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Music video
Clare OMara and Kr!s"l!n #ilson
Na$e o% co$&an!' A""ack Pro$o(
Address: 270 Sutton Common Rd, Sutton SM3 9PS.
Email: 0!omara"@#$E%&'(R%E.S)&&(%.SC'.)*
+ate: )*
+e&"e$,er )-./(
0" is &ro&osed "a" "e $usic video will ,e o% "ree $inu"es and 1%"! 1ve seconds
dura"ion2 1l$ed a" 3len"orne i4 scool2 +u""on i4 s"ree"2 Kin4s"on i4
s"ree"2 Modern2 5ondon and O6%ord s"ree"2 "is will ,e "en edi"ed a" our +u""on
Te $usic video will ,e ai$ed a" %e$ales a4ed .787- !ears o% a4e(
Te $usic video will sow a !oun4 inde&enden" %e$ale "ravellin4 "o di9eren"
&ar"s o% En4land2 5ondon(
+everal loca"ions ave ,een visi"ed and a sor"lis" as ,een drawn u&'
+u44es"ed loca"ions are'
3len"orne i4 scool2 +u""on i4 s"ree"2 Kin4s"on i4 s"ree"2 Modern2 5ondon
and O6%ord +"ree"(
Te $usic video will include "e %ollowin4'
a: Close8u& so" sowin4 ,o" ar"is"s li&8s!ncin4 alon4 "o "e l!rics o% "e
$usic video as well as dis&la!in4 %acial e6&ressions wic will ,e
dis&la!in4 ,o" ar"is"s e$o"ions $akin4 "e $usic videos s"or!line
,eco$e clearer %or "e audience wa"cin4(
;+"a"e various ke! so"s<se=uences:
,: Tere will also ,e lon4 so"s in order "o clearl! dis&la! eac loca"ion o%
"e $usic2 "is will ,e used in order %or "e $usic video "o a&&ear $ore
&ro%essional %or "e audience wa"cin4(
c: Also "ere will ,e use o% e6"re$e o% close8u& in order %or "e audience "o
clearl! see ,o" ar"is"s li&8s!ncin4 alon4 "o l!rics o% "e $usic video( Tis
will ,e used in order %or "e $usic video ,eco$e $ore conven"ional %or
"e audience wa"cin4(
d: Over "e soulder so" will also ,e used in order %or "e audience "o
unders"and "e s"or!line o% "e $usic video %ro$ "e carac"ers &oin" o%
view( Tis will used so "e overall s"or!line o% "e $usic video ,eco$es
$ore clear %or "e audience wa"cin4 $akin4 "e video ,eco$e $ore
a&&ealin4 "o wa"c %or "e "ar4e" audience(
e: >i4 an4le so" will also ,e included in "e $usic video ,eco$e $ore
in"eres"in4 and a&&ealin4 %or "e audience wa"cin4(
%: Also low an4le so" will also ,e used in order %or "e s"or!line o% "e video
,eco$e $ore clear2 "is is due "o "e %ac" "is so" "!&e will sow "a"
,o" carac"ers and ar"is"s in "e $usic video ave s"a"us wic will ,e
sown "ou4 "e use o% low an4le so" "!&e(
Te $usic video will ,e in colour and in PA5 .? &rolon4 @(
.(: Te $usic video will s"ar" wi" "e carac"er o% a !oun4 %e$ale2 &la!ed ,!
Clare OMara seen walkin4 "o "e loca"ion o% Modern( Tis is so "e audience
wa"cin4 will ,e4in "o unders"and "o s"or!line o% "is $usic video(
)(: Te $usic video will "en cu" "o ,o" ar"is"s li&8s!ncin4 "o "e $usic video(
Tere%ore Clare OMara and Kr!s"l!n #ilson will ,e seen li&8s!ncin4 "o "e
l!rics o% "e son42 AUnknown(
7(: Ne6" "e audience will see a ran4e o% di9eren" o% loca"ion so"sB "is will ,e
clearl! sown "ou4 "e so" "!&es o% lon4 so" and loca"ion so"( Tis will ,e
included in order %or "e audience "o unders"and $ore a,ou" "e s"or!line o% "e
$usic video and so "e video ,eco$es $ore conven"ional2 "is is due "o "e %ac"
i" is ver! co$$on %or $an! $usic videos "o included a ran4e o% loca"ions so"s
in order %or "e $usic video "o ,eco$e $ore &ro%essional and a&&ealin4
a&&earin4 %or "e audience wa"cin4(
/(: Te $usic video will "en cu" "o "e carac"er2 Clare OMara $ee"in4 new
&eo&le2 wo will ,e &la!ed ,! Kr!s"l!n #ilson( Tis will ,e sown "ou4 "e
use o% $id2 close8u& and lon4 so" in order %or "e audience clearl! see "e
cos"u$e "!&e2 &ro&s and e$o"ions ,e included in "is &ar" o% "e $usic video(
*(: Ne6" in "is &ar" o% "e $usic video "e audience will clearl! see "e ar"is"2
Clare OMara li&8s!ncin4 "o "e l!rics o% "e $usic video( Tis will sown "ou4
"e use o% close8u& and e6"re$e close8u& "is will ,e used in order %or "e
audience "o clearl! see e$o"ions ,e dis&la!ed ,! "e ar"is"(
?(: Ten i" will cu" "o "e ar"is" o% Kr!s"l!n #ilson li&8s!ncin42 in $id so" "is is
so "e audience will clearl! see "e cose o% cos"u$e and $ake8u& in order "o
unders"and "e s"or!line $ore o% "e $usic video wic will ,e sown "ou4 "e
use o% cose o% cos"u$e and $ake8u& decisions(
Plannin4 $ee"in4' Te overall cos" o% &lannin4 our $ee"in4 will ,e C.*(--(
Fil$in4' M!sel%2 ;Clare OMara: and Kr!s"l!n #ilson will ,e "e crew %or
"e $usic video2 "ere%ore we will no" need "o ire an! o"er &eo&le wo& wis
"o ,e included in "e $usic video( Also "e "!&e o% e=ui&$en" we will ,e usin4 %or
our $usic video will ,e a ca$era and "ri&od2 "e cos" o% irin4 ,o" irin4 "is
e=ui&$en" will ,e C**(--(
Edi"in4' M!sel%2 ;Clare OMara: and Kr!s"l!n #ilson will ,e "e crew %or
"e $usic video2 "ere%ore we will no" need "o ire an! o"er &eo&le wo& wis
"o ,e included in "e $usic video( Also "e overall cos" o% irin4 edi"in4 so%"ware
will ,e C)*(--(
+u,"o"al' C@*(--(
Produc"ion Con"in4enc! D.-E
Travel E6&enses D/-& &er $ile
Total production budget= C..*(--
Te &roduc"ion will ,e &roduced wi"in "e "i$escale "a" will ,e indica"ed ,! our
soo"in4 and edi"in4 scedules( A""ack Pro$o will ensure "a" all loca"ion 1l$in4
is care%ull! &lanned "o "ake in"o accoun" "e sa%e"! o% "e crew and "e 4eneral
&u,lic and an! &roduc"ion con"in4encies( Te 1nised $usic video will ,e
availa,le %or viewin4 a" an a&&ro&ria"e "i$e in order %or an! can4es "o ,e $ade
,e%ore "e su44es"ed release da"e(
Sources of requirements:
For our $usic video will ,e receive our e=ui&$en"2 o% a ca$era and "ri&od %ro$
irin4 i" %ro$ "e scool o% 3len"orne >i4 +cool2 wic we will use %or a
cer"ain a$oun" o% 4iven "i$e as i" is ired e=ui&$en"( 0 and Kr!s"l!n #ilson will
also ,rin4 our own se&ara"e i"e$s o% cos"u$e and &ro&s %ro$ ,o" o% our livin4
environ$en"B "is is so i" rela"es "o "e s"or!line o% "e $usic video and save
$one! on "e ,ud4e" wic is %or "e $usic video( Also %or "e $usic video "e
onl! ac"ors<crew wo will ,e used and included is $!sel% and Kr!s"l!n #ilson2
"is is so "e audience will clearl! unders"and wo "e ar"is"s are in "e $usic
video and unders"and "e s"or!line o% "e $usic video easier( As well as "e
loca"ions we &lan "o use %or "is $usic video wic is 3len"orne >i4 +cool2
+u""on >i4 +"ree"2 Kin4s"on >i4 +"ree"2 Modern2 O6%ord +"ree" and 5ondon will
,e %ound "ou4 "e use o% &lannin4 ow "o 4e" "o ever! loca"ion2 "is will ,e
done "ou4 "e use o% usin4 $a&s and 3oo4le $a&s( Tis is so 0 and Kr!s"l!n
#ilson are %ull! aware o% ow "o 4o "o ever! loca"ion sa%el! and easil!(
Guarantee of Satisfaction:
0ni"ial discussion on "e $usic video con"en" will "ake &lace(
Produc"ion e=ui&$en" will ,e used in a sa%e o&era"ional $anner a" all
Pu,lic 5ia,ili"! 0nsurance "o "e su$ o% C.2---2--- covers A""ack Pro$o(
A co&! o% all Aruses ;ca$era ori4inal $a"erial: will ,e su&&lied on
re=ues" in DFD %or$a"(
A Arou4 cu" ;ini"ial "rial edi": version o% "e $usic video will ,e su&&lied
%or ins&ec"ion and discussion(
A $ee"in4 "o discuss "e 1nal $as"er version will ,e or4anised wi" a
%ocus 4rou& o% in"eres"ed &ar"ies(
Te co$&le"ed $usic video will ,e &rovided on DFD %or ins&ec"ion(
Te "om,leted musi" -ideo will no" ,e released un"il "e clien" is
co$&le"el! sa"is1ed wi" "ecnical =uali"! and con"en"(
Name of company: A""ack Pro$o(
Date: )*
+e&"e$,er )-./
Attack romo asserts its rights as authors of this treatment in
accordance !ith the "opyright# Designs and atents act $%&&' Any
unauthorised copying of this !ork !ill result in prosecution'

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