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Developing Country Studies www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&7% 20&4

A Critical Analysis of the Functionalist Arguments for the
Levirate Custom among the Luo Community in Kenya

'(ong)o Ngore $itlis (Corresponding ut*or!
Deprt+ent o, So-il S-ien-es% P*ilosop*y . /eligion nd Co++unity Develop+ent
0si 0r 1niversity%P.# 2o3 46& Nro5
6-+il7 (ongovitlpu(l8g+il.-o+

9*e re-ent de(tes nd -+pigns ginst t*e :uo levirte -usto+ *ve tended to -stigte t*e -usto+ nd to
,o-us +inly on its de+erits nd (uses. ;owever% t*e -usto+ *d +ny i+portnt ,un-tions nd *s (een
sustined +inly (y t*e vlues tt-*ed to it (y t*e people. ;owever% wit* t*e -*nged -onte3t% -oupled wit* t*e
w5e o, de+o-rti- vlues% t*e upsurge o, ;I$<'IDS nd ot*er e3istentil -*llenges% t*e -usto+ *s (e-o+e
-ontroversil issue tody. 'rgu(ly% it under+ines t*e very idels it ws t*oug*t to pro+ote. 9*e purpose o, t*is
pper ws to e3+ine t*e p*ilosop*i-l ,oundtions o, t*e levirte -usto+ +ong t*e :uo -o++unity o, =eny
nd pre-isely to give -riti-l ssess+ent o, t*e ,un-tionl vlues ttri(uted to t*e -usto+ in t*e trditionl :uo
so-iety. 9*is study ws (sed on -riti-l review o, e3isting literture on t*e :evirte -usto+ +ong t*e :uo in
=eny. 9*e results indi-te t*t t*e :uo levirte -usto+ *s (een sustined (y t*e ,un-tionl vlues tt-*ed to it
(y t*e people. ;owever% it ws lso reveled t*t t*e -usto+ no longer ,ul,ils nu+(er o, t*e sid ,un-tions.
9*e initil spirit% w*i-* ws t5ing -re o, t*e widows nd orp*ns% is still relevnt tody. 9*e study ,urt*er
illu+intes *ow +odi,i-tion nd +odertion would +5e t*e -usto+ -ontri(ute to t*e -+pigns ,or t*e
li(ertion o, t*e ,e+le ,ol5 nd t*e ,ig*t ginst ;I$<'IDS pnde+i-.
Keywords: Criti>ue% ?un-tionlist 'rgu+ents% :evirte Custo+% :uo Co++unity% =eny

1. Introduction
:evitte is t*e pr-ti-e w*ere(y (rot*er t5es over t*e widow o, *is de-esed (rot*er so s to provide
-ontinuity% se-urity nd prote-tion +ong ot*er needs o, t*e widow nd *er -*ildren (=yongo @ 0le% &AA&% p. 7!.
In t*e :uo so-iety +ost widows re t5en over in t*e levirte (y n gnte o, t*e *us(nd. Nevert*eless% s Pots*
(&A46% p."B! o(serves% CSo+e o, t*ese +y (e no+inl nd purely -ere+onil rt*er t*n rel reltions*ipsC. D*en
:uo +n died% t*e -usto+ de+nded t*t one o, *is (rot*ers -o*(its wit* *is widow. Su-* +n ws -lled Jater.
9*is ws *owever not regrded s new +rrige. Insted% it ws loo5ed upon s wy o, perpetuting
*o+eostsis in t*e *o+e o, t*e de-esed +n. It ws not stri-tly +rrige in t*e stri-t sense o, t*e word. 9*e
widow re+ined t*e wi,e o, *er de-esed or CgrvedC *us(nd nd *en-e Ewi,e o, t*e grve.F :evirte
reltions*ips were o,ten -*r-teriGed (y seprte residen-e nd widows typi-lly -ontinued living in t*eir de-esed
*us(ndHs *o+e (0e% &AAA% p. 46I Pots*% &A46% p. 44!.
' widow ws t*eoreti-lly ,ree to -*oose ny +n ,ro+ wit*in t*e linegeI *owever% studies revel t*t t*e
-*oi-e ws not rndo+. 9*e -ln elders ensured t*t +en o, (d reputtion or w*ose lineges *d stig+ nd +en o,
>uestion(le -*r-ters nd strngers were not -*osen s levirs. '--ording to DnJi5u (&AA7% p. 2"!% EKt*e -ln ws
-utious not to let t*e widow introdu-e strnge genes into it.F
9*ere were lso in-idents w*en t*e -*oi-e o, t*e levir ws done not (y t*e widow% (ut (y t*e *us(nd (e,ore *is
det*% s Lordon (&A64% p. &B0! notes% C...t*e widow ws t5en over (y t*e person eit*er n+ed (y *er *us(nd
in *is det* (ed or -*osen (y *ersel,. #5u+( (&AA7% p. &04! reitertes t*t C... +n on *is det* (ed +y
su++on (rot*er ... nd tell *i+ ... to t5e -re o, *is wi,e nd -*ildren.F It is wort* noting t*t even w*en t*e
-*oi-e o, t*e levir ws *er prerogtive% t*e :uo widow *d no ,reedo+ to disregrd t*e -usto+% w*i-* ws +ndtory
,or ll. It ws t(oo to ignore it.
9*e levirte -usto+ -ould eit*er (e pr-ti-lly or sy+(oli-lly per,or+ed. ;owever% w*i-*ever wy% t*e
-usto+ ws +ndtory to ll :uo widows. :et us now turn to t*e two -tegories o, levirte unions.
In t*e Se3ul or nor+l levirte t*e union is -onsu++ted (y -tul se3ul inter-ourse wit* t*e widow. ;ere%
t*e levir has to penetrte t*e widow Just li5e in nor+l -oitus. 9*is is t*e +ost -o++on +ong t*e :uo o, =eny.
9*e pr-ti-e +ong t*e :uo *s (een t*t widows o, -*ild (ering ge were situted in -onJugl reltions*ips wit*
levirs. Se3ul inter-tions wit*in su-* rrnge+ents were so-illy sn-tioned nd pproved. 1nder t*is type o, t*e
-usto+ it ws +ndtory t*t t*e levir *d se3ul inter-ourse wit* t*e widow. #nly t*en ws it regrded s
e,,i--ious nd legiti+te. #5eyo nd 'llen (&AA4% p.20! el(orte7
Se3ul inter-ourse *d to t5e pl-e (etween t*e widow nd *er jater on t*e ,irst nig*t
toget*er. I, t*is ,iled to *ppen t*en t*e +n would (e --used o, *ving (ro5en t*e
lw o, ter nd su(se>uently ws dis+issed t*e ,ollowing dy.
0(iti (2002% p. &47!% #dg (&AA"% p. "4!% Co*en nd #d*i+(o (&AA2% p. 6B!% 0(oy (&A4B% p. &2B! nd #-*ol
(&A76% p. &06! ll -on-ur t*t t*e levir ws e3pe-ted to -onsu++te t*e union. ;en-e t*e sying "Nindo otero
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&7% 20&4

Jater kuma nyoro odhi tere mi ok otero (sleep overw*el+ed levir nd *e ,iled to per,or+ t*e duty!F. 0en re
despised on ,ilure to -onsu++te levirte union.
In t*e se-ond type% se3ul or Sy+(oli- levirte% t*e pro-ess ws t*e s+e% only t*t% on t*e nig*t o, t*e
union% t*ere ws no -tul se3ul union. 9*e levir would only sy+(oli-lly ,ree *is (rot*erHs widow ,ro+ t*e
supposed t(oo. Due to t*e widowHs previling -ondition% si-5ness or old ge% t*e union ws not nor+lly
-onsu++ted (ut only sy+(oli-lly. 9*ese in-luded t*e -ses o, Pim (old widows% pst +enopuse!% joneko (+d
widows! and jombiko (lepers!.
9*e -se o, janeko is o(vious. It ws not pr-ti-lly possi(le to t+e or -onvin-e +d person to do t*ings t*e
nor+l wyI -lose -ont-t or union wit* jambiko -ould led to t*e -ontgion nd spred o, t*e disese (leprosy!%
nd ,inlly it ws t(oo to *ve se3ul inter-ourse wit* Pim. In :uo -usto+ nd (elie,% C... wo+nHs se3ul li,e
ter+intes wit* t*e onset o, +enopuse. Conse>uently% t*e :uo ,er inter-ourse wit* +enopusl wo+n. 9*ey
(elieved t*t it -ould -use det*C (Pots*% &A46% p. "4!. It is on t*ese grounds t*t :uo pim, janeko nd jambiko
were not su(Je-ted to -tul se3ul inter-ourse. 9*e se3ul t(oo ws erdi-ted sy+(oli-lly. Do+en pst -*ild
(ering ge would sy+(oli-lly s*re roo+ overnig*t wit* t*e levir, nd (e given to5en presents in pl-e o, se3
t*e ,ollowing +orning (Co*en . #d*i+(o% &AA2% p. 64!. 2ot* #der (&A47% p. 42! nd #gutu (&AA"% p. 24! -on-ede
t*t su-* widow -ould (e given ndawa (to(--o! to grdute into :uo widow*ood.
&.& Stte+ent o, t*e Pro(le+
9*e :uo levirte -usto+ *s re+ined resilient despite vi-ious -+pigns ginst it. 9*e -usto+% s -ulturl
p*eno+enon% -ould not *ve survived to dte wit*out ny vlues ttri(uted to it. ;owever% t*e -usto+% s it is tody%
see+s nti>uted% irrelevnt nd to wor5 ginst t*e very idels t*t it ws +ent to serve. Conse>uently% wit* t*e
e3istentil -*llenges o, t*e -onte+porry so-iety% t*ere ws need to su(Je-t t*e ,un-tionlist rgu+ents ,or t*e
-usto+ to -riti-l evlution so s to est(lis* t*eir vlidity in t*e -onte+porry =enyn so-iety.

2. Methodology and Theoretical Framework
9*e study ws (sed on t*eory o, ,un-tionlis+ s e3pounded (y 6+ile Dur5*ei+% 2rownislw 0linows5i nd
9l-ot* Prsons. 9*e t*eory sttes t*t C...,un-tionlis+ is t*e nlyti-l tenden-y wit*in 'nt*ropology t*t e3*i(its
prti-ulr interest in t*e ,un-tions o, so-il or -ulturl p*eno+enon (6lide &A477444!. ?un-tion *ere *s to do wit*
t*e generl needs o, so-ietl orgnis+s w*i-* so-il p*eno+enon serves.
9*e t*eory served s +odel ,or t*is study. 9*is is (e-use :uo levirte -usto+ s so-io--ulturl p*eno+enon
*d -ertin ,un-tionl vlues. It served t*e needs o, t*e :uo so-iety s w*ole nd t*e widow in prti-ulr. 9*e
-usto+ *s (een perpetuted +inly due to its ,un-tionl signi,i-n-e. It served +orl% psy-*ologi-l% so-il nd
e-ono+i- ,un-tions in t*e :uo -o++unity. 9*e ,un-tionlists t*eory ws t*us o, gret relevn-e to t*is study. It is
suit(le +odel ,or +y reser-*.
9*e study used t*e *istori-l +et*od to tr-e t*e develop+ent nd ,un-tionl (sis o, t*e -usto+ nd t*e
-riti-l% rtionl nd re,le-tive p*ilosop*i-l +et*ods to ssess t*e vi(ility nd vlidity in t*e -onte+porry

3 he Functions of the Levirate Custom in raditional Luo !ociety
9*e -usto+% s -ulturl p*eno+enon% in its originl ,or+ *d its own signi,i-n-e nd vlues. It served *onour(le
purposes in t*e trditionl :uo so-iety. 9*ese re dis-ussed in detils (elow.

3.1.1 The Propagation un!tion
9*e levirte -usto+ +ong t*e :uo% ,irst nd ,ore+ost% served t*e pro-retive purpose. It ws ,or t*e propgtion o,
-*ildren% +e-*nis+ put in pl-e (y t*e :uo ,or -ontinued -*ild (ering. It -tered ,or t*e widowHs se3ul nd
pro-retive needs (0e% &AAA% p. 4"!. '--ording to 2o*nnn nd Curtis (&A7&% p. 247!% wo+en tend to +rry t
younger ge t*n do +enI -onse>uently% t*ey re +ore li5ely to (e widowed. 9*us% t*e levirte is ,or +3i+iGing t*e
widowHs ,ertility potentil w*i-* ,ter ll served t*e ulti+te i+ o, +rrige% t*t is% pro-retion. 9*e -usto+ ws
seen to dvn-e t*e widowHs reprodu-tive -on-erns. Moung widows were t5en over in order to -ontinue *ving
-*ildren in t*e n+e o, t*e de-esed *us(nd. Lordon (&A64% p. A0!% 0(iti (&A4&% p. 2&4! nd 0e (&AAA% p. "6! re
ll in gree+ent t*t t*e levirte syste+% (y w*i-* +le gnte on t*e s+e ptrilinel side o, t*e de-esed enters
*er *ut to rise up seed in t*e ded +nHs n+e% gurntees (irt* o, -*ildren. 9*e -usto+ lso served to rise
-*ildren in -ses w*ere +n died leving no -*ildren (e*ind. 9*e levirte ws% t*ere,ore% su-* tresured
-usto+ +ong t*e :uo% espe-illy due to its -onne-tion wit* ,e-undity. 9*roug* it% *u+n li,e ws preserved%
propgted nd perpetuted (0(iti% &A4&% p. &00!.

3.1." The #ontinuity Purpose
9*e levirte ensured -ontinuity in +ny spe-ts o, li,e in t*e :uo so-iety. It ensured -ontinuity o, t*e +rrige%
,+ily nd t*e linege. It lso ensured -ontinued st(ility (*o+eostsis! in t*e *o+e o, t*e de-esed% t*ere (y
+intining ,+ily identity nd st(ility in ut*ority stru-ture. 9*ere,ore% t*e +in reson w*y t*e :uo
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&7% 20&4

-*eris*ed t*e levirte -usto+ ws -ontinuity o, li,e. '--ording 0e (&AAA!7
9*e purpose o, t*e levirte union is to -ontinue t*e +rrige o, widow nd (ring t*e
,+ily to ,ull ,ruition in t*e n+e o, *er de-esed *us(nd. 9*ere is no dissolution o, t*e
+rrige...due to t*e *us(ndHs det*. 9*e -usto+ rises out o, so-il syste+% w*i-* ensures
t*t e-* nd every +rrige +intins its identity nd -*ieves its gols even in t*e ,-e o,
p*ysi-l det* (p. 46!.
9*e -usto+ ws te+porry dJust+ent +de in t*e ,+ily reltions*ips so t*t t*e de-esedHs ,+ily -n
+intin its identity nd -ontinue to grow nd develop. It ws signi,i-nt s +ens o, -ontinuing t*e ,+ily
line. It -tered ,or s+oot* -ontinuity in t*e ,+ily w*en *us(nd died (#wino% 2002% p. &"!. 9*roug* t*e
-usto+% it ws possi(le ,or t*e de-esedHs ,+ily to -ontinue +oving on. 0illu (&A44% p. &B! el(ortes7
It en(led t*e widow nd -*ildren to -ontinue stying t t*e de-esedHs *o+e. 9*is is t*e only
*o+e t*t t*e -*ildren *ve 5nown... it +5es it possi(le ,or t*e -*ildren nd t*eir +ot*er to
-ontinue living *ere w*ere t*eir true *o+e is.
9*e -usto+ did not only sve t*e ,+ily ,ro+ disintegrtion. It lso spred t*e widow nd *er -*ildren o, t*e
trou(le o, see5ing new ,+ily nd dpting to t*e new environ+ent. 9*e rrnge+ent ,-ilitted st(ility ,ter
det* nd -reted *o+eostsis wit*in t*e ,+ily nd 5ept t*e ,+ily ties live. It ensured -ontinuity o, t*e
de-esedHs linege s t*e -*ildren (orn in t*e union -ontinued t*e genelogi-l lines o, :uo ,+ilies. '--ording
to DnJi5u et al. (&AA7% p. &07!% t*e levirte +intined ut*ority stru-ture wit*in t*e *o+ested nd *ouse*old.
9*e levir provided stru-turl servi-es t*t +n o,,ered in *o+ested nd prote-ted t*e widow ,ro+ (use (y
ot*er +e+(ers o, t*e -o++unity. ;e too5 up t*e roles o, t*e *us(nd nd (e-+e t*e prote-tor o, t*e widow%
*er -*ildren nd t*e entire *o+e.

3.1.3 The $uardian un!tion
In trditionl :uo so-iety% it ws t*e responsi(ility o, t*e *us(nd to t5e led in -ontrolling t*e li,e o, *is ,+ily
s it ppertined to so-io--ulturl% e-ono+i- nd politi-l spe-ts. ;e ws e3pe-ted to instru-t *is ,+ily
+e+(ers on t*e re>uire+ents nd t*e -onse>uen-es o, not o(serving so+e i+portnt -ulturl nor+s% trditions%
pr-ti-es nd -ere+onies. ?urt*er+ore% t*e *us(nd ws t*e owner o, ll t*e ,+ily resour-es li5e lnd nd
livesto-5 +ong ot*ers. In t*is respe-t% *e ws e3pe-ted to ensure t*t resour-es were properly utiliGed ,or t*e
+3i+u+ (ene,it o, t*e entire ,+ily (#wino% 2000% p. &4!. 9*e *us(nd ws to provide ,or t*e needs o, *is
,+ily in-luding ,ood% se-urity nd guidn-e.
9*e levirte -usto+ ws t*ere,ore initited to provide gurdins*ip to t*e ,+ilies o, de-esed +le
+e+(ers o, t*e :uo -o++unity. It ws t*ese de+nding duties nd responsi(ilities e3pe-ted o, :uo *us(nds
wit*in t*eir ,+ilies t*t t*e so-iety provided ,or t*e s+oot* -ontinuity ,ter t*eir det* t*roug* t*e levirte
union. 9*e -usto+ ws t*ere,ore seen to (e very i+pertive in t*e -onte3t o, perpetuting t*e duties nd
responsi(ilities o, t*e ded *us(nd. 9*is ws o, gret psy-*ologi-l vlue to t*e widow w*o e3perien-ed
sense o, se-urity in t*e rrnge+ent. Dit*in t*e -usto+% t*e levir per,or+ed ll t*e duties o, t*e *us(nd (0(iti%
2002. p. &44!. ;is +in duty ws to s*oulder t*e responsi(ilities o, t*e de-esed. ;e ws regrded s t*e
widowHs gurdin nd ws to prote-t% nd support *er nd t*e -*ildren (0e% &AAA% p. 46!. 9uJu (&AA6% p. &4!
reitertes t*t% E;e ws to provide se-urity nd guidn-e nd not +erely to *ve se3 wit* t*e widow nd
s>under ny welt* le,t (e*ind (y t*e de-esed w*i-* see+ to (e t*e -se wit* pro,essionl in*eritors todyF.
9*e levirte -usto+ ws +ent to ensure t*t (ereved wo+n ws not le,t un-red ,or. It ws one o, t*e
so-il se-urity nets put in pl-e in t*e trditionl :uo so-iety to ensure t*t t*e ,+ily ws well t5en -re o, (y
t*e -ln nd t*e -o++unity (Nduti . =ii% &AA6% p. ""!. It ensured t*t no -*ild -ould (e-o+e destitute Just
(e-use ,t*er *d died. 2si-lly% t*e levir ws -ret5erI *e ws to t5e -re o, t*e ,+ily% lest it
disintegrtes. 9*e rrnge+ent ws +ent to t5e -re o, *er in t*e s+e wy s *er *us(nd would *ve
(0illu% &A44% p. &2I 9uJu% &AA6% p. &4!. 9*e -usto+ ws lso +ent to -o+,ort t*e widow nd *er -*ildren nd
to ensure t*t t*ere ws (red provider in t*e *o+e.

3.1.% The &oral un!tion
9*e -usto+ lso *d +orl ,un-tion in t*e trditionl :uo so-iety. It *elped to +intin +orl integrity (y
+ini+iGing se3ul i++orlity in t*e so-iety. 9*e levirte -usto+ +de it possi(le ,or t*e widow w*o ws still
se3ully -tive% to *ve so-illy --epted se3ul prtner to +eet t*e vitl need. 9*is ensured t*t t*ere ws no
se3ul i++orlity on t*e side o, t*e widow. 9*e :uo widow ws to engge in levirte union wit* *er in-lw w*o
ws to *ve se3ul inter-ourse wit* *er s +y (e -onvenient to stis,y *er se3ul urge% so s to (r *er ,ro+
indulging in indis-ri+inte se3 wit* +en. It ws to prevent t*e widow ,ro+ going (out wit* ny(ody. '(uy
(2002% p. A6! -on,ir+s t*t E9*e pr-ti-e ... *elped to gurd ginst bayo (ro+ing! on t*e prt o, t*e widow% to
restrin *er so t*t s*e ws not everyw*ere ro+ing (outC. 6ssentilly% t*ere,ore% t*e +otive (e*ind t*e levirte
union ws to pro*i(it se3ul i++orlity on t*e side o, t*e widow% t*t is% to void sne5ing +en into t*e *o+e
o, t*e de-esed *us(nd. 9*e syste+ ws very use,ul ,or ensuring +orl purity in t*e trditionl :uo so-iety
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&7% 20&4

(#ru5 . 0solo% &A4B% p. "AI St+p% &AA&% p. 4B7!. 9*e -usto+ put t*e widow in -*e-5s nd stopped *er ,ro+
ro+ing (out nd engging in pro+is-uity wit* strngers. It t*us *elped to redu-e Cun,it*,ulnessC nd
prostitution in t*e Co++unity (0(iti% 2002% p. &4B!.
9*e -usto+ t*us *elped to t+e t*e se3ul nd p*ysi-l +ove+ent o, t*e widow. 2y CtyingC *er to
prti-ulr +n (levir!% t*e pr-ti-e *elped to -*e-5 *er +ove+ents to ensure t*t s*e doesnHt (use *er per-eived
se3ul ,reedo+ ,ter t*e de+ise o, *er *us(nd. 9*is is w*t #-*oll (2004% p. &"! re,ers to s C9*e 9+ing
9*eoryC. 9*e t*eory *olds t*t t*e pr-ti-e -on,ines t*e widow% redu-es *er +ove+ents nd -retes so+e st(le
stte o, ,+ily li,e. 9*e rgu+ent tody is t*t t*is is o, prti-ulr i+portn-e in t*e er o, ;I$<'IDS
pnde+i-. 'rgu(ly% in ppli-tion o, t*is t*eory% ;I$-in,e-ted widowHs +ove+ent -n (e t+ed (y t*e levirte
union w*ere(y s*e would 5ill only one +n% *er levir% nd pro((ly *is wi,e. 9*us ,or #-*oll% t*e levirte
-usto+ *elps in t*e -ontrol nd +nge+ent o, ;I$<'IDS. 9*e vlidity o, t*is rgu+ent is% *owever% su(Je-t to
-riti-l nlysis.

3.1.' The (o!ial un!tion
:evirte -usto+ *d +ny so-il ,un-tions. '--ording to #ru5 nd 0solo (&A4B% p. "A!% t*e -usto+ served t*e
,un-tion o, ,ostering so-il -o*esion in t*e :uo so-iety. It en*n-ed nd rein,or-ed t*e trditionl wy o, li,e
o, t*e -o++unity. 9*is is w*ere people s*red ,eeling o, toget*erness wit* strong e+otionl ties. 9*ere ws
-o++on ,eeling o, solidrity% re-ipro-ity nd +3i+u+ o, -o-opertion (etween t*e peoples. 2e-use
t*ere is -ulturl identity +ong t*e+% -ulture *elps to serve s syste+ o, so-il -ontrol in t*e sense t*t it
provides sets o, ptterns ,or groups wit*in so-iety ,or proper (e*viour nd punis*+ents ,or t*ose w*o
violte t*e nor+s o, t*e so-iety ('de+ol nd #detol (&A47% p. 42!.
9*e levirte ws (oost to t*e :uo 5ins*ip ties. It strengt*ened t*e 5ins*ip ties +ong t*e people (y lying
n o(ligtion on t*e prt o, t*e widow to -ontinue rendering servi-es to *er ded *us(ndHs des-ent group nd
lso on t*e prt o, t*e *us(ndHs des-ent group to -ontinue providing ,or t*e widow nd *er -*ildren. 9*e -usto+
not only -ontinues t*e line o, t*e de-esed% it re,,ir+s t*e young widowHs pl-e in t*e *o+e o, t*e de-esed
*us(nd. It *elped to so-iliGe t*e widow into t*e :uo so-iety. 9*e -*ildren t*t ensued ,ro+ t*e union were
used to s*ow 5ins*ip solidrity.
?inlly% in t*e levirte% ,urt*er t wor5 is t*e p*ilosop*i-l wreness o, t*e ',ri-n :uo t*t% CI + (e-use
we re nd sin-e we re t*ere,ore I +C. 9*e e3isten-e o, t*e individul is t*e e3isten-e o, t*e -orporteI nd
w*ere t*e individul +y p*ysi-lly die% t*is does not relin>uis* *is so-io-legl e3isten-e sin-e t*e CweC
-ontinues to e3ist ,or t*e CIC (0(iti% 2002% p. &4"!.

3.1.) The *itualisti! un!tion
9*e levirte -usto+ lso *d ritulisti- ,un-tion. 9*roug* it% t*e widow ws ritully -lensed nd ,reed o, t*e
spirits o, det* or det* relted i+purities. It would (e re-lled t*t t*e levir ws ritul leder w*ose +in role
ws per,or+ing rituls. 's '(uy (2002! o(serves7
9*ere re -ertin -ulturl e3pe-ttions nd re>uire+ents t*t wo+n -nnot stis,y on *er
ownI *en-e% t*e need to *ve Jater +levir,. So+e o, t*ese re putting up *ouse<*o+e.
Culture re>uires t*t +n *s to !hung-e (stnd in! su-* -tivities% t*t is% *o+e -nnot
(e put up (y wo+n on *er own.... 9*e +rrige o, -*ildren% kwe!he mag kodhi (-ulturl
rites in -onne-tion wit* seeds! i.e.% rites relted to sowing% tsting t*e ,irst produ-t o, t*e ,r+%
ll re>uired t*e presen-e o, *us(nd.
9*ese were ritully o(served nd re>uired t*e presen-e o, +n. 9*e levirte served t*is purpose (y
ensuring t*e provision ,or t*e *us(nd ,igure ,ter t*e de+ise o, t*e originl *us(nd.

". A Criti#ue of the Functionalist Argument for the Levirate Custom
's presented (ove% t*e levirte -usto+ served nu+(er o, ,un-tions in t*e trditionl so-iety. Proponents o,
t*e -usto+ (se t*eir rgu+ents ,or t*e -usto+ on t*ese ,un-tions. 'rgu(ly% t*e -usto+ *s persisted to dte
(e-use o, its per-eived ,un-tionl vlues. ;owever% it see+s to *ve lost so+e o, its pr-ti-l signi,i-n-e wit*
so+e outliving t*eir use,ulness.
9*e -usto+ ws initited to +eet t*e widowsH se3ul nd reprodu-tive needs. It ws ,or t*e pro-retion o,
-*ildren. 9*is ws o, prti-ulr relevn-e in so-iety t*t e3perien-ed *ig* in,nt +ortlity rte nd l(our
s*ortge. 9*roug* it% t*e e,,e-t o, det* ws redu-ed nd neutrliGed -onsider(ly t*roug* -*ild (ering.
;owever% t*is is no longer t*e -se. 9*e -usto+ is no longer sure +e-*nis+ ,or -ontinued -*ild (ering. It no
longer ne-essrily ,,ords widows t*e opportunity o, -ontinuing t*eir reprodu-tive -reer. Dit* ;I$<'IDS
s-ourge reeling t*e -onte+porry so-iety% t*e levirte *s turned ginst t*e very idels it -*eris*ed% C...t*t
w*i-* ws li,e propgting *s (e-o+e li,e destru-tiveC (#wino% 2000% p. &A!. ' widow w*o is t5en (y ;I$-
in,e-ted levir is li5ely to (e in,e-ted nd insted o, ->uiring li,e% in t*e ,or+ o, -*ild% s*e is given det* in t*e
,or+ o, ;I$<'IDS. S*e -n only (e sure t*t *er levir long wit* t*e -*ildren s*e e3pe-ts to *ve wit* *i+ nd
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&7% 20&4

*ersel, will ll peris*. Insted o, redu-ing nd neutrliGing t*e e,,e-ts o, det*% s it were% t*e -usto+ tody
seriously ggrvtes it. 9*e -urrent pr-tise tends to stop t*e ,low o, li,e. '--ording to t*e :uo% C...nyt*ing t*t
goes towrds t*e destru-tion or o(stru-tion o, *u+n li,e is regrded s wi-5ed nd evil (0(iti% &A4&% p. A4!.
Conse>uently% t*e levirte in t*is respe-t *s turned wi-5ed.
?urt*er+ore% in t*e -onte+porry so-iety% wit* vried e3istentil -*llenges% *ving or (egetting +ny
-*ildren is no longer virtue or n -*ieve+ent to strive ,or. 9*e -usto+ -nnot (e i+posed on widows ,or t*e
pro-retive resons sin-e it no longer ne-essrily ,,ords t*e+ t*e opportunity o, -ontinuing t*eir reprodu-tive
-reer. ?+ily plnning% ,or i+proved >ulity li,e% is ,or-e (e*ind wo+enHs ,reedo+ tody. ' widow +y
de-ide to use -ontr-eptives in order to de,et t*e pro-retive e3pe-ttion o, t*e levirte -usto+.
9*e +in reson t*e :uo -*eris*ed t*e levirte -usto+ ws -ontinuity o, li,e% +rrige% ,+ily nd linege.
;owever% in t*e *nds o, t*e rut*less nd irresponsi(le Cpro,essionl in*eritorsC o, tody% -oupled wit* t*e w5e
o, ;I$<'IDS s-ourge% t*e no(le instru+ent ,or -ontinuity *s (e-o+e +ens o, dis-ontinuity. Dit* t*e
Ese3uliGtionF% nd -o++er-iliGtion o, t*e -usto+% -ulture o, det* *s -rept in. 9*e widow is o,ten t
*ig* ris5 o, -ontr-ting t*e dedly virus nd die soon ,ter t*e *us(nd% leving t*e ,+ily not only t*rown into
disrry (ut disintegrted. It o,ten leds to t*e dissolution o, +rrige nd dis-ontinuity o, lineges. 9*e -*ildren
re le,t deJe-ted wit* no *o+e to turn to. 9*e -usto+ is t*ere,ore -urrently detri+entl to :uos nd is in-p(le
o, preserving linege purity nd 5eeping strnge genes t (y (DnJi5u% &AA7% p. 2"!. Neit*er does it provide ,or
t*e -ontinuity o, t*e ut*ority o, t*e *us(nd nd ,t*er in t*e ,+ily. Sin-e t*e levirs re o,ten (sent ,ro+ t*e
de-esedHs *o+e +ost o, t*e dys% t*ey -nnot gurntee or +intin n ut*ority stru-ture wit*in t*e *o+ested.
9rditionlly% t*e levirte ws +ens o, perpetuting t*e presen-e o, t*e +le ,igure to t5e -re o, t*e
de+nding duties nd responsi(ilities o, *us(nd wit*in ,+ily. It provided gurdins*ip% -re nd prote-tion
to t*e (ereved. ;owever% t*is *s sin-e -*nged. 'lt*oug* ,ew 5inds o, id re reported tody% w*en t*ey re
nlyGed% it is pprent t*t w*ere ssistn-e is given it is n o--sionl re,le-tion o, good will% rt*er t*n
,or+l duty. 2si-lly% it is entirely up to t*e widow to ,end ,or *er -*ildren. 9*ere is no pr-ti-l ssistn-e
w*i-* levirs o,,er in +ost -ses. 9*e e-ono+i- (urden o, t*e levirte tody is too +u-* on t*e widow. 0e
(&AAA% p. AB! -on-urs t*t7
9*e -urrent pr-tise o, t*e levirte -usto+% ,r ,ro+ providing -re nd gurdins*ip to t*e
widow nd *er -*ildren% puts *evy ,inn-il (urden on t*e widow% unli5e in t*e pst w*en
t*e pr-ti-e *elped to gin prote-tion ,or *ersel, nd *er -*ildren.
Currently% (eing t5en over% does not *elp +ost widows. .evirs *rdly t5e -re o, t*e+. 6-ono+i-
pressures tody weig* *evily on (rot*ers-in-lw w*o re *rdly (le to ,eed t*eir own ,+ilies de>utely. 9*is%
-oupled wit* t*e ,er o, -ontr-ting ;I$<'IDS% *s +de +ny unwilling to t5e -re o, widows. 9*e ts5 *s
sin-e (een le,t to pro,essionl in*eritors w*o *ve no rel interests o, t*e de-esedHs ,+ily t *ert. 2esides%
levir-s pri+ry responsi(ility is to *is own wi,e nd -*ildren nd *e -nnot support t*e widow so-illy or
e-ono+i-lly to t*e s+e e3tent s wi,e. 0ost o, todyHs levirs re poor nd irresponsi(le individuls w*o re
on t*e run ,ro+ responsi(ilities in t*eir own ,+ilies. 0Jority o, t*e+ re lGy opportunists w*o wnt to led n
esy nd -o+,ort(le li,e wit*out genuine interest o, t*e widowHs ,+ily t *ert. It is t*ere,ore illogi-l to
e3pe-t su-* +en to provide nd -re ,or t*e so-il nd ,inn-il needs o, t*e de-esedHs ,+ilies. 9*ey (e-o+e
unne-essry (urden to t*e widow. So+eti+es w*en t*e widow ,lls si-5% t*ey run wy wit*out o,,ering ny
nursing -re or +edi-tion. 9*e -usto+ is in ,-t o, little% i, ny% (ene,it to +ost widows tody.
In t*e trditionl so-iety% (e-use o, t*eir so-io-e-ono+i- nd politi-l sttus% t*ere ws need to *ouse% ,eed
nd prote-t :uo widows w*tever t*eir ge or -ondition. ;owever% tody +ny wo+en re edu-ted% *ve well
pying Jo(s nd re sel,-relint. 0ny re *rd wor5ing nd -n support t*eir ,+ilies wit*out t*e purported *elp
o, t*e lGy levirs. Didows -n t*ere,ore run t*eir *o+es nd t5e -re o, t*eir ,+ilies on t*eir own.
9*e +orl role o, t*e levirte -usto+ *s not (een sidelined in t*e degenertion ,-ing t*e -usto+ tody.
Dit* regrds to t*is ,un-tion% t*e -usto+ -ould (e sid to *ve outlived its use,ulness. 9*e -urrent pr-tise% in
ny -se% spurs +orl i+purity in t*e so-iety. 9*e -usto+ *s lost its originlity nd +ening nd is -urrently
(eing used to Justi,y +orl de-den-e. It *s ,iled to gurd ginst Cro+ing (outC (ot* on t*e prt o, wo+en
nd +en. 0ny widows tody Just li5e t*eir Cpro,essionl in*eritorsC *ve +ultiple se3ul prtners nd 5eep
Ju+ping ,ro+ one prtner to not*er% indulging in indis-ri+inte se3 wit* strngers. 9*e -usto+ *s (een turned
into n ltr o, se3ul grti,i-tion% se3ul indis-ipline nd l-5 o, +orl restrints (#wino% 2000% p. &A!.
I++orlity% un,it*,ulness nd prostitution *ve gripped t*e -usto+ tody.
No -o++unity *s +intined its strengt* ,ter --epting to tolerte +orl degenertion. 0orlity is t*e
pillr o, ny so-iety nd on-e it -ollpses% t*e entire so-iety is li5ely to -ru+(le down% s C*inu '-*e(e (&A44!
on-e noted% E9*ings ,ll prt w*en t*e -enter -nnot *oldC (p. i!. Conte+porry :uo widows re rtionl nd
,ree (eings w*o need not (e p*ysi-lly or so-illy pegged to +en in order to Ct+eC t*e+. 9*ey re -p(le o,
e+ploying -riti-l t*in5ing nd e3er-ising sel, -ontrol so s to desist ,ro+ pro+is-uity. 9*ey s*ould not let t*e
desires o, t*e ,les* *ve t*e (etter o, t*e+. :evirte union is t*ere,ore% pr-ti-e w*i-* one -n do wit*out nd
still re+in +orl :uo wo+n. #, pri+ordil i+portn-e is to +ould or tune oneHs episte+ologi-l +entl
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&7% 20&4

stru-ture --ordingly (y t*in5ing nd -*oosing s n individul sel, nd not s n insigni,i-nt prt o, t*e -rowd.
9*e ,oregoing e3position indi-tes t*t t*e levirte -usto+% to greter e3tent% no longer serves its so-il
,un-tion. 's 9uJu (&AA6% p. &4! -ontends% C:evirte ws one o, t*ose so-il se-urity nets put in pl-e so t*t no
-*ild -ould (e-o+e destitute Just (e-use ,t*er *d diedC. 2ut% tody t*e -usto+ -tully% nd in -ontrdi-tion
to t*is no(le ,un-tion% leds to +ny -*ildren (e-o+ing destitute (y opening t*e venues ,or ;I$<'IDS to t5e
wy t*e li,e o, t*e only surviving prent t*ey *ve sooner t*n it -ould *ve *ppened. 9*e -usto+ no longer
,osters so-il -o*esionI insted% it ruins 5ins*ip solidrity nd we5ens 5ins*ip ties.
It is i+portnt to unders-ore t*e ,-t t*t t*e trditionl view (o, t*e lrgely ptrir-*l :uo -o++unity! o,
wo+en s +ove(le property o, +en *s (een overt5en (y events. 9o view wo+en s (elonging to t*e entire
-rowd o, t*e :uo -o++unity (-ln! is unten(le in t*e -onte+porry so-iety w*i-* e+p*siGes t*e pro+otion o,
*u+n dignity nd rig*ts% espe-illy t*e li(ertion o, t*e ,e+le ,ol5. :oo5ing t t*e widow s CpropertyC
violtes *er *u+n rig*t nd is de+ening to *er dignity s *u+n person.
'll sid nd done% it is d+issi(le t*t t*e so-il ,un-tions o, t*e levirte -usto+ were >uite no(le nd o,
gret *elp to t*e widow nd *er -*ildren. In t*e -onte3t o, t*e -onte+porry so-iety% nd in view o, t*e -urrent
e3istentil -*llenges% t*e so-il ,un-tions o, t*e -usto+ still re+in (ene,i-il nd relevnt to t*e -onte+porry
widow. ;owever% t*e spe-ts t*t under+ine t*e dignity nd t*e rig*t o, t*e individul person s*ould (e
1lti+tely% t*e (sis o, t*e ritulisti- ,un-tions o, t*e -usto+ is e>ully unten(le. 9*e :uo (elieved t*t
widow ws +de ritully un-len (y t*e det* o, *er *us(nd nd t*us needed ritul -lensing% w*i-* ws done
t*roug* se3ul inter-ourse wit* levir. 9*roug* -riti-l nlysis% it is *owever -ler t*t% t*e ritul -lensing o,
widows% w*et*er pr-ti-lly or sy+(oli-lly per,or+ed% would (e un--ept(le to t*e -onte+porry +ind ,or
nu+(er o, resons7 ?irst% it under+ines t*e di-ttes o, reson. ;ow does det* +5e one ritully un-lenN
?urt*er+ore% t*e C-lensing ritulsC re not -p(le o, puri,ying *u+n (eing. Se3ul inter-ourse -nnot% t
lest to t*e rtionl +ind% wrd o,, t*e sid gents o, det* ,ro+ t*e widow or -ln s t*e :uo -li+% lest o, ll%
(y +d +n. Se-ondly% it is (sed on n un,ounded (elie, o, det* w*i-* -nnot pss t*e test o, reson. 9*e
resons given (y t*e :uo so-iety in support o, t*e -usto+% ,or instn-e% t*e ritulisti- ,un-tion -nnot (e
supported (y s-ienti,i- proo, or logi-l rgu+ents.
9*irdly% it +erely see5s to ppese t*e spirits o, t*e ded. Con,or+ity to t*e -usto+ is ensured (y t*e t*ret
o, (eing *unted (y t*e spirit o, t*e ded *us(nd. It is to (e rtionlly re,uted t*t t*e ded *ve ny reson(le
e3istentil e,,e-t on t*e living. 9*e ded *ve no 5nowledge o, t*e survivors nd t*eir spirit -nnot -t upon
t*e+ (0e% &AAA% p. "&!. 2esides% t*e -on,or+ity is lso (sed on un,ounded ,er o, -l+ity. I, widow re,uses
to (e -lensed or t5en in t*e levirte% t*ere is t*e (elie, t*t disster will (e,ll *er ded *us(ndHs ,+ily or
-ln. 9*ere is no s-ienti,i- proo, o, t*is so ,r. ?ourt*ly% t*e pr-ti-e under+ines t*e dignity o, *u+n li,e nd
se3ulity. It violtes t*e dignity o, t*e widow nd tends to turn *er into n o(Je-t (or even worse% dust(in!
w*i-* is void o, e+otions nd ,eelings nd is only t*ere to let into *ersel, nyt*ing or ny(ody in t*e ,or+ o,
+n @ sne or insne% *elt*y or si-5 @ ll in t*e n+e o, -lensing n i+ginry i+purity. 9*e levir on t*e ot*er
*nd (e-o+es t*e C-lensing toolC t*t +y indis-ri+intely C-lenseC nyt*ing @ widow or -orpse. 9*e -usto+
does not respe-t *u+n dignity nd (uses *u+n se3ulity w*i-* is% s it were% s-red.
9*e ,i,t* reson ,or reJe-ting t*e pr-ti-e in its -urrent ,or+ is t*t it in-reses t*e ris5 o, EdiseseF. 9*e
onslug*t o, ;I$<'IDS *s ,,e-ted people o, ll prts o, t*e world. Dit*in =eny% no one et*ni- group -n (e
singled out or stig+tiGed. 'll groups re ,,e-ted. ;owever% it is -ler t*t t*e widow w*o is ritully C-lensedC
(y +entlly dernged +n or strnger (Jakowiny! -ould esily (e-o+e vi-ti+ o, t*e dreded EdiseseF
(;I$<'IDS!% w*i-* is +inly spred t*roug* se3ul inter-ourse. ?ro+ p*ilosop*i-l nd +edi-l points o, view%
d*eren-e to su-* -usto+ would (e unten(le% espe-illy in -ses w*ere ,ully ,ledged se3ul inter-ourse is
involved% sin-e t*ese levirs usully engge in indis-ri+inte C-lensingC rituls.
9*e -o++er-iliGtion o, t*e levirte -usto+% t*e pr-ti-e o, *iring Joter% *s redu-ed t*e -usto+ to +ere
C-lensingC ,,ir rt*er t*n iding widows. Se3 *s (e-o+e t*e +in ,o-us o, t*e ritul nd it does not +tter%
t*en% w*o is (eing C-lensedC% w*et*er old% young% si-5 or ded. 9*is is per,e-t re-ipe ,or disster (e-use i,
se3 is t*e ,o-us% t*en pre-utionry +esures will not +tter t ll% s it is t*e C-lensingC t*t s*ll (e given
priority - w*t is dis*ertening (out t*is is t*t so+e(ody +ust *ve se3 t -ertin ti+e in order ,or given
,+ily or -ln to (e spred o, t*e -urse (!hira!. 9*is +5es t*e levirte very repugnnt nd let*l -usto+

$. Conclusion and %ecommendations
In -riti-ising t*e ,un-tionlist propositions ,or t*e -ontinued pr-ti-e o, t*e levirte -usto+ +ong t*e :uo people o,
=eny% t*is pper settles ,or +oderte stn-e. 9*e ut*or does not dvo-te ,or totl (olition o, t*e levirte -usto+
@ s do t*e (olitionists @ nor does it endorse t*e -onservtive view t*t it s*ould (e -ontinued in toto. /t*er%
rguing t*t t*e -usto+ *s +ny ,un-tionl vlues still relevnt tody% t*e ut*or -ontends t*t t*e -usto+ (e ,reed
o, its (uses% t*e oppressive nd repugnnt ele+ents nd (e -ontinued in t*e +odi,ied ,or+ w*i-* is -o+pti(le wit*
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&7% 20&4

t*e -onte+porry so-iety. 9*e study -on-ludes t*t devoid o, t*e (uses nd t*e o(solete ,-ets% t*e -usto+% wit* its
+ny vlues is still (ene,i-il to t*e -onte+porry widow nd :uo so-iety t lrge. ;owever% it +ust not (e
+ndtoryI t*e widow s*ould (e le,t ,ree to de-ide eit*er to enter into t*e levirte union or not. 9o (e true to t*e
e3istentil trdition% t*e levirte -usto+ s*ould gurntee +n)s rig*t to -*oose *is ,uture% nd not *nd it to *i+ in
redy-+de ,s*ion.
9*e :uo s*ould de-lin5 t*e levirte -usto+ @ t*t is% t*e -re o, widows nd orp*ns @ ,ro+ se3ul inter-ourse.
9*ey s*ould desist ,ro+ lying unwrrnted e+p*sis on t*e se3ul spe-ts o, t*e -usto+ w*i-* *ve turned it into
+ere plt,or+ ,or se3ul grti,i-tion. 9o (e noted re -ses w*ere levirte -usto+ did not involve se3ul inter-ourse.

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