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Rhetorical Analysis: Botticelli in Modern


By Annette Williams

ENC 3315

September 29, 2014

Botticelli in Modern Advertising Williams

Classical art has long been a source of inspiration for advertisers. At times classical art is
used to convey certain themes and other times simply as a source of satire. Many creative
directors, artists, film workers, etc. have studied these classical works when preparing for their
chosen field/careers. Intermittently art can be a visual; frequently it holds a deeper meaning and
message. An advertisements purpose is to deliver a message to the consumer in a short period of
time with as little verbiage, or copy as its known, as possible. Its not enough to simply convey
a message; it needs to be the right message. The message the product or service is trying to
deliver. When using classical art this can be problematic because many believe art is up to ones
own interpretation, yet advertisers seek to make consumers interpret in the way the advertiser
tells them to interpret the image. Furthermore, many classical works have a back-story and have
been analyzed from many different angles already. For instance, we know The Swing painting
by Jean-Honor Fragonard, used in a Disney moving is supposed to be scandalous and erotic.
Botticelli in Modern Advertising Williams
However, Disney wants audiences to interpret it as a young girl who is fun, carefree, and
innocent. These are two very different interpretations. This is the power of advertising: changing
the perception. The image to be discussed is an advertisement by Reebok for their new sneaker.
The original artwork inspiring the advertisement is the Birth of Venus by Botticelli.
Before one can sufficiently analyze the advertisement by the McGarryBowen Ad
Agency, there must be some background about Botticelli and the original Birth of Venus. In
the original you see Venus, the goddess of love, standing in a shell, like a pearl being birthed
from an oyster. The wind god, Zephyr and his wife Chloris are blowing Venus to shore. This
piece was commissioned by the Medici family, pillars in the history of Italy and the Renaissance.
They were known for their extreme wealth and power, and fostered many artists talents.
Botticelli himself was quickly cloaked in success at the start of his career at only fifteen
years of age. He had the backing of the Medici family, as well as the approval of the Papacy. He
was one of several artists to paint the Sistine Chapel. During those times, having the approval of
the Papacy was the highest seal of legitimacy an artist would have. It is said that the Birth of
Venus model was Botticellis unrequited love
( However, it is
also recorded that he was charged with sodomy and keeping a boy, which makes his
relationship with the Papacy rather controversial. Down the line it wouldnt be his personal life,
but other artists, like da Vinci, that would be the downfall of Botticelli. At the onset of High
Renaissance, his art was considered out dated when compared to the newer styles of da Vinci.
When one looks at the Reebok advertisement there are many different factors to take note
of. For instance, the advertisement does not use the entire painting. In the original work Zephyr
Botticelli in Modern Advertising Williams
and Chloris are on Venuss left whilst, Hora, the goddess of summer is on her right. In the
Reebok image the creators chose to only use Zephyr and Chloris. They can be seen blowing the
subject, a female runner forward to her destination. This can be compared to Zephyr blowing
Venus to shore, her destination. While the elements in the image may not be completely the same
they can be seen elsewhere. In replacement of, Hora, the goddess of summer, the background
behind Zephyr is that of a beach, with a surfboard, sailboat, and the ocean. So instead of literally
installing Hora into the image the creators chose to use her as the scenery. There are flowers in
the air. Zephyrs wife, Chloris, is also the goddess of flowers (Rymer, n.d.).
The runner in the image is not actually set into this painting. Instead it was chosen to put
the Birth of Venus on a mural and the female runner is running past the mural. It looks like a
coincidence that Zephyr is blowing her into a particular direction. When looking at the
surrounding scenery it is evident that the runner lives in an urban area. In the far background
there is another mural. So this city has other artworks in the area. The runner is female, as was
Venus. Venus was birthed after Saturn cut off his father Uranuss testicles and threw them into
the sea. Venus symbolizes that love and beauty can emerge from all cruelty and evil. Reeboks
Venus is running because she cares about her health and perhaps her physical appearance. She
loves her body enough to put it through the pain running can cause. It may seem like a stretch but
look even further into the image and you will see that although this is an urban area the love of
art can overpower the other assumed situations like poverty and crime to create an environment
Botticelli in Modern Advertising Williams
people choose to live in.

In Botticellis image we know that Venus is being blown to shore. In Reeboks image we
have no idea where Venus is going or what her destination is. Unlike most advertisements this
image does not have any copy to give us a clue. Perhaps this was done on purpose so as not to
ostracize any consumers. If Venuss destination is open and unknown then a prospective
consumer can more easily place themselves in that image. Thus, creating their own destination.
At the core all advertisements main goals are to sell products, and reach consumers.
Using universally recognized images is a good way to do that. No matter what country, culture,
or language one is from images from the likes of Botticelli can be recognized. Most people have
heard about the artists of the Sistine Chapel. Many have seen the works of Michelangelo,
Botticelli, and da Vinci. Because of this universal recognition it is very easy for advertisers to
Botticelli in Modern Advertising Williams
choose to use these images in their advertisements. Reebok is an international company with an
international audience and this is a successful way to reach them.

Botticelli in Modern Advertising Williams
Sandro Botticelli Biography. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2014, from
Rymer, E. (n.d.). Sandro Botticelli Birth of Venus. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from
Renaissance Inspired Ads: Reebok's Birth of Venus. (2008, March 22). Retrieved
September 29, 2014, from
Birth of Venus. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2014, from

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