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Ridgcervtt Chrtttian Church . V ^ - j BayUsk
5300 Eastrr> Avcnu* S. E. 5300 Eo>trn Avcnu* S. E.
Albuquerque, N. M. 67108 ^ \t _ , , Albuquerque, N. M. 87108
October, 1979 Newsletter
Dear Friends in Christ,
We're really on the goi I'm teaching leaders in six churches, once
a week about tv/o hours with each leader. One church is growing
fast now. The leader, Jose Maria, has been a Christian two years.
The church was down to 3^ when he took over two months ago. Now
there are 4c?. Eight were baptized In September.
In August four men called me to help their declining church, I'm .
teaching and showing them how to evangelize. On V/ednesday evenings
we go out and teach someone the gospel. We discuss results each
week and go again. The church should grow, and leaders will be
developed ;:hi3 way.
The church Antonio leads, where we attend. Is growing. There are
usually around 70, with 89 recently, I teach the youth group. Am
also training a men's and a ladles' quartet. They're excited.
Antonio has converted a couple and Is teaching a large family. He
is counselling a Christian couple, Alex and Elsa. He was converted
first. When she was baptized she promised to marry him. They have
two children. But she wouldn't marry. Seems she Is agreeing now.
Joanne had her appendix removed and other repairs In September. She
was back In school 8 days later. She feels fine, John has been In
hot competition in sports at school. He got Into the final spelling
bee, but missed a badly pronounced word. Too bad)
I direct the high school band during the director's furlough. It's
very relaxing. Don't know how I'd get along without it.' I'm having
trouble keeping up with work at the print shop. Also the bookkeep
ing for our group falls Into my realm.
Beverly Is teaching one of the ladles to read, using Daubach method.
She also teaches the ladles on Sundays and Thursdays, Their number
Is Increasing. Besides this she takes excellent care of us.
Wish you'd come visit. There's lots to see that's Interesting.
Pray for us please. We thajik God for using you to support this work.
Inflation In Belem was 5^% the past 12 months, above the national
rate. Our money doesn't keep up with It, We got a small car; uses
half the gas the other did. Now hope to sell the other.
Please send all mall to our agent. He'll send It to us a special
way. Ours is being stolen from our box. Others using It get theirs
with no trouble. Just ours Is being taken.
Yours In Christ,
David M. Bayless
David & Beverfy Bayless, Missionaries
Christ For The Amazon Valley
Caixa Postal 926 66,000 Belem, Para, Brazil
(Write to themat this address Air Mail only)
David Beverly Joanne (14)
These Missionaries are Sponsored by
5300 Eastern Avenue, S.E.
Forwarding Agent
5300 Eastern Avenue, S.E.
Albuquerque, N.M., 87108
David and Beverly Bayless have been working in Belem, a
city of over a million people, and principal city of the Amazon
Valley, since 1959.,
Their main work is to enable Brazilian leaders to qgj^e
their cjULTChes and^^og^^e so the churches will grow, and
to teach their fellow Brazilian Christians to do the same.
This work of enabling Brailian leaders to carry out the work
Includes giving weekly orientation in a number of churches,
to leaders, who are required to carry out their work in obedience
to Christ. They are eager to do this, and have requested the
orientation, which is given only on condition of this obedience
to Christ.
Daviiis also in cbaroe of a print shoo which exists mainly
for the purpose of producmg nriaterial for training leaders.
^This material is used all over Brazil. Beverly is active in
Counselling women in Christian living and evangelism, besides
^teachinga ladies class In oneof thechurches each week.
Joanne, 15, is a Freshman in a Christian high school,
and plays in the school band, which is directed this year
by her father. John, 9, is in thefourth grade"HeTsTfkIng soccer
more and more active!
The Bay lessee are happy to receive letters. Much corres
pondence Is being stolen In the post office, but some letters
are getting thru. Write to them! Mark the envelope plainly
, i'AirJSflAU" in stamps of any value (up to 31c)
C for each V2 ounce - usually one sheet of typewriter paper,
^hey will Answer all mail received. Addrejs&jto "Calxa Postal
926,66,000 Belem, Para, Brazil. ^
Several churches, classes, and individuals support this work.
Without such the family could not remain in Brazil. They
appreciate support and prayers, and thank God for all.
Please pray for God's guidance as they continue to work for
Him in this country that so much needs the Gospel of Christ!
November 1979

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