the lead-
ing environmental technology centre in Finland.
Between 2005 and 2007, some 20 cleantech com-
panies and organisations relocated to the region.
Te business development and relocation services
of the park have attracted investment worth more
than 30 million and some 170 new jobs to the
Te Lahti Cleantech Cluster has also developed
strong partnerships with environmental technol-
ogy clusters and science parks, higher education
institutions, venture capital organisations, the
Finnish trade organisation, and the ministry of
employment and the economy. Te cluster is
actively supported by national cluster programmes
and the Finnish government.
More about this project can be found at:
http://www.lahtisbp. and
Kuopio, Oulu and Helsinki. Tese centres specialise
each in a specifc cleantech domain, promoting
growth in the associated businesses. Te centres
cover around 60% of Finlands cleantech business
and as much as 80% of its cleantech research.
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Environment Investing in our regions 133
Wind, just one of the ways of producing clean energy in Finland
rEU funding
Lahti science and business park
3.5 million in
total, of which 1.5 million came from
the ERDF and the Fifth Research
Framework Programme for the
period 2004 to 2007
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134 Investing in our regions Environment
ith support from eu funds, local author-
ities have taken concrete steps towards
managing waste. Ecoparque de La Rioja,
inaugurated in 2003, is a shining example of suc-
cessful action, with some 148 000 tonnes of waste
being processed there each year, most of which is
solid urban waste.
Rubbish matters
Te Ecoparque has two main waste treatment
processes solid urban waste and light packaging.
Larger items such as furniture, personal efects
and garden waste are also treated at the site. Any
organic matter is separated from recyclable matter
such as plastic, paper, cardboard, glass and metal.
Te organic matter goes through two processes. In
the biomethanisation process, the organic part
is degraded to produce thermal energy and elec-
tricity for use at the Ecoparque itself (25%) and
also locally. Tereafter degraded organic matter
is stabilized by a composting process to be con-
verted into compost for use in agriculture. To give
some perspective on volumes, 17 000 mwh/year of
A window of opportunity for waste
Northern Spain is taking major steps towards a greener society through the project Ecoparque de La Rioja. This environmental
management site is where large quantities of local waste are being recycled and reused, generating products such as biogas and
compost and resulting in a sizeable reduction in detrimental impacts on the environment. The doors of the site are also open to
visitors in a bid to raise awareness about waste and environmental issues.
Whcn you scc thcsc facilitics,
you rcalisc how much wastc wc
producc and how complcx thc
trcatmcnt proccss rcquircd to
avoid contamination is.
Logroo, La Rioja, Spain
demonstrate Ecoparques role in the strategy:
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. By instilling a sense of
environmental responsibility in the minds of youth,
our planet should remain green in the future.
Ecoparque leads by example
Apart from using its own electricity, the site was
also constructed taking into account environ-
mental, logistical and sociological considerations,
including optimising the management of waste
transport. Low-rise buildings were built to avoid
creating an eyesore, closed treatment areas are
used to avoid odours and residues being carried
away by the wind, a wastewater treatment plant is
used for excess water, and bioflters are in place to
eliminate bad odours. By embodying the concept
of environmental sustainability, Ecoparque de La
Rioja is showing locals and those further afeld
that this approach can and does work.
More about this project can be found at: and
electricity are produced, enough to supply a town
of 20 000 inhabitants.
Education key to a clean future
A key feature of the site is its emphasis on educat-
ing, particularly the younger generation, about the
recycling processes and also the ways in which we
can reduce waste in our daily lives. Te aims are
to raise awareness about waste problems, show
how the recycling facilities actually work and
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Environment Investing in our regions 135
Doors open for new methods to handle waste
rEU funding
12.5 million
was allocated from the Cohesion
Fund to Ecoparque de La Rioja
over the period2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 135 13/04/10 17:22
136 Investing in our regions Environment
he Myjava waste water treatment plant
(wwtp) is located in the Trenin region of
Slovakia. Te waste water treated there fows
into the nearby Myjava River, one of the many
natural attractions in the region. Te river has a
pivotal role to play in terms of eco-stabilisation
and vegetation protection. Success in this project
therefore looks certain to have long-term benefts
for the region and its environment.
Reducing unwanted pollutants
Eu funding contributed to achieving compliance
with the eu Directive on urban waste water treat-
ment and also to reducing the amount of outlet
pollutants as per national stipulations. Te wwtp
currently serves the town of Myjava, however in
the future it will be possible for the municipalities
of Star Myjava, Brestovec and Poriadie to also be
Efciency is the name of the game
Te reconstruction of 15 building features and
10 technology components at the wwtp was
Respect for river environments
How we treat waste water and consequently the environment is a growing concern for many countries, particularly those using
inefcient systems and processes. To address this issue and also work towards complying with European legislation, the project
Myjava reconstruction and extension of WWTP was carried out in the small town of Myjava at the foothills of the White
Carpathians, and has already proved a real success with a 19% increase in treatment efciency since the beginning of the project.
Trough rcconstruction of
thc Myjava wwiv, conformity
with Dircctivc /a)/eec has
bccn achicvcd. Tc drainagc
paramctcrs of clcan dischargcd
watcr has also bccn improvcd as
has thc quality of watcr and lifc
in thc Myjava Rivcr, with somc
protcctcd animals now rcturn-
ing to thc arca.
Myjava, Zpadn Slovensko, Slovakia
needed to achieve a higher efciency rate. Prior
to the project works beginning in 2005, the treat-
ment efciency rate at the Myjava wwtp was
approximately 76%. By the time the project was
completed (2007), measurements taken revealed
an efciency rate of 95%. Tere were also economic
gains 13 jobs were secured as a direct result of
the project.
Clean waters owing again
Protecting the water quality of the Myjava River
is extremely important from an ecological point
of view. Te river and its riverside vegetation
represent a landscape with a key role, namely the
job of eco-stabilisation. Tis riverside vegetation
also protects the river body from pollution by
absorbing part of the fertilizers washed away from
surrounding land. From the long-term point of
view, the newly reconstructed wwtp also sets the
scene for preservation of the living environment
for several types of fsh as well as invertebrates in
this protected natural area.
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Environment Investing in our regions 137
Waste water being treated at the extended plant in Myjava
rEU funding
1.9 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
Myjava reconstruction and
extension of WWTP over the
period October 2005 to
October 2007
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138 Investing in our regions Environment
he Pearl of Moldavia, as it is known, is get-
ting back its sheen as a result of the new
integrated solid waste management system
developed by Dywidag International GmbH, Hei-
lit Umwelttechnik GmbH (Germany) and Diekat
Construct (Greece) which designed and executed
all major civil works and supplied and installed all
the necessary plants and equipment.
Disposing of waste
Selective waste collection, waste recycling,
composting, a landfll closure and a landfll open-
ing all these measures are turning around the
town of Piatra Neamt to the beneft of its 125 000
Trough the acquisition of operation and
maintenance equipment, such as waste collection
containers, and the putting in place of infrastruc-
ture for household waste collection points, the
town has optimised the use of eu funding to make
a real diference not just to residents but also to
the environment.
Better waste management comes to Piatra Neamt
The people of Piatra Neamt, a mid-sized town in the northeast of Romania, are beneting from a cleaner, safer environment
thanks to better waste management. Through improved waste collection, transport, recycling and treatment, a joint German-
Greek venture is restoring the beauty of this region which boasts the most montasteries per square kilometre in the whole world.
Tis is thc rst phasc of a big-
gcr programmc valucd at ovcr
8 million. Part of thc tsvn pro-
grammc, it is thc rst projcct of
this kind in thc country and all
ovcr castcrn Europc.
Piatra Neamt, Nord-Est, Romania
Disposing of health hazards
Where previously waste was deposited on the
streets, thereby posing a health hazard to pass-
ers-by and residents, measures have been put in
place introducing safer collection methods. Tere
has been a substantial increase in the recycling of
waste and a substantial decrease in the volume of
waste being disposed of at landflls.
As a direct result of these measures, the towns
soil and water are no longer being polluted. Te
town even looks fresher thanks to the new ways of
treating household waste. Te people of the town
are keener than ever to sustain this new wave of
eco-friendly waste disposal and changes are being
seen in their day-to-day behaviour.
Te closure of the old landfll and the opening
of a new one compliant with EU standards have
eliminated a major nuisance and health hazard for
the community.

A technical centre for the maintenance of
trucks, a bottle and plastic sorting plant, a recy-
cling centre, a composting plant for reducing
residual waste at landflls and a crusher for con-
struction and demolition waste have all been set
up as part of this project.
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Environment Investing in our regions 139
Dealing with waste to preserve the beauty of Romania
rEU funding
The Piatra Neamt waste
management system was allocated
10.38 million
under the Instrument for Structural
Policies for Pre-Accession
programme and the
Cohesion Fund
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140 Investing in our regions Environment
ince the ecological desalination system was
installed the region has experienced a nota-
ble economic upturn. Te tourism sector
which doubles the regions water consumption
in the summer is able to grow and other parts
of the local economy, such as farming, are beneft-
ing from increased water supplies. New business is
also being created, making the renewable energy
sector more vibrant.
Unmanned desalination plant
Tis project created the frst wind-powered, foating
desalination plant in the world. Te plant is wholly
independent as it operates using energy from a
wind generator and photovoltaic system. Electric-
ity is also generated and can supply the islands. A
major advantage of the system is that unlike the
vast majority of existing systems, it does not use
any chemical pre-treatment of the sea water.
Equipped with several sensors, the platform is
also able to gather data regarding wind, water and
operation-related parameters, making the plant
more than a water factory but an actual foating
research laboratory.
Floating factory makes salt water
drinkable in Aegean Islands
The water-stressed South Aegean region has built a oating self-dependent water factory which runs on renewable energy
to convert seawater into much needed drinkable water. A desalination system developed by the University of the Aegean is
providing the region with a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to its water scarcity problem.
In thc past, wc would run out
of watcr many timcs cach ycar.
Evcry summcr, up to a- timcs
for a- days, cvcrybody runs out
of watcr and thc tourists lcavc.
Iast ycar wc got watcr from thc
ccological systcm and, now, wc
no longcr havc this problcm.
Notio Aigaio, Greece
creation of a highly innovative unit, both in terms
of design and energy management.
Supply for the future
Te platform is able to cover the needs of approxi-
mately 300 people, producing 70 m of water per
day. With an average payback time for this plant of
10 years after investment, the payback time for the
plant including maintenance is short at only three
After this period, the water will be produced free
of charge for 20 years, the expected lifespan of the
plant. Given its success, future developments are in
the pipeline to increase the scale of the project. An
interregional partnership set up at the beginning
of the project will see how the project can be taken
Te University of the Aegean and the South
Aegean region worked together on the islands
energy and water-related supply problems. Tey
developed an initial idea and then invited organi-
sations with experience in desalination, energy
and marine applications to participate. Te con-
sortium proved extremely insightful and led to the
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Environment Investing in our regions 141
Floating factory where seawater becomes drinking water
rEU funding
The desalination unit received
1.31 million
from the ERDF for the duration of
the project, September 2003
to June 2007
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142 Investing in our regions Environment
he three-year clean-up led to major improve-
ments locally, among them an odour-free
area, better water quality, and the return of
certain wild animals. City authorities hope to turn
the area into a recreational zone.
Big clean-up
Over the last decade, in order to comply with
the 2001 eu landfll directive, Estonia has intro-
duced new waste management centres, promoting
recycling and recovery, closing old landflls and
diverting waste away from them. It now has only
fve major municipal landflls, all carefully man-
aged to reduce their environmental impact, down
from around 350 mainly unmanaged sites 10 years
Tallinn used to send some 200 000 tonnes of
municipal waste to the Pskla landfll annually.
Tis resulted in an ugly heap of stinking rubbish,
almost 40 metres high and spread over 30 hectares.
Open for four decades, the site was closed to
further waste disposal in 2003. Over the next
three years, under a major project with 75% of
the costs covered by eu funding, the landfll body
was capped with a sealant, a 1.8 km road was
Yesterdays waste is todays energy
A huge landll site close to Tallinn has been closed down and the area cleaned up. Once an eyesore and source of pollution,
the site was shut down in 2003 and underwent signicant work to tackle various environmental and health hazards. It today
produces valuable biogas, heat and power for a local energy company.
Tc closurc of thc Pskla
landll mcans thc disappcar-
ancc of thc biggcst blot on our
landscapc. Now it is frcsh and
clcan and ncw houscs havc
rcccntly bccn built ncarby.
Pskla, Estonia
built around it, and a landfll monitoring system
installed. Other work included construction of a
leachate water collection system and irrigation
system, a vinyl pile wall around the landfll, and
a landfll gas collection system with seven km of
pipes, three regulation stations, a compressor and
a gas burner.
End of an eyesore
Te project has made a huge diference to the
local area and nearby private homes. Bad smells
are gone, the nearby river and surface water are
cleaner, and there is no more nuisance from
seagulls or rodents replaced increasingly by deer,
foxes and hares. Tanks to cost savings during
tendering, additional money became available to
build a public waste reception and sorting facility,
and to clean up the 300 metre-wide sanitary zone
around the landfll.
Biogas produced by the landfll has been col-
lected since 1994. It is also now used to fuel two
combined heat and power (chp) systems, sell-
ing heat and power to a local energy company.
Between 2002 and 2008, annual biogas production
fell by more than a factor of ten, while heat and
power both increased by more than a third. Total
heat energy produced and sold is around 10 gwh/
year. Site maintenance and monitoring will con-
tinue for 30 years.
More about this project can be found at:
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Environment Investing in our regions 143
The grass became greener in Estonia, following huge clean-up operation
rEU funding
7.14 million
was allocated to the Pskla
landll closing down project from
the Cohesion Fund for the April
2004 to November2008
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144 Investing in our regions Environment
he project has resulted in environmental,
health, economic and regional benefts in
the form of better quality water resources,
improved sanitary conditions, greater efciency
of water and wastewater management systems
and more attractive recreation resources, in turn
boosting tourism potential.
Shaking up the drinking water supply
Te Piaseczno municipality directly adjoins the
southern border of Warsaw and has a popula-
tion of some 65 000. To improve the water and
sewage services provided to them, the project
saw the pumping station upgraded through the
replacement of the original pump, thus ofer-
ing greater capacity, and also the building of a
reserve pump. Water mains in fve streets were
also constructed (850 metres) under the project,
followed by renovation works of nearby roads
and pavements.
Clever water handling, a vital ingredient
for healthy communities
An efcient, economical and environmentally friendly system for drinking water supplies and wastewater treatment was the
basis of this project in the Mazowieckie region of Poland. The project was carried out in the town of Piaseczno and included
upgrading of the Raszynska pumping station, construction of several water mains, staff training, and increasing the capacity of
two main sewage treatment plants, Piaseczno up to 20 000 m
/d, and Wlka Kozodawska up to 2 800 m
I bclicvc that this programmc
has bccn a grcat stcp towards thc
futurc for Piascczno. Tanks to
this projcct, wc arc much morc
attractivc for ncw invcstors,
and wc can assurc suitablc living
conditions for our citizcns.
Piaseczno, Mazowieckie, Poland
upgrading works, including the construction of a
new sludge drainage system and a 123 km sewage
pipe network.
Elsewhere, turning waste into useful products
is now possible in Wlka Kozodawska as a result
of developments at the local sewage treatment
plant. Te process sees sludge transported from
Wlka Kozodawska to Piaseczno where it is mixed
and dehydrated. Te sludge can then be used for
agricultural purposes or removed to the municipal
waste dump. Te other main feature of the project
was the construction of the sanitary sewer system
in several villages in the municipality.
Tempting the tourists
Apart from ofering improved drinking water qual-
ity, reduced health risks and economically more
efcient treatment systems, the protected surface
waters in the area ofer more attractive places for
recreational activities and constitute an added
draw for local and foreign tourists.
Dirty business goes clean
Managing wastewater treatment can be a messy
afair, yet with the right systems and structures
in place, operations can become cleaner and easier.
Due to the overloaded sewage treatment plant in
Piaseczno, the project carried out extension and
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Environment Investing in our regions 145
Better quality water reaching more people in Polish regions
rEU funding
31.69 million
was allocated from the Cohesion Fund
to the Programme of water and
sewage management in Piaseczno
over the period 2004 to 2006
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146 Investing in our regions Environment
he project included the refurbishment of
existing facilities as well as adding extensions
to the treatment plant, including a biologi-
cal stage for environment-friendly treatment and
disposal of urban wastewater from the towns of
Petrosani, Petrila, Aninoasa, Vulcan, Lupeni and
Cleaning up the dirty work
Te Danutoni plant, operated by sc apa serv sa
Valea Jiului, was the frst of its kind in Romania,
which opened for operation in the early 1970s.
However, due to lack of maintenance, damage
and age, the plant began malfunctioning in the
late 1990s. To address these problems, the current
project was initiated. It was carried out in two
phases: upgrading the existing primary treatment
facilities; and extending the plant, including a bio-
logical treatment stage.
Te frst phase concentrated on replacing and
renovating the electro-mechanical equipment
(fow meters, screens, grit chamber, primary
settling tank, sludge pumping station, sludge
Improved wastewater for Jiu Valley residents
The Jiu Valley in West Romania recently witnessed a major upgrade project take place at the Danutoni wastewater treatment
plant (WWTP), where the number of people connected to the sewerage system grew from 55 000 before the work began to
106800 at present. Clean drinking water and clean rivers as well as a more attractive environment for recreation and tourism are
just some of the benets that have resulted.
What is important for Jiu
Vallcy, an arca cxpcricncing cco-
nomic and nancial dicultics,
is that thc commissioning of thc
Biological Stagc of thc Wastc-
watcr Trcatmcnt Plant will
bring substantial bcncts to thc
cnvironmcnt, including lowcr
costs for wastcwatcr trcatmcnt
downstrcam and a morc attrac-
tivc tourist dcstination in thc
Parang Massif.
Valea Jiului, Vest, Romania
thickener, sludge stabilisation, drying beds) and
refurbishing the existing civil structures (exclud-
ing the sludge digesters and the gas holder).
Te second phase focused on biological treat-
ment (aeration tanks and fnal sedimentation
tanks efciency rate of about 90%) and sludge
treatment (digesters, gas holder, digested sludge
thickener and mechanical dewatering).
An environment ripe for healthy living
With the two phases now completed, the economic
and environmental benefts deriving from this proj-
ect include better quality wastewater, compliance
with the eu Urban Waste Water Treatment Direc-
tive and national efuent standards, improved
public health, protected surface and ground water,
reduced costs for treating drinking water, a more
attractive area for recreation and tourism, and
employment created during the construction phase,
important in an area that sufers from particularly
high unemployment rates. Downstream, the Dan-
ube River and Black Sea also stand to beneft with
better quality water fowing in.
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Environment Investing in our regions 147
Water treatment benets residents and nature in Jiu Valley
rEU funding
7.26 million
was allocated from the EUs
Instrument for Structural Policies
for Pre-accession (ISPA) and the
Cohesion Fund to the project
over the period2000
to 2010
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 147 13/04/10 17:23
148 Investing in our regions Environment
even universities signed up to assist over
120 businesses by identifying new areas
of opportunity, providing information on
competitors and market share, and ofering access
to testing and analytical services.
Breaking into the market
Te market for environmental products and ser-
vices is relatively new and can be difcult to enter
without a high degree of technical expertise. Envi-
roinnovate created a team of dedicated advisers
to identify and arrange links for businesses to suit-
able resources. Te team provided a solid interface
which understood business requirements and
knew how to encourage academics to work with
Enviroinnovate was created in 2003 by a
partnership of seven West Midlands universities,
supported by the Environment Agency, Advan-
tage West Midlands and several interested parties
from the private sector.
Te services provided included an environmen-
tal technologies market review, a technical market
Stimulating the uptake of green technologies
Technical support has been given to small businesses in the United Kingdoms West Midlands region to stimulate the
development and uptake of green technologies. By forging lasting links between small businesses and universities, Birmingham
City Universitys EnviroINNOVATE programme has helped to regenerate industry in the region while paving the way towards a
more sustainable future.
Our initial domcstic prod-
uct proposition focuscd on
houschold protcction. How-
cvcr, signicant opportunitics
cxist in homc and ovcrscas com-
mcrcial markcts, whcrc watcr
conscrvation and nancial sav-
ings arc both important. With
nwm funding, Birmingham City
Univcrsitys tcchnical support
has givcn us tools to plan strat-
cgy morc condcntly.
West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
appraisal and, the most popular, a technical scop-
ing study to give access to university testing
and analytical services. Te technology covered
included waste management, renewable energies
and water and air pollution reduction.
One Enviroinnovate-supported business,
Surestop Limited, developed a device to control
domestic water supplies at the fick of a switch in
order to reduce the number of uk homes experi-
encing leaky appliances or burst water pipes each
year currently estimated at three million.
Moving away from the traditional
Modernising traditional sectors is key to trans-
forming those regions which are underperforming
due to a high dependence on manufacturing with
a high proportion of traditional, low value-added
sectors. Tis project helped to make small busi-
nesses in the region more fexible, innovative and
In terms of fgures, the project attracted invest-
ment of 1 711 000, created and protected 80 jobs
and raised and protected sales of 1 483 000.
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Environment Investing in our regions 149
An example of green technologies developed in the West Midlands
Te key achievement of Enviroinnovate has
been to deploy academic resources in support of
small business development in the feld of environ-
mental technologies. As a result, Enviroinnovate
was recognised in the European Commission 2008
RegioStars Awards held in Brussels at the Regions
for Change Sharing Excellence conference. Te
Commission described awms Enviroinnovate
initiative as having made a positive link between
innovation resources within universities and its
sme population in the growing feld of environ-
mental technologies.
rEU funding
202 400
was allocated from the ERDF
to EnviroINNOVATE over
the period June 2003 to
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150 Investing in our regions Environment
esidents in the areas covered by flapp are
no strangers to fooding, hence the posi-
tive input from 37 partners who brought
their water management experience from 12 river
basin areas. From Ireland to Greece, and from
Estonia to Spain, experiences are being shared and
put to practical use.
Ideas ow into good practices
Te lead partner of the flapp network was EUregio
Meuse-Rhine (Maastricht, Netherlands). Te main
goal of project partners was to maximise food
prevention, forecast foods, disseminate infor-
mation and limit damage. University researchers
and ngos joined local and regional water manag-
ers as partners, adding to the depth of talent. Te
networks ideas for managing river and stream
systems were soon incorporated into relevant
tools including a Good Practice Map, Good Prac-
tice List and policy recommendations for the
euand national authorities.
Flood prevention seen from all angles
With 15 border areas (including non-eu countries)
under the microscope, project partners covered
Turning back the tide in ood-threatened regions
Strength in numbers and multi-disciplinarity reect the approach taken in the FLAPP project where the combined efforts of
15 countries resulted in practical ways to deal with ood danger. FLAPP (FLood Awareness & Prevention Policy in border areas)
enabled partnerships to be formed that otherwise may never have taken place and resulted in the introduction of measures including
ood forecasting and river basin management to protect people, nature and economic development in at-risk border areas.
It was intcrcsting to scc thc
Dutch Room for thc rivcr proj-
cct in thc cld. I saw that ood
prcvcntion and naturc dcvclop-
mcnt can bc compatiblc as long
as thcrc is cnough room. I can
usc this information in my own
work in proposing mcasurcs to
our rcgional govcrnmcnt.
Territorial Co-operation, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom and Serbia
management, cross-border co-operation to stimu-
late a river basin approach, and food awareness
among the public. New food management con-
cepts (Fluvial Territory and Room for the River)
were introduced and discussed. A website, bro-
chures, signs and leafets as well as reports on food
policies, information systems and cross-border
maps feature in flapps strategy to communicate
awareness and prevention.
Co-operation builds up momentum along riverbanks
Te project was pivotal in triggering cross-bor-
der meetings to examine foods and pollution,
including along the Nemunas Delta on the Lithu-
anian-Russian border. Elsewhere, Irish guidelines
on foods are expected to be translated into
Greek and used in the Evros Delta, food manage-
ment in Szeged and Budapest (Hungary) drew
inspiration from the mobile dams in Maastricht
(Netherlands), while the Tisza River Basin Flood
Information Centre looked to the Saxony Flood
Centre for guidance.
More about this project can be found at:
diverse catchment areas, including the rivers Dan-
ube, Tisza, Evros, Ebro, Nemunas, Meuse, Rhine,
Scheldt, Elbe and Oder. Te partners examined
food prevention based on structural and spatial
measures, sustainable food management, espe-
cially in important ecological areas, calamity
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 150 13/04/10 17:23
Environment Investing in our regions 151
Areas at risk of ooding now safer with ood-prevention measures
rEU funding
1.1 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to FLAPP over the period
November 2004 to
August 2007
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 151 13/04/10 17:23
152 Investing in our regions Environment
he four countries involved, Greece, Italy,
France and Spain, are acutely aware of the
need to control water consumption and be
able to assess the amount and quality of resources
available. With this in mind, the project has con-
tributed to integrated management of catchment
areas and improved water-demand balance by pro-
viding tools for sustainable water use and raising
greater awareness among the general public about
water scarcity.
Assessing the impact of nature
Te underlying aim of the meddman project
(Integrated water resources management, develop-
ment and comparison of common transnational
methodologies to combat drought in the western
Mediterranean regions) was to ensure continued
and improved economic growth in the region. It
examined ways of reusing water and promoted co-
operation between regions and countries to combat
drought, developing an integrated system to evaluate
the state of surface water and groundwater resources.
meddman emphasized regional involvement
in resource management and conducted envi-
ronmental impact studies on land degradation.
Every drop counts in Mediterranean countries
The threat of water shortages is a major concern for many countries in the western Mediterranean region. The availability and
quality of water and soil for different uses are important for the economic development and social welfare of the region. The
MEDDMAN project, with support from EU funds, took an integrated approach to addressing this threat, developing strategies
and tools for better management of water resources and soils in the region.
Tanks to meoomnN, thc Intcr-
rcgional Rivcr Basin Authority of
Basilicata in southcrn Italy has
improvcd its knowlcdgc in watcr
managcmcnt policy and analyti-
cal mcthodologics for cvaluating
watcr rcsourcc availability. Tis
has improvcd opcrating mcth-
ods for watcr planning as wcll as
managcmcnt systcms in arcas
oftcn sucring from drought and
dcscrtication, thus mitigating
watcr criscs and drought risk in
thc arca.
Territorial Co-operation, France, Greece, Italy and Spain
Special attention was paid to the environmental
impacts of extreme meteorological and hydrologi-
cal events which can have a signifcant impact on
local development and the livelihoods of residents.
Many experiences, one goal
Several water management projects were under-
taken in pilot areas. meddman consolidated these
eforts, turning them into useful tools for wider
use. Te methodologies developed underwent
a trans-regional consultation process, includ-
ing hydrological cycle analysis, regional models
for drought forecasting, the potential for water
reuse, integrated water resource management
and drought risk management. Te advantage of
having many regions take part means that the
solutions can be applied to diferent situations
and challenges, ofering a valuable tool for author-
ities elsewhere. Te general public also plays a key
role in how water is used, notably in their daily
consumption habits, and was therefore the target
of awareness-raising campaigns in the project.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 152 13/04/10 17:24
Environment Investing in our regions 153
The project developed tools for forecasting drought
rEU funding
787 800
was allocated from the ERDF to
the MEDDMAN project over
the period April 2006 to
September 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 153 13/04/10 17:24
outermost regions
154 Investing in our regions Energy
Alsace, France: Renewable energy turnaround in Alsace
Castilla-La Mancha, Spain: Making the most of solar power in Castilla
La Mancha
Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, Netherlands: Boosting the energy
Gssing, Burgenland, Austria: New formula for renewables
revolutionises Gssing
Hostetin, Stedn Morava, Czech Republic: Ultra-low energy passive
Isle of Eigg, Highlands and Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom: Eigg
goes green
Kistelek, Dl-Alfld, Hungary: Kistelek shows potential of
geothermal power
Roncoferraro, Lombardia, Italy: Rural community embraces
sustainable energy
Madeira, Portugal: Madeira develops hydropower for use all year
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany: Innovating the way forward for
renewable energy in Germany
Piemonte, Italy: Piedmont sets sights on hydrogen economy
Saint-Pierre, Runion, France: Running Reunion on solar power
Sams, Midtjylland, Denmark: Danish island energises the
Sanem, Luxembourg: A boon to parents and the environment
Sarriguren, Navarra, Spain: Working for sustainable energy
Territorial Co-operation
DE, DK, LT, PL: Construction industry goes green with building
Stedn Morava
Friesland and
Highlands and
Castilla -La Mancha
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 154 13/04/10 17:24
Energy Investing in our regions 155
There is little doubt that advanc-
ing the global ght against climate
change requires a fully-edged
energy revolution. We are at the
sunset of the fossil fuel age. But
to achieve the goal of a low carbon
economy we need to reduce our
dependence on volatile energy mar-
kets, pump investment into new
energy efcient technologies, and
come up with new ways to open
up green markets for goods and

Ensuring affordable, environmentally
sustainable and secure supplies of
energy is the basis of the EUs twin-
track approach to climate change and
energy policy. This has been trans-
lated into ambitious plans setting out
binding targets for EU Member States
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by 20%, and to reach a 20% share of
renewable energy by 2020.
Responding to this challenge will
fall largely on Europes regions. And
this is why investment in increas-
ing energy efciency and the use of
renewable energies is at the heart
of Europes regional policy priorities.
Between 2007 and 2013, some 4.8
billion has been set aside for spend-
ing on renewable energies such as
wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectric
and geothermal. 4.2 billion is ear-
marked for projects promoting energy
efciency and energy management
and a further 1.7 billion will be
invested in traditional energy sources
including 674 million to develop the
energy networks in electricity and gas
which criss-cross the EU.
Using the available funds, regions
can support various projects looking
at, for example, the production and
distribution of renewables, research
and development, advisory services
and energy efciency for public,
commercial and industrial buildings.
Projects like the Hostetin Centre for
Sustainable Rural Development, an
educational resource centre in the
Czech Republic which has become a
showcase for passive house design,
or the town of Gssing in Burgen-
land, Austria which has, in 15 years,
made the switch from fossil fuels to
renewables and is now entirely self-
sufcient in electricity and heat, show
how renewable energies are motors
for innovation and growth. These,
and many more projects funded
by EU regional policy, provide clear
examples of how Europe can stand
to benet enormously from investing
in new low carbon technologies for
future jobs and growth.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 155 13/04/10 17:24
156 Investing in our regions Energy
he project saw the installation of 1 000 indi-
vidual solar-powered water heaters in 2003
and 10 000 m of solar captors in 2004.
Financial incentives were put in place to stimulate
the use of renewable energies in the tourism and
farming sectors and grants were given to students
looking at renewable energy use at Strasbourgs
engineering and architecture school, insa.
Creating supply and demand
Te project was managed directly by the Alsace
Regional Council which strengthened local part-
nerships, particularly with communes and other
local authorities in the area.
Te Alsace Regional Council pursued three
major goals:
j promoting solar and wood-based energy
sources this was done by setting up a sys-
tem of regional facilitators to encourage
investment in renewable energy equipment
and conducting experiments with biogas, low
energy consumption in buildings and roofs
incorporating photovoltaic cells;
j stimulating demand for renewable ener-
gies this was achieved through a publicity
campaign targeting the general public in
the frst citizen-based funding operation,
Renewable energy turnaround in Alsace
Energivie is bringing innovative strategies for sustainable development to fruition in the Alsace region of France. Co-nanced by
the ERDF, the Alsace Regional Council and the ADEME, the project is raising the prole of renewable energies in the region, most
particularly from solar and wood-based sources.
Tanks to thc Encrgivic
projcct, cco-fricndly hcating
in thc form of wood-rcd boil-
crs was brought to homcs in Ia
Pctitc Picrrc ncar Strasbourg,
thc Ambroisc Croizat holi-
day ccntrc and an old pcoplcs
Alsace, France
Ensuring continuity
Renewable energy use in the Alsace region is on
the rise as a direct result of the project. Te posi-
tive results of the project have speeded up the
creation of a regional policy to promote renewable
energy and to ensure its development.
Private sector involvement in the strategy has
led to a greater ofer in renewable energy-related
equipment and services. Te profle of new sus-
tainable forms of energy have grown thanks in
part to the publicity given to the project at the
international solar fair, Intersolar in Freiburg, as
well as to the publicity given at an annual trade
fair set up especially for those active in the renew-
able energy sector in the Alsace region.
Low energy consumption buildings are now
also included in the work of the projects steering
committee which continues to operate and expand.
An Energivie newsletter is published regularly and
the Energivie cluster continues to seek new ways
More about this project can be found at: and
experiments on energy use in 12 old build-
ings in Mulhouse and studies on renewable
energy prospects for the future;
j using renewable energies to reinvigorate the
economy this was accomplished through
the setting up of a cluster dedicated to renew-
able energies (Energivie) and through the
creation of a French labeling system on low
energy consumption buildings.
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Energy Investing in our regions 157
Renewable energy production high on the agenda in Alsace
rEU funding
Energivie received
1.9 million
from the ERDF for the period January
2003 to December 2005. It is also
receiving 9 million from the
ERDF for the period 2007
to 2013
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 157 13/04/10 17:24
158 Investing in our regions Energy
sfoc has, in a short time, become the refer-
ence point in Spain for the commercial use of
solar technologies and is contributing to the
regions goal to reach 100% renewable energy con-
sumption by 2012.
CPV technology in action
Isfoc followed on from a project on Concentrat-
ing Photovoltaics (cpv) which was commissioned
by the regional ministry of education and sci-
ence and Madrids Universidad Politecnica. cpv
technology has the advantage that it is environ-
mentally friendly, self-sufcient (reducing reliance
on foreign suppliers), and it creates employment
as one of the largest renewable energy sectors.
Cpv works using optical components such
as lenses and refectors to concentrate light on
cells. Tis multiplies considerably the amount of
light reaching the cell. Te cell or receiver then
receives the concentrated light and converts it
into electricity.
Since the frst cpv technologies were used
in the 1970s, the euclides was installed in
Madrid in 1995 and Tenerife hosted the worlds
Making the most of solar power
in Castilla-La Mancha
In the sparsely populated region of Castilla-La Mancha in the heart of Spain, an R&D institute is leading the way forward in
the development of technologies which harness solar power efciently. The Institute for Concentration Photovoltaic Systems
(ISFOC) is helping to bring this technology to market and encouraging businesses and universities to get on board.
Moving from uso to product
nccds industry standards and
rcliablc products, all thcsc arc
bcing crcatcd with thc participa-
tion of all playcrs and it ccrtainly
looks likc a cvv scctor could bc
in placc much fastcr than it took
for othcr solar tcchnologics.
Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Small steps to begin with
Isfoc has maintained close contact with univer-
sities in order to identify areas of research from
which concrete development projects could pros-
per. Te idea was for universities to take part in
the basic research activities with isfoc, as well as
companies wishing to test the technology.
Te various improvements to cpv and its per-
formance reliability mean that the technology
now fnds itself in a highly competitive position.
As it moves towards full-scale deployment, isfoc
has been test benching the technologies demon-
strating competitive advantage at a smaller scale.
Isfoc has been fnanced through regional,
national and European grants, as well as through
contracts with private businesses. It is also gen-
erating funds by connecting cpv plants to the
grid for electricity and selling it to public utilities.
More about this project can be found at:
largest cpv plant of 480 kW, they have become an
increasingly lucrative business. Isfoc is working
to develop mature cpv technologies for the mar-
ketplace, ensuring quality, reliability and cost
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Energy Investing in our regions 159
Solar panels populating the countryside for clean energy
rEU funding
Since December 2005 the
ISFOC project has received
5.6 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 159 13/04/10 17:24
160 Investing in our regions Energy
overnments, knowledge institutes and
industry from the provinces of Groningen,
Friesland, Drenthe and the upper part of
Noord Holland work closely together within the
Energy Valley region on the expansion of business
activities, energy transition and knowledge and
innovation. In recent years, numerous projects
have been initiated that have put Energy Valley
clearly on the map.
Marking out a strategic course
Te Energy Valley is founded on three pillars:
retaining and expanding existing business activi-
ties in the energy sector, promoting the use of
sustainable energy, and, developing the know-
ledge infrastructure in the energy sector. Te
Energy Valley foundation marks out the course for
these three challenges while monitoring the com-
patibility and connections between the various
initiatives supported.
Te foundation set about creating the condi-
tions in which public and private sector initiatives
would succeed. By stimulating and supporting the
companies and institutions forming the Energy
Boosting the energy sector
Set up in 2003 to expand energy-related business, knowledge and sustainable development, the Energy Valley foundation acts
as a catalyst and platform for both private and public organisations. With over 50 years experience in the eld of natural gas and
oil, the Northern Netherlands region is in a prime position to enhance its own economic structure in this sector.
Tc busincss climatc for
cncrgy-rclatcd companics in
thc Northcrn Ncthcrlands is
cxccllcnt. Companics can immc-
diatcly rcspond to numcrous
activitics, such as gas cxtraction
and transport, thc construc-
tion of powcr plants, biomass
dcvclopmcnts, machincry con-
struction and wind cncrgy.
Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, Netherlands
Gaining signicance
Trough the many new investments both in the
feld of fossil fuel and sustainable energy, the
Energy Valley has become a cluster of national and
international signifcance with great knowledge in
the areas of natural gas, heating, cooling, climate
control, and wind, solar, geo- and bio-energy. As
many as 400 companies make up this cluster, cov-
ering roughly 350 projects. By combining forces,
public and private organisations are transforming
the Energy Valley region into the energy centre of
the whole of Europe.
Te energy sector employs roughly 25 000
people in the north of the Netherlands. With this
strong workforce, the country is in an excellent
position for further expansion in a sector with
great potential for growth.
More about this project can be found at:
Valley, the foundation has established a broad and
integrated cluster of energy activities which con-
tributes to economic development in the region.
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Energy Investing in our regions 161
Capturing energy in the Northern Netherlands
rEU funding
2.15 million
was allocated to the Energy
Valley project for the period
2000 to 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 161 13/04/10 17:25
162 Investing in our regions Energy
discovery by Professor Herman Hofbauer
at the Technical University in Vienna found
that by injecting steam rather than air into
the gasifcation chamber, biomass could be turned
into gas with very little tar. Now at full capacity
when all the gas is burned, the plant produces
14 000 megawatt hours of power a year. With 25%
of the energy in the wood going into the mains
and 55% becoming heat, the plant has an overall
efciency of 80%.
Breakthrough technology
Following a presentation by the Viennese scientist
Hermann Hofbauer about a technology he had
developed to make synthetic fuel from wood, the
mayor of Gssing and an electrical engineer also
from Gssing decided to ask Viennas Technical
University to build a pilot project.
Te pair embarked on a massive fund-building
crusade, getting grants and approvals from the eu,
the Austrian government and the regional govern-
ment. Te result was a plant with two connected
fuidised bed chambers, one for the gasifcation
itself, the other for combustion. Te breakthrough
technology uses steam to separate carbon and
New formula for renewables revolutionises Gssing
A small town in the southeast of Austria is now thriving thanks to renewable energies generated by pioneering technology.
Anew plant which gasies timber to produce not just heat for the district but also electricity and synthetic diesel fuel has been
developed. The essential difference with other similar plants is the particularly low level of tar produced by the Gssing plant.
Tis was a dcad-cnd town and
now wcrc thc ccntrc of attcn-
tion. It sccms likc cvcry wcck
wc rcad about ncw jobs from
rcncwablc cncrgy.
Gssing, Burgenland, Austria
production of a synthetic diesel oil or sold, just as
it comes, as a synthetic natural gas.
Protable investment
Te plant gets around 15 euro cent per kwh for its
electricity. Tis is much less than the price, around
25 euro cent, being paid by domestic consumers in
the area. It is estimated that this plant, together with
another wood-fred heating system with a capacity
of 42 mw, means that 18 million stays in the dis-
trict each year that would otherwise have leaked out.
Tis represents massive return on investment.
Te availability of cheap heat (30% cheaper) has
led to over 1 000 new jobs being created in and
around the town, including 100 in a new ofce
building on an industrial estate which houses
the European Centre for Renewable Energy. Tis
employs 12 people itself and the other people
renting space in the building are mostly from
companies or consultancies to do with renewable
energy. One of the centres activities is arranging
visits for the increasing number of visitors who
come to see what Gssing has done, an activity
which itself creates employment in hotels and
hydrogen from scrap timber. Te molecules are
then recombined to make a form of natural gas.
Some of this gas is burned in the combustion
chamber to provide heat for the gasifcation. Te
rest of the gas is cooled the heat going into the
district heating system and cleaned. It can then
be used in various ways. At present, it is being
burned in a gas engine which powers an electri-
cal generator, with the waste heat from that also
going into the district heating system. However,
the gas can also be used as the feedstock for the
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 162 13/04/10 17:25
Energy Investing in our regions 163
Plant gasies timber to produce heat, electricity and synthetic diesel fuel
By making the switch from fossil fuels to
renewables, the people of Gssing are now more
than self-sufcient for electricity and heat.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
The Gssing project received
1.3 million
from the ERDF from 1995
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 163 13/04/10 17:25
164 Investing in our regions Energy
ompleted in September 2006, the centre
ofers practical education and training for
authorities, general public and frms under-
taking similar initiatives elsewhere in the region
and nationally. It attracts many visitors from far
and wide to learn about sustainable development
and serves as a community centre for its small
host village.
A model green village
Hostetin has long been involved in environmen-
tally friendly projects, from solar power to the
insulation of buildings with strawbales, and so on.
Its new centre continues the tradition by becom-
ing an institution of life-long environmental
education especially on passive house energy
efciency. It was built by Skanska cz, under con-
tract to the centres managers, the Ecological
Institute Veronica (Czech Union for Nature Con-
servation). Eu funds covered 54% of the budget.
A further goal was to create a platform from
which to manage regional sustainability projects
in the Zlin province, where job opportunities are
limited and the population is in decline. Most of
the 36 workers and craftsmen were local residents,
Ultra-low energy passive house
A new educational resource centre in a remote and mountainous part of the Czech Republic has become a ag bearer for modern
passive house design combined with traditional construction techniques and materials. The Hostetin Centre for Sustainable
Rural Development uses as much as 80% less energy than a conventional building.
Complctcd in Scptcmbcr
aoo, Hostctin is still thc only
public building in thc Czcch
Rcpublic that can bc classicd
as a passivc building.
Hostetin, Stedn Morava, Czech Republic
Centre hosts 5 000 annual public events
Te Hostetin Centre which includes a 45-seat
auditorium, ofces, library, space for creative
workshops and a 10-room guesthouse attracts
several thousand visitors annually to learn about
its energy efciency features and environmental
sustainability through use of environmentally
friendly materials. It is also notable for being the
frst passive house building to be supported by
eu funding and the frst non-residential passive
house to be constructed in the Czech Republic.
Te centre has created fve permanent jobs,
including full and part-time project and course
managers, and administrative staf. It annu-
ally consumes about 15 kWh per square metre
for space heating supplied from the municipal
biomass heating plant and the Centres own solar-
power system.
overseen by a skilled master builder. Wherever
possible, they made use of local suppliers and
materials to keep costs down and support the local
economy including larch wood from nearby for-
ests for cladding parts of the building and adobe
bricks recycled from old farm buildings on site.
Te centre was built to the latest standards to
minimise energy for space heating, with features
such as superinsulation and triple-pane insulated
glazing to reduce heat leakage. It is also airtight,
has a heat-recovery ventilation system, and sys-
tems to reduce use of water and artifcial lighting.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 164 13/04/10 17:25
Energy Investing in our regions 165
A passive house using 80% less energy than conventional structures
rEU funding
435 200
was allocated to the Hostetin
Centre for Sustainable Rural
Development project from the
ERDF for the March 2006 to
September2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 165 13/04/10 17:25
166 Investing in our regions Energy
s a result of the initiative, Eiggs power
comes principally from hydroelectric, wind
and solar energy. Tis is a staggering result
in the light of the islands tiny size (31 km
) and is a
glowing testament to the expertise and knowledge
of its residents.
Harnessing natures resources
Energy feeds into the islands grid system, provid-
ing power to the regions homes, businesses and
community buildings. Te major renewable energy
source is a 100-kW hydroelectric generator. Tis is
supported by two smaller generators of 10 kW and
9 kW, four 6-kW wind generators and 10 kW of solar
electric cells.
Each of these has been placed in locations guar-
anteed to minimise the physical and visual impact
on the island as a whole. Te power generated is
centralised and distributed to households, busi-
nesses and community buildings through 11 km of
buried high voltage cable. Two 80-kW diesel gen-
erators have been installed to provide emergency
back-up and to cover periods when the power gen-
erated from the renewable resources is insufcient
to meet demand.
Eigg goes green
The Isle of Eigg has become a shining light for renewable energy. Realising that conventional power would not be a sustainable
way forward, islanders decided to branch out and generate as much as 95% of their energy from renewable sources. Now, the
island has been decorated with a Green Energy Award in recognition of its efforts.
Sincc thc commissioning of
thc Eigg widc grccn clcctric sys-
tcm, my lifc as local shopkccpcr
and gucst housc owncr has bccn
madc so much simplcr. It is won-
dcrful to know that frcczcrs and
chillcrs full of valuablc stock arc
unlikcly to pcrish in thc cvcnt of
gcncrator failurc. It is also grcat
to bc ablc to opcratc simplc solar
powcrcd hcating systcms using
clcctric pumps.
Isle of Eigg, Highlands and Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom
Te system was designed and implemented by Scot-
tish Hydro Contracting, sub contractors E-Connect
Ventures Ltd, Wind and Sun Ltd, Energy Renewed
Ltd, G.G. MacKenzie Contracts Ltd, project man-
agers Synergie Scotland Ltd and the voluntary
eforts of many of the islanders.
Finding strength in numbers
Te Eigg system is an ingenious solution to a prob-
lem faced not only by regions but one which is
rapidly climbing to the top of the global agenda.
All 44 households, 21 commercial properties and
six community buildings on the island are con-
nected to the system and have their very own
supply of renewable electricity.
While each household is capped at 5 kW and
businesses at 10 kW, this does not appear to have
caused any inconvenience. Instead, everyone is
pooling together adapting to the new conditions
and boosting the systems efcacy and, in turn, its
beneft to the whole community.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 166 13/04/10 17:25
Energy Investing in our regions 167
Windmills help to produce 95% of this islands energy from renewable sources
rEU funding
667 800
has been provided to the Isle of
Eigg electrication project under
the ERDF for the period 2000
to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 167 13/04/10 17:25
168 Investing in our regions Energy
ungary is well-known for its plentiful
supply of geothermal energy, with tem-
peratures double the average of the rest of
Europe. Deep-water springs have long provided
spa operators with a reliable source of income.
Now this energy is also being harnessed to provide
a cheaper, more environmentally friendly heating
Naturally better
Using the 1.16 million from the Environment
and Infrastructure Operational Programme,
Kistelek drilled a well to extract heat from the
thermal water lying in the underground strata.
Pipelines stretching fve kilometres were then
built to carry the thermal water to eight pub-
lic institutions whose heating systems were all
upgraded with less expensive, more ecological
Te outdated systems which proved expensive
gave way to a system needing next to no super-
vision which results in heating supply savings of
roughly 10% for the institutions concerned and a
reduction in the town pollution levels.
Kistelek shows potential of geothermal power
A small town in the south of Hungary with a population of roughly 7 600 is leading the way in geothermal energy use. Through a
project supported by the ERDF, Kistelek has drilled a well to thermal water 1 700 metres deep that is capable of supplying eight
public institutions. The project is breaking new ground for the country and as such is being held up as an example to other local
Tc cncrgy costs of thc
Multifunctional Sports and Pro-
grammc Ccntrc arc signicantly
rcduccd by thc gcothcrmal dis-
trict-hcating systcm.
Kistelek, Dl-Alfld, Hungary
on Hungarys ample supply of thermal waters,
works and is even cheaper than the traditional gas
supply. As demand for electricity grows for the
past decade it has risen by 1 million megawatts per
year it is seen as only a matter of time before the
potential of geothermal resources is realised.
An underutilised resource
For much of the frst half of the 20
members of Hungarys Parliament warmed their
feet from thermal waters circulating beneath
the foors of their chamber. Today, the heat is
considered a valuable yet underutilised source of
precious energy.
Te Kistelek project sends a clear sign to other
local councils that this new system, which draws
rEU funding
The Kistelek geothermal energy
project received
1.16 million
for its activities which began on
in October 2005 and ended in
June 2007
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Energy Investing in our regions 169
Geothermal energy being harnessed in Hungary
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170 Investing in our regions Energy
he new green power plant at the heart of
Roncoferraros district heating and cool-
ing network has been up and running since
December 2006. It replaced seven individual boil-
ers and should reduce local co
emissions by more
than 250 tonnes a year.
Gas boilers get replaced
Roncoferraro is located some 140 km south-east
of Milan. Its 6 700 inhabitants are spread over a
wide area, with most working in the agricultural
sector. However, several of the towns public build-
ings three schools, a swimming pool, sports hall,
and two municipal administration buildings are
located within just 700 metres of one another.
Tis close spacing sparked the idea of supplying all
local energy needs with a single high-tech district
heating (and cooling) network running on wood-
chips, as a replacement for seven gas-fred boilers.
One of the projects main aims was to provide
a fossil-free energy system by using locally pro-
duced biomass. Tis is in keeping with the Po
Valleys urgent need to diversify its agriculture
beyond livestock rearing and crop production.
Eu funds covered half of the projects total
cost, with the rest coming from national fnancing.
Te main partner was the town of Roncoferraro,
with support from the Province of Mantua. Local
Rural community embraces sustainable energy
A small town in the Po Valley has switched to 100% renewable energy for its municipal energy users. A mix of different technologies
now provides all the heat and air conditioning it requires during traditionally cold winters and hot summers.
Tc ovcrall cncrgy prolc of
thc projcct amounts to a rcduc-
tion in co
cmissions of around
a tonncs pcr ycar.
Roncoferraro, Lombardia, Italy
station includes an absorption chiller, itself fuelled
by the woodchip furnace, for provision of air con-
ditioning to two municipal buildings.
Te new system replaces 96 tonnes/year of
fossil energy (natural gas) with the equivalent
amount of renewable energy. Tis has boosted the
local economy for farmers producing woodchips
More about this project can be found at:
members of the cner, a national private farmers
association supporting renewable energy, pro-
vided a vital guarantee that there would be enough
local biomass for the new system.
Optimal technology mix
While each of the technologies implemented is
fairly conventional, together they form an optimal
mix for the towns district heating (and cooling)
network. At its core is the new and aesthetically
designed biomass central station, with an auto-
matic woodchips/pellets furnace able to meet all
local heating needs in winter. Its roof consists
of 130 square metres of glassless solar collectors,
which can produce sufcient hot water in summer
for the open-air swimming pool, sports hall show-
ers and the nursery school. Lastly, the central
rEU funding
455 900
was allocated to the Roncoferraro
Fossil-Free Energy project from
the ERDF for the 2000 to 2006
programming period
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Energy Investing in our regions 171
System in place for 100% renewable energy in rural Italy
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172 Investing in our regions Energy
he project is promoting social and eco-
nomic well-being while protecting national
resources to sustain the quality of life
enjoyed by Madeirans and the many tourists who
come to the island each year to take in the spec-
tacular scenery.
Building change
Madeiras public electricity company transformed
the Socorridos hydroelectric power station into a
reversible system which would allow energy pro-
duction all year round regardless of rainfall. In the
summer season especially, water could be pumped
back into the reservoirs and reused for electricity
production. Even peak periods were covered as the
pumps operated during the night and stored water
for daytime use.
Four main stages made this development pos-
sible: a tunnel was built to connect Covo and
Campanrio; a storage gallery was built in Socor-
ridos; two existing tunnels were renovated; and a
pumping station was set up in Socorridos.
Te Covo tunnel holding up to 32 500 m sup-
plies water for irrigation and stores it to guarantee
a reliable supply of water and electricity. Te Socor-
ridos storage gallery is an underground reservoir
storing up to 40 000 m of water and housing
Madeira develops hydropower for use all year round
The Socorridos hydroelectric power station has been developed to optimise water production for locals and for irrigation, as well
as to take advantage of renewable energy sources. Using a system of tunnels and canals 15.5 km long, the project makes the most
of the islands geographical layout collecting water in the mountainous north and transferring it to the south.
Tc Socorridos projcct was
crucial in harncssing hydro and
wind rcsourccs, and in bringing
thc bcncts of this to thc cntirc
rcgion. Tc projcct madc watcr
and clcctricity supplics morc
rcliablc for both gcncral usc
and irrigation, and it minimiscd
watcr loss. Tc main bcncts
wcrc fclt in Funchal and Cmara
dc Iobos whcrc o of Madci-
ras population rcsidc.
Madeira, Portugal
pumping equipment. Te Encumeada and Canal
do Norte tunnels store up to 55 000 m of water
and have gates to regulate the fow of water, allow-
ing some to be sent to a water treatment plant for
public consumption and some to be supplied for
Assessing the impact
Te success of this project can be largely attributed
to the environmental concerns which were taken
on board by all those involved, from regional gov-
ernment as single shareholder to the engineering
and construction companies. Together they man-
aged to ensure the project had no adverse efects
on the environment.
Tis allowed for Madeiras main tourism sector
which represents about 250 million annually to
continue to expand unhindered. As many as 900 000
tourists come to the island each year to enjoy the
beautiful surroundings and stroll along the many
canals. It was essential not just to boost energy and
water supplies to cover this sector but also to keep
construction unobtrusive around the canals.
Building on this achievement, Madeira will
now develop the much larger hydropower station
at Calheta. Tis project will be implemented in
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 172 13/04/10 17:25
Energy Investing in our regions 173
Upgraded hydroelectric power station supplying water for people and irrigation
rEU funding
The Socorridos power station
project received
17.3 million
from the ERDF for the period
May 2004 to December 2007
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174 Investing in our regions Energy
he agency is forming a strategic platform
with wide-ranging expertise to cover fund-
ing for research and technical development,
energy consultancy and vocational training. So
far, over 65 000 jobs have been created and over
280 000 people have received training as a result
of the agencys work.
Raising energy awareness
In the North Rhine-Westphalia region, energy
is of particular importance. Not only does the
region generate almost one third of Germanys
electricity, but it also employs 1.1 million people
in the energy sector. To guarantee security of
supply and economic growth, the agency devel-
ops local strategies for better energy policies
and practice in the areas of energy efciency
and renewable energies in business and local
Te agency has been using the following
instruments to bring about change:
Innovating the way forward for
renewable energy in Germany
Sound energy management through innovative technologies and impartial guidance this is what EnergyAgency.NRW has set
out to achieve in Germanys most populated Federal State, North Rhine-Westphalia. With over 18 million inhabitants and 40%
of the countrys industrial energy consumers, the region is now beneting from a central contact point for all energy issues
whose aim is to ensure energy efciency, security of supply and environmental responsibility.
Tc Gclscnkirchcn scicncc
park is a brccding ground for
many companics working on
rcncwablc cncrgy rcsourccs,
which arc crcating jobs.
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
j advisory services providing information on
energy weak spots and advising on obtaining
funds and reducing energy costs;
j ongoing training 50 seminars for training
institutions, energy supply utilities, federa-
tions, institutions of higher education, local
authorities and companies in nrw;
j state-wide campaigns promoting environ-
mentally friendly heating alternatives by
means of information brochures, radio pub-
licity and internet portals.
Change for the better
Energy use in buildings has been one of the main
focus areas of the agency. Te Mein Haus spart
initiative which is coordinated by the agency has
brought building improvements to as many as
62000 individual households.
Urban regeneration has also been assisted by the
agency. One example of this is Gelsenkirchen, an
old mining town undergoing industrial conversion.
j networks of expertise helping companies,
research institutes and higher education
establishments to forge ahead with innova-
tive processes;
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Energy Investing in our regions 175
Central contact point for addressing key energy issues
Te agency has also gained recognition under
the EUs sustainable energy Europe campaign
for its signifcant contribution to achieving a
breakthrough in renewable energy use. A mobile
energy advice service has been on the road since
1999, bringing advice from engineers to as many
as 90 000 visitors.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
EnergyAgency.NRW received
6.31 million
from the ERDF for a project which
ran from January 2002 to
December 2007
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 175 13/04/10 17:26
176 Investing in our regions Energy
oday, the Environment Park, home to HySy
Lab, is recognised throughout Europe as a
centre of excellence in the feld. Twenty-
three companies have worked on 18 pilot projects,
sharing ideas and networking between pilot
projects. Achievements include an ultra-light,
hydrogen-powered aircraft, low-cost, lightweight
metallic bipolar plates for hydrogen fuel cells,
and a low pressure hydrogen storage aluminium
Adapting existing skills
Harnessing the existing technical skills and exper-
tise of the Piedmont regions manufacturing
industry was the designated task of the Hydro-
gen System Lab, or HySy Lab, set up in 2002 by
the Environment Park. Te lab seeks to apply the
existing skills of the manufacturing industry to
the hydrogen sector.
As research institutes, universities and large
companies were already involved, the HySy proj-
ect targeted small businesses and their potential
as key players in the hydrogen market. Te project
identifed the major components in the hydrogen
Piedmont sets sights on hydrogen economy
The Piedmont region in northern Italy is opening up its industries to new forms of hydrogen application in preparation for the
new hydrogen industry of tomorrow. HySy Lab brings together research centres, universities and small businesses to develop
hydrogen-based projects. Overcoming challenges such as fuel storage on a hydrogen-powered scooter is made easier thanks to
the combined expertise of the synergies formed.
A small company likc ours
would not bc ablc to participatc
in projccts likc this onc without
public funding but I think that
by utilising public funding and
somc ncw and innovativc idcas
thcn wc will bc ablc to gct somc
products which wc will bc ablc to
scll on thc markcts tomorrow.
Piemonte, Italy
Te small businesses had at their disposal
large-scale information and technical assistance,
allowing them to adapt their know-how to the
requirements of the hydrogen sector as well as
to develop prototype technologies as part of pilot
Cooperating for success
Feasibility studies assessed whether or not the
pilot projects should go ahead based on technical
and fnancial criteria. Te pilot projects required
close co-operation between businesses, universi-
ties and research centres and have resulted in the
creation of prototypes which have placed small
businesses frmly in the hydrogen industry.
Te frst pilot project brought together three
small businesses (Termomacchine, Compumat,
Technodelta), the Universit di Torino and the
Environment Park. Together they developed a
tank capable of storing hydrogen at low pressure.
Another project saw the creation of the frst
hydrogen propelled aircraft thanks to an electri-
cal on-board generation unit based on a hydrogen
fuel cell.
chain and assessed how the Piedmont region could
supply the necessary technologies and know-how
based on expertise from other industrial sectors.
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Energy Investing in our regions 177
The HySy Lab aims high as it develops tomorrows hydrogen industry
Yet another project saw the optimisation of a
fuel cell providng an uninterruptible power supply.
Tis was developed by a local company (Electro
Power Systems) and is today a leading product
in the market.Tese projects place Piedmont in a
strategic position for the hydrogen sector of the
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
1.7 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to the HySy Lab project over
the period June 2006 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 177 13/04/10 17:26
178 Investing in our regions Energy
he power plant draws 2 gwh per year from
rooftop solar panels covering 12 000 m
the municipality of Saint-Pierre in the south-
western part of the island. Te project has created
precious jobs for locals in a region where unem-
ployment is high and called on innovative minds
to overcome the challenges of a cyclonic climate.
It has required the combined efort of the French
state, the national energy provider and other
authorities and businesses.
Harnessing natures resources
Te island enjoys around 1 350 hours of sunlight
each year. To make the most of this, 8 000 pho-
tovoltaic modules have been installed atop three
industrial buildings, producing 1.45 mw of photo-
voltaic energy.
Not only has this boosted the islands own
energy resources, it has also cut down on co

emissions by as much as 1 400 tonnes each year.
Tats equivalent to the emissions produced by
one car traveling seven million kilometers.
Te company responsible for carrying out the
project, the Socit de Conversion dnergie (sce)
Running Reunion on solar power
The Indian Oceans Reunion Island is looking to the suns rays to secure a sustainable power supply for its 802 000 inhabitants.
The goal? To become totally energy self-sufcient by 2025. A photovoltaic power plant is already bringing them closer to this
goal by generating enough electricity to cover the annual consumption of 850 households.
Sincc about thc ycar aooo,
morc than oo jobs havc bccn
crcatcd in thc scctor. oo may
not sccm many but scalcd up to
thc sizc of Francc, thats somc
o ooo ncw workcrs.
Saint-Pierre, Runion, France
specialising in risk management to guarantee the
solidity of the installations. Te solar panels are
now able to withstand winds of up to 210 km/h
and above.
Welcoming positive spin-offs
Job creation has been one of the positive spin-ofs
of the growing solar energy sector. Tis is of great
importance to the Reunion, where unemployment
is at a much higher level (around 30%) than in the
rest of Europe.
Under the Prerure plan for renewable ener-
gies and rational energy use, whose goal is to
make Reunion energy self sufcient by 2025,
many other measures have created new sources
of employment. Tese include the distribution of
individual solar water heaters (10 000 each year)
and wind farms with a capacity to generate more
than 40 mw of electricity.
It is expected that thousands of jobs can be
created in the next 15 years if Reunion succeeds
in placing itself frmly in the emerging global
energy market.
a subsidiary of the Schilienne-Sidec group
has installed the solar panels in such a way as to
increase the insulation of buildings, reducing the
need for air-conditioning and energy consump-
tion in general.
Climate change means cyclones on the island
are more frequent in number and severe in scale.
In response to this, the sce contracted a frm
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 178 13/04/10 17:26
Energy Investing in our regions 179
Photovoltaic power plant energising Reunion Island
rEU funding
623 700
was allocated from the ERDF
to the photovoltaic power
plant from January 2007 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 179 13/04/10 17:26
180 Investing in our regions Energy
he island ofers researchers and visitors the
advantage of ready access to facilities such as
windmills, straw-based heating systems and
thermal solar panel systems, as well as to the peo-
ple who initiated them. By assisting researchers
and educating visitors to the island, the Academy
is contributing to a clean future by providing real
models of success as well as inspiration for future
Sowing the seeds for green growth
Te academy, close to the picturesque harbour
village and tourist magnet Ballen, was set up fol-
lowing the Danish Energy Agencys successful
10-year project to establish a renewable energy
island. Te Academy has since gained practical
experience through local energy projects includ-
ing on wind turbines, CO2-neutral district heating
plants, rapeseed oil tractors and solar energy pan-
els. Today the island produces 70% of its heating
demand and 100% of its electricity demand using
renewable energy.
Danish island energises the environment
The renewable island of Sams in Denmark is now being showcased at the Sams Energy Academy, which was built with
support from EU funding. The Academy has become the focal point for all information on sustainable energy, providing research
facilities, a conference centre and the Sams Energy Ofce which offers advisory services for commercial and private customers.
The Academys solar cells produce approximately 8 000 kWh/year, equivalent to a 4-tonne reduction in CO
Our invcstmcnt in thc wood
pcllct furnacc was an cconomic
dccision. Tc savings comparcd
with thc cost of hcating with
fucl oil wcrc substantial.
Sams, Midtjylland, Denmark
Education hub
Te academys conference centre hosts companies,
scientists and politicians who regularly discuss
renewable energy, energy savings and new tech-
nologies. Several energy bodies are based at the
academy, providing energy advisory services for
commercial and private customers, guided energy
tours, talks, lectures, workshops and seminars,
and promoting energy tourism for professionals.
During the summer, tourists and other inter-
ested visitors can see the work of the academy.
Te experimentarium is used for school feldtrips,
providing a place for students to learn more about
renewable energy. More than 2 000 politicians,
ambassadors, ofcials, scientists, journalists, stu-
dents and interested individuals visit the energy
island annually.
More about this project can be found at:
Shining example of sustainable energy
Te Energy Academy facilities follow several
ecological building principles and guidelines,
including natural ventilation, minimal use of
drinking water and use of rainwater for toilets.
Its walls and windows are well insulated and the
building is heated by the local straw-based district
heating plant. Te windows are also positioned to
maximise passive solar energy contributions.
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Energy Investing in our regions 181
Energy Academy contributes to renewable island
rEU funding
400 000
was allocated from the ERDF
to the Sams Energy
Academy over the period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 181 13/04/10 17:26
182 Investing in our regions Energy
ompleted for the new school year in
September 2006, the Foyer scolaire au
Scheuerhof in Sanem Commune can take
in 88 youngsters during term time for short fxed
periods between seven in the morning and seven
at night. Tey are permanently accompanied by
nine trained adult monitors and can enjoy healthy
meals on site.
Purpose-designed reception
Sanem Communes latest reception facilities form
part of the national Maison Relais network,
intended for children of nursery school age up
to the sixth year of primary education. Maison
Relais are aimed at families with two working par-
ents, as well as single-parent and disadvantaged
families. Goals include ensuring children become
more independent, learn through games and
educational activities, and receive help with their
Plans were hatched for the communes new
reception facilities in late 2001 and approved at
national level in 2004. Construction started in
May 2005 and was fnished just over a year later.
eu funding covered a ffth of the total cost.
A boon to parents and the environment
Luxembourg has a wide range of reception facilities for children of pre-school and school age. A state-of-the-art building in the
southwest of the country offers rst-rate accommodation for local children outside of school hours and incorporates a host of
energy-saving and other green features.
A building that can accom-
modatc 88 childrcn, calling on
low-cncrgy construction with
rccovcry of hcat and rain and
with an ccicnt solar powcr
Sanem, Luxembourg
Kid-friendly and kind to nature
Te Scheuerhof facilities are conveniently located
just metres from nearby schools in the small
town of Soleuvre, enabling the young users to
walk quickly to and from them while temporarily
enjoying a sense of freedom of being outside their
classrooms. In this building and the cole 2000,
two cooks and their three assistants prepare meals
for other reception facilities in the commune.
Besides enabling many local families to recon-
cile their busy working lives with family life, the
Scheuerhof highlights the advantages of purpose-
built green facilities. Tese include roof-top solar
panels able to generate annual energy savings of
4 026 kWh and energy recovery of between 70%
and 80% from the controlled ventilation system.
Compared to a standard building, it also ofers co

savings of around 50% thanks to various architec-
tural features.
More about this project can be found at:
See Articles de presse
Te Scheuerhof facilities, next to a school of
the same name, include four main multifunctional
rooms that can each accommodate up to 15 chil-
dren. Tose of primary-school age stay on the frst
foor and can access surrounding lawns via a gang-
way. Te youngest children are accommodated on
the ground foor and beneft from a terrace where
they can play. Tere is also a shared playground
behind the building.
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Energy Investing in our regions 183
Learning about energy savings in a real-life environment
rEU funding
321 100
was allocated to the Foyer scolaire
au Scheuerhof project from the
Objective 2Programme for the
2000 to 2008period
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184 Investing in our regions Energy
ener has a cutting-edge technological
infrastructure, with Europes most modern
laboratories and facilities. Its Wind Turbine
Test Laboratory, located in Sangesa (Navarra), is
the largest in the world.
From regional expertise to national centre
Te Navarra region in northeast Spain is the coun-
trys leader in renewable energies deployment,
starting with wind energy in the 1990s. By 2002,
with 16%, it had already reached the eu goal for
renewable sources as a share of energy production.
Te purpose underlying the creation of a
national centre for renewable energies was to
consolidate the regions expertise nationally and
internationally. A key objective was to obtain
a high degree of self-sufciency fnancially, by
focusing on economically proftable activities
and services. It achieved its sales fgure target of
3million by 2004.
Cener began activities in 2002 under the
auspices of the Government of Navarra, the Min-
istry of Science and Innovation, and the Research
Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology
Working for sustainable energy
Spains National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER) started as an agreement between the national and regional governments.
Today it employs almost 200 skilled professionals, making it an industrial reference centre for the research, development and
promotion of renewable energies nationally and internationally.
Tanks to thc work of morc
than aoo highly skillcd profcs-
sionals, ceNeu providcs scrviccs
across vc contincnts, dcvclops
and transfcrs tcchnology, and
has bccomc an intcrnational rcf-
crcncc in thc rcncwablc cncrgy
Sarriguren, Navarra, Spain
Renewable energies leader
Te centre identifes, generates, disseminates
and transfers scientifc-technical knowledge and
value-added services to the renewable energy sec-
tor. It has its own testing facilities and advanced
laboratories, and works with companies, institu-
tions and ofcial organisations to promote the
development of renewable energies on a national
level and elsewhere in Europe, South America and
Ceners research and development projects
focus on six areas. Tey are: solar photovoltaic and
solar thermal energies, wind, biomass (biofuels),
bioclimatic architecture, and renewable energy
grid integration. Revenue from contract r&d and
services amounts to some 60% of the centres
annual budget.
Te centre has also benefted Navarra through
job creation, a better regional economic balance,
and decreased levels of co
More about this project can be found at:
(ciemat). Tese authorities, together with the
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, are its
trustees. Te total project cost was 46.44 million,
with eu co-funding of 2.8 million.
Project work included the construction in 2004
of ceners headquarters in Sarriguren, the City of
Innovation. Te centre also now has facilities and
ofces in Sangesa (Navarra), Seville and Madrid.
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Energy Investing in our regions 185
Advancing the use of solar power in Spain
rEU funding
2.8 million
was allocated to the CENER
project from the ERDF for
the period 2000 to 2006
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186 Investing in our regions Energy
ustainability and energy efciency, combined
with new and adapted technologies, will be
the main principles underlying the prototype
building. By drawing on the best of practices, tech-
niques and institutional structures, the Longlife
guidelines will also be suitable for use in other types
of buildings such as schools and hospitals.
Sifting through the best know-how
Te countries involved, Denmark, Germany, Lith-
uania, Poland and Russia (associate partner), will
share knowledge with each other about how their
respective building processes operate. Tese will
be collated and analysed so that a harmonised set
of guidelines can be produced. Tis exercise will
also ensure that diferences across the Baltic Sea
Region will be minimised as regards environmen-
tally-friendly residential constructions.
Clearer procedures for cleaner buildings
Tis initial comparative stage covers planning,
permit and tendering procedures, practices
for developing and operating housing and
Construction industry goes green
with building standards
When it comes to constructing modern residential buildings, environmental considerations are becoming one of the key features
in the design. In an effort to streamline procedures and practices, the recently launched Longlife project will conduct a comparative
review of these among the countries involved and produce guidelines to be used as a basis for constructing a prototype resource-
saving residential building.
Pro Potsdam GmbH has
cxpcrtisc in thc administration
and rcdcvclopmcnt of rcsidcn-
tial arcas. In thc Ionglifc projcct,
wc will bc sharing knowlcdgc
about practiccs and nding rcal
solutions for rcsidcntial build-
ings as rcgards cncrgy ccicncy
and sustainability.
Territorial Co-operation, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania and Poland
innovative and higher standards when it comes
to energy efciency, sustainability, resource-sav-
ing buildings and low lifecycle costs. A prototype
residential building will eventually be constructed
based on the guidelines and will be adaptable for
country-specifc needs. Te prototype will also be
certifcated as a sustainable building.
Spreading the knowledge
Te potential project benefciaries are not limited
to the residential sector. Kindergartens, hospitals
and ofces should also be able to beneft from the
technologies and practices developed. Universities,
public administrations and housing associations
from the countries involved will be responsible
for spreading the Longlife results in their respec-
tive countries. Looking further ahead, the Baltic
Sea Housing Development Association bashda
will be set up to continue the work once Longlife
is completed.
More about this project can be found at:
construction technologies. Te guidelines will
refect the best and most applicable features of the
countries processes in an efort to introduce new,
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 186 13/04/10 17:27
Energy Investing in our regions 187
Experts look into how to develop construction practices that respect the environment
rEU funding
1.9 million
is being allocated from the ERDF
to the Longlife project over the
January 2009 to January 2012
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 187 13/04/10 17:27
outermost regions
188 Investing in our regions Transport
Catania, Sicilia, Italy: New lease of life for scenic railway line
Dublin, Southern and Eastern Region, Ireland: Travelling light and
speedily across the Fair City
Gioia Tauro, Calabria, Italy: Bustling port generates jobs in Calabria
Igoumenitsa, Ipeiros, Greece: Western gateway to Greece grows
bigger and stronger
Ipeiros, Greece: Spectacular highway offers a world of opportunity
Limassol, Cyprus: Limassol bypass to beat congestion
Romania: Upgraded local rail line strategically vital for Europe
Saulkrasti, Latvia: Seaside resort benets from big bypass
Soa, Yugozapaden, Bulgaria: First-class upgrade to Bulgarias
international gateway
Tallinn, Estonia: Business booming at revamped Tallinn airport
Warsaw (Mazowieckie) and d (dzkie), Poland: Intercity link
upgrade runs to schedule
Territorial Co-operation
AT, CZ, DE, IT, PL, SI: Smooth journey between Baltic and Adriatic
BE, DE, DK, NL, SE, UK and NO: Ships set sail for greener cargo
BG, RO: New Danube bridge to speed up international trafc
and Eastern
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 188 13/04/10 17:27
Transport Investing in our regions 189
Enhancing accessibility is critical for
strengthening regional economies
and boosting competitiveness. Poor
transport networks stall economic
development by slowing down the
movement of goods and people.
Massive EU investment in trans-
port over several decades has been
helping to reduce the inequalities
in infrastructure provision which
exist between countries and regions
in Europe. Landmark bridges,
upgraded port facilities, improved
railway connections, new motor-
ways, modernised airports, better
public transport facilities all tell a
very visible story of how European
investment is transforming the way
in which we move around.

Between 2007 and 2013, almost
82 billion of regional funds (23.8%
of the total) will be spent on trans-
port, with the most part concentrated
on those least prosperous regions
which need it most. The aim of the
investment is to promote sustain-
able mobility for people and goods,
ensuring efciency, safety and mini-
mising the negative effects on the
environment. New challenges have
also emerged in recent years. Climate
change, energy policy, air quality leg-
islation and tackling congestion are
just some examples. The objective is
to enhance mobility while at the same
time reduce and prevent congestion,
accidents and pollution. With a total
of almost 41 billion available for
road infrastructure and 23.6 billion
for rail, EU investment will strike a
balance between road, rail, and other
sustainable transport modes.
Some 38 billion will be spent on
designated priority transport routes
i.e. the trans-European networks
(TEN-T). These are projects which
aim to coordinate improvements
to key roads, railways, airports,
seaports and inland waterways to
provide long-distance, high-speed
routes across Europe. Support is also
available for promoting clean urban
transport (8.1 billion), renova-
tion of ports and inland waterways
(4.1 billion), developing multimodal
transport and intelligent transport
systems (3.3billion) and for upgrad-
ing airports (1.9 billion).
Large-scale projects such as the
new passenger terminal in Tallinn
airport in Estonia, a major upgrade on
the key Bucharest to Braov railway
line in Romania, and the multi-mil-
lion euro upgrade of the Limassol
bypass enabling congestion-free
travel for trafc from Nicosia and
Paphos in Cyprus are just but a few
examples showing how EU regional
development funds are transform-
ing key transport hubs and helping to
move people and goods around more
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190 Investing in our regions Transport
o ease congestion in the city of Catania
where car ownership is among the highest in
Italy a new project is underway to expand
the current metropolitan railway line, ofering a
viable alternative to car travel. Intensive volumes
of trafc will be covered by this new system
15000 passengers per hour compared to 2 000 by
bus and 18 by tram.
Smarter, cleaner travel
Huge trafc jams bring Catania to a standstill daily.
Over the past 35 years, one quarter of the popu-
lation has moved out into the suburbs. Te result
is congestion and environmental degradation. To
turn this around, four stretches of underground
railway line are being added to the existing Fer-
rovia Circumetnea line bringing total length from
3.8 km to 12.8 km.
Te frst two stretches (Galatea-Giovanni
XXIII and Giovanni XXIII-Stesicoro), currently
both in the construction phase, will increase the
extension of the current line in the urban centre
of Catania. Te remaining two (Borgo-Nesima
and Nesima-Misterbianco Centro) will link Cata-
nias city centre to the north west suburbs of the
city and to the urban centre of the neighbouring
New lease of life for scenic railway line
The Circumetnea railway line snakes its way around the majestic Mount Etna in Sicily, giving visitors the chance to discover one
of Europes largest active volcanoes. The line, built at the end of the 19
century, heads west from Catania to loop around Etna,
arriving in the seaside town of Riposto, roughly 30 km north of Catania. While the line is undoubtedly picturesque, it is unable
to meet the demands of a growing city.
Sicily is a paradigm cxamplc
of poor usc of transport systcms:
rcgional mobility is largcly bascd
on automotivc scrviccs grantcd
to road transport rathcr than
rcgional rail transport, which
is practically non-cxistcnt. Tc
signicant cxtcnsion to thc undcr-
ground railway linc in Catania can
bc sccn as thc rst building block
in a ncw policy for sustainablc
mobility in Catania and through-
out thc mctropolitan arca.
Catania, Sicilia, Italy
municipality of Misterbianco and its industrial
and business zone.
Tese new lines, like those already built, will
be double-track, standard gauge underground
railway lines. Overall, the project will result in an
operational underground metropolitan railway
line in the city of Catania, consisting of 10.8 km of
double track line and 2 km of overground single-
track line.
Expected benets
Te benefts of the extended line will be felt by
some 508 850 residents for whom noise will be
reduced, trafc will become more fuid and the air
cleaner. Te new development is also expected to
reduce road accidents.
Economically, the region will stand to beneft
with the line expansion giving easier access to local
companies for both staf and potential customers.
Te new underground stations are also expected
to ofer the opportunity for urban regeneration
and development, with urban densifcation mea-
sures halting the process of suburban sprawl.
More about this project can be found at:
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Transport Investing in our regions 191
Rail construction under way to create a viable alternative to car travel
rEU funding
114.59 million
has been allocated to the
Circumetnea modernisation
project from the ERDF for the
period 2007 to 2013
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192 Investing in our regions Transport
ommuters and visitors to Irelands capital
city today enjoy fast and comfortable rides
aboard modern vehicles on the two lines
that together total 25 km in length. Major exten-
sions to the system are now underway.
Two new tram lines
Dublins frst tram system began service in the
1870s and was once considered among the worlds
best. However, increasing competition from more
fexible buses and lack of investment eventually
led to the end of the service in July 1949.
In the late 20
century, as light-rail transport
became more popular because of its speed and ef-
ciency, Dublin decided the time was right for a new
network. After years of planning and construc-
tion, the city opened two surface light-rail lines in
2004. Operated under contract with the Railway
Procurement Agency (rpa) by Veolia Transport
Ireland, the citys light rail system is called Luas,
meaning speed in Gaelic.
Te Red line runs from Tallaght in the south-
western suburbs to the mainline railway station
at Connolly, north of the River Lifey. One third
of its construction was co-fnanced with an erdf
contribution under the Economic and Social
Travelling light and speedily across the Fair City
Ten years in the planning, Dublins light rail transit system has been a huge success since opening for business in June 2004.
It achieved operational breakeven in its rst full year of service and carried more than 27 million passengers in 2008.
Not only has Iuas dclivcrcd
in tcrms of a vcry mcaningful
contribution to public transport
capacity, but in itsclf it is a vcry
signicant addition to thc public
pcrccption of thc city.
Dublin, Southern and Eastern Region, Ireland
many new major transport projects in Europe.
Yet thanks to high passenger numbers, a modest
operational subsidy was only needed for the frst
few months of operation and the service is now
proftable. Te two lines have proved very popu-
lar with Dubliners and passenger numbers grew
by 23% in the frst three years of operation, at one
point reaching 28.4 million.
Te systems success is refected in plans for
further investment in light-rail infrastructure in
Dublin. Under Transport 21, the Irish Govern-
ments 10-year plan for investment in transport
infrastructure, the rpa is developing seven new
Luas lines and two metro lines.
Under this new investment programme, the
Red Line is being extended at both ends, adding a
total 5.5 km of additional route. Trams on this line
have also been lengthened to accommodate pas-
senger demand.
More about this project can be found at:
Infrastructure Operational Programme. Te
Green line follows a route from the business/
industrial estate at Sandyford in the southern sub-
urbs to St. Stephens Green in the city centre.
Platform for infrastructure extension
It was anticipated that Luas would require an oper-
ational subsidy in the early years, in common with
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Transport Investing in our regions 193
Passengers have been making the most of the sleek, new rail system
rEU funding
82.5 million
was allocated to the Light Rail
Transit system in Dublin Luas
Line A project from the
ERDF for the 2000 to
2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 193 13/04/10 17:27
194 Investing in our regions Transport
or the inhabitants of Calabria, the impor-
tance and potential of Gioia Tauro port
cannot be underestimated, notably in terms
of employment and economic opportunities. It is
the busiest and largest container terminal in Italy
and the Mediterranean, and the seventh biggest
container port in Europe. In 2007 alone, some
3000 vessels passed through the port.
Channelling efforts towards secure employment
To cope with challenges such as logistics, staf
and container movements, a major redevelop-
ment project was implemented. It resulted in
1500 jobs being created 750 direct, 450 indirect,
the remaining 300 in port operations and pub-
lic services. Te projects success is also refected
in its container activities (measured in teus or
twenty-foot equivalents). By September 1997, it
was already handling 1 000 000 teus (original tar-
get date was 2001) and had links to more than 35
Mediterranean ports.
Digging deep to build solid foundations
Under the National Operational Programme for
Transport (20002006), the Port Authority pro-
moted works to improve the ports infrastructure
Bustling port generates jobs in Calabria
With growing numbers of ships passing through the Mediterranean, Gioia Tauro port at the southern tip of Italy found itself in
need of major structural developments. Over a 12-year period (19942006), targeted investments using EU funds soon produced
the desired outcome, namely secure employment and a highly efcient port system.
Tc port projcct, thanks to
thc sca bcd dccpcning carricd
out, has cnablcd McdCcntcr
Containcr Tcrminal to allow
ships with a biggcr draught
into thc port and to sct up ncw
crancs purchascd in China on
thc rcvampcd quays. mci can
thcrcforc incrcasc its trans-
occanic frcight trac.
Gioia Tauro, Calabria, Italy
container and car transhipments, and a multi-
modal logistical infrastructure. Te Programme
included defning a strategic framework to maxi-
mize the impact of the transformations and
increase the commercial and economic activities
in a region characterised in the recent past by poor
socio-economic indicators.
Eyes on future horizons
Tere are real prospects for new business with
ports worldwide as well as potential stemming
from other European projects such as motorways
of the sea and plans to build a Berlin-Palermo rail
link. By promoting logistics and intermodalities,
the current Networks and Mobility Programme
2007-2013 will boost the ports competitive posi-
tion, enabling it to play a leading role in promoting
interconnections among neighbouring European
More about this project can be found at:
and strengthen its commercial transhipment
features and leadership throughout the Mediter-
ranean basin. Te work included deepwater docks
for large ships, a widened channel, platforms for
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Transport Investing in our regions 195
One of many cargo ships now using the upgraded Gioia Tauro port
rEU funding
36.1 million
(including 5.9 million for the Interport) was
allocated from the ERDF to Gioia Tauro port
over the period 1994 to 2006. A further
40million has been allocated from
the ERDF for the period 2007
to 2013
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 195 13/04/10 17:28
196 Investing in our regions Transport
ne of the 12 major Greek ports, Igoumen-
itsa plays an increasingly important role in
connecting southeast Europe. It is also the
beginning of the Egnatia Odos Motorway, which
connects Greece to Turkey.
Expanded port and facilities
Over the last decade, Greece has been modernising
its ports with a view to enhancing their competi-
tiveness and guaranteeing frst-class port services.
Te challenge is to keep pace with the current and
future market demands of national and Mediter-
ranean transport.
The development of Igoumenitsa port is
ambitious and scheduled over three phases. The
first of these, Phase A, was completed in 2006
and was implemented with the oversight of
the Greek Ministry of Environment and Public
Works. It is managed by the Port Authority of
Igoumenitsa (olig s.a.). Slightly more than half
of Phase A funding came from the eus Cohesion
Te main work included construction of a new
port some 300 metres away from the old one, with
piers 160 metres long. Several new buildings were
Western gateway to Greece grows bigger and stronger
Once just a small Ionian port, Igoumenitsa in northwest Greece is developing into a major hub for ferries to Italy (Venice, Ancona,
Bari, Brindisi) and the Ionian Islands. Under a three-phase project lasting over a decade, it is being transformed into a port that
both rivals Patras further south while taking some of the pressure off it.
Tc ncw port of Igoumcnitsa
has vastly improvcd thc faci litics
for passcngcr and frcight trans-
port to and from Italy, bcncting
thc local rcgion, Grcccc and
intcrnational travcllcrs.
Igoumenitsa, Ipeiros, Greece
other key facilities for passengers and freight
are under construction. Tis phase also involves
widening and deepening the Igoumenitsa sailing
route, and protecting the ports entrance.
Good hinterland links
When Phase C is completed by 2013, the port will
have a new freight centre and a terminal. Tese will
further equip Igoumenitsa with the infrastructure
needed for maritime tourism transport which
more than ever require frst-rate port facilities
and services. Te work to date is paying dividends,
with passenger trafc growing by a third between
1996 and 2008 to reach 2.69 million.
Northern Greece and the Near East are also
benefting from the new Egnatia motorway. Now
completed, it stretches 670 km from Igoumenitsa
to the Turkish border. With branches to the neigh-
bouring Balkan states, it will become the main cor-
ridor for east-west trade fows.
More about this project can be found at:
erected for a passenger terminal, port control and
administration. New equipment was installed and
a start made on creating a new land zone.
Phase B is well underway and will ensure that
the port can accommodate large ferries and cruise
ships. Work involves construction of a wharf con-
necting the old ports south pier with the Phase
A piers. Te land zone behind the piers is being
reclaimed, and two new terminal stations and
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Transport Investing in our regions 197
Igoumenitsa port overhauled and playing a vital role in transport links
rEU funding
33.01 million
was allocated to the Igoumenitsa port
phase A project from the Cohesion Fund
for the 2000 to 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 197 13/04/10 17:28
198 Investing in our regions Transport
he Epirus region is one of the most moun-
tainous, sparsely populated and least
accessible regions in Greece, making human
and trade fows within the country and with the
rest of Europe particularly challenging. With eco-
nomic benefts expected as a direct result of the
project, notably through large-scale investments,
the project looks set to have a major impact on the
livelihoods of local citizens and visitors passing
through the region.
The challenge
Te main Egnatia Odos Highway has been con-
structed as a dual carriageway, separated by a
central reserve, with two trafc lanes and a hard
shoulder in each direction. Te 9-km Epirus sec-
tion completed under this project extends from
Ioannina i/c to Metsovo i/c. However, due to the
difcult terrain, it proved a major challenge to
engineers and builders.
Spectacular highway offers a world of opportunity
The Egnatia Odos Highway, a major engineering and construction project, spans almost the entire length of Greece. The result
so far is impressive: 594 km of new highway already opened up to trafc, dramatically improving access to Northern Greece and
the Balkans. One section, which runs through Epirus, proved one of the most challenging from the technical point of view, and
included the construction of bridges, access roads and tunnels.
Tc Egnatia highway is play-
ing an important rolc in local
dcvclopmcnt and thc local ccon-
omy, with signicant incrcascs
in commcrcial and tourist trac
from Northcrn Grcccc passing
through Parga.
Ipeiros, Greece
highway) at both ends of the Driskos tunnel (total
length: 5.3 km), and the completion of the T8 dual
bore tunnel (total length: 2 620 m per bore). Te
second subproject involved the construction of
the Arachthos bridge (total length: 1 036 m).
Economic and social gains
Te main highway is expected to dramatically
transform transport in northern Greece, the Bal-
kans (and even trans-Balkan road trafc to Turkey
and the Middle East) and have a major impact both
on the economy (investments in freight centres,
industry and tourism) and on society in general,
by improving access to the cities of Tessaloniki
and Ioannina which ofer better education and
medical care.
More about this project can be found at:
Despite the challenge, the following were suc-
cessfully completed: the frst subproject involved
the construction of access roads (four-lane
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Transport Investing in our regions 199
One section of the enormous 594-km highway construction in Greece
rEU funding
84.17 million
was allocated from the ERDF to the
construction of mediate sections of
Egnatia Odos between Ioannina
I/C and Metsovo I/C over the
period2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 199 13/04/10 17:28
200 Investing in our regions Transport
ithin the last 25 years, Cyprus has built a
very dense road network and has almost
no need for new roads. Tis project,
supported by the eus Cohesion Fund, gave prior-
ity therefore to the formation of road bypasses for
large urban centres and to easy access to ports and
From Nicosia to Paphos
An underpass and a roundabout were built at Agios
Athaniasos, a suburb of Limassol, to ensure the
free fow of trafc on the bypass road, direction
Nicosia-Paphos. Te works included two bridge
structures of 23.3 metres long each, a pedestrian
footbridge, four pedestrian underground walk-
ways, retaining walls and new pavements for the
slip roads.
Improvements were also brought to the Ger-
masogeia roundabout. Tese included a bridge
across the roundabout of 304 metres in length, two
bridges across the Amathos river of 75 metres in
length and 12 metres in width, two new pedestrian
Limassol bypass to beat congestion
The third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea with a population of around 800 000 is beneting from a major project to
upgrade the Limassol bypass. Improving access to the Limassol port, the bypass enables smooth continuous travel for trafc from
Nicosia and Paphos. The project is succeeding in cutting congestion around a seaport which in the year 2000 saw approximately
one million passenger arrivals and departures.
As somconc living on thc out-
skirts of Iimassol and using thc
highway to gct to work, I scc thc
positivc cccts of thc bypass
upgradc rst hand, cvcryday.
Undisturbcd through trac,
as wcll as a rcduction in scvcrc
congcstion arc somc of thc bcn-
cts. Clcancr air is anothcr.
Limassol, Cyprus
underpasses and the construction of a dual car-
riageway bypass of 2 000 metres in length.
By improving the transport system, these two
developments are supporting the countrys con-
tinued economic and social wellbeing.
Making roads safer
Cyprus is considered to have one of the strongest
economies in Europe and unsurprisingly, in the past
ten years, transport has experienced parallel growth
the number of cars alone increased by 65%. Te
Limassol bypass project accommodates this growth
and recognises the importance of safety in a country
where half the population lives in the four largest cit-
ies Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca and Paphos.
Road safety sufered year-on-year as trans-
port increased with 2004 experiencing a much
higher number of road deaths (117) compared with
2003 (97). Te Limassol bypass project develop-
ments have brought a marked reduction not just in
trafc jams but, more importantly, in fatal road traf-
fc accidents.
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Transport Investing in our regions 201
Limassol bypass set to improve transport links in Cyprus
rEU funding
25.29 million
was allocated from the EUs Cohesion
Fund to the upgrading of the Limassol
bypass for the period 2004 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 201 13/04/10 17:28
202 Investing in our regions Transport
he 48 km section was built in the 19th cen-
tury and needs extensive work to bring it up
to modern international standards. When
this is done, the line should yield an economic rate
of return of around 11-12%.
New infrastructure installed
Te Prahova Valley section between Cmpina to
Predeal is part of the railway line between Bucha-
rest and Braov. It is an important link between
two main regions of Romania (Bucharest and
Transylvania) and part of the Trans-European
Network Transport (ten-t) priority axis 22, which
links the Eastern eu countries by rail and is the
only connection from southeast Europe to the
heart of the eu.
Guided by Romanian Railways (cfr), the
project aims to upgrade the Cmpina to Predeal
section, which is around 100 km from Bucharest.
Te section is part of the three main national and
international railway lines that make the connec-
tion between the Black Sea in the south of the
Upgraded local rail line strategically vital for Europe
A key section of the Trans-European Network Transport is being rehabilitated and upgraded in Romania, on the railway line
between the town of Cmpina and the Carpathian resort of Predeal. Scheduled to end in 2010, the project will improve commercial
rail services regionally and develop combined sea-rail transport.
Complction of thc Cmpina
Prcdcal rchabilitation projcct is
csscntial for crus passcngcrs.
Tis will hclp avoid thc currcnt
dclays, incrcasc thc numbcr of
trains and thc volumcs of pas-
scngcrs transportcd, and lcad
to a good timctablc, with a com-
pctitivc commcrcial ratc and
a journcy timc of about two
country, including Bucharest, with the central
and northern parts of Romania and beyond. It
also crosses the countrys most important tourist
area. Tree-quarters of the projects total funding
comes from the eu.
Much of the infrastructure on this section of
railway line is very old, including the riveted metal
bridges and brick culverts. Moreover the electrical
installations, signalling and interlocking system
are damaged on many parts of the line due to lack
of maintenance and repair. Work is proceeding to
address these challenges, although there have been
some delays in implementation of the contract.
Faster, better travel
When this new project is completed in 2010, the
rehabilitated Cmpina Predeal section will allow
higher speed travel than today, up to 160 km/h for
passenger trains and 120 km/h for freight. Sta-
tion platforms along the section will also have
been improved according to European technical
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Transport Investing in our regions 203
Upgraded rail line connecting people, businesses and goods
Line maintenance and repairs will be reduced,
while comfort and safety should be much
improved, encouraging more people and freight to
use this rail line. Such improvements should also
promote more intermodal (sea and rail) travel on
this ten-t route.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
149.61 million
was allocated to the Cmpina Predeal
rehabilitation project from the Cohesion
Fund for the 2004 to 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 203 13/04/10 17:28
204 Investing in our regions Transport
he bypass diverts trafc around the small
coastal town of Saulkrasti. As intended, the
new road has already reduced much of the
through trafc and noise pollution that long
plagued the town. It has also cut journey times
for the expanding number of international trucks
that use the A1 road between Riga and Tallinn.
A brand new road
Located some 45 km north of Riga, the capital of
Latvia, Saulkrasti has been a popular health and
tourist resort since the 19th century and is best
known for its beautiful sandy beaches and unspoilt
natural environment. Te town has depended for
decades on the A1, the only main road serving
local, transit and international trafc.
However local residents found it increasingly
difcult and dangerous to cross this road, as both
car and truck trafc grew. From the 1990s, many
also complained of getting stuck in long queues
of heavy trucks heading to countries north and
south of Latvia.
Seaside resort benets from big bypass
A newly completed 20 km bypass to the north of Riga is Latvias biggest road-building project since the country regained its
independence in September 1991. Known as the Saulkrasti Bypass, it forms part of the Via Baltica a key 670 km road linking the
capital cities of Poland and Estonia.
Tanks to thc bypass I gain
up to half an hour pcr day whcn
driving in both dircctions. In thc
past, Saulkrasti was a rcal obsta-
clc for mc: I was litcrally forccd
to crawl at o km/h and could
not cvcn think about ovcrtak-
ing. Tc situation has improvcd
Saulkrasti, Latvia
long, the new dual carriageway forms part of the
Via Baltica. It received 36% of its funding from the
EU and the rest from Latvia.
Speedier international trafc
Besides the Saulkrasti Bypass, the project also
resulted in reconstruction of a part of the exist-
ing A1 road. Tis 14.8 km stretch now includes
15 bridges and overpasses, four railway crossings,
pedestrian and bicycle roads, lighting of complex
trafc junctions, street lighting, fences, noise-pro-
tection walls and bus stops.
Te project as a whole has increased the safety
of pedestrians and improved trafc safety in
Saulkrasti, diverting trafc around the town and
allowing vehicles to cover this part of the route
faster. Te bypass has also helped to split vehicles
into local and bypass trafc, the latter mainly
made up of huge international trucks cruising up
and down the Via Baltica.
Te Saulkrasti Bypass running from Lilaste to
Skulte was opened in September 2007, after two
years of intensive construction work divided into
three stages. Some 11 metres wide and 20.4 km
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Transport Investing in our regions 205
A section of the new 20-km bypass north of Riga
rEU funding
40.03 million
was allocated to the Saulkrasti Bypass
project from the Instrument for Structural
Policies for Pre-accession (ISPA)/
Cohesion Fund for the December
2002 to December2008 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 205 13/04/10 17:28
206 Investing in our regions Transport
ong in the planning, the airport moderni-
sation and expansion works were designed
to cater for soaring growth in Bulgarias air
trafc and to prepare the nation for accession to
the eu. Tey have also provided facilities that bring
the airport up to international safety and security
standards, as laid down by the International Civil
Aviation Organization.
New terminal
Sofa Airport was built in the 1940s some 10 km
from the city centre. Despite several extensions
over the next few decades, it struggled to cope
with growing air trafc and passenger numbers.
Planning for the new terminal began in the 1990s,
before the nation was even considered for entry to
the eu. A contract was signed in December 2003
for a major project intended to bring Sofa Airport
into the 21
Te new passenger terminal building and
related infrastructure (aircraft parking aprons,
taxiways and car parking) were 37% fnanced by
the Cohesion Fund, with the remainder fnanced
by the European Investment Bank and Bulgarian
First-class upgrade to Bulgarias international gateway
Soa Airports facilities are today the match of any in Europe, following completion in 2006 of a new passenger terminal building
and related infrastructure. A new runway was also added to expand overall capacity.
Busincss is booming at our rcn-
ovatcd airport, no doubt thanks
in grcat part to our attractivc
ncw tcrminal and othcr passcn-
gcr-fricndly facilitics complctcd
Soa, Yugozapaden, Bulgaria
Te Austrian company Strabag International
GmbH built the terminal. Te designer and super-
vising engineer was naco (Netherlands Airport
Room for expansion
Te ultramodern new Sofa Airport is one of the
frst projects approved for Cohesion Fund assis-
tance by the European Commission in October
2000. It is also the frst major project under that
fund to be completed, at the time the upgraded
facilities were opened in December 2006.
Te new passenger terminal can handle 2.6 mil-
lion passengers a year, 20 aircraft movements an
hour, and 26 000 tonnes of cargo a year. In 2008,
the airports two terminals handled over 3.2 mil-
lion passengers, one third up on the number two
years before. Further strong trafc growth is
expected as a result of Bulgarias accession to the
eu in 2007, as trade and tourism grow and bring
economic benefts to Sofa and beyond.
national funds. Te new parallel runway, not part
of the Cohesion Fund project, was co-funded by
the Kuwait Fund.
Construction work began in January 2004. Te
new runway and some taxiways were completed
in mid-2006 and Terminal 2 was formally inaugu-
rated on 27 December 2006. An extension was also
granted until 2008, for completion of landscaping
work to enhance the airport grounds.
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Transport Investing in our regions 207
Air travel passengers getting around Soa Airport more comfortably
rEU funding
45 million
was allocated to the Soa Airport
project from the Cohesion Fund
for the 2000 to 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 207 13/04/10 17:28
208 Investing in our regions Transport
he new T-shaped terminal is twice as large
as before, with 14 000 m
of operating space
added to the existing passenger terminal. Tal-
linn airport has therefore frmly established itself
as one of the main transport nodes in the Baltic
States. Te expansion means that the airport can
now cater for 2.4 million passengers a year.
Passenger numbers through the roof
Tere was no question as to the importance of
this construction project and the need to increase
airport capacity and enhance services. Previous
estimates had forecast 1.4 million passengers a
year by 2010; by 2007 there were already 1.7 mil-
lion. Te construction works were carried out by
emv as, while the engineering aspects were han-
dled by the consortium AS Telora-E and Ramboll
Finland OY. Funding for this large-scale project
came from Tallinn Airport Ltd, with co-fnancing
provided by the European Unions Cohesion Fund.
A return to hassle-free travel
Te new building features a 200m-long, 27m-wide
two-storey gallery connecting the gates. Te main
foor of the gallery handles Schengen travellers,
Business booming at revamped Tallinn airport
Due to an unexpected rise in passenger numbers, combined with Estonias need to meet Schengen area requirements, the
passenger terminal at Tallinn airport has undergone a major redevelopment. The work was completed in August 2008 with the
development comprising enhanced security facilities, nine passenger bridges, 14 free internet kiosks and free wireless internet,
and the extension and modernisation of the terminal building northbound and southbound.
Congratulations to Tallinn
Airport on your ncw and vcry
comfortablc building... I found
thc sccurity sta vcry hclpful
and fricndly. Such an attitudc
is oftcn undcrcstimatcd, but it
is highly apprcciatcd, cvcn by
cxpcricnccd passcngcrs. Tank
you for this cxpcricncc!
Tallinn, Estonia
from 18 to 27, and extra check-in machines put in
place, passengers look set to beneft from more
rapid processing. Security has also been stepped
up and now includes fve security gates.
Activities on offer for all ages
For passengers wanting to explore a little or take
time out to relax, the new building houses a vip
section as well as cafs, restaurants and shops sell-
ing clothes, cosmetics, jewellery, books, including
foreign-language fction, travel guides and period-
icals, as well as flms and music. Estonian culture
is also promoted, with local products and sou-
venirs showcased and sold in many areas. While
parents may opt for the shopping or business side
of travel, kids can enjoy a large play area which has
opened nearby. For those wanting to plan trips,
two additional travel ofces have been set up in
the public area, with an accommodation service
also available.
More about this project can be found at:
while the top foor caters for non-Schengen pas-
sengers. Travellers with mobility problems are able
to move about hassle-free by using the special lifts
provided. Two of the total nine gates now avail-
able can service large aeroplanes, including Boeing
747s. With the number of check-in desks increasing
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 208 13/04/10 17:28
Transport Investing in our regions 209
Birds-eye view of the revamped passenger terminal at Tallinn airport
rEU funding
24 million
was allocated from the Cohesion Fund
to the Development of the passenger
terminal of Tallinn airport over
the period October 2006 to
August 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 209 13/04/10 17:28
210 Investing in our regions Transport
he work includes track replacement, infra-
structure improvements and environmental
protection measures. A new high-speed route,
from Warsaw to Wroclaw, will soon be built to
complement this line.
Two stages
Te national rail network covers some 23 500 km,
mostly managed by Polish State Railways (pkp sa).
Under the 2004 to 2006 National Development
Plan, Poland has been modernising its intercity
lines and those which are part of key European
rail routes.
Like many intercity lines across the nation, the
one between Polands capital, Warsaw, and its sec-
ond-biggest city, d, urgently needed upgrading.
With European co-funding that covers 75% of the
total eligible cost, a project was started to improve
this line and its infrastructure. Te main goals
were to boost train speeds and curb the negative
impact on the local environment.
Design and construction work is divided into
two stages, lasting a total of six years. Now com-
pleted, the frst stage covers a 62.8-km section
from Skierniewice to d Widzew. Te slightly
Intercity link upgrade runs to schedule
Poland is engaged in a nationwide effort to improve rail transport. One major project is modernisation of the 132-km rail line
between Warsaw and d, the countrys two largest cities. When completed by 2013, it will speed up journey times, increase
passenger safety, and reduce rail transports impact on the environment.
Dcspitc somc limitcd disrup-
tions rcccntly on thc Warsaw
d railway linc, I bclicvc
that thc modcrnisation proccss
will ultimatcly bc vcry bcnc-
cial for this linc and thc rcgion
in gcncral.
Warsaw (Mazowieckie) and d (dzkie), Poland
Environmental protection structures were
installed over more than nine kilometres. Tese
include jointless rails and a layer of stone ballast
to reduce train noise. Other new facilities both at
stations and along the line help to prevent pollu-
tion of underground water and protected zones.
Engineers have also created passages and bridges
for animals to cross the line safely.
While the modernisation process has caused
some disruption to normal rail service, a recent
passenger survey showed that almost 70% view
this process as good or very good. Once the entire
132-km line has been modernised, trains will run
much faster than they do today, at up to 160 km/hr.
Travel times from Warsaw to d have been
reduced from an average of 55 minutes to an
average of 36 minutes. As a result, passenger sat-
isfaction has increased and the attractiveness and
competitiveness of the dzkie and Mazowieckie
regions has been enhanced. It may also help to
shift some regional road transport to rail.
More about this project can be found at:
longer stage two, from Skierniewice to Warsaw,
will see the construction of over 69 km of track
and is expected to end in 2013.
Faster, quieter and greener
With stage one completed, the Warsawd line
has two new tunnels for pedestrians. Four bridges,
six viaducts and 37 railway level crossings have
also been modernised.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 210 13/04/10 17:28
Transport Investing in our regions 211
Train carrying passengers on faster, revamped rail lines
rEU funding
was allocated to the modernisation of
the Warsawd railway line, stage
I project from the ERDF for the
2004 to 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 211 13/04/10 17:28
212 Investing in our regions Transport
oNorA is closely linked to the policies and
objectives of the Trans-European Networks
(ten). Te concept is to provide transpor-
tation, energy and telecommunication networks
that link regions and markets and help spur eco-
nomic growth and employment. Te project looks
to remove obstacles when it comes to putting
infrastructure in place and setting up and provid-
ing services along itineraries.
The birth of SoNorA
Te SoNorA idea which is now implemented
through the central europe Programme
merges the initiatives of the AB Landbridge
project (fnanced by Interreg III B cadses) and
the recent German initiative scandria (Berlin
Declaration 30/11/2007). Te project is structured
around six work packages, each focused on spe-
cifc areas: project management and coordination;
knowledge management and dissemination;
transport network fow optimisation; removal of
obstacles for infrastructure realisation; activating
Smooth journey between Baltic and Adriatic waters
The SoNorA project focuses on the development of multimodal transport infrastructure and services in Central Europe, providing
better connections between the Baltic and Adriatic seas. The approach is unique in that it brings together several South-North
network connections under one project. The benets to be gained by the six countries involved include improved inland waterways,
guidelines on strategic planning, impact assessments on development, and use of state-of-the-art systems.
As lcad partncr of thc SoNorA
projcct, thc Vcncto Rcgion
(Italy) is showing its commit-
mcnt to building a conncction
bctwccn thc Adriatic and Baltic
scas covcring Ccntral Europc
and providing a facility for traf-
c, goods and pcoplc with a
dircct and positivc impact on
strcngthcning logistics and
intcrmodality in thc rcgion.
Territorial Co-operation, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland and Slovenia
services along South-North itineraries; and the
transnational co-operation platform.
Meet the project team
For such a large-scale project, well structured and
harmonised organisation is needed for success-
ful completion. Management includes a steering
committee made up of legal representatives for
each partner body. Te committee meets to make
high level management decisions. Te technical
management board, composed of the lead partner,
the technical manager and work package leaders,
monitors project progress and synergies between
activities. Te project partners include 34 public
or private associated institutions involved on
a voluntary basis as well as a scientifc advisory
board, providing work package leaders with sci-
entifc input on work plan methodology when
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 212 13/04/10 17:28
Transport Investing in our regions 213
Bringing the ports of the Baltic Sea closer to the Adriatic
Barriers removed, links opened up
With the tools, guidelines, case studies, outputs,
new synergies and investment studies, SoNorA
will improve access to European seaports for
landlocked countries, facilitate intermodality for
roads, railways and waterways, establish strategic
co-operation between and within trans-European
corridors (e.g. ten-t recommendations), and
set up a transnational network to beneft from
the synergies and shared objectives of regional
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
5.5 million
is being allocated from the
ERDF to SoNorA over the
period November 2008 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 213 13/04/10 17:28
214 Investing in our regions Transport
hrough region-to-region co-operation
between private and public sectors, the project
is efectively transforming the Northern Mar-
itime Corridor into a motorway of the sea. Such
is its success that the network has been extended
to cover the Barents region, improving services
between the European continent and nw Russia
and providing an alternative to St. Petersburg.
Shifting freight off Europes roads
Te Northern Maritime Corridor created and
fostered a networking arena between key busi-
nesses and governments. Te various strands of
this co-operation included the promotion and cre-
ation of short sea shipping initiatives (around 15
altogether), the improvement of maritime safety
through risk management strategies and the
strengthening of links between Europe and Russia.
Short sea shipping is a highly efcient mode
of transport in terms of environmental perfor-
mance and energy efciency. It has great potential
to solve road congestion problems. A freight ship
crossing from the Norwegian port of Bergen to
Ships set sail for greener cargo transportation
Shifting cargo from road to sea to reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions and pollution is at the heart of the Northern
Maritime Corridor (NMC) project. This transnational project which covers 20 regions bordering the North Sea and Europes
northern periphery has led to improved short sea shipping services and greater accessibility to the regions concerned.
Wc cxpcct that thc northcrn
part of Norway and thc north-
wcstcrn part of Russia will bc
altcrnativc arcas for ncw rout-
ing systcms and wc arc working
alrcady on that.
Territorial Co-operation, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway
safety in the region, identifying gaps and devel-
oping joint approaches to overcome them, and
making recommendations for risk management
Closer co-operation
Co-operation between the shipping companies,
forwarders and ports of mainland Europe and the
United Kingdom, and northern Norway and the
north of Russia are creating a mutually benefcial
situation in which sea transportation is becom-
ing much more frequent. European shipping
companies calling at Murmansk are already being
monitored to build on their experience of taking
cargo in and out of the north of Russia.
In terms of innovation, the nmc project devel-
oped principle models as well as concrete ict tools
for the intermodal transport industry. In particu-
lar nmc brought in the use of radio-frequency
identifcation for tracking cargo. Te innovative
character of the project was also pursued in other
ways. Te project was carried out as parallel proj-
ects in the North Sea and the Northern Periphery
the Netherlands can take as many as 250 truck
trailers of the roads.
A number of standing committees were set up
between Norway and Russia following on from the
nmc conference in Kirkenes to improve maritime
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 214 13/04/10 17:28
Transport Investing in our regions 215
Travelling by sea a greener way to shift freight in Northern Europe
Interreg programmes and the project included
partners in more than 20 regions in nine countries,
including Russia. Many regions set up maritime
clusters with as many as 10-20 partners.
Te nmc project had an important impact on
the expansion of maritime services in the North
Sea regions. Te most signifcant achievement was
the European Commissions approval to extend
the motorways of the sea layout towards the
Barents region.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
Spread over two project periods, the
Northern Maritime Corridor received
2.64 million
from the ERDF from March 2002 to
June 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 215 13/04/10 17:29
216 Investing in our regions Transport
he bridge will facilitate increased long-
distance trafc and trade between
southeastern Europe and Turkey and central
Europe. Planners also expect investment in the
project to stimulate the local economy and gener-
ate employment.
Replacement for ferries
Regular ferries cross the Danube between Vidin in
Bulgaria and Calafat in Romania. But this service
is unable to cope with the transportation needs
between Bulgaria and Romania, and countries fur-
ther afeld. In June 2000, the two nations agreed
to build a new bridge across this part of the river.
One main objective is to restore a cross-border
rail connection between Bulgaria and Romania.
Te new bridge, only the second one on the shared
section of the Danube between the two countries,
will also ensure better integration of the Bulgar-
ian road and rail networks with pan-European
transport networks linking Germany with both
Greece and Turkey.
Te projects total cost estimated to 226 million,
with an eu contribution of 70 million. Construc-
tion work started in February 2007 and will end
in 2011, delivering a bridge with two lanes in each
New Danube bridge to speed up international trafc
A new bridge spanning the Danube River along the 430-km border between Bulgaria and Romania is due to open in 2011. Carrying
road and rail trafc between Vidin and Calafat, it will provide a vital link on a key priority route of the Trans-European Transport
Network (TEN-T).
Tc bridgc crcatcs favour-
ablc conditions for promoting
combincd transport by applying
cnvironmcnt-fricndly rivcr-road-
rail logistical solutions.
Territorial Co-operation, Bulgaria and Romania
An existing short stretch of rail track is being
rehabilitated, and more than 9 km of new rail line
is being built and electrifed, in coordination with
the national railways infrastructure companies.
Various switching and shunting tracks are being
added, alongside construction of a new border
freight station.
Te new bridge will have a total length of up to
1 440 metres in the case of the combined road-rail
section, plus 1 040 metres for the approach railway
bridge. A good example of bilateral co-operation
between Bulgaria and Romania, it should remove
a major bottleneck for international long-distance
transport to Romania and Central Europe.
More about this project can be found at:
direction for road trafc and a single railway track.
Tere will also be a walkway for pedestrians and
non-motorised trafc on one side, and an emer-
gency walkway on the other.
Beneting international trafc
Construction is already underway on the Calafat-
Vidin bridge, with the foundations, piers and frst
deck segments already complete. Te main road
structures on the Bulgarian side are essentially
completed too.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 216 13/04/10 17:29
Transport Investing in our regions 217
Scenic view across the river to the new Danube bridge
rEU funding
70 million
was allocated to the VidinCalafat
cross-border bridge from the
ISPA/Cohesion Fund for the
2000 to 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 217 13/04/10 17:29
outermost regions
218 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
Barcelona, Catalua, Spain: Curtains up on new Barcelona exhibition
Bari, Puglia, Italy: Urban regeneration brings hope to Italian town
Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium: Contemporary art nds a special home
in Brussels
Campania, Italy: New face of rail travel in Campania
Ciulenai, Moletai, Lithuania: A truly cosmic experience
Le Creusot, Bourgogne, France: Speedy 3D prototyping and
Csurg, Nagyatd, Barcs, Sellye and Sikls, Hungary: Eco-tourism
ows into the Drva River basin
Etel-Suomi, Finland: Restoring the calm after the storm
Fyn Island, Syddanmark, Denmark: New lease of life for island castle
Gelderland, Netherlands: Dutch province curbs growing urban noise
Kalopanayiotis, Cyprus: Mountains come alive in Nicosia, Cyprus
Liscannor, Southern and Eastern Region, Ireland: Natural wonder
comes to life on Irish coast
London, England, United Kingdom: Empowering disadvantaged women
through work
Orchomenos, Sterea Ellada, Greece: Disused industrial park
undergoes major restoration
Psek, Jihozpad, Czech Republic: Historical river area renewed and
Podravje, Slovenia: Revamped stadium lights up Maribor skyline
Porto, Norte, Portugal: Metro do Porto enhances citizens mobility
Praha, Stedn echy, Czech Republic: Plan rescues ravaged castle
Siggiewi, Malta: A rock-solid attraction
Valle dAosta/Valle dAoste, Italy: Alpine sentinel stands tall again
Territorial Co-operation
LT, LV: A breath of fresh air for Baltic arts and crafts
SE, UK and NO: Revealing the local magic
ES, PT: Bridge unites communities on the Iberian Peninsula
Stedn echy
and Eastern
Sterea Ellada
Bruxelles /
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 218 13/04/10 17:29
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 219
Responding to specic geographi-
cal challenges and opportunities is
at the heart of the EUs ambition for
its regional development policies.
This means ensuring that the needs
of both urban and rural areas are
addressed. Cities and their immedi-
ate surroundings are home to more
than 70% of the EUs population, as
well as most of its universities, jobs,
and highly-skilled employees, making
them the motors for growth and jobs.
However, despite this potential, cities
can also be trouble hotspots suffering
from higher crime, unemployment,
inequalities and social problems than
their rural counterparts. Developing
economically competitive, socially
cohesive and sustainable cities
remains a challenge. Rural areas also
play a vital role in preserving the Euro-
pean way of life. They represent a rich
part of our European inheritance, with
rural businesses making a valuable
contribution to the economy.

Regional funds invest in both rural
and urban areas. Some 21.1 billion of
regional funding has been earmarked
for urban development between
2007 and 2013. Of this, 9.8 billion
is targeted at urban and rural regen-
eration projects, 7 billion for clean
urban transport, 3.4 billion for the
rehabilitation of industrial sites and
contaminated land areas, and 917
million for housing.
Ensuring the sustainable develop-
ment of rural areas and protecting the
rural environment is also an important
priority. By creating new opportuni-
ties developing the tourism offer,
supporting the preservation of natu-
ral and cultural assets, improving
transport linkages between towns
and rural areas EU regional funding
plays a signicant role in improving
the overall quality of life in rural areas.
Urban regeneration projects such
as that undertaken in the historical
centre in the city of Bari in Italy is
one of many visible legacies show-
ing how European funds can act as a
catalyst to spark the transformation
of an area. This is also true of the new
state-of-the-art facilities hosting the
eco-friendly Visitor Experience Cen-
tre at the Cliffs of Moher on Irelands
west coast. Supported by EU funding,
this large-scale upgrade has vastly
improved the visitor experience, and
helped to boost visitor numbers in
a rural region heavily dependent on
tourism. These projects and others
highlighted over the next pages show
some examples of how the EU is
targeting investment and delivering
results, in both urban and rural areas.
Urban and rural
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 219 13/04/10 17:29
220 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
deally located with underground metro links
and parking space for more than 5 000 vehi-
cles, the Fira de Barcelona was conceived with
convenience of access in mind. Its functional and
efcient architecture also create a welcoming envi-
ronment for the visitor.
Iconic architectural design
Two new towers have risen up from Barcelonas
skyline as construction of the new Fira de Barce-
lona complex nears completion. Te two towers, of
Venetian inspiration framing the entrance to the
Plaa Espanya, are the work of Japanese architect,
Toyo Ito, who was selected in 2003 to design the
new complex in the citys Montjuic district.
Te driving concept behind this eu backed proj-
ect combines fuidity of movement as exhibitions
draw thousands and ease of access to information
and services for members of the general public,
organisers and exhibitors.
Te grounds of Gran Via have two access points,
eight halls, six of which have already been con-
structed and an auditorium with a capacity of
Curtains up on new Barcelona exhibition centre
A project to expand the Fira de Barcelona has given the city one of the largest exhibition centres in Europe. Designed by one of
the worlds most innovative and inuential architects, Toyo Ito, the new development is also one of the most cutting-edge as far
as design, innovative technology and services are concerned.
Tc architccturc of thc twcn-
ticth ccntury was stoic and
abstract. Tis cra was charac-
tcriscd by buildings that can bc
dcsigncd and built anywhcrc in
thc world. In thc twcnty-rst
ccntury, wc must rcthink how
wc can cxprcss a ncw way of
Barcelona, Catalua, Spain
Drawing in the crowds
Te Fira de Barcelona project has given Barcelona
368 000 m of covered exhibition space and over
5 000 parking spaces, making the complex one of
the largest in Europe.
Te administration and execution of the proj-
ect were handled by Fira 2000 in co-operation with
the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Naviga-
tion of Barcelona, the Generalitat de Catalunya
(autonomous Catalan government), the Barcelona
City Hall, the LHospitalet de Llobregat City Hall,
the Diputaci de Barcelona (Barcelona City Coun-
cil Provincial Government) and the Association of
Municipalities of the Greater Barcelona Area.
More about this project can be found at:
2 500 spectators. Te two access points one at
Plaa Europa, connecting directly to the subway
station and car park, and the other at the opposite
end near the Zona Franca passage give maxi-
mum comfort.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 220 13/04/10 17:29
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 221
Sleek new exhibition centre in Barcelona now open
rEU funding
The Fira de Barcelona project received
84.35 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 221 13/04/10 17:29
222 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
y developing new economic activities, pro-
viding customised training for certain
social groups, improving social services
and regenerating public places, the programme
has had an impact not only on the town itself but
also on the whole region creating a blueprint for
New life to run-down areas
Te urban Community Initiative typically
addresses problems of isolation, poverty and
exclusion through a package of projects that com-
bine the rehabilitation of obsolete infrastructure
with economic and labour market actions. Tese
are complemented by measures to combat social
exclusion problems in run-down neighbour-
hoods, and measures to upgrade the quality of the
Te Bari project itself aimed to support new
economic activities through the development of
a craftwork sector, a new tourist sector and the
provision of new accommodation for university
students. Tese economic activities helped create
Urban regeneration brings hope to Italian town
Bari is a large town with a population of about 320 000, situated in the Puglia region on the southeast Adriatic coast of Italy.
The Bari programme, part of what is known as the URBAN Community Initiative set up to target neighbourhoods in extreme
deprivation, was recently able to breathe life back into the oldest and one of the most run-down parts of Bari, the port area of the
Bari Vecchia, home to around 8 000 people.
My cxpcricncc with thc
uuunN projcct has bccn fully
positivc: thc nancing availablc
thanks to thc projcct gavc mc
thc chancc to opcn an individual
cntcrprisc which brings out my
abilitics aftcr ycars and ycars of
work cxpcricncc in othcr rms.
Bari, Puglia, Italy
buildings housing social services were renovated:
one in Largo Annunziata and the Biblioteca della
mendicit. Crime prevention and public safety
have been improved by the upgrading of street
lighting, as well as the addition of three new
24-hour centres run by volunteers.
More than a place of transit
Until very recently Bari was little more than a
transit hub for visitors, a place to pass through
en route to somewhere else. Te renovation of
the local surroundings, however, is being used as
a way of encouraging more people, not only from
Bari itself, but tourists from further afeld, to visit
the previously run down Bari Vecchia area.
new employment opportunities for local people
in support of other actions included in the urban
Te Bariurban programme also led to
improvements in public services. Two public
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 222 13/04/10 17:29
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 223
Locals out enjoying the revamped port area of Bari
Public places and areas of architectural interest
have been given a well-needed facelift. A case in
point is the Palazzo del Sedile, a private histori-
cal building that once hosted the city hall, whose
Clock Tower has been completely refurbished. In
addition to this, Fortino SantAntonio, a Mid-
dle Age fortifed building, has been completely
renewed and transformed into one of the most
signifcant structures dedicated to cultural and
leisure events. Together these activities under the
Bariurban project have all gone towards turning
around a once severely deprived and run-down
rEU funding
The Bari-Urban project was allocated
8.19 million
from the ERDF for the period 1994
to 1999
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 223 13/04/10 17:29
224 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he Wiels Contemporary Arts Centre provides
a unique setting for contemporary art enthu-
siasts. It is designed as an institution rather
than a traditional fne arts museum or gallery.
Every year sees a series of exhibitions of local and
international artists, providing an opportunity for
artists and visitors to share their passion for art.
Te resident artist programme and educational
facilities give both budding and more established
artists a place to develop their skills and display
their work.
Nurturing art talent
Te centre is set up as a non-proft organisation.
Whilst focused mainly on the visual arts, it also
welcomes other disciplines. It covers the entire
spectrum of art, including presentation, produc-
tion and education, all in one location. Several
large exhibitions take place every year to illustrate
evolutions in contemporary art. Te focus is on
informing, analysing and exchanging, with the
overarching goal being to contribute to the pro-
motion and understanding of contemporary art.
Contemporary art nds a special home in Brussels
Brussels now offers a place where people can meet and experience the diversity of contemporary art. The project Wiels Centre
for Contemporary Art focused on supporting the operational aspects of the centre as well as renovation work which saw a former
brewery transformed into an exhibition centre complete with reception area, bookshop and cafeteria. Three original vats were
also restored under the project, lending a unique atmosphere to the centre.
As a ncighbour of Wicls, Im
rcally happy that thc Wiclcmans
intcrscction has bccn rcnovatcd
and that morc and morc pcoplc
arc visiting our communc. Im
cspccially dclightcd to scc young
pcoplc gctting involvcd in thc
activitics at thc ccntrc, which is
now a part of our livcs.
Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium
Food for foods sake
Te project also funded the caf and bookshop in
the venue. During opening hours, Wiels ofers a
relaxing, unique environment to enjoy a range of
organic food specialities from all over the world.
Te Wiels caf is more than simply somewhere to
eat it is the heart of the centre, a place for meet-
ing, discovering and exchanging.
Construction of the bookshop was carried out
in co-operation with French-based company Book-
storming. It ofers visitors a wide range of books,
postcards, gadgets, t-shirts, cds and dvds as well
as catalogues and artists publications. Te bright
premises are an ideal place where people can also
read newspapers and enjoy a cofee.
More about this project can be found at:
It hosts an international programme for resident
artists as well as education and training work-
shops, projects and seminars open to all young
people, senior citizens and school groups.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 224 13/04/10 17:29
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 225
Contemporary art attracting all generations in Brussels
rEU funding
1.1 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the project Wiels Centre for
Contemporary Art over the
period January 2005 to
May 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 225 13/04/10 17:29
226 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
ampanias rail network is undergoing a
comprehensive makeover, with more har-
monised timetables and pricing making
rail travel and connecting bus journeys that much
smoother. A total of 69 new trains and 1 250 new
buses will contribute to the integrated network.
Town planning also plays a visible role in the
project, incorporating architectural design and
bringing new symbolic values to stations.
Rail renaissance
Italy is synonymous with renowned artists and
painters Donatello, Caravaggio, Botticelli, to
name just a few. It is therefore no surprise to fnd
creativity a key feature of the rms project, with
novel, fresh and inspiring designs being used
for rail stations and their surroundings. Striking
examples of this can be seen in the stations of
S. Rosa, Dante, Municipio and Duomo (the latter
under construction).
Te before and after images of areas upgraded
show how efective funds have been, not only for
the viewing pleasure and comfort of passengers
and workers, but also for the long-term growth
and development of the region.
New face of rail travel in Campania
With some 3.5 million people living in and around Naples, frequent, hassle-free and comfortable rail travel has become a
priority for Campania. The Regional Metro System (RMS) project addresses this priority, incorporating sustainable mobility
and environmentally friendly solutions. Following investments in the integrated use of land, infrastructure and operations, the
region is now reaping the rewards, with new stations, better connections, extended lines and revamped surroundings.
Mctro Iinc is a grcat infra-
structurc born to rcsolvc thc
problcms of city mobility. With
a ring routc a) km in lcngth and
with a8 stations, thc linc con-
nccts thc citys ncrvc ccntrcs:
thc suburbs, thc rcsidcntial
arcas, thc historic ccntrc, thc
port, thc railway station, thc
administrativc ccntrc and thc
Campania, Italy
Buses and trains follow the same map
Away from the facades and foyers of the new look
stations, travellers also beneft from new trains
and buses. Te buses come in 12 diferent types,
are equipped with an integrated information sys-
tem and more environmentally friendly. Some 171
will run on methane, another 22 on electricity. Te
new timetable and network map have also been
harmonised, making it easier for passengers to
plan their journeys.
Greater travel, greener roads
Te rms has already seen 43 km of new railways
built, the Metro system of Naples some 66 km. Te
region of Campania is also now home to 59 new/
renewed stations.
Passenger numbers are up in the railway
network of Naples, with 75% growth recorded
between 2000 and 2007. Te environment also
benefts, with a 22% reduction in car emissions of
pm10 (particles measuring 10 micrometers or less)
recorded in Naples between 2000 and 2005.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 226 13/04/10 17:29
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 227
Artistic creations feature in many of the revamped metro stations in Naples
rEU funding
790 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
Campanias Regional Metro System
over the period 2000 to 2006,
with another 568 million
allocated from the ERDF for
2007 to 2013
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 227 13/04/10 17:30
228 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he public can visit a modern exhibition on
astronomy, with exhibits on its origins and
culture, before enjoying the views from an
observation deck 12 foors higher. Open 24 hours a
day, 356 days a year, the revamped site some 70km
north of Vilnius attracted 25 000 visitors in its
frst year of operation.
Architectural sophistication
In the late 1960s, poor conditions for observing
the Vilnius night sky persuaded leading astrono-
mers from the citys university to relocate to a site
in Moletai, a rural district in northern Lithuania
less afected by light pollution and dust. Te astro-
nomical observatory built there was later joined
by a public museum on ethno-cosmology a new
scientifc discipline that situates humanity and our
planet within the wider context of the universe.
When Lithuania joined the eu in 2004, manag-
ers of the Lithuanian Ethno-Cosmology Museum
came up with a proposal to modernise their tour-
ist facilities. Te project was approved, with the
eucontributing 4.3 million towards the total cost
of 6.4 million.
Local architects drew up designs in 2006 and
the reconstruction work on site began in August
A truly cosmic experience
The worlds only museum dedicated to ethno-cosmology has vastly improved facilities for visitors to the site, which includes
a rst-class observatory. Two of the three new constructions are shaped like yer saucers, creating a unique and attractive
Tc Iithuanian Ethno-Cos-
mology Muscum, thc csscncc
of which is a human bcings
and humanitys rclations with
thc cosmic world, is thc only
muscum of its typc in thc world.
It will surcly cncouragc othcr
countrics to cstablish thcir own
Ciulenai, Moletai, Lithuania
Te towers however were covered with rein-
forced concrete walls, to make them rigid enough
to support a new ellipse-shaped viewing plat-
form made of glass and steel. At the bottom of
the towers and connected to them, a three-storey
irregular truncated cone was built from cast rein-
forced concrete. Tis building now contains the
administration ofces. Another building shaped
like a fying saucer, with a tower that mirrors the
other two, was built lower down the hill to house
the museum.
Observing space and countryside
Work on the Lithuanian Museum of Ethno-Cos-
mology was completed in 2008. Besides the new
viewing platform ofering superb panoramas of
nearby lakes, the complex now has a modern and
attractive museum displaying astronomy-related
artefacts and local folk art.
Visitors can also peer through a new telescope,
one of Europes largest for public use. Te redevel-
oped museum is expected to attract around 80 000
tourists a year from around the world.
More about this project can be found at:
the following year. Te original structure exhi-
bition premises and two tall steel towers perched
atop a hill, connected by underground galleries
was left mainly unchanged.
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 229
Visitors enjoying an elevated experience at the museum
rEU funding
4.27 million
was allocated to the Ethno-
Cosmology Museum project from
the ERDF for the period 2004
to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 229 13/04/10 17:30
230 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
lateform3d specialises in everything from
scanning to 3d design, and from proto-
typing to rapid manufacturing, as well
as inspection and reverse engineering. It brings
together teaching establishments and research
laboratories physically located near one another
and which have complementary felds of expertise.
Ultramodern equipment
Te area around Le Creusot, Burgundy, has a his-
tory of industrial expertise, in mining and then
metalworking. Today it is home to world-class
steel companies and a leading educational centre
in its region, thanks to institutions such as the
University of Burgundy.
Te iut Le Creusot has four departments, all
with a focus on engineering and related disci-
plines, plus two laboratories and the Plateform3d.
Te campus site also includes a technical school
and another university department, Condorcet,
managing an Erasmus Mundus Master.
Established in 2001 and certifed by the French
authorities in 2001, Plateform3d was named pft
Speedy 3D prototyping and production
Complex shapes and parts can be designed and manufactured in record time, using sophisticated three-dimensional scanning
equipment at the Creusot Technology Platform (IUT) Plateform3D. Part of the Creusot University Institute of Technology (IUT)
in eastern France, this high-tech centre is a place for exchanges between business and national education.
Tanks to Europcs sup-
port, Ic Crcusot has cntcrcd
thc third dimcnsion.
Le Creusot, Bourgogne, France
icb laboratory dedicated to laser and materials
work. It also mobilises the resources of the Lon
Blum and Camille Claudel schools.
Made in minutes or hours
To provide an innovative service and education
in its specialist feld, Plateform3d continues to
acquire the latest equipment for making three-
dimensional measurements and rapidly
producing complex parts. Its technicians, teachers
and students call on a 3d scanner, 3d design tools,
machines to produce complex shapes, and 3d mea-
suring and inspection tools.
One of the machines to have received support
from eu funding is the robotic cell for 3d digiti-
sation. Alongside the other machines, it has been
used to produce everything from spare parts for
a rare 1950s car to the modelling of old machines,
and the reproduction and archiving of an ancient
statue for a museum.
More about this project can be found at:
(Technology Platform) in April 2008. Te goal
of Plateform3d is to encourage innovation and
research in local businesses and small businesses.
It does this by ofering them completed work,
training, and by providing research and develop-
ment services and know-how in the feld of design
and manufacture of complex objects.
In addition to the iut, the platform calls on the
know-how of several research and development
units on the Le Creusot site, among them the Le2i
laboratory specialising in artifcial vision and the
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 230 13/04/10 17:30
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 231
Some of the equipment used at Plateform3D to rapidly design shapes and parts
rEU funding
467 000
was allocated to the Creusot
University Institute of Technology
(IUT) project from the ERDF for
the period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 231 13/04/10 17:30
232 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he underlying aim of this project was to
develop an accessible, integrated eco-tour-
ism product, yet at the same time preserving
the environment and ensuring it continues to be
respected. Te project has brought the area into
the limelight, opening it up to visitors and also
locals who in some cases had previously been
isolated. Visitor centres, activities, renovated
buildings and new bridges combine to bring peo-
ple and nature closer together.
Tapping into natural assets
Te Drva River is Hungarys most untouched
river ofering enormous potential for future tour-
ism networks while at the same time protecting
existing values. Some of the projects investments
targeted the unique habitats, fora and fauna of
the region, while others saw inspiration in histori-
cal sites, folk traditions, culture and art, as well as
the more physical activities already enjoyed, such
as horse-riding and cycling.
Te ofcial ceremony marking the end of devel-
opments took place in the restored Gyimthy Villa,
Eco-tourism ows into the Drva River basin
The Hungarian section of the Drva River ows 357-km through spectacular, unspoilt natural areas. The Drva River project
saw ve regions and 20 municipalities work together to enhance eco-tourism development of the river area. The success of the
efforts can be seen in the wide range of activities on offer, including tour paths, canoe tours, lookout towers and bird parks.
Csurg, Nagyatd, Barcs, Sellye and Sikls, Hungary
Nagyharsny. Te project has established an inte-
grated and functionally new region which, while
driven by its desire to attract the attention of tour-
ists, is also aware of the mutual beneft of working
together with other regions. Some 29 settlements
in Baranya County and Somogy County are enjoy-
ing the fruits of these eforts.
An eco-treat for all tastes
Te new Rinya Bridge in Barcs, Somogy County
links the river pier and the swimming and recre-
ation area, where showers, toilets and changing
facilities are now provided for holidaymakers and
canoeists. Te new exhibition centre set up next to
the scuba diving centre in Gyknyes educates and
informs people about local features, such as fsh-
ing and the national park. Images and models at
the visitor centre in Nagyatd also give tourists an
opportunity to gain insight into the natural habi-
tat of Inner Somogy.
Tc projccts rcal bcnccia-
rics wcrc thc small villagcs, sincc
this projcct was implcmcntcd in
onc of thc most undcvclopcd
rural parts of Hungary. Tc
projcct was a pcrfcct cxamplc
of co-opcration that has to bc
furthcr dcvclopcd in thc futurc,
notably togcthcr with thc Croa-
tian partncrs from thc othcr
sidc of thc Drva Rivcr.
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 233
Buildings forming part of the eco-tourism development project
In the district of Teregy, Harkny in Baranya
County, an old building now houses a tourist cen-
tre, while traditional cottages in the town centre
showcase the folk architecture characteristic of
the region known as Ormnsg. For those wanting
to get a diferent perspective of the area, spec-
tacular views can be enjoyed from the lookout on
Mount Kopasz. Future plans include a 655-km tour
trail network and habitat trail, ensuring continu-
ous access to all fve micro-regions involved in the
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
3.3 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the Drva River project over
the period March 2006 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 233 13/04/10 17:30
234 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he project explores the seasonal quantity and
quality of urban run-of and the capacity of
the soil to reduce its pollutant concentra-
tions. To help with this, new equipment has been
purchased, including stormwater modelling soft-
ware. Te project is also working towards new,
sustainable water management solutions that can
be implemented in Finlands urban areas.
Establishing a basis for best practice
Te recently launched Stormwater project involves
the Department of Ecological and Environmental
Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki University
of Technology, and Lahti Science and Business Park
Ltd. By monitoring results of pilot sites, partici-
pants can gain knowledge about the quantity and
quality of stormwater run-of. Laboratory analyses
of lake sediment sampling and soil sampling will
also provide information on contamination risks,
particularly in industrial areas and city centres, and
contribute towards new best management practices.
Restoring the calm after the storm
With the possibility that climate change may result in a 1520% increase in annual precipitation in northern latitudes, new
solutions for managing urban oods and pollution problems are needed. The Stormwater project aims to mitigate the effects of
excessive urban surface run-off generated from roofs and paved areas during rain storms and snowmelts. Several pilot sites have
already been identied for the project, while initial lab tests conducted indicate the role of stormwater in treating pollutants.
Etel-Suomi, Finland
Knowledge lters through
By working with local industries (including plastics
and chemical manufacturers), local markets stand
to beneft with real stormwater management solu-
tions and services. Co-operation and knowledge
transfer between university and municipal part-
ners is key: practitioners present real problems to
the scientifc research work, while scientifc know-
how, notably for cold climates, helps practitioners.
Ultimately citizens beneft through better
use of green space in cities, better water quality
and lower risk of urban fooding. Measurement
stations and a bioretention test facility serve as
demonstration sites for student groups, while
short courses and local exhibitions help spread
the know-how.
Tc Finnish markct is dcvcl-
oping rapidly in thc stormwatcr
cld and wc cstimatc hugc mar-
kct potcntial hcrc through
lcgislativc rcgulations and by
scrccning global stormwatcr
solutions for thc bcnct of Finn-
ish companics.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 234 13/04/10 17:30
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 235
Plant equipment to help control urban ooding and pollution
Stormwater tackles pollutants
Te pilot sites identifed are located in industrial,
commercial and residential land. An underground
detention facility at the central park in Kouvola is
expected to be built this year, as is a new storm-
water management system at Korkeasaari Zoo,
Helsinki. Initial laboratory results suggest that
stormwater is not a signifcant source of indus-
trial-related pollutants in the environment. Tests
show that it is important to infltrate stormwater
through vegetation and the organic surface lay-
ers of the soil, as this enhances the treatment of
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
770 000
has been allocated from the ERDF to
Stormwater: in search of better
stormwater management over
the period 2008 to 2011
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236 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
ot wanting to lose any of the castles his-
toric beauty, the refurbishment work
retained the original appearance and
colours. Since the transformation, the project has
produced direct economic benefts for the region,
including new jobs and a signifcant boost to the
castles income, with additional annual turnover
of approximately 270 000 (dkk 2 million).
Back in business
Broholm Castle, built in 1642, ofers one of the old-
est manor houses in Denmark and is located on the
eastern side of Fyn Island. Te island is the third
largest in Denmark and has a population of about
450 000. Following the refurbishment eforts, the
castle has now provided the island with an added
attraction, the Broholm Conference Centre. Tis
business feature has proved a wise move for the
region, with turnover from the conference opera-
tions showing strong growth. Te project has thus
contributed to establishing a solid basis for the
future economic well-being of Broholm Castle and
the islands inhabitants.
New lease of life for island castle
Europe is renowned for its wonderful collection of castles, each offering unique charm. This is especially the case on Fyn Island
in Denmark, where one small estate, Broholm Gods, is now offering visitors a chance to experience its stunning castle and
surroundings. Changing times means that the traditional agricultural activities have became economically unsustainable. With
the support of EU funding, the castle has been transformed and refurbished, adopting a new life as an exclusive conference centre.
Fyn Island, Syddanmark, Denmark
Charming location attracts guests
Te development of the exclusive Conference Cen-
tre included restoration of the main building which
now contains stunning guestrooms and meeting
rooms. In addition to the meeting activities that
already take place, the historical surroundings of
Broholm Castle are expected to lead to further
increases in business activities through greater
numbers of guests and activities. Te results from
the project are therefore making a vital contribu-
tion to the regions competitiveness, development
and growth, notably with the creation of six new
More about this project can be found at:
Wc chosc Broholm castlc
bccausc it corrcspondcd pcr-
fcctly to thc black univcrsc of
Cafc Noir. During our stay wc
cxpcricnccd an amazing cxibil-
ity and a fccling of frccdom to
crcatc an cvcnt which matchcd
our cxpcctations and wishcs
pcrfcctly. Broholm has a uniquc
location and amazing surround-
ings, both indoors and outdoors.
It is thc pcrfcct location if you
wish to makc an cxtraordinary
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 236 13/04/10 17:30
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 237
Refurbished interior of former castle, now a conference centre
rEU funding
150 000
was allocated from the ERDF to
the project Broholm Gods over
the period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 237 13/04/10 17:30
238 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
elderland is the fourth largest province
in the Netherlands with a population of
roughly 1 975 700. Tanks to a project sup-
ported by the eu, the region is benefting from
innovative infrastructure which improves trafc
conditions. Te project shows that reducing noise
can be about more than just making silent engines
and tyres; new road surfaces can reduce overall
noise output by up to ten decibels.
Laying silent roads
A noise-reducing asphalt structure has been
applied along 45 km of Gelderlands roads, thereby
lessening the noise burden of passing trafc
on local residents. A cycling path has also been
included in this new development, encouraging
recreational use not just by cyclists but also by
fans of rollerblading.
Ten separate strips of road were covered
in neighbourhoods in Veluwe (Harderwijk,
Dutch province curbs growing urban noise levels
A Dutch province is cutting noise levels from its roads and, in doing so, reducing serious adverse effects on human health as well as
improving local residents living conditions. It is estimated that as many as one in three Europeans is affected by road trafc noise
levels above those acceptable by the World Health Organisation. Gelderland province was no exception, until recent developments
turned this around.
Gelderland, Netherlands
For a better quality of life
Many western European countries are concerned
by vehicular noise, especially in cities where 60%
of residents are said to be exposed to noise levels
exceeding 55 decibels. Tis is the point at which the
World Health Organisation considers the onset of
annoyance occurs. While people react diferently
to diferent noises, their annoyance can lead to
feelings of anxiety, helplessness and exhaustion.
Trough the use of special asphalt mixes on con-
crete surfaces, environmental conditions and
comfort can be improved, leading to guaranteed
noise reduction for up to ten years and lessening
the likelihood of annoyance caused by road trafc.

Diminishing noisc distur-
bancc for bcttcr living conditions
and a hcalthicr cnvironmcnt
this is our ncw approach.
Apeldoorn), Achterhoek (Winterswijk) and Graaf-
schap (Ruurlo, Borculo, Lochem). Te din once
produced by the heavy trafc that circulated on
secondary roads crossing two of the regions
largest natural areas has now been reduced to a
whisper much, to the relief of locals and tourists.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 238 13/04/10 17:30
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 239
Local residents living conditions have improved due to a cut in urban noise levels
rEU funding
3.59 million
was allocated to the Silent
Road Surface project for the
period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 239 13/04/10 17:30
240 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
ural and cultural tourism are now seen as
one of the answers to keeping this com-
munity alive. In the past, visitors tended
to stay in the community only long enough to
visit its famous Byzantine church, paintings and
nearby museum, before moving on to other places.
Today, the community has better improved cul-
tural and rural attractions and facilities, including
a new cultural centre, which are keeping tourists
in the area for longer, boosting business and con-
tributing to the livelihood of locals.
A shining example for rural communities
Several local private enterprises involved in rural
tourism activities are fnanced by state aid schemes,
which are also co-fnanced by the erdf. Tis sup-
port has resulted in private initiatives establishing
accommodation for tourists and opening up tav-
ernas and cafes. And, its not just Kalopanayiotis
that stands to beneft. Te revitalisation of Kalo-
panayiotis is expected to be used as an example of
Mountains come alive in Nicosia
Despite being home to UNESCO heritage monuments, the small mountainous community of Kalopanayiotis was until recently
one of many declining communities in Cyprus, due in large part to ageing and decreasing population trends. However, through the
project Revitalisation of Kalopanayiotis, which saw renovation work to cultural structures, paths and monuments, these trends
are beginning to reverse.
Kalopanayiotis, Cyprus
successful integrated programmes for revitalising
other rural communities and improving the qual-
ity of life for locals.
Off the beaten track
Te old stone paths of the traditional centre of
Kalopanayiotis are being replaced to make getting
around easier and safer for tourists and locals. Old
structures are also being preserved alongside res-
toration work of the existing faades of buildings
and traditional stone structures in an efort to
attract more visitors.
A new focal point
A key feature of the revitalisation efort was the
renovation of the Lavrentios residence and its con-
version into a cultural centre. Te aim was to provide
a place where cultural events could be held by organ-
ised groups from Kalopanayiotis village and other
neighbouring villages. Tis blend of new and old
means that all tourist tastes can be catered for.
Tc projcct will bc inucn-
tial in thc rcdcvclopmcnt and
rcjuvcnation of our Community
and will rcsult in rcvcrsing thc
abandonmcnt of thc villagc,
particularly by thc youngcr gcn-
cration, a trcnd which has bccn
taking placc ovcr thc last fcw
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 240 13/04/10 17:30
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 241
Natural areas benet from noise reduction efforts in Gelderland
rEU funding
1.5 million
was allocated from the ERDF to the
Revitalisation of Kalopanayiotis
project over the period
2006 to 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 241 13/04/10 17:30
242 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he eco-friendly project has respected the home
of local fora and fauna, with protected bird
species now experiencing population growth.
In addition, the entire site makes use of renewable
energy sources including geo-thermal and solar
power, in an efort to minimise detrimental efects
on the environment. With almost one million visi-
tors every year from all over the globe, the Visitor
Experience is proving extremely popular.
Setting the scene
Te Visitor Centre is complemented by over 700
metres of clif-side viewing platforms, paths, seating
and steps as well as landscaped parking areas. Te
opening of the 31.5 million project by Clare County
Council went hand-in-hand with the introduction
of a visitor management, education and conserva-
tion programme. Tis has gone from strength to
strength since its inception, with improved safety
for visitors and growing numbers of educational
and research visits.
A dramatic experience for visitors
Atlantic Edge is the exciting interpretive centre at the
Clifs of Moher. In the middle of the underground
Natural wonder comes to life on Irish coast
The dramatic and rugged Cliffs of Moher are now home to a Visitor Experience centre which opened in February 2007 with
support from EU funding. The cliffs are Irelands most visited natural attraction, and as a result of the Cliffs of Moher project,
this underground centre now houses state-of-the-art facilities and an award winning exhibition Atlantic Edge providing a
fascinating interpretation of the 319 million-year-old cliffs.
Liscannor, Southern and Eastern Region, Ireland
building, a huge domed cave contains images, exhib-
its, displays and experiences to thrill young and
old. Te dome is organised into four themed areas
exploring diferent elements of the imposing clifs:
ocean, rock, nature and man, with interactive exhib-
its and displays showing their relationships with the
clifs. An aerial tour, the Clare Journey, takes place
on a central screen, while a winding tunnel evokes
the caves in the area, leading to a theatre and its vir-
tual reality clif-face adventure the Ledge.
Wildlife protection
Te Clifs of Moher are home to one of the largest
colonies of clif-nesting seabirds in Ireland. Te area
was designated a Refuge for Fauna in 1988 and a
Special Protection Area for Birds under the EU Birds
Directive in 1989. Within the designated site are the
clifs, the clif-top maritime grassland and heath,
and a 200-metre zone of open water to protect part
of the birds feeding area. Te area covers 200 hect-
ares and highlights how important the wildlife is for
the area.
More about this project can be found at:
Visitors from all ovcr thc
world havc bcnctcd from thc
improvcd facilitics and visitor
managcmcnt programmc at thc
Clis and sincc aoo) wc havc
sccn incrcascd visits from cdu-
cation groups as thc cducation
programmc dcvclops and from
disablcd and cldcrly visitors as
thc ncw built cnvironmcnt and
managcmcnt plan has dramati-
cally incrcascd casc of acccss.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 242 13/04/10 17:31
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 243
The spectacular Cliffs of Moher are now home to a unique underground visitor centre
rEU funding
10.8 million
was allocated from the ERDF to the
Cliffs of Moher project over the
period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 243 13/04/10 17:31
244 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he Tower Hamlets Womens Enterprise proj-
ect built on the achievements of an earlier one
(2002-2005), which also received eu funding.
It targeted women facing multiple disadvantages
in accessing paid work, training or business sup-
port activities. Today, many of the businesses it
helped to create are thriving and the resulting 72
jobs are estimated to have pumped well over 1
million annually into the local economy during
the project.
Stepping stones
Over half of the London East End borough of
Tower Hamlets is made up of non-White Brit-
ish ethnic groups, including Bangladeshi, Somali,
Chinese and Vietnamese communities. Yet while
the areas economy has evolved signifcantly in
recent years, many of the women from the areas
less afuent migrant communities face difculties
accessing the business markets. Besides cultural
and language barriers, they often lack knowl-
edge or confdence and many also have childcare
Te Womens Enterprise project devised a
stepped programme of business design support to
Empowering disadvantaged women through work
Although home to one of Londons most afuent nance and business centres, Docklands, the Tower Hamlets borough is one of
the most deprived areas in the United Kingdom. Thanks to an enterprising local womens training and development organisation,
Account3, more than 70 businesses set up and run by women from the area were given a ying start.
London, England, United Kingdom
Wealth creation
Te project helped to create jobs and develop skills
and business awareness in a neighbourhood where
one of the biggest barriers to cohesion is poverty
and exclusion. It also provided advice to other sim-
ilar projects in the area and inspired the National
Entrepreneurship Development Company in
Trinidad and Tobago to look at gender issues and
barriers in its delivery of business support.
In all, the project assisted 71 businesses
among them a ladies fashion wear and accessories
shop, a host family accommodation service for
students and visitors, and a business support-
ing local Somali women and young girls. It also
resulted in the creation of 72 jobs.
Some of the lessons learned from addressing
the gap in business start-up support for women in
London are now being transferred to feat, a proj-
ect with similar aims revolving around the 2012
More about this project can be found at:
Supportivc, hclpful,
infor mativc, fricndly and
always thcrc to hclp. Tank
meet the needs of businesses that were less than
two years old and run by women living in the area.
Tese steps included Still thinking, Preparing
the ground, Just launched and Established
guiding the direct benefciaries in everything
from business choice through to ensuring that
they kept their frms healthy and growing. A busi-
ness resource room was created, allowing women
to work away from home, and there was market-
ing support for the design and production of fyers,
posters and business cards.
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 245
Women in deprived Tower Hamlets, London, are given support for starting up businesses
rEU funding
278 200
was allocated to the Tower Hamlets
Womens Enterprise Project from
the ERDF for the January 2005
to March2007 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 245 13/04/10 17:31
246 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he new complex also hosts an important edu-
cational centre specialising in the retraining
of adults and equipping young people with
job skills. Tis is helping to boost the regions
human capital as well as to improve the health of
the economy.
Restoring and reusing
Te disused shells of the old buildings were
taken over and refurbished to become a modern
centre with conference, exhibition and banquet-
ing facilities. Te fnancial support given by the eu
and Central Greeces regional business programme
was injected into restoration not just of the inside
of the buildings but also the outside, creating a
pleasant green space for visitors to enjoy.
Te support also covered the costs of furnish-
ing the complex conference hall, meeting room,
foyer and workshop and equipping it with all the
latest technical appliances needed when hosting
conferences. Te conference hall itself holds up to
75 people.
Another important role of the complex is to cut
unemployment in the area. To this end, there is
Disused industrial park undergoes
major restoration
An industrial complex built at the turn of the 20
century in the Greek town of Orchomenos by the company Lake Copais Ltd has
been transformed into a multi-purpose exhibition and conference centre, serving the needs of not only the municipality but also
the entire Viotia prefecture.
Orchomenos, Sterea Ellada, Greece
a school ofering young people a second chance
at getting an education. Marantou-Gouta Agge-
liki passed her high school diploma at the centre
which, in turn, helped her to fnd a job.
Te centre also caters for adult learning. Panou
Giannis took free evening classes on computer sci-
ence which has greatly helped him in his job as a
physics teacher.
Educating and debating
Te centre holds conferences organised by
public and private associations, not just from
the municipality but also from the prefecture as
a whole. In addition to this, the centre attracts
locals and tourists interested in the many art exhi-
bitions held there.
While the educational establishments hosted
at the complex increase the employability of the
locals, the complex itself employs a workforce of
just under 100 people, covering posts in teaching,
admin, security and hygiene.
Tis project also sets an example to others in
sustainability by showing the value of restoration.
Tc confcrcncc ccntrc was
somcthing that was missing not
only from our municipality, but
from thc cxtcndcd arca around
Orchomcnos itsclf. In thc short
timc that it has bccn in opcra-
tion, it has alrcady contributcd
substantially. Onc such cxamplc
is with thc confcrcncc organiscd
with thc national youth council
to raisc awarcncss among young
pcoplc about cnvironmcntal
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 246 13/04/10 17:31
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 247
Former industrial complex, now busy exhibition and conference centre
rEU funding
The restoration of the industrial
complex in Orchomenos was
605 200
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 247 13/04/10 17:31
248 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
rom Pseks stone bridge to the Putim gate,
the area has been completely revitalised
using funding received from the EU and the
Czech government. Te project has transformed
the place into a popular walking destination and
recreation area, now playfully sporting the name
of Europromenade.
Renewing the old
Te project consisted of completely renovating
the sewage system, resulting in a much cleaner
environment for Pseks 29 000 residents. What
was formerly a pot-holed footpath is now a pleas-
ant walkway, newly laid with traditional stone
slabs. And, the weeds and rubbish which previ-
ously covered the Royal Castles 13
century moat
have been removed and the ground has been
turned into a vibrant park, open to the public
after 164 years.
Buildings on the verge of collapse have also
been refurbished. Te former Malthouse, a forgot-
ten industrial landmark where barley grains for
Historical river area renewed and restored
Eighty kilometres to the south of Prague is the Central Bohemian town of Psek, home to the countrys oldest stone bridge
crossing the river Otava. After years of neglect compounded by the oods that hit in August 2002, the area surrounding the river
was left in desperate need of renovation and, importantly, of restoration.
Psek, Jihozpad, Czech Republic
and giving them the opportunity to try out a
string of interactive games.
Fit for tourists
Te splendid views along both sides of the River
Otava can now be enjoyed by all, without the eye-
sore of run-down buildings and neglected land.
In addition to the medieval stone bridge, visitors
also get views of the historical hydroelectric power
station built by the Czech electrical engineer and
inventor, Frantiek Kik, in 1888.
Te Europromenade leads visitors along the
river below the walls of the Royal Castle and up
to the fortifcation and the Gothic moat. Since
the project restored the area, this walkway has
become increasingly popular among residents and
tourist alike.
Tc momcnt whcn our proj-
cct was grantcd thc funding
from thc eu provcd to bc onc of
thc brightcst momcnts in thc
rcccnt history of our town.
making beer were soaked in water and dried, has
been fully renovated after lying empty since 1973.
Te original wooden structures have been refur-
bished and the building is now used for cultural
and social events. Concerts, seminars, workshops
and temporary exhibitions are all now housed in
the complexs six purpose-built halls.
Children are drawn to the Malthouse for its per-
manent exhibition showing fairy tale illustrations
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 249
A once neglected riverside becomes a haven for recreation
rEU funding
The Psek renovation project was
3.38 million
from the ERDF for the
period 2004 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 249 13/04/10 17:31
250 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he stadium was frst built in the 1950s, but
as with many large constructions, time even-
tually leaves its mark and the stadium was
soon in need of a boost. Te decision to revamp
the stadium has beneftted the region in terms of
both the stadiums aesthetics and also the positive
impact on local businesses due to the increase in
the number of spectators and visitors now attend-
ing events.
Culture and sport take to the eld
Te stadium has been a central focus of sport-
ing and cultural life in Maribor and the Podravje
region ever since it was frst built some 60 years
ago. Over the years, it has become one of the
most recognisable sporting landmarks in Slovenia,
notably due to its connection with the successful
local football team. Located on the banks of the
river Drava, the Ljudski vrt stadium is an ideal
setting for attracting spectators, and not just for
sporting events. With high quality acoustics, the
facility is suitable for musical events and other
Revamped stadium lights up Maribor skyline
Stadiums are often striking landmarks in towns and cities, due partly to their dominance of space and also because they provide
a community meeting point for sports, music and cultural events. Supported through EU funding, the city of Maribor, Slovenia,
has embraced this notion in the reconstruction project for Ljudski vrt stadium, home ground of the football club NK Maribor.
The result is a modern, comfortable complex, with capacity for some 13 000 spectators.
Podravje, Slovenia
Business benets
Te decision to overhaul the stadium played a key
role in the development of the town and region.
Te combined eforts of the local community and
central government have proved fruitful, with
close co-operation resulting in what is now a
state-of-the-art sports facility, built to European
standards and ready to host international football
matches, including 2010 World Cup qualifcations.
Apart from the direct employment at the facility,
the stadium and its surroundings provide further
opportunities for boosting local business. Tere is
now better accommodation on ofer, new eating
places at the stadium and user-friendly parking
services, all examples of the positive multiplying
efects of the project.
More about this project can be found at:
Tis modcrn sports, rccrc-
ational and cvcnt facility adds a
ncw attraction for tourists visit-
ing Pohorjc and Maribor, giving
a boost to rclatcd busincss scc-
tors such as accommodation,
rcstaurants, shopping and
cultural performances, such as the 2008 perfor-
mance of the musical Zorba the Greek which was
attended by 6 000 people.
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 251
View over the modern 13000-seat stadium in Maribor
rEU funding
3.3 million
was allocated from the ERDF to the
reconstruction of the Ljudski vrt
Maribor stadium over the period
June 2006 to the end of 2007
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252 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he frst trams began running in December
2002 and the metro system has now grown
to include fve lines, 70 stations and some
60 km of track. Neatly complementing bus and
suburban public transport networks, the system
has signifcantly increased mobility in the metro-
politan area.
Linear expansion
Oporto in northern Portugal has a metropolitan
population of some 1.5 million. Plans to improve
travel services to them were developed in the
1990s, focused on upgrading the citys transport
network with a new light rail system running
underground in central areas and overground
in the suburbs. Priority was given to linking the
new system with other means of transport, par-
ticularly the connection to the airport and the two
main railway stations.
Initial work involved construction of an under-
ground section between Campanh railway station
and the systems main hub, Trindade station. In
some areas, existing train lines were converted
for use by the modern 70-m long trams. Regular
Metro do Porto enhances citizens mobility
A new light rail system has proved very popular with passengers, carrying as many as 50 million in 2008 around Portugals
second largest city and the surrounding area. In the same year it was awarded a prestigious international prize for its creativity
and design as well as its contribution to urban renewal especially of the historic centre.
Porto, Norte, Portugal
Mobility for all
Te project resulted in the construction of 57 km
of subway line, 37 new surface stations and
11 underground stations as well as renovation of
10 stations. Te Oporto light rail system is proving
highly popular for its fast, reliable, comfortable
and environmentally sustainable travel, carrying
around 200 000 passengers daily. In 2007, around
48 million passengers made use of it up by almost
25% on the previous year.
In June 2008, the International Association of
Public Transport (uitp) distinguished the Oporto
system with the Light Rail Award 2008 for best
new realisation. Te award goes to light railway
systems around the world displaying creativity
and good design. Judges highlighted the projects
integrated approach in terms of conception and
construction, based on accessibility, design and
information for passengers. Tey also praised the
systems overall architecture and design.
More about this project can be found at:
Tc ncw systcm is fastcr
and morc comfortablc. Sincc
I startcd taking thc Mctro do
Porto Systcm instcad of using
my car, I arrivc carlicr in thc city
ccntrc and dont havc to worry
about parking.
passengers were frst carried in December 2002
and the system was completed in 2006.
Almost 40% of the projects fnance came from
the erdf, under Portugals regional North Opera-
tional Programme for the 2000 to 2006 period. Te
project also received funding from the Cohesion
Fund (68 million) and loans from the European
Investment Bank.
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 253
Oportos light railway makes for speedy travel
rEU funding
316 million
was allocated to the Light subway
system of Oporto project from
the ERDF for the 2000 to 2006
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254 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
itizens and tourists are benefting from the
new development as it brings local history
to life and ofers new cultural and social
opportunities. Investors are also eager to build on
the success of the plan and tap into its economic
Restoring the site
Te Chvaly site was preserved to serve the dual
function of historical and cultural interest.
Troughout, the works were carried out so that
the new would complement rather than compete
with the old.
To accommodate visitors, new infrastructure
was put in place such as roads and parking facili-
ties. State-of-the-art technology was used to equip
the buildings. Tis included ftting motion sensors
and electronically controlled boilers. A garden was
also planted to make the castle grounds more
Te castle is now a popular destination for cul-
tural events and contributes to the quality leisure
time spent by the inhabitants of Horn Poernice
and the adjoining city boroughs. Exhibitions,
Plan rescues ravaged castle
The richness of Pragues historical heritage is now plain for all to see thanks to a carefully crafted plan by Prague City Council.
This plan to restore and preserve the Chvaly castle and its surrounding area has brought new life to an area long considered
derelict. The growing pressure to erect new buildings has ceased as the historical and environmental value of the place are now
clearly recognised.
Praha, Stedn echy, Czech Republic
concerts, musical festivals, theatre performances,
discussions, lectures and weddings, are all regular
activities being held at the castle.
Several partnerships serve to publicize these
events, such as that with City Borough Prague 14
which covers the cultural listings on a regular basis.
Tapping into the economic potential
Te successful renovation of the Chvaly castle
provides not only for an improved and more acces-
sible ofer of cultural events in the city borough,
but also taps into the economic potential and
value of the entire Horn Poernice area.
Te aim which the castle is well on its way to
achieve is to become economically self-support-
ing. It is doing this by renting out its premises for
social and business events. Schools are also using
the place as a cultural centre, bringing students
along for exhibitions and shows.
So far, seven new jobs have been created
through this project.
More about this project can be found at:
Onc day, back in thc ninc-
tics, I rccctcd on thc sadncss
of thc dcvastatcd Chvaly Castlc
walls. I was wondcring if cvcr it
could bccomc an architcctural
gcm. My collcaguc said: Only a
miraclc could savc it! And, darc
I say, thc miraclc has happcncd!
Chvaly castlc is cxpcricncing
rcvival, onc which I hopc will
last for many ycars to comc.
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 255
Preserved castle hosting different cultural activities
rEU funding
From September 2006 to June 2008,
the Chvaly castle renovation project
1.48 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 255 13/04/10 17:31
256 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
he Limestone Heritage, Park and Gardens
project helped to enhance the existing site
and features, including a digital update to
the audiovisual show for visitors from around the
world. It has also brought valuable new jobs to a
rural area where employment has experienced
decline over recent years.
Gap in the market
Te Limestone Heritage is a family-run living
exhibition, opened in May 2002 by Manuel Bal-
dacchino with the support of his wife, son and
daughter. It lies on the outskirts of Siggiewi vil-
lage, close to a number of the nations other top
tourist attractions.
Te museum/park came about from a desire to
contribute to the preservation of Maltas heritage,
by ofering an insight into the key role of limestone.
It traces the origins of the stone some 20 million
years ago when the Maltese archipelago came into
being, as well as the development of stonemasonry,
traditional architectural features, and some of the
tools and crafts associated with them.
A rock-solid attraction
The Maltese Islands are said to be the site of the worlds rst freestanding stones, some 5 000 years old. A thriving visitor
attraction southwest of the capital Valletta highlights the culture and heritage still to be seen in the nations various buildings,
monuments and artefacts hewn from honey-coloured limestone.
Siggiewi, Malta
of a typical Maltese farmhouse, and learn from a
master craftsman about the back-breaking craft
of stonemasonry. Further attractions include
a 200 bc Roman/Punic tomb, discovered only
recently on-site, a 10-metre waterfall, and exam-
ples of the heavy machinery used in the stone
industry. Te park has also been extended with
the opening of a citrus grove, with rows of fragrant
lemon and orange trees, ofering a safe haven for
local animals.
Enhanced visitor experience
Supported by eu and Maltese co-funding between
2004 and 2006, the Limestone Heritage exhibition
was enhanced in several ways. Te walk-through
pathway was given new stone cantagura slabs
and more ftted display cases were added. Te
visitor centre received a new multilingual audio-
visual system with cinema-style seating, a digital
projector and energy-efcient lighting. Te show
was also digitised to enhance its quality and the
website made more attractive.
Wc found funds from thc eu
vcry hclpful in improving our
scrviccs and making thc attrac-
tion bcttcr valuc for moncy. Tc
Iimcstonc Hcritagc, Park and
Gardcns can now givc its clicnts
a bcttcr and morc profcssional
Te many exhibits and amenities found on the
site are designed to familiarise visitors with every
aspect of limestone. After taking in the modern
visitors centre, they can walk across an ancient
fossilised seabed, admire the internal structure
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 257
Stonemasonry on display at visitor attraction
Te projects latest work has paid handsome
dividends. In 2008, it welcomed some 58 000
visitors, many of them schoolchildren, and was
ranked second in Maltas Best Visitor Attractions.
Te site also hosts cultural events such as con-
certs and folk dancing, and won an environmental
award for industry in 2005 and a national award in
2007 for best tourist shop.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
21 400
was allocated to the Limestone
Heritage project from the ERDF
for the 2004 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 257 13/04/10 17:31
258 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
nder the regeneration of the Bard castle
project, the site benefted from some
11million in eu funding from 1996 to 2006.
Te goal was to restore a ruined fort to resemble
the military building that had withstood an attack
by the French army in 1800. Just an empty shell in
the mid-1990s, the newly restored site drew some
80 000 visitors in 2008.
Full restoration
Te imposing Bard fort dominates the narrow
gorge forming the Eastern approach to the main
valley foor of the Aosta Valley, at Pont Saint Mar-
tin. A castle since the 11
century, Bard was later
turned into a military fort. In 1800, an enraged
Napoleon ordered the fortifcations be razed to
the ground, after they had held up his army for
two weeks. Bard was rebuilt as a military fort, but
fell into disrepair in the 20
Bard appears somewhat isolated today. Yet
a quick glance at a 19
century map of the area
shows that it was once part of a network of forts
lining the former Savoy regions borders with
other countries.
Alpine sentinel stands tall again
A long-abandoned 11
century fort in the Aosta Valley has been restored to its former glory and become a major tourist attraction
and cultural centre. The historic site now offers three museums and a ve-star hotel a welcome boost for a mountainous region
deeply affected by a declining industrial sector.
Wc havc crcatcd many jobs
in thc fort and in thc vallcys
villagcs, thanks to thc projccts
ovcrall appcal for tourists.
Valle dAosta/Valle dAoste, Italy
understanding of Europes highest mountains
and local nature. Tis was followed by the Fort
Museum and the Frontier Museum. It also has
3 600 square metres of exhibition space aimed
especially at children, and over 280 rooms.
Further attractions include a small luxury hotel,
a restaurant and souvenir boutique. Access to the
fort is via modern glass lifts and by road.
Te fort is making a name for itself as a cultural
venue. It has organised several temporary exhibi-
tions, starting with Te Alpine Dream that was
included in the cultural events for the 2006 Turin
Winter Olympics. Te site also regularly hosts
large events that range from concerts to theatre
performances. Te project receives further eu
funding from 2007 to 2013.
Since taking over the fort in 1990, Italys Aosta
Valley region has been engaged in the immense
task of restoring its walls, roofs, rooms and
even the road leading up to the building. It was
reopened to the public in January 2006, after
13years of work funded by the EU, the Italian State
and the region.
Tourism and culture centre
Covering some 14 000 square metres, the site
features three museums. Te frst to open was
the state-of-the-art Museum of the Alps, which
aims to stimulate visitors appreciation and
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 259
Spectacular setting including the restored Bard Castle
rEU funding
3.59 million
was allocated to the regeneration
of the Bard castle project from
the ERDF for the period 2000
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 259 13/04/10 17:32
260 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
ith mass manufacturing of technologies
on the rise, the craft industry in Latvia
and Lithuania had been struggling to
compete. However, local craftspeople and artists
were still eager to use the talent, work methods,
traditions and knowledge inherited from their
ancestors and to pass these on. Te project saw the
Northern Kurzeme Craft Centre (Ventspils) and
Klaipeda Arts and Craft Quarter reconstructed for
this purpose and also for boosting employment
and tourist numbers in the region.
Passing the baton
Four key partners were involved in this project:
Ventspils City Council (lv), Ventspils Craftsmen
Union (lv), Klaipda City Municipality (lt) and
Klaipda Culture Communication Centre (lt).
Eforts focused on ensuring that skills acquired
by locals over several generations would continue
being passed on. Training sessions were organised
in Ventspils and Klaipeda and covered entrepre-
neurship, cultural preservation, craft history, art
A breath of fresh air for Baltic arts and crafts
Traditional arts and crafts along the Kurshi coastline have experienced a revival in recent years, partly as a result of European
funds. The project Craft on the Baltic Coast set out to promote entrepreneurship and tourism in the region by drawing on the wealth
of skills among local artists and craftspeople. During the project, some 20 000 people attended art and craft fairs and exhibitions,
while more than 100 artists and craftspeople beneted from training sessions which included business and marketing.
Territorial Co-operation, Latvia and Lithuania
and design. Participants had the opportunity to
join study visits and take part in workshops in an
efort to boost competitiveness and promote local
products in the market.
The word is out
Te project benefted some 582 craftspeople and
artists, with an estimated total of 100 000 people
informed about the project. Tis included the pro-
duction of two video flms (one for Latvia, one
for Lithuania) with 150 copies distributed, and
the purchase of 15 information stands for use at
exhibitions. Press conferences were also organ-
ised and complemented by articles published in
local, regional and national newspapers, alongside
reports and promotional posters. Ten travelling
exhibitions were held in Ventspils and Klaipeda
and included craft displays, exhibitions, competi-
tions, fairs and thematic days.
By crcating ncw tourism dcs-
tinations and cvcnts rclatcd to
traditional Couronian crafts-
manship, notably at thc North
Kurzcmc Crafts Ccntrc in Vcnt-
spils and thc Arts and Crafts
Squarc in Klaipcda, public intcr-
cst in traditional Couronian
art and culturc has incrcascd,
cnsuring that knowlcdgc and
skills will bc passcd on to thc
ncxt gcncration.
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Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 261
Traditional craft work alive and well courtesy of the Baltic Coast project
A new lease of life
Te impacts of the project set the scene for a
healthy future. Te industry has seen an increase
in the level of employment in the Kurzeme
and Klaipeda regions, a rise in the level of their
income, less of an income gap among craftsmen
and applied artists, greater tourism activities,
preserved traditional Kurshi art, and wide-scale
economic development in the two regions.
rEU funding
1 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the project Craft on the Baltic
Coast over the period March
2006 to December 2007
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 261 13/04/10 17:32
262 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
raditional industries in the North Sea region
have sufered a major decline in recent years,
and following on from this, less investment
and job opportunities. By following the proj-
ect notion of a virtuous spiral, as opposed to a
vicious circle, local businesses, authorities and
citizens are rediscovering the magic, beauty and
economic potential of their surroundings.
Regional revival
Te project covers a mix of rural, urban and lake-
land areas. However, one thing they all have
in common is unique tourism potential. Tis
has since proved to be a driver of new business
activities, such as the Meet the Bees tourism
destination in the Peak District National Park,
England, attracting curious visitors from far and
wide. Te virtuous spiral approach has unveiled
what is special in the region and is illustrated in
the practice guidebook Special Places, Special Peo-
ple, a publication also promoted through regional,
national and eu policymakers.
Revealing the local magic
The BESST project (Business and the Environment linked through Small Scale Tourism) is based on an innovative approach
to developing the tourism potential of rural and urban areas transnationally in the UK, Norway and Sweden. The aim includes
preserving local identities, restoring prosperity and ensuring environmental protection. Guidebooks, heritage walks and sh
farming are just some of the inspiring results of BESST.
Territorial Co-operation, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway
people fnding inspiration to follow through on
their ambitions, all the while complying with
strict guidelines, including quality standards. For
instance, the Information Octagon in Femsj,
Sweden was built to beneft visitors and local com-
munities as it tells many stories of Femsjs history
which in turn ofers opportunities for businesses
to make the most of, while in Fyresdal, Norway,
what was once a traditional farm has now been
converted into a fsh farm and includes a shop
for visitors ofering local products. In the United
Kingdom, hotels, pubs and restaurants have also
been encouraged to use new walks developed by
local authorities as part of their marketing strat-
egy to customers and guests.
uessi has bccn both an
inspiration and a sourcc of
cnthusiasm and has con-
tributcd to our succcss.
Paving the way to dynamic growth
Farmers, shopkeepers, craft workers and construc-
tion companies are actively engaged in looking
towards new horizons for growth and develop-
ment. besst project leader, Ken Parker, believes
besst has revealed the magic of the region, with
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 262 13/04/10 17:32
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 263
Tourism in rural and urban areas actively promoted under the BESST project
It doesnt stop there
At national level, the project has been recognised
as one of the reasons for population growth and
positive development in Fyresdal, Sweden. Due to
its transnational and cooperative approach, inter-
national exchanges were designed to stimulate the
range of activities simultaneously held in three
places and to allow the partners to share the les-
sons learned. Looking ahead, links between the
three regions, creative business solutions, social
networks and economic dynamism look set to con-
tinue in an upward spiral.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
1.05 million
was allocated from the ERDF to BESST over
the period September 2003 to March 2008
as part of the Interreg IIIB North Sea region
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 263 13/04/10 17:32
264 Investing in our regions Urban and rural development
ebruary 2009 saw the inauguration of the
140-m long, 11-m wide bridge linking the
Portuguese town of Pomarao with the
new provincial motorway hu-6400. Tis new
motorway as well as other features including the
widening and improvement of nearby motorways,
new signposting and environmental redevelop-
ments have been backed by local authorities and
European funding and are part of an overall rede-
velopment strategy in the region.
Recognising human and environmental needs
Te regions of Andalusia, Spain and El Alentejo,
Portugal are today able to enjoy better commu-
nication links now that the new bridge built over
Chanza River is fully operational. Tis is in fact the
third motorway link between Huelva province and
neighbouring Portugal, adding to those already
existing through Ayamonte and Rosal de la Fron-
tera. Flora and fauna were not forgotten during
Bridge unites communities on the Iberian Peninsula
The recent construction of an international bridge linking the province of Huelva with Alentejo, in southern Spain and Portugal, is
bringing benets in the form of more efcient transport connections and new opportunities for economic and social development
for businesses and approximately 50 000 residents. The distance between the two towns has been dramatically reduced from
138 km to just 12 km.
Territorial Co-operation, Portugal and Spain
bridge in terms of economic and social develop-
ment cannot be underestimated, as the tourism,
agricultural and commercial sectors rely heavily
on improvements to infrastructure such as this.
On the social side, for locals who for centuries
have hardly known each other, the bridge has
efectively made them new neighbours.
Boost for tourism
Tourists and tourism operators in particular stand
to beneft from the new bridge in terms of reduced
travel times between the two countries, particularly
during peak seasons. For example, Mrtola, the
main Portuguese town in the region and a source
of cultural and archaeological treasures for tourism,
now fnds itself less than 20 minutes from El Gra-
nado and a little over half an hour from Huelva.
More about this project can be found at: /
Wcrc going to scc dicr-
cnccs in commcrcc, in fact in
all arcas, tourism, social lifc,
cconomics, politics.
the construction, with developments taking into
account environmental concerns.
Celebrations for growth and prosperity
Te February 2009 inauguration of the bridge was
attended by local and national authorities from
both Spain and Portugal. Te signifcance of the
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 264 13/04/10 17:32
Urban and rural development Investing in our regions 265
Dramatic view over new bridge linking Portugal and Spain
rEU funding
3.18 million
was allocated from the ERDF to the
Puente Internacional del Bajo
Guadiana Internacional project
over the period 2000
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 265 13/04/10 17:32
266 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
Aljubarrota, Centro, Portugal: Famous battle site returns to the
Boyle, County Roscommon, Border, Midland and Western Region,
Ireland: New lease of life for major Irish landmark
Bramsche, Niedersachsen, Germany: Battle site hosts visitors centre
Gvle, Norra Mellansverige, Sweden: Traditional Swedish ship takes
to the seas again
Hagar Qim and Mnajdra, Malta: Ancient temples saved by protective
Kuldga, Latvia: Restoration produces eye-catching bridge
Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Basse-Normandie, France: Mont-Saint-Michel
gets a facelift
Leicester, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom: Culture takes
centre stage in Leicester
Lige, Wallonie, Belgium: Newly refurbished Curtius museum
reopens to the public
Pannonhalma, Nyugat-Dunntl, Hungary: A tourism gem in the
Hungarian countryside
San Milln de la Cogolla, La Rioja, Spain: Researchers delve into the
fascinating world of Spanish
Sol, Moravskoslezsko, Czech Republic: Centre lays rm
foundation for rural tourism
Wangen and Mittelberg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany: German
countryside reveals the mystery of stars
Territorial Co-operation
LV and BY: Homegrown talent inspires cultural industry
FR, IT: Alpine forts the focus of renewed development
Midland and
La Rioja Wallonie
Hagar Qim and
East Midlands,
Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Norra Mellansverige
outermost regions
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 266 13/04/10 17:32
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 267
Europe is the worlds leading tourist
destination. Consequently, tourism
often plays a key role in underpin-
ning the economic development
of many European regions. Closely
linked, the creative industries,
spanning everything from cultural
heritage and the arts, to media and
design, have also emerged in recent
years as one of the most dynamic
economic sectors in Europe. To
harness this potential, EU regional
funds provide support to improve
the quality of tourism at regional
and local levels, to encourage more
sustainable patterns of tourism,
and to forge greater links between
business and culture to transform
untapped creative resources into

Between 2007 and 2013, more than
6 billion will be made available to
support the development of tour-
ism from EU regional policy funds.
3.8 billion of that is to be spent on
improving tourist services and 2.5
billion on the protection, develop-
ment and promotion of natural
heritage. A further 6 billion will also
be invested on activities to preserve
cultural heritage, develop cultural
infrastructure, and support cultural
services. Improving cultural and tour-
ism infrastructure contributes to local
development by creating jobs often in
areas otherwise experiencing indus-
trial or rural decline, and helps bring
new investment to a region.
Projects such as Arche Nebra
development in Saxony Anhalt in Ger-
many show how regional funds can
help a hard-hit region bounce back.
By creating a multimedia visitor cen-
tre where the bronze Nebra Sky Disc
was discovered, many more tourists
have been attracted to the region,
which is also having a knock-on effect
on the economic growth of the area.
Another project highlighted overleaf
is one of Frances most recognised
monuments, the Mont-Saint-Michel.
This famous site has beneted from
EU regional funding to help restore
both the surrounding landscape and
architectural heritage. By promot-
ing sustainable tourism, and getting
it right, EU regional funds can also
help to ensure the preservation and
enhancement of Europes cultural
and natural heritage.
Tourism and culture
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 267 13/04/10 17:33
268 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
ocated 120 km north of Lisbon, the Aljubar-
rota interpretation centre and monastery
form an integrated tour for visitors. Tey are
expected to attract over 100 000 visitors annually
by 2010, boosting tourism and the local economy.
New interpretation centre
Centro is one of Portugals least well-known
regions and often struggles to attract visitors. Yet
it is surrounded by World Heritage sites and has
plans for a tourist trail taking in the renowned
religious site of Fatima.
East of Fatima stands the Aljubarrota battle
interpretation centre (ciba). It was opened in
2008 after work to adapt the military museum
that had stood there for over two decades, with
eu co-funding for half of the total project cost.
Te Aljubarrota Battle Foundation invested
10 million in the project, with support from the
government and patrons.
Te centres focus is the 14 August 1385 battle,
when a small Portuguese force defeated a larger
Castilian army, with help from English archers.
Te victory resulted in Portugals independence as
Famous battle site returns to the spotlight
A new interpretation centre on a 14
century battle that changed the course of history has opened to universal acclaim in Centro,
a region known as The heart of Portugal. The centre stands next to a ne monastery, recently rehabilitated, which was built
after the battle to commemorate Portugals famous victory over Castile.
Tis high-quality cultural
projcct has a major impact on
thc cconomy of a rcgion that has
long bccn acctcd by low invcst-
mcnt from ccntral govcrnmcnt.
It also providcs job opportuni-
tics for young profcssional sta,
prcfcrably locally rccruitcd, with
high univcrsity qualications.
Aljubarrota, Centro, Portugal
Te centre also features an exhibits area on the
battle, highlighting related archaeological features
and artefacts. Among the other rooms are a tem-
porary exhibit area, shop and restaurant.
A few kilometres south lies the Batalha Mon-
astery, erected in the gothic style three years after
the battle to celebrate the Portuguese victory. It
was the Portuguese monarchys main building
project for the next two centuries, though it no
longer functions as a religious centre.
Education is key
Since opening in October 2008, ciba has wel-
comed over 40 000 visitors. One third of these are
local students, taking advantage of educational
programmes and services, to which 1 500 m
A second interpretation centre that is linked to
the same battle is now being planned.
More about this project can be found at:
a nation and cemented the Anglo-Portuguese Alli-
ance still the worlds oldest.
Aspects of the battle are explored in modern
multimedia, including a dramatic 30-minute flm
that sets the event in the context of the period.
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Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 269
A place for visiting the past
rEU funding
2.7 million
was allocated to the Aljubarrota battle
interpretation centre (CIBA) project
and 824 800 to the Aljubarrota
monastery from the ERDF for
the 2000 to 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 269 13/04/10 17:33
270 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
ajor development of the site, made pos-
sible by eu funding, has brought a cluster
of unique attractions adapted to the
needs of 21
century visitors, ofering a new lake-
side centre which forms a gateway to an array of
action-packed activities as well as more leisurely
pursuits. As a result of this transformation, visitor
numbers rose to 57 000 in 2008.
Activities galore
Te idea to embellish the Lough Key forest park
originated locally and culminated in the creation
of a joint venture between Irelands forestry board,
Coillte Teoranta, and Roscommons county council.
Te project entailed a string of innovative develop-
ments, all set along the side of the lake.
A 300-metre-long treetop walkway the frst
in Ireland that stands 9 metres tall allows visi-
tors to immerse themselves in the history, fora
and fauna of the area from a great vantage point.
In contrast to these panoramic views are the 19
New lease of life for major Irish landmark
Lough Key boasts one of the most extensive and picturesque forest parks in Ireland, covering 324 hectares on the west coast
of Ireland, 40 km southeast of Sligo. The spectacular views, abundant wildlife, historic buildings and evocative islands draw
in many visitors and have done so for centuries. The area is steeped in history from Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements,
Cromwellian settlements of the 17
century right up to 1957 when the King family residence was destroyed by re. The estate was
taken over by the Irish State in the late 1950s.
A magic placc wc all lovc it
it was grcat fun. Tc sta wcrc
cxccllcnt to us. Tc childrcn
lcarncd a lot about thc history
and lovc thc Boda Borg wcll
bc back again!
Boyle, County Roscommon, Border, Midland and Western Region, Ireland
the Boda Borg challenge tests its adult partici-
pants ingenuity and teamwork skills in a number
of instruction-free puzzles.
The Lough Key experience
Te Lough Key experience enables visitors to dis-
cover and engage with the parks history, ecology
and nature. Te range of activities on ofer, since
the park ofcially opened in 2007, has enhanced
Lough Key Forest Parks status as a major tourist
attraction in the region.
Te new developments were all designed in such
a way as to minimise any adverse visual and envi-
ronmental impacts. Te whole structure blends
easily with the forest and is open for all to enjoy.
More about this project can be found at:
century underground tunnels, once used by ser-
vants, which lead from the quayside to the cellars
of the estate.
An adventure play kingdom provides a stimu-
lating play area for children with its towers, slides,
climbing frames, roundabouts and swings. And,
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Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 271
Activities on offer at Lough Key forest
rEU funding
The Lough Key Forest and
Activity Park received
6.3 million
from the ERDF for the
period 2000 to 2006
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272 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he centre is located at the entrance to Kalkriese
Museum and Park, adding to the cultural attrac-
tion of the region for local and foreign tourists.
Te centre covers an area of 860 m
and has been
designed to cope with large exhibitions and events.
History in the making
Te visitors centre, Kalkriese Museum and Park,
archaeological research and historical battle site
together ofer a unique attraction where the fas-
cinating history of Germany and Europe comes
alive. Since its opening in 2009, thousands of visi-
tors have passed through the doors.
A cash desk, shop and facilities can be found
in the centre, with exhibition halls on the frst
foor. One special exhibition Confict was part
of several archaeological exhibitions and featured
the Varus battle fought 2 000 years ago. It intro-
duced visitors to the Germanic tribal world of the
to 5
century ad. Te wide array of exhibitions
planned for the future looks set to continue draw-
ing visitors in.
Battle site hosts visitors centre
Eye-catching springs to mind when describing the visitors centre recently built on the site of the Battle of Varus in Lower Saxony.
To date the new centre has welcomed some 150 000 people who have marvelled at the stunning cubic architecture of the building
and enjoyed many exhibitions, notably Conict, a look into archaeology and old Germanic tribes.
Without thc ncw visitors
ccntrc, wc would ncvcr havc
bccn ablc to mcct thc tcchnical
rcquircmcnts of thc curators for
showing cxtraordinary cxhibi-
tions such as thc award-winning
Conict cxhibition and its dis-
play of prccious archacological
nds. Tc wholc rcgion and thc
country can prot from thc ncw
and high-class cultural facility.
Bramsche, Niedersachsen, Germany
Behind the scenes of construction
Swiss architects Gigon/Guyer, already with a
proven track record through their designs of the
museum, took care of the planning together with
the Osnabrck planning ofce pbr Rohling. Te
general contractor was the company Hermanns
from Kassel. In total, a staggering 10 000 m
space was enclosed by reinforced concrete.
One of the most impressive moments during
the construction phase was the installation of the
ceiling when a total of 40 ceiling segments, the
largest 18 m in length, about 1 m wide and some
13 tons in weight, were added. A 150-ton truck-
mounted crane hauled the concrete and steel parts
bit by bit over the trees to position them, that in
itself a breathtaking sight for visitors.
More about this project can be found at:
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Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 273
Once the scene of a battle, now home to a stunning visitor centre
rEU funding
1.5 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the project Construction of a
Visitors Centre Varusschlacht
Osnabrcker Land over the
period July 2007 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 273 13/04/10 17:33
274 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he new ship is a close copy of the Gerda,
which spent 60 years hauling cargo around
the Baltic and North Sea. It is also the frst
wooden sailing brig to have been built in Sweden
for over a century and owes its existence to enthu-
siasts and numerous sponsors.
Retired then reborn
Scandinavias last commercial brig made its
maiden voyage in July 1869, travelling from Gvle
on the Baltic Sea to Grimsby, England. She later
enjoyed a busy career, with several diferent own-
ers, crisscrossing the seas laden with coal, timber
and iron.
After 60 years of service, the ship became a fnan-
cial burden. Te Gerda was retired in 1936 and turned
into a museum ship in Gvle. She was scrapped in
In 1984, a small group of maritime fanatics
decided to build a copy of their favourite old ship.
Construction of the new Gerda was a labour of
love, starting within the community of Gvle before
developing into a project that involved hundreds of
people and groups further afeld.
Traditional Swedish ship takes to the seas again
When a long retired 19
century sailing ship known as the Gerda was dynamited in 1959, it seemed as though the era of the brig
was over. Yet ve decades later, this elegant wooden vessel with square sails on each of its two masts has returned to duty in the
form of a replica in the port of Gvle, Sweden.
Tc Briggcn Gcrda ship vis-
its ports in thc Baltic Sca as a
rcprcscntativc of an old sailing
tradition in commcrcial ship-
ping. Shc also rcprcscnts Gvlc
as an old maritimc city, attcnds
cvcnts and ocrs sailing trips to
thc public in ports shc visits.
Gvle, Norra Mellansverige, Sweden
Gvle, at a yard not used for shipbuilding for three
decades. Te fnished vessel, Gerda Gefe, was
launched in July 2000.
Maritime ambassador
Te new Gerda has 30-metre masts, ten beams and
625 square metres of sail. It is the only brig in Swe-
den today, making short voyages from Gvle and
longer trips around the Baltic. Since her launch,
she has carried several thousand passengers and
made over 100 stops along the Swedish east coast.
Te new brig is not an exact copy of the original,
as she is designed for passengers rather than cargo.
Besides 16 sails, she also has modern facilities such as
a 500-horsepower diesel engine and satellite naviga-
tion. Very popular with the public and media, she is
now a sort of foating youth hostel, capable of feeding
100 guests a day and accommodating 25 passengers
overnight. Te Association Briggen Gerda ably sup-
ports her, with more than 1 000 paying members.
More about this project can be found at:
Many of the workforce were volunteers or local
unemployed. Some 300 private companies also came
onboard as sponsors, supporting the project with
funds, materials or know-how.
Without a manual, the designers and builders
often had to consult a scale model and old photos.
Te new ships keel was laid in September 1995 in
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Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 275
Swedish ship replica oats proudly in the port of Gvle
rEU funding
780 000
was allocated to the Brig Gerda in
Gvle project from the ERDF for
the 2000 to 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 275 13/04/10 17:33
276 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
ocated on Maltas southern coast, these
temples make up two of the six on the island
registered on the unesco World Heritage
List and directly managed by Heritage Malta. A
new visitor centre has also been set up nearby.
Tall tents
Separated by some 500 metres, the limestone
temples of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra date back to
the period 3600-3200 bc. Since their excavation
in 1839 and 1840, they have attracted thousands
of visitors who marvel at their neatly arranged
massive stones and walls. Tey are the frst stone
buildings of such architectural complexity any-
where in the world, and feature on the unesco
World Heritage List for their outstanding univer-
sal value to present and future generations.
In recent years they have sufered from deterio-
ration and structural problems arising mainly from
exposure to rain, fuctuations in temperature and rel-
ative humidity, solar radiation, pollution, and so on.
Tese were the conclusions of a Scientifc Commit-
tee set up in 2000. Consequently it was proposed to
Ancient temples saved by protective shelters
Two Maltese megalithic temples showing signs of wear and tear have been covered by temporary shelters. To ensure their long-
term conservation, Hagar Qim and Mnajdra now stand beneath soaring and elegant steel and fabric structures, which also offer
welcome shelter to visitors on hot or rainy days.
Tc ncw visitor ccntrc
addrcsscs thc long-fclt nccd for
bcttcr intcrprctation, to makc
thc sitc morc mcaningful and
acccssiblc to all audicnccs.
Hagar Qim and Mnajdra, Malta
the total costs. Te shelters are designed to last for
the next 25 to 30 years. Meanwhile work will continue
on consolidating the temples, as well as research to
identify long-term alternatives to sheltering.
Part of the project also involves establishment of a
visitors centre. Work on this began in April 2007.
Conservation is key
Te new shelters are seen as a vital interim
measure for preserving the sites from further
deterioration. Visitors beneft too, because they
can now walk around the temples without being
exposed to the elements.
Peoples experience of the sites is also signifcantly
enhanced through interpretation on ofer at the new
visitor centre. Te future of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra
seems assured for decades to come, which is good
news for Maltas heritage and tourists.
More about this project can be found at:
protect the temples with temporary shelters, an idea
endorsed by the unesco World Heritage Committee.
Careful consideration was given to the shelters
design, including the experience of other countries
with similar geographical and climatic conditions. In
the end, Maltese experts opted for huge open-sided
tents with steel arches and fabric. Te Hagar Qim
tent is over 11.5 metres high.
Erection of the shelters started in 2008, under an
eu co-funded project covering almost two-thirds of
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Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 277
Coverings shelter megalithic temples for preservation purposes
rEU funding
3.22 million
was allocated to the Hagar Qim
& Mnajdra Conservation &
Interpretation project from the
ERDF for the period 2004
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 277 13/04/10 17:33
278 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he underlying aim of the restoration was
to promote regional development, particu-
larly tourism. Te historic bridge is the most
important tourist attraction in Kuldga, and there-
fore plays a vital role in achieving the project aims.
Te surrounding landscaped areas, more acces-
sible waterfalls and spectacular new-look bridge
now ofer an exciting destination for locals and
Old and new combine for future development
Te project was implemented by the Kuldga Town
Council, with fnancial backing from the erdf. Fol-
lowing complex project planning, which included
signifcant research, the bridge managed to retain
its architectural qualities, yet had new features
added including a new lighting system, new rain-
water drainage system, and thickened vaults for
extra safety. Viewing platforms were also built
nearby, while stairs along the remains of the old
Restoration produces eye-catching bridge
The town of Kuldga (Latvia) has become an award-winning destination due in part to the restoration of the old brick bridge
across the River Venta. The impressive bridge, built 134 years ago, is one of the longest clay brick road bridges in Europe. As a
result of this project, the bridge is now safer and able to cope with the load capacity of modern trafc levels. It also hosts regular
events including laser light shows, open-air performances and cultural festivals.
Rcstoration of thc historical
bridgc has bccn a rcal bcnct
for mc, as our hostcl is locatcd
bctwccn thc two main local
tourist attractions thc old
bridgc and thc largcst watcrfall
in Europc, Vcnta watcrfall, so
my gucsts now havc a wondcrful
vicw to cnjoy. Tc bridgcs tcch-
nical rcstoration has also bccn
important as thcrc is no longcr
rainwatcr on thc surfacc.
Kuldga, Latvia
castle wall were renovated to improve access to the
Te restoration work has helped promote
Kuldgas popularity. In 2007, the town received
the European Commission award European Des-
tination of Excellence, while in 2008 Kuldga
historic centre was awarded the European Heri-
tage Label.
A crossroads of culture and education
Te bridge also plays an educational role, with
international conferences such as Bridge for
Kuldga bridge to the world in 2007 helping
locals and visitors discover the old bridges role in
linking the past and future, innovation and tradi-
tions. In an efort to preserve the authenticity of
local cultural heritage, events such as art exhibi-
tions, music concerts and performances are held
on the bridge, often including spectacular fre-
works and high-tech laser lighting and projections.
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Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 279
Restoration work in progress on old bridge over the River Venta
Natural world on show
Te River Venta forms a deep valley in nearby
Kuldga and is home to the Venta waterfalls, a sig-
nifcant geologic-geomorphologic feature. During
the fsh migration period, residents and tourists
can observe the migrating fsh in the waterfall.
Given its role as a natural barrier during migration,
Venta waterfalls has also witnessed the develop-
ment of interesting fshing styles for catching
salmon and vimba with the use of special weirs,
adding to the many activities on ofer in the region.
rEU funding
1.42 million
was allocated from the ERDF to Renovation
of the Old Bridge across the River Venta and
Establishment of an Attractive Tourism
Territory in the Heart of Kuldga over the
period March 2006 to August 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 279 13/04/10 17:33
280 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
o continue to accommodate the three million
tourists who come each year from all over the
world to admire this rocky tidal island, the
French state and joint council launched a major
upgrade for the bay which would allow tidal and
river currents to swirl around the mount as before.
Washing away the sediment
Tis wide-ranging project sought to build a new
dam to free the mount from the hold of the sur-
rounding salt marshes. Using the force of the sea
and of the river Couesnon, the dam would wash
away large amounts of the build-up of sediment
from the mount. In two years around 50% of the
necessary three million m of sediment would be
cleared and in eight years this would reach 80%.
As salt marshes rank alongside tropical rain-
forests in being the planets most biologically
productive habitats, eforts were made to protect
wildlife. One example is the parsley frog (or Pelo-
dytidae); during the hydraulic works ten ponds
were created to provide shelter for these frogs
during their breeding season (mid-February to
Mont-Saint-Michel gets a facelift
One of Frances favourite tourist destinations, the Mont-Saint-Michel is experiencing radical changes in order to help preserve
the beauty of the bay and to offer tourists an unforgettable experience. The project aims to ensure the longevity of this mythical
place which has been a rich source of cultural inspiration for many, from Claude Debussy and his Cathdrale Engloutie to Peter
Jackson and his 2003 lm The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Tc projccts scopc is socio-
cultural in that it sccks to
rcstorc both landscapc and
architcctural hcritagc, cnvi-
ronmcntal in that is sccks
to protcct and promotc thc
biodivcrsity of thc bay, and
cconomic in that it sccks to
continuc to attract visitors by
way of its ncw tourist ccntrc
and casicr acccss.
Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Basse-Normandie, France
A new car park was also put on the table. By
demolishing the current parking lot, tides would
fow freely again around the mount. Te new plans
included the building of a prototype to allow for
the testing of various surfaces during the con-
struction of the new dam.
Visitors still welcome
Due for completion in 2015, the Mont-Saint-
Michel renovation project is already well on its way
to changing the face of the bay. Te building of the
hydraulic dam began in June 2006 and since then
all eight water-channeling sluice gates have been
laid. Tese gates close during high tide, thereby
preventing the extra water from entering the river.
So as not to hamper tourism during the dura-
tion of the works, a visitor centre was set up
explaining the project to restore the Mont-Saint-
Michel and its state of progress. Visitors were
ofered free access to the centre and a frst glimpse
of the Mont-Saint-Michel of the future. Exhi-
bitions, plasma screens and virtual models are
keeping excitement alive as the mount undergoes
its facelift.
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Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 281
View over one of Frances cultural landmarks
Much research underlies the project. It was
conceived in such a way as to leave the natural pro-
cess of sedimentation in the inner bay untouched.
Four years of hydrosedimentary studies were
conducted by the specialist laboratory Sogreah.
Before operations began, the modifcations were
validated by an international scientifc committee.
An impact survey has highlighted the benefcial
efects the work will have on the bay environment.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
The Mont-Saint-Michel project
was allocated
11.1 million
under the ERDF for the
period 2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 281 13/04/10 17:33
282 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he 71 million fagship project is the lat-
est stage in eforts to transform the St
Georges area into a cultural hub, and is the
most important arts and cultural development
in Leicester for decades. In addition to revitalis-
ing a run-down district, it has already borne fruit,
generating more than 70 million in new develop-
ment and business.
New design brings audiences closer to the action
Te state-of-the-art Curve features two auditoria,
one with 750 fxed seats, the other smaller with
350 seats but providing a versatile, smaller space.
Te 32-tonne steel walls which separate the stage
and foyer can be raised, making the stage visible
from the street. Behind the stunning glass faade
is a magnifcent open plan foyer with views onto
the caf, bars and backstage area and across the
stage. Te unique theatre design also enables
directors to place the audience in a variety of con-
fgurations, adding to the magic and experience
for theatregoers.
Culture takes centre stage in Leicester
The new cultural quarter in Leicester is now home to a stunning entertainment venue as a result of the Curve art theatre project.
The modern theatre, designed by world renowned architect Rafael Violy, adds a vibrant feel to the area, offering business
opportunities and a unique entertainment space for locals and visitors in the East Midlands region, including auditoria, a caf
and bar.
If othcr citics follow
Iciccstcrs cxamplc, thc arts
will ourish
an cxciting and innova-
tivc building. Im surc it will
provc inspirational to all
thosc who arc lucky cnough
to work thcrc
Leicester, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom
Setting the scene for strong regional development
Innovation and the arts play a key role in the
development of the East Midlands. Curve has
become a landmark, symbolising the citys renais-
sance and refecting its position as a centre for the
cultural industries in the region. It is attracting
investment into the city, helping to bring in visi-
tors, creating new jobs and raising the profle of
the arts in the region.
The show will go on
Tough lights may be turned of following stage
performances, the behind-the-scenes work car-
ries on. Te economic, social and cultural value
of Curve will be evaluated as part of a long-term
study commissioned by East Midlands Develop-
ment Agency (emda) into the impact of this and
other investments in regional arts venues. Based
on this, equally inspiring projects can develop and
eventually become a reality.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 282 13/04/10 17:33
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 283
Stunning new entertainment venue in Leicester
rEU funding
2.09 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
Curve over the period 2000
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 283 13/04/10 17:33
284 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
acked by funding worth some 50 mil-
lion from the eu, the Walloon Region, the
French Community of Belgium and the City
of Lige, the Curtius museum is now a worthy
home for its valuable religious art collection and
the 5 200 regional and international archaeology,
weaponry, decorative artefacts it holds.
Protecting and promoting heritage
Te museum itself was built at the turn of the
17th century as a private mansion for Jean Cur-
tius, an industrialist and munitions supplier to
the Spanish army. Alternating layers of red brick
and natural stone as well as cross-mullioned win-
dows typify the regional style of the time known
as Mosan, which originated in the valley areas of
the Meuse and the Rhine.
Tree specialist museums are housed on the
Curtius complex: a weaponry museum, archaeol-
ogy and decorative arts museum, and a museum
Newly refurbished Curtius museum
reopens to the public
Following an eight-year refurbishment, the Grand Curtius museum has reopened its doors much to the delight of locals and the
10 000 visitors who attended the inaugural weekend. The historical centre of the city of Lige is regaining its former prestige and
popularity as people ock to step back in time through the museums many collections dating back nearly 7 000 years.
Tc popularity of thc opcn-
ing wcckcnd was a vcry positivc
sign for thc futurc. It showcd
that cxpcctations and intcr-
cst lcvcls wcrc cxtrcmcly high
among thc locals.
Lige, Wallonie, Belgium
Drawing in the visitors
Investment for the project was divided up into
three strands: technical equipment and buildings
(48.5%), museography and scenography (24.5%)
and renovation of the buildings on the Maastricht
quay (15.5%). Te remaining 11.5% was spent on
surveys, marketing and fees.
It is expected the Curtius museum will draw
in between 50 000 and 100 000 visitors each
year, providing a welcome boost for the regions
More about this project can be found at:
for religious and Mosan art. Te purpose of the
re-development was to re-organise the collections
held by these three museums and to design two
thematic tours for visitors.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 284 13/04/10 17:33
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 285
The Grand Curtius museum has been refurbished and is now welcoming visitors
rEU funding
The Grand Curtius development was
6.02 million
from the ERDF for the period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 285 13/04/10 17:34
286 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he Benedictine monastery was classifed
a World Heritage site in 1996 and ofers a
major attraction for cultural and religious
tourism. To provide an added boost to this tour-
ism potential, the Benedictine community put
together a development strategy. Work began in
2004 and, given its success so far, looks set to con-
tinue receiving support.
A monument like no other
Te buildings of the Arch Abbey were erected over
a thousand years ago on what is referred to as the
sacred mountain of Pannonia. Both the buildings
and their surroundings have been recognised by
unesco as a World Heritage site. Te Arch Abbey
is a worthy holder of this title given its stunning
architecture and cultural and scientifc collections,
which look set to attract an anticipated 100 000
tourists a year.
A tourism gem in the Hungarian countryside
The impressive Arch Abbey of Pannonhalma, one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary, has witnessed major
developments to its buildings and surroundings in recent years thanks to efforts to stimulate more tourism in the region. With
nancial support from the EU, the work has resulted in renovation work at the entrance, improvement of the interior court and
the planting of over 1 000 trees.
With thc work complctcd on
thc cnvironmcntal parts, thc
projcct has mct thc goals of thc
Arch Abbcy. Furthcrmorc, by
thc bcginning of aoo), thc mon-
astcry of thc holy mountain of
Pannonia nally had a faadc
worthy of its traditions and
Pannonhalma, Nyugat-Dunntl, Hungary
Surrounding environment blends with architec-
tural beauty
Te site ofers a special place for exploring, learn-
ing and relaxing, therefore tourism services and
infrastructure were important features of the
project work. To improve visitors experiences, the
works carried out included upgrading the walk-
way around the monastery and landscaping, with
benches, lamps, outdoor furniture and environ-
mental features placed around the grounds. In the
surrounding natural environment, the arboretum
was restored, a garden planted, and a display house
built for herbs. Less visible, but equally important,
were improvement works which included recon-
struction of rainwater collectors and pipes. Car
parks were also expanded and built as were com-
mercial and hospitality services.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 286 13/04/10 17:34
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 287
Abbey dominates Pannonhalma and surroundings
Life at the monastery continues to thrive
Te monastery has therefore become a much more
visitor-friendly tourism destination, creating a
harmonised space where nature, culture, history
and architecture blend together and where guests
and people who live, study and work there can
enjoy a unique experience.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
2.6 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to the Arch Abbey of
Pannonhalma project over
the period 2004
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 287 13/04/10 17:34
288 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he Centre is located in what once served as a
monastery, but is now home of the Fundacin
San Milln de la Cogolla. It plays a pivotal role
as a link with other institutes worldwide and con-
tributes to sharing knowledge and information
through conferences and specialist publications.
Three institutes, one passion
cilengua is made up of three main institutes:
Origins of Spanish, History of Language, and
the Hispanic Library Institute, the latter working
alongside the History of Books and Reading Insti-
tute. In its three years of operation, more than
20 international conferences and colloquia have
been held, some 15 monographs published, and
4 periodical magazines produced. Of note is the
innovative electronic magazine Interlneas pro-
duced in co-operation with New Yorks University
of Columbia.
Researcher training plays a key role
Cilenguas main work covers research in the
feld of philological and historical studies,
Researchers delve into the fascinating world of Spanish
The wealth of history of the Spanish language spans the globe, from its origins in Spain to regions beyond Europe. In recognition
of the languages growing importance on the international stage and to support research into its past and present, CILENGUA,
the International Centre for Research into the Spanish language, was created in 2006. At present, more than 100 researchers
work at the Centre, beneting from strong links with other academic bodies in Europe, the USA and Spain.
Tc rcscarch projccts carricd
out by thc thrcc institutcs at
ctteNoun, thc publications pro-
duccd and thc alrcady numcrous
scicntic gathcrings hcld havc
rmly cstablishcd Ia Riojas
rcnown in thc acadcmic world of
linguistic and litcrary studics.
San Milln de la Cogolla, La Rioja, Spain
represent opportunities for developing the skills
of researchers and ensuring the work continues to
produce benefcial results in the future. Te major-
ity of these researchers are made up of members
of cilengua (from its own staf and also other
national and foreign centres).
International co-operation adds to depth of
Agreements have been signed and relationships
established with universities such as Columbia,
Oxford, Harvard, Princeton, cuny of New York,
Salamanca, Barcelona and Oviedo, as well as cen-
tres like the Spanish Royal Library in an efort to
share scientifc expertise and enhance the under-
standing of Spanish language and literature.
More about this project can be found at:
critical editions, lexicography and other history
disciplines and sciences. Training courses and
conferences as well as Masters level courses all
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 288 13/04/10 17:34
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 289
Premises for researching the rich history of the Spanish language
rEU funding
1.4 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to CILENGUA over the period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 289 13/04/10 17:34
290 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he centre was designed to form a dominant
feature in the region that would maintain
the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
Te activities organised are drawing in tourists to
Sol and the surrounding villages, thereby build-
ing a stable basis for rural tourism.
Tapping into Sols tourism potential
Te Sol peak and its surrounding area is con-
sidered to be one of the most beautiful parts of
the region, ofering superb views across colourful
landscapes dotted with countless hills and valleys.
Te area is a favourite among tourists for its win-
ter and summer recreational activities. However,
until very recently, Sol was lacking the services
normally available for visitors wishing to plan their
stay in the area.
Te Sol information and cultural centre is
housed in an iconic building inspired by local reli-
gious traditions. Te centre stands apart in an
easily recognisable bell tower and ofers visitors
an interesting programme whether they come for
the sightseeing, the culture, or both.
Te centre opened in November 2006 and so
far, the area has received 32 294 visitors. Tanks
to new computers, this project also improved the
Centre lays rm foundation for rural tourism
The highlands in the east of Moravia, and their peak Sol, have long been popular with tourists. To cater for the continued
interest, a new information centre has been built offering not only valuable information to tourists but also a selection of cultural
activities. Exhibitions, concerts and similar events are all hosted in the new centre.
Tc ccntrc organiscs roughly
thrcc to four cvcnts cach month.
Sincc thc ccntrc was built, thc visi-
tor numbcrs in thc wholc rcgion
havc rockctcd, at timcs by as much
as tcnfold. Tc ccntrc has bccomc
a major cultural and social focal
point. Tis projcct is also triggcr-
ing othcr similar projccts in thc
surrounding arca. Tis will con-
sidcrably contributc to building a
morc attractivc rcgion.
Sol, Moravskoslezsko, Czech Republic
Local culture allowed to ourish
Te newly built bell tower has been conceived as an
important regional cultural centre. Many local art-
ists painters, sculptors, photographers and wood
carvers whose activities are inspired by folklore
display their works at the various exhibitions held
in the centre.
Troughout the year, but especially at Christ-
mas and Easter time, visitors can enjoy any
number of events demonstrations of traditional
crafts and folklore customs, cymbal music and
performances from folklore dancing groups. Many
of the events are inspired by artists who visited
Sol and refected this visit in their works of art.
Te information center is also used for spe-
cial occasions such as wedding ceremonies when
people wish to make use of the beautiful premises.
More and more activities are being planned as
even visitors come up with new ideas and ask for
information about upcoming festivities.
More about this project can be found at:
access of local people and those living in distant
areas to the information centres services as well
as to the internet.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 290 13/04/10 17:34
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 291
Sol information centre provides a key reference point for visitors
rEU funding
173 000
was allocated to the Sol
Information Centre project from
the ERDF for the June 2006
to October 2006 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 291 13/04/10 17:34
292 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
he underlying objective of the project was to
strengthen and improve the economic devel-
opment and potential of tourism businesses
in the region by increasing visitor trafc to this
fascinating archaeological fnd. Already in 2007,
some 105 000 people experienced this unique visi-
tor centre attraction.
A journey back in time
At over 3 600 years old, the disc is recognised as
the oldest known visual representation of the
cosmos and stands as a unique testimony to the
cultural history of Central Europe. Te bronze disc
has been the focus of much attention, particularly
cosmology enthusiasts.
Te visitors centre ofers something for every-
one, including a permanent exhibition with fun
virtual characters, a 3d-fight and a puppet show
recounting the mystery surrounding the Sky
Discs discovery.
Visitors can take a journey back in time at
the digital planetarium where high-tech design
and equipment helps enthusiasts experience the
German countryside reveals the mystery of stars
People the world over have always been fascinated by the mystery of stars and their place in the history of the universe. The
project Arche Nebra has contributed to educating and entertaining people about these mysterious celestial objects by building
a multimedia visitors centre near Mittelberg hill where the bronze Nebra Sky Disc was discovered in 1999. The facility also offers
a viewing tower, tours and planetarium for the growing numbers of visitors coming to explore the area.
Tc local rcgion has bccn hit
hard in rcccnt ycars with high
uncmploymcnt. Howcvcr, aftcr
Archc Ncbra was opcncd, scv-
cral ncw jobs wcrc crcatcd as a
dircct rcsult. A local hotcl was
also rc-opcncd following thc
inauguration of Archc Ncbra
and is authoriscd to usc thc
Ncbra Sky Disc in its markcting
Wangen and Mittelberg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Bronze Age. For those wanting real-time fresh air,
a viewing tower has been built at the site of the
frst discovery. Visitors can also relax at the cater-
ing and refreshments area built at the centre.
Symbolic artefact generates economic growth
Te growing tourist numbers, convenient road
access and clear signposting are having an impact
elsewhere in the region. For example, the Schloss-
hotel Nebra has expanded its facilities, there are
plans for a restaurant in Wangen, and the nearby
Memleben monastery and Goseck sun observa-
tory are experiencing higher visitor numbers.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 292 13/04/10 17:34
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 293
Multimedia centre offers a chance to explore celestial objects
rEU funding
4.7 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to Arche Nebra over the
period September 2005 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 293 13/04/10 17:34
294 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
istorically, there has been much contact
between these two cities given their geo-
graphical locations. By drawing on their
common history and also the unique talent of two
of the regions most famous painters, the project
is contributing to the development of the local cul-
tural industry. Reading and art exhibitions, as well
as events for children and youth, are just some of
the many features of this project, which saw more
than 4 000 people take part.
The voice of art echoes across borders
Te partnership between Daugavpils City Coun-
cil (Latvia) and the Culture Department, Vitebsk
City Executive Committee (Belarus), played a key
role in the project, supporting project activities
and implementing joint cultural activities, in turn
leading to better accessibility to art across the bor-
der. Te project highlighted that art has its own
language, where even borders are no obstacle to
Tapping into the pool of local talent
Te project organisers recognised that for local
talent to blossom, there was a need for inspiring
Homegrown talent inspires cultural industry
The Art without Borders project draws on the creations and renown of two local artists, providing impetus to the development of
the cultural industry in Latvia and Belarus. Marc Chagall (Belarus) and Mark Rothko (Latvia) have made their mark on the art world
and are now the inspiration behind efforts to boost co-operation between the twin cities of Daugavpils (LV) and Vitebsk (BY).
Ivc cnjoycd attcnding thc
Intcrnational Childrcn and
Youth Summcr Art School at
Marc Chagalls muscum in
Vitcbsk as part of thc projcct
Art without bordcrs. It was
a grcat opportunity to mcct
young intcrnational artists,
sharc cxpcricncc and nd
inspiration in thc nativc town
of world famous artist Marc
Territorial Co-operation, Latvia and Belarus
events and opportunities. One such event was
the international children and youth summer art
school at the M. Chagall Home Museum in Vitebsk,
where 27 youngsters learned to paint, dance and
think in the language of art. Other events drew
keen visitors and participants, including the
2 000 who visited the Daugavpils Regional and
Art Museum where works of Vitebsk-born Cha-
gall were exhibited as well as the 14 international
painters who came to Daugavpils, Rothkos native
town, to work creatively together.
Promoting art and talent
To capture a wide audience, the project partners
used a variety of media, including the updated
website of Chagalls museum, press releases in local
and regional media, tv & radio (mainly Rothko
Chagall art events in the region), 20 000 fyers
about art events, joint art publications and cross-
border events calendars. With an eye on the future,
there are plans to repeat the international children
and youth summer art school event next summer,
in a bid to ensure continuity in the development of
the cross-border cultural industry.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 294 13/04/10 17:34
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 295
Children take part in one of many cultural activities promoted locally
rEU funding
74 000
was allocated from the ERDF to
Art without Borders over the
period October 2006 to
December 2007
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 295 13/04/10 17:34
296 Investing in our regions Tourism and culture
ilitary strategies, architectural genius,
cultural identity and shared histories
are part of the fortifcations stories. Te
structures ofer enormous tourism potential for
the region which is why an action plan bringing
together French and Italians is transforming the
region and its monuments into fascinating visi-
tor attractions. Te project also draws inspiration
from various frameworks, including the Charter
of Venice and the Alpine Convention.
Linking the past and present
Built atop rocky promontories, these build-
ings provide a source for understanding how
local cultures and identities have formed over
time. Te forts also act as a linking mechanism
for new co-operation between France and Italy.
Te project has resulted in a network of people
from both the public and private sector, and
from both countries, training them, organising
seminars and promoting further networking
across borders to help managers stay abreast of
modern methods for site preservation and cul-
tural tourism.
Alpine forts the focus of renewed development
The forts dotted around the mountainous French-Italian border region offer a wealth of diversity in terms of architecture, culture
and history. To ensure the survival of these imposing structures for visitors and locals alike, the project Sentinels of the Alps,
renovation and development of fortied heritage in the Franco-Italian Alps has put in place a strategic plan, which includes a
quality charter and database of forts throughout the region.
Tis projcct aimcd to bring
to thc forc a common hcri-
tagc: fortications locatcd in
thc bordcr rcgion of thc Alps,
and also to incrcasc knowl-
cdgc about forticd hcritagc
and facilitatc its rcstoration.
Morc than qo sitcs arc now
participating in thc cross-bor-
dcr nctwork and arc togcthcr
dcvcloping cultural and tour-
ism projccts.
Territorial Co-operation, France and Italy
Mapping out the way forward
For local residents, a long-term plan is vital for
both preserving the buildings and ensuring eco-
nomic benefts through tourism. Key activities
include diversifying the tourism and cultural activ-
ities and opportunities, boosting co-operation
between local villages and districts, developing
and conveying an image of the Alpine region by
highlighting its unique features, drafting a qual-
ity charter, including an inventory of sites and
database of forts, and organising ongoing activi-
ties for the networks involved, including seminars,
training and forums such as the 1st International
Forum on Alpine Fortifcations in May 2009.
A comprehensive website Sentinelles des
Alpes Sentinelle delle Alpi also serves as a vital
tool for connecting people and providing them
with useful information including maps, down-
loads, thematic searches and charter principles. In
doing so, the story of the alpine region will con-
tinue to be told for generations to come.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 296 13/04/10 17:34
Tourism and culture Investing in our regions 297
Wonderful scenery surrounds alpine forts
rEU funding
1.8 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
Sentinels of the Alps, renovation
and development of fortied
heritage in the Franco-Italian
Alps over the period
2000 to 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 297 13/04/10 17:34
outermost regions
298 Investing in our regions Education and social
Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom: Communities resolve
differences for brighter future
Bornholm, Hovedstaden, Denmark: Island offers more choice for
Debrecen, szak-Alfld, Hungary: Health centre overhaul in northern
Lyon, Rhne-Alpes, France: First steps towards a European
immunomonitoring platform
Mannheim, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany: German pop music
industry set for a bright future
Nicosia, Cyprus: Historic building goes contemporary
Nottinghamshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom:
Asheld training centre overcomes skills shortages
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium: Skys the limit
for aviation centre of excellence
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands: Kids and the art of urban
Sines, Alentejo, Portugal: Arts centre bridges citys old and modern
Vsters, stra Mellansverige, Sweden: Smart helpers for humans
Weimar, Thringen, Germany: New premises for civil engineering
Territorial Co-operation
FI, IE, SE, UK and NO: Healthcare goes electronic under northern skies
East Midlands
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 298 13/04/10 17:35
Education and social Investing in our regions 299
Developing people their skills
and talent is crucial for ensuring
the long-term competitiveness of
Europe. Promoting the integration
of all people in society, in particular
those on the margins, is a funda-
mental goal of the EU. The social
welfare and support systems in
place across Europe are a reection
of this shared value of social cohe-
sion. Yet many groups of people
in the Union are socially excluded
it could be because of a disabil-
ity, because they are low-skilled,
because they live in deprived areas
with limited access to services. This
extends to employment where some
people nd it difcult to get a job.
Promoting more and better jobs,
supporting the integration and par-
ticipation of disadvantaged groups,
and developing an inclusive soci-
ety accessible to all, are objectives
which underpin EU investment.

The Union has a broad set of poli-
cies, at European, national and
regional levels, aimed at tackling
the issues that undermine Europes
competitiveness. Many of these set
out to improve higher education and
vocational training programmes, to
up-skill the workforce across Europe,
and build better links between these
training providers and industry to
ensure that the skills they teach
match those that companies need,
today and in the future.
Here the European Regional
Development Fund works hand in
hand with the European Social Fund,
funding activities which help to
increase the exibility of the labour
markets, modernise social protection
systems, support social enterprises,
and promote better access to good
quality education and training. By
investing in a range of community
facilities in educational, social and
health infrastructure regional funds
help to strengthen communities and
improve access to services across the
EU investment in projects like the
refurbishment of the Regional Health
Care Centre in Debrecen, Hungary,
which provides specialist cancer and
cardiovascular treatments, or the
Bornholm Island Academy project
in Denmark which beneted from
regional development funding to
expand the local teaching centre in
this remote community are just some
of the numerous examples showing
how targeted investment can yield
signicant results.
Education and social
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 299 13/04/10 17:35
300 Investing in our regions Education and social
he Belfast Confict Resolution Consortium
(bcrc), set up in April 2007, aims to assist
in shaping policies that will make a real dif-
ference in this European capital where sporadic
outbursts of violence continue to occur.
Activists unite
Together loyalist, republican and community
activists have been working side by side to contain
and prevent violent outbreaks and potentially vio-
lent situations in certain parts of Belfast, known
as interface areas. Tis term is used to describe
the intersection between segregated Protestant
and Catholic residential areas.
By fostering tentative contact between activ-
ists, the bcrc is helping to create efective working
relationships and developing a cross-community
steering group and a citywide response network.
Te consortium relies on partners throughout
Belfast, including its partner organisations Char-
ter ni, epic, the Falls Community Council and
Te work of the bcrc is carried out by a proj-
ect manager and a team of seven staf, including
Communities resolve differences for brighter future
Innovative approach to conict resolution sees cross-community activists work together in an effort to bring a complete end to
violence in Belfast as part of a city-wide partnership for lasting peace.
ucuc bclicvc rclationship and
trust-building proccsscs providc
thc ncccssary building blocks
to forgc long-tcrm, sustainablc
intcrcommunity partncrships at
grass roots lcvcl.
Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Towards lasting peace
Trough the creation and expansion of cross-com-
munity strategic alliances, the bcrc provides an
integrated response to tension in interface areas.
Tis is helping to prevent outbreaks as well as to
enhance confict resolution skills.
Local leadership is gaining strength, demo-
cratic involvement is on the rise and reconciliation
eforts are becoming more fruitful as the bcrc
continues to work on the issues identifed by
interface communities across Belfast.
Te plan is to give priority to these issues and
to work jointly on problem solving. Moving from
a situation in which crisis management has been
the norm to one in which strategic decisions are
debated and then taken is the journey the bcrc
has embarked upon.
More about this project can be found at:
fvecommunity development ofcers, a secretarial
administrator and a fnancial administrator. Te
project is given operational direction by its lead
agency, the Falls Community Council, and the
other three partner organisations Charter ni, epic
and Intercomm. Strategic direction is given by its
steering group which is representative of Belfasts
diferent political and religious communities.
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 300 13/04/10 17:35
Education and social Investing in our regions 301
Locals determined to end conict in Belfast
rEU funding
378 500
was awarded to the Belfast Conict
Resolution Consortium from the
ERDF for the 2005 to2007 period.
The current phase of the project
is supported by the Peace III
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 301 13/04/10 17:35
302 Investing in our regions Education and social
he expansion of the existing Pedagogical Cen-
tre has meant that people living on the island
now have a greater choice of courses, thus
avoiding the need to head towards the mainland.
As a result of the project, some 145 additional stu-
dents can beneft from the education provided.
Isolated but integrated
Quality higher education on Bornholm is seen as
a determining factor in the development of the
island community, ensuring that the region can
fully integrate into the national and international
market and knowledge economy. Te regions need
for highly trained and highly qualifed citizens has
thus become a priority. Te Student Centre Snor-
rebakken on the island covers some 5 000 square
metres. Tis eu-backed project provides teaching
facilities for several institutions ofering diferent
bachelor courses covering social education, social
counselling and social education assistance. Te
centre also houses the Educational Resource
Centre, providing teacher in-service training
Island offers more choice for studies
Life on an island can often present challenges due to geographical isolation and the infrastructure available. Bornholm Island,
located to the east of Denmark in the Baltic Sea, is one such example, where attracting students and teachers has often proved
difcult. However, with the help of EU funding, the Bornholm Academy project has resulted in a broader range of courses, larger
teaching facility and more attractive environment for studying.
It couldnt bc bcttcr, vcry
nicc surroundings. I think its
known to most pcoplc that its
casicr to lcarn whcn thc cir-
cumstanccs arc right. Tcy havc
rcally thought about light, thc
atmosphcrc and thats whats
making thc building so pcrfcct.
Bornholm, Hovedstaden, Denmark
on Bornholm that would otherwise not be pos-
sible there.
Attractive prospects for island education
Te residents on the island are already benefting
from the academys expansion, in that they have
a much wider choice of courses, thus not obliging
them to head to the mainland. Te new build-
ing and new education opportunities have also
created a more attractive environment, with the
result that the centre is now fnding it easier to
attract both students and teachers to the island.
Te economic benefts of the project are clearly evi-
dent, with eight new jobs already created. Te rise
in student numbers has also generated signifcant
fnancial gains for the region, with an additional
2 million in annual turnover.
More about this project can be found at:
and supplying training material to all education
institutions on the island. Te institutions are
antennas of larger educational institutions from
elsewhere in Denmark, ensuring higher education
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 302 13/04/10 17:35
Education and social Investing in our regions 303
Island life now ripe for studying
rEU funding
1.6 million
was allocated from the ERDF
to Bornholm Academy
over the period 2000
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 303 13/04/10 17:35
304 Investing in our regions Education and social
ith some 52 000 inpatients and 200 000
outpatients receiving care at the centre
every year, the need to provide compre-
hensive services and modern facilities remains a
priority for the region. New consulting rooms,
physiotherapy rooms as well as administration
and service areas now contribute to the centres
extensive range of health care.
Award-winning health centre
Te Medical and Health Science Centre, University
of Debrecen (mhsc), currently celebrating its 90
anniversary, ofers high standard health services,
educational programmes and training courses. In
2006, it was included on the list of Europes 500
most dynamically-developing, job-creating insti-
tutions, and in 2007 won Hungarys Hospital of
the Year Award.
Targeting specic problems
To address the notoriously high level of certain
diseases in the Northern Great Plain and the
Health centre overhaul in northern Hungary
Responding to the challenges presented by the intense development of science and technology, the Auguszta Programme at
the Medical and Health Science Centre of the University of Debrecen saw major investments in health, with backing from the
EU. It involved large-scale infrastructure works, including the establishment of a Cardiovascular and Oncology Complex. In total,
13086 m
of new buildings were built and 3 210 m
of extensions carried out.
Ivc had a good cxpcricncc.
Im trcatcd politcly, and thcyrc
compassionatc and paticnt with
Debrecen, szak-Alfld, Hungary
Revamped and ready to care
Te projects construction works included a new
2100 m
in-patient unit at the Department of Radi-
ology, in addition to an 1 100 m
outpatient unit
of the 3
Department of Internal Medicine which
was completed and now hosts many facilities
including four consulting rooms and two physio-
therapy rooms. Te Department of Pulmonology
moved to a completely revamped building, while
the surface area of the Department of Oncology
was increased by 1 357 m
over four foors. With
these modern, fully-equipped facilities, patients
now stand to beneft from an extensive range of
services, all in one centralised location.
More about this project can be found at:
Northern Hungarian Regions, a new Cardiovas-
cular and Oncology Complex was built under the
project and has been equipped to meet real health
care needs. Te frst Health Observatory of Cen-
tral and Eastern Europe was also founded through
the project to collect, analyse and systematise
epidemiological data of these diseases and make
the fndings available to researchers and health
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 304 13/04/10 17:35
Education and social Investing in our regions 305
New buildings and extensions have helped improve services at this centre
rEU funding
35.65 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the Regional Health Care Centre
(Debrecen) over the period
2004 to 2008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 305 13/04/10 17:35
306 Investing in our regions Education and social
he Platine project seeks to create Europes
frst immunomonitoring platform, to better
characterise the efect on the immune sys-
tem of new therapeutic molecules discovered by
researchers. Goals include meeting the needs of
biotechnology companies and the pharmaceutical
industry, and ultimately the European market.
Therapy assessment
Many therapies will soon have to be assessed on
the initial immunological status of patients and/
or their immunomodulatory efects. However,
Europe has no industry centre capable of per-
forming efcient and global immunomonitoring
follow-up a service that would enable the rapid
discarding of any molecule that poses a risk to
patients and allow pharmaceutical companies
to concentrate resources on the most promising
Platine pools the techniques and scientifc
knowledge of fve partners, with a view to creating
centralised, robust and reproducible immuno-
monitoring services. Tree partners Innate
First steps towards a European
immunomonitoring platform
An innovative project to speed up drug development, focused on monitoring human immune response, is now operational at
Lyonbioples new infectiology centre. Around a dozen pharmaceutical experts from industry and academia staff its state-of-
the-art laboratory.
Wc arc vcry plcascd to scc a
projcct sharcd by cxpcrts in thc
cld of immunology rcinforcing
thc cxpcrtisc and thc imagc of
our clustcr.
Lyon, Rhne-Alpes, France
In April 2009, teams from the various partners
moved into the Lyonbiople. Tey work in a special
laboratory ftted with sophisticated equipment.
Immunomonitoring expertise
Te partners aim to create a commercial structure
able to ofer high-quality immunomonitoring ser-
vices to pharmaceutical companies. Tis would
speed up each drugs development process while
cutting down costs. Work is based on three tools
adapted to sponsors needs: innovative and tradi-
tional technology, scientifc assessment, and the
development of new biomarkers.
Te project has two phases, starting with immu-
nomonitoring of clinical trials of partners drug
candidates and then molecules from French and
European companies. In between, the scientifc
team will build a comprehensive range of immu-
nomonitoring and biomarker discovery services.
More about this project can be found at: or
Pharma, Transgene sa, and Immunid are from
the industrial world, with expertise in drug devel-
opment and immunomonitoring and diagnostics.
Te other two are academic research labs from
Inserm (the French National Institute for Health
and Medical Research) and the Lon Brard Mul-
tidisciplinary Centre. Te projects total cost is 10
million. In addition to the eu funding (4.8 mil-
lion), it benefts from French national and regional
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 306 13/04/10 17:35
Education and social Investing in our regions 307
Expert engaged in human immune response work at laboratory
rEU funding
450 000
was allocated to the Platine
project from the ERDF for the
April 2008 to April 2012
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 307 13/04/10 17:36
308 Investing in our regions Education and social
urturing local talent is the aim underlying
all activities at the Akademie and Musik-
park. Students attending the Akademie
can study towards a ba in pop music, opting for
either a conservatory approach for instruments
not covered at traditional schools, or a manage-
ment course. Te Musikpark focuses more on
giving start-up smes in the music industry the
opportunity to advance by ofering recording facil-
ities and helping with networking, notably when it
comes to funding.
Fine-tuning the raw material of music
Te Pop-Akademie recognises raw creative talent
as a driving force for economic development and
the generation of cultural wealth. With society
and markets changing, trends coming and going,
and the use of digital technology now standard,
the Akademie meets the need for new approaches
to artist development, marketing and business co-
operation, by providing the industry with highly
qualifed experts and creative artists.
German pop music industry set for a bright future
With the music industry often renowned for struggling professionals, initiators of the project Pop-Akademie Baden-
Wrttemberg und Musikpark Mannheim saw the need to provide a dual support system to help the transition from raw musical
talent to successful career in music. Musicians and students of the music industry can now study towards a recognised academic
qualication at the Akademie, while at the Musikpark, musicians and businesses have more than 4 000 m
of space available
where they can develop new business relationships.
Morc than )o of all grad-
uatcs from thc programmc
Music Busincss nd jobs in
this cld.
Mannheim, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany
Springboard for music entrepreneurs
Te eus creative industry generated turnover
of more than 654 billion in 2003. To ensure
the industry is ready to face the changing global
economy and technology, Musikpark Mannheim
provides start-up smes in the music industry
with a facility where they can develop, learn and
source funding in what is often a fragile business
Today some 40 businesses, employing about
140 people, are making the most of the premises,
which include a tv studio, sound studio, work-
shop and meeting rooms. Musikpark also acts as a
bridge between artists and booking agents, ofer-
ing a one-stop shop, with dancers and musicians
as well as sound and lighting technicians available.
More about this project can be found at: and
Te Akademie ofers a Bachelor of the Pop
Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg in music business
(event and label managers, marketing experts, art-
ist developers and community managers) and pop
music design (drummers, guitar players, djs, bass
players, keyboard players, singers, songwriters
and producers). Te course lasts for six terms and
includes exams and two placements.
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Education and social Investing in our regions 309
Drum event at the Popakademie
rEU funding
5.5 million
was allocated from the ERDF to Pop-
Akademie Baden-Wrttemberg and
Musikpark Mannheim over the
period 20022008
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 309 13/04/10 17:36
310 Investing in our regions Education and social
ompleted on 21 December 2008, the proj-
ect struck a balance between retaining the
architectural beauty of the original building
and adding new features, particularly the inte-
rior. In total, some 3 000 m
of buildings and open
spaces were transformed.
Rundown areas given a boost
With fnancial backing from the eu, the Depart-
ment of Town Planning and Housing, in
co-operation with the Nicosia Municipality, suc-
ceeded in providing a centre for not only the
local community but also others in the wider area
of the walled city of Nicosia. Te Municipality
saw the need to breathe new life into traditional
neighbourhoods adjacent to the ceasefre line,
contributing to regeneration of the eastern parts
of the city.
Retaining the old charm
Te project included restoration of the existing
building complex, with care taken to make only
minimum additions and alterations. Te works
were carried out in accordance with international
Historic building goes contemporary
What was once a decaying neighbourhood in the eastern quarter of Nicosia is now experiencing a transformation as part of
a series of projects designed to generate social and economic activity. This project involved the restoration of an abandoned
historic building (the Old Poorhouse), turning it into a contemporary centre where locals, notably the elderly and immigrants, can
benet from social and cultural services.
Tis projcct is a vcry good
cxamplc of what can bc
accomplishcd through thc
utilisation of thc eu rcgional
policy and thc availablc funds
for balanccd sustainablc
dcvclopmcnt at thc Europcan,
national and local lcvcl. It
is also thc rcsult of targctcd
co-opcration of all lcvcls of
Nicosia, Cyprus
good practice principles and charters in respect of
architectural heritage. However, given the range
of specialised activities planned for the multipur-
pose building in the future, the Municipality also
carried out some redesign work of the interior.
Other work saw auxiliary buildings added and the
surrounding area redesigned for diferent events,
including open-air activities.
A focus for all generations
Te main building was designed to host the difer-
ent activities of the Centre. Te northern part is
used for administration work, the middle part
which is the older section hosts the cultural
activities, and the southern part is utilised for
social programmes for the elderly, immigrants and
children, where they have use of diferent areas
and rooms, depending on the group involved. In
all, the project covered a total building area of
780m and open spaces of 2 150 m.
More about this project can be found at:
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Education and social Investing in our regions 311
Abandoned building now a focus of social and cultural activity in Nicosia
rEU funding
1 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
Municipal Centre for Contemporary
Social and Cultural Services,
within the Walled City of
Nicosia over the period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 311 13/04/10 17:36
312 Investing in our regions Education and social
artnerships with industry and commerce
have made it possible for the Ashfeld
Skills Centre to design, develop and deliver
training in state-of-the-art, real life working envi-
ronments. Both locally and regionally, students
can aspire to brighter futures.
Targeted learning opportunities
Ashfeld Skills Centre trains up students in a wide
variety of subjects to industry standards thanks to
its ability to mimic real industrial and commercial
A fashion design company, Angels carrying
savage weapons, runs its business from the skills
centre. It produces bespoke corsetry, millinery and
wedding dresses. A brand new Apple graphic design
studio has just opened as well as a Cisco retailing
academy and a beauty salon. Small businesses are
supported by an onsite centre with Nottingham-
shire and Derbyshire chamber of commerce.
Ashfeld students can also follow workshops in
construction, engineering, hospitality and cater-
ing given by industrial training providers such as
rac, Carillion and Charnwood.
Asheld training centre overcomes skills shortages
Providing training relevant to the local job market is one way in which the Asheld Skills Centre is boosting employability in a
region hit by the demise of the coalmining and hosiery industries. By working alongside employers, the centre proactively seeks
to overcome skills shortages through high quality vocational courses.
Tc school fccls that thc
opportunitics opcncd up by
this cntcrprising vcnturc and
thc rcst of thc ncw dcvclop-
mcnts havc bccn important in
promoting a positivc awarc-
ncss in thc local community.
Nottinghamshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom
achieved between the school and a broad range of
public and private sector partners.
Strong links with employers such as rac and
Carillion help ensure learners of all ages obtain the
right qualifcations and skills to develop careers in
key growth sectors such as engineering, construc-
tion, health and care, tourism and culture, leisure
and hospitality, food and drink production and
fnancial and business services.
Te centres achievements include: the creation
of 50 jobs, assistance and advice given to 67 busi-
nesses to aid growth and development, the setting
up of over 200 new apprenticeships and 1 500
people assisted in skills development, and new
premises for community use.
More about this project can be found at:
centre.htm Ambassador for enterprise
Te project has been hailed as an ambassador
for enterprise as a result of its unique approach
to fostering entrepreneurship in the community,
the strength of its links with industrial and com-
mercial partners and the synergy that has been
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 312 13/04/10 17:36
Education and social Investing in our regions 313
The colourful results of efforts made at the Asheld Skills Centre
rEU funding
The Asheld Skills Centre received
2.5 million
from the ERDF
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 313 13/04/10 17:36
314 Investing in our regions Education and social
nique in Flanders, though modelled on
facilities in the Belgian region of Wallonia,
the centre ofers a range of courses aimed
at everyone from engineers to pilots. It is the
product of an extensive synergy between public
authorities and private partners, and has quickly
become a centre of excellence in a highly competi-
tive feld.
Getting off the ground
Te aviation and space industry is strategically
important for Flanders, supported by several
dozen Flemish companies, research centres and
educational institutions. Recently it has enjoyed
signifcant expansion and creates high added-
value jobs for more than 50 000 people.
However, recent surveys in Flanders high-
lighted the regions need for an integrated aviation
and airport policy, as well as for better educa-
tion and training for those working in the sector.
Aviation professionals also noted the extremely
fragmented state of training in Flanders, which
held it back from competing with nearby regions
and countries.
Sky is the limit for aviation centre of excellence
A new knowledge, skills and education centre for the Flemish aviation industry opened in 2007 at Ostend-Bruges International
Airport. The VLOC (Flemish Aviation Training Centre) currently trains nearly 200 students a year.
vtoc ocrs studcnts a
uniquc opportunity to bcn-
ct from statc-of-thc-art
acronautical infrastructurc,
to facilitatc thcir subscqucnt
transition into profcssional
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
covering a third of the total construction budget.
Te goal is to train commercial airline pilots, aero-
nautical engineers and aircraft technicians.
JAR-approved training centre
Te centre covers both theoretical and practical
training. It is open to everyone from students in
secondary vocational education to university stu-
dents and industry professionals looking to update
their skills and even jobseekers in the region.
Calling on aircraft engines, multimedia equip-
ment such as cockpit simulators and system
trainers, and distance learning where appropriate,
the vloc is now achieving high performance lev-
els and opening up new career opportunities for
some 200 students annually. Te target from 2014
onwards is 320 students.
Te centre provides direct (full-time equivalent)
employment for around 12 trainers, supervi-
sors and employees, while indirectly supporting
local jobs in areas such as transport and hotel
accommodation. It also meets the need to train
or retrain people for aircraft maintenance in line
with Europes Joint Aviation Requirements, in
force since 2003.
Opened in June 2007 at Ostend-Bruges airport,
the vloc is a partnership between the Region of
Flanders, private companies, colleges of higher
education and universities. Te new building and
facilities were created by the Catholic University
College of Bruges-Ostend (khbo), with Flemish
Government and European funding the latter
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Education and social Investing in our regions 315
Honing skills at the training centre at Ostend-Bruges International Airport
rEU funding
1.2 million
was allocated to the Flemish
Aviation Training Centre Ostend
project from the ERDF for
the September 2004 to
August 2007 period
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 315 13/04/10 17:36
316 Investing in our regions Education and social
ince De Maakwereld frst started in 2002, a
total of 60 students have been involved in
the teaching, thus embodying the project
concept to actively take part in the social and eco-
nomic challenges of living environments. Seven
work experience jobs for students and a similar
amount of exchange visits have also added to the
dynamics of the project.
Language skills, a tool for life
Poor language skills can become a serious obstacle
to active involvement in local life. Maakwereld (a
word invented by the children in the project) is
a workshop/studio in the Oude Noorden neigh-
bourhood of Rotterdam. To better their skills,
the children took part in creative and fun activi-
ties to learn Dutch. In total, 64 cultural activities
took place and included booklets, newspapers, tv,
poetry writing, rap, singing and acting, digital
activities, etc.
Fun was the key, as children express them-
selves more easily when enjoying themselves.
Kids and the art of urban communication
The ability to get involved and play a meaningful role as a local resident is becoming increasingly important in rapidly changing
urban environments. In many of Rotterdams neighbourhoods, a large number of residents lack Dutch language skills. This
children-oriented project, Language & Media Studio De Maakwereld, has already proved a real success in improving both
language skills and social interaction, with more than 10 000 people taking part.
Dc Maakwcrcld hclpcd mc
cxprcss mysclf on papcr, and
poctry bccamc a part of mc.
Maakwcrcld madc mc rcalizc,
languagc is thc kcy to dcvclop-
mcnt. If you know languagc, you
can gain knowlcdgc.
MAAKWERELD, 2004-2005
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
discussion where each child was asked to describe
their front door or the very frst thing they did
today. As such they learned to focus and concen-
trate better. Technology also came into the game
for instance using computers to write short
poems of their experience.
Te Childrens Press Ofce was also an impor-
tant feature where they co-operated with another
urban ii project, Cineac Noord which saw children
interview other children, residents or civil ser-
vants on issues such as urban cleanliness.
Spreading the word
Te power of this project has been the personal
attention and real contact with both the children
and their parents. Trough support from a hous-
ing corporation, the project is now able to continue.
Furthermore, almost every primary school in this
neighbourhood, and increasingly schools in other
parts of the city, is using this method to improve
use of the Dutch language.
Teir creations also instilled a sense of pride and
have boosted their self-confdence.
Kid talk
To help get kids thinking, each session started
with a familiar experience, for example a group
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Education and social Investing in our regions 317
Kids learning to speak the same language in Rotterdam
rEU funding
298 500
was allocated from the ERDF to
the project Language & Media
Studio De Maakwereld over
the period August 2002 to
December 2006
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 317 13/04/10 17:36
318 Investing in our regions Education and social
he facilities ofer an important new learn-
ing, meeting and leisure centre for the
whole community. Passers-by can even
see what is going on through the transparent
ground foor.
Contemporary architecture
Located around 100 km south of Lisbon, Sines is
perched on a clif overlooking the Atlantic and
has a famous fshing port. Although known for
its annual World Music Festival, the biggest in
Portugal, the city and its centre sufered for some
years from economic decline and a gradual loss of
Te project for a new arts centre and library
was designed to inject new life into the area. A
major goal was to foster better links between
local people and the arts and music, as well as to
enhance the citys historic centre with an aestheti-
cally pleasing and impressive new building.
Eu funding covered half of the projects total
cost. Work started in November 2001 on the site
of the former Vasco de Gama theatre and was
Arts centre bridges citys old and modern parts
Birthplace of explorer Vasco de Gama, Sines is home today to one of the most modern and attractive arts centres in Portugal. The
small coastal citys multifunctional complex was completed in 2005 and includes a spacious library, exhibition centre, auditorium
and archive.
Tc Arts Ccntrc, cspccially
its intcgration within thc urban
community, providcs a ncw pcr-
spcctivc on thc historic ccntrc
of Sincs without cvcr cxclud-
ing thc pcoplc who livc, work or
pass through thc city ccntrc.
Sines, Alentejo, Portugal
by leading Portuguese architects, was completed
in November 2005.
Multifunctional centre
Te Sines Municipal Library and Arts Centre fea-
tures a bold large-brick and glass design, partly
resembling a castle. Its innovative architecture led
to selection for the European Mies van der Rohe
Award 2006. Te main facilities are spread over
seven foors and include a large library, spacious
exhibition centre, a 190-seater auditorium for
the performing arts and public meetings, and an
accessible archive for local documents. Te com-
plex also has two cafeterias and an underground
car park.
Te centre has boosted Sines image as an
attractive place to live and visit. It is also a
new platform to the arts and cultural edu-
cation. Between January 2006 and August
2009, some 121 000 people attended events
there. Te exhibition centre alone attracted
more than 36 000 to almost 40 exhibitions
on everything from painting to sculpture.
overseen by the Alentejo region. Construction
encountered several challenges, including the need
to excavate hard rock using explosives rather than
machinery. Te seven-storey building, designed
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Education and social Investing in our regions 319
Faade of arts centre in Sines
rEU funding
2.68 million
was allocated to the Sines Municipal
Library and Arts Centre project
from the ERDF for the period
2000 to 2006
In the same period, the auditorium hosted
25 900 and the library around 16 500. Te cen-
tres educational service reaches out to local
people especially children and has organised
well over 1 350 activities.
More about this project can be found at:
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 319 13/04/10 17:36
320 Investing in our regions Education and social
he national and international robotics equip-
ment-makers involved are working closely
with users to test new developments. Te
project is already half way towards its initial target
of creating 30 new operations or companies within
the robotics feld and 30 new products, among
them innovative robots for helping the elderly and
disabled with everyday tasks.
A business focus
One of Europes leading robotics centres, Robot-
dalen, as it is known in Swedish, covers an area
some 100 km across and brings together research-
ers, developers, manufacturers and academia
working in the feld of robotics. It was launched
with backing from the Swedish government
agency Vinnova and will run until 2013. Additional
funding granted to the project from the European
Regional Development Fund will enable the gen-
eration of at least fve new products and fve new
operations or companies during the fnancing
period that ends in 2010.
Smart helpers for humans
Robot Valley (Robotdalen) specialises in robotics for industry, logistics and healthcare. The umbrella project has directly
introduced around 150 small businesses in its home region in Sweden to the benets of robotics, while additional EU funding
has raised Robot Valleys prole and established links to similar clusters across Europe.
Tc Gira allows family,
fricnds and carcgivcrs to visit
thc cldcrly in thcir homcs via
thc intcrnct, just as if thcy
wcrc facc to facc.
Vsters, stra Mellansverige, Sweden
disabled people, by keeping them socially con-
nected and empowered.
Sorting, surveillance and self-help
Recent commercial developments from Robot Val-
ley include the SensActive, a machine that picks
up items from unsorted bins using laser scan-
ning and an algorithm to calculate the geometry
of objects. A large mining truck that can be oper-
ated remotely underground was also launched as a
product in 2007.
GroundBot is an 80-cm-wide surveillance
robot shaped like a rock. It can move autono-
mously or be controlled remotely, and has already
won orders from the US military. On the health-
care side, the Giraf is a robot that allows people
to communicate with friends, family and health
professionals via a mobile robot ftted with a
two-way communications monitor. Tere is also
a compact table-top robot to help the disabled to
feed themselves.
Work focuses on developing mature solu-
tions that are easy to programme and use. Most
are aimed at industrial clients, but the project is
increasingly looking at the promising healthcare
market. Some of its latest robots are designed
to maintain a good quality of life for elderly or
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Education and social Investing in our regions 321
Robots becoming part of social interaction
Some 150 small and medium-sized local com-
panies have taken up robots, after the projects
experts undertook feasibility studies and showed
them that robots can be highly efcient and
cost-efective. Robot Valley has also introduced
a 20 000 scientifc award to encourage Europe-
wide networking in this feld and the recruitment
of more robotics graduates.
More about this project can be found at:
rEU funding
2 550 000
was allocated to the Robot Valley
project from the ERDF for the 2008 to
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 321 13/04/10 17:36
322 Investing in our regions Education and social
he stylish architecture provides a distinct
structure that blends in with the surround-
ing buildings and landscape. Te integrated
nature of the facilities means that those working
and studying there have easier and more ready
access to both people and equipment, an impor-
tant feature particularly for those working on
their doctoral theses.
Proximity equals productivity
Te proximity of the new laboratory space, teach-
ing areas and ofces provides an ideal working and
research environment. Professors, scientists and
students have access to well-equipped laboratory
and testing areas where research is conducted to
high international standards. Te areas have had
slanted glass added maximising the space avail-
able for use.
Te new seminar rooms and lecture hall are
frequently used for teaching and training both
German and international students. About
New premises for civil engineering
Todays education and research facilities must be suitably equipped for modern methods of learning, teaching and researching.
The region of Thuringia recognised that the civil engineering training campus at the Bauhaus-University of Weimar was in need
of an upgrade. With support from EU funding, it designed and built a new building including two seminar rooms, a lecture hall
and a modern laboratory, and is now home to a hive of student and researcher activity.
Tc soil dynamics group
could not havc achicvcd its
currcnt high intcrnational
position in such a short spacc
of timc without thc cxccllcnt
facilitics of thc ncw building.
Weimar, Thringen, Germany
From lab table to industry oor
Te specialist facilities at the laboratory, such as
the climate room, rigid foor with loading frame
and extended media wires, have enabled many
projects to be undertaken, covering subjects such
as numerical geomechanics, modelling the behav-
iour of soils, rock and salt structures, natural
hazard mitigation analysis, complex geomechan-
ics such as tunnels, former open mining areas,
dams and foundations for wind power stations.
Currently, projects of the German Research
Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and
Research, nato as well as diferent local research
activities are underway. To ensure that results are
transferred to industry, many of the research proj-
ects are also conducted in close co-operation with
More about this project can be found at:
70 students and 50 researchers and technicians
use the rooms. Several scientists have also been
able to complete their doctoral theses, covering
diverse areas such as soil dynamics, mechanics of
partially saturated soils and granular materials.
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Education and social Investing in our regions 323
Stylish, modern building for civil engineering studies
rEU funding
2.7 million
was allocated from the ERDF to
the project New civil engineering
teaching and laboratory building
at the BauhausUniversity of
Weimar over the period
2000 to 2006
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324 Investing in our regions Education and social
he regions healthcare providers have until
recently been spending large amounts of
time and money treating those living in
sparsely populated areas. However, telemedicine
and eHealth innovations now ofer more cost-
efective and efcient alternatives, with a focus
on primary care, chronic conditions and remote
specialist services. Te frst phase of the proj-
ect has been completed good eHealth practices
and innovative solutions have been mapped and
identifed in partner countries along with service
needs and gaps analysis.
Taking the pulse out in the eld
Four countries in the project (Finland, Sweden,
Scotland and Norway) are currently in the process
of examining potential pilot sites to see whether
or not they are actually ready to provide eHealth
services that have been successfully implemented
in one of the other partner countries. Tis second
phase of the project involves the combined work
of representatives from the public sector, univer-
sities and businesses. Te work takes account of
Healthcare goes electronic under northern skies
The modern face of healthcare is rapidly taking shape in the Northern Periphery, notably to the benet of the elderly and young
families. Technological developments, innovation and research are already part of eHealth services and telemedicine provided
to people living in remote, isolated areas. In parts of Sweden, remote speech therapy has seen increased use, while in northern
Norway, teledialysis is now a routine service. The Competitive Health Services project (2008-2010) aims to ultimately launch and
test new pilot eHealth services in all countries taking part.
Rcsidcnts of rcmotc and
rural communitics in Fin-
land, Swcdcn, Norway and
Scotland will bcnct from
improvcd acccss to cHcalth
scrviccs such as tclcdialysis,
spccch thcrapy, rcmotc moni-
toring of biosignals, a mobilc
cyc scrccning scrvicc and a
rcmotc wound clinic.
Territorial Co-operation, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway
regional diferences and needs and also the meth-
odological approaches suitable for specifc regions.
Voices echo across the miles
Innovations being considered for possible transfer
include remote speech therapy from Sweden, teledi-
alysis from Norway, mobile eye screening for diabetes
and glaucoma from Finland, remote ecg transmis-
sion from Scotland and Te Bag - a unit for remote
monitoring of physiological data - from Sweden.
Two notable innovations, remote speech ther-
apy and teledialysis are already proving benefcial
for patients in remote regions. Video-conference
systems provide a vital link in this care process,
connecting suferers of aphasia, dyslexia or Par-
kinsons disease with the main hospitals. Similarly,
teledialysis has seen proven success, with better
quality patient follow-up and reduced travel time
for nephrologists and patients.
More about this project can be found at:
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Education and social Investing in our regions 325
New ways of providing medical help
rEU funding
933 000
is being allocated from the ERDF
to the Competitive Health
Services project over the
period January 2008 to
December 2010
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326 Investing in our regions Index by country
Obersterreich Cultivating innovation in Upper Austria 24
Niedersterreich Technology to the power of three 52
Vorarlberg Vorarlberg gets virtual reality centre 62
Steiermark Technological help on hand for Styrias businesses 90
Gssing, Burgenland New formula for renewables revolutionises Gssing 162
Charleroi, Hainaut, Wallonie Bringing sophisticated solutions to aeronautical research 44
Mol, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen Lowering barriers to green technologies uptake 80
Bruxelles/Brussel Contemporary art nds a special home in Brussels 224
Lige, Wallonie Newly refurbished Curtius museum reopens to the public 284
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen Skys the limit for aviation centre of excellence 314
Gorna Oriahovitza, Severen tsentralen River systems given the royal treatment in Bulgaria 130
Soa, Yugozapaden First-class upgrade to Bulgarias international gateway 206
Index by country
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Index by country Investing in our regions 327
Limassol Limassol bypass to beat congestion 200
Kalopanayiotis Mountains come alive in Nicosia, Cyprus 240
Nicosia Historic building goes contemporary 310
Czech Republic
Neratovice, Stedn echy Czech town launches triple-hybrid fuel cell bus 20
Hostetin, Stedn Morava Ultra-low energy passive house 164
Psek, Jihozpad Historical river area renewed and restored 248
Praha, Stedn echy Plan rescues ravaged castle 254
Sol, Moravskoslezsko Centre lays rm foundation for rural tourism 290
Nordjylland Northern Denmark generates export growth 82
Sams, Midtjylland Danish island energises the environment 180
Fyn Island, Syddanmark New lease of life for island castle 236
Bornholm, Hovedstaden Island oers more choice for studies 302
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328 Investing in our regions Index by country
Tartu Estonian enterprise on the rise 32
Pskla Yesterdays waste is todays energy 142
Tallinn Business booming at revamped Tallinn airport 208
Etel-Suomi Clusters for environmental care 14
Oulu, Pohjois-Suomi New impetus for digital content services in Finland 116
Lahti, Etel-Suomi Lahti research goes green 132
Etel-Suomi Restoring the calm after the storm 234
Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes Helping hand for hydrogen energy and CO
storage 56
Besanon, Franche-Comt Fast-tracking microtechniques to market 72
Guyane French Guiana takes rst step on information superhighway 106
Bagnres de Bigorre, Midi-Pyrnes Natural resources come to mountain rescue 124
Alsace Renewable energy turnaround in Alsace 156
Saint-Pierre, Runion Running Reunion on solar power 178
Le Creusot, Bourgogne Speedy 3D prototyping and production 230
Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Basse-Normandie Mont-Saint-Michel gets a facelift 280
Lyon, Rhne-Alpes First steps towards a European immunomonitoring platform 306
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Index by country Investing in our regions 329
Saarbrcken, Saarland SAAR develops innovative approach to space 28
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein Building expertise to harness wind power 48
Potsdam, Brandenburg Wider horizons for Potsdam-Golm Science Park 58
Berlin Giving creativity a chance to ourish 70
Nordrhein-Westfalen Innovating the way forward for renewable energy in Germany 174
Bramsche, Niedersachsen Battle site hosts visitors centre 272
Wangen and Mittelberg, Sachsen-Anhalt German countryside reveals the mystery of stars 292
Mannheim, Baden-Wrttemberg German pop music industry set for a bright future 308
Weimar, Thringen New premises for civil engineering 322
Attiki Corallia technology hub to drive innovation in Greece 8
Notio Aigaio Floating factory makes salt water drinkable in Aegean Islands 140
Igoumenitsa, Ipeiros Western gateway to Greece grows bigger and stronger 196
Ipeiros Spectacular highway oers a world of opportunity 198
Orchomenos, Sterea Ellada Disused industrial park undergoes major restoration 246
Sterea Ellada
Notio Aigaio
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330 Investing in our regions Index by country
Kzp-Magyarorszg Medical products given a voice in Hungary 108
Kistelek, Dl-Alfld Kistelek shows potential of geothermal power 168
Csurg, Nagyatd, Barcs, Sellye and Sikls Eco-tourism ows into the Drva River basin 232
Pannonhalma, Nyugat-Dunntl A tourism gem in the Hungarian countryside 286
Debrecen, szak-Alfld Health centre overhaul in northern Hungary 304
Galway, Border, Midland and Western Region The business of innovation 76
Dublin, Southern and Eastern Region Travelling light and speedily across the Fair City 192
Liscannor, Southern and Eastern Region Natural wonder comes to life on Irish coast 242
Boyle, County Roscommon, Border, Midland and Western Region New lease of life for major Irish landmark 270
Padova, Veneto Making nanotechnology work for industry26 26
Roncoferraro, Lombardia Rural community embraces sustainable energy 170
Piemonte Piedmont sets sights on hydrogen economy 176
Catania, Sicilia New lease of life for scenic railway line 190
Gioia Tauro, Calabria Bustling port generates jobs in Calabria 194
Bari, Puglia Urban regeneration brings hope to Italian town 222
Campania New face of rail travel in Campania 226
Valle dAosta/Valle dAoste Alpine sentinel stands tall again 258
Border, Midland
and Western
and Eastern
Valle dAosta/
Valle dAoste
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Index by country Investing in our regions 331
Sigulda All eyes on oating humans 30
Latvia The digital face of Latvian libraries 112
Saulkrasti Seaside resort benets from big bypass 204
Kuldga Restoration produces eye-catching bridge 278
Lithuania Laser vision gives Lithuania competitive edge 50
Vilnius Extending education beyond the blackboard 118
Baltic Sea coastline Rebuilding nature for today and tomorrow 126
Ciulenai, Moletai A truly cosmic experience 228
Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg turns up the heat in material technology 12
Foetz Entrepreneurial spirit alive in Luxembourg 74
Sanem A boon to parents and the environment 182
Birebbua and urrieq Toy manufacturer makes energy savings 10
Siggiewi A rock-solid attraction 256
Hagar Qim and Mnajdra Ancient temples saved by protective shelters 276
Birebbua /
Hagar Qim and
Baltic Sea coastline
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332 Investing in our regions Index by country
Noord-Brabant All eyes on Dutch technology 22
Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe LOFAR hails new generation of radio telescopes 46
Almere, Flevoland Entire Almere community goes online 98
Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe Boosting the energy sector 160
Gelderland Dutch province curbs growing urban noise levels 238
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland Kids and the art of urban communication 316
Wrocaw, Dolnolskie New opportunities for innovation in Poland 34
Podkarpackie High-ying rms land at Aeropolis 86
Torun, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Tailor-made services open doors for entrepreneurs 92
Kujawsko-Pomorskie Rural Poland embraces the digital age 110
Piaseczno, Mazowieckie Clever water handling, a vital ingredient for healthy communities 144
Warsaw (Mazowieckie) and d (dzkie) Intercity link upgrade runs to schedule 210
Aores Island sheds light on volcanic past 122
Madeira Madeira develops hydropower for use all year round 172
Porto, Norte Metro do Porto enhances citizens mobility 252
Aljubarrota, Centro Famous battle site returns to the spotlight 268
Sines, Alentejo Arts centre bridges citys old and modern parts 318
Friesland and
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Index by country Investing in our regions 333
Piatra Neamt, Nord-Est Better waste management comes to Piatra Neamt 138
Valea Jiului, Vest Improved wastewater for Jiu Valley residents 146
Romania Upgraded local rail line strategically vital for Europe 202
ilina, Stredn Slovensko Tackling tough transport problems 64
Preov, Vchodn Slovensko Taking on the world of technology 88
Bratislava, Bratislavsk kraj Building communication bridges 100
Myjava, Zpadn Slovensko Respect for river environments 136
Ljubljana Nanoscience and technology take the limelight in Slovenia 18
Dolenjska Slovenia embraces digital culture 102
Celje Waste sorting goes high-tech 128
Podravje Revamped stadium lights up Maribor skyline 250
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334 Investing in our regions Index by country
Andaluca Horizons expand for natural stone industry 42
Gran Canaria, Canarias Maximising island mobility 104
Logroo, La Rioja A window of opportunity for waste 134
Castilla-La Mancha Making the most of solar power in Castilla La Mancha 158
Sarriguren, Navarra Working for sustainable energy 184
Barcelona, Catalua Curtains up on new Barcelona exhibition centre 220
San Milln de la Cogolla, La Rioja Researchers delve into the fascinating world of Spanish 288
Karlshamn, Smland med arna Building a better future for Karlshamn 16
stersund, Mellersta Norrland National winter sports centre goes for gold 54
Lule, vre Norrland Smart technology comes to Norra Norrland 114
Gvle, Norra Mellansverige Traditional Swedish ship takes to the seas again 274
Vsters, stra Mellansverige Smart helpers for humans 320
Smland med
La Rioja
La Mancha
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Index by country Investing in our regions 335
United Kingdom
Swansea, West Wales and the Valleys, Wales DIPLE breathes new life into Welsh printing industry 60
Glasgow, South Western Scotland Glasgow university gives small businesses a helping hand 78
North East England Turning research into business 84
West Midlands, England Stimulating the uptake of green technologies 148
Isle of Eigg, Highlands and Islands, Scotland Eigg goes green 166
London, England Empowering disadvantaged women through work 244
Leicester, East Midlands, England Culture takes centre stage in Leicester 282
Belfast, Northern Ireland Communities resolve dierences for brighter future 300
Nottinghamshire, East Midlands, England Asheld training centre overcomes skills shortages 312
North East
West Wales and
the Valleys
West Midlands
South Western Scotland
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336 Investing in our regions Index of Territorial Co-operation Programmes
Territorial Co-operation Programmes
Denmark, Sweden Research and industry combine forces for cross-border growth 36
Germany, Ireland, Spain Four regions gain leading-edge technological experience 38
Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands, Spain Matching technologies and opportunities 66
Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Norway Baltic Sea innovation boosted with new tools of
the trade
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom and Serbia Turning back the tide in ood-threatened regions
France, Greece, Italy, Spain Every drop counts in Mediterranean countries 152
Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland Construction industry goes green with building standards 186
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia Smooth journey between Baltic and Adriatic waters 212
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway Ships set sail for greener cargo
Bulgaria, Romania New Danube bridge to speed up international trac 216
Latvia, Lithuania A breath of fresh air for Baltic arts and crafts 260
Sweden,United Kingdom and Norway Revealing the local magic 262
Portugal, Spain Bridge unites communities on the Iberian Peninsula 264
Latvia and Belarus Homegrown talent inspires cultural industry 294
France, Italy Alpine forts the focus of renewed development 296
Finland, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway Healthcare goes electronic under northern skies 324
Index of Territorial
Co-operation Programmes
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Index of Territorial Co-operation Programmes Investing in our regions 337
outermost regions
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338 Investing in our regions Index by theme
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Corallia technology hub to drive innovation in Greece Attiki, Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Toy manuacturer makes energy savings Birebbuga and urrieq, Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Luxembourg turns up the heat in material technology Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Clusters for environmental care Etel-Suomi, Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Building a better future for Karlshamn Karlshamn, Smland med arna, Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Nanoscience and technology take the limelight in Slovenia Ljubljana, Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Czech town launches triple-hybrid fuel cell bus Neratovice, Stedn echy, Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
All eyes on Dutch technology Noord-Brabant, Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Cultivating innovation in Upper Austria Obersterreich, Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Making nanotechnology work for industry Padova, Veneto, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
SAAR develops innovative approach to space Saarbrcken, Saarland, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
All eyes on foating humans Sigulda, Latvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Estonian enterprise on the rise Tartu, Estonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
New opportunities for innovation in Poland Wrocaw, Dolnolskie, Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Research and industry combine forces for cross-border growth Denmark and Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Four regions gain leading-edge technological experience Germany, Ireland and Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Research and Development (R&D)
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Horizons expand for natural stone industry Andaluca, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Bringing sophisticated solutions to aeronautical research Charleroi, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
LOFAR hails new generation of radio telescopes Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Building expertise to harness wind power Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Laser vision gives Lithuania competitive edge Lithuania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Technology to the power of three Niedersterreich, Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
National winter sports centre goes for gold stersund, Mellersta Norrland, Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Helping hand for hydrogen energy and CO
storage Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Wider horizons for Potsdam-Golm Science Park Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
DIPLE breathes new life into Welsh printing industry Swansea, West Wales and the Valleys, Wales, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Vorarlberg gets virtual reality centre Vorarlberg, Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Tackling tough transport problems ilina, Stredn Slovensko, Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Matching technologies and opportunities Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands and Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Index by theme
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Index by theme Investing in our regions 339
Business support
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Giving creativity a chance to fourish Berlin, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Fast-tracking microtechniques to market Besanon, Franche-Comt, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Entrepreneurial spirit alive in Luxembourg Foetz, Luxembourg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Te business of innovation Galway, Border, Midland and Western Region, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Glasgow university gives small businesses a helping hand Glasgow, South Western Scotland, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Lowering barriers to green technologies uptake Mol, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen, Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Northern Denmark generates export growth Nordjylland, Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Turning research into business North East England, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
High-fying frms land at Aeropolis Podkarpackie, Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Taking on the world of technology Preov, Vchodn Slovensko, Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Technological help on hand for Styrias businesses Steiermark, Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Tailor-made services open doors for entrepreneurs Toru, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Baltic Sea innovation boosted with new tools of the trade Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Sweden and Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Information and communication technologies (ICT)
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Entire Almere community goes online Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Building communication bridges Bratislava, Bratislavsk kraj, Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Slovenia embraces digital culture Dolenjska, Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Maximising island mobility Gran Canaria, Canarias, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
French Guiana takes frst step on information superhighway Guyane, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Medical products given a voice in Hungary Kzp-Magyarorszg, Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Rural Poland embraces the digital age Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Te digital face of Latvian libraries Latvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Smart technology comes to Norra Norrland Lule, vre Norrland, Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
New impetus for digital content services in Finland Oulu, Pohjois-Suomi, Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Extending education beyond the blackboard Vilnius, Lithuania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
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340 Investing in our regions Index by theme
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Island sheds light on volcanic past Aores, Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Natural resources come to mountain rescue Bagnres de Bigorre, Midi-Pyrnes, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Rebuilding nature for today and tomorrow Baltic Sea coastline, Lithuania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Waste sorting goes high-tech Celje, Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
River systems given the royal treatment in Bulgaria Gorna Oriahovitza, Severen tsentralen, Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Lahti research goes green Lahti, Etel-Suomi, Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
A window of opportunity for waste Logroo, La Rioja, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Respect for river environments Myjava, Zpadn Slovensko, Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Better waste management comes to Piatra Neamt Piatra Neamt, Nord-Est, Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Floating factory makes salt water drinkable in Aegean Islands Notio Aigaio, Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Yesterdays waste is todays energy Pskla, Estonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Clever water handling, a vital ingredient for healthy communities Piaseczno, Mazowieckie, Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Improved wastewater for Jiu Valley residents Valea Jiului, Vest, Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Stimulating the uptake of green technologies West Midlands, England, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Turning back the tide in food-threatened regions Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom and Serbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Every drop counts in Mediterranean countries France, Greece, Italy, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Renewable energy turnaround in Alsace Alsace, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Making the most of solar power in Castilla-La Mancha Castilla-La Mancha, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Boosting the energy sector Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
New formula for renewables revolutionises Gssing Gssing, Burgenland, Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Ultra-low energy passive house Hostetin, Stedn Morava, Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Eigg goes green Isle of Eigg, Highlands and Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Kistelek shows potential of geothermal power Kistelek, Dl-Alfld, Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Rural community embraces sustainable energy Roncoferraro, Lombardia, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Madeira develops hydropower for use all year round Madeira, Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Innovating the way forward for renewable energy in Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Piedmont sets sights on hydrogen economy Piemonte, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Running Reunion on solar power Saint-Pierre, Runion, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Danish island energises the environment Sams, Midtjylland, Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
A boon to parents and the environment Sanem, Luxembourg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Working for sustainable energy Sarriguren, Navarra, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Construction industry goes green with building standards Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
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Index by theme Investing in our regions 341
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
New lease of life for scenic railway line Catania, Sicilia, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Travelling light and speedily across the Fair City Dublin, Southern and Eastern Region, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Bustling port generates jobs in Calabria Gioia Tauro, Calabria, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Western gateway to Greece grows bigger and stronger Igoumenitsa, Ipeiros, Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Spectacular highway ofers a world of opportunity Ipeiros, Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Limassol bypass to beat congestion Limassol, Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Upgraded local rail line strategically vital for Europe Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Seaside resort benefts from big bypass Saulkrasti, Latvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
First-class upgrade to Bulgarias international gateway Sofa, Yugozapaden, Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Business booming at revamped Tallinn airport Tallinn, Estonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Intercity link upgrade runs to schedule Warsaw (Mazowieckie) and d (dzkie), Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Smooth journey between Baltic and Adriatic waters Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Ships set sail for greener cargo transportation Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden,
United Kingdom and Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
New Danube bridge to speed up international trafc Bulgaria and Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Urban and rural development
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Curtains up on new Barcelona exhibition centre Barcelona, Catalua, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Urban regeneration brings hope to Italian town Bari, Puglia, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Contemporary art fnds a special home in Brussels Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
New face of rail travel in Campania Campania, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
A truly cosmic experience Ciulenai, Moletai, Lithuania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Speedy 3D prototyping and production Le Creusot, Bourgogne, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Eco-tourism fows into the Drva River basin Csurg, Nagyatd, Barcs, Sellye and Sikls, Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Restoring the calm after the storm Etel-Suomi, Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
New lease of life for island castle Fyn Island, Syddanmark, Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Dutch province curbs growing urban noise levels Gelderland, Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Mountains come alive in Nicosia Kalopanayiotis, Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Natural wonder comes to life on Irish coast Liscannor, Southern and Eastern Region, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Empowering disadvantaged women through work London, England, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Disused industrial park undergoes major restoration Orchomenos, Sterea Ellada, Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Historical river area renewed and restored Psek, Jihozpad, Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Revamped stadium lights up Maribor skyline Podravje, Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Metro do Porto enhances citizens mobility Porto, Norte, Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Plan rescues ravaged castle Praha, Stedn echy, Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
A rock-solid attraction Siggiewi, Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Alpine sentinel stands tall again Valle dAosta/Valle dAoste, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
A breath of fresh air for Baltic arts and crafts Latvia, Lithuania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Revealing the local magic Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Bridge unites communities on the Iberian Peninsula Portugal, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
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342 Investing in our regions Index by theme
Tourism and culture
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Famous battle site returns to the spotlight Aljubarrota, Centro, Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
New lease of life for major Irish landmark Boyle, County Roscommon, Border, Midland and Western Region, Ireland . . . . . . . . . . 270
Battle site hosts visitors centre Bramsche, Niedersachsen, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Traditional Swedish ship takes to the seas again Gvle, Norra-Mellansverige, Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Ancient temples saved by protective shelters Hagar Qim and Mnajdra, Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Restoration produces eye-catching bridge Kuldga, Latvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Mont-Saint-Michel gets a facelift Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Basse-Normandie, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Culture takes centre stage in Leicester Leicester, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Newly refurbished Curtius museum reopens to the public Lige, Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
A tourism gem in the Hungarian countryside Pannonhalma, Nyugat-Dunntl, Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Researchers delve into the fascinating world of Spanish San Milln de la Cogolla, La Rioja, Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Centre lays frm foundation for rural tourism Sol, Moravskoslezsko, Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
German countryside reveals the mystery of stars Wangen and Mittelberg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Homegrown talent inspires cultural industry Latvia and Belarus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Alpine forts the focus of renewed development France, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Education and social
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Communities resolve diferences for brighter future Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Island ofers more choice for studies Bornholm, Hovedstaden, Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Health centre overhaul in northern Hungary Debrecen, szak-Alfld, Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
First steps towards a European immunomonitoring platform Lyon, Rhne-Alpes, France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
German pop music industry set for a bright future Mannheim, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Historic building goes contemporary Nicosia, Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Ashfeld training centre overcomes skills shortages Nottinghamshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Skys the limit for aviation centre of excellence Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Kids and the art of urban communication Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Arts centre bridges citys old and modern parts Sines, Alentejo, Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Smart helpers for humans Vsters, stra Mellansverige, Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
New premises for civil engineering Weimar, Tringen, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Healthcare goes electronic under northern skies Finland, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 342 13/04/10 17:37
Index by theme Investing in our regions 343
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 343 13/04/10 17:37
DG-Regio Project Book.indb 344 13/04/10 17:37
The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily
reect the views of the European Commission. Figures have
been rounded up in this publication.
Manuscript completed in February 2010
European Union, 2010
European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional Policy
Avenue de Tervueren 41, B-1040 Brussels
ISBN: 978-92-79-13763-1
DOI: 10.2776/14362
This brochure is printed in English, French and German.
Additional language versions of all these projects and many
more are available at:
Page 7 iStockphoto/Jan Rysavy, page 15 iStockphoto/Buket Bariskan, page 17 Get Real, page 19 Martin Rigler, JSI, 2009, page 25 Plastics Cluster Upper
Austria, page 29 ESA/NASA, page 31 AERODIUM, 2009, page 37 Alfred Gunnarsson/Salmiak Media, page 41 iStockphoto, page 47 ASTRON/Top-Foto
Assen&Henri Meulmann, page 55 Thomas Stggl, page 63 Virtual Reality Institute of the Polytechnic University, page 65 Vanparysmedia, page69 iStockphoto/
Jacob Wackerhausen, page 71 Kreativ Coaching Centre, page 75 Luxinnovation GIE, page 89 SPINEA, page 95 iStockphoto, page 97 iStockphoto,
page99 iStockphoto/S.P. Rayner, page 107 Rgion Guyane/Guyane Numrique, page 113 Ilma Elsberga, page 115 CSR, page 119 V.Motekaityte, page 121
iStockphoto/Youssouf Cader, page 123 Krypton Photo, page 125 SGAR Midi-Pyrnes/P.Lasvenes, page 129 EC, page 143 Tallinn Environment Dept, page151
Dr. Fred W.B. van den Brink, page 153 iStockphoto/David Hands, page 155 iStockphoto/Jos Luis Gutirrez, page 161 Pitt Fotograe, page 163 EEEGmbH,
page 167 Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust, page 175 EnergyAgency.NRW, page 177 Environnment Park, page 179 EC, page181, page 183
Toni, page 189 iStockphoto/Ryan Lane, page 193 [2008] Railway Procurement Agency. All Rights Reserved, page203 TUC RAIL, page 205 Juris Kalni,
page 213 Vanparysmedia, page 215 iStockphoto/Sascha Burkard, page 219 iStockphoto/Ettore Marzocchi, page 221 Fira 2000, page 225 Wiels, page 237
Broholm Gods, page 239 iStockphoto/Joop Snijder, page 243 Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience, page 245 Account3, page 259 Bard Castle/Autonomous
Region of the Aosta Valley/Italy: Muriel Faure, page 267 iStockphoto/Eva Serrabassa, page 279 Kuldiga District Council, page 281 Imagence MG Design /
Syndicat Mixte Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, page 283 EMDA, page 285 Ville de Lige, page 289 Cilengua, page293 Arche Nebra, Photo: J. Liptk, page 297
Conseil gnral de la Savoie, Conservation dpartementale du patrimoine, page 299 iStockphoto, page 309 Pop-Akademie Baden-Wrttemberg, page 311
Municipality of Nicosia, page 313, page 315 Cvlcob.
Page 7 iStockphoto/Jan Rysavy, page 15 iStockphoto/Buket Bariskan, page 17 Get Real, page 19 Martin Rigler, JSI, 2009, page 25 Plastics Cluster Upper
Austria, page 29 ESA/NASA, page 31 AERODIUM, 2009, page 37 Alfred Gunnarsson/Salmiak Media, page 41 iStockphoto, page 47 ASTRON/Top-Foto
Assen&Henri Meulmann, page 55 Thomas Stggl, page 63 Virtual Reality Institute of the Polytechnic University, page 65 Vanparysmedia, page69 iStockphoto/
Jacob Wackerhausen, page 71 Kreativ Coaching Centre, page 75 Luxinnovation GIE, page 89 SPINEA, page 95 iStockphoto, page 97 iStockphoto,
page99 iStockphoto/S.P. Rayner, page 107 Rgion Guyane/Guyane Numrique, page 113 Ilma Elsberga, page 115 CSR, page 119 V.Motekaityte, page 121
iStockphoto/Youssouf Cader, page 123 Krypton Photo, page 125 SGAR Midi-Pyrnes/P.Lasvenes, page 129 EC, page 143 Tallinn Environment Dept, page151
Dr. Fred W.B. van den Brink, page 153 iStockphoto/David Hands, page 155 iStockphoto/Jos Luis Gutirrez, page 161 Pitt Fotograe, page 163 EEEGmbH,
page 167 Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust, page 175 EnergyAgency.NRW, page 177 Environnment Park, page 179 EC, page181, page 183
Toni, page 189 iStockphoto/Ryan Lane, page 193 [2008] Railway Procurement Agency. All Rights Reserved, page203 TUC RAIL, page 205 Juris Kalni,
page 213 Vanparysmedia, page 215 iStockphoto/Sascha Burkard, page 219 iStockphoto/Ettore Marzocchi, page 221 Fira 2000, page 225 Wiels, page 237
Broholm Gods, page 239 iStockphoto/Joop Snijder, page 243 Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience, page 245 Account3, page 259 Bard Castle/Autonomous
Region of the Aosta Valley/Italy: Muriel Faure, page 267 iStockphoto/Eva Serrabassa, page 279 Kuldiga District Council, page 281 Imagence MG Design /
Syndicat Mixte Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, page 283 EMDA, page 285 Ville de Lige, page 289 Cilengua, page293 Arche Nebra, Photo: J. Liptk, page 297
Conseil gnral de la Savoie, Conservation dpartementale du patrimoine, page 299 iStockphoto, page 309 Pop-Akademie Baden-Wrttemberg, page 311
Municipality of Nicosia, page 313, page 315 Cvlcob.











Comisia European, partenerul
dumneavoastr de afaceri
Sfaturi pentru potenialii contractani
Title 01
n 2007, valoarea serviciilor
i bunurilor contractate de Comisie
a fost de 2,86 miliarde EUR:
Comisia European este organul executiv al Uniunii
Europene: aceasta administreaz bugetul UE i
supravegheaz punerea n aplicare a politicilor comune.
Pentru a-i duce sarcinile la bun sfrit, Comisia
European are nevoie de o gam larg de bunuri i ser-
vicii, de la consultan n materie de politici i legislaie
la servicii de curierat, echipamente de birou i servicii
de ntreinere a sediilor. Aproximativ 9 000 de contracte
sunt atribuite n fecare an prin proceduri de achiziii
publice. Aceasta poate f o oportunitate de afaceri pen-
tru societatea dumneavoastr!
Suntei interesat? Acest ghid v va ajuta s v orientai
i v va spune unde putei gsi mai multe informaii.
O oportunitate
de afaceri pentru
Comisia European,
dumneavoastr de afaceri
Sfaturi pentru potenialii contractani
Unde putei gsi informaii privind
oportunitile de contractare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ABC-ul procedurilor de achiziii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Procedura deschis descriere detaliat. . . . . . . 6
Condiii de participare la o procedur
de achiziii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Oferta dumneavoastr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Nu lsai greelile minore s v compromit
oferta! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Dup semnarea contractului . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Apeluri, plngeri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Glosar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)
Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) reprezint principala
surs de informaii n ceea ce privete marile proceduri
de achiziii publice organizate de Comisia European i
de alte autoriti publice din cadrul UE:
Site-ul internet al Comisiei
De obicei, contractele de valoare mic nu sunt afate
pe TED. Cele cu o valoare cuprins ntre 25 000 i
60 000 EUR pot f gsite pe paginile web ale serviciilor
Comisiei care intenioneaz s organizeze o procedur
de achiziii.
Putei consulta o list cu aceste pagini la adresa:
Alte oportuniti
Contractele sub 25 000 EUR sunt atribuite printr-o
procedur negociat, fr a f publicate n prealabil.
Aceste oportuniti nu sunt anunate, dar, dac suntei
vizibil pe pia, putei f invitat s facei o ofert pentru
un astfel de contract.
Unde putei gsi informaii privind
oportunitile de contractare
Cutare avansat n TED
Cu ajutorul TED putei gsi cu uurin ceea ce cutai:
utilizai opiunea de cutare avansat pentru cutri n
funcie de ar, cod CPV (Vocabularul comun privind
achiziiile publice) (a se vedea Glosarul), tipul de
autoritate contractant etc.
Contracte de valoare mic:
servicii, bunuri i lucrri cu valoare mai mic de 60 000 EUR.
Pentru informaii suplimentare privind achiziiile publice, consultai site-ul, unde vei gsi linkuri ctre baze de date naionale
privind achiziiile publice, legislaie specifc etc.
ABC-ul procedurilor de achiziii
Procedura restrns
Procedura deschis
Procedura negociat
Iat o scurt prezentare a procedurilor de achiziii.
Procedura deschis
Orice operator economic interesat poate depune
o ofert. Aceasta este o procedur cu o singur etap.
Pentru mai multe informaii, v invitm s consultai
paginile 6 i 7.
Procedura deschis este cel mai des folosit,
reprezentnd mai mult de jumtate din contractele
Procedura restrns
Aceast procedur este organizat n dou etape: n
prima etap este analizat capacitatea participanilor n
funcie de criteriile de excludere i de selecie (a se vedea
Condiiile, pagina 8): orice operator economic interesat
poate lua parte la aceast etap; n cea de a doua etap
sunt invitai s i depun ofertele doar cei care au tre-
cut de prima etap.
Unele proceduri restrnse presupun o cerere de expri-
mare a interesului (CEI). Atunci cnd rspundei unei
astfel de cereri, va trebui s v dovedii capacitatea pe
baza criteriilor de excludere i de selecie anunate (a se
vedea Condiiile, pagina 8). Dac ndeplinii aceste cri-
terii, vei f nscris pe o list de preselecie valabil pn
la 3 ani, care poate f utilizat de mai multe ori pentru
diferite proceduri de achiziii de valoare medie (n gene-
ral, contracte privind prestarea de servicii n valoare
de maximum 133 000 EUR). Ori de cte ori urmeaz
s se atribuie un contract, Comisia invit candidaii
preselectai s i depun ofertele.
Dac suntei preselectat n urma unei cereri de
exprimare a interesului, nseamn c putei f invitat
s licitai n proceduri restrnse pentru contracte de
valoare medie.
Procedura negociat
Aceast procedur este utilizat atunci cnd valoarea
achiziiei este mai mic de 60 000 EUR. Comisia Euro-
pean invit direct operatorii economici s depun
oferte. n cazul n care Comisia consider c ofertele pot
f mbuntite, pot f organizate negocieri n condiii
egale pentru toi ofertanii.
Procedura negociat pentru contractele de mic
valoare este, de obicei, mai simpl i mai rapid
dect alte proceduri: vi se pot solicita mai puine
documente; cerinele privind candidaii sunt mai
puin restrictive; documentele de licitaie i, n unele
cazuri, ofertele pot f trimise prin e-mail.
Chiar i pentru contracte mai mari de 60 000 EUR, dar
numai n circumstane excepionale, Comisia Euro-
pean poate negocia condiiile contractului cu unul sau
mai muli operatori economici. Comisia poate publica
o notifcare de contractare n prealabil sau poate pur
i simplu consulta operatorii economici pe care i pre-
Exemple de circumstane
lipsa unei oferte acceptabile n cadrul
unei proceduri deschise sau restrnse
anunate n prealabil;
extrem urgen, de exemplu n cazul
unor dezastre naturale etc.
Procedura deschis
descriere detaliat
Toate anunurile de participare publicate
sunt disponibile n baza de date TED
(Tenders Electronic Daily), la adresa:
Etap opional
Acest anun prezint planurile pentru
anul care urmeaz i poate f publicat
n Jurnalul Ofcial, seria S (JO S), sau
pe site-ul internet pentru achiziii al
Comisiei Europene.
Jurnalul Ofcial S J
n unele cazuri, documentele de licitaie
nu sunt disponibile pe internet i sunt
trimise prin pot tuturor operatorilor
economici care le-au solicitat cu cel
puin 5 zile lucrtoare nainte de
termenul-limit de depunere a ofertelor.
Anun de intenie
Anun de participare i
documentele de licitaie
Acest anun ofer toate informaiile de baz
de care avei nevoie pentru a decide dac
suntei interesat de contract, precum i
linkul de unde putei descrca documentele
de licitaie.
n general, documentele de licitaie includ
invitaia la licitaie, specifcaiile cererii de
ofert i proiectul de contract.
Clarifcri, rspunsuri la ntrebri

Primirea ofertelor
Ofertele depuse dup expirarea
termenului-limit nu sunt acceptate!
Deschiderea public
Ofertele sunt deschise de comisia
de deschidere n public.
Chiar dac ai descrcat documentele, v invitm
s consultai periodic pagina pe care sunt publicate
documentele de licitaie, unde putei gsi ntrebri i
rspunsuri, precum i eventuale modifcri, cum ar f
prelungirea termenului-limit.
Avei dreptul de a participa la sesiunea de deschidere
i de a afa la faa locului cte oferte au fost depuse i
de ctre cine.
Vizit la faa locului.
Sesiune de informare
Erat, modifcri ale condiiilor
de licitaie
Depunerea documentelor lips
sau clarifcri din partea ofertanilor
Atribuirea contractului
Dac, n fnal, oferta dumneavoastr este selectat,
vei primi o scrisoare cu contractul pe care trebuie
s l semnai i s l trimitei napoi Comisiei. Comisia
nu poate semna contractul mai devreme de 14 zile
de la expedierea scrisorilor adresate concurenilor
Dac oferta dumneavoastr nu este ctigtoare, vei
primi o scrisoare prin care v informm cine a ctigat i
de ce nu a fost aleas oferta dumneavoastr. Vei avea
la dispoziie 14 zile calendaristice pentru a reaciona
n cazul n care considerai c respingerea ofertei
dumneavoastr nu a fost bine ntemeiat.
Vi se pot solicita clarifcri, confrmarea corecturilor
efectuate n ofert sau documente lips. Comisia v
poate solicita s corectai doar erorile de form. De
exemplu, dac uitai s trimitei bilanul contabil,
Comisia l poate solicita mai trziu, dar dac uitai s
includei preul n oferta dumneavoastr, vei f exclus
din cadrul procedurii.
Condiii de participare
la o procedur de achiziii
Forma juridic i nregistrarea
Criterii de excludere
Criterii de selecie
Forma juridic i nregistrarea
Participarea este deschis tuturor operatorilor econo-
mici nregistrai n UE i tuturor cetenilor UE. De
asemenea, participarea este deschis oricrui operator
economic dintr-o ar din afara UE care are un acord
cu Uniunea European privind deschiderea pieelor de
achiziii publice.
Criterii de excludere
Pentru a f eligibili pentru licitaie, operatorii econo-
mici trebuie:
s nu se afe n situaie de faliment;
s nu f fost condamnai pentru infraciuni legate de
conduita lor profesional;
s nu se f fcut vinovai de abateri profesionale
s i f ndeplinit obligaiile de plat a impozitelor i
a contribuiilor sociale;
s nu f fost condamnai pentru fraud, corupie,
implicare n activiti ale unei organizaii criminale
sau n orice alte activiti ilegale care contravin inte-
reselor fnanciare ale Uniunii Europene;
s nu f fost exclui de la procedura de ofertare ca
urmare a unor probleme legate de o licitaie sau de
un contract anterior.

Criterii de selecie
n calitate de potenial contractant, trebuie s dispunei
de capacitatea fnanciar, economic, tehnic i pro-
fesional necesar executrii contractului. Trebuie s
dovedii c avei o poziie fnanciar solid, de exem-
plu, prin furnizarea unei declaraii privind cifra de
afaceri total sau lichiditatea societii dumneavoastr.
Capacitatea dumneavoastr tehnic poate f verifcat,
de exemplu, pe baza proiectelor sau studiilor anterioare
derulate n domeniul respectiv.
Ofertanii au dreptul de a licita n orice limb ofci-
al a Uniunii Europene. Uneori, vi se poate solicita s
depunei o ofert ntr-o anumit limb (de exemplu, n
cazul licitaiilor de nalt tehnologie n care se utilizeaz
cu preponderen o anumit limb n ntreaga lume sau
atunci cnd punerea n aplicare a contractului depinde
de cunoaterea unei anumite limbi). La punerea n apli-
care a contractului, vei f obligat s lucrai n limba
cerut de Comisie.
Consorii de operatori economici: O ofert comun
poate f depus de un grup de operatori econo-
mici care acioneaz mpreun. Cu toate acestea,
consoriul din care facei parte poate f obligat s
adopte o anumit form juridic n cazul n care
oferta dumneavoastr este selectat.
Subcontractare: Ofertanilor li se poate solicita s
declare valoarea contractului pe care l propun pen-
tru subcontractare, precum i identitatea subcon-
tractantului (subcontractanilor).
Nu exist un coninut standard al unei oferte. Putei
gsi informaii precise n documentele de licitaie.
Coninutul depinde, de exemplu, de natura achiziiei,
de valoarea acesteia i de tipul procedurii. V prezen-
tm n continuare o list de cerine obinuite.
Scrisoare de intenie
Vi se poate cere s includei o declaraie prin care
acceptai specifcaiile tehnice i modelul de contract.
Declaraie pe proprie rspundere privind
criteriile de excludere
Ofertanii trebuie s declare c nu se fac vinovai de
niciunul dintre comportamentele lipsite de profesio-
nalism sau ilegale enumerate care i pot exclude de
la procedura de achiziii. Declaraia trebuie fcut n
numele tuturor membrilor consoriului i de multe ori
este obligatorie i n cazul subcontractanilor.
Documente care atest ndeplinirea
criteriilor de selecie
Criteriile de evaluare a capacitii dumneavoastr
fnanciare pot face referire la cifra de afaceri, lichi-
ditatea sau bonitatea dumneavoastr i n acest
sens v pot f solicitate, de exemplu, bilanul conta-
bil, extrase de cont sau o poli de asigurare. Pentru
a evalua capacitatea dumneavoastr profesional, vi
Oferta dumneavoastr
Scrisoare de intenie
Ofert tehnic
Ofert fnanciar
Entitate legal
Declaraie pe proprie
rspundere privind
criteriile de excludere
se poate solicita, de exemplu, s menionai experiena
dobndit n proiecte similare, echipamentele de care
dispunei sau CV-urile persoanelor angajate n cadrul
societii dvs.
Propunere tehnic
n cazul contractelor de servicii, propunerea dumnea-
voastr tehnic va descrie modul n care intenionai
s punei n aplicare contractul, de exemplu, ca metod
i grafc de execuie. n cazul contractelor de furnizare
de bunuri, aceasta va conine o specifcare a bunurilor
care urmeaz s fe livrate, dei, de obicei, este nece-
sar i o descriere a modului de organizare a livrrii.
n funcie de cerinele cererii de ofert, este vorba fe de
un pre global unic, fe de o defalcare a preurilor. De
regul, preurile trebuie exprimate n euro, fr TVA
sau indicnd TVA-ul separat.
Formulare privind entitatea legal i
contul bancar
(a se vedea:
Aceste formulare furnizeaz informaii detaliate de
identifcare a societii dumneavoastr i sunt nece-
sare nainte de semnarea unui prim contract cu dum-
Documente necesare n cazul consoriilor
sau al subcontractanilor
Liderul de consoriu poate avea obligaia s prezinte
o procur din partea membrilor consoriului sau un
contract de asociere. Vi se vor solicita documente care s
ateste faptul c grupul va dispune de resursele necesare.
V pot f solicitate i alte informaii
sau documente
Comisia poate solicita documente suplimentare, de
exemplu, referitoare la bunurile pe care urmeaz s le
livrai (de exemplu, informaii tehnice, garanie, certi-
fcate), documente care atest c vi se permite prin lege
s furnizai serviciile propuse (de exemplu, documente
care atest nivelul necesar de educaie al personalu-
lui diplome de inginer, licene, deinerea anumitor
drepturi de proprietate intelectual etc.).
Nu lsai greelile minore
s v compromit oferta!
Nu ateptai pn n ultimul moment pentru a ntocmi
oferta i verifcai-o din timp! O scpare v poate
exclude din procedura de selecie.
Dac suntei nevoii s depunei oferta n ultima
zi, nu uitai c ofciul potal al Comisiei Europene
este deschis doar n timpul programului de lucru.
De asemenea, putei trimite oferta prin curier sau
scrisoare recomandat, caz n care data potei este cea
care conteaz, nu data primirii ofertei!
Dac avei nelmuriri cu privire la specifcaiile cererii
de ofert, solicitai clarifcri din partea Comisiei.
Atenie la detalii
Nu trebuie s presupunei c micile discrepane pot f
acceptate. Nu vor f. n special, dac oferta dumnea-
voastr nu ndeplinete cerinele tehnice ale documen-
telor de licitaie, aceasta nu va f acceptat.
Creai un parteneriat dac acesta este modul n care
putei ndeplini cerinele tehnice.
Criteriile de atribuire vor specifca importana relativ
a preului i a calitii. De obicei, este mai bine s oferii
o ct mai bun calitate, chiar dac la un pre ridicat.
Fii realiti n legtur cu personalul
Experii pot f nlocuii doar n situaii excepionale i
doar cu experi care dein califcri pe deplin echiva-
lente. Dac experii pe care i-ai propus n ofert decid
s nu lucreze pentru dumneavoastr, putei ntmpina
probleme n timpul executrii contractului: ntrerupe-
rea activitii, ntrzieri, penaliti fnanciare etc.
Fii realiti n ceea ce privete
Dac dup semnarea contractului nu putei respecta
grafcul de execuie la care v-ai angajat n ofert, va
trebui s pltii daune contractuale pentru fecare zi
de ntrziere.
Dup semnarea contractului
Trebuie s livrai bunurile/serviciile/lucrrile n
conformitate cu specifcaiile tehnice i cu propria
dumneavoastr ofert.
Dac oferta dumneavoastr conine mai multe ele-
mente dect cele necesare n baza specifcaiilor teh-
nice, trebuie s livrai ceea ce ai oferit. Dac ns
oferta contravine specifcaiilor, se vor aplica acestea
din urm.
n mod similar, contractul prevaleaz asupra
specifcaiilor tehnice i a ofertei.
n funcie de anvergura i obiectul contractului dumnea-
voastr, vi se poate solicita s prezentai un raport care
s cuprind tot ceea ce ai ntreprins, inclusiv acordurile,
termenele, logistica i feedback-ul pe care l-ai primit.
De obicei, grafcul de pli este detaliat n contrac-
tul dumneavoastr. Plata va f efectuat n anumite
condiii, n general dup ce trimitei raportul i factura.
n funcie de contract, Comisia are la dispoziie 20, 45
sau 60 de zile pentru evaluarea raportului dumneavoas-
tr i nc 30 de zile pentru efectuarea plii. Vi se pot
solicita corecturi sau documente suplimentare. n acest
caz, numrtoarea zilelor se va opri n momentul soli-
citrii i se va relua n momentul n care trimitei un
rspuns. Dac trebuie prezentat un raport complet nou,
numrtoarea va rencepe de la zero.
n cazul n care Comisia nu efectueaz plata la timp,
vei benefcia de plata unor dobnzi de ntrziere.
Un contract-cadru este un tip de contract care
stabilete doar principiile generale ale serviciilor care
urmeaz s fe furnizate sau a bunurilor care urmeaz
s fe livrate. Este necesar o etap suplimentar
pentru realizarea achiziiei efective: Comisia
efectueaz o comand i, dup primirea unui rspuns
satisfctor, semneaz un contract specifc. Prin
urmare, un contract-cadru nu presupune o achiziie
n sine, ci se execut prin contracte specifce mai
mici fecare contract specifc find semnat, executat,
facturat i achitat separat.
Nu uitai c nu se poate
modifca ulterior contractul
ncheiat n urma unei
proceduri de achiziii publice.
Modifcrile se limiteaz la
aspecte administrative, cum
ar f schimbarea contului
bancar, sau la situaiile
cauzate de factori externi
incontrolabili i imprevizibili,
precum dezastrele naturale.
n cazul n care considerai c oferta dumneavoastr nu
a fost tratat n mod corespunztor sau condiiile cere-
rii de ofert sunt discriminatorii, putei nainta o pln-
gere serviciului responsabil din cadrul Comisiei.
Dac nu suntei mulumit de rspunsul primit, v putei
adresa n scris Ombudsmanului european (http://
Ombudsmanul european examineaz plngerile
de administrare defectuoas naintate mpotriva
instituiilor i a organismelor UE. O plngere trebuie
naintat n decurs de doi ani de la data la care ai avut
cunotin despre faptele pe care se bazeaz plngerea
dumneavoastr i trebuie s f contactat deja instituia
sau organismul n cauz, de exemplu printr-o scri-
De asemenea, putei adresa o plngere Curii de Justiie
a Comunitilor Europene (
Aceast plngere trebuie fcut n decurs de dou luni
de la data deciziei pe care o contestai.
Tribunalul de Prim Instan are competena de a audia
cazurile bazate pe procedurile de achiziii lansate de
Apeluri, plngeri

Anun de intenie: Anun publicat n JO S prin care
se semnaleaz intenia de lansare a procedurii de
achiziii n viitorul apropiat (disponibil n baza de
date TED).
Anun de participare: Anun de lansare a procedurii
de achiziii publicat n JO S (disponibil n baza de
date TED).
Criterii de atribuire: Criteriile utilizate de Comisie
n atribuirea contractelor de achiziii publice, care
pot f sau exclusiv preul (cel mai mic pre), sau, n
cazul n care contractul este atribuit ofertei celei mai
avantajoase din punct de vedere economic, preul i
calitatea. Pentru fecare procedur de licitaie sunt
defnite criterii specifce de calitate. Ponderea rela-
tiv a fecrui criteriu este indicat n specifcaiile
Criterii de excludere: Criteriile utilizate de Comisie
pentru a stabili dac un operator poate participa la
procedura de ofertare (a se vedea pagina 8).
Criterii de selecie: Criteriile utilizate de Comisie pen-
tru a determina dac un operator dispune de capaci-
tatea fnanciar, economic, tehnic i profesional
necesar pentru efectuarea lucrrilor (a se vedea
pagina 9).
Contract-cadru: Un contract care stabilete regulile
pentru o serie de contracte specifce (a se vedea
pagina 13).
Contract specifc: Contract n care se specifc detaliile
unei anumite activiti pe baza contractului-cadru
semnat n prealabil (a se vedea pagina 13).
JO S: Suplimentul pentru achiziii publice la Jurnalul
Ofcial al Uniunii Europene (JO).
Ofertant: Un operator economic care a depus o ofert.
Operator economic: Orice societate comercial sau
individ, persoan fzic sau juridic, entitate public
sau grupare care ofer produse, servicii sau lucrri
pe pia.
Specifcaiile cererii de ofert: Document sau ansam-
blu de documente n care sunt furnizate detalii com-
plete privind condiiile, organizarea i obiectul pro-
cedurii de achiziii (inclusiv specifcaiile tehnice).
Specifcaii tehnice: Document care descrie obiectul
achiziiei ce dorete Comisia s cumpere (parte
a specifcaiilor cererii de ofert).
TED: Tenders Electronic Daily versiunea online
a JO S.
Vocabularul comun privind achiziiile publice (CPV):
CPV stabilete un sistem de clasifcare unic pentru
achiziiile publice care are ca obiectiv standardiza-
rea referinelor utilizate de autoritile contractante
pentru descrierea obiectului contractelor de achiziii
Title 01
Pentru informaii suplimentare privind bugetul UE i programarea fnanciar:
Bugetul UE:
(disponibil n limbile englez, francez i german)
Direcia General Buget a Comisiei Europene:
Pentru comentarii privind broura:
Aceast publicaie a fost realizat cu scop informativ i nu implic responsabilitatea instituiilor UE.
Europe Direct este un serviciu care v ajut s gsii rspunsuri la ntrebrile pe care le avei despre Uniunea European.
Un numr de telefon gratuit (*):
00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Informaii suplimentare despre Uniunea European pot f gsite pe internet, pe serverul Europa (
Credite foto: Digital Vision/Getty Image, pagina 12; Comisia European, paginile 8 i 14; Getty Image, coperta; Medio Images,
pagina 13; Image 100 Ltd., pagina 5; PhotoAlto, pagina 9; Photodisk/Getty Image, paginile 9 i 11; Phovoir, paginile 6, 7 i 11;
Stockbyte/Getty Image, paginile 4 i 10.
Comunitile Europene, 2009
Luxemburg: Ofciul pentru Publicaii al Uniunii Europene, 2009
2009 16 p. 21 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-92-79-13807-2
Printed in Belgium
ISBN 978-92-79-13807-2
Comisia European
Prezentarea noilor norme financiare i a oportunitilor
de finanare pentru perioada 2007-2013

Fonduri noi,
reguli mai bune
Numeroase alte informaii despre Uniunea European sunt disponibile pe internet pe serverul
Europa (
O bibliografie figureaz la sfritul lucrrii.
Luxemburg: Oficiul pentru Publicaii Oficiale ale Comunitilor Europene, 2008
ISBN 978-92-79-08548-2
Comunitile Europene, 2008
Reproducerea textului este autorizat cu condiia menionrii sursei
Printed in Belgium
Europe Direct este un serviciu destinat s v ajute s gsii rspunsuri
la ntrebrile pe care vi le punei despre Uniunea European.
Un numr unic gratuit (*):
00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11
(*) Unii operatori de telefonie mobil nu permit accesul la numerele 00 800 sau pot factura
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Prezentarea noilor norme financiare i a oportunitilor
de finanare pentru perioada 2007-2013
Fonduri noi,
reguli mai bune
Sunt fondurile transparente,
iar controlul eficient?
Este prima dat cnd solicitai
fonduri de la UE?
Ct este n joc?
Consultai lista cu noile
Verificai aici
Credei c procedurile financiare
sunt prea dificile?
Aflai ce s-a schimbat
(p. 3-16)
(p. 17-18)
(p. 19-20)
(p. 21-22)
Consultai aceast
prezentare a principalelor
oportuniti de finanare
De ce noi norme?
n 2007, Uniunea European lanseaz un nou set de programe:
pn la 975 miliarde de euro ntr-o perioad de apte ani.
Aceste noi fonduri vor fi mai accesibile, mai transparente i mai
bine justificate dect n trecut, graie reformei normelor UE de
gestiune financiar.
Noile norme vor reduce formalitile administrative.
Aceasta va face granturile UE mai accesibile, n special pentru
beneficiarii cu resurse limitate, cum ar fi ONG-urile mici i
ntreprinderile mici. Pentru prima dat, subveniile UE pentru
cercetare vor fi disponibile pentru cercettorii individuali.
O mai bun responsabilitate i o transparen crescut sunt
deosebit de importante pentru a garanta c fondurile UE, care
sunt bani publici, sunt utilizate corect la toate nivelurile. Noile
norme introduc obligaia de a publica listele cu beneficiarii
care primesc bani UE prin intermediul guvernelor din statele
membre i din rile tere sau prin organizaiile internaionale,
precum i aceea de a face schimb de informaii cu privire la
cazurile de fraud dovedite. Statele membre vor mbunti,
de asemenea, raportarea privind modul n care cheltuiesc
fondurile UE gestionate direct de acestea. Aceste msuri vor
spori eficiena politicilor UE i vor contribui la protejarea
intereselor contribuabililor.
Succesul noii perioade de finanare 2007-2013 constituie o
provocare pentru toi cei implicai: n primul rnd, chiar pentru
beneficiari, care vor utiliza fondurile pentru a-i realiza
proiectele; Parlamentul European, care a sprijinit n mod
deosebit procesul de modernizare a normelor de gestiune
financiar; statele membre, care gestioneaz efectiv aproape
80 % din fondurile UE; i, n sfrit, Comisia European, care
deine responsabilitatea ultim privind modul n care sunt
cheltuite aceste fonduri.
Noile norme vor oferi soluii mai bune, mai simple i mai
practice pentru toi cei care lucreaz cu fonduri UE, asigurnd
totodat controlul eficient al cheltuielilor publice.
Noile programe ale UE pentru perioada 2007-2013 traseaz
calea ctre progresul economic. Pentru ca acest obiectiv ambiios
s devin realitate, este deosebit de important s existe norme
financiare care s se potriveasc situaiilor din viaa real.
Simplitate maxim, birocraie minim acestea sunt ideile-
cheie care stau la baza noilor norme. Rezultatul proceduri mai
simple, transparen i responsabilitate mbuntit va
asigura un control mai bun asupra modului n care sunt cheltuii
banii publici.
Dalia Grybauskait
Comisar european pentru programare financiar
i buget







Oportuniti de
finanarepentru dumneavoastr
Este prima dat cnd solicitai fonduri de la UE i v simii puin pierdut printre diferitele mecanisme de
finanare, actorii implicai i programe? n acest caz, ghidul nostru vi se adreseaz. n aceast seciune vei gsi:
idei despre cum s ncepei
o scurt prezentare a diferitelor forme de finanare UE
exemple practice pentru grupurile selecionate de beneficiari ai fondurilor UE
S ncepem
1. Contactai reelele de informare ale UE
Companii i IMM-uri Ali poteniali beneficiari
Enterprise Europe
600 de organizaii partenere
n peste 40 de ri
Europe Direct
sunai la:
00800 6 7 8 9 10 11
vizitai centrul local
Europe Direct:
trimitei un e-mail sau
contactai un operator
Informaii disponibile
n oricare dintre limbile
oficiale ale UE.
2. Vizitai portalul EUROPA
Portalul Comisiei privind subveniile:
Portalul Comisiei privind contractele publice:
n funcie de tipul de finanare i de profilul proiectului dumneavoastr, exist oameni i reele a cror sarcin este de a v oferi
toate informaiile de care avei nevoie pentru a ncepe! O mulime de informaii sunt, de asemenea, disponibile pe internet.
... Oportuniti de
finanare pentru dumneavoastr
3. Contactai autoritile naionale,
regionale sau locale
Majoritatea fondurilor UE fiind administrate la nivel naional sau
regional, autoritile naionale, regionale sau locale ofer adesea
att informaiile, ct i facilitile de asisten necesare.
Pentru o list cu autoritile de gestionare pentru fondurile
structurale n fiecare regiune, consultai:
O list cu adresele ministerelor naionale ale agriculturii este
disponibil la:
4. Contactai-v asociaia profesional
Dac proiectul dumneavoastr este legat de activitatea
profesional pe care o desfurai, putei obine sprijin de la
organizaia profesional de care aparinei. Unele forme de
finanare UE sunt rezervate unui anumit tip de profesie: profesorii
i instructorii pot beneficia de asisten prin Programul de nvare
pe tot parcursul vieii , iar realizatorii de film prin programul Media
2007. Reeaua dumneavoastr profesional poate deine deja
expertiz n accesarea fondurilor UE i v poate oferi idei practice.

Forme de finanare
1. Care sunt principalele tipuri de finanare
din bugetul UE?
Cutai bani pentru a v
finana proiectul?
Cutai oportuniti pentru a v
vinde serviciile sau bunurile?
acordate pentru a cofinana
proiecte sau obiective speci fice,
de obicei prin cereri de oferte
acordate prin cereri de oferte
(achiziii publice) pentru a
cumpra servicii, bunuri sau
lucrri n scopul de a asigura
operaiunile instituiilor sau
programelor UE
Statele membre UE
Peste 76 % din bugetul UE este gestionat
de autoritile naionale i regionale.
Aceast sum include fondurile
structurale i subveniile agricole.
ri tere i organizaii internaio nale
(de exemplu: Crucea Roie, ONU): 2 %.










Comisia European
Aproximativ 22 % sunt programe
gestionate la nivel central (de exemplu:
n cercetare, nvmnt, sntate,
activiti pentru tineret).








ntreprinderi mici
n cazul n care conducei o ntreprindere mic sau mijlocie (IMM), putei beneficia de finanare UE
prin subvenii, mprumuturi i, n unele cazuri, garanii. Ajutorul este disponibil fie direct (subvenii UE),
fie prin programe gestionate la nivel naional. IMM-urile pot beneficia, de asemenea, de o serie de
msuri nefinanciare de asisten sub form de programe i servicii de sprijin n afaceri.
Finanare prin subvenii ale UE
Aceast finanare este n mare parte tematic, cu obiective specifice mediu, cercetare, formare
concepute i puse n aplicare de diverse departamente ale Comisiei Europene sau agenii executive.
IMM-urile sau alte organizaii (de exemplu asociaii de afaceri, furnizori de asisten n afaceri sau
consultani) pot aplica, de obicei, direct pentru programe, n general cu condiia s prezinte proiecte
durabile, cu o plusvaloare i transnaionale.
Fonduri structurale
Ajutorul direct pentru IMM-uri pentru cofinanarea investiiilor este posibil exclusiv n regiunile mai
puin dezvoltate economic (aa-numitele regiuni de convergen).
n alte regiuni, s-a acordat prioritate aciunilor care au un efect de levier ridicat (de exemplu: formare
antreprenorial, servicii de asisten, incubatoare de afaceri, mecanisme de transfer de tehnologie,
relaionare n afaceri etc.), opuse astfel ajutorului direct pentru IMM-urile individuale.
Comisia European, Banca European de Investiii i Fondul European de Investiii au lansat o iniiativ
comun pentru mbuntirea accesului la finane al IMM-urilor n rile mai puin dezvoltate. Iniiativa,
denumit Resurse Europene Comune pentru ntreprinderile Mici i Mijlocii (sau JEREMIE), va
permite statelor membre i regiunilor s utilizeze o parte din fondurile lor structurale pentru a furniza
garanii pentru mprumuturi, precum i finanri n fonduri proprii i capital de risc pentru IMM-uri.
Programul va deveni operaional n 2008.
Instrumente financiare
Aceste scheme nu furnizeaz finanare direct pentru IMM-uri, ci sunt de obicei procesate prin
intermediari financiari, cum ar fi bncile, instituiile de credit sau fondurile de investiii. Ele sunt
destinate s mreasc volumul de credit disponibil pentru IMM-uri i s ncurajeze aceti intermediari
s i dezvolte capacitatea de mprumuttori IMM.
Prin Programul-Cadru pentru Competitivitate i Inovaie (CIP), s-au alocat 1 130 de milioane de
euro pentru instrumente financiare pe perioada 2007-2013. Acestea sunt organizate n trei scheme,
administrate n cooperare cu Fondul European de Investiii (EIF) i cu alte instituii financiare
mecanismul n favoarea IMM-urilor inovatoare i cu cretere rapid (MIC) vizeaz creterea aportului
de fonduri proprii pentru IMM-urile inovatoare, att n stadiile lor timpurii (MIC1), ct i n faza de
expansiune (MIC2). MIC mparte riscul i recompensele cu investitori privai, asigurnd un efect de
levier important privind aportul de fonduri proprii pentru companiile inovatoare;
mecanismul de garantare pentru IMM-uri ofer garanii adiionale pentru creterea finanelor de
credit pentru IMM-uri;
dispozitivul de ntrire a capacitilor sprijin intermediarii financiari n anumite state membre.
Care sunt principalele surse de finanare disponibile?

Oportuniti de
finanarepentru dumneavoastr
... Oportuniti de
finanare pentru dumneavoastr
Pentru subveniile UE, procedurile de aplicare sunt stabilite n apelurile pentru programe specifice i
vei aplica direct la Comisia European sau la o agenie executiv care conduce programul n cauz.
Programele finanate prin fonduri structurale sunt administrate la nivel naional sau regional, acolo
unde proiectele sunt selecionate.
Instrumentele financiare pentru IMM-uri sunt de obicei disponibile prin intermediari financiari, cum
ar fi bncile sau instituiile de credit.
Cum s aplic?

Enterprise Europe Network

600 de organizaii partenere n peste 40 de ri.
Portalul european pentru IMM-uri (cu o prezentare a principalelor oportuniti de finanare
Pentru oportuniti de finanare pe zone politice, a se vedea portalul Comisiei privind subveniile:
Site-ul Direciei Generale pentru Politic Regional ofer informaii privind activitatea Uniunii
Europene n sprijinirea dezvoltrii regionale:
Acesta cuprinde o list cu autoritile de administrare a fondurilor structurale n fiecare regiune:
Fondul Social European:
Iniiativa JEREMIE:
Pentru informaii suplimentare privind instrumentele financiare, consultai:
Noul Instrument pentru Asisten de Preaderare (IAP) va oferi oportuniti de finanare nu numai
pentru companiile din UE, ci i pentru cele din rile candidate. Pentru mai multe informaii, a se vedea:
Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?
tiai c...
IMM-urile sunt definite de UE ca fiind firme cu mai puin de
250 de angajai. n afar de aceasta, ele pot avea o cifr de afaceri
anual de pn la 50 de milioane de euro, sau un bilan de nu mai
mult de 43 de milioane de euro?







Organizaiile neguvernamentale i organizaiile societii civile constituie un grup-int natural eligibil
pentru o parte important din finanarea UE, deoarece sunt active n numeroase domenii acoperite
de politicile UE pe o baz nonprofit, o precondiie pentru primirea de fonduri din partea trezoreriilor
De fapt, este dificil s se gseasc un program UE care s nu includ ntr-un fel sau altul o oportunitate
de finanare pentru ONG-uri. Finanarea este disponibil att prin programele conduse de autoritile
naionale i locale, care sunt finanate prin fonduri structurale, ct i prin programele conduse de
Se estimeaz c o sum de peste 1 miliard de euro pe an este alocat pentru proiectele ONG direct de
ctre Comisie, majoritatea n domeniul relaiilor externe pentru cooperarea n dezvoltare, drepturile
omului, programe de sprijinire a democraiei i, n special, ajutor umanitar (400 de milioane euro).
Alte alocaii importante sunt n sectorul social (70 de milioane euro), educaional (50 de milioane euro)
i n cel al mediului n cadrul UE.
n termeni practici, ONG-ul dumneavoastr poate beneficia de dou tipuri de finanare:
Putei prezenta o propunere pentru un proiect concret printr-un program UE care acoper sfera
dumneavoastr de activitate i, dac are succes, proiectul n chestiune va fi cofinanat de UE printr-
o subvenie pentru aciune.
Prin unele programe i cu condiia ca ONG-ul dumneavoastr s urmreasc un scop de interes
general european sau s aib un obiectiv care face parte dintr-o politic a Uniunii Europene, UE
poate subveniona direct organizaia dumneavoastr printr-o subvenie de funcionare. n astfel
de cazuri, subvenia se bazeaz pe o analiz a dimensiunii activitilor dumneavoastr, pe sfera lor,
planul anual de lucru, compatibilitatea cu prioritile politice etc., mai degrab dect pe proiecte
Printre exemplele de programe gestionate la nivel central care prevd subvenii de funcionare
pentru ONG-uri ntlnim: Europa pentru Ceteni (Aciunea 2: Societate Civil Activ n Europa),
Cultura 2007 (Faza a doua: sprijin pentru organismele active la nivel european n domeniul culturii)
i Progress (sprijin pentru ONG-urile la nivelul UE active n integrarea social, nediscriminare i
egalitatea de gen).
Care sunt principalele surse de finanare disponibile?

Aceasta va depinde de tipul de finanare:

fondurile structurale sunt administrate la nivel naional sau regional i, drept urmare, cererile sunt
transmise autoritilor naionale sau regionale i evaluate de acestea;
pentru subveniile UE, procedurile de depunere a cererilor sunt stabilite n cererile de oferte pentru
programe specifice i vei depune cererea direct la Comisia European sau la o agenie executiv
care conduce programul n cauz.
Cum s aplic?
Oportuniti de
finanarepentru dumneavoastr
... Oportuniti de
finanare pentru dumneavoastr

Pentru oportuniti de finanare pe domenii politice, consultai portalul Comisiei privind

Comisia European i Societatea Civil:
Site-ul Direciei Generale pentru Politic Regional ofer informaii privind activitatea Uniunii
Europene n sprijinirea dezvoltrii regionale:
Acesta cuprinde o list cu autoritile de gestionare a fondurilor structurale n fiecare regiune:
Fondul Social European:
Oficiul de Cooperare EuropeAid:
Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?
tiai c...
Este organizaia mea un ONG?
ONG i organizaiile societii civile nu sunt termeni juridici. Criteriile specifice
pe baza crora o organizaie este considerat eligibil pentru finanare de la UE
sunt detaliate n cererile individuale de oferte. Totui, ONGeste o abreviere util
pentru a desemna o serie de organizaii care, n mod normal, prezint
urmtoarele caracteristici comune:
ONG-urile nu sunt create pentru a genera profit (dei pot avea angajai pltii
i se pot angaja n activiti generatoare de venit, acestea nu distribuie
profituri membrilor);
ONG-urile sunt pe baz de voluntariat;
ONG-urile trebuie s aib un oarecare grad de existen oficial sau
instituional (de exemplu statut sau alt document oficial care s le stabileasc
misiunea, obiectivele i sfera de aciune). Ele sunt responsabile fa de
membrii i donatorii lor;
ONG-urile sunt independente, n special fa de guvern, autoritile publice,
partidele politice sau organizaiile comerciale;
ONG-urile sunt dezinteresate n obiective i valorile aferente. Obiectivul lor
este de a fi n slujba publicului ca un ntreg sau a unor grupuri specifice de
Mrimea ONG-urilor, precum i sfera lor de activitate, poate varia n mod
considerabil. Unele ONG-uri constau dintr-un numr mai degrab limitat de
persoane; altele pot avea mii de membri i sute de angajai. Pe plan funcional,
ONG-urile se pot concentra pe activitile de funcionare i/sau de sprijinire a
anumitor interese. ONG-urile operaionale contribuie la furnizarea de servicii
(cum ar fi n domeniul ajutorului social), iar obiectivul primar al ONG-urilor de
sprijinire este de a influena politicile autoritilor publice i opinia public n







Programul de nvare pe tot parcursul vieii
Dac dorii s studiai n strintate, Erasmus, parte a Programului de nvare pe tot parcursul vieii,
v poate ajuta. Peste 1,5 milioane de studeni au beneficiat pn acum de burse Erasmus. Comisia
European sper s ating un total de 3 milioane de studeni pn n 2012, aadar folosii aceast
n cadrul Programului de nvare pe tot parcursul vieii, Comenius ofer oportuniti de finanare
pentru tinerii din ciclul de studii pn la nivelul secundar superior, n special prin parteneriate colare
n Europa; Leonardo da Vinci ofer oportuniti pentru cei din domeniul educaiei i formrii
vocaionale, de exemplu prin plasamente de formare ntr-o alt ar.
Tineret n aciune
Programul cofinaneaz proiecte care ntresc angajarea civic activ a tinerilor, munca voluntar,
nelegerea reciproc i deschiderea spre lume, respectiv ofer ajutor tinerilor muncitori i sprijin
decizia politic privind tineretul.
Se adreseaz tinerilor cu vrsta ntre 15-28 ani (13-30 ani pentru anumite aciuni specifice).
Exemplele de activiti care pot beneficia de finanare cuprind schimburile pentru tineret; iniiativele
privind tineretul, n care tinerii particip direct la activiti pe care le-au conceput ei nii; proiecte
orientate ctre creterea participrii tinerilor la mecanismele democraiei reprezentative; proiecte de
voluntariat (de remarcat c voluntarii individuali nu pot depune cererea n mod direct; acest lucru
este valabil numai pentru organizaiile oficiale acreditate de Serviciul European de Voluntariat);
formarea i relaionarea celor implicai n activitile pentru tineret i n organizaiile de tineret;
campanii de informare pentru tineri.
Care sunt principalele surse de finanare disponibile?

Programul de nvare pe tot parcursul vieii

Pentru a fi eligibil pentru o burs Erasmus, trebuie s fii nscrii ntr-un program oficial de studii
superioare n vederea obinerii unui grad sau a unei diplome ntr-una dintre cele 31 de ri participante
(statele membre ale UE, plus Norvegia, Liechtenstein, Islanda i Turcia) i s fi ncheiat cu succes cel
puin primul an de studii universitare.
Biroul de relaii internaionale sau biroul Erasmus din universitatea dumneavoastr este primul punct
de informare privind modul n care putei participa la program. 90 % din universitile UE particip la
programul Erasmus. Bursele sunt alocate studenilor n urma unui proces de selecie organizat de
universitatea de origine. O precondiie fundamental pentru programul de mobilitate Erasmus este
ca universitatea-gazd s nu perceap nicio tax.
Valoarea burselor Erasmus variaz de la o ar participant la alta, dar nu este destinat s acopere
toate cheltuielile studenilor. Aceasta poate fi combinat cu fonduri suplimentare furnizate de
universitate sau de alte instituii.
Cum s aplic?
Oportuniti de
finanarepentru dumneavoastr
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... Oportuniti de
finanare pentru dumneavoastr

Direcia General pentru Educaie i Cultur, cereri de oferte:
Programul Tineret n Aciune:
Ghidul Programului de nvare pe tot parcursul vieii:
Portalul Tineret European:
Agenia Executiv pentru Educaie, Audiovizual i Cultur:,
Eurodesk (o reea care furnizeaz informaii relevante pentru tineri i pentru cei care lucreaz cu ei
privind oportunitile europene n domeniul educaiei, formrii i domenii pentru tineret):
Centre de Resurse SALTO:
SALTO nseamn Sprijin i Studiu Avansat i Oportuniti de Formare. Acestea sunt structuri stabilite
n cadrul programului Tineret n Aciune pentru a oferi formare i informaii pentru organizaiile de
Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?
tiai c...
n cadrul programului Tineret n Aciune, sunt binevenite proiectele
ce provin de la grupuri informale de tineri?
Aproximativ 1/3 din studenii Erasmus primesc o ofert de munc n
Va trebui s semnai un acord de studiu cu propria universitate i cu instituia-gazd. Acordul de studiu
este un contract neoficial care indic exact modulele pe care le vei studia. La sfritul perioadei de
studiu n strintate, universitatea-gazd va prezenta un raport care va cuprinde rezultatele
dumneavoastr. n consecin, timpul pe care l petrecei n strintate este considerat parte
integrant a programului de studiu din universitatea dumneavoastr de origine.
Pentru informaii privind procedurile de aplicare pentru alte programe prin Programul de nvare pe
tot parcursul vieii, contactai Agenia Executiv pentru Educaie, Audiovizual i Cultur.
Tineret n aciune
Fiecare ar-program (adic statele membre ale UE, plus Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia i Turcia) are
o agenie naional a crei sarcin const n selectarea proiectelor locale, administrarea burselor i
furnizarea informaiilor necesare. De aceea, dac intenionai s v finanai proiectul prin Tineret n
Aciune, un prim pas recomandat ar fi s luai legtura cu agenia naional din ara dumneavoastr.
Un numr limitat de tipuri de proiecte specifice sunt tratate direct la nivel european, n cele mai multe
cazuri prin Agenia Executiv pentru Educaie, Audiovizual i Cultur.
Candidaturile trebuie prezentate pe formularele de candidatur relevante furnizate de agenia
naional sau Executiv.
11 11







Al aptelea Program-cadru
Cu peste 53 de miliarde euro de cheltuit din 2007 pn n 2013, al aptelea Program-cadru (FP7)
este principalul instrument al UE pentru finanarea cercetrii.
FP7 are cinci piloni majori sau programe specifice:
Cooperare: sprijin pentru proiectele conduse de consoriile transnaionale n zece zone tematice
variind de la aspecte legate de sntate pn la cercetarea spaial;
Idei: sprijin pentru proiectele de cercetare de frontier puse n aplicare de echipe de cercetare sau
de cercettori individuali;
Oameni: mobilitatea cercettorilor i dezvoltarea profesional;
Capaciti: sprijin pentru capacitile i infrastructura de cercetare;
Cercetare nuclear, inclusiv cercetarea n domeniul fuziunii energetice.
La fel ca toate subveniile UE, FP7 este bazat pe cofinanare. Rata standard de rambursare pentru
activitile de cercetare i dezvoltare tehnologic este de 50 %, dei anumite organizaii (de exemplu
IMM-urile sau organismele publice non profit) pot primi pn la 75 %. Pentru anumite activiti (de
exemplu relaionarea, formarea) se poate rambursa pn la 100 % din costurile eligibile. Subveniile
sunt determinate prin cereri de oferte i un proces de revizuire echitabil.
Care sunt principalele surse de finanare disponibile?

Participarea la FP7 este deschis unei serii largi de organizaii i indivizi. O list indicativ include:
grupurile de cercetare din universiti sau institute de cercetare;
companiile care intenioneaz s inoveze;
IMM-urile (ntreprinderile mici i mijlocii) sau gruprile acestora;
administraia public;
cercettorii (de la nceptori la experimentai);
institutele care conduc infrastructuri de cercetare;
organizaiile societii civile;
organizaiile i cercettorii din tere ri i organizaii internaionale.
n toate statele membre UE, precum i n alte cteva ri, au fost instituite Puncte Naionale de
Contact pentru a oferi ajutor personalizat, deci un prim pas ar fi s le contactai i s le explicai situaia
i ideile dumneavoastr. Datoria lor este s v ndrume spre acea parte a FP7 care ar putea prezenta
interes pentru dumneavoastr i s v ajute s v depunei cererea.
Oportunitile specifice de finanare sunt anunate prin cererile de oferte, publicate n Jurnalul Oficial
al UE; le putei gsi, de asemenea, n seciunea FP7 din CORDIS, un site dedicat cercetrii sprijinite de
Prezentai-v propunerea cu ajutorul instrumentului online numit EPSS (Serviciul Electronic de
Prezentare de Propuneri), care este canalul obligatoriu de utilizat. Pentru propunerile de succes,
Comisia European ncepe negocieri financiare i tehnice privind detaliile proiectului, finalizate print-run
acord de subvenionare. Acesta stabilete drepturile i obligaiile beneficiarilor i ale UE, inclusiv
contribuia financiar a UE la costurile dumneavoastr de cercetare.
Cum aplic?
Oportuniti de
finanarepentru dumneavoastr
12 12
... Oportuniti de
finanare pentru dumneavoastr

Lista Punctelor Naionale de Contact:
Site-ul CORDIS:
Site-ul conine un numr mare de informaii despre FP7, inclusiv cele mai recente actualizri,
calendarul cererilor de oferte, textele cererilor, ntrebri frecvente (FAQ) i multe altele.
Site-ul de Cercetare al Comisiei Europene:
Acest site conine fie simple de date, descrcabile, care explic FP7, disponibile n 23 de limbi.
Serviciul de Cercetare:
Consiliul European de Cercetare:
Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?
tiai c...
Pentru prima dat n programele de cercetare UE, FP7 poate sprijini
proiectele cercettorilor individuali sau ale echipelor prin
programe lansate la iniiativa cercettorilor sprijinii de noul Consiliu
European de Cercetare?
O parte semnificativ a cheltuielilor din noile fonduri structurale
va viza politicile de promovare a creterii economice i a
competitivitii? Consultai planurile naionale adoptate pentru a afla
care sunt opiunile de finanare disponibile n domeniul cercetrii.
13 13







Pli directe
Dac suntei agricultor n UE, putei beneficia, mai mult ca sigur, de pli directe, forma major de
finanare a UE n agricultur. Reforma din 2003 a Politicii Agricole Comune a introdus un nou sistem
de pli directe, cunoscut ca Schema de Plat Unic, prin care nici un ajutor nu mai este legat de
producie. Principalul obiectiv al plii unice este s susin veniturile agricultorilor, iar acetia s
respecte n schimb standardele de protecie a mediului, bunstare a animalelor, siguran alimentar
i pstrare a solului n stare bun. Agricultorii sunt ncurajai s ia decizii bazate pe semnalele de pe
n anumite condiii limitate, statele membre pot decide s reduc valoarea titlurilor de plat i s
continue s fac pli directe legate de producie.
Dezvoltare rural
Prin politica de Dezvoltare Rural 2007-2013, statele membre UE vor investi peste 91 de miliarde euro
pentru a mbunti competitivitatea n agricultur i silvicultur, pentru a proteja mediul i regiunile
rurale, pentru a mbunti calitatea vieii i diversificarea economiei rurale. O a patra zon (Leader)
introduce oportuniti de finanare pentru abordrile locale privind dezvoltarea rural.
Care sunt principalele surse de finanare disponibile?

Pli directe
Plile directe sunt administrate prin agenii de plat desemnate de autoritile naionale.
Pentru a fi eligibil la plata unic, un agricultor are nevoie de titluri de plat i de pmnt. Titlurile sunt
calculate pe baza plilor primite de agricultor pe durata unei perioade de referin (model istoric)
sau a numrului de hectare cultivate eligibile (model regional).
Dezvoltare rural
Aceste fonduri sunt distribuite prin programe conduse de guvernele naionale: guvernul desemneaz
autoritatea administrativ a crei sarcin, la nivel de administrare a proiectului, este informarea
potenialilor beneficiari despre modul n care pot obine sprijin, despre normele aplicabile i
contribuia UE disponibil.
Cum aplic?
Oportuniti de
finanarepentru dumneavoastr
14 14
... Oportuniti de
finanare pentru dumneavoastr

V rugm s contactai ministerul agriculturii sau asociaia local de agricultur.
Informaii despre agricultur i politica de dezvoltare rural:
Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?
tiai c...
Pentru a primi pli directe, agricultorii trebuie s respecte
standardele privind sntatea public, sntatea animal i vegetal,
mediul i bunstarea animalelor i s-i pstreze pmntul n stare
agricol i ecologic bun. Dac agricultorii nu reuesc s respecte
aceste standarde, plile directe pe care le pot pretinde ar putea fi
reduse sau chiar retrase complet pentru anul respectiv?
15 15









Organisme publice
Organismele publice, inclusiv autoritile locale, pot beneficia de numeroase oportuniti de finanare
UE, variind de la investiii pentru dezvoltarea capacitii instituionale i a eficienei serviciilor publice,
pn la proiecte locale de infrastructur. Mai jos sunt doar cteva exemple dintre numeroasele opiuni
Politica de coeziune
Iat de unde provine majoritatea finanrii pentru proiectele locale de infrastructur ce vizeaz
promovarea angajrii. Aceti bani sunt disponibili prin programele de fonduri structurale, care sunt
n general administrate de autoritile naionale sau regionale. ntre 2007 i 2013, UE va cheltui peste
347 de miliarde euro pe proiecte regionale pentru a stimula crearea de locuri de munc i creterea
peste 80 % din aceste fonduri vor merge ctre cele mai srace 84 de regiuni ale UE n 17 state
aproape 16 % din bani vor fi disponibili pentru regiunile rmase;
peste 2,5 % se vor cheltui pentru cooperarea transfrontalier prin iniiative locale i regionale
Finanarea de la Fondul Social European va fi disponibil pentru administraiile naionale, regionale
i locale pentru a consolida capacitatea instituional i activitile acestora, n special n acele servicii
care au un impact direct asupra pieei muncii (serviciile de ocupare a forei de munc, nvmnt i
instituiile de formare).
Jessica i Jaspers
Aceste denumiri desemneaz dou iniiative concepute pentru a sprijini administraia public i
autoritile locale; ele fac obiectul unei cooperri ntre Comisia European, Grupul Banca European
de Investiii i alte instituii financiare internaionale.
Jessica (Sprijin European Comun pentru Investiii Durabile n Zonele Urbane) va ajuta organismele
publice s coopereze cu partenerii, inclusiv ntreprinderi private, pentru a crea fonduri care vor sprijini
rennoirea urban i proiectele de dezvoltare.
Jaspers (Asisten Comun pentru Susinerea Proiectelor n Regiunile Europene) ofer asisten
pentru administraiile publice n pregtirea de proiecte de nalt calitate eligibile pentru sprijin prin
fondurile structurale. Prioritatea este acordat proiectelor mari i proiectelor din noile state membre.
Asistena furnizat poate acoperi aspecte tehnice, economice i financiare i orice alte lucrri de
pregtire necesare pentru un proiect pe deplin dezvoltat.
Alte subvenii ale UE
Programele gestionate la nivel central ofer, de asemenea, oportuniti de finanare pentru administraia
public, inclusiv autoritile locale. Ele acoper o ntreag serie de domenii politice ale UE, cum ar fi:
promovarea activitilor culturale (Cultura 2007), ocuparea forei de munc i solidaritatea social
(Progress), cercetarea (al aptelea Program-cadru) i abordarea inovatoare a noilor tehnologii de informare
n sectorul public (Programul de Sprijin Politic ICT, care face parte din Programul de Competitivitate i
Programul Europa pentru Ceteni ofer oportuniti de finanare pentru iniiativele de nfrire ntre
orae prin finanarea reuniunilor cetenilor i relaionarea tematic a oraelor nfrite.
Care sunt principalele surse de finanare disponibile?

Oportuniti de
finanarepentru dumneavoastr
16 16
... Oportuniti de
finanare pentru dumneavoastr
Proiectele care vizeaz creterea securitii publice pot fi cofinanate din trezoreriile UE. Organismele
publice care se ocup de consolidarea legii, prevenirea criminalitii i protecia victimelor i martorilor
pot primi finanare prin programul Prevenirea i Combaterea Criminalitii. Acest program vizeaz n
special terorismul, traficul de persoane, crimele mpotriva copiilor, traficul de droguri i de arme,
corupia i frauda. Suma total de cheltuit n programul Prevenirea i Combaterea Criminalitii ntre
2007 i 2013 este de peste 605 milioane euro.
Fondul European de Ajustare a Globalizrii
Un stat membru confruntat cu disponibilizri neateptate cauzate de schimbarea modelelor de
comer globale poate solicita sprijin pentru a ajuta muncitorii disponibilizai s se reintegreze pe
piaa muncii. Un plafon de maximum 500 milioane euro va fi disponibil anual.
Guvernele vor putea finana activiti, cum ar fi asisten n cutarea unui loc de munc, recalificare
personalizat, promovare de antreprenoriat, precum i compensaii de munc temporare, cum ar fi
alocaiile pentru aceia care particip la formare sau pentru muncitorii cu vrsta de peste 50 de ani.
V rugm s reinei c aceste fonduri vor fi disponibile pentru muncitorii individuali (nu pentru
ntreprinderi) numai prin autoritile naionale, nu prin regiuni sau autoriti locale.
Aceasta va depinde de tipul de finanare:
fondurile structurale sunt gestionate la nivel naional sau regional i, drept urmare, cererile sunt
prezentate autoritilor naionale sau regionale i evaluate de acestea;
pentru subveniile UE, procedurile de depunere a cererilor sunt stabilite n cererile pentru oferte pentru
programe specifice i vei depune cererea direct la Comisia European sau la o agenie executiv care
conduce programul n cauz.
Cum aplic?

Site-ul Direciei Generale pentru Politic Regional ofer informaii privind activitatea Uniunii Europene
n sprijinirea dezvoltrii regionale:
Acesta cuprinde o list cu autoritile de gestionare a fondurilor structurale n fiecare regiune:
Fondul Social European:
Informaii despre alocrile financiare per regiune:
Pentru oportuniti de finanare pe domenii de politic, a se vedea portalul Comisiei privind
Jessica i Jaspers:
Comitetul Regiunilor:
Consiliul Municipalitilor i Regiunilor Europene:
Fondul European de Ajustare a Globalizrii:
Programul de Sprijin Politic ICT:
Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?
tiai c...
Micarea de nfrire ntre orae a nceput n Europa la puin timp
dup al doilea rzboi mondial? n fiecare an, Comisia European
acord Stelele de aur ale nfririi ntre orae pentru 10 proiecte
remarcabile care au contribuit cu succes la integrarea european.







Acces mai uor
la finanarea UE
Normele UE de gestionare financiar sunt stabilite n Regulamentul Financiar i normele de punere n aplicare a acestuia care,
mpreun cu bazele juridice specifice sectorului, guverneaz toate tranzaciile privind fondurile UE. n aceast seciune vei gsi exemple
ale mbuntirilor practice eseniale pentru a face mai uor accesul la finanarea UE.
mbuntiri practice
pentru subvenii
Cerinele de mai puine acte se vor aplica pentru noile subvenii de sum mic (sub sau egal cu
25 000 de euro).
Organizaiile beneficiare trebuie s i finaneze parial proiectele (aa-numita cofinanare). Acolo unde
este justificat, ele vor putea s le nlocuiasc cu cofinanarea n natur (de exemplu prin munca
efectuat de unii dintre angajaii lor).
Pentru a obine pli semnificative la nceputul proiectului lor (aa-numita prefinanare), organizaiile
beneficiare, cum ar fi ONG-urile, trebuie s furnizeze garanii financiare, care adesea reprezint un
obstacol financiar important. Cu noile norme, dup evaluarea de riscuri, aceast cerin de
prefinanare pentru subveniile sub 60 000 de euro poate fi anulat.
Pentru organizaiile beneficiare care solicit fonduri UE, pragurile pentru care este necesar un audit
extern au crescut de la 300 000 de euro la subvenii de 500 000 de euro sau mai mult, pentru proiecte
specifice, respectiv de la 75 000 de euro la subvenii de 100 000 de euro sau mai mult pentru a finana
costurile de funcionare ale organizaiilor.
Pentru a putea informa rapid candidaii despre posibilitatea de reuit a cererii lor, procedura de
depunere a cererii i procedura de evaluare pot fi divizate n dou stadii separate, fcnd posibil
refuzul ntr-o faz timpurie a acelor propuneri care nu au perspectiv de succes.
Regulile care guverneaz achiziiile fcute de beneficiari pentru a pune n aplicare o subvenie au
fost simplificate. Pentru achiziiile sub 60 000 de euro, regulile de urmat de ctre beneficiar vor fi
limitate la dou principii de baz: principiul bunei gestiuni financiare i absena oricrui conflict de
... Acces mai uor
la finanarea UE
n general, vor fi utilizate proceduri mai simple pentru achiziiile Comisiei Europene cu o valoare sub
60 000 de euro, n loc de 50 000 de euro. n special, cerinele privind dovada de capacitate financiar
pot fi anulate pentru contractele sub noul prag.
Pentru contractele cu valoare sczut, poate exista o obligaie disproporionat de a cere dovad din
partea vnztorului c nu are antecedente penale, nu este insolvabil i achit n mod corespunztor
impozitele i taxele de securitate social. Noul text ridic n mod semnificativ pragurile sub care
solicitanii pot nlocui aceste documente cu o simpl declaraie pe propria rspundere.
Simplificri similare au fost introduse pentru contractele publice n domeniul ajutorului extern, dar
cu praguri i mai ridicate (200 000 de euro pentru servicii; 150 000 de euro pentru produse;
5 000 000 de euro pentru lucrri).
Instituiile UE vor putea desfura proceduri de achiziie n comun cu autoritile din statele membre,
care ofer mai mult flexibilitate, pentru a utiliza banii contribuabililor n mod mai eficient.
Oriunde este potrivit, fezabil din punct de vedere tehnic i rentabil, contractele care au impact financiar
mai mare vor fi acordate sub form de loturi separate, pentru a crete eficiena i concurena.
Limitele de timp pentru excluderea din contractele UE vor fi specificate n mod clar.

Regulamentul financiar i regulile de punere n aplicare a acestuia:

Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?

mbuntiri practice
pentru contractele publice
Gestionarea bugetului
n situaiile de aciuni umanitare de sfrit de an sau de criz, Comisia European va putea
reaciona imediat, utiliznd fondurile necheltuite nc disponibile, fr s cear consimmntul
prealabil al autoritii bugetare.
Similar, constrngerile legale nainte de lansarea de aciuni-pilot i de pregtire n domeniul Politicii
Externe i de Securitate Comun vor fi ajustate pentru a crete capacitatea de reacie.
Va fi mai uor s se delege administrarea acestor fonduri unor organizaii naionale din ri tere
recunoscute n mod oficial care primesc ajutor din partea UE.
Va fi mai uor pentru Comisia European s delege sarcini Bncii Europene de Investiii i Fondului
European de Investiii pentru a putea profita de expertiza acestora.
Comisia European, innd seama de standardele acceptate la nivel internaional, va putea considera
ca fiind echivalente cu procedurile sale procedurile de achiziie aplicate de ageniile naionale i de
rile tere.
Directorii din cadrul instituiilor UE vor dispune de mai mult flexibilitate pentru a-i conduce
prin furnizarea de mecanisme de gestionare mai eficiente (cum ar fi posibilitatea crescut de a plti
subvenii sub form de sume globale sau de finanare cu valoare fix);
prin eliminarea anumitor constrngeri birocratice exagerate (cum ar fi recuperarea dobnzii de
prefinanare n cazul unor sume foarte mici).




Transparen i
control mai bune
Noile norme financiare ofer msuri suplimentare pentru a asigura transparen maxim i control mai strict privind modul de distribuire
i de cheltuire a fondurilor UE. Aceast seciune ofer o scurt prezentare a standardelor-cheie de transparen i a cerinelor de control.
Cui dau statele membre banii UE? n cazul plilor directe ctre agricultori i n cazul fondurilor
structurale, autoritile naionale sau regionale sunt cele care gestioneaz fondurile. Pn acum,
decizia de publicare a numelor beneficiarilor acestor fonduri revenea autoritilor. Totui, noile norme
fac obligatorie publicarea numelor beneficiarilor fondurilor agricole i structurale. Este un
progres major n a face finanarea UE complet transparent, deoarece aceste fonduri alctuiesc trei
sferturi din cheltuielile UE.
Publicarea numelor beneficiarilor va fi obligatorie pentru fondurile structurale din bugetul 2007.
Aceasta nseamn c numele beneficiarilor vor fi publicate ncepnd cu 2008. Pentru beneficiarii
fondurilor agricole, aceast norm va deveni aplicabil pentru bugetul 2008, aadar numele vor fi
publicate ncepnd cu 2009.
Cine primete bani de la Comisia European? Pn la data de 30 iunie a fiecrui an, departamentele
Comisiei public pe site-ul web Europa listele cu subveniile acordate n cursul anului precedent, cu
excepia acelora acordate sub form de burse colare individuale. n afar de aceasta, Comisia
European redacteaz un raport anual detaliat privind alocarea subveniilor, destinat utilizrii de ctre
deputaii Parlamentului European i membrii Consiliului de Minitri.
Proceduri transparente pentru toi: fie c aplicai pentru o subvenie direct de la Comisia
European sau printr-un program naional cofinanat de UE, fie c luai parte la o licitaie pentru a
furniza servicii sau produse unei instituii UE, vei beneficia de aceleai principii stricte de transparen
i de tratament egal stabilite prin Regulamentul Financiar i normele de punere n aplicare a acestuia.
Proceduri transparente nseamn, de asemenea, acces egal la informaii. Cererile de oferte sunt
publicate pe site-urile Comisiei; acelai principiu se aplic fondurilor UE gestionate la nivel naional sau
regional: regulile privind cerinele de informare i de publicitate sunt stabilite de Comisia European
i aplicate n mod consecvent n ntreaga UE. Cererile de oferte din partea Comisiei Europene pot fi
gsite pe paginile web Europa ale diverselor Direcii Generale ale Comisiei i n suplimentul Jurnalului
Oficial al Uniunii Europene, al crui format electronic online este n baza de date TED.

... Transparen i control
mai bune
Responsabilitate i
Colegiul celor 27 de Comisari Europeni are responsabilitatea politic ultim de a garanta c fondurile
UE sunt cheltuite n mod corespunztor. n fiecare an, ei aprob conturile anuale ale UE, inclusiv datele
privind toi banii cheltuii n cursul anului, care sunt apoi supuse descrcrii bugetare anuale a
Parlamentului European.
Fiecare ef al unui departament al Comisiei (adic fiecare director general) emite un Raport Anual de
Activitate. Aceste rapoarte ofer analiza sistemelor de control intern i de gestiune financiar stabilite de
fiecare departament pentru a asigura gestionarea corect a fondurilor UE. Ele constituie o surs obiectiv
de informare: directorii sunt obligai s formuleze rezerve cu privire la domeniile n care aciunile de audit
au indicat poteniale probleme.
Majoritatea fondurilor UE sunt administrate la nivel naional, ceea ce nseamn c guvernele naionale
trebuie s i asume partea de responsabilitate cu privire la modul n care sunt cheltuii banii. Noile norme
mbuntesc raportarea statelor membre. Guvernele naionale s-au angajat s instituie sisteme de
control intern efective i eficiente i s fac verificrile necesare privind fondurile UE aflate sub gestionarea
lor. Fiecare stat membru este obligat s furnizeze un sumar anual al aciunilor de audit disponibile privind
aceste fonduri.
Prin aceste noi norme, Comisia European va avea, de asemenea, un instrument mai bun pentru a
preveni frauda i corupia: o baz de date central cu organizaiile excluse de la finanarea UE.
Aceast baz de date (disponibil acum pentru subveniile UE i contractele publice) va conine,
ncepnd cu 2009, toate informaiile relevante privind persoanele i entitile condamnate pentru
fraud, corupie, implicare n organizaii criminale sau orice alt activitate ilegal care duneaz
interesului financiar al UE n statele membre, rile tere i organizaiile internaionale implicate n
punerea n aplicare a programelor UE.
Din 2005, registrele UE sunt bazate pe aa-numitele standarde de cretere contabil. Acesta este un
sistem de contabilitate modern i transparent, aplicat numai de foarte puine guverne naionale.
Sistemul reflect cteva standarde de contabilitate modern utilizate de sectorul privat.

Regulamentul financiar i normele de punere n aplicare a acestuia:
List cu beneficiarii subveniilor UE:
List cu beneficiarii contractelor UE:
Baza de date TED:
Site-ul web al comisarului Dalia Grybauskait:
Buget UE:
Iniiativ de transparen:
Ghid despre Modernizarea conturilor UE:
Unde pot gsi detalii suplimentare?



Al aptelea Program-cadru de Cercetare (07-13) 54 547,47
Reele Transeuropene (TEN) Transport (07-13) 8 013,00
Reele Transeuropene (TEN) Energie (07-13) 155,00
Galileo (navigare radio satelit) (07-13) 3 005,00
Marco Polo II (performana ecologic a sistemului de transport de mrfuri) (07-13) 450,00
nvare pe tot parcursul vieii (07-13) 6 970,00
Programul-cadru pentru Competitivitate i Inovare (C.I.P) (07-13) 3 621,30
PROGRESS (Program pentru Angajare i Solidaritate Social) (07-13) 743,25
Vmi 2008-2013 (facilitarea comerului legitim;
prevenirea comerului ilicit i ilegal) (08-13) 323,80
Fiscalis 2008-2013 (cooperare ntre autoritile fiscale;
lupta mpotriva fraudei fiscale) (08-13) 156,90
Hercule II (protecia intereselor financiare ale UE) (07-13) 98,53
Decomisionare nuclear: A) Ignalina; B) Bohunice (07-13) 1 260,00
Pericles (protecia euro mpotriva falsificrii) (07-13) 7,00
Msuri antipoluare (07-13) 154,00
Erasmus Mundus 2 * (09-13) 493,69
Total Fonduri Structurale, inclusiv: (07-13) 277 657,74
Fondul European Regional de Dezvoltare (indicativ) 198 941,36
Fondul Social European (indicativ) 78 716,37
Total Fond de Coeziune (07-13) 69 752,33
Cheltuieli de pia i ajutoare directe (indicativ) ** (07-13) 316 586,70
Dezvoltare rural (07-13) 91 962,33
Politica Comun a Pescuitului i Legea Maritim (07-13) 2 411,60
Fondul European de Pescuit (07-13) 4 339,67
Life+ (instrument financiar pentru mediu) (07-13) 2 143,41
Fondul European pentru Integrarea Rezidenilor din rile Tere (07-13) 825,00
Drepturi Fundamentale i Cetenie (07-13) 96,50
Justiie Penal (07-13) 199,00
Prevenirea, pregtirea i gestionarea consecinelor terorismului (07-13) 139,40
Prevenirea i Combaterea Criminalitii (07-13) 605,60
Fondul European pentru Refugiai (sprijinirea eforturilor UE n primirea
refugiailor; proceduri de azil comune) (08-13) 628,00
Fondul European de Returnare (ntoarcerea rezidenilor din rile tere care
rezid ilegal n UE) (08-13) 676,00
Fondul Granie Externe (07-13) 1 820,00
Daphne (lupta mpotriva violenei) (07-13) 116,85
Justiie Civil (07-13) 109,30
Prevenire Droguri & Informare (07-13) 21,35










... Sume disponibile
Instrument Financiar de Protecie Civil (07-13) 133,80
Sntate Public (08-13) 321,50
Protecia Consumatorului (07-13) 156,80
Cultura 2007 (07-13) 400,00
Tineret n Aciune (07-13) 885,00
Media 2007 (sprijin pentru sectorul european audiovizual) (07-13) 754,95
Europa pentru Ceteni (07-13) 215,00
Instrument pentru Asisten de Preaderare (IAP) (07-13) 11 468,00
Instrument pentru Cooperarea n Sigurana Nuclear (07-13) 524,00
Asisten Macrofinanciar (07-13) 753,30
PESC (Politic Extern i de Securitate Comun) (07-13) 1 980,00
Fondul pentru Garanii i mprumuturi (07-13) 1 400,00
Instrument pentru cooperare cu rile i teritoriile industrializate i
alte ri i teritorii cu venit ridicat (ICI) (07-13) 172,00
Instrument Financiar de Protecie Civil (07-13) 56,00
Instrument European de Vecintate i Parteneriat (IEVP) (07-13) 11 181,00
Instrument pentru Dezvoltare i Cooperare (DCI) (07-13) 16 897,00
Instrument European pentru Democraie i Drepturile Omului (EIDHR) (07-13) 1 104,00
Instrument pentru Stabilitate (07-13) 2 062,00
Ajutor umanitar (07-13) 5 614,00
Rezerv pentru Ajutor de Urgen*** 1 744,00
Alte instrumente
Fondul de Solidaritate al Uniunii Europene (asisten financiar n caz de
dezastru major ntr-un stat membru sau o ar candidat)**** pn la 1 000,00 pe an
Fondul European de Ajustare a Globalizrii***** pn la 500,00 pe an
* Propunerea Comisiei; adoptare pendinte la data publicrii.
** Dup transferul ctre dezvoltarea rural.
*** Nu este inclus n plafonul din titlul 4.
**** Plafoanele de vrf ale Cadrului Financiar.
***** Finanat prin fondurile neutilizate din bugetul UE.
Cifre stabilite n baza sumelor de referin prevzute de bazele juridice. Dup caz, sumele pot suferi modificri , n urma unei decizii comune a instituiilor.


Comisia European
Fonduri noi, reguli mai bune
Luxemburg: Oficiul pentru Publicaii Oficiale ale Comunitilor Europene
2008 24 p. 21,0 x 29,7 cm
ISBN 978-92-79-08548-2
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Buget UE
Comisar Dalia Grybauskait
Direcia General pentru Buget
Pentru a ne mprti reaciile dumneavoastr privind aceast publicaie:
ISBN 978-92-79-08548-2

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