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Chapter 11 - States of Matter: Liquids and Solids

1. Which of the following statements concerning liquids is incorrect?

A) The volume of a liquid changes very little with pressure.
B) Liquids are relatively incompressile.
!) Liquid molecules move slowly compared to solids.
") #on$volatile liquids have low vapor pressures at room temperature.
%) The molecules of a liquid are in constant random motion.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.1
,B-' !ompare a gas. a liquid. and a solid using a /inetic$molecular theory description.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' properties of liquids
3&!' general chemistry
4. Which of the following statements concerning solids. liquids and gases is5are correct?
1. The close contact of the particles in a solid prevents all possile motion.
including virational motion.
4. Liquids and gases are oth considered fluids.
6. The postulate from /inetic$molecular theory that the particles in a gas are in
constant random motion is equally applicale to liquids. e7cept the particles are
more tightly pac/ed in a gas.
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
!) 6 only
") 1 and 4
%) 4 and 6
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.1
,B-' !ompare a gas. a liquid. and a solid using a /inetic$molecular theory description.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
6. What is the name for the following phase change?
)48s) )48g)
A) sulimation
B) free9ing
!) vapori9ation
") condensation
%) melting
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine melting. free9ing. vapori9ation. sulimation. and condensation.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
:. Which of the following processes is endothermic?
A) melting of ice
B) condensation of water
!) deposition of caron dio7ide
") free9ing of water
%) condensation of ammonia
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine melting. free9ing. vapori9ation. sulimation. and condensation.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
;. The process represented y the equation !1<=>8s) !1<=>8g) is
A) melting.
B) liquefaction.
!) sulimation.
") condensation.
%) fusion.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine melting. free9ing. vapori9ation. sulimation. and condensation.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
?. When a solid undergoes a phase change to a gas. the process is called
A) fusion.
B) condensation.
!) melting.
") vapori9ation.
%) sulimation.
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine melting. free9ing. vapori9ation. sulimation. and condensation.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
@. A ottle is filled with a small amount of a volatile liquid and sealed. &ometime later it is
oserved that no liquid is evident in the sealed ottle. Which of the following statements
would e7plain this oservation?
A) 3ore time is needed to estalish equilirium.
B) Liquid and vapor are at equilirium in the ottle.
!) Too little liquid was added to achieve a liquid vapor equilirium in the closed
") The vapor state is favored when equilirium is estalished.
%) The liquid has undergone sulimation.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine vapor pressure. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' vapor pressure 3&!' general chemistry
>. %nough of a volatile liquid is placed in a closed container to achieve a liquid$vapor
equilirium at a fi7ed temperature. Which of the following statements regarding this system
is5are correct once equilibrium is established?
1. Liquid molecules are no longer evaporating.
4. The numer of vapor molecules remains essentially constant.
6. The partial pressure e7erted y the vapor molecules is called the vapor pressure
of the liquid.
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
!) 6 only
") 1 and 4
%) 4 and 6
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine vapor pressure. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
A. %nough of a volatile liquid is placed in a closed container to achieve a liquid$vapor
equilirium. Which of the following statements regarding this system is5are correct once
equilibrium is established?
1. The rate of condensation is equal to the rate of evaporation.
4. The fraction of molecules with enough energy to escape the liquid surface
depends on the liquid surface area.
6. The vapor pressure is independent of the temperature.
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
!) 6 only
") 1 and 4
%) 1. 4. and 6
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine vapor pressure. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1<. )f more ice is added to an ice$water mi7ture at equilirium.
A) the temperature will increase somewhat.
B) the vapor pressure of the water will decrease.
!) the temperature will decrease somewhat.
") the vapor pressure of the water will rise.
%) the vapor pressure of the water will remain constant.
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "escrie the process of reaching a dynamic equilirium that involves the
vapori9ation of a liquid and condensation of its vapor.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' vapor pressure
3&!' general chemistry
11. Which of the following involves a change in temperature during the phase transition?
A) condensation of water
B) fusion of ethanol
!) vapori9ation of water
") all of the aove
%) none of the aove
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "escrie the process of reaching a dynamic equilirium that involves the
vapori9ation of a liquid and condensation of its vapor.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
14. The oiling point of a liquid is
A) always the temperature at which the vapor pressure equals @?< mm=g 81 atm).
B) always the temperature at which the liquid phase of a sustance is in equilirium
with the vapor phase.
!) always the temperature at which the vapor pressure equals the pressure e7erted on
the liquid.
") always equal to the vapor pressure of the liquid at a given temperature.
%) independent of the pressure e7erted on the liquid.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine oiling point. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
16. Which one of the following liquids would you e7pect to have the highest vapor pressure at
room temperature? 8all oiling points are normal oiling points)
A) n$pentane. .p. B 6?.1C!
B) methanol. .p. B ?;.<C!
!) caron tetrachloride. .p. B @?.@C!
") acetic acid. .p. B 11>C!
%) mercury. .p. B 6;@C!
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine oiling point. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1:. )n which of the following processes will energy e evolved as heat?
A) crystalli9ation
B) melting
!) sulimation
") vapori9ation
%) none of these
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine heat 8enthalpy) of fusion and heat 8enthalpy) of vapori9ation.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' phase transition enthalpy change
3&!' general chemistry
1;. Which of the following phase changes are endothermic?
A) vapori9ation
B) free9ing
!) liquifaction
") crystalli9ation
%) condensation
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' "efine heat 8enthalpy) of fusion and heat 8enthalpy) of vapori9ation.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1?. The enthalpy of fusion of sodium is 4.?< /-5mol. =ow many grams of sodium can e melted
y adding >1.@ /- of energy to the metal at its melting point?
@.44 1<
B) A.4: g
!) 6.;; g
") 61.: g
1.;< 1<
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the heat required for a phase change of a given mass of sustance.
8%7ample 11.1) T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1@. Assume 14.;<< - of energy is added to 4.< moles 86? grams) of =4, as an ice sample at <C!.
The molar heat of fusion is ?.<4 /-5mol. The specific heat of liquid water is :.1> -5g C!. The
molar heat of vapori9ation is :<.? /-5mol. The resulting sample contains which of the
A) water and water vapor
B) ice and water
!) only water
") only water vapor
%) only ice
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the heat required for a phase change of a given mass of sustance.
8%7ample 11.1) T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase transition enthalpy change 3&!' general chemistry
1>. =ow much heat is released at constant pressure if a 1:.<$L tan/ containing ;?.< atm of
hydrogen sulfide gas condenses at its oiling point of $?<.<
!? The enthalpy of vapori9ation
of hydrogen sulfide is 1>.@ /-5mol at $?<.<
!. 8R B <.<>41 L D atm581 D mol))
A) 1.1@ 1<
B) 4.A> 1<
!) :.1@ 1<
") 1.>@ 1<
%) >.6> 1<
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the heat required for a phase change of a given mass of sustance.
8%7ample 11.1) T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase transition enthalpy change 3&!' general chemistry
1A. What is the value of q when >.41 g of water vapori9es at 6@6 1? The enthalpy of
condensation of water at 6@6 1 is E:<.@ /-5mol.
A) E66: /-
B) E1>.; /-
!) 1>.; /-
") 66: /-
%) <.4<4 /-
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the heat required for a phase change of a given mass of sustance.
8%7ample 11.1) T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase transition enthalpy change 3&!' general chemistry
4<. The vapor pressure of a liquid increases with increasing temperature. Which of the
following statements est e7plains this relationship?
A) All the molecules have greater /inetic energies.
B) The numer of gaseous molecules aove the liquid remains constant. ut these
molecules have greater average /inetic energy.
!) The faster$moving molecules in the liquid e7ert a greater pressure.
") The intermolecular forces etween the molecules decrease at higher temperatures.
%) The average /inetic energy of molecules is greaterF thus more molecules can enter
the gaseous state.
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' "escrie the general dependence of the vapor pressure 8in () on the temperature 8T).
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' vapor pressure
3&!' general chemistry
41. The vapor pressure of a given liquid will increase if
A) the liquid is moved to a container in which its surface is very much larger.
B) the volume of the liquid is increased.
!) the temperature is increased.
") the volume of the vapor phase is increased.
%) a more volatile liquid is added to the given liquid.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.4
,B-' "escrie the general dependence of the vapor pressure 8in () on the temperature 8T).
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' vapor pressure
3&!' general chemistry
44. A particular compound has an enthalpy of vapori9ation of 4>6<< -5mol. At 4>1 1 it has a
vapor pressure of 1<1 mm=g. What is its vapor pressure at 6<1 1? 8R B >.61 -581G mol))
A) A>.> mm=g
B) 146 mm=g
!) :;.4 mm=g
") 44? mm=g
%) 1<6 mm=g
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the vapor pressure at a given temperature. 8%7ample 11.4)
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' !lausius$!lapeyron equation
3&!' general chemistry
46. A liquid has an enthalpy of vapori9ation of 6<.> /-5mol. At 4@; 1 it has a vapor pressure of
11@ mm=g. What is the normal oiling point of this liquid? 8R B >.61 -581G mol))
A) 4A6 1
B) 61A 1
!) 4@; 1
") 4;A 1
%) 4:1 1
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the vapor pressure at a given temperature. 8%7ample 11.4)
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' !lausius$!lapeyron equation
3&!' general chemistry
4:. )n a certain mountain range. water oils at A:C!. What is the atmospheric pressure under
these conditions? The enthalpy of vapori9ation of water at 1<<C! is :<.@ /-5mol.
8R B >.61 -581 G mol))
A) 1@?< mm=g
B) 64: mm=g
!) ?16 mm=g
") A:4 mm=g
%) 64A mm=g
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the vapor pressure at a given temperature. 8%7ample 11.4)
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' !lausius$!lapeyron equation
3&!' general chemistry
4;. *or a particular liquid. raising its temperature from 61A 1 to 66@ 1 causes its vapor pressure
to doule. What is the enthalpy of vapori9ation of this liquid? 8R B >.61 -581 G mol))
A) 6:.: /-5mol
B) 64< /-5mol
!) 4.<1 /-5mol
") 44> /-5mol
%) 1<: /-5mol
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the heat of vapori9ation from vapor pressure. 8%7ample 11.6)
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' !lausius$!lapeyron equation
3&!' general chemistry
4?. 1nowing that Hvap for water is :<.@ /-5mol. calculate Pvap of water at 6@C!.
A) ;4.@ torr
B) 4;.: torr
!) 1>.@ torr
") 14.: torr
%) ?.A< torr
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the heat of vapori9ation from vapor pressure. 8%7ample 11.6)
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' !lausius$!lapeyron equation
3&!' general chemistry
4@. What is the enthalpy of vapori9ation of a compound that has a vapor pressure of 161 mm=g
at 411 1 and 4.46 mm=g at 1@@ 1? 8R B >.61 -581G mol))
A) AA? /-5mol
B) 1.1; /-5mol
!) 6.61 /-5mol
") 6@.4 /-5mol
%) 6?> /-5mol
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.4
,B-' !alculate the heat of vapori9ation from vapor pressure. 8%7ample 11.6)
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' !lausius$!lapeyron equation
3&!' general chemistry
4>. )n the accompanying phase diagram. a liquid can e present at cominations of temperature
and pressure corresponding to points
A) A. !. H. and ".
B) A. !. ". and *.
!) A. B. !. and H.
") A and ! only.
%) H. !. ". and %.
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 3&!' general chemistry
4A. Which of the following statements concerning the accompanying phase diagram is false?
A) The solid is more dense than the liquid.
B) (oint ! is the critical point of the sustance.
!) (oint A is the triple point of the sustance.
") The normal oiling point is aove the triple point.
%) The curve A" divides the solid region from the gas region.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
6<. Hiven the accompanying phase diagram. under what conditions will liquid e found in
equilirium with either solid or gas?
A) Anywhere along curve AB.
B) Anywhere along curve A!.
!) Anywhere along curve A".
") Anywhere along curve AB and A!.
%) Anywhere along curve AB and A".
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
61. !hoose the correct statement aout the diagram elow.
A) The diagram shows the triple point aove 1 atm pressure.
B) The diagram is qualitatively correct for water.
!) The diagram shows that the melting point of the solid increases with increasing
") The diagram could represent the phase diagram of !,4.
%) #one of the aove statements is correct.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 3&!' general chemistry
64. *rom a consideration of the phase diagram elow. a change from point 3 to point #
corresponds to
A) sulimation.
B) liquefaction.
!) evaporation.
") condensation.
%) free9ing.
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 3&!' general chemistry
66. The triple point of iodine is at A< torr and 11;C!. This means that liquid )4
A) cannot have a vapor pressure less than A< torr.
B) is more dense than )48s).
!) cannot e7ist at 1 atmosphere pressure.
") cannot e7ist aove 11;C!.
%) can e7ist at pressure of 1< torr.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine triple point. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 3&!' general chemistry
6:. The critical point of !!l: is 4>6C! and :; atm pressure. Liquid !!l: has a vapor pressure of
1<.< atm at 1@>C!. Which of the following statements must e true?
A) Iapor and liquid can only e in equilirium at one temperatureJthe normal oiling
B) Liquid !!l: can e7ist at temperatures greater than 4>6C! if the pressure is greater
than :; atm.
!) Liquid and solid can only e in equilirium at one temperatureJthe free9ing point.
") The triple point of !!l: must e less than 1@>C!.
%) The normal oiling point of !!l: must e greater than 1@>C!.
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine triple point. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 0 triple point 3&!' general chemistry
6;. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
What is the name for point K on the diagram?
A) oiling point
B) normal oiling point
!) triple point
") melting point
%) critical point
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine triple point. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 0 triple point 3&!' general chemistry
6?. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
Which line represents the melting$point curve of the sustance?
A) +$K
B) &$K
!) K$L
") &$L
%) 3$#
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.6
,B-' "escrie the melting$point curve and the vapor$pressure curves 8for the liquid and
the solid) in a phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 0 melting$point curve 3&!' general chemistry
6@. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
Which line represents the vapor$pressure curve of the sustance?
A) &$L
B) K$L
!) &$K
") 3$#
%) +$K
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.6
,B-' "escrie the melting$point curve and the vapor$pressure curves 8for the liquid and
the solid) in a phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 0 vapor pressure curve 3&!' general
6>. )f the liquid of a pure sustance has a lower density than the solid. what is the effect on the
pressure$temperature phase diagram?
A) The vapor$pressure curve arches upward.
B) The normal melting point is aove room temperature.
!) The melting$point curve has a negative slope.
") The vapor$pressure curve arches downward.
%) The melting$point curve has a positive slope.
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.6
,B-' "escrie the melting$point curve and the vapor$pressure curves 8for the liquid and
the solid) in a phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1%2' phase diagram 0 melting$point curve 3&!' general chemistry
6A. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
What is the name for point L on the diagram?
A) normal oiling point.
B) critical point.
!) melting point.
") oiling point.
%) triple point.
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.6
,B-' "efine critical temperature and critical pressure.
T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 1%2' phase diagram
3&!' general chemistry
:<. Which e7planation est descries surface tension?
A) 3olecules at the surface of a liquid e7perience a net force towards the liquidMs
B) 3olecules at the edges of a liquid adhere to the surface of the liquidMs container.
!) 3olecules of a liquid tend to form a concave meniscus.
") 3olecules of a liquid tend to resist flow.
%) 3olecules of a liquid have a very low vapor pressure.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.:
,B-' "efine surface tension. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' properties of liquids 0 surface tension 3&!' general chemistry
:1. )f the diameter of a spherical water droplet is 1<<.< m. how much energy is required to
increase the diameter of the water droplet y 6.< m? The surface tension of water is
1.< 1<
A) 6.1 1<
B) 1.A 1<
!) 4.> 1<
") @.@ 1<
%) 6.6 1<
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.:
,B-' "efine surface tension. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' properties of liquids 0 surface tension 3&!' general chemistry
:4. Which is the est reason for why water in a glass capillary has a concave meniscus. while
mercury in a glass capillary has a conve7 meniscus?
A) 3ercury has a greater dispersion force than water.
B) The water is attracted more strongly to the glass than the mercury is attracted to the
!) The mercury is attracted more strongly to the glass than the water is attracted to the
") Water is a molecular compound while mercury is a metallic element.
%) Water has a greater dispersion force than mercury.
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.:
,B-' "escrie the phenomenon of capillary rise. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' properties of liquids 0 surface tension 3&!' general chemistry
:6. Which of the following forces is5are responsile for capillary action. a property of liquids?
1. attractive forces etween the liquid and the capillary material
4. surface tension of the liquid
6. viscosity of the liquid
A) 1
B) 4
!) 6
") 1 and 4
%) 1. 4. and 6
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.:
,B-' "escrie the phenomenon of capillary rise. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' properties of liquids 3&!' general chemistry
::. Which of the following concerning surface tension and viscosity is5are correct?
1. A molecule at the surface of a liquid e7periences a net attractive force toward
the interior of the liquid.
4. The surface tension of a liquid is unaffected y sustances dissolved in the
6. The viscosity of a liquid is determined in part y the strength of intermolecular
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
!) 6 only
") 1 and 4
%) 1 and 6
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.:
,B-' "escrie the phenomenon of capillary rise. T,(' phases 0 liquid
:;. The measure of the resistance to flow of a liquid is
A) London forces.
B) van der Waals forces.
!) viscosity.
") vapor pressure.
%) surface tension.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.:
,B-' "efine viscosity. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' properties of liquids 0 viscosity 3&!' general chemistry
:?. )n which of the following sustances are intermolecular forces of attraction asent?
A) =*8l)
B) !!l:8l)
!) #a!l8l)
") =4,8l)
%) #48l)
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' "efine London 8dispersion) forces. T,(' phases 0 liquid
:@. Which one of the following decreases as the strength of the attractive intermolecular forces
A) The normal oiling temperature.
B) The vapor pressure of a liquid.
!) The e7tent of deviations from the ideal gas law.
") The heat of vapori9ation.
%) The sulimation temperature of a solid.
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
:>. Which of the following compounds has the highest normal oiling point?
A) !=6!=4!=4!=6
B) !=6!l
!) !=6!=4,=
") !=6,!=6
%) !=6!=4!=6
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
:A. Which of the following compounds has the highest vapor pressure at 4;C!?
A) !=6!=4,=
B) !=6!=4!=4!=6
!) !=6,!=6
") !=6!=4!=6
%) !=6!=4!=4!l
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
;<. Which of the following pure sustances has the lowest normal oiling point?
A) =4&
B) #=6
!) =4,
") =4Te
%) =4&e
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
;1. 3ethane 8!=:) is ale to e liquefied at low temperatures due to which intermolecular
A) ionic onding
B) covalent onding
!) hydrogen onding
") dipoleEdipole
%) London dispersion
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
;4. Which compound has the lowest standard enthalpy of vapori9ation at 4;C!?
A) !?=1:
B) !>=1?
!) !;=14
") !>=1>
%) !@=1?
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces 0 London forces
3&!' general chemistry
;6. Which of the following indicates the e7istence of strong intermolecular forces of attraction
in a liquid?
A) a very low critical temperature
B) a very low oiling point
!) a very low vapor pressure
") a very low viscosity
%) a very low enthalpy of vapori9ation
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
;:. Which of the following compounds has the lowest normal oiling point?
A) !=6!=4!=4#=4
B) !=6!=4!=4*
!) !=6!=4!=4,=
") !=6!=4!,,=
%) !=6!=8,=)!=6
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
;;. Which of the following compounds is e7pected to have the lowest vapor pressure?
A) !=6,!=6
B) !=6!=4*
!) !=6!=4,=
") !=6!=4!=4!=6
%) !=6!=4!=6
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
;?. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest normal oiling point?
A) =)
B) =!l
!) =*
") =4&
%) =Br
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
;@. Why does hydrogen fluoride have an unusually high normal oiling point compared to the
other hydrogen halides?
A) The =$* ond in hydrogen fluoride is very strong.
B) =ydrogen fluoride has very strong London dispersion forces.
!) =ydrogen fluoride is capale of forming hydrogen onds.
") =ydrogen fluoride is ionic.
%) =ydrogen fluoride is covalent.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
;>. Which of the following pure sustances has the lowest vapor pressure at 4;C!?
A) &=6
B) #=6
!) (=6
") As=6
%) =4,
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
;A. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest vapor pressure at room temperature?
A) &i6=>
B) &i4=?
!) &i4!l?
") &i:=1<
%) &i=:
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces 0 London forces
3&!' general chemistry
?<. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest standard enthalpy of vapori9ation at
A) =4,
B) #=6
!) (=6
") As=6
%) &=6
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
?1. At 4;C!. the vapor pressure of diethyl ether. 8!=6!=4)4,. is higher than the vapor pressure
of its isomer n$utanol. !=6!=4!=4!=4,=. ecause
A) diethyl ether has a higher density than n$utanol.
B) diethyl ether has wea/er intermolecular forces than n$utanol.
!) diethyl ether has a lower critical temperature than n$utanol.
") diethyl ether has a higher surface tension than n$utanol.
%) diethyl ether has wea/er intramolecular forces than n$utanol.
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
?4. Which of the following pure sustances has an unusually high normal oiling point?
A) !=6,!=6
B) !=6&=
!) =!l
") !=6#=4
%) !=6!l
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
?6. +an/ the following molecules in order of increasing normal oiling point' !=6!=4,=.
!=6!=4!=4,=. !=6!=4,!=6.
A) lowest !=6!=4!=4,=. !=6!=4,!=6. !=6!=4,= highest.
B) lowest !=6!=4,=. !=6!=4,!=6. !=6!=4!=4,= highest.
!) lowest !=6!=4!=4,=. !=6!=4,=. !=6!=4,!=6 highest.
") lowest !=6!=4,!=6. !=6!=4,=. !=6!=4!=4,= highest.
%) lowest !=6!=4,!=6. !=6!=4!=4,=. !=6!=4,= highest.
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
?:. +an/ the following in order of increasing normal oiling point' #4. ,4. Br4. Ke.
A) #4 N ,4 N Ke N Br4
B) ,4 N #4 N Ke N Br4
!) Br4 N Ke N #4 N ,4
") #4 N ,4 N Br4 N Ke
%) Ke N Br4 N #4 N ,4
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
?;. Which of the following concerning intermolecular forces is5are correct?
1. )ntermolecular forces depend in part on the shape of a molecule.
4. London forces contriute to the net forces of attraction found in all molecular
solids and liquids.
6. =ydrogen onding is a special category of dipole$dipole attractions.
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
!) 6 only
") 1 and 4
%) 1. 4. and 6
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid
??. )n an e7periment. :<.< mmol of helium gas is collected over water. The total volume of gas
collected is <.44: L. Onder similar conditions. the gas is collected over two other liquids. A
and B. The total volume of gas collected over A and B are <.444 L and <.44@ L. respectively.
Which of the following statements is false?
A) Liquid B oils at a higher temperature than water
B) Liquid A oils at a higher temperature than water
!) The vapor pressure of B is higher than that of A
") The vapor pressure of B is higher than that of water
%) Liquid A oils at a temperature higher than B
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.;
,B-' +elate the properties of liquids to the intermolecular forces involved.
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
?@. When two water molecule form a hydrogen ond. which atoms are involved in the
A) Two hydrogens from one molecule and one hydrogen from the other molecule
B) An o7ygen from one molecule and an o7ygen from the other molecule
!) Two hydrogens from one molecule and one o7ygen from the other molecule
") A hydrogen from one molecule and a hydrogen from the other molecule
%) A hydrogen from one molecule and an o7ygen from the other molecule
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' "efine hydrogen onding. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
?>. What is the ma7imum numer of hydrogen onds in which a water molecule could
A) 4
B) :
!) 6
") ?
%) ;
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' "efine hydrogen onding. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
?A. Which pure sustance e7hiits hydrogen onding?
A) =#*4
B) B4=?
!) =Br
") =4&
%) !a=4
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' "efine hydrogen onding. T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
@<. Which of the following sustances has the wea/est intermolecular forces?
A) )4
B) !>=1>
!) &i=:
") !=6!=4!=4!=4,=
%) &!l6
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
@1. Which of the following est descries caron dio7ide 8!,4) at room temperature and
A) ionic solid
B) nonpolar molecular gas
!) metallic solid
") polar molecular gas
%) covalent networ/ solid
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 gas 3&!' general chemistry
@4. Which of the following pure sustances may e7hiit hydrogen onding?
A) !=6!l
B) !=6,!=6
!) =4!,
") #8!=6)6
%) =4##=4
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 liquid
1%2' intermolecular forces 0 hydrogen onding 3&!' general chemistry
@6. The strongest intermolecular forces present in a sample of pure )4 are
A) London forces.
B) dipoleEdipole forces.
!) metallic onds.
") covalent networ/ onds.
%) covalent onds.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces 0 London forces
3&!' general chemistry
@:. The strongest intermolecular forces etween molecules of (=6 are
A) hydrogen onds.
B) covalent onds.
!) ionic onds.
") London forces.
%) dipoleEdipole attractions.
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
@;. The molecules in a sample of solid &,4 are attracted to each other y a comination of
A) =$onding and ionic onding.
B) covalent onding and dipole$dipole interactions.
!) London forces and =$onding.
") London forces and dipole$dipole interactions.
%) none of these
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
@?. Which of the following est descries silane 8&i=:) at room temperature and pressure?
A) ionic solid
B) covalent networ/ solid
!) nonpolar molecular gas
") polar molecular gas
%) metallic solid
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 gas 3&!' general chemistry
@@. Which of the following is the strongest intermolecular force present in dry ice. !,48s)?
A) covalent onding
B) hydrogen onding
!) ionic onding
") London forces
%) metallic onding
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.;
,B-' )dentify the intermolecular forces in a sustance. 8%7ample 11.;)
T,(' phases 0 liquid 1%2' intermolecular forces
3&!' general chemistry
@>. A solid has a very high melting point. is hard. and in the molten state is a non$conductor.
The solid is most li/ely
A) a covalent networ/ solid.
B) a metallic solid.
!) an amorphous solid.
") a molecular solid.
%) an ionic solid.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' "efine molecular solid. metallic solid. ionic solid. and covalent networ/ solid.
T,(' phases 0 solid
@A. Ian der Waals forces must e ro/en to melt this type of solid.
A) A covalent networ/ solid.
B) A metallic solid.
!) A molecular solid.
") An ionic solid.
%) none of the aove
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' "efine molecular solid. metallic solid. ionic solid. and covalent networ/ solid.
T,(' phases 0 solid
><. Which sustance can e descried as cations onded together y moile electrons?
A) &>8s)
B) Ag8s)
!) =!l8l)
") 1!l8s)
%) 1r8l)
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' "efine molecular solid. metallic solid. ionic solid. and covalent networ/ solid.
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' classification of solids
3&!' general chemistry
>1. Which of the following est descries calcium hydride 8!a=4) at room temperature and
A) nonpolar molecular gas
B) metallic solid
!) ionic solid
") polar molecular gas
%) covalent networ/ solid
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.?
,B-' )dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry
>4. Which of the following is not a covalent networ/ solid?
A) diamond
B) silicon caride
!) quart9
") iron
%) graphite
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' )dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry
>6. Which of the following is a molecular solid?
A) #a!l
B) !=:
!) &i,4
") !8graphite)
%) !8diamond)
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' )dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry
>:. Which of the following is an ionic solid?
A) &i,48s)
B) #e8s)
!) #a8s)
") !s*8s)
%) !,48s)
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' )dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry
>;. Which onding interaction est descries the strongest intermolecular forces in Al=6?
A) dipoleEdipole forces
B) metallic onding
!) ionic onding
") London dispersion forces
%) primarily hydrogen onding
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.?
,B-' )dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid
3&!' general chemistry
>?. Which of the following is a molecular solid?
A) carorundum. &i!
B) quart9
!) glass
") hydrogen chloride
%) potassium
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' )dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry
>@. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest normal melting point?
A) 1*
B) 1)
!) #a*
") #a!l
%) #a)
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry
>>. Which of the following pure sustances has the lowest melting point?
A) Li*
B) +*
!) !s*
") 1*
%) #a*
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry
>A. Which of the following pure sustances has the lowest melting point?
A) !s4,
B) !s!l
!) !sBr
") !s)
%) !s*
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry
A<. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest melting point?
A) !!l:
B) Al!l6
!) #!l6
") Li!l
%) 3g!l4
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry
A1. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest melting point?
A) 1Br
B) #a!l
!) #a*
") !s)
%) Li*
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry
A4. A low melting solid readily dissolves in water to give a nonconducting solution. The solid is
most li/ely a
A) molecular solid.
B) ionic solid.
!) covalent networ/ solid.
") wea/ ase.
%) metallic solid.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid
A6. Which of the following pure sustances is a solid at room temperature and pressure?
A) #=6
B) (=6
!) &i=:
") !=:
%) Al=6
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' "etermine relative melting points ased on types of solids. 8%7ample 11.>)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point
3&!' general chemistry
A:. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest normal melting point?
A) #,4
B) &i,4
!) !,4
") (:,1<
%) #4,;
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' "etermine relative melting points ased on types of solids. 8%7ample 11.>)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point
3&!' general chemistry
A;. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest normal melting point?
A) (:,1<
B) (:,?
!) !,4
") !a,
%) #a4,
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.?
,B-' "etermine relative melting points ased on types of solids. 8%7ample 11.>)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' properties of solids 0 melting point
3&!' general chemistry
A?. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest normal oiling point?
A) =4,
B) !*:
!) !s*
") !a*4
%) 1*
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.?
,B-' "etermine relative melting points ased on types of solids. 8%7ample 11.>)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' properties of solids
3&!' general chemistry
A@. A certain solid sustance that is very hard. has a high melting point. and is nonconducting
unless melted is most li/ely to e'
A) !,4
B) )4
!) =4,
") #a!l
%) !u
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the hardness and electrical conductivity of a solid to its structure.
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' properties of solids
3&!' general chemistry
A>. A solid crystal of #a!l is
A) soft. low melting. a poor electrical conductor.
B) soft. low melting. a good electrical conductor.
!) hard. high melting. a good electrical conductor.
") hard. high melting. a poor electrical conductor.
%) soft. high melting. a poor electrical conductor.
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.?
,B-' +elate the hardness and electrical conductivity of a solid to its structure.
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' properties of solids
3&!' general chemistry
AA. Which of the following concerning the 4$" lattice provided elow is5are correct?
1. ,ne possile unit cell contains a single and a single .
4. 3ore than one unit cell which reproduces this lattice is possile.
6. ,ne possile unit cell contains four Ps and four Ps.
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
!) 6 only
") 1 and 4
%) 1. 4. and 6
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.@
,B-' "efine crystal lattice and unit cell of a crystal lattice. T,(' phases 0 solid
1<<. *or a given pure metal which of the following cuic unit cells would result in the highest
metal density?
A) )t depends on the identity of the metal.
B) The density would e identical for all these cells if the edge length of each cell
were the same.
!) A face$centered cuic cell.
") A simple cuic cell.
%) A ody$centered cuic cell.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.@
,B-' "efine simple cuic unit cell. ody$centered cuic unit cell. and face$centered cuic
unit cell. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' crystalline solids 0 cuic unit cell 3&!' general chemistry
1<1. )n any cuic lattice an atom lying at the corner of a unit cell is shared equally y how many
unit cells?
A) 1
B) 1?
!) 4
") :
%) >
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.@
,B-' "efine simple cuic unit cell. ody$centered cuic unit cell. and face$centered cuic
unit cell. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' crystalline solids 0 cuic unit cell 3&!' general chemistry
1<4. The space$filling representation of a crystalline polonium provided elow is an e7ample of a
QQQQQ unit cell. which contains the equivalent of QQQQQ atom8s) within a single unit cell.
A) simple cuic. 1 atom
B) ody centered cuic. 4 atoms
!) face centered cuic. : atoms
") simple cuic. > atoms
%) ody centered cuic. 6 atoms
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.@
,B-' "efine simple cuic unit cell. ody$centered cuic unit cell. and face$centered cuic
unit cell. T,(' phases 0 solid
1<6. The unit cell in a certain lattice consists of a cue formed y an anion at each corner. an
anion in the center. and a cation at the center of each face. The unit cell contains a net'
A) 4 anions and 6 cations.
B) 4 anions and 4 cations.
!) ; anions and 6 cations.
") 6 anions and : cations.
%) ; anions and ? cations.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.@
,B-' "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.A)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' crystalline solids 0 cuic unit cell
3&!' general chemistry
1<:. =ow many atoms are there in a cuic close$pac/ed unit cell of aluminum?
A) :
B) ?
!) 1
") >
%) 4
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.>
,B-' "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.A)
T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1<;. =ow many atoms are there in a ody$centered cuic unit cell of vanadium?
A) :
B) >
!) ?
") 4
%) 1
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.@
,B-' "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.A)
T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1<?. A metal crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic lattice. The radius of the atom is 1A? pm and
the density of the element is 1.;; g5cm
. =ow many atoms are there per unit cell?
A) :
B) ?
!) >
") 1
%) 4
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.@
,B-' "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.A)
T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1<@. Which one of the following statements aout solid !u 8face$centered cuic unit cell) is
A) )t will conduct electricity.
B) The length of a face diagonal is four times the !u radius.
!) The numer of atoms surrounding each !u atom is 14.
") The solid has a cuic closest$pac/ed structure.
%) There are two atoms per unit cell.
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.>
,B-' #ote the common structures 8face$centered cuic and ody$centered cuic) of
metallic solids. T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1<>. Lithium chloride crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic structure. The unit cell length is
;.1: 1<
cm. The chloride ions are touching each other along the face diagonal of the unit
cell. The lithium ions fit into the holes etween the chloride ions. =ow many chloride ions
are there in this unit cell?
A) :
B) 6
!) 1
") >
%) 4
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.>
,B-' "escrie the three types of cuic structures of ionic solids.
T,(' phases 0 solid
1%2' structures of crystalline solids 0 ionic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1<A. Assuming the following metals all have the same unit cell structure. which of the following
would e e7pected to have the highest density' &c. Ti. 3n. or !o?
A) 3n
B) Ti
!) !o
") &c
%) cannot e determined from the information given.
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1<)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
11<. The metal palladium crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic lattice with an edge length of
6>>.> pm. What is the density of palladium?
A) <.@;4 g5cm
B) 6.<1 g5cm
!) 1.;< g5cm
") ?.<1 g5cm
%) 14.< g5cm
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1<)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
111. The metal gold. with an atomic radius of 1::.4 pm. crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic
lattice. What is the density of gold?
A) A.?; g5cm
B) 1.41 g5cm
!) :.>4 g5cm
") 4.:1 g5cm
%) 1A.6 g5cm
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1<)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
114. A metal crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic lattice. The radius of the atom is 1A> pm and
the density of the element is ?.;@ g5cm
. What is the identity of the metal?
A) !u
B) !a
!) &r
") #i
%) 2
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1<)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' structures of crystalline solids
3&!' general chemistry
116. !alcium crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic lattice. The density of the element is 1.;;
. What is the volume of a single unit cell?
1.@4 1<
:.16 1<
1.<@ 1<
:.4A 1<
1.<6 1<
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1<)
T,(' phases 0 solid
11:. 2tterium crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic lattice. The radius of ytterium is 1A> pm.
What is the edge length of the unit cell?
A) ;?< pm
B) 6A? pm
!) @A4 pm
") :4< pm
%) 1A> pm
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension given radius and unit cell. T,(' phases 0 solid
11;. Lithium chloride crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic structure. The unit cell length is
;.1: 1<
cm. The chloride ions are touching each other along the face diagonal of the unit
cell. The lithium ions fit into the holes etween the chloride ions. What is the mass of Li!l
in a unit cell?
A) ;.?6 1<
B) 1.:1 1<
!) :.44 1<
") @.<: 1<
%) 4.>4 1<
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1<)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
11?. Lithium chloride crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic structure. The unit cell length is
;.1: 1<
cm. The chloride ions are touching each other along the face diagonal of the unit
cell. The lithium ions fit into the holes etween the chloride ions. What is the density of the
lithium chloride?
A) <.;4< g5cm
B) 4.>4 g5cm
!) 4.<> g5cm
") 6.11 g5cm
%) 6.@> g5cm
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1<)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
11@. The metal iron crystalli9es in a ody$centered cuic lattice. )f the density of iron is
@.>@ g5cm
. what is the unit cell edge length?
A) 4>@ pm
B) @@.? pm
!) @;.< pm
") ?1.? pm
%) 44> pm
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
11>. The metal arium crystalli9es in a ody$centered cuic lattice. )f the radius of arium is
444 pm. what is the unit cell edge length?
A) ;16 pm
B) ::: pm
!) 4A? pm
") 444 pm
%) A?.1 pm
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid
11A. The metal cesium crystalli9es in a ody$centered cuic lattice. )f the density of cesium is
1.>> g5cm
. what is the unit cell volume?
A) 1.@@ 1<
B) 4.6; 1<
!) 4.6; 1<
") 1.1@ 1<
%) :.@< 1<
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' moderate +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
14<. &odium crystalli9es in the ody$centered cuic system. )f the edge of the unit cell is :6< pm.
what is the radius of a sodium atom in picometers?
A) 1>? pm
B) @:: pm
!) AA4 pm
") >;A pm
%) ><.; pm
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and edge$length. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid
141. !opper crystalli9es with a face$centered cuic unit cell. )f the edge length of the unit cell is
6?4 pm. what is the radius of a copper atom in picometers?
A) 14> pm
B) ;14 pm
!) 1<4< pm
") 4A? pm
%) :;.6 pm
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and edge$length. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid
144. What is the simplest formula of the compound represented y the unit cell provided elow?
A) AB6
B) AB4
!) AB
") A4B:
%) A4B?
A#&' A (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.A)
T,(' phases 0 solid
146. A metal crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic lattice. The radius of the atom is 14; pm and
the density of the element is >.A1 g5cm
. What is the volume of the unit cell?
A) >.1> 1<
B) 1.14 1<
!) :.:4 1<
") 1.A; 1<
%) 6.4@ 1<
A#&' ! (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
14:. A metal crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic lattice. The radius of the atom is 41: pm and
the density of the element is 4.?6 g5cm
. What is the molar volume of the metal?
A) A>.A cm
B) 4:.@ cm
!) >?.? cm
") 66.: cm
%) <.6>< cm
A#&' " (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
14;. The metal cesium crystalli9es in a ody$centered cuic lattice. )f the density of cesium is
1.>> g5cm
. what is the atomic volume of cesium?
A) 1.?< 1<
B) @.AA 1<
!) 6.AA 1<
") ?.<1 1<
%) @.A> 1<
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
14?. The metal arium crystalli9es in a ody$centered cuic lattice. )f the density of arium is
6.;1 g5cm
. what is the atomic radius of arium?
A) 1;.1 pm
B) 1@: pm
!) :4.; pm
") 1A.< pm
%) 41A pm
A#&' % (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
14@. Lithium chloride crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic structure. The unit cell length is
;.1: 1<
cm. The chloride ions are touching each other along the face diagonal of the unit
cell. The lithium ions fit into the holes etween the chloride ions. What is the radius of the
chloride ion?
A) 4.;4 1<
B) 1.>4 1<
!) 4.;? 1<
") 1.:; 1<
%) 4.>4 1<
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' difficult +%*' 11.A
,B-' !alculate unit$cell dimension from unit$cell type and density. 8%7ample 11.11)
T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' calculations with unit cell dimensions
3&!' general chemistry
14>. Which of the following statements concerning the determination of crystal structure y 7$
ray diffraction is incorrect?
A) K$rays are reflected from the repeating planes of an ordered crystal lattice.
B) A diffraction pattern reveals the locations of the electrons in a crystal.
!) Analysis of a diffraction pattern reveals the structure of a crystal.
") K$rays undergo constructive and destructive interference upon reflection in a
crystal lattice.
%) A diffraction pattern from a crystal depends on the incident angle of the 7$rays.
A#&' B (T&' 1 ")*' easy +%*' 11.1<
,B-' #ote that diffraction of 7 rays from a crystal gives information aout the positions of
atoms in the crystal. T,(' phases 0 solid 1%2' 7$ray diffraction
3&!' general chemistry

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