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21st April, 2014

The Designated Partner,
M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P
Kind Attn.: Mr. Gurminder Singh Seera.
"u.# Proposed redevelopment o$ e%isting &ldg. 'o.(, )no*n as D.'. 'agar
Tirupati +o,op. -sg. "o.. Ltd. earing +.T.". 'o. 1/0 1pt.2, ". 'o. 103/1A,
1/3A, M-ADA la4out, at D.'. 'agar, Andheri 15est2, Mumai
6or M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P. +. A. to o*ner.

Dear "ir,
5ith re$eren.e to the aovementioned proposal, 4ou are re7uested to sumit the $ollo*ing
do.uments $or the Muni.ipal sumission.
1. T*o .op4 o$ P.8. +ard 9 +.T.". plan
2. T*o .opies o$ 8egd. Development Agreement.
:. +op4 o$ 8egd. Po*er o$ Attorne4
4. +op4 o$ D.P. 8emar)s.
0. +op4 o$ 8.L. 8emar)s. "hall e done 4 "pa.e Moulders.
3. ;*ners A$$idavit regarding plot Area on 8s. 100/, stamp paper 1Pro$orma to mail2.
(. <nderta)ing $or $aith$ul per$orman.e $or =.;.D. +onditions on 8s. 100/, "tamp paper.
1Pro$orma to mail2.
>. =ndemnit4 &ond $or ris) 9 damage on 8s. 200/, "tamp paper. 1Pro$orma to mail2.
/. Personal =denti$i.ation =n$ormation on 8s.100/, stamp paper 1Pro$orma to mail2.
10. Ar.hite.t appointment letter. 1Pro$orma to mail2.
11. T*o +opies o$ PA' .ard.
12. "igning authorit4 letter $rom Developer?s letter head 1pro$orma to mail2.
1:. ".rutin4 $ee o$ 8s.@@@@@@@@@ /, 4 Demand Dra$t in $avour o$ M.+.G.M.
14. Aou are re7uested to sign *ith seal 1at one pla.e2 on the appli.ation under se.tion.::(. The
$orm is en.losed here*ith.
10. Aou are re7uested to sign *ith seal 1at $our pla.es2 on the appli.ation under 44/3/ o$
M.8.T.P. a.t.
13. ;ne set o$ uilding plans dul4 signed along*ith seal.
A$ter re.eiving the aove in$ormation/do.uments detail appli.ation *ill e made to M.+.G.M. $or
issue o$ =.;.D. .erti$i.ate.
Than)ing 4ou,
Aours $aith$ull4,
(Affidait !n R". #$$%& Stam' Pa'er Du() *!t!ri"ed+.
=, Mr.Gurminder "ingh "eera, Designated Partner o$ M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P.,
o*ner, D.'.'agar Tirupati +o,;perative -ousing "o.iet4 Limited, Andheri 15est2,Mumai,400
00:, =ndian =nhaitant possessing the rights o$ development 4 virtue o$ Po*er o$ Attorne4 dated
April 2014 $or Proposed redevelopment o$ e%isting &ldg. 'o.(, )no*n as D.'. 'agar Tirupati
+o,op. -sg. "o.. Ltd. earing +.T.". 'o. 1/0 1pt.2, ". 'o. 103/1A, 1/3A, M-ADA la4out, at D.'.
'agar,Andheri 15est2, Mumai and having m4 ;$$i.e at &,103 +on.ord,2
+ross Lane,
Lo)hand*ala +omple%,Andheri15est2,Mumai 400 00:,=ndia, solemnl4 a$$irm and sa4 as under #
=, have sumitted plans through m4 li.ensed "urve4or "hri. +handan Bele)ar o$ "pa.e Moulders.,
Ar.hite.ts $or the development o$ the a$oresaid propert4.
The area o$ the plot is #$.#.#/ s7.mts. and $loor spa.e inde% has een .laimed on the asis o$ the
said area.
= sa4 that m4 Ar.hite.t has .erti$ied the said area on the P.8.+. issued 4 "upt., Land 8e.ords and
on the asis o$ the oundar4 o$ the propert4 sho*n 4 me.
=n order to veri$4 the area, = have also .arried out surve4 o$ the said plot through m4 ar.hite.t to
as.ertain the .orre.tness o$ the area. The said area is #$.#.#/ " (One th!u"and t1ent) !ne
'!int eighteen " +
"olemnl4 a$$irmed at Mumai
Dated @@@@@@@@da4 o$ Ma4 2014.
Aours $aith$ull4,
6or D.'.'agar Tirupati +o,op through o*ner Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P.

De"ignated Partner.
1 ;n 8s.100/, stamp paper dul4 notorised2
The Muni.ipal +ommissioner
o$ Greater Mumai,
Muni.ipal +orporation o$ Greater Mumai,
Mahapali)a Marg, 6ort,
Mumai,400 001.
"u.# Proposed redevelopment o$ e%isting &ldg. 'o.(, )no*n as D.'. 'agar
Tirupati +o,op. -sg. "o.. Ltd. earing +.T.". 'o. 1/0 1pt.2, ". 'o. 103/1A,
1/3A, M-ADA la4out, at D.'. 'agar, Andheri 15est2, Mumai
6or M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P. +. A. to o*ner.
= Mr.Gurminder "ingh "eera, Designated Partner o$ M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P.,
o*ner D.'.'agar Tirupati +o,operative -sgC"o.iet4 LtdC residing at Mumai do solemnl4 a$$irm
and sa4 as under #
1. That = am Designated Partner o$ redevelopment o$ e%isting &ldg. 'o.(, )no*n as D.'.
'agar Tirupati +o,op. -sg. "o.. Ltd. earing +.T.". 'o. 1/0 1pt.2, ". 'o. 103/1A, 1/3A,
M-ADA la4out, at D.'. 'agar, Andheri 15est2, Mumai , admeasuring #$.#.#/ s7.mtrs.
2. That *e intend to develop the said plot 4 putting up a uilding as per the plans sumitted to
the .orporation along *ith m4 appli.ation.
:. That *e underta)e to aide 4 all .onditions imposed 4 4ou in the letter permitting us to
pro.eed *ith the *or) o$ .onstru.tion suDe.t to the .onditions enumerated in the same letter.
4. That amount *ill e deposited *ithout .arr4ing an4 interest *ith the .orporation $or the due
$ul$illment and per$orman.e o$ the .onditions suDe.t to *hi.h the permission to pro.eed
*ith the *or) o$ .onstru.tion is granted to me vide 4our letter.
0. 5e $urther agree that in de$ault o$ m4 .omplian.e *ith an4 o$ the .onditions o$ the said
letter, the said amount shall e $or$eited to the .orporation, partl4 or *holl4 as ma4 e
de.ided 4 the Muni.ipal +ommissioner, *hose de.ision shall e $inal. 5e de.lare that the
said permission is granted to us onl4 on our underta)ing to .ompl4 *ith all the .onditions
suDe.t to *hi.h the said permission is granted to us.
3. 5e sa4 that this underta)ing *ill e inding on our heirs, e%e.utors, administrators, the
assignees and us.
Aours $aith$ull4,
6or D.'.'agar Tirupati +o,op through o*ner Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P.

De"ignated Partner.
(Indemnit) 3!nd !n R". .$$%& Stam' Pa'er du() n!t!ri"ed.+
The Muni.ipal +ommissioner o$
Greater Mumai,
Muni.ipal +orporation o$ Greater Mumai,
Mahapali)a Marg, 6ort,
Mumai , 400 001.
"u.# Proposed redevelopment o$ e%isting &ldg. 'o.(, )no*n as D.'. 'agar
Tirupati +o,op. -sg. "o.. Ltd. earing +.T.". 'o. 1/0 1pt.2, ". 'o. 103/1A,
1/3A, M-ADA la4out, at D.'. 'agar, Andheri 15est2, Mumai
6or M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P. +. A. to o*ner.
Dear "ir,
= Mr.Gurminder "ingh "eera,designated Partner o$ M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P $or Proposed
redevelopment o$ e%isting &ldg. 'o.(, )no*n as D.'. 'agar Tirupati +o,op. -sg. "o.. Ltd.
earing +.T.". 'o. 1/0 1pt.2, ". 'o. 103/1A, 1/3A, M-ADA la4out, at D.'. 'agar, Andheri
15est2, Mumai., here4 solemnl4 a$$irm and underta)e to indemni$4 the Muni.ipal +orporation
o$ Greater Mumai against an4 ris), damage, a..ident o..urring to the uilding and the o..upants
o$ the uilding *hile additions and alterations/e%tension *or) is in progress $or *hi.h = *ill not
.laim an4 damages $rom Mumai Muni.ipal +orporation.
This underta)ing *ill e inding on me, m4 heirs, administrators, assignees or *homsoever
deriving title a$ter me.
Aours $aith$ull4,
6or D.'.'agar Tirupati +o,op -sg.Ltd through o*ner Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P.

De"ignated Partner.
1;' 8s. 100/, stamp paper dul4 notorised2
*AME :Mr.Gurminder Singh Seera
RESIDE*TIAL ADDRESS : G&#$$# A5ruti Or6hid Par57Andheri&Kur(a R!ad7
Sa5i na5a7Andheri(Ea"t+Mum8ai&9$$ $:..
O,,ICE ADDRESS :3&#$; C!n6!rd7.
Cr!"" Lane7L!5hand1a(a C!m'(e<7
Andheri(=e"t+7Mum8ai&9$$ $>?
TELEP2O*E *O. :(..+.;?9.?:.%@/.$#@;/:>.
DATE O, 3IRT2 :$@%$@%#@:/.
OCCUPATIO* :Se(f&em'(!)ed.
1;n Letterhead2
"hri. +handan P. Bele)ar.
M/s. "pa.e Moulders.
2>1/222/, Motilal 'agar,
Goregaon 1*est2,
"u.# Proposed redevelopment o$ e%isting &ldg. 'o.(, )no*n as D.'. 'agar
Tirupati +o,op. -sg. "o.. Ltd. earing +.T.". 'o. 1/0 1pt.2, ". 'o. 103/1A,
1/3A, M-ADA la4out, at D.'. 'agar, Andheri 15est2, Mumai
6or M/s. Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P. +. A. to o*ner.

Dear "ir,
5ith re$eren.e to the aove,mentioned suDe.t, *e ta)e pleasure to in$orm 4ou that it has een
unanimousl4 resolved to appoint M/s. "pa.e Moulders 1Ar.hite.t E +handan Bele)ar2 $or
otaining various permissions $rom various statutor4 odies. The e%tra.t at the meetings are
atta.hed here*ith $or 4our re$eren.e.

5e here4 appoint 4ou as our Ar.hite.t to represent our .ase in various Muni.ipal departments
and other Agen.ies, to otain ne.essar4 approvals / permissions.
Than)ing 4ou,
Aours $aith$ull4,
6or D.'.'agar Tirupati +o,op -sg.Ltd through o*ner Tirupati Gruhpravesh L.L.P.

De"ignated Partner.

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