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Petroleum Development Oman

Document Title: Gas Freeing Purging and
Leak testing Process Equipment and
Document ID P!"#$%
Document Type Procedure
Security &nrestricted
Discipline Engineering and Operations
Owner &O' ! Functional 'aintenance ( )ntegrit* 'anager
Issue Date +pril ,#"#
Revision -."
This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of
this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reproraphic recordin or otherwise! without prior written
consent of the owner.
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
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PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
i Do!ument %ut&orisation
%ut&orised For 'ssue ( %pril )010
Page 3
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
ii Revision *istor+
The follo,ing is a -rief s#$$ar. of the 4 $ost recent revisions to this doc#$ent. "etails of all
revisions (rior to these are held on file -. the iss#ing de(art$ent.
Date %ut&or .!ope / Remarks
/(r-11 Ro-in *or$an )+P0 /dded 1ection 1.7 /%/RP
4.1 Mar-11 Ro-in *or$an )+P0 1ee 2nteri$ /$end$ent March 2011
3Rev 4.14
4.0 /(r-10 Ro-in *or$an )+P0 1ee /ddend#$ 2 for details
3.2 !e--10 Ro-in *or$an )+P0 Minor Revision 5 1ee /ddend#$ 1 for
3.1 6an-07 Ro-in *or$an )+P0 Revised 1ection 3 8%ea& Testing9 to
(rovide clarit. and re$ove an.
1.0 1e(t
)+P/1 Revie,ed and revalidated
)+P/1 +P-32 re,ritten to ne, for$at.
iii Related 0usiness Pro!esses
Code 0usiness Pro!ess 1"P02 3-04
EP 72 Maintain and /ss#re !acilities 2ntegrit.
iv Related Corporate 2anagement Frame 5ork 1C2F4
The related M! "oc#$ents can -e retrieved fro$ the C"# $usiness Control Portal.
P-114 Maintenance oP
P-11; +(erate 1#rface Prod#ct !lo, /ssets - oP
%ee &ppendi' (
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PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%0L" OF CO,",.
1 2ntrod#ction........................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 <ac&gro#nd..................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 P#r(ose........................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 1co(e.............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 "istri-#tion / Target /#dience.......................................................................................... 7
1.; hanges to the "oc#$ent............................................................................................... :
1.0 1te(-o#t /((roval............................................................................................................ :
1.7 /%/RP............................................................................................................................. :
2 Roles and Res(onsi-ilities.................................................................................................... 7
3 =as-!reeing> P#rging Process E?#i($ent.......................................................................... 10
3.1 =eneral.......................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 "raining of @essels and Pi(e,or& to +(en Pits............................................................10
3.2.1 onsiderations Ahen "raining @essels and Pi(e,or&...........................................10
3.2.2 riteria for )sing an +(en Pit................................................................................. 11
3.2.3 ontrol Re?#ired for #sing +(en Pits......................................................................11
3.3 =as-!reeing and P#rging.............................................................................................. 12
3.3.1 Pre(aration and Preca#tions..................................................................................12
3.3.2 =as !reeing............................................................................................................ 14
3.3.3 /t$os(heric Press#re Method............................................................................. 14
3.3.4 .clic Press#re P#rge Method.............................................................................14
3.3.; Aater "is(lace$ent Method................................................................................... 1;
3.3.0 1eries P#rging........................................................................................................ 1;
3.3.7 "is(lacing To /ir..................................................................................................... 1;
3.4 P#rging !ollo,ing 2ns(ection or Maintenance...............................................................1;
3.; 1a$(ling....................................................................................................................... 10
4 %ea& Testing........................................................................................................................ 17
4.1 +-Bective....................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 "efinitions for %ea& Testing........................................................................................... 17
4.3 Reinstate$ent Polic...................................................................................................... 1:
4.3.1 Method +(tions in +rder of onsideration.............................................................1:
4.4 Planning Reinstate$ent %ea& Test................................................................................17
4.; *itrogen %ea& Testing of 1.ste$s.................................................................................21
4.;.1 <#--le !or$ing 1ol#tion........................................................................................ 22
4.;.2 /cce(tance riteria for *2 %ea& Testing 3<#--le Test4............................................22
4.0 Perfor$ing the 2n-1ervice Reinstate$ent Test..............................................................22
4.7 @ac##$ Testing............................................................................................................. 23
4.: Reinstate$ent Testing of Relief @alves onnected to the !lare or Relief Ceaders......23
; CaDards............................................................................................................................... 24
Page ;
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
;.1 "raining and !l#shing to +(en Pits............................................................................... 24
;.2 =as-!reeing and P#rging.............................................................................................. 24
;.3 %ea& Testing.................................................................................................................. 24
/((endiE 1 5 Aor&ing Aith *itrogen =as................................................................................. 20
/((endiE 2 5 Method 1tate$ent................................................................................................ 27
/((endiE 3 - /--reviations........................................................................................................ 30
/((endiE 4 5 Reference Material............................................................................................... 31
/((endiE ; - )ser !eed-ac& Page............................................................................................ 32
/ddend#$ 1 5 hanges at Revision 3.2.................................................................................... 33
/ddend#$ 2 5 hanges at Revision 4.0.................................................................................... 34
2nteri$ /$end$ent March 2011 3Revision 4.14......................................................................... 3;
%0L". %,D F'G6R".
Ta-le 1 - Reco$$ended riteria C.drocar-on / *itrogen P#rge........................................10
Ta-le 2 - 2nert =as End Points for P#rging E?#i($ent +#t of 1ervice...............................10
!ig#re 1 5 Reinstate$ent %ea& Testing "ecision hart..........................................................17
Ta-le - 1a$(le hec&sheet for Testing of Pi(e,or& 1.ste$.............................................27
Page 0
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
1 'ntrodu!tion
1-1 0a!kground
Process e?#i($ent in h.drocar-on services shall -e s#-Bected to (eriodic ins(ections
and $aintenance ,hich $a. res#lt in the (ress#re contain$ent -eing -ro&en. 1#ch
-rea&s in the (ress#re contain$ent can res#lt in eE(losive $iEt#res of air and
h.drocar-on va(o#r -eing (resent. Therefore ,henever (ress#re contain$ent is
-ro&en $eas#re $#st -e ta&en to ens#re that:
/n eE(losive at$os(here is not (resent d#ring s#ch ti$es that ,or& is -eing
/n eE(losive at$os(here is not (resent in the e?#i($ent (rior to its ret#rn to
h.drocar-on service
Press#re contain$ent is tested and confir$ed -efore the e?#i($ent is ret#rned
to h.drocar-on service
IMPORTANT: This procedure will be used for as freein, purin and lea) testin
process system and e*uipment that has been commissioned and is bein operated
as a production unit.
1-) Purpose
The (#r(ose of this (roced#re is to detail the ste(s necessar. to ens#re that
h.drocar-on (rocess e?#i($ent is correctl. gas-freed -efore the (ress#re contain$ent
is -ro&enF (#rged of an. eE(losive $iEt#res -efore -eing ret#rned to h.drocar-on
(rocess serviceF and lea& tested to ens#re (ress#re contain$ent is confir$ed.
This (roced#re $a. -e #sed in conB#nction ,ith P+,-.// , Preparation of %tatic
0*uipment for 1nternal "aintenance and 1nspection.
1-3 .!ope
This sco(e of this (roced#re
covers gas-freeing> (#rging and lea& testing of
h.drocar-on (rocess e?#i($ent and (i(e,or&.
1(ecific (lant / e?#i($ent level GAor& 2nstr#ctions / Method 1tate$entsH shall -e
develo(ed (rior to the ,or& -eing #nderta&en. These shall for$ (art of the 1co(e of
1-3 Distri7ution / arget %udien!e
This (roced#re is intended for the #se of +(erations and Maintenance (ersonnel and
ontractor staff ,or&ing ,ith +(erations and Maintenance involved in intr#sive ,or& on
(rocess e?#i($ent and (i(e,or&.
The (roced#re shall not detail re$oval of instr#$entation lines ,here the vol#$e of
h.drocar-on va(o#r / gas / li?#id is s$all and ,ill therefore not (resent an eE(losion haDard.
Co,ever safe ,or&ing (ractice shall still -e o-served ,hen #nderta&ing this ,or&.
Page 7
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
1-8 C&anges to t&e Do!ument
Res(onsi-ilit. for the #(&ee( of the "oc#$ent shall -e ,ith the !#nctional Prod#ction
Tea$ %eader )+P> the +,ner. hanges to this doc#$ent shall onl. -e a#thorised and
a((roved -. the +,ner.
)sers of the "oc#$ent ,ho identif. inacc#rac. or a$-ig#it. can notif. the #stodian
or his/her delegate and re?#est changes -e initiated. The Re?#ests shall -e for,arded
to the #stodian #sing the G)ser !eed-ac& PageH (rovided in this "oc#$ent.
The "oc#$ent +,ner and the "oc#$ent #stodian sho#ld ens#re revie, and re-
verification of this (roced#re ever. 3 .ears.
1-9 .tep-out %pproval
This (roced#re is $andator. and shall -e co$(lied ,ith at all ti$es. 1ho#ld
co$(liance ,ith the (roced#re -e considered ina((ro(riate or the intended activit.
cannot -e effectivel. co$(leted or safel. (erfor$ed> then ste( o#t a#thorisation and
a((roval $#st -e o-tained in accordance ,ith P+,-..-e 2 Operations Procedure
Temporary 3ariance> (rior to an. changes or activities associated ,ith the (roced#re
-eing carried o#t.
1-7 %L%RP
/%/RP is the acron.$ for 8/s %o, /s Reasona-l. Practica-le9 ,hich si$(lified $eans>
8red#cing the ris& to a level at ,hich the cost and effort 3ti$e and tro#-le4 of f#rther ris&
red#ction are grossl. dis(ro(ortionate to the ris& red#ction achieved9. Full Complian!e
to P"+ 1tandards and Proced#res is a &e. ele$ent in achieving /%/RP.
!or $ore details refer to &L&+P Definition
Page :
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
) Roles and Responsi7ilities
"eliver. Tea$ %eader
/,areness of the Proced#re
Ens#ring co$(liance to the Proced#re
Prod#ction oordinator
Proced#re co$(liance chec&s
/((roving $onitoring %evels
/((roving #se of fla$$a-le li?#id / gas for in-service
reinstate$ent lea& testing
Prod#ction 1#(ervisor
E?#i($ent selection
Revie, and a((rove $ethod state$ents. 3Technical
/#thorit. level-2 re?#ired4
Aitnessing lea& testing
Prod#ction +(erators
Process e?#i($ent I (i(e,or& isolation.
%ogging isolation details.
*itrogen (#rging o(erations.
=as testing.
%ea& testing.
Process e?#i($ent I (i(e,or& reinstate$ent
1(ecialist lea&
Testing ontractor
Pre(aring and #nderta&ing all ,or&s re?#ired for
s(ecialist lea& testing
Page 7
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
3 Gas-Freeing, Purging Pro!ess "#uipment
3-1 General
=as-freeing 5 This is the (rocess ,here-. a safe at$os(here is esta-lished
,ithin the (rocess e?#i($ent / (i(e,or& (rior to o(ening. =as-freeing ,ill
nor$all. -e #nderta&en in conB#nction ,ith the draining and fl#shing
P#rging 5 This is the (rocess ,here-. the at$os(here ,ithin the (rocess
e?#i($ent / (i(e,or& is (#rged of air -. an inert gas i.e. nitrogen (rior to final
lea& testing and reinstate$ent.
The follo,ing (roced#res shall -e referenced in conB#nction ,ith this 1ection and
1ection 3.
P+,-./4 , 1solation of Process 0*uipment
P+,-.// , Preparation of Tan)s and 3essels for 1nternal 5or) Procedure
P+,-.64 , Loc)ed 3alve Control
P+,--(6 , Confined %pace 0ntry
P+,--7( , 8as Testin
P+,--/9 , Permit to 5or)
3-) Draining o: ;essels and Pipe$ork to Open Pits
<efore vessels and (i(e,or& can -e gas freed the. re?#ire to -e drained and fl#shed /
cleaned of h.drocar-ons. The (referred $ethod for draining and fl#shing of vessels
and (i(e,or& is via a closed drain s.ste$ to a sealed drain tan&. +n a large n#$-er of
facilities in P"+ this $eans of safel. draining h.drocar-ons li?#ids ,as not (rovided in
the design. <eca#se of this draining and fl#shing in so$e instances is carried o#t to
8o(en (its9.
3.2.1 Considerations 5&en Draining ;essels and Pipe$ork
The follo,ing ,ill -e considered ,hen draining vessels and (i(e,or&F
NOT0: The list is not limited to, there could be more
@ol#$e of li?#idF
1iDe of (i(e,or& and flanged sections etc.F
T.(e of $edi#$ i.e. h.drocar-onF h.drocar-on / ,aterF oil. ,aterF C21 content
onc#rrent activitiesF
T.(e of ,or& to -e #nderta&enF
CaDard and /ssociated Ris&s of the o(eration identified 3Ris& /ssess$ent
NOT0: 5hen drainin and flushin to an ;Open Pit< a ;+is) &ssessment< reviewed and
sined by the appropriate authority shall be re*uired.
Page 10
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
3.2.2 Criteria :or 6sing an Open Pit
2t shall -e a mandator+ re?#ire$ent to ens#re that the follo,ing criteria are $et -efore
draining or fl#shing o(erations can -e carried o#t to an +(en Pit.
The li?#ids to -e drained s&all not contain *+RM> C21> or Merc#r.
The Resid#al Ris&s associated ,ith the draining / fl#shing o(erations are %+A
3after (#tting controls in (lace as (art of the Ris& /ssess$ent4
/ll haDards identified can -e $anaged safel.
The s.ste$s> e?#i($ent> vessels or (i(e ,or& is de(ress#rised to at$os(heric
/ detailed 6o- 1afet. Plan has -een develo(ed and a((roved
/ TR2 "isc#ssion is held and a TR2 ard co$(leted -efore the o(eration is
C.drocar-on $onitoring instr#$ents are ,ithin cali-ration and certification
The o(eration is contin#o#sl. s#(ervised -. the a((ro(riate /rea /#thorit.
Failure to meet t&e a7ove !riteria s&all re#uire a ;arian!e to 7e raised in
a!!ordan!e $it& PR-1001e Operations Proe!"re Te#porary $ariane-
3.2.3 Control Re#uired :or using Open Pits
"raining / fl#shing to 8+(en Pits9 in the $ost (art ,ill have co$$on ris&s attached to it
and therefore the follo,ing re?#ire to -e adhered to
+(en Pits
+(en (its shall -e no larger than 3m < 3m < 1m 1deep4.
%i?#id levels in the o(en (it shall -e $aintained as lo, as (ossi-le.
+(en (its shall -e lined ,ith 8thic& ga#ge P@9 covered ,ith firefighting foa$
to red#ce eva(oration of h.drocar-on to at$os(here.
CaDardo#s /reas
/ haDardo#s Jone 1 ,ill -e esta-lished 1$ a-ove the (it and 3$ aro#nd the
(it. The (it itself shall -e Jone 0
/ll electrical e?#i($ent that does not $eet the s(ecification for o(eration
,ithin these Jone ratings shall -e isolated
@ac##$ Tan&ers
@ac##$ tan&ers shall $eet P"+ 1(ecification %P,-9./ 2 %pecification for
3acuum Tan)ers.
@ehicle /ccess and ontrol
@ehicles shall -e not -e allo,ed to ,ithin ;$ of the (it.
ontin#o#s gas testing ,ill -e re?#ired if vehicles s#ch as $o-ile cranes and
vac##$ tan&ers are re?#ired to -e r#n in the vicinit. of the (it.
%ocal gas testing shall -e re?#ired -efore other vehicles are allo,ed to enter or
are restarted in the vicinit. of the (it.
Ahen -rea&ing flanges s#fficient -olts ,ill -e retained to ena-le the flanges to
-e 8closed9 in the event of #ncontrolled draining.
Page 11
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
3-3 Gas-Freeing and Purging
/s general g#ide (rocess e?#i($ent containing 70K nitrogen -. vol#$e shall -e
considered 3h.drocar-on4 gas free.
The &e. ste(s in the (rocess of gas-freeing and (#rging ,ith *itrogen are:
2solate fro$ all other e?#i($ent.
Red#ce (ress#re.
Re$ove haDardo#s li?#ids.
Re$ove haDardo#s va(o#rs -. de(ress#risation.
!l#sh ,ith ,ater if a((ro(riate.
P#rge ,ith nitrogen.
P#rge ,ith air> if necessar..
*itrogen for (#rging (#r(oses shall -e s#((lied in 8?#ads9 or for large o(erations tan&ers
or (orta-le high vol#$e tan&s. The nitrogen tan&s and associated e?#i($ent are
nor$all. s#((lied -. a contractor> ,ho ,ill also s#((l. co$(etent (ersonnel to
o(erate the e?#i($ent. Co,ever> this does not re$ove the res(onsi-ilit. of the P"+
+(erations staff for the overall s#(ervision and the safe co$(letion of the ,or& #nder
the P"+ PTA 1.ste$.
3.3.1 Preparation and Pre!autions
The follo,ing shall -e ta&en into acco#nt in the (re(aration of gas-freeing and (#rge
Cired e?#i($ent shall -e ins(ected to confir$ co$(liance ,ith P"+
standards> (artic#larl. for diesel engines and electrical e?#i($ent.
Personnel > ,hether P"+ staff or ontractors> shal l -e co$(etent in
the #se of the e?#i($ent -eing #sed for the (#rge.
Personnel $#st -e in attendance ,henever (#rging is ta&ing (lace to $onitor
s.ste$ (ress#re and (#rging e?#i($ent.
*ot,ithstanding the classification of the hired e?#i($ent> it sho#ld -e
located o#tside and in a non-haDardo#s area ,here (ossi-le.
/ll lo, te$(erat#re e?#i($ent $#st -e cordoned off and a((ro(riate
,arning signs fitted. Entr. shall -e restricted to a#thorised (ersonnel onl..
/n. lo, te$(erat#re e?#i($ent $#st -e &e(t clear of dec&ing or other
str#ct#ral $e$-ers and -e (rovided ,ith dri( tra.s at Boints. !or details refer
to /((endiE 1
Ahere e?#i($ent is located s#ch that an. s(illages of nitrogen li?#id $a.
ca#se str#ct#ral da$age> charged fire hoses $#st -e availa-le to deal ,ith an.
/ll nitrogen hoses shall have c#rrent (ress#re test certification> -e vis#all.
chec&ed for condition.
=reat care shall -e ta&en ,ith the choice of location to ,hich te$(orar. vent
lines are directed> d#e to the haDardo#s nat#re of the vented gas. @ent lines
sho#ld -e vented eEternal of closed $od#les / areas. Te$(orar. vent lines
$#st also -e sec#red against $ove$ent> es(eciall. ,here the gas released
$a. -e #nder (ress#re.
Page 12
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
NOT0: Consideration should be iven to installin permanent supply and vent lines
for activities that are carried out reularly.
Prior to starting the (#rging o(eration> ,ith the eEce(tion of the flare s.ste$
,hich $a. -e re?#ired to co$(lete the (#rge activit.> the e?#i($ent -eing
(#rged shall -e isolated fro$ all other e?#i($ent.
2f venting is into a co$$on flare s.ste$> +(erations staff sho#ld -e a,are of
the (ossi-ilities of gas -eing vented> or lea&ing across P@Ls fro$ another
s.ste$ and th#s reconta$ination the (#rged vessel.
Ahen discharging nitrogen to the flare s.ste$> considerations shall -e given to
the (ossi-ilit. of eEting#ishing a lit flare.
2f nitrogen is -eing s#((lied -. c.linders> a t,o-ga#ge reg#lator control> ,hich
indicates c.linder and flo,ing (ress#re> shall -e #sed> fitted directl. onto the
C%6'O,= %t no time, irrespe!tive o: t&e relative volumes o: t&e operation
and t&e !+linder1s4, s&all nitrogen 7e used $it&out a regulator-
2f the nitrogen is -eing s#((lied -. M?#adsL> the c.linders shall not -e re$oved
fro$ the fra$e and the lifting slings shall not -e altered in an. ,a..
To avoid reverse flo, of (rod#ct into the nitrogen s#((l.> the line #( shall -e
e?#i((ed ,ith chec& valves.
C%6'O,= 5&ere temporar+ &oses are used :or purging and re-pressurisation
t&ese s&ould 7e se!ured in position at 3m intervals to prevent >$&ipping?-
5&ere temporar+ &oses are :itted $it& >!ro$?s :oot? t+pe !onne!tions t&ese
must 7e :itted $it& >R? !lips and $&ip !&e!ks-
Te$(orar. hose connections and tie-in (oints shall -e -lan&ed off ,hen not in
#se and for all tie-in (oints an isolation valve shall -e fitted. Ahere the
connection is envisaged as -eing re?#ired to o(erate against a (ress#re
in the vessel> the connection to the vessel shall co$(rise a hose
connection co#(ling> a -leed valve> a chec& valve and a -loc& valve.
/ll te$(orar. connections and vent (oints shall -e controlled #nder the PTA
s.ste$. %a-els sho#ld -e fitted to identif. all nitrogen (#rge (oints and
reg#lar chec&s carried o#t to identif. the valve stat#s. This stat#s sho#ld -e
recorded on an 2solation ertificate 324.
"#ring (eriods ,hen large n#$-ers of te$(orar. connections are in #se 3i.e.
d#ring sh#tdo,n or start#(4 reg#lar chec&s shall -e carried o#t> referring to a
chec&list> on all nitrogen #tilit. (oints in service> in order to identif. their
P@ or leather gloves $#st al,a.s -e ,orn ,hen handling an.thing that
contains> or has -een in contact ,ith> cr.ogenic li?#ids. These gloves sho#ld -e
loose fitting so that the. $a. -e easil. re$oved if li?#id is s(lashed onto or into
Ahere s( or s(lashing $a. occ#r> a face visor $#st -e ,orn to (rotect
the face and
<efore the arrival of an. te$(orar. nitrogen e?#i($ent on site> the dangers of
nitrogen in -oth li?#id and gaseo#s for$ sho#ld -e disc#ssed at a safet.
$eeting. Refer to /((endiE 1.
2t is ver. diffic#lt to totall. gas free a h.drocar-on vessel -. nitrogen
(#rging> even if fl#shing ,ith ,ater is (art of the (roced#re. 2t is therefore
$ost i$(ortant that an. hot,or& in the vicinit. of the vessel to -e o(ened #( is
sto((ed (rior to the re$oval of an. $an,a. doors> access hatches etc.
Page 13
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
The (ossi-le lea&age of nitrogen in confined s(aces/$od#les> ,hether
(er$anent or te$(orar. 3ha-i tats4> M)1T -e considered in the (lanning
of (#rging o(erations.
3.3.2 Gas Freeing
<efore starting the (#rging o(eration> the nat#re and the (ro(erties of the s#-stances
to -e (#rged $#st -e ta&en into acco#nt.
a. Ahere (ractica-le> li?#id h.drocar-ons $#st -e cleared (rior to (#rging.
Relativel. s$all ?#antities of h.drocar-on l i ?#i d ,i l l (rod#ce signi f i cant
vol#$es of gas if va(orised.
-. Ahere reconta$ination -. solids or sl#dge is li&el.> the (#rge (roced#re>
,here (ossi-le> sho#ld -e (receded -. a ,ater fl#shing o(eration if (#rging
efficienc. is not to -e i$(aired.
c. The relati ve densities of the gases to -e (#rged $#st -e considered.
Ahere (ossi-le> (ro(ane or heavier gases sho#ld -e dis(laced -.
do,nflo, (#rging> and ethane or lighter gases sho#ld -e dis(laced -.
#(flo, (#rging.
NOT0: Certain e*uipment, particularly filter beds, may re*uire to be pured in one
direction only. 8enerally this will be in a direction toward the support structure, but at all
times the manufacturer=s instructions should be followed.
1everal $ethods of nitrogen (#rge are availa-le ,hich are descri-ed -riefl. -elo,.
)nder nor$al conditions> a co$-ination of these $ethods is generall. #sed.
3.3.3 %tmosp&eri! Pressure 2et&od
The (rinci(le of this $ethod is the dis(lace$ent of s.ste$ contents -. a flo,ing
nitrogen (#rge.
This techni?#e is $ost effective ,hen a((lied to (i(e,or&. The vol#$e of nitrogen
sho#ld -e a $ini$#$ of 120K of the (i(e,or& vol#$e.
=reat care sho#ld -e given to the ro#ting of the vent gas. 2t sho#ld re$ain at> or near to>
at$os(heric (ress#re to allo, flo, to ta&e (lace.
2n cases ,here the s.ste$ is $ore co$(licated> so$e $iEing of the nitrogen and the
(#rged gas occ#rs and a red#ction of the concentration of an. co$(onent of the (#rged
gas ta&es (lace> to a greater or lesser eEtent> -. dil#tion rather than -. dis(lace$ent.
The effectiveness of the (#rge o(eration is governed at all ti$es -. the sa$(ling
3.3.4 C+!li! Pressure Purge 2et&od
2n this $ethod> the e?#i($ent to -e (#rged is (ress#rised ,ith nitrogen and a (eriod is
then allo,ed for co$(lete $iEing. The (ress#re is then released and the c.cle re(eated
#ntil satisfactor. sa$(les are o-tained.
This techni?#e is $ost effective ,hen a((lied to vessels and (lant ,here -affles and
convol#tions render flo, (#rging inefficient or ,here a (ress#re is re?#ired to dis(lace
resid#al li?#ids.
This $ethod is restricted to e?#i($ent> ,hich can ,ithstand the necessar. (ress#re>
altho#gh a relativel. lo, (ress#re is re?#ired for s#ita-le $iEing of the gases.
The vol#$e of nitrogen re?#ired $a. -e esti$ated -. a si$(le (ress#re / vol#$e
2f a h.drocar-on s.ste$ at Dero (ress#re is (ress#rised to 1-ar 3g4 ,ith
nitrogen> the h.drocar-on ele$ent ,ill -e ;0K.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Effective: Mar-11
!o#r ti$es one -ar c.cles re?#ire fo#r vol#$es of nitrogen and res#lts in
0.2;K h.drocar-ons> ,hereas a single (#rge to nine -ars ,ill re?#ire nine
vol#$es of nitrogen and res#lts in 10K h.drocar-ons.
are $#st -e ta&en that lo,-(ress#re instr#$entation is not da$aged -. the (#rge.
2n a t.(ical case> the re?#ired (#rge ,ill -e o-tained -. #se of s#ccessive (#rges> the
n#$-er re?#ired -eing -ased #(on eE(erience of the o(eration -#t governed at all
ti$es -. the sa$(ling (roced#re.
3.3.5 5ater Displa!ement 2et&od
2n this $ethod the e?#i($ent is fl#shed ,ith ,ater initiall.> and an. vessels filled to allo,
oil to -e floated off at a high (oint. The contents are then driven o#t and re(laced -.
This techni?#e is $ost effective ,hen a((lied to oil (rocess trains ,here the fl#shing
,ater is driven fro$ vessel to vessel thro#gh the nor$al oil flo, (ath.
The nitrogen (ress#re onl. re?#ires -eing s#fficient to overco$e the head of li?#ids.
There is ver. little $iEing so the concentration of nitrogen is not dil#ted. The vol#$e
of nitrogen re?#ired need -e onl. 100K of the (rocess e?#i($ent vol#$es.
Ahen considering #tilising this $ethod> chec&s $#st -e $ade to ens#re that the
additional ,eight inc#rred d#e to the (rocess -eing filled ,ith ,ater ,ill not eEceed
str#ct#ral design li$its.
NOT0: This method may not be suitable in situations where water could enter into as
compression e*uipment.
3.3.6 .eries Purging
Ahere vessels or (lant can -e (ress#re (#rged in series> significant econo$ies in ti$e
and nitrogen can -e $ade -. (assing each c.cle (#rge for,ard to the neEt vessel
-efore releasing to the vent or flare. an -e #sed in conB#nction ,ith 2.3.;.
3.3.7 Displa!ing o %ir
!ollo,ing (#rging> it is nor$al to dis(lace the nitrogen in the vessel or s.ste$ ,ith air
to ens#re that it is safe to ,or& on. are $#st -e ta&en> as ,ith the nitrogen> that the
(#rge $ethod #sed is a((ro(riate to the conditions and to the s.ste$.
5%R,',G= % ,O '2" .*%LL %'R 0" P6RG"D ',O % L';" FL%R" OR ;",
3-3 Purging Follo$ing 'nspe!tion or 2aintenan!e
Ahen a vessel or (i(e,or& s.ste$ has -een o(ened #(> it shall -e (#rged ,ith nitrogen to
re$ove the oE.gen (rior to re-introd#cing h.drocar-ons.
/s ,ith the (#rging for re$oval of h.drocar-ons> the (#rging for re$oval of oE.gen can
#se an.> or a co$-ination> of the $ethods descri-ed in: P#rging for =as !reeing
The $ain difference is that the sa$(ling is for a different gas and to ens#re that the vent
lines are not discharging an eE(losive $iEt#re.
5%R,',G= *" ',ROD6C'O, OF *@DROC%R0O,. ',O % .@."2 *%
*%. ,O 0"", ',"R"D .*%LL 0" R'.A %..".."D- C%LC6L%'O,. .*%LL
0" C%RR'"D O ",.6R" *% ' '. ,O PO..'0L" FOR *" OB@G",
CO,", O R"2%', %0O;" )C %F"R *@DROC%R0O,. *%;" 0"", R"-
',ROD6C"D- 5*"R" ' '. ,O PO..'0L" O G6%R%,"" *'. *"
.@."2 5'LL 0" ,) P6RG"D-
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PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
3-8 .ampling
Ahen (#rging h.drocar-ons #sing nitrogen> it sho#ld -e noted that the detector #sed
$#st -e ca(a-le of $eas#ring a h.drocar-on gas in an inert at$os(here. The M1/
Tan&sco(e and *eotronics "igifla$$ are eEa$(les of detectors that can -e #sed.
!or -oth flo,ing and c.clic (#rges the chec&s sho#ld -e $ade at not onl. the
recognised vents -#t also at an. dead legs in the s.ste$.
Ahen (#rging the nitrogen o#t of the s.ste$ ,ith air> it is e?#all. i$(ortant that
re(resentative chec&s are carried o#t. 2f the vessel or s.ste$ is going to -e entered>
conditions for the entr. are as defined in P+,--(6 Confined %pace 0ntry.
The reco$$ended criteria to give safe conditions ,hen (#rging a $iEt#re of
h.drocar-on gases ,ith nitrogen are sho,n in Ta-le 1.
a7le 1 - Re!ommended Criteria *+dro!ar7on / ,itrogen Purge
2ode O) Level *+dro!ar7on Level ,) Level
C to 2nert - NO 4 K Pt 70K
/ir to 2nert NO 4K - Pt 70K
!or s(ecific criteria ,hen (#rging individ#al h.drocar-on co$(onents ,ith nitrogen>
refer to Ta-le2.
a7le ) - 'nert Gas "nd Points :or Purging "#uipment Out o: .ervi!e
P#rge Medi#$ *itrogen *itrogen *itrogen *itrogen
o$-#sti-le Percentage 2nert =as
re?#ired to render
$iEt#res non-
fla$$a-le ,hen air is
added in an. a$o#nt
P#rging end (oints
,ith 20K 1afet.
Percent of
o$-#sti-le -elo,
,hich no $iEt#re is
fla$$a-le ,hen air is
added in an. a$o#nt
P#rging end (oints
,ith 20K 1afet.
C.drogen 7; 70 ; 4
:1 :; 17 1;
Methane :0 :7 14 11
Ethane 73 7; 7 ;
Pro(ane 74 7; 0 ;
<#tane 7; 70 ; 4
2so--#tane 7; 70 ; 4
Pentane 77 7: 3 2
CeEane 77 7: 3 2
=asoline 70 77 4 3
Eth.lene 74 7; 0 ;
Pro(.lene 70 77 4 3
<enDene 70 77 4 3
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Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
3 Leak esting
3-1 O7De!tive
The o-Bective of this section is to g#arantee the integrit. of (rocess e?#i($ent and
/ or (i(e,or& that has -een reasse$-led after ins(ection> $aintenance> re(airs>
$odifications or re(lace$ent> (rior to it -eing ret#rned to o(eration. This is re?#ired in
order to eli$inate the loss of contain$ent of (rocess fl#ids> there-. (rotecting the safet.
of all (ersonnel either involved ,ith> or in the vicinit. of> the (lant and $aintaining the
integrit. of the 2nstallation.
3-) De:initions :or Leak esting
@ac##$ Test / test to (rove that the e?#i($ent does not s#ffer fro$
ingress of fl#id fro$ eEternal so#rces. *or$all. re?#ired for
an. e?#i($ent that is designed to o(erate #nder vac##$
Reinstate$ent Test / (ress#re test> carried o#t at 7;K of the Relief @alve
setting> (rior to ret#rning an ite$ of (lant into service after
the (ress#re contain$ent envelo(e has -een -reached> to
chec& integrit. of the s.ste$ and confir$ a-sence of lea&s.
!or h.drocar-on s.ste$s> this test is nor$all. (erfor$ed
,ith the #se of nitrogen.
=ross %ea& hec& / (ress#re test carried o#t at a (ositive (ress#re>
a((roEi$atel. 2 - 10 -ar3g4> for gross lea& identification.
1ensitive %ea& Test / *itrogen %ea& Test carried o#t ,ith a *itrogen/Celi#$
$iEt#re> #sing Celi#$ 1ensing instr#$ents to $onitor for
lea&age fro$ (otential lea& (aths 3flanges> seals etc.4
Reinstate$ent Test
/ (ress#re test carried o#t #sing the service fl#id #nder its
$aEi$#$ o(erating conditions and a lea& search carried o#t.
Method 1tate$ent / s(ecific doc#$ent or (roced#re (rod#ced to cover a
#ni?#e sit#ation.
+(erating Press#re 3+P4 The +P is the ga#ge (ress#re ,hich (revails inside
e?#i($ent and (i(ing d#ring an. intended o(eration. The +P
is deter$ined -. the (rocess engineer
MaEi$#$ +(erating
Press#re 3M+P4
The M+P shall -e deter$ined -. the (rocess engineer in
cons#ltation ,ith the (rocess control engineer.
The M+P is t.(icall. 10; K of the +P in order to (rovide
s#fficient fleEi-ilit. for the control of the intended o(erations.
The M+P shall -e not less than 1.0 -ar a-ove the +P> eEce(t
in (ress#rised %P= storage facilities> ,here the M+P is e?#al
to the va(o#r (ress#re at the derived $aEi$#$ o(erating
te$(erat#re and assessed %P= co$(osition.
2f this $argin is not s#fficient for control> starting #(> sh#tting
do,n or other s(ecific o(erations> a higher M+P shall -e
s(ecified. The reason for this increased M+P shall -e stated
in the (ertaining doc#$ents.
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Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
"esign (ress#re 3"P4 The "P 3so$eti$es referred to as the #((er design (ress#re>
)"P4 is the ga#ge (ress#re at the to( of the e?#i($ent in its
o(erating (osition that is ta&en to deter$ine the $ini$#$
thic&ness of e?#i($ent (arts at the "T.
The "P is initiall. selected -. the (rocess engineer and
finall. deter$ined in close cons#ltation ,ith the $echanical
design engineer.
1ince the "P is related to the to( of the e?#i($ent> for other
(arts or ele$ents of the e?#i($ent the designer shall
esta-lish the associated design (ress#res ta&ing into acco#nt
the $aEi$#$ (ress#re dro( ca#sed -. flo, thro#gh the
e?#i($ent> (l#s the fl#id static head.
NOT0: The definitions for pressure were ta)en from "EP* Definitions
of Temperature, Pressure and To'icity Levels , December 9..6 (D0P Circular -(>.? has
been incorporated!
3-3 Reinstatement Poli!+
This section address the decision $a&ing (rocess to deter$ine the testing that is
re?#ired> (rior to reintrod#cing the (rocess fl#id into a s.ste$ after intr#sive ins(ection>
$aintenance and / or engineering ,or&.
The .tandard is to carr. o#t testing #sing 2nert Medi#$ or 1ensitive %ea&
#sing *itrogen/Celi#$ $iE if assessed as necessar..
2n-service %ea& Testing $a. -e #tilised onl. if achieving the 1tandard is 8,ot
Pra!ti!a7le9 and has -een Ris& /ssessed as acce(ta-le. Mini$#$ 2n-service
Reinstate$ent (ress#re is MaEi$#$ +(erating Press#re as defined in 4.2 a-ove and
shall -e #sed for 8%o, Ris&9 scenarios ,here ; or less flanges have -een dist#r-ed.
IMPORTANT NOT%: 1t is a deviation from this Procedure, if 1n,service Lea) testin is
proposed or carried out to Operatin Pressure as defined in (.9 above.
4.3.1 2et&od Options in Order o: Consideration
1. 1ensitive %ea& Test #sing * 2 /Ce to 7;K R@ (ress#re.
2. *itrogen Testing to 7;K R@ (ress#re - /cce(tance criteria is 1; $in#tes
holding (ress#re.
The PDO .tandard is .ensitive Leak esting :or .our .ervi!e and ,itrogen :or
.$eet .ervi!e. +(tion 3 -elo, shall onl. -e considered if +(tions 1 I 2 are 8,ot
Pra!ti!a7le9> the affected flanges are ; or less and a Ris& /ssess$ent has -een
cond#cted. Refer to 1ection 4.4 for $ore detail.
3. =ross %ea& hec& 310K of M+P or 10-ar $aEi$#$4> follo,ed -. 2n-service
%ea& Test to M+P.
+n facilities ,here Cigh C21 levels are enco#ntered i.e. Car,eel> 1ensitive %ea& testing shall
-e enforced.
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PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Effective: Mar-11
3-3 Planning Reinstatement Leak est
2n order to deter$ine the testing re?#ired (rior to restart of a (rocess s.ste$ reference
shall -e $ade to !ig#re 1 5 Reinstate$ent %ea& Testing "ecision hart.
Figure 1 ( Reinstatement Leak esting De!ision C&art
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Effective: Mar-11
1. Prior to the reinstate$ent of ite$s of (lant> all connections that have -een
disturbed (flanes, clamps etc! shall have been reinstated in accordance
with %P,9.9. 2 #lane Connection $olt Tor*uin.
/n. re(laced or $odified ite$ of e?#i($ent> ,hich for$s (art of the (ress#re
envelo(e> $#st have (revio#sl. #ndergone a s#ccessf#l strength (ress#re test
(rior to installation. /lso> an. re(airs to e?#i($ent shall have -een carried
o#t in accordance ,ith the design s(ecification and in its original location.
2. 2f the a-ove cannot -e satisfied> a h.drostatic or (ne#$atic strength test
$#st -e carried o#t #sing a safe $edi#$. The -o#ndaries of this test shall
ens#re that all (revio#sl. #ntested ite$s of e?#i($ent have -een
3. The P"+ 1tandards for reinstate$ent lea& testing areF
!or .our .ervi!e - *2 / Ce at a (ress#re e?#al to 7;K of the R@
set(oint for the s.ste$ or e?#i($ent -eing tested
!or .$eet .ervi!e 5 *2 at a (ress#re e?#al to 7;K of the R@ set(oint
for the s.ste$ or e?#i($ent -eing tested
Ahere it can -e clearl. de$onstrated that achieving the 1tandards a-ove are
not 8reasona7l+ pra!ti!a7le9 inservice lea& testing #sing the service $edi#$
,ill -e considered. / Ris& /ssess$ent re?#ires to -e co$(leted and control
(#t in (lace to $itigate an. ris&s that co#ld -e enco#ntered -. ste((ing o#t of
the 1tandard.
4. 2s the Process Medi#$ 1o#r or 1,eet 1erviceQ
;. 1o#r service shall re?#ire that all reinstate$ent lea& testing on (rocess
s.ste$s containing or eE(osed to C
1 or ToEics -e carried o#t #sing a nitrogen
,ith a heli#$ trace to a (ress#re e?#al to 7;K of the R@ set(oint for the
s.ste$ or e?#i($ent.
0. This $ethod of testing also referred to as 8sensitive9. Reinstate$ent lea&
testing of this &ind re?#ires s(ecialist e?#i($ent and shall nor$all. -e carried
o#t -. a contract co$(an..
7. +(erations shall o-tain ?#otations for the ,or& fro$ an a((roved contractor>
-ased on the sco(e of ,or&. The ?#otation sho#ld also have a $ethod
state$ent detailing ho, the ,or& shall -e #nderta&en and all safet.
considerations. +(erations shall agree Ter$s and onditions and a#thorise the
:. 1,eet service shall re?#ire that all reinstate$ent lea& testing on (rocess
s.ste$s containing h.drocar-ons -e carried o#t #sing nitrogen to a (ress#re
e?#al to 7;K of the R@ set(oint for the s.ste$ or e?#i($ent.
7. 2f it is de$onstrated that testing #sing *2 is not 8(ractica-le9 and that the
(otential for an 8#ncontrolled lea&9 after a Ris& /ssess$ent is %o, the lea&
testing shall -e considered as detailed in 13.
10. 2f it cannot -e de$onstrated then reinstate$ent testing shall contin#e #sing *2
to a (ress#re e?#al to 7;K of the R@ set(oint for the s.ste$ or e?#i($ent.
11. The vol#$e and (ress#re of *2 re?#ired to #nderta&e the testing ,ill -e
de(endant on the s.ste$ or e?#i($ent. %arge vol#$s of *2 can -e s#((lied
as li?#id and then 8va(orised9. This $ethod is ideal for gas freeing and (#rging
and can also achieve reinstate$ent testing re?#ire$ents at the lo,er
(ress#res. !or s$all vol#$e> higher (ress#re testing 8*2 ?#ads9 can -e #sed.
Ahere large vol#$e and high (ress#re is re?#ired this ,ill re?#ire (#tting the
,or& o#t to a s(ecialist contractor e?#i((ed ,ith e?#i($ent to (#$(-#( the
s.ste$. !or this ,or& refer to the 0 and 7 a-ove.
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12. 2f the *2 reinstate$ent testing is to -e carried #nder the control of +(erations
a $ethod state$ent ,ill -e re?#ired fro$ the (ersons #nderta&ing the ,or&. /s
for 7 a-ove the $ethod state$ent sho#ld cover ho, the testing ,ill -e carried
o#t> the -o#ndaries and all safet. (reca#tions to -e ta&en.
13. <efore a#thorisation can -e o-tained to cond#ct 8inservice lea&9 testing> the
n#$-er of 8lea& (aths9 ,ill -e identified. 2nservice lea& testing shall onl. -e
considered as an o(tion if there are five or less adBacent dist#r-ed flanges
,hich can -e $onitored si$#ltaneo#sl.. 2f this criterion cannot -e $et then
)+P re?#ires to -e cons#lted.
/s for *2 reinstate$ent testing #nderta&en -. +(erations a $ethod state$ent
shall -e re?#ired.
14. =ross lea& test the s.ste$ / e?#i($ent ,ith *2 or a s#ita-le inert $edi#$
-efore introd#cing the inservice $edi#$. The gross lea& test re?#ires to -e
#nderta&en at a (ress#re of 10K of M+P #( to a $aEi$#$ of 10-ar>
,hichever is achieved first.
1;. The reinstate$ent or inservice lea& test can -e carried o#t #sing the (rescri-ed
test $edi#$> to the re?#ired (ress#re and as detailed in the a((roved Method
10. 2ntrod#ce (rocess $edi#$ in accordance ,ith the agreed start-#( (roced#res
and -ring the (rocess to stead. state.
3-8 ,itrogen Leak esting o: .+stems
The (#r(ose of the *2 reinstate$ent lea& test is the sa$e as that of the co$$issioning
*2 / Ce sensitive lea& test> i.e. to render the (rod#ction e?#i($ent and (i(e,or& safe
for the introd#ction of h.drocar-on gases and li?#ids> -#t is #sed for s$aller scale
2t ,ill not al,a.s -e (ossi-le> or (ractica-le> to #se a contractor and / or the *2 / Ce
sensitive lea& test e?#i($ent for the re(lace$ent / reinstate$ent of (i(ing and valves
and> in s#ch circ#$stances> this sensitive lea& -#--le test sho#ld -e #sed instead>
#tilising +(erations / Maintenance (ersonnel and on site *2 s#((lies.
The *2 reinstate$ent lea& test
.is the direct (ress#re techni?#e of -#--le lea& testing
to locate lea&s in a (ress#rised co$(onent> -. the a((lication of a sol#tion that ,ill
for$ -#--les as lea&age gas (asses thro#gh it.
!or this lea& test> 100K nitrogen gas s#((lied fro$ c.linders or a co$(ressor shall -e
#sed for (#rging> testing and -lan&eting. Ahen (#rging> the oE.gen content sho#ld -e
red#ced to the order of 1K> so that it is ,ell -elo, the lo,er li$it that ,ill for$ an
eE(losive $iEt#re. +E.gen levels $a. -e $eas#red #sing an 2ntrinsicall. 1afe +E.gen
/nal.ser. The test shall -e (erfor$ed at a (ress#re e?#al to 7;K of stage R@ setting or
the $aEi$#$ dead head (ress#re of an. (#$( in the s.ste$ not (rotected -. a relief
valve. Prior to eEa$ination> the test (ress#re shall -e held for a $ini$#$ (eriod of 1;
+n co$(letion of the *2 reinstate$ent lea& test> the *2 shall -e de(ress#rised to
a((roEi$atel. 2 (si 3g4 for inert -lan&eting the s.ste$.
*2 lea& testing shall -e (erfor$ed -. trained and eE(erienced technicians.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
4.5.1 0u77le Forming .olution
The -#--le for$ing sol#tion shall (rod#ce a fil$ that does not -rea& fro$ the area
-eing tested and the -#--les for$ed shall not -rea& ra(idl. d#e to air or lo,
s#rface tension. Co#sehold soa(s or detergents are not (er$itted as s#-stit#tes for
-#--le testing sol#tions. 2f s#rface conditions give ca#se for concern in res(ect of the
esta-lish$ent of a coherent soa( fil$ on the area of investigation> the techni?#e /
(roced#re sho#ld -e de$onstrated in another area.
The -#--le for$ing sol#tion shall -e co$(ati-le ,ith the te$(erat#re of the test
condition. /s a general r#le> the te$(erat#re of the s#rface of the (arts to -e eEa$ined
sho#ld not -e -elo, 7R or a-ove ;0R> thro#gho#t the eEa$ination. %ocal heating or
cooling is (er$itted> (rovided that te$(erat#res re$ain ,ithin the range 7R to ;0R
d#ring eEa$ination. Ahere it is i$(ractica-le to co$(l. ,ith the foregoing te$(erat#re
li$itations> other s#rface te$(erat#res $a. -e allo,ed (rovided that the (roced#re is
de$onstrated satisfactoril..
The -#--le for$ing sol#tion shall -e a((lied to the s#rface to -e tested -. flo,ing>
s( or -r#shing the sol#tion over the eEa$ination areas. The n#$-er of -#--les>
(rod#ced in the sol#tion -. a((lication> sho#ld -e $ini$ised to red#ce the (ro-le$ of
$as&ing -#--les ca#sed -. lea&age.
4.5.2 %!!eptan!e Criteria :or ,) Leak esting 10u77le est4
The (resence of contin#o#s -#--le gro,th on the s#rface of the $aterial indicates
lea&age thro#gh an orifice (assage3s4 in the region #nder eEa$ination. The area #nder
test is acce(ta-le ,hen no contin#o#s -#--le for$ation is o-served.
Ahen lea&age is o-served> the (osition of the lea&3s4 shall -e $ar&ed and recorded.
The s.ste$ ,ill then -e de(ress#rised for re$edial action. /fter re(airs have -een
$ade> the re(aired areas shall -e retested in accordance ,ith this (roced#re.
3-9 Per:orming t&e 'n-.ervi!e Reinstatement est
2n-service testing incor(orates the testing for lea&s> ,ith the re-co$$issioning activit.
of reintrod#cing the (rocess $edi#$. This $ethod of reinstate$ent $a. -e ado(ted
onl. ,hen /%% the criteria> as deter$ined -. the !ig#re 1> are satisfied.
2n all instances ,here there is a (ro(osal to #tilise a fla$$a-le fl#id to (erfor$ an in-
service reinstate$ent lea& test> that (ro(osal $#st -e endorsed -. the Prod#ction
oordinator at the (lanning stage.
The 2n-service Reinstate$ent test must 7e carried o#t to the 82a<imum Operating9
(ress#re. The (rocess $edi#$ $#st -e introd#ced slo,l.. The (ress#re shall -e
increased in stages of not $ore than 20K of the $aEi$#$ (ress#re o-taina-le or 10
-ars 3g4> ,hichever is the greater> #( to :0K of the $aEi$#$ (ress#re o-taina-le and
thereafter in 10K or 10 -ar 3g4 stages.
/t each stage of (ress#risation> all dist#r-ed Boints / flanges shall -e $onitored for
lea&s> -oth vis#all. and #sing a((ro(riate gas $eters. Prod#ction 1#(ervisor $#st
satisf. hi$self / herself that there are no signs or detection of (rocess fl#id at an. of the
relevant areas> for the test to -e acce(ted.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Effective: Mar-11
3-7 ;a!uum esting
1o$e s.ste$s are designed for vac##$ service and $#st -e tested for this service. 2t
is $ost i$(ortant to deter$ine that an. e?#i($ent so tested is designed for vac##$
> and isolated (ro(erl. -efore testing. The vac##$ sho#ld -e of the order of
0.1 -ar a-sol#te and this sho#ld -e held for a (eriod of ti$e after the ed#ctor has -een
sh#t off.
2f the e?#i($ent is in h.drocar-on service> it sho#ld -e re$e$-ered that an.
a((recia-le lea& in,ards> of air> $a. create the (ossi-ilit. of an air / h.drocar-on
eE(losive $iEt#re.
2n addition to the vac##$ test> ite$s for vac##$ service ,ill -e tested to a (ositive
(ress#re of 1.0 -ar 3g4 ,ith either nitrogen or air.
3-E Reinstatement esting o: Relie: ;alves Conne!ted to t&e Flare or
Relie: *eaders
The re$oval for re(lace$ent> re(air and recali-ration of s.ste$ Grelief valvesH re?#ires
that the flanges on the (rocess and flare / relief sides of the valves -e s#-Bect to a
reinstate$ent lea& test. +n the (rocess side this can -e achieved -. s#-Becting the
flange to 7;K of the relief valve set (oint #sing *2 or an acce(ta-le inert $edi#$. The
flare / relief flange is nor$all. s#-Bected to at$os(heric (ress#re ,hich is not
8(ractica-le9 on an o(en ended s.ste$s s#ch as the flare and relief headers. 2n this
instance it is acce(ta-le to carr. o#t the follo,ingF
1. Ens#re that 1P-2020 5 #lane Connections $olt Tor*uin and Tensionin is
adhered to> 8flange $a&e-#( certificates9 are iss#ed and the flange -rea&
register #(datedF
2. !lange shall -e 8$as&ed9 and a 8single9 hole $ade for testingF
3. *or$al o(erating conditions 3te$(erat#re I (ress#re4 $#st -e achievedF
4. The flange shall -e 8sniffed9 fro$ the single hole and $eas#red for the
(resence of h.drocar-ons #sing the a((ro(riate t.(e of gas detectorF
Provided that the a-ove is co$(lied ,ith a ,aiver 3ste(-o#t4 is not re?#ired.
2te$s for vac##$ service sho#ld -e tested ,ith a vac##$. The reason for this is that a((
a (ress#re test to vac##$ e?#i($ent does not necessaril. detect (laces ,here there can -e
lea&age in the o((osite direction> e.g. a gas&et fa#lt.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
8 *aFards
8-1 Draining and Flus&ing to Open Pits
Release of h.drocar-ons to the at$os(here d#e to eva(oration
EE(os#re of (ersonnel to h.drocar-on va(o#rs
!ire or eE(losion fro$ #ncontrolled ignition so#rces and fla$$a-le va(o#rs in
and aro#nd the o(en (it
Environ$ental conta$ination d#e to #ncontrolled draining and fl#shing
8-) Gas-Freeing and Purging
Entr. of air into conta$inated (lant containing h.drocar-ons can res#lt in
s#-se?#ent fire or eE(losion ,here a so#rce of ignition is (resent 3e.g. static
electricit.> (.ro(horic $aterials4.
Entr. of h.drocar-ons into a s.ste$ that contains air 3oE.gen4 creating a
fla$$a-le/eE(losive $iEt#re.
2f (#re nitrogen is inhaled> onl. a fe, -reaths ,ill f#ll. eEchange the air in the
l#ngs to nitrogen and #nconscio#sness ,ill ra(idl. ens#e.
r.ogenic li?#ids have ra(id cooling (ro(erties and conse?#entl.> flesh co$ing
into contact ,ith #n-ins#lated (i(e,or& or vessels containing these li?#ids $a.
stic& fast d#e to the $oist#re in the s&in.
r.ogenic li?#ids have lo, -oiling (oints and ?#ic&l. (rod#ce clo#ds of va(o#r
or gas at a$-ient te$(erat#res> (rolonged eE(os#re to ,hich can da$age the
1hort eE(os#re of the to li?#ids or va(o#rs ?#ic&l. res#lts in da$age
,hilst eE(os#re of other s&in tiss#es (rod#ces si$ilar effects to a -#rn and
(rolonged eE(os#re $a. res#lt in frost-ite.
8-3 Leak esting
!ail#re of the e?#i($ent d#ring the test> ca#sing i$$ediate release of
haDardo#s $aterials or dangero#s a$o#nts of energ..
!ire or eE(losion arising fro$ the #se of fla$$a-le fl#ids for in-service lea&
"a$age to the e?#i($ent d#ring test> ca#sing a ,ea&ness ,hich $ight res#lt
in a s#-se?#ent fail#re.
!ail#re or da$age to the e?#i($ent d#ring test $ight arise fro$:
o )se of an eEcessive test (ress#re> d#e to either fa#lt. calc#lation or
fa#lt. (ress#re control e?#i($ent.
o Testing at too lo, a te$(erat#re.
o %ocal over (ress#risation> d#e to ,ater freeDing.
o +verloading> d#e to the ,eight of the test $edi#$.
o "ra,ing an #nacce(ta-le vac##$ ,hen re$oving the test Medi#$.
o orrosion> d#e to #se of #ns#ita-le h.dra#lic test $edi#$.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
o 2nternal eE(losion created -. (resence of eE(losive $iEt#re and heat
so#rce> as a res#lt of co$(ressions.
Ahen o#t (ress#re tests> consideration shall -e given to adBacent
s.ste$s o(erating #nder (ress#re. !or eEa$(le> if the s.ste$ #ndergoing test
,ere to fail> the adBacent (ress#rised s.ste$ co#ld s#ffer da$age> there-.
increasing haDards.
Page 2;
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%ppendi< 1 ( 5orking 5it& ,itrogen Gas
This /((endiE ,ill identif. the (reca#tions and (roced#res that sho#ld -e o-served
,hen ,or&ing ,ith nitrogen> and ,hen inerting s.ste$s #sing nitrogen gas for (#rging.
5%R,',G= ,'ROG", '. %, %.P*@B'%, %,D 5'LL ,O .6.%', L'F"-
*itrogen is the $ain co$(onent of -reatha-le air and> as s#ch> is often ,rongl.
considered not to -e a (ersonal haDard. 2t is (rovided for #se either in a gaseo#s for$
in M?#adsL or fro$ a nitrogen- (rod#cing s&id> or in a li?#id state in cr.ogenic -#l& tan&s
,here it is stored at a te$(erat#re -elo, its -oiling (oint of -170R.
2f #ndil#ted nitrogen is -reathed> not onl. is the -lood (assing thro#gh the l#ngs not
re(lenished ,ith oE.gen> -#t also $#ch of the resid#al oE.gen in the -lood (asses o#t
into the l#ngs. The effect is therefore $#ch ,orse than holding oneLs -reath or re-
-reathing air. 2n (ractice it ,ill ta&e onl. a fe, -reaths to f#ll. eEchange the air in the
l#ngs for nitrogen> and #nconscio#sness ,ill ra(idl. ens#e. There is no ,arning
-eca#se the nor$al sti$#l#s to res(iration is the -#ild #( of car-on dioEide> not lac& of
oE.gen. ar-on dioEide ,ill not -#ild #( ,hile -reathing contin#es if the gas -eing
-reathed is nitrogen.
!atalities and serio#s inB#ries have occ#rred ,hen (erfor$ing activities on
e?#i($ent that has recentl. contained nitrogen. This has ha((ened ,hen> in order
to $a&e (rogress ,ith the ,or&> sheeting> tar(a#lins> -oarding etc have -een #sed
to screen or (rotect the ,or& site> and a confined area has -een created aro#nd the
e?#i($ent. =reat care $#st -e ta&en to ens#re that a confined s(ace is not created>
,hether deli-eratel. or inadvertentl.> ,hich $ight allo, the #ncontrolled -#ild #( of
nitrogen and the conse?#ent eEcl#sion of oE.gen. Ahere it is dee$ed necessar. to
o(erate ,ithin a confined s(ace that has recentl. contained nitrogen> an oE.gen $eter
shall -e #sed to contin#o#sl. $onitor the at$os(here.
%i?#id nitrogen> released into the at$os(here in an #ncontrolled $anner> ,ill ?#ic&l.
change for$ to a gas> th#s (rod#cing an as(h.Eiation haDard fro$ the nitrogen-
enriched at$os(here.
Prior to #sing nitrogen in either a gaseo#s or cr.ogenic for$> an assess$ent of the
ris&s to -oth (ersonnel and e?#i($ent> fro$ lea&s or s(ills> shall -e carried o#t.
Partic#lar attention sho#ld -e (aid to:
Provision of drain (aths for s(ills and lea&s.
Ro#tes for te$(orar. hoses.
Provision of !irst /id e?#i($ent and co$(etent (ersons to #se it.
Aritten (roced#res for the o(eration> incl#ding e$ergenc. (roced#res for
dealing ,ith s(ills and lea&s.
/ll ,or& involving the #se of nitrogen shall -e controlled -. the Per$it to Aor& 3PTA4
1.ste$. <arriers and ,arning notices shall -e erected aro#nd the ,or& area. /ll
o(enings> $an ,a.s> (i(e ends etc $#st -e clearl. $ar&ed> and oE.gen $onitoring
and resc#e e?#i($ent (rovided. /ll (ersonnel involved in the o(eration shall -e
instr#cted in the haDards associated ,ith nitrogen o(erations and the t.(es and
f#nctions of $onitoring e?#i($ent -eing #sed.
Ahere ha-itats or (artial enclos#res are re?#ired> these shall -e treated as onfined
1(aces> and the controls and (reca#tions associated ,ith onfined 1(ace entr. shall
-e a((lied.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
Cr+ogeni! Li#uids - O!!urren!e
r.ogenic li?#ids are defined as those that are $an#fact#red> stored or handled at> or
-elo, -:; R . %i?#id nitrogen is the cr.ogenic li?#id in co$$on #se ,ithin the oil
Candling $aterials at lo, te$(erat#res re?#ires s(ecialised (roced#res and safet.
(reca#tions> d#e to the haDards fro$ s(ills or accidental da$age to cr.ogenic tan&s
and associated (i(e,or&.
Cr+ogeni! Li#uids - Personal Prote!tion
P@ or leather gloves $#st al,a.s -e ,orn ,hen handling an.thing that contains> or
has -een in contact ,ith> cr.ogenic li?#ids. 1#ch gloves sho#ld -e loose fitting so that
the. $a. -e easil. re$oved if li?#id is s(lashed onto or into the$.
Ahere s( or s(lashing $a. occ#r> a face visor shall -e ,orn.
overalls sho#ld -e ,orn o#tside gloves and -oots to ens#re that li?#id conta$ination
,ill r#n off and not -eco$e tra((ed.
Cr+ogeni! Li#uids - 2e!&ani!al *aFards
The (h.sical (ro(erties of $aterials at lo, te$(erat#res are $ar&edl. different fro$
those at a$-ient te$(erat#res. This change> not a grad#al one> ta&es (lace over a
short te$(erat#re range> res#lting in an increased -rittleness of the $aterial at lo,er
te$(erat#res. 2n this state> nor$al stresses or shoc& can res#lt in -rittle fract#re> ,hich
can -e -oth s#dden and eEtensive.
2n the event of s(illage of li?#id nitrogen over a steel dec&> the res#ltant dro( in
te$(erat#re co#ld ca#se the steel to crac&. 2n s#ch circ#$stances> the dec& sho#ld -e
flooded ,ith co(io#s a$o#nts of ,ater> ,hich sho#ld assist the s(illed li?#id to M-oil offL.
Aooden -oards or r#--er $ats sho#ld -e (ositioned #nder cr.ogenic tan&s and hoses
to (revent the$ contacting the dec&.
"ri( tra.s are to -e (ositioned #nder all cr.ogenic hose connections to catch an. $inor
Cr+ogeni! Li#uids - General *aFards
Aar$ing> to a$-ient te$(erat#re> of vessels initiall. containing a cr.ogenic li?#id $a.
res#lt in high (ress#res.
Ahen introd#cing cr.ogenic li?#ids to a s.ste$ at a$-ient te$(erat#res> care $#st -e
ta&en ,ith res(ect to the rate of flo, of the li?#id since s#dden cooling $a. res#lt in
fast contraction of (i(e,or&> ,hich ,ill stress Boints th#s ca#sing da$age.
<efore cool do,n of (lant> it is essential that all (arts that $a. contain free $oist#re
are caref#ll. dried as ,ater freeDing in the (i(e,or& $a. eE(and to a s#fficient degree
to ca#se r#(t#re.
@a(o#r fog clo#ds can for$ d#ring draining of s.ste$s containing cr.ogenic li?#id. This
va(o#r fog is co$(osed of at$os(heric ,ater va(o#r condensed -. the cooling effect
of the li?#id -eing va(orised.
The fog sho#ld also -e ass#$ed to contain a (ossi-le haDardo#s concentration of the
va(orised li?#id. This can> de(ending on the ?#antit. of (rod#ct -eing va(orised>
create as(h.Eiation and a visi-ilit. haDard.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
Cr+ogeni! Li#uids - Fire *aFard
/t e?#al (ress#re the -oiling (oint of so$e cr.ogenic li?#ids> es(eciall. li?#id nitrogen>
is lo,er than that of li?#id air. /ir ,ill condense on the eEternal s#rfaces of (i(e,or&
containing li?#id nitrogen at an e?#ili-ri#$ (ress#re less than 1.; -ar3a4 if the vessels
are either #nlagged or lagged ,ith a (oro#s cell#lar t.(e ins#lant that has not -een
(ro(erl. va(o#r sealed.
The li?#id air (rod#ced can res#lt in oE.gen enrich$ent of the at$os(here local to the
e?#i($ent and> if the ins#lant is co$-#sti-le there is a serio#s ris& of fire. 1(ecial care
$#st therefore -e ta&en -efore an. $aintenance or re(air ,or& is started> (artic#larl.
,here the #se of na&ed fla$es or other (otential so#rces of ignition is intended.
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PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%ppendi< ) ( 2et&od .tatement
/ Method 1tate$ent $#st -e (re(ared> and a((roved -. the Prod#ction 1#(ervisor>
for all Reinstatement Pressure esting Operations> and s#ch o(erations $#st -e
controlled -. the Per$it to Aor& 1.ste$.
The Method state$ent shall -e fit for (#r(ose and -e attached to the Aor& Per$it or
as a se(arate state$ent or doc#$ent.
The Method 1tate$ent shall consider and incl#de ,here necessar.:
"etails of the -o#ndaries of the test incl#ding (ress#res> $aEi$#$ and
$ini$#$ te$(erat#res> test $edi#$> $ethod of filling> venting and> if
a((lica-le> the $ethod of draining the test $edi#$ fro$ the s.ste$F
"ra,ings sho,ing the relative (ositions of -lan&s> drains and vents> indicating
,here valves have -een re$oved> defeated or $echanicall. loc&edF
hec&lists of all s.ste$ co$(onents. Refer to eEa$(le Ta-le - 1a$(le
hec&sheet for Testing of Pi(e,or& 1.ste$
The Method 1tate$ent shall detail the chec&s to -e carried o#t ,hich sho#ld incl#de>
-#t not -e li$ited to:
hec&list for the e?#i($ent refitted.
!lange $a&e-#( chec&sheet> to incl#de a tagging s.ste$ for
/ll flanges dist#r-ed.
@alve (osition for test.
/dditional -lan&s/s(ades for test.
1te(s and (reca#tions d#ring the test.
The test (ress#re.
1te(s to -e follo,ed after the test.
@alve (osition.
1te(s and (reca#tions to -e ta&en.
Mar&ed-#( dra,ings> sho,ing (lant to -e tested and -o#ndar. of safet.
"etail of all safet. (reca#tions.
Ris& /ssess$ent> incl#ding an a((ro(riate Tas& Ris& /ssess$ent fro$ the
PTA /ctivit. Ris& /ssess$ent Tool.
a7le - .ample C&e!ks&eet :or esting o: Pipe$ork .+stem
Flange ,o- Goint
0olts to
or#ue 1ti!k4
est Leak
Leak Rate 1i:
NOT0: #lanes to be identified by suitable code number on attached P@1D.
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"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%ppendi< 3 - %77reviations
The follo,ing a--reviations are #sed in this Proced#re.
/%/RP /s %o, /s Reasona-l. Possi-le
Ce Celi#$
2 2solation ertificate
*2 *itrogen
P@ Press#re ontrol @alve
PTA Per$it to Aor&
R@ Relief @alve
Page 30
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%ppendi< 3 ( Re:eren!e 2aterial
PDO Pro!edures
P+,-..-e 2 Operations Procedure Temporary 3ariance
P+,-./4 , 1solation of Process 0*uipment
P+,-.// , Preparation of %tatic 0*uipment for 1nternal "aintenance and 1nspection.
P+,-./6 Aydroen %ulphide "anaement
P+,-.6- The $uddy %ystem
P+,-.64 , Loc)ed 3alve Control
P+,--(6 , Confined %pace 0ntry
P+,--7( , 8as Testin
P+,--/9 , Permit to 5or)
P+,-7-7 2 Onsite "ercury "anaement Procedure
P+,-/9- %hutdown "anaement
PDO .tandards
%P,-..7 A%0 %pecification , 0missions to &tmosphere
%P,-..4 A%0 %pecification , &*ueous 0ffluents
%P,--/. Naturally Occurrin +adioactive "aterials (N.O.+.".!
%P,-9./ 2 %pecification for 3acuum Tan)ers
1P-2020 5 #lane Connections $olt Tor*uin and Tensionin
%P,9.6/ 2 %pecification for Onsite "ercury "anaement
Page 31
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%ppendi< 8 - 6ser Feed7a!k Page
PR-1073 ( Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess "#uipment
and Pipe$ork 6ser Feed7a!k Page
/n. #ser ,ho identifies an inacc#rac.> error or a$-ig#it. is re?#ested to notif.
the c#stodian so that a((ro(riate action can -e ta&en. The #ser is re?#ested
to ret#rn this (age f#ll. co$(leted> indicating (recisel. the a$end$ent3s4
Re: 'D Date=
Page Re:= 0rie: Des!ription o: C&ange Re#uired and Reasons
Custodian o: Do!ument Date=
Page 32
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%ddendum 1 ( C&anges at Revision 3-)
Page Des!ription o: C&ange
17 1ection 3.3 added footnote G +n f acilities ,here @er. Cigh C21 are enco#ntered i.e.
Car,eel> 1ensitive %ea& testing shall -e enforcedH
1: 1ection 3.3.1 5 hanged Preferences to onsiderations and added *ote GNOT0:
1n,%ervice Lea) Testin on it<s own should only considered when all other options
are not Tehnially feasibleB
17 !ig#re 1 5 hanged ,ording 1te( 1:
22 1ection 3.4 1te( 10 (ara 2 G2f this is not (ossi-le> d#e to either the siDe of s.ste$
#nder test or the availa-ilit. of *2 at site then an a((roved 3
(art. co$(an. ,ill -e
22 1ection 3.4 1te( 1: changed ,ording G*2 lea& testing activities ,ill -e carried o#t
-. a 3
(art. contractor controlled -. +(erations (ersonnel #nder the PTA
/dded GNOT0: %ensitive Lea) Testin shall be used where Aih A9% is present in
the production streams. Details of %ensitive Lea) Testin can be referenced from
%P,9.7- %pecification for #lushin, Pressure Testin, Pic)lin and %ensitive Lea)
Testin of "echanical 0*uipment and Pipin.B
Page 33
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
%ddendum ) ( C&anges at Revision 3-0
Page Des!ription o: C&ange
: Re$oved 1ection 1.; 5 1tr#ct#re of the "oc#$ent not needed
:/7 Moved Roles and Res(onsi-ilities to 1ection 2 5 /ll follo,ing sections $oved #(
one n#$-er i.e. 2 to 3 etc.
:/7 Moved /--reviations to /((endiE 3
24 /dded 1ection ;.1 5 "raining of @essels and Pi(e,or&
10 1ection 3.2 5 "raining of @essels and Pi(e,or& to +(en Pits added
1:/17 1ection 4.2 5 "efinitions added
+(erating> MaEi$#$ +(erating and "esign Press#re "efinitions.
17 1ection 4.3 changed follo,ing state$ents
GMini$#$ 2n-service Reinstate$ent (ress#re is MaEi$#$ +(erating Press#re as
defined in 4.2 a-oveH
G2t is a deviation fro$ this Proced#re> if 2n-service %ea& testing is (ro(osed or
carried o#t to +(erating Press#re as defined in 4.2 a-ove.G
17 1ection 4.3.1 changed
3. G=ross %ea& hec& 3circa 2 - 10 -ar4> follo,ed -. 2n-service %ea& Test to
MaEi$#$ +(erating Press#re.
Re$oved 4
24 1ection 4.0 (ara 3 changed to read GThe 2n-service Reinstate$ent test must 7e
carried o#t to the 82a<imum Operating9 (ress#re. The (rocess $edi#$ $#st -e
introd#ced slo,l.. The (ress#re shall -e increased in stages of not $ore than 20K
of the $aEi$#$ (ress#re o-taina-le or 10 -ars 3g4> ,hichever is the greater> #( to
:0K of the $aEi$#$ (ress#re o-taina-le and thereafter in 10K or 10 -ar 3g4
20 /dded 1ection ;.1 5 "raining and !l#shing to +(en Pits
/dded /((endiE 3 and 4
Page 34
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision 4.1
Effective: Mar-11
'nterim %mendment 2ar!& )011 1Revision 3-14
Page 7 1ection 1.1 5 /dded GIMPORTANT: This procedure will be used for as freein, purin
and lea) testin process system and e*uipment that has been commissioned and is bein
operated as a production unit.
Page 14 1ection 3.3.2 5 hanged s#--heading to HGas FreeingI- This is to avoid conf#sion
,ith (#rging o(erations after the ,or& is co$(leted.
Page 1: 1ection 4.3 5 hanged 3
I 4
(aras to read G2n-service %ea& Testing $a. -e #tilised
onl. if achieving the 1tandard is 8,ot Pra!ti!a7le9 and has -een Ris& /ssessed as acce(ta-le.
Mini$#$ 2n-service Reinstate$ent (ress#re is MaEi$#$ +(erating Press#re as defined in 4.2
a-ove and shall -e #sed for 8%o, Ris&9 scenarios ,here ; or less flanges have -een dist#r-edH.
Page 1: 1ection 4.3.1 5 /dded (ara GThe PDO .tandard is .ensitive Leak esting :or .our
.ervi!e and ,itrogen :or .$eet .ervi!e. +(tion 3 -elo, shall onl. -e considered if +(tions 1
I 2 are 8,ot Pra!ti!a7le9> the affected flanges are ; or less and a Ris& /ssess$ent has -een
cond#cted. Refer to 1ection 4.4 for $ore detailH. Re$oved GNOT0: 1n,%ervice Lea) Testin on
its own should only considered when all other options are not Tehnially feasible.B
Page 17 1ection 4.4 5 1ection a$ended to reflect changes $ade in 1ections 4.3 and 4.3.1.
Page 24 1ection 4.: 5GReinstate$ent Testing of M#ltistage o$(ressorsH re$oved.
Page 24 1ection 4.: 5 GReinstate$ent Testing of Relief @alves onnected to the !lare or Relief
CeadersH added
P#r(ose for changes / additions 5 1trengthening the re?#ire$ent for achieving the
Reinstate$ent Test 1tandards and assisting +(erations ,here $eeting the 1tandards are not
achieva-le i.e. !lare and Relief 1.ste$s.
Page 3;
PR-1073 - Gas-Freeing, Purging and Leak esting Pro!ess
"#uipment and Pipe$ork
Printed 07/03/11
The controlled version of this M! "oc#$ent resides online in %ivelin&'. Printed co(ies are )*+*TR+%%E".

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