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1. Distinguish between spae !iag"a# an! $"ee b%!& !iag"a#.
Space Diagram is a graphical representation of the system. It
generally shows the shape and size of the system, the weight, the
externally applied loads, the connection and the supports of the system.
Free body diagram is a sketch of the isolated or free body which
shows all the pertinent weight forces, the externally applied loads, the
reaction from its supports and the connections acting upon it by the
removed elements.
2. De'ne Stati $%"e ana(&sis.
If components of a machine accelerate, inertia is produced due to
their masses. owever the magnitudes of these forces are small
compared to externally applied loads. ence the inertia e!ects due to
masses are neglected. Such an analysis is known as static force analysis.
). De'ne $%"e an! app(ie! $%"e.
Force is a pull or push, which acts on the body changes or tends to
change the state of rest or uniform motion of the body.
"he external force acting on a system of body from outside the system
are called as applied forces.
*. +i,e an& ) a!,antages %$ $"ee b%!& !iag"a#.
a. "hey assist in seeing and understanding all aspects of problem
b. "hey help in planning the approach to the problem
c. "hey make mathematical relations easier to the problem.
-. .hen wi(( the th"ee $%"e #e#be" is in e/ui(ib"iu#.
a. "he resultant of forces is zero.
b. "he line of action of the forces intersect at a point.
0. .hen wi(( the tw% $%"e #e#be" is in e/ui(ib"iu#.
a. "he two forces are of same magnitude.
b. "he forces acting along same line.
c. "he forces are in opposite direction.
1. Di2e"entiate stati $%"e ana(&sis an! !&na#i $%"e ana(&sis.
If components of a machine accelerate, inertia is produced due to
their masses. owever the magnitudes of these forces are small
compared to externally applied loads. ence the inertia e!ects due to
masses are neglected. Such an analysis is known as static force analysis.
If the inertia e!ect due to masses of the component is also
considered it is called as dynamic force analysis.
3. De'ne Ine"tia.
"he property of matter o!ering resistance to any change of its state
of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line is knows as inertia.
4. State D5A(e#be"ts p"inip(e.
D#$lemberts principle states that the inertia forces and tor%ues, and
the external forces and tor%ues acting together result in static
16. .hat !% &%u #ean b& e/ui,a(ent %2set ine"tia $%"e7
It is the force which can replace both inertia force and inertia tor%ue.
11. De'ne Ine"tia $%"e.
It is an imaginary force, which when acts upon a rigid body brings it
in an e%uilibriumposition.
Inertia force & ' $ccelerating force & ' m.a
12. De'ne Ine"tia t%"/ue.
It is an imaginary tor%ue, which when applied upon the rigid body,
brings it in e%uilibrium position. It is e%ual to the accelerating couple in
magnitude but opposite in direction.
1). De'ne #a8i#u# 9utuati%n %$ spee!.
"he di!erence between maximum and minimum during a cycle is
called as maximum(uctuation of speed.
)* & +ax energy , +in *nergy.
1*. :ist %ut $ew #ahines in whih 9&whee( a"e use!.
$- .unching +achines /- Shearing +achines 0- 1iveting +achines D-
0rushing +achines.
1-. .h& s#a((e" 9& whee(s is use! in #u(ti &(in!e" engines.
In a multi cylinder engine, there are one or more number of power
strokes per revolution ofthe crank shaft. So lesser energy is to be stored
in the (ywheel. ence smaller (ywheel is su2cient.
10. Di2e"entiate the $unti%ns %$ 9&whee( an! g%,e"n%".
;(&whee(s +%,e"n%"s
3 "he function of (ywheel is to
reduce the (uctuations of speed
during a cycle above and below
the mean value for constant
load from the prime mover.
Its function is to control the
mean speed over a period for
output load variations
4 It works continuously from cycle
to cycle.
Its works intermittently i.e. only
when there is change in the
5 It has no in(uence on mean
speed of the prime mover.
It has no in(uence over cyclic
speed (uctuations.
11. De'ne tu"ning #%#ent !iag"a#.
It is the graphical representation of the turning moment or crank
e!ort for various position of the crank. "he turning moment is taken in 6'
$xis and crank angle is taken in 7'$xis for plotting the turning moment
13. De'ne the p"inip(e %$ supe"p%siti%n.
It states that for linear systems the individual responses to several
disturbances or drivingfunctions can be superposed on each other to
obtain the total response of the system.
14. De'ne tu"ning #%#ent.
In all reciprocating engines, force acting on piston due to expansion
of charges or gases,develops a tor%ue on crank shaft, by means of
connecting rod and crank mechanism. "his tor%ue iscalled as turning
moment or crank e!ort.
26. De'ne %e<ient %$ #a8i#u# 9utuati%n %$ ene"g&.
It is the ratio between max (uctuation of energy and the work done
per cycle.
& +aximum Fluctuation of energy 8 9ork done per cycle
21. De'ne %e<ient%$ #a8i#u# 9utuati%n %$ spee!.
"he ratio of maximum (uctuation of speed to the mean speed is
called as coe2cient of maximum(uctuation of speed.
& :;
, ;
- 8 ; & 4:;
, ;
- 8 :;
, +ax Speed
, +in Speed
22. De'ne "an= pin e2%"t.
"he component of F= perpendicular to crank is known as crank pin
2). De'ne "an= e2%"t.
0rank e!ort is the product of crank pin e!ort :F
- and crank pin
radius :r-.
2*. State the $unti%n %$ a 9&whee(.
"he function of (ywheel is to reduce the (uctuations of speed during
a cycle above andbelow the mean value for constant load from the prime
2-. >%w wi(( &%u "e!ue a !&na#i ana(&sis p"%b(e# int% an
e/ui,a(ent p"%b(e# %$ stati e/ui(ib"iu#7
/y applying D#$lemberts principle to a dynamic analysis problem, we
can reduce it into an e%uivalent problem of static e%uilibrium.
1. ."ite the i#p%"tane %$ ba(aning7
If the moving part of a machine are not balanced completely then
the inertia forces are set up which may cause excessive noise, vibration,
wear and tear of the system. So the balancing of machine is necessary.
2. .h& ba(aning %$ !&na#i $%"es a"e neessa"&7
If dynamic forces are not balanced, they will cause worse e!ects
such as wear and tear on bearings and excessive vibrations on machines.
It is very common in cam shafts, steam turbine rotors, engine crank
shafts and centrifugal pumps etc.
). ."ite the !i2e"ent t&pes %$ ba(aning.
a. /alancing of rotating masses
Static /alancing
Dynamic balancing
b. /alancing of reciprocating masses.
*. De'ne stati ba(aning.
$ system of rotating masses is said to be in static balance if the
combined mass centre of the system lies on the axis of rotation.
-. State the %n!iti%n $%" stati ba(aning.
"he net dynamic force acting on the shaft is e%ual to zero. "his
re%uires that the line of actionof their centrifugal forces must be same.
0. D&na#i ba(aning i#p(ies stati ba(aning. ?usti$&.
0ondition for dynamic balancing are
a. "he net dynamic force acting on the shaft is e%ual to zero. "his is the
condition for static balancing.
b. "he net couple due to dynamic forces acting on the shaft is zero.
From the above it is understood that dynamically balanced system
must be initially statically balanced one.
1. ."ite the %n!iti%n $%" %#p(ete ba(aning.
a. "he resultant centrifugal force must be zero.
b. "he resultant couple must be zero.
3. Di2e"entiate stati an! !&na#i ba(aning
Stati @a(aning D&na#i @a(aning
3 "he dynamic forces as a
result of the unbalanced
masses are balanced by
introducing balancing masses
in the plane of rotation or di!
"he net dynamic force acting
on the shaft is made zero.
"he arrangement made in static
balancing gives rise to a couple
which tends to rock the shaft in
the bearing.
Dynamic balancing considers the
net couple as well as net dynamic
force to do complete balancing.
4 It deals with only balancing of
dynamic forces.
It deals with balancing of dynamic
force and balancing couple due to
dynamic force.
4. The p"%!ut %$ "%tating #ass an! pe"pen!iu(a" !istane
between the "%tating #ass an! "e$e"ene p(ane is a((e! as
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. :$ns> +ass +oment-.
16. ."ite the e/uati%n $%" ba(aning a sing(e "%tating #ass b& a
sing(e #ass.
m3r3 & m4r4
11. De'ne Da(b&5s #eth%! %$ ba(aning #asses.
Dalby#s method is used for balancing several masses rotating in
di!erent planes. In thismethod several forces acting on several planes are
transferred to a single reference plane.
12. ."ite the phen%#en%n %$ t"ans$e""ing $%"es $"%# %ne p(ane
t% an%the".
"ransferring a force :F- from one plane to another plane having a distance
?l# is e%uivalent to transfer of same force ?F# in magnitude and direction in
the reference plane is accompanied by a couple of magnitude ?Fl#.
1). .hethe" g"in!ing whee(s a"e ba(ane! %" n%t. I$ s% .h&7
6es. "he grinding wheels are properly balanced by inserting some
low density materials. Ifnot the re%uired surface @nish won#t be obtained
and the vibration will cause much noise.
1*. .hethe" &%u" wath nee!(es a"e p"%pe"(& ba(ane!7
6es my watch needles are properly balanced by providing some
extra proAection in theopposite direction.
1-. .h& %#p(ete ba(aning is n%t p%ssib(e in "eip"%ating
/alancing of reciprocating masses is done by introducing the
balancing mass opposite to thecrank. "he vertical component of the
dynamic force of this balancing mass gives rise to hammer blow. In order
to reduce hammer blow, a part of the reciprocating mass is balanced.
ence complete balancing is not possible.
10. .hat a"e the ,a"i%us ases %$ ba(aning "e,%(,ing #asses7
a. /alancing of single rotating mass by a single mass rotating in the
same plane.
b. /alancing of single rotating mass by a two masses rotating in the di!
c. /alancing of several rotating masses in single plane.
d. /alancing of several rotating masses in di!erent plane.
11. .h& "an=s %$ a (%%#%ti,e a"e gene"a((& at "ight ang(es t%
%ne an%the"7
In order to facilitate the starting of locomotive in any position the
cranks of a locomotive aregenerally at right angles to one another.
13. .hat a"e the e2ets %$ unba(ane! p"i#a"& $%"e a(%ng the
(ine %$ st"%=e %$ tw% &(in!e" (%%#%ti,e7
a. Bariation in tractive force along the line of stroke
b. Swaying couple.
14. De'ne t"ati,e $%"e.
"he resultant unbalanced force due to the 4 cylinders along the line
of stroke, is known astractive force.
26. De'ne swa&ing %up(e.
"he unbalanced force acting at a distance between the lines of
stroke of 4 cylinders constitute a couple in the horizontal direction. "his
couple is called as swaying couple.
21. .hat is the e2et %$ ha##e" b(%w an! what is the ause it7
"he e!ect of hammer blow is to cause the variation in pressure
between the wheel and therail, such that vehicle vibrates vigorously.
ammer blow is caused due to the e!ect of unbalanced primary force
acting perpendicular to the line of stroke.
22. .hat a"e inA(ine engines7
+ulti'cylinder engines with the cylinder centre lines in the same
plane and on the same sideof the centre line of the crankshaft are known
as in'line engine.
2). +i,e the "eas%n $%" se(eting !i2e"ent '"ing %"!e"s.
In multi cylinder engines there are several possibilities of the order in
which @ring takes place. "o overcome the problems of vibration, fuel
distribution, exhaust distribution etc. the designers select di!erent @ring
2*. .hat a"e the %n!iti%ns t% be satis'e! $%" %#p(ete ba(ane
%$ inA(ine engine7
a. "he algebraic sum of the primary and secondary forces must be
b. "he algebraic sum of the couples due to primary and secondary
forces must be zero.
2-. .h& "a!ia( engines a"e p"e$e""e!7
In radial engines the connecting rods are connected to a common
crank and hence the planeof rotation of the various cranks is same,
therefore there are no unbalanced primary or secondarycouples. ence
radial engines are preferred.

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