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Managing safely v3.

1 project
As part of the Managing safely course, you have to complete a project and have it
assessed. You will e e!pected to carry out a ris" assessment ased on your own wor"
environment. You need to record the results on the attached sheets and sumit them for
mar"ing. #o not sumit any additional material in support of your project wor" as only the
si! parts of the A$ project will e assessed. %he project can e word processed or hand
&hen you have completed your wor" you should return it to
%here is a two wee" time limit for the return of the project. Your project must e completed
and returned y
'lease read all of the instructions efore starting wor" on your project.
%he project is ro"en down into a numer of parts. 'lease complete each section as
detailed elow.
Part 1 description of the work tasks that are your responsibility
(ecord a rief description of all the wor" tas"s within your wor" environment including)
description*laelled s"etch of the location+s,
people who wor" in or visit the area on a regular asis or from time to time. +%hin"
aout the different groups of people who may e in the area and how often they
may e there.,
permanent and temporary items of e-uipment and sustances
activities carried out within your wor" environment
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Elizabeth Berry
Commercial Training
Room T009
College of West Anglia
Tennyson Avenue
Kings ynn
!E"0 #$W !lease %ee& a co&y 'ust in case original goes missing
(on)ay *
+ecember #0,,
Part 2 a hazard checklist of the location(s)
(ecord a rief description of three location ha/ards that may arise in your wor"
environment. 0or e!ample, car par", stairs, uneven floor. 0or each of these ha/ards please
a description of the location
a description of the ha/ard in relation to the location
the numer and occupation of people who could e affected y the ha/ard in
relation to the location
whether a ris" assessment is recommended
Part 3 a hazard checklist of permanent and/or temporary items of euipment and
substances used in your work en!ironment
(ecord a rief description of three ha/ards that may arise from e-uipment or sustances
used. 0or each of these ha/ards please include)
a description of permanent and*or temporary items of e-uipment and sustances
a description of the ha/ard in relation to the e-uipment*sustance
the numer and occupation of people who could e affected y the ha/ard 1 in
relation to the e-uipment*sustance
whether a ris" assessment is recommended
Part " a hazard checklist of the acti!ities carried out within your work en!ironment
(ecord a rief description of three ha/ards that may arise from within your wor"
environment. 0or each of these ha/ards please include)
a description of the wor" activity
a description of the ha/ard in relation to the wor" activity
the numer and occupation of people who could e affected y the ha/ard in
relation to the wor" activity
#ote$ for the purpose of this e%ercise all three acti!ity hazards that you are
assessin& on part " must reuire a risk assessment'
Part ( carryin& out a risk assessment
'lease carry out a ris" assessment on all three of the activity ha/ards you have listed on
part $. 'lease ma"e sure you include)
a description of the wor" activity
a description of the ha/ard, ha/ardous event and e!pected conse-uence in
relation to the wor" activity
the numer and occupation of people affected in relation to the wor" activity
an assessment of ris" +please use the 2 ! 2 matri!, in relation to the wor" activity
#ote$ for the purpose of this e%ercise all three acti!ity hazards that you are
assessin& on part ( must reuire risk controls'
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Part ) risk control recommendations
'lease complete the ris" control form for all three activity ha/ards you have listed on part
2. 'lease ma"e sure you include)
a description of the wor" activity and ris" level from the ris" assessment
e!isting ris" controls
any further ris" controls re-uired 1 in relation to the wor" activity
the residual ris" +please use the 2 ! 2 matri!, 1 in relation to the wor" activity
a description of the type of monitoring re-uired and how often 1 in relation to the
residual ris"
3ote) where you have large numers of ha/ards in your wor" environment you will not
have space to record them all. In these circumstances, select a representative sample of
ha/ards for the purposes of this project and record only these. (ememer that only three
ha/ards are re-uired for parts 4, 3, and $.
5ach part has a ma!imum numer of mar"s which can e awarded and details are given
in the tale elow.
Part *a%imum marks
1 16
4 17
3 17
$ 13
2 38
7 38
+otal 123
*inimum mark )2
0inally, efore returning your project chec" that your name, the end of course date, the
name of your company, the site name and the name of your training provider are recorded
on the first sheet.
'lease also ensure that you sign each sheet to confirm that the wor" you sumit is your
Please note: the small square boxes in the bottom right hand corner of each section
on parts 2 to 6 are for the markers use only.
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Part 1 description of the work tasks that are your
responsibility (continued on the ne%t pa&e)
#elegate name 9#eil ,tapleton999 5nd of course date 921 #o!ember 2-11...
:ompany99999../0..99999. .ite name99.....91in&2s 3ynn9.99....
%raining provider9.9./09999......
0 description/labelled sketch of the location(s)
43-) 5ffice
; #es"s with operator chairs
1 .mall meeting des" with $ standard office chairs
1 ! Interactive &hiteoard
1 ! 0ridge with tea ma"ing area on top inc <ettle
4 ! steel storage cupoards
1 ! small oo"case
,mall kitchenette 3 doors from 43-)
=asic single drainer .in" with storage elow
0 description of the people who work in or !isit the area on a re&ular basis or
from time to time and how often they2re there
3 ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff 1 2 days per wee"
1 ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff 1 4 days per wee"
3 ! :'# .taff 1 1 to 3 days per wee"
$ 1 6 ! :ollege staff 1 dropping in to as" advice or orrow e-uipment 2 12mins
per day
4 2 ! :ollege staff 1 attending meetings > 1hr per day
1 ! I% %echnician 1 12min per month
1 ! :leaner 1 18min per month
1 ! .ecurity staff 1 2min per month
Also possiility of trespassers and or non1authorised college staff or students
Part 1 description of the work tasks that are your
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
'lease sign to confirm that this is your own wor") ??????????????????
#5+ +5 ,.036
038$ is accessed from 0387 via
corridor and through 3 internal
fire doors, as shown.
0 description of permanent and temporary pieces of euipment and
substances used in your work en!ironment
Permanent euipment on desks
$ ! ': c*w "eyoard, mouse and 4 ! @:# monitors
3 ! @aptops c*w doc"ing station, "eyoard, mouse and 4 ! @:# monitors
1 ! Angle poise des" lamp
Aeneral stationary +'en, .tapler, Bole punch etc.,
3oan euipment stora&e cupboards near door and left corner
$ ! @aptops
3 ! 'ortale @:# projectors
4 ! 'ortale projection screens
1 ! Cideo lighting system in case
4 ! #igital cameras
38 ! #igital video cameras
1 ! thermal imaging camera
Carious cales and attery charging e-uipment
,ubstances stored on top of bookshelf
&hiteoard 'ens
&hiteoard cleaner
Anti1acteria spray cleaner
%ea D :offee
Mil" +In fridge,
0 description of the acti!ities carried out within your work en!ironment
Aeneral office duties +; 5ducational %echnologies D :'#,
&or"ing on ':
%elephone use
#emonstrations loan e-uipment
:harging of electrical e-uipment
.mall meetings of no more than 7 people
Ether college staff may visit for short informal meeting of up to an hour
:leaning staff will carry out vacuuming, dusting and emptying of ins
%echnicians may carry out asic I% repairs such as the removal and installation of
':s and I% peripherals
.ecurity staff may close windows, ut will generally just perform a visual chec" of
the room.
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
'lease sign to confirm that this is your own wor")??????????????????
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Part 2
7azard .hecklist$ locations(s)
.ompany$ ./0 8epartment$ +he 3earnin& Practice ,ite name$ 1in&2s 3ynn9 +ennyson 0!e'
8escription of the
8escription of the hazard
(in relation to the location)
#umber and occupation of
people affected
(in relation to the location)
:isk assessment
(<f no9 please e%plain)
038$ 1 <itchenette",
0387 1 %ea ma"ing area on
top of fridge
&ater spillage
.ometimes oiling in relation to 0387
$ ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff
3 ! :'# .taff

Yes 3o
0387 1 &hole Effice 5lectric shoc"s and trip ha/ards from
electrical items and cales
All users of and visitors to the office
Yes 3o
0387 1 &hole Effice 'hysiological issues from prolonged
5ye fatigue
=ac" pain
&or" (elated Fpper @im
$ ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff
3 ! :'# .taff
Yes 3o
+he location(s) you mana&e
'lease sign to confirm that this is your own wor") ??????????????????

M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Part 3
7azard .hecklist$ euipment and substances
8escription of the
8escription of the hazard
(in relation to the euipment/substance)
#umber and occupation of
people affected
(in relation to the euipment/substance)
:isk assessment
(<f no9 please e%plain)
': &or"station 'hysiological issues from poor
posture and*or environment)
5ye fatigue
=ac" pain
&or" (elated Fpper @im
$ ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff
3 ! :'# .taff
Yes 3o
Anti1acterial cleaner spray
&hiteoard cleaner spray
Inhalation of spray
:ontamination of eyes
=oth sustances are mar"ed as
avoid contact with eyes and use in a
well1ventilated area and avoid
reathing in spray
$ ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff
3 ! :'# .taff
Yes 3o
'ower e!tension and multi1
way and A*C cales
%rip ha/ard from trailing cales
Everloading of power e!tension
Arcing +ignition, from damaged

All users of and visitors to the office
Yes 3o
Permanent and temporary pieces of euipment and substances used in the work en!ironment
'lease sign to confirm that this is your own wor") ??????????????????
.ompany$ ./0 8epartment$ +he 3earnin& Practice ,ite name$ 1in&2s 3ynn9 +ennyson 0!e'

M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Part "
7azard .hecklist$ acti!ities
8escription of the
/ork acti!ity
8escription of the hazard
(in relation to the work acti!ity)
#umber and occupation of
people affected
(in relation to the work acti!ity)
:isk assessment
': &or"station use 'hysiological issues from prolonged
5ye fatigue
=ac" pain
&or" (elated Fpper @im
$ ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff
3 ! :'# .taff
Yes 3o
#emonstrations of loan
5lectric shoc"s and trip ha/ards from
electrical items and cales
$ ! 5ducational %echnologies .taff
Cisiting college staff
Yes 3o
:harging of electrical
5lectric shoc"s and trip ha/ards from
electrical items and cales
All users of and visitors to the office
Yes 3o
Activities carried out within your wor" environment
#ote$ 0or the purpose of this e!ercise, all three activity ha/ards must re-uire a ris" assessment.
'lease sign to confirm that this is your own wor") ??????????????????

.ompany$ ./0 8epartment$ +he 3earnin& Practice ,ite name$ 1in&2s 3ynn9 +ennyson 0!e'
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Part (
:isk assessment form
7azard9 hazardous e!ent and
e%pected conseuence
(in relation to the work acti!ity)
'hysiological issues from prolonged
use) 5ye fatigue, =ac" pain D &or"
(elated Fpper @im #isorders
'ermanent or :hronic health issue and
long term sic" leave.
2 2 "
Ma"ing coffee
and other hot
Bot or =oiling water
.calds or urns from spilt hot water or
drin"s. 5lectric shoc" from water
coming into contact power source.
.erious injury
1 " "
of loan
+AC D I%,
%railing power and AC caling
%rips and falls and*or electric
.erious injury or death
2 " =
8ate$ 1>/11/11 +ime$ 11$3- :e!iew period$ 0nnual 8ate of ne%t re!iew$ 1>/11/12
0ssessor2s name$ #eil ,tapleton Position$ 6ducational +echnolo&ies .oordinator ,i&nature$
Yes 3o
Yes 3o
Yes 3o
? @
%echnologies D :#'
%echnologies D
:#' .taff
%echnologies D
:#' .taff
'lease sign to confirm that this is your own wor")??????????????????

#ote$ 0or the purpose of this e!ercise, all three activity ha/ards must re-uire ris" controls.
0ssessment of risk
(in relation to the work acti!ity) People
(in relation to the work
0re risk controls
.ompany$ ./0 8epartment$ +he 3earnin& Practice ,ite name$ 1in&2s 3ynn9 +ennyson 0!e'
M. 'roject
'ac" version 3.1
Part )
:isk control form
/ork acti!ity
and risk le!el
(from risk
assessment form)
risk controls
(in relation to the work
#ew risk
': &or"station
Awareness team
raising through
staff induction.
Aility to ta"e
rea"s or
change activity
(egular awareness
raising through team
1 2
:hec" that issues are regularly
on the agenda in team
meetings and minuted
Ma"ing coffee
and other hot
#rin" ma"ing
location is close
to wor" area to
avoid moving hot
drin" over
1 " "
Aeneral chec" that ris"s are
not eing increased y ad
wor" practices or poor house
of loan
+AC D I%,
#emonstration is
limited to
locations away
from wal"ways
3eed to wor" more tidily
and maintain good
practice. Introduce a
safe system of wor".
1 3 3
En1going chec"s that ris"s are
not eing created and safe
systems are eing maintained.
'lease sign to confirm that this is your own wor")??????????????????
:esidual risk
(in relation to the work acti!ity) 4urther risk
controls reuired
(in relation to the work acti!ity)
8escription of
monitorin& reuired
(in relation to the residual risk)
:isk le!el$
:isk le!el$
:isk le!el$
.ompany$ ./0 8epartment$ +he 3earnin& Practice ,ite name$ 1in&2s 3ynn9 +ennyson 0!e'
8ate$ 1>/11/11 +ime$ 11$3- :e!iew period$ 0nnual 8ate of ne%t re!iew$ 1>/11/12
0ssessor2s name$ #eil ,tapleton Position$ 6ducational +echnolo&ies .oordinator ,i&nature$

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