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... through Bertha Dudde

New spiritual kingdom .... Prophet ....
New human rae ....
!umanit" will ha#e to reognise its true $al#ation in a ompletel"
new spiritual diretion and it will loudl" testi%" that this alone was
its deli#erane %rom all ad#ersit".
& tormented human rae' a%%lited (" all kinds o% distress' an
release itsel% %rom utmost earthl" torment (" hanging their
innermost (eing .... (" onsiousl" working to impro#e their
soul)s li%e. *his wa" o% re%inement also results in an impro#ement
o% their earthl" situation.
Onl" the low spiritual le#el is the ause o% all ph"sial ailments'
and the latter will (e remedied as soon as the human (eing
makes a spiritual e%%ort to do +ustie to di#ine will.
*he human (eing)s spiritual darkness has suh dread%ul e%%ets'
ountless souls walk headlong into ruin and an onl" (e sa#ed ("
an e,tremel" arduous earthl" li%e.
And in this hardship of the souls the Lord will awaken a
man whose soul is filled by the spirit of God .... !e will so
speak o% God that an"one who reognises him as a spiritual
sa#iour o% ountless misguided people will (reathe a sigh o%
relie%. !e will (e %ought against' "et his Word and its might will
de%eat the enem" ....
!e will %ight %or the souls' he will preah a(out lo#e and ignite
hearts (" enouraging them into spiritual ooperation .... !e will
o%%er people the purest di#ine teahing' and everyone willing to
do what is right will recognise which spirit speaks through
!e will not %ear earthl" power nor e,ert %ore (" an" means (ut
with in%inite patiene and lo#e e,plain to people their wrong wa"
o% li%e' their worldliness and their down%all ....
*he" will listen to his Word and take heart %rom it' the" will
withdraw within and reognise the truth o% his Words .... *he"
will want to protet him %rom his pursuers' and soon two sides
will emerge and argue with eah other .... &nd the -ord will
impart great strength upon those who support him' whilst the
power o% those opposing him will diminish.
&nd this will (e the (eginning o% the new kingdom .... &nd
(lessed is he who listens to his inner #oie and de%ends what he
hears .... (lessed is he who +oins the arm" o% %ighters %or God
and (attles against the opponent)s world .... *he tortured soul
will (reathe a sigh o% relie% %or ha#ing (een sa#ed in the last hour
&nd a new age will dawn ....
*he world)s e,ternal appearanes' glamour and splendour will not
(e desired as muh as (e%ore' the human (eing will stri#e %or
ps"hologial maturit"' he will stri#e %or spiritual wealth and will
long %or gi%ts %rom a(o#e whih the world annot o%%er him.
&nd %rom this time a new human rae will emerge whih will (e
the (earer o% true .hristianit"' li#ing in lo#e %or God and their
the" will reognise the human (eing)s purpose and thus
onsiousl" work at (eoming per%et' the soul will unite itsel%
with the spirit and %ind union with God as Father and .reator o%
all things in order to (e united with !im %or all eternit" ....
Pu(lished (" %riends o% new re#elations o% God / 0n%ormation'
download o% all translated re#elations' theme1(ooklets at2

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