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The Economic Philosopher’s Stone

Daniel O'Connor | Integral Ventures, LLC

As we explore the implications of the Equation of Exchange,

I think we have to conclude that its descriptive and
prescriptive powers are largely illusory.
The Economic Philosopher’s Stone

Daniel O'Connor | Integral Ventures, LLC

Few discussions of monetary policy take place Now, the only thing we have to do is develop
without at least implicitly invoking the famous measures of M, V, and O.
Equation of Exchange, a popular economic model
We know that we can get the first variable M, the
attributed to Irving Fisher, but with roots dating
money supply, from the Federal Reserve’s published
back to David Hume and John Locke.1 The Equation
of Exchange can be presented as follows:
But what about V?
Well, the Fed also publishes an estimate of V based
where M is the money supply, V is the velocity of
on the following equation:
circulation of this money, P is the average price
level, and O is the quantity of output, or actual V = GDP / M
goods produced.
Given that we can observe and measure GDP, the
At first glance, the Equation of Exchange seems to gross domestic product, as well as M, the money
reveal some compelling causal relationships to help supply, then we can solve for V, the velocity of
explain what’s really happening in the economy. circulation, thereby giving us the second variable
Being a simple formula with four interdependent we need to determine P, the average price level.
variables, we should be able to solve for each in
terms of the others, thereby generating a variety of Brilliant.
insights to guide our analyses of monetary policy as Now if we insert this new model of V into the
well as the various elements of economic equation for P, we get the following:
growth. But as we explore its implications more
carefully, I think we have to conclude that its P = (M x (GDP / M)) / O
descriptive and prescriptive powers are largely
This cumbersome equation can then be simplified
because the Ms in the numerator cancel each other
out. Thus, by striking out the two Ms, we’re left
As we explore the implications with:
of the Equation of Exchange, P = GDP / O
I think we have to conclude that
So the average price level equals the GDP, which
its descriptive and prescriptive we know we can get from the government's
powers are largely illusory. published reports, divided by O, the total output of
the economy.
Central to any discussion of monetary policy is the In our effort to solve for P, this leaves us with one
variable P, the average price level, whose rate of remaining variable: O, the total output of the
change is popularly known as inflation when economy. So what is this total output, O?
positive and deflation when negative. Measuring
and monitoring P allegedly allows the Federal The answer suggests itself when we recognize that
Reserve to manage M, the money supply, whose the GDP used by the Fed in its velocity equation is
rate of change is understood by economists, via the what the government refers to as Nominal GDP, or
Quantity Theory of Money, a derivative of the the GDP statistic before adjusting to remove the
Equation of Exchange, to determine the average effects of price inflation, which we have been
price level. referring to as changes in P.

For example, if we want to know the rate of price So, O must be associated with the Real GDP that,
inflation, we can try to solve for P over time and according to the government, indicates the level of
then compute the percentage change in P from one economic output independent of the effects of any
year to the next: price inflation that might be manifesting in the
Thus, we can clarify the above equation as follows:
Thus, the average level of prices, P, is equal to the
money supply, M, times the velocity of circulation, P = NGDP / RGDP
V, divided by the total output of the economy, O. where NGDP is Nominal GDP and RGDP is Real GDP.
It sounds so logical and precise.

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I won’t digress to prove the mathematics, but this O = NGDP / P
equation can be transformed into another powerful
Now that’s no better than P = NGDP / O.
We’re basically chasing our tails here, trying in vain
P^ = NGDP^ - RGDP^
to calculate both P and O from a single known
where the change in the average price level, P^, is variable, NGDP, which is the only observable,
roughly equal to the change in NGDP, denoted as measurable, valid indicator of total output.
NGDP^, minus the change in RGDP, denoted as
In our mind’s eye, we can appreciate that NGDP
might be the mathematical product of some
Simple translation: Price inflation(deflation) is tangible yet incommensurable mountain of goods,
roughly equal to the difference between the growth O, multiplied by some average price level, P. But we
in Nominal GDP and the growth in Real GDP. cannot observe either of these in the natural world.
They simply do not exist.
Makes intuitive sense, right?
But is the government's Real GDP statistic a valid
measure of O, the level of economic output
In our mind’s eye, we can
independent of the effects of any price inflation that appreciate that NGDP might be the
might be manifesting in the economy? mathematical product of some
tangible yet incommensurable
Stepping back from the reported statistics, recall
that in the Equation of Exchange, O refers to the mountain of goods, O, multiplied by
actual, that is nonmonetary, output of the some average price level, P.
economy. In other words, the total amount of But we cannot observe either of
shoes, cars, computers, etc. produced in a particu- these in the natural world.
lar period of time. They simply do not exist.
This is the real wealth that we create each year
with all our hard work. After all, the only value in
money is in its capacity to buy real goods that help Now at this point someone must be thinking that
satisfy whatever real demands we have. O is an we can estimate P more directly via the statistical
expression of all these real goods created in any analysis that yields the various inflation rates
given year (or any other chosen period of time). published by the government, whether it's the
familiar Consumer Price Index or the GDP Deflator
Theoretically, we could catalog everything that was (which, incidentally, is NGDP / RGDP).
produced each year, but we could never add up all
these different goods to generate a meaningful But this approach side-steps a very important
aggregate statistic. After all, what is the sum of 1 problem: If we cannot observe or measure or
billion pairs of shoes plus 16 million cars plus 58 deduce in any quantitative way one of the two
million computers? A big pile of stuff, that's what. variables that is supposed to be a component of
Clearly, they are incommensurable without some Nominal GDP, then we cannot, by definition,
common denominator. observe, measure, or deduce the other variable. We
may convince ourselves that we can, but we really
Therefore, because O cannot be quantified, it is not cannot.
a valid, independent variable for this mathematical
Equation of Exchange. It cannot be observed or It may sound a bit too definitive for some, but if
measured all by itself, the way we can observe and NGDP is supposed to be the product of P x O, and O
measure M and NGDP. is a completely fictitious aggregate statistic, never
to be observed in nature other than as a catalog of
What to do? distinct products that cannot be added together,
then P must also be a fictitious aggregate statistic,
Perhaps we can rearrange the original equation to
never to be observed in nature other than as a
solve for O, as follows:
catalog of distinct prices that cannot be validly
O=MxV/P separated from the distinct products to which they
have been associated through unique acts of
We’ve already determined that M and V are
market exchange. Simply put: if no independent O,
available in the Fed’s published reports, and we’ve
then no independent P.
seen that V = NGDP / M. So we can insert this new
ratio into the equation to yield this: Thus, with the help of the deceptively rigorous
Equation of Exchange, I come to the logical, if
O = (M x (NGDP / M)) / P
somewhat disappointing, conclusion that there
Look familiar? Canceling the Ms in the numerator, really are no valid, independent measures of price
we’re left with:

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inflation and real output, despite the very great And most people fall for this story when journalists
importance of these economic constructs. and economists simply parrot the government's
press releases that summarize statistics for
carefully manipulated price inflation and carefully
I come to the logical, conjured real output. And then the Fed adds to the
if somewhat disappointing, confusion by highlighting the relatively low inflation
conclusion that there really are statistics together with the relatively strong growth
no valid, independent measures of in Real GDP as if this were proof positive of the
price inflation and real output, benign nature of its shockingly high monetary
despite the very great importance
of these economic constructs. In terms of the Economic Philosopher's Stone, the
Equation of Exchange, it seems that the only robust
aggregate statistics we can use are the money
Perhaps I am missing something. supply, which is tracked very carefully by the Fed,
and nominal output, which is reported as Nominal
But it seems as though the only real GDP is what GDP. And when money supply has been increasing
the government calls Nominal GDP and what the at a higher rate than nominal output over the
government calls Real GDP is not a real statistic at course of many years, we need to be very
all, but rather something conjured up in order to concerned about what that implies for both the level
convey the deceptive notion that we can still enjoy and the sustainability of real output, the real wealth
robust growth in output despite even more robust of nations.
growth in money supply by virtue of the logical
impression that low velocity of circulation can
somehow "absorb" excess monetary inflation,
resulting in low price inflation whose reasonably
This March 2005 work is licensed under a Creative Commons
accurate independent measurement can be deduct- Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
ed from a reasonably accurate measure of Nominal
GDP growth to yield a reasonably accurate measure
of Real GDP growth. 1
Wikipedia. (2005). “Equation of Exchange.” Wikipedia. wiki/Equation_of_exchange. Retrieved
March 4, 2005.

Daniel O'Connor is the managing director of Integral Catallaxis explores the potential for a more integral
Ventures, a strategy consultancy committed to foster- approach to the business and economic challenges of
ing more innovative and sustainable ways of doing our time. It features original articles and essays,
business. He has been a pioneer in the development of thoughtful reviews and commentary, and referrals to
integral praxis in business and economics, having other work in the field.
authored numerous articles and essays in this
emerging field. To search the archives and subscribe to future
issues, visit

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