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A. Purpose of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B & PV) Code
n the earl! "#$$%s a&&idents in'ol'in( pressure 'essel failures resulted in personnel
in)uries* propert! da+a(e* and e'en loss of life. The A+eri&an So&iet! of Me&hani&al
En(ineers (ASME) set up a &o++ittee in "#"" for the purpose of for+ulatin( standard
rules for &onstru&tion of stea+ ,oilers and other pressure 'essels. This Co++ittee is
no- &alled the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co++ittee. The Co++ittee has +an!
+e+,ers and &ondu&ts ,usiness as +an! (roups -ith ea&h (roup assi(ned a
spe&ifi& topi&.
The Co++ittee%s fun&tion is to esta,lish rules of safet! (o'ernin( the desi(n*
fa,ri&ation* and inspe&tion of ,oilers and pressure 'essels durin( &onstru&tion and
operation and to interpret these rules -hen /uestions arise re(ardin( their intent. n
for+ulatin( the rules* the Co++ittee &onsiders the needs of users* +anufa&turers*
inspe&tors and re(ulator! a(en&ies in'ol'ed -ith pressure 'essels.
The primary objective of the rules in the code is to afford reasonably certain
protection of life and property.
B. 01C and the B & PV Code
A&ti'ities related to &o+ponents or stru&tures &o'ered ,! the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code are &oordinated and &ontrolled in a&&ordan&e -ith their safet!
si(nifi&an&e and appli&a,le re(ulator! re/uire+ents. n "#2" the 01C in&orporated
se&tions of the ASME B&PV Code into Title "$ of Code of 3ederal 1e(ulations. This
&an ,e found in "$C314$.44a and 1e(ulator! 5uide ".67.
"$C314$.44a not onl! spe&ifies -hat se&tions of the &ode are appli&a,le ,ut also -hat
editions and addenda are re/uired. The re/uire+ents for Se&tion of the &ode are
dependent on the date of the &onstru&tion per+it.
C. 8i&ensin( Do&u+ents and the B & PV Code
9suall! a plant%s 3inal Safet! Anal!sis 1eport pro'ides the plant%s &o++it+ent to
portions of the ASME Code and the o'erall :A Pro(ra+ for +eetin( the "$C31 Part 4$
re/uire+ents. Co++it+ents to the Code also e;ist in the Te&hni&al Spe&ifi&ations.
D. Other 8a-s Endorsin( the B & PV Code
The ASME B&PV Code has a&/uired the for&e of la- ,! the passa(e of la-s in ea&h
state. These la-s 'ar! fro+ state to state ,ut +ost in'o.e the entire &ode. The "##<
Penns!l'ania Boiler 8a- re/uires that non=nu&lear pressure 'essels and ,oilers +eet
the appli&a,le ASME Code* ,ut relies on 3ederal 1e(ulations to (o'ern nu&lear 'essels
and ,oilers.
E. 9pdatin( the B & PV Code
Ad'an&e+ents in desi(n and +aterial and field e;perien&e are re&o(ni>ed in updates
to the &ode. The &ode is updated periodi&all!. n the past* a ne- edition of the &ode
-as issued e'er! three !ears. n addition* addenda -ere issued annuall! (or se+i=
annuall! prior to "#<7). These addenda in&orporate &ode &ases* &larif! intent* re'ise
+aterial* delete +aterial* or add ne- +aterial. The addenda and +ost &ode &ases are
in&orporated into the ,od! of the &ode -ith ea&h ne- edition. The ASME is
transitionin( to a ne- pu,li&ation s&hedule -here ne- Editions -ill ,e issued e'er! t-o
!ears* and there -ill ,e no Addenda issued.
Code &ases are offi&ial rulin(s on the use of alternate +ethods or +aterials* or
additions to the e;istin( rules. Su,+ittal of &ode in/uir! -ith su,se/uent &ode &ase
issuan&e is the fastest -a! to a+end the &ode and for+ulate ne- rules for +aterials*
&onstru&tion* or inspe&tion.
Code &ases +ust ,e endorsed ,! the 01C ,efore the! &an ,e utili>ed. 1e(ulator!
5uides ".<? and "."?2 list endorsed &ode &ases. A re/uest for e;e+ption is su,+itted
to the 01C -hen a plant deter+ines it is i+pra&ti&al to +eet a re/uire+ent in "$C314$
or -hen -e -ant to use an approa&h not refle&ted in "$C314$.
5enerall!* the ori(inal &ode is used. 1epair* repla&e+ent* testin(* inspe&tion a&ti'ities
+a! re/uire &ode re&on&iliation -hen usin( different 'ersion. 01C appro'al is
re/uired* e'en -hen i+ple+entin( a ne-er &ode 'ersion (see 1S 6$$?="6 and 6$$?=
3. Contents of the ASME B & PV Code
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is di'ided into "6 (eneral se&tions. The
(eneral se&tions are@
Se&tion A Po-er Boilers
Se&tion A Materials
Se&tion A 1ules for Constru&tion of 0u&lear Po-er Plant Co+ponents
Se&tion V A Heatin( Boilers
Se&tion V A 0ondestru&ti'e E;a+ination
Se&tion V A Care and Operation of Heatin( Boilers
Se&tion V A Care of Po-er Boilers
Se&tion V A Pressure Vessels
Se&tion B A Celdin( and Bra>in( :ualifi&ations
Se&tion B A 3i,er 1einfor&ed Plasti& Pressure Vessels
Se&tion B A 1ules for nser'i&e nspe&tion of 0u&lear Po-er Plant
Se&tion B A 1ule for Constru&tion and Continued Ser'i&e of Transport Tan.s
5. Se&tion of the ASME B &PV Code
Se&tion pro'ides re/uire+ents for &onstru&tion of nu&lear &o+ponents and is
(enerall! appli&a,le to ,oth initial &onstru&tion of s!ste+s and +a)or alterations and
additions to s!ste+s. 1e/uires +anufa&turers and installers +aintain a :A pro(ra+ for
ori(inal &onstru&tion. So+e o-ners &an perfor+ ne- &onstru&tion under Se&tion .
Se&tion Su,se&tions
Se&tion is di'ided into su,se&tions as sho-n ,elo-. Su,se&tion 0CA
pro'ides (eneral re/uire+ents and appli&a,ilit! of Se&tion rules. 3or
e;a+ple* for Di'ision &o+ponents* the ter+ D&onstru&tionE en&o+passes
+aterials* desi(n* fa,ri&ation* e;a+ination* testin(* inspe&tion* and &ertifi&ation
re/uired for +anufa&ture and installation of the &o+ponent.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Se&tion Su,se&tions
Su,se&tion 0CA A 5eneral 1e/uire+ents for Di'ision "* Di'ision 6* and Di'ision F
Di'ision "
Su,se&tion 0B A Class " Co+ponents = Those &o+ponents that are part of the pri+ar!
&ore &oolin( s!ste+
Su,se&tion 0C A Class 6 Co+ponents = Those &o+ponents that are part of 'arious
i+portant=to=safet! e+er(en&! &ore &oolin( s!ste+s
Su,se&tion 0D A Class F Co+ponents = Those &o+ponents that are part of the 'arious
s!ste+s needed for plant operation
Su,se&tion 0E A Class MC Co+ponents
Su,se&tion 03 A Co+ponent Supports
Su,se&tion 05 A Core Support Stru&tures
Su,se&tion 0H A Class " Co+ponents in Ele'ated Te+perature Ser'i&e
Di'ision 6 A Code for Con&rete 1ea&tor Vessels and Contain+ents
Di'ision F A Contain+ent S!ste+s for Stora(e and Transport Pa&.a(in( of Spent 0u&lear 3uel
Se&tion Arti&les
Ea&h su,se&tion is di'ided into identi&al arti&les for arran(e+ent of topi&s.
These arti&les are further su,di'ided into su,arti&les* su,su,arti&les*
para(raphs and su,para(raphs.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Se&tion Arti&les
Arti&le 0u+,er Title
"$$$ ntrodu&tion or S&ope
6$$$ Material
F$$$ Desi(n
?$$$ 3a,ri&ation and nstallation
4$$$ E;a+ination
7$$$ Testin(
2$$$ O'erpressure Prote&tion
<$$$ 0a+eplates* Sta+pin(* and 1eports
Se&tion 0u+,erin(
A referen&e to 0B=F$$$ -ould in&lude all +aterial in that arti&le.
A referen&e to 0B=F$$$ -ould in&lude all +aterial in the desi(n arti&les in ea&h
su,se&tion of Di'ision " of Se&tion .
1eferen&e to 0B=F6F$ -ould in&lude +aterial in para(raphs F6F" throu(h F6F7.
Due to the fa&t that the standard outline +a! &o'er topi&s that are not appli&a,le
to a parti&ular su,se&tion or arti&le the rules +a! ha'e so+e (aps in nu+,erin(.
Se&tion Appendi&es
Se&tion also has t-o sets of appendi&es. Mandator! appendi&es &ontain
re/uire+ents that +ust ,e used to &onfor+ -ith Se&tion . These appendi&es
are desi(nated ,! a ro+an nu+eral* follo-ed ,! an Ara,i& nu+eral (e.(.* =
""$$). 0on=+andator! appendi&es pro'ide infor+ation of (uidan&e for use of
Se&tion . These appendi&es are desi(nated ,! a &apital letter follo-ed ,!
Ara,i& nu+erals (e.(.* D=""$$).
Se&tion 1eferen&es
Se&tion is not a stand alone do&u+ent ,ut referen&es other se&tions of the
&ode -here appropriate. 3or e;a+ple*
0CA="66$ referen&es Se&tion for +aterial spe&ifi&ations.
0B=?F$$ referen&es Se&tion B for -eldin( :ualifi&ations.
0B=4$$$ referen&es Se&tion V for nondestru&ti'e e;a+ination +ethods.
Se&tion :A 1e/uire+ents
Arti&le 0CA=?$$$ delineates the re/uire+ent that +anufa&turers and installers
are responsi,le to do&u+ent and +aintain a :A Pro(ra+ for ori(inal
&onstru&tion of Se&tion &o+ponents.
H. Se&tion V of the B & PV Code
Se&tion V pro'ides non=destru&ti'e e;a+ination rules and re/uire+ents and is
appli&a,le to se'eral se&tions of the &ode.
Se&tion V Su,di'isions
Se&tion V is su,di'ided into t-o su,se&tions. Su,se&tion A is su,di'ided into
"6 arti&les. 9nli.e Se&tions and B* the para(raphs under ea&h arti&le are not
identi&al. Also* +andator! and non=+andator! appendi&es appear after ea&h
. Se&tion B of the ASME B &PV Code
Se&tion B des&ri,es the nu&lear plant o-ner%s responsi,ilities. t ser'es as the +a)or
inspe&tion* repair* and +odifi&ation &ode for operatin( nu&lear po-er plants.
Se&tion B Se&tions
Di'ision of this se&tion spells out the rules for li(ht -ater &ooled rea&tors and
the su,se&tions in the di'ision are prefi;ed C. The su,se&tions in ea&h di'ision
are ,ro.en do-n into the sa+e su,di'isions. See ,elo-
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Se&tion B Di'ision " Su,se&tions
Division 1 Rules for Inspection and Testing of Components of Light-ater
Cooled !lants
Su,se&tion CA 5eneral 1e/uire+ents
Su,se&tion CB 1e/uire+ents for Class " Co+ponents of 8i(ht=Cater Cooled
Po-er Plants
Su,se&tion CC 1e/uire+ents for Class 6 Co+ponents of 8i(ht=Cater Cooled
Po-er Plants
Su,se&tion CD 1e/uire+ents for Class F Co+ponents of 8i(ht=Cater Cooled
Po-er Plants
Su,se&tion CE 1e/uire+ents for Class MC and Metalli& 8iners of Class CC
Co+ponents of 8i(ht=Cater Cooled Po-er Plants
Su,se&tion C3 1e/uire+ents for Class "* 6* F* and MC Co+ponent Supports of
8i(ht=Cater Cooled Po-er Plants
Su,se&tion C8 1e/uire+ents for Class CC Con&rete Co+ponents of 8i(ht=Cater
Cooled Po-er Plants
Appendi&es Mandator!
Se&tion B Su,se&tions
Se&tion B su,se&tions are su,di'ided into si+ilar arti&les
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Se&tion B Arti&les
Arti&le 0u+,er Title
"$$$ S&ope and 1esponsi,ilit!
6$$$ E;a+ination and nspe&tion
F$$$ A&&eptan&e Standards
?$$$ 1epairG1epla&e+ent A&ti'ities
4$$$ S!ste+ Pressure Tests
7$$$ 1e&ords and 1eports
Se&tion B 0u+,erin(
Ea&h arti&le is su,di'ided into su,arti&les* su,su,arti&les* para(raphs and
su,para(raphs si+ilar to Se&tion . 3or e;a+ple* CB=F4"$ addresses
allo-a,le planar fla-s for Class " &o+ponents in li(ht -ater &ooled rea&tors.
Se&tion B Appendi&es
8i.e Se&tion * Se&tion B has ,oth +andator! and non=+andator! appendi&es
that are desi(ned in a si+ilar +anner to Se&tion .
Se&tion B :A 1e/uire+ents
Su,arti&le CA "?$$ spells out the o-ner%s responsi,ilit! to +aintain a :A
pro(ra+ in a&&ordan&e -ith "$C314$ Appendi; B.
Para(raph CA=?"?6 spells out the o-ner%s responsi,ilit! to ensure &ontra&ted
repair andGor repla&e+ent or(ani>ations +aintain a :A pro(ra+ in a&&ordan&e
-ith "$C314$ Appendi; B.
Se&tion B nser'i&e nspe&tion (S)
Se&tion B des&ri,es the rules for Din=ser'i&e inspe&tionE -hi&h in&ludes@
preser'i&e (,aseline) inspe&tion (PS)* and in=ser'i&e inspe&tion (S).
Se&tion B Ten Hear Pro(ra+
E'er! ten !ears a re'ised ten=!ear S pro(ra+ +ust ,e su,+itted to the 01C
for re'ie-. This re'ised S pro(ra+ +ust &onfor+ -ith the latest 01C a&&epted
edition and addenda of the &ode. Ea&h ten=!ear pro(ra+ re/uires inspe&tion of
a predeter+ined per&enta(e of all &lass "* 6* and F &o+ponents durin( the ten=
!ear period.
Preser'i&e nspe&tion (PS) Pro(ra+
The purpose of the PS pro(ra+ is to esta,lish a ,aseline for su,se/uent S of
-elds. t &onsists of 0DE onl! and &o'ers the sa+e s&ope of -elds as S. The
&ode 'ersion used for PS +a! ,e different than S. Shop and field re&ords +a!
,e used. nitial PS -as &o+pleted prior to startup in "#<F (CB=66$$* CC=66$$*
and CD=66$$).
nser'i&e nspe&tion (S) Pro(ra+
The purpose of the S pro(ra+ is to esta,lish a +eans of +onitorin( the ph!si&al
inte(rit! of pipin( s!ste+s and &o+ponents. Se&tion B des&ri,es the pro(ra+
re/uire+ents and a&&eptan&e &riteria. t referen&es Se&tion V for 0DE +ethods
e;&ept 'isual e;a+ination.
Visual E;a+s
Se&tion B des&ri,es three le'els of 'isual e;a+inations@
Surfa&e &onditions* VT=" (CA=66"")
8ea.a(e* VT=6 (CA=66"6)
Me&hani&al and stru&tural &onditions* VT=F (CA=66"F)
E;a+iner Certifi&ation
3or &ertifi&ation of e;a+iners* Se&tion B referen&es CP="<#* Standard for
:ualifi&ation and Certifi&ation in 0ondestru&ti'e Testin( Personnel. CP="<#
des&ri,es 8e'el * 8e'el * 8e'el responsi,ilities and trainin( and testin(
Se&tion B 1epairs & 1epla&e+ents
1epairs and repla&e+ents for nu&lear &o+ponents are +ade under Se&tion B
-hi&h in'ol'es the &onstru&tion re/uire+ents of Se&tion . t &ontains so+e
uni/ue re/uire+ents as -ell as alternate pro'isions for perfor+an&e of repairs
and +odifi&ations* ,ut (enerall! refers ,a&. to the ori(inal &onstru&tion &ode
(Se&tion ) for spe&ifi&s.
I. ASME Operation and Maintenan&e (O & M) Code
n "##$* the ASME pu,lished the initial edition of the O&M Code* -hi&h pro'ides for ST
of pu+ps and 'al'es. The ASME intended the O&M Code to repla&e the B&PV Se&tion
B rules for ST of pu+ps* 'al'es* and snu,,ers.
The O&M Code -as de'eloped in response to the ASME Board on 0u&lear Codes and
Standards dire&ti'e that transferred responsi,ilit! for de'elop+ent of rules for the ST of
pu+ps* 'al'es* and snu,,ers fro+ the ASME B&PV Se&tion B Su,&o++ittee on
0u&lear n=ser'i&e nspe&tion to the ASME O&M Co++ittee.
O&M Code esta,lishes the re/uire+ents for pre=ser'i&e and in=ser'i&e testin( and
e;a+ination of &ertain &o+ponents to assess their operational readiness in li(ht=-ater
rea&tor po-er plants. O&M Code identifies the &o+ponents su,)e&t to test or
e;a+ination* responsi,ilities* +ethods* inter'als* para+eters to ,e +easured and
e'aluated* &riteria for e'aluatin( the results* &orre&ti'e a&tion* personnel /ualifi&ation*
and re&ord .eepin(.
The O & M Code Applies to@
Pu+ps* 'al'es* and snu,,ers that are re/uired to perfor+ a spe&ifi& fun&tion
in shuttin( do-n a rea&tor to the safe shutdo-n &ondition* in +aintainin( the
safe shutdo-n &ondition* or in +iti(atin( the &onse/uen&es of an a&&identJ
Pu+p Testin(
The pu+p testin( applies to &ertain &entrifu(al and positi'e displa&e+ent pu+ps.
The testin( is desi(ned to assure operational readiness of pu+ps ,! +onitorin(
h!drauli& (flo- rate) and +e&hani&al ('i,ration) &hara&teristi&s for de(radation.
Val'e Testin(
The 'al'e testin( applies to &ertain 'al'es -hi&h are su,di'ided into four &lasses
and a&ti'eGpassi'e fun&tions. The testin( in&ludes tests su&h as stro.e=ti+in(*
seat lea.a(e +easure+ents* re+ote position indi&ation 'erifi&ation* and e;plosi'e
Pressure relief de'i&es that prote&t s!ste+s or portions of s!ste+s that
perfor+ one or +ore of the three fun&tions a,o'eJ
Snu,,er E;a+ination and Testin(
The snu,,er se&tion applies to the e;a+ination and testin( of d!na+i& restraints
(snu,,ers). This portion of the Code &o'ers the preser'i&e and inser'i&e
e;a+ination and testin( inter'als* &riteria and data re/uire+ents for snu,,ers.
These re/uire+ents are appli&a,le to Classes "* 6* and F* and MC (+etal
&ontain+ent) &o+ponent supports.
Se&tion 4$.44a(f)* Dn=ser'i&e Testin( 1e/uire+entsE re/uires that Class "* 6* and
F &o+ponents and their supports +eet the re/uire+ents of the DCode for
Operation and Maintenan&e of 0u&lear Po-er PlantsE of the ASME O&M Code.
Iust li.e the B&PV Code* &o++it+ents to the O&M Code are also &ontained in
the 3SA1 and Te&hni&al Spe&ifi&ations.
Pressure Tests
The ASME Se&tion B pressure test re/uire+ents are &ontained in Arti&les CA=4$$$*
CB=4$$$ (Class ")* CC=4$$$ (Class 6)* and CD=4$$$ (Class F) of the &ode. The
s!ste+ ,oundaries are identified in the station n=Ser'i&e nspe&tion Plan -ith an!
de'iations fro+ the &odeG01C re/uire+ents appro'ed 'ia relief re/uests.
Pipin( & Co+ponent Tests
The pipin( and &o+ponent pressure tests are to ,e re/uired -hen pipin( or
&o+ponents are repaired* repla&ed* or +odified. This test re/uire+ent applies to all
&ode pipin( and &o+ponents &ontained in an ASME Se&tion s!ste+ irrespe&ti'e of
-hether it is -ithin an S ,oundar! or not.
Arti&le CA=?4?$ identif! the repairs and repla&e+ents that re/uire or are e;e+pt fro+
pressure testin(. T!pi&all!* -elded repairs or repla&e+ents re/uire a s!ste+ lea.a(e
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