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A new recursive approach to

photoelectron diffraction simulation

F. J. Garcfa de Abajo,
M. A. Van Hove, and
C. S. Fadley
Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Departamento de CCIA (Facultad de Informdtica) and Donostia International Physics Center
(DIPC), San Sebastian, Spain
Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Abstract. A new recursive method for the simulation of photoelecton diffraction in
solids within the cluster approach is presented. No approximations are made beyond
the muffin-tin model, and in particular, an exact representation of the free-electron
Green function is used. The new method relies upon a convenient separation of the
free-electron Green function involving rotation matrices to reduce the computation
time and storage demand. The multiple scattering expansion is iteratively evaluated
using a divergence-free recursion method. The resulting computational demand scales
as A
-f I)
with the number of atoms in the cluster TV and the maximum of
the relevant angular momentum quantum numbers /
- Actual examples are given
where TV > 1000 is needed for convergence within 5% in the calculated photoelectron
Multiple elastic scattering (MS) plays a central role in the description of electron
transport inside solids in different experimental spectroscopies, and in particular in
core-level photoelectron diffraction (PD) [1-3]. In this context, the relatively high
electron energies usually employed (> 50 eV) permit approximating the atomic po-
tentials by spherically-symmetric muffin-tin potentials [4]. Besides, inelastic scat-
tering can be treated in a phenomenological way via complex optical potentials
The cluster model adopted provides a natural approach to simulate MS effects in
PD that is suggested by the fact that excited electrons cannot travel large distances
in realistic solids without suffering inelastic losses, so that the region which actually
contributes to the emission of elastically scattered electrons defines a finite cluster
surrounding the emitter [2,5-9].
Typically, the electron wave function is expressed in spherical harmonics and
spherical Bessel functions attached to each atom of the cluster in order to in-
corporate curved-wave effects. Unfortunately, the propagation of these functions
CP514, Theory and Computation for Synchrotron Radiation Spectroscopy,
edited by M. Benfatto, C. R. Natoli, and E. Pace
2000 American Institute of Physics l-56396-936-X/00/$17.00
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between cluster atoms is computationally very demanding [10,11,4]. Therefore,
approximations have been introduced in the past [12-14,5,15,16,7,8,17,18], some
of them inspired in the high-energy limit, where the electron propagation reduces
to plane- wave factors (plane- wave approximation) and each term in the MS se-
ries becomes a product of scattering amplitudes [19]. Expansions that take into
consideration the finite size of the atoms have also been developed [5].
Beyond this, full curved- wave formulations of the problem require dealing with
(^ max + I)
partial wave components per atom, where /
is the maximum of the
significant angular momentum quantum numbers, which scales roughly as /
with the electron momentum k and the atomic muffin-tin radius r
, and
therefore, each propagation of the electron wave function between each pair of
atoms involves (/
+ I)
complex products.
In order to overcome the rapidly-growing computational demand with increasing
^ max, Rehr and Albers [7] (R-A) provided a clever procedure based upon a separable
representation of the free-electron Green function that allows one to generalize the
scattering amplitudes, substituting them by matrices that produce reliable results
when keeping only a few of their leading elements [7]. This is particularly suitable
to calculate the contribution of different individual electron paths.
In this paper, the MS expansion is evaluated using an exact representation of
the Green function propagator. An iterative procedure is followed that requires
& (10/3)]V
+ I)
multiplications per iteration. Moreover, previously reported
divergences in the MS series [20] are prevented by using Haydock's recursion method
Within the muffin-tin model adopted here, each atom in the cluster is represented
by an atomic potential that vanishes outside a sphere of radius r^
(the muffin-tin
radius) centered at R
. These are non-overlapping spheres and the total potential
is set to a constant (the muffin-tin zero) in the interstitial region.
In core-level photoemission, the direct wave function 0 (i.e., before MS is con-
sidered) can be expressed as a combination of spherical outgoing waves centered
around the emitter atom a
for |r - R
| > Ct, where h
+\kr) =i
), h\
is a spherical Hankel
function [22], and L = (/, r a) labels spherical harmonics YL. The coefficients 0
o L
depend on the geometry, polarization, and energy of the incident light and on the
initial core state.
Single scattering of this direct wave leads to an extra contribution to the wave
function than can also be expressed in terms of spherical outgoing waves centered
around each of the cluster atoms. By iteratively employing this argument, one finds
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that the full self-consistent wave function < f> has to be made of spherical waves as
well (even after MS has been carried out up to an infinite order), so that
[%-Ra)]^ ,L (2)
for r outside the muffin-tin.spheres.
The coefficients < /> ,L must be determined self-consistently by solving a secular
equation that can be found as follows: for each atom a, < />
L is the sum of the
direct wave (only contributing for a
, that is, the emitter) plus the result of the
free propagation of the electron curved-wave components from every other atom /3
up to atom a, followed by scattering at the latter. More precisely,
^a = < #+*aG^ , (3)
where G
p takes care of the abovementioned propagation, t
is the scattering matrix
of atom a, 0 =
< />
, and < j )
is the vector of components 0
,L- In the basis set
of spherical harmonics attached to each cluster atom, one has
,z,L/ = sin 5fe
where 8? is the /
scattering phase shift of atom a [22]. Besides, the matrix G
is connected to the translation formula of spherical harmonics and its detailed
expression can be written
Sl), (4)
where d
3 = R
R#, for r R
| < d
p (this condition is satisfied when r
is contained inside the muffin-tin sphere /3 ^ a and non-overlapping spheres are
considered). Inelastic effects are described via either an imaginary part in k or, to
an excellent approximation, an exponential factor exp(d
p/ 2\i).
The photoelectron intensity at the detector can be directly obtained from Eq.
(2) in the kr > oo limit. One finds
/(r) oc
where k/ = kr/r and
, the distance from atom a to the surface along the direction
of emission, is introduced to account for inelastic attenuation of the photoelectron
before it leaves the solid.
Three different iterative techniques have been used and compared in the present
work to evaluate Eq. (3): (a) direct Jacobi iteration, consisting in starting with
0^ 0 and using Eq. (3) as an iteration formula to improve 6 (this results in the
intuitive MS procedure where every iteration leads to the next order of scattering);
(b) simultaneous relaxation (SR) [23], previously used in this context [20], and con-
sisting in both using the latest values of the coefficients of cj > as soon as they are
calculated and mixing the result of each iteration with the previous one to improve
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convergence (the fractional weight of the former will be denoted 77); and (c) Hay-
dock's recursion method [21], modified in a way suitable to obtain photoemission
intensities along an arbitrary number of directions of emission with a single MS
calculation for each electron energy, as will be discussed elsewhere [24].
Rather than directly using Eq. (4), G
/3 will be constructed in three steps as
follows [10,7]: first, the bond vector d
/3 is rotated onto the z axis by using a
rotation matrix R
p [22,7]; the resulting rotated wave function components are then
propagated a distance d
p along the positive direction of the z axis by multiplying
by G
p, calculated from Eq. (5) by using (0, 0, d
a /
g) instead of d
g; finally, the z
axis is rotated back onto the d
p direction, and one has
p = R~pG
pRap. (6)
The rotation matrices involved here can be in turn decomposed into azimuthal and
polar rotations.
A significant reduction in memory demand can be accomplished if the coefficients
of each polar rotation, each azimuthal rotation, and each propagation G^ LI/ are
computed and stored once and for all the first time that they are encountered during
the full calculation. Besides, all of the matrices that appear on the right hand side
of Eq. (6) are sparse, and a detailed inspection leads to the conclusion that the
number of complex multiplications needed to evaluate each product G
/3< />/3 when
using this decomposition is cut down by a factor of 3/
The performance of the various iteration methods discussed above to calculate
PD from a simple sample consisting of two carbon atoms is compared in Fig. 1,
where the inset illustrates the details of the geometry (the interatomic distance
corresponds to nearest neighbors in graphite). Scattering from a cluster of carbon
atoms is a severe test case, as multiple scattering between bonded carbon atoms is
particularly strong. Within the resolution of the figure, the recursion method (solid
circles) converges in just seven iterations. At single scattering, the direct Jacobi
iteration (open circles) lies 4% off the exact result, and subsequent scattering orders
lead to divergence. The latter is not prevented by using the SR method (broken
curves) over a wide range of the relaxation parameter 77. The lower 77, the slower
the increase in intensity with iteration step, but the divergent behavior remains.
As is well known in LEED [4], divergences like this one are encountered in MS
when the absolute value of any of the eigenvalues of the eigensystem (3) is larger
than 1. The SR method provides a cure in many cases [20], but it is not suf-
ficiently general, as illustrated by Fig. 1. Instead, the recursion method has a
well-established convergent behavior [21].
The efficiency of our new method allows us to perform calculations for much
larger clusters than with other methods (e.g., we have calculated full-hemisphere
distributions for a cluster of about 2500 atoms [24]). We can thus investigate the
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question of cluster size convergence, as is done in Fig. 2 for photoemission from a
Cu2s level situated on the third layer of a Cu(lll) surface. The geometry under
consideration is illustrated schematically on the lower left corner of the figure.
Plotted here is the reliability factor defined as
^=^^' (7)
where the average is taken over azimuthal directions of emission, I
is the intensity
calculated for an Natom cluster, and / is actually obtained for N = 1856. The
solid curve and circles correspond to the result obtained from the recursion method,
where convergence is achieved in less than 20 iterations. A smooth convergence can
be seen in the TV > oo limit. The inset shows azimuthal scans obtained for different
cluster sizes, in order to facilitate the understanding of the actual meaning of R
in terms of curve comparisons. For TV = 944 (dotted curve in the inset), one has
^H 3
850-eV e-
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Iteration step
FIGURE 1. Cls photoemission intensity in a cluster formed by two carbon atoms separated
by 1.4 A as a function of the number of iteration steps. The incoming light is linearly polar-
ized with the polarization vector parallel to the interatomic axis. The emission occurs in the
forward-scattering direction (see inset). The electron energy is 850 eV. Results obtained from
different iteration methods are compared: the recursion method (solid curve); the direct Jacob!
iteration (dotted and dashed curves); for which the number of iteration steps equals the scatter-
ing order; and the simultaneous relaxation for various values of the relaxation parameter 77 (thin
broken curves). The intensity has been normalized to that of the isolated C atom.
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R 0.03 and convergence is already quite good as compared to the TV = 1856
case, although some small discrepancies can still be distinguished in the height of
the peaks around 30, 60, and 90, so that over 1000 atoms are needed to obtain
convergence within the resolution of the figure (deviations above 5% in intensity
are observed for some directions of emission using TV = 944).
The open circles in Fig. 2 show the reliability factor obtained from the Jacobi
method for various scattering orders (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, and 25), where the spread in
the position of the circles makes evident a divergent behavior. The latter is more
pronounced for larger clusters. In this sense, the Jacobi method has to be regarded
as an asymptotic series unable to converge below a certain reliability factor in the
present case.
30 60
Azimuthal angle (degrees)
250 500 750 1000
Number of atoms
1250 1500
FIGURE 2. -Rfactor [Eq. (7)] variation with the number of atoms N for Cu2s photoemission
from the third layer of a Cu(l l l ) surface. Azimuthal scans have been considered with a polar
angle of emission of 35, a photoelectron energy of 100 eV, and p-polarized light under normal
incidence conditions, as shown schematically on the lower left corner of the figure. The inset
shows the intensity as a function of azimuthal angle for various cluster sizes, as indicated by
labels, normalized to that of the direct emission without inelastic attenuation.
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This work was supported in part by the University of the Basque Country and
the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura (Fulbright grant FU-98-22726216),
and in part by the Director, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials
Sciences Division, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-
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