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Henry May
This chapter focuses on research designs in which
the effects of a treatment or intervention are esti-
mated by comparing outcomes of a treatment group
and a comparison group but without the benefit of
random assignment. In psychology and other social
sciences, these designs often involve self-selection,
in which the members of the treatment group are
those who volunteered or otherwise sought to
receive the treatment, whereas the comparison
group members did not. Alternatively, assignment to
the treatment group may be made through a subjec-
tive decision process. This is common in education
research when an intervention targets schools or
students and district or school staffs select whom to
assign to the treatment. More generally, a nonequiv-
alent comparison group design involves any com-
parison of treatment and control groups in which
the treatment assignment mechanism cannot be
modeled explicitly, and the treatment and compari-
son groups are likely to exhibit pretreatment differ-
ences on measured or unmeasured factors.
Given the probable and often obvious preexisting
differences between the treatment and comparison
groups in this design, it is normally imprudent to
draw strong causal inferences about the effects of an
intervention. The suitability of a nonequivalent
group as a counterfactual (i.e., a group that tells you
what would have happened to the treatment group
in the absence of the treatment) is difficult to ensure
and impossible to guarantee in a nonequivalent
comparison group design. Therefore, much of the
literature on this design revolves around the ques-
tion of how to estimate the treatment's effect in the
DOl: 10.1037/13620-026
absence of random assignment. Nevertheless,
because it is applicable in so many circumstances,
the nonequivalent groups design is one of the most
commonly implemented research designs in the
social sciences (Campbell & Stanley, I963; Shadish,
Cook, & Campbell, 2002).
Much has been written about the nonequivalent
comparison groups design, and the introduction to
this chapter continues with a brief review of major
contributions to that prior literature. The remainder
of the chapter delves more deeply into key method-
ological issues and recent advances in analytical
techniques. In the review of prior literature, readers
will likely notice the ubiquitous contributions of
Donald T. Campbell. His publications over several
decades, along with those of his collaborators,
created and refined the experimental-quasi-
experimental paradigm and the framework of
threats to internal and external validity that
continues to guide the design of countless social
science research projects.
The seminal text by Campbell and Stanley (1963)
entitled Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs
for Research defined the nonequivalent control
group design as involving a comparison of treatment
and comparison groups that were "as similar as
availability permits, but yet not so similar that one
can dispense with the pretest" (p. 47). They advo-
cated strongly for the use of a pretest to (a) evaluate
the similarity of the treatment and control groups
prior to treatment and (b) statistically adjust for
preexisting differences when estimating treat-
ment impacts. In their discussion of the inferential
APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: VoL 2. Research Designs, H. Cooper (Editor-in-Chief)
Copyright 2012 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.
Henry May
validity of the nonequivalent groups design, they
pointed out that the use of a pretest in both groups
allows a comparison of pre-post changes across the
two groups, ostensibly removing preexisting differ-
ences from the comparison. This effectively miti-
gates many basic threats to internal validity (see the
Key Threats to Internal Validity section) in that
these threats must now operate on pre-post changes
(i.e., not just the posttest), and they must operate
differently for the treatment and control groups (i.e.,
they must interact with selection).
Although Campbell and Stanley (1963) used the
term control group in their label for this design, oth-
ers prefer the term comparison group to better differ-
entiate this design from a randomized experiment
and to place clear emphasis on the nonequivalence
of the comparison group. Following that logic, this
chapter will hereafter refer to the nontreatment
group in this design as the comparison group.
In their 1963 text, Campbell and Stanley also
introduced a simple and intuitive notation for
describing this and other research designs in terms
of group equivalence and timing of observations and
treatments. Their notation for the nonequivalent
control group design is as follows:
0 X 0
0 0
The horizontal line in this notation differentiates the
treatment and control groups, whereas the use of a
dashed line signifies that the two groups are not
equivalent. Outcomes are assessed (with each
instance denoted by 0) for both groups before and
then again after the introduction of the treatment
(X) in one group. Campbell and Stanley pointed out
that the assignment of the treatment to one group or
the other is "assumed to be random and under the
experimenter's control" (1963, p. 47).
given the prevalence of volunteering and subjective
allocation of the treatment in applied settings, this
assumption is probably violated in most studies
using the nonequivalent comparison group design.
Fortunately, violations of this assumption have few
practical implications for analysis or interpretation
of results-even with random assignment at the
group level, the groups are still nonequivalent. The
presence of volunteering or subjective allocation
may make the nonequivalence overt (making spe-
cific threats to validity easier to identify), but group-
level random assignment with only two groups does
little to address either overt or hidden selection bias.
Such a scenario would not improve validity unless
the study can be repeated numerous times, which
would be analogous to a cluster randomized experi-
ment (see Boruch et al., 2004) using randomization
within matched pairs of groups.
There exist numerous statistical methods to
address group nonequivalence, and a thorough dis-
cussion of classical analytic issues was written by
Reichardt (1979), which appeared as a chapter in the
book edited by Cook and Campbell entitled Quasi-
Experimentation: Design and Analysis Issues for Field
Settings. Reichardt's chapter substantiated the need
for a pretest in this design, and it reviewed a number
of alternative methods for analyzing the pre-post
data from a nonequivalent groups design. Unfortu-
nately, the choice of preferred statistical model for
producing unbiased effect estimates is not simple,
and it is not consistent across applications of the
nonequivalent groups design. Although the present
chapter reviews the key methodological consider-
ations raised by Reichardt (see the section Classical
Statistical Adjustments), the reader is directed to
Reichardt's chapter for a more detailed discussion of
the issues involved in producing unbiased effect esti-
mates using classical statistical models.
More recently, Shadish et al. (2002) built on
these two prior works by reframing the discussion
around a comprehensive theory of generalized
causal inference. Their discussion of the nonequiva-
lent comparison group design (Shadish et al., 2002,
pp. 136-153) largely parallels that from Cook and
Campbell (1979, pp. 103-133); however, this more
recent work includes design enhancements that
improve validity by combining multiple comparison
groups with treatment replications or nonequiva-
lent dependent variables (Shadish et al., 2002,
pp. 153-161). The relevant chapter in their book
also included an appendix that briefly reviewed
Random assignment of two existing groups is different from random assignment of participants. For example, an experimenter might be able to
assign a reading treatment randomly to one of two classrooms but not have control of which students were in each class.
----- ~ ------
recent advances in statistical approaches to dealing
with selection bias, including propensity score mod-
eling (see Volume l, Chapter 2, this handbook),
control function and instrumental variables analy-
ses, and latent variable-structural equation model-
ing (see Chapter 19 of this volume).
To best reflect the continuous improvements in
methodological theory, this chapter includes a con-
cise discussion of key issues and perspectives from
these prior works, followed by a more comprehensive
discussion of recent advances in statistical and econo-
metric methods that are directly applicable to the
nonequivalent comparison groups design. Because
this chapter provides a relatively nontechnical and
broad discussion of theories and methodologies
related to the nonequivalent groups design, the essen-
tial elements of each topic are presented in nontech-
nical language and are supported by references to
more technical publications. The interested reader is
directed to these references for more detail on the
theory behind and procedures for each method.
The structure of the remainder of this chapter
includes three main sections. The first section
describes an illustrative example of a nonequivalent
comparison group design, which will then be used
as a foundation for discussing the methods and
issues raised in subsequent sections. The second
section includes a review of key threats to internal
validity of the nonequivalent groups design, leaning
heavily on the prior work of Campbell and col-
leagues. The third section focuses on the use of
baseline measures to address selection issues and is
divided into three parts: classical statistical adjust-
ments (e.g., analysis of covariance [ANCOVA]), sta-
tistical models for controlling observable bias (e.g.,
regression, stratification, matching), and economet-
ric techniques for controlling unobservable bias
(e.g., instrumental variables analysis). Finally, the
fourth section focuses on design enhancements,
including extensinns to the simple two-group pre-
post design, cohort comparison groups, moderation-
mediation analysis, and sensitivity analysis.
A classic question in the clinical psychology litera-
ture has focused on the relative value of medication
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
for patients participating in psychotherapy for
depression. The basic question is, when a patient
receives effective psychotherapy, is there any added
benefit achieved (or harm inflicted) by augmenting
the therapy with an antidepressant medication?
Perhaps the medication improves the efficacy of the
psychotherapy. Or, perhaps the medication does not
improve the efficacy of the psychotherapy but
increases the risk of suicide. Unfortunately, the
truth is not easily ascertained without random
assignment because myriad selection mechanisms
are at work that determine who does or does not
receive antidepressant medication. For example, the
selection process may look something like the fol-
lowing. First, individuals suffering from clinical
depression must be referred to or otherwise seek
psychotherapeutic treatment. Of those seeking treat-
ment, some will visit a psychologist and others will
visit a psychiatrist, depending on a number of fac-
tors, including the relative availability of these two
types of practitioners, relative costs, and personal
preferences and beliefs. Of those who visit a psy-
chologist, only a portion will visit a psychologist
able to prescribe antidepressant medications, a pos-
sibility that currently exists in only a select number
of states. Alternatively, patients enrolled in health
management organization plans may receive a pre-
scription for an antidepressant from their primary
care physician along with a referral to a psychologist
for psychotherapy, or they may receive only the
referral for psychotherapy. The act of prescribing a
medication will depend on a number of factors,
including medical history, the time frame and sever-
ity of the depression, and the relative liberality with
which the psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician
issues such prescriptions. But this complicated pro-
cess likely represents only a fraction of the mecha-
nisms that determine whether a psychotherapy
patient also receives an antidepressant medication.
So we are left with a situation in which a simple
comparison of patients receiving only psychother-
apy to patients receiving psychotherapy plus medi-
cation is somewhat like comparing apples and
oranges. Yes, the two groups are similar in many
ways, but they are also different in many important
ways that could exert significant influence on their
Henry May
In the simplest nonequivalent comparison group
design, we would capture preexisting differences in
outcomes between the psychotherapy and psycho-
therapy plus medication groups by collecting pretest
data on the severity of depression (i.e., using a reli-
able and valid standardized measure) before the ini-
tiation of any treatment. Then at some point after
the treatment begins (e.g., 12 weeks later), we
would collect posttest data on the severity of depres-
sion. The basic idea is that by measuring preexisting
differences in depression, one can adjust impact
estimates accordingly. Of course, this is a simplistic
approach to dealing with selection bias, and there
are many reasons to believe that simply measuring
preexisting differences in the severity of depression
will fail to account for all of the important factors
that influence differences in outcomes. For example,
there may be no detectable differences in severity of
depression between patients who visit a psychiatrist
and those who visit a psychologist, but the treat-
ment they receive (independent of the medication)
may end up looking very different. In the sections
that follow, key issues and analytic methods relevant
to the nonequivalent groups design will be dis-
cussed, with illustrations intertwined throughout
that tie back to this hypothetical study of the effi-
cacy of antidepressant medication.
The nonequivalent comparison group design deals
effectively with many basic threats to internal valid-
ity as long as a pretest is employed for both groups.
It accomplishes this by focusing the impact analysis
not on simple posttest differences between the treat-
ment and comparison groups but on differences
between the groups in their pre-post changes. The
issue of selection as a main effect is addressed to the
extent that pretreatment differences between the
two groups are captured by the pretest, and these
preexisting differences are subsequently factored out
when calculating posttest impact estimates. In other
words, any posttreatment differences attributable to
the main effect of selection are subtracted (or statis-
tically adjusted) from the final impact estimate
under the assumption that pretreatment differences
would persist in the posttest measure. For selection
bias to persist, the key issues of history, maturation,
testing, instrumentation, regression to the mean,
and mortality (now called attrition) must interact
with selection to explain away differences in pre-
post changes (Campbell & Stanley, 1963, p. 48).
For example, maturation is an issue whenever natu-
ral improvement would occur even without a treat-
ment. In a simple pre-post study without a
comparison group, a main effect of maturation
could explain completely a simple pre-post change
(i.e., subjects were already improving without the
treatment). In a study that includes a comparison
group but no pretest, a main effect of selection could
explain a difference in posttest scores between treat-
ment and comparison groups (i.e., subjects in the
two groups would have had different outcomes even
without the treatment). With the inclusion of both a
pretest and comparison group in a nonequivalent
comparison group design, however, any main effect
of maturation will be evident in the pre-post change
of the comparison group as well and can be adjusted
out of the impact estimate. For example, in our
hypothetical study of antidepressants, all patients
may be expected to improve because they are all
participating in psychotherapy, and this general
improvement (i.e., maturation) that happens regard-
less of whether one receives an antidepressant
would be evident in the pre-post changes in the
comparison group and could be adjusted out when
calculating the impact of the antidepressants on the
treatment group. On the other hand, if the rates of
improvement without the treatment are different for
the treatment and comparison groups (i.e., the mat-
uration effect interacts with selection), it is impossi-
ble to determine whether differences in pre-post
changes across the two groups are attributable to the
treatment or to preexisting differences in maturation
rates. For example, if those patients receiving anti-
depressants were already improving at a faster (or
slower) rate than the comparison group, their aver-
age pre-post change would be larger (or smaller)
even without the antidepressants. In general, we
need to be concerned whether one group experi-
ences improvement in their depression that was
unrelated to whether they received a drug and
instead attributable to other preexisting differences
between the groups. Alternatively, if we can assume
that the average rates of change (or lack thereoO
without the treatment would be similar for subjects
in the treatment and comparison groups, then dif-
ferences in the pre-post changes of the two groups
are more directly attributable to the effect of the
The logic of this approach is similar to that of
difference-in-differences models from the economet-
ric literature (Greene, 1993). This model, also
known as a change score analysis or a fixed-effects
model with two time points, is said to control for all
time-invariant confounds. In other words, con-
founding factors will introduce bias only to the
extent that they influence pre-post changes differen-
tially between treatment and comparison groups. If
the factors differentiating the groups are consistent
over time and are unrelated to differences in pre-
post change (i.e., they do not interact with time),
then the difference-in-differences model will pro-
duce unbiased estimates of the treatment effect.
Beyond maturation-selection interactions,
numerous other selection interactions may threaten
the validity of inferences from the nonequivalent
comparison group design. A history-selection inter-
action would occur whenever an event occurs
between the pretest and posttest for one group but
not the other (or more or less for one group). In
essence, this "intrasession history" (Campbell &
Stanley, 1963, p. 14) acts as an additional treatment,
whose effects cannot be distinguished from the
effects of the treatment of interest. For example, per-
haps those patients seeing a psychiatrist are more
likely to receive medication but also tend to have
shorter psychotherapy sessions. If the antidepres-
sants had a positive effect, it could be hidden by the
diminished effect of less-intensive psychotherapy.
Alternatively, if the antidepressants had no effect,
the diminished effect of less intensive psychotherapy
could even make the drugs appear harmful.
A testing-selection interaction would occur
whenever repeated testing bias affects the two
groups differently. In general, members of the com-
parison group receiving no treatment may become
more fatigued by repeated testing, causing their
posttest performance to worsen and resulting in a
positive bias in the impact estimate. An instrumen-
tation-selection interaction would occur whenever
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
the accuracy of measurement improved or degraded
differently for the two groups. For example, observ-
ers may become bored when rating the comparison
group given an absence of desired outcomes, result-
ing in a positive bias in the impact estimate. An
attrition-selection interaction would occur when-
ever the treatment and comparison groups exhibited
differential rates of loss of participants. In our hypo-
thetical antidepressant study, if the drugs were ben-
eficial and those not receiving them were more
likely to discontinue treatment (thus missing the
posttest), the treatment effect would be underesti-
mated. This is because the outcomes for the psycho-
therapy-only group could have been biased upward
(i.e., less severe depression on average) given that
more patients with severe depression and less effec-
tive treatment would discontinue treatment and
miss the posttest. Finally, a regression-selection
interaction would occur whenever one group was
selected from a more extreme position in a distribu-
tion of prior outcomes. In this case, posttest out-
comes for the more extreme group would be
expected to exhibit greater regression to the mean,
resulting in either a positive or negative bias in the
impact estimate. This is especially plausible in our
hypothetical study of antidepressants given that
drugs are most likely to be prescribed to those
patients with the most severe pretreatment depres-
sion symptoms.
As Campbell and Stanley (1963) pointed out,
regression-selection interactions are problematic in
studies in which individuals self-select into a treat-
ment, and attempts to create a comparison group by
matching those who self-select into a treatment with
those who did not is likely to introduce substantial
regression-selection interaction bias (p. 49). This is
because the members of the comparison group
would likely represent an extreme group relative to
the population of potential controls. In other words,
of those who did not seek out the treatment, those
selected for inclusion in the comparison group are
likely to be quite unusual relative to the rest of that
group. On the other hand, those who self-selected
into the treatment group are probably not unusual
relative to the population of potential treatment
recipients. Thus, because the members of the
comparison group are more extreme relative to the
Henry May
population from which they were drawn, the com-
parison group would be expected to exhibit greater
regression to the mean.
Although the nonequivalent group design with a
pretest of treatment and comparison groups does
much to address threats to internal validity, there is
no guarantee that selection interactions will be suffi-
ciently controlled. In fact, for most studies utilizing
this design, it is relatively easy to imagine a selection
issue that weakens the credibility of causal infer-
ences from those studies. There are a number of
design and analytic steps that one can take to
strengthen the validity of a nonequivalent groups
comparison. However, without the benefit of ran-
dom assignment, this can prove to be a complicated
and often impossible task.
The use of a pretest measure is a key component in
addressing selection bias in the nonequivalent com-
parison group design. Unfortunately, the most effec-
tive analytic methods for dealing with selection bias
are not necessarily consistent from one study to the
next. This section provides a description of the ratio-
nale and assumptions underlying three classes of tech-
niques for dealing with selection bias in nonequivalent
group comparisons. The first approach relies on clas-
sical statistical analyses intended to adjust posttest
outcomes for differences in pretest measure. The sec-
ond approach attempts to explicitly control for factors
confounded with treatment assignment and the out-
come. Finally, the third approach attempts to deal
directly with omitted variable bias (i.e., the bias attrib-
utable to unmeasured confounds not included in the
model) by isolating the difference in the outcome that
is unconfounded with other factors and thus is attrib-
utable solely to the impact of the treatment.
Classical Statistical Adjustments
For decades, the most common statistical analysis
performed in conjunction with the nonequivalent
"'-..........__Hypothetical Pretest Value
FIGURE 26.1. The logic of analysis of covariance in
estimating treatment effects in a nonequivalent com-
parison group design.
comparison group design has been AN COY A. The
theory behind this method is that by including the
pretest measure as a covariate in the model, the esti-
mated impact of the treatment equals the difference
between the treatment and comparison groups, after
holding pretest scores constant. In other words, the
ANCOVA seeks to estimate the expected difference
in posttest scores between subjects who started with
the same pretest score. In our hypothetical study of
antidepressants, this is analogous to comparing the
severity of depression at posttest for patients receiv-
ing or not receiving antidepressants who had identi-
cal severity of depression before treatment.
In an ANCOVA model, the relationship between
pretest and posttest scores is captured in a regres-
sion equation, and the difference in intercepts
between the regression lines for the treatment and
comparison groups serves as the estimate of the
treatment effect.
Figure 26.1 depicts this relation-
ship using ovals to approximate the location of
data points for the treatment and comparison
groups, solid lines to depict the regression lines,
and a dashed box to illustrate the idea of holding
the pretest constant when estim'ating the posttest
'The standard ANCOVA model assumes parallel pretest-posttest slopes in the treatment and comparison groups. This is referred to as the homogeneity
of regression assumption (Wildt & Ahtola, 1978). This assumption can be relaxed by including an interaction between the pretest variable and the treat-
ment indicator, although doing so makes interpretation of results in nonequivalent comparison designs very problematic (Reichardt, 1979, p. 170).
Unfortunately, although the AN COY A approach
may be intuitively appealing, it has a number of sig-
nificant shortcomings. All of these shortcomings can
cause the model to adjust inappropriately, either too
much or too little, for preexisting differences between
the groups. This leads to bias in the treatment effect,
and this bias may be either positive or negative.
One likely source of bias is unreliability in the
pretest measure, which is certain to occur in our
study of antidepressants given that severity of
depression cannot be measured with perfect reliabil-
ity. Because the pretest-posttest relationship is esti-
mated using a regression equation, the slope of that
equation is subject to bias associated with measure-
ment error in the pretest scores. It is well known
that measurement error in an independent variable
in a regression model will result in attenuation of
the slope estimate toward zero proportionate to the
unreliability in that predictor variable-the esti-
mated slope will equal the true slope multiplied by
the reliability of the predictor (i.e., Pxx).
When unreliability attenuates the pretest slope in an
AN COY A model used to estimate impacts for a non-
equivalent groups design, the estimate of the treat-
ment effect will be biased whenever there are
differences in the mean pretest scores of the treat-
ment and comparison groups. Figure 26.2 presents a
case in which the treatment and comparison groups
are sampled from different ends of the same popula-
tion and the effect of the treatment is zero. The
attenuation in the pre-post regression slope is evi-
dent in the slope of the dashed lines, which is less
steep than the slope for the full population (i.e., the
solid line). This attenuation results in separation of
the intercepts for the two groups, thus giving the
illusion of a treatment effect. As demonstrated by
Reichardt (1979, p. 163), as unreliability in the pre-
test increases, the degree of adjustment induced by
the AN COY A decreases, resulting in a failure to
remove all of the preexisting differences from the
impact estimate. Therefore, when measurement
error exists in the pretest, a preexisting difference
favoring the treatment group would result in a posi-
tively biased impact estimate, whereas a preexisting
difference favoring the comparison group would
result in a negatively biased impact estimate. If there
is no pretest difference between treatment and com-
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
FIGURE 26.2. Measurement bias in the regression
slope under an analysis of covariance model of treatment
impact in a nonequivalent comparison group design.
parison groups (e.g., as in a randomized experi-
ment), then the attenuation in slope would cause
both regression lines to pivot on the same fulcrum
(i.e., the overall mean). Thus, no difference in inter-
cepts would result from pretest unreliability if there
were no preexisting difference on the pretest.
Naturally, one might conclude that the bias in
the AN COY A's pre-post slope could be easily
removed by dividing the estimated slope by the reli-
ability of the pretest measure. In practice, the proce-
dure for adjusting AN COY A for unreliability in the
pretest is slightly different but also simple. Consider
that the regression slope coefficient represents the
expected change in Y (i.e., the dependent variable)
for each one-unit change in X (i.e., the independent
variable). Because the biased regression coefficient
in an AN COY A is underestimated to a degree equal
to the reliability in the pretest measure (i.e., r xx), one
way to increase the size of the slope coefficient by
that exact amount is to change the scale of the X
variable by that same amount. This is accomplished
by rescaling the pretest scores by the reliability coef-
ficient using the formula
Xadi =Xi+ Pxx ( Xij- Xi),
where Xi is the mean score for group j (e.g., treat-
ment or comparison group), Xii is the unadjusted
pretest score for subject i in group j, and Pxx is the
reliability of the pretest measure. This adjustment
Henry May
must be calculated separately for each group in the
ANCOVA in order to shift the slopes but not the
intercepts. Essentially, the adjustment shrinks the
pretest scores toward their respective group means
by an amount proportionate to the amount of unre-
liability in the pretest measure. This effectively
changes the scale of the pretest measure in the
AN COV A so that what had originally been a one-unit
change in the X variable is now only a Pxx-unit change
in the XadJ variable. This translates to an increase in
the slope coefficient equal to 1/pxx. Porter (1967) and
Porter and Chibucos (1974) referred to this technique
as the estimated true scores adjustment to AN COV A.
Because the problem of unreliability and attenua-
tion of the pretest slope is an artifact of regression
analysis, another way to avoid this problem (but
perhaps create other problems) is to forgo the
regression aspect of covariance adjustment and ana-
lyze simple pre-post change scores instead. This is
the approach taken by the difference-in-differences
analysis mentioned earlier that is popular in econo-
metric literature (Greene, 1993). When the data
contain only two time points (i.e., pretest and post-
test), the results are the same whether group differ-
ences in change scores are estimated after
subtracting each subject's pretest score from their
posttest score or, alternatively, fixed-effects (i.e.,
dummy variables) for subjects are included in a
model that includes both pretest and posttest scores
in the dependent variable (i.e., with two records,
pretest and posttest, in the data set for each subject).
Furthermore, the realized model is also equivalent
to an ANCOVA model when the pretest slope has
been fixed at a value of one. The implication of this
is that a model analyzing change scores assumes that
the pretest difference between treatment and com-
parison groups would persist in identical direction
and magnitude in the absence of a treatment effect
(e.g., a 10-point difference in the pretest would
result in exactly a 10-point difference in the post-
test). In our hypothetical study of antidepressants,
this implies that the mean difference in depression
scores between those receiving and not receiving
medication would be identical in the pretest and
posttest, if the medication had no effect. This
requires that depression be measured on a perfectly
interval scale (so that a difference of X has the same
interpretation at any point on the scale) and that the
effect of psychotherapy alone is identical regardless
of the pretest depression score (e.g., every patient's
depression score is expected to drop by 20 points,
regardless of where they started). In our example,
these assumptions are difficult to justify.
Figure 26.3 illustrates the parallel trends assump-
tion in change score and difference-in-difference
models. The dotted lines and italicized labels repre-
sent the unobserved potential outcomes (e.g., the
posttest outcome for the treatment group, had the
treatment not been delivered).
Unfortunately, this assumption of parallel trends
in potential outcomes is often violated in social sci-
ence research. Factors that deflate the transfer of
pretest differences to posttest scores include pre-
post construct shift and construct nonequivalence.
These terms refer to situations in which the meaning
of what is measured changes slightly (i.e., a shift) or
completely (i.e., nonequivalence) from pretest to
posttest. For example, if identical or equated mea-
sures of depression severity are not used at pretest
and posttest, then posttest differences cannot be
expected to equal pretest differences.
Factors that can inflate or deflate the transfer of
pretest differences to posttest scores include changes
in measurement scale and pre-post changes in score
variance (e.g., posttest scores may be more variable
than pretest scores). Furthermore, the assumption
(Yr I treatment)
......... lYe I treatment)
........ _: _- IYr I no treatment)
Treatment -- ~ : : : : ; ;---
~ V e l no treatment)
Pretest Posttest
FIGURE 26.3. The parallel trends assumption of
change score and fixed-effects analysis of treatment
impacts in a nonequivalent comparison group design.
. .
that the pre-post change for the comparison group
serves as a good counterfactual for the treatment
group can also be violated by any of the selection
interactions mentioned thus far. These selection-
interaction validity threats affect both change score
and AN COY A analyses.
Simply put, both AN COY A and change score
models have substantial potential for bias when esti-
mating treatment effects in conjunction with a non-
equivalent comparison group design. The choice
between these two approaches has long been a topic
of discussion, and although the problem has largely
been solved, the news is not good. Although there
are clear circumstances under which the ANCOYA
works best and there are other circumstances under
which the change score analysis works best, these
circumstances are restrictive. Unfortunately, most
circumstances involving a nonequivalent compari-
son group design in reality will induce bias in both
analyses, and the two methods will often yield dif-
ferent results. The difference in results produced by
these two analyses was originally presented as Lord's
paradox (Lord, 1967). It is a paradox in that it is
perplexing that the two methods so often produce
different results despite the fact that they are
intended to answer the same research question (i.e.,
"What is the treatment effect?"). Holland and Rubin
(1983) were the first to solve Lord's paradox by
evaluating the problem in the context of Rubin's
potential outcomes framework for causal inference
(Holland, 1986; Rubin, 1974). Their key revelation
was that the decision to use AN COY A versus change
score analysis was driven by untestable assumptions
about the potential outcomes for the two groups. In
the context of a nonequivalent groups design, the
implicit assumptions are whether the posttest scores
for the treatment group, had the treatment not been
delivered, are better approximated by adding the
average change for the comparison group to the pre-
test scores of the treatment group (Option A), or
using a within-group regression model to predict
posttest outcomes for the treatment group (Option B).
Option A leads to change score analysis, whereas
Option B leads to AN COY A. These assumptions are
entirely untestable without additional data (e.g.,
multiple pretests), and the choice between these two
analytical alternatives is not necessarily obvious.
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
Fortunately, choosing between ANCOYA and
change score analysis becomes a little less perplex-
ing when one realizes that the two approaches target
different analytical questions (Hand, 1994; Wainer,
1991; Wright, 2005). The change score analysis sim-
ply seeks to determine whether, on average, one
group experienced a larger pretest-posttest differ-
ence. Contrast this with the AN COY A, which seeks
to determine whether the posttest scores of subjects
from the treatment group were, on average, higher
or lower than those of comparison group subjects
who had equivalent pretest scores. This logic also
helps us understand when one approach may be
more appropriate than the other. For example,
whenever it is unreasonable to calculate a change
score by subtracting the pretest from the posttest
score (e.g., when the pretest and posttest are not on
the same scale), the change score analysis can be
eliminated as a viable option. On the other hand, the
change score analysis may be less biased than the
ANCOYA whenever it is reasonable to expect that in
the absence of the treatment, the posttest scores will
approximately equal the pretest scores. In the case
of our hypothetical study of antidepressants, every
patient's depression score is expected to change
given that they are receiving psychotherapy, and
there is no reason to believe that psychotherapy will
yield the same degree of change for every value of
the pretest measure, so AN COY A is likely the better
approach. However, ANCOYA is still not guaran-
teed to produce unbiased estimates in our case.
Although being specific about the analytic questions
and assumptions may help a researcher decide
between ANCOYA and change score analysis in a
nonequivalent groups study, the fact that the
assumptions behind the choice are untestable sug-
gests that the estimated treatment effect will not
necessarily be unbiased.
To reach a higher level of certainty, one must go
beyond the specificity of analytic questions and
focus also on the ability of the analytic model to
properly account for the treatment assignment
mechanism. Maris (1998) used Rubin's causal
model to present a mathematical explanation of the
differences between AN COY A and change score
analyses and to show how their ability to produce
unbiased treatment effects is related to the treatment
--------------------- ---
Henry May
assignment mechanism. Using empirical simulation,
Wright (2005) verified and further illustrated
Maris's results, which are as follows. Both AN COYA
and change score analysis produce unbiased results
when assignment to treatment is random (i.e., as in
a randomized experiment). When the pretest is used
to assign subjects to the treatment, either using a
cutoff (i.e., as in a regression discontinuity design;
see Chapter 27 of this volume) or using blocked
random assignment (i.e., all subjects with the same
pretest score have the same probability of assign-
ment to treatment), then AN COY A is unbiased
whereas change score analysis is biased. When the
probability of assignment to treatment is correlated
with the pretest, but the pretest does not precisely
determine assignment probability (i.e., all subjects
with the same pretest score do not have an identical
probability of assignment to treatment), then
AN COY A is always biased and change score analysis
will be unbiased only if the pre-post trends are inde-
pendent of the groups.
Lastly, when treatment
assignment is correlated with (but not determined
by) the pretest and also with errors of measurement
contained in the pretest (or other factors exhibiting
the same measurement biases as the pretest), then
both ANCOYA and change score analyses are
biased. Unfortunately, this last case is most likely
applicable to our example study of antidepressants,
so we may be better served by seeking out other
ways to address selection bias.
Matching to Address Overt Bias
An alternative to model-based adjustments for pre-
test differences involves the use of blocking or
matching on pretreatment covariates. The logic here
is that posttest comparisons are restricted to those
subjects in the treatment and comparison groups
that had similar pretreatment characteristics. This
approach is similar to that of ANCOVA; however,
blocking or matching does not usually rely on a lin-
ear regression to model equivalence.
In the simplest case of blocking, subjects in the
treatment and comparison groups might be grouped
into blocks on the basis of similar scores on the
pretest. For example, in our hypothetical study of
antidepressants, we might group patients with simi-
lar pretest depression scores into homogeneous
blocks. As the number of blocks increases, the
reduction of selection bias approaches that of the
ANCOVA model after relaxing the assumptions of
linearity or homogeneity of regression. Cochran
(1968) demonstrated that the vast majority of selec-
tion bias associated with a covariate can be removed
using as few as five blocks.
An alternative to blocking involves pair matching
or caliper matching (Cochran & Rubin, 1973).
Instead of categorizing subjects into broad groups,
each subject in the treatment group is either
matched to a subject from the comparison group
with the same pretest score (i.e., pair matching) or is
matched to a subject from the comparison group
who has a pretest score that is close to the treatment
subject's pretest score (i.e., caliper matching).
Cochran and Rubin (1973) showed that the vast
majority of selection bias associated with a pretest
difference can be removed using a caliper as large as
one half of a standard deviation.
Unfortunately, blocking and matching on the
pretest is subject to the same sources of bias that
threaten AN COY A analyses, including measurement
bias and selection interactions (Maris, 1998; Reich-
ardt, 1979). Furthermore, because the pretest block-
ing or matching approaches can never perform better
than an AN COVA that appropriately models nonlin-
ear and nonparallel regression trends, the value of
blocking or matching on the pretest is limited.
One area in which matching holds greater prom-
ise is in multivariate matching using multiple pre-
treatment variables. For our hypothetical study of
antidepressants, we could imagine measuring and
then matching patients on initial severity of depres-
sion, age, gender, race, income, type of insurance,
place of residence (e.g., city vs. suburbs), and vari-
ous other factors related to the outcome. Rosen-
baum (2002, 2010) presented several methods for
matching on multiple covariates. Each of these
methods relies on a distance matrix to evaluate the
relative proximity of treatment and comparison
This is analogous to the parallel trend.s assumption (see Figure 26.3), which implies that the comparison group trend can be used to estimate the
change for the treatment group in the absence of the treatment, and the treatment group trend can be used to estimate the change for the comparison
group if they had received the treatment.
.. -------.. ----------

group members on the multiple covariates. These
matching methods can be distinguished on the basis
of the method of linking treatment and comparison
subjects and the number of treatment or compari-
son subjects that may be linked. Methods include
caliper matching, greedy matching, and optimal
matching. Multivariate caliper matching links sub-
jects that have proximal values on all covariates.
Greedy matching links subjects to the nearest
neighbor matches and moves sequentially through
the data set. Greedy matching is so named because
once a match is made, it is not broken, even if a
chosen match would be better matched to another
subject farther down in the data set. In our hypo-
thetical study of antidepressants, a greedy matching
algorithm might match a subject in the treatment
group to a control with a similar pretest score,
despite the fact that that pretest score for that par-
ticular control was even closer to the pretest score
for another treatment group member farther down
in the data set. Alternatively, optimal matching
links subjects in such a way that the total distance
between matches is minimized. In other words,
matches can be rearranged during the matching
process so that the end result produces the closest
matched set possible.
The different approaches to the number of links
made in multivariate matching include pair match-
ing, multiple control matching, and full matching.
Pair matching links each treatment group member
to one comparison group member, whereas multiple
control matching links each treatment group mem-
ber to at least one comparison group member. For
example, each patient taking antidepressants may be
matched to one comparison patient (with pair
matching) or to two or more comparison patients
(with multiple matching) who were not taking anti-
depressants but who were similar in other respects.
Lastly, full matching links each treatment group
member to at least one comparison group member
and also allows each comparison group member to
be matched to multiple treatment group members,
although each subject appears in only one matched
group. For example, patients taking antidepressants
who are similar on other characteristics may be
matched to the same comparison patients, thus
producing a group that is consistent on measured
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
covariates but varied in terms of antidepressant
The objective of any matching method is to cre-
ate blocks or strata that include at least one member
of the treatment group and at least one member of
the comparison group where the members in any
given group are similar on all observed covariates.
Among these matching methods, the most effective
approach for balancing preexisting differences is
optimal full matching, although matching using the
propensity score (see following four paragraphs)
may provide even better covariate balance ( Gu &
Rosenbaum, 1993).
Recall from the previous section that the solution
to Lord's paradox requires an understanding of the
relationship between the pretest and the treatment
assignment mechanism. To ensure unbiased estima-
tion of the treatment effect, comparisons of out-
comes should be restricted to only those subjects
with equal probability of assignment to the treat-
ment. In other words, unbiased estimation of the
treatment effect can be ensured only when the use of
covariates in the analytical model serves to create a
blocked random assignment design. Extending this
logic, Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) defined the pro-
pensity score as the probability that an individual is
or was assigned to the treatment group. When an
analysis compares outcomes for subjects with identi-
cal propensity scores, it mimics a blocked random
assignment design, and the estimate of the effect of
the treatment is unbiased.
In randomized experiments, the values of the
individual propensity scores are known. If simple
random assignment is used, then the propensity
scores equal .5 if half of the study sample is assigned
to the treatment. If blocked random assignment is
used, then the propensity scores in each block are
equal to the proportion of subjects that were
assigned to the treatment from that block. In non-
randomized studies, the propensity scores are
unknown, but they may be estimated using observed
covariates. This is typically accomplished by build-
ing a logistic regression model predicting treatment
assignment (i.e., Y; = 1 if treated; Y; = 0 if untreated)
on the basis of observed pretreatment covariates.
In our study of antidepressants, we could imagine
using all of the covariates and matching factors
Henry May
previously mentioned as predictors of whether a
patient receives antidepressant medication. The pre-
dicted probabilities from this model can serve as
estimates of the individual propensity scores in an
observational study. In general, the propensity score
model includes all available covariates and may also
include interactions and nonlinear terms. Because
the objective is to maximize the precision and accu-
racy of the estimated propensity scores, it is advis-
able to include all available covariates, even if they
do not meet the traditional criteria for statistical sig-
nificance (Rosenbaum, 2002, 2010; Rubin, 1997;
Rubin&: Thomas, 1996).
The objective is to build a
propensity score model that includes all relevant
confounds such that the assignment to treatment is
independent, conditional on the propensity score, of
the potential outcomes. In other words, the objec-
tive is to remove all confounding between treatment
assignment and any covariates related to the
Once the propensity score is estimated, it is com-
mon practice to estimate treatment-comparison
group differences after implementing paired, multi-
ple, or full matching using the propensity score as a
single matching variable (see Rosenbaum, 2010).
Alternatively, propensity score stratification may be
used to group subjects by their propensity scores,
much like blocking on the pretest. And, similar to
blocking on the pretest, Rosenbaum and Rubin
(1984) also cited Cochran (1968) in support of their
recommendation for five strata when using propen-
sity score stratification. Furthermore, Rubin (2004)
recommended including covariates in the statistical
model of program impacts, even after matching on
the propensity score. Lastly, the propensity score
may also be used as a covariate in an ANCOVA,
although this approach imposes the assumption of a
linear relationship between the propensity score and
the outcome.
Although the propensity score may be intuitively
appealing, perhaps even ingenious, as a method for
improving causal inference in nonexperimental
studies, it has a number of important limitations.
For example, as the number of relevant covariates
increases, and the predictive power of the model
improves, there is increased separation in estimated
propensity scores between the treatment and com-
parison groups. This suggests that as the propensity
score model improves in precision, the overlap in
estimated propensity scores between the treatment
and comparison groups diminishes, and the avail-
ability of suitable propensity score matches
decreases. In other words, a propensity score model
with very high predictive power may confirm that
the treatment and comparison groups are, in fact,
incomparable. Imagine if the logistic regression
model predicting which patients do and do not
receive antidepressant medication has such high
predictive power that the estimated propensity
scores for nearly all of those receiving medication
were close to 1 and for nearly all of those not receiv-
ing medication were close to zero. This would sug-
gest that (a) we could predict quite well (albeit not
perfectly) who did and did not receive medication,
and (b) the differences in the propensities of these
two groups were so large that they are simply
Even when there is substantial overlap in the dis-
tributions of propensity scores, there is no guarantee
that stratification or matching will produce balance
on all of the observed covariates. Even though the
propensity score is remarkably effective when
used as a single matching variable, it is imperative
that covariate balance be evaluated by testing for
treatment-control differences within strata or by
comparing absolute differences in covariates within
pairs or strata (see Rosenbaum, 2010, pp. 187-190).
Shadish et al. (2002) pointed out that the propensity
score model requires large samples (e.g., hundreds,
if not thousands, of subjects in each group), lack of
overlap in the distribution of propensity scores can
limit analytic sample size and generalizability of
results, the likelihood of missing data across many
covariates complicates the estimation of propensity
lt is important that none of the predictors included in the propensity score model are caused by the treatment or the outcome. This suggests that
mediators and other intermediate outcomes should be excluded from the propensity score model. The best way to ensure exclusion of intermediate
and secondary outcomes may be to use only pretreatment variables, measured before the intervention, as predictors in the propensity score model.
A curvilinear relationship may also be modeled by including a quadratic term for the propensity score. However, stratification is better able to handle
many forms of nonlinearity in the relationship between the propensity score and the outcome.
scores, and the ability of the propensity score
approach to produce unbiased estimates is depen-
dent on the availability of all relevant confounding
variables (i.e., those covariates related to treatment
assignment and potential outcomes). This last point
is crucial. If any unmeasured covariates exist that
are related to both treatment assignment and the
outcome after controlling for other observed covari-
ates, the impact estimate will still be biased even
after conditioning on the propensity score. In our
hypothetical study of antidepressants, the sheer
number of factors that are related to depression out-
comes and that also influence whether a patient
receives an antidepressant is so large that a propen-
sity score model is unlikely to account for all aspects
of selection bias-can we really expect to measure
everything that determines whether a patient
receives antidepressants and is also related to
posttreatment outcomes?
Using Instrumental Variables to
Address Hidden Bias
The problem of potential hidden bias plagues the
nonequivalent comparison group design. In any
such study, the validity of the conclusions may be
questioned because there may be an uncontrolled
confound that explains away the relationship
between the treatment and the outcome. In most
nonequivalent group designs, it is not hard to con-
jecture about specific unmeasured confounds that
might exist, and the methods discussed up to this
point can only hope to control those confounds that
were actually measured. What is needed is a method
that can control for both observed bias and also hid-
den bias associated with unobserved confounds.
Recall that for the difference-in-differences model, it
was argued that analysis of change scores removes
the selection bias attributable to any time-invariant
confounding variable. In that case, the effects of
these variables might be controlled, even without
explicitly measuring them. The econometric instru-
mental variables (IV) technique promises to do the
same thing in the analysis of treatment effects in a
nonequivalent groups design. Unfortunately, the
literature on IV is highly technical and relies on
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
notation and vocabulary that, until recently, was
inaccessible to noneconomists. The purpose of the
following section is to provide a brief, minimally
technical description of the theory and assumptions
behind IV and describe common methods for pro-
ducing IV-adjusted impact estimates.
To understand the IV technique, one must focus
on one crucial, but often ignored, assumption
underlying unbiased estimation in statistical model-
ing. That crucial assumption is that the predictor
variables in a model must be uncorrelated with the
model error term. In this case, the error term does
not refer to model residuals. Although residuals are
estimates of the errors, they will be biased estimates
of the errors if the model itself is biased. To illus-
trate this, consider a simple regression model of a
treatment impact:
in which Y, is the outcome for individual i,

is the
model intercept representing the mean outcome
under the control is the effect of treat-
ment T (coded one for the treatment group and zero
for the comparison group), and
is the variability in
the outcome for individual i that is attributable to
random error and any other unmeasured covariates.
includes the influence of all unmeasured
covariates, we could imagine separating
into two
parts. The first part, represents random error that
is uncorrelated with anything. The second part, rr, is
a set (i.e., a vector) of regression slopes, which is
multiplied by a set of relevant covariates X, mea-
sured on each individual i. After substitution, our
regression model looks like this:
and the problem should start to become clear. If we
were to actually measure all of the X variables and
include them as controls in this model, the original
estimate of the effect of T would change if Tis corre-
lated with any of the X variables. That is the nature
of control variables and confounding in statistical
If the X variables are unmeasured, then
the parameter estimate for T remains unadjusted
(i.e., biased). Furthermore, because the Tvariable is
For more information on control variables, confounding, and unbiased parameter estimation in linear statistical models, see Neter, Kutner,
Nachtsheim, and Wasserman (1996).
-------------- -- ----. --
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correlated with at least one of the X variables, and
the effects of the unmeasured X variables are sub-
sumed in the error term, then Tis correlated with
the error term. This is a very bad situation if the
objective is to estimate the causal effect ofT on Y. If
we estimate a naive model that does not include all
of the relevant X variables as controls, then the part
of the error term that is correlated with Tis included
in our estimate of the impact In other words, the
naive model does a bad job of properly attributing
variation in the outcome toT versus the error term,
and part of what should be attributed to unmea-
sured covariates and included in the error is attrib-
uted to the treatment.
IV techniques offer an opportunity to get around
this problem under certain circumstances. For those
readers already familiar with mediation analysis
(Baron & Kenny, 1986), the logic of IV may sound
somewhat familiar. In fact, IV analysis can be
thought of as somewhat like a backward mediation
analysis. First, the researcher must identify an
instrument, which is a measureable variable that is
(a) correlated with the treatment variable (i.e., it
predicts treatment assignment); (b) through its cor-
relation with the treatment, also correlated with the
outcome; and (c) uncorrelated with any other cova-
riate related to the outcome. In other words, a valid
instrument has a significant relationship with the
outcome variable but only as a result of its correla-
tion with treatment assignment.
From a mediation
perspective (i.e., in which the effect of one variable
happens indirectly through its effect on an interme-
diate outcome), the effect of the instrument is medi-
ated by the treatment; however, unlike in mediation
analysis, we do not care about the direct or indirect
effects of the instrument. We simply want to use the
instrument to remove the influence of selection bias
and adjust the estimated treatment effect to produce
an unbiased causal effect.
The logic of how an IV analysis produces an
unbiased estimate is shown in Figure 26.4. Here the
causal effect on the outcome Y of the treatment Tis
equal to An additional covariate X is also related
to the outcome, with a regression slope equal to 1t.
The correlation between T and X is equal top. If we
were to estimate a naive model with only T predict-
ing Y, then our estimate of the slope for T would
actually 1tp, which is clearly biased unless
either p or 1t equal zero.
Unfortunately, we cannot
use this formula to adjust our estimate because
neither p nor 1t can be estimated since X has not
been measured. However, if the relationship between
the IV and Y occurs only because of the relationship
between the IV and the treatment, then we can esti-
mate using our knowledge of a andy. This is
because a simple linear regression predicting Y only
on the basis of the IV will yield a slope estimate y,
which is equal to the direct effect of the IV on Y
(which we assume is zero because the IV's relation-
ship with Y happens exclusively through T) plus an
amount equal to the product of a and"{ (i.e.,
"{= 0 This follows from the same formula used
to show the bias in the naive impact estimate. Thus,
with a little algebra, we can calculate directly as
y/a. This is the IV estimate of the impact ofT on Y.
Estimation of the IV model is typically done
through two-stage least squares, in which both the
regression of T on the IV and the regression of Y on
the IV are estimated in a simultaneous equations
process. Using simultaneous equations ensures that
the standard errors of the IV estimate are unbiased.
Structural equation modeling and maximum likeli-
hood techniques can also be used to estimate the
simultaneous equations in an IV analysis. Unfortu-
nately, because of the stringent requirements of the
exclusion restriction, good instruments are often
hard to find.
For example, a good instrument has a
strong correlation with the treatment variable. If the
This is referred to in the econometric literature as the exclusion restriction because the instrument can be excluded from the causal model if the X's are
Either 1t or p would be equal to zero only if X were uncorrelated with either Y or T, respectively. If that were true, then X would not be confounded
with the effect ofT, and we would be able to estimate the effect of Twithout any adjustment. Of course, having no confounding variables is only
likely to happen in a randomized experiment.
For more on the assumptions of IV and assessment of the IV assumptions, see the following: Angrist, Imbens, and Rubin (1996); Bound,]aeger, and
Baker (1995); Buse (1992); Staiger and Stock (1997).
FIGURE 26.4. The logic of instrumental variables (IV)
analysis and omitted variable bias in estimating the
effect of a treatment (T) on an outcome (Y).
instrument has a low correlation with the treatment
variable, then the denominator in the IV calculation
is small, resulting in an unstable and usually biased
estimate. This is referred to as having a weak instru-
ment (Bound, jaeger, & Baker, 1995). Even more
common may be violations of the assumption that
the instrument is uncorrelated with other confound-
ing covariates. Angrist and Pischke (2009) pointed
out that this assumption is analogous to saying that
"the instrument is as good as randomly assigned" (p.
117). That means that the instrument is essentially
random in relation to the unobserved covariates and
potential outcomes while it is strongly correlated
with treatment assignment. Obviously, finding such
a variable may be impossible. Angrist and Krueger
(2001) explained the problem of identifying good
instruments and provided numerous examples. In
general, the most promising instrumental variables
are often those that are associated with a policy or
circumstance that limits or enhances access to a
treatment but that does so fairly arbitrarily (e.g.,
month of birth, policy differences across adjacent
municipalities, and distance to a facility).
In our hypothetical study of antidepressants,
there are at least a couple of candidates for use as an
instrumental variable. First, consider the relative
prevalence of psychiatrists or psychologists with
prescribing privileges in a geographic area. If we first
restrict our analyses to those patients who do not
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
receive a prescription for an antidepressant from
their primary care physician, then the likelihood of
receiving an antidepressant is related to the likeli-
hood of visiting or being referred to a practitioner
with prescribing privileges and that is dependent on
the availability of such practitioners in the area. Fur-
thermore, it may be reasonable to expect that pre-
scribing practitioners are relatively randomly
distributed across geographic areas. Given this, we
could calculate for each patient, the relative preva-
lence of practitioners with prescribing privileges
within 10 miles of the patient's residence. We would
then use simultaneous equations estimation to
regress the depression posttest scores on the IV (to
estimate y) and also regress the treatment indicator
(l = antidepressant; 0 = no antidepressant) on the IV
(to estimate a). is calculated as y/a.
As a potential IV, our measure of the prevalence
of practitioners with prescribing privileges within
10 miles of the patient's residence is likely to meet
the relevance assumption (i.e., it is related to the
probability of receiving an antidepressant and hence
is not a weak instrument); however, it is unlikely to
meet the exclusion assumption. That is, the correla-
tion between the number of prescribing practitio-
ners near a patient's residence and that patient's
depression posttest scores is unlikely to be solely
attributable to whether that patient received a pre-
scription for an antidepressant. For example, if prac-
titioners with prescribing privileges are less likely to
open offices in impoverished areas (because of
crime, uninsured residents, and so on) and poverty
is correlated with severity of depression, then the
relationship between our IV and depression post-
test scores may be attributable to an unmeasured
confound (i.e., poverty), thus violating the exclu-
sion restriction.
Another potential IV is whether different insur-
ance carriers have different policies regarding their
coverage for antidepressant medications. If some
patients are forced to pay higher copayments for
their antidepressants, they may be less likely to take
the medication. Therefore, this potential IV is
related to the probability of taking an antidepres-
sant, but it may be otherwise uncorrelated with
posttest depression scores. In other words, the rela-
tionship between the amount of the copayment and
Henry May
posttest depression scores is due solely to whether
the patient fills the prescription. Of course, one
could imagine violations of the exclusion restriction
if the size of copayments was related to other con-
founding variables like income or age.
This section briefly reviews a few additional design
enhancements that are especially promising for
improving the validity of nonexperimental compari-
son group designs. These enhancements are designed
to do one of three things. First, they may address
directly specific threats to internal validity, such as a
probable selection-maturation interaction. Second,
they may improve internal validity by explicitly testing
a series of hypothesized causal relationships, thereby
evaluating not just the overall impact of a program but
its entire theory of action. Third, they may seek to
quantify the potential for selection bias to establish a
plausible range for the impact of a treatment.
Using Multiple Pretests
Recall that a key assumption in the analysis of
pretest-posttest data from a nonequivalent groups
design is that the pre-post trend for the comparison
group (represented either with a simple change
score or a pre-post regression model) represents
what would have happened in the treatment group if
the intervention had not been delivered (i.e., the
counterfactual). In the case of a change score model,
this implies that the pre-post difference for the com-
parison group can simply be added to the pretest for
the treatment group to produce the expected out-
come for the treatment group under the counterfac-
tual. In the case of an ANCOVA model, this implies
that the pooled within-groups pre-post regression
can be used to extrapolate the expected posttest
scores, given the observed pretest score, for the
treatment group under the counterfactual.
With only two waves of data (i.e., the pretest
and the posttest), these assumptions are untestable.
If an additional pretest were available, with the time
difference between the two pretests being similar to
the time difference between the last pretest and the
posttest, then one could explicitly test these
assumptions. The objective is to demonstrate that
there is no difference in the pretest-one to pretest-
two trend between the treatment and comparison
groups. This helps to confirm that there is no selection-
maturation interaction and that the two groups were
experiencing similar trends before the introduction
of the intervention.
In our hypothetical antidepressant study, multi-
ple pretests would only be feasible if the antidepres-
sants were not prescribed for several weeks after
psychotherapy began. If that were the case, we could
estimate the pretest-one to pretest-two change in
depression scores to check for differences in trends
before the start of antidepressant therapy in a subset
of patients.
The statistical model used to test for differences
in pretest trends could take several forms. The
simplest approach is to estimate separate models
for pretest trends and pre-post trends. The first
model would use the second pretest as the out-
come and the first pretest as a baseline in a change
score model or as a covariate in an ANCOVA. A
finding of no significant difference between treat-
ment and comparison groups would support a
conclusion of no difference in pretest trends. Once
this is confirmed, a second model would be esti-
mated to calculate treatment impact on posttest
scores. An alternative to running separate models
would be to extend the impact model to include
repeated measures (including appropriate terms
for autocorrelation of errors to model correlations
in repeated measures over time) and to test simul-
taneously for differences in pretest-one to pretest-
two trends as well as differences in pretest-two to
posttest trends between the treatment and compar-
ison group.
Even when using multiple pretests confirms a
selection-maturation interaction through differential
pretest trends, it may be that the pretreatment differ-
ence in trends does not explain completely the
observed posttest difference between treatment and
comparison groups. If the trend in the comparison
group remains consistent over time, then the treat-
ment estimate may be parameterized as the differ-
ence between treatment and comparison groups in
pretest-posttest trends above and beyond the differ-
ence in trends that existed before the introduction of
the treatment. This situation is far less desirable
than having confirmed similar pretest trends, but it
does help to remove at least some of the bias attrib-
utable to a selection-maturation interaction. More
specifically, for selection-maturation to persist as a
threat to validity, it must take the form of a three-
way interaction between selection, maturation, and
time. That is, the difference in maturation rates
would need to be changing over time to explain
away a treatment effect manifested as differences in
changes in trends between the treatment and com-
parison groups.
Cohort Comparisons
Another design enhancement that can improve the
internal validity of the nonequivalent comparison
group design involves the use of one or more
untreated cohorts as a comparison group. This is
often possible when treatments are delivered to eligi-
ble persons on the basis of age (e.g., education inter-
ventions, health interventions, interventions related
to age-based policies such as drinking or voting).
The basic idea is that when an intervention is imple-
mented or discontinued, adjacent cohorts differ in
their access to the intervention-one cohort gets
access whereas the prior cohort did not or vice versa.
There are multiple advantages to the cohort com-
parison approach. First, the treatment and compari-
son cohorts may be more likely to be similar on
measured and unmeasured covariates. Second, the
cohort comparison group design does not prevent
the delivery of the treatment to any eligible partici-
pant (i.e., the treatment can be delivered to every-
body). Third, when the treatment is not delivered to
everyone but delivery is restricted to only those in
certain cohorts (e.g., subjects in eligible cohorts
self-select into the treatment), then cohort member-
ship may be useful as an instrumental variable.
Assuming the cohorts are similar on measured and
unmeasured covariates, the subjects can be thought
of as randomly assigned to cohorts (i.e., the instru-
ment is uncorrelated with covariates), but cohort
membership is highly correlated with participation
in the treatment because only certain cohorts get
access to the treatment (i.e., cohort membership
is a strong instrument). In this case, using cohort
membership as an instrument for the effect of the
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
treatment has a good chance of producing a valid
causal impact estimate.
In our hypothetical study of antidepressants, we
could imagine a cohort comparison in a state that is
about to enact new legislation allowing psycholo-
gists to prescribe antidepressants and other psycho-
tropic medications. By comparing the outcomes of
patients from cohorts receiving treatment just before
and after enactment of this legislation, we can esti-
mate an unbiased treatment effect as the differences
in posttest depression scores so long as the patients
in these two cohorts are comparable in all other
respects. One clear example of how this assumption
might be violated is if the enactment of the legisla-
tion coincided with an economic downturn or
recovery. In that case, it would be impossible to dis-
tinguish the effects of the policy from the effects of
changes in the economic situation.
Causal Modeling, Moderation, and
Mediation Analyses
Cochran (1965) reflected on advice given by Sir
Ronald Fisher regarding causal inference in observa-
tional studies, "make your theories elaborate"
(p. 252). By this, Fisher meant that one should con-
ceptualize and design a study in such a way that the
hypothesized effects of an intervention could be
tested on multiple outcomes and under multiple
scenarios to establish consistent trends in results
that support (or disconfirm) the theory of action
behind an intervention. The logic of this perspective
is evident in the literature on causal path modeling
(Asher, 1983) and mediation and moderation analy-
ses (Baron&:. Kenny, 1986). In causal path modeling
of data from a nonequivalent comparison group
design, a series of structural equations are used to
estimate simultaneous relationships between treat-
ment conditions and characteristics (e.g., dosage),
covariates, intermediate outcomes, and final out-
comes. The intent of this approach is to establish
evidence of a causal chain that begins with the treat-
ment. In our hypothetical study of antidepressants,
we might include multiple outcomes in addition to
posttreatment depression scores that are related to
depression, such as motivation, concentration, sleep
patterns (e.g., insomnia, hypersomnia), libido, appe-
tite, and suicidal thoughts or actions. By exploring
Henry May
the relationships between antidepressant treatment
and changes in these outcomes, we may better
understand the mechanisms by which the drugs
achieve their effects, if there are any.
Similarly, mediation and moderation analyses
also use structural models to examine effects of
interventions. One intent is to identify mediator
variables, which are essentially intermediate out-
comes on the causal pathway between the interven-
tion and the outcome. In a mediation analysis, one
is able to explore the degree to which the effect of an
intervention on an outcome may follow directly
from the effect of the intervention on one or more
intermediate outcomes. A second intent is to iden-
tify moderator variables, which interact with the
treatment to produce differential effects depending
on the level of the moderator variable. For example,
one might use moderation analysis to identify those
factors that support or impede the impacts of an
intervention. In the case of our antidepressant study,
moderation analysis can be used to test for different
levels of effectiveness of the drugs across subgroups
of patients.
Although a well-designed path analysis or struc-
tural model for mediation or moderation may sub-
stantiate a theory of action behind an intervention,
the model alone does little to address threats to
internal validity. This is because these models typi-
cally operate in ways similar to that of simple
ANCOVA or change score analyses. Thus, the same
issues and threats to validity persist. The use of
causal path analysis and mediation or moderation
analyses should not be considered sufficient for
valid causal inference. When these models are used,
it is advisable to combine them with other tech-
niques for addressing overt or hidden bias, such as
propensity score matching and instrumental vari-
ables analysis.
Sensitivity Analysis
In a nonequivalent comparison group design, regard-
less of the steps taken to address threats to validity,
there is always the possibility of an unmeasured con-
found that might explain any treatment effect. Even
though the existence of potential unmeasured con-
founds cannot be debated, it is important to recog-
nize that all confounds are not equal. Although every
confound, if controlled, might change the results of
an impact analysis in a nonequivalent groups study,
minor confounds would change the results only
slightly, whereas major confounds can change results
in dramatic ways. Rosenbaum (2002, 2010) advo-
cated that sensitivity analyses be conducted in any
observational study to determine the magnitude of
uncontrolled selection bias that would need to exist
to substantially reduce or render insignificant the
estimate of impact.
The logic of such a sensitivity analysis begins
with the notion that comparisons in a properly
designed nonequivalent groups design have been
appropriately matched, blocked, or modeled so that
the treatment effect estimate is based on compari-
sons of subjects who have equal propensity scores.
Under this assumption, it is helpful to think of the
magnitude of selection bias in terms of the relative
difference in propensity scores if the matched sub-
jects did not in fact have equal probabilities of
assignment to treatment. For example, two subjects
with estimated propensity scores of .70 may actually
have true propensity scores of .90 and .60, with the
failure of the propensity score model to capture this
difference because a key covariate was unobserved.
In this situation, the actual propensity scores of
.90 and .60, when converted to an odds ratio (i.e.,
[.90/(1- .90)]1[.60/(1- .60)] = 6), suggest that one
subject is actually 6 times more likely to have expe-
rienced the treatment than his or her matched coun-
terpart. This is a large potential bias.
A sensitivity analysis for a nonequivalent groups
design reveals the magnitude of hidden bias (i.e., the
odds ratio of propensity scores) required to reduce
or eliminate the estimated effect of the treatment. If
a sensitivity analysis yielded a figure of 6 as in the
example, then one would conclude that to dismiss
the estimate of treatment effect as being caused by
selection bias, one or more unmeasured confounds
would need to exist that would make the subjects in
the treatment group at least 6 times more likely to
experience the treatment than those in the compari-
son group. Given that odds ratios of 6 are quite
uncommon in social science research, it is reason-
able to conclude that the unobserved selection bias
would need to be gigantic in order to dismiss the
estimated treatment effect. The calculations behind

sensitivity analyses are detailed in Rosenbaum
(2002, Chapter 4); however, these calculations are
applicable only to nonparametric analyses (i.e.,
McNemar's test, Wilcoxon's signed rank test,
Hodges-Lehmann point estimate).
In our hypothetical study of antidepressants, it is
reasonable to expect that the best predictor of pre-
scription of antidepressants is the pretreatment
severity of depression. Imagine then that the odds
ratio for a one-standard deviation increase in
depression severity is 3, suggesting that the likeli-
hood of receiving an antidepressant triples with each
standard deviation increase in pretreatment depres-
sion severity. Following that, if a sensitivity analysis
revealed that an unmeasured confound would need
to produce differences in propensity scores analo-
gous to an odds ratio of 6, then that confound would
need to have a predictive effect on the receipt of an
antidepressant that was twice as large as the pre-
treatment severity of depression. Such a confound is
unlikely to exist, thus bolstering the confidence with
which results from this nonequivalent comparison
group design can be interpreted.
Light, Singer, and Willett (1990) claimed, "You can't
fix by analysis what you bungled by design" (p. v).
Although that statement is generally true regarding
nonequivalent comparison group designs, there are
clearly a number of rather powerful tools that can
enhance the validity of inferences from this design.
Through explicit controls for measured confounds,
enhancements to address validity threats, instrumen-
tal variables to remove hidden bias, and elaborate
theories to test hypotheses, there is the potential for
nonexperimental designs to provide useful informa-
tion about the effects of interventions. In some cases,
the accuracy of that information may rival that from
a randomized experiment. Yet, even when the poten-
tial for selection bias persists, we can use sensitivity
analysis to evaluate the robustness of the findings
against likely or hypothetical confounding factors.
The recommendations that follow from this dis-
cussion of methods are similar to those proposed by
Rubin (2004). First, a researcher should implement
as many design enhancements as possible to address
Nonequivalent Comparison Group Designs
probable threats to valid inference. Second, the
researcher should collect both pre- and posttreatment
data on as many relevant covariates, treatment indi-
cators, intermediate outcomes, and final outcomes
as feasible. Third, the researcher should use propen-
sity score methods, matching, or blocking to
account for major differences between treatment
and comparison groups and remove most observable
selection bias. Fourth, the researcher should use
covariance analysis, regression modeling, and
instrumental variables analysis (when feasible) to
increase precision and provide additional control of
observed and perhaps unobserved covariates not yet
completely balanced. Lastly, the researcher should
conduct sensitivity analyses to determine the extent
to which unmeasured confounds may create selec-
tion biases large enough to substantially alter the
impact estimates.
Although nonequivalent comparison group stud-
ies are quite susceptible to bias, the ability to extract
useful information is especially important because
many interventions are not amenable to study
through an experimental design or a well-controlled
quasi-experiment. In these cases, we are often forced
to simply compare those who received the treatment
with those who did not. Thankfully, we have several
methods at our disposal that can help avoid apples
to oranges comparisons and perhaps even turn lem-
ons into lemonade.
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