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Sub febris fever : a fever is not too high usually range 38 C

A condition of body caused by inflammation, etc
Home visit : data collection techniques by visiting the patients home to help resolve the
problem of disease.
Malaise : weary or unwell condition that precedes the onset of illness (fever,
shorethroat, etc)
Promotive : increasing health degree in society environment by controlling and preventing
the disease.
Efforts to promote about health such as seminar to improve the health status and health
Infectious disease : the disease is caused by microorganism agents such as bacteria or virus or
Preventive effort :an action to prevent to occur something (immunization, vaccination,
Cough : natural reflects to protect the respiratory system from foreign agents and also
be the symptom of medical problems.
Appetite : physical desire about food or drink

1. What is the mechanism of cough?
2. what are the causes of cough?
3. How is the first symptom of infection?
4. How to prevent infectious disease?
5. What are the characteristics of infectious disease?
6. What are the factors that cause infectious disease?
7. What are the obstacles while doing promotive and preventive efforts?
8. What is the media of contagion infectious disease?
9. What are the kinds of disease?
10. What are the types of infection?
11. How to cure the infectious disease?
12. Describe the natural history of infection disease and describe the stages (4 stages)!
13. Describe the examples of promotive and preventive efforts!

1. What is the mechanism of cough?
When the foreign objects enter the lungs and the lungs cant take the objects, the lungs give an
action to dismiss the objects by coughing
2. what are the causes of cough?
The foreigns objects like dust, smoke, fume, pollens allergies.
The products of inflammation reaction in our body to our secret.
3. How is the first symptom of infection?
Reduction in activity
Loss appetite
Weight loss
Discomfort or malaise
Tired easily
4. How to prevent infectious disease?
Washing hands
Consuming nutritious foods
Consuming supplements
Practicing regularly
Having adequate rest
Getting vaccination and immunization
Keeping the sanitation clean
Brushing teeth
Taking a bath
5. What are the characteristics of infectious disease?
Fever for a few days.
Enlargement the wounds
There is abses appearing
Give the other people infection
6. What are the factors that cause infectious disease?
Agents (bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites)
Environments (cleanliness, sanitation, etc)
Host (immune system, food consumption, lack of knowledge about the infectious
disease, lifestyle, etc)

7. What is the media transmission infectious disease?
Vectors (mosquitos, flies, rats, etc)
Medical equipments that is not sterilized
8. How are the ways to get transmission of infectious disease?
Direct physical contact
Close inhalation
Drinking in the same glass
Wearing the same towel or clothes
Using the same injection needle
9. What are the kinds of disease?
Infectious disease : HIV, flu, H5N1, TBC, hepatitis, herpes complex, H1N1, tetanus
Non infectious disease : rheumatic, anemic, cancer, DM, etc
10. What are the types of infection?
Local : specific and limited to part of body ex : herpes, diarrhea with no dehydration,
varicella, TB only in the lungs, etc
Systemic : occurs when the microorganism spread to other part of body. Ex : HIV/AIDS,
11. How to cure the infectious disease?
Using antibiotic rationally
Using antivirus, antifungi
12. Describe the natural history of infection disease and describe the stages (4 stages)!
13. Describe the examples of promotive and preventive efforts!
Promotive efforts : counseling, educating about infectious disease
Preventive efforts : immunization, vaccination, washing hands, etc
14. What are the obstacles while doing promotive and preventive efforts?
The lack of peoples awareness of infectious disease
15. What are the differences of immunization and vaccination?
Immunization : immunization give immune to our body, for children
Vaccination : for adults, give bacteria to the body so that the body can be immune


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