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Conversation Questions

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
Related: New Year's Da! New Year's Resolutions
Did it snow last ear at Christmas"
Did ou #elieve in Santa Claus when ou were a $hild"
Did ou en%o last Christmas"
Do &eo&le #ehave differentl durin' Christmas"
o Do the tr to #e #etter"
o Do ou donate somethin' (mone! $lothes...) to $harities"
o Do ou 'ive somethin' to homeless &eo&le"
Do ou attend an s&e$ial reli'ious $eremonies durin' the Christmas season"
Do ou $ele#rate Christmas in our $ountr"
Do ou $ele#rate Christmas in a s&e$ial wa"
Do ou $ele#rate Christmas in a traditional wa"
o Do ou have a traditional Christmas"
Do ou de$orate the outside of our house for Christmas"
Do ou eat a tur*e dinner for our Christmas dinner"
Do ou en%o Christmas time"
Do ou en%o sin'in' Christmas son's"
Do ou e+$han'e &resents with our friends at s$hool"
Do ou 'o to $hur$h on Christmas da"
Do ou han' u& a sto$*in'"
Do ou have a Christmas &art at s$hool"
Do ou have a Christmas tree"
o ,f so! how do ou de$orate it"
o -hen do ou &ut it u&"
o -hen do ou ta*e it down"
o ,s it real or artifi$ial"
Do ou have a &art.time %o# durin' Christmas va$ation"
Do ou have an &lans to 'o to a Christmas &art"
Do ou *now wh Christmas is $ele#rated around the world"
Do ou *now the histor of Christmas"
Do ou remem#er when ou found out that Santa Claus wasn't real/ or when our
$hildren found out" -hat was our/their rea$tion li*e"
Do ou see our relatives at Christmas time"
Do ou thin* Christmas is de&ressin'" (0here is a hi'h sui$ide rate at this time of
Do ou thin* we will have a white Christmas this ear"
Do ou usuall &ut u& Christmas de$orations in our house" (Do ou usuall de$orate
our home")
o 1ow a#out at our s$hool of the &la$e where ou wor*"
Does ou s$hool have a Christmas &la"
Does our famil have an s&e$ial Christmas traditions"
Does our town 'et de$orated at Christmas"
o -hat *ind of de$orations"
1ave ou alread finished our Christmas sho&&in'"
1ave ou ever $ele#rated Christmas in a forei'n $ountr"
1ave ou ever made our own Christmas $ards"
o ,f so! how did ou ma*e them"
1ow do ou usuall s&end New Year's Eve" 1ow a#out New Year's Da"
1ow lon' do ou *ee& our Christmas tree u& after Christmas"
1ow lon' is our Christmas va$ation"
1ow man Christmas $ards did ou re$eive last ear"
1ow man Christmas $ards do ou send"
1ow man &resents do ou usuall 'ive"
,f ou are not a Christian! does the intense fo$us on Christmas in the 2.S. ma*e ou
feel #ad in an wa (e.'.! i'nored! dismissed! an'r! et$.)"
,f ou $ould 'o anwhere durin' Christmas va$ation! where would ou 'o"
,n how man lan'ua'es did ou write Christmas $ards"
,s there a holida similar to Christmas in our home $ountr"
,s our Christmas tree a real tree or an artifi$ial tree"
-hat are some &o&ular foods for the Christmas season"
-hat are ou 'oin' to #u our #ofriend/'irlfriend for their Christmas &resent"
-hat did ou do last ear on Christmas Da"
1ow did ou $ele#rate Christmas last ear"
-hat do ou eat on Christmas Da"
-hat do ou usuall do for Christmas"
-hat do ou want Santa to #rin' ou for Christmas"
-hat does our famil eat for Christmas dinner"
-hat is Christmas li*e in our hometown"
o -hat is Christmas li*e in our $ountr"
-hat is the #est Christmas &resent ou have ever 'otten"
-hat is the most e+&ensive Christmas &resent ou &lan to #u"
-hat is the t&i$al menu for a Christmas meal in our famil" (... in our $ountr")
-hat is the weather li*e in our $ountr around Christmas time"
-hat is our attitude toward the $ommer$iali3ation of the Christmas season"
o ,s Christmas #e$omin' too $ommer$iali3ed"
-hat is our favorite Christmas $arol"
-hat is our favorite Christmas son'"
o Are there an s&e$ial son's in our $ountr that ou don't hear here"
-hat *ind of interestin' thin's do ou do for Christmas in our home $ountr"
-hat *ind of &resents do ou e+&e$t to 'et this Christmas"
-hat time do ou wa*e u& on Christmas da"
-hat time does our famil o&en the &resents"
-hat traditions do ou have durin' the Christmas season"
-hat was the #est &resent our re$eived last Christmas"
-hat will ou #u our &arents"
-hat will ou do on Christmas da"
-hat will ou eat on Christmas Da"
-hat would ou li*e to 'et for our Christmas &resent"
-hat's our favorite Christmas son'"
-hen do ou do our Christmas sho&&in'"
-hat *ind of &resents do ou #u"
o -ho do ou #u them for"
o A#out how mu$h do ou s&end &er &erson"
-hen do ou 'ive Christmas &resents" (4n what da" At what time")
-hen do ou o&en Christmas &resents" (4n what da" At what time")
-hen do ou &ut u& a Christmas tree"
o ,f ou don't &ut u& a Christmas tree! do ou &ut u& other de$orations"
-hen does our famil de$orate the Christmas tree"
-here are ou 'oin' for Christmas va$ation"
-here do ou thin* Santa Claus is from"
-here will ou 'o on Christmas Da"
-ho do ou e+&e$t to re$eive &resents from"
-ho is Santa Claus"
o Do ou *now the histor of Santa Claus"
o At what a'e did ou #e'in not #elievin' in Santa Claus"
-ho was at our house last Christmas"
-ho will ou 'ive &resents to this ear"
-ho would ou li*e to #e with on Christmas"
-ill ou 'o s*iin' durin' the Christmas va$ation"
-ill ou have a Christmas &art at our home"
-ill ou s&end Christmas va$ation with our famil or our friends"
-ill ou travel a#road durin' the Christmas va$ation"
-ould ou li*e to 'o s*atin' durin' Christmas va$ation"
-h do &eo&le 'ive out Christmas $ards with 'ifts and &resents at Christmas time"
-h some &eo&le do not li*e Christmas"
Do &eo&le #ehave differentl durin' Christmas" Do the tr to #e #etter"
Do ou donate somethin' (mone! $lothes...) to $harities"
Do ou 'ive somethin' to homeless &eo&le"
1ow lon' do Christmas trees last"
o Do ou use an artifi$ial tree"
-hat do ou usuall do on Christmas da"
-hat &eo&le usuall do on Christmas da"
-h do &eo&le sometimes write 5Christmas5 with an 565" (6mas)
Do ou have a #i' and deli$ious dinner on Christmas da"
Does it #rea* our heart *nowin' that our $hildren have 'rown u& and this ear will
#e their last Christmas at home"
,f ou had a million dollars! what would ou do durin' Christmas time"
,f ou $ould $han'e somethin' a#out Christmas time! what would it #e"
-hen do ou &ut u& our Christmas tree"
1ow is $hristmas $ele#rated in the 2nited States"
Do ou have a #i' and deli$ious dinner in Christmas"
-hat *ind of food do ou usuall eat in our $ountr"
Do ou remem#er Christmas $le#rations ou had as a $hild"
-hat was the most re'retful thin' a#out this ear"
Does it #rea* our heart *nowin' that our $hildren have 'rown u& and this ear will
#e their last $hristmas at home"
-hat did ou 'et for Christmas" -hat did ou 'ive for Christmas"
-hat's the #est thin' ou left out for santa $lause to eat on Christmas"
0rivia: ,n what 789: movie was the son' '-hite Christmas5 first sun'"
Do ou ever thin* a#out the real meanin' of Christmas"
Do ou 'o s*iin' at Christmas time"
-hose #irthda is $ele#rated on Christmas"
-hi$h $omes first! Christmas or New Year's Da"
-hat is the si'nifi$an$e of a Christmas tree"
o -hat does it re&resent for ou"
End of the Year
1ow was this ear"
-as this ear #etter or worse than last ear" 1ow $ome"
-hat was the ha&&iest thin' for ou this ear"
-hat was the saddest thin' for ou this ear"
-hat was the tou'hest thin' for ou this ear"
-hat was the #est movie for ou this ear"
-hat was the #est musi$ for ou this ear"
-hat was the #est 0; show for ou this ear"
-hat was the #est &la$e ou visited this ear"
-hat was the #est food ou had this ear"
-hat was the #est restaurant ou went to this ear"
-hat was the most useful thin' ou #ou'ht this ear"
-hat was the most e+&ensive thin' ou #ou'ht this ear"
-hat was the #est item of $lothin' ou #ou'ht this ear"
-hat was the #i''est waste of mone this ear"
-hat was somethin' ou lost this ear"
Do ou have an re'rets a#out this ear"
Did ou ma*e a New Year's Resolution this ear"
Do &eo&le in our $ountr usuall ma*e New Year's Resolutions"

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