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Tips on disciplining school-age children:

1. Expect some steps forward and some steps back.
As children grow older, they begin to get a better control of their
frustrations and deal with their disappointments. They can now
articulate their feelings and can follow the rules. Even though they
can now understand better, sometimes they tend to revert to
behaviors that are more commonly observed with toddlers.
2. Get your child involved in setting the rules and the limits.
A mutual agreement should be made when it comes to the
necessary rules and limits. A compromise can be made sometimes
but it depends upon the situation. Children are now able to
understand why some rules are necessary.
3. Be firm when it comes to RESPECT.
Let your child know that it is okay to express his feelings as long as
he does this respectfully. When hes cranky or angry, tell him to
express his feelings through his words in a nice way. Respect goes
both ways, show respect when your talking to your children.
4. Give the Dos instead of the Donts.
Focus on what you want to see, not on what hes doing wrong. By
reinforcing the positive, youre teaching your child what is
5. Find out whats behind the behavior.
There must be a few reasons why he acted that way. When he is
calmer, you can ask him what happened.
6. Keep the discipline short and simple.
Though your child can already understand the rules , it is better to
explain in short sentences to avoid confusion because of lengthy
7. Be consistent and firm.

Kohlbergs Preconventional reasoning : "Physical consequences of an
action determine its goodness or badness regardless of the human
meaning or value of these consequences. Avoidance of punishment and
unquestioning deference to power are valued in their own right, not in
terms of respect for an underlying moral order supported by punishment
and authority."
Parents serve as role models.

Special Health Considerations
Promote Safety:
1. Motor Vehicle Accidents
Always wear a seat belt when inside a moving vehicle.
Teach children how to cross the roads safely.
2. Community
Avoid unsafe areas
Do not go with strangers
Safe sex practice
3. Burns
Fire is not fun.
Use sunblock for protection from the sun.
Do not climb electric poles.
4. Falls
5. Sports Injuries
It is important to wear proper sports equipment.
6. Drowning
Teach children how to slim.
7. Drugs
Help your child avoid all recreational drugs and only take
prescription medication as indicated.

8. General
School age should keep adults informed regarding what
theyre doing and where they are going.

Common Health Problems:
1. Dental Carries
It can be prevented through proper brushing and the use of
fluorinated water. When carries do occur, they should be
treated quickly. Children must believe that they have a stake
in the health or disease of their teeth so they willingly
undertake the self-car measures necessary to ensure
healthy teeth, with parental support.
2. Malocclusion
This is a deviation from the normal alignment of the upper
and lower jaw. Should be properly checked by an
orthodontist in order to cure the condition.
3. Obesity
Obesity can cause a lot of health problems even on children.
You cannot drastically reduce the amount of caloric intake of
a child the reduction must be gradual. They are still young,
therefore diet modification is the best way to control their
weight. Also, exercise is very important in order to burn
excess fats.
4. Head lice
Lice are quite contagious and can be spread quickly by close
contact with a friend or classmate, almost always by head-
to-head contact. Lice can be difficult to treat. Your doctor
may prescribe a treatment or recommend a nonprescription
anti-lice shampoo or rinse containing a substance called
pyrethrins. Follow the instructions carefully.
5. Hepatitis
Hepatitis is an infection of the liver, spread by a virus. Its
symptoms include jaundice (yellowish discoloration of the
skin), loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, and abdominal
pain. There are several major types of hepatitistypes A, B,
and Cand while all are cause for concern, hepatitis A tends
to occur most often among children. These viruses are
present in the blood and in bowel movements; thus, children
should wash their hands after every bowel movement and
before eating. As with AIDS, precautions should also be
taken around the blood of infected individuals.
Children infected with acute hepatitis A should remain at
home until one week after the onset of their illness and until
jaundice (yellow skin color) has disappeared. Youngsters
who are hepatitis B or C carriers but are symptom-free can
attend school.
6. Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is a common viral disease among children.
Although youngsters are contagious before they break out
with skin lesions, they should not return to school until the
sixth day after the rash has appeared, or sooner if all the le-
sions have dried and crusted. Vaccines to prevent chicken
pox are available and safe. All school-age children who have
not had chicken pox should be immunized. Widespread use
of this vaccine will make chicken pox much less common in
school-aged children.

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