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Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)

In Oracle 11g database New dimension fault diagnosability infrastructure added to Oracle self
managing concept to reduce time for resolving problem/bug/SR and round trip between end-user
and Oracle Support. Trace file dump file core file !"R !"R#I etc are components of fault
diagnosability infrastructure.
In early version of oracle $%en ever critical error suc% as code bug data corruption occur end
user need to collect diagnostic data suc% as process dump data structure dump etc. In oracle 11g
database end user need to worry about w%at &ind of dump need to collect need not to searc%
trace file w%ic% need to send to Oracle Support Oracle 11g "atabase proactively collect tagged
and store diagnostic data in file based repository &nown as !"R. 11g used file based repository
because even your database is down you %ave diagnostic data to send to oracle support.

Key Components for Fault Diagnosability Infrastructure
ADRCI ( ADR Command line utility )
Alert log
Trace ,Dumps etc.
ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository)
!"R is file based repository for diagnostic data li&e trace fileprocess dumpdata structure dump
In oracle 11g trace. alert not saved in '(")*+(",ST directory even you set t%ose parameters
in init.ora.11g ignore '(")*+(",ST and store data in new format directory structure is given


"iag !"R root
"atabase Name
SI" !"R(/O*, 0 )ser "efine ,nv 1ariable 2
. . . . . . . . . .
Trace alert cdump %m incp&g incedent stage sweep metadata lc&

ote ! ADR"#$%& is user define 'ariable , I (a'e define t(is 'ariable ma)e life easier

!"R root w%ere !"R directory structure start.11g New initiali3e parameter
"I!4NOSTI#(",ST decide location of !"R root
*y default location of DIA+$,TIC"D&,T is -$RAC.&"#$%&/log,
if $RAC.&"*A,& is set in en'ironment t(en DIA+$,TIC"D&,T is set to
In 11g alert file is saved in - location one is in alert directory 0 in 5*6 format2 and old style
alert file in trace directory. $it%in !"R base t%ere can be many !"R %omes w%ere eac% !"R
%ome is t%e root directory for all diagnostic data for a particular instance. T%e location of an
!"R %ome for a database is s%own on t%e above grap%ic.
ote !0 I (a'e created on en'ironment 'ariable ADR"#$%&1
2Diag/product"type/database"name/instance"name3. I am using same in all my t(is

S768 s%ow parameter diag
N!*, T9+, 1!6),
------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------
diagnostic"dest string /u:1/app/oracle

Data $ld location ADR location
#ore "ump #OR,(")*+(",ST ;!"R(/O*,/cdump
!lert log data <!#=4RO)N"(")*+(",ST ;!"R(/O*,/trace
;!"R(/O*,/alert 05*62
<ac&ground process trace <!#=4RO)N"(")*+(",ST ;!"R(/O*,/trace

)ser process trace )S,R(")*+(",ST ;!"R(/O*,/trace

S768 desc v;diag(info
Name Null> Type
------------------------------ -------- ----------------------------
INST(I" N)*<,R
N!*, 1!R#/!R-0?@2
1!6), 1!R#/!R-0A1-2
S768 select ' from v;diag(infoB

INST(I" N!*, 1!6),
---------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1 "iag ,nabled TR),
1 !"R <ase /u:1/app/oracle
1 !"R /ome /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-
1 "iag Trace /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace
1 "iag !lert /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/alert
1 "iag Incident /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/incident
1 "iag #dump /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/cdump
1 /ealt% *onitor /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/%m
1 "efault TraceCile
1 !ctive +roblem #ount :
1 !ctive Incident #ount :

Retention policy
T%ere is retention policy for !"R t%at allow to specify %ow long to &eep t%e data
!"R incidents are controlled by two different policiesF
T(e incident metadata retention policy ( default is 4 year )
T(e incident files and dumps retention policy ( Default is one mont()
$e can c%ange retention policy using GadrciH **ON purge data automatically on eIpired !"R

adrci8 s(o5 control
!"R /ome J /u:1/app/oracle
!"RI" ,#$RT6"6$.IC7 .$+6"6$.IC7
6!ST(*O"(TI*, 6!ST(!)TO+R4(TI*,
6!ST(*!N)+R4(TI*, !"R"IR(1,RSION
!"RS#/*(1,RSION !"RS#/*1(S)**!R9 !"R!6,RT(1,RSION
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------
D??KED-DAD 89: ;8<: -::E-:K-:- 1DF-@F:1.:EE?E1 -:KF::
-::E-:K--- ::F-:F:@.11D@@1 -:KF:: 1
- : 1 -::E-:K-:- 1DF-@F:1.:EE?E1 -:KF::
1 rows fetc%ed

C(ange Retention

adrci3 set control 0S/ORT+(+O6I#9 J D?: 2
adrci3 set control 06ON4+(+O6I#9 J @DE: 2

Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADRCI)
Oracle 11g introduce new tool/utility called !"R#I &nown as !"R command line tool. T%is
allow user to interact wit% !"R c%ec& alert log c%ec& %ealt% monitor0/*2 status create report
on /* +ac&age incident and problem information into a 3ip file for send to Oracle Support. etc.
No username/password need to log in to !"R#I !"R#I interact wit% file system and !"R data
is secured only by operating system permissions on t%e !"R directories.
L#lic& /ere for Oracle "ocumenation on adrci M

LoracleNapps::1 OM; ; adrci
adrci8 %elp
/,6+ LtopicM
!vailable TopicsF
#R,!T, R,+ORT
S,T <!S,
S,T ,#/O
S,T /O*,S . /O*, . /O*,+!T/
S/O$ !6,RT
S/O$ <!S,
S/O$ /*(R)N
S/O$ /O*,S . /O*, . /O*,+!T/
S/O$ +RO<6,*
S/O$ TR!#,CI6,
T%ere are ot%er commands intended to be used directly by Oracle type
P/,6+ ,5T,N","P to see t%e list
adrci8 S/O$ IN#I",NT
!"R /ome J /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-F
IN#I",NT(I" +RO<6,*(=,9 #R,!T,(TI*,
----------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
QE1K OR! ?:: L&cidr(reeval(DM -::E-:A-1@ 1EF@1F:D.?:Q:KK R:AFD:
1 incident info records fetc%ed

C(ec)ing alert log 5it( ADRCI

One can see alert log content wit% t%e %elp of !"R#I

adrci88s%ow alert

If Sust want to tail content of alert log
adrci> set editor vi
adrci> show alert ( it will open alert in vi editor )
adrci> show alert -tail ( Similar to Unix tail command )
adrci> show alert -tail 200 ( Similar to Unix Command tail -200 )
adrci> show alert -tail -f ( Similar to Unix command tail -f )

#ontent of Iml alert log 0 log.Iml 2

Sample output of log.xml ( xml format of alert.log)
Tmsg timeJU-::E-:E-1DT1DFAKF-Q.K@:-:KF::U org(idJUoracleU comp(idJUrdbmsU
typeJU)N=NO$NU levelJU1?U %ost(idJUapps::1U
%ost(addrJU1Q-.-:.1E-.11DU moduleJUU pidJU1QA@1U8
TtIt8Incremental c%ec&point up to R<! L:I1:e.QEcbe.:M current log tail at R<!

Since alert log saved as 5*6 format 0 log.Iml 2 you can Vuery Iml file as well
<elow is eIample to c%ec& all GOR!-G in alert log

adrci3S/O$ !6,RT -+ P*,SS!4,(T,5T 6I=, UWOR!-WUP

9ou can spool output for !"R#I using spool command same as we use in sVlplus

6roblem and Incident

!" introduce new concept of problem and incident problem is critical error in database and in
!"R problem is identified by problem &ey. +roblem &ey is consist of oracle error number error
parameter value etc
for eIample OR!?::&ci
Incident is single occurrence of problem eac% incident is identified by uniVue number called
incident id
w%ic% is uniVue in !"R %ome all incident data stored in !"R. ,ac% incident %as a problem &ey
and is
mapped to a single problem. $%en error occurred bac&up ground process ma&e entry in alert.log
collect data about incident 0li&e process dump data structure dump etc2
If similar incident %appen more freVuently oracle will not collect data for all incident
<y default only fi'e dumps per (our for a gi'en problem are allo5ed for single gi'en
problem and
t%is call flood control in 11g some time you see =flood control= messages in alertTSI"8.log /
Incident can be created as manual as well if needed.

adrci88,#$> ICID&T
!"R /ome J /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-F
IN#I",NT(I" +RO<6,*(=,9 #R,!T,(TI*,
----------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
QE1K OR! ?:: L&cidr(reeval(DM -::E-:A-1@ 1EF@1F:D.?:Q:KK R:AFD:
1 incident info records fetc%ed

I6, ( Incident pac)age ser'ice )
"<! need not searc% trace dump etc related particular error to sent it to oracle support. In
diagnostic data are tagged wit% incident id and I+S identified trace and dump for particular
and allow end user to create pac&age from !"R to send to Oracle Support. )sing I+S end user
add some more file to pac&age if needed.
#o5 to create pac)age
Create logical package
Add files to package
Create zip file to send to oracle support

Create logical package
#%ec& incidents for w%ic% you want to create pac&age

adrci3SHOW !C"#!$
!"R /ome J /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-F
IN#I",NT(I" +RO<6,*(=,9 #R,!T,(TI*,
---------------------- -----------------------------
QE1K OR! ?:: L&cidr(reeval(DM -::E-:E-1@ 1EF@1F:D.?:Q:KK R:AFD:
1 incident info records fetc%ed
$e can use I+S #R,!T, +!#=!4, command to create a logical pac&age for above incident

adrci3ips create pac&age incident QE1K
Created pac%a&e ' (ased on incident id )*+,- correlation level t.pical

Add files to package
!dding diagnostic information for a particular 0QE1K2 incident
adrci3ips create pac&age incident QE1K
#reated pac&age @ based on incident id QE1K correlation level typical
adrci3ips add incident QE1K pac&age @
!dded incident QE1K to pac&age @

9ou can add additional files if needed <ut file s%ould be in !"R below in eIample we adding
alert log to pac&age.
adrci3 ips add file
/u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/alert(orcl-.log pac&age @
!dded file /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/alert(orcl-.log to
pac&age @

Create zip file to send to oracle support

adrci3 ips generate pac&age @ in /tmp
4enerated pac&age @ in file /tmp/OR!?::&ci(-::E:E1@1E@A1?(#O*(1.3ip mode
LrootNapps::1 tmpMXls ?l /tmp/@.Aip
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall AE@@1: *ay 1@ 1EFA:

LrootNapps::1 tmpMX un3ip -l OR!?::&ci(-::E:E1@1E@A1?(#O*(1.3ip
!rc%iveF OR!?::&ci(-::E:E1@1E@A1?(#O*(1.3ip
6engt% "ate Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
K?D-1: :A-1@-:E 1EF@1
-D:-A:? :A-1@-:E 1EF@1
1E?EEK :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/alert(orcl-.log
@Q1QE- :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/alert/log.Iml
11-- :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/orcl-(diag(AQD1.trc
1EQ :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/orcl-(diag(AQD1.trm
1D@- :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/orcl-(ora(AQ?K.trc
KKD :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/orcl-(ora(AQ?K.trm
ED1 :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
DDE :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
1QD :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
1:Q@ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
-D@ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
?::@ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
-1@ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
1-KD :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
1E1D :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
-:@ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
1QE :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
DAD :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
1?D :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
?1@ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
DAK :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
-:- :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
@:? :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
K1: :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
E@D :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/%m//*R,+ORT(/*(R)N(-1.%m
K:E :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/%m//*R,+ORT(/*(R)N(@1.%m
-:K :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
?-?-@ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/incp&g/p&g(@/seV(1/config.Iml @EQ :A-1@-:K 1EF@Q
QA:E :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q
: :A-:A-:E :@F:: diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/alert/
: :A-:A-:E :@F:: diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/cdump/
: :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/%m/
: :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/incident/
: :A-1@-:E 1EF@A diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/incp&g/
: :A-1D-:E --FA1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/ir/
: :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/lc&/
: :A-:A-:E :@F:: diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/metadata/
: :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/stage/
: :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/sweep/
: :A-1@-:E 1EF@1 diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-/trace/
@EQ :A-1@-:E 1EF@Q metadata.Iml
-------- -------
DEDE:E: @@ files
LrootNapps::1 tmpMX

6og a SR and upload t%is 3ip file to Oracle Support for diagnose and resolution.

I6, in ,ummary
$ adrci
adrci> help ips
adrci> show incident
( /or example a(ove command show incident !o )*+, for O01-200 34567 )
adrci> ips create package incident 9!" 89 ( it will &ive pac%a&e !o:)
adrci> ips create package incident 9!"
Created pac%a&e ' (ased on incident id )*+,- correlation level t.pical
adrci> ips add incident 9!" package #
1dded incident )*+, to pac%a&e '
adrci>>ips add file
$u%!$app$oracle$diag$rd&ms$orcl'$orcl'$trace$alert(orcl'.log package #
1dded file ;<0+;app;oracle;dia&;rd(ms;orcl2;orcl2;trace;alert=orcl2:lo& to
pac%a&e '
adrci>>ips generate package # in $tmp
>enerated pac%a&e ' in file ;tmp;O01200%ci=200*0*+'+*'?+2=CO@=+:Aip- mode
#ealt( %onitor (#%)
/ealt% *onitor run diagnostic c%ec&s on various components of t%e database. /ealt% *onitor
eIamine various components of t%e database including files memory transaction integrity
and process usage. In order to collect more data after critical error 0incident2 oracle invo&e
monitoring implicitly. If need end-user can also run %ealt% monitoring procedure manually
/ealt% *onitor c%ec&s run in two waysF
Reacti'e! T%e fault diagnosability infrastructure can invo&e /ealt% *onitor c%ec&s
in response to critical errors.
%anual! "<! can manually run /ealt% *onitor %ealt% c%ec&s *anually

Kinds of (ealt( monitoring
+lease loo& at t%e 1;/*(#/,#= view it will list all /ealt% monitoring c%ec&s
S768 desc v;%m(c%ec&
Name Null> Type
--------- -------- -------
I" N)*<,R
N!*, 1!R#/!R-0?@2
#6SI" N)*<,R
#6S(N!*, 1!R#/!R-01A2
C6!4S N)*<,R
INT,RN!6(#/,#= 1!R#/!R-012
OCC6IN,(#!+!<6, 1!R#/!R-012
",S#RI+TION 1!R#/!R-0?@2
S768 select name from v;%m(c%ec& B
/* Test #%ec&
"atabase #ross #%ec&
"ata <loc& #%ec&
Redo #%ec&
6ogical <loc& #%ec&
Table #%ec&
Table-IndeI #ross #%ec&
Table Row #%ec&
Table-IndeI Row *ismatc%
Transaction #%ec&
)ndo Segment #%ec&
!ll #ontrol Ciles #%ec&
#C *ember #%ec&
!ll "atafiles #%ec&
Single "atafile #%ec&
6og 4roup #%ec&
6og 4roup *ember #%ec&
!rc%ived 6og #%ec&
Redo Revalidation #%ec&
IO Revalidation #%ec&
<loc& IO Revalidation #%ec&
TIn Revalidation #%ec&
Cailure Simulation #%ec&
Database Dictionary C(ec)
-A rows selected.
/ig% 6ig%ted /* we going to run *anually in neIt step

#ealt( monitoring report
T%e c%ec&er generates a report of its eIecution in 5*6 and stores t%e reports in !"R.
9ou can view t%ese reports using eit%er 1;/*(R)N "<*S(/* !"R#I or ,nterprise

Run #ealt( C(ec) %anually
S768 eIec dbms(/*.R)N(#/,#=0UDatabase Dictionary C(ec)U2B
+6/S76 procedure successfully completed.

adrci8S/O$ /*(R)N
!"R /ome J /u:1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl-/orcl-F
R)N(I" 1
R)N(N!*, /*(R)N(1
#/,#=(N!*, "atabase #ross #%ec&
N!*,(I" -
*O", -
ST!RT(TI*, -::E-:E-:A :@F:1FA?.KED:AQ R:AFD:
,N"(TI*, -::E-:E-:E :@F:-F:@.::K1KE R:AFD:
*O"ICI,"(TI*, -::E-:E-:E :@F:-F:@.::K1KE R:AFD:
TI*,O)T :
C6!4S :
SR#(IN#I",NT(I" :
N)*(IN#I",NTS :
,RR(N)*<,R :
R)N(I" -1
RD"A%& #%"RD"94
#/,#=(N!*, "atabase "ictionary #%ec&
N!*,(I" -@
*O", :
,N"(TI*, -::E-:E-1D -DF:QF@K.K1D1Q1 R:AFD:
*O"ICI,"(TI*, -::E-:E-1@ ::F:DF:1.@K::D1 R:AFD:
TI*,O)T :
C6!4S :
SR#(IN#I",NT(I" :
N)*(IN#I",NTS :
,RR(N)*<,R :
- rows fetc%ed

Create #% Report
adrci88#R,!T, R,+ORT /*(R)N /*(R)N(-1

9ou can create and view /ealt% *onitor c%ec&er reports using t%e !"R#I utility. *a&e sure
t%at Oracle environment variables are set properly T%e !"R#I utility starts and displays its
prompt as s%own above.
9ou t%en enter t%e S/O$ /*(R)N command to list all t%e c%ec&er runs registered in t%e !"R
repository. 6ocate t%e c%ec&er run for w%ic% you want to create a report and note t%e c%ec&er run
name using t%e corresponding R)N(N!*, field. you can generate t%e report using t%e
#R,!T, R,+ORT /*(R)N command. 9ou view t%e report using t%e S/O$ R,+ORT
/*(R)N command or by running dbms(%m.get(run(report on sVl prompt

Eie5 #% generated reports on ,F. prompt
S768 set long 1::::::
S768 select dbms"(m.get"run"report(G#%"RD"94G) from dualH
T>Iml versionJP1.:P encodingJP)S-!S#IIP>8
T/*-R,+ORT R,+ORT(I"JP/*(R)N(-1P8
TTIT6,8/* ReportF /*(R)N(-1T/TIT6,8
T#/,#=(N!*,8"atabase "ictionary #%ec&T/#/,#=(N!*,8
TR)N(,N"(TI*,8-::E-:E-1D -DF:QF@K.K1D1Q1 R:AFD:T/R)N(,N"(TI*,8


Eie5 #% generated reports on adrci prompt

adrci88s(o5 report (m"run #%"RD"94
T>Iml versionJP1.:P encodingJP)S-!S#IIP>8
T/*-R,+ORT R,+ORT(I"JP/*(R)N(-1P8
TTIT6,8/* ReportF /*(R)N(-1T/TIT6,8
T#/,#=(N!*,8"atabase "ictionary #%ec&T/#/,#=(N!*,8
TR)N(,N"(TI*,8-::E-:A-1D -DF:QF@K.K1D1Q1 R:AFD:T/R)N(,N"(TI*,8


Eie5 #% generated reports on $, le'el ( In ADR repository )
LoracleNapps::1 %mM; pwd
LoracleNapps::1 %mM; ls
LoracleNapps::1 %mM; more /*R,+ORT(/*(R)N(-1.%m
T>Iml versionJP1.:P encodingJP)S-!S#IIP>8
T/*-R,+ORT R,+ORT(I"JP/*(R)N(-1P8
TTIT6,8/* ReportF /*(R)N(-1T/TIT6,8
T#/,#=(N!*,8"atabase "ictionary #%ec&T/#/,#=(N!*,8
TR)N(,N"(TI*,8-::E-:A-1D -DF:QF@K.K1D1Q1 R:AFD:T/R)N(,N"(TI*,8

LoracleNapps::1 %mM;
T%at was Sust a Vuic& glance at some of t%e new features in Oracle "atabase 11g Release 1. Now
IUm off to read t%e documentation in full so I can ta&e advantage of all t%e new stuff.
$racle 44g e5 Feature Database Replay
GSimulating production load is not possibleH you mig%t %ave %eard t%ese word.
In one proSect w%ere last - year management want to migrate from )NI5 system to 6inuI
system 0 R!# 2 but t%ey still testing because t%ey are not sure w%ere t%is 6inuI <oIes w%ere
bale to %andle load or not. T%ey %ave put lot of efforts and time in load testing and functional
testing etc but still not le gain confidence.
!fter using t%ese feature of 11g t%ey will gain confidence and will able to migrate to 6inuI wit%
full confidence and will &now %ow t%ere system will be%ave after migration/upgrade.

!s per datas%eet given on OTN
"atabase Replay wor&load capture of eIternal clients is performed at t%e database server level.
T%erefore "atabase Replay can be used to assess t%e impact of any system c%anges below t%e
database tier level suc% as belowF

"atabase upgrades patc%es parameter sc%ema c%anges etc.
#onfiguration c%anges suc% as conversion from a single instance to R!# etc.
Storage networ& interconnect c%anges
Operating system %ardware migrations patc%es upgrades parameter c%anges

"< replay does t%is by capturing a wor&load on t%e production system wit% negligible
performance over%ead0 *y observation is --AW more #+) usage 2 and replaying it on a test
system wit% t%e eIact timing concurrency and transaction c%aracteristics of t%e original
wor&load. T%is ma&es possible complete assessment of t%e impact of t%e c%ange including
undesired resultsB new contentions points or performance regressions. ,Itensive analysis and
reporting 0 !$R !""* report and "< replay report2 is provided to %elp identify any potential
problems suc% as new errors encountered and performance divergences. T%e ability to
accurately capture t%e production wor&load results in significant cost and timesaving since it
completely eliminates t%e need to develop simulation wor&loads or scripts. !s a result realistic
testing of even compleI applications using load simulation tools/scripts t%at previously too&
several mont%s now can be accomplis%ed at most in a few days wit% "atabase Replay and wit%
minimal effort. T%us using "atabase Replay businesses can incur muc% lower costs and yet %ave
a %ig% degree of confidence in t%e overall success of t%e system c%ange and significantly reduce
production deployment

,teps for Database Replay

4. >or)load Capture

"atabase are trac&ed and stored in binary files called capture files on t%e file system. T%ese files
contain all relevant information about t%e call needed for replay suc% as S76 teIt bind values
wall cloc& time S#N etc.

12 <ac&up production "atabase I
-2 !dd/remove filter 0 if any you want 2
<y default all user sessions are recorded during wor&load capture. 9ou can use
wor&load filters to specify w%ic% user sessions to include in or eIclude from t%e
wor&load. Inclusion filters enable you to specify user sessions t%at will be
captured in t%e wor&load. T%is is useful if you want to capture only a subset of t%e
database wor&load.
Cor eIample we donUt want to capture load for S#OTT user

"<*S($OR=6O!"(#!+T)R,.!""(CI6T,R 0
fname J8 Uuser(scottU
fattribute J8 U)S,RU
fvalue J8 US#OTTU2B
/ere filter name is Puser(scottP 0 user define name2
D2 #reate directory ma&e sure enoug% space is t%ere

#R,!T, OR R,+6!#, "IR,#TOR9 db(replay(dir
!S U/u:@/oraout/test/db-replay-captureUB

@2 #apture wor&load
"<*S($OR=6O!"(#!+T)R,.start(capture 0
name J8 capture(testingUdirJ8U"<(R,+6!9("IRU
duration J8 N)66 2B
"uration J8 N)66 mean it will capture load till we stop wit% below mentioned
manual S76 command. "uration is optional input to specify t%e duration 0in
seconds2 default is N)66
A2 Cinis% capture


I Ta&e bac&up of production before 6oad capture so we can restore database on test
environment and will run replay on same S#N level of database to minimi3e data

ote as per $racle datas(eet

T%e wor&load t%at %as been captured on Oracle "atabase release 1:.-.:.@ and %ig%er
can also be replayed on Oracle "atabase 11g release.So I t%in& It simply mean
N,$ patc% set 1:.-.:.@ will support capture processes. Is it mean #urrent patc% set
01:.-.:.D2 not support load capture >>>>>>

9. >or)load 6rocessing
Once t%e wor&load %as been captured t%e information in t%e capture files %as to be processed
preferably on t%e test system because it is very resource intensive Sob. T%is processing transforms
t%e captured data and creates all necessary metadata needed for replaying t%e wor&load.

eIec "<*S($OR=6O!"(R,+6!9.process(capture0U"<(R,+6!9("IRU2B

J. >or)load Replay
12 Restore database bac&up ta&en step one to test system and start "atabase
-2 Initiali3e
"<*S($OR=6O!"(R,+6!9.initiali3e(replay 0
replay(name J8 UT,ST(R,+6!9U
replay(dir J8 U"<(R,+6!9("IRU2B

D2 +repare

J8 TR),2

@2 Start clients

; wrc modeJcalibrate replaydirJ/u:D/oradata/test/db-
$or&load Replay #lientF Release 11.1.:.?.: - +roduction
on $ed "ec -? ::FD1F@1 -::K
#opyrig%t 0c2 1QE- -::K Oracle. !ll rig%ts reserved.
Report for $or&load inF /u:D/oradata/test/db-replay-
#onsider using at least 1 clients divided among 1 #+)0s2.
$or&load #%aracteristicsF
- maI concurrencyF 1 sessions
- total number of sessionsF K
- 1 client process per A: concurrent sessions
- @ client process per #+)
- t%in& time scale J 1::
- connect time scale J 1::
- sync%roni3ation J TR),
; wrc system/pass modeJreplay replaydirJ/u:D/oradata/test/db-replay-
$or&load Replay #lientF Release 11.1.:.?.: - +roduction on $ed "ec -?
::FD1FA- -::K
#opyrig%t 0c2 1QE- -::K Oracle. !ll rig%ts reserved.
$ait for t%e replay to start 0::FD1FA-2

A2 Start Replay

; wrc system/pass modeJreplay replaydirJ/u:D/oradata/test/db-replay-
$or&load Replay #lientF Release 11.1.:.?.: - +roduction on $ed "ec -?
::FD1FA- -::K
#opyrig%t 0c2 1QE- -::K Oracle. !ll rig%ts reserved.
$ait for t%e replay to start 0::FD1FA-2
Replay started 0::FDDFD-2
Replay finis%ed 0::F@-FA-2
B. Analysis and Reporting
4enerate !$R !""* and "< reply report and compare wit% data gat%ered on production for
same time period w%en load was captured on +roduction database. Cor "atabase Replay Report
run following command

S768 #O6)*N name COR*!T !-:
S768 S,6,#T id name CRO* dba(wor&load(replaysB
I" N!*,
---------- --------------------
1 T,ST(R,+6!9

v(report #6O<B
v(report FJ "<*S($OR=6O!"(replay.report0
replay(id J8 1
J) Automatic %emory %anagement( $racle 44g e5 Features)
Automatic )emor* )anagement ( +racle !!g ,ew -eatures)
$ell in 1:g S4! can be auto tune and 11g it eItended to +4! as well ie S4! and +4! bot% can
auto tune
0 i would say i understood t%is muc% only
11g memory management J S4! auto tune R +4! auto tune 2
Cor auto memory we need to set parameter *,*OR9(T!R4,T and
*,*OR9(*!5(T!R4,T. +arameter *,*OR9(T!R4,T is dynamic we can c%ange t%e
target memory si3e at any time wit%out restarting t%e database. T%e *,*OR9(*!5(T!R4,T
serves as an upper limit so t%at we cannot by mista&e set t%e *,*OR9(T!R4,T si3e too %ig%.
<ecause certain S4! components eit%ercannot easily s%rin& or must remain at a minimum si3e
t%e database also prevents you from setting t%etarget memory si3e too low.
If *,*OR9(T!R4,T is set to a non-3ero valueF
If SGA_TARGET and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET are set, they will be
considered the min value for the sizes of SGA and the PGA resectively!
"E"#R$_TARGET can ta%e values from SGA_TARGET &
If SGA_TARGET is set and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is not set, we will still
auto)tune both arameters! PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET will be initialized to a
value of *"E"#R$_TARGET)SGA_TARGET+!
If PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set and SGA_TARGET is not set, we will still
auto)tune both arameters! SGA_TARGET will be initialized to a value of
by the user++ and will auto)tune subcoms!
,F. 6erformance AnalyAer
KClic) #ere for 6DF L
Case! - 9ou want to adSust some parameters in production and you want to c%ec& %ow over all
application going to run i.e. is S76 performance improved or it degrade >
,olution! - Oracle 11g nw features S76 +erformance !naly3er 0S+!2 analy3e t%e S76
performance impact of any type of system c%anges. S76 +erformance !naly3er automates t%e
process of assessing t%e overall effect of a c%ange on t%e full S76 wor&load by identifying
performance divergence for eac% statement.
S+! report t%at s%ows t%e net impact on t%e wor&load performance due to t%e c%ange is
provided. Cor regressed S76 statements S76 +erformance !naly3er also provides appropriate
eIecutions plan details along wit% tuning recommendations. !s a result "<!s can remedy any
negative outcome before t%eir end users are affected and can validate wit% significant time and
cost savings t%at t%e system c%ange to t%e production environment will result in net
The stes of the S,- Performance Analyzer wor%flow are as follows.
Capture ,F.s on 6roduction Database
%o'e ,F.s to Test Database
Create a ,F. 6erformance AnalyAer tas) on t(e test system
4enerate and store t%e Vuery eIecution statistics before t%e c%ange.
%a)e c(anges (Database upgrade to 44g , parameter c(anges etc)
4enerate and store t%e Vuery eIecution statistics after t%e c%ange.
Compare 6erformance
+enerate Report
Drop Tas)

4) Capture ,F. (,teps on production)

eIec dbms(sVltune.drop(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
eIec dbms(sVltune.create(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
sts(cmul 1!R#/!R-0D:2 FJ USTS(R!4(#*)6UB

capture(cursor(cac%e(sVlset F T%e procedure captures a wor&load from t%e cursor cac%e into a
S76 tuning set polling t%e cac%e multiple times over a time period and updating t%e wor&load
data stored t%ere. It can eIecute over as long a period as reVuired to capture an entire system
time"limit F KA:::: 0 T%e total amount of time in seconds to eIecute 2
repeat"inter'al F 1 0 T%e amount of time in seconds to pause between sampling 2
capture"option "uring capture eit%er insert new statements update eIisting ones or
o U)+"!T,U
o U*,R4,U
capture"mode capture Option 0)+"!T, and *,R4, capture options2.
o *O",(R,+6!#,(O6"(ST!TS - Replace statistics w%en t%e number of
eIecutions seen is greater t%an t%at stored in t%e S76 tuning set
*O",(!##)*)6!T,(ST!TS - !dd new values to current values for S76 we already store.
Note t%at t%is mode detects if a statement %as been aged out so t%e final value for a statistics will
be t%e sum of t%e statistics of all cursors t%at statement eIisted under.
.he CA/.012(C01S+1(CAC32(S45S2. function ena&les the capture of the full
s*stem workload &* repeatedl* polling the cursor cache o6er a specified inter6al.
T%is function is a lot more efficient t%an repeatedly using t%e ,&.&CT"CDR,$R"CAC#&
and .$AD",F.,&T procedures to capture t%e cursor cac%e over an eItended period
of time. T%is function effectively captures t%e entire wor&load as S76 +rofiles opposed
to t%e !$RYw%ic% only captures t%e wor&load of %ig%-load S76 statements or t%e
.$AD",F.,&T procedure w%ic% accesses t%e data source only once.
9) %o'e ,F.s to test system
,teps on production database
/reate sta0in0 table for STS and ac% STS data into sta0in0 table and imort the sta0in0 table
a) Create a staging table
eIec dbms(sVltune.create(stgtab(sVlset0US76S,T(tabU2B
b) 6ac) t(e sMlset in a staging table
eIec dbms(sVltune.pac&(stgtab(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6UU!++SU
c) &Nport t(e staging table
eIp apps/apps fileJsVlset(tab.dmp tablesJsVlset(tab
,teps on test database
Imort sta0in0 table and unac% sta0ed data in STS
d) Import t(e staging table in t(e target database
imp apps/apps fileJsVlset(tab.dmp fullJy
e) unpac) t(e staging table into sMlset
eIec dbms(sVltune.drop(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
eIec dbms(sVltune.create(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
eIec dbms(sVltune.)N+!#=(ST4T!<(S76S,T0
J) Create a ,F. 6erformance AnalyAer tas) on t(e test system
/reate a S,- Performance Analyzer tas% on the test system usin0 the S,- Tunin0 Set as its inut
var l(tas&(id c%ar0D:2
sVlset(name J8 USTS(R!4(#*)6U
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
Since we rocessin0 whole system load, So TI"E_-I"IT need to increase
,Iec dbms(sVltune.set(tuning(tas&(parameter0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIec dbms(sVltune.set(tuning(tas&(parameter0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
The time_limit arameter secifies the 0lobal time limit to rocess all S,- statements in a S,-
Tunin0 Set
before timin0 out!
The local_time_limit arameter secifies the time limit to rocess each S,- statement in a
S,- Tunin0 Set before timin0 out!
B)+enerate and store t(e Muery eNecution statistics before t(e c(ange
1se S,- Performance Analyzer to build the re)chan0e erformance data by
e2ecutin0 the S,- statements stored in the S,- Tunin0 Set!
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIecution(type J8 UT,ST ,5,#)T,U
eIecution(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(,5,#)T,(<,COR,U
Check status of Analysis task
S768 col T!S=(N!*, format aD:
S768 col ,5,#)TION(N!*, for aD:
S768 l
1select eIecution(name
@from "<!(!"1ISOR(,5,#)TIONS
Aw%ere tas&(nameJU*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
?'order by eIecution(end
SQL> /
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S768 select TA,K"ID,TA,K"A%&,TA,K"A%& , ,TATD,
>#&R& tas)"name 1 G%7"R&6.A7"TA,KGH
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S768,&.&CT sofar, total5or) FR$% E-ADEI,$R"6R$+R&,,
5(ere TA,K"ID19BBC<JH
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
S768 ,&.&CT sofar, total5or) FR$% E-ADEI,$R"6R$+R&,, 5(ere
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
S763select TA,K"ID,TA,K"A%&,TA,K"A%& , ,TATD,
>#&R& tas)"name 1 G%7"R&6.A7"TA,KGH
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C) %a)e C(anges
alter system set ="b"tree"bitmap"plans= 1 falseH
- *ore application c%ange
- Stats collection
- etc
<) +enerate and store t(e Muery eNecution statistics after t(e c(ange.
1se S,- Performance Analyzer to build the ost)chan0e erformance data by re)e2ecutin0 the
statements in the S,- Tunin0 Set on the ost)chan0e test system!
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIecution(type J8 UT,ST ,5,#)T,U
eIecution(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(,5,#)T,(afterU2B
8) Compare eNecution plans
1se S,- Performance Analyzer to comare and analyze the re)chan0e and ost)chan0e
versions of
erformance data!
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIecution(type J8 U#O*+!R, +,RCOR*!N#,U
eIecution(name J8 U*9(#O*+!R,(,5,#)TIONU2B
;) Compare t(e eNecution c(anges due to your database c(anges
Generate a reort to identify the S,- statements in the S,- wor%load that have imroved,
unchan0ed, or re0ressed after the system chan0e! Review the reort and interret the results!

--"isplaying t%e Results of a S76 Tuning Tas&
set serveroutput on si3e QQQQQQ
set long QQQQQQ
select "<*S(S76+!.R,+ORT(!N!69SIS(T!S=0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U2
from dualB
-- L Clic) #ere for ,ample Report of abo'e command M
1!R rep #6O<B
,5,# Frep FJ
"<*S(S76+!.R,+ORT(!N!69SIS(T!S=0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U -
UteItU UtypicalU UsummaryU2B
S,T 6ON4 1::::: 6ON4#/)N=SIZ, 1::::: 6IN,SIZ, 1D:
+RINT Frep
--Note above command will ta&e few *in.
O) Drop Tas)
eIec dbms(sVlpa."RO+(!N!69SIS(T!S=0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U2B
a) $racle ,F. R&6.A7
9ou can use SVl +erformance !naly3er 0S+!2 to analy3e t%e S76 performance impact of any
type of system c%anges.
Implementation of tuning recommendations 0 li&e parameter c%anges 2
Sc%ema c%anges 0eg !pplication +atc% 2
Statistics gat%ering
"atabase upgrades
OS/%ardware c%anges
S76 +erformance !naly3er allows for t%e comparison of S76 performance statistics before and
after c%anges and provide comparison report.
,teps for ,F. R&6.A7
1. #ollect SVls
-. #reate t%e S76 Replay Tas& wit% S76 Tuning Set 0STS2
D. #ollect S76 +erformance <efore #%anges
@. *a&e "atabase #%ange 0 eg collect stats etc2
A. #ollect S76 +erformance !fter #%anges
?. #omparing S76 +erformance <efore and !fter #%ange
K. "isplay t%e Results of a S76 Replay Tas&

,teps in detail
4. Collect ,F.
To create an S76 Tuning Set 0STS2
eIec dbms(sVltune.create(sVlset 0U*9S76S,TU2B

+6/S76 procedure successfully completed.

#ollect sVls in t%e S76 Tuning Set0STS2 wit% all Vueries from t%e cursor cac%e.9ou can call t%e
procedure multiple times to add new S76 statements or replace attributes of eIisting statements.

cur dbms(sVltune.sVlset(cursorB
O+,N cur COR
S,6,#T 1!6),0p2
CRO* T!<6, 0dbms( pB
sVlset(name J8 U*9S76S,TU
populate(cursor J8 cur2B

#ollect sVl mentioned in !$R as well 9ou populate t%e tuning set wit% U!##)*)6!T,U as
your update(option because it is assumed t%e cursors currently in t%e cac%e %ad aged out since
t%e snaps%ot was ta&en.

cur "<*S(S76T)N,.S76S,T(#)RSORB
O+,N cur COR
S,6,#T 1!6),0+2
CRO* table0
"<*S(S76T)N,.S,6,#T($OR=6O!"(R,+OSITOR904,4::22 +B
"<*S(S76T)N,.6O!"(S76S,T0sVlset(name J8 U*9S76S,TU
populate(cursor J8 cur
load(option J8 U*,R4,U
update(option J8 U!##)*)6!T,U2B
00 ote 4 is start snap id in A>R and 4:: end snap id

9. Create t(e ,F. Replay Tas) 5it( ,F. Tuning ,et (,T,)
#reate t%e S76 Replay Tas& wit% S76 Tuning Set0STS2 named *9S76S,T
l(tas&(id varc%ar-0-:2B
l(tas&(id FJ dbms(sVltune.create(tuning(tas& 0
sVlset(name J8 [*9S76S,T\
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=\2B

J. Collect ,F. 6erformance data *efore C(anges

dbms(sVltune.eIecute(tuning(tas& 0
eIecution(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(,5,#)T,(<,COR,U
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U2B

B. %a)e Database C(ange ( eg collect stats etc)
*a&e application database c%anges
alter system set P(b(tree(bitmap(plansP J falseB
alter system set optimi3er(indeI(cost(adSJ1A

C. Collect ,F. 6erformance After C(anges

dbms(sVltune.eIecute(tuning(tas& 0
eIecution(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(,5,#)T,(!CT,RU
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U2B
<. Comparing ,F. 6erformance *efore and After C(ange
!naly3e t%e +erformance 0Improvement or regressions2
dbms(sVltune.eIecute(tuning(tas& 0
eIecution(name J8 U*9(#O*+!R,(,5,#)TIONU
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U2B

8. Display t(e Results of a ,F. Replay Tas)

-- C(ec)ing t(e ,tatus of a ,F. Tuning Tas)
SELECT status &#OM USE#_A0ISO#_TAS'S -1E#E task_na2e 3 4
-- C(ec)ing t(e 6rogress of t(e ,F. Tuning Ad'isor
SELECT sofa56 total7o5k &#OM 08A0ISO#_$#O9#ESS -1E#E task_na2e 3 4
00Displaying t(e Results of a ,F. Tuning Tas)
set serveroutput on si3e QQQQQQ
set long QQQQQQ
select dbms( 0[*9(R,+6!9(T!S=\2 from dualB
77 ,ote A&o6e command will take few )in.

,F. Tuning Information Eie5s
!dvisor information views suc% as %A_A0ISO#_TAS'S %A_A0ISO#_EXECUTIONS
%A_A0ISO#_#ATIONALE views.
S76 tuning information views suc% as %A_SQLTUNE_STATISTICS
S76 Tuning Set views suc% as %A_SQLSET %A_SQLSET_%INS
Information on captured eIecution plans for statements in S76 Tuning Sets are displayed
in t%e %A_SQLSET_$LANS and USE#_SQLSET_$LANS views.
S76 +rofile information is displayed in t%e %A_SQL_$#O&ILES view.
T%e T"$E parameter s%ows if t%e S76 profile was created manually by t%e S76 Tuning
!dvisor 0if T"$E J MANUAL2 or automatically by automatic S76 tuning 0if T"$E J AUTO2.

!dvisor eIecution progress information is displayed in t%e 08A0ISO#_$#O9#ESS view.

"ynamic views containing information relevant to t%e S76 tuning suc% as 08SQL
08SQLA#EA 08SQLSTATS and 08SQL_%INS views.
b) ,F. 6erformance AnalyAer
KClic) #ere for 6DF L
Case! - 9ou want to adSust some parameters in production and you want to c%ec& %ow over all
application going to run i.e. is S76 performance improved or it degrade >
,olution! - Oracle 11g nw features S76 +erformance !naly3er 0S+!2 analy3e t%e S76
performance impact of any type of system c%anges. S76 +erformance !naly3er automates t%e
process of assessing t%e overall effect of a c%ange on t%e full S76 wor&load by identifying
performance divergence for eac% statement.
S+! report t%at s%ows t%e net impact on t%e wor&load performance due to t%e c%ange is
provided. Cor regressed S76 statements S76 +erformance !naly3er also provides appropriate
eIecutions plan details along wit% tuning recommendations. !s a result "<!s can remedy any
negative outcome before t%eir end users are affected and can validate wit% significant time and
cost savings t%at t%e system c%ange to t%e production environment will result in net
The stes of the S,- Performance Analyzer wor%flow are as follows.
Capture ,F.s on 6roduction Database
%o'e ,F.s to Test Database
Create a ,F. 6erformance AnalyAer tas) on t(e test system
4enerate and store t%e Vuery eIecution statistics before t%e c%ange.
%a)e c(anges (Database upgrade to 44g , parameter c(anges etc)
4enerate and store t%e Vuery eIecution statistics after t%e c%ange.
Compare 6erformance
+enerate Report
Drop Tas)

4) Capture ,F. (,teps on production)

eIec dbms(sVltune.drop(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
eIec dbms(sVltune.create(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
sts(cmul 1!R#/!R-0D:2 FJ USTS(R!4(#*)6UB

capture(cursor(cac%e(sVlset F T%e procedure captures a wor&load from t%e cursor cac%e into a
S76 tuning set polling t%e cac%e multiple times over a time period and updating t%e wor&load
data stored t%ere. It can eIecute over as long a period as reVuired to capture an entire system
time"limit F KA:::: 0 T%e total amount of time in seconds to eIecute 2
repeat"inter'al F 1 0 T%e amount of time in seconds to pause between sampling 2
capture"option "uring capture eit%er insert new statements update eIisting ones or
o U)+"!T,U
o U*,R4,U
capture"mode capture Option 0)+"!T, and *,R4, capture options2.
o *O",(R,+6!#,(O6"(ST!TS - Replace statistics w%en t%e number of
eIecutions seen is greater t%an t%at stored in t%e S76 tuning set
*O",(!##)*)6!T,(ST!TS - !dd new values to current values for S76 we already store.
Note t%at t%is mode detects if a statement %as been aged out so t%e final value for a statistics will
be t%e sum of t%e statistics of all cursors t%at statement eIisted under.
.he CA/.012(C01S+1(CAC32(S45S2. function ena&les the capture of the full
s*stem workload &* repeatedl* polling the cursor cache o6er a specified inter6al.
T%is function is a lot more efficient t%an repeatedly using t%e ,&.&CT"CDR,$R"CAC#&
and .$AD",F.,&T procedures to capture t%e cursor cac%e over an eItended period
of time. T%is function effectively captures t%e entire wor&load as S76 +rofiles opposed
to t%e !$RYw%ic% only captures t%e wor&load of %ig%-load S76 statements or t%e
.$AD",F.,&T procedure w%ic% accesses t%e data source only once.
9) %o'e ,F.s to test system
,teps on production database
/reate sta0in0 table for STS and ac% STS data into sta0in0 table and imort the sta0in0 table
a) Create a staging table
eIec dbms(sVltune.create(stgtab(sVlset0US76S,T(tabU2B
b) 6ac) t(e sMlset in a staging table
eIec dbms(sVltune.pac&(stgtab(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6UU!++SU
c) &Nport t(e staging table
eIp apps/apps fileJsVlset(tab.dmp tablesJsVlset(tab
,teps on test database
Imort sta0in0 table and unac% sta0ed data in STS
d) Import t(e staging table in t(e target database
imp apps/apps fileJsVlset(tab.dmp fullJy
e) unpac) t(e staging table into sMlset
eIec dbms(sVltune.drop(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
eIec dbms(sVltune.create(sVlset0USTS(R!4(#*)6U2B
eIec dbms(sVltune.)N+!#=(ST4T!<(S76S,T0
J) Create a ,F. 6erformance AnalyAer tas) on t(e test system
/reate a S,- Performance Analyzer tas% on the test system usin0 the S,- Tunin0 Set as its inut
var l(tas&(id c%ar0D:2
sVlset(name J8 USTS(R!4(#*)6U
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
Since we rocessin0 whole system load, So TI"E_-I"IT need to increase
,Iec dbms(sVltune.set(tuning(tas&(parameter0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIec dbms(sVltune.set(tuning(tas&(parameter0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
The time_limit arameter secifies the 0lobal time limit to rocess all S,- statements in a S,-
Tunin0 Set
before timin0 out!
The local_time_limit arameter secifies the time limit to rocess each S,- statement in a
S,- Tunin0 Set before timin0 out!
B)+enerate and store t(e Muery eNecution statistics before t(e c(ange
1se S,- Performance Analyzer to build the re)chan0e erformance data by
e2ecutin0 the S,- statements stored in the S,- Tunin0 Set!
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIecution(type J8 UT,ST ,5,#)T,U
eIecution(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(,5,#)T,(<,COR,U
Check status of Analysis task
S768 col T!S=(N!*, format aD:
S768 col ,5,#)TION(N!*, for aD:
S768 l
1select eIecution(name
@from "<!(!"1ISOR(,5,#)TIONS
Aw%ere tas&(nameJU*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
?'order by eIecution(end
SQL> /
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S768 select TA,K"ID,TA,K"A%&,TA,K"A%& , ,TATD,
>#&R& tas)"name 1 G%7"R&6.A7"TA,KGH
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S768,&.&CT sofar, total5or) FR$% E-ADEI,$R"6R$+R&,,
5(ere TA,K"ID19BBC<JH
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
S768 ,&.&CT sofar, total5or) FR$% E-ADEI,$R"6R$+R&,, 5(ere
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
S763select TA,K"ID,TA,K"A%&,TA,K"A%& , ,TATD,
>#&R& tas)"name 1 G%7"R&6.A7"TA,KGH
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C) %a)e C(anges
alter system set ="b"tree"bitmap"plans= 1 falseH
- *ore application c%ange
- Stats collection
- etc
<) +enerate and store t(e Muery eNecution statistics after t(e c(ange.
1se S,- Performance Analyzer to build the ost)chan0e erformance data by re)e2ecutin0 the
statements in the S,- Tunin0 Set on the ost)chan0e test system!
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIecution(type J8 UT,ST ,5,#)T,U
eIecution(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(,5,#)T,(afterU2B
8) Compare eNecution plans
1se S,- Performance Analyzer to comare and analyze the re)chan0e and ost)chan0e
versions of
erformance data!
tas&(name J8 U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U
eIecution(type J8 U#O*+!R, +,RCOR*!N#,U
eIecution(name J8 U*9(#O*+!R,(,5,#)TIONU2B
;) Compare t(e eNecution c(anges due to your database c(anges
Generate a reort to identify the S,- statements in the S,- wor%load that have imroved,
unchan0ed, or re0ressed after the system chan0e! Review the reort and interret the results!

--"isplaying t%e Results of a S76 Tuning Tas&
set serveroutput on si3e QQQQQQ
set long QQQQQQ
select "<*S(S76+!.R,+ORT(!N!69SIS(T!S=0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U2
from dualB
-- L Clic) #ere for ,ample Report of abo'e command M
1!R rep #6O<B
,5,# Frep FJ
"<*S(S76+!.R,+ORT(!N!69SIS(T!S=0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U -
UteItU UtypicalU UsummaryU2B
S,T 6ON4 1::::: 6ON4#/)N=SIZ, 1::::: 6IN,SIZ, 1D:
+RINT Frep
--Note above command will ta&e few *in.
O) Drop Tas)
eIec dbms(sVlpa."RO+(!N!69SIS(T!S=0U*9(R,+6!9(T!S=U2B
DBMS_STATS Enhancements in Oracle 11g Database
Virag Sharma
We know in 10g and 11g there is automatic job that collect stats of database based
on certain preferences settings , lets have a look what are these preferences and
what are there default values and how !"#$#%&%# is di'erent in 11g from 10g
Changing Preferences for Statistics
6reference name Default Ealues
(&#(&) &*%+
),-)) &*%+
)#%."&%)$/)-()0% &*%+
")%1+$+/% 2+- &33 (+3*"0 #.4) &*%+
0+$.05&3.&%) &*%+
,-&0*3&-.%6 &*%+
/*!3.#1 7 0ew in 11g) %-*)
.0(-)")0%&3 new in 11g 2&3#)
#%&3)$/)-()0% 70ew in 11g) 10

!n Oracle 1"g

8 s9lplus :; as s<sdba:
#=3>/lus? -elease 10@2@0@1@0 A /roduction on %hu "ar B 1C?04?5D 200E
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7G)#%."&%)$/)-()0%G) 2-+" dualH
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7Gmethod$optG) 2-+" dualH
2+- &33 (+3*"0# #.4) &*%+
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7G,-&0*3&-.%6G) 2-+" dualH
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7G0+$.05&3.&%)G) 2-+" dualH
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7G),-))G) 2-+" dualH
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7G(&#(&)G) 2-+" dualH
#=3F eJec dbms$stats@set$param7G)#%."&%)$/)-()0%G,G100G)H
/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7G)#%."&%)$/)-()0%G) 2-+" dualH
#=3F eJec dbms$stats@-)#)%$/&-&"$)2&*3%#7)H
/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@
#=3F #)3)(% dbms$stats@get$param7G)#%."&%)$/)-()0%G) 2-+" dualH
,)%$/&-&" , -)#)%$,3+!&3$/-)2#$)2&*3%# and #)%$/&-&" are obsolete in
+racle 11g@
.n place of above procedures need to use following procedures ,)%$/-)2# ,
-)#)%$,3+!&3$/-)2$)2&*3%# and #)%$,3+!&3$/-)2#
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G(&#(&)G) from dualH
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G),-))G) from dualH
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G)#%."&%)$/)-()0%G) from dualH
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G")%1+$+/%G) from dualH
2+- &33 (+3*"0# #.4) &*%+
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G0+$.05&3.&%)G) from dualH
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G,-&0*3&-.%6G) from dualH
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G/*!3.#1G) from dualH
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G.0(-)")0%&3G) from dualH
#=3F #elect dbms$stats@,)%$/-)2#7G#%&3)$/)-()0%G) from dualH
.n +racle 11g <ou can set preference not onl< on database level but on global level ,
schema level , table level as well@ .t reall< give more control to !& for eJample on
one table <ou want histograms should collected alwa<s or want to set ")%1+$+/%
KF L2+- &33 (+3*"0# #.4) 254M on some tables
/rocedure for setting preference on global , database , schema and table level are
given below
1. SET_#$OBA$_%&E'S
3. SET_S()EMA_%&E'S
*. SET_TAB$E_%&E'S
/reference set on global appl< for new objects or object which no preference
atabase level preference will be applied on all objects in the database
eJcluding the tables owned b< +racle@ %hese tables can included b< passing
T#UE for the a::_sys parameter of procedure@
.f <ou set preference value to 0*33 , it will set to +racle default value
#Test case
S,-3 create table test4*abc number+5
Table created!
S,-3 create table test6*abc number+5
Table created!
S,-3 select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST47+ from dual5
S,-3 select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST67+ from dual5
S,-3 e2ecute dbms_stats!set_table_refs*7S$S7, 7TEST67, 7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7=>7+5
P-?S,- rocedure successfully comleted!
S,-3select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST67+ from dual5
S,-3 e2ecute dbms_stats!set_0lobal_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 76<7+5
P-?S,- rocedure successfully comleted!
S,-3select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST47+ from dual5
S,-3 select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST67+ from dual5
S,-3 e2ec dbms_stats!SET_9ATA:ASE_PRE;S*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 74>7+5
P-?S,- rocedure successfully comleted!
S,-3select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST47+ from dual5
S,-3select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST67+ from dual5
S,-3 e2ec dbms_stats!set_database_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7,7=<7+5
P-?S,- rocedure successfully comleted!
S,-3 select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST67+ from dual5
S,-3 select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7:1G7, 7:1G_1SER7+
from dual5
S,-3 e2ec dbms_stats!SET_9ATA:ASE_PRE;S*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 74>7+5
P-?S,- rocedure successfully comleted!
S,-3select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7S$S7, 7TEST67+ from dual5
S,-3 select dbms_stats!0et_refs*7STA-E_PER/E8T7, 7:1G7, 7:1G_1SER7+
from dual5
Published and Pending Statistics
#tatistics published b< default when s<stem;user;job collect stats@ .n +racle 11g we
have option to put newl< collect stats in pending state and published latter once
satisNed b< performance testing based on new statistics@
.n 10g we have face performance issue when collected stats on +3%/ 724 O D )
database, probabl< because stats of one indeJ; table published before other@ #o
collect stats in pending stat , test it and once satisNed with testing published it@
#=3F col name form a40
#=3F col 5&3*) form aB
#=3F col .##)#$"+.2.&!3 5&3*) form aB
#=3F col .##)#$"+.2.&!3 form aB
#=3F col .##6#$"+.2.&!3) form a12
#=3F select name,value,isses$modiNable,iss<s$modiNable
from v8parameter
where nameKGoptimiPer$use$pending$statisticsG H
0&") 5&3*) .##)#$"+.2.&!3 .##6#$"+.2.
optimiPer$use$pending$statistics 2&3#) %-*) ."").&%)

Test (ase

B+ , %.blish is set T&/E

#=3F select dbms$stats@get$prefs7G/*!3.#1G) publish from dual

#=3F select dbms$stats@get$prefs7G/*!3.#1G, G5.-#1&-"G, G%)#%1G) publish
from dualH

Setting %.blish -alse -or TEST1 table

#=3F eJec dbms$stats@set$table$prefs7G5.-#1&-"G, G%)#%1G, G/*!3.#1G, GfalseG)H

/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@
#=3F select dbms$stats@get$prefs7G/*!3.#1G, G5.-#1&-"G, G%)#%1G) publish
from dualH
#=3F eJecute dbms$stats@gather$table$stats7G5.-#1&-"G, G%)#%1G)H
/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@
#=3F select table$name, last$anal<Ped from user$col$pending$stats
where table$name KG%)#%1G
%&!3)$0&") 3&#%$&0&364)
%)#%1 Q0A&/-A0E
#=3F select table$name, last$anal<Ped from user$ind$pending$stats
where table$name KG%)#%1GH
no rows selected
#=3F select table$name, last$anal<Ped from user$col$pending$stats
where table$name KG%)#%1GH
%&!3)$0&") 3&#%$&0&364)
%)#%1 Q0A&/-A0E

'ollo0ing vie0s 0ill have no recor, -or table TEST1 stats not 1.blishe,

#=3F select table$name, last$anal<Ped from user$tables

where table$name K G%)#%1GH
%&!3)$0&") 3&#%$&0&364)
#=3F select indeJ$name, last$anal<Ped from user$indeJes
where table$name KG%)#%1GH
no rows selected
#=3F select column$name, last$anal<Ped from user$tab$columns
where table$nameKG%)#%1G H
(+3*"0$0&") 3&#%$&0&364)


#=3F &3%)- #)##.+0 #)% optimiPer$use$pending$statistics K%-*)H

#ession altered@

O& e21ort 3 im1ort STATS

#=3F eJec dbms$stats@create$stat$table7G5.-#1&-"G,G#%&%#G)H

/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@
#=3F eJec dbms$stats@eJport$pending$stats7tabnameKFG%)#%1G,stattabKFG#%&%#G)H
/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@

/se e21,1 3im1,1 ot e213im1 to im1ort stats in TEST34A ,atabase

#=3F eJec
select column$name, last$anal<Ped from user$tab$columns
I 6ublis(ed stats
I 6ublis( t(e ,tats to Data Dictionary for $ptimiAer Dsage
#=3F eJec dbms$stats@publish$pending$stats7tabnameKFG%)#%1G)H
/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@
.f #tats published and performance become worse , then <ou can restore old version
of stats@ +racle will manage the historical statistics repositor<, purging the statistics
on a regular basis, b< default ever< Q1 da<s
!< default +racle keep stats for Q1 da< after that it purge@ -etention can be
increased useing following
#=3F eJec !"#$#%&%#@&3%)-$#%&%#$1.#%+-6$-)%)0%.+0 7 B0 )H
/3;#=3 procedure successfull< completed@
>ee) < 6artitioning
Two New &ind of partition introduce in 11g
System +artition
Interval +artition

T%ere mig%t more Ceature apart from above
>ee) 8 ,ecurity e5 Features
#ase Sensitive password
<y "efault many Security enabled
,ncrypt tablespace
!#6 0 !ccess #ontrol 6ist2 L #lic& /ereM
$racle 44g e5 feaures Case ,ensiti'e 6ass5ord
$racle 44g e5 feaures ! Case ,ensiti'e 6ass5ord
Eirag ,(arma '
!fter upgrading production database to 11g I t%oug%t to try some ot%er features of Oracle
database 11g on test database. So tried to start configuring standby database. #reated password
files wit% manager password.
<ut we noticed t%at arc%ive file is not s%ipping to p%ysical standby side and getting
aut%entication error again and again. Cinally I %ave s%utdown my +# and went to watc% News.
$%ile watc%ing movie idea came into mind t%is error mig%t be because of 11g new feature case
sensitive password. $ell it is and I created password file wit% following command and after t%at
t%ing wor& fine.
orapwd fileJorclpwd passwordJmanager ignorecase1y
+assword case sensitive by default new init.ora parameter sec(case(sensitive(logon is introduce
in 11g to switc% on/off
X Init.ora parameter
sec"case"sensiti'e"logon 1 (TRD& FA.,&)
X On system level you can switc% off
alter system set sec"case"sensiti'e"logon 1 false
XCind users w%o %ave case sensitive or case insensitive
S768 #O6 )S,RN!*, form a1Q
S768 S,6,#T )S,RN!*,+!SS$OR"(1,RSIONS
CRO* "<!()S,RS w%ere rownum T8
)S,RN!*, +!SS$OR"
---------- --------
!<#59Z1- 1:4 114
!"=)6!<# 1:4 114
OR!#6,1- 1:4 114
1IR!4S/! 1:4
Since password are case sensitive so "< lin& created from pre-114 "< to 114 "< mig(t not
wor&. $%en you create database lin& in pre-114 "< by default password saved in upper case
and w%en you use database lin& you will get error POR!-:1:1KF invalid username/passwordB
logon deniedP
$%en creating database lin& use following wor& around to force case sensitive password
X )se Vuote P wit% password li&e PtigerP
create database lin& abc connect to scott identified
by =tiger= using UOR#6-UB
$racle 44g ,ecurity &n(ancements 6art ? 4
$racle 44g ,ecurity &n(ancements 6art ? 4
New parameters %ave been added to t%e Oracle "atabase 11& to en%ance t%e default security of
t%e database.
T%ese parameters are system wide and static.
Release of ser'er information restriction
9ou can restrict t%e display of t%e database version banner to unaut%enticated clients by setting
t%e S,#(R,T)RN(S,R1,R(R,6,!S,(<!NN,R initiali3ation parameter in t%e initsid.ora initiali3ation parameter file to eit%er 9,S or NO. <y default S,#(R,T)RN(S,R1,R(R,6,!S,(<!NN,R
is set to C!6S,.
S768 s%ow parameter S,#(R,T)RN(S,R1,R(R,6,!S,(<!NN,R
N!*,T9+, 1!6),
----------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------
sec"return"ser'er"release"banner boolean FA.,&
$%en set to true t%e full banner is displayed. $%en t%e value is set to C!6S, a limited generic
banner is displayed.
6rotect against denial of ,er'ice (Do,) attac)s
T%e two parameters s%own specify t%e actions to be ta&en w%en t%e database receives bad
pac&ets from a client. T%e assumption is t%at t%e bad pac&ets are from a possible malicious
client. T%e S,#(+ROTO#O6(,RROR(C)RT/,R(!#TION parameter specifies w%at action
is to be ta&en wit% t%e client connectionF #ontinue drop t%e connection or delay accepting
I #ontinue connection after 1: bad pac&et
,&C"6R$T$C$."&RR$R"FDRT#&R"ACTI$ 1 Continue
X"elay @ Sec before sever accept neIt connection
,&C"6R$T$C$."&RR$R"FDRT#&R"ACTI$ 1 Delay,B
X "rop connection after 1: bad pac&et
,&C"6R$T$C$."&RR$R"FDRT#&R"ACTI$ 1 Drop,4:
T%e ot%er parameter S,#(+ROTO#O6(,RROR(TR!#,(!#TION specifies a monitoring
actionF NON, TR!#,0"efault2 6O4 or !6,RT.
X ",C!)6T #reates t%e trace files but it is useful for debugging purposes
,&C"6R$T$C$."&RR$R"TRAC&"ACTI$ 1 Trace
I $rites a s%ort one-line error message to t%e server trace file and alert log.
,&C"6R$T$C$."&RR$R"TRAC&"ACTI$ 1 Alert
X $rites a s%ort one-line message to t%e server trace file.
,&C"6R$T$C$."&RR$R"TRAC&"ACTI$ 1 .og
X #onfigures t%e server to ignore t%e bad pac&ets and does not generate any
trace files or
,&C"6R$T$C$."&RR$R"TRAC&"ACTI$ 1 one
S768 s%ow parameter S,#(+ROTO#O6(,RROR(C)RT/,R(!#TION
N!*,T9+, 1!6),
------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------
sec"protocol"error"furt(er"action string C$TID&
S768 s%ow parameter S,#(+ROTO#O6(,RROR(TR!#,(!#TION
N!*, T9+, 1!6),
---------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------
sec"protocol"error"trace"action string TRAC&
6rotect against intruder
If profile is not enabled t%en intruder can try unlimited number of aut%enticated reVuests wit%
different user names and passwords in an attempt to gain access to t%e database.
! new initiali3ation parameter SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS t%at %as a default
setting of 1: causes a connection to be automatically dropped after t%e specified number of
attempts. T%is parameter is enforced even w%en t%e password profile is not enabled.
S768 s%ow parameter S,#(*!5(C!I6,"(6O4IN(!TT,*+TS
N!*,T9+, 1!6),
-------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
sec"maN"failed"login"attempts integer 4:
T%e sVlnet.ora IN<O)N"(#ONN,#T(TI*,O)T parameter and t%e
C!I6,"(6O4IN(!TT,*+TS initiali3ation parameter also restrict failed logins but t%e
difference is t%at t%ese two parameters only apply to valid user accounts.
Recently come across new parameter S,#("IS!<6,(O6",R(OR!#6,(R+#S on "atabase
,rror *essages 11g Release 1
+1A7%8!89B $his OC call has (een disa(led (. the "C1
CauseB $he S2C(9:SA;52(+5921(+1AC52(1/CS initialiAation parameter was ena(led:
ActionB Contact the "ata(ase 1dministrator
<ut w%en searc%ed oracle documentation not found any detail about it also not found any detail
about it on "atabase
S768 s%ow parameter S,#("IS!<6,(O6",R(OR!#6,(R+#S
$racle 44g and AC. ( access control list )
$racle 44g and AC. ( access control list )
Eirag ,(arma '
If your application code 0 pac&age procedure function 2 uses utl(tcp utl(smtp etc and you
upgraded database to oracle 11g t%en t%at code will not wor& even you gave eIecute permission
on utl(tcp etc to user
9ou need eIecute addition steps and add user to !#6 0 access control list 2
How to check XML DB installed or not
S768 select #O*+(N!*, status from dba(registryB
#O*+(N!*, ST!T)S
-------------------------------------------- --------
Oracle "atabase #atalog 1iews 1!6I"
Oracle "atabase +ac&ages and Types 1!6I"
Oracle Real !pplication #lusters 1!6I"
$racle Q%. Database EA.ID
#o5 to install Q%. D*
If above Vuery not s%ow 5*6 "< component t%en run following sVl to install 5*6 "<
s;l<lus =/ as sys:>a=
#o5 to add user to AC.
Collowing eIample s%ow %ow add scott user to !#6
4Co22ents AA46 4SCOTT46 T#UE6 4connect4DE
SQL> Co22itE
Note :- Don't forget to commit
!s per Oracle 11g )pgrade manual
Configure Fine0+rained Access to &Nternal et5or) ,er'ices
Oracle "ata(ase ++& 0elease + (++:+) incl<des fine-&rained access control
to the U$D=$CE- U$D=S@$E- U$D=@1D- U$D=H$$E- or U$D=!1""0
pac%a&es <sin& Oracle 4@D "C: f .o< have applications that <se one of
these pac%a&es- .o< m<st install Oracle 4@D "C if it is not alread.
installed: 5o< m<st also confi&<re networ% access control lists (1CDs) in the
data(ase (efore these pac%a&es can wor% as the. did in prior releases:
$he followin& example first loo%s for an. 1CD c<rrentl. assi&ned to
host=name: f one is fo<nd- then the example &rants <ser=name the
CO!!#C$ privile&e in the 1CD onl. if that <ser does not alread. have it: f
no 1CD exists for host=name- then the example creates a new 1CD called
1CD=name- &rants the CO!!#C$ privile&e to <ser=name- and assi&ns the
1CD to host=name:
acl_<ath 0A#C1A#(C)///DE
SELECT acl INTO acl_<ath FOM :>a_net7o5k_acls
!"EE host 3 4host_na2e4 #ND lo7e5_<o5t
IS NULL #ND u<<e5_<o5t IS NULLE
4use5_na2e464connect4D IS NULL
4use5_na2e46 T#UE6 4connect4DE
-1EN no_:ata_foun: T1EN
4ACL :esc5i<tion46 4use5_na2e46 T#UE6 4connect4DE

DT."TC6, DT."#TT6, DT.",%T6, DT."%AI., and
DT."IADDR 6./,F. 6ac)ages
! new security measure is introduced in t%is release for t%e following networ&-
+6/S76 pac&agesF UTL_TC$ UTL_1TT$ UTL_SMT$ UTL_MAIL and UTL_INA#.
T%e invo&er of t%ose pac&ages needs additional privileges to connect to an eIternal
%ost or to resolve t%e name or t%e I+ address of a %ost. T%e pac&ages c%ec& t%e
invo&er for t%e necessary privileges only w%en t%e calls are made at runtime and
raises an eIception if t%e invo&er lac&s t%e privileges. T%is new security measure is
implemented by 5*6 "<Us access control list 0!#62 mec%anism and t%erefore
reVuires 5*6 "< to be installed in order to use t%ose pac&ages.
,ac% eIternal %ost t%at a database user wants to connect to or to resolve t%e name
or I+ address for from t%e database is restricted by an access control list 0!#62.
To grant a user t%e privileges for t%e %ost t%e database administrator s%ould create
an !#6 add t%e privileges to t%e !#6 for t%e user assign t%e !#6 to t%e %ost
and commit t%e c%anges using t%e %MS_NET-O#'_ACL_AMIN +6/S76 pac&age.
Cor eIample to give t%e users S#OTT and !"!*S t%e permission to connect
to 777Ao5acleAco2 via /TT+ 0namely to connect to T#+/I+ port E:2 t%e
database administrator s%ould eIecute t%e followingF
SQL> #EM C5eates a ne7 ACL an: a::s SCOTT the <5iGileHe
SQL> #EM to the ACL to 2ake TC$ connections
%MS_NET-O#'_ACL_AMINAC#EATE_ACLC4acl_fo5_o5acleAB2l46 !
> 4ACL fo5 777Ao5acleAco246 4SCOTT46 T#UE6 4connect4D

SQL> #EM A::s AAMS the <5iGileHe to the ACL to 2ake TC$
connections also
%MS_NET-O#'_ACL_AMINAA_$#I0ILE9EC4acl_fo5_o5acleAB2l46 !
> 4AAMS46 T#UE6 4connect4D

SQL> #EM AssiHns the ne7 ACL to 777Ao5acleAco2 fo5 TC$/I$ <o5t I/
%MS_NET-O#'_ACL_AMINAASSI9N_ACLC4acl_fo5_o5acleAB2l46 !
> 4777Ao5acleAco246 I/D

SQL> #EM Co22its to 2ake the ACL take effect

T%e invo&er of t%e UTL_TC$ UTL_1TT$ UTL_SMT$ and UTL_MAIL pac&ages needs
t%e 4connect4 privilege to ma&e T#+/I+ /TT+ or S*T+ connections to t%e
eIternal %ost. T%e invo&er of t%e UTL_INA# pac&age needs t%e 45esolGe4
privilege to resolve t%e name or t%e I+ address of t%e eIternal %ost. Note t%at t%ose
privileges are not granted t%roug% t%e 9#ANT S76 statement but t%roug% t%e
%MS_NET-O#'_ACL_AMIN pac&age.
T%e current !#6 assignment to eIternal %osts and t%e privileges currently defined
in t%e !#6s are s%own t%roug% t%e system catalog views %A_NET-O#'_ACLS
and %A_NET-O#'_ACL_$#I0ILE9ES.
T%e invo&ers of ot%er database components t%at use t%ose +6/S76 pac&ages to
perform networ& operations from t%e database w%ic% are 5*6 "<Us
/ttp)riType Oracle *ultimedia 0formerly inter*edia2 and Spatial are
subSect to t%e same networ& permission c%ec& and need t%e same privileges.
>ee) ; ,F. 6lan %anageability
>ee) O Automatic ,F. Tuning
Automatic SQL Tuning :- 9urin0 maintenance window , database automatic run S,-
Tunin0 Advisor for hi0h load s@ls from AAR *Automatic Aor%load Reository+!
;ollowin0 ste erforme durin0 e2ecution
1. Identified %ig% load S76s from !$R

-. Run automatic !dvisory for sVls

D. #%ec& sVl profile on sVl

@. If !##,+T(S76(+ROCI6,S J true t%en implement t%e S76 profiles provided t%ey
meet t%e criteria of t%reefold performance improvement.
Ae can chec% from dba_advisor_arameters, what is value set for

S,-3 /#-1"8 arameter_value ;#R"AT A==
S,-3 SE-E/T arameter_name, arameter_value
6 ;R#" dba_advisor_arameters
= ABERE tas%_name C 7S$S_A1T#_S,-_T18I8G_TASD7
E A89 arameter_name I8 *7A//EPT_S,-_PR#;I-ES7+
)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Enabling and Disabling Automatic SQL Tuning
If STATISTI/S_-EFE- arameter is set to :ASI/ , then AAR will not collect data that mean
auto S,- Tunin0 will disable

S,-3 show arameter STATISTI/S_-EFE-
)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
statistics_level strin0 T$PI/A-

GTo enable automatic S,- tunin0, use the E8A:-E rocedure in the
G9:"S_A1T#_TASD_A9"I8 ac%a0e.

client_name C3 7s@l tunin0 advisor7,
oeration C3 81--,
window_name C3 81--+5

GTo disable automatic S,- tunin0, use the 9ISA:-E rocedure in the
G9:"S_A1T#_TASD_A9"I8 ac%a0e.

client_name C3 7s@l tunin0 advisor7,
oeration C3 81--,
window_name C3 81--+5

#onfiguring !utomatic S76 Tuning If you want to accept profile automatically run use
"<*S(S76T)N,. Cor eIample to enable automatic profile accept run following command
tas%_name C3 7S$S_A1T#_S,-_T18I8G_TASD7,
arameter C3 7A//EPT_S,-_PR#;I-ES7, value C3 7TR1E7+5

Viewing Automatic SQL Tuning Reports

set a0esize <
set lon0 4<<<<<<<<
set lon0chun%size 4<<<
set linesize 4H<
set timin0 on trim sool on
select dbms_s@ltune!reort_auto_tunin0_tas%*8ull, 8ull, 7TE'T7, 7A--,
AITB_TRA/E7+ from dual5

Tunin0 Tas% 8ame .
Tunin0 Tas% #wner . S$S

Tunin0 Tas% I9 .
Aor%load Tye . Automatic Bi0h)-oad S,-
E2ecution /ount .
/urrent E2ecution .
E2ecution Tye . T18E
Scoe .
Global Time -imit*seconds+ .
Per)S,- Time -imit*seconds+ .
/omletion Status .
Started at . <J?4=?6<<H
<I.<<.<J /omleted
at . <J?4=?6<<H
8umber of /andidate S,-s .
/umulative Elased Time of S,- *s+ .

Error. #RA)4=I=K. The current oeration was interruted because it timed



Global S,- Tunin0 Result

8umber of S,-s Analyzed .
8umber of S,-s in the Reort .
8umber of S,-s with ;indin0s .
8umber of S,-s with S,- rofiles recommended .
8umber of S,-s with Inde2 ;indin0s .
8umber of S,-s with S,- Restructure ;indin0s .
8umber of S,-s with Timeouts .

S,-s with ;indin0s #rdered by "a2imum *Profile?Inde2+ :enefit, #bLect

obLect I9 S,- I9 statistics rofile*benefit+ inde2*benefit+
restructure )))))))))) ))))))))))))) ))))))))))
)))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))) )))))))))))
4HHJJ 6hzurm6faw%n2
4HHJK cnrK2r0=40EhL KK!KHM

4HHH6 Kvmy<aJ@t4L0 KK!=<M
4HHHJ =2=4L>nchn2yE K>!>JM KK!4JM

4HHJI a@22@yhu=Eb<<
4HHIK cJt%cEvrm66c@ K<!JKM 6

4HHJ> bt>hvJJEr@0I IE!HEM
4HHIJ 62Jamuaz0tma 6

4HHIH 4EwK4E2L@%v=z
4HHJE E%fhnt6vdrrLz 6

4HHHI cKHyEs@%<zy6z

Tables with 8ew Potential Indices *ordered by schema, number of times,

Schema 8ame Table 8ame Inde2 8ame 8b Time
>ee) 4: ADD% For RAC KClic) #ereL
$racle 44g e5 Features D*%,"ADD% for RAC
Oracle 11g 5e0 'eat.res DBMS_ADDM -or &A(
5irag #harma virag12QRgmail@com
.n !" racle Database #$g E%am &uide chapter Q S&utomatic atabase
"anagementT there is @uestion
5@ %o retrieve the &" reports using #=3, what do <ou need to doU
&@ -un the addmrpt@s9l #=3 script
!@ *se the !&$&" view
(@ *se the !&$&5.#+- view
@ *se the !"#$&" package
&nswer S&T is correct and D is wrong because there is no /3;#=3 package named
!ut in 11g , it is not true , i@e@ /ackage !"#$&" is there in 11g@ .n case of -&(
script addmrpt@s9l
run give report for single instance, not report of all instance in -&(@ !ut using
!"#$&" , we can generate report for all instance of -&(@
i'erent mode of !"#$&"
1@ atabase "ode .nstance "ode
2@ /artial "ode
atabase "ode of !"#$&"
.n database mode !"#$&" , anal<Pe all instance in -&(
5&- tname 5&-(1&-27Q0)H
5&- start$snap$id numberH
5&- end$snap$id numberH
?tname ?K G!$"+)$%)#%$-&,GH
?start$snap$id ?K 100 H
?end$snap$id ?K 200 H
DBMS_ADDM.A5A$67E_DB7?tname, ?start$snap$id, ?end$snap$id)H
.nstance "ode of !"#$&"
.n .nstance mode !"#$&" , anal<Pe one particular instance
5&- tname 5&-(1&-27Q0)H
5&- start$snap$id numberH
5&- end$snap$id numberH
5&- .0#%$0*" numberH
?tname ?K G.0#%$"+)$%)#%$-&,GH
?start$snap$id ?K 100 H
?end$snap$id ?K 200 H
?.0#%$0*" ?K 2H
?.0#%$0*" )H
/artial mode of !"#$&"
.n partial mode !"#$&" anal<Pe subset of instances@ for eJample we want
to anal<Pe instance 2 and 4 out of four node -&(
5&- tname 5&-(1&-27Q0)H
5&- start$snap$id numberH
5&- end$snap$id numberH
?tname ?K G/&-%$"+)$%)#%$-&,GH
?start$snap$id ?K100H
?end$snap$id ?K 200H
DBMS_ADDM.A5A$67E_%A&T!A$7?tname,G2,4G, ?start$snap$id, ?end$snap$id)H
Displaying an ADDM Report
SET LON9 .////// $A9ESIJE /E
e5 features in $racle Oi/4:g/44g RAC
Oracle Real Application Clusters New features
Oracle 9i RAC
OPS (Oracle Parallel Server) was renamed as RAC
CFS (Cluster File System) was supported
OCFS (Oracle Cluster File System) for Linux and Windows
watcdo! timer replaced "y an!cec# timer
Oracle 10g R1 RAC
Cluster $ana!er replaced "y CRS
AS$ introduced
Concept of Services expanded
ocrcec# introduced
ocrdump introduced
AWR was instance specific
Oracle 10g R2 RAC
CRS was renamed as Clusterware
asmcmd introduced
CL%&F' introduced
OCR and &otin! dis#s can "e mirrored
Can use FA()FCF wit *AF for OC+ and O,P-(.*

Oracle 11g R1 RAC

Oracle //! RAC parallel up!rades 0 Oracle //! ave rollin! up!rade
features were"y RAC data"ase can "e up!raded witout any
1ot patcin! 0 2ero downtime patc application-
Oracle RAC load "alancin! advisor 0 Startin! from /3! R4 we ave RAC
load "alancin! advisor utility- //! RAC load "alancin! advisor is only
availa"le wit clients wo use -(.*5 O,6C5 or te Oracle Call +nterface
A,,$ for RAC 0 Oracle as incorporated RAC into te automatic
data"ase dia!nostic monitor5 for cross0node advisories- *e script
addmrpt-s7l run !ive report for sin!le instance5 will not report all
instances in RAC5 tis is #nown as instance A,,$- 6ut usin! te new
pac#a!e ,6$S8A,,$5 we can !enerate report for all instances of
RAC5 tis #nown as data"ase A,,$-
Optimi9ed RAC cace fusion protocols 0 moves on from te !eneral
cace fusion protocols in /3! to deal wit specific scenarios were te
protocols could "e furter optimi9ed-
Oracle //! RAC :rid provisionin! 0 *e Oracle !rid control provisionin!
pac# allows us to ;"low0out; a RAC node witout te time0consumin!
install5 usin! a pre0installed ;footprint;-
Oracle 11g R2 RAC
We can store everytin! on te AS$- We can store OCR < votin! files
also on te AS$-
Sin!le Client Access (ame (SCA() 0 eliminates te need to can!e tns
entry wen nodes are added to or removed from te Cluster- RAC
instances re!ister to SCA( listeners as remote listeners- SCA( is fully
7ualified name- Oracle recommends assi!nin! = addresses to SCA(5
wic create tree SCA( listeners-
Clusterware components> crfmond5 crflo!d5 :+PC,-
AWR is consolidated for te data"ase-
//! Release 4 Real Application Cluster (RAC) as server poolin!
tecnolo!ies so it?s easier to provision and mana!e data"ase !rids-
*is update is !eared toward dynamically ad@ustin! servers as
corporations mana!e te e"" and flow "etween data re7uirements for
datawareousin! and applications-
6y default5 LOA,86ALA(C. is O(-
:S, (:lo"al Service ,eamon)5 !sdctl introduced-
:PnP profile-
Cluster information in an A$L profile-
Oracle RAC One(ode is a new option tat ma#es it easier to
consolidate data"ases tat aren?t mission critical5 "ut need
raconeinit 0 to convert data"ase to RacOne(ode-
raconefix 0 to fix RacOne(ode data"ase in case of failure-
racone4rac 0 to convert RacOne(ode "ac# to RAC-
Oracle Restart 0 te feature of Oracle :rid +nfrastructureBs 1i!
Availa"ility Services (1AS) to mana!e associated listeners5 AS$
instances and Oracle instances-
Oracle Omotion 0 Oracle //! release4 RAC introduces new feature
called Oracle Omotion5 an online mi!ration utility- *is Omotion utility
will relocate te instance from one node to anoter5 wenever instance
failure appens-
Omotion utility uses ,ata"ase Area (etwor# (,A() to move Oracle
instances- ,ata"ase Area (etwor# (,A() tecnolo!y elps seamless
data"ase relocation witout losin! transactions-
Cluster *ime Syncroni9ation Service (C*SS) is a new feature in Oracle
//! R4 RAC5 wic is used to syncroni9e time across te nodes of te
cluster- C*SS will "e replacement of (*P protocol-
:rid (amin! Service (:(S) is a new service introduced in Oracle RAC
//! R4- Wit :(S5 Oracle Clusterware (CRS) can mana!e ,ynamic
1ost Confi!uration Protocol (,1CP) and ,(S services for te dynamic
node re!istration and confi!uration-
Cluster interconnect> %sed for data "loc#s5 loc#s5 messa!es5 and SC(
Oracle Local Re!istry (OLR) 0 From Oracle //!R4 ;Oracle Local
Re!istry (OLR); sometin! new as part of Oracle Clusterware- OLR is
node?s local repository5 similar to OCR ("ut local) and is mana!ed "y
O1AS,- +t pertains data of local node only and is not sared amon!
oter nodes-
$ulticastin! is introduced in //!R4 for private interconnect traffic-
+)O fencin! prevents updates "y failed instances5 and detectin! failure
and preventin! split "rain in cluster- Wen a cluster node fails5 te
failed node needs to "e fenced off from all te sared dis# devices or
dis#!roups- *is metodolo!y is called +)O Fencin!5 sometimes called
,is# Fencin! or failure fencin!-
Re0"ootless node fencin! (restart) 0 instead of fast re0"ootin! te
node5 a !raceful sutdown of te stac# is attempted-
Clusterware lo! directories> acfsC
1A+P (+C &+P)-
Redundant interconnects> (+C "ondin!5 1A+P-
RAC "ac#!round processes> ,6R$ D ,ata"ase Resource $ana!er5
P+(: D Response time a!ent-
&irtual Oracle //! RAC cluster 0 Oracle //! RAC supports
*y colleague 9agnes% w%o covers webgates put toget%er a simple listF
/ere is 11g featuresF
Oracle )niversal Installer for platform. 4eneric for all platforms
/ost-based coo&ie
Individual $eb4ate O!*!ut%n#oo&ie( ma&ing it more secure
! per agent &ey and server &ey are used. !gent &ey is stored in wallet file and Server
&ey is stored in #redential store
One per-agent secret &ey s%ared between 11g $eb4ate and O!* Server One O!*
Server &ey
O!* 11g supports cross-networ&-domain single sign-on out of t%e boI. Oracle
recommends you use Oracle Identity Cederation for t%is situation.
#apability to act as a detac%ed credential collector
$ebgate !ut%ori3ation #ac%ing
"iagnostic page to tune parameters
/as separate install and configuration option. /ence single install and multiple instance
configuration is supported.
!nd 1:gF
InstallS%ield and One installer per platform
"omain-based coo&ie
ObSSO#oo&ie 0one for all 1:g $ebgates2
4lobal s%ared secret stored in t%e directory server only 0not accessible to $eb4ate2
T%ere is Sust one global s%ared secret &ey per O!* deployment w%ic% is used by all t%e
O!* 1:g provides a proprietary multiple networ& domain SSO capability t%at predates
Oracle Identity Cederation. #ompleI configuration is reVuired.
One $eb server configuration supported per $eb4ate. Need to %ave multiple $eb4ates
for multiple instances.
$racle 4:g
Oracle 1:g was t%e upgraded version from Oracle Qi. It was a very stable version from
t%e out set wit% many of t%e bugs in Qi fiIed and wit% %ost of new features. +rimarily it
provided grid computing by provision of #+)s and data. To t%is end Oracle ,nterprise
*anager 0O,*2 gave a powerful grid control mec%anism. T%is version also provided
en%ancements for advanced eItensions suc% as Oracle R!# 0Real !pplication #lusters2
Oracle "ata 4uard and Oracle Streams. 1:g broug%t about automation of most
administration tas&s by introducing many self-managing features li&e automated database
diagnostic monitor automated s%ared memory tuning automated storage management
and automated dis& based bac&up and recovery.
$racle 44g
Oracle 11g pus%ed t%e envelop furt%er en%ancing many of t%e features found in 1:g. It
provided new components suc% as Oracle !pplication ,Ipress Oracle S76 "eveloper
Oracle Real !pplication Testing Oracle #onfiguration *anager 0O#*2 Oracle
$are%ouse <uilder Oracle "atabase 1ault and Oracle S%adow #opy Service. T%erefore
11g provides better performance and its release - %as been geared for newer operating
systems suc% as $indows K Server -::E and latest versions of 6inuI )niI Solaris etc.
>(at is t(e difference bet5een 4:g and 44gR
#ompared wit% 1:g 11g provides more simplified improved and automated memory
management and better ability to diagnose faults t%roug% inbuilt infrastructure to prevent
detect diagnose and %elp resolve critical database errors as well as low database
performance issues. It provides invisible indeIes virtual columns table partitioning and
t%e ability to redefine tables w%ic% %ave materiali3ed view logs w%ilst online. ! maSor
difference in t%e two are t%e new security features found in 11g suc% as better password-
based aut%entication wit% miIed case passwords encryption on tablespace-level and
en%ancements for data pump encryption and compression.
11g continued t%e use of different editions used in 1:g w%ic% are ,nterprise ,dition 0,,2
Standard ,dition 0S,2 Standard ,dition One 0S,12 ,Ipress ,dition 0,52 and Oracle
"atabase 6ite for mobile devices.
!ll in all 11g is a good upgrade from 1:g wit% many positive en%ancements on an
evolving tec%nology. T%e tec%nical documentation w%ic% was good in 1:g %as become
even better in 11g a significant benefit for t%e "<!s w%o depend on it daily. It is
common for organi3ations not to utili3e t%e full features of an Oracle database. T%erefore
t%e benefits of an upgraded version must be properly utili3ed for t%e organi3ation to
reduce t%eir cost of owners%ip downtime and increase performance w%ic% 11g can

Difference bet5een 4:g and 44g
4.,implified and impro'ed automatic memory management
9.e5 fault diagnosability infrastructure to pre'ent, detect, diagnose, and (elp
resol'e critical database errors
J.In'isible IndeNes
B.Eirtual columns
C.&n(anced security for pass5ord0based aut(entication by enabling use of miNed
case in pass5ords.
<.Tablespace0le'el encryption
8.Ability to online redefine tables t(at (a'e materialiAed 'ie5 logs
- See more atF %ttpF//
/ere t%ey are some feature available in 11g ^ found in forum.
/opefully it can answer my curiousity..
1.Simplified and improved automatic memory management
-.New fault diagnosability infrastructure to prevent detect diagnose and %elp
resolve critical database errors
D.Invisible IndeIes
@.1irtual columns
A.,n%anced security for password-based aut%entication by enabling use of miIed
case in passwords.
?.Tablespace-level encryption
K.!bility to online redefine tables t%at %ave materiali3ed view logs
E.<e carefull wit% merge Soin cartesian eIplain plan.
Q.!ccess #ontrol 6ist for accessing )T6(*!I6 )T6(S*T+ )T6(/TT+ )T6(T#+ etc
1:g also provides t%e following features in additionF
!utomatic $or&load Repository 0!$R2
Udrop databaseU statement
!utomatic "atabase "iagnostic *onitor 0!""*2
)N"RO+ a table from a recycle bin
rename Table-space
transport Table-space across mac%ine types 0,.g. $indows to )niI2
Clas%bac& operation on transaction table or database level
T%ere are some additional features of 11g t%at were not presented previously
,n%anced automatic memory management
Cacility to online redefine c%art t%at %ave occurred view logs.
Cundamental columns
Imperceptible IndeIes
New errors diagnose structure to avoid detect and resolve vital database errors.
New memory structure called a results cac%e
Optimi3er #%anges
Superior safety for password-based verification
Table-space-level encryption
/ere are some &ey features of Oracle "atabase Qi 1:g and 11gB

$racle Database 49c 0 5(at is ne5R

T%ere are many new features t%at are now available wit% Oracle database 1-c including
multitenant arc%itecture w%ic% enables you to run pluggable databases in a multitenant
container database. T%ere are also many improvements in areas suc% as <ig "ata "ata
security and Storage optimisation.

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