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... through Bertha Dudde

Vengeance is Mine ....
Revenge ....
Vengeance is Mine .... sas the !ord .... and there"ore ou shou#d
not e$act vengeance% instead ou shou#d &a'e an e""ort to re(a
evi# )ith good and not thin' a*out ho) ou can revenge
ourse#ves "or the )rong done to ou.
For anone )ho su""ers in+ustice and never entertains venge"u#
thoughts is gent#e &inded and (atient% and his )i## endeavours to
e#i&inate in+ustice * doing nothing in order to o*tain satis"action
"or hi&se#".
,nd this is an i&&ense advance&ent "or the sou# .... -t is
certain# ver di""icu#t to *e un+ust# treated and et consider the
ene& )ith #ove% neverthe#ess% it is e$traordinari# *ene"icia# ....
.he hu&an *eing shou#d a#)as *ear in &ind that ever "ee#ing
o" revenge shrouds the sou# in dar'ness% that it can never
*eco&e #ight and c#ear in a hu&an sou# )here there is sti## roo&
"or thoughts o" revenging the evi# done * the other (erson. For
such thoughts )i## inevita*# #ead to "ee#ings o" un'indness and
thus s(iritua# )ea'ness. ,nd the hu&an *eing cannot *e #oving#
active i" he does not (ut a sto( to such thoughts in hi&.
For ani&osit is a tri*ute to the o((onent .... ,none )ho #ives in
ani&osit )ith his neigh*our has a#read granted the evi# (o)er
ever right over hi&.
/ver "ee#ing o" hatred and vengeance &ust *e *anished "ro&
the heart% "or it )i## #ead to other unc#ean thoughts% +ust as% vice
versa% a devout and gent#e character is on# ever concerned
a*out not doing )rong to anone% and that a## in+ustice &ust *e
#e"t to the res(onsi*i#it o" the divine !ord 0i&se#". For on# the
!ord can +udge the *#a&e o" t)o (artners and )hat gave rise to
the en&it.
1o i" in earth# #i"e hatred and discord see& to (revai#% the
hu&an *eing &ust es(ecia## tr to e#i&inate these *ad
ha*its .... -t is not enough "or a (erson to an$ious# avoid an
argu&ent .... he &ust ai& to ada(t hi&se#" to the other (erson
)here (ossi*#e and change hosti#e "ee#ings into the o((osite.
.he success o" such intention )i## *e "e#t so indescri*a*#
*ene"icia##% a## hatred )i## end since #ove% gent#eness and
(atience )i## ta'e its (#ace% and the (erson )i## e$(erience an
inner sense o" satis"action i" he tries% )here (ossi*#e% to undo a##
in+ustice done to hi& )ith the )ea(on o" #ove ....
!ove disar&s a## anger% vindictiveness and the urge "or
revenge .... !ove reduced the "ee#ing o" su""ering in+ustice and
)i## never consider retri*ution% "or it strives "or s(iritua#
(er"ection and "or this ever degrading thought has to *e
e$c#uded "irst% and the !ord )i## ta'e a*ode )here the hu&an
*eing rises a*ove hi&se#" and the heart has trans"or&ed itse#" to
#ove% gent#eness and (atience% "or this is the inevita*#e *asic
condition "or the !ord to revea# 0i&se#" and thus a#so (ractise
(atience )ith 0is chi#dren ....
0u&an revenge and retri*ution are not (er&issi*#e )here the
sou# )ants to #i*erate itse#" "ro& its chains .... there"ore% hand
everthing over to the !ord% "or 0e is (ure !ove -tse#" and )i##
e$act vengeance according to the #a) o" #ove ....
!i'e)ise% ou% too% shou#d &a'e an e""ort to (ractise #ove a&ong
each other and a#)as and "orever "u#"i# the !ords )i##% Who
cautions ou against +udging our "e##o) hu&an *eings
un'indness too harsh# ....
2u*#ished * "riends o" ne) reve#ations o" God 3 -n"or&ation%
do)n#oad o" a## trans#ated reve#ations% the&e4*oo'#ets at5

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