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1.Whats malpractice in dentistry ?

failure to exercise the degree of care and skill that a surgeon would success under similar
2.How can we avoid malpractce wth using elevator ?
avoiding point of application near adjacent tooth, and avoiding slipping by firm forefingers of
workinghand on adjacent jaw or tooth.
3.Whats the diffrence between child mandibular fracture and adult mandibular fracture treatment?
in pediatric case with mandibular fractures carefullness must be done because of growing up and
developmental phenomenon continues, thus it's more conservative protocol ( close reduction )
4.How can we repaire full thickness laceration of lower lip ?
wound cleanising , debridement and hemostasis then triple layered suturing (inside outside closure
) , after that cover the dermal surface with antibiotic ointment and prescribe systemic antibiotic,
lastly remove suture after 4-6 days.
5.Which suture material used during full thickness laceration of lower lip? Where do you use
resorbable suture ?
triple layered closure is done where : first layer is oral mucosa with silk or resorbable sutures,
second layer muscle ( orbicularis oris ) with interrupted resorbable sutures, and dermis with 5-0,6-
0 nylon sutures.
resorbable sutures used for oral mucosa and muscle involving laceration of tongue and lip.
6.Please write types of soft tissue injures and explane each one with one sentence
A. Abrasion ( wound caused by friction between object and soft tissue surface)
B. Contrusion (bruise or tissue disruption resulted in subcutaneous or submucosal hemorrhage
without soft tissue breakage)
C. Laceration ( tear in epithelial and subepithelial tissues )
7.Please write surgical management of laceration (four steps)
A. wound cleansing ( irrigation and mechanical cleansing )
B. wound debridement ( Removal of devitalized tissue )
C. wound hemostasis ( stopping the bleeding before engaging closure )
D. wound closure ( suturing the area with singel or double or triple layered closure )
8.Whats the informations that the radiograf give as in the case of dentoalveolar trauma ?
A. Root fracture , B. Extrusion or intrusion degree, C. Preexisting periapical disease, D. Root
development extent, E. Size of pulp and root canal, F. Jaw fractures, G. Tooth fragment or foreign
bodies lodged in soft tissue.
9.Why we shouldnt use mini plate and screw n child mandibular Fracture
Dynamic nature of developing mandible make the RIF screw and plate having a negative effect on
skeletal grwoth and unerupted teeth and involve two stage surgery due to need of removal after
10.How can we decide the case is mandibular fracture or not in the radiograf , oral examination and
extraoral appearance?
Extraoral // check facial assymmetry, laceration, swelling, hematomas. bimanully palpate inferior
border of mandible checking ( swelling, step deformity, tenderness ). check paresthesia,
anesthesia, dysthesia for area of inferior alveolar nerve. palpate condyle movement through
external auditory meatus checking pain. check any deviation during opening and limited opening ,
Intraoral // check change in occlusion , and mucosal or gingival tears or ecchymosis.
Radiographic // panoramic , open mouth Towne's , posteroanterior, lateral oblque , periapical , CT

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