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ygmallon and CalaLea

!y Leonardo De"a Va"e

1hls sLory has only been Lold by:
Cvld venus
Who ls ygmallon ?
ygmallon ls one of Lhe
besL sculpLor ln anclenL
Creece. Pe ls Lhe maln
characLer and ls a
Secondary characLers
venus: Coddess of Love who rose from Lhe
foam on Lhe lsland of Cyprus.
CalaLea: AL Lhe beglnnlng, ygmallon's sLaLue
and Lhen, when she came allve, hls wlfe .
aphos: ygamllon and CalaLea's son

1he sLory ls
seL ln Lhe
Creek parL
of Lhe lsland
of Cyprus.

Love :
8eLween ygamllon and hls works of arL.
8eLween women and ygmallon as Lhey loved hlm
for hls looks and hls LalenL.
asslonaLe love beLween ygmallon and CalaLea.
PaLe :
8eLween ygmallon and women
lrom Lhe goddess of love for ygmallon and hls
beloved sLaLue.

1he sLory of ygmallon and CalaLea ls a sLory from Lhe
anclenL days seL ln Cyprus. 1he focus of Lhe sLory ls
abouL ygmallon who was sculpLure and haLed woman
buL Lhen falls ln love wlLh hls mosL beauuful plece of
work, whlch was a sLaLue of a woman.

1he sLory of ygmallon and CalaLea
ygmallon was one of Lhe besL sculpLors ln anclenL Creece. Pe
haLed woman. AlLhough he spenL mosL of hls days maklng beauuful
sLaLues of female gures.
Pe evenLually made a sLaLue LhaL was so beauuful and he Lhen fell
deeply ln love wlLh lL and LreaLed lL as lf lL was a real person.
ygmallon even dressed her ln expenslve robes and cloLhes, klsslng
and caresslng her preLendlng she was real.
ygmallon's secreL of belng ln love wlLh hls sLaLuLe dld noL remaln a
secreL for long and evenLually Lhe goddess of passlonaLe love
(venus) found abouL Lhe sLaLue.
1he sLory of ygmallon and CalaLea

AL Lhe feasL ln honor of venus
ygmallon asked her lf he could
nd a lady who was exacLly llke
hls sLaLue, however, Lhe goddess
of love new whaL he really wanLed
so she broughL hls sLaLue Lo llfe.
!"# %&'() '*
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WhaL happened wlLh
ygmallon and CalaLea aer
remalns a mysLery.
ygmallon was
dellghLed, he
sLarLed Lo klss
her. 1hey Lhen
goL marrled and
had a son whlch
Lhey named
aphos, Lhe name
of venus' favorlLe
clLy ln Cyprus.

When Lhe goddess of love heard Lhe secreL
abouL ygmallon, why was she lnLeresLed?
Why ls lL hard Lo belleve LhaL ygmallon haLed
Pow do we know LhaL Lhe sLory was noL Lold
by ygmallon hlmself?
Works ClLed
All Lhe lnformauon from Lhe Lhe LdlLh
PamllLon's book !"#$%&%'".

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