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This video talks about Syiah and the 12 Imams.

It visits the usual Syiah believers antics like their

worship and belief of someday their 12
Imam would come out from a place. It is believed the Imam
suddenly disappears in 226H in a tunnel called Surra Marraah. Believed to be situated in Iraq or maybe
Iran. Every Friday evening they would go to the tunnel and called out the imam to come out. They praise
their imams to the extend they can impose Syirik on Allah SWT. One famous Syiah imam in this world is
Imam Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran Revolution leader. Famous in the 80s, considered as an Islamic icon by
most Malaysian. Syiah was seen not a dangerous belief until the mass murder of Muslims in Syria. The
ustaz in the video recalls an encounter with a famous ulama in Syria that warns them of the danger of
Syiah and the possibility of Malaysia getting the same fate as Syria if Syiah is allowed to enter Malaysia.
Few months ago, Dr. Yusuf Qharadhawi, leader of the global ulama union announces the enemy of
Islamic ummah today besides the Jews and Israel, there is also Russia, China and Iran. The reasoning of
why Iran is included is because the support of the country in sending ammunitions to Syria to help
Basyar al- Assad in continuing the massacre of Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah there. Imam Khomeini said
sahaba of Rasulullah only cares about the world,position, doesnt care about al-Quran and Islam. He also
said the sahaba used al-Quran as a tool to accomplish dirty goals. Imam Khomeini also said the Jews
attributes is also in the heart of the sahaba. Syiah principle is to remember and knows the 12 Imams to
complete Iman. While we have 6 Iman principles, they have 7 to 8 Iman principles. One of the principles
they hold onto is that being loyal to the Imams is compulsory as it is to being loyal to the Rasul. The 12
Imams have the power to make something Halal or Haram as they wish. The Imams are Maksum as all of
the Anbiyaa. Whoever believes in the Imams, they are guaranteed to be accepted in Heaven even
though theyre Fasiq. Syiah believes that the position of the Imams are higher than all of mankind
including the prophets. The 12 Imams have the knowledge of the past and the future. It is also believed
that every night when it is Lailatul Qadr, they would receive a kitab. Syiah believers believes that every
Friday night, the Imams will go up to the Miraj and death is in the power of the Imams, Akhirat and the
world is also theirs. From the previous points only, we can be sure this is totally Syirik to Allah SWT.
Ustaz Nazmi Karim stresses that the problem with Syiah is that their Aqidah is totally different with ours
because they impose Syirik on Allah SWT and put the status of their Imams as the same as Rasulullah
and Allah SWT. The problem continues where in a Syiah Kitab, it says that Saidina Ali shares the power
to pick who is the member of Heaven and Hell with Allah SWT. Syiah belives that all good deeds that
member of Ahli Sunnah did will be transferred to Syiah members while their bad deeds, their sin will be
transferred by Allah to the member of Ahli Sunnah. Ustaz Nazmi said one of the famous Syiah spot in
Selangor is in Gombak and the place of Syiah worship is called Hawzah. Syiah members only pray 3 times
a day, that is Subuh, Zuhr together with Asr, and Maghreb together with Isya. The reasoning of this is
because they believed that theyre Musafir to Akhirat. Syiah members strongly believe in Taqiyyah that
is lying to save Aqidah. When performing prayers, they need to hit the place they Sujud 3 times to end
their prayer. Even though they talks on cell phone during prayer, it is still okay. Syiah members believes
that the blood of Ahli Sunnah is Halal for them and the more of Ahli Sunnah blood shed, the faster their
Imam comes out. The video concludes that Syiah is a very dangerous occult.

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