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Mata Kuliah : Sociolinguistics

Dosen Pembina:
Drs. Suharsono, M.Phil, Ph.D.(BS167)
Slamet Setiawan, M.A,Ph.D(BS191)
Adam Damanhuri,S.S., M.Hum
Standar Kompetensi
Kemamuan men!elas"an hu#un$an #ahasa den$an mas%ara"at serta &enomena'&enomena
"e#ahasaan, seerti (ode swit(hin$, (ode mi)in$, re$ional diale(t, so(ial diale(t, re$ister,
#ilin$ualism*multilin$ualism, lan$ua$e shi&t and maintenan(e, serta &un$si #ahasa se#a$ai
identitas sosial dan "omuni"asi antar etnis.
Mata"uliah ini a"an mem#ahas &enomena "e#ahasaan %an$ ter"ait den$an mas%ara"at
en$$una #ahasa terse#ut, serta eru#ahan #ahasa %an$ ter"ait den$an eru#ahan sosial
Mahasiswa telah lulus mata "uliah +,-./D01-+/, -/ 2+,30+S-+1S
1 +ntrodu(tion4 what do so(iolin$uists stud%5 1 6 17
7 So(ial &a(tors, dimensions, and e)lanations 1 6 17
8 .e$ional and so(ial diale(ts 188 ' 161
9 2an$ua$e (hoi(e in multilin$ual (ommunities 71 6 89
: 1ode swit(hin$ and (ode mi)in$ 9; 6 :9
6 Se) and a$e 2an$ua$e and $ender 169 6 1<1
7 =outh, st%le, and lan$ua$e
< Politeness 817 6 898
9 2an$ua$e (han$e4 >ariation and (han$e 71; ' 71<
1; St%le, (onte)t, and re$ister 79: 6 7:9
11 ,ational lan$ua$e and 2an$ua$e lannin$ 1;8 ' 11<
17 2an$ua$e maintenan(e and shi&t :: 67<
18 Attitudes to lan$ua$e 899 6 8:7
19 A((ommodation theor% 7:: 6 776
1: 2an$ua$e and identit%
16 -est and assi$nment due
Pa$e " o& #
Prescribed !e$erence
Holmes, ?anet. (1997). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. ,ew =or"4 2on$man 3rou.
(1) Auer, Peter and 2i @ei (7;;7). Handbook of Multilingualism and Multilingual
Communication. Berlin ' ,ew =or"4 Mouton de 3ru%ter.
(7) 1ouland, ,i(olas and Adams ?awors"i. (1997). Sociolinguistics: A Reader and
Coursebook. 2ondon4 2on$man.
(8) 2i @ei (ed.) (7;;;). The Bilingualism Reader. 2ondon and ,ew =or"4 .outled$e.
(9) @ardhouh$h, .onald. (7;;6). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (:
ed.). Massa(husetts4
Bla("well Pu#lishin$.
(:) 1oulmas, Alorian (Bd.) 1997. C+ntrodu(tionD to The Handbook of Sociolinguistics.
1am#rid$e4 Basil Bla("well Pu#lishers 2td.
(6) Bdwards, ?ohn 19<:. Language, Societ and Identit. ,ew =or"4 Basil Bla("well
(7) Aasold, .alh @. 19<9. The Sociolinguistics of Societ. ,ew =or"4 Basil Bla("well
Pu#lisher 2imited.
(<) Aasold, .alh 199;. Sociolinguistics of Language. 1am#rid$e4 Basil Bla("well.
(9) .omaine, SuEanne. 199:. Billingualisn! Se(ond Bdtion. /)&ord4 1am#rid$e4 Bla("well
(1;) @urm, S. A. (Bd.) 1996. Atlas of the "orld#s Languages in $anger of $isa%%earing!
ParisF 1an#erra4 0nes(o Pu#lishin$ * Pa(i&i( 2in$uisti(s.
%& !e'uirement and %ssessment
1. -here will #e ro(ess e>aluation (GuiE, resentation, er&orman(e, assi$nment and so the
li"e) worth 9;H.
7. -he remainder o& the $rade &or this aer (6;H) will (onsist o& a sin$le ro!e(t. Aor the
ro!e(t, %ou will desi$n a so(iolin$uisti( in>esti$ation4 (arr% out a ilot stud% (a test run o&
%our ro!e(t on a small num#er o& su#!e(ts).
8. =ou ma% (hoose a toi( &rom area o& so(iolin$uisti(s. Ma"e sure that %ou meet me to $et
%our toi( aro>ed.
Pa$e ( o& #
9. All wor" is to #e t%ed, one and a hal& sa(ed, a 17 oint &ont o& -imes ,ew .oman, and
on A9 aer. 2e&t mar$in is 9 (m and the other side mar$ins are 7.:(m. -he assi$nment
should #e staled on the le&t'to (orner. -he (o>er is neither #ound nor laminated.
:. =our wor" should meet the &ollowin$ se$ments4
a. +ntrodu(tion
#. Dis(ussion
(. 1on(lusion
d. .e&eren(e
6. =ou must attend the (lass at least <;H. -hose who are 9 (&our) or more times a#sent are
(onsidered &ailed.
)& Plagiarism
Assi$nments are e)e(ted to (onsist o& %our own written wor". +& %ou Guote material written
#% someone else, %ou must re&eren(e it to the sour(e. Assi$nments (ontain material that is
(oied &rom somewhere and not re&eren(ed will #e $i>en &ailin$ $rade.
C& Punctuality
1. =ou are to su#mit %our ilot wor" on the 16
meetin$ at 11 a.m. Su#mission a&ter that date
and hour is redu(ed : oints a da%.
7. =ou are not allowed to $et into (lass when %ou are more than 1: minutes late.
8. =ou ma% dismiss the (lass when + (le(turer) am more than 1: minutes late.

Pa$e # o& #

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