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Barack Obama News, Photos and Opinion

Looking above at recent temperature anomalies, much of the U.S. is experiencing well above normal
warmer temperatures; the eastern Pacific warm spot continues to prevent much rain from reaching
California, sending it into further drought.
I'm not one of those who scoffed at the President, a few weeks back, when he told reporters that he
had not yet developed a strategy to confront ISIL -- the precursor to IS. Despite the rants of critics
on the right, I want my President to spend time developing a strategy.
James Zogby
President, Arab American Institute; author, 'Arab Voices'
Congress followed up their recent five-week vacation with almost two whole weeks of actually doing
their jobs, so to reward themselves they're now going to take off on another vacation. Until mid-
The U.S. government believes that, as the inheritor of tsarist Russia and Soviet Union, Russia has
expansionist and hegemonic traditions that China doesn't have. It believes Russia always has policies
that challenge and attempt to supplant the existing international order while China doesn't. In many
circumstances, China sees itself as a beneficiary of the current international order.
Zheng Yu
Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
President Obama has an opportunity, and an obligation to reassure Americans. In his speech from
the White House on Sept. 10, the president seemed to deviate between trivializing ISIS and beating
the war drums.
Intelligence Squared U.S. sponsored a debate September 9, 2014 on the Common Core State
Standards. Four participants argued whether American schools s...
Alan Singer
Social studies educator, Hofstra University, my opinions, of course, are my own
Psychologist Abraham Maslow famously quipped, "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like
a nail." It's the nature of American leadership: we hold the largest hammer in the world.
Bob Burnett
Berkeley writer, retired Silicon Valley executive
I understand and deeply share the desire to protect people. But, there are better, more effective,
more healthy, and more humanizing ways to protect people and to engage this conflict.
Eli S. McCarthy
Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University in Justice and Peace Studies; Director of Justice and
Peace with the Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Has a once venerated idealistic enterprise itself become the victim of extremism? Are Israel's
enemies using it as a pawn in yet another messianic struggle that goes far beyond the questions of a
two state solution or whether the country's borders should be returned to where they were before
the Six Day War?
There are over 50 other major terrorist organizations in the world, from Nigeria to the Philippines,
and America can't wait for any of them to become the next ISIS.
H. A. Goodman
Author and Journalist published in, the Jerusalem Post, Chicago Tribune, The Hill's
Congress Blog, and other publications.
Before Barack Obama was even elected he was called a "law breaker" by many Americans who didn't
believe the Senator had met the basic requirement of ...
Kevin Price
Publisher and Editor in Chief, US Daily Review
ISIS, in short, is as Wahhabist -- or more so -- as the Saudi King, Abdullah. There is here, surely, a
delicious irony in Obama and Kerry taking upon their shoulders the task of seeking the
"delegitimization" of the very doctrine from which the Saudi kingdom is derived. The only upholder
of "true Islam" and custodian of Mecca happens to share the "same" Islam as ISIS. How can King
Abdullah then denounce it? And how could any Muslim, familiar with the issues, take any such
denunciation -- were it to be made -- seriously?
Alastair Crooke
Fmr. MI-6 agent; Author, 'Resistance: The Essence of Islamic Revolution'
Regardless of the soundness of the president's strategy, to ensure greater success in defeating ISIS,
three distinct interlinked aspects must be factored in. Acting accordingly will permanently degrade
ISIS and prevent it from rising again to pose a serious threat to our allies in the Middle East and
Western security in the future.
While we used to feel inspired by our country, we now feel disenchanted. While we used to hope,
now we doubt. And rather than listening to leaders who unite us, too often we pay heed to
demagogues like Rush Limbaugh whose sole source of profit comes from division and discord.
Obama officials used to be fond of saying that, in Afghanistan, "we will know success when we see
it." So, too, with IS. Unfortunately, our angle of vision may be a supine one.
Michael Brenner
Senior Fellow, the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Professor of International Affairs, University of
Obama's speech is addressed to a nation with a dead imagination. Doing "something" about the
Islamic State means dropping bombs on it. Bombing runs don't inconvenience a politician's
constituents and always seem like stalwart action: a squirt of Raid on an infestation of bugs.

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