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Singapore Polytechnic

Singapore Maritime Academy

Maritime Institute Of William Barentsz
Bachelor Degree in Maritime Operations (BMO
Diesel $echnology & %missions
&OMMO' (AI) *+%) S,S$%M A'D %-.A+S$ /A)/%
A&$+A$IO' WI$. %)%&$(O'I& I'0%&$IO'
Purura1 'agara2
Date3 #! August #""4
$his assignment is done in the fulfillment of 5achelor degree in maritime operations for diesel
technology and emissions +nit #3 Marine Diesel6$echnology $rends7
1. What has driven the innovation of this technology?
In the marine market, the Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 and the Technical
Code on the Control of mi!!ion! of "itro#en Oxide! from Marine $ie!el
n#ine! came into force on %8
ma& '(()*
+oth at international and re#ional le,el!, more !trin#ent le#i!lation
!ti-.late! and re#.late! le,el! of !moke, -artic.late!, "Ox, /Ox and other
-oll.tant! #enerated from marine die!el en#ine!*
"e0 emi!!ion red.ction technolo#ie!, offered a! !tandard on ne0
en#ine!, can often 1e retrofitted on marine or -o0er -lant in!tallation!
alread& in o-eration* The!e in!tallation! can then 1enefit from technical
im-ro,ement! not ori#inall& a,aila1le 0hen the& fir!t entered into !er,ice*
PA le#i!lation i! exam-le of ho0 limit! on -artic.late matter and "Ox
ha,e chan#ed o,er the &ear!2 from %388 to '(%( re4.irement! for
emi!!ion red.ction are ri!in# more than 3)5*
/o in concl.!ion, the need for a clean en,ironment and red.cin# health
ha6ard! to 1ein#! forced the MARPOL and the marine ind.!tr& to
inno,ate ne0 technolo#ie! for red.cin# harmf.l emi!!ion! from marine
die!el en#ine!*
Briefly describe how this technology works.
Principal elements of the common-rail system on a Sulzer RT-flex engine. Note
that there are variations on this arrangement in the various RT-flex engine types
depending upon the engine type and number of cylinders.
Main lement! of the Common Rail f.el in7ection !&!tem2 8

1. The /.--l& 9nit*
'* Rail 9nit*
3* :ilter 9nit*
;* lectronic control !&!tem <incl.din# the crank an#le !en!or=*
lectronicall&8controlled common8rail !&!tem! ha,e 1een ado-ted in the ne0
/.l6er RT8flex en#ine! to #i,e com-lete control of the timin#, rate and
-re!!.re of :.el in7ection and the exha.!t ,al,e o-eration, allo0in# -attern!
of o-eration 0hich cannot 1e achie,ed 1& -.rel& mechanical !&!tem!*
Schematic of the common-rail systems in Sulzer RT-flex engines.
Supply unit
:.el and !er,o oil are !.--lied to the common8rail !&!tem from the !.--l& .nit
0hich i! dri,en thro.#h #earin# from the en#ine crank!haft*
Supply unit for a Sulzer 1RT-fl ex!"# engine $ith the fuel pumps in a %ee-form
&rrangement on the left and servo oil pumps on the right-hand face of the central gear
drive. The fuel pumps all deliver into the collector seen above the fuel pumps.
The f.el !.--l& -.m-! are arran#ed on one !ide of the dri,e #ear and the
h&dra.lic !er,o8oil -.m-! are on the other !ide* Thi! -.m- arran#ement allo0! a
,er& !hort, com-act !.--l& .nit 0ith rea!ona1le !er,ice acce!!* The n.m1er!,
!i6e and arran#ement of P.m-! are ada-ted to the en#ine t&-e and the n.m1er
of en#ine c&linder!*
The f.el !.--l& -.m-! are dri,en thro.#h a cam!haft 0ith three8lo1e cam!* Thi!
cam!haft cannot 1e com-ared 0ith the traditional en#ine cam!haft* It i! ,er&
!hort and of !maller diameter, and i! 4.ite differentl& loaded*
The f.el deli,er& , and rail -re!!.re are re#.lated accordin# to en#ine
re4.irement! thro.#h !.ction control 0ith helix8controlled fillin# ,
re#.lation of the f.el !.--l& -.m-!* /.ction control 0a! !elected for it! lo0
-o0er con!.m-tion a! no exce!! f.el i! -re!!.ri6ed*
The f.el -.m-! deli,er the -re!!.ri6ed f.el to an ad7acent collector from 0hich
t0o inde-endent, do.1le 0alled deli,er& -i-e! lead .-0ard! to the f.el rail* ach
deli,er& -i-e i! dimen!ioned for f.ll f.el flo0* The collector i! e4.i--ed 0ith a
!afet& relief ,al,e !et to %')( 1ar*
The !.--l& .nit !.--lie! 1oth !er,o oil and control oil to the rail .nit*
/er,o oil 8 /er,o oil i! .!ed for exha.!t ,al,e act.ation and control* It i! !.--lied
1& a n.m1er of !0a!h-late8t&-e axial -i!ton h&dra.lic -.m-! mo.nted on the
!.--l& .nit* The oil .!ed in 1oth the !er,o and control oil !&!tem! i! !tandard
en#ine !&!tem l.1ricatin# oil, and i! !im-l& taken from the deli,er& to the en#ine
l.1rication !&!tem*
Control oil 8 The control oil !er,e! a! the 0orkin# medi.m for all rail ,al,e! of the
in7ection control .nit! <IC9=* The 0orkin# -re!!.re of the control oil i! maintained
con!tant to en!.re -reci!e timin# in the IC9* It i! al!o .!ed to -rime the !er,o oil
rail at !tand!till there1& ena1lin# a ra-id !tartin# of the en#ine*
Rail Unit
The rail .nit contain! the rail -i-e! and a!!ociated e4.i-ment for the f.el, !er,o
oil and control oil !&!tem!* The !tartin# air !&!tem i! not incl.ded in the rail .nit*
The h&dra.lic -i-e! for the exha.!t ,al,e dri,e! arch .- from the exha.!t ,al,e
act.ator! on the !er,o oil rail, and the !et! of tri-le hi#h8-re!!.re f.el in7ection
-i-e! ri!e .- from the in7ection control .nit! on the f.el rail*
The , of the common8rail !&!tem and the !.--l& rate from the f.el !.--l&
-.m-! are !.ch that the rail -re!!.re i! ,er& !ta1le 0ith ne#li#i1le -re!!.re dro-
after each in7ection*

'nside a Size '% rail unit during assembly. The exhaust valve actuator (&) is mounted on
the servo oil rail and the in*ection control unit (+) is on the fuel rail. Next to the fuel rail is
the smaller control oil rail (#) and the return pipe for servo and control oil (,).
Filter Unit
Inte#rated a.tomatic fine filter for !er,o and control oil*
lectronic !ontrol Syste"
All f.nction! in the /.l6er RT8flex !&!tem are controlled and monitored thro.#h
the >?rt!il? n#ine Control /&!tem <>C/=* Thi! i! a mod.lar electronic !&!tem
0ith !e-arate micro-roce!!or control .nit! for each c&linder, and o,erall control
and !.-er,i!ion 1& d.-licated micro-roce!!or control .nit!* The latter -ro,ide the
.!.al interface for the electronic #o,ernor and the !hi-1oard remote control and
alarm !&!tem!*
An e!!ential in-.t !i#nal for >C/ i! the en#ine crank an#le* Thi! i! mea!.red
,er& acc.ratel& 1& t0o !en!or! dri,en from a !t.1 !haft on the free end of the
crank!haft* The !en!or! are a1le to #i,e the a1!ol.te crank an#le -o!ition
immediatel& that electrical -o0er i! a--lied* >ith RT8flex en#ine!, the remote
control !end! en#ine manoe.,rin# command! to the >C/* The remote control
-roce!!e! !-eed !i#nal! from the en#ine order tele#ra-h accordin# to a defined
en#ine load -ro#ram and f.ellin# limitation!, and #enerate! a f.el reference
!i#nal for the >C/*
-lectronic control units beneath the front of the rail unit of a Sulzer RT-flex!"# engine.
#ey features of the Sul$er R%&fle' syste"&
Preci!e ,ol.metric control of f.el in7ection, 0ith inte#rated flo08o.t

Varia1le in7ection rate !ha-in# and ,aria1le in7ection -re!!.re*
Po!!i1ilit& for inde-endent action and !h.ttin# off of indi, f.el
in7ection ,al,e!*
Ideall& !.ited for hea,& f.el oil*
>ell8-ro,en !tandard f.el in7ection ,al,e!*
Pro,en, hi#h8efficienc& common8rail -.m-!*
Lo0er le,el! of ,i1ration and internal force! and moment!*
/tead& o-eration at ,er& lo0 r.nnin# !-eed! 0ith -reci!e !-eed
/mokele!! o-eration at all !-eed!*
(ow does this technology apply to control e"ission?
The !.-erior com1.!tion -erformance 0ith the common8rail !&!tem i! achie,ed
1& maintainin# the f.el in7ection -re!!.re at the o-tim.m le,el ri#ht acro!! the
en#ine !-eed ran#e* In addition, !electi,e !h.t8off of !in#le in7ector! and an
o-timi!ed exha.!t ,al,e timin# hel- to kee- !moke emi!!ion! 1elo0 the ,i!i1le
limit at ,er& lo0 !-eed!*
The -reci!ion and flexi1ilit& in en#ine !ettin# #i,en 1& the RT8flex !&!tem
facilitate! com-liance 0ith the "O@ re#.lation of Annex VI of the MARPOL 73/78
con,ention, .!.all& referred to IMO "O@ re#.lation*
The flexi1ilit& of the RT8flex en#ine! 0ill al!o allo0 a lo0erin# of "O@ emi!!ion!
if the corre!-ondin# increa!e in +/:C i! acce-ta1le* >ith common8rail in7ection,
a 0ide ,ariet& of in7ection -attern! can 1e #enerated* The in7ected 4.antit& of f.el
can 1e di,ided, for -re8in7ection, tri-le in7ection, etc* The /.l6er RT8flex en#ine,
0ith it! indi, f.el ,al,e control, al!o ha! the .ni4.e a1ilit& to ,ar& indi,id.all&
the in7ection timin# and !e4.ence 1et0een the three f.el in7ector! in each
c&linder and th.! to #enerate a tailor8made heat relea!e*
In en#ine te!t!, thi! de#ree of flexi1ilit& ha! -ro,ed .!ef.l to reach "O@
emi!!ion! of '( -er cent 1elo0 the IMO "O@ limit 0ith a moderate +/:C
increa!e of '*3 -er cent*

What are the precautions involved in running this kind of
Relia1ilit& and !afet& ha! the .tmo!t -riorit& in the common rail RT8flex
The d.-licated hi#h8-re!!.re deli,er& -i-e! ha,e !to- cock! at 1oth end!
to i!olate an& failed -i-e* ach !in#le -i-e i! ade4.ate for the f.ll deli,er&*
All hi#h -re!!.re -i-e! are do.1le80alled for !afet&*
,er& in7ection no66le i! inde-endentl& monitored and controlled 1& the
>C/* In ca!e of diffic.ltie!, !.ch a! a 1roken hi#h -re!!.re line or a
malf.nctionin# in7ector, the affected in7ection ,al,e can 1e c.t o.t
indi,id.all& 0itho.t lo!in# the entire c&linder*
If the !troke mea!.rin# !en!or fail!, the >C/ !&!tem !0itche! the IC9
to a time control and tri##er! the !i#nal 1a!ed on the timin# of the
nei#h1o.rin# c&linder!*
>art!ila '((A Technical -a-er! 8 The Sulzer RT-.lex common rail system
described BOnlineC
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