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A. Multiply B. Divide
6x7= 7x11= 8x6= 287= 655= 369=
8x11= 6x6= 7x12= 427= 459= 549=
C. Answer each question
1. How many eights are there in 56=_____ How many eights are there in 96=_____
2. Father gave Lino 150 in 10 coins. How may coins did he get? ___________________
3. What is eight sevens plus 9? _________What is 7 nines plus 15?______ What is four times 9 plus 35?_______
4. There are 12 spiders in a box. How many legs do they have? ___________
5. What is 250 less than 4x200? ______ What is 250 less than 5x300? ______ What is 250 less than 8x400? ______
6. A PE Teacher has 42 pupils. If she lines them in 7 rows, how many pupils are in each row?_______
7. How many nine are in 54? _____ How many nine are in 81? _____ How many nine are in 117? _____
8. What is the quotient of 9x7 divided 3?_______ What is the quotient of 8x6 divided 4?_______
D. Try harder . Try each of the following problems.
1. How much more is 9x12 than 6x14? _________
2. What is the remainder when 3282 is divided by 27? __________
3. My uncle is 17 years older than twice my eldest brothers age. My eldest brother is 19 years old. How old is my uncle?
4. Luz has a bag of 100 candies. She gave 9 candies to each of her 7 playmates. How many candies remained with her?
5. Mina had saved 45 one peso coins. Then, father gave her five 5-peso coins and three 10 peso coins. How much money
had Mina then? ________

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