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Greenfields Primary School

Termly Overview
Year 1 - Autumn 2014

Spellings: these will be given out each Monday and then tested on the following Friday.
Maths: a homework task will be set each Monday and needs to be handed in by the following
Monday. The task may be paper-based, or on I am Learning.
Reading: children should be reading at least three times per week at home and this should be re-
corded in their planner. Please refer to the Reading Focuses in the planner for ideas for ques-
tions you could ask during home reading. Remember the children will progress around the Busy
Book Bee gardens and receive rewards!
We will be reading lots of Space themed
books and then writing our own adventure
space stories.

We will look at non-fiction and find out about
the planets; producing our own information

Throughout the terms literacy lessons we will
be focusing heavily on basic sentence construc-

Correct letter formation will be revisited and
weekly handwriting will take place. We will also
quickly be revisiting previously-taught graph-
emes in Phase 4, before moving onto Phase 5.
We will be visiting all areas of maths, including
shape, data handling, measures and time. However,
there will be a big focus on the reading and writing
of numbers and the correct number formations.
Please support your child with this at home.

We will also focus heavily on counting and the calcu-
lations of addition and subtraction, using practical
methods such as combining sets and using number

Throughout maths, we will be working on problem-
solving skills.

Mental maths will look at finding one more or less
than a number and learning our number bonds to 5,
10 and 20.
This first half term, we are learning about Light and Dark. We will think about night time
and day time. the children will be learning about light sources and reflective materials and
will be involved in planning simple scientific investigations, such as: what would be the best
material for a high-visibility jacket?
During the second half term, we will focus on Sound and Hearing. We will be looking at
how the ear works and how we hear things. We will also be learning to identify low/high
and loud/quiet sounds. We will investigate which materials conduct sound better.

In Geography we will be learning to name and locate the worlds seven continents. We will
think about seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold
areas around the world in relation to the equator and north and south poles. we will use
maps and globes to identify the UK and its countries and those around the world.
Our History focus will be the first moon landing. We will be looking at timelines and think-
ing about things that happen now and in the past and then making comparisons between

This term we will be learning about
the basic functions of a computer,
with an added focus on internet
In computer science we will be creat-
ing basic algorithms to programme

Crossbar will be covering gymnastics
skills this half term and also taking the
children outside for games, with a fo-
cus on control.
The children will also be taking part in
dance lessons.

In DT we will be looking at wheels and
axle mechanisms. The children will design
and make their own moving moon buggy.
We will be creating some space inspired
art work. We will be using a range of dif-
ferent materials to do this.

In RE the children will be exploring the
Christian and Jewish faiths, with a par-
ticular focus on celebrations.
In PSHE we are finding out about all the
people in our community that help us.

Mrs French will take the children for music.
They will be thinking about long and short
sounds and using percussion instruments to ex-
plore this. They will be learning to sing a range
of songs.
Mrs Rose will be taking the children for French
on a Tuesday afternoon. They will be learning
the names of basic objects, colours and learning
to count.
* Remember to keep an eye on the
class blog and leave a comment or two!
* Be a blogging star! :-)

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