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912512014 Phenomenological rrodeling of COI'Itlustion and emissions for rrultiple-injection cormm rail direct injection 9rllines

SAGE journals
International Journal of Engine Research
Published online before print December 13,2011, doi:
1 0.1177/1468087 411428989 International Journal of Engine
Research December 13, 20111468087411428989
International Journal of Engine Research
Published online before print December 13,2011, doi:
1 0.1177/1468087 411428989 lnt&rnational Journal of Engine
Research December 13, 20111468087411428989
Phenomenological modeling of
combustion and emissions for
multiple-injection common rail
direct injection engines
S RaJkumar
Department of Mechanical E!llineeri!ll, ndian Institute of
Technology Madras, India
Pramod S Mehta psmeh!
Department of Mechanical E!llineeri!ll, ndian lnstituiB of
Technology Madras, India
Shamlt Bakshl
Department of Mechanical E!llineeri!ll, ndian Institute of
Technology Madras, India
The high-pressure multiple injections in common rail direct irjection
diesel engines offer a possibility of simlilaneous reduction of exhaust
smoke and oxides of nitrogen. The pL6pose of the present work is to
develop a phenomenological model to enable parametric understardi!ll
of the combustion ard emission characteristics of miJiiple-irjection
common rail direct injection ergines. The model is based on a
formulation comprisillJ of fuel-air spray and the s1n0unding air. The
model predictions for combustion and emissions are validated wi1h
measured results of different multiple-injection schedues available in the
published The effect of parametric variations of multiple-
injection scheduing on emission characteristics are predicted usirg the
proposed model. tt is observed that the simuttaneous reduction of oxides
of nitrogen and smoke is possible wi1h an optimized pilot fuel quantity
and dwell between the injection pulses.
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912512014 Phenomenological rmdeling of corrt:lustion and emissions for m.Jitiple-injection corrrrD'1 rail direct injection ergines
file:J//G:/CRDI/Phenorrenological%2()mdelirg%2!lol%20carllustion%201rod%20errissions%20fcr%20nJJtlple-injeclion%20conrrcn%20rail%20direct%2. .. 212

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