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Answering Question Technique

Physics SPM (4531/3)

Paper 3 (40 ar!s) Tie" 1 1/# hours
Section A [#$ ar!s%
(# questions& Answer a'' Questions (ro this section& Tie suggeste) (or section A is *0 inutes)
Section A +Question 1 (1* ar!s)
a). Identify / State variables (3 marks)
b). Data tabulation (7 marks)
c). Drawing gra! (" #arks)
d). State relations!i between resonding variable and maniulative variable based on gra! ($ marks)
a)& ,)enti(y / State -aria.'es
#aniulative %ariable& '!ysical (uantity w!ic! its value can be fi)ed by t!e e)erimenter before
carry out e)eriment
*esonding %ariable& '!ysical (uantity t!at c!ange its value in resond to t!e c!anges
+i)ed %ariable& '!ysical (uantity t!at is set to remain constant t!roug! out t!e e)eriment.
.) Ta.u'ation o( )ata in a ta.'e (Section A Question1 )
Ta.u'ate resu'ts (or a'' -a'ues o( l/ T an) T
in the space pro-i)e)
0n the graph paper pro-i)e)/ p'ot a graph o( T

against l
#aniulative variable& ,engt!- l of t!e endulum
*esonding variable& 'eriod of oscillation- T
.onstant %ariable& #ass of t!e bob//umber of
1iagra 1&1
l 2 30&0 c t 233333 s
T2 3333333s T

1iagra 1&#
l 2 40&0 c t 233333 s
T2 3333333s T# 233333s#
Mar!ing 4riteria 5or Ta.'e
$. S!ows a table (e.g. w!ic! !ave l- 0 and 0
correctly in t!e table)
1. State t!e correct unit of l/cm- 0/s and 0

3. 2ll values of maniulative variable- l are correct
3. 2ll values of resonding variable- 0 are correct
". 2ll values of derived variables- 0
are correct
4. 2ll values of resonding variable 0 are consistent in decimal laces
7. 2ll values of derived variables- 0
are consistent in decimal laces
( 7 5 6 7 marks )
c) 1rawing o( 6raph (ro )ata in ta.'e (Section A +Question 1)+ 5 ar!s

Mar!ing 4riteria 5or 6raph
$. ,abel 7 8a)is and 98 a)is correctly
1. States t!e unit at t!e a)es correctly
3. :ot! a)es wit! t!e even and uniform scale
3. " oints correctly lotted
". 2 smoot! best straig!t line
4. #inimum si;e of t!e gra! is 3(base) ) " (!eig!t) s(uares of 1 ) 1 cm ($/1 t!e si;e of gra!
/umber of 5 Score
4 "
" 3
383 3
1 1
$ $
Tips 5or P'otting A 6oo) 6raph
If t!e gra! lotted aear an abnormal oint- lease c!eck
+ollow instruction for lotting gra!- if 0
against l -0
must be in t!e 7 a)is (If ot!erwise marks
for labeling will be deducted)
2s far as ossible start your gra! from t!e <rigin- if not will !ave roblem in answering in t!e
following section
+or finding t!e gradient draw a triangle as big as ossible- i.e. using t!e w!ole gra! and label t!e
base and !eig!t
7oth a)es must be label wit! symbol of (uantity and unit
)) State re'ationship .etween anipu'ati-e -aria.'e an) respon)ing -aria.'e(Section A Question 1 )
$. ===. is directly roortional to====
( 2 straig!t line gra! asses t!roug! t!e origin)
1. ===.. is linearly roortional to ===..
[ straig!t line intercet at 7 a)is (ositive gradient)>
3. ===.. is decreasing linearly wit! =====
[ 2 straig!t line intercet at 7 a)is (negative gradient)>
3. ===== is inversely roortional to ====
[ 2 curved gra! wit! negative gradient >
". ?!en ===.. increases- ===. increases
[ 2 curved gra! wit! ositive gradient>
(2void using 0
increases l increases instead use T
'inear'y proportiona' to l or increases linearly (least
advisible). <t!er e)amle e8ponentia' proportiona'- in-erse'y proportiona'- )irect'y proportiona'.)
Section A+Q #+ Questions 0n 6raph ( 1# ar!s )&
Ana'ysis o( graph gi-en ( 10 or 11 ar!s)

(a)& 5in) the 'ength su.erge) when container is epty
Answer" 5 c
(.)&,( l is 19&#5 c/ what is the weight o( 'ea) shots
Answer" 0&#5 :
(c)& The re'ationship .etween l ; w is gi-en .y the equation&
<2=>/1000%l+0&1 5in) > o( 'iqui) (g 2 10
2 =(0&4+0&1):%/=(?0&#5+0&10)%2# :
(? 4on-ert unit to .ecause g gi-en is in s
equate 2# with >g/1000 (ro the equation
there(ore/ # 2 >g/1000
>2 # 8 1000 / 10
>2 #00 !g / 3
2llocation of marks
a) State relations!i of variables ($ mark)
State relations!i of variables. e.g.& ?!at !aens to l as < increases @
b). .alculation of gradient- values (by e)traolation or interolation)- derived values- determine values
based on t!e gra! given ($A marks)
(S!ow on t!e gra! !ow you obtain t!e gradient. Substitute t!e gradient into t!e e(uation to get B)
[Cradient&8 0riangle almost $/1 t!e si;e of t!e gra!>
D)traolation8values e)tend off8side t!e range.
Interolation8 value determine on t!e gra! (one (uantity corresond to anot!er)
S!ow on t!e gra!- !ow to determine t!e value of < if value of l is $7.1" cm.(Interolation)
?!at is t!e lengt! submerged w!en container is emty (D)traolation)
c). 'recautions ($ mark)
e.g. State one recaution t!at can be taken to imrove t!e accuracy of t!e readings in t!is e)eriment.
Precautionary Steps 5or ,n-estigation @8perient
/o. 0ye of
'recaution t!at can be taken
$ ,ig!t a. e)eriment must be carried out in a darkened room
b. lens- obEect and screen must be in line
c. make sure t!at t!e line of vision is erendicular wit! t!e scale of metre
rule w!ile reading t!e scale to avoid aralla) error
1. Sring a. make sure t!e sring is not loaded beyond t!e elastic limit (t!at is t!e
sring returned to its original lengt! w!en t!e load is taken off)
b. make sure t!at t!e line of vision is erendicular wit! t!e scale of metre
rule w!ile reading t!e scale to avoid aralla) error
3. Dlectric a. make sure t!at all connections are secure/ tig!t to avoid current leakage
b. 0!e switc! s!ould be off after t!e readings are taken to revent wires
from !eating u/ resistance increases
c. make sure t!at t!e line of vision is erendicular wit! t!e scale of metre
rule w!ile reading t!e scale to avoid aralla) error
3. Feat a. li(uid is stirred constantly so t!at temerature rises evenly
b. 2luminium block is wraed wit! insulating material to avoid !eat loss
c. t!ermometer bulb must be smeared wit! oil to give better t!ermal
contact wit! t!e block
d. make sure t!at t!e line of vision is erendicular wit! t!e scale of metre
rule w!ile reading t!e scale to avoid aralla) error
" #easuring
metre rule==
a. make sure t!at t!e line of vision is erendicular wit! t!e scale of metre
rule w!ile reading t!e scale to avoid aralla) error
b. 0ake into account ;ero error of t!e instrument
GHnaccetable answer& 2void aralla) error (wit!out e)lanation)
@8ap'e" Question # 0n Section A
( Question # +Sectioon A/ Aear #00$)

(a) (i) State re'ationship .etween a an) h
Answer " a is )irect'y proportiona' to h
(ii) 1eterine -a'ue o( a when h2 0&30
Answer" a2 1&5 s
(.) 4a'cu'ate the gra)ient/ o( the graph/ Show on the graph how you )eterine
Answer" 2 (1&0+0&5)/(0&#0+1&10)
2 5&0 s
(c) is gi-en .y the (oru'a 2 g / l / where g is the gra-itationa' acce'eration an) l is the 'ength o(
the inc'ine) p'ane& ,n the e8perient/ l 2 #&0 & 4a'cu'ate the -a'ue o( g
Answer" 2 g/l 5 2 g/# there(ore g 2 5 8 # 2 10 s
()) Stu)ent repeats e8perient& Bsing inc'ine) p'ane o( l 2 1&5 an) raise) en) to height h 2 0&10 &
Bsing the (oru'a a 2 (g/l )8 h/ an) the -a'ue o( g in (.)/ ca'cu'ate a
Answer" a2 (g/l) 8 h
2(10/1&5 )8 0&10 2 0&*9 s
Section B =1# ar!s%
(Answer any one question (ro this section& Tie suggeste) (or section 7 is 30 inutes)
Question on @8perient 5raewor!
a). Identify variable & Fig!lig!t and relate t!e !ysical (uantities to t!e closest terms. 'ay secial attention
to (uantities w!ic! vary
e.g. I3 Section : '3 S'# 1AAJ
Diagram 3.$ and 3.1 s!ow a worker us!ing a w!eelbarrow on a soft ground. Fe notice t!at t!e tyre sinks
deeer into t!e ground w!en t!e w!eelbarrow is loaded
Iuantities w!ic! are varied & ?eig!t on w!eelbarrow (*elated variable 6 +orce)-
0yre sinks deeer (*elated variable 6 'ressure)
b). ?riting 0ec!ni(ue &
i) Inference ($ mark)
:ased on observation82n initial interretation or e)lanation concerning t!e observation. It can be
true or false. /ormally use terms like deends on- influenced by affected by
(<bservation8 2ction involve senses in gat!ering information about an obEect or event)
#aniulative variable affects t!e resonding variable
*esonding variable is deends on t!e maniulative variable
*esonding variable is influenced by t!e maniulative variable
e.g& :igger force causes t!e tyre sink deeer
:igger ressure causes t!e tyre to sink deeer
'ressure e)erted on t!e ground by t!e tyre is deendent on t!e force acted on t!e tyre
(not encourage to write inference same as !yot!esis)
ii) Fyot!esis ($ mark)

Fyot!esis& 2 statement of an e)ected outcome t!at usually states t!e relations!i between two
variables w!ic! will undergo a direct e)eriment test
?!en t!e maniulative variable increases/decreases t!e resonding variable increases/ decreases
e.g & 0!e greater t!e force- t!e greater t!e ressure
Fyot!esis only refer to t!e e)erimental frame work not t!e diagram given
(/ot encourage writing !yot!esis base on diagram)

iii) 2im ($ mark)
0o study/investigate t!e relations!i between maniulative variable and t!e resonding variable
e.g. 0o investigate t!e relations!i between force and ressure
iv) 0yes of variables& #aniulative- *esonding- +i)ed (<nly one fi)ed variable needed) (1 marks)
%ariable& '!ysical (uantity t!at can be varied in an e)eriment
( State the -aria.'es that can .e easure) )
Dncourage to write oerational definition for variables.
e.g. Pressure is t!e 1epression make on t!e lasticine by t!e mass. +orce is taken as t!e
Mass dro from t!e !eig!t of "A cm)
#aniulated variable& #ass of obEect
*esonding variable& Det! of deression
.onstant variable & Feig!t of obEect dro
(%ariable must be re'ate) with the e8perient and t!e common one- e.g.&t!e Perio) o( osci''ation- not
encourage to write tie (or 10 osci''ations)
v) ,ist of aaratus and material. ($ mark)
State all t!e imortant aaratus used
e.g. 'lasticine- weig!t/obEect of "Ag- $AAg- $"Ag- 1AAg and 1"Ag and metre rule

/o. '!ysical Iuantity #easuring 2aratus
$ ,engt!/Distance/Det!/Feig!t/D)tension #eter rule
1 #ass ,ever balance/0rile beam balance
3 0ime of oscillations/'eriod Stowatc!
3 0emerature 0!ermometer
" .urrent 2mmeter/Calvanometer
4 +orce Sring balance
7 Diameter of wire #icrometer screw gauge
J %elocity/2cceleration 0icker timer and ticker tae
K Cas %olume Syringe
$A Cas 'ressure :ourdon gauge
$$ 'otential difference %oltmeter
$1 #agnetic field strengt! /umber of nails attracted
$3 ?avelengt! #eter rule
$3 .ontrol current *!eostat
$" ?ater volume #easuring cylinder/:eaker
$4 *esistant of wire 2mmeter and %oltmeter ( * 6 %/I )
vi). 2rrangement of aaratus& ($ mark)
Draw a fully labeled diagram
($ mark)

c). #et!od/'rocedure& (0!ree imortant statements) (3 marks)
i). Start t!e e)eriment wit! maniulative variable& ===.. (a ractical value)
ii). *esonding variable is measured and recorded (ways and !ow@)
iii). *eeat t!e e)eriment 3 times wit! different values of maniulated variable 1A- 3A- 3A- 3A g
(mention all t!e remaining)
$. 'lasticine wit! uniform t!ickness is laced on t!e table
1. Dro "A g obEect on t!e from a fi)ed !eig!t ! (obEect must be uniform si;e like s(uare s!ae not round)
3. *emove t!e weig!t and measure t!e det!- d of t!e deression on t!e lasticine using metre rule
3. *eeat t!e stes by using weig!ts of $AA g- $"A g- 1AA g- and 1"A g
d). 0abulation of data ($ mark)

e). 2nalysis of data& (State and sketc! a gra!) ($ mark)
State & 2 gra! of resonding variable against maniulated variable is lotted
or s!ow t!e sketc! wit! a)es labeled ( can wit!out t!e real s!ae of t!e gra!)
%ariable / unit
%ariable/ unit
2ll t!e 888blank888
Mass/ / g 1epth/ ) / c
*es. %ar /unit
#ani. %ar/ unit
G Do not describe irrelevant e)eriment. #a)imum mark for irrelevant e)eriment is only 4 will lose J
marks (asects may be awarded marks are & inference- !yot!esis or aim- tabulation of data and analysis of
data )

10 :0T )escri.e e8perient on ass an) perio) o( osci''ation
1i((erent ass/
)i((erent (ina' 'ength
o( spring

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