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Global J Res. Med. Plants & I ndigen. Med.

| Volume 2, Issue 1 | January 2013 | 6572

Global J ournal of Research on Medicinal Plants & I ndigenous Medicine || GJRMI ||

ISSN 2277-4289 | | International, Peer reviewed, Open access, Monthly Online Journal
Kumar Naresh
, Dubey Mukesh
, Agarwal Vivek

Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, M.S.M. Institute of Ayurveda, B.P.S. Mahila
Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur kalan, Distt. Sonipat, Haryana 131305, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, M.S.M. Institute of Ayurveda, B.P.S. Mahila
Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur kalan, Distt. Sonipat, Haryana 131305, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Roga Nidana, M.S.M. Institute of Ayurveda, B.P.S. Mahila
Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur kalan, Distt. Sonipat, Haryana 131305, India
*Corresponding author: Email-; Mobile: +919416051032
Received: 10/12/2012; Revised: 25/12/2012; Accepted: 05/01/2013

Since long time back, Rudraksha, has been recognized in Ayurveda due to its spiritual and
medicinal uses. According to Hindu mythology, it is believed that anyone who wears Rudraksha
beads get the mental and physical prowess to achieve spiritual enlightenment. As an Ayurvedic
medicine it is used in the management of blood pressure, mental disorders, neurological disorders,
asthma, diabetes and gynecological disorders. It retards the aging process. Modern medical science
also recognises its anchoring effect on heart and circulatory system because of its electric and
diamagnetic properties. This review article is aimed at explaining the ancient mythological, spiritual
and medicinal attributes of Rudraksha on the basis of modern science.
Key words: Rudraksha, mythology, diamagnetic properties.

Review article
Cite this article:
Kumar Naresh, Dubey Mukesh, Agarwal Vivek (2013), RUDRAKHA: A REVIEW ON
& I ndigen. Med., Volume 2(1): 6572

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Global J ournal of Research on Medicinal Plants & I ndigenous Medicine || GJRMI ||

In Hindu mythology, Rudraksha beads bear
a great spiritual, religions and materialistic
significance. The Hindu mythology considers
Rudraksha as symbol of link between earth and
heaven. It is believed that it contains the secrets
of evolution of entire cosmos within itself
(Chaturvedi B K, 2004). For centuries, the
Hindu sages believe that one can cultivate
mental, physical and spiritual prowess to attain
fearlessness to achieve the ultimate
enlightenment (Seetha K N, 2008).
According to Shivpurana, the one who
wears the rosary of Rudraksha beads around
his/her wrist, arm, neck or head can roam in the
world fearlessly as does the Rudra and he/she
cannot be killed by a living being. Wearing it
makes the person respected and honoured by all
(Chaturvedi B K, 2004).
As per Ayurvedic system of medicine,
wearing Rudraksha beads relieves strain,
insomnia, anxiety, lack of concentration,
depression, palpitation, hypertension,
rheumatism, infertility and asthma. It has anti-
aging effect also (Dennis T. J., 1993).
Plant description:
Nearly 360 species of Rudraksha trees are
found in different parts of the world.
Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. is the scientific
name for the most popular species of
Rudraksha tree. It belongs to the family
Tiliaceae. This species was named by Dr.
William Roxburgh. Elaeocarpus, this scientific
name was taken from Greek words, Elaei
which means Wild olive, Carpus fruit.
Rudraksha is named differently in different
languages across India. Rudraksha in Sanskrit
& Marathi languages. Rudrakshi as in Kannada
language. Aakkam as in Tamil language. Its
English name is Litrasum bead tree. This
variety matches to the given specifications as
found in our epic books which are old enough.
This popular species is found in Nepal and
Indonesia in more concentration. (Yelne M. B.,
This plant is native of Indonesia. Now a
day, trees of Rudraksha are found in tropical
and subtropical areas at the altitude ranging
from sea level to 2000 meters above sea level.
It is mostly found in South East Asia, Island of
Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Iran, Timor
(Indonesia) and Nepal. (Yelne M. B., 1995).
Botanical Description of Plant:
It is a large evergreen tree with broad
leaves. Its height ranges from 50200 feet.
Leaves are large and shining green on the sun
facing side and dull leathery on earth facing
side. Flowers appear in the month of April-May
and are white in colour. Fruits start appearing
in June and ripen by October. Ripe fruit is
fleshy and has a seed with blue shell. Inner part
or bead lying in the seed is called Rudraksha.
(Yelne, M. B., 1995).
Chemical compostion:
C-H-N analyzer and gas chromatography
has shown that it contains 50.30% Carbon,
0.95% Nitrogen, 17.897% Hydrogen and
30.53% oxygen. Among other elements it
contains Aluminium, Chlorine, chloride,
Copper, Cobalt, Nickel, Iron, Magnesium,
Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium,
Zinc and Silicon oxide. (Pandey V B and
Bhattacharya S K,1985).
Properties of Rudraksha as per Ayurveda:
(Dennis T. J., 1993).
It is guru (heavy), snigdha (unctuous) in
native, madhura (sweet) in taste, madhura in
vipaka (sweet in post-digestive taste and sheet
virya (cooling potency). Because of all these
attributes it has vata-pitta pacifying action on
the body.

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Medicinal properties as per Ayurveda:
(Dennis T. J., 1993) and (Saminathan K R,
Rudraksha beads have several amazing
powers due to their electromagnetic properties.
Wearing it affects the body and performs
following actions:
Rudraksha is a natural tranquilizer.
Wearing rosary of its beads relieves stress,
insomnia, anxiety, depression and lack of
concentration. It calms mind and cool down the
body temperature. Wearing it around heart
controls heart beats and keeps blood pressure
under control. It slows down the aging
process.Wearing three faced Rudraksha cures
frequent fever in children. Wearing Garbh-
gauri Rudraksha helps women in conceiving
and get rid of threatened abortion. It has anti-
paralysis properties. It helps balancing the vital
chakras of human body that control wind, bile
and phlegm.
Its systemic use is useful in following
Five faced Rudraksha possesses anti-
hypertensive properties. Dip two beads of it in
a glass of water in night and leave it over-night.
Drinking this water in the morning in empty
stomach condition controls blood pressure.
Powder of beads when mixed with any
Ayurvedic herb improves its effectiveness and
period of treatment. Paste of ten faced beads
taken with milk thrice a day cures cough.
External use of paste and systemic use of
powder form cures skin disorder, sores,
pimples, boils, burns and ringworm. Use of
mixture of powder and black pepper in equal
quantity taken with water is useful in smallpox.
Boil two beads of four faced Rudraksha in one
glass of milk and drinking this milk is very
useful in patient of manas rogas (mental
disorders) and poor memory.

Electric properties of Rudraksha: (Joyce
Diamanti, 2001).
The whole human body behaves as a
complex bio-electric circuit consisting of
nervous system and other organs. A number of
electrical impulses are generated in the human
body because of continuous heart beats, blood
circulation, and conduction of sensory and
motor impulses in nerves, contraction and
relaxing of muscle fibers. These electrical
impulses are known as bio-electricity. Because
of difference in the energy levels of different
body parts, flow of bio-electric current starts.
Smooth and controlled flow of this bio-electric
current in the body provides streamlined
functioning of different body systems. All the
activities in our sense organs are governed by
flow of this bio-electric current.
Psycho-somatic stress and maladjustment
disrupts this streamlined flow of bio-electric
current as well as normal functioning of the
body systems which results in uncomfortable
feeling, illness and abnormal psyche.
Rudraksha beads possess the property of a
stabilizing anchor. Wearing these beads
controls and normalizes the flow of bio-electric
current in body. Rudraksha exhibits the
following electrical properties (David W. Lee,
Resistance Rudraksha of particular type of
mukhi have a definitive factor of resistance. It
resists the flow of bio-electric current generated
due to potential difference between different
organs or parts of the body. This resistance
generates a specific ampere of current flow
depending on the factor of resistance. This acts
in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and
sending out specific impulses to brain to
generate certain bio-chemicals in the brain
which brings positivity in mood and more
confidence making us feel better, more poised
and energetic.
It is important to mention here that specific
variety of Rudraksha sends specific impulses
acting on a specific type of bio-chemicals in the
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brain thereby bringing specific positive changes
in the personality.
Capacitance: This term means ability to store
the bio-electric energy. The values are
measured in the units of Farad. This property of
Rudraksha makes them capable of stabilizing
and anchoring the flow of bio-electric current
thereby controlling and normalizing heart beat
and sensory activities in the body. The
increased level of stress results in increased
physical activity in the body along with
increase in heart beats, hormonal and nervine
activities, thus increasing energy levels and
potential differences at different levels. As a
result the magnitude of flow of bio-electric
current increases.
Rudraksha beads acts as capacitor or
dielectric store when directly comes in contact
with body and absorbs or store this excess of
bio-energy streamlining the overall activity in
the body to normalcy.
Inductance: Specific type of Rudraksha sends
out specific inductive vibrations because of
unique magnetic properties. These vibrations
are the reason for why the people feel better
even when the beads do not touch them
Magnetic properties of Rudraksha: (Joyce
Diamanti, 2001).
The beneficial healing properties of
magnets are an established factor. Rudraksha
also heave magnetic properties. It has both
paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties. It has
unique feature of having ability to change its
polarity. This feature is called dynamic
polarity. In Rudraksha, it is by virtue of
diamagnetism which is defined as the ability of
any substance to acquire temporary magnetic
property in presence of an external magnetic
field. The polarity of the charge induced is
always opposite to that of the external field
inducing the charge.
How the Rudraksha beads streamline the
functioning of heart and circulatory system is
explained by the diamagnetic property of
Rudraksha. (Sarkar P K et al., 2000).
Supply of oxygen and energy to the
different body parts is hampered if the
circulation of blood is blocked or reduced
because of any blockage in the passage of
blood vessels. This results in impaired
functioning of the affected body part thereby
causing illness.
We know that every cell of the arteries and
veins as well as blood cells is either charged
positive or negative. When a magnet comes in
contact with a body part the opposite poles of
the magnet and that of the cells get attracted.
This attraction, in case of blood vessels, causes
expansion of the passage and opening up of
them facilitating the normal blood circulation.
Normal supply of oxygen and energy through
streamlined blood circulation makes us
rejuvenated. If an ordinary magnet is brought
near any part of the body it attracts the cells of
only those sections of the blood vessels which
oppositely charged hence complete
streamlining of blood circulation cannot be
We know the circulation of blood & heart
beats continuously induces a magnetic field
around the body and particularly heart region.
The bio-electric flow in the body also develops
bio-magnetism depending on the polarity of the
induced magnetic field. When Rudraksha
comes in contact with body it acquires a
polarity that is opposite to the inducing field.
Thats why it helps in opening up of the blood
vessels better than magnets.
Pure and Genuine Rudraksha:- (Yelne M.
B., 1995).
Now a day, rarely faceted Rudraksha beads
such as ek mukhi (one faced) beads are being
manufactured by artificial means to make
financial benefits. In such circumstances, it is
important to check the purity and genuine-ness
of the beads before buying them by any of
these methods:
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Cut test: This test is most reliable for
checking the genuineness of Rudraksha beads.
If, on cutting the bead horizontally the bead
shows same number of compartments as that of
facets or faces, it is a genuine bead. But, this
method has a major drawback that the bead
gets destroyed.
Copper coin test: If a Rudraksha bead is
placed between two copper coins or copper
chips, the bead rotates slightly because of its
physical and magnetic properties.
Electromagnetic properties: The original
beads manifests properties like resistance,
capacitance, inductance, conductance of
electric current, magnetic forces etc.
Water test: The higher valued beads like
Trijuti and Gauri-shankar Rudraksha
manufactured by artificially gluing the two or
three beads can be tested with this method. On
boiling the bead with water, sharp
discolouration appears at the joints of artificial
The genuine beads sink in water. Fake
traders of Rudraksha deceive the customers by
dipping the beads in water. But, it is important
to mention, here that fake beads prepared out of
wood and impregnated with lead will sink in
water thereby giving a fake impression of real

Table No. 01: Different type of Rudraksha their Ruling God, Planet and Beej Mantra
(Empowering verse) (Swarnalatha N, 2000) and (Vigyananand Swami, 2000).
Type of

Ruling God Planet Beej Mantra
1 Faced Shiva
Sun Om Hreem Nama
2 Faced Ardhnareeshwar Moon Om Namah
3 Faced Agni Mass Om kleemNamha
4 Faced Brahma Mercury Om Kleem Namha
5 Faced Kalaagni Jupiter Om Hreem
6 Faced Kartikeya Venus Om Hreem Hoom Namah
7 Faced Mahalaxmi Saturn Om Hoom
8 Faced Ganesh Rahu Om Hoom Namah
9 Faced Durga Ketu Om Heem Hoom Namah
10 Faced Vishnu None Om Hreem Namha Namah
11 Faced Hanuman None Om Hreem Hoom Namah
12 Faced Sun Sun Om Drom Sarom Ram Namah
13 Faced Indra Venus Om Hreem Namah
14 Faced Hanuman None Om Namah
Gauri Shanker Moon -
Om Shree Gauri Shankar
Ganesh - -

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Table No. 02: Different type of Rudraksha and their indication (Dennis, T. J., 1993)
Type of
1 Faced
Chronic asthma heart problems, mental anxiety, T.B, paralysis, stroke, eye
problem bone pain and head ache.
2 Faced
Impotency, renal failure, stress, anxiety, lack of concentration, depression,
negative thinking, eye problems, mental chaos, hysteria and intestinal disorder.
3 Faced
Depression, schizophrenia, weakness multifarious, directive of the menstrual
cycley/menstrual stress, fixation or guilt induced complexes, blood pressure,
mood swings, fever or weakness, jaundice and mental disability.
4 Faced
Blood circulation, cough and brain linked illness, asthma, hesitate, memory lapse
and respiratory strip problems.
5 Faced
Blood pressure, heart problems, stress, mental disability, fatness, anger
management, diabetics, piles, neurotic and maladjustment problems.
6 Faced Epilepsy and gynecological problems.
7 Faced Asthma, pharyngitis, impotency, foot related disease, respiratory and confusion.
8 Faced Stomach ache, stress, skin diseases and anxiety.
9 Faced Work as mysterious medicine for treating strange diseases.
10 Faced Hormonal inequality in the body, mental insecurity and whooping cough.
11 Faced Body pain, backache, chronic alcoholism and liver diseases.
12 Faced Bone diseases, rickets, osteoporosis, mental disability and anxiety.
13 Faced Muscular dystrophies
14 Faced Brain related and many other types of disease.
15 Faced
Skin diseases, recurring miscarriage and still birth. It is measured as a blessing
for women who are incapable to imagine and in such case both the partner should
wear it for fruitfulness.
16 Faced Leprosy, tuberculosis, cor pulmonale and lung diseases
17 Faced Memory lapse and body functional disorders
18 Faced Mental harmonization and loss or power.
19 Faced Blood disorder and spinal disorder.
20 Faced Eyesight problems and snake bites
21 Faced It eliminates all form of disease.
Trijuti/tribhagi Internal and external body disorders
Gaurisankar Sexual and behavioral disorders
Garbha gauri Gynecological disorders

Types of Rudraksha: (Swarnalatha N, 2000).
According the Hindu mythology, the
Rudraksha has originated from tear drops fallen
from the three eyes of Rudra (Lord Shiva).
Three eyes of Rudra represent sun, moon and
fire. Rudraksha beads born out of tears of solar
eye of Rudra are brown in colour and are of 12
types. Those beads which are born of his lunar
eye are fair and are of 16 types. The furious eye
tears gave origin to black Rudraksha which are
of 10 types. In this way, ancient scriptures
mention 38 types of Rudraksha.
Traditionally, Rudraksha beads are
categorized on the basis of clefts or faces or
mukhas the beads bears. Two mukhi to fourteen
mukhi Rudraksha are commonly available in
the market. One mukhi and Fifteen to twenty
one mukhi Rudraksha are rare and costly
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varieties. Three more varieties namely Ganesh
Rudraksha, Gauri Shankar Rudraksha and
GarbhGauri Rudraksha are also available in
the markets.
Invocation of Rudraksha (Swarnalatha N,
Before bearing, it should be sanctified.
Specific type of Rudraksha is sanctified by
chanting specific Beej mantra (empowering
verse) and performing specific rites and rituals.
It empowers and blesses the beads with
amazing powers. Usually this sanctification
ceremony is performed in the morning of
Monday and the sanctified bead is worn the
same day after touching it with Shivalinga (the
symbol of Lord Shiva) (Parthasarathy V, 1993).
Since the epic times, Rudraksha beads have
been attracting the attention of not only the
ordinary human beings but also the sages,
scientists and physicians because of attributes
and powers. Across the world, scientists from
the field of Physics, Bio Chemistry,
Pharmaceutics and Medicine etc. are doing
research on molecular levels on this herb.
Recent researches on Rudraksha have proved
the existence of miraculous electro-magnetic
properties in it. The beneficial effects of these
electro-magnetic properties on human body are
also no more secret now.
Classification on the basis of external
features of the beads is not correct
scientifically. But, ancient scriptures classify
and tag the quality and importance to different
mukhi beads according to the number or type of
mukha (Faces) the bead has.
The mythological and spiritual importance
of anything has roots in faith and belief the
human beings have. They do not require any
explanations. But, the myths about miraculous
effects of Rudraksha on human body have been
proved true by modern science. The medicinal
uses of Rudraksha beads in human body have
been established through clinical trials under
controlled and standard conditions. The
exceptional electro- magnetic properties,
especially diamagnetism contained in these
beads are responsible for the beneficial effects
on the different systems of human body
through mere contact with these beads or
wearing them. Out of nearly 360 species of
Rudraksha, three specieses namely
Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. ex. G. Don, (Syn:
Elaeocarpus sphaerica Gaertn) and
Elaeocarpus angustifolius Blume. have been
found possessing the properties for which these
beads are in demand. At places even Guazuma
ulmifolia Lam., Ulmaceae, commonly known
as Badraksha is taken as a poor substitute of
Rudraksha. (Bodhi Nighantu, 2010)
Till date, comparative evaluation of all the
properties of different mukhi (types of)
Rudraksha has also not been done scientifically
under controlled conditions. Scientific research
from this point of view will further unfold the
mysteries related to Rudraksha.

Bodhi Nighantu (2010), Singh Gurucharan,
Guazuma ulmifolia (Rudrasham) from
Delhi, Bodhi Nighantu, Retrieved from
URL on 30/11/2012: URL -

Chaturvedi B.K. (2004). Shiv Purana,
Vidyeshwar Samhita, Chapter 25,
Diamond Books (P) Ltd., New Delhi,
Parts 0195

Global J Res. Med. Plants & I ndigen. Med. | Volume 2, Issue 1 | January 2013 | 6572

Global J ournal of Research on Medicinal Plants & I ndigenous Medicine || GJRMI ||

David W. Lee (1991). Ultrastructural basis and
function of iridescend blue colour of
fruits in Elaeocarpus, Nature, Vol. 349,
No.6306, p. 260262.
Dennis T. J. (1993). Rudraksha - Not Just a
Spiritual Symbol But Also a Medicinal
Remedy, Sachitra Ayurved 46, 2, p 142.
Parthasarathy Vanamala, (1993), Ancient
Indian History and Culture of the
Anathacharya Indological Research
Institute, Bombay, 1993, p. 98100).
Joyce Diamanti (2001). More about Rudraksha,
The Bead Society of Greater
Washington Newsletter, 18(2): p.68.
Swarnalatha N., (2000), Rudraksam, Journal of
Sukrtindra Oriental Research Institute,
Vol. 03, P.1722.
Pandey V. B. and S. K. Bhattacharya (1985).
Scientific appraisal of Rudraksha
(Elaeocarpus ganitrus): chemical and
pharmacological studies", JREIM,
Saminathan K. R. Veda (2009). The Amazing
Power Of Rudraksha, P.55.
Sarkar. P. K., Bhattacharya S.S. and Sengupta
(2001), Further observations with
Elaeocarpus ganitrus on Normal and
Hypodynamic Heart, Department of
Pharmacology, Medical College
Seetha K.N. (2008). The Power of Rudraksha,
edition, Jaico Publishing House,
2008, Mumbai, p. 2378.
Vigyananand Swami (2000), Srimad Devi
Bhagvatam, 11
Skanda, Allahabad
Panini Office, Allahabad, Vol. 26,
Chapter 37.
Yelne, M. B. (1995) Notes on The Botanical
Identity of Beads Found Under The
Name: Rudraksha, Biorhythm, AYU.
academy series, 44, P. 3944.

Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None Declared

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