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6:10 PM 6/13ntuitive intelligence
!" #ada $avand
Morning mist and chirping !irds% &lades of grass dancing in the !ree'e% ( golden
view of sun)issed hills (nd pla"ful waters of a spar)ling stream *ill reveal to man
much more than an" !oo)
loo) at an artist as one who lives and wor)s in total freedom% !e"ond time and
tradition% guided onl" !" his intuitive intelligence. +he intuitive spontaneit" of life,
energ" is the wom! of all the aesthetic arts as well as classical virtues in man. -or
!oth aesthetic arts and human virtues% it is necessar" to have freedom from
thought% along with a!undant sensitivit". +his is the foundation of spiritual life. (rt%
intuition and spirit mingle together ver" well. (t their pea)% the" are all% li)e .ature%
cosmic and divine.
+a)ing a photograph is a meditative act for me. n awareness and with attention%
with openness and humilit"% one can listen and understand the cosmic pla"% the
intuitive intelligence that pervades .ature all around. Photograph" is one tool which
helps us feel how .ature itself is creative% loving and !enevolent.
+he focus of this !oo) is not on the photographs themselves !ut on what the" are
tr"ing to conve" a!out life and human relationships through .ature/s rh"thms.
0reation is e1pressed in ever" aspect and facet of nature2 onl" one has to rise up to
its dimension of silence% sensitivit" and humilit" to feel it3
Photograph" is essentiall" a visual art form. +he image in the camera is !orn with
the help of science and technolog" which is a time process. &ut !eaut"% which is the
essence% the truth of e1istence !elongs to the timeless.
+his !oo) is an attempt to capture the timeless through time% to show the pla" of
intuitive intelligence in tangi!le form.
n dail" living% in the mundane activit" around mortal man% one can see and feel the
pla" of the timeless. (n opening 4ower% a fruit !earing tree% the surging cloud and
the running waters of a stream carr" with them something of the timeless 5ualit".
+he" are the pla" of life energ" pulsating in the present. +hrough its uni5ueness%
.ature lends a touch of eternit" to the mundane and to the mortal.
*hen the energ" particles of the un!iased perception of the present6which is the
state of awareness6collide with the particles of the past memor" mind% there is
annihilation of this ps"chological memor" structure% which is time. +he perceiver as
well as the past memor" mind are !oth negated. +he awareness as well as the
content of awareness are !oth annihilated. +here remains onl" energ". +his energ"
is of a di7erent wavelength which functions !e"ond the rigid frame of thought , idea
, mind. t is impersonal% spontaneous and intuitive as it is free from time. t functions
in a!solute freedom !e"ond the realm of time and tradition. +his timeless energ" is
pure intelligence6the wisdom of life.
&ird of Paradise
+ranslucent colours of sunset !eaut"%
*ith celestial hues "ou cele!rate 9o".
found "ou in the !ush on the road,side
&ut oh3 :ou are the !ird of paradise. nsight
:ou are a citi'en of 8outh (frica !ut "ou have accepted man" countries as "our
home. .ow "ou have !ecome a world citi'en. :ou appear ver" delicate !ut !"
nature "ou are sturd" and strong. :ou are as radiant as a magni;cent rain!ow
across the s)". :ou are trul" a !ird from paradise. &ut it seems "ou have chosen to
live on earth to ma)e people wonder a!out "ou% to appreciate and smile at "ou with
9o". +his is "our silent contri!ution.
ntellect and nstinct
<ven the tin" ants have complete )now,how
+o !uild a !eautiful fortress for safe dwelling.
*here did the" learn this s)ill
=f masonr" and architectural designing?
nsects li)e ants% termites and !ees displa" a uni5ue capacit" to manage their own
a7airs. <ach one wor)s with some instinctive understanding for sharing the
responsi!ilit" of the whole group. +here seems to !e a )ind of group consciousness
wor)ing in the mem!ers of the entire colon". >ow does this tin" creature
communicate% cooperate and construct such a fortress,li)e shelter? >ow
warm% and cos" the" ma)e it for their "oung ones3 &reeding and nursing of a new
generation goes on unhindered inside this safe shelter.
8enses are #eceptive
8enses are deceptive
Mind is illusive.
<ven the dail" world of perception
s a su!tle deception.
0an the senses ever conve" realit"? *ill the mind and the senses ever give the
e1perience of truth? Perhaps% it is impossi!le3 Mind% through the senses% is so
in4uenced and a7ected !" personal !ias that it twists and turns an"thing and
ever"thing3 Mind is essentiall" a fragmented instrument% a highl" conditioned
apparatus. t will never !e a!le to grasp an"thing in its totalit"% an"thing in its
entiret"% e1actl" as it is. 8enses and mind are incapa!le of total comprehension and
thus% the" are victims of self,created illusion and deception.
?oots of Mind
@i)e the roots of a tree
Mind li)es to hold on to its structure ;rml".
(ttachment and ;1ation in time
(re the sole o!9ectives of mind.
*ithout roots there is no wa" for an" tree to survive. +he ver" life of a tree% the sap%
is produced% circulated and maintained !" the roots. +he mind too wor)s ver" su!tl"
and cleverl" !" creating its own roots in the form of memories. +he ps"chological
entit" called or me is held ;rml" together !" memories. <limination of memor",
mind through awareness and understanding is freedom from time% which is
li!eration of life,energ".
$ift of .ature
*hat does man give !ac) to .ature
*ho gives him in a!undance
and with pleasure%
8uch delicacies of taste% nutrition
and colour?
t is .ature/s all round o7ering to all the living plants% animals and creatures%
including human !eings% that is supporting life on earth. &ut man)ind% through its
greed% is e1travagantl" using most of nature/s products for its callous% sel;sh and
self,centred living. -rom the earth% the forests% the oceans and from all deposits of
nature% man is using% misusing and e1ploiting nature/s wealth. 0an he learn from
nature how not to remain self,centred !ut to !e magnanimous and wor) in unison
with other species of nature?
<1tracted with permission from ntuitive ntelligence !" #ada $avand% #ada 0enter
Pu!lications% ?s ABA.
&oo) availa!le from (m!ar 8"stems% Mum!ai2 Ph: C0DDEAABBBB33%
email: dada9iFam!
6:13 PM 6/13/D00G

$<++.$ += I.=* #(#(...
#attaram $avand% a m"stic% traveller and photographer% was !orn in Mum!ai in
1B1G. +he eldest child of his parents% he came to !e called #ada or elder !rother.
<arl" in his life% he heeded a compelling inner urge for spiritual understanding. =n
account of his fatherJs untimel" demise% he inherited the famil" !usiness at the
"oung age of 1K. >e ran the !usiness ver" successfull" !ut !ecame disillusioned
with the e1clusive nature and !inding e7ect of wealth% prestige and comfort. >e saw
the dehumani'ing e7ect of commercial culture and also the limitation of tradition.
>e saw marriage as a glori;ed trap. >ence he chose not to marr" and at the age of
3K% after carr"ing out his famil" responsi!ilities of getting his A sisters and onl"
!rother married and settled% he went o7 !" himself% in search of the true
signi;cance of life. >e read the wor) of +heosophists li)e Madame &lavats)" and
(nnie &essant. >e also personall" met L. Irishnamurti% ?amana Maharshi and the
Mother of Pondicherr".
(fter some "ears of wandering% and man" times of trial and testing% #ada ;nall"
reali'ed to his ama'ement that the search was indeed totall" within. >ence% in the
"ear 1BAA he left his co'" home% went far awa" from Mum!ai to Mount 8a99angad%
sta"ed in a tin" hut there and !egan an in5uir" unto himself.

http://www.m" as retrieved on 13 Ma" D00G 03:00:0B

0op" ?ights ?eserved D00A
M <mpowerment in action: Mandar Iadam

&=M&(:% ndia 6 Prem .irmal could !e an academic with his !enign e1pression and
calm visage.
=n wee)da"s% he runs a compan" that ma)es components for power e5uipment
suppliers and teaches stress management at the prestigious ndian nstitute of
+echnolog"% Powai% as a visiting facult" mem!er.
=n the wee)end% he conducts overnight wor)shops on spiritualit"% relationships and
spiritual capital for the !usiness !arons of &om!a". .irmalJs charge is to com!ine
his wor) and spiritualit" with charit"% concentrating on empowering rather than
giving doles to the poor% he said.
n ndia% as in the rest of the world% the idea of social entrepreneurship is fast ta)ing
hold. tJs a shift from handouts to ma)ing people economicall" self,suNcient in the
long run.
O:ou have to manage mone" and mission to !e a!le to serve people over a
sustained !asis%P .irmal said% e1plaining the method !ehind his seemingl"
con4icting roles.
0entral to .irmalJs paradigm of empowering the poor is :eoor% an area settled !"
indigenous tri!als. =nl" 30 )ilometers awa" from &om!a"% :eoor holds a special
place in his life: t is here that he ;rst met his spiritual guide #ada $avand 6 a
former freedom ;ghter and social wor)er% originall" from an aQuent famil" 6 and
had his ;rst spiritual awa)ening.
.earl" D0 "ears ago% .irmal !ecame $avandJs follower% drawn to him !" his
simplicit" and )nowledge. >e had !een ruminating on a particularl" profound
paragraph from $avandJs !oo) +owards +he Rn)nown when .irmalJs m"stical
awa)ening happened.
O+he 4ames !la'ed to engulf the ego,mind,personalit" completel"%P he said.
O.othing e1isted e1cept the ver" d"namic nature of that energ".P
n that moment% .irmal said he felt $odliness 6 !ut there was no one around to
witness his enlightenment. >e felt a sense of well,!eing un)nown to him until that
+he e1perience morphed .irmal from !eing a conventional !usinessman chasing
pro;ts into a caring% spiritual !eing. +he immediate fallout was that he swore that
he would never to do !usiness with a compan" involved with manufacturing
products that could )ill people. O choose that moment to refashion m" life and
!usiness%P he said.
+wo decades later% :eoor still holds an important place in .irmalJs heart. =n these
hills stands the Hive)anand &ala)ashram% a childrenJs home. .irmal is the governing
trustJs unoNcial consultant% providing them with strateg" and fund,raising )now,
Rnli)e other childrenJs homes that dot the landscape of ndia% Hive)anand
&ala)ashram is the onl" one for indigenous tri!al children. +he tri!als in ndia are
often poor and treated as outcastes !" the countr"Js still caste,conscious
8ome of the residents of the childrenJs home !elong to ad9oining villages while
others come from di7erent parts of the state of Maharashtra.
8ome of the children have families% so the home acts a !oarding school. -or others%
the &ala)ashram is the onl" home the" )now. O8ome of the children are so poor that
their mothers have not ta)en them home for the holida"s as the" do not have the
mone" to pa" for the trip%P said Prachi 8unil Ias!e)ar% another trustee% C8ee
side!ar: MandarJs stor".E
.irmal has wor)ed with the childrenJs home since the 1BK0s% interacting closel"
with &hagwan ?ao Patwardhan% the octogenarian founding mem!er and president of
the 8hree 8adaguru 8eva Mandir +rust.
&hagwan ?ao Patwardhan would alwa"s as) for donations ever" time he saw
.irmal. O would tell him% have no mone"%P .irmal said. Onstead% can o7er "ou
(mong the various fundraising strategies .irmal developed was to !ring &om!a"Js
stressed corporate elite to the ashram at S1D per person for nature camps and
lifest"le management.
8ome of the companies for whom .irmal has conducted corporate wor)shops have
OadoptedP the home% such as pharmaceutical compan" the 8I $roup. *hen the
compan"Js oNcials heard that the childrenJs home needed mos5uito nets and new
toilets closer to the dormitor"% the" immediatel" stepped in to get it done.
(s a volunteer% .irmal wor)ed with other corporations to create a regular cash 4ow
for the childrenJs home. >e struc) a deal with 0<(+ @td% ndiaJs second largest t"re
manufacturing compan"% to suppl" chapattis% a 4at !read% to the compan"Js
O(t one time% there were 1D%000 chapattis !eing rolled out each da"%P he said. +he
chapatti rollers were tri!al women from the near!" village% the mothers of some of
the &alashram children. Pro;ts were divided !etween the ashram and the wor)ers.
More than the ;nancial support% the endeavor also !rought self,respect to the tri!al
women% he said.
8everal pro9ects are now in the ;re% including setting up a *e! site to solicit
donations% hosting cele!rit" shows to collect funds% and opening child sponsorship
programs in which patrons can OadoptP a child and pa" for education and e1penses.
+oda"% GD children live at the home. (lthough 9ust a volunteer% .irmal continues to
wor) hard to )eep the home part of his enlightenment. >e is no longer the
spiritualist !ut a master strategist. O+he children have not stopped 4owing in%P said
Manish $urunath 8hahane% a trustee.
La"anthi "engar is a freelance writer living in Pune% ndia.,1GKK.htm
6:DD PM 6/13/D00G
(ttention3 (ttention3
n this simple% serene wa"% #ada $avand tells the world that watchful% attentive
awareness alone can set the mind free
!" 8uma Harughese C@ife Positive Maga'ineE
8age,philosopher #ada $avand has a star) and simple philosoph". *atch the
patterns of "our mind attentivel" and with awareness. +hat is all "ou need to
reclaim "our heritage of lasting peace and !liss.
8o this was his paradise,a clearing in the :eoor >ills on the outs)irts of hot and
dust" +hane% near Mum!ai. ( few houses stand gracefull"% and at ease% among the
trees and the underfoot growth. &irdsong rippled through the air. >ens were
scra!!ling in the mud% as their chic)s huddled under their wings. ( few feet awa"% a
!lac) and white )itten% its tail curving in sheer 9o" of life% pretended to pounce on
the hens% who pec)ed on% unpertur!ed. ( "oung girl stood in an overgrown "ard
watching life go !". (ll was peaceful% simple% natural.
8o was the picture !oo) house we stopped at,a narrow two,store" !uilding with
sloping tiled roofs. *hite doves clustered around the ga!les% and swooped down to
drin) from the water,holder. $uava and other trees grew ro!ustl" in neat round
concrete,lined !eds. ( sunshade with chairs was placed invitingl" on one side of the
garden. (s we stood there and !reathed in the visceral peace of the place% we had a
precursor of the personalit" of the owner of the house.
+he man who warml" welcomed us was not "oung. <ight",;ve or therea!outs% he
was lean and spr"% with an alert% livel" face% honed to its essence. >is movements
were 4uid and 5uic) and when he sat cross,legged as we tal)ed% his torso was erect
and still. >e radiated a friendliness and an acceptance that put us at ease instantl".
+here were no trappings of conventional religion. .o pictures of deities or sa7ron
ro!es or agar!atti. .o o7erings of 4owers and fruits. .o genu4ection either. >e
addressed us as matter,of,factl" as a tutor would his students.
#ada $avand is not an advocate of conventional religion% or of an" of the tried and
tested paths to enlightenment. >is prescription is simple and star): attentive
watchful awareness of the patterns of thought. +his act alone is enough to vapori'e
the thoughts and set "ou free from the !urden of the mind. f this is stri)ingl" close
to L. Irishnamurti/s philosoph"% it is not without reason. >e spent some time with
Irishnamurti !efore he moved on to forge his own inner 9ourne".
&orn in 1B1G in Mum!ai as #attaram Madhavrao $avand% his spiritual 5uest
unfolded earl". +hough !orn in comforta!le surroundings% he chafed at the
convention and h"pocris" of societ"% and the dehumani'ing impact of materialism.
&ut he was the eldest and% on his father/s untimel" death% had to assume the
responsi!ilities of ta)ing care of his si!lings% which included arranging for their
marriages. =n the third da" of the marriage of the "oungest si!ling% #ada% as he
was universall" )nown% disappeared from home to see) his spiritual destin". (fter
eight months of solitar" see)ing and 5uestioning at Mount 8a99angad% he
e1perienced a m"stical e1plosion in his inner domain% a sudden 4ow of timeless
energ" within% and a state of peace and ecstas" never )nown !efore.
(fter this% he sta"ed in semi,solitude for 1T "ears on Mount Maha!aleshwar. 8ince
1BGA% #ada has !een sharing his understanding !" e1tensive travel and lectures in
the R8(% 0anada% <urope and of course ndia. 0ompiling his e1periences and
thoughts is his !oo) &e"ond the Mind that is a!out the deeper signi;cance of living.
*ritten in dialogic form% the !oo) tries to answer ideas of li!eration% se1ualit"%
healing% imprisonment% e1pression etc. >e has also held numerous meditation
camps called <1ploration into =neself% !ut toda" he prefers to wor) with small
groups and individuals in order to communicate on a personal level. *here he was
once a )een sportsman and freedom ;ghter% he now writes poetr"% e1cels in
photograph"% and campaigns for freedom of the inner )ind.
<1cerpts from an intense interview:
*hat are the main tenets of "our philosoph"?
don/t have a set philosoph". *hatever sa" is the outcome of the present moment.
&esides% don/t trust words. +he mind uses them% as it does ever"thing else% to
escape from the hard tas) of changing itself. +he !asic challenge of man is to
discover that 5ualit" which is hidden within us and allow it to e1press itself. &ut this
is diNcult !ecause of the !loc)s the mind sets up% such as the pre,occupation with
things% even with reading spiritual literature. *e retain options and call them our
*hat is the wa" to overcome these !loc)s?
+here is no set answer. *hat is the hindrance !loc)ing that 5ualit"? *e need to !e
attentive to that !loc) and that/s the main challenge. :ogis and saints have found
out several wa"s and techni5ues% !ut all are used !" the mind to )eep it !us".
!elieve onl" watchful awareness will set us free.
&ut can this approach wor) for all?
*h" not? +he conditioning of the mind is the same.
t is !elieved that di7erent paths appeal to di7erent temperaments.
&" creating di7erent paths we are creating separation and divisiveness. 0on4icts
arise !ecause each thin)s his path is the !est.
*hat have !een the signi;cant events of "our own spiritual 9ourne"?
listened to masters% even read a few !oo)s. &ut found that this was m" own
9ourne". .o!od" can help. *hat is re5uired is watchful% attentive awareness. t/s a
9ourne" into the inner self% that/s all. &ut we hesitate% and the mind is e1troverted. t
hesitates to ta)e a turn% to enter within. +he whole riches of the world% all the
virtues% are !asicall" inside. =n the outside there is onl" the concept of virtues. +r"
to watch these concepts. +he mind can never !e virtuous or divine. (ll that is inside.
0an meditation help move the mind within?
Meditation is the fallout of attention,watchful attention. t/s not a spiritual act.
Meditation to me it/s onl" a search into oneself% to dispel the patterns of thoughts%
to enter the tran5uilit" within.
0an the pursuit of this tran5uilit" !e !alanced with the demands of a householder/s
=h% "es. *e all need the !asics of life for survival. &ut !e !alanced. #o not create
more wants. *e collect more and more of ever"thing% including !oo)s. +his last is
intellectual greed. +he mind !ecomes greed" for )nowledge. +his is the !urden of
>ow do "ou get the mind to let go of this o!session with things?
@oo) at the world at large. *hat is so great a!out it? *e never have the time to loo)
at it 5uietl"% independentl". *hat we see is 9ust the continuit" of life. +o me life is a
discover". *e have to ;nd that d"namism% energ".
*hat is the state of one who has reached inner tran5uilit"?
(!undant peace and contentment. (nd whenever there is a challenge% there is a
response% a creative response that does not resort to memor".
@oo)ing at the world toda"% what do "ou thin) lies ahead for man)ind?
+he world was alwa"s li)e this. +here is not much di7erence. Irishna% ?am% &uddha
came and societ" digested them all% !ut it remains the same.
*hat do "ou thin) of the !elief in a new age% when societ" as a whole will !e
=nl" a human !eing can achieve enlightenment% not man)ind. =nl" he who is
honest% sensi!le% sensitive% and sincere can hope to achieve this state. (nd there
are ver" few of such.
8o there/s no li)elihood that man)ind will attain lasting peace?
Man has alwa"s hoped for this. &ut it depends on each of us. +he realit" is that we
can transform onl" ourselves. .ature wants man to transform% to !ecome li)e it. +o
come !ac) to the natural state is ful;llment. +o !ecome free of all o!sessions,that is
#oes !eing with nature provide a wa" within?
&ecome aware of nature. &ecome sensitive to it. (n intellectual appreciation of it is
not enough. *e have worshipped the intellect too much. .ow we have reached a
dead end. +he intellect has reall" o!liged us. t has given us so much. &ut if we want
to move further% this intellect is not going to o!lige. ts function is over. +he mind is
secondhand activit"% which is !orn of memor". People have spent so man" "ears in
searching for enlightenment. s so much time necessar"? +hat which is past is over.
*e avoid freshness of the moment !" indulging in the past.
*hat was "our own search li)e?
came from a !usiness famil". *e were fairl" rich. &ut from an earl" age was
aware of the a!surdit" of the life we led. <ver"one was cop"ing ever"one else. *e
were made !" our surroundings,traditions% culture% famil" !ac)ground% media. saw
that was the result of environmental in4uences% nothing else. saw people
enslaved !" social conditioning till the end of their lives. wondered if another wa"
of life was possi!le. ( might" intelligence had created the universe and here was%
living li)e a ro!ot. wondered if there was a deeper signi;cance to life. (t this stage%
visited man" ashrams. went to the (uro!indo ashram% met ?amana Maharshi
and Irishmanurti. was with Irishnamurti for a while and then told him that no
longer wanted to read his words or an"one/s words. wanted to discover for m"self.
(nd do "ou )now what he said? >e said: U am so glad.U (t these ashrams% saw
good people% happ"% contented. *hat was that state of mind% to !e contented?
soon came to )now that no one could give me the answers. had to discover them
for m"self. +his whole outer is the manifestation of the mind. &ut there had to !e
something intrinsic. *here did that lie? wondered a!out the energ" that emerged
from us% creating desires. *e were using that energ" for trivial reasons% merel"
dancing at the peripher" of life. *e need to ponder a!out these 5uestions
independentl". Pondering is a sensitive activit". +o loo) without ideas and opinions
and without thought. s it possi!le? (nd generall"% there is no time for that. +hought
activit" is so strong.
*hen did "ou ;nd answers to "our 5uestions?
+here/s a )ind of !rea)through when the situation is right. t is not in our hands. t is
a great !lessing of nature. >e who aspires will !e helped !" nature. &ut we must
have that strong passion. =ur passions are smaller. &orn out of other things.
s there $od?
+here is another dimension% which is divine% timeless. t/s an energ". ( ver"
intelligent energ". +o discover that is the touch of the divine. /$od/ is a misused
term. +he mind creates concepts and goes after that. +hought is the !arrier
!etween "ou and the divine. Rnderstand the designs of thought and !e aware of
them. (nd then "ou will dispel the thought patterns. +hat is important.
*hat is the relationship !etween spiritualit" and creativit"? :ou% for instance% have
created copious poetr".
0reation happens in the sensitivit" of understanding. (fter that "ou are changed.
:ou !ecome highl" sensitive. never wrote poetr". t 9ust came out of me. 8uddenl"
a door had opened from within.
Post enlightenment% what is "our role in life?
have to live life. don/t have m" own drives and am!itions. have to live li)e a
simple% hum!le entit".

6:DG PM 6/13/D00G!out,lin).htm
O(n nner <1perimentP
n Ma" 1BBD% came in contact with a wise man% #ada $avand who sta"ed at
:evoor% +hane. 8eeing the simplicit" and the authentic approach towards life% fell in
love with him. 8oon he !ecame m" friend V philosopher and guide and m" inner
9ourne" of Oattentive watchfulnessP gathered a new momentum.
t was the evening of 13th Lul". was pondering over an insightful paragraph from
his !oo) O+owards the Rn)nownP% that threw me into meditation. #uring the silent
period% the watchfulness of the moment was ver" sharp. (ll the sounds were noticed
more clearl" and attentivel". ( new )ind of profound awareness was present. n that
state% one felt the sound of rain shower that suddenl" lashed the earth. *ith that
disappeared the sounds of chirping !irds and children pla"ing at the !asement. n
that sudden silence% e1ploded a new )ind of vi!ranc". t was so intense and
overwhelming that it engulfed the entire personalit". ( new surge of energ" was felt
that washed awa" the faintest residual thought and nothing could sustain in that
vi!ranc". t was a )ind of 4u1% intense and powerful. +he 4ames were a!la'e to
engulf ego,mind,personalit" completel". .othing e1isted e1cept the ver" d"namicit"
of that energ" in the moment that was felt inside , around and ever"where without
an" !oundar". n those moments% the 5ualit" called $odliness pervaded all over and
there was no one to o!serve or witness it. *ith this a new )ind of health was felt all
over the !od". +his )ind of health" state of !od" had never e1perienced !efore. t
was li)e drin)ing the water from the ver" fountain of life that 5uenched the thirst
+he outside wor) and life continued as usual !ut inner had !een transformed. +he
struggle with thought had ended. +he 5uestions dissolved. Meditation was
happening on its own and the Wvi!rant silenceJ felt man" times.
t was a !eautiful morning of (ugust 1BB3% was driving to go to the wor) place. +he
high wa" was washed clean with the previous nightJs rain. (s motorc"cle attained
the stead" speed of AA )m/hr% ever" minute vi!ration of it was felt intensel". +he
sudden surge of e1pansion was felt. +here was no one in the !od" riding the !i)e.
+he !i)e was in me% the road% the trees and !uildings were in me. +he !irds 4"ing up
on the mountain and the mountain itself were in me. +his ama'ing feeling of
e1pansion continued for some time.
+he !i)e slowed down seeing the traNc halting at the signal. reached factor" in a
ver" 5uiet mood with re9uvenated !eing.
t was a !eautiful evening at Hasant Hihar% +hane. was standing on the terrace
seeing few openings of deep !lue s)" and sun pla"ing hide and see) with dar)
clouds on the west side% a!ove hills. +he whole scene made me ponder% how divine
pla"s hide and see) with a sadha)3 n a short while% as the awareness deepened%
there was a )ind of e1pansion happening. .othing was done to cause it% nor was it
an e7ect of an"thing. t was 9ust felt% to !e there. n one such moment a !ird 4"ing
up in the s)" was noticed. (s it approached near% the magnanimit" of the gliding
!ird was en9o"ed. 8imultaneousl"% one felt the pulse of it% as if it was part of oneself.
+he communion with !ird was felt intensel" and the 9o" of 4"ing high was shared%
up in the s)". +he e1perience made me understand the meaning of O)inship with
natureP that was ;rst,hand.
*ith a series of such e1periences of varied intensit"% the old was slowl" getting
washed awa" with cellular cleansing of the !rain% felt man" times% as mild to severe
pain. @ife too) a new turn. t !rought lots of sensitivit" and new intrinsic
understanding. +he struggle with thought ended. (wareness deepened. +he 4ame
of attention reached its new heights. +he inner e1periment continued.
t was the night of DGth (ugust 1BBT. +he passive awareness was aware of itself
while sleep,state of &od",Mind organism continued. +he wishful mind with its
su!tlest of desire was not there. <go had evaporated. t could not sustain itself
without the food of thoughts. +here was no!od" aware of that state. +he o!server
was not there. +he witness had disappeared. Lust the state remained. 0all it Odeep,
sleep,awarenessP or samadhi or state,less,state% or whatever "ou li)e. *ords are
9ust the pointers2 the" fail to descri!e this )ind of anu!huti.
+he 4owering of this e1periment left me hum!le% simple and silent. t too) more
than ;ve "ears to come to a point where the e1pression and sharing started
happening in a spontaneous manner with few friends at +(=. +he e1periment
continuesX. t is an eternal 9ourne"X. +here is no end to it. +his is an eternal 4ow of
pure love% ever fresh in each moment.
, Prem .irmal


6:DG PM 6/13/D00G
..<? <YP@=8=. (.# &?<(I +>?=R$>
&" !eing with himself in watchful attention% #ada faced himself totall". *ithout
following an" prescri!ed discipline% he saw the activit" of his own mind ver" aloo4"%
and 5uestioned the pro9ections and wor)ings of the entire mechanism of mind.
n #adaJs own words% O had to !e with m"self wholl" in order to face m"self. was
confronted with the pla" of ceaseless and countless thoughtVdesires. &" watching
the drama of thought,mind% without getting involved in it or carried awa" !" it%
!egan to understand the whole content of m"self.
(s was o!serving the pla" of m" mind% suddenl" reali'ed that the esta!lished
pattern of thought,emotion was distur!ed% and the whole mind,structure was in
turmoil. +here were no la"ers% no orderl" arranged movements of thought an" more.
ntellect and logic lost their validit"% and the consciousness was in 4u1. <ver"thing
was in intense motion% li)e !oiling water.
+he ego itself !ecame highl" distur!ed% agitated and sensitive. came face, to ,
face with fear. had to sense that fear full" and sta" with it without reacting to it.
*ith this challenge% m" watchfulness and alertness grew much deeper% )eeping me
in the moment of the present% creating room V a space in m" inner !eing V to a!sor!
the thrust of thought. +his was a prelude to change V a 9ump.P
8uch a 9ump% !e"ond the mind% appears to !e a totall" unpredicta!le and
une1pected occurrence. (s #ada descri!es% O8omething inside me literall"
e1ploded% giving me the shoc) of m" life. n a split second% a fountain of un)nown
energ" sprang forth from within. +his surprising energ" 4ow was of a trul" new )ind%
di7erent from an"thing had ever sensed or e1perienced !efore. t felt soft%
sensitive% 9o"ful and d"namic "et peaceful. t ;lled me with profound reverence%
deep awe and love. 8uch a m"stical and powerful e1plosion in m" inner domain was
a miraculous event.P
*ith this change in #adaJs life came a tran5uilit"% 9o" and understanding never
)nown to him !efore. Moreover% his creativit" increased man"fold and he !egan to
compose poetr". +hereafter% he continued his inner 9ourne"% sta"ing in semi,solitude
for 1B "ears in a small cottage in Maha!leshwar.

6:31 PM 6/13/D00G
#(#(J8 M(L=? PR?8R+8
8piritual : n 1BGA% an incredi!le series of circumstances% which #ada aptl"
descri!es as .atureJs W!enevolent conspirac"J% too) him to the Rnited 8tates where
he sta"ed for nearl" 3 "ears% sharing his understanding with those seriousl"
interested. >e gave tal)s to man" di7erent people and groups% in homes and
universities. >e found man" eager to e1plore and ;nd peace in their lives. (s the"
!egan to see the delusive nature of thought and the fact that their pursuits were
!ased merel" on hope% man" started loo)ing for new understanding.
Rpon his return home in 1BGK% #ada traveled within ndia as well% giving tal)s and
interviews in di7erent cities and towns.
8ince that time% until date% #ada has made several trips a!road% visiting di7erent
parts of the glo!e including 0anada% -rance% $erman"% tal"% 8ri @an)a and .epal.
>is ma1imum visits% as man" as 1T% have !een to the Rnited 8tates.
0urrentl"% #ada lives in a cottage in :eoor% near Mum!ai% where see)ers continue to
visit him for guidance. >e prefers to spea) with small group and individuals% and to
communicate on a personal level. =ver the "ears% he has also corresponded with
various see)ers% guiding them in their self,in5uiries.
#ada does not consider himself a guru. >e does not run an ashram either. >e feels
that he can certainl" point the wa" !ut the see)er has to wal) using his or her own
two feet.
#ada ma" !e contacted at:
(m!er s"stem seating Pvt.@td.
11,(% .e1t to maha9an Mill 0ompound%
@.&.8. Marg% Hi)hroli C*E% Mum!ai V GB
+el: AABBBB33
<mail #: dadaFm"
*e!site: www.m"
@iterar" : #ada is the author of the !oo)s &e"ond the Mind% +owards the Rn)nown
and ntuitive ntelligence. ?ecentl" he has also !rought out his auto!iograph"
ntelligence &e"ond +hought. (ll his !oo)s have earned favora!le reviews !oth in
ndia and a!road. -or instance% @a)shmi Hette $uterman wrote in the (merican :oga
Lournal ZMa"/Lune 1BGK[:O&e"ond the Mind is an e1cellent presentation of real
teaching% and as a tool% can assist one in e1periencing what remains !e"ond the
mindX..the author of this !oo) is a man who possesses !oth power and clarit" of
#adaJs letters and poems also re4ect his literar" creativit".
(esthetic : (part from his literar" talent% #ada also ta)es !eautiful photographs%
which have won him pri'es. +hrough not professionall" trained% his photographs are
natural and evocative. +heir !eaut" is further enhanced !" #adaJs illuminating
captions and matching verses. ntuitive ntelligence is a collection of such photo,
poetr". -or #ada% ta)ing a photograph is a meditative act carried out with attentive
awareness% openness and humilit". +he photographer as an entit" is negated and is
lost in the surging tide of sensitivit" in the present.
(s .aturalist : #ada loves .ature and has alwa"s lived close to it. *ith his
)nowledge of agriculture% he has often grown his own vegeta!les and fruits. >e
carries out various agricultural e1periments% turning !arren land into plots of green
and ensuring that he gets some fruit or the other all through the "ear. >e is also
wonderful at !ee,)eeping V an art he learnt after a swarm of !ees chose to re,locate
ne1t to his cottage in Maha!leshwar.

0op" ?ights ?eserved D00A
6:3D PM 6/13/D00G

#(#(J8 M<88($<
#ada urges see)ers to in5uire into the real signi;cance of @ife. *hat we ordinaril"
call living is nothing !ut a series of outward movements directed at ful;lling desires
or escaping pain. >owever% this is hardl" the true purpose of @ife. +he current
industrial and commercial culture trains one to !e !us" on the outside% with
ceaseless thoughts% ideas% commitments and am!itions. <ven after all oneJs desires
are ful;lled% the mind runs after something more.
@ife is a pulsating energ"% the driving force !ehind our e1istence. &ut one never
!others to ;nd out what this su!tle and sacred energ" is. =ne is not even aware of
the 4ow of this energ" until it gets distur!ed due to illness or some trauma. +o ma)e
matters worse% even when one is well% there are man" contradictions in oneJs
personalit" due to which one is cut o7 from this integrated energ" and creates
friction and tension within oneself as well as in societ". <ach one is restless and
fragmented% never e1periencing peace or a sense of !eing integrated and whole.
&eing caught up in the outer life% one never loo)s at oneself 5uietl"% patientl" and
o!9ectivel"% to ;nd our what one is. +hus% there is no real !alance of the inner and
the outer.
=ne cannot have this !alance and sense of wholeness as long as one is ruled !"
oneJs own fragmented mind% oneJs thought,process% oneJs ego. +he time has come
to loo) into the mind% see the wa" it wor)s and understand it. +he mind has its own
utilit" in life on some levels. &ut now it has !ecome a ceaseless and domineering
mechanism V indeed it has !ecome life itself.
=ne needs to loo) at ever"thing that moves within the ;eld of mind. +his must not
!e a super;cial in5uir" !ut one carried out with oneJs entire !eing. =ne has to !e
watchful to catch ever" thought as it arises V follow its tra9ector" V how it comes up%
moves and ends. +hen one will !egin to reali'e that the entire movement of thought
is ha!itual and mechanical.
=nl" through attentive watchfulness will this mechanical and compulsive movement
of thought% lose its momentum and ;nall" come to an end. n such ending one will
discover a m"sterious momentum of 5uietude.
f one wants peace% creativit" and love% one has to underta)e this inward 9ourne".
=ne ma" !e clever% !ut mere cleverness will not lead to that state of peace and
ecstas" which is the ver" !asis of life.
(t present% the mind has !ecome a storehouse of the past V of information and
)nowledge gathered from !oo)s% classrooms etc and used cleverl" again and again.
(ll our thoughts and ideas come from stored information which is alwa"s of the
past. 8o the mind is an e1pression of the old% the past% though it wor)s so cleverl"
and so fast that it appears to !e 9ust in the present.
@ife% the living 5ualit"% functions in the present% in the twin)ling momentum of the
WnowJ. +hought cannot touch this d"namic momentum which is ver" spontaneous
and intuitive. +he past cannot touch the present. =ne needs a fresh% intuitive
consciousness to meet @ife V not second, hand ideas !ased on memor"% on the past.
=ne has to wait within in silence% in the state of innocence and anon"mit". +he mind
activit" has to remain a!solutel" 5uiet without the interference of thought. 8uch a
silent state of thought,less,ness and not,)nowing alone invites something of a
higher dimension to give the e1perience of that which is +imeless.
+he mind a!hors the state of not,)nowing. t alwa"s wants certaint" and moves
happil" from the )nown to the )nown. &ut the !eaut" of spiritualit" is to remain in
the state of not,)nowing. 8uch a state results from the faith that @ife energ" will
sustain one% lead one !" the hand. +hen one has the strength to !ear oneJs cross%
however heav" it ma" !e.
+a)ing a R,turn and watching oneself is not meant for 9ust a chosen few. t is
availa!le to all sincere see)ers of +ruth and spiritual understanding. >owever% it is
the mind that )eeps harping on the impossi!ilit" of the challenge as it fears its own
dissolution through such intense watchfulness. +he see)er has to stop dodging the
real wor) of watchfulness and !egin in full earnest. *hen o!9ective internal
watchfulness !ecomes a passion% there is sure to !e an opening.

0op" ?ights ?eserved D00A
6:3T PM 6/13/D00G
(&=R+ #(#(J8 @(+<8+ &==I: .+<@@$<.0< &<:=.# +>=R$>+
+his (uto!iograph" of #ada shows the wa" of ultimate ps"chological revolution and
the discover" of an immortal 4ame within.
n total solitude and through intense internal in5uir"% #ada e1perienced a powerful
e1plosion within% which shattered the ver" structure of his thought,mind.
>e tells us how a totall" new m"sterious energ" sprouted within% transforming the
!rain cells and charging him with its high voltage 4ow. +his uni5ue energ" was of a
higher dimension and functioned !e"ond the level of the thought mind.
#ada descri!es in detail% the m"ster" of this 5uantum leap in consciousness.
<ver" )ind of reader% whether see)er% social wor)er% ps"chologist or scientist% will
;nd this inner 9ourne" compelling. ndeed% this !oo) can !e the golden thread%
which can lead "ou within% to discover the hidden potential within "ou which is the
ver" fountainhead of life.
+he !oo) is well,illustrated with photographs and also includes some of #adaJs
poems% letters and tal)s.
8&. : K1,K3KD,063,K
Pages : T00
8i'e : GP Y BP
<dition : Lan.D006 <nglish D100 0opies
Price : ?s DBA/, R8S 1B
Pu!lished !" : @otus Press.
TD63/3% (nsari ?oad% #ar"agan9
.ew #elhi , 0D
(uto!iograph" : 8piritualit"% Ps"cholog"
<1cerpts from ntelligence &e"ond +hought
-rom 0hapter 1. W+he RpheavalJ
(fter all this deep churning and pondering% decided to leave the house% to go awa"
and !e free from famil" attachments and social compulsions. had no clear idea
a!out the ne1t step or what would do. +he strong urge to end this current pattern
of e1istence !ecame m" main focus. f were to !e honest with m" understanding
and "earnings% now was the right time to act upon them. +his was m" chance for
the discover" of life% the discover" of something more profound !ut as "et un)nown3
-rom 0hapter G. W+he >unter >unted #ownJ
+he thought also came that ma"!e it was a female with !a!" ra!!its% out loo)ing for
food to feed them. *as this a sane act on m" part to destro" this animal living in
freedom in its forest? 8omething in m" head snapped. -or a short time stood
paral"'ed and half da'ed. n that moment was free of the gun culture% the
arrogance% the aggressive hunter,mind. felt repentant and dou!ted m" right to
WmurderJ this innocent animal.
-rom 0hapter 1D. WHo"ageJ
+hen% around midnight% m" telephone rang. couldn/t imagine a call at that hour%
e1cept in a real emergenc"3 +o get to the telephone had to wal) ten feet% which
re5uired an act of supreme determination. t was the shipJs captain calling% and he
said to me ver" seriousl"% U#ada% the situation is reall" ver" !ad% and we have no
wa" of )nowing if or when we will !e a!le to come out of the storm. *e are tr"ing
our !est% !ut "ou must help us. #ada% it is time for "ou to pra" for all of us.U
-rom 0hapter D6. W8ee)ersJ #ou!tsJ
\. *hat is the place of se1 in a see)erJs life?
(. 8e1 is a ver" potent energ",source% which could !e harnessed fruitfull" !" the
see)er. >owever% it is the mind that mostl" uses up all this energ" for carnal
pleasures. 8e1 is generall" perceived as a pleasura!le e1perience !ecause it
stimulates% and e1cites. >owever% it actuall" shoc)s the nervous s"stem.
=ther !oo)s !" #ada:
&e"ond the Mind
+his !oo) o7ers #adaJs insights into the deeper signi;cance of @ife. t is a collection
of dialogues with a see)er% a researcher% an artist% a ps"chotherapist% a woman% a
famil" man% a wealth" man and a meditator. t aNrms that through watchful
attention the mindJs self,centered activit" can get converted into impersonal
intelligence revealing the !eaut" and m"ster" of a new,dimensional e1istence.
Pu!lished in R8(% 8ept.1BGG.C-irst <ditionE 8&.,0,B3060K,01,1.
Pu!lished in ndia.C?evised <ditionE
\. @eah: 8o "ou thin) the feeling of feminine emotionalit" ma" not necessaril" !e a
hindrance to spiritual growth?
(. #ada: 8urel" it is not. +his so called female aspect% which is a highl" sensitive
energ"% ma" !e of great assistance in the discover" of truth. -emale sensitivit" V the
tenderness and a7ection without an" attachment V will ta)e one to the greatest
height of creativit". #ivinit" or spiritualit" is the ultimate height of pure creative
+owards the Rn)nown
+his !oo) o7ers #adaJs re4ections on @ife% in verse form. &ased on #adaJs tal)s in
various places% it urges see)ers to ta)e a leap into the un)nown !" stepping out of
the mind,;eld. t stresses the need to wor) upon the mind% to dissolve it through
simplicit"% humilit" and heightened sensitivit"% so that one can catch the whisper of
intelligence !e"ond thought.
Pu!lished in R8(% Ma" 1BK1. C-irst <ditionE 8&.,0,B3060K,0D,Y
Pu!lished in ndia. C?evised <ditionE
Meditation is not
( pursuit of glori;ed thought%
=r a 4ight of wishful will%
.or an enforced silence%
Meditation is choiceless perception V
Rninvolved% all,around attention%
Rndiluted !" thoughts and emotions
Rnlimited !" techni5ue and tradition.
ntuitive ntelligence
+his is a uni5uel" original and creative photo,!oo). +hrough this e15uisite collection
of sensitive and soulful nature photographs% each with an apt caption and poetic
message% #ada attempts to capture the timeless through time. +he elo5uent
photographs demonstrate how the camera can awa)en the creative impulse and
elevate oneJs perception to su!lime heights.
Pu!lished in R8(. Lan.1BBD C-irst <ditionE 8&.,K1,B0016B,0,3
Pu!lished in ndia #ec.D003 C?evised <ditionE 8&.,K1,B0016B,0,G
Price ?s. ABA/, R8S. DA Pages,1DK.

(nd harmon"
$enerate constructive
(nd creative 4ow of life,energ".
(ll the a!ove !oo)s have !een pu!lished !" V
#ada 0enter Pu!lications
c/o (m!er 8"stems
11,(% @.&.8. marg% Hi)hroli CwE
+el: B1,DD,AABBBB33
<mail #: dadaFm"
*e!site: www.m"
+ranslations of #adaJs wor)s:,
>.# V Mu)ta Leevan Ii (ur Ca translation of &e"ond the MindE
Pu!lished in ndia D (pril 1BKT
Price, ?s1D0 Pages, 1TT
M(?(+>, 0hahul (dn"atachi Ca translation of +owards the Rn)nownE
Pu!lished in ndia 8ept,1BBG 8&., K1,B0016B,0,A
Price ?s. 1A0/, Pages,163
0haitan"acha Hilas Ca translation of ntuitive ntelligenceE
Pu!lished in ndia #ec.D003 8&.,K1,B0016B,0,6
Price ?s. ABA/, Pages,1DK
$RL(?(+,Manani Pele Paar Ca translation of &e"ond the MindE
Pu!lished in ndia% (pril.D00A .av!harat 8ahit"a Mandir
Price, ?s 100 Pages,1G1
(ll !oo)s !" #ada C in all languagesE are availa!le at:
#ada 0enter Pu!lications.
0/o (m!er 8"stems
11,(% @.&.8.Marg% Hi)roli C*E% Mum!ai V T000GB.ndia.
<mail #: dadaFm"
*e!site: www.m"

0op" ?ights ?eserved D00A
6:36 PM 6/13/D00G
(&=R+ #(#(J8 @(+<8+ &==I: .+<@@$<.0< &<:=.# +>=R$>+
+his (uto!iograph" of #ada shows the wa" of ultimate ps"chological revolution and
the discover" of an immortal 4ame within.
n total solitude and through intense internal in5uir"% #ada e1perienced a powerful
e1plosion within% which shattered the ver" structure of his thought,mind.
>e tells us how a totall" new m"sterious energ" sprouted within% transforming the
!rain cells and charging him with its high voltage 4ow. +his uni5ue energ" was of a
higher dimension and functioned !e"ond the level of the thought mind.
#ada descri!es in detail% the m"ster" of this 5uantum leap in consciousness.
<ver" )ind of reader% whether see)er% social wor)er% ps"chologist or scientist% will
;nd this inner 9ourne" compelling. ndeed% this !oo) can !e the golden thread%
which can lead "ou within% to discover the hidden potential within "ou which is the
ver" fountainhead of life.
+he !oo) is well,illustrated with photographs and also includes some of #adaJs
poems% letters and tal)s.
8&. : K1,K3KD,063,K
Pages : T00
8i'e : GP Y BP
<dition : Lan.D006 <nglish D100 0opies
Price : ?s DBA/, R8S 1B
Pu!lished !" : @otus Press.
TD63/3% (nsari ?oad% #ar"agan9
.ew #elhi , 0D
(uto!iograph" : 8piritualit"% Ps"cholog"
<1cerpts from ntelligence &e"ond +hought
-rom 0hapter 1. W+he RpheavalJ
(fter all this deep churning and pondering% decided to leave the house% to go awa"
and !e free from famil" attachments and social compulsions. had no clear idea
a!out the ne1t step or what would do. +he strong urge to end this current pattern
of e1istence !ecame m" main focus. f were to !e honest with m" understanding
and "earnings% now was the right time to act upon them. +his was m" chance for
the discover" of life% the discover" of something more profound !ut as "et un)nown3
-rom 0hapter G. W+he >unter >unted #ownJ
+he thought also came that ma"!e it was a female with !a!" ra!!its% out loo)ing for
food to feed them. *as this a sane act on m" part to destro" this animal living in
freedom in its forest? 8omething in m" head snapped. -or a short time stood
paral"'ed and half da'ed. n that moment was free of the gun culture% the
arrogance% the aggressive hunter,mind. felt repentant and dou!ted m" right to
WmurderJ this innocent animal.
-rom 0hapter 1D. WHo"ageJ
+hen% around midnight% m" telephone rang. couldn/t imagine a call at that hour%
e1cept in a real emergenc"3 +o get to the telephone had to wal) ten feet% which
re5uired an act of supreme determination. t was the shipJs captain calling% and he
said to me ver" seriousl"% U#ada% the situation is reall" ver" !ad% and we have no
wa" of )nowing if or when we will !e a!le to come out of the storm. *e are tr"ing
our !est% !ut "ou must help us. #ada% it is time for "ou to pra" for all of us.U
-rom 0hapter D6. W8ee)ersJ #ou!tsJ
\. *hat is the place of se1 in a see)erJs life?
(. 8e1 is a ver" potent energ",source% which could !e harnessed fruitfull" !" the
see)er. >owever% it is the mind that mostl" uses up all this energ" for carnal
pleasures. 8e1 is generall" perceived as a pleasura!le e1perience !ecause it
stimulates% and e1cites. >owever% it actuall" shoc)s the nervous s"stem.
=ther !oo)s !" #ada:
&e"ond the Mind
+his !oo) o7ers #adaJs insights into the deeper signi;cance of @ife. t is a collection
of dialogues with a see)er% a researcher% an artist% a ps"chotherapist% a woman% a
famil" man% a wealth" man and a meditator. t aNrms that through watchful
attention the mindJs self,centered activit" can get converted into impersonal
intelligence revealing the !eaut" and m"ster" of a new,dimensional e1istence.
Pu!lished in R8(% 8ept.1BGG.C-irst <ditionE 8&.,0,B3060K,01,1.
Pu!lished in ndia.C?evised <ditionE
\. @eah: 8o "ou thin) the feeling of feminine emotionalit" ma" not necessaril" !e a
hindrance to spiritual growth?
(. #ada: 8urel" it is not. +his so called female aspect% which is a highl" sensitive
energ"% ma" !e of great assistance in the discover" of truth. -emale sensitivit" V the
tenderness and a7ection without an" attachment V will ta)e one to the greatest
height of creativit". #ivinit" or spiritualit" is the ultimate height of pure creative
+owards the Rn)nown
+his !oo) o7ers #adaJs re4ections on @ife% in verse form. &ased on #adaJs tal)s in
various places% it urges see)ers to ta)e a leap into the un)nown !" stepping out of
the mind,;eld. t stresses the need to wor) upon the mind% to dissolve it through
simplicit"% humilit" and heightened sensitivit"% so that one can catch the whisper of
intelligence !e"ond thought.
Pu!lished in R8(% Ma" 1BK1. C-irst <ditionE 8&.,0,B3060K,0D,Y
Pu!lished in ndia. C?evised <ditionE
Meditation is not
( pursuit of glori;ed thought%
=r a 4ight of wishful will%
.or an enforced silence%
Meditation is choiceless perception V
Rninvolved% all,around attention%
Rndiluted !" thoughts and emotions
Rnlimited !" techni5ue and tradition.
ntuitive ntelligence
+his is a uni5uel" original and creative photo,!oo). +hrough this e15uisite collection
of sensitive and soulful nature photographs% each with an apt caption and poetic
message% #ada attempts to capture the timeless through time. +he elo5uent
photographs demonstrate how the camera can awa)en the creative impulse and
elevate oneJs perception to su!lime heights.
Pu!lished in R8(. Lan.1BBD C-irst <ditionE 8&.,K1,B0016B,0,3
Pu!lished in ndia #ec.D003 C?evised <ditionE 8&.,K1,B0016B,0,G
Price ?s. ABA/, R8S. DA Pages,1DK.

(nd harmon"
$enerate constructive
(nd creative 4ow of life,energ".
(ll the a!ove !oo)s have !een pu!lished !" V
#ada 0enter Pu!lications
c/o (m!er 8"stems
11,(% @.&.8. marg% Hi)hroli CwE
+el: B1,DD,AABBBB33
<mail #: dadaFm"
*e!site: www.m"
+ranslations of #adaJs wor)s:,
>.# V Mu)ta Leevan Ii (ur Ca translation of &e"ond the MindE
Pu!lished in ndia D (pril 1BKT
Price, ?s1D0 Pages, 1TT
M(?(+>, 0hahul (dn"atachi Ca translation of +owards the Rn)nownE
Pu!lished in ndia 8ept,1BBG 8&., K1,B0016B,0,A
Price ?s. 1A0/, Pages,163
0haitan"acha Hilas Ca translation of ntuitive ntelligenceE
Pu!lished in ndia #ec.D003 8&.,K1,B0016B,0,6
Price ?s. ABA/, Pages,1DK
$RL(?(+,Manani Pele Paar Ca translation of &e"ond the MindE
Pu!lished in ndia% (pril.D00A .av!harat 8ahit"a Mandir
Price, ?s 100 Pages,1G1
(ll !oo)s !" #ada C in all languagesE are availa!le at:
#ada 0enter Pu!lications.
0/o (m!er 8"stems
11,(% @.&.8.Marg% Hi)roli C*E% Mum!ai V T000GB.ndia.
<mail #: dadaFm"
*e!site: www.m"

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