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Mixed Convection From a Circular Cylinder to Power Law Fluids

A. A. Soares,

J. Anacleto,
L. Caramelo,

J. M. Ferreira,

and R. P. Chhabra*
Departamento de F sica, UniVersidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Apartado 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real,
Portugal, IFIMUP and INsInstitute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Departamento de F sica da
Faculdade de Ciencias da UniVersidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal, and
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India 208016
The heat transfer characteristics from a circular cylinder immersed in power law uids have been studied in
the mixed convection regime when the imposed ow is oriented normal to the direction of gravity. The
continuity, momentum, and thermal energy equations have been solved numerically using a second-order
nite difference method to obtain the streamline, surface viscosity, and vorticity patterns, to map the temperature
eld near the cylinder and to determine the local and surface-averaged values of the Nusselt number. Overall,
mixed convection distorts streamline and isotherm patterns and increases the drag coefcient as well as the
rate of heat transfer from the circular cylinder. New results showing the complex dependence of all these
parameters on power law index (n ) 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.6), Prandtl number () 1,100), Reynolds number (1-30),
and the Richardson number (0, 1, and 3) are presented herein. Over this range of conditions, the ow is
assumed to be steady, as is the case for Newtonian uids.
1. Introduction
Due to its fundamental and pragmatic signicance, momen-
tum and heat transfer characteristics of a circular cylinder
immersed in moving uids have been studied extensively for
more than 100 years. Typical examples where this type of ow
occurs include tubular and pin-type heat exchangers, membrane
modules for separation, and use of bluff-bodies as ow dividers
in polymer processing and in thermal treatment of foodstuffs.
Also, the recent exponential growth in the performance of
modern electronic equipment, and thus increased power con-
sumption and heat generation, has provided impetus for renewed
interest in developing methods of enhancing the rate of heat
removal from such equipment. Consequently, a signicant body
of information is now available pertaining to various aspects
of the ow and heat transfer from a cylinder in Newtonian uids
like air and water. It is, however, fair to say that the ow
phenomena (drag and lift coefcients and wake characteristics,
for instance) have been studied much more extensively than
the corresponding heat transfer phenomena. Within the context
of heat transfer, indeed very limited information is available
on mixed convection from a cylinder, even in Newtonian
Sufce it to say that adequate information is now
available on the prediction of engineering design parameters
over a wide range of interest.
In most practical situations, free convection, how so ever
small, is always present and thus heat transfer occurs in the
mixed convection regime. In a given situation, the importance
of mixed convection is gauged by the value of the so-called
Richardson number, Ri, which is dened as the ratio of the
Grashof number to the square of the Reynolds number. Thus,
a small value of the Richardson number (Ri f0) indicates that
heat transfer occurs primarily by forced convection or, con-
versely, Ri O(1) corresponds to the case when the imposed
velocity and that induced by buoyancy are of comparable
magnitudes. Further complications arise depending upon the
orientation of the cylinder with respect to the direction of ow.
Thus, for instance, when the imposed ow is upward over a
heated cylinder, the rate of heat transfer is enhanced due to the
aiding buoyancy whereas the rate of heat transfer will deteriorate
in case of the downward ow over a heated cylinder (opposing
ow). Similarly, there are situations when the buoyancy induced
velocity is oriented normal to the imposed ow, thereby resulting
in the so-called crossow conguration. The present work is
concerned with the crossow conguration. However, a terse
review of the previous literature is instructive prior to the
presentation of the present study.
As noted earlier, the literature is limited on mixed convection
from a circular cylinder even in Newtonian uids like air and
Chang and Sa
examined numerically the effects of
mixed convection heat transfer on vortex shedding in the near
wake of a heated/cooled circular cylinder, and their ndings
are consistent with the experimental results of Noto et al.
the subsequent numerical study of Hatanaka and Kawahara.
The inuence of buoyancy on heat transfer and wake structure
at low Reynolds numbers (Re ) 20-40) has been investigated
numerically by Patnaik et al.
for a circular cylinder placed in
a vertical stream. Kieft et al.
have studied the effect of mixed
convection from a heated cylinder in horizontal crossow
conguration and found that this conguration leads to asym-
metrical ow patterns. More recently, the effects of mixed
convection on the wake instability of a heated cylinder in
contraow have been investigated experimentally
and numeri-
It is thus abundantly clear that, over the years, mixed
convection from a heated circular cylinder to Newtonian uids
has attracted a fair bit of attention from the experimental,
analytical, and numerical standpoints, e.g., see refs 1, 2, and
14 and references therein, albeit most of these studies relate to
air as the working uid, i.e., Pr ) 0.7. Furthermore, an
examination of these survey articles shows that buoyancy forces
enhance the heat transfer rate when they aid the forced ow
and decrease the same when they oppose it. Such aiding and
opposing ow conditions have received a great deal of attention
(e.g., see refs 1 and 2). In contrast, limited work has been
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: chhabra@

Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

IFIMUP and INsInstitute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Departamento de F sica da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do

Indian Institute of Technology.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009, 48, 82198231 8219
10.1021/ie801187k CCC: $40.75 2009 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/21/2008
reported for mixed convection for a circular cylinder in crossow
conguration, when the mean ow is oriented normal to the
direction of gravity. Aside from the aforementioned studies
based on the application of the complete eld equations, some
results have also been obtained by employing the standard
boundary layer ow approximation; e.g., see ref 15.
On the other hand, many multiphase and macromolecular
systems encountered in industrial practice (polymer, food and
pharmaceutical processing applications, mineral slurries, and
mine-tailings, for instance) exhibit a variety of non-Newtonian
ow characteristics such as shear-dependent viscosity, yield
stress, and viscoelasticity, etc.
More recently, both shear-
thinning behavior
and heat transfer
have been investigated
for multiwalled carbon nanotubes. In spite of the wide occur-
rence of non-Newtonian characteristics in a broad spectrum of
applications, no prior information is available on mixed convec-
tion heat transfer from a circular cylinder submerged in power
law type media. The present work aims to ll this gap in
the current literature. It is, however, instructive to review the
pertinent studies briey here which, in turn, facilitates the
subsequent presentation of the new results obtained in this work.
Over the past 10 years or so, reliable numerical results on
the drag and wake characteristics for the ow of power law
uids over a circular cylinder have accrued, albeit these
predictions are restricted to the so-called two-dimensional steady
ow regime.
The corresponding scant heat transfer results
also suggest that heat transfer is facilitated by shear-thinning
behavior, and it is somewhat impeded in shear-thickening
for both a conned as well as an unconned cylinder.
This observation is also applicable for cylinders of square and
elliptical cross sections in the two-dimensional steady ow
As far as is known to us, there have been only
two prior studies of heat transfer from long cylinders of square
cross section to power law uids in the mixed convection
regime; both of which demonstrated varying levels of enhance-
ment in the value of the Nusselt number.
It is thus safe to
conclude that no prior results are available on heat transfer from
a circular cylinder to power law uids in the mixed convection
regime. The present work aims to ll this gap in the current
literature and to investigate the effect of the buoyancy on heat
transfer from a long isothermal circular cylinder to power law
uids in the crossow conguration over a moderate range of
Reynolds and Prandtl numbers and of power law indices.
2. Problem Statement and Mathematical Formulation
Consider the steady and incompressible ow of an inelastic
power law uid normal to a circular heated cylinder with a
constant surface temperature, T
. The constant free-stream
velocity and temperature are U

and T

, respectively. The
imposed ow is assumed to be normal to the direction of gravity.
The effect of temperature variation on thermophysical uid
properties (density F, specic heat at constant pressure c
thermal conductivity k, and power law parameters K and n) is
considered negligible except for the body force term in the
momentum equation (Boussinesq approximation). Due to the
innite length of the cylinder axis along the z-direction, the ow
is two-dimensional, i.e., no ow variable depends upon the z
coordinate and thus V
) 0. The relevant governing equations
(continuity, momentum, and thermal energy) can be expressed
in their dimensionless form in terms of the polar coordinates
(, ) with ) ln(r/a), (e.g., see ref 26) where a is the radius
of cylinder, giving




)0 (1)





T sin -


) +

Figure 1. Real (x, y) and computational (, ) plane. Variables include gravitational acceleration (g), the free stream uid temperature (T

), and uniform
approach velocity (U

Table 1. Comparison of Present Results with Literature Values of
Surface Averaged Nusselt Number (Nu) for Newtonian Fluids (n )
1), for Prandtl Number Pr ) 0.7
Re Ri Hatton et al.
Chen et al.
1 0.0 0.965 0.800 0.95
1.0 1.04 0.865 0.97
2.0 1.088 0.902 1.01
4.0 1.149 0.955 1.10
5 0.0 1.562 1.45 1.48
1.2 1.679 1.51 1.53
2.4 1.750 1.65 1.60
4.0 1.821 1.82 1.70
20 0.0 2.548 2.54 2.5806 2.43
1.25 2.698 2.65 2.690 2.57
2.5 2.795 2.85 2.911 2.67
5.0 2.939 3.10 3.240 3.01
40 0.0 3.318 3.48 3.470 3.20
0.25 3.364 3.49 3.481 3.21
2.0 3.552 3.76 3.780 3.57
4.0 3.701 4.17 4.228 3.84
Experimental correlation from ref 3.
8220 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009






T cos -


) +

energy equation





2 +





1 +


)0 (3)
where the stream function , vorticity , and pressure p have
been scaled using e

a, e

/a, and U

F/2, respectively. The
components of the extra stress tensor
are scaled using K(U

. The thermal boundary condition at ) 0 is the constant
temperature (T
) condition, and consequently, the temperature
T is scaled as e
- T

) in the energy equation (eq 3). This

scaling procedure, used by DAlessio and Pascal
and Chhabra
et al.
for the momentum transfer and by Soares et al.
both momentum and heat transfer, is also employed in the
present study because it suppressed the numerical instabilities
and thus enabled convergent solutions in the range of conditions
studied here.
The Reynolds number appearing in eqs 2 and 3 is dened as
Re )

where K denotes the power law consistency index and n is the
power law index. The power law model predicts shear-thinning
behavior for n < 1 and shear-thickening for n > 1. Evidently,
n ) 1 corresponds to the standard Newtonian uid behavior.
The Prandtl number is dened as
Pr )

The Grashof number is dened as
Gr )


where g is the gravitational acceleration and is the
coefcient of volumetric expansion of the power law uid.
The dimensionless components of the extra stress tensor
for a power law uid are written as

where is the dimensionless viscosity and
are the dimension-
less components of the rate-of-deformation tensor.
The equation for the dimensionless power law viscosity is
where I
is the dimensionless second invariant of the rate-of-
deformation tensor given as follows:


2 )


The vorticity in its scaled form is given as follows:



++)0 (10)
Eliminating the pressure in eqs 2a and 2b by the method of
cross-differentiation and introducing the vorticity , with some
rearrangement, leads to


2 )


+)F+M (11a)

- -
Re e



Re e

n+1 (


+ +
Re e




2 )(









sin -

Due to the two-dimensional nature of the ow here (xy
plane) and since the oncoming ow is aligned with the x
direction, we need only consider the region x
+ y
g 1.
Thus, the corresponding region in the (, ) plane is dened
by g 0 and 0 e e 2 (Figure 1). It needs to be
emphasized here that the viscous dissipation term has been
neglected in the energy equation used here because for the
range of conditions of 1 e Re e 30 and 0 e Ri e 3, the
effective viscosity and/or shear rate close to the surface
Table 2. Effect of the Richardson Number on the Drag Coefcient (C
Pr ) 1 Pr ) 100
Ri Re ) 1 Re ) 5 Re ) 10 Re ) 20 Re ) 30 Re ) 1 Re ) 5 Re ) 10 Re ) 20 Re ) 30
n ) 0.8 n ) 0.8
0 12.87 4.26 2.83 2.01 1.67 12.87 4.26 2.85 2.01 1.67
1 12.95 4.66 3.21 2.34 1.97 12.86 4.34 2.93 2.04 1.69
3 14.02 4.89 3.95 3.33 2.81 13.39 4.62 3.10 2.19 1.83
n ) 1.0 n ) 1.0
0 10.45 3.93 2.76 1.99 1.66 10.45 3.93 2.76 1.99 1.66
1 10.86 4.34 3.10 2.33 1.98 10.42 4.00 2.82 2.02 1.69
3 13.19 5.14 4.23 3.06 3.14 10.80 4.20 2.98 2.15 1.81
n ) 1.6 n ) 1.6
0 7.43 3.70 2.74 2.14 1.86 7.43 3.70 2.74 2.14 1.86
1 8.06 4.35 3.27 2.58 2.29 7.44 3.73 2.78 2.17 1.89
3 13.30 7.72 4.17 4.02 3.65 8.51 3.98 2.93 2.28 1.99
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009 8221
cylinder is not expected to be excessively high. Similarly,
the assumption that the ow remains 2D is probably a
reasonable approximation under such conditions. The mo-
mentum and energy equations are coupled through eq. 11f,
which incorporates the buoyant forces in the present problem.
The realistic physical boundary conditions for this type of
ow are expressed as follows: On the cylinder surface, i.e. at
) 0, the usual no-slip condition is applied, i.e.

)0 (12a)
which together with eq 10 gives
)0 and )-

The isothermal boundary condition at the surface of the solid
cylinder is given by
T )1 (12c)
Far away from the cylinder surface, for

) 4, we use the
asymptotic approximation for stream function and vorticity given
by Chhabra et al.
sin() +


where C
is the drag coefcient,


and erf(Q) is the standard error function.
The far away stream temperature boundary conditions are
written as
T )0 and

)0 (12g)
It needs to be emphasized here that the aforementioned
boundary condition of a constant temperature at the far eld
(T/ ) 0) does not depend on the type of uid and is therefore
valid for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian conditions. It is,
however, appropriate to mention here that, although the vorticity
and stream function boundary conditions usually applied in the
far-eld mimic the well-known asymptotic solution for the
Newtonian case, the non-Newtonian viscosity value was
in the aforementioned solution with the aim
of extending its validity to non-Newtonian uids. In terms of
the velocity boundary conditions, there is no ambiguity as the
free stream velocity condition is valid for any type of uid.
However, in developing the corresponding boundary conditions
in terms of vorticity and stream function, any possible loss of
accuracy in such far-eld asymptotic solution for non-Newtonian
uids will become less signicant as one approaches the surface
of the cylinder where the no-slip boundary condition is clearly
valid for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian conditions.
Figure 2. Effect of Richardson number Ri on the streamline patterns for Re ) 1 and Pr ) 1 and 100 at different values of n (ow direction ) left to right).
8222 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009
Therefore, the far eld boundary conditions for power law uids
developed in our previous works
are believed to be quite
adequate for this purpose. The fact that the use of this boundary
condition led to reliable values of drag coefcient and Nusselt
number (for forced convection case) inspires condence in the
use of these conditions in the present case also.
The coupled set of elliptic governing equations given by eqs
3, 10, and 11a-11f together with the corresponding boundary
conditions (eqs 12a-12g), have been discretized using the nite
difference method. The resulting system of algebraic equations
has been solved using an iterative Gauss Seidel relaxation
method (e.g., see refs 21 and 26). Once the values of , , and
T are computed in the ow domain 0 e e 4 and 0 e e 2,
the local Nusselt number Nu() and average Nusselt number
Nu, can be determined using the following expressions: The
local Nusselt number at a point on the surface of the isothermal
cylinder is dened by
Nu() )

The surface averaged Nusselt number is given by
Nu )

Nu() d (14)
Thus, in summary, once the values of the stream function,
vorticity, and temperature elds are known, these can be
postprocessed to obtain the values of drag coefcient, local and
surface-averaged Nusselt numbers as functions of the physical
(n) and kinematic variables (Re, Ri, Pr). These results elucidate
the interplay between the uid rheology and the characteristic
conditions of ow when the imposed velocity is oriented normal
to the direction of gravity vector.
3. Numerical Method
The nite difference method with a second order upwind
differencing scheme was applied to the convective terms of
temperature and vorticity, as developed in previous studies (e.g.,
see refs 21 and 26), has been used here to discretize and solve
the set of coupled equations formed by the governing stream
function, vorticity and energy eqs 10, 11a-11f, and 3, respec-
tively, together with the power law constitutive relationship (eq
8) and the boundary conditions outlined in eqs 12a-12g. The
numerical solutions were obtained for the computational domain
shown in Figure 1. For an (N +1) (M + 1) computational
mesh, the spacing in the and directions are

/N and 2/M,
All results reported herein have been checked for grid
independence. In general, it is somewhat easier to meet the
convergence criterion for shear-thickening uids (n > 1) than
that for shear-thinning uids (n < 1), although in both cases
the nonlinearity of the system of equations increases as the value
of the power law index deviates increasingly from unity. This
makes convergence for the governing equations difcult for
small and high values of the power law index. In addition, for
Ri *0, the difculty to meet the convergence criterion increases
as the value of Pr decreases. The steady values of , , and T
as function of and were obtained using the Gauss Seidel
Figure 3. Effect of Richardson number Ri on the streamline patterns for Re ) 30 and Pr ) 1 and 100 at different values of n (ow direction ) left to right).
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009 8223
relaxation iterative algorithm.
The solutions of the eld
equations were used to calculate the Nusselt numbers via the
use of eqs 13 and 14. To obtain convergence, it was also
necessary to apply an under-relaxation factor between 0.5 and
1 to the vorticity and temperature variables. The iteration
procedure was repeated until the variation of Nu per iteration
was less than a preset value of 10
. The outer boundary was
positioned at

) 4, corresponding to asymptotic boundary

conditions at a distance of 54.6 radii away from the cylinder.
The numerical solutions for each value of the Reynolds number
were obtained using a rectangular computational mesh. The
mesh sizes used for Re e 5 were 101 101, but for Re > 5,
the sizes used were 201 201. These meshes were found to
be adequate to account for all possibilities of ow and heat
transfer phenomena.
As mentioned previously, in the present work the results for
non-Newtonian ow patterns are presented for Reynolds
numbers between 1 and 30, and we assume that the ow remains
2D for the range of conditions (0 e Ri e 3, 0.6 e n e 1.6, and
Pr ) 1,100) embraced by the present study.
4. Results and Discussion
In the present study, the problem of 2D steady heat transfer
in the mixed convection regime from an isothermal circular
cylinder to a power law uid has been studied over the range
of conditions as follows: Reynolds numbers 1 eRe e30, power
law indices 0.6 e n e 1.6, Prandtl numbers Pr ) 1 and 100,
and Richardson numbers Ri ) 0, 1, and 3. Extensive results on
the streamline patterns, surface vorticity and viscosity, isotherm
patterns, and local (Nu()) and surface-averaged (Nu) Nusselt
numbers, have been obtained to elucidate the inuence of
buoyancy effects on the rate of heat transfer from a circular
cylinder to power law uids. In addition, the effect of the
Richardson number on the ow eld was also studied by
calculating the values of the drag coefcient.
4.1. Validation of Results. As mentioned previously, no
prior numerical or experimental results are available in the
literature for mixed convection from a horizontal heated circular
cylinder in power law uids. However, the present results for
Newtonian uids (n ) 1) for forced convection (Ri ) 0),
described in detail in our previous work,
were found to be in
excellent agreement with the literature values and are therefore
not repeated here. On the other hand, the present results for
mixed convection (Ri * 0) in Newtonian values are compared
with the literature values
in terms of the surface-averaged
values of the Nusselt number (Nu), for Re ) 1, 5, 20, and 40
at Pr ) 0.7. Under these conditions, as expected, our results
always showed an increase of Nu with Ri for Newtonian uids,
Figure 4. Effect of Richardson number Ri on the dimensionless surface power law viscosity at n ) 0.8 and 1.6 for (a) Re ) 1 and Pr ) 100, (b) Re ) 1
and Pr ) 1, (c) Re ) 30 and Pr ) 100, (d) Re ) 30 and Pr ) 1.
8224 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009
consistent with previous experimental
and numerical
(Table 1). Such increase was found to range from 15% to 24%,
which is roughly in line with the values from the literature
shown also in Table 1 (range 12-26%). From Table 1, it is
clearly seen that the present results deviate at most by 8.8%,
12%, and 9.2% from those of Hatton et al.,
and Chen
et al.,
respectively. Similar differences were also observed for
Ri ) 0, except for Hatton et al.
where this discrepancy
decreased to 1.6% for Re ) 1. The discrepancy between the
present values and the experimental correlation of Hatton et
is perhaps not surprising, owing to the uncertainty in the
experimental measurements and to the assumptions inherent in
our analysis, such as temperature-independent uid properties
and neglecting the cylinder-end effects on velocity and tem-
perature elds leading to the two-dimensional ow approxima-
tion. Likewise, the discrepancy between the present results and
those of Badr
and Chen et al.
must be due to the differences
inherent to the problem formulation, grids and/or domain sizes,
discretization schemes, numerical methods, etc. Finally, attention
is drawn to the fact that the present results for Ri ) 0 are in
excellent agreement with the literature values,
where the
discrepancy between the numerical results for Ri ) 0 given by
the different authors did not exceed 5%. However, discrepancies
of this magnitude are not at all uncommon in such studies.
4.2. Drag Coefcient and Streamline Patterns. The hy-
drodynamic drag force component along the x direction (Figure
1) can be expressed in terms of the corresponding drag
coefcient C
, and the present study showed that an increase in
Richardson number from Ri ) 0 to 3 resulted in increased C
value for shear-thinning (n ) 0.8), shear-thickening (n ) 1.6),
and Newtonian (n ) 1) uids, with Prandtl numbers Pr ) 1
and 100 and Reynolds numbers Re ) 1-30 (Table 2). This
trend can safely be ascribed to the increasing distortion of
streamlines (thereby sharpening of the velocity gradients) near
the surface of the cylinder with the increasing value of the
Richardson number. For all the aforementioned values of Ri
and Pr, the drag coefcient was a decreasing function of both
Re and n. The increase in C
with mixed convection parameter
Ri became more pronounced with increased shear-thickening
at lower Prandtl number (Pr ) 1). At higher Prandtl number
(Pr ) 100), the opposite behavior was observed for higher
Reynolds number (Re ) 10-30) whereas for lower Reynolds
number (Re ) 1-5), the increase in C
with Ri was much less
Figure 5. Effect of Richardson number Ri on the surface vorticity proles at Pr )1 and 100 for (a) Re ) 1 and n ) 0.6 (b) Re ) 1 and n ) 1.0, (c) Re )
1 and n ) 1.6, (d) Re ) 30 and n ) 0.8, (e) Re ) 30 and n ) 1.0, (f) Re ) 30 and n ) 1.6.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009 8225
pronounced at n ) 1. For instance, at Pr ) 100 and Re ) 30,
an increase in Ri from 0 to 3 resulted in an increase in C
10% at n ) 0.8, 9% at n ) 1, and 7% at n ) 1.6, whereas at
Pr ) 100 and Re ) 1 the increase in C
was 4% at n ) 0.8,
3.4% at n ) 1, and 14% at n ) 1.6. This study also showed
that, for shear-thinning (n ) 0.8), shear-thickening (n ) 1.6),
and Newtonian (n ) 1) conditions, the increase in C
with the
increasing level of mixed convection became more pronounced
as Re increased from Re ) 1 to 30, except for Pr ) 100 under
highly shear-thickening conditions (n ) 1.6) where the opposite
effect was observed. For instance at Pr ) 100 and n ) 0.8, an
increase in Ri from 0 to 3 resulted in a 4% increase in C
Re ) 1 whereas for Re ) 30 it was 10%. However, for Pr )
100 and n ) 1.6, similar increase in Ri led to an increase of
14% and 7%, respectively, at Re ) 1 and 30.
Representative streamline patterns close to the cylinder for
Reynolds numbers Re ) 1 and 30, Richardson numbers Ri )
0, 1, and 3, Prandtl number Pr ) 1 and 100, and power law
index n ) 0.6-0.8, 1.0, and 1.6 are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
The main effect of mixed convection term (Ri * 0) was a loss
of symmetry of the streamline patterns, which are known to be
symmetrical in the absence of mixed convection, as shown in
Figures 2 and 3. Such symmetry-breaking was in part character-
ized by the presence, in the streamline patterns, of a positive
slope which increased with the increasing values of the
Richardson number Ri (Figures 2 and 3). While such upward
slope is not seen in pure forced convection, i.e. at Ri ) 0, once
the mixed convection term was introduced (Ri * 0), the positive
slope was found to increase with the value of the power law
index (Figures 2 and 3). The present study also showed that
such positive slope became less pronounced at higher values
of Re and Pr (Figures 2 and 3), so that at Re ) 30 and Pr )
100, it was no longer observed (Figure 3). It is so in part due
to the thinning of the thermal boundary layer at high Prandtl
number and due to the increasing contribution of convection
with Reynolds number. For Re ) 30 (Figure 3), in the absence
of buoyancy effects (Ri )0), the ow separates from the trailing
edge of the cylinder to form two symmetrical vortices behind
it. However, when mixed convection is present (Ri * 0), the
reverse ow in the wake of the cylinder is strongly inuenced
by the increase in Ri and consequently these twin vortices break
down and the ow becomes asymmetrical, an observation which
is consistent with the streamline patterns obtained by Dhiman
et al.
for power law uid ow past a square cylinder and is
also in line with the streamline patterns around a circular
cylinder in a Newtonian ow given by Chen et al.
at Re ) 20
and 40 and Pr ) 0.7. Our results thus show that for higher
values of Re )30 and Pr )100, mixed convection again results
in the loss of symmetry (Figure 3) and that although such
breakup is no longer characterized by a positive slope in the
streamline patterns, the asymmetrical ow is now characterized
by the formation of a vortex which is detached from the rear of
the cylinder in the wake region, an effect which becomes more
visible in shear-thickening uids (Figure 3). For a xed value
of Ri, the size of the recirculation zone grows and shows a
complex behavior as the uid behavior changes from shear-
thinning to shear-thickening. This observation is consistent with
the growth of the wake region for pure forced convection (Ri
)0). Also, it is clear from these gures that the buoyancy forces
are aiding the ow close to the cylinder surface and consequently
Figure 6. Effect of Richardson number Ri on the isothermal patterns for Re ) 1 and Pr ) 1 and 100 at different values of n (ow direction ) left to right).
8226 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009
the velocity gradient increases signicantly with the increase
of Ri, an effect which is more pronounced at Pr ) 1 when the
boundary layer is relatively thick.
4.3. Variation of Power Law Viscosity and Vorticity on
Cylinder Surface. For low Reynolds numbers (Re ) 1) and in
the absence of mixed convection (Ri ) 0), the viscosity was
characterized under shear-thinning conditions by the presence
of two local maxima located respectively at the front ( ) 180)
and rear ( ) 0) stagnation points, whereas under shear-
thickening conditions (n ) 1.6) such stagnation points cor-
responded to two local minima (Figure 4a and b). The
introduction of mixed convection (Ri * 0) always resulted in a
shift in the position of these local maxima/minima in the
direction of increasing , i.e., anticlockwise (Figure 4a and b).
This effect gets accentuated as the Prandtl number is decreased
from Pr ) 100 (Figure 4a) to Pr ) 1 (Figure 4b), i.e. for lower
Prandtl number the variation of viscosity prole with Ri was
always more pronounced. This trend is also consistent with the
anticlockwise shift in streamline patterns with increasing Ri,
which was also more pronounced for low Prandtl numbers
(Figure 2). Moreover, at higher Reynolds number (Re ) 30),
for both shear-thinning and shear-thickening uid behaviors, a
decrease in Prandtl number from Pr ) 100 (Figure 4c) to Pr )
1 (Figure 4d) again resulted in a more pronounced variation of
the viscosity prole with mixed convection, i.e. with increasing
Ri, an effect which is again consistent with streamline patterns
(Figure 3). Also, at such high Reynolds number value of Re )
30, in the absence of mixed convection (Ri ) 0) the viscosity
prole was characterized under shear-thinning condition (n )
0.8) by the presence of four local minima located respectively
at the front stagnation point ( ) 180), rear stagnation point
( ) 0), and separation points of the uid from the cylinder
surface ( ) 45, 315), whereas under shear-thickening
conditions (n ) 1.6), these four points corresponded to local
minima (Figure 4c and d). In this case (Re ) 30), an increase
in the value of the Richardson number resulted in a decrease in
the height of the separation point maxima under shear-thinning
conditions n ) 0.8 and an increase in the height of separation
point minima under shear-thickening conditions n ) 1.6 (Figure
4c and d). These effects can qualitatively be explained by the
fact that the effect of buoyancy forces becomes progressively
more signicant with the increasing value of the Richardson
number, leading to an increase in velocity and temperature
gradients. Such increase in velocity gradients produces different
types of viscosity behavior depending on the value of power
law index, i.e., decreases the effective viscosity for shear-
thinning uids (n ) 0.8) and increases the effective viscosity
for shear-thickening uids (n ) 1.6).
An inspection of the surface vorticity proles with and
without the introduction of mixed convection effect, i.e. Ri )
0 and Ri * 0, respectively (Figure 5), showed that the vorticity
proles also get modied signicantly in the presence of cross
buoyancy forces. For power law index in the range 0.6 e n e
1.6, such changes in surface vorticity prole with Ri became
more pronounced as Prandtl number decreased from Pr ) 100
to 1 (Figure 5), an observation which is consistent with the more
pronounced variation of viscosity prole with mixed convection
at lower Pr shown in Figure 4. Moreover, at high Prandtl
number, Pr ) 100, the dependence of surface vorticity prole
on mixed convection parameter Ri became less signicant
upstream of the cylinder, i.e. for ) 90-270 (Figure 5), an
observation that is again consistent with the viscosity proles
shown in Figure 4. In contrast, at low Prandtl number, Pr ) 1
(at Re ) 1), the maximum variation in surface vorticity proles
(Figure 5) became less signicant downstream of the cylinder.
It was also found that, for power law uids, the locations of
the separation points where surface vorticity changes sign
(Figure 5) correspond to the viscosity peaks in Figure 4. For a
xed value of Ri, a decrease in power law index from n ) 1.6
to 0.8 always resulted in an increase in the magnitude of both
maximum and minimum vorticity peaks (Figure 5), an observa-
tion which is in line with the previous results for forced
4.4. Isotherm Patterns. This study also showed asymmetry
of the isotherm patterns for mixed convection (Figures 6 and
7) and that such asymmetry exhibited a complex dependence
on the Reynolds number (Re ) 1 and 30) and Prandtl number
(Pr ) 1 and 100), as well as on the power law index (n ) 0.6,
1, 1.6). The extent of such symmetry-breaking is characterized
by a distortion in the isotherms which increased anticlockwise
as mixed convection increased, i.e. with greater Ri (Figures 6
and 7), and did not occur in the absence of mixed convection,
i.e. at Ri ) 0. This effect becomes less pronounced with the
decreasing value of the power law index, an observation that
can qualitatively be explained by the fact that the values of
effective uid viscosity decrease with the increasing degree of
shear-thinning behavior, which increases the ow rate close to
the cylinder surface, consequently reducing the effect of
buoyancy forces on the isotherms. The present study also
showed that in the presence of mixed convection (and also in
its absence), a decrease in power law index from n ) 1.6 to
0.6 resulted in slight overall increase in compactness of the
isothermals, which slightly increased the temperature gradient
overall (Figures 6 and 7). A similar trend was observed as
Prandtl number increased from Pr ) 1 to 100, although in this
case the increase in temperature gradient was much steeper,
presumably due to the thinning of the thermal boundary layer
(Figures 6 and 7). The increase in the overall temperature
gradient with shear-thinning, which is reported here for a cir-
cular cylinder when mixed convection is considered (Ri * 0),
is consistent with similar observations in the absence of mixed
convection (Ri )0) for both circular
and square
all of which, in turn, are in line with the previously predicted
and experimentally observed
decrease in boundary layer
thickness with increased levels of shear-thinning.
In general (Figures 6 and 7), a higher temperature gradient
close to the cylinder surface is visible from the isotherm
contours. Temperature contours are denser around the front of
the cylinder than in its rear, indicating that convective cooling
of the cylinder surface is more intense upstream.
4.5. Heat Transfer Characteristics. The study of local
Nusselt number Nu() proles without and with the introduction
of buoyancy effects, i.e. Ri ) 0 and Ri * 0, respectively (Figure
8), showed that an increase from Ri ) 0 to 3 generally resulted
in an increase in local Nusselt number Nu() irrespective of
the type of uid behavior, albeit the extent of enhancement is
somewhat dependent on the value of the power law index. For
both Re ) 1 and 30 at low Prandtl number (Pr ) 1), the
maximum value of Nu() was located at the front stagnation
point ( ) 180), and the minimum value occurred at the rear
stagnation point of the cylinder at ) 0, for Ri ) 0. As the
Richardson number is progressively increased from Ri ) 0 to
3, the maximum value of Nu() still occurs close to ) 180;
however, the location of the minimum shifted in anticlockwise
direction of increasing (Figure 8). This trend is qualitatively
similar to that observed by Badr
and by Chen et al.
in air.
At higher Prandtl numbers, such as Pr ) 100, for both Re ) 1
and 30, for n g 1 the maximum value of Nu() was seen to
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009 8227
occur near ) 180 (Figure 8). However, for n < 1, a local
minimum of Nu() appeared near ) 180 in between the two
symmetrical maxima (Figure 8), which is also consistent with
the results of Soares et al.
in the absence of buoyancy effects.
Both the location of the maximum (for n g 1) and that of the
two symmetrical maxima and in-between local minima (for n
< 1), showed virtually no variation as Ri increased from 0 to 3
(Figure 8). At such high Prandtl numbers (Pr ) 100), at Re )
1, the minimum of Nu() was again located in the rear of the
cylinder at ) 0 and again shifted its position anticlockwise
as Ri increased from 0 to 3, whereas at Re ) 30 the variation
of the local Nusselt number in the rear of the cylinder with Ri
showed a more complex behavior (Figure 8). Finally, a general
examination of these gures clearly shows that for xed values
of Ri and n, as the value of the Peclet number (Pe ) RePr)
increases, the contribution of convection gradually increases and
consequently the overall values of Nu() increase. Moreover,
an increase in power law index from 0.6-0.8 to 1.6 resulted
overall in a decrease in Nu() and a change in its prole. This
trend is more pronounced for higher values of Pe and can
qualitatively be explained by the fact that for n >1, the effective
viscosity increases with the shear rate, lowering the rate of heat
transfer, and of course the reverse is true for n <1. The variation
in local Nusselt number Nu() proles before and after the
introduction of buoyancy effects was thus determined by a
complex interplay between the kinematic (Ri, Re, Pr) and
physical (n) characteristics of the system, and in order to better
understand the effect of these characteristics on the system, it
is both useful and convenient to use the mean value of the
Nusselt number (averaged over the cylinder surface), Nu, thereby
eliminating one variable from the process. The present results
showed that, in general, the value of the surface averaged
Nusselt number increased (by up to about 10-11%) with the
Richardson number while keeping the values of Re, Pr, and n
xed (Table 3), and this is shown in Figure 8. It was also found
that the rate of increase of Nu with Ri became more pronounced
for higher Re values (Table 3). However, for Re ) 30, as n
was increased from 0.8 to 1.6, the increase in Nu with Ri became
less signicant so that under high shear-thickening condition
of n ) 1.6, the increase of Nu with mixed convection was only
observed above Ri ) 1 (Table 3), i.e., for n ) 1.6 and Ri < 1,
increased mixed convection resulted in decreased Nu. Such
dependence of the variation of Nu with Ri on degree of shear-
thickening may be partly due to the decrease in Nu with
increasing power law index (Table 3), although this decrease
was present for all values of the Reynolds number. Moreover,
such a decrease in Nu with increasing n, which was observed
for Ri ) 0-3 (Table 3), is consistent with the previous
observations in the absence of mixed convection.
Finally, both
in the presence and absence of mixed convection, an increase
in the surface-averaged Nusselt number Nu with Peclet number
Pe ) RePr can be inferred from Table 3. Such an effect is in
line with the increase in local Nusselt number Nu() with Pe
which can be inferred from Figure 8 and is also consistent with
previous results
for forced convection. Before closing this
discussion, it needs to be emphasized here that while the
assumption of temperature-independent viscosity affords a great
simplication, it also restricts the applicability of the present
results to situations where either the temperature difference
between the uid and the cylinder is small and/or the viscosity
of the substance in use is not too sensitive to the temperature
variation in the domain. Qualitatively, since an increase in
Figure 7. Effect of Richardson number Ri on the isothermal patterns for Re ) 30 and Pr ) 1 and 100 at different values of n (ow direction ) left to right).
8228 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009
temperature leads to a decrease in viscosity, e.g. see the work
of Sun et al.,
and a decrease in power law index results in a
similar trend, it is expected that an increase in temperature would
affect our results in a similar manner to an increase in shear
rate for shear-thinning uids. Therefore, should it become
necessary to account for the temperature-dependent viscosity,
it is perhaps adequate (at least as a rst-order approximation)
to use the same correction factor as that used for mixed
convection in Newtonian uids.
However, it should be borne
in mind that these are the very rst set of results which
Figure 8. Effect of Richardson number Ri on local Nusselt number proles Nu() at Pr )1 and 100 for (a) Re ) 1 and n ) 0.6 (b) Re ) 1 and n ) 1.0,
(c) Re ) 1 and n ) 1.6, (d) Re ) 30 and n ) 0.8, (e) Re ) 30 and n ) 1.0, (f) Re ) 30 and n ) 1.6 (downstream ) 0
, upstream ) 180).
Table 3. Effect of Mixed Convection Parameter Ri on the Variation of Surface-Averaged Nusselt (Nu) with n, Re, and Pr
Pr ) 1 Pr ) 100
Ri Re ) 1 Re ) 5 Re ) 10 Re ) 20 Re ) 30 Re ) 1 Re ) 5 Re ) 10 Re ) 20 Re ) 30
n ) 0.8 n ) 0.8
0 1.03 1.66 2.13 2.81 3.31 3.37 6.65 9.19 12.77 16.00
1 1.04 1.70 2.19 2.90 3.46 3.37 6.76 9.50 13.31 16.27
3 1.14 1.88 2.52 3.33 4.00 3.43 7.09 10.17 14.20 17.43
n ) 1.0 n ) 1.0
0 1.02 1.63 2.07 2.72 3.19 3.21 6.26 8.60 12.02 15.05
1 1.03 1.68 2.14 2.84 3.33 3.21 6.40 8.96 12.42 15.11
3 1.14 1.85 2.45 3.13 3.84 3.29 6.72 9.60 13.21 16.13
n ) 1.6 n ) 1.6
0 1.01 1.57 1.96 2.50 2.91 3.07 5.60 7.76 10.83 13.42
1 1.02 1.62 2.03 2.63 3.04 3.07 5.83 8.06 10.92 13.09
3 1.12 1.78 2.32 2.96 3.46 3.18 6.12 8.62 11.72 14.04
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009 8229
incorporate the effects of mixed convection for a circular
cylinder under non-Newtonian conditions and, naturally, these
will get superseded by future studies which would consider the
role of temperature-dependent thermophysical properties. Fi-
nally, it is clearly demonstrated here that depending upon the
values of n, Ri, Re, and Pr, free convection can enhance the
value of the convective heat transfer coefcient by up to
10-15% which will translate into improved thermal efciency.
Similarly, the buoyancy effects can signicantly alter the
temperature eld close to the surface of the cylinder which
directly inuences the product quality during the thermal
processing of temperature-sensitive substances. It is therefore
not always justied to ignore the role of free convection.
5. Conclusions
The non-Newtonian ow across an isothermally heated long
circular cylinder was investigated numerically to determine the
effect of buoyancy on ow and heat transfer, for three values
of the Richardson number, i.e., Ri ) 0, 1, 3; Reynolds number
Re ) 1-30; Prandtl number Pr ) 1 and 100; and power law
index n ) 0.6-1.6. The drag coefcient C
was found to be a
decreasing function of Re and n for all values of Ri, and an
increase in the degree of mixed convection always led to an
increase in the value of C
. The increased degree of mixed
convection was also found to distort streamline patterns anti-
clockwise, to shift anticlockwise the position of power law
viscosity maxima and minima, and to change the vorticity prole
at the cylinder surface. The dependence of all these parameters
on the Richardson number Ri is seen to be rather pronounced
for low Prandtl numbers, such as Pr ) 1. An increase in the
value of the power law index increased the effect of mixed
convection on streamline pattern distortion and decreased the
magnitude of surface vorticity maxima. The effects of increased
mixed convection on heat transfer manifest in the form of
increased anticlockwise distortion in isothermal patterns as well
as increased values of both local and surface-averaged Nusselt
numbers by varying amounts. The effects of mixed convection
on heat transfer characteristics were generally more signicant
at lower values of power law index (shear-thinning uids), and
such a decrease in n was found to increase the magnitude of
surface-averaged Nusselt number. A decrease in n and/or
increase in Pr also led to the crowding of isotherms thereby
the sharpening of the temperature gradients. The effects of power
law index and/or Prandtl number on the growth of the
recirculation zone, on temperature gradient, and on Nusselt
number, in the mixed convection regime, were found to be
qualitatively similar to those in the case of forced convection
for the range of physical conditions considered here.
a ) radius of the cylinder (m)
) specic heat at pressure constant (J/(kg K))
F ) dimensionless function, eq 11e
Gr ) Grashof number (F
- T


) (-)
h ) heat transfer coefcient, (W/(m
H ) distance from the external boundary to the cylinder surface
g ) gravitational acceleration (m/s
) dimensionless second invariant of the rate-of-deformation
tensor (-)
K ) power law consistency index, (Pa s
k ) thermal conductivity of the uid, (W/(m K))
M ) dimensionless function, eq 11f
n ) power law index (-)
Nu ) average Nusselt number (-)
Nu() ) local Nusselt number (-)
p ) dimensionless pressure (-)
Pe ) Peclet number (-)
Pr ) Prandtl number (-)
r ) cylindrical coordinate (m)
Re ) Reynolds number, (F(2a)

/K) (-)
Ri ) Richardson number (Gr/Re
) (-)

) uniform approach velocity (m/s)

T ) dimensionless temperature (-)
) temperature on the surface of the cylinder (K)

) free stream uid temperature (K)

) z-component of velocity (m/s)
Greek Letters
) coefcient of volumetric expansion (1/K)
) dimensionless function, eq 11d (-)
) angle (radians)
) dimensionless function, eq 11b (-)
) dimensionless function, eq 11c (-)
) dimensionless stream function (-)
) dimensionless viscosity (-)
) dimensionless vorticity (-)
F ) uid density, (kg/m
) dimensionless polar coordinate, ln(r/a) (-)

) position of external boundary

) components of rate-of-deformation tensor, (1/s)

) dimensionless components of extra stress tensor (-)
) angular component
r ) radial component
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ReceiVed for reView August 1, 2008
ReVised manuscript receiVed September 23, 2008
Accepted September 24, 2008
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48, No. 17, 2009 8231

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