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Abstract This work describes about the

stress concentration in a rectangular

specimen with a circular hole made up of
hybrid composite material with the
combination of glass/carbon with epoxy. The
arrangements of cross ply lamina in the
sequence of alternative carbon and glass as
using carbon fbre and in panel gives more
strength to the structure as the carbon
properties are high when compared to glass.
Typical aircraft and automobile components
are with cutouts and such cutouts reduce the
weight of the aircraft according to the weight
reduction law and also it reduced the bulking
load carrying capacity. !xperimental
investigations were carried out using three
specimens as per A"T# $%&'' in the
(niversal Testing #achine. "tress
concentration in the rectangular specimen
with a hole is also analy)ed using *!A and
comparing the results.
+ey points, composite- fnite element
analysis- stress concentration- tensile
A material with a circular center hole under
transverse loading condition are widely used in
all application in diferent eld o! industries and
engineering application as space vehicle "
aircra!t" automo#ile" marine etc. The circular
cutout is introduced in a part to !acilitate with a
$oints in such case stress concentration !actor
%&C'( is increases near the hole due to loading
condition. &C' increase creates a change in the
uni!orm stress pattern in the entire part and
may lead to !ailure. )y#rid composite are
composite with two diferent properties
com#ining together to give more strength at
low price "use o! car#on #er alone may #e
e*pensive to manu!acture in case o! using a
hy#rid composites o! car#on and glass !or the
re+uired part is needs to #e studied. ,any
researchers have analy-ed the case in diferent
manner a#out stress concentration with circular


,oon et al. 234 evaluated the stress eld and
relationship #etween isotropic and orthotropic
composite plate su#$ected to transverse
loading. It has #een analy-ed stress in *y
direction is seen ma*imum on the hole
#oundary along the width direction o! the plate.
1asar and arslan 254 has studied the coupling
efect #ehavior is diferent in laminated
composite plate #ehavior with hole !or two
cases in which one is single layer and other
layer in composite plate #oth having same
material properties and #er orientation angle.
6ain and sanyal 274 analy-ed &C' !or all stresses
increased slightly with increasing o! t8A at any
D8A ratio !or almost all cases o! material. The
t8A ratio plays a signicant role in orthotropic
plates and neglia#le role in isotropic plate and
7D analysis is most suita#le !or orthotropic
material.. 9an et al. 2:4 proposed a general
solution !or the composite laminates with a
hole using ;/, %#oundary element method(. It
has #een shown that even with a very coarse
mesh the loop stresses along the hole
predicated #y the presence !ormulation are
very close to the analytical solution. Neha and
mohite 2<4 has studied the diferent structure
element under transverse loading conditions
and revealed that the '/A results !or thin
composite plate with &)/.. 3=3 are in good
agreement with analytical solution !or the
plate. ,urat et al 2>4 have analy-ed the !ailure
loads o#tained !rom )ofman and Tsai?hill
criteria are given !or two composite materials
with diferent #er orientation angles. @hen
the #er orientation increases" the !ailure load
decreases in tensile and compressive loading
6ain 2A4 analy-ed the reduction o! stress
concentration #y using coa*ial au*iliary holes
were introduced near #y the main hole.
Arumugamy et al. 2=4 proposed car#on 8 epo*y
ultimate strength #y tensile loading !rom
acoustic emission techni+ue . Beshavamurthy
2C4 Investigated a#out the tensile properties
#er rein!orced ply laminated composite.
Analysis o! &tress Concentration o!
)y#rid Composite with a Central
Circular )ole &u#$ected To Tensile
C.Shalini devi
, R. Asokan

M.Tech student
, Professor

To study the stress concentration !actor
around the hole in orthotropic specimen model
specimen with dimension o! 7>D5<ED5.=mm.
This dimension is taBen as per the A&T,
standards D<A>>. The specimens are su#$ected
to uni!ormly distri#uted load with 9. The
specimen is !a#ricated #y arranging glass and
car#on #er alternatively Beeping at the top
and #ottom with glass #er. Tensile testing and
'/A so!tware analysis to nd out the stress
concentration !actor near the hole o! the
Ta#le 3F
The material properties o! the orthotropic
I0. /
)y#rid composite laminate plate prepared
using glass and car#on #er with epo*y resin.
'a#rication o! the plate is a com#ination o!
glass and car#on. The glass lamina is placed on
top and #ottom o! the plate and in?#etween
alternative o! car#on and glass lamina were
placed one over the another with application o!
epo*y. Totally 33 layers are used to !a#ricate a
plate with the si-e o! 7EEmm *7EEmm.
'a#rication done #y using vacuum #ag
techni+ue and this method gives a proper
nishing to the sur!ace. &pecimens are
dimensioned #y water $et cutting machine as
per A&T, standard.
'igure 3 F tensile test specimen
In aircraft there are various force acting on it and vertical
and horizontal force with an opposite force that type of
forces act on aircraft so to find these type of loading in
aircraft using tensile testing. Tensile testing is a form of
pulling a specimen on both the ends. Due to elongation it
measures displacement with respect to force act on it.
'igure 5 /*perimental &etup In UT,

A!ter cutting a specimen the ta#s are
attached to it #y epo*y resin with <Emm *
7>mm and the gauge length o! 3<Emm. Tensile
tests are carried out on the specimen in
universal testing machine %gure 5(.

Glass #er
%Gpa( 57E 7C
%Gpa( 3< =.>
%Gpa( 3< =.>
E.5< E.5=
E.5< E.5=
E.5< E.5=
%Gpa( 37.A 7.=
%Gpa( 37.A 7.=
%Gpa( > 7.=

0. 'INIT/ /./,/NT ANA.1&I&
'inite element method was chosen to
analysis the orthotropic specimen. The
structural element used 7D shell element"
:node 3=3 in AN&1&. ,apped meshing were
gives more efective to nd the stress
concentration near the hole. The !ull specimen
was analy-ed with a specied dimension.
9urpose o! using '/, is to nd the e*act place
o! the ma*imum stress near the hole. The
layup o! the material are also mentioned as per
the procedures with the same thicBness % gure
Figure 3: composite laminate with central hole under
study with boundary conditions
Figure : mapped meshing around the circular hole
!fter created meshing on a specimen " near the hole
need to create fine meshing to #now the e$act value of
stress around the hole.
%I. &'()*T !+D DI(,)((I-+

The result o! tensile test #y e*perimental
testing is o#tained !or the material is presented
in graphical e*planation !orm%gure <">"A( and
tested specimens%gure :( and the specimen is
clearly visi#le the stress concentration nears
the hole due to tensile loading. @hen the load
acting on the specimen it leads to !ailure along
the #er direction.
Figure .: tensile tested specimen
The stress?strain curve" time?displacement"
strain?time curve are listed !or 7specimen per
testing. The stress strain curve is linearly
increasing as per the hooBIs law and the stress
ma*imum at 5=>.=7 ,9a at the load o! 57JN.
1oungIs modulus where is more when compare
to glass and it is less than car#on specimen. Its
gives an intermediate value o! youngIs
Figure /: stress vs. strain curve for tensile test

Figure 0 :*oad vs displacement
Figure 1: time vs. strain
Ta#le 5FpeaB stress Trail 3
Trail 5
Trail 7
5A>.C> 5C=.>< 5=:.=C 5=>.=7
Ta#le 7 F peaB load Trail 3
Trail 5
Trail 7
55.= 57 57.: 57
Ta#le : F youngs modulus Trail 3
Trail 5
Trail 7
3A< 3<3.=C 3CA.>A 3A:.=<
Analysis taBe splace as per the e*perimental
procedure and the results o! the analysis is
e+ual to the e*perimental value as the
ma*imum stress and youngs modulus value o!
it. @hen the area is more than to diameter
descri#es the specimen ma*imum stress near
to the circular center hole.
'igure C F nodal ma*imum stress around the
hole in y a*is
Figure 23 : elememt ma$imum stress in y a$is
The result of ma$imum stress along the fiber direction and
near the cirular cut out. It is clearly visible the stress
concentration of the specimen.

Figure 22: element stress near hole in $4a$is

The tensile tested specimen and the '/A
analy-ed result are with the stress
concentration through out the specimen. when
the loading is in y?direction and stress
distri#ution along the *?a*is. The ma*imum
stress concentration near the circular cutout.
Figure 25 : ma$imum stress concentration near the hole
%II. ,-+,*)(I-+
The values o! the e*perimental and
numerical values are almost same and the
ma*imum stress are near the hole when
su#$ected to uni!orm tensile loading condition.
Using o! car#on #er in entire model will
increase the cost #ut it has a solution to use
hy#rid material in specic part !or moderate
strength re+uirement. )y#rid material can #e a
good alternative material.
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Kstress concentration in isotropic L
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KInvestigation o! tensile properties #er
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