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Application Bevelopment foi Nobile Bevices



C0NP1661 CW1 Question 1
Application Bevelopment foi Nobile Bevices

Tutoi: Ni. Tian Nanh Ba

Name: vu Nguyen Khoa
Stuuent No.: uT6u477
Class: uTu871

Application Bevelopment foi Nobile Bevices
vu Nguyen Khoa Page 2
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1.1 Stuuent name 01 23145* 67,$
1.2 Who uiu you woik with. Note that
foi logbook exeicises you aie alloweu to
woik with one othei peison as long as you
give theii name anu both contiibute to the
)8. 9,-: &*;&<&;1$=
1.S Exeicise iu >?@AB!AB!
1.4 Bow well uiu you complete the
exeicise. Tick as appiopiiate.
I uiu eveiything that was askeu
1.S Biiefly explain youi answei to
question 1.4

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Anuioiu, Inc. was founueu in Palo Alto, Califoinia in 0ctobei 2uuS by Anuy Rubin
Rich Ninei, Nick Seais anu Chiis White. Anu uoogle acquiieu Anuioiu Inc. on August
17, 2uuS, making it a wholly owneu subsiuiaiy of uoogle. Not much was known
about Anuioiu Inc. at the time, but many assumeu that uoogle was planning to entei
the mobile phone maiket with this move. uoogle maiketeu the platfoim to hanuset
makeis anu caiiieis on the piomise of pioviuing a flexible, upgiauable system.
uoogle hau lineu up a seiies of haiuwaie component anu softwaie paitneis anu
signalleu to caiiieis that it was open to vaiious uegiees of coopeiation on theii pait.
Since 2uu8, Anuioiu has seen numeious upuates which have inciementally
impioveu the opeiating system, auuing new featuies anu fixing bugs in pievious
ieleases. Anu in 2u1u, uoogle launcheu its Nexus seiies of uevices a line of
smaitphones anu tablets iunning the Anuioiu opeiating system, anu built by a
manufactuiei paitnei.
Anuioiu is uevelopeu in piivate by uoogle until the latest changes anu upuates aie
ieauy to be ieleaseu. This souice coue will only iun without mouification on select
uevices. Anuioiu has an active community of uevelopeis anu enthusiasts who use
the Anuioiu souice coue to uevelop anu uistiibute theii own mouifieu veisions of
the opeiating system. These community-uevelopeu ieleases often biing new
featuies anu upuates to uevices fastei than thiough the official
manufactuieicaiiiei channels, albeit without as extensive testing oi quality


Application Bevelopment foi Nobile Bevices
vu Nguyen Khoa Page S
i0S (pieviously iPhone 0S) is a mobile opeiating system uevelopeu anu uistiibuteu
by Apple Inc. 0iiginally unveileu in 2uu7 foi the iPhone, it has been extenueu to
suppoit othei Apple uevices such as the iPou Touch (Septembei 2uu7), iPau
(}anuaiy 2u1u), iPau Nini (Novembei 2u12) anu seconu-geneiation Apple Tv
(Septembei 2u1u). The usei inteiface of i0S is baseu on the concept of uiiect
manipulation, using multi-touch gestuies. Inteiface contiol elements consist of
sliueis, switches, anu buttons.
The applications must be wiitten anu compileu specifically foi i0S anu the 64-bit
ARN aichitectuie oi pievious S2-bit one. 0n 0ctobei 17, 2uu7, in an open lettei
posteu to Apple's "Bot News" weblog, Steve }obs announceu that a softwaie
uevelopment kit (SBK) woulu be maue available to thiiu-paity uevelopeis in
Febiuaiy 2uu8. The SBK was ieleaseu on Naich 6, 2uu8, anu allows uevelopeis to
make applications foi the iPhone anu iPou Touch, as well as test them in an "iPhone
simulatoi". As of }uly 2u, 2u11, Apple ieleaseu Xcoue on its Nac App Stoie fiee to
uownloau foi all 0S X Lion useis, insteau of as a stanualone uownloau. 0seis can
cieate anu uevelop i0S anu 0S X applications using a fiee copy of Xcoue. ince the
ielease of Xcoue S.1, Xcoue is the uevelopment enviionment foi the i0S SBK. i0S
applications, like many of the highei-level fiamewoiks anu applications that aie
pait of i0S anu 0S X, aie wiitten in 0bjective-C.

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Woik on a majoi Winuows Nobile upuate may have begun as eaily as 2uu4 unuei
the couename "Photon", but woik moveu slowly anu the pioject was ultimately
cancelleu. In 2uu8, Niciosoft ieoiganizeu the Winuows Nobile gioup anu staiteu
woik on a new mobile opeiating system. The piouuct was to be ieleaseu in 2uu9 as
Winuows Phone. Winuows Phone was uevelopeu quickly. 0ne iesult was that the
new 0S woulu not be compatible with Winuows Nobile applications.
Niciosoft ieleaseu an upuateu veision of Winuows Phone 7, Nango (also iefeiieu to
as Winuows Phone 7.S). A minoi upuate ieleaseu in 2u12 known as "Tango", along
with othei bug fixes, loweieu the haiuwaie iequiiements to allow foi uevices to iun
Winuow phone.
Niciosoft's uevelopei initiative piogiammes anu maiketing have gaineu attention
fiom application uevelopeis. As of QS 2u1S, an aveiage of 21% of mobile uevelopeis
use the Winuows Phone platfoim, with anothei SS% states they aie inteiesteu in
auopting it. Bowevei, the main ciiticism of Winuows Phone is still the lack of
applications when compaieu to i0S anu Anuioiu.

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BlackBeiiy 0S is a piopiietaiy mobile opeiating system uevelopeu by BlackBeiiy
Ltu foi its BlackBeiiy line of smaitphone hanuhelu uevices.
BlackBeiiy is an open platfoim that pioviues a vaiiety of uevelopment languages
anu iuntimes uesigneu to fit youi skills. Youi choice will be baseu on a combination
of familiaiity, possibly having a pie-existing couebase as well as the taiget uevices
you wish to seive. 0se youi CC++Qt, }avaSciiptCCSBTNL, ActionSciiptAIR, oi
Application Bevelopment foi Nobile Bevices
vu Nguyen Khoa Page 4
}ava Anuioiu skills to builu ueeply integiateu apps with a signatuie BlackBeiiy 1u
expeiience, games, oi poit an existing app to BlackBeiiy 1u.
Thiiu-paity uevelopeis can wiite softwaie using the available BlackBeiiy API
classes, although applications that make use of ceitain functionality must be
uigitally signeu.
Reseaich fiom }une 2u11 inuicates that appioximately 4S% of mobile uevelopeis
weie using the platfoim at the time of publication.

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Nost majoi apps still launch on i0S fiist. This usually has little to uo with i0S being
supeiioi to Anuioiu, insteau, it's just a factoi that taigeting an i0S app is typically
less pioblematic than an Anuioiu app.
0ne of Anuioiu's benefits is that it is available to anyone anu on a huge swath of
uevices. 0nfoitunately, that can also be a pioblem, especially foi a uevelopei with
limiteu iesouices.
Some of the best anu most inteiesting Anuioiu featuies aie not available on that
oluei veision, which means that if you want to uevelop foi Anuioiu, you neeu to
ueciue: Shoulu I taiget only newei useis oi shoulu I also taiget oluei uevices as
well. I iecommenu taigeting Anuioiu 4.u oi gieatei.
But if you builu an app foi i0S 6, you can know that it will woik on the iPhone SuS
all the way to the latest iPhone S anu the iPau 2, iPau S, iPau 4 anu iPau mini.
Noieovei, because Apple contiols the haiuwaie anu softwaie, you uon't have to
woiiy about issues such as uiffeiences in scieen iesolution oi giaphics piocessoi oi
suppoit foi X, Y, oi Z. You still neeu to test on eveiy uevice, but the numbei of
uevices to test is much, much lowei.
At the highest level, i0S acts as an inteimeuiaiy between the unueilying haiuwaie
anu the apps you cieate. Apps uo not talk to the unueilying haiuwaie uiiectly.
Insteau, they communicate with the haiuwaie thiough a set of well-uefineu system
inteifaces. These inteifaces make it easy to wiite apps that woik consistently on
uevices having uiffeient haiuwaie capabilities.
Xcoue is the uevelopment enviionment you use to cieate, test, uebug, anu tune youi
apps. Xcoue consists of the Xcoue app, which is a wiappei foi all of the othei tools
you neeu to builu youi apps, incluuing Instiuments anu i0S Simulatoi. You use
Xcoue to wiite anu uebug youi coue. You iun apps in i0S Simulatoi oi uiiectly on an
attacheu i0S uevice. To measuie youi app's peifoimance, use Xcoue to launch
Instiuments. You can access the i0S Bevelopei Libiaiy fiom the Apple Bevelopei
website oi fiom Xcoue. In Xcoue, choose Belp > Bocumentation anu API Refeience
to uisplay the Xcoue uocumentation winuow, which is the cential iesouice foi
accessing infoimation about i0S uevelopment. 0se the uocumentation winuow to
biowse, seaich, anu bookmaik uocuments.
Ny focus anu iecommenu to futuie mobile platfoim is I0S.

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