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Table of Contents

Dr. Sanjay Pisharodi
A Quick Glance The Ayurveda Course
Program: Foundation / Diet & Nutrition / Lifestyle
Program Code: AY001 / AY002 / AY003
Duration: !ee"s
#tudying $ours: 100 %ours
&egistration: 1st of e'ery mont%
Program (y)e: Level 1
Lo*ation: +nline
Classes ,egin: 1 August !1"
-raduation date: !ee"s from ,eginning of *ourse
.n'estment: #$$$$ A%D &'arly bird rate #$$$$ A%D( boo) before 1st August
The Ayurveda '$*erience:
0%at ma"es Purnarogya uni1ue
the only 1!!+ authentic ayurveda course in the ,orld
e$cellent online student su**ort
si-*le and easy to understand e$*lanations of Ayurveda conce*ts
*ractical ti*s

Progra- overvie,
The journey
.elive /no, and Trust
0odules 1 give in a table 2 chart
&a nu-ber eg. 34 /ey areas 1
0ission state-ent
'ntry re5uire-ents
a genuine desire to study authentic ayurveda
6e5uire-ent for all students
study all lessons
co-*lete the online test
listen to ,ebinar
sub-it assign-ent
Suggested boo)s
7oundation course
Diet and nutrition
0andatory boo)s
7oundation course
Diet and nutrition
8hat you can e$*ect at the end of the course
Certi9cate fro- Purnarogya
a life changing e$*erience
entry into the closed grou* of Purnarogya students on faceboo) to as)
your 5ueries and interact
an ayurvedic consultation :::
Ayur'eda Course 2 Le'el 1
.nformation Catalogue
To -a)e the science of Ayurveda available for one and all in a logical
and scienti9c -anner
Purnarogya ;olistic ;ealth Care ,elco-es you on an e$citing journey
into the ,orld of Ayurveda ,here you ,ill discover a har-onious and
natural health care syste- that has e$isted in a tradition that is
hundreds and thousands of years old.
;ealth care in the ,orld is transfor-ing. It is beco-ing -ore holistic
,hich enco-*asses not only the *hysical but also e-otional( social(
fa-ilial( cultural and s*iritual. Ayurveda and <oga include all these to
balance the body -ind and s*irit.
Purnarogya is co--itted to o=er you the most aut%enti*
traditional edu*ation in Ayurveda ,hich ,ill enable you to
be a-ong the 9nest *ractitioners of this healing art in your o,n life as
,ell as hel* others.
The syllabus is:
co-*letely based on the authentic ancient te$ts of Ayurveda
challenging( interesting and sti-ulating.
8e congratulate you on your decision to e-bar) u*on this re,arding
About Dr Sanjay Pisharodi &-a)e into bullet *oints4
Dr4 #an5ay Pis%arodi is a holistic health *ractitioner( s*eciali>ed in
several alternative thera*ies including Ayurveda( Traditional Chinese
0edicine and also hos*ice and *alliative -edicine fro- Cardi=
%niversity &%/4 and %niversity of California &%SA4. ;e is also 5uali9ed in
Pranic healing( Sujo) thera*y( 0edical Astrology( thus -a)ing the ,ay
for the *ractice of integrated holistic -edicine.
.orn into a fa-ily of traditional *hysicians of /erala (ayurveda
acharyas)( he ,as trained fro- a very tender age in the art of
Traditional Indian healing called Ayurveda. Later he ,ent on to
s*eciali>e in -odern ,estern -edicine fro- Indian and 8estern
0edical schools. 8hile he ,as under training in California and later in
8ales and India( ,or)ing on ter-inaly ill *atients he ,as able to see
the li-itations of the -odern -edical a**roach. This *ro*elled hi- to
ac5uire 5uali9cations in other 9elds of -edicine &Traditional Chinese
0edicine( ?aturo*athy( <oga( Pranic healing( Sujo)4 and triggered hi-
to go bac) to his roots. ;e ,as ins*ired to integrate eastern and
,estern traditions to solve the so called
@incurableA -aladies of the *resent day.
S*ending -any years in -editation in a -onastery in India( e$tensive
studies in the Bedas( Ayurveda and alternative healing and ,or)ing
,ith e$*erienced Ayurvedic traditional healers of the Ashtavaidya
tradition hel*ed hi- to get a clear understanding of health fro- the
holistic and Ayurvedic *ers*ective and that that the underlying cause
for all disease is the rec)less -odern lifestyle causing undue stress
leading to to$in accu-ulation and -isalign-ent of the body( -ind and
s*irit. To identify( *revent and treat these issues as ,ell as educate
*eo*le beca-e his
*assion and -ission.
Since then he has ,or)ed closely ,ith -edical doctors( business
*ersonnel( teachers( students and *eo*le fro- various ,al)s of life and
understood that the underlying foundational *rinci*les that a=ect us
are one and the sa-e. ?o, he travels around the globe distributing
this valuable( si-*le and *ractical )no,ledge through se-inars and
,or)sho*s in Ayurveda( <oga( Bedic Astrology( Traditional Chinese
0edicine and the li)e to heal the body( -ind and soul. ;e has s*o)en
at various 0edical %niversities( 0ultinational Cor*orations( <oga grou*s
and to the general *ublic both nationally and internationally. ;e is a
visitng lecturer in Ayurveda at the %niversity of Co*enhagen( Den-ar).
;e also s*ends his ti-e in researching dee*er and translating -any
authentic classical Ayurvedic te$ts into 'nglish fro-
the Sans)rit language ,hich have never been translated.
;e *resently serves as the Chief 0edical CDcer of an Ayurvedic
;os*ital in /erala and is also Co1founder and Director of Purna Arogya
;olistic ;ealth Care &*urna E co-*leteF arogya E freedo- fro- all
i-balances4 and the chief content -anager of a leading Ayurvedic
Acade-y in the %SA. ;e carries a vast e$*erience of holistic -edicine
and a *erfect blend of the understanding of healing in the eastern and
,estern traditions. ;e s*eciali>es in treat-ent of chronic *hysical and
-ental health conditions using a co-bination of eastern and ,estern
thera*eutic -ethods.
About the course
This course is designed to give you Gthe ulti-ate e$*erienceG
in Ayurveda. .y the ti-e you 9nish this course you ,ill be able to:
understand dee*ly( the funda-ental *rinci*les
a**ly the- succinctly to any given situation or i-balance.
A 9r- grounding in the funda-entals is the foundation of any science
and Ayurveda is no e$ce*tion.
The course is divided into eight -odules and each one ,ill successively
ta)e you to greater and greater levels of )no,ledge and
understanding. The Level 1 is es*ecially designed to enable you ta)e
care of yourself and live an Ayurvedic Life style. <ou ,ill also be able to
advise your fa-ily and friends accordingly.
Ayurveda is an age old healing syste- that is acce*ted by the 8orld
;eath Crgani>ation. Anyone can use this )no,ledge to ado*t a health
*reventive lifestyle and hel* fa-ily and friends thus lo,ering health
care costs. Licensed health care *ractitioners can use this course to
enhance their )no,ledge base and add another tool to their ar-ory.
<oga teachers H *ractitioners( -assage thera*ists( S*a ,or)ers(
nutritionists( free lance ,riters( entre*reneurs( herbalists( and
ayurvedic students ,ill 9nd this course very useful in dee*er
understanding of the *rinci*les of their o,n -ethods fro- a di=erent
Teaching *rogra-
The entire )no,ledge of Ayurveda is based on t,o *rinci*les:
1. to *rotect and *reserve the health of the healthy and
. to *acify the i-balances of the diseased.
This level 1 course is focused on the 9rst *rinci*le.
It is divided into three *arts
Diet and nutrition
If you ,ould li)e to ta)e a single -odule individually( you -ay choose
to do so. The second and third -odules include a s-all introductory
lesson. The 9rst -odule is a -ore detailed introduction to the conce*ts
of Ayurveda.
'ach of you ,ill receive a -odule u*on registration. <ou are given one
-onth to study each -odule. There are a total of I -odules.
Cnce every -onth( there ,ill be a ,ebinar to ans,er all your
5uestions. <ou are re5uired to send your 5uestions by e-ail as you go
through your course. All the 5uestions ,ill be ans,ered and recorded
as a ,ebinar and u*loaded for you to listen.
At the end of your study( you ,ill ta)e the -ulti*le choice 5uestions
test and are e$*ected to score J!+ -ar)s before advancing to the
ne$t -odule. The test can be ta)en as -any ti-es as re5uired at the
end of the -onth on,ards.
There are also ,ritten assign-ents ,hich have to be sub-itted. They
,ill be evaluated and sent bac) to you ,ith co--ents. Purnarogya
;olistic ;ealth Care ,ill share the rights along ,ith the student to use
the contents of the assign-ents.
The course ,ill be ad-inistered in 'nglish language. Assign-ents have
to be sub-itted in 'nglish.
S*ecial Project: &C*tional4
'ach of you ,ill o*tionally be re5uired to do a s*ecial *roject of your
o,n choice. The to*ic has to be a**roved before starting the *roject.
<ou need to send the to*ic *ro*osal in a single *age docu-ent in the
for-at *rovided to you along ,ith the registration. Purnarogya ;olistic
;ealth Care ,ill return the docu-ents ,ith co--ents. The *roject has
to be sub-itted latest before the end of one year fro- starting the
India internshi*: &o*tional4
<ou have the o**ortunity to underta)e an India internshi* *rogra- of
1" days ,here you ,ill live in an Ayurvedic environ-ent( *artici*ate
and have *ractical lessons in all the daily *ractices of an Ayurvedic
lifestyle including coo)ing and eating( identifying herbs( visiting
-anufacturing units and seeing ho, a clinical setting ,or)s. This is
o*tional and the cost is not included in the course fees.
Contents of the -odules:
0odule 1
7unda-ental *rinci*les
The t,enty basic 5ualities2attributes
The 9ve great ele-ents
The three functional energies
The body tissues
Individual body constitution
0odule J
Ayurvedic *hiloso*hy
Pur*ose of Ayurveda
Conce*t of ti-e &)ala4( objects &artha4( )ar-a &action4
San)hya syste- of Indian *hiloso*hy in Ayurveda
Conce*t of body &shareera4 and -ind &-anas4 according to
'thics of ayurveda
Daily regi-en
6egular cleansing H strengthening *rocedures
Physical and -ental healthy habits
0odule K
Seasonal regi-en
Changing of doshas ,ith the seasons
S*ring seasonal regi-en
Su--er seasonal regi-en
6ainy seasonal regi-en
Autu-n seasonal regi-en
8inter seasonal regi-en
0odule "
Diet and ?utrition
The si$ tastes ,.r.t doshas
The *rocess of digestion
;ealthy eating habits
7actors that deter-ine your food choices
0odule 3
.asic ;erbology
7unda-ental *rinci*les
0ost i-*ortant single herbs
0ost i-*ortant for-ulations &co-*ounds4
0odule L
Co--on illnesses
;o, to deal ,ith so-e of the day to day co--on i-balances
I-*le-entation of ,hat ,e have learnt so far in *ractice
7ever( Co--on Cold( 6unning nose( ;eadache( Indigestion(
Consti*ation( Diarrhea etcM
0odule I
;o-e re-edies and Conclusion
8e conclude ,ith fe, adivces on ,hat ,e can do at ho-e to
*revent and hel* ,ith i-balances
Conclusion and su--ari>ation of ,hat ,e learnt till no,
8here to go fro- here
;o, to *roceed further in the learning of Ayurveda
I-*le-entation of ,hat ,e learnt so far
6eco--ended .oo)s for reading:
Pra)riti N by Dr 6obert Svoboda
Te$tboo) of Ayurveda N by Dr Basant Lad
Ayurveda and <oga N by Dr David 7ra,ley
<oga of herbs 1 Dr Lad and Dr David 7ra,ley
<ou can *ay by *ay*al or ban) transfer.
<ou can ,rite to us on contactO* or for any further

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