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as much

one it unto one of; t|tie: least of these*
H B- I S. T t' ^ S ION
GoMUa"821) Antofegasta * Chile
feetings Chris^an^i?igr^t
^ ^ Tons of toail an^ ^pacjcages are stacked up
*xt)it%3iti|c3ic ^ will take another month for the mails
P C _ tp ariye, normally. Be patient with uswe will
P GO * YE C , try to answer as qu^^ as we receive your
,'P'.- ^ "CL -1 '
vP V *. -r -Q: : ' SPIRITUAt/-GROWTH ' ' '
- : " : THE: WORK OP THE CHURCH. BrothersV ^ilberto
Tapier'HeriberteHBalbontinv Humberto^Lpner'^id^Ri^ebeiW'Gomez -are
-grbwlhg li^pidly In the faith.*^^ ; r: - : ' . ; .
We urge them to consider preaching the gbspel of.Christ to friends
and neighbors. Heriberto is already doing-an eiceilent jpb^ He is
teaching and evangelizing. The others are-progressing rapidly--All
pray in public worship, and as we visit the sick.
Pray the day will come when we can-rotate in the preaching services.
Then the work will begin to walk?and*later to riifa as God intends.
,Pray that we all.abide in His willi To G6d be the Glory] He truly
blesses-usil: . "
Three families.) husband and wifei-hre in church regularly* It really
looks good to us.
We are teaching that God wants: Cfciristian homes.. .To kisve we
. ^jpaust have'husbandj wife .and childi^eh) all Christies together.
I Just stopped to talk to Her^na illiciade Tapia,'bur Bible S6hobl
Teacher. She wants us to pray for neighbor. He is in jail for fight-
- ing. We will vislt/'hi'm and invite him to.^ Church. Pray God to change
himJinto a Christian, if it be his-wili* Pray with us. , ; ?.
: ^ ;' : " : TYP^ ifeiT^ .
We have $80.00 which* was' given to purchase a type writer--Thanks to
& Mrs. Leonard Lutz, we have k typewriter in Chile4 It is still
in Osorno with A1 and Mary Gonzeles. We'll have it soon*
Polks, with your perijiission we will use your monev to purchase a,
washer. Nita has been using a Chilean model quite common here, a tub,
a board, and a brush. With $125. more we can buy a servicabl.e .washing
machine. I've tried the old Chilean washer, it gets to .be hard work
after the first few pieces. What about it, ladies. ' ,
Growing pains
We doubled our seating capacity just before Wes left June 7th. On
July 9th it was full and overflowing. We are planing to increase our
space again. The Lord presents us i^th new opportunities to service.
We give thanks to Him}
THE TREND TOWARD COMMUNISM IN CHILE is the fruit of an all consuming
la not pleased with what I hear from the Chilean. He tells me
that, a primary cause, if not primary one, forcing the choice of
Communism, la the ecclbsiasticism exproted from Rome. He is willing to
^ke his chances with Communism, which he dosen't know. He- reckons it -
to be the lesser of two evils. One posing as Godly; the other promis
ing a "Brotherhood of men", with all equal. Is there a message here
for the USA?
Rigeberto Gomez was baptised into Christ June 29th. This is -the 3rd
in one family. On Tuesday he came to me and said, "Your visit last
Sunday night was enough, I want to be baptised Thursday."
What happended? I take Communion to the sick. His wife and daughter
were illWe read scriptures and had prayer. I prepared Comnunion
His wife asked, "Can Gomez have Commxmion"?
"Yes", I said, "but Jesus gave this serviCq to obedient believers,
and those who drink of the Cup & eat the B^ea^d, not discerning the
Lord's body, drink damnation to themselves. Only those obedient to
Christ's commands can scriptually eat and drink".
Two Sundays later He and Bro. Luna asked if they could go with me to
take Communion to Sister Pilar, who was hit recently by a Taxi. She
is recovering rapidly.
"bis Convinced me, "Actions do speak louder than vnrds." Also It
po:ir;ts our hov7 carefully one must be as "V/e walk th-? King, "
Margarita and Francis are teen agers in the Goncs They are
buih au^aying. Pray that soon they will accept the oaviour,
havinc', nn older daughter, has moved north to Vic-coria, some 100
mics. We encouraged her to continue her worship and the Lord*s Supper.
, her, and if it be in the will of God another congregation
can be starced. Pray with us for her perserverance in the faith.
The last week in June, this Native Chilean Evangelist came up from
Santiago to work with us. His,messages were well prepared' and ably
presented. ^
baptised. We made teaching visits, and new contacts
xn 3 new Poblaciones, (urban areas).
Roberto says, we "have the best singing in Chile and that the Christ
ians here are well grownded in the faith.
We say, "To God be the glory, we konw so little of the language and
customs of the Chilean." Only God changes things, especially people
4-u ? ? adults and 5 teenagers studying the scriptures. Pray for
their personal acceptance of Christ as their Saviour. Luisa and' Ruby,
oisters5 Francis and Margarita, brother.and sister; Soledad Tapia,
daughter of the Topias, our first Christian Couple. All are teenagers.
Senora Inez; Senora Tomasa; Senora Nicole and Two adult sisters,
lately moved near us.
Northern Chile will be represented bv a display at Dodge CiW, Sept.
25-29. Be sure to attend.
i?" be used to purchase Bibles, New Testaments, Scripture Portions
help worthy Christians prepare for a greater and
more -effective witness for Christ and His Church. Please share your
-bl^-3-ingS'Vith olhers whcr-h-a-ve'^g-ltttre..
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Sim Massingale
Rt. 1
Meridian, Miss. 39301
Yours in Christ
The Beasleys
:nx.yr . .
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MISS. 39092
AUG16-. '
1957 J
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of . b tO ei;-' -
oj' .yxTi hlt;n:
Mr- Bill McGilvrey
Misslnn Services .
Box 968
Joliet, 111 60^+3^+
;:r. ixrbab'c ovT
-1 'lo^etS oi uolnbfijQ'.'.
"In as much as ye have done-itihhto one of the least'Of these.o"
* H. Beasley Casilla baf Ahtofagasta, Chile
* Nov. iQijn
P. * C Greetings ChristIan Friends,
)|c . ]^Q thank God for you "wonderful people who
P * C remember the work here with your prayers and
P GO * YE C dedicated money. You share with us in the
P * C victories for Christ and His church.
P * C
^We now have thirteen baptized belivers. All baptized since our
arriipal* TheiF names follow in the orcTer in which they "Were .baptized
Peleza de Luna; Alicia de Tapia; Gilberto Tapia; Ofelia de Gomez;
Heriberto Balbantin; Pilar Araya; Haydee Lucero; Humberto Luna; ,
Rigeberto Gomez; Luisa Fuenzalida; Margarita. Gomez; Maria de Gomez;
Soledad Tapia.
Of this group, I baptized 12. Brother Gomez baptized 1.': God s
power unto salvation has been responsible for each one. Pray'..with us,
that God's Spirit shall sustain them in the faith.
They have trials you don't have in the USA. Thank God there is no
dominant religious denomination in.power in North Amerian. Help keep
it that way. Work for Christ and His church. Pray God to allow
America to continue as the land of the free and the home of the brave.
God was good to us in Oct. One of our teenagers and a '^-oung mother
were baptized into Christ for remission of sin. ^^rs Maria Gomez, re
lated by marriage to the Gomez family, accepted Christ and was,buried
with Him. Soldead Tapia, Daughter of the Tapia. family, first couple in
the new congregation in IPoblacion Part B, confessed her faith and was
buried with Christ in Baptism to arise to walk in the new life. Pray
especially for these babes in Christ. ^
Bro. Gomez' heart condition is better due to the enforced rest at
the Dr. orders. Without work he has no income to care for his family.
$120. monthly will supply their need since they have their own home.
Designate a Gomez gift. Bro. Gomez had told me, ere the Dr. orders
to stop work, ti'at he wanted to preach the gospel of Christ. Now he
has the time to do it but lacks finances to live. Could some church
set aside $120. monthly for a Chilean minister? Will you do it?
The family is growing in the faith. They bring others to church with
them. Pray for them, help them.
Thank you who sent Charts. I have translated several. I have
Walter Spratt's chart on "New Testament Inspiration". We have spent
many hours ghanging it into the local idiom. If you have a chart you
using successfully, send it to us. V/e want to get enough material
ready to leave here when we come home on forlough in 1969#
A place to live so the Children can be in school. Transportation,
an^automobile for travel in visiting the churches and a vihicle for
Nita to drive while I'm gone and the children in school. V/e don't
want them new. Travel fund of $1000. for trip fare. A friend writes
they have a bank on their table for loose change. It is labled Bring
the Beaslevs Home. It is an idea some of you might use. Above all
pray that God supnly our need according to His riches in Glory. Des
ignate it, Trairel fund, or it gose into general funds.
We have received for 1967 Jan. $k51*005 Feb. $310*50I Mar. $399*50
April $lf08.36s May $271#00; June $293*00; July $39928; Aug. $390.70;
Sept. $^l6o57; Oct. $357a7; An average of $369.71 for the first 10
months. We thank each onewho helped. We remember you in our prayers
regularly and daily.
V/e are praying that some of our supporters will increase their gift
to Chilean Christian Mission. We need churches to put t'-^e work here in
their regular mission budget. Remember Chilean Christian Mission, and
us in your Prayees, and your monies. We lack $230. per month to reach
ur goal of $600. monthly. The need was so urgent here we left the
states before we had this amount promised. Friends, we just do without
things like chairs, beds, refrigerators, washers, etc.
Magarlta and Maria have been staying with us while Mr. & Mrs. omez
went out of town to see a Doctor about his heart trouble. It will be
two weeks Saturday.
Doctors proscribed a set of corrective shoes for Soledad Tapla.
She has a deformed foot. I wish we could bring her to the states.
Surely there is a Doctor who could do something to correct her problem.
It appears to me that, instead of helping, these shoes have done ad -
ditional damage. Put her on your list for intercessory pray.
Four to six additional people eat meals at our house practically
each time we sit down to the table. Nita sets the table for those
present and then fixes ah e^tra place just in case. Most of the time
it is needed.
I trust it happens, that you-rsQember us in your* prayers, to our .'
Saviour. We may be a continent away, but we are as near as a wispered
In the King's business.
Forwarding Agent The Beasley's
Mrs. Sim Massengale Casilla 812
Rt, 1 Antofagasta, Chile
Meridian, Miss. 39301
MRS. H. vv. UiAo
lake, miss. 39092
- , ^ k
'.k .V- t
"In as much as ye have done it nnto one of the least of these.;.
* C K I L E A. N C H E T S T._I_A N -M X S vS. IiO_ N.
* H. Beasley
p Q
P * c
:(C3|e>ic9ie^9t(^ * sjcjlc+ sle^sle*
;Cas.lila Antox'agasta, Chile
Dec. 1967
Greetings Christian Friends,
We pray God's richest blessings-upon you
C this Christmas." In .fetrospect we see how
C grateful we, must be to: God and to you worker-
0 ful people, who through your fervent. PHA'^RS;.
C and dedicated monies, have a share in the work.
of Christ- in Northern Chile. You are as'much
a part, of the'work as we. We are hurnah instruments in the mighty hand
of Hod. To-Him ba the' honor and. the glory. _ypu^lriends are sharing
13 precious converts^ to Christ. Please; continue to^ Pray and shpro
monies for Chilean Christian Missions., PRAY for the Christians here
that they abide faithful. , * '
comments from tfie field
Roberto Perez says,...the work in Ahtofagasta exceeds the efforts of
any other North Americans. , .the Christia^ns have a most .excellent .found
ation in the. New Testament gospel... Alta Tanner, siays, we have the
best music of any of the Chilean churches. ^
' Jim Mick teHsiUs, we have the most vitally interestedvgroup of any
to whom he has taught -his class in Survey of the ^Bible.. .Gale Smith
says...Antofagasta is the fastest growing church in Chile... "
"Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory". Isn't God Wonderful?
Bro. Gomez, forced to quit work due to.bad heart, feels compelled
to preach the gospel of Christ. He has preached for Carl Paschal
four different services. $150.00 monthly would put this, mn in the
field, full time for our Lord and His- church^ Let God, lay this on your
heart... , - .
"I do not have the contributors of August-through December. These-
will be listed at a later date. Please forgive us if your name' is not
here. We do make mistakes in copying. They are not deliberate.
Englewoodi. Christian Indianapolis Howard'George
West Side Christian, Springfield Sharon Christian, West Palm Beach
Jrs. I of Park Plz. Joplin
Walter Jones
Woodard Pond Church of Christ
Mrs. W.O, Comer? Jeafi Comer
John iComer - " '
Noble Cary
Fidelis Cls, Calvary Chr.
M/M Wilber Wright? Minnie Ramer
Comrade Class of Selmer Chr.
Loyal .W^ Cls. Selmer
First Christian of Selmer
AntlOv-ih Caristian Church
Terry Underwood"? Alvin Moss
Ladies Council of Newton
Billy Mabry? Mattie Ruth Evans
J.F. Regis? Harpers Road Chr.
C. R. Harris? M/M Gresset Beeraan
C.E. Wall? Helen Shearron
Mrs. Alberta Davis & Elward
M/M J.C. Wall? Stella Sant
M/M. Sim Massingale? Glenn Wall
G.F. Wilson? Grady Brown
Angie McGrew? M/M Benny Sibley
M/M G. Pace? E.A. Copeland
M/M James Haughton? Houston Ch.
Mrs. Sellers Class Harper Road
Linda Fain Rumhaugh? Olivet Chr.
Shell Point Chr.? M/M M. Sparks
Bethel Chr.? Wmn. Christian Flwship
James Allen? Pearl E. Wyatt .
Otwell Chr.? Weiner. Chr.
M/M Joe Wilkins?.M/M Harold Hall
M/M Robert Huber *
Mrs. E.M. Watts?Mrs. R.L. Behton
Church of Christ, South Gardens
Young Peoples Class, Leiand Chr.
Willing Workers of Grant Park
Wmns. Missionary Cncl. I.eland
Edna B. Shepard? M/M J^R. Gordon
Wmns. Missionary Concl. Austell
Morn. Missionary Concl. Eve.
Missionary Concl. South Garden
Mississippi Cont.
M/M R.D. Davis? Lewis Wilson
Mrs. F.C. McCrary? Mrs. O.F. Sant
Hickory Flat Christian Church
Beginner's Class Antioch Chr.
Young Adults Cls at Antioch
Martha L. Stewart? Blynn Byas
M/M Tc. M/ Ha.rrison; Nev/ton Chr. Ch-.
Adult Class Harper Road Ch.
Primary Class of Antioch Chr. Ch.
We have received heifcp from Churches; 18 Church groups; aiid ^8 in
dividuals. Our smallest indlvigual gift is .50 monthly. The largest
is $^.00 monthly. 135.00 monthly is the largest from, a church or
iroup, $11.00 the smallest. We have tried to use each penny wisely.
rMy with us for increased support.
Plane fare $1,000.00 for family. We want, to be home for Christmas
i969i We will need a place to stay. Transportation for one on the
road*5 and one at home while the children are in sdhool.
We are working to make Institute Biblico. a reality/in. 196.9 Pray
that we do God*s will. I am concentrating on'translations :of study^
have used the material and obtained good results let us .translate it
to Spanish. . ^,
Soledad has a leg and foot which need's corrective surgery^ Her .
iparents do as trest they can, bUt this is not enough. We want to
bring Soldad "home with us. We believe something can be found to help
If not to correct this foot and leg. Gould some' of you men who have
traveled as I have try to "lend your, did? . She and her Dadd.y are vmem-
bers of thetChurch. Her mother was the-second person baptised, and is
how our Bible School-Teacher. Put this on your PRAYER LIST. Please.
The Devil Dancers of OrurUj. Bolivia presented several shows in
' Antofagasta. They have sirailiah groups there in-Chile. I hear': their
Drums in Antofagasta^. They dance at thd;great fiestas each-year in
adoration of the. Virgen. I-confess my lack of knowledge of the
Catholic church in North America. But here she not only permits these
Devil Dances, but apparently cpndones such deeds. I can better under
stand why God is calling His people out of her. One of our men admits
ITe^sebrto worshTp tne "Vlrgeh. He was tTatholic. ^^ , ^
We used your thpewriter funds to buy a refrigerator. We don*t.
have to ^o down town every day for perishables any more. Thanks to
you and Thanks to God.
Mrs. Sim .Massengale
Rt. 1 .
Meridian, Miss. 39301
HBimb .
In the King's business
The Beasieys
Gasilia 821 .
Antofagasta, Chile

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