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Anarchy – When Things Go Dark

By Randy Gonzalez

Blissfully arrogant, bloated with self-indulgence, slothfully careless thinking

processes, and overly self-indulgent, westerners ride comfortably to the next buffet line.
Fat, foolish and frivolous, why worry about the future? Everything to amass, consume
and exploit is right here and now, right? Yet, it is not just a west oriented acculturation to
“middle class” and higher status consumption. People all over are selfish.
Many other parts of the un-developing and unevolving world find materially
ascendant personages of excessive means. From the Asia-pacific region, to central
Europe and the Middle East, wealth is up anywhere from 6% to 12% globally. Rising by
some 15% so far in 2014 in trillions of dollars, with the U.S. the highest, planetary wealth
continues to increase. Disparity in equity represents interesting actualities.
By power, domination and control, pretentions to civility take a toll on the public’s
“mindset”, which is regressing dangerously now eons old. Less than 100 people have
more wealth than nearly 4 billion other people living on planet earth. Over half the
world’s resources and riches are owned and manipulated by 1% of the populace. But,
what if the “golden calf” dies? Or, the “food sources” ran out?
Suppose a worst-case scenario presents a salacious opportunity for an “apocalypse” of
sorts? Without the warriors, the real serious 1%, those who protect the asses of the rest,
law enforcement and the military, would you survive? Absent the largess of comfort and
ease, for the convenience of everything, how would you react?
By collapse and destruction of what you presently expect and feel entitled, how could
you get by with all that gone? For the ones who dream the dream to touch gold, tow wear
the fashion, to be seen with diamonds, to claim celebrity status, and all the wants of
success, how do you feel when it crashes? As fame and fortune, attention, and immediate
gratifications fade into the smoldering dust of calamity, then what?
How could you survive in an apocalyptic world? Where would you go and how would
you act? Who would you rely on? Consider that public services are gone. Medical
facilities, health workers and rescue services became so overwhelmed, they completely
shut down. Businesses closed, gas pumps ran dry, police and fire, and the National Guard
were overrun by the chaos that ensued, and urban infrastructures collapsed.

As our governments crumble, you are on your own. Any officialdom that might
survive moves quickly to safeguard essential limited resources. Observe any major
natural disaster and interpret for yourself what transpires. Unable to do that, tune into a
recent documentary on such topics as pandemics, storms, floods, biologic and nuclear
terrorism, and so on. What ideas do you get from such catastrophic events? Would you
entertain getting off the “grid” in a hurry? Or, wait for something to happen?
In reaction to civil disorder, the military and law enforcement fall back at set up
defensive perimeters and safe zones. They cordon off secure locales for specific strategic
necessities. Outside those protected areas, the dark side of human nature begins to
emerge. Things go darker and deadly. Some have suggested that the human race, at any
given moment and disaster, is three days, nine meals, from anarchy.
When the power goes off, we’re in trouble. The internet goes down and business
transactions are stifled and thrown back to rudimentary levels. We should quickly think
about how Spartan and basic we can get. Without the Wi-Fi or cable connections,
telecommunications collapse systematically. Upwardly mobile social ladder climbers
might ponder the viability of their various means of “communal connectivity”. Cell
phones and PC’s do not work very well without power sources.
Without electromagnetic contrivances, there’s no television, no functional DVD’s, and
there’s widespread blackouts. All our “robots” that serve us, suddenly they turn on us,
and technology assumes new meanings. No water, no disposal of sewage and assurance
of sanitation, no garbage pickup, and with the power grids down, there are no supplies,
shipments or other services. When social structures breakdown, anarchistic tendencies
begin coming around. When people and other creatures die, the bodies pile up.
Scoff, as some will, disbelieve, as many want to do. Nonetheless, being prepared for
social survival, for whatever might come, ought to be the thinking, before we’re overrun.
Proper planning prevents poor performance at any level of communal interactivity. When
societal “conformity” of generally accepted restraint fails mutual consensus, then all
kinds of imaginable aberrations are likely. Pseudoscience pontifications for “sociological
perspectives” become nonsensical in the reality of human nature. Going low profile,
getting “invisible” as fast as possible might be part of a series of defensive options. In
chaos, primordial survival outweighs any pretext to the appearance of civility.

In the pretext of social order, the fragile balance between the intentions of good and
evil, resides the human ruse of getting one’s gain against calculated risks. Under
seemingly normal communal conditions, all manner of deceptions are carefully carried
out every day. For most situations, there are skillful and capable guardians who provide
varying levels of enforcement with regard to lawful constraints. A basic hierarchy of
needy desires, in terms of physical necessities, security and safety, collective interactivity
are typically assured by various institutional options in a social context.
Now, the what ifs enter the picture. Institutional entities, long relied on by most people
to ensure their somewhat pampered existence, one day disappear. As indicated earlier, all
the fun and games can come to an abrupt halt without warning. In the aftermath, a
dystopic and disturbing world emerges. Already, in some places on the planet, such
debasing experiences exist in the day-to-day struggle of human survival. But, for the rest
of the world, the catastrophe could be lurking nearby.
Suppose all we have come to expect crashes by some calamity, or maybe a series of
horrific occurrences. Some could be human contrivances, while others might be natural
disasters. Regardless, many researchers from a variety of fields predict that something is
going to happen in the very near future. Could it be that the next extinction is
humankind? Aside from that, when things get nasty, what do people do? Have you ever
analyzed behavioral responses during and after a massive storm like a hurricane?
As fear is allowed to run wild through imaginative processing, people will become
very dangerous. When they descend to primitive responsive levels, anything is possible in
terms of anarchistic behaviors. Lacking any sense of social structure, enforcement or
sanctions, many will allow their fears to influence how they treat others. Predators of all
depictions will take advantage in more extreme ways than previously considered. The
dark “madness” of human nature inside each person will find a way to surface.
Predictive patterns of simplistic believability, and invisible agents lending spiritual
guidance for a better world, seem to mitigate a false sense of communal security. We
want things simply explained that make us feel good. At the same moment, we like to
think there is an all power rescuer to save us from “evil”. In addition, many selfishly
embrace dogmatic personal biases that perpetrate the myths of hopeful human outcomes,
in spite of evidence to the contrary. Everyone is basically good, right?

Don’t bet your life, or anyone you care about on that assumption. No, the answers is
no, and will always be no, and it’s still no. Regardless of how many theories you create to
explain human behavior, you will never adequately explain every aspect. People do what
is in the best interest for them. It’s the primal nexus of hedonistic premeditation,
intentionally instigated from carnal proclivities. Attempts to identify a specificity of
cause-effect factors have never been adequately identified. As to the motivations of
human beings, no one has all the answers and concepts remained elusive.
There are no methods to sufficiently analyze, diagnose or otherwise predict, determine
or anticipate what people are going to do next. As a countermeasure, it behooves the
more evolving person to remain vigilant, prepared and ready when things get dark. Good
guesswork might be helpful, especially when calamity strikes. There’s no silver bullet to
answer for a set of responses to any given situation. Things happen and events unfold,
sometimes there is no explanation to satisfy the ‘why’ question.
The sad part of communal interactivity relates to thinking processes even during
“normal” every day conditions. You can never underestimate the extent of “stupid
thinking” that occurs on a daily basis. But, let things get out of hand, especially during a
“non-normal” set of circumstances, and the break down in interpersonal communications
becomes deadly. People will regress to the lowest possible level. The darker nature of
human character switches instantly and without warning.
With all the ideological beliefs systems across the planet, religious and otherwise, you
might be dulled and distracted into believing the myth of the “good nature” in all of us.
Religious doctrines and the dogmas that enact them, suggest the “civility” and the
“saving grace”, the “salvation of love” and “family-hood” of the human race. As hope
springs from some mystical fountain of child-like complacency, many think an invisible
avenging force of cosmic intervention will intercede on their behalf. Good luck with that,
as the chaos continues and people kill each other for satiation of their beliefs.
Meanwhile, you might even enjoy the entertaining superficiality of the various news
media that like to end a newscast with a “happy story”. The smug fakeness, the shady
hollowness and the arrogant hypocrisy rages around us by many disguises. The challenge
is not to be fooled by the fakery, the ruse, or the con job perpetrated by such “gurus” of
pretended knowledge. Emotion invites pity, pity pleads for victimization.

Casualties in the aftermath of a collapse are prey for carnivorous hunters. People will
be hunted. Those stronger and more prone to anarchistic opportunities, have no hesitance
to hedonistically feed upon the weaker members of society. After all, in every lifestyle,
by wealth or physicality, that already happens. Wounded, demoralized and stranded,
many will be easy targets for dangerous predators.
In a crisis, those less able to fend or defend for themselves are opportunistic targets for
abuse. There will be many vicious people ready and willing to ensure their gain at the
expense of others. Imagine a world radically altered from what you are accustomed.
Everything you once counted on has vanished and survival becomes the issue of the day.
Public safety personnel are all gone and there’s no one to help you.
All manner of emergency communications at the local level, as 9-1-1 centers, have
shut down. You have no one to call, as telecommunications networks have collapsed.
Consider a landscape devoid of comforts, commodities and conveniences that were once
easily taken for granted. Now, replace that environment with enemies everywhere, with
intentions that devolve to grisly conditions rapidly.
Rioting, looting and mob behavior unfolds everywhere you look or try to go. Nowhere
is safe and everyone is scrambling to survive what do you do? As jails and prisons empty,
additional malefactors are added to the atmosphere of criminal behavior. Illicit activities
of every kind will increase quickly and publicly. Perpetrators will not miss opportunities
to exploit a crisis, instigate a riot and destroy any pretense to civilization.
For that matter, if you think we are a “civilized” species, go home and do more
research. Cults, collusions and conspiracies of every kind already exist. Like terrorism
and organized crime, these abusive and debasing activities will flourishes, as institutional
countermeasures deteriorate. In terms of power, control and domination, as in gangs,
terrorists groups and extremist ideologies, a macabre dystopia unfolds.
The world will transform so fast, and will divide into two extremes. As typical of the
hypocrisy and selfishness, there will be deadly complicities of those who have stuff and
those who have little or nothing. Terror will animate the atmosphere. In the flash of a
moment, many will wonder stupidly why we didn’t do things differently. Chaotic
conditions will spread across the entire spectrum of global populations. There will be a
wide range of criminological perversities as societies crumble.

If you think you’re safe at any given moment, go home and do more research. What
would it take to survive from one day to the next? In post-modern society, there’s an
illusion of being safe, for at any moment horrendous things can happen. And, the
question might arise, are you mentally and physically prepared to respond accordingly. In
fact, every day you should practice contingency planning. Consider various strategies and
tactics you might find appropriate for you given the situation.
Once a crisis ensues, the game plan changes. Rules are altered and laws might be
unenforceable. Suppose transportation systems gridlock and you’re stranded on an
interstate system. As to physical nature, in terms of mobility, what are the options for
survivability? What is any particular person’s endurance level and fitness capacity for
adverse conditions? Slow, lethargic, slothful, weak, flabby, obese and unhealthy bodies
are not conducive to enhance the prospects of survivability. “Zombies” eat them first.
Keep in mind it’s not just other predators, or hostile strangers who are a threat, but
also people we know. Or, in a particular frame of reference, we don’t know what the next
person is truly capable of until the worst-case scenario happens. Colleagues, neighbors,
close associates or family members may take advantage of you during catastrophic
conditions. From a local perspective, a not too distant rearview of history can account for
a revolution, a civil war, economic depressions, and other social disruptions.
Historical points of reference are replete with conditions that became forms of
anarchy, at least in terms of particular locations. From one continent to the next, the
human race has experienced mobocracy in one form or another. Factoring in the
manmade as well as the natural disasters, chaotic conditions loom near in a variety of
possibilities. Illogical reactivity, inspired by selfish emotionalism doesn’t help deal with
devolving circumstances. Human behavior becomes devious.
According to some, conditions are conducive when emotionalism trumps rational
responsiveness in favor of immediate gratification. Combined with the erroneous
perceptions of the particular situation, in anticipation of shortages, or depravation, and
anarchy becomes the premeditated remedy. Deceptive, debt-riddled voracious economic
systems, warfare and terrorism, ideological exclusivity, pervasive impoverished
conditions, and exploited natural resources are cascading toward disaster. All such things
are constructed upon the egotistical self-interests of the human species.

From mainstream to media-stream, a collusion of conformist collectivism devalues the

wearisome efforts to transcend a wiser more advanced cultural heritage. Seemingly, a cult
of stupidity has devolved within a species bent on self-destruction. Whether of the
“mindset” or the jet set, inner realms to wealth enclaves, selfness glorifies one who has
the most glitz, glamor and penchant for gore. Chaos of thinking knows no limits to its
impatience of simplistic satiations, no farther than the immediate need. For the sensual
acceptance of foolish ideations, comfort and ease, the species teeters on the brink.
Through a simplistic uninformed perception of three-dimensional reality, whereby
many clamor for the “magic bullet” of instant salvation, chaotic conditions potentially
risk horrendous disasters. Terroristic acts of cultic perversions, steeped in dogmatic
illusions of selfish arrogance, endanger an entire planet. While politicians cower in their
pontifications, priestly plebes perpetuate extinct mythologies for the next generation of
the dead. From a disaster of wasted consciousness, to the lack understanding for a
dreamscape of inner interpretations, evolved thinking gathers the dust of neglect.
Techno diversions tempt our willful acquiesce to the lazy juncture of impersonal non-
committed and nonfunctional human interactivity. Many will proselytize their pretext to a
redress of grievances, for a variety of presumed injustices, but many will not want the
laborious effort of open rebellious activism. Instead, from the slothful contented
detachment of empty spaces behind their technologies, they will languish in the
cowardice of their self-anarchy. Liberation is sacrificed to conventionality.
Fearful, timid and foolish, the child-like temper tantrums of wannabe “gurus”,
subordinate the profound depths of insightful thought to emotional reactivity. Sizeable
sectors of communal conformity regurgitate the unsubstantiated rhetoric of “mind-
numbing” psychobabble. Recycling what others say, but not investigating the truth of
what matters, nor analyzing the evidentiary necessities, the depth of character devolves to
lower ebbs of superficiality. Adult children pretend to know what they don’t know.
Excuses, alibis and pleading pretenses, collude to admonish the stupidities of self-
indulgence, as one gains an advantage over another. To safeguard the defensiveness of
vicarious carnality, nearly everyone conspires to pity the one who was caught. The
regressions of thought and inaction collaborate to rationalize everything as the cause of
something else, but not the responsibility of the one who caused it.

For the glories of the present and salacious superficiality for immediate gratification,
anarchy of thought fears growth, maturity and advancement of the human species. Where
hope springs eternal in the weak and cowardly intentions of simplistic mediocrity,
collectivist mobocracy in gluttonous selfishness overrides the urgency of widespread self-
evolution. Unable to think with enlightened ascendency, for a totality of utopic ascension,
humankind collude the plunder of the global order. All for the gain, for wealth
accumulation of the few in greedy consumption and self-aggrandizement, the demise of
eventual calamity grows near. In the end, it is too late to remember.
To ponder the next mission of social achievement, to correct a variety of dystopic
inclinations, requires collaborative interactivity of an evolving intelligent species. Among
which, stupidity is not tolerated, criminality is punished by certainty and maturity of
thought is praised and rewarded. And, an openness of extraordinary honesty is elevated
beyond conception for a continually advancing framework of social discourse. Precise
levels of communication are demanded, no foolishness of subjective validation goes
unchallenged, and all insist upon perfecting the clarity of intentions.
Where the wise are promoted and the foolish demoted, the ascendency of the social,
political and economic systems are purposely driven to higher spheres. Creative thinking,
never altering the essentiality of transforming energies, is to be more valued than pursuit
material greed. Human nature, both good and evil, will choose the wickedness of
intentions where sanctions seldom apply the wisdom of corrective action. By gullible
fixation for the “goodness” in all, pontificating theories that favor excuses over
accountability, foster the anarchic demise of humanity.
Simple-minded yearnings for uncomplicated dependency on easy connections
between cause and effect, reinforced by dependence on mechanical utility, signify the
dumbfounded preferences of an unenlightened culture. By broad spectrum of diversity,
in post-modern Western communal exhibition, a riot is preferred to the rationality of a
righteous process for a redress of grievances. Purposeful stupidity degrades the necessity
of the hard work required for the multidimensional applications of critical thinking.
Where cerebral distance does not connect near proximity of productively transforming
ideations, a clearer understanding of cause and effect reality invites the destruction of the
human species. When the darkness falls, anarchy evolves.

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