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... through Bertha Dudde

Saturn ....
Worldly scholars will struggle in vain to obtain a clear icture o!
the inner structure o! e"traterrestrial wor#s o! $reation.
%t is not enough to establish the nu&erical si'e ratio o! other
lanets in co&arison to (arth) nor is the intention o!
establishing the sun*s in!luence on these lanets and the
&easure&ent o! lu&inosity su!!icient ....
Rather) the research o! these lanets re+uires eole with
enor&ous #nowledge) and such knowledge can only be
acquired by spiritual means.
,o connection e"ists between (arth and other lanets) and no
such connection will ever be established even i! eternities ass
by. On the other hand) however) siritually) no li&itations e"ist
which searate one lanet !ro& another.
-he vast sace between two lanets does not revent siritual
beings !ro& co&&unicating with each other and e"changing
in!or&ation about the world they inhabit and its structure.
.roviding a clear icture o! the &ost related lanet to (arth)
Saturn) is the tas# o! one o! the elevated siritual beings
inhabiting it by giving you hu&ans on (arth a descrition which
o!!ers an undeniable e"lanation to a erson desiring such
/s yet no &ortal has succeeded in establishing the di&ensions o!
this lanet) !or it is not ossible to calculate its si'e because
eole ossess no criterion !or the circu&!erence o! Saturn. %t
goes beyond all earthly esti&ates and is al&ost an in!inite
concet !or you hu&ans.
-he basic &aterial o! this lanet is not the sa&e as that o! (arth
either ....
it consists o! transarent) brightly sar#ling &etal with an
inconceivable lu&inosity.
-he state o! all beings within the vicinity o! this radiant &atter is
in har&ony with this brilliant light .... -hey are e"ceedingly
sensitive to all siritual currents and are relatively !ar advanced
siritual beings which) however) did not reach their state o! light
through conscious striving but are highly educated through God*s
-he tas# o! these beings includes taking care of the spirits on
0i#e on earth) they also live a si&ilar hysical li!e) e"cet that
the size ratio of the external shells they occuy is hu&anly
inco&rehensible) but accordingly their siritual ower is
indescribably e!!ective.
,evertheless) the beings also have to !ul!il a !unction and this is
in har&ony with their resective e&bodi&ent) !or these beings
also e"ist in various e"ternal shaes on the lanet*s sur!ace) but
their ability to change !ar surasses that on earth) inso!ar as that
they are not ani&ating so&e e"ternal shae as i&er!ect
siritual beings) but that they can) as it were) change their shell
at any ti&e so as to be able to acco&lish their set tas# better
and easier in a di!!erent shell.
$onse+uently) Saturn shelters living beings) nevertheless they
ossess a certain degree o! &aturity or they would not be
suitable !or this lanet since the abundance o! light resuoses
a seci!ic recetivity to light.
-hese beings are di!!icult to describe to eole on earth because
certain laws need to be ta#en into account which are un#nown to
eole on earth. %t would indeed be ossible to ortray the& to
you) albeit only in a &etahorical way which illustrates the
beings* activity.
/nd this activity is) in a way) 1ust as necessary !or eole on
earth) !or the beings have the task of constantly animating
the entire flora, nevertheless) the correlation o! this cannot be
!ully understood by you as yet.
/&ongst each other) the beings lead a si&ilar li!e as on earth) in
total har&ony and siritual unity) so their dwellings are
accordingly and &agni!icent creations o! their own intelligence
shaed the sur!ace o! the lanet into an e"ceedingly char&ing
$reation consists o! countless stars and yet each one di!!ers !ro&
the other both in its sur!ace arrange&ent as well as in the living
conditions o! its inhabiting beings .... %n the sa&e way their basic
&aterials are always o! a di!!erent #ind too ....
yet all these creations are governed and directed by one Deity
according to 2is will. /nd thus God rovides countless
oortunities !or a being so that it can receive and li#ewise
distribute bliss !or eternity through lively activity in accordance
with its er!ection ....
.ublished by !riends o! new revelations o! God 3 %n!or&ation)
download o! all translated revelations) the&e4boo#lets at5!o6english6inde".ht&l

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