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Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 8:58 AM

Subject: Action-Items-CCXLII-Overview

Having conveyed ~71 pages of new hyperlinks [and extended-notes, it is again desirable to take pause,
IDing the key-points buried therein. Regarding my personal-priorities: [1]implementation of
Mandatory Holocaust Education (now that the bill was passed) must be monitored; [2*]anti-Semitism
on the Temple Campus (which was amplified by physical violence last week) must be confronted by
rectifying emanations of Prof. Alessio Lerro (who could walk back his Holocaust-Minimization quotes,
at the very least); [3]creation of a PA-Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans (encompassing the LGBTQ-
community) pends, although structural decisions have been made and many people are hot-to-trot after
Labor Day; and [4]establishing hospitals as being gun-free zones would putatively necessitate
implementation of metal-detector screening (as occurs in high schools). These efforts are being tracked.

***FLASH *We won!+: Last spring, an adjunct professor made disparaging remarks
about the Holocaust on a Modern Languages Association website and his private
Facebook page. That adjunct, Alessio Lerro, no longer works at Temple.

Regarding Foreign Policy, Krauthammer characterized BHO [Thursday-p.m. on FNCs Special Report
discussion by the Fox All-Stars+ as that petulant adolescent in the White House but, predictably,
Foreign Policy disasters are becoming manifest by Islamists [with BHO unable to utter the word] and by
Putin *whose overt invasion was downplayed as a continuation of prior behavior+; Tucker Carlson
raised the prospect that Red-China could now attempt to co-opt Pacific Islands now controlled by
countries *all of which look to America for protection, remember SEATO?+, although he didnt quite cite
the prospect that Formosa would be included [noting how Hong Kong residents are being pressured].

Regarding the Arab-Winter, BHOs penchant for following from behind must be blamed for the growth
of such entities as Iran (which was the first country to help the Kurds), Hamas (which has been allowed
to prevail upon world-opinion instead of being called-out for its double-violation of Geneva by shelling
Jewish innocents and hiding behind Muslim innocents), Assad (who made a show of providing some
WMDsthe ownership he had previously, vigorously deniedwith Russian connivance) who continues
to commit (barrel-bomb) atrocities, and Putin (who has enjoyed Hillarys reset), etc. *List incomplete.+

Regarding Israel, although some will wonder why a hudna has been accepted, most recrimination will be
focused on why the extent/sophistication of the tunnels served as a surprise to the government; thus,
knowing that BHO probably resents BBs military success (which contrasts with the pacifism of a POTUS
who announced proudly that he shuns victors/vanquished), BB must be provided broad discretion when
he continues maximizing American aid from an egotistical Arabist who admittedly lacks a strategy [!].

Regarding Politics, Rush noted that the Dems are playing the long game [instituting Socialism] while the
GOP is worried about self-limited goals [winning the next election]; this may be all well and good, but
necessary is a set of counter-proposals, for winning in 14 would otherwise handicap winning in 16.
Thus, when the GOP-Establishment labors to undermine anyone opposed by the Chamber of Commerce,
he fears the dampening impact upon people who would be at-risk to sit-out emerging for election-day;
others have joined in this explanation for why the Senatorial contests remain close, inasmuch as BHOs
proclivity for hurting friends and kissing-up to enemies would have already KOed Dem-apologists.

Regarding Illegals, intramural pressure must continue to be exerted on the Establishment-GOP (and
those who aspire to become the POTUS-16 nominee) to maintain the rule-of-law mantra, namely, that
the mess is solely related to BHOs lack of having enforced existing legislation (particularly the need to
build a physical barrier along most of the border, with electronics invoked to handle the rest of it); it is
now clear that the influx must be addressed by mass-deportation, starting with the most recent arrivals,
lest the children of all ages stress the social-welfare system (e.g., educating gray-haired students).

Regarding reverse-racism, demagoguery must be condemned and those who countenance lawlessness
must be tied to the criminal-element with which they self-identify; meanwhile, nothing should stop the
mainstream electorate from simultaneously supporting efforts to maintain law-and-order and efforts to
alleviate stressors that continue to plague the Black community [preferentially, for whatever reason(s)]
such as problematic schools [mired in the politics of teacher-unionization, overwhelmed by illegals].

Regarding the media, the ongoing need to police the disseminators of overt-opinion despite key-facts
*particularly housed by MSNBC (famously) and CNN (subtly)+ must continue to name names candidly;
those who show sparks of delayed-recognition (such as when Maureen Dowd roasted BHOs golfing)
must be cautiously-praised and prompted to connect-the-dots (e.g., linking BHOs elitism and statism),
discipline that also must be pursued on an individual-basis (such as when Jewish-Dems aid/abet BHO).

Regarding the social-war, promoting libertarianism (without being libertine) would serve to undermine
Big Government that would otherwise intrude upon personal-liberty (creating a useful fusion with the
GOPs traditional platform); the goal would be to allow for victimless crimes that have passed muster
with the SCOTUS [privately-funded legal abortion, gay-marriage, pot] without undermining judgments of
right-vs.-wrong [instead, by ensuring morality supplants situational ethics and runaway-egalitarianism].

Regarding BHOs Scandal-Sheet, the fact that it infests all facets of federal government must be revealed
and the implications thereof appreciated both by Republicans (scrupulously tying deceit with policy) and
by Indies/Dems (forcibly recognizing faulty-policy is generated by covert-deceit); Congressional hearings
must be coupled with generation of legislation (even as private litigation catalyzes document-discovery),
so that the party of no *mistaken+ characterization can be undermined by demonstrable achievement
(assuming, in particular, that both houses of Congress are run by responsible/responsive Republicans).

These ten principles can be applied provincially, such as when Corbetts chances begin to stir; when the
need arises to confront major statewide concerns (e.g., paycheck-protection, forced-unionization,
liquor-privatization and the pension-bomb), the public must be educated regarding the need to unearth
the rot that public-unions have promulgated to protect provincial interests (over the commonweal),
and this must encompass both the Dems (owned by unions) and Republicans (rented by unions).

The net-result of responsible leadership (albeit rhetoric-deprived) must be conveyed to the electorate
inaction (e.g., the Islamists global slaughter of Christians, as they continue to fight the Crusades while
seeking a worldwide caliphate) must be exposed, tackled, and destroyed (wherever it may lead). {Also,
READ two essays by Richard Baehr [War on Jews: Europe and now America and Hillary Is In No Rush to
announceme her POTUS-candidacy].

Thus, merely pondering only four headlines from todays Washington Free Beacon is unnerving:


Remilitarize the World Police - F-16s grounded. Blackhawks covered in foam. Just two
Army brigades combat ready. Half the cruiser fleet rendered inoperable. New nukes
delayedfor two years. Bipartisan experts terrified of the consequences. Americas
deterrentour ability to discourage and respond to aggressionis gone.

FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment Omits Islamist Terrorism - The FBIs most
recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist
terror threats, despite last years Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood
shootingboth carried out by radical Muslim Americans.

Bill Would End Outrageous Loophole Allowing ISIL Fighters to Return to U.S. - Americans
returning from foreign countries [after having been trained by and having fought with
terror groups such as the Islamist State] must be barred from freely entering America,
where they post a substantial terror threat (either as cells or as isolated actors).

Hillary Clinton Chose an Unusual Venue to Finally Address the Ferguson Tragedy - A
mere 19 days after the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., Hillary
Clinton has decided to weigh in. In other words, Clintons political team has finally
concluded its focus group on the issue.

Thus, merely allowing ones self to experience Breitbarts front-page headlines is sobering:

State Department: ISIS Is Al Qaeda
Obama: We Don't Have a Strategy For Defeating Islamic State In Syria, for his strategy is
still developing, as he continues to consult with Congress and the American people.
Fort Hood shooter says he wants to become 'citizen' of Islamic State caliphate
Islamic State Forces 250 Syrian Soldiers to Strip, Executes Them in the Desert
Minneapolis Muslim Killed Fighting For ISIS
UN Report: Islamic State Recruiting Children as Fighters in Syria
Indian Girl, 7, Allegedly Buried Alive by Her Family
Sister of Boston Marathon Bombers Arrested for Making Bomb Threat
As International Conflicts Rise, Obama Met with National Security Council
Flashback: Palin, After Obama Accepted Pres. Nom, asked if he had anti-Islamist Plan


World View: Europe Tries to Deal with Increasing Flood of Migrants from Africa

New York Times Called 60-Year-Old Israeli Border Community a 'Settlement'
Mother-in-Law of Terror Leader 'Honored' Her Daughter and Grandchildren Died as
Hamas Human Shields: Offers Both Other Daughters
Egypt Investigates Morsi for Revealing Troop Positions to Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood


Sheriff Joe: 'Common Sense' ISIS Will Try to Exploit Border
Feds to Advertise Settlement Allowing Deported Illegals to Return
Rep. Paul Gosar Blasted DHS for Stonewalling Inquiries About Illegal Immigrant Transfers
'Have No Doubt': Obama Vows Executive Action on Immigration Reform
Obama: 'Administrative and Executive Choices' Needed Due to Congressional Inaction
on Border Crisis
Immigration Judges: Obama Admin Breaking Promise of Funding, Lawyers to Process
Illegal Cases
Gutirrez: Obama Amnesty Forced By 'Anti-immigrant, Xenophobic' House GOP
Dem Rep: Obama Must Go Forward on Amnesty to Quell Latino Racial Unrest
Pro-Amnesty Activists Arrested Protesting Outside White House
Louie Gohmert: Obama Isn't Going to Do Executive Amnesty
Amnesty Groups to Illegals: Prepare to buy work-permits Ahead of Executive Amnesty

Mitch McConnell: No More Government Shutdowns
Retired Republican Senator Leads Effort to Smash Local Tea Party

CNN Buried Ferguson Shooting Audio

29 Biased Statements in the AP U.S. History Redesign


Thus, merely scanning what the libs @ Politico have prioritized is nauseating:

Obama's [non-]'strategy' misfired, as his messy press conference capped-off a month of
difficult public statements.

Rising (Maxine) Waters has gone from the scourge of Big Business to a sympathetic ally
for corporate America [paralleling the course of her fearless-leader].

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rogers found Obama answer 'concerning'
during his odd news conference.

Republican firebrand Cruz fed 2016 buzz with hires to his campaign/political operations.

Clintons first Ferguson remarks predictably praised Obamas decision to send Holder.

Obama's goal to roll back ISIL's gains is self-undermined ['We don't have a strategy yet'].

Note also that these data have been amplified by personal-observations and writings whenever any
suitable audience has been IDed; for example, recall my unwavering oeuvre regarding Kurdistan,
based upon thoughts that were first formulated ~1981 and which has been disseminated [as a ghost-
writer for Dr. Sherkoh Abbas, President of the Kurdistan National Assembly] during the past half-decade:

America Must Recognize Kurdistan - Jewish Policy Center; America Must
Recognize Kurdistan - Daily Alert | Jerusalem ...; The Kurds Can Lead a Reborn Syria, At
Peace With ALL of Her Neighbors; and The Road To Iran Runs Through Kurdistan ... -
Israpundit, which had been written six years ago and was reprinted last year by Ted
Belman as if it had just been composed without my having submitted it to him].

Now, recoznize the repercussions of BHO [and, sadly, most others] having ignored us:
'Blame Baghdad:' Kurdish Commander Says Crucial Foreign Weapons Have Not Been
Iran is the first country supplied the Kurdish forces with arms: Barzani

Ultimately, CRUZ [noting he competes inter alia with PERRY] is DESTINED FOR WHITE HOUSE GOP-nod,
although Id have no problem with Walker [after he wins re-election] relegating Cruz to the Veep-spot
[neutralizing worriment that executive experience be ignored, witness the performance of BHO], as the
GOP-establishment flails for a counterweight [Romney constituting the latest gambit] and the media
promotes Rand Paul [totally aware of how his neo-isolationism meshes BHOs, unlike other Republicans,
let alone when he has tried to walk-back anti-Israel positions mirroring those of his father] and lionizes
Hillary [totally ignoring her responsibility for BHOs Foreign Policy melt-down, let alone her Alinsky-ties].

Leaf-through the prior 227-page attachmentreplete with hyperlinksor through the previously-noted
set of Action-Items generated since December *I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI,
XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, and XXIX] and recognize that the above
editorialization is correlative with a database drawn from everywhere on the 3-D political spectra,
punctuated by graphics that have been chosen both to dramatize and to entertain. Then please circulate
these ideas/ideals and feed-back reactions [to vet accuracy and comprehensiveness], and whatever is
provided will be turned-around for all to weighas the post-Labor Day political world heats-up.

In the process of disseminating excerpts from this 2302-page database [accrued since 12/7/2014, noting
that 1000+ pages focused on Cruz and efforts to defund ObamaDontCare have yet to be compiled and
uploaded+, it is necessary to integrate what we say to each other
Obamas Reign of Error: How America Lost Its Way and Is Losing the War against Jihad (part 1)
Obamas Reign of Error: How America Lost Its Way and Is Losing the War Against Jihad (part 2)
Obamas Reign of Error: How America Lost its Way and is Losing the War Against Jihad (part 3)
with what the great unwashed must be compelled to appreciateASAP!



Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 5:30 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLIII [Islamic-State-BHO]

Every day, it seems clarity regarding the worlds doings is enhanced incrementally regarding each of the
major concerns these Blast e-mails have been attempting to capture and to conceptualize; during the
day, today, for example, the narrative has been advanced regarding a number of key-issues, even as
BHO continues to implode. This is not to suggest that trends are healthy [as Putin absorbs East Ukraine]
or deteriorating [as Heritage Foundation president and former-Sen. Jim DeMint Blessed Ted Cruz Over
Rick Perry for the POTUS-16 nomination+; it does suggest applicability of the opener of Dickens Tale of
Two Cities *best/worst of times+, as hope springs eternal that BHO wont cause too much permanent
damage to America and to the world [as chickens return to roost, seemingly everywhere]. In any case,
providing a few updates seems in-order, if only to convey concerns from unusual angles; in many ways,
the compulsion to convey these thoughts diminishes as so many items congeal to reinforce them.

Lest BHOs Scandal Sheet be overlooked, one facet thereof will be revisited when Fox
News presents a new Benghazi documentary, '13 Hours at Benghazi - The Inside Story,'
hosted by FNC's chief political anchor Bret Baier, on Friday, September 5
[6-7 P.M.].
Featuring exclusive interviews with the American security operatives who fought on the
ground during the attacks in Benghazi, Libya on September 11
, 2012, it will reveal their
identities as they speak-out publicly for the first time; presumably, the men will share
what really happened during the fighting at a U.S. diplomatic compound and at a secret
CIA annex nearby. ,Apparently, BHO could no longer play keep-away with these guys.-

Notwithstanding concerns with BBs political status after the ceasefire, the brilliance of his efforts is
reflected in knowing when not to actand to allow natural forces to play-out. A prime example of this
approach was manifest with emergence of dissention-in-the-ranks: Mahmoud Abbas is Blaming Hamas
for Gaza Casualties.} Exploring ramifications of the current situation are [edited] points by Richard Baehr
{Editor of The American Thinker}, themed on Israel:

1. Khaled Abu Toameh confirmed what should be obvious to any thinking person
who is not a reflexive Israel- or Jew-hater: Hamas and its allies still want to destroy
Israel and murder Jews. They have not become humanitarians eager to rebuild the
territory they control in Gaza and create better lives for people.

2. While Europeans remain apoplectic about Israel's alleged war crimes, they seem
far less concerned with ISIS, a group, like Hamas, now quite popular with the
Arab/Muslim "street" in these countries.

3. Recall Obama's three favorite Muslim countries [Qatar, Turkey and Iran] and
know that the former-two are busy at work on the next flotilla, while Qatar remains the
Club Med for terrorists. Also, know that the latter-one is supposedly about to receive
a complete capitulation, for an Iran nuclear deal (out of the news pages lately) appears
to be in the works. [If you are sitting in Iran's shoes, the recent Israel-Gaza war was a
windfall; the U.S. Israeli alliance has been further frayed (a goal it seems of the Obama
administration from the start if Israel refused to buckle to the Great One's will), and

Israel has had to deal with security issues other than Iran. Both of these make an Israeli
attack on Iran's nuclear program less likely.]

4. The term academentia describes the new pro-Hamas left.

5. The Justice Department is suing a community for religious discrimination after it
turned-down a mosque application, ignoring a prior turndown of a church application
for the same site (suggesting religion, or any particular religion had nothing to do with
the denial in either case); also, the next thrust from the pro-sharia *Muslims are always
blameless+ crowd is a push to change all training for law enforcement personnel.

6. Yesterday's cover of the New York Post signaled the death of an American
jihadist in Syria.

Its right up there with the "photo" of the German and French ambassadors to the U.N.
debating the Iraq resolution in 2003, the Council of Weasels:


7. Articles on media malpractice by journalists in Gaza were composed by Matti
Friedman, Richard Behar (in the New York Times), and CAMERA.

8. Elite colleges and universities seem desperate to achieve a certain percentage of
enrollment numbers for various groups to prove their commitment to diversity; this
does not mean, however, that the schools are actively working to increase enrollment
among lower income students, for the book "Mismatch" details why affirmative action
fails minorities.

9. BHO flied-in three people to the funeral of Michael Brown [accompanied by
his special emissary and speaker Al Sharpton; this was a bigger delegation than he sent
to the funeral of Margaret Thatcher, or to that of the highest-ranking U.S. military
figure killed in over 30 years. [Then again, Thatcher did not rob a convenience store
or assault a police officer before her death. For the record, I do not know all the details
of what went down in Ferguson that day, and nor does anyone else who jumped to
predictable conclusions on what it meant.] But the message sent, here, when the event
was elevated to the equivalent of a "state" funeral for Brown [as opposed to any
acknowledgement at all of the 8000 blacks murdered everywhere else around America
on the streets of our cities] suggests that BHO wanted to signal his view that this
death was unique and particularly wrong. The only reason for the hoopla was the fact
that a white cop shot a black man; one-day stories would have resulted if a black cop
shot a white man under identical circumstances, or if a black cop shot a black man under
identical circumstances.

10. Many Hollywood writers, actors, and industry-people, signed a letter backing
Israel and attacking Hamas; many are not Jewish, but many Jews were missing [Steven
Spielberg, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg (busy at work raising money
for something more important, defeating Mitch McConnell in Kentucky), Ari Emanuel,
and Barbara Streisand].

11. Mark Twain loved Jews.

12. Trivia [unreferenced]: Note states where the highest percentage of the
population were born in those states [Louisiana 79%, Michigan 77%, Ohio, 75%,
Pennsylvania 74%, tie between Mississippi and Wisconsin at 72%] and states where the
lowest percentage of the population were born in those states [Nevada 25%, Florida
36%, Arizona 38%, Wyoming 40%, and a 3 way tie- Alaska, Colorado, and New
Hampshire 42%].

The Islamic State continues to threaten world-peace [such as it is]; for example, Pope Francis is said to
be 'In Crosshairs Of ISIS,' prompting Italy to Step-Up Security and Catholic and Orthodox Patriarchs to
Call for Islamic State's Destruction. Lest the anti-Semitic component of such efforts [and their
cogenitors] be forgotten, Iran Began Arming Palestinian Terrorists...and promised 'annihilation of the
Zionist regime' and a community of 230 Orthodox Jews from several countries began leaving the
Guatemalan Indian village where they have lived for six years after claims and counterclaims of
discrimination and threats. As Rush noted, CAMERON properly recognized the danger [ISIL-INSPIRED
TERRORIST ACTS ALREADY OCCURRED IN EUROPE], but fell-flat instead of advocating for a remedy.

More Afraid of Global Warming Than ISIS; amazingly, per Rep. GOHMERT, OBAMA HAS
Barney Fife Running Our Foreign Policy.' The tone is set-at-the-top, for it has been
deemed URGENT for BHO to interrupt his weekend fundraising trip tol return to DC...To
attend MSNBC wedding; indeed, Obama's Labor Day Weekend is to include Three
Fundraisers and this MSNBC Wedding. What of the firestorm over yesterdays speech to
the press? White House Blamed Media For Obama 'No Strategy' Comment [typical], and
Josh Earnest claimed Obama 'Stands Squarely Behind' Decision to Wear Tan Suit. It was
in this atmosphere that Gutfeld *subbing last night for OReilly+ asked Colmes Why Libs
Have a Hard Time Identifying Actual Evil. [The answer is adherence to moral relativism,
so as to explain-away inherent contradictions derived from prioritizing the collective
over individual responsibility; plumbing the depths of situational-ethics is as difficult as
BHO finds it when dawdling instead of issuing forthright anti-Islamist policies/actions.]

As MEXICO CRACKED-DOWN ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION [after-the-fact], it was recognized that the
the problem, he HIT A NEW LOW IN IMMIGRATION POLL [per Pew, conducted August 20-24, 61% of
Americans disapprove of Obama's immigration policy while 31% approve and 7% have no opinion].
Political forces remain at-play, affecting all parties; for example, Cory Gardner's Immigration Betrayal
Not Looking So Hot Right Now and, instead, it is felt to be Time for the GOP to Play Offense with a Tough
Border-Security Bill. In fact, Jeff Sessions claimed a Pro-Amnesty Candidate Must Not Get the GOP
Nomination in 2016 [Cruz would be a safe-bet], while the AFL-CIOs Trumka lamely asserted that
Obama's 'Bold' Amnesty Will Win Midterms for Dems.

In the aftermath of his invasion, Putin Declared Eastern Ukraine the 'New Russia' and
warned the West not to MESS WITH RUSSIA; providing the exclamation-point for this
mini-threat, Finland's Fighter Jets were placed on Alert After Putins Breaches, as he is
now said to be Eying the Arctic.

The following is an excerpt from this weeks essay by Jonah Goldberg *in his breezy-style]:
You remember the Chess Master right? Here's Bob Herbert describing him back in 2009:
Mr. Obama is like a championship chess player, always several moves
ahead of friend and foe alike. He's smart, deft, elegant and subtle. While
Lindsey Graham was behaving like a 6-year-old on the Senate floor and
Pete Sessions was studying passages in his Taliban handbook, Mr.
Obama and his aides were assessing what's achievable in terms of
stimulus legislation and how best to get there.
Here's Barack Obama describing his favorite person:
"I think I'm a better speechwriter than my speechwriters," Obama told
him. "I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy
directors. And I'll tell you right now that I'm gonna think I'm a better
political director than my political director."
Yesterday at his news conference, the president said he doesn't have a strategy yet for
the Islamic State. The blowback required the White House to send out his spinners like a
farmer sending out his sons in search of a wayward hog. Personally, I don't care that the
president doesn't have a strategy for the Islamic State yet. One of the downsides of
leading from behind is that it by definition allows problems to fester and become more
complex. ("In other news today, six people burned to death as firefighters watched
another building burn to the ground as part of Fire Chief Obama's 'firefighting from
behind' initiative.")
How to deal with the Islamic State right now is a very tough question, particularly if
you're Barack Obama. What bothers me is his decision to announce to the world he has
pretty much no idea what he's doing. Taking your time to formulate a strategy, even
especially! a strategy necessitated by your own mistakes and inattention is entirely
But when the world already thinks you're weak, vacillating, and overwhelmed, saying in
the pithiest way possible that you're weak, vacillating, and overwhelmed strikes me as a
Of course, if Obama was a Chess Master who sees ten moves ahead, this would all be an
elaborate rope-a-dope. Like Michael Corleone, he would wait for his enemies to show
themselves and reveal their motives. China is suddenly testing our resolve in the Pacific?
"Excellent," Obama says behind tented fingers. The Russians are calling our bluff?
"Ahhh...the game is afoot." Egypt and the U.A.E. are writing us off as a paper tiger? "Just
as I expected," quoth the Chess Master to his briefer. The Germans can't be counted on
to stay loyal? "Of course. Of course." The Poles have made it clear they consider the U.S.
an unreliable, even dangerous ally? "I am disappointed I was so right about them all
along." The Iranians pour Hezbollah into Syria? "Rouhani's a pimp. He never could have
outfought Ahmadinejad. But I didn't know until this day that it was Khamenei all along."

The Chess Master was testing our friends and exposing our real foes. Like the sea snake
that guy in Gladiator described, Obama let his prey nip and bite at him and now, in a
shockingly mixed metaphor, the Venus fly trap snaps shut for the Labor Day Massacre.
The reality, alas, is that Obama is and has always been out of his depth on the
international stage. Given the prestige of the presidency and the incredible institutional
forces behind the office, particularly when a liberal is elected, it takes time to burn
through all of the political capital that comes with the job. But Obama has been
throwing that political capital on an Oval Office bonfire like so much kindling on a clean
and safe Anchorage night. In yet another metaphor that threatens to burn out the
dilithium crystals , the credibility inferno is reaching China Syndrome proportions. For a
depressing but brilliant analysis of this meltdown, see Bret Stephens's piece in the new
Commentary coincidentally titled "The Meltdown."
Remember the famous SNL clip where Phil Hartman plays Ronald Reagan? He's an
amiable dunce in public, but get him behind closed doors and he's a master strategist?
Well, maybe that stuff about Obama being the liberal opposite of Reagan is true. Out in
public, he seems like he's the Chess Master (though I never saw it). But get him behind
closed doors and he's in the chair next to Biden shouting "I can spin faster than you!"
Speaking of Saturday Night Live, Kyle Smith had an excellent piece in the New York Post
a few days ago. I will quote at length:
At last, we know the reason why comedy writers don't make fun of
President Obama much.
It turns out the man is completely unmockable.
We learn this from Jim Downey, the longtime "Saturday Night Live"
specialist in political japery. "If I had to describe Obama as a comedy
project, I would say, 'Degree of difficulty, 10 point 10,'" the writer says
in the expanded new edition of the "SNL" oral history book, "Live from
New York."
"It's like being a rock climber looking up at a thousand-foot-high face of
solid obsidian, polished and oiled," Downey says. "There's not a single
thing to grab onto certainly not a flaw or hook that you can
caricature. [Al] Gore had these 'handles,' so did Bush, and Sarah Palin,
and even Hillary had them. But with Obama, it was the phenomenon
less about him and more about the effect he had on other people and
the way he changed their behavior. So that's the way I wrote him."
Got that? The charter Choom Ganger, confessed eater of dog and
snorter of coke. The doofus who thinks the language spoken by
Austrians is "Austrian," that you pronounce the p in "corpsman" and
that ATMs are the reason why job growth is sluggish. The egomaniac
who gave the queen of England an iPod loaded with his own speeches
and said he was better at everything than the people who work for him.
The empty suit with so little real-world knowledge that he referred to
his brief stint working for an ordinary profit-seeking company as time

"behind enemy lines." The phony who tells everyone he's from Chicago,
though he didn't live there until his 20s, and lets you know that he's
talking to people he believes to be stupid by droppin' his g's. The world-
saving Kal-El from a distant solar system who told us he'd heal the
planet and cause the oceans to stop rising. The guy who shared a middle
name with one of the most hated dictators on earth.
Nope, nothing there to mock. No way to get a grip on this polished,
oiled obsidian. So comedy writers didn't and mostly still don't. Jim
Downey isn't in dereliction of his comedy duty to take down the high
and the mighty, or so he begs you to think. He's just too obtuse to see
Scrooge McDuck quantities of comedy gold when they're sitting right in
front of him.
I think Smith nails it. But I'd add one extra point. Comedians, musicians, actors and
yes pundits face a similar danger: Being captured by their audiences. Once you
develop a big following you unavoidably develop a big set of expectations for the kind of
material you do. In the case of SNL, I suspect one additional reason they think Obama is
unmockable (aside from the cranium-past-the-sphincter butt kissing) is that their
audience also thinks Obama is unmockable. I don't simply mean the viewers, though I'm
sure SNL's ratings are higher in blue states. I mean the people the actors and writers get
feedback from. The phenomenon of the Beltway mentality has its analogues
everywhere. For instance, I think it would be great for Jon Stewart and America if he
was forced to live in Lexington, Ky., or Missoula, Mt., for a couple years and produce The
Daily Show from there. Perhaps living outside the echo chamber would allow him to see
politics from a less predictable angle.
Another item of Boehrs trivia claimed that the most purchased song in the history of I-Tunes is Dont
Stop Believing; in this video, Hillary appears twice [@ 0:42 & 1:43]. {Know also that CHELSEA CLINTON


Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:15 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLIV [Foreign-Policy, Midterms, Cruz, NY-Times]

Because it seems plus a change, plus c'est la mme chose *the more it changes, the more it's the
same thing], it is desirable to recap the situation patriots face when dealing with BHO; although some
feel his having ignored the Constitution [not upholding, upholding sometimes based on discretion,
creating what he then upholds+ is impeachable, the admitted-lack of a strategy to defend America by
the Commander-in-Chief ranks right-up-there. , as is the thrust of a secret memo that ordered the entire
federal government to give the White House control over who gets what information.

I finally have had enough; despite addiction to the NY-Times Sunday-Mag X-Word Puzzles
[and variety-puzzles including Puns and Anagrams provided every two months]
I just cancelled my subscription [behavior Guzzardi has mandated for years]
Because of its continued obeisance to all-things-Obama and, now

Overseas, the Islamic State is running-wild:
Captured ISIS Laptop Contains Bubonic Plague, WMD Information
FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment Omits Islamist Terrorism
Sorry to Remind You, but Golda Meir Was Right - Part I of IV
Sorry to Remind You, but Golda Meir Was Right - Part II of IV
Sorry to Remind You, but Golda Meir Was Right - Part III of IV
Sorry to Remind You, but Golda Meir Was Right - Part IV of IV
Golda Meir, the fourth prime minister of Israel, had a perfectly realistic point when she
said that peace in the Middle East would only be possible "when Arabs love their
children more than they hate us." I now think her line was incomplete: Peace won't

come just when Arabs love their children more than they hate Jews; it may come when
they also love their children more than they hate 'other' Muslims.
Latest Islamic State Magazine Touted Foley Killing, Taunts Obama
KIDNAPPED: 43 UN 'Peacekeepers' Abducted by Islamists in Syria
[Syrian Refugees Top 3 Million; Half of All Syrians Displaced]
D'Souza: ISIS Showed What Happens in a World Without USA
Islamic State Militants Beheaded Kurdish Man in Iraq
BHOs intellectual/operational bankruptcy is illustrated by TWIN OP-EDS in N.Y. Times:
--Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham, "Stop Dithering, Confront ISIS: No one is
advocating an invasion, but we need a military strategy": "Jimmy Carter changed his
policy on the Soviet Union after it invaded Afghanistan. Bill Clinton changed his policy in
the Balkans and stopped ethnic cleansing. And George W. Bush changed course in Iraq
and saved America from defeat. ISIS presents Mr. Obama with a similar challenge, and it
has already forced him to begin changing course ... He should accept the necessity of
further change and adopt a strategy to defeat this threat. If he does, he deserves
bipartisan support. If he does not, ISIS will continue to grow into an even graver danger
to our allies and to us."
--Secretary Kerry, "To Defeat Terror, We Need the World's Help: No civilized country can
shirk its responsibility to fight a global scourge": "Airstrikes alone won't defeat this
enemy. A much fuller response is demanded from the world. We need to support Iraqi
forces and the moderate Syrian opposition, who are facing ISIS on the front lines. We
need to disrupt and degrade ISIS' capabilities and counter its extremist message in the
media. And we need to strengthen our own defenses and cooperation in protecting our

pamela geller notes:
o Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border
o Islamic States Plot to Weaponize the Plague Found on Terror Laptop of Doom
o Muslim Brothers the latest Canadians identified as fighting for the Islamic State
o Pamela Geller to Keynote the Pledge Ride Banquet Dinner, South Florida
o American Terror Pipeline: Muslims from Twin Cities Flock to Syria to Wage Jihad
o New VIDEO: The Islamic States (ISIS) Warning to the Kurds
o British Student Hails Golden Era of Jihad
o GOP Rep. Hunter: Islamic State just guys in pajamas, not an existential threat
o Hostages held by the Islamic State in Syria, including beheaded US journalist James Foley, were
o Netherlands: Six Muslim children taken into care as parents planned to go to Syria to wage jihad
o New Jihad Recruitment Video Calls For Westerners Especially *Those In+ Minnesota, Great
Britain, *And+ Germany To Emigrate To Muslim Lands
o Obama sends Defense Secretary Hagel to Turkey, supporter of ISIS, to build Coalition of the
o Vienna a hub for European jihadists
o Muslims Raping Nuns
o FBI forced to probe jihad recruiting in Minneapolis after more American Muslims die fighting for
the Islamic State
o Canada: University student converts to Islam and threatens Christians will face the sword if
they do not convert to Islam

o Hiding From Behind: Global coalition needed to stop Islamic State
o Nigeria: Jihadists Attacks Catholic Church, Beheads Christians
o Muslim Brotherhood leader gets life sentence in Egypt
o Terror target Britain: More armed police to patrol streets as threat level is raised to its highest
for years and Prime Minister warns that we are in the [jihadists] sights
o O. J. Simpson has converted to Islam in prison
o Obama: Everything Just Seems Bad Because of Social Media
o France: Two Muslim Teenagers Arrested Over Synagogue Suicide Bomb Plot

Illustrative of the challenge Jews face when dealing with our youth is an essay and an op-ed published in
this weeks issue of the Jewish Exponent; both young ladies have, apparently, never been exposed to
Zionism 101! Thus, I couldnt resist prodding them, a bit, to wit:

Sara, Israel is BOTH a "country" [the Jewish Homeland] AND a "cause" [the
manifestation of Zionism]; with that realization in-mind, you may wish to recast your


Anya, you are evolving...but you have quite-a-ways to go....

Claiming Israeli/Jewish maltreatment ["The occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is
inexcusable; Israels mistreatment and dehumanization of Palestinian civilians is a
disgrace to Jewish tradition."] reflects ignorance of what you should have learned while
in Eretz-Yisrael; for starters, perhaps you may wish to read the sage-utterings of BB, who
graduated from Cheltenham High in '67.

Until/unless Israel is recognized as a Jewish State, there can be no peace, provisional or
otherwise; once you allow that fundamental fact to slosh-around in your skull, you will
be able to reformulate your belief-system accordingly...and you will be able to
accommodate key-facts that you probably haven't learned @ Oberlin.

I live a block from Abington Friends, my son also went to Perelman, and I was a member
of a Reconstructionist Synagogue for a few I'm quite aware of your
upbringing; allow yourself to appreciate the fact that Israel has been waging ONE multi-
front defensive-war continuously [waxing/waning] since 1947.

Then, perhaps, clarity will emerge, and your internal-conflicts will vanish!

Also, Russia/China are taking advantage of BHOs weakness:
Russia Widened Its Invasion of Ukraine
Ukraine Seeks to Join NATO; Defiant Putin Compares Kiev to Nazis
Ukraine said Russian tanks flatten town
Polish president warned of 'empire' ambitions
PAPER: Putin has absorbed West's 'consequences'
China Now Reclaiming Islands in Philippines' Kalayaan Island Group


Lefties have fashioned a weak model in BHOs defense that, of course, blames Bush:
Huffington Post: ISIS Horror Explained by Saudi Wahhabism
Left Goes Ballistic over ISIS Waterboarding of Foley
MSNBC: ISIS Waterboarding Hostages 'the Price' of Gitmo
Poll: More Dems See Climate Change as a Major Threat to the U.S. Than the Islamic State

Most everyone else is decrying BHOs admission that he lacks a strategy:
WASH POST: Obama's can't-do attitude
ABC's Raddatz: Obama's Lack of ISIS Strategy 'Creating a Lot of Concern,' a 'Stark Admission'
Obama Never Has a Plan

As a result, regarding the midterms, the Dems are reverting to customary strategies:
WHAT TO WATCH IN THE SENATE MID-TERMS & 5 things to watch in this fall's Senate races
Gosar: Go After Obama's Executive Actions After Winning the Senate
OBAMA'S FALL PLANS include visits to states where he's still popular [Michigan, Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania, Illinois and California] but not BATTLEGROUND. STATES [Arkansas, Alaska, Louisiana and
North Carolina], dubbed "Obama's campaign no-fly zone" due to tanking-polls; he may do some
targeted outreach [through robocalls, digital ads and conference calls] to encourage young people and
African-Americans to vote.
"Six years ago, Obama's massive campaign organization helped to sweep several Senate
Democrats, now the most endangered, into office ... Now, he's an attack line. ... Obama
still retains strong support in the Democratic base, and he can motivate African-
Americans and Latinos like few others can. ... He and Hillary Clinton are scheduled to
headline a mid-September event for the [DNC's] Women's Leadership Forum."
[Perry: 'If Washington, DC Will Not Do Its Job to Secure Its Border, Texas Will']
[Sessions: We've Got to Stand Up to Sanctuary States, Cities; Suggests Funding Reductions]
Earnest: GOP Threats of Shutdown Will Not Stop Obama's Executive Order Amnesty
BHOs apologists have been reduced to wishful-thinking, hoping the Surly 2014 electorate is poised
to 'keep the bums in'; it is claimed that both Republicans and Democrats say the power of incumbency
trumps the sour public mood and antipathy toward gridlocked Washington. {'[I]t's still an incumbent's
world,' said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which
tracks political money. That leaves many voters angry, not only with the political reality but their
inability to change it.}
Yet, ZUCKERMAN claims [despite the stock-market surge+ OBAMA HAS LOST THE CONFIDENCE OF THE

It will be difficult for Dems to invoke traditional social-issues, try as they might:

Nancy Pelosi Says American Women Always Victims: 'Starved,' 'Force-Fed'
WaPo: Every 'Mass Shooter' Since Jan. 2009 Could Pass NICS Background Check
Texas Abortion Clinics Received Last-Minute Reprieve as a Federal Judge Halted a Key Part of the Texas
Abortion Safety Law; the ruling blocked a portion of the law that would have required abortion facilities
in Texas to meet hospital-level operating standards, which supporters say will protect women's health.
But Yeakel concluded the intent was only to "close existing licensed abortion clinics." [There was no
reason why the existing facilities could have stayed open, for they simply would have had to comply
with hospital-level safety-standards but, nevertheless, this shows why abortion-access is law-of-land.]

Ted Cruz brought his Anti-Washington Shtick to Dallas, earning a standing ovation with his call to
impeach AG-Holder; Cruz had the most rapturous reception of all the speakers and Cruz Invited Obama
to Borderto Play Golf. Also, Politico warned that One danger in getting involved in primaries is that
backing one candidate could split the financial network the Kochs have spent years building, sending
donors to other super PACs and outside groups."

In PA, the gubernatorial debate will continue to focus on public-sector unions, as the latest concern is
that, With school budgets tight, prevailing wage again goes under microscope; also, the Commonwealth
Foundation has posted a graph on Facebook showing that Pennsylvania spends $2900 more per student
than the national average, and that two thirds of the state's residents are blithely unaware of it.



Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 3:49 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLV [Passive-Aggressive-BHO, Islamism, Cruz, Guns]

The Daily Alert includes both corroborative articles regarding BBs cease-fire decision and profound
concerns regarding the implications of BHOs evasions when confronting Islamism *absent a strategy+;
justifiable concerns raised by Arlene Kushner *and other critics+ are beginning to answer themselves.
Meanwhile, Islamist militia now guards the US Embassy in Libya *another policy success+, as Israel
downed a drone over Golan after it was identified as a Hizballah Ababil 2. Not that further evidence is
needed, but an Undercover Israeli Playwright Exposed Palestinian Holocaust Denial, Rank Jew-Hatred,
and Anti-Israel Agenda. Always resourceful, Pamela Geller amplified on all of these concerns, to wit:

o Islamic States financier was director of a Muslim primary school
o UK: Female rocker embraces Islam hopes to behead Christians
o EX-CIA employee admits President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America
o Pamela Geller to Keynote the Pledge Ride Banquet Dinner, South Florida
o The Islamic State Declares War on Denmark An Enemy Of Islam
o Nigeria: Devout Muslim group beheads six-year-old Christian boy, group reports,
o The Islamic State Air-Force
o FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment omits jihad and Islamic terrorism
o Islamic State makes over $2 million daily in oil sales
o Cancun: Hezbollah caught in vehicle with Belize plates
o Do I go home?
o Islamic State vows to reach Palestine and kill the barbaric Jews

Donald Trump said Americans are 'Embarrassed' by Obama's Lack of Leadership on Border and ISIS. Even
Feinstein said Obama is Too Cautious on 'Extraordinarily Dangerous' ISIS, as a new poll found that
Americans overwhelmingly support a military strike against the Islamic terrorists in Syria known as ISIS,
an outcome that is in striking contrast to the indecisiveness of Obama, who has admitted he has no
strategy on how to deal with the Islamic States terrorism. In stark-contrast, TED CRUZ WANTS TO BOMB
ISIS 'BACK TO THE STONE AGE.' This is Cruzs 2014/2016 GOP Victory Plan.

Egypt is channeling how Israel set an example [for BHO, for the world] as to how to
handle Islamists, with its mauling of Hamas in Gaza; Egypt Struck Jihadis After
Decapitation Video. [Within just days of a video surfacing showing the decapitation of
four Egyptian nationals, the Cairo government took decisive military action and killed
the leader of the Jihadist group alleged to have been responsible.]

THREATENED RUSSIA WITH MORE SANCTIONS after the Ukraine-invasion. Note the comparison of
September 1, 1939 vs. September 1, 2014 from the Perspective [By midnight August 31, 1939, more
than one and a half million German troops had secretly taken up their final positions on the Polish
border in preparation for their ordered invasion that was to commence at dawn.]


L.A. Times and New York Times Censored Anti-ISIS Ad and News Images

And BIDEN yelled 'IT'S TIME TO TAKE BACK AMERICA!', as if he hadnt been Veep for a half-decade.

Who is John Galt?
Atlas Shrugged The Movie Part III, the last part of Ayn Rands epic novel, will hit the big
screen on September 12, 2014.
To celebrate, FreedomWorks is hosting a special, FREE live-stream of the first two
movies on September 8
and 9
RSVP for the Atlas Shrugged live-stream here.

BHOs Passive/Aggressive posturing continues unabated:
Regarding Illegals: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expected to
allow thousands of illegal immigrant deportees to return to the U.S., so long as they
have ties to Southern California; taxpayers will additionally fund a media campaign in
Mexico, alerting deportees that they may be eligible to come back to the United States.
TREATMENT FOR TERMINALLY ILL SON, and Feds May Reimburse Medicare 'End-of-Life
Discussions' After Mocking Palin's 'Death Panels.'

hinges on the outcome of election in 12 states; in half of these contests, the Democrat candidate is the
scion of rich political legacies. [Also, Landrieu's Senate Candidacy in Louisiana was challenged, due to her
claim of residency @ her mothers home, and Karl Rove's PAC Trying to Win Arkansas and North
Carolina by Running Left of Pryor and Hagan.

Regarding [reverse-]racism, a UN panel on racism urged the United States to "review" its
stand your ground-styled self-defense laws and demanded it put a halt to the excessive
use of force by police; also, MSNBC claimed the Michael Brown Shooting was the Same
as the Emmett Till Murder.

Cynthia and Robert Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farm in New York, used to rent out their farm so
couples could get married on the grounds; they will no longer offer such services because the state ruled
they had to violate their Christian beliefs and allow same-sex weddings on their property.

Mom's Curriculum 'Roadmap' Helps Homeschoolers Choose Non-Common Core-Aligned
Publishers; here is Where the States Stand Today On The Common Core Standards.


Regarding Guns, Geraldo Rivera responded to the accidental death of firearms instructor Charles Vacca
by calling the Second Amendment "blind and stupid." Meanwhile, a WOULD-BE DAIRY QUEEN BANDIT


Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 3:02 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLVI [BHO's-Foreign-Policy-meltdown, GOP's-prospects]

Perhaps now that Labor Day has passed and there are only 49 days until the midterms, it may be time to
count the Omer towards what is hoped will be another shellacking of BHO and his policies; indeed,
perhaps a consensus is building among Dems that BHO is dangerous to Americas health, as is gently
hinted in the reprinted Blast e-mail from the NRO [accompanied by its featured articles]. Therefore,
after having recapped why the absence of American Exceptionalism is creating a terrible, global vacuum,
political articles [from myriad courses] supporting conclusions in this extended-essay are provided. Thus,
the major action-item is to confront anyone who would aid/abet BHO [including Party-Apologists such
as Dem-Chair in MontCo, Marcel Groen and his favored politician, Josh Shapiro+ as Ive tried to do during
the past half-decade [Marcel semi-annually @ the polls, for were both in Abington 7-2, and Josh both
during a personal meeting on Iran and during brief public-comments in Norristown+alas, to no avail.

THE SUMMER in 1 sentence, from Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens: "Islamic
State terrorists seized Mosul and massacred Shiite soldiers in open pits, Russian
separatists shot down a civilian jetliner, Bashar Assad's forces in Syria came close to
encircling Aleppo with the aim of starving the city into submission, a brave American
journalist had his throat slit on YouTube by a British jihadist, Russian troops openly
invaded Ukraine, and Chinese jets harassed U.S. surveillance planes over international
waters. ,Politico adds: And that doesn't include ... Gaza, Ferguson, Afghan elections or
U.S. to Iraq., plus BREAKING news that At least 260,000 are displaced in Ukraine.}

NBCs Engel said Military Officials are Apoplectic Over Obamas 'No' ISIS Strategy Admission, hardly
rectified when Earnest Covered Obama Gaffe by Promising Hes Been Clear on ISIL Strategy; the global
struggle affects Syria [SECOND AMERICAN JOURNALIST BEHEADED by terrorist who said, 'I'M BACK
OBAMA' because of your insistence on continuing your bombings], Lebanon [Islamic State Jihadists
Posted Video of Beheading of Lebanese Soldier], Pakistan [gripped with fear as protests mount], Somalia
[where U.S. forces carried-out operations against al-Shabaab], and Nigeria [who Flee to Cameroon After
Another Boko Haram Attack], as the Pentagon increased its drone presence in Saharan Africa. Thus, like
it or not, America is At War With ISIS And They Are A Real, Sophisticated, Threat; it is somewhat
encouraging that Merkel said that Arming Kurds Against ISIS is in Germany's Interest, and it is advised
that a (free) subscription-request be sent to the Combating Terrorism Center [which, as noted in an
earlier Blast e-mail, was one entity that forewarned BHO starting two years ago that the Islamic State
effort was dangerous, notwithstanding BHOs myriad reassuring comments in the interim+ because its
views are irrefutable.

Consider: 77% of Gazans Believe Israel was "Painfully Beaten" by Hamas in the Gaza
war, according to a poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion in mid-
August. Also, a Palestinian Arab Poll conducted on Aug. 26-30 revealed that 79% Believe
Hamas Won the Gaza War and that Israel was responsible for the war; 86% support the
launching of rockets from Gaza, 60% say that Hamas does not launch rockets from
populated areas, 54% say they supported the killing of the three Israeli teens kidnapped

in June 2014 in the West Bank, while support for their killing reached 69% among
Gazans, and 72% favor the transfer of Hamas' armed approach to the West Bank.

pamela geller again amplified on these concerns:
o Popular UK Muslim: If Britain follows the United Snakes of America in their attack against the
Islamic State, the U.K. will become a very unsafe place.
o Report: Islamic State have carried out atrocities on an unimaginable scale, Christians Burned
Alive, Yazidis Buried Alive while ISIS grows in power
o Filipino force defied UN commander in Golan to surrender to jihadists
o Gazans Join ISIS to Fight in Syria and Iraq
o Israeli Strike on Hamas Jihad Leader Thwarted Paraglider Mass Terror Attack
o Saudi King warns US is The Islamic States Next Target
o UK Government Agrees Forced De-Radicalisation Schools for Returning Jihadis
o Sexy women fighters in ad tempting Allahs wrath
o Gaga for Gaga
o UK: Prosecutor branded a racist for prosecuting Muslim rape gang
o Florida Muslims Attack Bar Patrons, Threaten to kidnap an American and behead him
o Islamic State Savages Shoot at Aussie Aid Plane
o Ohio Churches Vandalized With Quranic Verses Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the
Unbelievers and Infidels
o CNN host stunned when British Imam Makes 9/11 Terrorism Joke During Sound Check
o Islamic Hate Cleric uses UK as base to incite to violence and preach support for jihad savagery
o Islamic supremacists outraged: Michigan Governor affirms Israels right to exist at Hamas-linked
ISNA convention
o UK: Special Forces Move Into London As Govt Fears Mumbai-Style Terrorist Spectacular
o Muslim Child Sex Traffickers Still Free, Im living the high life Boasts Muslim Rapist
o Who is responsible for Muslim rape gang scandal? Nick Lowles, Fiyaz Mughal & co.
o Netanyahu Canned Building Plans Under US Pressure

It is therefore somewhat intuitive that Europe Must Not Be Trusted to Monitor Hamas, noting even its
weak response to PUTINs invasion *I can take Kiev in two weeks+; after-the-fact, NATO will Create
Force Covering Eastern Europe as the INF Treaty is Coming Apart. Meanwhile, Russia and China Began
Joint Construction of Massive Energy Pipeline and China Quashed Democracy in Hong Kong.

The Corbett-problem has been explored by John Fund, who fears a GOP Disaster; it is
untrue that Corbett cut $1 billion from education. Also, CHAOS ensued, as a Republican
denounced Lebanon County's GOP while joining the state House race as write-in.

Regarding the issue of gun-laws, Superintendent Chitwood commented on the Wellness Center Shooting
(@ Fitzgerald-Mercy, associated with Nazareth within Catholic Health East) thusly: the Suspect Was
Ready For Mass Murder before being shot by a shrink who packed. Also, a Blockbuster emerged when
Mathematician Dr. Jim Milgram Warned Common Core Will Destroy America's Standing in Technology.
Regarding Illegals, Obamas Immigration Policies Are So Popular Dems Are Begging Him to Delay Them
Until After the Election, while Ted Cruz Told the Koch Conference that Stopping Amnesty Most
Important current Issue.

Regarding other POTUS-16 news, it was advised that ben-carson delay running, for he
lacks a background and Chris Christie is boning-up on foreign policy [recalling that, a few

days after Russian forces invaded Crimea, he offered a wobbly reply when asked the
expected question [@ a private meeting of GOP-activists], namely, how he would have
handled the situation differently from Obama.] Heres How the 2016 GOP Wannabes
Spent the Summer: Two emerged as policy wonks [Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio]; Two of
the party's elder statesmen conveyed the impression that they are available for a draft if
party regulars clamored for them to run [Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney]; Two are
embarked on reclamation projects [Chris Christie and Rick Perry]; and one tried to carve
an entirely new lane for himself in Republican politics [Rand Paul]. Dole 1996 campaign
manager Scott Reed said Paul did more than anyone else to improve his position, but
unexplained is why Cruz wasnt even mentioned, despite his prominence in straw-polls.

The following article in Politico was critiqued in the subsequent essay: "HOMESTRECH" SERIES: The
House: "Tepid fundraising, underperforming candidates and a lousy party brand are threatening to
deprive House Republicans of the sweeping 2014 gains that some top party officials have been
predicting this year. Republicans are on track to expand their majority by 5-6 seats but fear they'll be
significantly outspent by Dems, in contrast to the 2010 midterm election when the GOP overwhelmed
their opponents with an avalanche of cash. Yet, Dems remain anxious that the political environment
could deteriorate still further before Election Day. They say two of their vulnerable incumbents, New
Hampshire Rep. Carol Shea-Porter and Illinois Rep. Bill Enyart, may soon be lost causes and are
scrambling to prevent that list from growing. Since 1950, the party out of the White House during the
sixth year of a presidency has gained an average of 25 seats. In the most recent midterm election,
Republicans swamped Democrats across the country en route to a 63-seat gain." [5 most endangered
House members: Rep. Bill Enyart (D-Ill.) ... Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) ... Rep. Rick Nolan (D-Minn.) ...
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.) ... Rep. Steve Southerland (R-Fla.).] {Meanwhile, Eric Cantor Landed Job
at a Wall Street Investment Bank.}

American Crossroads released a video ['Appreciate the Life] that used Sen. Mary
Landrieu's first ad ["Will Not Rest"] to mock her residency woes.

It was revealed that Maria Shriver [The Kennedy heiress] was sleeping with her husband's lead campaign
strategist in 2006, well before Arnold Schwarzenegger's old affair with their housekeeper came to light;
the secret lover was Matthew Dowd. For a taste of Dowds moderate politics, note how Bill Kristol
[justifiably] Slapped-Down ABCs Matthew Dowd, claiming 2014 Will Be A Referendum On ObamaCare.

Today on NRO:
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: To Obama, the retrenchment of the West was not only
inevitable but to be welcomed. The New World Disorder.
THE EDITORS: Republicans should break from their lassitude. Republicans, Make Your
RYAN LOVELACE: Senator Tom Coburn wrote to DHS about the Border Patrol's "culture
of retaliation." Border Patrol Agent Disciplined after Speaking with the Press.
TOM ROGAN: Video of Islamists romping in the former American compound should be
our wake-up call. Jihadists in the Swimming Pool.
SLIDESHOW: WWI: Technology of War.

Morning Jolt

. . . with Jim Geraghty
September 2, 2014
Let's face it, this is the real New Year's Day. Summer vacation ends, kids go back to school, football
season starts again . . .
The Relaxed Summer Pace Is Over for Americans. How About for Our President?
The "unfortunate contrasts" for the White House are piling up like planes waiting on the tarmac at
Dallas-Fort Worth Friday afternoon. We have a president keeping a summer 2008 schedule while a high-
profile American enemy speaks like it's autumn 2001:
President Obama flies to Europe on Tuesday ahead of talks with NATO allies over the
crisis in Ukraine. But they will also discuss the growing threat posed by ISIS, the Islamic
extremists who have seized control of large sections of Iraq and Syria.
While Mr. Obama was touting an improving economy in Wisconsin, the terror group
released the third issue of its English language online magazine, complete with pictures
of the group executing Syrian soldiers and blowing up the homes of those who
cooperated with police.
It's no longer some crazy right-wing notion to wonder if the president is in denial about the seriousness
of the threats building overseas. The editorial board of the Washington Post openly wonders if President
Obama is ignoring what his cabinet is telling him about Russia's aggression and ISIS:
One can only imagine the whiplash that foreign leaders must be suffering. They heard
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power denounce Russia as "today ...
they open a new front ... Russia's force along the border is the largest it has been . . .
the mask is coming off." An hour later, Mr. Obama implicitly contradicted her: "I
consider the actions that we've seen in the last week a continuation of what's been
taking place for months now . . . it's not really a shift."
Similarly, his senior advisers uniformly have warned of the unprecedented threat to
America and Americans represented by Islamic extremists in Syria and Iraq. But Mr.
Obama didn't seem to agree. "Now, ISIL [the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] poses
an immediate threat to the people of Iraq and to people throughout the region," he
said. "My priority at this point is to make sure that the gains that ISIL made in Iraq are
rolled back." Contrast that ambition with this vow from Secretary of State John F. Kerry:
"And make no mistake: We will continue to confront ISIL wherever it tries to spread its
despicable hatred. The world must know that the United States of America will never
back down in the face of such evil."
His advisers are only stating the obvious: Russia has invaded Ukraine. The Islamic State
and the Americans it is training are a danger to the United States. When Attorney
General Eric H. Holder Jr. says the threat they pose is "in some ways . . . more
frightening than anything I think I've seen as attorney general," it's not because he is a
warmonger or an alarmist. He's describing the world as he sees it. When Mr. Obama
refuses to acknowledge the reality, allies naturally wonder whether he will also refuse
to respond to it.

NBC News' Richard Engel Sunday: "I speak to military commanders, I speak to former officials, and they
are apoplectic. They think that this is a clear and present danger. They think something needs to be
done. One official said that this was a Freudian slip, that it shows how the United States does not have a
policy to deal with Syria, even when you have ISIS, which has effectively become a terrorist army,
roughly 20,000 strong."
One quick note: The United States military is the best in the world, and while fighting terrorists is always
difficult, the Pentagon is pretty spectacular and thorough when it comes to defeating opposing armies.
House-to-house urban warfare, determining friend from foe in densely-packed chaotic environments full
of civilians everybody struggles at that. But once an American enemy gets big enough to have groups
of guys standing around in one place, and lots of vehicles, and permanent structures well, then it's
just a matter of establishing air superiority and then targeting and bombing them to oblivion. Ask the
Iraqi army, either the 1991 edition or the 2003 edition.
What makes the Islamic State different its ability to openly hold and control territory with heavier
weapons also makes it much more vulnerable from the West's preferred style of combat.
Back to our resolutely oblivious president. Here's Obama at a DNC event late last week: "I promise you,
things are much less dangerous now than they were 20 years ago, 25 years, ago or 30 years ago." He
said this the day U.K. prime minister David Cameron declared that his country faced "the greatest and
deepest terror threat in its history."
Ace of Spades, articulating an increasingly common fear:
For some time I have had concerns about Obama. And not all of these concerns are
I have wondered if he simply snapped.
He continues to make me wonder.
The less menacing possibility is that he is determined to create a happy, false reality for
his LIV supporters.
The more frightening possibility is that he was so successful in creating that Happy
Place, he decided to move in, and now lives in his own delusions as well.
I don't know if this will make Ace feel any better, but what we're seeing now is an old and steady Obama
habit, more pronounced against horrific events. "It's not as bad as it seems!" is an Obama trademark.
Remember, the Benghazi terror attack was a "bump in the road." The Islamic State is the JV squad.
"Because Israel is so capable militarily, I don't worry about Israel's survival."
If you were worried about Putin in 2012, "the 80s called, they want their foreign policy back." All that
U.S.Russia relations needed was "more flexibility." In May, he spoke about the invasion and occupation
of Crimea as if it had been properly resolved: "Our ability to mobilize international opinion rapidly has
changed the balance and the equation in Ukraine."
The private sector is "doing fine." People who already have health insurance "don't have to worry."
Increases in the unemployment rate are, similarly, just "bumps in the road."

A House Update from the 'Dramatic Headline, Meh Story' Department
Good heavens! Politico declares the GOP is falling short in the midterms!

Tepid fundraising, underperforming candidates and a lousy party brand are threatening
to deprive House Republicans of the sweeping 2014 gains that some top party officials
have been predicting this year.
POLITICO interviewed more than a dozen top strategists from both parties about their
outlook for the House in the midterms, and their assessment was nearly unanimous:
Republicans are on track to expand their majority by only five or six seats, or roughly
half their goal. The conversations covered everything from advertising strategies to
fundraising to polling.
Would the House Republican Majority expanding from 234 Republicans to about 239 or 240 members
be a disappointment? Yeah. Would it really be that much of problem, compared to a House majority of
245 or 246? Nah.
The Politico story goes on to cite the historical trend of the president's party usually losing big in the
sixth year of a presidency, but note that for Republicans, almost all of the low-hanging fruit friendly or
competitive districts have been picked. In 2010, Republicans won almost all of their GOP-leaning
districts and most of the competitive districts. (Looking over the map at RealClearPolitics, the GOP
currently holds only two seats currently rated "Democrat-leaning", and Democrats hold only two GOP-
leaning seats (North Carolina & and Utah 4, both open seat races where the GOP is expected to win.)
It's just a basic, self-evident rule of politics: It's tough for a Republican to win a Democrat-leaning
district, and vice versa. Barring some sort of amazing recruitment in the future or an astonishingly
widespread anti-Democratic national mood hitting in November, the GOP isn't too far from its natural
ceiling in the House.
The Expanded Senate Battlefield Begins to Pay Off for the GOP
Meanwhile, in the midterm election everyone is really focused upon, the New York Times' Upshot blog
weighs in:


Sounds about right. It's not that Republican Senate candidates are blowing away the competition; it's
just that they've created enough competitive races and decent opportunities to put the odds in their
favor. Sure, Democrats could conceivably protect Senator Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire, or
Senator Mark Udall in Colorado, or Senator Mark Begich in Alaska, or Senator Kay Hagan in North
Carolina, or Senator Mary Landrieu in Louisiana, or Mark Pryor in Arkansas. If they do that, and lose all
the other competitive races, they hold the Senate at 50-50.
But the odds of them protecting all of them simultaneously is looking less and less likely. For each one
that they lose, they need to keep a currently Democrat-held open seat the Michigan race, the Iowa
race or win currently GOP-held open Senate seats in Georgia, or they need Alison Lundergan Grimes
to knock off Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. For what it's worth, the Times gives the GOP an 82 percent
chance of victory in Georgia and 88 percent chance of victory in Kentucky.


Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 1:29 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLVII [Cruz, Islamism]

One particular action-item with time-value has triggered dissemination of this Blast e-mail before
much else has been accrued in the grist file; Ted Cruz will be speaking on the 17
@ the Constitution
Center @ 7:30 p.m. on the First Amendment [tix are $30]. If he is appearing in the auditorium, seating is
extremely limited; even if he is going to be outside in the lobby, then it may still be sold-out promptly.

Thars lots goin on that day. "The Strategic Importance of the Israel-Azerbaijan
Relationship" will be discussed by both the Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan [Rafi
Harpaz] and the Azerbaijani Ambassador to the US [Elin Suleymanov] from 8-10 a.m.;
the center-city location of this briefing will be provided to those who RSVP to the
Republican Jewish Coalition [Scott Feigelstein, 610-667-1263 or].
Also, perhaps for counterbalance, the Dems Neil Oxman will provide An Insider's View
of Political TV Ads @ LADDER 15 [1528 Sansom St.] from 5:30-7:30.; the event is
sponsored by the allegedly] non-partisan Committee of Seventy.

Regarding Illegals, the AFL-CIO Wants Obama to Give 'Affirmative Action' to Illegals [as Union Bosses
Scramble to Save Democrat Agenda] and Boehner said Obama Could Get Immigration Reform 'Next
Year'; meanwhile, the Feds Lost Track of 6000 Foreigners on Student Visas Who Could 'Do Us Harm.' As
was discussed in an earlier Blast e-mail regarding the judicial decision to stop Texas from mandating
enhanced safety @ Abortion Clinics, note that Federal Judges are Against a comparable Requirement
that Saved Joan Rivers' Life [regarding joint-affiliation with a nearby hospital]. {Also, a Home Invasion on
the Texas Border Left a Suspect Shot Dead,}

As the GOP Establishment abandons Jeb Bush [due to his Embrace of Common Core,
which will Damage U.S. History Instruction by Combining it with Language Arts] and
CHRISTIE [who SKIPPED THE BORDER ON MEXICO TRIP], Cruz continues to find himself
the keynoter before ideal audiences [on cruises with well-heeled Conservatives, as well],
positioning himself for POTUS-16. And he seems not to have any axe to grind unlike, for
example, Glenn Beck [whose latest prediction is that Hillary 'Will Be the Next President
of the United States'], who is apparently lobbying for exposure via CNN.

Despite BHOs reassurances *'We will not be intimidated' by ISIS; its a 'Manageable Problem' -- if
'International Community' Comes Together; and We must 'organize' Arab world], the DRUMBEAT
GROWS FOR a Congressional ISIL VOTE; @ 9 a.m. today, Former Congresswoman Jane Harmon told
Chuck Todd on MSNBC that authorization is vital. It seems BHO constantly underestimates enemy and,
recalling last weeks prediction of a major announcement this week by General McInerney, Libyan
JETLINERS were STOLEN that COULD BE USED TO ATTACK U.S. [or the Saudi oil-fields, etc.] ON 9/11.
{LHeal: "CNN freaked-out for a month over one missing airliner; now there are 11."}

Even the WaPo was forced to award the White House 4 Pinocchios For how it chose to
rewrite the ISIS 'JV' claim; Presser-Earnest attempted to spin The Smartest President In
The History Of America out of the "JV" ditch with a whopper that claimed "the president
was not singling out ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, another name for the

group], he was talking about the very different threat that is posed by a range of
extremists around the globe." That would be a great answer if it were true. {Also,
FNCs James Rosen caught Jen Psaki *spokeswoman for the State Department+ in a
contradiction, claiming it could bomb the Islamic State in Iraq without declaring war.-

Also, know that the Heritage Foundation is not opposed to taking military action in Syria. Dr. James
Carafano [a regular on Fox News] said that Heritage opposed action in 2013 because of the legitimate
concern with the rebels the President was considering supporting and their close ties to ISIS; indeed,
Heritage feels the us-must-stop-giving-ground-in-iraq, as was unambiguously averred. And, again serving
to illustrate the daunting odds against overall Middle East peace, a New Palestinian Poll revealed that
Ismail Haniyeh would beat Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas Would win PA Parliamentary Elections. As is
customary, underreported after the Islamic State Beheaded U.S. Hostage Steven Sotloff was that he
Held Israeli Citizenship and had a Deep Love of Arab Culture; also, according to Debbie Schlussel,
although he supposedly fasted on Yom Kippur and prayed while facing Jerusalem, Steven Sotloff was a
Proud Jewish Supporter of HAMAS, ISIS, and Rebels who Deeply Loved Islam, indeed, who had
Converted to Islam Years Ago and Hated Israel.

,It seems I wasnt alone, for Rabbi Richard A. Block, president of the Central Conference
of American Rabbis, the rabbinic organization of [very-lib, very-Dem] Reform Judaism,
also is unsubscribing to the New York Times; this stiffens my resolve, despite losing the
weekly Sunday-mag x-word and variety puzzles}. Note that The New York Times ran an
op-ed in which columnist Charles M. Blow contended that Republicans are trying to use
the 9/11 attacks to make Americans fear ISIS and "yoke Obama with the ill effects of a
war started by [George W. Bush]."
One immediate problem with this theory is that ISISnow ISis not an ill effect of the
Iraqi War, but of the power vacuum created by Obama's precipitous withdrawal of all
U.S. Troops in 2011.
But Obama knows this, which is why he blamed the troop pull-out on George W. Bush
early last month.
The Washington Times reported that on August 9just two days after authorizing
airstrikes against ISObama "blamed his predecessor, George W. Bush, for the absence
of American troops in Iraq and rejected the assertion that he could have left a small
peacekeeping force in the war-torn country [to prevent the creation of the power
vacuum that opened the door to IS]."
Charles M. Blow does not see this. Instead, he contends that the GOP is trying to shift
blame to protect Bush and to force Obama into going to war with IS.
He draws examples from Fox News to bolster his assertion, such as Judge Jeanine Pirro
saying Obama's lack of leadership toward IS should make Americans "afraid." He also
points to Republicans like Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who support using the
military against IS to "stop another 9/11." And he mentions Representative Ileana Ros-
Lehtinen's (R-FL-Dist. 27) warning that, under Obama, "we are getting back to a pre-
9/11 mentality, and that's very dangerous."

Instead of seeing the danger about which Pirro, Graham, and Ros-Lehtinen warn, Blow
sees an attempt to blow things out of proportion and blame our current president for
his lack of action against IS.
Anyone monitoring Breitbart-London would not have found the appearance of Nigel Farage on Fox
News' Hannity Show to be particularly surprising [e.g., 'Cameron is Following My Lead'], for he is the
equivalent of Sarah leading the Tea Party Movement and, indeed, David Cameron's greatest legacy may
be the rise and rise of UKIP [as Farage quipped that there is only a tobacco-papers difference between
the Tories and Labor]. Also, as usual, people decrying Anti-Semitism or Rape Gangs will Never Blame
Islam for, instead, the [evil] cause is Always the 'Far Right.'

Steven Sotloff (in beard)
in Traditional Yemeni Muslim Dress & Keffiyeh


Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:46 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLVIII
[Distillation, Kurdistan, Heritage-Action, Aryeh-Green, RJC, Cruz, Chris-Stigall, Senate, Media, Amnesty,
BHO's-Scandal-Sheet, Corbett, Iggles, England, Rivers, Islamism, Goldberg File]

While attending two events Thursday, a few cool people were encountered and, therefore, the ability
to check-out *and yall to vet+ the backlog the entire set of Action-Items generated since December
has been again provided without risking spamming, recalling the fact that each is < 2 megs [I, II, III, IV,
XXVIII, and XXIX]; they can be searched for key-words. ,The prior six months entries *anti-BHO+ will be
added *focusing on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and the effort to defund ObamaDontCare, spotlighting Cruz].}
More than 3600-pages have been composed during the past year, and the reader is invited to ID any
internal contradiction *for there arent any!+, for the secondary-goal has been consensus-development.

At the first event, sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition, Aryeh Green [who
grew-up in Lower Merion before moving to Israel, three decades ago], the [mis]use of
linguistics was probed before an audience that included the always-brilliant Colin Hanna
[who related an anecdote that illustrated why he feels Marco Rubio shouldnt be
rejected as a POTUS-16 candidate simply due to his having been mesmerized by
Schumer when mistakenly co-sponsoring the Senates Amnesty bill+; others told me that
Ted Cruz may play into the hands of the media as illustrative of a divisive GOP. Yet,
contrariwise, Cruz seems to be on-point and well-pondered and Rubio seems childlike
and unimaginative; furthermore, Cruzs father could help ensure evangelicals support
the GOP enthusiastically and Cruz would be well-positioned to entice Hispanics who
harbor baseline-conservative morals. Nevertheless, these observations are conveyed for
two major reasons: [1]to entice yall to hear Cruz @ the National Constitution Center
for, Im told, the response during the past 48-hours has prompted relocation from the
auditorium to the portico, and [2]to try to ID any quotation that is problematic. And,
once it has been determined that hes the ONLY potential-candidate who fills-this-bill
[regarding domestic/foreign-policy], then that conclusion should be allowed to go-viral.

After the first event, the RJC promoted future events [in D.C. and in
Vegas] intended to help a MAJORITY of AMERICAN JEWS recognize
major GOP-achievements, despite the claim that the Dems are
engrained within the Jewish community; one hopes that any affinity for
Eretz Yisrael implanted if/when they were Bar/Bat Mitzvahed might be
teased-out by awareness of the fact that the only real restraint upon
BHOs anti-Zionism has been Congress *mostly Rs, some Ds+.

At the second event, Chris Stigall [who, on behalf of WCAU-1210, will introduce Cruz]
spoke of the Tea Party Movements intent to fight Big Government Elitism, both on the
battlefield of personal rights and within business-oriented contexts; a packed-house
listened for 90-minutes [ the length of his typical show] as he applied these principles
while discussing everything from Corbett to Islamism. In many respects, he told us what

most of us already knew, but his delivery-style channeled the deeply-harbored feeling
of urgency that he tries to capture while starting each day with info he largely accrues
via Tweets]. He is not home-grown, but he has quickly gained a local feel and was able
to capture an audience of like-minded individuals by straight-talk; perhaps the most
vital way his candor emerged was when he passionately acknowledged his ability to be
free from any management-constraints when determining the direction of his efforts.
Ultimately, hes optimistic for a Senatorial-flip and enhanced acceptance of the Right.

After the second event, ways to help the GOP in its GOTV *get out the
vote+ efforts were noted. In the parking-lot *where most business
gets done!], quiet discussion ensued as to how to help the Bucks-GOP
anoint the optimal successor to Mike Fitzpatrick for, despite background
reassurances to trusted-friends and quality-speechessuch as last
weeks in Doylestownhis voting-pattern channels everything Boehner
desires. {And, when Boehner predicts BHO will get his Amnesty-vote
in 15, one wonders what Mike would do, absent his having articulated a
strong secure-the border FIRST posture; also, when Kevin McCarthy
Outlines GOP Fall Agenda and omits-mention of the major
conservative agenda-point (not reauthorizing the Export-Import
Bank), one wonders whether Mike will side with Boehner vs. Chairman
Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) of the Financial Services Committee upon which
he serves.}

Promised to a few of them were two items. First, those who wish to hear a succinct
summary of key Congressional concerns are invited to listen to the Heritage Foundation
every Monday from 5:30-6:00 p.m. via its Sentinel phone-conference by either dialing
1-800=757-3718 or by [after having registered on the web-site of Heritage Action+
awaiting a phone call to wherever you may be @ that moment. Second, the lynch-pin
regarding the battle against the Islamic State has become helping the Kurds, an effort
that had been started a half-decade-plus ago [after having thunk-of-it after the Gulf War
*in 91+; the original article was published inter alia in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
[The Road To Iran Runs Through Kurdistan - And Starts In Syria]now defunctand was
reprinted last year [picked-up by Ted Belman without my knowledge] in Israpundit, and
more recent op-eds appeared last year [The Kurds can lead a reborn Syria, at peace with
all of her neighbors] and a few months ago [America Must Recognize Kurdistan].

Illustrating the damage due to porous borders, consider excerpts from Drudge/Breitbart on Illegals:

Nearly 1 in 10 California workers are illegals
26% of CA Immigrants Are Illegal
An intelligent thinker in todays American left, wrote an article in TNR yesterday encouraging
Obama to immediately implement his plan to enact amnesty via executive fiat, instead
of waiting until after the elections, claiming its desirable both for its import and for its
Hispanics set to become Austin's largest ethnic group
Obama Hid Steady Inflow Of Central American Migrants
MAPS: Where 37,000 illegal minors went......and where feds are hiding tens of thousands more
All job gains in NC since 2000 went to immigrants

Feds signed agreement with Mexico to protect workers 'regardless of status'
FLASHBACK: Mexican President declared USA 'the other Mexico'
Horowitz: ISIS Raises the Stakes of a Porous Border - During his Labor Day speech on Monday,
Obama attempted to invent a new constitutional right one that should alarm all
conservatives, especially during this time of grave national security concerns; as he
ticked off his litany of principle rights he supports, such as womens rights and civil
rights, he added an item to the list immigration rights.
NumbersUSA: Republicans Starting to Articulate Amnesty Harms Americans - The border crisis
and Republican candidates beginning to connect the dots on amnesty harming
Americans have been two of the factors driving recent polls and causing concern among
Democrats in tough elections, according to NumbersUSA president Roy Beck.
GOP Rep: No Reason To Think Obama Would Be More Trustworthy On Immigration Next Year
Texas Border County Teaches Residents Proper Firearm Use Due to Home Invasions
Texas Tea Party Leaders Release Plan to Secure Border, Criticize Perry
Cruz to Introduce Bill to Prevent Americans Who Join ISIS from Returning
Pew Report: 50% of illegal Immigrants Have Been in US at Least 13 Yrs
Border Patrol Agents Speak Out Against Being Assaulted by Aliens
State Dept. Spox Attacks Bill O'Reilly
Truck loaded with illegals leads TX cops on high speed chase...For more than 100
miles...Underage driver...Eleven in custody, five on the run...
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Only Military on the Border Can Stop ISIS
Kevin McCarthy on Islamic State: If Obama Won't Act, Republicans Will

BHO probably wont order blanket-amnesty until after the mid-terms:

Immigration 'Off the Table Through the Elections'
Poll: Majority of Dems Opposed to Obama Exec Amnesty
Senate Democrats urge President to delay immigration order
HARRY REID: 'Confident He's Going to Do Something'
Pew: Americans Want Better Border Security, Enforcement Of Immigration Laws
Voters Strongly Oppose Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants

People are beginning to recognize the potential for a wave Senatorial election:

FiveThirtyEights Senate Model Is Back And It Gives Republicans The Edge
You'd have to bet on the GOP because three Democratic-held seats are already gone,
and party strategists see seven more teetering on the edge, compared with just two for
Republicans; that leaves no fewer than nine very close races.
Outrageous and False, Democratic Attack Ads Reek of Desperation - The 2014 cycle has
been an interesting one so far. For example, Republican Senate candidates are normally
the ones who end up embarrassing themselves, but not this time. Thats a shocking
development in and of itself.

Red-State Dems Flee Obama over Gun Control and Healthcare
Landrieu Campaign Denied Receipt of Subpoena One Day After Her Lawyers Filed
Response With Court
Obama's diminishing job approval in Iowa may be contributing to the state's tight U.S.
Senate race
In a boost for Republicans and Kansas GOP Sen. Pat Roberts, the Democrat who
attempted Wednesday to drop out of the three-way race against the three-term
incumbent must remain on the ballot, the state's top election official ruled Thursday.
Using Triangulation To Win The Senate is advised by Dick Morris
Brown Lead Over Kashkari Shrank to 16 Points
Watching the California Media Watch the Gubernatorial Debate
Debate: Fiery Kashkari Won on Points; Brown Resorted to Low Blows
Kashkari Ripped Brown for Ties to Teachers Union in Video Released Ahead of Debate
Voters Are The Losers As Brown And Kashkari Have Only ond Debate

Wendy Davis (D Future MNSBC Host) waffled on naming her favorite football team

GOP Roadmap to Victory: Become the Party of the Middle Class

The GOPs POTUS-16 competition continues to rage [quietly]:

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay decried The Criminalization of Politics as
manifest by the Travis County District Attorneys Office and their history of criminalizing
the political process. Travis County successfully removed DeLay from House leadership
by getting an indictment against him. His conviction was later reversed by an appellate
court. Now, Texas Governor Rick Perry faces the political wrath from this office where
the District Attorney continues the practice of attempting to achieve through the
criminal courtroom what Dems have been unable to achieve in the statewide ballot box
the removal of a Republican from the Governors Mansion.

Better than 50% Chance Jeb Bush Runs for POTUS

Wall Street analysts at Fitch Ratings today downgraded New Jersey's bond rating for the
second time this year, citing the state's poor economic performance, Gov. Chris
Christie's rosy revenue forecasts which failed to materialize and his decision to
plug the resulting budget gap by cutting $2.4 billion in funding for the state's strained
pension system.

Chris Christie loses a big Atlantic City bet [for he had poured $ into Revel], posing
another challenge for 2016 run; also, CHRIS CHRISTIE TOLD REPORTERS TO BACK OFF ON

[Among Dems: Hillary said Climate Change Is Most Urgent, Consequential Challenge
We Face.]

The media continue to defend BHO:

Page Six reported that newly revamped "Meet the Press," which launches this upcoming
Sunday with Chuck Todd as moderator, chose Joe Scarborough to be the "right-leaning
voice" in the role of a regular panelist. Other regular panelists will include anyone
familiar with the hard-left MSNBC [Andrea Mitchell and Luke Russert]; exemplifying this
characterization, MSNBC's Luke Russert said Michael Sam Not on Active NFL Roster
'Because He's Gay.' Assigning Scarborough the role of the "right-leaning voice" is
egregious for he has increasingly become of an insufferable blowhard on his own
"Morning Joe"; this "right-leaning voice" pushes for gun control, amnesty, boycotts of
companies that don't want to pay higher taxes, accused Israel of out-and-out war
crimes, loathes the Tea Party, and is currently the only person in Americaright or left--
who sees Obama's foreign policy fecklessness as brilliant, a sort of 5
-level game of
Chess that only dogs can hear.
From tampon earrings to mocking Romneys grandson, MSNBCs Melissa Harris-Perrys
show is the place for buffoonish, boiler-plate liberal lunacy in America.
Dan Rather Scandal Movie 'TRUTH' Gets Greenlight
Michael Loftus is Launching a New Conservative Comedy Show

BHOs Scandal-Sheet continues to expand [and one wonders if Todd will probe any with BHO]:

Benghazi survivors break silence relating The untold story about what happened in Benghazi;
the team was delayed from responding to the attack by the top CIA officer in Benghazi, whom
they refer to only as Bob.

HOLDER accused of hiding figure in IRS probe
Rep. Chaffetz 'more fired up than ever' over IRS emails
Can Americans trust the IRS?
Obama administration strategy on IRS delay, derail, deceive
Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys for the IRS finally admitted in a phone conversation to
Judicial Watch that Lois Lerners emails werent missing after all.

HEALTHCARE.GOV HACKED! [July breach was only discovered last week and, as a result,
Issa Subpoenaed Obamacare Official; it may be recalled that it was noted that Software
was/is vulnerable to cyberattack

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Received Over $100,000 Before Pushing Comcast Merger

People are beginning to recognize the inherent dangers in BHOs Common Core:

Gutfeld: Common Core is like a hangover
Assault on Common Core Keeps Coming: Research Called Into Question, Content Found Lacking
Common Core Teaches Kids New Way To Add 9 + 6 That Takes 54 Seconds
NYT: Yeah, the New AP U.S. History Curriculum Is Biased. So What?
News Station Features Common Core 'Homework Helper' Tips for Parents

Carnegie Corporation: Common Core Will Double High School Dropout Rate

People are beginning to recognize the inherent dangers in BHOs Economy-management:

Black Unemployment Hit 11.4%
Record Number of Foreign-Born Hold Jobs in USA
Fast-food-workersprompted by the SEIUare striking for higher wages

People are beginning to recognize the inherent dangers in BHOs [Reverse-]Racism:

Elizabeth Warren: Race a Core Factor in Michael Brown Shooting
Holder Launches Civil Rights Investigation of Ferguson Police
Dept. of Justice: Investigation into Trayvon Martin's Death Still Active
Donte Stallworth [a former NFL wide receiver] was hired by HuffPo, despite his having
used his Twitter account to spread provably-false conspiracy theories about the
September 11
, 2001, attacks on the World Trade CenterPoynter; when asked why,
Huffington Post's Washington bureau chief Ryan Grim said, That doesnt represent how
he thinks today. You know, that was five years ago, and people say dumb things, but
that shouldnt define him. Except it wasn't just five years ago for, less than a year ago,
in November, Stallworth was still spreading his 9/11 Trutherism.

A colorful exchange occurred on PoliticsPA, triggered by a report on the PA-Gov race by a GOP-oriented
Harper Poll [Wolf 52 Corbett 41]; in response to Chris Martinez *the race aint over bcause the electon
aint happning for anuther 2 mnths. and goevnor corbit gonna move up on the poles and he gonna win in
a land slide, that is gonna be whut happens elcton day+, David Diano averred, Corbett couldnt move
up a poll in a strip club if his g-string was on fire. Noting that Poll scenarios are poles apart, as people
gain an appreciation for how urgent it is to loosen the grip of public-sector unions over Harrisburg,
people could support the re-election [e.g., NEPA's municipal pensions grow more distressed]; indeed,
Chris Stigall was happy with Corbett when the budget had been red-lined (removing legislative perks),
but was unhappy when Medicaid-expansion was approved (despite its privatization). Also, noting that
State Rep. Mike Vereb (R) backs medical marijuana [noting also that the Berkeley City Council in
California unanimously ordered medical marijuana dispensaries to donate 2% of their stash to patients
making less than $32,000 a year], the GOP could run against intrusive government [a national theme]
sensibly, as Corbett turns up the volume. It should be noted that the LIQUOR BOARD PAID A RECORD
$526M TO STATE [reflecting the need to be cautious when privatizing this cash-cow]. And reminding the
bipartisan electorate of Corbetts involvement with the sordid Sandusky-affair *slow to investigate in 10,
quick to fire JoePa in 11+, a New Sandusky abuse suit was filed, as PENN STATE HOPES MITCHELL

As the NFL-season starts, McNabb couldnt resist dissing Philly when he declared Foles is
not a franchise quarterback; in my view, this was reminiscent of all those ground-balls
thrown while in Philly, compounded by the GI-upset he himself exhibited physically [and
disseminated during the second half of the Super Bowl, psychically, to Iggles-fans].

Lest we forget, Joan Rivers was honored across-the-board; perhaps the best line was
from Seth Meyers said [who also noted that, during her Late Night appearance last
month, Rivers told more jokes faster than any guest he'd had on]: "I wish she were here
right now, because if she were here right now, she would make a joke about how she
just passed away and she would get away with it, because it would be really funny."
When her legacy was challenged *gently, on Facebook+ by noting her blue-streak,
readers were reminded that she merited respect for her capacity to reinvent herself,
and for how she built upon fellow-travelers [e.g., Lenny Bruce and George Carlin].

Just blogged @ the WSJ in reaction to Peggy Noonans Blog:

[typo-alert: "meant" instead of "mean" in 6
-to-the-last 'graph]

Regardless of their personal politics [I agree with Joan's, disagree with
Madonna's], people who have the ability to reinvent themselves merit
particular respect.


Regarding the double-comment of Susan D. Harris, attacking Peggy
Noonan: [1]the very fact that this is published as her weekly WSJ-
column contradicts the claim that she's propped-up solely by Drudge;
and [2]the very fact that she specified Joan's political views [for it's
untrue that "she already told us all that"] is probably what provoked the
perception of snobbery.

One suspects that Ms. Harris disagrees with Joan and, thus, has dipped
into an ad-hominem charge instead of refuting assertions; indeed, what
she perceives as elitism is certainly manifest by BHO, and Joan's
reaction thereto [noting the Vegas-generated observations] actually
mirrors the "atmospherics" of Noonan's essay [mainstreaming a certain
dignity, counterpointing the overt view of Joan's "blue"-streak].

If memory serves, she recently lamented a decrease in personal vaginal-
secretions; who else in show-biz has even approached such a topic?

On the culture-wars front, a Federal Judge Upheld the Right of Louisiana Citizens to
Preserve One Man-One Woman Marriage, countering trends in other states that were
triggered by the SCOTUS-decision in 13. Also, a FED COURT GRANTED An APPEAL IN
ABORTION FILM HIRED WRITER ANDREW KLAVAN, and Sandra Fluke went on another
Birth Control Rant.

People are beginning to recognize the inherent dangers in BHOs acceptance of the Islamic State:


Former President Bush forewarned Americans about leaving Iraq in a speech written by
Marc Thiessen *discussed on FNCs The Kelly File+ and met with scorn *currently!+ by
The Daily Kos
U.S. Fears ISIL Smuggling Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
FBI: Cuban Intelligence Aggressively Recruiting Leftist American Academics as Spies,
Influence Agents
Krauthammer: Obama 'threw away the victory' in Iraq
Obama Cannot Bring Himself To Say Islamic: Krauthammer Lamented
Will moderate Muslim leaders condemn ISIS?
Obama signaled no major action against ISIS
The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
The Only Answer to the Evil of ISIS: Eliminate it By Force
Rise of Islamic State puts stop to Republican's anti-interventionist mood
Former Special Ops adviser on homegrown ISIS threats
Commitments on Three Fronts Test Obama's Foreign Policy
New ISIS threat: America's electric grid
Al Franken Criticized Obama's Lack of ISIS Strategy
Fournier: Obama's ISIS Remarks 'Passive,' 'Unsettling'
Sotloff Family Furious with White House and The NYT Buried It
ISIS Launched World War That Could Unite Rival Powers
Islamic State using leaked Snowden info
Senator Udall: ISIS Not 'An Immediate Threat to the Homeland'
Libertarianism Is Incoherent Foreign Policy, 'Bush Doctrine" Little Better {Disagree with
latter; surge worked.}
Top Democrat Demands ISIS Strategy from Obama, Kerry - New York Rep. Eliot Engel,
the House Foreign Affairs Committee's ranking Democrat, said during a conference call
with reporters that he and Republican committee chair Rep. Ed Royce plan to call
hearings this month to oversee the president's airstrike campaign against the Islamist
group in Iraq and bring some focus to the White House's strategic thinking.
A former top official at the National Security Agency said the Islamic State terrorist
group capitalized on voluminous leaks from former NSA contractor Snowden and is
exploiting the top-secret disclosures to evade U.S. intelligence and to spread
The man believed to have 'decapitated' 82-year-old Palmira Silva in a suburban garden
in North London has been informally identified by locals as a 25-year old recent 'Muslim
Beware America, They Are Coming For Us Lt. Gen. McInerney once again called for
the United States to move to DEFCON 1, which is our highest state of readiness and
implies an attack on the homeland is imminent; not only did call for this move a second
time, he expanded on what he knows and the capabilities that ISIS has. [Remember that,
last week, he predicted the revelation that the Islamists in Libya have 11 airplanes; also,
a few years ago, following his speech to the annual meeting of the Association for the
Study of the Middle East and Africa, he told me it would take ~6 months to institute a

naval blockade of Iranthat could prove effective both in stopping exports of weapons
(to Hamas, for example) and in stopping imports of refined oil (energizing their nukes).]
Some Christians Arm as Mideast Perils Mount
Turkish Official: Christianity More of a 'Culture' Than a Religion
[Wealthy French Jews Fleeing anti-Semitism]
[Spain Considers Banning Burqa]
Its Back to the Future for *vindicated+ Geert Wilders: New Prosecution being Readied

People are beginning to recognize the inherent dangers in BHOs acquiescence to Putin:

Ukrainian Protesters Kept Away As Thousands Of Police Descend On Wales For NATO
UPDATE: Russia Detained Estonian Officer, Raising Tensions
European Battle Lines Drawn As NATO Backs Estonia And Abandons Georgia
Talk is cheap and that is exactly what Obama provided
Paris Suspended Delivery of Warship to Russia Over Ukraine
Ukraine Signs Cease-Fire With Pro-Russia Rebels
The sad reality is that Vladimir Putin is winning in Ukraine

"The world needs a mighty U.S. military," per Mitt Romney: "Russia
invades, China bullies, Iran spins centrifuges, the Islamic State (a
terrorist threat 'beyond anything that we've seen,' according to the
defense secretary) threatens - and Washington slashes the military. All
arguments advanced to justify the decimation of our defense are wrong.
The real reason for the cuts: Politicians, and many of the people who
elect them, want to keep up spending here at home.

Many events in England mirror trends in America [equating the UKIP with the Tea Party Movement and,
thus, the view that Cameron is too liberal on multiple-frontsnotwithstanding tough-talk]:

New Russia Sanctions Could Be Lifted If Ceasefire Agreed: UK
Hong Kong Democracy Activists Blast 'Shameful' Britain - Hong Kong democracy activists
hit back Friday at comments from Britain welcoming Beijing's plans for limited voting
rights in the southern Chinese city, describing them as "shameful" and "cowardly".
To the Ramparts in Great Britain: UKIP's Nigel Farage and His fight for Freedom
Conservative Mayor Barred By Left From Meeting Obama And Cameron At NATO - The
Conservative Mayor of Newport was barred from greeting dignitaries at the NATO
summit in a politically motivated snub today. Despite tradition dictating that the Mayor
always meets foreign leaders, Cllr Matthew Evans was not invited, replaced by the
Labour Leader of the Council.
Prime Minister's Terror Plan 'a Ploy to Distract from UKIP' Says Labour - David Cameron's
anti-terror plans have come under attack following claims he made the announcement
on Monday simply to distract from the news of Conservative MP Douglas Carswell
joining UKIP.
The Ashya King Case Is the Tipping Point for Britain to Re-Assess Its Entrenched, Left
Wing Religion: The NHS This case was mentioned three times during Prime Ministers
Questions yesterday, inasmuch as the case of the five year old boy [whose parents were
arrested trying to get him the treatment that they wanted for his brain cancer] has
raised a lot of questions: about the role of the police in the affair; about the legitimacy

of the actions of the Crown Prosecution Service, and whether the European Arrest
Warrant (EAW), introduced to prevent terrorism, has been grossly misused.
Farage: Int'l Rules Will Prevent UK From Keeping Militants Out
UKIP RISING: Farage, Murdoch Meet Privately in NYC...
Jewish Board Prez urged to resign over 'Beyond Astounding' [by commentator Melanie Philips]
Joint Statement with Muslim Group because, per The Jewish News, it gives equal weight
to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia; it supports the claim that Israel has been targeting
civilians in Gaza; and that it gives a British Muslim group a veneer of respectability,
despite its being linked to a number of radical Islamists.

In Rotherham, England, 1400 young girls were routinely raped over
more than a decade while authorities turned a blind eye. Why did they
turn a blind eye? The authorities were so concerned with
multiculturalism they could not bring themselves to do anything about a
systemic and widespread culture of rape gangs in the area.

The gangs were, if you read most press accounts, Pakistani men. In fact,
there were Bangladeshi men, Afghani men, and others involved. But you
will not find many references of the word muslim except in pieces
warning about a possible backlash against the muslim community. This
New York Times piece is a good example. The words muslim and
Islam do not appear, just he victims identified in the report were all
white, while the perpetrators were mostly of Pakistani heritage.

Ironically, the British Home Secretary, Theresa May, said the monstrous
crime went on so long because of institutionalized political
correctness. People would not take action because they did not want
to rock the multicultural boat. Anyone who dared do so would be
labeled a racist. Even now, despite Theresa Mays statement, the press
dares not use the m word.

In local news, Residents are being ousted from Jenkintown high rise, the Colonade [near my home]; this
was the Benson East and Benson Manor complex, built by Bens son *named by Benjamin Fox, the
father of Jon David Fox, former Congressman, and former HQ of WIBF].

The Goldberg File
By Jonah Goldberg
September 5, 2014

If you replace the phrase "the international community" with "the Klingons" it often
makes more sense. The Islamic State can only be defeated if the Klingons are resolute.
America can't do this alone we need the Klingons. Why don't the Klingons handle this
Here's Obama at that press conference in Estonia:

. . . we know that if we are joined by the Klingons we can continue to
shrink ISIL's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its
military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem. And
the question is going to be making sure we've got the right strategy, but
also making sure that we've got the international will to do it. This is
something that is a continuation of a problem we've seen certainly since
9/11, but before. And it continues to metastasize in different ways.
And what we've got to do is make sure that we are organizing the Arab
world, the Middle East, the Muslim world along with the Klingons to
isolate this cancer, this particular brand of extremism that is, first and
foremost, destructive to the Muslim world and the Arab world and
North Africa, and the people who live there. They're the ones who are
most severely . . . [blah blah blah]
Now, I know what you're going to say: "But the Klingons don't exist!"
And my reply would be, "Neither does the international community!"
But, here's the thing, if the Klingons existed they really would be useful in crushing the
Islamic State, deterring Putin, etc. I mean how awesome would a giant bird-of-prey
hovering over the Kremlin look? It's entirely unclear that if the international community
existed it would be of much use.
Besides, I've seen Klingons. I know what a Klingon looks like. I know what their language
sounds like (mostly like a Hungarian choking on a chicken bone). I know a bit about their
codes, customs, and beliefs. Heck, I've even seen pictures of a Klingon wedding. I've
never seen an international-community wedding.
Now hold on, you say. There's the U.N., the EU, the Apple Dumpling Gang at Davos.
There's the World Bank and the IMF, the African Union and the International House of
Pancakes. Every time I turn on the NewsHour, I see cookie-pushers in pinstripe suits
sitting around plates of clever cheese and expensive bottled water having weighty
discussions about things of International Weightiness. Isn't that the international
community? Meanwhile, those "Klingons" you see are just a bunch of actors and
weirdoes playing make-believe.
To which I respond: And just what the Hell do you think the cookie-pushers are? John
Kerry is the U.S. secretary of state. (He's also a human toothache, but that's another
matter.) That is who he is. That title doesn't come with dual citizenship in the
international community. And whenever he pretends otherwise he's doing exactly that:
pretending, playing make-believe, acting every bit as much as a bat'leth wielding
chiropodist from Scarsdale. The difference is that the chiropodist knows he's just
pretending. It is not at all clear that John Kerry understands that the international
community is a convenient fiction.
The trouble with the phrase "international community" is that the first word negates the
second. There is, of course, an international sphere or realm or space. But those words
don't imply a kind of civil society. Domestically there's this whole ecosystem of
institutions, customs, and people who interact with one another. Internationally there

are nation-states, which have relations with each other, sometimes via institutions and
alliances, a few non-state actors (both good and bad), and then there are animals,
gravity, clouds, rainbows, and other things that are blind to the Westphalian system of
nation-states. And that's it. Domestically there's a thick atmosphere, like an ocean
teeming with life, called civil society, which is itself made up of communities.
Internationally it's a vacuum, like in space. No one would talk about interplanetary
("Oh yeah," you respond, "What about the platonic aether and solar radiation and dark
matter!?" To which I reply, "Shut up.")
Welcome to the Interregnum
I was on an AEI panel on the legacy and lessons of Caesar Augustus; I was in on the first
discussion, which was about the problems of today. My co-panelist, Jakob Grygiel of the
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) likened the current global
environment to what used to be called the Interregnum.
Historically, the Interregnum which I choose to capitalize here not out of fidelity to
grammar but for dramatic flair was the period between kings. ("Inter" means
between, regnum means reign, a burning sensation when you pee means you
misbehaved on that business trip to Reno.) You don't have to be a fan of Game of
Thrones to understand why this is a dangerous period. Succession to the throne is in
doubt. Ambitions manifest themselves as opportunities present themselves. Loyalties
become unclear. Irons get struck when they are hot. Clichs become dramatically
relevant. When a system is structured around the power and authority of a single
individual, it's wholly understandable that it will go into crisis when that individual
disappears and it's not immediately clear who will replace him.
Grygiel's point is that the Obama administration has wittingly or unwittingly sent the
signal that our reign as the enforcer of the Pax Americana is over. Or, less starkly, we
have sent the signal that it might be over. This is an important distinction. When it
comes to power politics, perception matters as much as reality. Vladimir Putin, the
Chinese Politburo, the Islamic State, Assad, the Iranians, Solomon Grundy, the stinking
Diaz Brothers, Simon Bar Sinister, and that sweet-smelling cloud that steals your
hemoglobin are all going to test America and the system around it to see how much
they can get away with. It's like Gandhi's famous advice about going to prison. "On the
first day, find the biggest, meanest-looking MoFo you can and beat the crap out of him.
That will send the signal no one should mess with you." ("Um, are you sure that was
Gandhi? Remember Aristotle's warning: 'Some quotations on the Internet are
unreliable.'" The Couch).
The reason this is such a dangerous moment is that the mere act of testing the system
encourages others to test it as well. In prison, when you're a pushover for one guy,
everyone gets the idea that they can take the apple brown betty off your lunch tray. It's
also how riots and lootings start. One person smashes a window on the hunch he can
get away with it. Others watch. When nothing happens to the smasher, the idea
becomes contagious.

This gets us to the heart of the damage Barack Obama has done. A superpower can
cruise on perception for a very long time. Perception is relatively inexpensive. Sure, you
gotta float some ships around. Yeah, you might have to run some military exercises. But
as long as people think you're sustaining a Pax Americana you are, in fact, sustaining a
Pax Americana. But once you let that perception waver, you're suddenly faced with a
terrible set of choices. You can't tell the world you're still in charge, you have to show
them. If you just talk about red lines and then do nothing to enforce them, further talk
becomes worse than useless, it becomes provocative. If you opt to demonstrate your
power, you risk failing and confirming weakness. You also risk a horrible escalation as
the bad actors respond not with surrender but with even more testing. Does anyone
think Putin would be the first to blink at this point if Obama sent troops to Ukraine?
Obama could do everything right starting today (Stop laughing!) and in a sense it would
still be too late. It's always more expensive to put down a riot than to prevent it. And it's
not entirely clear to me that the American people are willing to pay that price right now.
It's much clearer that this president has no interest in asking them to.
The Indecider in Chief
Everyone mocked George W. Bush for his "I'm the decider" shtick. I never particularly
liked the locution myself. But it did get to the truth of the matter. The president has to
make decisions. These days, even Dianne Feinstein is willing to admit that this president
has problems making decisions. That's all fine and good. But one thing bothers me. A lot
of people don't seem to realize that not making a decision is, itself, a kind of decision.
President Obama's passive aggression (for want of a better term) has never gotten the
attention it deserves. This is, after all, the guy who voted present whenever he could in
the Illinois state legislature not exactly the most high-stakes arena in the world. He's
been voting present on a global scale ever since. As John Fund wrote almost exactly a
year ago:
Since then, further evidence has piled up that Obama is a dithering,
indecisive leader willing to deflect making a decision because of what
many see as political calculation. It's one thing when this happens
domestically, like when his administration delayed meaningful action by
BP and the state of Louisiana to clear up the Gulf of Mexico oil-spill in
2010. It's another when it happens in foreign policy especially in the
Middle East. Obama stood aloof during the Iranian street protests of
2009. In Libya, he delayed a decision for weeks until choosing "to lead
from behind," in the famous words of one adviser. In Egypt, the
administration was caught flat-footed not once, but twice, by uprisings.
If the brakes on your car give out and you're barreling down the road, deciding to wait
until you have better options is every bit as much of a decision as deciding to turn left or
right. Postponing doesn't get rid of the decision tree, it merely changes the available
choices on it. Obama likes to avoid making decisions until events make the decisions for
I tried to make this point on Fox News yesterday. Everyone's talking about what the
president should say. The assumption is that saying something will reflect a policy of

doing something. But that isn't how Obama sees the situation. He wants to say
something that will take the pressure off of him to do something. This has always been
his M.O. When the IRS scandal looks really bad, he says it's a big problem and an
outrage. That takes the pressure off the White House and frees him up from having to
do or say any more about it. Now he dismisses the whole thing as a "phony scandal."
Obama didn't lay out those "red lines" for Syria because he really meant it. He warned
of red lines because doing so liberated him from having to act. When Assad called
Obama's bluff he folded. Obama didn't order the surge in Afghanistan to win, he
ordered the surge in Afghanistan to free himself from the hassle of having to talk or
think about Afghanistan.
Wrapping Your Car Around the Decision Tree
And what is amazing to me is how so many people mistake dithering, buck-passing, and
political cowardice for sagacity and strategic genius. Just last week I mocked the
ridiculous notion that Obama is a "chess master" always thinking ahead of his
opponents. Just this week, Jonathan Alter proves this incandescent idiocy will not die.
He writes: "Obama is what was once called a "long head" -- a leader who patiently tries
to think a few moves past everyone else. This is a good thing. Thinking hard before
reacting is usually the wiser course."
Will someone please provide some examples of where Obama has outthought America's
adversaries? The man cowers behind his desk and his fans hang a sign reading "Genius
at Work."
Various & Sundry
Thoughtfulness is nice and all, but does anyone else miss the days when foreign-policy
liberals thought with their hearts? The Islamic State represents virtually everything
liberals claim to hate slavery, rape, religious fanaticism, war, aggression, torture
and yet they reserve their true rage for Republicans. It's maddening and disgusting, as I
wrote here.
My column today is on how the Islamic State is like a "Foreign Legion for Losers."
Michael Ledeen and Tim Stanley have useful thoughts on why Western losers join Jihad
as well. Oh and here's a great Weekly Standard piece from 2005 by Reuel Marc Gerecht
on the subject.
On Special Report, Steve Hayes discussed why Al Qaeda Wasnt on the Run and raised
the question as why documents retrieved in the bin Laden raid have remained secret.


Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:14 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCIL
[Recapitulation, Middle-East, Corbett, Export-Import, Cruz, America's-Global-Withdrawal]

When the author experiences sensory-overload, one can only imagine the reaction of the recipient;
here, there was so much that had been accumulated during the past 48-hours that it was necessary to
disseminate what had been compiled [particularly noting pledges to people who had entrusted their
personal e-mail addresses+. In any case, this Blast e-mail starts with a recapitulation of its predecessor,
noting myriad topics covered therein; deferred was a focus on the Middle East, which next follows. Also,
review of recipients unearthed a few who had been cut during (manual) cut/paste preparation [no,
still havent signed-on with constant-contact]; anyone receiving duplicates should please so-inform.

The mood was surprisingly upbeat at the annual cook-out for the local GOP last night,
and, even regarding Corbetts polling; everyone harbors a remedy that could prevail
(most prominently, taxation and tying Wolf to BHOs failures). Interviews with two
local candidates (Robin Gilchrist running for State Senate and Dee Adcock for Congress)
were enlightening, for both are very much up-to-speed regarding concepts that have
been IDed and detailed in these Blast e-mails; Robin has tackled the task of flooding
the social media *even The Jewish Right on Facebook+ and has issued policy-papers
[that, alas, the media have ignored], and Dee spoke on-air yesterday with Dom Giordano
and, apparently, his next encounter will occur in debate-format with Brendon Boyle,
next month *although its unclear how many joint-events will occur]. As anticipated,
most feel this will be a party election *as the GOP nationalizes while the Dems try to
maintain a local-focus]; gratifying, from a personal perspective, was concurrence that
voters will weigh BHOs Foreign Policy failures [recalling a hyperlink in the most-recent
Blast e-mail: Former President Bush forewarned Americans about leaving Iraq].

Of the Action-Items covered, consider:
It is of-course prioritized that the Distillation [dating-back to December] be critiqued/vetted.
The portrayal of the Kurds in writings dating-back a half-decade [channeling the heartfelt (and
ignored for far too long) views of Dr. Sherkoh Abbas, President of the Kurdistan National
Assembly] should be compared/contrasted with the newly-discovered prominence of this
Reviewing primary data by listening to the half-hour presentations of Heritage-Action on
Mondays @ 5:30 [Dial-in number: 1-800-757-3718] empowers the public to know what RINOs
and Dems wish the media would continue to ignore.
The yeoman work of Aryeh-Green @ Media-Central (educating media covering the Middle East
by inter alia instructing proper word-choice) is replete with quiet-victories, but reflects the
potential for one micro-person to influence the course of macro-events.
The Republican Jewish Coalition is also engaged in the struggle to help Jews recognize how
damaging BHO has been to Israel, in conjunction with the larger picture [domestic/foreign].
The attractiveness of the POTUS-16 candidacy of Cruz is increasingly recognized, despite his
having been dissed by the Media and the RINOs; his positions are consistently on-point, enviable
with regard to the other competitors for the nomination.

Chris-Stigall has most-decidedly carved-out a niche in the local media market-place, and what is
most remarkable when listening to him [live and on-radio] is his bouncing-enthusiasm; when
contemplating the evils of BHO, such upbeat atmospherics [absent sugar-coating] are welcome.
Even the more professionally-remorseful pundits are increasingly optimistic regarding the
chance the GOP will flip the Senate; each state seems to harbor its own soap-opera.
The necessity to distrust the leftie-Media [and to help others see-through spinning bias] has
never been greater for, just like a cornered-rat, desperately attempting to rationalize prior
assertions is increasingly self-alienating; for example, the risks of Islamism merit dissemination .
The politics regarding Illegals loom large, not only with regard to BHOs being pressured by
Senate-Dems to delay Amnesty, but also with regard to the potential for RINOs to acquiesce.
BHO's-Scandal-Sheet will, it is hoped, explode prior to the mid-terms; multiple candidates
exist, such as BenghaziGate [noting the just-released narrative of on-the-ground Americans],
Lois Lerners IRS *noting release of e-mails citing a secret program directed against the GOP],
and Fast & Furious [noting the prospect that AG-Holder will be nailed by delayed-release of data
suppressed for years from judicial scrutiny]; of course, each/every Federal Department has been
infested [e.g., Energy Department funding of many projects in addition to Solyndra].
Corbetts prospects must now be confronted candidly recalling that, in my view, he emerged
when he line-item-vetoed pet-projects of the legislature; he must out the pro-union Dems
*owned by unions+ and Republicans *rented by unions+, for they have tied-up his initiatives.
The Iggles are highly-touted [although many will miss DeSean]; the fact that events in England
mirror those in America is fascinating to recognize; the ongoing impact of the unique Joan Rivers
constitutes a vacuum that will never be filled; the Goldberg File should be scrutinized (and
received weekly via e-mail) both for content and style]; and policy-positions of BHO must be
recognized for the damage they have wreaked upon America and the world.
Feedback regarding the issue of a successor to Mike Fitzpatrick was received and is duly recycled intact,
although I was informed of alternatives; it is understandable that anonymity is to be maintained:
Democratic Commissioner Diane Marseglia, who wisely stayed out of the race for PA
Senator against Tommy Tomlinson [is an obvious choice].
The Republicans have no one coming along. State Rep Scott Petri has been positioning
himself to replace Mike. Petri is the best example of a keep your head down politician in
PA so hes noted for nothing. So has State Sen. Chuck McIllhinny but why should he give
up a secure lifetime job for the chance to lose it all in a congressional race. Marseglia
would easily win over McIllhinny but maybe not against Petri. There are no other Bucks
officials who could win against Marseglia. She received more votes than Commissioner
Martin in the last Commissioners race.
The Bucks Democrats are split over State Senate candidate Steve Cickey who has the
very, very strong support of the Courier against McIllhinny. Corsidco wants Cickey to
step aside so he can appoint Shaughnessy Norton who lost to Kevin Strouse in the Dem
Primary. Norton is a very strong candidate whos as Left as she can get but she would
win against McIllhinney because she supports the left agenda against Fracking which far
too many Republicans also support. To McIllhinneys relief, the Democrats really
screwed the pooch over the Cickey issue so McIllhinney will win.
Republican State Senator Tommy Tomlinson has a Dem opponent, Dr. Kimberly Rose
who has the support of the State Democrat Committee. Shes a very attractive blonde

whose best campaign tactic is a large photo of herself on her campaign signs. Shes a
Northampton Supervisor whos stabbed her fellow Dems in their backs but shes a
passable candidate because of her credentials, her Supervisor position and her looks.
Shes good on her feet but very lightweight in her responses. Tomlinson has his
enormous popularity and the Bensalem Republican machine behind him so hell easily
win over the disorganized Democrats. Tomlinson is to old to run for congress two years
from now even though he could easily defeat Marseglia at the moment.
Finally, Fitzpatrick will coast to another win. So will the rest of the Bucks Republicans.
So at this moment the answer to your question is Marseglia and Petri.
Regarding Pennsylvania affairs, Guzzardi is upset that the Republican Senate UNANIMOUSLY voted YEA
to authorizing $27,451,323,000, (about $27 and Billion dollars) in new borrowing; he decried *et tu+
support from Senators Wagner, Eichelberger and Folmer. Forlornly, he noted that, on the heels
of Pennsylvanias bond rating downgrade [which was Detrimental to Taxpayers], House Majority Leader
Mike Turzai declared his intention to ease Pennsylvanians debt burden, representing a necessary step
towards restoring Pennsylvanias fiscal health and credit rating *c/o the commonwealth foundation].
Also, Guzzardi IDed Where the gambling money has gone [rather than providing Property Tax Relief];
for example, Welfare to the Wealthy has included the following: In just six years, more than $1.5
billion has gone to horse owners, race-horse breeders and others in the industry, thanks to a little-
known state subsidy that feeds 12 percent of casino slot revenues to the horse-race industry. And,
capturing the import of what has transpired, he noted that New York-based credit ratings agency
Moodys Investors Service is slapping a lower rating on Pennsylvanias debt for the second time in two
years, as state government grapples annually with built-in budget deficits. This is why hes upset with
the GOP, but Wolfs plan to address the Pension Bomb *float a bond+ is far more ominous *noting that
borrowing constitutes delayed taxation+. Perhaps this will emerge as a campaign issue.
Always gratuitous, note: #4 TED CRUZ - The Texas senator is named #4 in "The POLITICO
50," a new annual list released today by POLITICO Magazine, for destroying the
government in order to save it. This is part of what the most interesting political
thinkers, doers and dreamers have to say about Washington dysfunction, the
presidential campaign and the rest of the world.
Regarding national affairs, as feared by Heritage-Action, the HOUSE GOP is INCHING TOWARD EX-IM
DEAL [short-term reauthorization]; remember that this program would die without reauthorization, but
also recall that the Dems conveyed the plan that they would effectuate another government shutdown
[and blame the GOP, just as occurred last year] without these monies being appropriated. Also, as was
anticipated, Obama will delay plans to issue an executive order to address immigration reform until
after the November election, White House officials confirmed Saturday.
Politico also deferred to BHO when raising 5 questions on Obama's ISIL political
strategy, claiming that Obama has to figure out how to sell Congress and the public on
his ideas for fighting the group before recognizing BHO must first figure-out his ideas.
Regarding Israel, updates from Pamela Geller and Arlene Kushner reflect, respectively, how starkly the
macro Islamist challenge has been framed and how forlornly the micro Israeli land-management
issues have been allowed to fester; meanwhile, note how the right-wing critique of BB omits reference
to BHOs impact *the donkey in the room one might say, a pun reflecting the party and the mind+ and
then note how Debka provides otherwise unavailable info [always cutting-edge, sometimes untrue].

Also note, c/o Yoram Ettinger, that Israel was vindicated by the UN damage assessment in Gaza, and
then note if its true that BB is transferring the sovereignty on the Temple Mount to Jordan in practice
[another potentially-legitimate right-wing critique]. Then skim imra and Daily Alerts [Thursday/Friday]
for corroborative data and note Hamas's War Crimes and Crimes against Islam while wondering How to
Be "A Disgrace to Humanity" in Turkey.

Skim this conjured ISIS speech Obama should have given, for Americans expect their
president to vindicate the victims of terrorism.
Regarding international affairs, scrutinize/memorize/disseminate the entire inFOCUS Quarterly issue, for
it constitutes one-stop-shopping for all the major concepts that inform current [foreign] events; indeed,
explaining why American Exceptionalism has been trampled by BHO, it quotes Hofstadter ,It has been
*Americas+ fate not to have ideologies, but to be one- noting that America embodies a set of principles
about human liberty, rather than allowing herself to be defined by ethnicity, nationality or religion.
Amazingly, this one piece encompasses the entire panoply of American history, stopping only to show
how vacuous the Liberal Critique [manifest by Koh under Clinton+ proved to be, for it has led to BHOs
having led from behind *or, worse, in my view, having followed from behind+, a recipe for disaster,
however, since others expect the United States to stand up first. It ends by savaging the Realist Critique
as superficial, hypocritical and morally bankrupt; again, it ties this faulty paradigm to BHOs activities
*after having quoted Mearsheimer/Walt who had famously decried the Israel Lobby without accepting
the existence of other more potent groups which, famously, have encompassed the interests of Arabists
(via promotion of oil) for a century+. As Rush would say, dont doubt me when quoting favorably two
of the more potent excerpts from this pieceand then wondering how BHO-defenders would reply:
[T]he United States is the only great power, with the possible exception of Great Britain,
that has pursued a policy that identifies its own interests with that of an international
order that promotes security, prosperity and freedom for other nations, not just itself.
"In the half-century following World War II, the United States successfully established,
protected, and advanced a liberal world order, carving out a vast 'free world' within
which an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity could flower." Before that time,
the normal state of affairs was one of hostile powers constantly jostling for better
position, with periodic wars breaking out, many of them devastating. What prevents a
return to this historical status quo is a superpower that recognizes the exceptional
nature of its founding principles and remains determined to apply them in its endeavors
The next article decries the impact of Sequestration upon the military, a prediction that I SCREAMED to
Mike Fizpatrick prior to his having voted with everyone else, immediately prior to BHOs having joyfully
departed D.C. to celebrate his birthday in 09; I knew this would be preferentially damaged, and my son
reminded me that the domestic-cuts excluded entitlements. This was a pivotal event in the history of
how BHO has rolled the GOP during the past half-decade, and it suggests that the GOP should stop
holding its breath after the midterms *if not earlier+; as Rush has noted, while the GOP plays the short
game *focusing on elections+, the Dems are devastatingly effective in winning the long game
*instituting socialism+. Thats why its best not to grant BHO amnesty to grant amnesty, for it is a
gimme that hell continue to invoke Discretion when deciding which laws he would want to enforce.

Remaining articles are equally on-point, and the critical reader wont be able to ID error.
Remember, also, that the prior issue included my Kurdistan essay [in good company!].
Although Erick Erickson was wrong yesterday while talking [subbing for Rush] when he claimed low
wage-earners are failuresallowing egocentrism/elitism to emergehe was right when composing:
The President Is Not Checked Out
Many people suggest President Obama has checked out. He treats the ever growing
threat of ISIS as an abstraction. Sources from within the administration are now more
openly admitting that for almost a year intelligence and Pentagon officials have advised
the President of the threat. He has chosen to do very little. Last Wednesday, he said we
would shrink ISIS and make it a manageable problem as opposed to eliminate it.
A few weeks ago, I had dinner with a sitting governor and a dear friend of mine. The
friend leaned over to the governor and me and said Barack Obama is to America as
Clarence the Angel was to George Bailey in Its a Wonderful Life. Barack Obama is
showing the world what it would look like had America never been born. As this friend
later wrote, Unsurprisingly, Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, and its a terrible place.
Unfortunately we do not get to revert to the tolerable if modest status quo at the end of
the lesson: George Bailey will eventually have to shell the town and retake it street by
street from Old Man Potters Spetsnaz.
Consider how far the world has collapsed in the past year. Again, my friend noted, since
Labor Day weekend last year the Chinese expanded their air defense identification zone
to incorporate the territory of other nations, the Russians annexed Crimea, ISIS rose, the
Russians invaded Ukraine, Mosul fell, the Hungarian liberal democracy collapsed into
Russian aligned authoritarianism, a Central American refugee crisis spawned a border
and humanitarian crisis in the United States, the Egyptians and Emiratis attacked Libya
without telling the United States, Iraqi Christians and the Yazidi are suffering genocide at
the hands of ISIS, NATO is scrambling to shore up its eastern-frontier defenses,
mainstream anti-Semitism is re-emerging, the Americans are on the verge of yet
another war in Iraq, middle America is seeing race riots, etc., etc.
Seventy-five years ago this past Monday, German tanks rolled across the Polish border
setting off World War II. Sixty-nine years ago this past Tuesday, World War II ended as
the Japanese formally surrendered. In the nearly seven decades since, the West has
established a world wide peace. Though not flawless, we have lived a relatively stable
and secure existence. In just the past year, Barack Obama has largely undone seven
decades of gains toward peace.
Our peace was balanced on top of two pillars. The first of the two pillars is the idea of
peace through strength. Ensuring the American military could go anywhere at any time
to strike back against any foe, no matter its size, has caused many to give us pause. In
the last twenty-five years, after the collapse of the Cold War, America has consciously
decided to scale back our military. We have handed military actions to FBI agents
serving indictments, signaling our growing complacency.
The other pillar is the moral certainty of the Wests goodness. We have, since the fall of
Nazi Germany and the rise of its kissing cousin the communists, maintained Western

values are superior and right and true. Barack Obama does not believe in the goodness
and superiority of Western values. He sees former old colonialists trying to preserve
their dubious claims on power. What so many for so long took for granted, Barack
Obama sees as oppressive and regressive.
Barack Obama is the first American President who, through his upbringing, writings, and
actions, conveys a deep sense of grievance toward the American experiment. The idea
that we are the last best hope for mankind is anathema to him. Barack Obama thinks
the world, if the American imperial aggressor would just sit on the sidelines, could work
out its problems and would be better off.
In short, the world has descended into chaos these past 365 days because the American
President thinks America is to blame for much of the worlds ills and has chosen not to
check himself out, but to check the United States out of international affairs. The only
question now is how many around the world will die because of it.
This essay by Jim Geraghty dovetails:
Why We Fight
Jonah's always awesome, but this point from yesterday afternoon is really important. He
points to some transcripts of Islamic State members, cheerfully laughing and
appreciating that their rule has reinstated the practice of buying and selling women as
sex slaves.
Then Jonah notes:
. . . the president has done everything he can to claim that his domestic
political opponents are engaged in a "war on women." He won an
election largely because he convinced enough women and pliant
journalists to take this bilge seriously. Just this week the head of his
party went on at great length to claim that the Republican governor of
Wisconsin has been "giving women the back of his hand."
Oh, and let us not forget, the president and his supporters work very
hard to paint their domestic political opponents as religious extremists
because some private businesses and religious groups don't want to pay
for procedures that violate their conscience.
Now compare this to the people who are celebrating the fact their faith
allows them to enslave women.
Just think about it for a moment. The president surely knows about this.
His administration surely knows about this. And yet, the president
this modern incarnation of Lincoln, protector of women, and opponent
of domestic religious extremism defines his goal for ISIS as reducing it
to a "manageable problem." Does this mean that if ISIS renounces any
designs on attacking the U.S. homeland (an impossibility given the
tenets of their faith and ambition for a global caliphate) he will stand by
as they continue to barter women as sex slaves and breeders? This is

the same man who campaigned in Berlin as a "citizen of the world" and
champion of global community.
Forgive me, but the term "Lincolnesque" doesn't immediately spring to
The disconnect goes beyond mere inconsistency or hypocrisy. It is a
moral sickness that is sickening to behold.
Remember President Kennedy's speech about going to the moon?
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal
will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills,
because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are
unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others,
Whatever else you think of President Kennedy, he grasped that a big part of leadership
is persuading people to do things that they would rather not do, often because those
tasks are difficult. And a good leader gets people to do those things because they're
Look at what the president insists upon talking about in his fundraiser speeches and
other public events this autumn: Hiking the minimum wage. The "gender pay gap" (that
shrinks dramatically once you account for interruptions in a woman's career for child-
rearing). Climate change and "carbon pollution."
Meanwhile, the Islamic State is planning to murder us.
The quasi-isolationist vibe going through the Democratic party since, oh, late 2003 or so
reflects their desire to avoid doing things that are hard. If we absolutely must intervene
in Libya, we'll "lead from behind." If we absolutely must kill someone, better for the
president to have a personal, secret "kill list" and launch unmanned drone strikes in far-
off lands, so the American people don't have to hear about it and don't have to think
about it.
Are drone strikes enough to contain militant Islam? Look at the evidence around us.
Look at Libya. Look at Syria. Look at Iraq. Look at Pakistan. God forbid, look somewhere
closer someday soon.
But persuading the American people to accept a more aggressive policy would be hard,
particularly after this president spent years assuring them that "the tide of war is
receding" and "al-Qaeda is on the run."
Democrats -- and perhaps almost all of Washington -- shy away from doing things that
are hard.
Stopping Putin? That's hard. Pushing back against the rising tide of virulent anti-
Semitism in Europe? That's hard. Addressing the insufficient skillset of the American
workforce in a rapidly-changing, globalized economy? Really hard. Creating a culture of

opportunity, responsibility, and accountability in the worst neighborhoods in the inner
cities? Nothing's worked wonders yet. Ensuring every child is raised in a loving home?
That's hard.
Entitlement reform? Too difficult to even mention. The national debt? Too big and
difficult to even think about.
Cleaning out the dead wood from the federal bureaucracy and instituting a new culture
of accountability and results? That's really hard.
It's much easier to fume at length about Todd Akin and "binders full of women" and
what Phil Robertson said on Duck Dynasty and sneer at gun owners and religious
Christians. Vast swaths of our public debate revolve around metronomic "Can you
believe what this person said?" outrages. Any ill-tempered comment from any little-
known "GOP lawmaker" anywhere in the country can set off a couple news cycles of
ritualistic denunciation.
Driving the guy at Mozilla out of his job is relatively easy. Making a figure so
controversial that they're metaphorically radioactive is easy.
Considering what liberals claim to care about, they have every reason to focus their fury
upon militant Islam . . . but they don't. Liberals claim to care about underprivileged
children and the importance of education, so they have every reason to lash out at
status-quo-defending teachers' unions and demand public-school choice for every
parent everywhere in the country . . . but most of them don't. Liberals claim to care
about low-income Americans, so they have every reason to oppose allowing more
unskilled or low-skilled workers to enter the country illegally . . . but they don't. Liberals
claim they want to help the little guy, so they have every reason to want to reduce the
amount of red tape and paperwork that a new small business faces . . . but they don't.
All of those tasks would require them doing something difficult -- oftentimes,
confronting a part of their own coalition for the status quo.
Every once in a while, Democrats do try something difficult. "Hey, let's set up a system
that guarantees health insurance to every single American!" Of course, that usually
proves to be way, way, way harder than they expected and creates more problems, or
worse problems, than when they started.
Remember my "Progressive Aristocracy" series, here and here and here and here and
here? The Progressive Aristocracy doesn't want to do that much, other than tell you
how to live your life.
Yes, the Republican party has its flaws. It often earns its nickname of "the Stupid party"
and it has its weak leaders, its loudmouths too much in love with the sound of their own
voices, its craven types eager to find that sweet post-elected office lobbying deal, and its
boring old white men with comb-overs, speaking in legislative-ese.
But by and large, the Republicans are worried about the right problems -- the big
problems: crazy people who want to kill us, a skyrocketing debt, a growing culture of

dependency, an avalanche of red tape strangling the entrepreneurial lifeblood of the
economy, and an unsecure border.
That's why this November, we've got to elect as many of these guys as we can. Not
because they're perfect, or even all that great; not because their ideas are perfect or
even have a good chance of getting past an Obama veto . . . but because they're at least
looking at the real problems, instead of telling us our eyes are deceiving us and it's not
as bad as it looks.
It's Decision Time, Mr. President
President Obama has three decisions to make.
How big do we want our military action in Iraq to be?
How big do we want our military action in Syria to be, presuming we want to fight
When Congress returns next week, Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., says he plans
to introduce a bill to "ensure there's no question that the president has
the legal authority he needs to use airstrikes in Syria."
What, if anything, do we want to do in Libya?
"It seems like the State Department, the Obama administration, is trying
to play down these reports, but the people I talked to were fairly
concerned about them," [Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill]
Gertz said. "Again, they are trying to locate these jets. I don't think the
CIA has a full handle on where all of the aircraft from the airlines were.
There are a number of airports in the region that are within close
distance to Tripoli International, so they're obviously looking at these
places and trying to get a count of how many aircraft are there."
When co-host Brian Wilson asked specifics with regard to how Gertz's
sources responded to the reports of the missing jets by saying the [sic]
"can't confirm" the reports, Gertz explained that "can't confirm" in this
context was not meant as a denial, but "they're trying to play down by
saying 'well, we can't confirm them.' That's kind of bureaucrat speak
within the United States government."
What a Potential Winner They've Got Up in Rhode Island!
Ken Block, allegedly Republican gubernatorial candidate up in Rhode Island, dismissing
Mitt Romney's endorsement of his rival, Allan Fung:
"Back in January," Block said of his own campaign, "we interviewed the
Shawmut group . . . And in the two months that we interviewed them
and opted not to use them they promised us that if we hired them, they
could bring Mitt Romney in and endorse my candidacy. So I'm not
overly surprised that Mitt came in and endorsed Allan. We kind of
expected that given who the Shawmut group was and what they did."

Then again, maybe Romney actually endorsed Fung because Block has
said publicly that he voted against Romney in 2012 and supported the
passage of Obamacare.
The primary is September 9. Hey, Rhode Island, maybe you want to have an earlier
primary next time?
ADDENDA: Hey, remember this guy?
Al Qaeda has released a video announcing the establishment of a new
branch on the Indian subcontinent, saying it is meant to revive jihadist
activity in a region 'which was once part of the land of Muslims, until
the infidel enemy occupied it and fragmented it and split it.'
In the 55-minute video, which was posted on jihadist forums, Al Qaeda's
leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, addresses listeners in parts of the region with
large Muslim populations, assuring Muslims "in Burma, Bangladesh,
Assam, Gujarat, Ahmedabad and Kashmir that your brothers" in the
militant organization "did not forget you and that they are doing what
they can to rescue you."


Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1:23 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCL
[Islamism, Illegals, UKIP, Scotland, Common-Core, BHO's-Scandal-Sheet, Corbett, Penn-State, Iggles]

Theres a lot goin on *again+, so this component thereof is intended to cover a few key points, primarily
focused upon the upcoming BHO-speech; we know he wont admit he withdrew prematurely from Iraq,
but lets see if he has the ability to utter the word-pair Islamic Terror in a valiant effort to define goals.

Numerous websites advised that people celebrate a Happy 18
Birthday after prediction
that Global Warming has not yet occurred; climate hasnt changed. Thus, Global
Warming Jumped the Shark [as a part of a summary of the Week in Climate Stupid.
Amazingly, Schwarzenegger Returned to Sacramento to Celebrate Climate Change.

Emphasized herein have been state-national correlates to many conservative concerns; none is more
trenchant than Common Core, admittedly pushed by Bill Gates' to engrain Microsoft within the liberal
educational system; his Deceptive Drive to Continue Common Core Will Weaken Public Schools due to
loss of a tradition of flexible local-control. Indeed, Don Hirsch, Hailed As A Founder of Common Core
Standards, Said 'It's Not Going To Work' and it is predicted that Common Core Math will Lower College
Standards in the United States; as a result, Moms Against Common Core Launched a 'Bracelets That Are
NOT Common' National Campaign. That is why many states are recoiling, including Louisiana (where
Activists Asked David Vitter To End Support of Common Core Standards) and Texas (where the
Education Board's Mercer Resolution Seeks To Stop Radical APUSH Redesign. [The Texas State Board of
Education member from District 5, Ken Mercer, wants the Advanced Placement (AP) and International
Baccalaureate courses to be based on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (the state's public
education standards) instead of on the College Board's radical revamping of AP US History (APUSH).]
Finally, Corbett asked the State Board of Education to review Common Core standards (and a campaign
Blast e-mail advised that this was due to his increasing opposition to this one-size-fits-all approach;
FILM. {Also, Texas AG-Abbott Bucked Big Ed and Unveiled Common Sense Ways to Go to College.}

The NCAA announced Penn State can keep the $60M fine, RESTORED PSU POSTSEASON
ELIGIBILITY, and RESTORED SCHOLARSHIPS IN 2015; as a result, litigation will probably
be dismissed. The reaction of Jay Paterno was cynical ['I think the NCAA saying this relief
is because of the Mitchell report process is a cover for the fact that there was a faulty
Freeh report'], but most PSU-fans/grads would have traded delaying the above
concessions for restoration of JoePas wins. This issue lives on. ,Also, the FATTAH PROBE

Nick Foles & Eagles score 34 unanswered to beat Jaguars *stats, with critique by Jaws+
*Philadelphia is the first team to win by 17 points after being blanked and trailing by 17
points at halftime.+
What We Learned About Philly in Week 1 [comprehensive and balanced]
Grading Eagles' Comeback Win [brutally fair]
Updated NFL Power Rankings [remain #7]

Chip: Cataldi 'a fair-weather fan' [noted that Cataldi stopped giving pies after loss]
Foles' play of the day: Not folding [this is not an insignificant observation]
Should Eagles Be Worried About Foles After Opener? *nope, hes still young+
Making sense of Foles early woes [overview of herky-jerky season opener]
[Regarding the need to compensate for the absence of DeSean Jackson, as anticipated,
backs and tight ends caught 16 of the 27 balls Foles was able to complete. But none of
those passes went over the top and made Jacksonville think about dropping back a
safety, which is one reason LeSean McCoy averaged 3.5 yards per carry.
Kelly: We Never Considered Putting Sanchez In [if he had, the season hung in balance]
Holes to fill all over Eagles' O-line [but absences will be relatively short-lived]
Maclin Explains Philadelphia's 2nd-Half Dominance [includes video of big-catch]
Watch Sproles Sprint 49 Yards for TD [very fast]
Sproles Sparks Offense in Philadelphia Debut [56, 190-pound]
Mathis Has Grade 3 MCL Sprain [they must not rush-him back]
Barbre Set to See Foot Specialist [they can not rush-him back]
Defensive front passes first test [they may have been unheralded stars]

Regarding the Islamic State, note consensus that BHO was at-fault and continues to stumble:

The Syrian opposition and many Syria observers are convinced that the rapid rise of the
Islamic State group is a result of the U.S. having left the Syrian conflict fester for so long
Andrea Mitchell Criticized Obama on Attempt to Avoid Fighting ISIS in Syria: 'Will This
Strategy Work?'
Chuck Todd: Obama Administration Using ISIL instead of ISIS to Avoid Dealing with Syria
Fact-Checker: Obama Lied to Chuck Todd - During his Sunday "Meet the Press"
appearance, Obama brazenly lied to host Chuck Todd about his January reference to ISIS
as "JV." That's the judgment of PolitiFact, a site created to protect Democrats; Obama
went too far, even for this leftwing site.
Feinstein: Obama Action on ISIS Is 'Overdue'
Stunning Reversal: ISIS 'Not a JV Team'
Obama Downplayed ISIS Action: This Is Not Equivalent to the Iraq War
President haunted by past statements as he returns to war...'Fundamentally misguided
view of world'
Obama meeting with U.S. Congress leaders amid concern over Iraq crisis [needs buy-in]
13 Days After 'We Don't Have a Strategy,' Obama to Give Speech on Islamic State
Obama Told Meet the Press He Plans to Address Nation on ISIS Soon
Obama Launching Three-Phase Campaign Against ISIS that Will Last Years
Obama Regrets 'Optics' of Golfing on Same Day as Beheading Speech
Janet Napolitano: ISIS on the Radar Screen When She Served in Obama Administration
Scarborough Thinks Obama Has It Right [as anticipated, playing the shill]

Regarding the Islamic State, note consensus that its reach is global [not just in middle-east & USA]:

Jihadists Aim to Create 'House of Blood': New UN Rights Chief
IS Executed Three Females In Mosul, Takes Bodies With Them
ISIS: Just The Latest Islamist Threat to Christians
EU Ambassador to Iraq Admits: We're Funding ISIS by Buying Their Oil
UK PM Cameron Criticizes NATO Leaders for Ransom Payments to Islamic State

Kerry Heads to Mideast for Talks on Islamic State
Jabhat Al-Nusra Closes in on Syrian Christian Town Mhardeh
Islamic State Training Muslim Brotherhood Arm in Sinai
Christians in Lebanon Prepare for Invasion by ISIS
GOP Proposes Ban On Libyans Attending Flight Schools, Studying Nuclear Science In U.S.
Somalia Put on High Alert after Shebab Leader Confirmed Dead
Daily Jihad: Boko Haram Continued Genocidal Campaign Against Nigerian Christians
Nigeria: Officials Reassure as Boko Haram Terrorists Rampage
German Official: Shariah Police Won't be Tolerated
Gun Ownership up as Vienna Becomes Jihad Hot-Spot
Three Arrested in Copenhagen after Danish Mosque Openly Backed ISIS
Enduring Pain after Muslim Rebel Attack on Philippine City

Regarding the Islamic State, note effective recruitment [based upon success, regardless of USA acts]:

Jihad Recruiters Switch to Mosques as Cyber Crackdown Intensifies
With Arrests of Suspected ISIS Recruiters, Netherlands Expands Effort Against Jihadists
'Traitor' Jihadists Locked in ISIS Torture Camps
We Should Not Welcome British Jihadists Home [note Cruz-bill banning return to USA]
The Women of ISIS
Jihadi John Could Be Unmasked 'Within Days'
'Gagged' Haines Family Under 24 Hour Police Guard - After his identity was revealed by
British newspapers, the wife of British terror hostage David Haines has spoken-out for
the first time since her husband was paraded before the world by ISIS terrorist beheader
'Jihadi John', as her family are given round-the-clock police protection.

Regarding the Islamic State, note need to organize alliance [noting contrast with Bush-41/43+:

Daniel Pipes remain uniquely informative, most recently having analyzed Turkey both
internally and externally while predicting the demise of the Caliphate.
Arab Governments Agree to 'Confront' IS Jihadists
Arab League Chief Calls Islamic State an Existential Threat
Arab League Pledges to Join Coalition against Islamic State
Yesterday on the Bill Bennett radio-show, Steve Hayes discussed his column that
explained why Al Qaeda Wasnt on the Run and explored why documents retrieved in
the bin Laden raid remain secret.

Regarding the war against Israel, Egypts Proposal to Extend the Gaza Strip Into Sinai on which a
Palestinian State would be Established was rejected by Abbas; finally, EU Considers Pulling the Plug on
Aid to Palestine, as Egypt will Try Morsi for Giving Qatar Security Papers. Clearly, recalling the conflict
between BHO/BB a few years ago [when the two-of-them chatted side-by-side @ 1600], BB has been
proven correct *despite BHOs best-efforts], for the Israel/Palestinian-Arab conflict is dwarfed by the rest
of the turmoil in the region. Also, professors signed a boycott petition against Israel [compiled c/o
Middle East Scholars Boycott Israel, JNS and The Jewish Press]. Meanwhile, as Israel Preps for a 'Very
Violent' War with Hezbollah, the IAEA claimed Iran [which funds Hezbollah] Failed to Address Nuclear
Bomb Concerns while Iran Arrested Suspected Nuclear Plant Saboteur.

Media Bias: The Joke of the Year

Most level-headed people realize that on issues like ISIS and Hamas, the mainstream
media is perhaps less than forthright and unbiased in its coverage.

For instance, we are supposed to believe that Islamist terrorists are either 'insurgents'
or 'militants' or some other watered down phrase because what a dreadful breach of
integrity it would be if the BBC called a spade a spade, right?

The fact that we are even at that point with moral relativism is enough cause for
laughter, but instead I wanted to share with you all a fantastic joke I just heard. I'm not a
big 'joke' guy but this one particularly tickled me.

Share it along, and enjoy:

A CNN Reporter, BBC Reporter, and an Israeli commando were captured
by terrorists in Iraq. The leader of the terrorists told them that he would
grant them each one last request before they were beheaded.
The CNN Reporter said, Well, Im an American, so Id like one last
hamburger with French fries. The leader nodded to an underling who
left and returned with the burger & fries. The reporter ate it and said
Now, I can die.
The BBC Reporter said, Im a reporter to the end. I want to take out my
tape recorder and describe the scene here and whats about to happen.
Maybe someday someone will hear it and know that I was on the job till
the end. The terror leader directed an aide to hand over the tape
recorder and dictated some comments. The reporter then said, Now I
can die knowing I stayed true until the end.
The leader turned and said, And now, Mr. Israeli tough guy, what is
your final wish?
Kick me in the ass, said the soldier.
What? asked the leader, Will you mock us in your last hour?
No, Im not kidding. I want you to kick me in the ass, insisted the
Israeli. So the leader shoved him into the open and kicked him in the
The soldier went sprawling, but rolled to his knees, pulled a 9 mm pistol
from under his flak jacket, and shot the leader dead. In the resulting
confusion, he jumped to his knapsack, pulled out his carbine and
sprayed the terrorists with gunfire. In a flash, all terrorists were either
dead or fleeing for their lives.

As the soldier was untying the reporters, they asked him, Why didnt
you just shoot them in the beginning? Why did you ask them to kick you
in the ass first?
What? replied the Israeli, and have you report that I was the
A ceasefire struck between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine was largely
holding on Saturday, though residents and combatants said it was likely to prove a brief interlude before
renewed fighting; meanwhile, the Ukraine was Betrayed, for The West wont Resist Putin. Know that
that Foreign Powers Buy Influence at Think Tanks and the New Yorker's Remnick Offered Weak Defense
of Obama's Foreign Policy; the former is a chronic-concern and the latter is c/w usual lib-perspectives.
{Also, Street-Fighting Roma Mayor Combats Hungarian Prejudices.}

Socialist French President Francois Hollande, Who 'Despises the Poor,' is Beaten by Le
Pen in Latest Poll; indeed, he is in Trouble, in Public and Private because his new
government is already under fire (the economy is lagging) and a ravaging book by the
former first lady has exposed his private life.

There are numerous parallels between USA/UK, serving as the staple for Breitbarts page that is devoted
to this particular news-source (which also encompasses other foreign-policy concerns); for example,
paralleling the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement, NIGEL FARAGE has advised that U.S.
CONSERVATIVES MAY NEED TO FORM THEIR OWN UKIP, noting he met with Rand Paul and Murdoch.
PARRIS COMMENTS; Cameron Must Ditch 'Leftie Nonsense' To Save Party, Says Poll; and Tory MPs
Demanded Cameron Make Farage Deputy Prime Minister Next Year to Avoid Electoral Catastrophe],
problems enhanced by the growth of Islamism [BRITISH WOMEN RUNNING SHARIA POLICE FOR ISIS,
Decapitator in Court: 'I've Been Disrespected,' and Plans for UK's Largest Muslim Cemetery Spark Fury]
and out-of-control immigration ['Major Disturbance' at UK Immigration Centre]. Meanwhile, UK is
Building Two New Supercarriers in Major Military Ramp-up.

Note potential for an immediate referendum on the long-term drift of the UK:
Shock Poll: 'Yes' Camp Takes Lead in Scottish Independence Referendum
EU Migrants May Swing Scots Referendum Vote In 'Yes' Camps Favor
UK Offers Scotland More Autonomy Ahead of Vote
Scotland Referendum Turns Nasty: Radicalized Nationalists 'Drive Out' English Residents
Scottish Referendum Mega-Mix

The Amnesty-Issue continues to rage, carrying wide-reaching implications:

Todd Grilled Obama on Amnesty Delay: Looks Like Election Year Politics
Voters Strongly Oppose Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants
Obama: Illegal Immigrants Should Not Have to 'Look Over Their Shoulder'
Caddell Credited Breitbart and Fox News with Influencing Obama's Immigration Policy
Buchanan: Illegal Immigration Greater Long-Term Threat Than ISIS [really?]

WH: Obama Will Enact Exec Amnesty After Midterms Because He Thinks Opposition Will Be Less
WH Promised Immigration Action 'By the End of the Year'
More Africans Entered US in Last Decade than During 300 Years of Slave Trade
Dems In Disarray: Activists Lob 'Deporter-In-Chief' Charge After Obama Punts On Executive
Jeff Sessions: Senate Dems Willing Accomplices in Obama's 'Lawless' Executive Amnesty
Sessions Blasted Senate Dems for Pushing Amnesty After Midterms
NRSC Highlighted Jeff Sessions Anti-Amnesty Efforts
Sanchez: Hispanic Caucus Given 'No Heads Up' About Obama Executive Action Delay
Armed Illegal Aliens Kidnapped, Tortured and Raped Women in Texas
Alleged Mexican Cartel Hitmen Arrested After Assassination in Texas
Mexican Illegal Immigrant Dies In Border Patrol Detention Center by suicide
Fleeing Immigrants Lead Police On 160 Mile Chase
Retired Lt Col: 'Terrorists Will Most Certainly' Cross the Border
Texas Tea Party Leaders Release Plan to Secure Border, Criticize Perry
Laura Ingraham Blasts RNC For Supporting Obama's Planned Executive Amnesty
Mike Lee: Obamas Post-Election Delay Proves Americans Against Executive Amnesty
DREAMers Vow to 'Escalate' Activism After Obama's 'Slap to the Face'
NATO Conference Ring of Steel Offered to France to Secure Immigrant Camp
Previously Deported Aliens Kidnapped American Teen for Extortion on US Soil

Regarding the Midterms, trends appear to favor the GOP:

Note both the summary @ real-clear-politics on the senate-map plus the notations as to what
changes have been made seriatim; each showed incremental movement towards the GOP
NYT's Jonathan Martin: Polling Looking 'More Grim' for Democrats
CO Democrat Udall: Beheaded Journalists Would Agree with Me On ISIS [he retracted this]
Senator Udall: ISIS Wants Us 'To Rush In,' But We Will Get Them 'Eventually'
Democrat Grimes Raises Money in Hollywood to Fund Lagging Kentucky Senate Campaign
Heritage Foundation's Gonzalez: 53% of Hispanic Births Out of Wedlock Due to Dem Policies
Braley, Not Ernst, Is the Extreme Candidate on Abortion
Cosmo to Endorse Political Candidates, and No Pro-Lifers Allowed
Obama's '97 Percent' Climate Consensus: Debunked, Demolished, Staked through the heart

The GOP-establishment remains eager to find a candidate for POTUS-16, but it has been predicted that
President if Democrats Control Senate after Midterms and some feel ROMNEY also is interested [noting,
for example, he claimed there is 'No Question' I'd Be Better President Than Hillary] although he said he
is 'Not Planning' to Run because 'My Time Has Come and Gone.'

It may be recalled that I blogged a reference Joan Rivers had recently made to her dry
vagina and, in keeping with her desire for a joyous funeral, Howard Stern Gave Joan

Rivers a Filthy Eulogy that was based on this quote; IT WAS 'SO JOAN. SO GREAT,' as per
MARGARET CHO. I dont like raunchiness, but it is undeniable that this often served as a
vehicle for delivery of her brand of humor.

Regarding BHOs Scandal-Sheet, Greta Van Susteren said the Obama Admin Pressured her to Drop
Benghazi Story; also, IRS Says It Has Lost E-mails from 5 More Employees and BREITBART NEWS is now a
TARGET OF IRS AUDIT. Congressional Hearings on both are scheduled to occur next week, along with
Benghazi-Gate *which assuredly will be amplified by recent revelation of Bob as having issued thrice
the stand-down order BHOs minions have denied having generated (via the CIA station-chief)].

UK to Go Further than EU Demands on Plain Cigarette Packs, 'Final Nail in Coffin' for
Newsagents [fine by me!]


MICHELLE O LUNCH diet RULES: 'YOU CANNOT BUY A TIC TAC'...Salt shakers banned...Two-slice limit on
salami; and HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell said 'Some People Don't Know How to Fix Fresh Vegetables.'

Seven Killed, Twenty-Two Wounded in Chicago Weekend Violence
Tax-Free Second Amendment Weekend Sends Guns, Ammo Sales Surging by 600 Percent

Ouch, the Bill for ObamaDontCare Coming Due

Breitbart News to Sponsor 'Federalism Forum' to Empower States Against Federal Overreach



Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:54 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLI
[ZOA, Cruz, Christian-anti-Semitism, Corbett, Midterms, Islamists, BHO's-Scandal-Sheet]

This Blast e-mail is influenced by two events that occurred during the past few days: ZOA-GPD Gala
on Wednesday-p.m. [attended by ~343 people due to the yeoman efforts of its Executive Director Steve
Feldman, to whom a round-trip ticket to Israel was providedsuggesting that it is desired he return(!)+
and Friday-lunch @ California-Pizza [which has the best double-pepperoni pizza]. The latter occurred
with a long-term friend who is pessimistic about the future [and who noted that many of my hyperlinks
are derivative of Breitbart, behavior I defended due to the fact that we agreed that source provides info
that is uniquely on-point]; the former was followed by a rap-session until 3 a.m. with a few politicos,
who provided D.C.-insights that prompt me to push Cruz even more aggressively than in the past.
Regarding my choice-of-hyperlinks, they will continue to be thematically-grouped to enhance impact;
regarding my regard for Cruz, I continue to be agog that he is so consistently comprehensively correct.

Subsequent events are corroborative, such as when Cruz was quoted in an analysis of
What Obama Got Rightand Wrongin His ISIS Speech; Slammed Obamas Photo-Op
Foreign Policy; and when his support for Israel-Led-him to Leave-Event on Thursday
[prompting a MANDATORY-LISTENING interview by a Coptic-leader who rationalized
why Cruz was booed (minutes #4-#7)+. Remember, also, that he led opposition to Reids
effort to empower Congress to limit First-Amendment rights this past week [I hope we
can return to a day where theres bipartisan support for protecting the free speech
rights of every American] and that he will speak at the National Constitution Center on
Constitution Day, Wednesday, September 17
, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. about how the First
and Fourth Amendments relate to todays political climate *$30.00].

It is highly-desirable to trace-the-hyperlinks embedded within two
articles that attacked Cruz for his reaction to the audience reaction to
his climactic-claim ["If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I
will not stand with you"]; both channel a panoply of anti-Israel attacks
that require isolation/parsing/dismemberment, for one could predict
they either will emerge in other contexts or function under-the-radar as
motivators for those who wish to stoke the flames of anti-Semitism.
FIRST, read a backgrounder/analysis of what transpired, and why.

Ted Cruz and the most cynical, despicable political stunt of the year
was predicated on the claim that Cruz used one of the world's most
beleaguered minorities as a prop for his own self-aggrandizement
because he emphasized the linkage of Israels health and the ability to
oppose worldwide anti-Christian conduct; linking Islamism as a key
common-denominator in the latter context clearly relates to its impact
in the former context, and this educational-point merited exploration
because it provides the diagnosis that leads to proper treatment.
Conversely, focusing solely upon Christian suffering would yield the type

of symptom-management that would not be directed at its etiology.
[Listen again to the subtle attack on Israel in the 3-minute tape, supra.]
Note his speculation regarding Cruzs motives *and recognize that this is
the type of rhetoric that is intended to split rather than to link]:

[P]erhaps Cruz, who is a Southern Baptist and whose
father is a fundamentalist Baptist preacher, was subtly
pandering to a segment of fundamentalist Christians
who do not believe that Middle East Christians are
"real" Christians. To a serious undercurrent of American
Fundamentalism, the Catholic Church is the Antichrist
that has been oppressing the "true" Church for
millennia, and anything that looks vaguely Catholic, with
ordained priests and ornate liturgies, is equally evil. Of
course, this is hokum: Middle East Christians were
Christians (with their priests and liturgies and incense
and icons) for 1,800 years before the Fundamentalists
invented their revisionist history. {This entire thought is
hokum as well, for Cruzs motive has nothing to do
with any presumed anti-Catholic mindset.}

The demagoguery of Ted Cruz and his cheerleaders in the conservative
media contains rhetoric that is demonstrably anti-Israel. For example,
Cruz emphasized the importance of Israel within the context of global
Christian persecution, yet this article unjustly observed the crowd
began to turn on him when he made the speech entirely about Israel,
specifically when he said, "Today, Christians have no greater ally than
the Jewish state." The next claim is also demonstrably false, noting that
Israel had absorbed worldwide refugees based upon its limited ability
and that the Kurds have absorbed others who have been fleeing death
[and that Israel and Kurdistan have worked together, chronically]:

Israel has not been particularly helpful to Christians in
the Middle East. One would imagine their "greatest ally"
would welcome Christian refugees escaping violence, or
endeavor a military campaign to beat back the group
that is crucifying and beheading them. The Kurds
do those things. So do the Americans. The Israelis do
not. No one should blame them for this, it is just the
reality of their national interest. But neither should
anyone claim anything more on their behalf.

Also, the article falsely claimed that Last year, Israel bulldozed the
home of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, despite the fact
that the home was inhabited by a family of 14 Palestinian Arabs. After
exploring portrayal of the shifting-alliances [pro-/anti-Assad], it quoted
Jonathan Tobin's article at Commentary to support the [unjustified]
claim that right-wing hawks simply cannot forgive Middle Eastern

Christians for existing when, actually, it concluded with a truism:
Instead of making common cause with Jews who are also targeted
because of their faith, some Christian groups have become among the
most outspoken advocates of hate against Israel. Undoubtedly, this
piece was authored by a member of some Christian groups that voice
anti-Israel propaganda [for whatever reason], noting its conclusion:
*B+y exploiting his credibility among conservative Evangelicals, Ted
Cruz's calumnious goading and showboating at this conference gave this
movement a political decapitation, telling conservatives that it's
perfectly ok to ignore these people. It would appear that many people
attending this event needed to be educated regarding Cruzs message.

A number of loco-regional events have carried national-import; for example, Swastikas were Painted on
a Kosher Meat Shop in NE-Philly that is located within a mile of my office, paralleling what many view as
home-grown terror [Ali Muhammad Brown killed a 19-year-old in New Jersey and three men in
Washington State as acts of 'vengeance' to retaliate for U.S. military action in the Middle East]. Also,
reflecting national anti-religion/pro-secular trends, Penn State hotels cut bibles from guest-rooms in
effort to not favor one religion [they said]; this provoked an uproar. Illustrative of the profundity of the
Pension-Bomb, Scrantons mayor and unions began talks over pension concessions and, If Re-Elected,
Corbett Said He Would Call a Special Session on Pensions. Finally, regarding Illegals, Barletta proposed
that states control the relocation process of unaccompanied immigrant children, as an Illegal immigrant
was charged after stabbing a woman with large kitchen knife in Chambersburg. Despite Corbetts polls,
one would think his campaign could capitalize on how each of these events can be politicized on a
national plane, regarding issues that the public views as priority, and where BHO is a proven-failure; yet,
it is indeed troubling that Wolf finds it troubling that donations to charities are viewed differently than
political contributions; they should be, and his Dem-Secularism skirt-hem seems to be showing..

Compounding Corbetts problems, however, is ongoing attention to Sandusky & PSU.
For example, the PSU leadership called for 'civility' in Sandusky crisis talks without
mentioning Paterno, Sandusky, but Jay Paterno replied to Eric Barron: 'Stating the truth
is not incivility.' Significantly, the COURT concluded the PATERNOS CAN CHALLENGE
the possibility remains that the wiped-out wins accrued by JoePa during the last decade
of his life could be restored, yielding him again the winningest coach in the NCAA.
Politicallyunder the radarthe possibility persists that Corbett could be tagged with
responsibility for JoePas scarred reputation *for having delayed the investigation until it
exploded] and his quick-death [for having fired him summarily, absent an investigation].

When prognosticating regarding the midterms, it is noted that WOMEN TURNED ON OBAMA, that
Republicans hold record advantage over Dems on terrorism, that Dems fear Immigration reform will kill
them in the 2014 elections, that CBS Ignored and ABC/NBC Barely Mentioned Obamas 'Near Record
Lows' Approval Rating, that Obama's War Plan has Rattled Nervous Dems, that Republican voters are
more enthusiastic than Democrats heading into a midterm election with control of Congress at stake,
that Louisiana U.S. Senator Landrieu's campaign was forced to repay U.S. for airfare, and that
FIVETHIRTYEIGHT PREDICTS A GOP TAKEOVER IN THE SENATE. Nevertheless, the key-races are still close,
as NANCY PELOSI warns [perhaps accurately, in some ways] that 'Civilization As We Know It Would Be In
Jeopardy' If The GOP Wins The Senate. To gain an appreciation of trends [that, presumably, will continue

to accrue data, as more polling is done post-Labor Day], examine real clear politics, for it contains an
overview-map [with hyperlinks to each race], a Map With No Toss Ups, and the Latest Senate 2014 Polls.

In my view, recognizing that the GOP must win a net-six races, the situation can be
conceptualized in definable stages. First, three races are viewed as in-the-bag to flip
[West Virginia, South Dakota and Montana]. Next, the GOP should be able to retain the
triad of threatened seats [Georgia, Kentucky and Kansas], particularly because the Dem
in Kansas must be retained on the ballot [despite having withdrawn], hurting the Indy.
Then, the GOP need only win three of the remaining toss-up [6], lean-Dem [3], and
likely-Dem [4] seats. Finally, examine the latest polling from just the toss-ups and the
goal has already been met: Alaska [Sullivan +6], Arkansas [Cotton +5], Colorado [Udall
+4], Iowa [Braley +1], Louisiana [Cassidy +3], and North Carolina [Hagan +1]. Of course,
individual considerations [such as the possibility of run-offs and the lead-margins]
reflect innate uncertainty, but it seems the electorate is reflecting underlying forces.

On some level, recognition by the Pope that the world's many conflicts amount to piecemeal World War
Three suggests awareness of the fact that the Islamists continue to fight the Crusades, a millennium late;
although BHO lagged a bit, the White House contradicted Kerry, saying US is 'at war' with Islamic State.
Its approach, however, is problematic, for BHO is still unable to utter the word-pair Islamic Terror,; Ex-
CIA Chief Hayden said Air Power Alone Against ISIS is Like Casual Sex [no staying-power]. And
illustrating his scorn for those who lament the BHO dissed the two beheaded-journalists [Foley family
says was 'threatened' by U.S. official over ransom and Sotloff's parents told they could be prosecuted for
paying ransom to IS]. In any case, it seems Jihadi John Struck Again, inasmuch as the
Islamic State claimed beheading of British hostage which Cameron characterized as an 'Act of pure evil.'

The import of what is transpiring in real-time is gradually being (forcibly) appreciated by
the public; while obama claimed to be prepared-to-order-airstrikes-in-syria-as-part-of-
strategy-against-islamic-state, even leftie-McDermott was 'Insulted' by Obama
Bypassing Congress for an authorization-vote, for reliance on the 2002-bill (which was
focused only on Iraq) isnt justified. Thus, it seems hell have free-reign for 60 days, even
as efforts to assemble boots on the ground *by assembling a Coalition of the Useless
to fight ISIS] appears already to be faltering (noting how Turkey and Europeans are
reticent); he may be compelled by events to enhance the American presence; overall,
there appears to be confusion, as OBAMA reportedly CALLED the GOP CHAIRMAN TO
REQUEST ISIS VOTE. As the threat of domestic-terror rose [COLORADO WOMAN PLEADS
GUILTY IN ISLAMIC STATE TERROR CASE], Intelligence agencies differed over
guestimating size, strength, and threat posed by Islamic State. Ultimately, a GOP REP

Lest one become unduly distracted by Middle-East turmoil, note this spate of articles about Illegals:
Immigration activists rip President's 'betrayal'
Boehner: 'Raw politics'
Immigration court backlog now 400,000 cases and keeps growing
TX Rancher: Cartels Taking Over Open Border
Agents speak out against assaults by illegals

Schools scramble to meet 'emotional needs' of illegals
Feds Plan Family Housing Facility in TX
Sen. Sessions: Zuckerberg Spent $30 Million on Four Houses to Secure HIS Borders
Open Borders Ends at 'Gated Compounds and Fenced-Off Estates'
AZ Sheriff: Border patrol baking birthday cakes
Rep: Feds refusing to prosecute many 'first-time' illegals
Colorado mistakenly issues citizen driver's licenses to over 500 illegals...Mexico says Perry's border
deployment politically motivated
Mexican president condemns Texas' decision to deploy National Guard along border
Krauthammer: Obama immigration decision 'pure politics'
Barack Obama Admitted Immigration Reform is a Political Issue

Amazingly, via a recent article [Hello, Kurdistan], Daniel Pipes admitted error of not
supporting creation of an independent Kurdistan; as previously documented, Id been
agitating for this eventuality since 1991and one still wonders if BHO is finally on-board.

A week ago, it was noted that Erick Erickson had correlated income with success-in-life, a posture for
which he was justifiably condemned as an elitist [by others, including myself]; he answered his critics
thusly [and incompletely, in my view] by essays which wryly attempt to change-the-subject: The
Competitive Disadvantage of Principle [by recitation of vignette] and Failing at Life [by discounting the
effort to increase the minimum-wage].

melissa-rivers-eulogy-for-joan was also consistent with Joans desire for a meaningful
event that was humorous rather than melancholy.

DON'T HAVE THE ANSWERS' and, after Five More IRS Employees Emails were Lost and after it was
revealed that the physical destruction of a government issued BlackBerry was unexplained, there was
more clamoring for appointment of An IRS Special Prosecutor based on the indisputable allegation that
the IRS targeted conservative groups to silence the opposition during the 2012 election cycle; enough
evidence, circumstantial and hard, has been presented and, thus, the only people who disagree are left
wing progressives, the Obama Admin, and the media *but I repeat myself+.

In light of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, the U.S. intensified sanctions on Russia
over Ukraine and NATO staged a major military exercise in Latvia; punctuating the latter
was Obamas speech in Tallinn, long on treacly rhetoric and short on substantive
actionsas usual. He pledged to the Baltic countries [Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania] that
NATO would stand by them under Article 5, the article covering collective self-defense.

The next day, Vladimir Putin sent his answer that, as expected, showed he was defiant,
as Putin took a slap at Obama in Estonia.

ENROLLMENT and a School assigned 6
grade students an essay asking them to compare Bush to Hitler;
Parents were Outraged, but the School refused to identify teacher. Recalling successful efforts to
separate Temple U. from Alessio Lerro, a Professor who lost his job over heinous, anti-Israel Gaza tweets
was rebuffed by Illinois university trustees. Overall, Sarah Palin said 'I Owe America A Global Apology'
because her loss led to BHOs takeover.

One website has lotsa juicy articles:

Finally, quick-hits regarding Israel are in-order: Hamas Quietly Admitted It Fired Rockets from Civilian
Areas and Some senior figures in Egypt's outlawed Muslim Brotherhood agreed to leave Qatar, following
months of pressure on the Gulf Arab state from its neighbors to stop backing the Islamist group.


Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:13 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLII [Breitbart, Islamism, Cruz, E-Cigs, Geller, Baehr, Bryen]

It may seem a bit disjointed but, after having provided the prior Blast e-mail, its desirable to backtrack
through outtakes that didnt fit-in with themes that were necessarily struck; for example, it was vital
to capture the anti-Semitic sentiments that the Cruz walk-off had provoked, for they are now sufficiently
debunked so thatif/when they reappearreaders will be armed with the ability to discount them.
tangential that Ted Cruz is 'Running for President'; it will be of-interest to discern the truth of the claim
by a Christian Patriarch Supporting Hezbollah who Said Obama Promised to Protect Lebanon. Also,
Googling the name of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal [who owned home populated by a
Palestinian Arab family that the Israelis razed due to the absence of a permit, as it has routinely done
with homes owned by Jews under identical circumstances] will yield a spate of anti-Israel rhetoric. Thus,
Cruz served to unearth [and then to attack] truths overlooked by others, benefiting the Commonweal.

Right on-cue, todays NY-Times contained an essay that attacked Cruz; parsing just the
last two graphs *and knowing the background+ serves to illustrate how the anti-Israel
crowd will try to get a two-fer when recalling what transpired. Remember, this is the
same set of deniers that the Islamists are continuing to fight the Crusades; they deflect
their inattention to those trying to create a worldwide Caliphate to a condemnation of
the man who uniquely IDs the key underlying, unifying forces-at-play.

If Cruz felt that he couldnt in good conscience address an audience of
persecuted Arab Christians without including a florid, no greater ally
preamble about Israel, he could have withdrawn from the event. The
fact that he preferred to do it this way instead says a lotnone of it
goodabout his priorities and instincts. This is a covert-effort to
prompt people to self-censor for, to the contrary, this audience needed
a truth-teller.

The fact that he was widely lauded says a lot about why, if 2,000 years
of Christian history in the Middle East ends in blood and ash and exile,
the American right no less than the left and center will deserve a share
of responsibility for that fate. This is a covert-effort to invoke ethical-
egalitarianism to cover for the abject failure of lefties to condemn the
Islamists for, as any debater would concur, this is non-sequitur logic.

More on BHOs complicity and link to Cruz-event: Obama held an Oval Office meeting
with Middle Eastern-based Arab Christians on 9/11, one member of whom is a loud and
proud supporter of the terrorist group Hezbollah. The day before, members of the same
group, holding a conference under the name In Defense of Christians, booed
and shouted down keynote speaker Senator Ted Cruz when he called for support of
Israel. Cruz told the group, *I+f you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will
not stand with you. Thank you and God bless you. Its surprising [really?] White House

staffers allowed Maronite Patriarch Bashara Rai to meet with the President in the first

This piece [Demagogue Ted Cruz Is A Danger To The GOP] reflects the RINO-based fear
of Cruz without adding anything to what already has been refuted; this piece [Live From
New York Its Ted Cruz?+ has been composed by an opponent of the Citizens United
case and, thus, its perspective can be refuted [Constitutionally and logically] accordingly.

In any case, it may be recalled that I pled Guilty *to a friend, during lunch on Friday+ to undue reliance
upon Breitbart when mining for key-articles; thus, after having provided data supporting this approach,
other references will be cited, accrued during the past week. Thus, in conjunction with the
aforementioned effort to mop-up previously skipped hyperlinks, one need only examine the
content/quality of what is exclusively @ Breitbart [in addition to those already disseminated] to
illustrate the necessity to monitor its contents for fresh-data, routinely. It noted that the third/final
it, although the critics will probably pan it. Did anyone else publicize the fact that the WISCONSIN VOTER
ID LAW was RE-INSTATED BY APPEALS COURT? Has any other outlet recognized why PRO-UK
then segued into the fact that, Eying Scotland, Spain Catalans Seek Secession Vote? Where else is the
electorate made aware that AG-Holder now claims America has a 'Moral Obligation' to Provide Legal
Representation to Illegals, as a manifestation of A Politicized Justice Department? Did anyone else
bout the fact that Democrat Candidates for Governor Want Big ObamaDontCare Expansions (an
observation with potential import in PA)? Although Im not a gun-nut, I still recognize the import of the
Amendment and, therefore, note the need to know the latest anti-gun narrative by Gabby Giffords:
Gun Control for Women's Sake Now. And how many outlets are constantly reminding readers of
unpleasant data, such as this years $598 BILLION GOV. DEFICIT DESPITE RECORD TAX REVENUES?

At the onset, it is necessary to recall the ethical problem that arise regarding Breitbarts
Joel Pollak (a columnist and in-house counsel), a problem that I sensed (and voiced
contemporaneously) years ago (before he ran for Congress) when he spoke @ a
Republican Jewish Coalition meeting to promote one of his books; although he has been
generally a good-guy, he would not commit to confronting Iran militarily (during a chat
over munchies @ a center-city law-firm); I later sent him a few typo-edits of his tome.
This was recalled when, although Ryan has been a squish on Illegals and promoted a
budget that encompassed ObamaDontCare, Pollak praised Ryan without divulging his
having supported Pollaks congressional campaign.

Primarily on its Texas page, it provides on-the-ground updates on whats occurring with Illegals *e.g.,
Texas is Nations Last Best Chance to Block APUSH (Advanced Placement U.S. History), which
undermines traditional American and Western cultural values+, and primarily on its National Security
page (previously dubbed Big Peace, congruous with the other Big appellations), it provides
comprehensive, dovetailing data regarding Islamism, to wit:

The Good Guy Syrian Rebels and ISIS Signed a Pact Promising Not To Attack Each Other

MSNBCs Andrea Mitchell and NBCs Meet the Press host Chuck Todd argued that Americas
Arab allies dont trust the president on Fridays Andrea Mitchell Reports.
Yazidi Leader: 'Thousands' of ISIS Suicide Bombers Can Attack 'Anywhere in the World'
ISIS Has over 40 Cells in Lebanon
Pelosi: Up to 10,000 ISIS Jihadist Have European Passports
Rubio: Boots on Ground May Be Required
Obama Rejected Military Advice to Put 'Boots on the Ground' Against ISIS
Obama Cited Mixed Results in Yemen, Somalia as Models for Fighting ISIS
RIGHTEOUSNESS' [conveying the viewpoint of a consistent-RINO, c/o the NY-Times]
Jihadists Blamed Haines Execution on Cameron for Joining Coalition
Islamic State Threatened to Behead Iraqi Journalist
AEI's Michael Rubin on Assyrian-Kurd Rift
Devastating Sectarian Conflict in Central African Republic Has Killed More than 5,000 This Year
Soldiers defeated Islamic fighters in north Nigeria
Boko Haram Now Controls Swath of Land as Large as Ireland
Hamas Used Residential Areas as Cover for Rocket Attacks
[Palestinians Divided over Taking Israel to International Criminal Court]
Domestic [American] Jihadi Serial Killer Confessed to 4 Murders

And, when prognosticating the results of the midterms, Drudge may be fun, but Breitbart garners data:

Landrieu released report on questionable flights, new safeguards, after repaying $34K
Landrieu Travel Report Raised More Questions than It Answers
Landrieu Admitted Taxpayers Funded $33k of Campaign Travel, RNC Says It's More
{Alaska U.S. Senate race has seen a significant shift in favor of Republican nominee Dan
Sullivan, according to new polling data from The New York Times [from Daily Caller]}
In the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, President Obama has hit his lowest ever
approval numbers on the issue of foreign policy, with only 32% of Americans approving and a
whopping 62% disapproving.
Obama's 'Now Watch This Drive' [golfing] Moment A Political Tipping Point

Finally, under the aegis of its Big Journalism review of the media, it provides necessary insights [FOUR
MEDIA OUTLETS WITH 9/11 TRUTHERS ON THE PAYROLL and Van Jones: ISIS Intervention a Chance for
Bipartisan Agreement] while reporting events [JAY CARNEY TO CNN] and potentially evolving events
[CHUCK TODD ADMITS MSM HAVE 'LOST TOUCH & CREDIBILITY'] without losing-sight of what is

It also provides reminders of hypocrisy without hyperbole, such as when it reported that
the House will Hold Hearing On Marine Jailed In Mexico: During his now infamous Rose
Garden appearance with Bowe Bergdahl's parents, Obama said "America doesn't leave
our people behind," including American citizens who are unjustly detained abroad and
deserve to be reunited with their families, just like the Bergdahls. Well, if anyone

deserves to be reunited with his family, it's Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, a Marine reservist
who served honorably for two tours in Afghanistan. Yet the Obama administration has
done little to nothing to help free the unjustly detained Marine.

Overall, these observations render Breitbart the go-to Internet site, a testimonial to his perspicacity;
when he spoke @ the Union League a few years ago *c/o David Horowitzs Freedom Center+, I received a
personal preview of his CPAC *we must unify+ speech when probing how he handicapped the POTUS-
12 candidates (although he did specifically discount Perry before his um-moment).

To follow is a reformulation of 50+ e-mailed hyperlinks, accrued during the past week,
excerpted from the ~500 e-mails that arrive daily [Monday-Friday]; I have yet to avail
myself of the RSS-feed that my son established on my puter, so these are provided in a
categorized-format with minimal commentary (for prior comments remain operational).

First, regarding the NY-Times, it is notable that the Sunday X-word is available via its Times Digest,
which arrives @ 4 a.m. via Blast e-mail; alas, the variety puzzles arent included, but this will at-least
satisfy addictive-needs s/p cancellation of receipt of the rest of the newspaper [due to its leftie-bias].
Yet, todays lead-editorial regarding Syria does suggest BHO may fail *Americas success at training
security forces in other countries is mixed at best. Billions of dollars have been spent building up the
Iraqi army, only to have key units collapse in the face of the ISIS invasion of Mosul; unless the Obama
administration can do better with the Syrian rebels, there is no chance the fight against ISIS can be
successful+ without mentioning the prospect of American boots-on-the-ground. But it will take a lot
more to attract another subscription, a chain that started [maintained in various ways] when attending
Grade @ Cheltenham High School in 68 *when First Period began with Mr. Nortons review of it+.

Bill Godshall/Smokefree Pennsylvanias upload constitutes a high-quality tobacco Harm
Reduction weekly Update; for example, inter alia, recalling testimony Bill and I
presented to Phillys City Council [separately], fabled activist Clive Bates expressed the
desire that e-cigs not be demonized because Compulsory regulation of electronic
cigarettes could spoil a safe substitute for smoking.

Second, here is Pamela Gellers week:

o Ted Cruz to Christians: If you will not stand with Israel, then I will not stand with you
o Islamic Supremacist Linda Sarsour Targeted Mentally Ill Homeless Man #FrrBobo
o Obamas Big Speech: The Islamic State Is Not Islamic
o More European Muslim Teen Girls Flocked to Syria to Fight for the Islamic State
o Egyptian Columnist On 9/11: Just Like Hitler Changed History In The 20
Century, Bin Laden
Changed History In The 21

o Our Legal Team AFLC Scored Another Victory Against Civilizational Jihad
o US Army officer denied entry into daughters Michigan high school because uniform might
offend Muslim students
o VIDEO: The Islamic State Used One-Eyed Baby For Apocalyptic Propaganda Islamic Anti-Christ
o Beheaded corpse was found in Sinai with note attached after video surfaced showing jihadists
decapitating four alleged Israeli spies
o Australia: Islamic Terror Attack Plans In Place
o Obama to Repeat Failed Policy in Syria and Arm Opposition

o The New York Times Proved Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operations in the United States
o UK: Islamic supremacist Fiyaz Mughal complained of Islamophobia after Muslim Convert
Beheads Woman in Her Garden
o French Muslim who staged massacre at Jewish museum in Brussels was Syria hostage torturer
o Al Qaeda remains top threat to US
o Israeli Muslims Travel to Syria, Iraq to Join the Islamic State
o From Moderate to Murderer: Glasgow Girl to Jihad Bride
o Cruz to File Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014
o U.S. State Department Fighting the War on YouTube Video In Social Media Campaign Against the
Islamic State (ISIS)
o Islamic Attacks to August 2014 Worst Month
o Patriarch of Iraqi Catholic Church: Obamas Inaction Against the Islamic State Indirectly
Responsible for Chaos and Slaughter
o US intelligence gaps crippled mission to rescue hostages held by ISIS, report says
o Hamas-CAIRs Nihad Awad: calling the Islamic State the Islamic State tarnishes the image of
o VIDEO: Muslim School Punishment *Gruesome*
o Jihad Buzzfeed
o Documents Reveal State Department Officials Told Three Months before Attack that Benghazi
Security Guards Abandoning Posts Out of Fear for Safety
o Vetted Moderate Free Syrian Army Commander Admits Alliance with ISIS
o Devout Muslim Groups Celebrates 9/11 Attacks
o Obamas Most Trusted Ally Turkey Denies U.S. Permission for Combat Attacks on the Islamic
o Thousands of Non-Muslim Sex Slaves Kidnapped, Locked in Jihadi Brothels
o 2,997 RIP
o British Muslima Doctor Happily Poses with Severed Head: Dream Job
o Islamic State recruiting jihadis in British mosques
o 2000
o Bill Maher VIDEO: To claim that Islam is like other religions is just naive and plain wrong
o Police give up, Sweden changed forever: We will have to live with shootings
o Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) split woman in two with cars, buried non-Muslims alive
o Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS, the Islamic State
o UK Imam Slammed British Supporters Of ISIS: Go To Syria Yourselves Instead Of Sending Others
o VIDEO - Gaza Imam Brandished Gun in Friday Sermon: Weapons Are Our Only Means to
Establish the Caliphate
o Beheading Infidels: How Allah Heals the Hearts of Believers
o Ex-Muslim: You just hate. As a jihadist, as a person who strictly follows the literal interpretation
of the Koran
o The Islamic State Beheads Another Hostage, British Aid Worker David Haines #Savages
o Saturday Night Cinema: The Stranger [great-flick]
o Australia: Elite Private School Muslim Girl Shot and Dismembered Waging Jihad in Syria
o Texas: Muslim Manager throws out Veteran from Subway Restaurant for Service Dog
o Obamas JV Team Now Controls Area Larger than UK with Upwards of 40,000 Muslim fighters
o EXCLUSIVE Infidel Writer in Dubai: Black and White: How Muslims see Women and Sex
o Four New Jihadist Groups Planning Islamic Caliphate Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand,
Southern Philippines
o German Muslim Calls Upon Western Muslims To Join The Jihad In Syria

o The Islamic State Speech Obama Will Never Make
o Bible College, Churches Shut Down as Boko Haram Slaughterfest Rages On, More than 300
Christians Killed in the Past Week
o The Islamic State Kidnaps and Beheads Five Women Fortune Tellers and Threw Out Their Bodies
o Saudi official: Western politicians and media linked Islam to 9/11, thereby driving Muslims to
become terrorists
o Islamic Center Furious Over Traitorous Leaks of Links to Hate Cleric
o Boston Jihad Bombers Mosque Tied to Savage Islamic State
o In Memoriam: Victims of Munich Jihad Massacre at the 1972 Olympics
o Germanys Sharia Police
o Christians in Lebanon Prepare for Invasion by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)
o Obama: Sunni states should fight Islamic State because thats not what Islam is about
o Grand Jury Probes Twin Cities Jihad Terror Recruiters: Muslims Refusing to Talk
o Jihad Recruitment in Mosques Intensifies in Wake of Cyber-Security Crackdown
o The African Caliphate: More Cities Fall to Muslim Terror Group Boko Harams Territorial Gains
Called Irreversible
o 19-year-old Muslim Girl leaves Minnesota to fight for Islamic State
o Muslim raped daughter-in-law, and Islamic clerics forced the victim to marry him and treat her
husband as her son
o NYPD: Islamic terror threat more complex than ever
o Palestinian President Abbas Refused Egypt Sisis Offer of Creation of Palestinian State FIVE
Times the Size of Gaza
o VIDEO: Al Qaeda Captures Syrian Town on Border with Israel
o VIDEO: Muslims Attack Research Group Wearing Burkas
o The Islamic State Threatens Twitter Employees with Death
o Radioactive Dirty Bomber Abdullah al-Muhajir Given Harsher Sentence
o PBS Frontline to Air Documentary In Support of Boko Haram
o Kerry: Anti-Islamic State coalition means demolishing the distortion of one of the worlds great
peaceful religions
o PHOTO: Danish Muslim from Copenhagen Poses with Severed Heads
o Rally Against the Metropolitan Operas Anti-Jewish Perfomance of The Death of Klinghoffer
o UK Muslima: I want Camerons head on a spike
o Arab Bank Mounts Its Defense in Landmark Terrorist Financing Case
o First Muslim US Ambassador to the UN Zalmay Khalilzad Investigated for Money Laundering $1.5
Million from Iraq and United Arab Emirates
o VIDEO: The Islamic State Introduces Youngest Female Mujahida
o Greta Van Susteren: Obama WH Called Me to Push Reporter to Not Cover Benghazi
o Stop the Islamization of My High School Common Core proselytizes for Islam, and the real
history of Jihadi wars, land appropriations, annihilations and enslavements is scrubbed from
school textbooks; high schools offer senior electives called Islam and the Modern World,
requiring students to buy the notorious Islamic apologist John Espositos The Straight Path.
o Despite Blacks Enslaved by Muslims Across the World, Maxine Waters Calls Americans Bigots for
Opposing Sharia Law
o Obamas Unwilling Un-Coalition
o Hamas Revealed Jihadi Character on Arabic Twitter Account
o UK: 7-Year-Old Shot by Father After Mother Rejected Islam
o VIDEO: Pamela Geller on Hannity Discussed the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) [concentrated wisdom]
o Colorado Arvada teen, Shannon Conley, pled guilty to helping the Islamic State

o AP Pretended To Have Epiphany: Hamas Did Use Human Shields, But ...

Third, here are a few observations related to BHOs *mis-]conduct [sometimes supported by RINOs]:
Whether Obama acts now or later, it is a lose-lose situation for the President and his party
At least 22,000 American seniors were Forced Into Poverty As Education Department Demanded
Payment on defaulted federal student loans; after BHO garnished part of their Social Security
benefits last year, their monthly benefits were below federal poverty thresholds, and these
collections left at least another 83,000 Americans aged 64 and younger with poverty-level Social
Security payments.
Americans Ignorance Enables White House Criminality
Australian PM Leads the Free World
If White-Privilege Is Real Why Do Asians Do So Well?
Fact-checking Obamas ISIS speech
Dems Trying to Kill Funding for Schools with Native American Mascots
Missouri Legislature Overrode Veto, Gun Rights Expand In the Show Me State
School banned offensive Chick-fil-A sandwiches
Obama Rejected Best Military Advice
Per Heritage-Action, at the behest of the Obama administration, the House will not hold a stand-
alone vote on a major component of Obama's four-pronged strategy to combat the terrorist
group ISIS; instead, Congress will combine the policy with reauthorization of the controversial
Export-Import Bank by using a government omnibus funding bill, thereby using a sneaky
continuing resolution maneuver to substitute oversight by jamming through more corporate-
Representatives and Senators should not hide their support of or opposition to training and
arming Syrian rebels in a government funding bill. Americans rightly expect more from their
elected officials.
Fourth, heres why BHO/Kerry wont assemble potent allies [noting prior support for the wrong ones]:

Jon Stewart Ripped BHO as a Mom-Jeans-Wearing, Socialist, Muslim, Dictator, Tyrant, Pacifist
Obama on ISIS
White House Chief Of Staff Squirmed When Asked If Any Nation Has Committed Ground Troops
In Syria
How Seriously the White House Takes the Meaning of ISIS' 'Defeat' In One Embarrassing Clip -
During today's press briefing, White House press secretary Josh Earnest was asked by a
reporter what does "victory" against ISIS look like? Earnest quipped: I didn't bring my
Webster's dictionary with me up here.
Obama assembled non-coalition to fight not-war against ISIS
Hezbollah reject Lebanon signing of Jeddah Communiqu
AFP/Cairo: "Secretary of State John Kerry said Egypt was on the frontline of fighting
'terrorism' as he sought Cairo's support for a coalition against Islamic State jihadists. Ties
between the traditional allies soured last year after the army overthrew elected Islamist
president Mohamed Morsi and cracked down on his supporters. Washington suspended
some military aid, but it has since been restored."
Syrian Opposition Leader Attended International Counter Terrorism Conference in Israel
- Obamas eve of 9/11 speech in which he declared war on the Islamic State,
formerly ISIS, contained a commitment to arm and support so-called moderate Syrian

opposition to assist in degrading and ultimately destroying the Salafist Jihadist self-
declared Caliphate. He may have been referring to the Free Syrian Army. But which Free
Syrian Army (FSA)?

One group has been headed by American-Syrian members of the
Muslim Brotherhood who have dominated the Syrian National Council
like Louay Safi with access to the White House. Moreover, as we have
learned tragically, it is this Free Syrian Army, with a Supreme Military
Command in Erdoans Ankara, that purportedly sold American
Journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, who were barbarously
murdered by ISIS. Those graphic beheadings deliberately conveyed on
videos aroused American public opinion demanding action that
prompted Obamas televised address to the nation.

In August 2014, President Obama dismissed the moderate Syrian
opposition as a group of bankers, doctors and
pharmacists. Dramatically, one leader of the moderate Syrian
opposition Dr. Kamal al-Labwani, a veteran Syrian secular opponent of
the Assad regime, surfaced in Israel this week at
the annual International Counter Terrorism (ICT) Conference in
Herzliya. According to the Times of Israel, who interviewed him, he is in
Israel for 10-days on what Labwani described as academic and
exploratory and stated he was prepared to meet with Israeli
policymakers whenever they want.

Labwanis attendance at the ICT conference may reflect the outreach by
the other FSA led by the Syrian Opposition Coalition headquartered
near embattled Aleppo composed of ex-Assad military including
Alawites, Christians and Sunni tribal leaders currently battling ISIS inside
Syria. My colleague Ilana Freedman estimates through her sources that
there could be as many as 50,000 Syrian opposition fighters in this
other FSA.

Listen to a discussion of President Obama ISIS Strategy and Syria with Dr. M. Zuhdi
Jasser, Dr. Walid Phares and Jerry Gordon, a senior editor of the New English Review on
the Lisa Benson Show today at 4PM EDT.

We Already Built an Iraqi Army Once, Now What?
by Shoshana Bryen
American Thinker
September 12, 2014

Secretary of State Kerry is in the Middle East, looking for regional allies
for President Obama's proposal to deal with the threat of the Islamic
State (IS). That is entirely appropriate -- IS poses a more immediate and
dire threat to regional players than it does to the United States.
Convincing Turkey and Qatar to stop funding and supporting jihadists,
for example, would be an excellent start.

However in Iraq, Kerry was seeking the "boots" President Obama insists
will not be ours in the war to come. It was a sharp reminder of what
we've already sunk into building the post-invasion Iraqi military that was
supposed to secure the borders of their own country -- and failed
ignominiously. And it is a warning about the President's plans to arm
and train Syrian rebels.
Kerry called for a "do-over" -- a mulligan -- as he told reporters that the
Iraqi army "will be reconstituted and trained and worked on in terms of
a number of different strategies through the help not just of the United
States but of other countries alsoThis is a fight that the Iraqi people
must win, but it's also a fight that the rest of the world needs them to
If we need them to win more than they believe they need to win, our
plans are already in trouble. Check the record.
The final report of the Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction said
the U.S. Government spent nearly $25 billion "training, equipping and
sustaining" the Iraqi security forces between 2004 and late 2012. Aside
from training, they received equipment from small arms to top-of-the-
line M-1 tanks. And with all of that, they failed. Some of the
trainers could explain the difficultieswhich will accrue to Iraqis the
second time we try to construct their army and will certainly accrue to
any Syrians we try to train:
Marine First Lt. Dave Jackson, who fought with Iraqi
forces during two deployments to Iraq, said, "No matter
how many billions of dollars you spend you cannot buy
experience. You cannot buy legacy. You cannot just
manufacture that out of nowhereThey've been set up
for failure from the beginning."
Matt Pelak, who as an infantryman in 2004 took part in
the training mission, noted the language barrier.
"Imagine being in a country where you can't
communicate with the people that you're working with,
but it's your job to train them to form a cohesive army."
There were anecdotal reports from the beginning that Iraqis were not
fully committed to the NATO Training Mission - Iraq established in 2004,
but not all the blame falls directly on the troops. In later years, the
Maliki government undermined the military by purging senior leaders,
many of whom were Sunni, and replacing them with politically reliable
Shiites. Retired General Jack Keane, former US Army vice chief of staff,
said the Army had been "well-led and competentbut began to
systematically break down for the last three years" because of
"ineffective leaders."
The U.S. built the Iraqis a police force as well.

U.S. Government auditors said about $8 billion was spent to train and
equip Iraqi police, raising the total from 58,000 in 2003 at the time of
the invasion to between 412,000 and 650,000 depending on how you
count border police in 2010. The U.S. military did the job until the
Americans withdrew in 2011, leaving the training to the embassy, but
the auditors called the results "mixed." Again, Iraqi politics played a
role, with some officers being told to skip training sessions, and the
audit cited Iraqis who blamed "lukewarm relations between the
Americans and Iraqis (that) has created some distance between them."
Then consider Afghanistan. From 2003-2013, the U.S. spent
approximately $60 billion to train and equip the Afghan military under
the leadership of hand-picked U.S. ally Hamid Karzai. But since the
"Afghan surge" of 33,000 troops under President Obama, "insider
attacks" by Afghan troops on U.S. and allied troops also surged; more
than 65 in 2012 alone. This year, an insider attack took the life of Maj.
Gen. Harold Greene, the highest-ranking officer to die in a combat zone
since Vietnam. Some of the attacks were committed by actual Afghan
soldiers, others by impersonators, leading to questions about the ability
of the Afghan government to properly vet soldiers and prevent
infiltration into units by Taliban operatives.
Iraq and Afghanistan had governments the U.S. had installed or
approved, open operations on military bases, NATO allies as part of the
package, plenty of weapons available. But the result of more than $90
billion spent over 11 years total in two countries under optimal
conditions was never great and recently terrible.
What can the U.S. expect from a hasty mission to train Syrian rebel
groups with whom we are still generally unfamiliar? Was the Pentagon
planning to work with the rebel Ahrar al-Sham group? Twenty-eight of
its leaders, including Chief Hassan Abbud, were killed at a meeting in
Idlib this week in an explosion attributed to IS. That would mean IS had
serious intelligence -- and undiscovered penetration -- of the rebel
faction. Is the U.S. prepared to begin working with rebel groups many of
which may well be penetrated? Is our intelligence in Syria better than
that of IS?
The President is trying to sell the country on a "nuanced" war strategy.
There are things we will do, things we won't do, and things we expect of
others. It's that last part that consistently gets us in trouble. Expecting
others to commit to our program, or to take our training and be willing
and able to use it in ways we want them to is a tenuous proposition. In
this case, we've already built the Iraqis an army and they couldn't/didn't
operate it in accordance with the American program.
Building them a second one -- or Syrian rebels a first one -- under
markedly less controlled circumstances is even less likely to succeed.

Islamic State's growth caught U.S. by surprise: The still-emerging [administration]
strategy calls for peeling away the Sunni Arab militias with cash payments and other
overtures from the still-forming government in Baghdad, including creation of new local
defense units in Sunni towns and villages and an increase in U.S. bombing to support
Iraqi and Kurdish ground troops. Airstrikes also will target Islamic State leaders for the
first time. Islamic State effectively controls much of the Tigris-Euphrates basin, an area
the size of Britain, with little interference until now. In addition to freedom of
movement, U.S. officials say the heavily armed group takes in as much as $1 million a
day from illicit oil sales, smuggling and ransom payments. A U.S. intelligence official said,
'The problem now is that ISIS looks like it is winning; we have to change that.'

Fifth, here are a few manifestations of American Islamism:

Alan Dershowitz: ISIS Is America's Hamas that guy has been writing great stuff ever since I
rebuked him @ Penn for supporting BHOs policies that inter alia oppose Jews living in
Judea/Samaria, a few months ago; also, hes introducing Ted Cruz @ the ZOAs Annual
Dinner [as his most-brilliant student]
My parents used to go annually to the Chautauqua Institution near Buffalo, NY, because it was
once known as an intellectual destination; is now completely overthrown and ruthlessly
run by leftistsintolerant, close-minded control freaks who shout-down dissenters and
who host pro-jihad speakerswho are force-feeding-Islam-to-the-heartland.
Shocker: Bill Maher Destroyed Charlie Rose for Comparing Islam to Christianity
Boston Marathon Victims Denied Insurance Reimbursement Because Bombing Was 'Not Act of

Sixth, here are a few of the observations of Richard Baehr:

1. On 9/11/2011, the FAA tapes from that morning are chilling. Incredibly, only
2000 occupants of the two buildings died, though more than 20 times that number
worked there; almost 400 firemen and policemen lost their lives trying to help get
people out of the building, but there were others who sacrificed their lives to save the
lives of thousands of their coworkers. One of these heroes, Rick Rescorla, led a team
[that] rescued approximately 2700 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter employees. Only three
employees were unable to follow Rick and his team to safety. Sadly, it wasnt just those
three employees who died. Never leaving their posts, Rick and two of his security team
went back into the South Tower one last time, to make sure theyd done their
jobs. They had indeed done their jobs, but they didnt make it out again. The Tower
collapsed, taking them with it.+.

2. Ted Cruz distinguished himself at a Conference on Middle East Christians,
filled with among others, Lebanese Christian Hezbollah supporters, and Assad
supporters, including a huge donor to the Clinton Global Initiative. When Cruz told the
audience that Jews are also targets in the region, and Israel is their ally, he naturally
heard some catcalls (maybe even off with your head derision). Cruz stood his
ground. Can you imagine Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, or Hillary Clinton
being this forthright and tough (especially while her husband was collecting checks)?


3. The big lie that Obama and his loyal aides keep repeating is that ISIS is not Islam,
since no religion supports violence against innocents, and Islam is a religion of peace.
Not quite. Obama has tried to carve a path since he was elected between good Islamists
and terrorist Islamists (who presumably are not good Islamists). There is no real split
between the two. All Muslim terrorist are Islamists, even if some Islamists have not yet
taken up arms. In this regard, Bill Maher is on a hot streak, views amplified by Daniel
Pipes and even Dennis Ross; heres a defense of Islamophobia.

4. Three essayists, in their own ways, elucidate increasing recognition, per Roger
Simon, of how BHO has metastasized the violent ideology of Jihadism across several
continents under many guises during his administration, with no end remotely in sight;
Walter Russell Mead, a one-time Obama supporter, recognized that incompetence and
delusion do not make for foreign policy, and Angelo Codevilla sees BHOs response to
ISIS as another example of how the ruling class couples its illusions with whatever may
be convenient.

5. On a flight a month before 9/11, actor James Woods (an MIT grad and a very
smart guy) thought four Arabs in first class (apparently practicing for their later hijacking
"work") were behaving weirdly; he told the flight crew and the pilots he thought the
plane might be hijacked and he contacted the FAA after the flight, but it does not
appear his "tip" proved actionable. Woods has just issued a message to AG-Holder.

6. Kirsten Powers provided more proof that working on a campaign is not
necessarily the best training required for a serious government job via her comments on
the dustup between Bill O'Reilly and the two incompetent spokespersons for the State

7. Jay Carney, now out of the White House, is still spinning and shoveling the
manure; when the man for whom you work lies so routinely, the loyal aides behave the
same way

8. Highly capable Democrats in blue states include Gina Raimondo (in the bluest-
Rhode Island), who won the Democratic gubernatorial nomination over her union-
backed foes despite her focus on her states pension-bomb.

9. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Congressman Luis Gutierrez want to ensure Chicago
is ready for the next burst of millions of legalized illegals after the President takes
action right after the November election when the blow back against his disregard for
the Constitution cannot hurt Democratic Senate candidates; does Chicago really need
more "dreamers" like these?

10. In Massachusetts, breaking the law is OK, so long as you are "saving the planet."

11. Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm targeted and hounded Wisconsin
Governor Scott Walker for years for what turned out to be non-existent campaign
finance violations to please the DA's wife, a teachers union shop steward who was
unhappy with Walker's reforms; this attempted character and political assassination was

routinely aired by Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes on MSNBC, emphasizing that Walker
broke the law if you are a Democrat.

12. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a welcome addition to the punditry class; he defended
the owner of the Atlanta Hawks for behaving like a businessman. Jabbar could have
gotten into pretty much any school in America based on his SAT scores, even if he never
played basketball. On the other hand, we don't know the President's SAT or LSAT scores,
or his high school grades or the grades at Occidental or at Columbia, or Harvard Law
School, and have never seen any of his applications for any school. But the liberal press
swears the man is brilliant, a conclusion with which Obama appears to agree. Bill
Clinton was happy to tell the world about his scores. Needless to say, they were high.
The fact that Obama has revealed nothing is a sign that he was either not a
great performer (hence a beneficiary of affirmative action every step of the way, right
through the White House), or that there is something else in some of these
documents that could be embarrassing. One theory is that Obama listed himself as
a foreign student when he applied for college. Then again, Elizabeth Warren claimed to
be a Native American when it would help her career. All kinds of group memberships
make a big difference in admissions.

13. As noted in a prior Blast e-mail, the Chancellor and Trustees of the University
of Illinois stood firm when denying a tenure track position to a foul-mouthed Israel-
hating professor; every school can choose who it hires. Collegiality and ability to get
along with other faculty is an important part of being a college professor, as is openness
to all points of view in a classroom, including treating Jewish students and pro-Israel
student with respect. Israel-hating Palestinian Arabs and their on-campus champions
need not fear that anti-Israel sentiment has been silenced at the University of Illinois or
elsewhere; after all, there is always DePaul or San Francisco State or Oberlin to offer a
job to the guy.

Seventh, ordinarily one might respect a type of Sabbathbut there are many more hyperlinks to be


Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 5:33 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLIII
[ZOA, new-english-review, debka, IMRA, Arlene-Kushner, Jonah-Goldberg, Noonan, John-Cohn, guns]

I lied; I just counted-up the number of unprocessed e-mails [88] and many relate to the middle east, the
focus of most of the hyperlinks provided previously; more are in the offing before drawing upon those
with domestic-import. I try to aggregate themes, but there are so many that sensory-overload is again
emerging, even when stuff that is already recognized is skipped unless it carries a unique-twist. In any
case, essays are again provided that cant be hyperlinked to the Internet or that merit line-by-line
memorization. *Regarding BHOs speech, a friend wrote: OBs speech reminds me of Joe Frasier going
into a ring and saying to his opponent, First Im going to give you an upper-cut, then a stomach shot,
but I wont knock you off your feet, OK? (I dont call him BO but OB meaning odd brain.)+ It is hoped
that nothing will have been missed by the time this disgorgement process has been completed.

DOWNLOAD The Truth About Hamass War Against Israel, c/o The ZOAs Campus Activism Network!
WATCH: Fox News Reporting: 13 Hours in Benghazi *in anticipation of this weeks Hearings+

First, note that additional aggregated news-sources that are useful include well-referenced and erudite
pieces sponsored *and authored+ by Jerry Gordons new english review; debka file [which includes
reference to whether Hizbollah plans an attack *related to a concern Ive raised previously, namely, as to
whether it has also dug tunnels from Lebanon into northern Israel, also to be used on Rosh Hashanah to
attack Israel-proper]; letters from Arlene Kushner *who focused recently on Egypts el-Sisi]; and imra
[which just reported that] and has also noted:

1. Iranian Basij Commander: ISIL Taking Orders from White House
2. Egypt security forces killed Seven members of the 'most dangerous' militant group, Ansar
Beit Al-Maqdas
3. PA MP: Abbas halted ICC bid on Israeli war crimes

Saturday, September 13, 2014
1. Azerbaijan is no base for anti-Iran moves: Azeri defense min.
2. Jordan reiterated firm stance against terrorism
3. Egypt refused to send troops to fight IS in Iraq and Syria (requires legal and constitutional
4. Hezbollah rejected Lebanon signing of Jeddah Communique (military cooperation against ISIS)
5. 7 Egyptian Brotherhood members, allies asked to leave Qatar
6. Excerpts: Iran says US violating sovereignty in ISIS fight. Hamas: no direct talks with
Israel.Kerry says Egypt on frontline fighting terrorism.Enforced blackmail yields repeated funding
by victims September 13, 2014
7. [Though Obama snubbed him] Egypt trying to reposition itself as bastion of stability

Friday, September 12, 2014
1. Dahlan calls for Palestinian govt. center to be moved to Gaza
2. IS militants are criminals. Australia elevates IS terror threat. Britain re air strikes in Syria
September 12, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014
1. FM Liberman announced the opening of an Israeli embassy in Lithuania
2. "UAVs are an Inseparable Part of the Fighting
3. Hamas denied readiness to start 'direct talks' with Israel
4. Turkey said 'no' to U.S. re combat missions against IS. Syria Islamist Ahrar al Sham anti Assad
and Islamic State.10 Arab states commit to 'share 'U.S. led fight.10 Arab states commit to 'share
'U.S. led fight September 11, 2014
5. Amos Yadlin: Dealing with Hamas Military Force Reconstruction
6. (With video) MUST READ ITEM!!! PM Netanyahu's Address at the International Institute for
Counter-Terrorism's 14th International Conference on Counter-Terrorism [Herzliya]
7. Statement by President Obama on ISIL: ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
1. Weekly Commentary: The Behind The Scenes Alliance
2. Iran, Russia sign 70-billion projects to boost trade, economic ties
3. Sisi denied claims over providing Palestinians with Sinai lands
4. Confusion reigns over former Hamas employee paychecks
5. Israel Bolstered Strategic Ties With Azerbaijan
6. MEMRI: Saudi Journalist: The Oppressive Saudi Rigidity Causes Young People To Seek
Happiness With The Virgins Of Paradise
8. Israel hailed U.S. efforts to fight ISIS but weary of Iran. Saudi Arabia evacuates students from
restive Yemen. Brad and Angelina take up Israeli combat style. Terrorism on Jeddah talks agenda
9. IDF Spokesperson Announcement - Additional Information Regarding Examination and
Investigation of Exceptional Incidents from Operation Protective Edge
10. IDF Spokesperson Announcement - IDF Conducting Examination and Investigation of
Exceptional Incidents from Operation Protective Edge
11. MEMRI-TV: Palestinian Islamic Jihad Digs New Tunnels in Gaza

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
1. Between Gaza & Baghdad - The Radical Islam Threat

2. Iran admitted that Sudan closed down Iranian cultural center in Khartoum
3. Second causeway connecting Saudi and Bahrain.U.S., Israel successful missile interceptor test.
Hariri urged Lebanese to 'calm down'. Children as suicide bombers September 09, 2014
4. [With videos] US-Israel Arrow 2 Missile Defense Test Conducted
5. IDF Radio: Kerry misled Israel - claimed Hamas agreed not to attack forces in Gaza during

Monday, September 8, 2014
1. El-Sisi denied claims he'll give Sinai land to Palestinians
2. PA President's office denied reports of Sinai land offer
3. Female British citizens join ISIS.
4. Al-Sisi proposes: Extend Gaza Strip into Sinai and establish Palestinian state there

Poll: Most appropriate to be PM: Netanyahu 41% Liberman 14% Bennett 8% Livni 8%
Herzog 5% Yaalon 2% Yichimovitch 2% Saar 2% {9/5/2014}. This is drawn from a
Telephone poll of a representative sample of 606 adult Israelis (including Israeli Arabs)
carried out by Maagar Mohot Survey Institute (headed by Professor Yitzchak Katz)
September 2-3, 2014 for Makor Rishon.

If elections held today (expressed in Knesset seats) Current Knesset seats in [brackets].
Please note: There are 120 seats in the Knesset. Parties must receive a minimum of 4
seats in the elections to be included in the Knesset. After elections are held the
coalition forming a government must receive 61 votes in a vote of confidence in the
--- [31] Likud Beiteinu (Likud & Yisrael Beiteinu)
28 [---] Likud
15 [---] Yisrael Beiteinu
11 [19] Lapid "Yesh Atid" Party
14 [15] Labor
16 [12] Bayit Yehudi
09 [11] Shas
05 [07] Yahadut Hatorah
06 [06] Livni party "Hatnua" Party
05 [06] Meretz
09 [11] Arab parties

If have party leader by Kachlon?

08 [---] Kachlon Party
--- [31] Likud Beiteinu (Likud & Yisrael Beiteinu)
27 [---] Likud
15 [---] Yisrael Beiteinu
08 [19] Lapid "Yesh Atid" Party
12 [15] Labor

15 [12] Bayit Yehudi
10 [11] Shas
06 [07] Yahadut Hatorah
04 [06] Livni party "Hatnua" Party
05 [06] Meretz
09 [11] Arab parties

Liberman: Demilitarization of Gaza now unrealistic
IDF is able to Strike Rockets Before Theyre Launched
Hamas Rejected Deployment of Int'l Forces in Gaza Strip
Senior Israeli State Source: Hamas preparing for the next conflict with Israel by renewing the
production of missiles and restoring offensive tunnels
El-Sisi proposed Extending Gaza Strip into Sinai and establish Palestinian state there
Abbas rejected Egyptian offer to settle refugees in Sinai
Egypt is re-assessing anti-militant tactics as Sinai militants change strategies and Israel moves
away from confronting the Palestinian resistance
Kissinger said Iran is bigger problem than ISIS

Second, note that todays SUNDAY SHOWS cited Carneys admission that, "If theres a national wave
in14, the Dems are in trouble in 16; otherwise, they were dominated by Islamism:

McDonough feels it is 'important' for Congress to authorize arming moderate rebels
because "Everybody believes there has to be someone on the ground."
Kerry is 'extremely encouraged' by US allies, although its inappropriate to start
announcing each countrys plan to fight ISIS.
Graham: BHO's approach is "delusional" because no US boots in Syria is a 'fantasy.'
McCaul: US should accept foreign military assistance to fight ISIS.
Hayden: Ex-CIA director predicts 5000 US personnel on ground by December; special
operations forces could wind up on the ground in Syria.
Gen. James Cartwright: Former Joint Chiefs chairman said Airstrikes alone are not
enough; strikes in Syria would probably target the Islamic State's training areas.
Retired generals: Air strikes are insufficient to confront ISIS, for they have to be
conducted in conjunction with three other campaigns.
Retired general: US enemies are likely have anti-aircraft missiles "But our Air Force
understands risk management."

Third, this is excerpted from Jonah Goldbergs weekly newsletter *with a few hyperlinks edited+:

They're Not Islamic, They're Not Even I-Curious
My column today is on the president's contention that the Islamic State is not Islamic.
The assertion fits perfectly with the extended philosophical throat-clearing you just
waded through. I mean talk about letting names and things wander off from each other!
Imagine, just for the sake of argument that, say, the State Department's Jen Psaki sat
down to interview an Islamic State fighter over coffee.

Psaki: "Hi. What's your name?"
Mohammad: "Mohammed."
Psaki: "Were you named after your father?"
Mohammed: "No. I am named after the One True Prophet
Psaki: "Interesting. So what's the name of your organization?"
Mohammed: "The Islamic State."
Psaki: "Oh, that's exotic. What does that do?"
Mohammed: "We have sworn to Allah that we will bring about a global
caliphate as he commands us through Mohammed and the Koran.
Inshallah, we will kill the pagans, Jews, and infidels and convert the
Christians to the one true faith.
Psaki: "Oh my, that sounds like quite a project. So, let me ask you, what
religion should I put down here, Mohammed."
Mohammed: "I am Muslim. I will give my life for Islam. It's right there in
the name: Islamic State."
Psaki: "Well, I can see that this will just remain one of those mysteries.
I'll just put down agnostic."
Large-Scale Counterterrorism Operations Are Hell
Sadly, only after I wrote my column did I learn that not only does the administration
insist that the Islamic State isn't even a smidgen Islamic as the president might say
but we aren't at war with it either. "If somebody wants to think about it as being a war
with [the Islamic State], they can do so, but the fact is that it's a major counterterrorism
operation that will have many different moving parts," Secretary of State John Kerry
explained yesterday.
"We're engaged in a major counterterrorism operation," he told CBS, "and it's going to
be a long-term counterterrorism operation. I think war is the wrong terminology and
analogy but the fact is that we are engaged in a very significant global effort to curb
terrorist activity."
Okay, wait a second. I can understand no matter how ridiculous I think the claim may
be the argument that we are not at war with the Islamic State. I can certainly
understand the argument again, even though I reject it that we don't want to pay
the terrorist group the "compliment" of saying we're at war with it.
But hold the phone. John Kerry is saying that "war" is the wrong analogy? Really? It is
okay to analogize the fights against poverty, cancer, climate change etc., to war, but we
can't analogize sustained bombing campaigns with coordinated ground offensives to it?

Oh my stars and garters. It's like the effort to get rid of the Islamic State is the Moral
Equivalent of Pension Reform.
It gets worse. Olivier Knox of Yahoo News asked White House press secretary Josh
Earnest, "What does victory [in the fight against the Islamic State] look like here?"
Earnest earnestly replied, "I didn't bring my Webster's dictionary with me up here."
Meanwhile, the disconnect between names and things has gotten to the point where a
senior administration official thinks Saudi Arabia is "galvanized" against the Islamic State
because it has an extensive border with Syria. Except for the fact that it doesn't, this is
a very powerful point. So much for Mark Twain's observation that "God created war so
that Americans would learn geography."
Of course, the administration is simply following the president's lead. Given how rabid
Kerry, Hagel, and others were just a few weeks ago, it's pretty obvious that Obama has
told his team "opstay ayingsay arway." In his heart the president just doesn't like words
like "war" or "win." That's why he "ended" the Iraq War. That's why when asked to
explain what "destroy" means he said it meant to reduce to a manageable problem.
That's why the administration keeps talking about mitigation. That's why they long ago
replaced the "War on Terror" with "overseas contingency operations" and rogue states
with "states of concern." Hey, maybe we should just start calling it "the Islamic State of
This of course reminds me of Winston Churchill's famous line, "We shall defend our
Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall mitigate on the beaches, we shall degrade
them on the landing grounds, we shall reduce them to manageable problems in the
fields and in the streets. . ."
Really, anyone can play. Release the dogs of overseas contingency operations! Haven't
you read Sun Tzu's "The Art of Mitigation"?
Look, as I suggest in my column, there's room in a war for bending the truth if it helps
win the war. The problem here is that when you're bending the truth that you're even at
war, what truths are worth telling? As I wrote last week , I still think Obama's greatest
concern isn't how to conquer or even "manage" the Islamic State or terrorism in
general but how to find the right words that will rescue him from political hassles,
responsibility, and blame. Rather than say he misjudged the Islamic State, he told Chuck
Todd he never even called them the "Jayvee" team, which was a lie.
If Obama's theory of the world is right, this may all work out for him. If jihadism is a
minor nuisance that we can manage without much distraction or effort, then his word
games might even make sense. But if we are really facing a more substantial and long-
term threat, then his word games are not just stupid, they are dangerous because they
put further distance between names and reality, between problems and solutions.
I am not a fan of the philosopher Carl Schmitt, but I always liked his line, "Tell me who
your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are." I don't think it captures anything like the
whole truth, but it does capture an important truth: To stand for something requires
standing against something. If you stand for democracy, you must stand against tyranny.
If you stand for truth, you must stand against lies. It is a tactical and strategic question

whether we need to go to literal war against the Islamic State. But if we are not
figuratively or spiritually at war with what the Islamic State stands for, then, my God,
what do we stand for?
Various & Sundry
Oh, and on that point, here's my column on the importance of national honor.
More diapers are sold to adults than to babies.
My 350 ancestors (on Dad's side).
I know it's 9/12, but here's my column from 9/11/01.
Kevin Williamson hates moose.
England will say anything to stay married to Scotland.
55 Halloween costume ideas. And a few more for horses.
If you hear about an enraged woman driving to Vermont to rip the beating heart out of
some bureaucrat's chest, it's probably my wife after she reads this story.
Stuff you eat named after real people.
China has problems.
Bowling balls, man.
Badass lines from soldiers.
Senior citizens react to the 50 shades of grey trailer. (Note: I'm not sure what to think
of this whole conceit. Is it supposed to be "Aging babyboomers say the funniest
Now they tell me, after I lost 50 pounds. Men with big bellies make better lovers.
Everything that will kill you from A to Z, which left out the venomous puss caterpillar,
which though not explicitly fatal, could kill you while driving or cleaning the outside of a
skyscraper window.
Meet Peekabo the smiling bat.
Meet Jamon the micro pig.
And Cerbero the jet-setting cat.
Surf-dog-a-thon competition.
And Debby's Links!

Fourth, note this essay and the succinct summary thereof, with the latter preceding the former:

To the editor:

Peggy Noonan writes, Jihadists are de-Christianizing the Mideast (The genocide of
Mideastern Christians). With the exception of Israel, where the Christian population
continues to grow under the protection of the IDF, defender of the religious rights of
Jews, Christians, Muslims and others, Christians, like Jews, have been fleeing Middle
East violence for years. Violence against Christians in Arab lands should not be
surprising. Millions of Muslims have died in Muslim on Muslim violence, including the
Iran-Iraq war and over 200,000 in the current conflict in Syria.

What is inexplicable is the hostility of large parts of the Christian world towards Israels
efforts to defend itself from further acts of genocide. Like the Jihadists war against
Christians, the Arab war against Israel is not about what they did, or the tiny slice of land

Israel contains. No, if that conflict were just a border dispute, it would have been
resolved decades ago. It is about who the Jews, like the Christians, are.

John R. Cohn
1015 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

First the Saturday People Then the Sunday People: The Exodus of Jews and Christians
from the Middle East
Death Tolls of the Iran-Iraq War
Memoir of a Christian from southern California who was drawn to Israel

Declarations: The Genocide of Mideastern Christians
Americans haven't suddenly turned interventionist.
They're moved by the Islamic State's particular evil.

By Peggy Noonan
Updated Sept. 12, 2014 6:36 p.m. ET

President Obama would have been rocked the past few months by five things. One is
the building criticism from left and right about his high need for relaxationplaying golf
while the world burns. Another is that he misread the significance and public power of
the beheadings of American journalists. Third, he has been way out of sync with
American public opinion on Islamic State, which must be all the more galling because he
thought he knew where Americans stood on the use of military force. Fourth, with his
poll numbers declining (32% approval for his handling of foreign policy, according to The
Wall Street Journal and NBC), it has probably occurred to him that he is damaging not
only his own but his party's brand in foreign affairs. (Yes, George W. Bush did the same
to his party, but Mr. Obama was supposed to reverse, not follow, that trend.) Fifth, he
surely expects he is about to take a pounding from the antiwar left.
Most immediately interesting to me is the apparent change of mind by Americans
toward military action in the Mideast. The president's long-reigning assumption is that a
war-weary public has grown more isolationist. But, again according to the WSJ/NBC poll,
more than 6 in 10 back moving militarily against Islamic State. Politicians and pundits
believe that this is due to the gruesome, public and taunting murders of the U.S.
journaliststhat Americans saw the pictures and freaked out, that their backing of force
is merely emotional.
I think they're missing a big aspect of this story.
A year ago the American people spontaneously rose up and told Washington they would
not back a bombing foray in Syria that would help the insurgents opposed to Bashar
Assad. That public backlash was a surprise not only to the White House but to
Republicans in Congress, who wereand I saw themashen-faced after the calls

flooded their offices. It was such a shock to Washington that officials there still don't
talk about it and make believe it didn't happen.
Why was there such a wave of opposition? In part because Americans had no
confidence their leaders understood the complications, history and realities of Syria or
the Mideast. The previous 12 years had left them distrusting the American foreign-
policy establishment. Americans felt the U.S. itself needed more care and attention. By
2013 there was a new depth of disbelief in Mr. Obama's leadership.
But there was another, powerful aspect to the opposition.
Evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics who would normally back strong
military action were relatively silent in 2013. Why? I think because they were becoming
broadly aware, for the first time, of what was happening to Christians in the Middle
East. They were being murdered, tortured, abused for their faith and run out of the
region. And for all his crimes and failings, Syria's justly maligned Assad was not
attempting to crush his country's Christians. His enemies werethe jihadists, including
those who became the Islamic State.
In the year since, the brutality against Middle Eastern Christians, and Islamic State's
ferocious anti-Christian agenda, has left many Christians deeply alarmed. Jihadists are
de-Christianizing the Mideast, where Christianity began.
An estimated two-thirds of the Christians of Iraq have fled that country since the 2003
U.S. invasion. They are being driven from their villages in northern Iraq. They are
terrorized, brutalized, executed. This week an eyewitness in Mosul, which fell to Islamic
State in June, told NBC News the jihadists were committing atrocities. In Syria, too, they
have executed Christians for refusing to convert.
In roughly the past 18 months, all this has broken through in Christian communities,
largely by way of Christian media, including Catholic news services and the Baptist press.
The story has been all over social media. Pope Francis has denounced what is
happening; the Vatican is talking about just-war theory.
Rep. Chris Smith, the New Jersey Republican who chairs the House Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Global Human Rights, this week called what is happening "a
"It is a global phenomenon, but dramatically in the Mideast," he said.
I told him I thought the journalists' beheadings had put a public picture on a crisis of
which Christians in America have now become aware.
"An emphatic yes, with exclamation points put after it," he replied.
No oneat least not the United Nations or other international bodies, and not the
administrationseems to be keeping official records. Mr. Smith suggested that when
people don't really want you to know the scale of a problem, they don't gather the
numbers. He has pressed both the U.S. government and the U.N. for statistics and
specificshow many Christians have been killed, abused, sent fleeing and from where.

"It's all, 'I'll get back to you.' When they do, it's threadbare answers that don't say a
whole lot."
The anguish and indignation of American Christians at what is being done, by Islamic
State, to their brothers and sisters in faith is surely part of the reason Americans are
backing U.S. action against the terror group.
It would surely also be a misreading of the polls to announce the American public is
suddenly "interventionist." There is no reason to believe they have any appetite for
romantic or aggressive forays into invasions, occupations or nation-building efforts.
What they want to doand they wanted to do it last monthis respond to a group that
is unusually evil, even by Middle Eastern standards.
There is also no reason to infer from the polls that Americans hold to the illusion that
moving on Islamic State would create new order and peace in the Mideast. Those
illusions tend to live more in Washington than on-the-ground America. If Islamic State is
hit hard enough, it may be killed, but nothing else will be fixed. The Mideast will
continue in brutal chaos, but Islamic State, as Islamic State, will be done or at least
damaged, and surely that is worth something. At the very least a message will be sent.
If the president were a more instinctive man, or rather if his natural instincts were more
in line with those of your average American clinger, he would have moved quickly,
sharply and without undue drama. He would have bombed Islamic State when it was a
showy army in the field, its fighters driving stolen armored vehicles down highways in
the sand, in their black outfits, with their black flags. They are not terrorists hiding in
holes and safe houses. They are not doing Internet showbiz from caves, they are seizing
and holding territory. They say they are the caliphate, and they intend to expand. They
are killing and abusing many, not only Christians. They are something new and deadly.
My guess is two things are not acceptable to the American people. One is the full-scale
commitment of scores of thousands of troops to invade and occupy a country. The other
is a diffident, confused, unfocused, unserious campaign.
The American people are not suddenly recommitted to a decades long drama. They do
want to see bad guys taken out. Their timetable, I suspect, would be "Let's start last
Fifth, a friend wrote I am holding my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. Islamists may hit either
Election Day or Black Friday. I would stay out of big malls like KofP locally and other major gift-shopping
destinations because it is plausible to conjure multiple attacks at once during the holiday season (e.g.
Mall of the Americas outside of Minneapolis, where radicalized Muslims await opportunity).

The aforementioned individual
[and my Friday luncheon-companion]
reported that, this past week, they purchased guns.


Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:21 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLIV [Islamism, Cruz, Abortion, IRS-Scandal, Media-Bias]

Each article *Ive read them all+ represents a tile within the mosaic of forces aligned against Western
Civilization and, tragically, the inability of BHO to muster the energy to combat Islamism; due to the
obvious time-constraints looming as the weekend ends, an effort has been made to be abbreviative,
jettisoning Guzzardis admonition that repetitiveness is often needed. On the one hand, each of these
Blast e-mails carries a stand-alone quality; on the other hand, everything cant be recapitulated.
Fixation on the need to flip the Senate is reinforced when listening to Senator Reeds defense of BHO,
for all the Dems remain staunch defenders of the indefensible; if anyone hears any Dem sound like an R
with regard to BHOs abject failures *starting with admission that the Iraqi-withdrawal was premature],
Ill withdraw my view that each/every Dem must be perceived as aiding/abetting apologists. ,This is
being distributed despite the fact that ~three dozen e-mails remain unprocessed; they will be checked
tomorrow-a.m., inasmuch as this document is already ~14 pages in length [using Microsoft Word].}

To corrupt an ambient concept, I didnt abandon bipartisanship; BHO killed it.

Listen to the weekly Heritage Foundations Sentinel Strategy-Call on Monday night at 5:30 p.m. EDT;
questions are invited. It will focus on the Export/Import Bank; the dial-in number is 1-800-757-3718.

I received the following e-mail last week; it is relevant because Chris Stigall (who spoke a
fortnight ago @ the meeting of the Lower Bucks County Tea Party Patriots) will be
hosting Cruz this Wednesday-p.m., and social-issues remain hot debate-topics:

I began listening to his radio segment about a year and a half ago, liking
it initially. Although I agreed with him on major political and current
event issues, I found him less intellectual than Dick Morris and less
centered than Dom Giordano; he included a bit too much nonsense and
adolescent humor.

That aside, I was still prepared to listen (considering how much we need
to unite against the current administration and what may come) until
one morning he went on a most disgusting rant against pro-choice
advocates; I was startled by his unbridled venom. Talk about the vital
way his candor emerged [quoting me]. Im one of those oddities, a
pro-choice Republican. You cannot honestly claim you are for freedom
and then deny the critical right that someone has to her own
body. That is where religion and I part.

Without doubt, I realized he would be accepted by the Tea Party crowd
and on all other issues I understand why. Its a pity that someone like
him commands a large audience. Hes a radically crusading obstacle to
a major freedom.


This was my reply:

Im multiple choice and, quoting Exodus 21:22-25, so is Judaism! [The
Talmud talks of wanting as many voices as possible to praise the Lord,
and thus discourages abortion, but the fetus is only a potential human
until the birthing process.] Thus, notwithstanding misrepresentations,
Judaism isnt 100% pro-lifenor am I.

I actually dont listen to him very often, because when @ home Im
watching cable and when driving Im listening to cable via Sirius-XM; the
exception is when Im channel-flipping during commercials. He is
certainly less intellectual than Morris and less ensconced within Philly
than Giordano, but he has an attractive mien that appears genuine;
obviously, I missed the adolescent-humor component of his efforts
[noting, for example, that he had a guest on @ ~7:30 who discussed
cyber-safety, and he was a facilitator who didnt dramatize or emote].

I am a libertarian-republican *not libertine+ and, thus, I totally concur
with your posture; currently, Im trying to get a Log-Cabin chapter
established in MontCo [and PA]. I share your desire to quote RR *my
80% friend is my friend+ in this regard, but what you claim about him
also infests the TEA Party Movement [particularly the Adams Siblings
who lead the Independence Hall Foundation, which chucked the tea
party appellation] and requires ongoing oversight.

When compiling last weeks input by pamela geller, this set was inadvertently omitted [overkill?]:
o French Muslim Who Murdered 4 at Brussels Jewish Museum and Tortured Journalists in Syria
Raped, Killed Young Mom before Beheading her Baby
o Yale Chaplain Quits In Wake of Letter Blaming Israel for Rising Jew-hatred
o Iran Supreme Leader: Prepare for New World Order that will Replace America and Capitalism
o Al Qaeda has the 11 Missing Libya Jetliners
o VIDEO: Islamic State Jihadists in Syria Drink the Blood of Rats
o Islamic State children play with severed heads and enjoy crucifixions
o Hamas Leader Top Dog Haniya: Our Media Was The River From Which Global Media Drank
o Pamela Geller, WND Column: Another Beheading In Broad Daylight Outside London
o Scores of British Muslim Women Waging Jihad in Syria
o Optics
o Young Non-Muslim Girl Reveals Horrifying Crimes of Islamic State Kidnap, Gang-Rape and
o Obamas Muslim and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Homeland Security Adviser Resigns
o Australia Mosque Auctions Off Jihad Flag Used By Islamic State
Hamas Paid Hitman $61.5K to Murder Three Israeli Teens
o Hamas-CAIR Holds Law Enforcement Training Workshop To Dispel Myths About Islam

John Kerry Said Some Coalition Members To Contribute By 'Demolishing Distortions' Of Islam
ISIS Using Weapons Obama Gave To Syrian Rebels [and BenghaziGate could invoke Iran-Contra+

Ted Cruz: American Terrorists Should Lose Citizenship
Cruz Moves to Stop American ISIL Fighters from Reentering the U.S.
How Ted Cruz Would Defeat ISIS
Ted Cruz On Islamic State Militants: 'Take Them Out'
Cruz: GOP foreign policy debate could lead to 2016 run because Americans are "looking for leaders who
want to work to restore Americas leadership in the world."
[Cruz (R-Texas) feels legislation to freeze Obamas executive order deferring the deportations of illegal
immigrants who come the country at a young age should be attached to a stopgap spending measure;
this would set-up a possible confrontation over the funding measure that would keep government open
beyond September, but Cruz declined to rule-out opposing the stopgap if it allows the Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals program to continue.]
Obamas Iraq strategy unraveling (that didnt take long), noting that The Turkish government says it will
not allow a US-led military coalition to use its air bases to launch attacks on IS terrorists hideouts in
neighboring Iraq and Syria.
Obama laid out what he purported to be a strategy [nothing but an amalgam of policies that not only
cannot work but have been proven to not work every time theyve been tried] for dealing with ISIS.
Shimon Peres: Qatar and Turkey must be punished for supporting terror
Livni urged Israel to initiate better ties with moderates in the Arab world amid threat of extremist
terrorist groups operating in the region.
The Islamic State Is Nothing New - Its differences with other Islamic-supremacist groups are irrelevant.
Elliott Abrams: Not Fighting ISIL In Syria Is Crazy
Emerson on FNCs Justice with Judge Jeanine detailed the Threat and Operation of the new Islamic State
Germany's "Sharia Police"
ISIS Chattering Online of Entering US Via Mexico
Smackdown: John McCain Pwns Jay Carney
Gulen Academies are in Florida, per Jerry Gordon; the HQ is in the Poconos.
Saudi built northern multilayered border fence against infiltrators without international critique, unlike
Israels experience during the past decade and suggestion that, were America to do so to stop illegals,
the Racism charge would immediately be issued.
Obama's "not Islamic" Islamic State Claim Ridiculed
Arab Bank Mounted Its Defense in Landmark Terrorist Financing Case; three hundred U.S. nationals are
suing Arab Bank, claiming it knowingly provided services to terrorists and their financiers in violation of
U.S. anti-terrorism law. [Daily Signalpart of Heritage-Actionhired senior independent contributor
Sharyl Attkisson (formerly of CBS, sometimes of FNC) to report on the latest developments in the case.]
Dutch Security Official Haifi Champions Libelous "Protocols of Zion"
Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel's Just War Against Hamas
Will The New European Commission Be Less Biased Against Israel?
Anti-Israel Group Plots Secret BDS Vote
Georgetown's Esposito Joins Israel Boycott
Brookings think tank is home to former Middle East envoy Indyk; Qatar's four-year donation = $14.8m.
Israeli politicians praised el-Sisi plan to give Palestinians land for a state in Sinai [kiss-of-death]
Kadima party chairman and former defense minister Mofaz said, "Islamic State and Hamas are one" and
that Gaza must be disarmed through an arrangement or by force.
Jabat al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda affiliated rebel group fighting in Syria, released 45 Fijian soldiers serving in
the Golan; the IDF confirmed the UN peacekeepers safely arrived in Israel after a fortnight in captivity.
Administration counterterrorism officials testified that ISIL cannot yet carry out an attack on U.S. soil,
but those statements were immediately challenged by Republicans.


Before Ukraine, Putin Modernized the Russian Military
Russians Kidnapped Estonian Officer Less Than 48 Hours After Obama Vows To Defend Estonia
Only Deterrence Prevents War - Aggressors take stupid risks only when they feel they won't be stopped
Russian Strategic Bombers Near Canada Practice Cruise Missile Strikes on US
House Speaker John Boehner invited Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to address a joint meeting of
Congress on September 18; this is reminiscent of when BB addressed this body, years ago.

Obama Retreated on Immigration Action Until After Midterms
Obama: Illegals Should Not Have To Look Over Their Shoulder

BHOs Scandal-Sheet:
Issa Blasted Latest IRS Revelations
IRS chiefs legal adviser spread word of missing e-mails to Treasury lawyer
BOMBSHELL: Accidental Phone Call Made by Holder Aide Proves Collusion Between DOJ and Dems in IRS

City Of Ferguson To Be More Lenient On Crime

Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, who is running for governor, has made a fetish of supporting
indeed, ennoblingabortion; her sole qualifying factor in running for governor was her filibuster of a bill
restricting abortion, a filibuster that was only possible because the leadership of the Texas legislature
grossly mismanaged the bill.

BHOs Speech [ya gotta enjoy the retrenchment exhibited by the libs]:
The speech Obama didn't want to give made clear that America is not coming close to leaving the
Middle East for the rest of his presidency, and probably not for a bunch of future presidencies either;
dutifully, Obama called upon Arab nations to take some more responsibility for 'their region.' Then, he
did something he rarely does forinstead of anchoring his plan in a pragmatic, measured view of
America's redefined role in a contemporary worldhe appealed to an exceptionalist ideal: 'American
leadership is the one constant in an uncertain world. Our endless blessings bestow an enduring burden.'
--David Frum, The Atlantic: Obama's speech to the nation on Wednesday night delivered a simple, clear,
and forceful message: "Don't blame me."
--Eli Lake, The Daily Beast: In a stunning turnaround, Obama is arguing that a law [that he wanted to
repeal, last year] authorizing a war on al-Qaeda be used to justify strikes on al Qaeda's foes.
--Peter Baker, N.Y. Times: After years of trying to avoid entangling the United States in another 'dumb
war,' as he called the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Obama is now plunging the United States into the middle of
one of the world's bloodiest, most vicious and fratricidal conflicts.
--David Corn, Mother Jones: "Obama's intentions are clear: he doesn't want to return to full-scale US
military involvement in Iraq. But now that he has committed the United States to renewed military
action there, where's the line?"
--Frederick Kagan and Kimberly Kagan, The Weekly Standard: It's awfully hard to develop a sound
strategy when you start by mis-diagnosing the problem so profoundly; that's why the 'strategy' the
president just announced has no chance of success.

--David Nakamura, WashPost: Obama's escalation of airstrikes and the use of U.S. personnel represents
a major setback for a commander-in-chief whose early international appeal was built on a pledge to
remove the United States from 'permanent war footing.'
--Fred Kaplan, Slate: Obama is doing as close to the right thing as the mess of the Middle East allows; it
will take massive political effort, delicate diplomacy, and enormous luck to ward off tragedy.

--KARL ROVE, WSJ: Obama Can Salvage His Last 28 Months by accepting the role history has thrust upon
him, that of wartime leader. He should stop questioning the motives of his political opposition as he did
last Sunday on NBC's 'Meet the Press.' [This damages his ability to work with Republicans, who control
the House now and may have the Senate next year.] He should shake up his White House staff because
he is largely surrounded by sycophants who encourage his worst instincts and bury his better ones.
GOP Demanded ISIS Strategy in Obama's War Speech

Syrian and Iranian officials, angry that they haven't been included in an international
coalition aimed at taking on ISIS, aren't thrilled with the president's speech, but
opposition groups in those countries and Iraq are praising Obama's words: The Syrian
National Coalition says "it stands 'ready and willing' to partner with the international
community to defeat the militants," while a Kurdish deputy prime minister says, "We
welcome this new strategy."

Top Republicans had harsh words for Obama's plan. Sen. Ted Cruz said the speech was
"fundamentally unserious," while Sen. John McCain said the "president really doesn't
have a grasp for how serious the threat from ISIS is." Rand Paul questioned the
constitutionality of BHOs strategy and demanded that 'civilized Islam' finally Step up.

Democratic reaction was lukewarm. While Sen. Carl Levin called Obama's blueprint a
"forceful strategy," Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine said he took issue "with the president's
assertion that he has all necessary legal authority to wage an offensive war against ISIL
without congressional approval." Reaction from vulnerable 2014 Dems was mixed;
Sens. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.) issued statements sharply critical
of Obama's proclaimed plans to launch military attacks unilaterally and to arm Syrian
rebels, but Sens. Kay Hagan (N.C.), Al Franken (Minn.) and Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), were
cautiously supportive. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), the chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, said his committee will begin drafting a new congressional
authorization for use of military force.

Hill reaction was mixed on Obama speech, generally split along party-lines.

WSJ/NBC Poll: Almost Two-Thirds of Americans Back Attacking Militants; 40% said any U.S.
military action against ISIS should be limited to airstrikes and an additional 34% backed both
airstrikes and committing U.S. ground troops to the battle [a remarkable mood swing for an
electorate that just a year ago recoiled at Obama's proposal to launch airstrikes against Syria].

Michael Moore: Obama First Black President, 'And That's It'


House GOP leaders were happy to hear that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is dismissing the GOP continuing
resolution released earlier this week that funds the government until Dec. 11 saying, "at a minimum,"
the CR should fund the government until early next year: "It would be a serious mistake for House
Republicans to pass a Continuing Resolution that would ensure that Harry Reid and the Senate Dems
would come back to Washington, after many of them will have likely lost their seats, for a no-holds
barred lame duck session where they will be free to pass legislation that the American people will never
be able to hold them responsible for."
Sen. Ted Cruz wouldn't say whether he'd vote for Mitch McConnell for majority leader.
Ted Cruz stirs 2016 pot with moves: The Texas senator's chief of staff, Chip Roy, a former top hand to
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, is leaving his role as chief of staff and will play a larger role in Cruz's political
office; he will gradually transition from the congressional office to serve as a senior political adviser for
Cruz. Paul Teller, who was sacked from his longtime role at the conservative Republican Study
Committee last year, will take over the chief of staff duties from Roy. James Christoferson, a former top
aide to former Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), will serve as a deputy chief of staff for Cruz.

Alan M. Dershowitz argued that the Pistorius Judge was Wrong because of the possibility that armed
intruders were in the bathroom *for he had a perfect right to defend himself, his girlfriend and his
home+; the problem with this reformulation is that his girlfriend wasnt in his bed, they had quarreled,
and it seems undue reliance has been placed upon the fact that Pistorius was disabled.
Brutally Disturbing Examples of Government-Run Healthcare
If White-Privilege Is Real Why Do Asians Do So Well?
Early voting starts later this month in states represented by endangered Senate Dems
Despite the best efforts of Dems and Harry Reid, a Focus group of 10 swing women voters in AR could
not ID the Koch brothers: 'Are they a marketing company?'
Lauren Bacall was the cousin of Shimon Peres, who served as both Israels president and prime minister.
The New York Times published an article suggesting that some American think tanks receiving donations
from foreign governments are functioning as lobbyists and should be required to register as foreign
agents; by disregarding important facts and taking information out of context, the reporters drew
inaccurate conclusions that allegedly misrepresent the work of Brookings and ignore its institutional
safeguards that ensure complete independence for its scholars' research and policy recommendations.
By testing descendants of victims and suspect, Jack the Ripper has been identified as a Polish-born
Hairdresser who lived in Whitechapel [Aaron Kosminski]; he was a suspect when the Ripper murders
took place in 1888 and was later put in an asylum.
Stuck in a home-run drought, baseball has become more boring than ever due to the new strike zone-
and the cameras enforcing it.
Politicos lib-bias was exhibited in a piece [Senate GOPs plan to eat up floor time] that blamed a sluggish
Senate agenda on the Rs because they were extending debate on bills they opposed; omitted was any
reference to the fact that Reid didnt have to introduce useless legislation in the first place *Dems are in
control] and to the fact that a backlog of House-passed legislation isnt being processed in the Senate.

Morning Jolt. . . with Jim Geraghty
September 10, 2014

Today's Important Message: You Should Not Live in Fear


Are Americans safer from Islamist terror? We sure as heck don't feel that way.

The nation is on edge in the wake of brutal beheadings of journalists by Islamic
extremists with more Americans saying the United States is less safe now than at any
point since 9/11, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll shows.

The exclusive poll reveals that 47% of Americans believe the country is less safe now
than before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. That's a significant increase from even
a year after the twin towers fell when in September 2002 just 20% of the country said
the nation was less safe.

In my piece on NRO today:

Ed Royce (R., Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee,
seems less concerned. On Monday, he declared on CNN's New Day that
the United States doesn't have intelligence indicating there are any
active plans for a terrorist attack ahead of the 9/11 anniversary. "No, we
don't have any information about credible planning for an attack,"
Royce said.

"Any time you get around a major anniversary in the minds of al-Qaeda
and its affiliates, that can be a time of increased concern and
intelligence monitoring," said Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), chairman of the
House Intelligence Committee. "We know they're so fixated and
obsessed on those particular dates. Given that it's coming up on 9/11,
we know there are operational activities, both al-Qaeda and this new
threat matrix of all these al-Qaeda affiliates. Some have aspirations to
do Western attacks, some have capabilities to do Western attacks, all of
that just makes the challenge all the more difficult for the agencies we
charge with stopping terror attacks."
If you're feeling anxiety . . . don't.
Not because the threat isn't real, but because you are not meant to live in fear. There
have been 4,747 days since 9/11. In that time, the bad guys have managed a few hits
but only a handful on the home front. Fort Hood; the Boston Marathon bombing. The
LAX counter shooting; the Arkansas recruiting-office shooting.
They've also had some near-misses: The underwear bomber flying into Detroit; the 2010
Times Square bombing attempt.
If you're living outside the homeland, you're at a higher risk, but again, for most of those
4,747 days, the good guys have kept the bad guys bottled up or stymied.
The odds are in your favor today, and every day. A lot of dedicated men and women are
working around the clock to keep you safe. There's not much left for us to do, other
than point out an unattended bag or if we see someone behaving suspiciously, tell a

That NBC News/WSJ poll also found:
According to the poll, 61 percent of American voters believe that the
United States taking military action against ISIS is in United States'
interest, versus 13 percent who don't. (Another 24 percent said they
don't know enough to have an opinion.)
That's a significant change when a similar question was asked last year
about the U.S. taking possible action against Syria's government after its
reported use of chemical weapons.
Back then, only 21 percent said action was in the nation's interest, while
33 percent said it wasn't.
More Bad Election News for Democrats
That Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll also had some brutal numbers for the
Democrats in the midterm elections:
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found a larger share of
Americans think the country is on the wrong track than at any previous
midterm election in the last 20 years. Mr. Obama's approval rating
40% is lower than that of former presidents George W. Bush and Bill
Clinton at this stage of their own midterm meltdowns in 2006 and 1994,
when both suffered significant losses in Congress.
"The news is not good for Democrats," said Democratic pollster Fred
Yang, who conducts the Journal poll with Republican Bill McInturff. "It's
hard to sugarcoat these findings, which herald a tough election."
Josh Jordan notes, "As bad as NBC/WSJ poll is for Dems, could be worse if they gave
likely voter numbers. Going from registered voters to likely voters netted the GOP 6
points on CNN's poll and 5 points on ABC's poll."
Meanwhile, in Connecticut . . .
Connecticut likely voters say Tom Foley, the Republican challenger in
the governor's race, would do a better job than Gov. Dannel Malloy, the
Democrat, handling two top issues, the economy/jobs and government
spending, as they give Foley a 46 40 percent lead eight weeks before
Election Day, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

September 11, 2014


This president is still walking around with an oversized sense of his own popularity,
political capital, and public trust. He still thinks that if he says, "We will do X," people will
believe him.
He's capable of giving a good speech well, reading from a teleprompter with the right
tone, facial expressions, and mannerisms but very few people, at home or abroad,
still expect dramatic action to follow dramatic words. The Obama pattern is clear: big
promise, lousy results. Too many lines instantly pop into the minds of viewers. Red line.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." "We're going to arm the moderate Syrian
rebels." "New tone." "Assad must go."
Just because Obama says it doesn't mean it's going to happen. "We will hunt down
terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are." Well, that will be nice if it
happens. As @CuffyMeh put it, "We will chase ISIS to the end of the earth as long as it
doesn't involve actually touching the earth."
And as we've noted, Obama periodically offers comments that suggest he's out to lunch:
The world is safer than it was 20 years ago. We know more about trouble overseas
because of social media.
Obama's numbers are terrible and that's because of three things: beheadings on
Americans' televisions, and the idiotic "we don't have a strategy" declaration, coupled
with the subsequent statement that the Islamic State was a problem to be "managed."
You can throw in the "JV team" as another key element of the deep unease with this
administration's terror-fighting abilities. (The Osama bin Laden raid sure feels like a long
time ago, huh?)
The president and his administration insist upon calling the group "ISIL" rather than
"ISIS," preferring the term "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant." As Chuck Todd said,
they don't like to refer to Syria in this context. This is a silly word game in hopes for
political spin.
Last night I enjoyed the chance to briefly speak to Brit Hume in the Fox News offices.
"He'll speak about ISIS as if they appeared out of nowhere like Godzilla," Hume
David Frum makes the very solid point that by attacking the Islamic State, we are
helping the Iranian regime, the Assad regime in Syria, and Hezbollah. He points out that
the Obama administration is ignoring this embarrassing situation, and hoping the
American public doesn't notice it. Indeed, it is a pretty remarkable and revealing aspect
of the Obama administration that apparently no one on that foreign-policy all-star team
even thought about using the carrot of antiIslamic State action as leverage against the
Frum's whole argument opposing military action is almost persuasive . . . except for the
detail that the Islamic State has killed Americans and has made clear its intent to kill
more Americans.
The John Wayne-Ted Nugent-Toby Keith-Andrew Jackson-Early-Frank Miller-Batman-
Papa Bear-Author-of-a-book-titled-Voting to Kill side of me says that whenever anybody

anywhere in the world kills an American for being an American, we're obligated to rain
hellfire down upon them, oftentimes in the form of a literal Hellfire missile.
But the 2014 version of me recognizes something the 2004 version didn't: If you openly
broadcast that philosophy, a lot of people are going to kill Americans just because they
want to fight the lone remaining superpower. Everybody wants to be the man who shot
Liberty Valance. Every aspiring terrorist wants to be the one who punched the Great
Satan and lived to tell the tale.
And let's face it, there are a lot of groups in this world that killed Americans and escaped
much consequence. There were the barracks bombers of Lebanon. We hit Qaddafi, but
only before Lockerbie, not after. The Iranians had a hand in Khobar Towers; we only
exposed the names of their agents. We've caught one Benghazi attacker. Syria basically
ran a superhighway for insurgents in Iraq, and the Iranians helped the insurgents, too.
We still don't know who we can trust in Pakistan. (Perhaps America has taken
vengeance in some covert manner, to be revealed to a future generation.)
You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask
of the ol' Lone Ranger, and . . . well, you know.
Deterrence requires consequences. The world doesn't lack people who enjoy killing
Americans, and while we can debate "root causes" and "why do they hate us" questions
as long as we like, we're not likely to talk such people out of trying to kill us any time
soon. (Does it seem like the Chinese don't have this problem as much? The Russians? Is
it that nobody's really afraid of crossing us?)
So we have to respond. We have to punish aggression, wickedness, and brutality when it
targets our fellow Americans. But, as presidents are fond of saying, we must deal out
that punishment "at a time and place of our choosing."
You Can't Spin Terrorism
Stephen Hayes reveals that some of the intelligence and documents found at bin
Laden's hideout painted a picture of an al-Qaeda that wasn't "on the run":
The CIA provided access on a read-only basis, but even that limited look
into bin Laden's world made clear to the military analysts that the
Obama administration's public story on al Qaeda reflected the
president's aspirations more than reality.
The narrative heading into the 2012 presidential election was simple.
"Al Qaeda is on the path to defeat," Obama said repeatedly. And "Al
Qaeda has been decimated." And "Al Qaeda is on the run." And "We
have gone after the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11 and
decimated al Qaeda." And "Al Qaeda is on its heels."
There was some truth to the claims. Drone strikes on al Qaeda senior
leadership in Pakistan had eliminated several of the group's top leaders,
and the resulting turnover created uncertainty in its senior ranks. And

Obama was well within his rights to boast about the killing of Osama bin
But the administration chose to portray these short-term tactical
successes as long-term strategic victories. The official spin required a
static analysis of al Qaeda and its leadership, an assumption that al
Qaeda wouldn't adequately replace fallen leaders or adjust its strategy
to counter U.S. moves . . .
The broader collection of documents paints a far more complicated
picture of al Qaeda. There are documents laying out al Qaeda's
relationships with terror-sponsoring states, including Iran and Pakistan.
There are documents that provide a close look at bin Laden's careful
cultivation of a vast array of increasingly deadly affiliates, including the
one we now know as ISIS. Other documents provide a window into the
complex and highly secretive system of communications between al
Qaeda leaders and operatives plotting attacks. Still others offer a
glimpse of relations between bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri, and the
others who run the global terror syndicate
When David Petraeus went to CENTCOM, he took [Derek] Harvey with
him to the Tampa headquarters to create and run the Afghanistan-
Pakistan Center of Excellence.
Harvey would not discuss the contents of the documents. But he
acknowledges that the DIA/CENTCOM conclusions contradicted the
story the administration was telling the American people. "They were
saying al Qaeda was on the run," he recalls. "We were telling them al
Qaeda was expanding and growing stronger."
As said above, just because the president says it, doesn't mean it is necessarily true.
Susan Rice, Standout Diplomat
She's a real peach:
On the edges of the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, which took
place Sept. 5 and 6, 2013, Washington continued to push for
international support of military action [in Syria] as it had been doing
ineffectively since late August. In one meeting, [National-security
adviser Susan] Rice pressed the German delegation relentlessly for
leadership within the European Union. The Germans sought more time
and consultation with other EU member states, frustrating Rice to the
point that she lost her cool and reportedly launched into a profanity-
filled lecture that featured a rare diplomatic appearance of the word
"motherfucker." Germany's national security adviser, Christoph
Heusgen, was so angered that he told an American confidante it was the
worst meeting of his professional life.


September 12, 2014

The Sneaking Suspicion that Obama Doesn't Really Support His Own Policies

Here's what I fear is going through the president's mind right now:

I don't want to do this. I'm supposed to be the peacemaker president. I
didn't become president to start wars.

I've been telling people for years that there is no military solution to the
problems in Iraq. Now somehow I've ended up telling people that I have
a military solution for that and Syria.

We don't have any reliable allies on the ground. There are at least 14
different rebel groups, and they keep splitting into smaller groups, each
one with a new name, and all of them sound the same. In March, a
bunch of them formed the "Sham Legion." Just perfect. I'm supposed to
go out and tell Americans, "Hey, let's give a bunch of weapons to the
Sham Legion."

This assumes that the Sham Legion or the Fake Brigades or whoever
don't just drop their guns and run away, leaving the Islamic State even
more American weapons to use. Why can't the Iraqis get their act
together? We spent years and billions training the Iraqi army and they
collapsed in their first real fight. I just went out and promised to do more
training. Another couple hundred American soldiers over there, hoping
to teach them how to fight. Is the Islamic State just going to sit and wait
while we finish the training? Here's the first lesson, guys: Stop throwing
down your guns and running away.

Where the hell are our allies? I'm the exact opposite of Bush. I've talked
about the importance of the multilateral approach until I'm blue in the
face. You would think that in exchange for being consulted early and
often, our allies would be more eager to help. Instead, every time I ask
Susan Rice if the Germans are on board, all I hear is mother-blankers this
and mother-blankers that. She did it while Rahm Emanuel dropped by
and he asked her to tone down her language. It's almost as if most of
our allies don't really mean it when they complain about not being
consulted, like they just want to sit back and wait for somebody else to
solve the problem.

Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey have been screaming the loudest about the
Islamic State, but now that we're coming to do something, they're tepid
and not willing to make commitments. Heck of a job, Kerry. You know
who's most warmly welcoming the U.S. arrival? The Assad regime in
Damascus. Those bastards.


I can't shake the feeling the Islamic State loves the idea of us coming
after them. They're probably going to use some version of the Hamas
playbook -- provoke a fight with a more powerful, more technologically
advanced foe, hide among civilians, play up any civilian casualties, and
then declare yourself the winner once the bombardment ends.

Nobody wants to help. We're trying to bomb an army, in the kind of
"whack-a-mole" policies I used to criticize. The Democrats in Congress
don't want to touch this with a ten-foot pole. The Republicans will
pounce on anything that goes wrong. The whole thing's a distraction
from what I really want to do with my remaining two years . . .

In short, I think Obama has talked himself into a policy that he doesn't really want to see
through to the end. Which means that once it starts to go wrongcheck Byron York for
five ways this could go very wrongPresident Obama will start having doubts. The
moment flag-draped coffins start coming back to the United States, the public's doubts
will start to grow. Opportunistic politicians will read from Obama's 2004 anti-war

Read the following and then ask yourself how long until you start hearing the word

In Iraq, dissolved elements of the army will have to regroup and fight
with conviction. Political leaders will have to reach compromises on the
allocation of power and money in ways that have eluded them for

Disenfranchised Sunni tribesmen will have to muster the will to join the
government's battle. European and Arab allies will have to hang
together, Washington will have to tolerate the resurgence of Iranian-
backed Shiite militias it once fought, and U.S. commanders will have to
orchestrate an air war without ground-level guidance from American
combat forces.

"Harder than anything we've tried to do thus far in Iraq or Afghanistan"
is how one U.S. general involved in war planning described the
challenges ahead on one side of the border that splits the so-called
Islamic State.

But defeating the group in neighboring Syria will be even more difficult, according to
U.S. military and diplomatic officials. The strategy imagines weakening the Islamic State
without indirectly strengthening the ruthless government led by Bashar al-Assad or a
rival network of al-Qaeda affiliated rebels while simultaneously trying to build up a
moderate Syrian opposition.

Then Obama will want to un-do this policy as quickly as he can. What happens when the
United States tries to withdraw from a war "counterterrorism operation" in Iraq the
second time?

No Executive Amnesty, Ever?


Some Senate Democrats are pressing the White House to hold off indefinitely on
unilaterally making immigration changes not just until after the election.

The resistance is coming from Democrats facing tough reelection bids this fall and other
moderate voices in the party who say President Barack Obama shouldn't use executive
authority to ease deportations at any time. The pressure is a sign that Obama's decision
over the weekend to punt on making changes until after the election may have done
little to ease the political furor over the issue.

Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), who publicly urged Obama against executive action in July, said
this week that she believes such a move is still wrong. When asked whether delaying
executive action was not sufficient, Hagan responded: "I don't think it should be by
executive action."

Maine Senator Angus King, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, said he
stands by his statements last week made before the delay from the White House was
announced that any major executive action on immigration would be a "mistake," no
matter the timing.

"Significant executive action would undermine support for comprehensive reform and
actually perhaps could set the cause back," King said. "It's not about the midterms. It's
about whether this is a good policy decision, and I don't think it is."


Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 12:03 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLV
[Islamism, BHO, Midterms, Media, Arab-Lobby, BenghaziGate, Cruz, Media]

The 44 pages distributed over the weekend [containing info & insight] necessarily focus upon Islamism
because it is necessary to prepare for BHOs impending failure to muster a coalition-of-the-willing;
indeed, such a consideration is mutually exclusive of polling-trends that favor the GOP in the midterms,
inasmuch as BHO is sinking due to any/all of the issues plaguing Americans *ObamaDontCare, Illegals,
Islamism, Putin, Scandal-Sheet, Debt/Deficit, Unemployment] and vexing Conservatives [Common Core,
Guns, Privacy, essentially each of the ten components of the Bill of Rights to varying degrees]. Thus,
readers are invited to skim and to feed-back whatever actions might have been inspired [along with
whatever reactions are felt worthy of recycling to ~900 people who receive these Blast e-mails];
despite a significant work-load, it is felt to be a priority to disseminate these data, for some are viewed
as baseline *e.g., the oeuvre of thinkers/doers such as Pamela Geller] and others are perceived as
accessible-esoterica [e.g., the individual/aggregate works of Jerry Gordon+. As much as Ive resolved to
be more selective, it seems the scope of what is felt to be urgent has become even more expansile,
despite minimal duplication; if nothing else, myriad topics should prompt the skimming-reader to find
something upon which to alight [that may prove enlightening], with hyperlink-level documentation.

The Montgomery County Republican Committee (MCRC) will hold its 2014 Annual Fall
Dinner on Thursday, September 18, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza (200 Mall Boulevard, King
of Prussia, PA). There will be a VIP Reception with Photo Opportunity from 6:00 -7:30
PM. The banquet will start at 7:30 PM.

Special guest is Susana Martinez, Governor of the State of New Mexico.

Price for the event:

VIP $500
Dinner Only $100
Special Committeeperson Rate $50

For more information and to RSVP, call 610-279-9300 or e-mail:

First, I must rebut a double-punch e-mail attacking my multiple-choice posture on abortion, amplified
by attacking my Biblical citation; it was predicated on the view that one cannot be a little-bit pregnant
and that the Bible is viewed by some as out-of-step with the modern era.

The latter claim is akin to that which Dems promulgate when confronted with
Constitutional Originalists *either intent or meaning subtype+, when they argue the
Founders/Framers couldnt have anticipated accoutrements of modern-society. My
response is that the principles distilled at the dawn of the Enlightenment are indeed
applicable, and that a pathway exists to accommodate any amendment thereto.
Similarly, Biblical interpretation is based both on faith and reason; the process of

exegesis routinely yields unexpected truths that assuredly undermine the generic out-
of-touch accusation. Thus, such citations provide a metaphor for essential-truths.

Thus, the former is at least partially justified religiously as the result of a tug-of-war
between the desire to choose life *Deuteronomy 19+ and the practicality of a womans
right to choose whether to carry potential-life [Exodus 21:22-25]. {Talmudically, it is
desirable to maximize the number of voices available who can Praise the Lord.- The
outcome is invoking the medical-model as each state legislates based upon the tenets of
Roe vs. Wade *which all SCOTUS-justices view as stare decisis].

Politically and realistically, it is simply unreasonable to attempt to overturn this law-of-
the-land [invoking any individual governmental branch or even any of them working in
concert+, no matter how one spins the reasoning *Lets return control to the states.+.

Most Americans share my posture, accepting some laws [such as parental notification] protecting the
process and other laws [prohibiting public funding] governing the process. This accommodates those
who prioritize the woman [for she is more than an incubator] and the fetus [recognizing that many view
abortion as murder+. Philosophically, those who would force me to frame the question as yes/no are
trying to lead the witness and I prefer to reformulate into accommodating Americas heterogeneity
and sensitivity; indeed, absolutes are born of demagoguery *my way or the highway+ that undermines
humility, justice and mercy [principles that are intertwined within jurisprudence]. Indeed, this method
undermines judicial activism claims from both sides of the ideological spectrum, and serves as an
example of how other social-policy *indeed, ALL+ issues can be parsed and resolved definitively.

During another overnight chat, a friend raised the possibility that, assuming the
Senate flips, the Congress could declare war in 15 while BHO refused to fight it and,
instead found reason to suppress disagreement by declaring martial-law; that prospect
notwithstanding, it remains desirable to capture the data that remain from last week
[again eschewing redundancy] to achieve/reinforce a comprehensive outcome.

Regarding the Islamic State:

Hamas in rap format
The national bad mood in Israel this late summer may simply be the realization that
there is no victory to be had, no peace in the offing, but only a long struggle in which
patience, fortitude, a good defense, and an occasional burst of offense are their best
Think Tanks for Sale or Rent by Daniel Pipes
Who buys influence in the US? By Richard Baehr
{[(These are must-read articles, remarkable for history and hyperlinks.)]}
Gaza Imam Brandished Gun in Friday Sermon: Weapons Are Our Only Means to
Establish the Caliphate [Islamic State = Muslim Brotherhood = Hamas]
BHOs speech *transcript+
Five takeaways from Obamas Islamic State speech c/o the WaPos libs: Reassurer, war-
weary America, This is not Iraq, I'll do it myself if necessary, and America is #1.
Didnt Barack Obama Declare the War on Terror Over?
Ultimately Destroy Means Contain

Broad Coalition Vowed to Back Fight Against Islamic State - Top diplomats vowed to
back the Iraqi government's fight against the Islamic State, but struggled to agree on
concrete action, underscoring divisions among world powers over how to tackle the
militant group; a group of 26 countriesincluding the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Russia
pledged to support Baghdad's fight against the jihadist organization "by any means
necessary, including appropriate military assistance."
House voted to condemn Obama over Taliban prisoner swap because he didnt give
Congress advance notice of the exchange of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban
prisoners; the measure passed largely along party lines in a 249-163 vote, but 22 Dems
broke ranks to rebuke the president just two months before the midterm elections.
arlene kushner hopes the world has finally seen-the-light regarding the Islamist threat
New CNN Poll: Americans Fear ISIS; Believe Obama Has No Plan
Jihadi John Struck Again
Merger with Smaller Jihadist Groups Strengthening Islamic State Numbers
Goldstone: Obama Cant Destroy ISIS Without Irans Help
Kerry: We Are at War With ISIS [contradicting prior assertion]
Kerry Refused to be Drawn into 'Back and Forth' with Iran
Turkey and Qatar terror support risks "significant," "unpleasant" consequences
Turkey's New Government: Old Wine in a New Bottle
Arab States Voice Support for Tackling ISIS, But Will They Fight?
ISIS Using Weapons Obama Gave To Syrian Rebels
Lawmakers Move to Prevent Libyans from Training in US Flight Schools
Recall that BHO Sought repeal of Bush resolution now used to justify Islamic State strikes
What Egypt's President Sisi Really Thinks [by Daniel Pipes] conclusion is pretty-positive
The administration should open its military depots rather than slam the doors in Cairo's face
Egyptian Academic: Jews Must Return 'Treasures' Stolen during Biblical Exodus to Egypt
New York's Annual Muslim Day Parade Targeted Israel, Egyptian President
Daily Jihad: Almost 1,000 French Nationals Waging Jihad In Iraq and Syria
Arab Uprisings May Doom Middle East Christians - Muslims consider these long-time
communities a constant reminder of colonial domination
Confident From Syria, Hizballah Considering Attacking Israel [I predicted this when raising
possibility that tunnels may also have been dug along the northern border, to be used on Rosh
Friendly Reminder: Obama's Been Wrong About Foreign Policy for Five Years And Counting
Josh Earnest: 'The Coalition Is Coming Together Very Nicely'
White House: 'Back Channel' Conversations with Iran on Islamic State Will Continue
House Republicans Drafted Proposal to Arm Syrian Rebels
Pope Francis to Visit a Less Democratic Turkey [which rejected involvement with coalition]
Princeton's Robert George: 'Victory' Against ISIS Means They're Destroyed Like Adolf Hitler's SS
Arab Nations Offer Airstrikes to Combat Islamic State
Arab Nations on ISIS: Yes to Airstrikes, But No Sandals on the Ground
Iraq: ISIS Used Yazidis as Human Shields Against U.S. Airstrikes
Father Shot 7-Year-Old Daughter Dead after Mother Rejected Islam
African Jihadist Group Pledges Loyalty to ISIS
Boko Haram Attacked Market in Northeast Nigeria


pamela geller again provided necessary data and logical assessment thereof, per this overview:

o UK: Beheaded aid workers brother says Islam not to blame
o Interior Minister: 930 French Muslims involved in jihad in Syria, Iraq
o NYC: Gun-toting Muslim Thugs, Faked Hangings, Caged Girls, Cardboard Tanks at Muslim Day
o UK Muslim leaders demand that Cameron call the Islamic State the Un-Islamic State
o Germany: Muslims arrested for Synagogue Firebombing
o PHOTOS: NYC Muslim Day Parade 2014 Pro-Terror March
o Primary schoolchildren in London being trained for jihad
o The Structure of the Islamic State (ISIS)
o The Islamic States Conquests Make It a Magnet for Foreign Jihadists from China to Russia to
Europe to North America to Australia
o Jihad in China: Muslims Sentenced for Jihad Railway Machete Attack that Left 31 Dead, 141
o President Optics: Obama Met Privately With Top Journalists Before ISIS/ISIL Speech
o **GRAPHIC** FULL VIDEO The Islamic States Propaganda Video: Jihad Porn
o VIDEO: Beheading of British Aid Worker by Islamic State
o Imam Chants Allahu Akbar During 9/11 Memorial At Catholic University In Florida, the Same
Islamic War Cry the 911 Jihadists Screamed Before The Planes Crashed
o Catholic Cardinal McCarrick Embraces Islam
o ISIS Rapes Three-Year-Old Girls In An Open Market, And Forces Women To Divorce Their
Husbands So They Can Be Sold Into Sex Slavery
o VIDEO: 911 First Responder Speaks to School Children
o France says 930 citizens or residents involved in jihad in Iraq and Syria

Morning Jolt . . . with Jim Geraghty
September 15, 2014

Why Is Our President Thinking About What He Would Tell ISIS if He Were Advising

A strange presidential comment, revealed to the world Sunday by the New York Times:

But the president said he had already been headed toward a military response
before the men's deaths. He added that ISIS had made a major strategic error by
killing them because the anger it generated resulted in the American public's
quickly backing military action.
If he had been "an adviser to ISIS," Mr. Obama added, he would not have killed
the hostages but released them and pinned notes on their chests saying, "Stay
out of here; this is none of your business." Such a move, he speculated, might
have undercut support for military intervention.
Why is our president thinking about what he would tell the Islamic State if he were
advising them?

Does the president spend a lot of time thinking about this? Or did it just strike him as a
fascinating little nugget of insight to share with a guest while discussing the Islamic
I can see the value in trying to understand the thinking of your enemy. I can see the
value in thinking through an ultimatum to the group, contemplating what you'll demand
and what consequences to threaten. You can "offer advice" to a foe in the sense of,
"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
But Obama's "if I was an adviser to ISIS" comment doesn't sound like any of these -- at
least from the context that we're given by the Times' sources, individuals who have met
with the president in the past week. It's just, hey, if I were advising the enemy, this is
what I would have told them.
Okay . . . what's the point? Why spend any time thinking about that scenario? Did the
Islamic State call and ask for advice? They didn't attach notes; they detached heads.
That's the choice they made. Now the question is what we're going to do about it.
Notice Obama's assessment presumes the Islamic State wants to avoid a U.S. military
intervention. Is this a manifestation of the mirroring effect, where Obama projects its
own values and priorities onto its foes? (Think about how often he insists publicly that
seizing Crimea and moving into Ukraine isn't in Russia's interest, or that bellicose or
provocative actions on the part of Iran aren't in that country's interest.) The Islamic
State appears to want to send the message, far and wide, that they don't fear a clash
with the U.S. military. Perhaps they want to demonstrate that they can commit horrific
crimes against American civilians with no serious repercussion. Maybe they think God
wants them to do this. Maybe they're nuts! In the end, the "why" matters less than the
Viewed from another angle, President Obama's comment sounds like a complaint. If the
Islamic State hadn't beheaded Americans, there wouldn't be such widespread demand
for action against it in the American public.
"If I were advising ISIS"
Well, you're not, Mr. President.
What, are you looking for another job? Some sort of freelance consulting gig on the job,
when you clock out as commander-in-chief?
Walter Russell Mead:
It is probably true that a lower profile by ISIS would have made it more
difficult to win support for airstrikes in the United States and around the
world, but that's hardly the point. ISIS is a master of the pornography of
politics and the pornography of perverted religion: slave girls, heads on
spikes, executions uploaded to the Internet, naked defiance in the face
of its enemies. ISIS isn't trying to win a conventional geopolitical chess
match, it wants to electrify millions of potential supporters and change
the nature of the game. The execution of American hostages succeeded

brilliantly, from an ISIS point of view. It has made President Obama look
weak, forced him to change his entire Middle East policy and brought
the jihadi movement back into the world spotlight. The politics of
spectacle has eclipsed Al-Qaeda, weakened Assad's position, drawn the
awe and admiration of jihadi wanna-bes and funders, and elevated
30,000 thugs and nutjobs to a major force in global events. Yes, that
elevation carries with it the risk of serious pushback and even
conventional military defeat, but jihadi ideology has benefited
enormously from what ISIS has accomplished so far. ISIS still isn't going
to conquer the world, but radical Islam is closer than ever to launching
the clash of civilizations of which bin Laden dreamed.
ISIS has much less money that President Obama does, many fewer fighters, much less
equipment and in every other conventional measure of power it is a pipsqueak
compared to the Leader of the Free World. But who is acting, and who is reacting? Who
is dancing to whose tune?
Are we about to learn what happens when the United States goes to war with a
commander-in-chief who doesn't really want to go to war? With a president who's
ordering a particular military action because he feels he has to in order to placate public
opinion, but that he has deep doubts about? How can that possibly turn out well?
Josh Jordan: "Shorter Obama: If I were advising ISIS, I'd tell them not to execute
Americans on video so I can keep pretending they aren't a threat to us."
Ladd Ehlinger Jr.: "Ah yes, I remember when FDR thought-experimented an advisorship
position with Imperial Japan."
Doug Powers: "Obama also probably would have advised ISIS to pin OFA donation
envelopes and voter registration forms to the shirts of released hostages."
Iowahawk to the president: "If you were advising ISIS, they would be bankrupt."

Regarding global anti-Semitism:

German newspaper targeted by neo-Nazis...'Jews, kill them'...'We'll get you all'
Merkel led Berlin rally against anti-Semitism
France arrested anti-Semitic black power leader
[Swedish Surprise: Anti-Immigration Party Surges]
Jewish voters turn to Le Pen, France's far right
Jews Turn to Far Right in France
Germany Charged 93-Year-Old over Auschwitz Murders
40% of European Jews hide their religion
Scottish Separatist Leader Compared Israel To Isis

Regarding Putin:
Russia increases pressure on the Baltic States
Iran, Russia Boost Nuclear Ties

Regarding Illegals:
Agents find 9/11 terror message draped across border fence...Feds hid incident from public
'Quran Books' Found Along Mexican Border
Law enforcement prepares for showdown with militia groups
We should Be Seriously Concerned About ISIS Crossing the Mexico Border
Ingraham to Zuckerberg: Time For Open Borders at Your Mansion

Regarding BHO:

New Benghazi Allegation Puts Spotlight on Hillary Clinton Confidants - Her former chief of staff
and deputy assistant secretary observed an after-hours document review in the State
Department basement, Daily Signal senior independent contributor Sharyl Attkisson reports.
Greta van Susteren: White House Pressured Fox News to Back Down on Benghazi
The Obama food police are coming for you and your stinky cheese
The Latest Clue That the Justice Department Investigation of IRS Scandal Is a Sham
GOODWIN: Obama ship sinking
Republicans Should Never Play Nice with Democrats
Judges appointed by Dems now hold majority of seats on U.S. Courts of Appeals
WH Withdrew DOJ Nomination of Lawyer Who Defended Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal
46,000,000 Americans on Food Stamps
Obama to Deploy Troops Against Ebola in West Africa [belatedly, compared with RR and Bush-
If White-Privilege Is Real Why Do Asians Do So Well?
Leaky wells, not fracking, taint water
Antarctic sea ice reaches all-time record high [undermines global warming+

Democrat attacks they are all moral indictments: racist, uncaring, anti-
woman, selfish. In contrast, Republicans criticize Democrats for having
unworkable policies. Who do you think is going to win this debate? If a
voter thinks someone is a racist, how seriously are they going to take his
policy ideas? The same reaction awaits candidates who are seen as
selfish defenders of the greedy rich, namely, Republicans. Whats the
Republican counter-attack? There is none.

Regarding the mid-terms:

Republican Strategy May Prevent Landslide Election [The only thing the prevent defense does
is prevent you from winning, quipped legendary NFL coach and broadcaster John Madden.+
[House GOP Setting the Stage for Massive Crony Capitalist Pay Backs in a Lame Duck]
[Democrats in Michigan and Georgia Engage in Elaborate Scheme to Steal the Election]
Poll: 64% in Battleground States Disapprove of Obama on Immigration
CNN Panel: Dems Don't Want to Be Seen with Obama, Starting to Be a Drag with Women Voters

Democrats Have Plenty of Reasons to Dread November
T Minus 50: Looking For Signs of GOP Wave
Pelosi: Dems Never Treated President Bush Bad
Carney: Its Not Going to Be a Good Year for Democrats
Polls: Scott Brown, Jeanne Shaheen Tied in New Hampshire
Race for Iowa Senate seat thisclose
Braley Backs Moving Guantanamo Terrorists To The United States
Braley is outraising/outspending Ernst
EXCLUSIVERNC Chair Priebus to Landrieu: Open Your Books or Pay Taxpayers Back for Private
Dems are running fewer non-white candidates than are Republicans

THE SECRET BOOK THAT RUNS THE SENATE governs everything from how many
sheets of paper and potted plants each Senate office is allotted to when
Senators can use taxpayer money to charter planes or boats. The document has
never been available to the public - until now...The handbook reads something
like an employee manual, explaining how new senators and staff members can
get ID cards and how many parking passes each senator will be issued. But it
also contains detailed rules on how each senator can spend their official, multi-
million-dollar, taxpayer-funded budget on things like meals and travel.

Regarding POTUS-16:

Hillary Dodged Immigration Questions in Iowa
DREAMERs Vow to Increase Pressure on Hillary
Amnesty Activists Attack Clinton Immigration Dodge by Highlighting Socialist Sanders
Hillary Clinton Sought Advice on Income Inequality During Hamptons Vacation
Iowa Dems: Hillary Too Tied to Cronyism, 'Malleable' like Romney
[Bill Clinton Doesnt Know Bruce Braleys Name]
WASH POST PAGE ONE MONDAY: Rand Paul distancing himself from libertarian past
Where Does Rand Stand?
Jeb Bush Adviser Mike Murphy: Throwing Senate to GOP in Harry Reid's Interest
Ryan (R-WI) apologized for engaging in "irresponsible" rhetoric
Ted Cruz Stood Up to Hatred and Bigotry at Conference of Middle Eastern Christians - Sen. Ted
Cruz (R., Texas) said that the hatred and bigotry he encountered when he was booed off the
stage at a Middle Eastern Christian conference for defending Israel was like nothing he has
previously seen in his political career.
The president has not demonstrated that he's taking ISIS seriously," Cruz said
Cruz also wants to use "any and all means necessary" - including the CR - to block Obama's
executive actions on immigration.

Regarding the Media:

'Roosevelts' PBS Historian Angry Fox News Would've Told Truth About FDR

Media Frenzies Over Unsourced Gossip Post to Trash Palin Family
Michael Moore Tells Canadian News He Planted Stories About His Extreme Wealth
It is desirable to compare/contrast the stories emerging this-a.m. from Politico with those
uploaded by Redstate; as vital as are the former [minus their slant], the latter are clearly far
more hard-hitting.

Would a GOP Senate be king of the world? - No one should underestimate the
significance if the Republicans capture the upper chamber.
War debate headed past elections - Top lawmakers begin to publicly discuss
voting on an Authorization for Use of Military Force.
Poll: GOP has edge on immigration - Nearly two-thirds of likely voters
disapprove of Obamas handling of immigration, a new poll shows.
GOP could chip away at Obamacare - Republicans could use votes targeted at
specific aspects of the law.
GOP Senate no slam-dunk on trade - Republicans warned the president not to
assume unconditional support for free-trade agreements.
Under GOP, education plan could stall - Sen. Lamar Alexander has an ambitious
plan that ultimately might not go anywhere.
POLITICO poll: 2014 voters gloomy over economy - If the nations economy is on
the mend, the voters of 2014 arent feeling it.
Race relations same or worse under Obama - Only 6% of voters in battleground
elections this fall say race relations have improved with Obama.
Clinton goes back to the state that haunts - It's her first step toward moving past
her phobia of Iowa, which helped shatter her 2008 bid.
The Bill Clinton Show returned - While he was careful not to outshine his wife at
the Harkin Steak Fry, he veers sharply into improv.

Washington Post Bombshell: Executive Branch Seizes Money from US Citizens
Congress Must Reject Obamas Plan for the Syrian Rebels
Training the Syrian opposition is a bad idea
Is The Democratic Party Proud of its History of Slavery & Segregation? - The
Democrats official party website is proof of that, as its section on Our History
declares, with all the chutzpah of the proverbial defendant who murders his
parents and begs the courts mercy on grounds of being an orphan, that For
more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights.
A Senior Administration Official said Saudi Arabia has an extensive border
with Syria.
War on Women Rhetoric used by RINOs in Support of Export-Import Bank
Chris Christie and New Jerseys War on Women and the Second Amendment
Greed is good as long as it is green
Administration continues assault on religious liberty
More DOOM! from the polls. This time its Gallup.
Ted Cruz and the Continuation War
[Pro-Assad Cleric Demanded Removal of Cruz After Pro-Israel Comments Free


Regarding Culture-Wars:

ESPN Commentator: We Need to Reprogram How We Raise Men
Pope broke taboo by marrying couples who lived 'in sin'
Chicago Violence: 2 Dead, 20 Wounded from Thursday to Sunday
Berkeley Chancellor: Freedom of Speech Means Restricting Political Speech

Regarding PA:

GEROW: Don't let the polls fool you - Guv race still a horse race...Pollster Madonna is 'a former
Democratic candidate, appointed officeholder and union official'
Are PA casinos holding a full deck?

Regarding Philly Sports:

Eagles won 30-27!
Papelbon ejected after obscene gesture toward Philly fans

Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"This notion that we've been in an economic recovery? You can't tell me that! There are
92 million Americans (and climbing) not working! For crying out loud, what kind of
illusion are they trying to create here?"
"The guy that goes to the Brandenburg Gate (or wants to) in Germany and says, 'People
of the world, listen to me,' and then his acceptance speech at the Democrat National
Convention's a bunch of fake Greek columns, and the guy says he's not into theater and
is never comfortable with it? Obama's whole administration is theater."
"The Apple announcement. Do you want to hear my predictions? I don't know any.
Nobody does."
"There is more interest in the Apple announcement today than in Obama's speech
tomorrow on ISIS. And the reason why is that Apple is going to create jobs and provide
excitement and show the potential of America and create never-ending Christmas
mornings for people, whereas the public perception of Obama is he doesn't care about
"The primary objective of the media and the Democrat Party is the elimination of the
Republican Party as a viable opponent. I know there's always going to be one, but they
would like to relegate the Republican Party to permanent minority/irrelevant status."

"Baltimore Ravens fans cheered Ray Rice at their training camp and women fans wore
pink jerseys with Rice's number. There were overwhelming ovations and cheers. Why?
'Cause he was on their team. Okay, how about Bill Clinton? Juanita Broaddrick? There's
no tape of it. All there is is a story and her busted lip. We have all the other Clinton
transgressions, too, but none of them mattered a whit because Clinton was the leader
of their team, the Democrats -- and the media, as well."
"The Drive-By Media's beginning to get panicked because now all of a sudden the word
'wave' is being talked about again in terms of the November elections."
"Harvey Levin is the founder and CEO of TMZ. He's the new Walter Cronkite. Trust me.
He has replaced Jon Stewart as the official supplier of news with credibility for the low-
information crowd."
"This notion that we've been in an economic recovery? You can't tell me that! There are
92 million Americans (and climbing) not working! For crying out loud, what kind of
illusion are they trying to create here?"
"Along with dependence comes subservience. The dependents are supposed to also be
subservient to the Democrats. They're supposed to be appreciative and behaviorally
programmable so that they recognize where these benefits are coming from and that
there's only one way to continue them, and that's vote for Democrats."
"The Republicans are not pushing back. They're not standing for anything different.
They're not proposing alternatives. They're not engaged in anything that would
change the status quo. They're simply relying on this dissatisfaction to cause people to
change who they vote for. But that, sadly, isn't going to mean that people have
changed their minds."
"The Obama administration's been a failure in terms of what he promised. The truth of
the matter is it has not been a failure. He has not failed. The Obama agenda continues
to march on, and that's why people are disappointed. The Obama agenda is succeeding,
and whether people know it or not, that's why they're depressed."
"In the 1994 elections where the Republicans took the House, it really wasn't because
people changed their minds. They just decided to change their vote. And the
Republicans, even as we speak today, are not giving people a reason to change their
minds about things. They're just a silent alternative."
"Ours is a world governed by the aggressive use of force, not the aggressive use of
speeches. We don't win wars and establish ourselves and our dominance with doctors,
nurses, and clean water and all the rest."



Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:28 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLVI
[Islamism, Pamela-Geller, Elizabeth-Warren & Bill-Clinton. Jarrett, Islamism, Cruz]

Yall have suffered-thru lengthy Blast e-mails due, in part, to the desire to circulate unique and/or
well-written input that isnt hyperlinked on the Internet and, thus, must be conveyed via cut/paste
[particularly summaries by Jonah Goldberg, Jim Geraghty, and Charlie Shipp (of Rush)+; thus, because Im
all caught-up from the 100+ backlog extant on Friday [except for x-ruffing what has been provided with
a weeks worth of daily alerts], I aspire to distribute this one before informational-overload supervenes.

I received a fresh list of philosophically-correct e-mail addresses which was tested
overnight, and nothing bounced *proving theyd been vetted+ and the only reactions
were from a CEO of a major corporation *Robert, way to goquite excellent suggested
they had been well-received+ and a populist *BHO will not refuse to fight any war at this
point. He desperately needs to distract us from the world collapse of the FRN *floating
rate note+. As I see it, China, India and Russia now have nearly all the gold and silver,
projecting completion of that before 2015. If there is no major distraction, false flag, etc.
the people will rise up, and elections will not be necessary to replace him.+; thus, it is
hoped that receipt of these data will help others disseminate alarum as to what BHO is
continuing to do to America.

Finally, although the focus is often on non-local issues, the capacity to influence the course of events
would seemat first blushto be somewhat limited; nevertheless, everyone has pathways to others
who are in power-positions so [particularly in light of the existential threats entailed] it is necessary to
arm decision-makers with [stubborn] facts, and then to allow the chips to fall wherever.

Regarding the mid-terms, Charlie Cook cited two factors that Could Go Wrong for the
GOP [money and the Democratic ground-game]; the former is under the control of $-
raisers and the latter is only going to be favorably affected by improvement in the GOPs
ground-game. This latter consideration is worrisome when one recalls BOTH the failure
of Orca [2012-Romney+ because it hadnt even been -tested AND glitches that have
been encountered in the interim. In my own instance, corrections were needed last year
in the listing maintained by the national-GOP *the phone-# consisted of seven random
digits of which Id never heard, as accessed via the Philly GOPs HQ on Cottman St.+ and
the county-GOP [the ZIP-code had been copied incorrectly from the list of newly-elected
committee-people, as accessed via the Norristown Election Bureau]. In any case, there
was a shift in the tabulation by realclearpolitics, recognizing the new poll in N.H.; thus,
conclusions drawn in my earlier analysis have only been amplified during recent days;
indeed, if BHO continues to plummet, one could anticipate a widening of margins in the
other battleground states [particularly noting how issues-based polling markedly favors
the GOP+. ,Wouldnt it be just-fine if Franken were flushed-out in Minnesota???}

Its not negative campaigning to point-out negative-info that cannot be denied and that can be
perceived as revelatory; for example, note that Bill Clinton Got Caught On Camera Trashing Netanyahu

*who graduated from Cheltenham High in 67 (two years before I did) and who is pictured in the
yearbook with me as having attended the Chess Club (I was first-board on the team, two years hence]:

At the end of Sunday's Tom Harkin Iowa Steak Fry, Bill Clinton was recorded bashing Bibi
Netanyahu, agreeing that the prime minister was not the man to make peace with
Palestinians. At the very end of the 3 Hour 15 minute C-Span coverage, the former
President had an impromptu conversation with pro-Palestinian activists.

If we dont force him to have peace, we wont have peace.Netanyahu is not the guy,
the activist told the ex-president. I agree with that, Bubba clearly replied, apparently
unaware his remarks were being recorded. Then he bragged about getting Ehud Barack
to give Arafat everything he wanted including Jerusalem.

Bill Clinton's anti-Bibi comments were in line with his wife's actions as Secretary of
State; she presided over the foreign policy of the most anti-Israel administration in
history. With the possible exception of the time from her first campaign New Yorks
Senate seat in 2000 to her resignation from the Senate to become Secretary of State in
January 2009 [when she needed New Yorks Jewish voting bloc], Hillary Clinton has
never been pro-Israel. It seems that after years of getting rich from Arab
money...husband Bill agrees.

Pamela Geller, overnight, amplified on lotsa stuff that otherwise is buried [inserting pungent points]:

o Frances New Anti-Jihad Law
o Muslim Brotherhood DHS Advisor Mohammed Elibiary was Fired
o Iran Supreme Leader Mocks Obama
o Erdoans new Turkey requires all students to study the Quran
o Pamela Geller, WND Column: Lie of moderate Muslims and Islamic jihad
o US creating programs to counter extremists no mention of Jihad or Islam
o British Sports Store Guard Tells Children No Jews Allowed
o The American Intelligence Agency: ISIS has 3 Times More Fighters than Previously Estimated

o Benghazi Bombshell: State Dept Official Says He Was Ordered To Purge Benghazi Documents
Damaging To Hillary
o Boko Haram Seek to Imitate Inspirational Islamic State and Establish a African Caliphate
o Obama sending aid to devout Islamic schools
o China detains dozens after raids on Islamic schools in Xinjiang
o Muslims Slice off the Breasts of Kidnapped Christian Girls in Syria and Iraq
o CBS VIDEO: Muslim says he joined Islamic State because theyre fighting for Islam
o Islamic State urges Muslims to attack Times Square with bombs
o Berlin Imam: Despite ISIS Atrocities, Muslims Should Not Incite the West to Wage War against It
o Report: 40% of Europes Jews hide their Jewishness For Fear of Attack
o VIDEO: Bosnian Muslim Children in Syria with the Islamic State
o Two American troops among dead in Afghanistan suicide bombing
o U.N. to dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S.
o VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Claims its Fair To Compare Israel and the Nazis listen and weep!
o Islamic State forces women to watch their children being thrashed until they convert to Islam
o Treason: GAO Says Five Enemy Combatants Obama Swapped for Bergdahl Was Illegal Deal

The ongoing controversy regarding the Cruz walk-out prompted a probe into the-truth-about-israel-and-
christians, ted-cruz, and-middle-east-persecution; the bottom-line point, here, is that this is the type of
behavior that galvanizes support, for it transcends lip-service and exposes the baser motives of both
anti-Semites [specifically, noting that many Republicans are neo-isolationists] and demagogues
[generally, noting that many Republicans would prefer an independent thinker/doer not be the POTUS-
16 nominee+. ,Also noted that CRUZ said DEMPSEY and HAGEL SOUND LIKE 'SOCIAL WORKERS.'}

Regarding Valarie Jarrett [Iran-born and Farsi-speaking], some claim Valerie Jarretts
Father-in-Law was Linked to OPEC-Funded Islamic Plot to Fund Obama and Takeover
the Presidency [citing a 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals
Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency] and that Valerie Jarrett reportedly is
dating a Muslim [Quranist Ahmad Rashad]; others fear he is Obamas Iran-handler. None
these stand-alone articles is incriminating, as opposed to suggestions she issued the
stand-down order that is @ the heart of BenghaziGate [note myriad renditions here and
here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here] while
BHO was chatting with BB and engaging in debate-prep.

Redneck Ice Water challenge [subtitled: "You might be a Redneck if...."] is brief/hysterical.

It has been suggested by a friend that, to avoid angina, Iggles-fans should simply resolve
to watch only the second-half of the remaining 14 regular-season games; my mini-quote
on the 6ABC blog [that they played all 60 minutes+ was mirrored today by the coach,
and this portends achievement based upon solid preparation and cogent leadership
*surely a welcome combination, noting prior problems+. To those who dont much care
about sports, it should be noted that the citys mood is enhanced the day after wins
[this truism having been corroborated repeatedly during the decades, personally,
particularly when the conversedoldrums after losseshas also been experienced].
And those who wish a cogent grading-system of their performance can scroll-through a
disinterested, alphabetized summary of all 32 teams]


A backlog accumulates, but these bullet-points conflate to reveal, again, how dangerous BHO is.

CONFLICTING STRATEGY? Top official opens door to ground troops in ISIS fight
Hamas struggling to maintain control over Gaza Strip in wake of Israeli military campaign
'INCREDIBLY SERIOUS': Cover-up claims foreshadow Benghazi hearing
Ex-official claims Clinton allies scrubbed Benghazi documents in secret session
ObamaCare website still plagued by security issues, watchdog claims
U.S. Confirms ISIL Planning Infiltration of U.S. Southern Border

Obama's Lonely Climate Summit: World leaders staying home

Rush Limbaugh Echo for 9/16/14

Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'

Opening: Our cat is like Russia with new freedom.
Segment#1: Obama people pressure him to delay Amnesty
We opened up the *mansion+ to her, not just the pet room and my den, and she still
stays in those two rooms, with just an occasional excursion out.

Obama sends more soldiers to fight Ebola than to fight ISIS.

American citizens never wanted millions of illegals given amnesty over night! Reason
Obama didnt do it in the first two years was and is there is no credit for doing
it. Obama/Democrats try to rope Republicans in so they can blame it on them if it
happens. Obama was never going to do Amnesty on his own.

Washington has been inundated by phone calls and letters,
You had better not do this if you want to keep your job!

Would Obama do this as a lame duck? He may because it his Agenda to remake
America. Obama is not doing it to help business and the country.

Some in the public are furious (article in W-Post by Ed Rogers) he backed off.
>>> Some say there are a few adults in the WH to correct Obama.

Seg#2: To not recognize the truth about Obama leads to confusion
It was a LIE and a TRICK and never true that the only hope Republicans had was to step
along with Amnesty. Ed Rogers is a Republican strategist.

((Reading: Is there a revolt in the WH and in the Democrat Party?)) He is just openly
speculating. Obama is behaving in ways that befuddle people. Inside-the-Beltway
pundits, some of them, cant believe who Obama really is
>>> They want to see him as a traditional US president.

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Paying the Price"

What a mess. According to the Washington Post, "terrorism experts" are questioning
Obama's decision to launch a military campaign against ISIS. These experts say that
America isn't really facing a significant peril from ISIS. The threat especially after the
beheading videos is more psychological.

There's disagreement over how many fighters ISIS has. The day before his big speech, an
Obama counter-terrorism expert told a congressional hearing there were 10,000. The
next day, the CIA said 30,000.

Intel agencies are anxious because, according to the Post, they worry that terrorists will
use Iraq or Syria as an incubator the way they used Afghanistan before 9/11. John Kerry
-- who served in Vietnam, by the way -- warns that if we leave any of them standing, ISIS
will be a "cancer" that would "ultimately come back to haunt us." Obama, on the other,
wants to "contain" ISIS.

It takes me back to 2007, seven years ago. George Bush warned that if we left Iraq too
soon, the terrorists would reorganize and re-emerge as a threat we'd have to deal with.
We had these people on the ropes. We could have wiped them out then. But Democrats
were howling every day demanding that we limit the rules of engagement and get out of
Iraq because of torture and all that, which Obama did. Democrats like Kerry, Reid,
Pelosi, and Obama got their way. And now we're paying the price for it.

What did we do? We elected a community organizer, best community organizer ever
and the guy can't even put together a coalition of allies to help us fight this bunch of
ragtags? What was it all worth, folks? Tell me.

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
WP: US Intelligence Agencies Remain Uncertain About Danger Posed by Islamic State [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"The Antarctic ice sheet has reached record levels in the midst of so-called climate
change and global warming. It's the same thing at the North Pole. Arctic ice sheet levels
are at record levels. The North Pole is supposed to have been melted by now, according
to Algore."
"You got to let 'em go at some point, right? It's like a kid, turning 'em loose, letting 'em
go at age 18. You got to let 'em go. Same thing with a cat."
"My brother David has a new book out. It's Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of
the Gospel. This is probably the book that he was intended to write his whole life. This is
the one he's been building up to."
"You can't tell a cat 'get off of that.' She won't listen. I mean, it's impossible."
"When you've got millions of iPhones already manufactured while your operating
system is still in beta, how does Apple get the new operating system on millions of new

phones that are already finished (the manufacturing process) and are boxed up in a
warehouse and all shrink-wrapped?"
"The Bible claims it has the power of converting people if they'll just give it a chance. If
you study the Bible and open your heart and mind to the Bible, I think you will see, like I
did, that it is the true, inspired, inerrant Word of God." -- David Limbaugh
"I got a great idea for a new either cable TV show or syndicated TV show called NFL
Court. We take on Judge Judy but we only deal with crimes in the NFL. I'll be the judge.
Judge Rush, NFL Court. I'll be happy to do it."
"One year ago, our beloved Punkin the cat passed away. Our new kitten, Allie, has a
completely different personality. Folks, she's a lunatic. We tried confining her to two
rooms, but we finally gave her run of the whole house. Now we see what happens."
"I've got the biggest collection of Americans at my disposal that anybody has."
"Everybody knows men don't think with their brains. Not the one in their heads,
"Seduction used to be an art. Now of course it's brutish and it's predatory and it's bad."
"If you study theology, your faith will be enhanced. You may even become transformed
from a nonbeliever to a believer. The Bible's the Word of God, give it a chance, it will
shock your socks off. It will knock your pants off. I'm so excited about the Bible. I know I
sound like a nerd. I'm not one of these charismatic type of Christians, but I firmly believe
the Bible is the Word of God, and I'm excited about it and I want to be contagious in my
enthusiasm." -- David Limbaugh
"The Democrats are facing electoral disaster in November. In their minds they've got
two things they can do that might mitigate the size of their upcoming defeat and maybe
even turn it into a victory in terms of keeping the Senate, and that is the race card and,
believe it or not, the War on Women."
"I can't believe that a guy who ran for president on the premise that he was the best
community organizer out there can't put together a coalition. I mean, what good is it
electing a community organizer if the guy can't organize a bunch of allies to join us
fighting evil? What a waste! What an absolute waste."

When Will Europe Awaken?

From a friend: Everyone needs to see this video. Note remarks below of the person who sent it to
me. What he or I feel is unimportant. What you feel is. At least see this video before solidifying your
own position. Perhaps youre not concerned about Islamic militancy. Perhaps you feel its still
remote. It doesnt seem remote to me. I feel its the greatest threat to western civilization, Christians
and Jews.

This is a bit long. 15 minutes. You can watch a part and get the idea or watch the entire
video which is mainly short clips of Islam Imams and Sheiks telling the world how Islam

will overcome all and bring the world to Islam and Sharia law. Christians will be at best
second class citizens, Jews are to be exterminated (not in those exact words but the
meaning is clear). ANY land, e.g. Andalusia in Spain, or the Balkans in Europe or Israel,
which was once ruled by Islamic rule is land to be reconquered and brought back to

Europe is targeted, with clear reference to certain cities and countries, as is America and
the countries of North and South America. In effect, this video shows a declaration of
war against the Catholic Church which in one clip is called the Crusaders (BTW: Does the
Pope and other Christian leaders understand this?).

Effectively we are being told HOW WE WILL BE CONQURED AND RULED WHILE WE IN

If you think this is not WAR then think again. There are, as is said in this video, different
ways and means of waging war: Bullets, Bombs and Births. Europe has a declining birth
rate (other than the Muslims) and America barely holds its own at 2 children per family.

I believe that the Muslims will win. Why? Because they are determined and committed
to win. Muslim youth have a, pardon the expression, a Messianic fervor to succeed by
ANY means, including sacrificing their lives in one way or another. The majority (not all)
of Christians and Jews do not have this resolve or commitment, to their religion or to
their country any longer. WE live in a relativistic, ego-centric, secular society that not
only allows, but praises the most profane while condemning and shunning any aspect of
religion or G-d. I dont care how strong we are militarily, our military alone will not save
us. Eventually we will fall because we lost the grace of G-d by our societal actions. The
further we move away from the Torahs teachings (The Bible for Christians) the more we
go to the unholy; the other side from G-d. Eventually G-d will have his due. I really dont
meant to sound like a preacher from the Bima or the pulpit, but if you look at the rise
and fall of nation states and empires the lack of a moral compass and fortitude plays a
large part in their demise.


Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 12:41 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLVII
[GOP, Midterms, Corbett, Log-Cabin, Holocaust-Education, Cruz, Kurdistan, Heritage-Action]

A tremendous number of events transpired during recent days, as the acute file has again grown to
100+ items requiring scrutiny; on the one hand, little can be done about many international concerns
[other than to ensure underlying forces are understood] but, on the other hand, much can be done
about many national concerns [e.g., promoting Ted Cruz] and, certainly much can be done about
statewide concerns [e.g., promoting Tom Corbett+. This set of Blast e-mails encompasses info that
merits preservation, some of which has been individually uploaded [so as not to glut the text]; again,
critique is invited, for many rather-sweeping judgments are encompassed herein [e.g., recognizing the
need to declare war against worldwide Islamism and then to strategize accordingly+. A number of
people told me last night that they enjoy reading these distillations [@ the MontCo GOP Dinner];
everyone is reminded to fact-check everything herein and to remit necessary feedback. {Rather than
copy/paste extended-essays that arrive solely via e-mail, scribd is being used more oftenalthough
those that require annotation will continue to be reprinted intact.}

Newsletter by Ted Cruz

[I handed him my business-card, but
I suspect you can subscribe directly to his or via Facebook.
I called both the Constitution Center and CBS
regarding a podcast of his extemporaneous speech;
the former wont do it because CBS rented the space,
and the contact-person @ the latter hasnt yet called-back.
Id spoken to the tech-crew to confirm a video was being obtained;
thus, if necessary, Ill simply try to obtain it directly via Teds D.C. office.+

It is desirable to report [somewhat cagily] what has been occurring statewide, following conversations
principally with Neil Oxman [a Dem strategist, speaking before a largely-Dem audience sponsored by the
Committee of 70] and with Bob Asher [a National GOP Committeeman, speaking after the MCRC
Dinner+; the information accrued *from both parties, as articulated by both parties+ meshed, with the
key-point being the intent of Dems to localize the mid-terms. The former suggested the Dem-margin
in Philly may be lower than in 12, but that compensation is anticipated in the ring-counties; the latter
provided substantial replies to multiple pointed concerns regarding the gubernatorial contest, after
having delivered a litany of Corbett-achievements that was far more cogently conveyed than Corbett
himself had accomplished when speaking in April @ the PA Leadership Conference. In the process,
amplifying on the Corbett-Wolf-Comparison was necessary regarding education [noting Corbett
increased funding annually] and the pension-bomb [noting Wolf would simply float a bondessentially,
delayed taxationto underwrite its excesses, rather than reforming the process]; overall, Asher was
doggedly upbeat and, after having chatted with a few people candidly, it was felt that his optimism was

heartfelt *not an act+ because he feels that the electoratewhen gauging the implicationswill vote
R. ,Personal note: Although I can appreciate Ashers logic, were Wolf to win, Id be annoyed, but I
wouldnt harbor a sense of foreboding that enveloped me after BHOs double-wins; perhaps Id feel
otherwise were Pennsylvania to harbor a foreign policy!-

The BATTLE FOR THE SENATE is now distilled at 47-45 favoring the Rs with most of the
contested seats currently Dem-held, as previously discussed; Charlie Cook has
concluded, The odds of Republicans scoring a net gain of seven, eight, or more seats
have gone down, but in my judgment a net gain of sixthe minimum number they need
for a Senate majorityremains pretty likely. Harry Reids plot to keep the Senate
entails avoiding unpopular votes [to protect incumbents], holding populist-votes [to
embolden Dems], functioning as a lightning-rod [to help Dems keep races local], and
enhancing $-raising [to help the most vulnerable]. {In response, Cruz pledged $250K to
NRSC, as part of an effort by the freshman to go all-in as Republicans battle to retake
the Senate.}

On the one hand, this doesnt take into account the fact that the
Kansas-race may tighten [with the Dem now ruled not to be on the
ballot, prompting Dems to vote for the Indy], although it may be
presumed that Wolf-supporters will migrate back to Roberts, in a state
where Romney got 60% of the vote; on the other hand, this doesnt take
into account a Denver-Post Poll that found Cory Gardner leads Mark
Udall by 8 points *outlier or GOP wave?+ and Georgia Senate shows
Perdue (R) 46%, Nunn (D) 41%.

Overall, the key reason why the Rs may be surging is that Voters Trust Republicans
More Than Democrats on Nine Out of 15 Major Issues, while Voters See War on
Women As Politics, Not Reality. For example, regarding ObamaDontCare, Voters Still
Think Cost, Quality of Care Will Worsen Under Obamacare and, thus, 44 percent of likely
voters in states and districts with tight races want to see the ACA repealed (down from
48 percent in May, but still a lot), but most respondents said they want Congress to
either fix it (38 percent) or move on entirely, with only 17 percent saying the law is fine
as is; furthermore, it will be instructive to note the effect on Franken after people learn
that the Leading Minnesota Obamacare insurer left market, particularly noting that
Voters Think Overworked U.S. Troops Will Soon Be Fighting In Iraq. [Most voters believe
the U.S. military has too many missions and think it's likely that fighting in Iraq will soon
be another job for it to do; but while Obama is sending 3500 military personnel to Africa
to fight Ebola, voters say patrolling the border to prevent illegal immigration would be a
better use for those forces.]

In this environment, its not surprising that the blame-game might be starting among the Dems,
manifest for example as Dems turning on Debbie Wasserman Schultz to set-up blaming the Party
if/when an electoral-tsunami occurs [instead of the culprit @ 1600]; lukewarm support has been
extended by Reid, for example, who simply said her fate is up to Obama. [Furthermore, it seems Liberals
seethe over Hillary as well, reflecting generalized discontent.] A locally-prominent Dem summarized his
view of BHO *he placed America in the middle of quicksand, disappeared, and then advised that we
stare @ moon+; I disagreed with him when he averred BHO is bored by citing prior observations
[corroborated repeatedly by Rush], for he remains dangerous, relentlessly trying to change America

most recently by opening the borders to future-Dem voters [not just from Mexico, but also from the
Middle East]. NBC Host Chuck Todd said Obama is On The Verge Of Doing Jimmy Carter-Like Damage
To The Democratic Party; although 'MEET THE PRESS' Fell Back To Third In Todd's Second Week, he will
probably do better than his predecessor because he projects harboring insider-knowledge [despite
having gamed the system via choice of the liberal political-panel, including faux-Rs like Morning Joe

It may be recalled that listening to a half-hour summary of Congressional activities c/o
Heritage Action has been repeatedly advised *Mondays @ 5:30 p.m. - Dial-in number:
1-800-757-3718]; the call-notes for the most recent Sentinel Strategy Call are as follows:

Heritage wanted to stop passage of the continuing resolution designed
to fund government through the November elections because of the
desire to separate-out its components [a 9-month renewal for the
Export-Import Bank and funding for Syrian rebels+; the former must
be reauthorized and smacks of crony-capitalism [Boeing], and the latter
forced Congress to make a decision on this complex, complicated
policy issue as the administration simultaneously invoked the specter of
a government shutdown. [To preserve the members from undue
duress, a Syria debate/vote will occur after the mid-terms.] Instead,
Heritage would halt the flow of foreign fighters by disrupting pipeline
operations in Turkey and other countries of transit where fighters
stage to move in and out of the Syria-Iraq theatre and would prioritize
arming the Kurds; driving the Islamic State from Iraq is fundamental to
diminishing its capabilities. {Paul slammed the Syria plan, claiming its
illegal and unconstitutional, as Hearings will be held so as to scrutinize a
U.S. military campaign.}

Internet Sales Tax: The CR contained a two-month extension of the
Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA), preventing states and localities from
imposing taxes on internet access (sometimes called e-mail taxes).
This places the expiration of ITFA right in the middle of a lame duck
session. ITFA has enjoyed widespread support since it was first enacted
in 1998. In fact, the House recently passed a bill [H.R. 3086] making the
moratorium permanent, by a simple voice vote. The companion bill is
sponsored and championed in the Senate by the Chairman of the
Finance Committee, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR). Despite this clear mandate
for a permanent extension, pro-internet sales tax members of the
Senate are holding a permanent solution hostage to try to jam through
their unpopular tax on internet sales, ironically known as the
Marketplace Fairness Act. Sensing that the time was not quite right to
try their internet sales tax gambit in weeks before an important national
election, the members engaged in a strategic retreat on the issue,
calculating that their best chance of passing their plan would be with a
short-term extension of ITFA that pushed the issue into the lame duck.

The Town Hall Update notably excludes any publicly-announced event
c/o Mike Fitzpatrick, an issue about which I queried him last month

because of his pledge to hold such events monthly when he ran in 10
[issued during a stormy event hosted by then-Rep. Murphy in
Middletown @ which I gently/firmly confronted the incumbent with his
having avoided such openness]. Mike said security/heckler concerns
prompt his office to provide only short-term advance-warning to limited
numbers of constituents, usually those residing in the vicinity.

Note that Heritage-Action is unique in its having galvanized true-conservatives and
having IDed the RINOs; details regarding how they score the Reps have been learned
over the years and can be conveyed succinctly, for they take into account distinctions
that that truly differentiate those who focus on Wall/K St. preferentially over Main St.

SCOTUS Justice Ginsburg allegedly Violated the Judicial Code of Conduct when she said that there will
be some urgency for the Supreme Court to act promptly if the Sixth District Court of Appeals backs
banning gay marriage but, if it rules in favor of same-sex marriage, she said theres plenty of time for the
high court to weigh-in.

Sherkoh Abbas, President of the Kurdistan National Assembly *with whom Ive written a
few essays during the past half-decade, with the most-recent advocating an
independent Kurdistan] is displeased with BHO/Kerry. Instead of supporting the Kurds,
BHO is spending $1 billion supporting training [by Saudi Arabia, which has supported
terrorism via promotion of Wahhabism+ of moderates in the Free Syrian Army; the
FSA has unvetted components that, in the past, included fighters who ended up
supporting the Islamic State [which despises Kurds and Jews].

Meanwhile, the demography is changing as Kurds are subject to ethnic
cleansing; if defeated, the Kurds would be forcibly resettled among
Arabs and thereby lose their distinctive identity. Providing sporadic air-
support *recalling the plight of the Azidis+ is grossly insufficient
against the Islamic State. Not only has BHO not demanded that other
Arab nations and opposition-groups condemn specifically the actions by
ISIS directed at the Kurds, but Congressional legislation [promoted by
BHO] failed to place conditions on how Iraq might send aid to the Kurds.

Apparently, aid cannot be provided directly by law, in Iraq, to Kurds; furthermore,
authorization is needed [within 60 days, now] for military activity to be extended into
Syria. Indeed, BHOs Turkish pal Erdoan *along with Qatar+ have supported the Islamic
State and hasnt helped the Kurds. Through it all, it seems that BHO/Kerry would have
Kurds become soldiers for Arabs and Islamists, ignoring the interests of the Kurds.

Levity is surely needed under these circumstances; listen to a Violinist play classical music to punctuate
video-game. The fun theory web-site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the
easiest way to change peoples behavior for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for
something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that its change for the better. This is proudly
sponsored by VW, which makes Audi, which I drive; this says something positive about the qualities
exuded by this auto manufacturer.

Political Bullet-Points:

Higher-Education-Oversight is needed to guard against insinuation of anti-Semitic/anti-Israel curricula;
this will be of-interest as the Mandatory Holocaust Education plans are formulated/implemented.
Log Cabin Republicans are not just focused on LGBTQ-related issues, and efforts are ongoing to promote
their existence in PA; I joined, despite the fact that Im heterosexual, to support their agenda.
Biden says 'Shylocks' comment was 'poor choice of words' and Biden, at womens event, praised Senator
Bob Packwood who was forced to resign over sexual harassment claims; as a result, hes portrayed as
the crazy uncle who lives in the attic, as the Liberal press says his gaffes make him 'real.'
Much of this weeks Goldberg-File essay *composed in 12+ lambastes No Labels [a lib-entity that Rep.
Mike Fitzpatrick lionizes], it is copied intact for stand-alone scrutiny; Jonah was spot-on, both regarding
the misuse of clichs and the specific flaws that emerge when this particular non-partisan front-group
employs them.
Former-DA Abraham Announced Intent to Run for Mayor of Philly
This weeks Tobacco Harm Reduction Update [by Bill Godshall / Smokefree Pennsylvania] again
emphasizes the utility of e-cigs.
Project Veritas has been investigating [voter] corruption in Texas.
IRSs Koskinen: Hard Drive Crashes Continue As We Speak
Rush-Limbaugh continues to function as a thought-experiment trail-blazer, as evidenced by his having
noted that BHOs WH is claiming the NFL Needs to 'Get a Handle' on Domestic Violence Problems; sadly,
he notes the NFL hasnt done his bidding *when retaining the Redskins name, for example+ and, thus,
has established itself as a political target.
CNNs Tapper to Carney: 'You Dont Work for White House Anymore, You Can Be Frank.'
As America Celebrated 200 Years of 'The Star-Spangled Banner'a Super Cool Sunset resembled- A Star
Spangled Sky.
Godfather Rahm canceled plan to name Chicago school after Obama over community outrage
Air Force dumped 'so help me God' in its pledge
Public University Requires Students to Submit Their Sexual History


Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 5:34 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLVIII
[Kurdistan, Islamism, Illegals, Corbett, Cruz, Midterms, POTUS-'16, Media, Dershowitz]

Although hardly a dent was made in the accumulated database, it was desirable to distribute the prior
Blast e-mail and this compilation; in the face of incomplete hyperlink-grazing, the trade-off is the
ability to return to vital topics [vide infra]. This is replete with potential action-items worth pursuing
AND with entreaties that merit feed-back [such as interest in promoting Log Cabin Republican in SE-PA];
illustrative of why the latter is of particular import is the Keynote Address from Mary Cheney at the Log
Cabin Republicans 2014 Spirit of Lincoln Event, which admixed social and non-social concerns.

If it was overlooked, hyperlink into the reprinted Newsletter of Sen. Ted Cruz and listen
to the podcast of his Wednesday-speech uploaded @ CBS-1210-a.m.; still unclear is how
(or whether) a video will be provided (noting he had used posters to amplify his speech).
This Philly appearance, predictably, was orchestrated by Colin Hanna *Im told+, the
populist-patrician from Chester County [national leader of Let Freedom Ring+ who told
me a fortnight ago how much he appreciates the gift of Rubio but who was beaming
(as was his wife) after the Cruz-speech focused on the First Amendment. Predictably,
Senate Dems Blocked Ted Cruz Bill Revoking U.S. Citizenship of Terrorists.}

Also, consult an urgent-update regarding Kurdistan, composed by invoking input
contained in an interview of Dr. Sherkoh Abbas published a few days ago in the
Jerusalem Post, which will appear on three internet platforms; also notable are his Q&A;
Sherkoh also spoke on the Lisa Benson Show prior to flying to Europe for 10 days.

Finally, noting that Sharyl Attkisson, who feels CBS was 'Sinister' when Censoring Stories
Because They Don't Trust the Public, will speak here on 11/13 [c/o CBS-owned WPHT!].

{Of course, it is advised that drudge and breitbart be skimmed for additional, topical observations, only
some of which can be captured herein; the goal here is to emphasize threads through multiple articles.}

As I muttered in the prior Blast e-mail, the speech delivered by Bob Asher @ the
MCRC-Dinner was stellar; its support for Corbett is amplified by an Ex-State Rep. who
noted that Rendell under-funded pensions while Corbett has demonstrated strong fiscal
responsibility throughout, as evinced via a terse cross-walk [Corbett-Wolf-Comparison].
Also, in retrospect, it appears the extra-$ generated via the gasoline-tax hike was a
necessary intervention, noting that the PA TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM is 41

Another reminder of Sandusky emerged Friday, as Penn State trustees
vowed to seek a new common ground on, of all things, the Freeh
Report; Corbett wont hold an endless press-conference regarding this
issue ( la Christies BridgeGate performance) because the conviction
speaks for itself and other considerations Ive raised are candidly felt
to be dwarfed by the issues of competence and taxes. Saturday, during

the blow-out win against U-Mass, JoePa was honored by the fans; also,
Rendell said he was never told about Sandusky.

The dear-reader may not be able to appreciate the abject-glee experienced as Asher
handled with aplomb an extended-barrage of bullet-points at the end of the event
(unleashed by yours-truly, as a half-dozen committee-people listened in abject-awe)
eyeball-to-eyeball-to-eyeball-to-eyeball; grass-root concerns were corroborated by
the guy-at-the-top and gentle-suggestions (well, some not so gentle) were absorbed.
He even politely suggested that he might have phrased differently points in these
Blast e-mails (which means they are read!), but he appreciated shared-goals therein;
for example, after he achieves his $12-million $-raising goal in his statewide travels
(rapidly approaching, despite its still being September), more of the ideas I proffered
(such as messaging the absence of scandal in the Corbett Administration, the sound
of a hand not clapping if you will) will be, perhaps, included in the campaign.

Alan M. Dershowitz was reportedly a riot on Red Eye with Gutfeld on Friday @ 3 a.m.; he bashed liberal
colleges for taking PC too far and for being anti-Israel; [after having yelled @ him @ Penn] it was
suggested that Id had a great influence on him, for he continues to spew-forth unabashedly pro-Israel
columns [and, now, a book]. Today, SiriusXM Launched a Limited-Run six-episode Series with Dershowitz
beginning September 21 [10:00 am - Noon E.T. on Indie Channel 102]; "Debate Dershowitz" features
Famed Attorney [Author, Libertarian, Activist and Harvard Law professor] Leading Vigorous Discussions
on a broad spectrum of Topics with an Emphasis on Domestic and International Politics. I was his first
caller, but I never got to the key-question [whether he is finally poised to repudiate BHO] because,
instead, I reacted to two points hed made; I touted the Cruz-speech *the remedy for horrible speech is
more speech+ and I advised that GitMo shouldnt be closed until the war on Islamism has been won.

It is desirable to be reminded of what Rs are up against when dealing with the media.
Although it is difficult to listen to MSNBCs Al Sharpton *the latest: FERGUSON
ARRESTED], I flipped to him during a break [on FNC] and noted his rendition of the
murderer of a PA-State-Trooper; he simply converted the narrative into a linkage of his
anti-Government postures with those of the Republicans *via the TEA (Taxed Enough
Already) Party Movement+. In this regard, Cruzs opening-of-his-speech definition of
Politics is in-order *Poly = many and Tics = blood-sucking parasites+, recalling
how Sharpton has tried to suck Americas lifeblood whenever possible. Whereas FNC
devoted a few sentences to disseminating awareness of the manhunt immediately prior
to the first commercial *@ ~6:12 p.m.+, CNNs Wolf Blitzer also aired extensive
discussion of the ins/outs of this random-shooting; what this triggers is far less coverage
of other issues probed in-depth on FNC [such as the Scottish voting result which will
maintain the NATO alliance and avoid fragmentation/erosion of the EU]. {Also, a
reminder of how the Dems politicize everything is the claim by Ed Rendell that Roger
Goodell (and Chris Christie) are liars; this is c/w the aforementioned attack on the NFL
by BHOs minions, despite the fact that polling suggests fans *even women+ are quite
satisfied with watching NFL-games [regardless of off-field shenanigans].


Super Cool Sunset resembled- A Star Spangled Sky
*reprinted for those who didnt follow the hyperlink+

A vital consideration when handicapping the mid-terms is the contrast in the quality of candidates,
particularly when compared with prior Congressional races; it seems the Dems are saddled with
candidates of Murdoch-quality, such as Begich [who sold-Out Alaska For Harry Reid's Campaign Cash]
and Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis [who Melted Down and Talked Over Moderator During
Debate, notwithstanding Joe Bidens prediction that Wendy Davis Is Going to Win in Texas]. In Colorado,
noting that Obama Dragged Senator Mark Udall Below GOP Challenger Cory Gardner, there is some
controversy regarding Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO), as he accused Dems of supporting policies that have
blocked jobs, hurt the poor, sold out the most vulnerable amongst us, and have left too many behind
during the Republican Partys weekly address; it is claimed that this Former Tea Partier [Cory Gardner]
Has Betrayed His Conservative Principles, although evidence seems sparse. Also, note that John Boltons
Super PAC to Spend $5 Million Online in Key Senate Races and that DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST Joe Trippi
SPEECHES. {In other news, the Massachusetts Governor race is tied [Baker (R) 42%, Coakley (D) 42%].}

Nevertheless, despite inter alia a OBAMA WH that is 'CENTRALIZEDINSULAR,' Rove
feels a GOP Senate Majority Is Still in Doubt because inter alia, since Sept. 1, Dems have
run or placed $109 million in TV ads to the Republicans' $80 million [with this lament
having been lambasted because, AFTER DECLARING WAR ON TEA PARTY, KARL ROVE
Dem-Beckel predicted an 'October Surprise' is Coming. {It is instructive to note that the
POLLINGAS A NON-ISSUE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE; its motives may be suspect but,
frankly, anything recalling the evils of Big Government would enhance the Brown
campaign against Sheehan.}

Also note that the Dems are behaving predictably [Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly's Gun Control Group
Targets Pro-Gun Candidates in NH], even as the Dems are Stuck while the GOP Wages Three Front War
[negative Democrat ads, no unifying message, and a disaffected conservative base that is compromising
$-raising]. GOP candidates are criticizing Obama for his handling of the growing threat of the Islamic
State, with some warning of additional vulnerabilities from an unsecured border; indeed, the GOP
[Sessions] views Senate Dems as Lemmings for Obama Palace Guard Harry Reid.


Overall, Gallup reports is Immigration Top Issue for Republicans, Threefold Increase
Among Americans; this may explain why the NRSC Touted Sessions Anti-Amnesty Vote
and Attacked Vulnerable Dems for Flip-Flops; in a bit of a turn-around, the National
Republican Senatorial Committee is continuing its effort to paint Senate Democrats
facing reelection as being in favor of executive amnesty. Furthermore, a NYT Poll found
that the Plurality is Less Likely to Vote for Pro-Amnesty Candidates and Ingraham
predicted that 'Immigration Could Be to 2016 What Obamacare Was to 2010.' Amazingly
and ominously, however, Boehner Touted Immigration Reform, claiming 'The Sooner
We Do It The Better.' {Meanwhile, a Poll found the Plurality Support Tea Party.}

Dems and their acolytes are on the defensive, and some appear to be decompensating:
Poll: Majority Believes Obama 'Weak Leader'
Mary Burke, the Democratic candidate challenging incumbent Republican Scott Walker
in this fall's Wisconsin gubernatorial election, approved the release of a jobs plan that, it
now turns out, contains numerous passages plagiarized from the jobs plans of several
recent Democratic gubernatorial candidates in other states and at least one passage
plagiarized from an Obama White House press release.
Left-Wing 'Journolist'-Like Group: Hillary Should Be 'Punished' for Supporting War and
Wall Street
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was publicly supported by Valerie Jarrett, Nancy Pelosi and
BHO, suggesting that she is actually on the defensive.
Jeffrey Goldberg, an elite leftwing journalist, compared Palin to a burqa-wearing Taliban
supporter brandishing a pistol, even as Sarah Palin is to Speak at Values Voter Summit
Barbra Streisand: America 'Advanced' Under Obama, Says Leader Doing Good Job
DOJ and Media Matters Coordinated Hit on Breitbart's Boyle
Eric King was charged with attempting to firebomb U.S. Congressman's Emanuel
Cleaver's Kansas City office on September 11 but, after law enforcement found a letter
in his apartment that railed against capitalism and war [suggesting the alleged
firebomber is a leftist], this incident is receiving absolutely no national media coverage.
Politico: Fareed Zakaria Plagiarized. Period.
More Fareed Zakaria Plagiarism Charges: Watchdogs Found 26 New Instances on CNN
Shylock & Wongs: 3 Incidents of Democrat Bigotry In 3 Weeks - Media Mum
Trust in Media Returns to All-Time Low
Poll: Black & White Ferguson Residents Agree - Media Made Things Worse
Huffington Post Turns to Crowdfunding for Continuous Ferguson Coverage
Media Matters and HuffPo Lied About Elisabeth Hasselbeck 'Connecting' NFL, Benghazi
Networks Reported Bush 2006 Low Approval Numbers 13 Times More Than Obamas
2014 Numbers
Rosie ODonnell Unaware of Charles Krauthammer

POTUS-16 politics are heating-up; regarding Dems, Hillary Clinton is 'Embarassed' US Won't Sign Liberal
UN Treaty, while previously unpublished correspondence between Hillary Clinton and the late left-wing
organizer Saul Alinsky reflected her fealty to the controversial Chicago activist. Regarding Rs:

Rick Perry Defends In-State Tuition for Illegals, Despite Tough Border Talk
Rand Paul sharpened 2016 pitch

Sen Rand Paul: 'Chaos Breeds Terrorism' in the Middle East
Chris Christie: 'No Shock to Me' Feds Found No Bridgegate Connection
Christie was radiating confidence about a presidential run: "Christie is busy these days
raising money for [the Republican Governors Association, of which he is chair]. But in
those meetings, he's telling some of the donors that he's all but decided that he's going
to go for it in 2016. He believes that he's survived the bridge scandal -- that when the
dust settles on all the investigations, he'll be in the clear; that they don't have anything
on him; and he strongly believes that it's not an obstacle. ... He also continues to believe
that the field is weak and nobody has filled the space that he occupied before the
scandal erupted. "He hasn't, however, figured out a good way to preview how he's
going to explain away the constant [state-debt] downgrade problem that he faces (New
Jersey just had its eighth downgrade). A number of donors have commented on that.
Lots of these donors are businesspeople: They get the issue of downgrades -- it's not
some arcane policy issue for them. So they are more tuned in to this obstacle than they
are on other issues -- more so than, I think, Christie fully appreciates."

Regarding Illegals, the situation keeps getting worse [here and abroad]:
Britain, France Agree Steps to Tackle UK-Bound Illegal Immigrants
FEDS MUM ON PROSECUTION OF ILLEGALS; the federal government refuses to say
whether prosecutors in Yuma, Arizona, have scaled back a years-old program that
guarantees jail time for most immigrants caught crossing the border illegally and which
law enforcement officials say is crucial to public safety.
Immigration Agents: ISIS May Exploit America's Weakened Immigration System to
Attack U.S.
474 Illegals from Terror-Linked Countries Apprehended in 2014
Protests to block southern border entry ports
Interruptions planned from TX to CA
Border Sheriffs Brace For Militia Action
Islamic terrorists operating in Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez
AZ Sheriff: Obama Flat-Out Lying About Releasing Criminal Illegal Immigrants
President of Zuckerberg Pro-Amnesty Group Resigned
Senate Dems Voted to Authorize Obama Exec Amnesty, Siding with Masters of Universe
over US Workers and Sovereignty
Luis Gutierrez: After WH Asked for 'Forbearance,' We Demanded Interest & Broader
Exec Amnesty
Former Immigration Worker Sentenced for Stealing, Selling Gov't Immigration Forms to
Aid Illegals
Boehner Touted Immigration Reform: 'The Sooner We Do It The Better'
DOJ Silent about whether Holder Barred AZ Officials from Prosecuting Illegal Immigrants

Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott said he is preparing to sue
the Obama administration to recuperate the money spent by the state dealing with the
recent border crisis.

Regarding Domestic policy:
Americans don't know much about politics or government
Baylor University Student Senate Approved Concealed Carry On Campus
Obama Admin Admitted Obamacare Figures Inflated
Just 28 Percent of Subsidy-Eligible Individuals Signed Up for Obamacare
Obamacare Creator: Die at 75!
Lawsuit: Taxpayer Funding of Common Core Unconstitutional
Green Bay Catholic Diocese Backed-Away from Common Core
Texas State Education Board Passes Resolution to Stop Redesigned AP US History
Pro-Common Core Texas Military Ed Group Supports AP Course That Erases Military from US History
Peter Thiel: 'Liberal Consensus' in Education 'Crazy'
U.S. Higher Education Act Funding Anti-Semitism at UCLA
Billionaire Mike Bloomberg: 'Economy In Very Good Shape'
Fed's Achievement: Rich Getting Richer, Poor Getting Poorer, Middle Class Being Squeezed
The Washington, D.C. region is the nation's Boomtown, and it is not even close.
Gohmert Introduced Bill to Get Feds out of School Cafeterias

Regarding Israel:
Senate unanimously passed legislation declaring Israel "major strategic partner," sets stage for
enhanced cooperation across range of issues
Gazans Speak Out: Hamas War Crimes
Jerusalem is in danger
Border Guard thwarted Jerusalem terror attack
Elliott Abrams [in What Now for Israel?] demonstrated why, despite the strong will of the United
States and Europe to broker a two-state solution, a formal peace remains out of reach; forty-seven years
after the Six-Day war, its time to conclude that, in the Middle East, there is nothing more permanent
than a temporary arrangement. Michael Doran *in What Now for the United States?+ demonstrated
why the task that matters most is countering the Islamic State and, especially, Iran.

Regarding domestic terrorism:
LAPD Chief Charlie Beck and his top counter-terrorism commanders met with Muslim leaders night at an
Exposition Park mosque to discuss the rise of Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) amid concerns that the terrorist
group would launch attacks and recruit members in the United States
Al-Qaeda Cell from Bin Laden's Bomb Experts Is ISIS-Level Threat to US
Breitbart's Gorka: Watching ISIS Beheadings Necessary to 'Know the Enemy'

Regarding Islamism:
Clash of Civilizations Islamism vs. Western Civilization
POLITICO: The Collapse of Arab Civilization
[The Outbreak of the First World War and its Consequences for Western Civilization]

Rebels seized Yemeni government headquarters
Yemen Government Signs Peace Deal with Shiites
Bill Clinton: Obama Should Have Armed Syrian Rebels Years Ago
Hamas-Backing Qatar Contracted Top Flight Public Relations Firm to Improve Ties with US
New ISIS Video Uses Hostage as Spokesman
Qatar is Funding the Rise of Radical Islam
Intercepted Conversation Prompts Security Increase at Vatican
Security stepped up at Vatican over fears of terror attack
Turkey may open door for Muslim Brotherhood brass
Turkey Took-in Over 60,000 Syrian Refugees
Turkey Secures Release of Hostages Held by Islamic State
Turkish Nurse: 'I Am Sick of Treating Wounded ISIL Militants'
U.S. to Deliver 10 Apache Helicopters to Egypt
El-Sissi: Egypt Will Give Any Support Necessary in Fight Against ISIS
Saudi to Restore Egypt's 'Beacon of Moderate Islam'
Gunmen in Pakistan Kill Professor who Faced Blasphemy Accusations
NY DAILY NEWS: Shocking Anti-Jihad Ad Campaign Coming to Buses, Subways
Australia on High Alert following Foiled Islamic State Terror Plot
Belgium Thwarts Jihadist Attacks: Report
Iran, Six Powers Set for 'Very Tough' Nuclear Talks
UN Condemned Iran for Beatings, Abuse of Jailed Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini
Islamic State Plot in Australia Raises Questions
Women's Groups Slam 'Discriminatory' UK Advice Endorsing Sharia Wills
Al-Qaeda Cell from Bin Laden's Bomb Experts Is ISIS-Level Threat to US
Pope Met with Armenian President
Nigerian Military Captures Boko Haram Top Commander
Syria Reveals Previously Undeclared Chemical Weapons Facilities
Unity Government Deal Struck By Presidential Candidates in Afghanistan
Fierce Fighting in Yemeni Capital Kills 120
Yemen Violence May Be Proxy Between Iran and Muslim Brotherhood
France Strikes Islamic State Group's Depot in Iraq
16 Kurdish Towns in Syria Fall to Islamic State
Who's Who in Coalition to Defeat Islamist Extremists
Turkey Admitted 66,000 Refugee Kurds from Syria as Mideast Realignment Continues
Deadly ISIS Attack Targets Shiite Areas In and Around Baghdad
Experts: ISIS Destroying Ancient Archaeological Sites to Sell Artifacts on Black Market
UK Journalist Appears as Hostage in ISIS Video
Farage: Multiculturalism Leads to Citizens Fighting for ISIS
Rotherham's Embattled Head of Children's Services 'On Sick Leave'
Rotherham Childcare Chief Quit Over Mass Sex Abuse Scandal - The head of children's services at
Rotherham council has finally quit after weeks of pressure from politicians and members of the public
following a report that detailed the abuse of over 1,400 children in the town over a 16-year period.
Many of the abusers were Muslim, leading to accusations that the authorities refused to act due to
political correctness and fear of being labeled "racist." Roger Stone, the Labour leader of the council also

resigned over the report, while council chief executive Martin Kimber has said he will leave his job in
Memo to the BBC: The 'Far Right' Did Not Decapitate David Haines nor Rape 1400 Girls in Rotherham -
Here is the news: in Australia, a plot by Islamic State sympathisers to capture random members of the
public and chop their heads off has been foiled by security services; in Syria, two Americans and a British
hostage have been beheaded by an Islamist nicknamed Jihadi John - and another innocent Briton (a taxi
driver captured while working for an aid convoy) has been told he is next on the list; across Britain, in
the aftermath of the Rotherham enquiry, more and more evidence is emerging that in towns and cities
all over the country mostly underage white girls have been systematically groomed, raped and trafficked
by organized Muslim gangs, with the complicity of local government authorities, charity workers, police
officers and the broader Muslim community.
Ex-CIA Director Woolsey Discussed post-Cold War Threats, Defends Defector
Fmr Clinton CIA Chief Woolsey: 'Big Mistake' to Rule Out Boots on the Ground
Panetta says US paying the price for not arming Syrian rebels
ISIS Release 'Chat-Show' Style Video Starring British Hostage John Cantlie
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power refused to specify what other nations will
contribute to the coalition.
Pirro: U.S. Not Prepared or Ready for ISIS
Obamas Prescription: More Troops for Ebola Than Islamic State
Syria kept 'significant' chemical weapons
Syria chemical weapons store attacked by rockets
Alleged ISIS Photo Controversy Engulfs Sen. John McCain
The 12 Republicans who Voted Against Arming Syrian Rebels
The 71 Republicans Who Voted Against Arming Rebels In Syria
GOP Rep: Syria Vote a Public Acknowledgement of What U.S. Already Doing
Krauthammer: There isn't a coalition in ISIS fight
Dem Rep Calls Obama's Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels 'Lame'
During the White House press briefing, National Security Advisor Susan Rice abruptly left in the middle
of a question after confusing reporters with her announcement that Obama was going ahead with air
strikes in Syria.
John McCain, Elizabeth O'Bagy, and 'Allahu Akbar'
Obama Faces Questions on Prospect of Expanded War
Fox Host Bets WH Spokesman Every Penny I Will Ever Make That Saudis Wont Send Ground Troops
Against ISIS
CONFUSION: Suggested Iran could lead fight
Corker's Criticisms Left Sen. Boxer 'Shaking and Trembling'
President personally to approve targets in Syria
House passed measure allowing Obama to arm Syrian rebels
Congressman Jim Himes explained lucidly why he opposed arming/training Syrian Rebels; these
sentiments are similar to those of Cruz, particularly with regard to the need to seek authorization to use
force in Syria; politically, the Dems dont want to think about declaring war against Islamists until after
the mid-terms.
Kurds Head to Syria from Turkey to Fight Militants
18 IS Jihadists Killed Fighting Syria Kurds: Monitor


Kerry averred America is at war with the enemy of Islam, which provided strange bedfellows.
THE SYRIA CAMPAIGN is vital because no campaign to destroy the Islamic State can succeed without
waging a campaign on both sides of an Iraqi-Syrian border that the terrorist group long ago erased in the
name of its caliphate. The Islamic State's capital is in the Syrian city of Raqqa, which it has held for over a
year; it has recently scored major military victories against Bashar Assad's regime and moderate rebels
of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), particularly in the embattled city of Aleppo.
Kerry/Clinton Lambasted in Commentary-Mag two articles also destroy anything positive x -decade

Regarding Putin:
Russian Nuclear Bombers Buzzed Alaska, N. Europe; Bear H bomber runs were timed to Ukrainian leader
visit and Warplanes intentionally violated Swedish airspace
White House: Photo-Op with Ukrainian President 'Worth a Thousand Words' to Putin
Russian Thugs Attack BBC Reporters After Finding Evidence of New Ukraine Invasion
Russia Detained Lithuanian Fishing Vessel In International Waters
Despite the brutal civil war in Ukraine, pilgrims from around the world are continuing preparations for
their annual pilgrimage to the Jewish holy site of Uman, the burial place of hassidic leader Rebbe
Nachman of Breslov.
Nazi Gas Chambers Used in Poland Discovered during Archaeological Dig

Regarding Foreign Affairs:
Venezuela to Revoke Citizenship of Conservative Actress for Opposing Socialism - Cuban-Venezuelan
actress Maria Conchita Alonso has been at the forefront of the public opposition to the repressive
socialist policies of President Nicols Maduro. Now, the actress--also a Tea Party ally and vocal critic of
Sean Penn and Oliver Stone--may lose her Venezuelan citizenship over her political beliefs.
New Zealand PM's Centre-Right Party Set to Be Returned to Power

On Oct. 9, 1905, Teddy Roosevelt issued to football coaches an ultimatum:
reduce the violence or I'll abolish it by executive order.

Fifty Years Ago, The Phillies Suffered An Epic Collapse
Eagles Edge Out Redskins 37-34


Announcement: Good ideas must be implemented; thus, Citizens for Liberty is teaming with Campaign
for Liberty, the National Association for Gun Rights, and the Foundation for Applied Conservative
Leadership to yield a One-Day Political Leadership School on Saturday, September 27 in Norristown, PA.
Over the last 3 years, this school has trained over 4,000 activists in more than 35 states. Every one of our
instructors have years of experience running and winning campaigns and legislative projects in multiple
state legislatures. They will share their stories of what works (and what doesnt) during this information-
packed school; they will convey how to create meaningful change and how to be respected and feared
by politicians.


Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 8:55 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLIX
[Kurdistan, Islamists, Midterms, Illegals, BHO, Dems, GOP's-Civil-War, Media, Corbett, Rosh-HaShanah,

80 e-mails havent yet been scanned, but this has sufficient data to justify being disseminated. Thus,
Attachments have been generated *allowing this master memo to be limited to seven Word pages+.
Addressed in the Attachment are the following:
Morning Joltwith Jim Geraghty
Hey, Hey, BHO, How Much Did You Underestimate Our Foe?
Are Conservative Books Being Omitted From the New York Times Bestseller List?
A Fantastic Metaphor for 2014
Goodell & Barra: Students of the Obama Era of American Leadership

Republican Jewish Coalition

Rosh HaShanah
Orthodox Prayer
You were again provided lotsa data; of particular import was the instant-essay on Kurdistan [composed
Saturday, published Sunday] that integrated insights drawn from prior readings that were subsequently
corroborated as the Internet was mined for additional hyperlinks; the reader is invited to vet this 799-
word essay by skimming both the emphasized articles (and other data, such as todays Turkey: What
Ally? and retroactive anti-BHO claims by Panetta & Bill-Clinton) plus the full-length pieces detailing
Woolseys warnings, which were presaged when he spoke @ Mikvah Israel Synagogue in Center-City a
half-decade ago. [During the Q&A, I asked him for ideas as to how to disseminate warnings about Iran,
and he replied, I only wish I knew!+ Additional background *with which this piece was congruent+ has
been updated on multiple platforms that, due to time-constraints, have been skimmed rather than
scrutinized/digested in-depth; prior-postings are available @ Arlene Kushner; back-issues are available
@ [Sep 1, Sep 2, Sep 3, Sep 4, Sep 5, Sep 8, Sep 9, Sep 10, Sep 11, Sep 12, Sep 15,
Sep 16, Sep 17, Sep 18, Sep 19, Sep 22], along with a search-engine; and a search-engine can be
employed @ {Today should be a good day, noting yesterdays Eagles-Redskins
game, cited in USA-Todays NFL hot reads: Ten key observations from Week 3.-

Time-Value Notices Received and Recycled Accordingly:

In preparation for tonights debate, refresh-recollections by checking-out the Corbett-
Wolf-Comparison [7:30 p.m. on PCN]. My concerns with how Corbetts investigation of
Sandusky could be politicized has been consolidated [The Penn State 'conspiracy'].


Constituent activism was manifest in recent efforts regarding [School-Property-Tax-
Elimination-SB76], as per an update that contains a specific call-to-action.

Announcement: Good ideas must be implemented; thus, Citizens for Liberty is teaming
with Campaign for Liberty, the National Association for Gun Rights, and the Foundation
for Applied Conservative Leadership to yield a One-Day Political Leadership School on
Saturday, September 27 in Norristown, PA. Over the last 3 years, this school has trained
over 4,000 activists in more than 35 states. Every one of our instructors have years of
experience running and winning campaigns and legislative projects in multiple state
legislatures. They will share their stories of what works (and what doesnt) during this
information-packed school; they will convey how to create meaningful change and how
to be respected and feared by politicians.

The Endowment For Middle East Truth *EMET] will hold a Phone Seminar regarding
Palestinian Plans for Statehood: What's Happening on the United Nation's Front
[noting its annual meeting is imminent]; it will be held on Tuesday, September 23
2014 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time) and no RSVP is Required. The Call-In
Number is (712) 432-0075, and the Participant Code is 397784*. Ambassador Richard
Schifter will probe [inter alia] tactics the PA will use to impose Palestinian peace terms
upon Israel, whether a veto vote by the United States at the Security Council will be
sufficient in blocking the PA's plans, and which countries Israel can count on to come to
her defense against the Schabas Commission.

Pope Francis Invited to Visit Philadelphia in 2015; mark your calendar!

ISIS, NFL Are Case Studies of What Happens When Leaders Don't Lead
[This concern regarding failed leadership is addressed in the attachment in an essay by Jim Geraghty.]
[How people feel betrayed by BHO is addressed in the attachment in an AD distributed by Jim Geraghty.]

BHOs Scandal-Sheet:
Lois Lerner broke her silence, refusing to beg for forgiveness for her role in the IRS tea-party targeting
scandal [noting the Timeline of the IRS scandal].
6 Key Moments From the BenghaziGate Hearing
Ambassador in Benghazi was operating under orders of Obama, Hillary Clinton on secret mission to
coordinate arms shipments to the jihadist rebels fighting the Syrian regime, as per Aaron Klein, "The
REAL Benghazi Story: What the White House and Hillary Don't Want You to Know."

RNCs voter 'challenge' via social media wont substitute for accruing a quality voter database. Note that
[1]The Young Guns Action Network [the Eric Cantor-branded super PAC] canceled [Denver;
Bakersfield, California; Fresno, California; Phoenix; Tucson; Charleston, West Virginia; and
Bluefield/Beckley, West Virginia] and shifted [to Evan Jenkins (trying to unseat longtime West Virginia
Democratic Rep. Nick Rahall); Martha McSally (trying to unseat Tucsons Rep. Ron Barber (D-Ariz.); and
Andy Tobin (trying to unseat Phoenixs Ann Kirkpatrick)], and [2]The House GOP just took-out a $20M
line of credit.
Republican candidates seen moving toward political center in midterm races

Juan Williams: 'ISIS Effect' Will help Dems and Give GOP an 'October Surprise'
Democrats Miscalculated on National Security in Mid-Terms
Democrats: Holding the Senate Is Women's Work
T Minus 49: GOP Odds of Senate Takeover Downgraded

John Sununu: Country Can Not Stand a Second Disciple of Alinsky as President
Obama Headlined $100K-Per-Person 'Grassroots Victory' Fundraiser for Senate Dems
Hillary Clinton Silent on Sen. Tom Harkin's Controversial ISIS Remarks - Hillary Clinton appeared with
retiring Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) at his annual Iowa Steak Fry fundraiser on Sunday, just days after Harkin
made controversial remarks dismissing the Islamic State (ISIS) terror threat as mere "fear-mongering."
Dem Senator Wants to Revoke NFL's Tax-Exempt Status... over Redskins Name
Add Donna Brazile to loyalists of Debbie Wasserman Schultz; she must REALLY be in hot-water!
Kerry: Climate change as urgent as ISIS, Ebola
3 Killed, 30 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Violence
NFL Hired Pro-Gun Control Biden Aide to Be Top Lobbyist
Gabby Giffords [the former Democratic congresswoman, whose recovery from a gunshot wound to the
head captivated the country] is functioning now as a ruthless attack dog, having unleashed some of the
nastiest ads of the campaign season, going after GOP candidates in Arizona and New Hampshire with
attacks even some left-leaning commentators say go too far.
Giffords, Kelly Release Book for 'Universal Background Checks,' New Gun Show Regulations
Comcast is committed to an open Internet and supporting Net Neutrality. We won't block access to any
lawful website you want to visit, and won't slow down your download speeds. We treat all data equally
and we are the only Internet Service Provider to agree to be legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules.
And that's why we will extend Net Neutrality protection to millions of Time Warner Cable customers in
cities across America.
Obama Calls For Gun Reforms That 'Respect Our Traditions'
Store Owner in Gun Battle Manages to Shoot, Kill Suspect Armed with Shotgun
[Venezuela Opened 'Disarmament Centers' to Take Guns from Civilians]
Democrats Launched Campaign to Get 'Rush Limbaugh Off the Air'
USA Spending 30 Times More Per Capita than China on Social Programs
NLRB ruled its okay to curse your boss
Ohio Voters Oppose Common Core Standards by Wide Margin
Educational Materials with Common Core Stamp Selling Big
New-Math, redux
Percentage of its adult population holding college degrees: Russia 53.5%, Canada 52.6%, Japan 46.6%,
Israel 46.4%, U.S. 43.1%, South Korea 41.7%, Australia 41.3%, and the UK 41%.
*The failure of ObamaDontCare is addressed in the attachment in an essay by Jim Geraghty.]

GOPs Civil-War:
Amnesty Bill, along with other RINO-themed acts]. It may be recalled that, in 2012, a trio of House
conservatives got tossed off their committee for defying leadership; now, GOP leaders are mulling
cracking the whip even harder to avoid another divisive leadership election. ["According to people
briefed on it, any Republican who votes on the House floor in January against the conference's nominee

for House speaker would be severely punished. Specifically, any dissenters would be stripped of all
committee assignments for that Congress."]
George P. Bush: In-State Tuition for Illegals 'Nominal Cost' to Taxpayers
Huckabee Implied He'd Make Better President Than Ted Cruz, Rand Paul

Congressman Steve Stockman issued bill to make English the official language of the United States
Border Bridge Protest Organizers to Militia: You're Not Welcome
Obama Admin Denies Threat of ISIS Crossing Southern Border
Krauthammer: 'Nobody Will Care' About Amnesty if Border Secure
Luis Gutierrez: Must Pass Immigration Reform Before Securing the Border
Dick Durbin: Amnesty Bill Will Help Contain Ebola
For the past several weeks, a group calling itself the "NRSC" has been inundating my inbox, warning that
Obama was about to "grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants." I could combat this by donating
money to ensure the Republicans win control of the Senate. Apparently, this "NRSC" is the National
Republican Senatorial Committee who previously spent that past year and a half trying to pass amnesty
under the guise of "comprehensive immigration reform."
Obama Reaffirmed Commitment to Executive Amnesty in National Hispanic Heritage Month
Hagel: 'I'm Always Concerned About the Southern Border'

Joan Rivers' doctor took selfie, began biopsy before her cardiac arrest
After 17 Years, 'THE VIEW' Isn't So Clear Anymore... - Ms. Hasselbeck didnt know a lot, but she would
say almost anything. Ms. Wallace knows plenty and prefers to keep her feelings to herself.\
Left-Wing Media Loves the New 'View' [noting Hesselback was replaced by Nicole Wallace]
The View kicked off its new format with its best ratings in eight years, but the tension behind the
scenes is already boiling over. Rosie ODonnell and Nicolle Wallace had an off-air spat after clashing on-
air, while top ABC execs are jockeying for power over the program.
Bush, Cheney, Palin Criticized 'The View's' New 'Conservative' Premier
New 'View' Reviews Show Systemic Media Bias
War on Women: 'The View' Promotes Violence Against Sarah Palin
9/11 Truther Rosie O'Donnell: I 'Love' GOP Sellout Nicolle Wallace
Networks Reported Bush 2006 Low Approval Numbers 13x More Than Obamas 2014 Numbers
[How the media ignore Conservatives is addressed in the attachment in an essay by Jim Geraghty.]

BHOs allegedly anti-Islamism policy:
Bush 2006: World War III Coming If 'Caliphate Capitol' Established in Iraq
[How BHO ignored Islamists is addressed in the attachment in an essay distributed by Jim Geraghty.]
[How BHO ignored the Pentagon is addressed in the attachment in an essay distributed by the RJC.]
Mariam Ibraheem: U.S. Embassy Wouldn't Listen to Me
Carville Argues 13 Years from Now, We'll Still Be Bombing Muslims
For Lawmakers, an 'Agonizing' Decision on How to Confront ISIS
Muslim Activist To President Obama: Stop Telling Us What Is Islamic!
Democrats Grow Antsy About Syria Vote

BBC: US Airstrikes to Support Iraqi Troops Under Attack - Iraq has criticized the decision not to invite Iran
to an international summit on the IS threat.
Obama Suggests Another Red Line for Assad: Shoot at American Planes, Face 'Overthrow'
U.S. Made First Air Strike Near Baghdad on ISIS
U.S. Lawmakers Move Toward Arming Syrian Rebels, with Conditions
Skeptical Republicans Say Syria Authorization Will Pass If Democrats Stick With Obama
Senators Signal Deep Skepticism with Leadership Syria Proposal
Liberal Group Urges 'No' Vote on Obama's Syria Request
McCarthy Anticipates Bipartisan Passage of Syrian Authorization
US continues to curb involvement in Middle East

Ukraine Parliament Ratifies EU Pact
Russia Vows to 'Protect' Russian Speakers in Baltic States
Preparing For World War 3: Ukraine May Restore Its Nuclear Capabilities

Turks closed the border and are using tear gas and water cannon to prevent Kurds from going to Turkey.
ISIS Purged Kurdish Jihadists Who Refuse to Attack Kurds in Syria
130,000 Syrian Refugees Flood Turkey in ISIS-Fueled Exodus
Despite Airstrikes, ISIS Appears to Hold Its Ground in Iraq
Kurds are being subject to a Holocaust
Anti-Terror Muslims Rallied in Toronto Against Radical Islam
Yemen's Iran-Backed Houthi Rebels Occupy Sanaa
White House: Radicalized Americans back in US
Jimmy Carter: 'I Think We Need to Attack ISIS'
UN Envoy to Middle East [Former British Prime Minister] Tony Blair's Evolving Take on Crushing Islamic
State, now claims the West cant win against the Islamic State unless we put boots on the ground.
Egypt Sentenced Top Muslim Brotherhood Leader To Life In Prison
Roadside Bomb Kills 6 Policemen in Egypt's Sinai
Afghan Suicide Bomber Kills 3 Foreign Troops
Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War
Islamic State Atrocities are not Products of 'Grievances'
Top general says half of Iraqi army incapable of working with US against ISIS
CAIR Leader Spins: 'Islamic State Is Not Islamic'
Former Sen. Joe Lieberman, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Mark Wallace and former
presidential adviser Fran Townsend exposed the Islamic State's financial benefactors.
Dermer: Nuclear Iran Is a "Thousand Times" More Dangerous than ISIS
A Nuclear Iran Could be More Dangerous than ISIS
Two Chinese Destroyers Arrive At Iranian Port
China: Uyghur Islamic Radicals Kill Two In Bomb Blasts
Cairo Bombing Killed Three Policemen, Including Witness Against Morsi
Three Afghan Soldiers Disappeared from Cape Cod, Massachusetts military Base and were found near
the Canadian border

Qatar and Turkey Support Terrorism
Daily Jihad: Hezbollah Leader Makes Power Play For Influence in Syria
Al Qaeda Branches Call For Rival Islamists To Stop Fighting & Unite Against America
Governor of Northern Nigerian State: President Jonathan 'Lacks Political Will' to Fight Boko Haram
Nigerian Bishop Denounces Boko Haram Slaughter
Pamela Geller Excerpts, during recent days:
o 8 ways the Obama administration is blocking information: Day-to-day intimidation of sources is
o Graphic, Shocking Pro-Terror Muslim Day Parade in New York, Public Hangings, Guns, Caged
Girls, Whippings
o Dem Rep: Scores of American Muslims fighting for the Islamic State Have Already Returned to
the United States
o Belgium thwarted planned Islamic State jihad attacks on home soil by Belgium Muslims
returning from Syria
o Defamatory ADL Reverses Itself on AFDI Ads, But Continues Its Racist Attacks
o WATCH VIDEO *GRAPHIC* Islamic State Releases Gruesome Full-Length Film directed at
America; Jihadist with AMERICAN accent appears, Hostages Seen Digging Their Own Graves
o New York Times: AFDI To Sue After MTA Rejects Ad That Refers to Muslims Killing Jews
o Wall-to-Wall Press Coverage of our AFDI Anti-Jihad Ads
o The Islamic State Calls for Devout Muslims in America to Go to Homes of US Soldiers, Slaughter
o Senate approves Obama request to arm, train Jihadists in Syria
o The Islamic State Male-On-Male Gang Rape Marriage Jihad Blackmail
o WATCH: Islamic State Release New Video of New Video of Kidnapped British Journalist John
o Australian Security Intelligence Seizes passports as terror fears grow
o Iranians sentenced under the sharia to 91 lashes for Pharrell Happy video
o Watch VIDEO: Syrian Child Soldier Feels Nothing Killing Soldiers
o Australia: Its a war on Islam just because we grow our beards
o Another crazy Kerry quote on the Islamic State: America is at war against this enemy of Islam
o The Hague now called Jihad City
o Islamic State seizes 16 Syrian Kurdish villages
o Our Organization AFDI Sues Pennsylvania Transportation Authority for Censoring Speech
o Saudi Arabias Islamic Police Arrest 28 Christians For Praying In Private
o Muslim Anti-Govt Protest and Warnings of Backlash Against Terrorism of Government in
wake of Massive Islamic Beheading Plot
o Australian Jihadis Plotted to BEHEAD Prime Minister Tony Abbott; Mass Public Beheadings
o Arab-Israeli Muslim in the Islamic State: I swear we are a people who love drinking blood. We
came to slaughter you.
o Mayor de Blasio Stands with Jihadists, Condemns AFDI Ads
o Watch FOX News VIDEO: Anti-Islam ads on buses, subway stations
o Media Firestorm over AFDIs Ads of Truth: AP calls beheading Islamic
o Pakistani academic accused of blasphemy and known for liberal views on Islam shot dead in
o VIDEO: AFDIS New Jihad Awareness Ad Campaign on WPIX News
o NY Daily News: Shocking anti-Islam ad campaign coming to MTA buses, subway stations

o Islamic State bans Christians from school

BHOs Foreign Policy, anti-Semitism, and Israel:
US jury found Arab Bank liable for backing Hamas terrorism
Feds Find Anti-Israel and Pro-Palestine 9/11 Message to America on Border Fence
Confident From Syria, Hizballah Considering Attacking Israel
Mortar Fired from Gaza, First Since August 26 Truce
Israeli Security Council Warns of 'High Holiday' Terror Threat in Western Europe
Second Rosh Hashanah Attack Thwarted by Israel Defense Forces [as predicted]
Hamas and Fatah Already Fighting Over Gaza Funds
Jerusalem is burning
Gazans confirm Hamas War Crimes
With Jews We Lose Kentucky Candidate for U.S. Senate Campaigns
Belgian Synagogue Fire Leads to Arson Investigation
40% of European Jews Hide Their Faith
US Jewish Establishment has maintained a Deafening Silence while others protest the Metropolitan
Operas decision to air the The Death of Klinghoffer at Lincoln Center.
[Hamas is addressed in the attachment in an essay distributed by the Republican Jewish Coalition.]
[Rosh HaShanah is addressed in the attachment in an essay distributed by MK Moshe Feiglin.]
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger wrote Jewish Holidays Guide for the Perplexed *a
title referencing Moses Maimonides], self-described as a user-friendly set of succinct
interpretations by ancient and modern Jewish Sages, which are easily shared with
relatives, friends and congregants in conversations, presentations, sermons, interviews
and writing; it reinforces the relevance of the Jewish holidays to modern day challenges,
while shedding light on the shared-values, which bind the United States and its sole,
soul ally in the Middle East: Israel, the Jewish State. Noting the upcoming High
Holidays, his insights regarding Rosh HaShanah exemplify this goal, for they contain an
admixture of information and perspective that meshes fact and faith. ,The Ibrahimi
Mosque in Hebron will be closed to Muslim worshipers on Thursday and Friday.}

613 seeds 613 Commandments


Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 7:59 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLX
[Corbett, Kurdistan, Mandatory-Holocaust-Education, Log-Cabin-Republicans, Midterms, Islamism,
Illegals, BHO, Project Veritas]

It can be anticipated that, again, todays events will squish-away the ability to attack last weeks backlog
but, assuredly, it is desirable to consolidate key-points regarding the personal-agenda that has been
episodically reformulated; the three items pursued as a priority were [1]promoting worriment about
the fate of Kurdistan; [2]alleviating worriment about the implementation of the mandatory Holocaust
Education Act; and [3]promoting a quality roll-out of a statewide GOP home for the LGBTQ-voter.
{Appended are three pieces about BHO as conveyed by Jim Geraghty, Rush and Jerrold L. Sobel (who
portrayed him as quixotic.}

Thus, in this regard, the instant-article about Kurdistan was published overnight
[submitted @ 6 p.m. and accepted @ 3 a.m.] by a major platform, the American
Thinker, and I discussed it briefly on the radio this-p.m. with Dick Morris; all day, Ive
been handling critique thereof in the comments-section and it was picked-up by
multiple worldwide secondary-portals [you-tube, EBSCO Information Services, lux-
libertas, the-news-commenter, doppler-1000, michael-island, american-political-blogs,
politomix, american-conservative, news-nation-brewing, [German],
The-conservative-voices, unofficial-view, veooz, faux-or-foe, Florida Federation of Young
Republicans, legal-insurrection, crown-of-king-nothing, the-jihad-project, cambrian-
dissenters, Extreme-conservatives, third-lens-media, saber-point, reaganite-republican-
resistance, cosmos, college-insurrection, dr. putts, cyclops-jack, dont-spread-my-
wealth, in-a-gist [In-A-Gist algorithmically curates tweets based on popularity in real-
time], bonnie-gadsden, mortal-weight, tea-party-at-perrysburg, fact-real, gradyent,
nice-deb, polurls [political blog aggregator for conservatives], repub-x, maine-web-
report, riffenberg, rage-and-war, michelles-mirror, mcview-point [Australian], ny-
conservative, annie-fields, we-want-america-back, silo-breaker, jewish-pulse-radio, and
naked-liberty+. Obviously, this incomplete listing is more a testimonial to the reach of
The American Thinker than to any widespread recognition that we were truth-tellers,
but the dissemination will, it is hoped, prove worthwhile.

Also, Ive chatted with the PA Department of Education regarding the implementation process of the
charge that a unit be created that addresses Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Violations;
yesterday, c/o Rep. Vereb, I received a pen used to sign the bill [and the bill signed by Corbett] in a
packet that is suitable for framing. Finally, we now have a PA-Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans and
are planning an appropriate roll-out [which will also note the existence of county-level subchapters].


Corbett [with special guests, American War hero and NY Times Best Selling Author
of Outlaw Platoon, Sean Parnell, U.S. Congressman Glenn Thompson, and radio and TV
personality, Rose Tennent+ will hold a Pennsylvania Energy Rally @ Frank J. Pasquerilla
Conference Center [301 Napoleon St, Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15901] on 9/30/2014 @
5:30 p.m. [RSVP]

MTS 3G PLUS internet advertisement BORN FOR THE INTERNET BABY

Thus, everything is moving along, with positive ripple-effects notable, for example, for Corbett.

Regarding last nights Corbett/Wolf debate, the Toms *who will also grapple on 10/1
and 10/8+ were aired on PCN *but the site wasnt available on-line], and instant-polls
suggested Corbett won [85% per Politics-PA and 75% per Penn-Live]; josh first agreed,
and commented on tom brokaws plea to control Americans lives. Perhaps as a result,
the Corbett campaign distributed a blast e-mail claiming Corbett really took his case
to the voters and even Democrats were raving about his show of strength and command
of the issues. Tom Wolf didn't deliver any details, lacked specifics and didn't want to talk
statistics. The difference couldn't be clearer about who's the right choice in this debate
and we need your help to get our message out. Our campaign had a good night, but
don't just take it from us. Check out highlights and what the media had to say, below.
Also, corroborating the hope Corbett can prevail are results of Politics-PAs recent
Reader Poll, which concluded that the Economy is the Most Important Issue.

"Their hearts were with Corbett, but no he won back their minds,' Dave
Patti, president of the Pennsylvania Business Council, said of business
people, adding that the performance convinced many that the

Republican had a fighting chance. 'He's the Tom we know; the business
community likes stability and predicable polices."

"Veteran pollster G. Terry Madonna of Franklin and Marshall College
said Monday night that Corbett had been 'assured and forceful' in the
debate, calling it 'by far the best performance he had seen from the

"Wolf was 'terrible,' declared Democratic Rep. Peter J. Daley, who hails
from Washington County, where you have to drive a while to find a
Republican voter."

"[Governor Corbett] jabbed at Wolf over his plans for public education.
Phrasing and rephrasing questions, he poked away."

"Corbett beat Wolf hands-down, in substance, poise, accuracy, and

"Wolf talked in circles, kept stating that he is a businessman (six, seven
times), mis-spoke ('the vast majority of married Pennsylvanians file
separate tax reports'), spoke in vague generalities bordering on fluffy
clouds and flying unicorns, and addressed none of the substantive issues
pegged by moderator Dennis Owens or by Corbett."

"Things got tougher for the Democrat, though, when he was booed by
the crowd when he stated that most people file their state tax returns

"Overall, Governor Corbett was much more fiery, active and energetic."

"Wolf, the former state revenue secretary, declined to get into the
details of how he would replace Pennsylvania's income tax with a
graduated levy system."

"On education spending, Wolf, who has blasted Corbett for not replacing
the federal stimulus money that went to schools, also avoided
committing to specifics."

"[Governor Corbett] dissected Wolf's tax plan. He questioned his
opponent about the state's pension crisis. He shared his own plan for
generating the revenue needed to run his vision of the stat."

"So the question is, "How do you tax? Where do you get the money?
What is going to be fair? And honestly, I think it is time that Mr. Wolf
shared his plan,' Corbett said.

"Wolf has made $6 billion in campaign promises without specific plans
for how to pay for it, Corbett charged. From what is known, 'everyone
above $60,000 (annual income) is going to pay more,' the governor said.
'I think it's time he shared his plan.'"

As noted when discussing the resurfacing of City Line Avenue, it seems apparent that
the widespread repaving is intended to remind voters of the positive-impact of the hike
in the gasoline tax; in addition, 558 bridges are to be replaced statewide within four
years through a public-private partnership, yielding the conclusion that this would best

be perceived as a user fee rather than a generalized tax-increase. It should also be
noted that 3 were charged in Philly assault on gay couple and 2 Ironworkers pled guilty
to sabotage and arson; both crimes carry sociological import. And, again, Penn State was
doubly in-the-news, as NCAA president Mark Emmert said handling of Penn State
sanctions 'has gone really well' [raising hope that the erased-wins could be restored]
and as Penn State clamped-down on free-speech event because of table [which seems
beyond absurd, for such approval could have been granted on-the-spot].

In other sports-news, the Eagles were justifiably highlighted in a summary and, recalling the success of
the Flyers in the 70s *anyone remember Dave The Hammer Schultz?+, I purchased a custom-made
Jason-Peters jersey for, arguably, his reaction in defense of a cheap-shot against a defenseless-QB may
reflect both [1]character reminiscent of another Broad St. Bullies entity (the type of team-spirit
that Philadelphians admire), and [2]determination that emerges when a team plays for all 60
minutes (the type of team that can drive towards a Super-Bowl, both do-able and justifiable).

We get results: Just last week the Dallas Morning News reported that federal officials
decided not to renew the National Urban Leagues taxpayer-funded participation in
Texas Obamacare navigator program. It was Project Veritas that exposed the
corruption in the Texas program, catching navigators urging applicants to lie on forms.

As you know, Project Veritas has been working hard to investigate corruption in Texas.
We exposed the collusion and illegal voter registration practices of the leftwing
group "Battleground Texas." Employees of Battleground Texas were fired amid a
media firestorm.
Our footage of Wendy Davis campaign workers mocking Greg Abbot's disability
sent the Davis campaign into a tailspin from which they may never recover.
And just last month after I crossed the Rio Grande dressed as Osama bin
Laden, we showed that the voices proclaiming that "the border is secure" are
lying to the American people. Senator John McCain even cited my investigation
in Senate hearings on border security.

Based on our sources and our ongoing work in Texas, we know that there's even more
to these stories. We have investigators on the ground throughout the state, pursuing
some hot leads - and we think we'll be able to announce some shocking preliminary
findings in just a few days.


James O'Keefe


Other key-observations [regarding Illegals] include:
Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Enrolled in Obamacare
Ingraham: Uncontrolled Immigration Will Turn America Into California
Politico Mag on Amnesty: American Workers Pummeling Masters of the Universe
Experts Warn Another Wave of Central American Youths to Come
Obama Plans To Change America Through Immigration

Other key-observations [domestically] include:
D'Souza got community confinement for election law violation [not jail, despite efforts by
Federal prosecutors; will teach English-as-second-lingo and will make a film in 2016]
Federal judge [a Dem] took-on Texas voter-ID law at heart of discrimination debate, while
Wisconsins voter-ID law was reinstated in time for Election Day.
Obama to UN: Climate Change Our Fault
Obamacare Enrollees on the Decline
Health insurers believe Obamacare is here to stay no matter who controls the Senate
Oliver Stone said: I Admire Putin and Respect His Crimea Moves
NANNY' BLOOMBERG FAIL: SMOKING RISES IN NYC *supporting my having been an activist
since the 70s when in Manhattan @ MSKCC, but not having been a zealot since then+
Louisiana 'Legislative Audit' of Common Core: Standards Drive Curriculum in Classrooms

Other key-observations [politically] include (noting prominence of Illegals herein):
GOP Races To Catch Obama 2012 Campaign Data Techniques
BATTLE FOR THE SENATE is 47-45 favoring the GOP, with all movement towards the GOP
Razor-Thin Lead for the GOP, but Republicans still appear to have the edge in winning
Sullivan Seized Lead in AK Senate Race [43-37]
Sarah Palin To Campaign for Pat Roberts in Kansas Amid Lingering Grassroots Anger
Scott Brown Ad Slammed Jeanne Shaheen, Obama on ISIS Weakness, Insecure U.S. Border
Hagan Skipped ISIS Briefing for Fundraiser
Tea Party Group Slams Hagan for 'Sham' Vote Against Amnesty
NRA: Georgia Candidate Michelle Nunn Shares Bloomberg's 'Anti-Freedom' Views
AP: It's Not Plagiarism When Scott Walker's Democrat Opponent Does It
Poll: Dead Heat in Mass. Governor's Race as Republican Hammers Democrat on Immigration
Demos are raising more big money than their adversaries
Google Pulls Funding from Conservative Group for Stance on Global Warming
Biden Promises Obama Will Strike GOP with 'Lightning' via Executive Amnesty
Dems Upset Party Too Willing to Legalize Illegals
Republicans Dissatisfied with GOP on Illegal Immigration
Boehner Parties in the Hamptons, Tells Joy Behar: 'I Am Obama's Best Friend'
GOP's Daz-Balart: Dems Not Passing Immigration Reform to Score Political Points
Nancy Pelosi to DREAMers: Target Republicans
Poll: Fewer Than One Third of Americans View Obama as Friendly to Religion

Brokaw: Obama ISIS Bombing Too Little, Too Late
CNN's Amanpour: US 'Non-Intervention' Allowed ISIS to Flourish
CNN Employs, Gives Airtime To, Defends a Plagiarist [Fareed Zakaria]
BHO will only bother to stump in states that are solidly Democratic

Other key-observations [regarding POTUS-16] include (noting prominence of Illegals herein):
Jeb Signaled Intention to Make Bid for 2016
George Will: 'Bet Against' Jeb Bush Run in 2016
Rand Paul: 'Constitution Requires' Congressional Authorization for Obama to Attack ISIS
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama need each other
Webb 'Seriously Looking' at 2016 Presidential Bid

Other key-observations [overseas] include:
Sherkoh reported that the US-bombing is not being guided by input from Kurds
Congress under pressure to vote on Syria
U.S. told Iran of intent to strike IS militants in Syria
Qatar's Support of Hamas and Jihadist Forces in the Middle East
Qatar Is Funding the Rise of Islamist Extremists
The Coalition of Convenience in the War Against the Islamic State
Alliance Tracker Country-by-country military analysis
Egypt's President Backed U.S. War Against Islamic State Militants
Arab states join US in striking Islamic State in Syria
THE KHORASAN GROUP was portrayed as dangerous, the Bell Labs of al Qaeda.
WH Spox: Imminent Threat Gave Legal Authority for Syria Air Strike
Yazidis, Mosul Christians Hold Obama Responsible for ISIS
Afghanistan's Karzai Took One Last Swipe at US
Australian Police Shoot Dead 'Known Terror Suspect'
Russia Considers Joining the Fight Against ISIS
Iran-Backed Houthi Rebels on Verge of Routing Regime in Yemen
British PM to Hold First Direct Talks with Iran's President Since 1979
Cease-Fire in Eastern Ukraine Violated
Ukraine Crisis 'Risks Recession for Europe'
EXCLUSIVE: Internal Tory Poll Shows Slump to 22 Percent in Clacton
Farage: Multiculturalism Leads to Citizens Fighting for ISIS
UKIP Propose 45bn Overseas Aid Cut A 90% Decrease
Labour Panic Amidst Rumors It May Lose By-Election to UKIP
Islamic State Destroyed Memorial of Armenian Genocide
Fear of Sharia Law Not PC, Just Common Sense [islamophobia]
Islamic State Calls On US Muslims To Kill Americans

Osama Bin Laden's Son-in-Law Sentenced to Life in Prison
Jon Stewart on the war against ISIS: It's "the iPhone 6 of wars. It's expensive, a little
bigger, a little more unwieldy than you thought it was gonna be, it's at least a two-year
commitment, kinda feels like you just f***ing got the last one!"

Other key-observations [Israel] include:
Honor Liberators and Mahalniks Before Its Too Late by Lee S. Bender, Esq.
arlene kushner decried Arab violence in Jerusalem; I advised they should be exiled to Gaza
Killers of Naftali, Eyal and Gilad Eliminated [No prisoner exchanges for these slaughterers]
Palestinians Mourn Hamas Terrorists Suspected of Killing Israeli Boys
Fatah in Gaza Producing New Rockets for Next War with "the Zionist Enemy"
Syrian fighter jet shot down over Golan
Restrictions on Gaza turn reconstruction plans into science fiction
Danish Foreign Min. Threatened Israel With Sanctions If It Fails To Capitulate To Hamas
the executive director of Human Rights Watch is anti-Semitic

Pamela Gellers Yeoman-Efforts:

o Hamas Jihadists Who Murdered Three Jewish Schoolboys Have Been Eliminated
o New York Magazines Hateful @teamcaroline: Third-Rate Yellow Journalist
o Boston Now Focus of U.S.-Jihad pipeline to the Islamic State
o WATCH VIDEO: Jihadists Threaten to Behead a Frenchman They Kidnapped in Algeria
After Islamic State Issued the Call to Attack Westerners
o White House Finally Admits Some Of The American Muslims Fighting for the islamic
State Have Already Returned From Syria
o Responding To U.S.-Led Campaign, Islamic State Spokesman Says: If You Are Able To
Kill An American Or European Infidel Put Your Trust In Allah And Kill Him'; If You
Cannot [Detonate] A Bomb Or [Fire] A Bullet Bash His Skull In Slaughter Him With A
Knife, Run Him Over With Your Car, Throw Him Off A Cliff, Strangle Him, Or Inject Him
With Poison
o Muslim Children as Young as 13 Leaving Germany to Fight for the Islamic State
o Moderates MIA: Muslim pro-terror hatefest draws 6000 people, Muslim rally for
persecuted Christians draws 80
o Missing Afghan soldiers found at Canadian border near Niagara Falls
o French security official says the Islamic State threatened attacks against civilians of
countries who oppose ISIS
o Al-Hayat Editor: Yazidis, Mosul Christians Can Hold Obama Responsible For Their
o Obamas partner Iran: Mass Hangings, 50% Increase in Executions during Recent
2 weeks; Arrests over Texts Insulting to Supreme Leader
o Todays Little Ditty
o Montana Mayor takes on/exposes Hamas-CAIR hate group
o The Islamic State Releases Audio Broadcast Calling on All Muslims Around the World to
Begin Murdering Non-Muslims

o When somebody cut the rope
o VIDEO NBC News 10: Pamela Geller on AFDIs Lawsuit Against Pennslyvania Transit
o VIDEO: Minnesota Muslims Demand Pork-Free Halal Food From Welfare Food Bank
o US ambassador to UN Samantha Power says US has support from over 40 countries
against Islamic State, but refuses to name them
o Pamela Geller, WND Column: Obamas denial of jihad to blame for teens
o Bin Ladens son-in-law gets life sentence for jihad terror activity, quotes Quran,
says more jihad violence to come
o German police raid flats, mosque over suspected Islamic State ties
o Iran-backed Shia Jihadists sweep into capital, kill 340
o WATCH VIDEO: @PIX11Narmeen: Jihad Journalism at WPIX New York
o What The Truth is Up Against
o Jihadis Respond to Airstrikes on Islamic State: A war on Islam
o French jihadis linked to Jew-killing jihadi Mohamed Merah arrested after return from
o US Thwarts Active Plotting Against Homeland By Hitting Al Qaeda Cell Khorasan in
o NYC: Muslim Leaders Condemn AFDI Ads But Not the Jihadists, Beheaders, Ethnic
o VIDEO: Pamela Geller on One America News, The Rick Amato Show
o Australia: Person of interest in counter-terror investigation shot dead, two
counter-terrorism officers stabbed outside police station


Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 6:05 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCLXI [Kurdistan, Iggles, Corbett, BHO, Islamism, Politics]

In the continuing effort to relocate lengthy articles to an attachment so that the hyperlink-structure of
these Blast e-mails persists and can be more easily skimmed, note observations of Jim Geraghty
(regarding the Khorasan Group, Tillis v. Hagan, and Lois Lerner); key-excerpts from an article on
Kurdistan in The New Yorker and from the Republican Jewish Coalition; Rushs comments; and views of a
9-11-truther (with whom I chatted this-a.m.) regarding a fourth branch of US government.

Geraghty is soft-spoken when hes on FNC, but hes anything but when writing of BHOs
hypocrisy, seemingly in four-dimensions; Id drawn comparable conclusions in each of
the three areas that he addressed. The Kurdistan pieces echo points Ive made, although
it seems the GOP understands the forces-at-play while the libs still dont get it. Rush
remains amazingly incisive. I disagreed [citing quickly-acquired references] with
conspiratorial views that, after an initial rejoinder had been provided, were amplified;
he also quoted Hosea 4:6 [claiming that, because key-teachings had been ignored, the
Deity was going to reject not only the Israelites/Hebrew/Jews, but also will forget thy
children+. Still, lots goin on.

Experts concluded Corbett debate showing was strong while Wolf stayed the course; shockingly, a NEW

I got into a dialogue with a member of the Iggles administration regarding my having
ordered a Jason Peters jersey; she will report-back regarding whether others have also
expressed that desire, for there had been some talk of making them in-bulk last year
*rather than using the customization process]. I then opined that Sundays scrum was
reminiscent of Flyers History [with the Broad St. Bullies reigning triumphant by using
Fred Shers Russian System]; I then educated her regarding the impact of Kate Smith
[just before suffering her CVA] when she appeared @ the Spectrum during Stanley-Cup
finals [to sing Irving Berlin's God Bless America+ in 1974 and in 1976. To the uninitiated
and/or the non-homer fan, note its being sung in the 1943 flick This is the Army [and

the appearance of Ronald Reagan @ minute-#4+; then stay tuned for additional clips
from this patriotic-Technicolor tearjerker. Indeed, if the Iggles make it to the Super
Bowl, sports-historians may invoke this event as pivotal to recognizing the energies
expended by the TEAM to protect the QB from an injury that could have ended an
increasingly brilliant career. [Remember, the replay undermined the claims by Baker
that he was blocking Foles from tackling a potential Redskin run-back, for Foles was
merely jogging to the sideline and not even watching the play, hit after the Redskin had
already been downed (before the interception had been reversed)+.

My fixation on pushing the need for America to Arm Kurdistan to Defeat the Islamic State...ASAP! seems
to have been noted elsewhere, with the Republican Jewish Coalition corroborating the essence of my
effort, but with lefties still not quite getting-it [as per a piece in The New Yorker]. The Kurds are
portrayed in the latter as self-serving because they are focused on self-survival inasmuch as, for years,
their nationalistic desires have been subsumed with the need *primarily+ to work with Baghdad Shiites
within a unified Iraq. And, regarding Syria they have been taken for granted while America has sought
to support non-Islamists in the Free Syrian Army.

Overnight, it was claimed 'We've killed the worlds most wanted terrorist,' as jihadists
said and American officials believe the leader of the Al Qaeda-linked Khorasan Group
[Muhsin al-Fadhli] died in airstrikes on Syria where he was nearing the 'execution phase'
of a terror plot he had masterminded against the West [toothpaste tube bomb attacks
on US and Europe]. The Khorasan group has specialized in making sophisticated bombs
for attacks against airports and passenger planes. In any case, a fresh wave of airstrikes
hit ISIS targets in northwest Syria; witnesses allege aircraft came from the direction of
Turkey, but Turkey denies its airspace was used for attacks. Meanwhile American forces
carried out separate overnight attacks on ISIS in both eastern Syria and inside Iraq.

BHO is strategizing, as reflected in Dick Morris provocative Power Grab: Obamas Dangerous
Plan for a One-Party Nation which, within 2 days following release, has Sold-Out on Amazon; it
became temporarily out of stock as it shot to the top of the online best-sellers list. Morris
unmasked his plan to make the Democratic Party the dominant political party and to put the
GOP out of business for decades to come; Obama wants to use illegal immigrants who, once on
the voter rolls, will tip the political balance in favor of the Dems. Also, he warned that Obama
Wants to push to get the Muslim-American vote to surpass the numbers and influence of the
Jewish vote, replacing the Jewish vote would make Jews less influential on issues like Israel and
national security.


Remarks by President Obama in Meeting with Arab Coalition Partners were perfunctory,
but [again apologizing for America] he conceded before the United Nations that the
United States has at times not lived up its ideals, including this summer in Ferguson, Mo.

"In a summer marked by instability in the Middle East and Eastern
Europe, I know the world also took notice of the small American city of
Ferguson, Missouri - where a young man was killed, and a community
was divided. {Lawless Ferguson thugs are looting and setting fires
again.} So, yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions. And like
every country, we continually wrestle with how to reconcile the vast
changes wrought by globalization and greater diversity with the
traditions that we hold dear. The United States welcomes international
scrutiny because what you see in America is a country that has steadily
worked to address our problems and make our union more perfect.
America is not the same as it was 100 years ago, 50 years ago, or even a
decade ago. Because we fight for our ideals, and we are willing to
criticize ourselves when we fall short. We hold our leaders accountable,
and insist on a free press and an independent judiciary. Because we
address our differences in the open space of democracy - with respect
for the rule of law, with a place for people of every race and every
religion, and with an unyielding belief in the ability of individual men
and women to change their communities and their circumstances and
their countries for the better."

He was +/- on Israel and too-too quiet on Iran. Regarding the former, he averred 'Too
many Israelis are ready to abandon peace' [despite justification, and despite the
absence of a balancing claim regarding the Palestinian Arabsand the Arab World+
because the 'Status quo in the West Bank and Gaza is not sustainable; regarding the
latter, he ignored the fact that Iran is stalling, most recently using the Parchin military
site for testing nuclear detonation technology. OBAMA DEFENDED ISLAM [denying there
is a clash of civilizations], and he SMACKED ISRAEL AND AMERICAN RACISM AT UN.
Essentially, Obama reinforced the administration narrative that America's deadly
enemies are a product of local injustices; furthermore, Obama said, 'When it Comes to
America and Islam, There Is No Us and Them.'

[Obama: America Will Support Ukraine with Collective Self-Defense, whatever that is; meanwhile,
Russian Bill Would Control Media.]

Richard Baehr accrued points that are worth elucidating, to be distilled herein:

1. The work of Tom Lehrer *recalling TW3 from a half-century ago] remains
stellar and unique; many of his songs carry contemporary import, such as how his
elucidation of New Math resaged Common Core and how he drew upon Gilbert &
Sullivan satire *with the Elements song also delivered by Daniel Radcliffe].

2. Regarding Domestic politics, he feels the GOP would have an easier time
winning the midterms if it promoted opposition to amnesty for Illegals; it won't, he
feels, because some of the big money interests in the party are on the same page as is
Obama on this issue (albeit for different reasons). He foresees a slippery-slope from
legalization to path to citizenship to votingrewarding those who entered
the country illegally or overstayed a legal visa illegally, noting that their kids, if born
here, are already citizens (which is far more generous than the treatment in many
Western countries).

3. Regarding the midterms, he feels Dems win elections because they are more
focused on winning them; they use a super-computer [Catalist] database that served as
the theme of my discussion last week with Bob Asher, for the GOP must match this
capability. The implications thereof have been explored by Ed Lasky, J. Christian Adams,
and Scott Johnson. He opined that an impediment could be that, just as may be the case
among pro-Israel groups (that arent as effective in America as they could be), there
may be excess-concern over who takes credit for something the group
accomplishes. {Stu Rothenberg, a Dem, feels the Fight for Senate Control is Down to
Five States.}

4. Is it any wonder the military are unhappy about Obama and his ISIS war
strategy? Why would you tell your enemy what you will not do? (boots on the ground).
Does it make sense that we will send 3000 soldiers to fight a virus in Africa, but not to
fight a vicious, well armed military threat? This is not to suggest that I have a strategy to
fight ISIS. I don't. But does the President have one that has any chance to be successful?
Does success for him mean nothing more than halting his slide in the polls? Walter
Russell Mead thinks Obama should invite George W. Bush to the White House to discuss
strategy for dealing with radical Islam. He says that this would require some class on
Obama's part. Reason enough it won't happen.

5. What does the President believe about Islam, and what does he know about it?
You would hope the answer to the second is something, which would inform the answer
to the first. That seems dubious at this point. What he knows is wrong; what he believes
is also wrong. Consider observations by Peter Berkowitz, Bret Stephens, and Victor Davis
Hanson. {The book Hanson refers to in his title, A Confederacy of Dunces, should be
read by everyone who takes things too seriously and needs a good belly laugh, or many
of them; I remember reading it, decades ago, and it was great-fun.}

6. John Kerry's friends in Qatar are getting more honest treatment from
some foreign journalists; FIFA may be rethinking the award of the 2022 World Cup to
Qatar (awarded of course after enough voters were "persuaded" to see the merits
of playing games in 120 degree heat, even before climate change over the next 8 years
brought that up to 120.05). Supposedly the concern is over athlete and fan health. Then
again, haven't we learned that mental illness is also a disease, and subscribing
to radical Jihadist Islam can be a mental health issue?

7. Remember, Fatah are the good Palestinians, interested in peace.

8. The corruption of science in the interest of politics is not limited to climate
change; the British medical journal Lancet dwells in the Jew hating/Israel hating swamp
so popular among British intellectuals. {John Cohn, M.D. advised Taking Action to
Counter the Politicization of this Medical Journal.}

9. Christina Hoff Sommers elucidated the fake war on women.

10. J Street once again showed that it knows nothing about Israeli history,
even recent Israeli history, and that its main purpose is to sit in the PA's corner and
lobby the White House. Pro-Israel? Really? Sort of like Jewish Voices for Peace and
Students for Justice in Palestine are pro-Israel.

11. Are you an anti-Semite? The game version below.


12. The Atlantic has an article on living to 100, and all the things this could mean.
And in the same magazine, the death panel man himself, Obamacare creator Ezekiel
Emanuel, argued for ending life at 75, including his own. [He could set an example and
go earlier.] Add Ezekiel to others on the left like Princeton's Peter Singer who wants
mothers to have the right to kill their infants in the first month of life if they are
unhappy with the "product" (clubs, guns, knives?), or Richard Dawkins who encourages
society to mass slaughter children with Downs Syndrome. The Nazis were in accord
with much of this thinking.

13. The climate alarmists can't make up their mind about what to do with trees. As
is usually the case, when the argument gets weaker, the hysteria gets stronger. There
has been no global warming during the past 18 years despite significant additions to
carbon levels in the atmosphere (10% in just over a decade). Major storms are declining.
The Antarctic ice shelf is at its largest level in recorded history. The Arctic ice cap has
recovered most of its earlier losses.

Regarding Climate-Change:
Climate Summit: UN Exempts World's #1 Polluter [China] from Stricter CO2 Enforcement
MSNBC Guest: Global Warming to Cause the Oceans to Shut Down in 20 Years
Vatican Secretary of State Blames Human Beings for Climate Change
Activists Prepare for Climate March - Local Jewish environmentalists of all ages wet to New York City to
advocate for action on climate change.

Regarding Midterms:
Obama hit bottom in N.Y. There has been a 6-point drop since July.
House Republicans are eyeing pickup opportunities this cycle in enemy territory the liberal states of
California, Illinois and New York.


Regarding POTUS-16:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg does not wish to retire during the last two years of Obama's presidency;
essentially, despite pressure, she Dissents.
Ann Romney on 2016: If JEB Runs, Mitt Won't; also, Ann Romney: We Never Said No to 2016

Regarding the Culture-Wars:
Gun Control Made England The 'Most Violent Country In Europe'
The gun control group founded by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords [Americans for Responsible Solutions]
will stop airing a controversial TV ad accusing Republican congressional candidate Martha McSally of
opposing legislation to prevent convicted stalkers from buying guns, claiming a statement issued by
McSally on Tuesday made it clear that McSally had changed her position on the issue.
San Francisco Embraces School Choice?
Massive 'Residential Center' to Open in Texas for Illegal Immigrants

Regarding the GOPs Civil-War [and recalling how Boehner is continuing to kiss-up to BHO]:
Conservative Lawmakers have a Secret Plot to Oust Boehner

Regarding the Media:
Media was Silent on Pro-Terror Muslim Day Parade in NYC - Ignored mock hangings/torture, and young
"virgin" girls in cages.
Pundit Stephen Hayes Added to Terror Watch List
Obama's press aides have demanded - and received - changes in press-pool reports before the reports
have been disseminated to other journalists; the White House has used its unusual role as the
distributor of the reports as leverage to steer coverage in a more favorable direction.


Regarding Islamism:
Obama Forbid FBI to Use Religion in Identifying Terror Threats, as ISIS Recruits Openly in U.S.
MosquesRanking House Armed Services Dem: Congress Could Reconvene for Syria Authorization Vote
The British parliament will be recalled this Friday to discuss whether the UK should join US-led airstrikes
against ISIS; House of Commons Speaker John Bercow approved the request from Prime Minister David
Cameron for the recall.
Britain Recalled Parliament over ISIS War
Philippine Islamist militants threaten to kill German captives
French Hostage Beheaded by Extremists
Turkey Considers Military Role Against ISIS
Who Are Khorasan? The Al-Qaeda Leaders Who May Tie Iran to 9/11
Jordan Acquits Radical Cleric of Terrorism Charges
Venezuela Cozied Up to Iran at UN General Assembly Meeting
Iran Brags that Sanaa, Yemen is the Fourth Arab Capital They Control
US Told Iran it Would Strike in Syria, Vowed Not to Hit Assad's Forces
Obama Has Become Expert at Evoking War Without Saying 'War'
In government speak, "imminent attack plotting" may not mean an attack is all that imminent
Egyptian President: Obama, Hillary Clinton Failed Thus Far in Libya
New York Times: Obama's Air Strikes in Syria 'Were a Bad Decision'

Regarding the War against Israel by the Arabs:
Martin Indyk discussed his failed efforts, claiming he faced a No-win Situation for America in Mideast
Peace Talks; buried in the piece is the pivotal moment when Bibis having moved was rejected by
Abbas, suggesting *again+ the proper placement of blame for what transpired.
Fatah and Hamas resumed talks in Cairo


"Ketiva ve-chatima tovah"
"May you be written and sealed for a good year"
Le-Shana Tova Tikatevu ve-Techatemu
"May You Be Written Down And Inscribed For A Good Year"

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