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Baumann To Zambia ( Novp 2779

( Picture
The Dr. Ronald S. Baumaim family
responded November 1979 to serve
as missionaries in Zambia, Africa as
co-laborers with the Dean Davis family
and others there. The elders of the
Woodlawn Christian Church, Khoxville,
Tenn. highly recommend this family.
The elder serving as their forwarding
agent writes;" Yesterday's annoiinceme
of their decision to go to Zambia was
received with enthusiasm by the
Congregation. Before the day was
over, the Chixrch had committed to
underwrite the expenses of moving
family and equipment to the field and
providing living link support. I
believe this is indicative of the
high esteem in which this family is
held by the Congregation at Woodlawn."
Dr. Baumann explains;" We now
understand that having a ministry of
reaching the people of the world for
Christ is the only real thing in this
life. I love dentistry and am
convinced that it will be ^ tool
through which the Lord will be able
to use us to reach souls for Christ.
(Page - 2 - Baumazm To Zambia - Nov 27, 79 ^121)
I am sincerely interested in leadership
training of new Christians - training
that teaches them to reach others o
If this involves going into the "Bush",
helping physically to build a building,
giving my testimony, teaching, pulling
teeth, whatever is needed, liarti and
I wich to serve Kirio"
Dr. Ponald Sullivan Baumann was
born September 12, 1953 in hnoxville,
Tenn. to Joseph H. and rlrs. Anna
Margaret Johnson Baumann. His
great xmcle, Ashley 3. Johnson, was
the founder of Jobnson Bible College.
He has two sisters. He be^came a
ClirlEti^^ when 12 years old. He was
graduated from Bearden Higli Gchool
in 1953 and the University of Tenn.
both in Knoxville, Tenn. He then
went to the University of Tenn. in
Memphis for four years and received
the Doctor of Dental Surgery degree
in June, 1964. He served in the
United States Army Medical Corps
from 19464-1968 This included
throe years in Germany where he
was Ohief of the Clinic. He received
an Hoaorable Discharge from the U.S.A.
( Page - 5 - Baumann To Zambia - Nov# 27,79 WBH)
Dental Corps as a Major in 1968
Since then, he served in private-
practice in Knoxville, Tenn, Besides
the elders of their living-link church,
they are vjell recommended by: Dean
and Mrs. Judy Davis, Dr. David L.
Eubanks, Dr. William D. riorgan and
Kenneth L. Cverdorf.
Mrs. iiartlia Anne Mobley Baumann
was born October 11, 1959 in Memphis,
Tenn. to Dr. Joseph C. and rirs.
Thirza L. Mobley. Ghe also has
two sisters. She was graduated from
Central High School in liemphis, Tenn.
in 1957 and took one year of college
there in Southwootem. She transfered
to the University of Teim. in I'noxville,
Tenn. and was graduated with the B.S.
degree in Elementary Education in
1961. She taught in Shelby County
Public Schools for three years while
Ron was in dental school and she
taught G.I.'s while stationed in
Germany. She married Ron on September
10, I960 in Memphis, Tenn. with W.
Mllard in charge. CChey have
four children^ Jeffrey Johnson
^Btomann bom May 5, 1965 in Nurnberg,
-( ?ag - 4 - Baumartn 2?o 5iambia - Nov. 27 79 WEM)
Germany; Russell Mobley Baumann
born April 2, 1968 at Ft. Stewart,
Hinesville, Ga.; Susan Lee Baumann
born November 10, 1969 in Knoxville,
Term, and Andrew O'osepn Baumann
born February 2.9, 1977 i^i idioxville,
Their fon^arding agents are:
Zambia Christian HisGion, Dr. Ralph
B. and llrs. Theresa Oarnathan,
39^5 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN
97919 phone (615) 525-0629 Their
present address is: Dr. Ronald S,
and Mrs. narti Baumann, 4029 Alta
Tista Way, Ehoxville, TE 97919
phone (615) 529-3546. Their field
address will be: P.O. Box 2184,
Lusaka, Zambia, Africa phone
The bnd
// NoveaheA.
^023AJJa ViMa %
Kmio/LUbe^ Tru J79^9
"ZoBibia (yiA^LdtiarL MLddion.
Of.pjc& Bok /ys
Linco^ ILUjKiL^ 62636
Dean. BooaxL (f^&nbeAAf
Seeing, ihai *'iabo/veAA one few, but the hanvcAi. plenteous", (ftijUJi and
1 .aenae it to be a pnofound pnividige to oun. tLve6 in. fuXJL~tJuTa. ae/Lvixe.
fon the Lond ^e^juA (JyiiAt* We agnee and njsaJjjze that the Hotg Spinit hau6
been tuggcng, at oun heantx fon geoAA to enten. mij^^ion wonh. We dLdCuA^ed
the po^ibitLty. on and offf but eadi time decided to netain oun AtatuA quo
fyony yean that poA^edf oun Lond pnovided mo/ie and mne matenioJL bte^dLngA
od wetd OA a mndenfut famity^ we continued to feet the call to mt4>diona
We now unden^dnxnd that having, a mintdtny of /teaching the peopte of the
wo/ltd fon Qi/iLdt ix the onJjj. /teat thing in thix tLfe^ 1 tove dentLdi/ty and
am convinced that it witl be a toot thnough uJuck the Lo/td wilt be abte to
uAe uA to /teach, oouta fo/i (hntat* I am /vncenety inte/te/ted in teadendiip
t/mining of new (Juiiiitiatno - thaining that teacher them to /teach othena^
If thta invotved going into the "budi'^p helping phynicatLy to buttd a
budding^ giving my ieAtimonyf teaching^ putting teethe whateven ia need/zd^
fih/tti and 1 wixh to ^enve Him*
l^hntc aid I tove the Dean OaviAeo fon many /teaoon6 We atdo ^eem daawn
to a Black nation, fon Aenvioe* 'Zambia thenefo/ie ^eema to be the place fon
U4 <o6 fan OA we one conce/mecL The Lo/td to ALLdHKMlt^ and may have
diffenent plane fo/i uo, Thenefo/te wd/ie committed to Aenve wheneven He teado*
loaiah 6:8
Sincenetyf in Qtni/it^
Ponatd Sullivan Baumann
i^tuttha flhbtey Baumann
Biographical Resume
Ronald Sullivan Baumann
date of birth: 12 September 1938, Knoxville, Tennessee
parents: Joseph Marshall Baumann (deceased) and Anna Margaret Johnson Baumann
great nephew of Ashley S. Johnson, founder of Johnson Bible College, Knoxville
graduate of: Bearden High School, Knoxville, 1956
University of Tennessee College of Dentistry, Memphis, 1964
Honorary Alumnus, Johnson Bible College
degree: Doctor of Dental Surgery
Captain and Major in the U.S. Army Dental Corps in Texas, West Germany and
Georgia, (1964-1968).
private practice of dentistry in Knoxville, 1968-1980
member of Woodlawn Christian Church, Knoxville, 1968-1980
retired from private practice in 1980 to become full time missionary in Zambia
wife: Martha Anne (Marti) Mobley Baumann (of Memphis), elementary school
teacher; married in 1960; teaching grade six at A.E.S.L., Lusaka
son Jeffrey Johnson Baumann (born 1965), B.S. degree in Aviation Technology at
LeTourneau College, Longview, Texas, 1987; employed by Delta Airlines, Atlanta
son: Russell Mobley Baumann (born 1968), a senior in Architecture at the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
daughter: Susan Lee Baumann (born 1969), a junior in Elementary Education at the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
son: Andrew Joseph Baumann (born 1977), grade seven at the American Embassy
School of Lusaka, Zambia
currently serving our third term of field service in Zambia, 1980-1989
mission work: planting new congregations, construction of new buildings,
leadership training of men and women through weekly classes and/or periodic
conferences of one to three days in length (intensive study of Scriptures or
subjects relating to the Christian life), advisory, and occasional dental
prevention clinics in the rural primary schools
associated with Zambia Christian Mission (Christian Churches and Churches of Christ)
forwarding agents: Jim and Mary Lape, J.B.C., 510, Knoxville, TN, 37998
"''Jx^biogAapfuxai SheM.cli of ?^a and A'a/LU
'RonqM SuLLLvwi o/ui i2 Sepiemben. /yj^, KnuKvLlU, 7enne^^e, ( ^ea^Ld oM )
FcUkeA, - ^o^epk fil, Baumann; moihxji - Anna ^hrvdon. Bauimniu ^njsat ancJLe. - AMje,y. ^John^nf'
founder of 'johixAon. Oibie. (p.lli qe, I uas baptised ( Imnxcin.^cA ) al n;e / .* ai /',
(JuLc^iAO/i Qiu/Lch. Jji Knoxvidla by Oa* Ha/uuy (boh^ CjnaduaA.ed fA:>m (iennden. bchoojL Jji
Knoxv^Jd.9. in. /95^* Utvr.ieAy/iid oo-LLcye, luonh. ad, UnA.veAAidtj of Jenn/^^jp. in KnoKviide, and.
yAoduaix. deyA.e.e. uanh U^T^ iho/npfii^^ Rccfiiv&d my Docdon of UcndaX SuAynAy liaijAcc. ad
U,Tm FkmpkLd in ^o/ie Senx/ed in ike Unided Siade^ Anmy Oeniai Q)nf*A fnom
Had boAtx. i/taxniny ad-toni Sam HoLudon^ lexoAm Acdive dudy fon J in An^!jnckj C^eAffuny*
SeAved 9monifv6 active doty at Fond Sioimnd^ Cfeonyia afixA. comuvy. h/xnie fonm (jQAimnjy^ bud
pfuaA io dLdchoAjya, QUnf of ike. Qldnic ad bffik /^hddcad (kinchmini^ /katal Unid ad
AnAxickf ^eAjmny ilecedved an HonoAable OiAchanye fnom ike Oeniod (onp^ oo a
Fhyon in i%8. ^kyan a pndvade, pnacdice of CfoneAol fkniJUiAxj. in ike FiesLijooil A/iXa Bldy. in
KnoKviJde in i^68 1 have iuv kUdeAA; t%u HickoAd li'hdid, (pnjcondiTt^uXRobend Fynadd, ToandendL
Fly wife, FbAdka (FoAdi) FbbXey Baumxnn bonn // OciobeA /9J9# {l\&hfkJb^, 7n Hen fodhen uxLd
ike Xade Da. ^Aepk Q. Fobiey. Hen moiken - /1)a6. fj, Q. (7kiA^) Fobiey of FemphJU.
Cf/ioduaied fnom QeniAni Higk Sckood in Femphdd in /957* Aidended houikwe^eAn in Femphid
^157"5^* ^^Aodunted U.i Knoxviide in ike Qjile/je of fdiicaiijon (fiemerct/my (jkiaiiion) t^6l.
7auyhd in Shelby (ounty. pubiic AchooLo foA 3 yeoAA while 1 wa/^ in deniad Achood. hauyhd ike
Ql,'A ukide ue wene Aiaiioned in CjeAmany. She woa bapii^ped (imm/med.) o. i ikn FiAAd
QiALAiuan (kuAck in RnoxvidJLe in /959 ^y 8a. 7.^. Fcidiinj-idy. had accepted QxAiAi ad a
Biddy CfAokam. CAUAode in FentphdA ad ike aye of 10. Ske hoA iwo AiAiena: Faa /c?iy VinAon,
Qpvinydon; Faa 7im Sdoan, Qovinyion.
We wene moAAied in Femphid in l^60 Qua fouA chiddAen: ^effney ^hnAon Tkiumann bonn 3 Fay
/9^5/ TiuAAedd Flobdey fhimann bonn 2 ApndJL 1^68; SitAan Lee Baumam bonn fO SovwibeA
Andnew fjoAepk Bawrann bonn 25 FebnuOAjy 1^77
Becxxme membeAA of dhe WoodJewn (JiniAidan Qhwickin 1^68 wkide David fjdxinkA waA miniAieA.
I have iauyhd Bibde Sckdod appnoxinadjsdy /3 yeoAA. Have been a deacon, edden, Boand
chainman. Fin, Sec'y., choin, edc* FrtAdi haA icuuyhi voAiouA Bible School cdaAAeA, led
D.V.B.S., choin, eic,
'fiepAeAenied Beandjen AenioAA ai VodimdeeA BoyA Siaie. Wdla ^enJu>A cIuaa pfieAideni. in kiyh.
Achood. FuembeA of 'Phi Siynta Kappa, Pal Omeya fAodeAniiieA in codie/je. PhAien doAon.
FembeA of ike Boqed of OiAecioAA of ike AmeAioan HeoAd AAAocJuxiion, (jiAi. 7enneAAee (hapieA.
Have ied Wednesday nixjkt pnayeA AeAvlcea, Apoken ai ike U.7. (ompuA HouAe, led ieacherSi
Aiaff in denial, headih iAaininy in public AchoodA. FembeA of ike 2nd OiAiAici Denial
Sociedy, 7ennedAee Denial AAAodjodion, ard ike AmeAican Danial 7\AAociaiion. Been involved
widk an evanyeli^iic oAoup called Hew Life (fAieiddup evanyedlAinj.
FoaH played ike fdjuie in ike kiyk Achood band. PdayA ike piano, AinyA in a inio occda.
Ske hoLA held leadeAAkip noleA in Aevenal ynoupA in Knoxvidle, Pern ca of ILD.Q,, D.A.P.,
2nd OiAiAici Denial AuxiddoAy, U, S. fhuykienA of i8l2, CaaoII QiAcLe,
jnejtcfi of /ion. and P'a/U^ jT^
'Ronald SuUiviiUt o^ui i2 SefxUmbeA. f<f38, KhokvLLU, Tenrtjs^^e, ( k/ oJd )
FadKoA. - ^o/ieph. /^. Baumann; rrvihan. - Anna ^hnaon. Bauimnn^ Cpieai. unjcJie. - Addaij. ^kn^yn^'
founder of ^johrxAon. iMhte. (pllcqe, I baptised ( imnKiA.^cA ) at n:e IX '*. FIa^L
QuuMJan. Quvich In. KnoKviXla by On, Hajmjy (ook. CjnaduaXed fjL>m (^I'den bchool in
Knoxvidle. in. Unr-lenyAad coXXeye. ttonk ai. UnA.veAjiijLy of JcnnjeiA^.e. in KnoKville. and.
yAaduaie. dxyA..e. uonh i\Qinp}\iy3 Re-CfXved my. OocXo/i of UmvtaX Su/iynAy tliUfAfLC. aX.
U* 7, F\mpkLA In fjwxe. /^6^m Seni/ed in ike UnXJxd SiaieA Anmy OenXal Qy/ip/i fnom
Had ba^ac iAaininy. at Fo/U Sojn .docuUon, JexaA. Active duXy fo/i f yen/L-^ in An^Uicky CfeAimny.
Senved 9monikd active duXy aX. Fonst SteunnXf Qeongia afia/i cominy. h/y.-ftc. fo/un ^eAjnany^ biX
pnio/L to ciLdc/ioA^et (Jtief of. the. QLuilc cX Sjtk F\edJiciJ. Oetxichmeritf benJaL UnJit at
AnAxick, CfeAiranif* Received an HonoAable DiAchanya. fmm the. U,5,A^ Dental (o/ip^ a/i a
in /^68* -yeyan a pficvaie. pnactJuce of (jenenal OentLa-iAy in ike. F,edijco.l A/uLi Bldy, in
KnoKviHe in t^68* 1 have tuv ^6iAte/Ld/ F\/i6 Richand (ikittf Qpncoftdfii)/t6mRobeAl Ftynattf IoenoendU
Fly tvife, Fdntha (Fkuvti) Fbbley Baxminn bonn // Octoben i^^nfkiA, In, Hen fntken uxl6
the late D/u ^^epk Q F)ohl&yj, Hen motken F)n^% (7kUi^) Fobley of FtemphJuA^
^/^ioxiiiated fnom Qentnal Hiyk School in FempfbLd in /95Z* Attended bouthtve-^teAn in fl\empkiA
^jnadiiaied / KnOKvitle in the Qjlleye of. fdiictitJon. (ftemerctnAy (jhiaition) t^6t*
7auykt in Shethy (ounty. public ^chooLs fon Syeana while I uxia in dental school. 7augki Ike
^7 '-d while uje wene. ^^taixoned in. CjeAnanjy* She uxi6 baplifjed (imne/uied.) (>.1 tke i'ln/A.
(k/iL/itxan Qiunxk in HnoKville in /95? by Dn, 7*^ Fnttuy.}ly^, had accepted (fkniAi at a
Billy ijAokam CAXL^ad.e a.n Feivphl^ at tke aye of /O. She ha/6 too <ai^eA.4: Fna !cay VinAon,
Qovinyton; Faa 7im Sloan^ Qpvinytoru
We wene rmAAj..ed in FsmpkiA in 1^60^ Oua. foun ckildnen: ^effAey ^hnaon Bawmnn bonn J fihij.
i^6St RoAAell Fobley f^iomnn. bonn 2 Apnil (^68/ SuAan. Lee Baunxuxn bonn (0 Fovwiben
Andnew fjoAepk Qauimnn bonn 2S Febnoany. /^77
Became membenA of Ike Woodlauffi QjxniAilan (fhunckin i^68 utiile David (jubanhd wa^ miniAten*
I have tauyhl Bible School appnoxlnaJbsly. iS yeoAAt Have been a deacoOf elden, Boand
chalnmany Fin, Sec^y^^ choiny etc* Fnntl haA taiiyht vaniouA oibte School cloAAeA, led
D*VmB, S*y choijly CtC,
RepieAented B^anxien AohionA at Volunteen BoyA State* Wola Aeni.on cLuaa paeAident in hiyh.
Achool* Ftemben of. '7ki Siyma KappOy 7aL Omeya fnatennHleA in olleye, SoAtjen loAon*
Femben of. the Bognd of OinectonA of tke Amenljcan Heant AAAociation, (jiot /enneAc.e Qhapien*
Have ted O/edneAday nirjkt pnayen AenviceAy Apoken at ike U*7* (ompuA Hoaaey ted teachenSi
Aiaff in dental health iAainlny. in public AchoolA, Fenben of the 2nd DL^aIcI Dicntal
SocLetjfy 7enne'6Aee Oesctal AAAOclatlonyand tke Amenican Dan.ta.l /xAAOciatlsjn* reen involved
wLtk an evanyeh^tlc yAoup calledHew Life (fnlenddxlp evanQellAmj*
FoAtx. played tke f.Lute in ike hlyk Achool bancL RlayA tke piano, .'jinyA in. a iAlo occoa*
She hoA held lead^vidujp AoleA in Aevenal yAoupA in KnoKville, 'ejn cn of U,D*Q., D*A*R,y
2nd DiAtAlct Dental AiocllJanyy U, S* OauyktenA of tS/2, CaaoII Qincte,
J S, . - tfl7
cjt-/f^/tc^ /i-y^
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EDUCATION (high school and later):
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c: jV (n /v- ^
i;y /|g-
ty. 1/1 /1'
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(List honorary degrees)
What influenced you to become a missionary?
What Is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be Influential in leading others Into full-time service. (Use extra sheets If
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2^/ A> k^/7i
escribe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field: ^-Ay>^esj
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Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher.
Doctor itiitiXlP Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher
Radio follow^njpn Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Production of Bible
Correspondence Courses Production of Christian literature in the National Language Village
Name other: Evangelism
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent) fjiL ^Oiy-'-hu iujA j ^l2KhnA-ri fiu
Father's name and his home address:
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His occupation C'hAki^) is he aChristian? Yes t:i No
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What positions of leadership has he held in the local church? -j
What Christian service does he now do?
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Living ^ Deceased Number &Street /x
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Is she a Christian? Yes No Her occupation If employed outside the
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? Ul^^-s iar/a
Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes No _>C
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3ENT: . .
1)(2-^ l^alpl^ (The^ies^J
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ch? \A
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Day Year)
(First Middle - Last name and address)
Your complete address while in USA: KCtK vvsTft
(Number Street City - Stare - Zip)
p. \<ji_ y ^
Your USA phone number: area code (? >5 phone number " 33*4 (e>
Name and address of LIvinglink church or churches:
(Full name oi church)
City K hJ oK\f \ LLg
(Full name oi church)
Number &Street Vi m
State "reMNES^EE zip 3n '={ 2,o
Number & Street
State Zip
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
Number & Street
(Full name ol church)
City: State Zip
(Full name ol church)
Number & Street
State Zip
Please send letters of recommendation from the elders in
your sponsoring churches which will encourage other
churchestosupportyourmissionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these elders if you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.)
Name: Number & Street
City: State Zip
Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field
City _
Place of Birth J
(Number & Street)
Date of birth
Number & Street
City [Ae.>fwyW.s
(Day) (Year)
(Add date of arrival and naturalization date
(Month) (Day)
if applicable.)
Where baptized? Fii^ST CHoi:gch
City N) i-Lg
(yoar) (Month)
iCk) 0
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..
Married Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife 'Rom iKu'b
Date of marriage -S ^ Where married? ^
(Month) (Day) (Year)
Who solemnizedyour wedding? W.TT fA
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year in the order of your children's birth days. (Ifyour
children have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name in
this space.
Name Place of birth
Oe.FFf^g.W N^u.>yV\^ (Se-fvwft\y
Mo VK6
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
Service Dates Place Position
EDUCATION (high school and later):
Name of school Location Number of years
CKiT(^l\L \15l- \'\ Si
fSO'OTHUlB:5T^^l /VvUcg 51 - 5V
ITH op TcMMCSsce jLutf I
Degrees granted and date
(List honorary degrees)
What Influenced you to become amissionary? <kji-Svr<. -w -W* UovA yv>^v<- <Lo>.>^V'cV.\y
What is your purpose in missions?
,, I X - -7 , - -V. Cp-^Vj.<ri 'etjj/" "-"t.A
T 'Jt f-W -vW^ -k--- o +Vv^
Your own explanation in some detail might be influential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets if
. . p I >.v -\V.*.vT <:_Wv\^-<A.^ . 'if* *.-Xs. saVa./^-5 "Vo
you need more space). o^s \;vr<s,x evo:jws>-N-^ \a-<.>v-o
V Cr^\ J-V-X SA^JCC Ut .NA^oVWv^ wWa:^ -v> .
Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher
Homemaker |/ Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment
Correspondence Courses
Evangelism \/ Name other: oc>- \ ^n^. Ls tvt P At o tN (r
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent)
Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Ll Production of Bible
Production of Christian literature in the National Language L Village
Father's name and his home address: CL U^-Vqw yVoW \g.y
(First Middle' Last name)
Living Deceased ^ Number &Street o >^o-r-\V\
City , State V<ua.w - zip 3 H^ Phone
His occupation Yv\tLA;oA Is he a Christian? Yes ^ No
What positions of ieadership has he held in the local church? gA<Lur)
What Christian service does he now do?
Mother's full maiden name "TVv>r2.- L-o^V>v>g,
(First - Middle - Last name;
Living ^ Deceased Number &Street in33 Uwvoi^
City yv\ e^yW\.S , fitatP ~T"g^ . 7ip Phnnp
Is she a Christian? Yes No Her occupation if employed outside the
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church?
C.\R<Ll. UKTNtiACt*^
Do you have relatives In mission work? Yes No ^
If so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
Name *1^K O HKM ^ ~ Vve-v^S", Cj.-ix.>r
(First Middle Lest name. II applicable, list botly Mr. and Mrs. lull names.)
Number and Street 3*^*^5 ^ city K Noy.vitcLtT
State ~rs.MtOgS5;i tT zip 3 1^(3 Phone S2.3 - o G
Where attend church? C)oT:> V- C^H^Vf\ M
(Full name ol church)
Number &Street kLl^t state ^ip 3n^a.o
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent? _Ky= "V tA-NTTgl^X
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only? ^
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary? In what form should funds be sent? <i>HCcK
Please give the full name of the mission; ^ AfwQl A C-\Aif^ tsT \ KM YAVSS toNj
Does the mission have official tax exempt status? Y
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission:
If funds are to besent directly to the missionary on the mission field, please explain the details of HOW to do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire
Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
If you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSAin preparing news stories about
your ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.

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