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Structured Infrastructure

Maintenance Review
Business Case Guidelines
March 2014
Part A: Structured Infrastructure Maintenance Review Process.......................................1
Part B: Business Case Guideines.....................................................................................!
Before Gettin# Started..........................................................................................!
Co$"etin# t%e &e$"ate......................................................................................!
Part C: Business Case &e$"ate.....................................................................................11
Business Case: Guideines i
Part ! Structured Infrastructure Maintenance
Review Process
&%e Structured Infrastructure Maintenance Review Process 'SIMRP( invoves a sta#ed
review and assess$ent "rocess for Genera Govern$ent Sector infrastructure
$aintenance "ro"osas.
Infrastructure $aintenance "ro"osas wi be subject to a series of decision "oints "rior
to bein# considered for fundin# and wi be re)uired to $eet re"ortin# re)uire$ents
durin# t%e o"eration of t%e subject "ro"ert*+asset.
&%ere are si, decision+re"ortin# "oints:
Maintenance Conce"t Outine-
Strate#ic Assess$ent and O"tions Ana*sis-
Business Case 'if an*(
Bud#et Co$$ittee Consideration-
Interi$ O"eratin# Review- and
Post I$"e$entation Review.
&%ese #uideines address t%e re)uire$ents of Point !. .i#ure 1 iustrates t%e SIMRP.
#i$ure 1! Structured Infrastructure Maintenance Review Process
Point 1. Point 2. Point !. Point /. Point 0. Point 1.
and O"tions
&%e objective of t%e Structured Infrastructure Maintenance Review Process is to ensure
t%at infrastructure "rojects funded fro$ t%e State Bud#et: '2oca and Centra
a""ro"riate* $eet t%e needs of t%e co$$unit*-
%ave been a""ro"riate* sco"ed and "anned- and
are based on reiabe and reaistic cost esti$ates.
&%e effective and efficient $ana#e$ent of #enera #overn$ent sector infrastructure
invest$ent is funda$enta in an environ$ent w%ere t%ere are co$"etin# de$ands for
Govern$ent resources.
&%e SIMRP wi faciitate infrastructure invest$ent decision $a3in# b* re)uirin#
a#encies to ri#orous* evauate "roject "ro"osas for infrastructure $aintenance at t%e
eariest sta#es and review t%e "roject "ro"osa a t%rou#% t%e o"eratin# of t%e
Business Case: Guideines 2
Part B! Business Case Guidelines
&%e "ur"ose of t%e Business Case of t%e SIMRP is to deveo" a co$"ein# business
case for t%e "referred o"tion "resented in t%e Strate#ic Assess$ent and O"tions
Before Gettin$ Started
Part C "rovides t%e Business Case te$"ate.
A te$"ate $ust be co$"eted for eac% $aintenance "roject "ro"osa.
4o not re$ove an* %eadin#s fro$ t%e te$"ate. A sections $ust be co$"eted.
&%e infor$ation "rovided is to be detaied.
Co)(letin$ the *e)(late
An outine of t%e infor$ation to be "rovided in eac% section of t%e te$"ate foows.
Business Case: Guideines !
Provide t%e s%ort tite of t%e $aintenance "roject "ro"osa.
Provide a sentence to succinct* describe t%e "roject "ro"osa. One sentence on*.
Res(onsi&le "fficer
Provide t%e contact detais of t%e res"onsibe officer for t%e "roject "ro"osa.
Reco))ended "(tion
Provide a s%ort su$$ar* as to w%* t%is is t%e reco$$ended o"tion identified in t%e
Strate#ic Assess$ent and O"tions Ana*sis
Infor)ation /(date
Provide a %i#% eve su$$ar* of an* infor$ation t%at %as atered since t%e "roject
"ro"osa co$$enced t%e SIIRP.
Reason for Pro'ect Pro(osal
Review and u"date w%ere necessar* t%e infor$ation t%at was "rovided in t%e
Strate#ic Assess$ent and O"tions Ana*sis. 5nsure t%e foowin# is addressed:
6 Identif* t%e "robe$ t%at needs to be soved.
6 Identif* t%e o""ortunit* to be underta3en.
6 Outine an* assu$"tions t%at %ave been $ade about t%e "roject "ro"osa.
6 Outine t%e reason t%is invest$ent s%oud be considered furt%er.
Relationshi( to Govern)ent0s Polic1 Priorities
Review and u"date w%ere necessar* t%e infor$ation t%at was "rovided in t%e
Strate#ic Assess$ent and O"tions Ana*sis. 5nsure t%e foowin# is addressed:
6 7%at Govern$ent "oicies and a#enc* outco$es are su""orted b* t%e "roject
6 7%at is t%e "ri$ar* "oic* to w%ic% t%is "roject "ro"osa wi contribute8
6 4e$onstrate t%at t%e "roject "ro"osa is consistent wit% t%e a#enc* strate#ic
#oas and "riorities.
Benefits2"utco)es to &e chieved
Review and u"date w%ere necessar* t%e infor$ation t%at was "rovided in t%e
Strate#ic Assess$ent and O"tions Ana*sis. 5nsure t%e foowin# is addressed:
6 7%at are t%e s"ecific benefits and outco$es to be ac%ieved b* t%is $aintenance
"roject "ro"osa8
6 Provide an ana*sis of t%e #a" between t%e current situation and t%e
benefits+outco$es to be ac%ieved.
Business Case: Guideines /
RIS3S 4. .,P,4.,4CI,S
7%at ris3s are associated wit% t%e "roject "ro"osa8 In ter$s of $ana#e$ent
Ris3s to consider incude "oitica9 socia9 econo$ic9 et%ica9 financia9 industria9
%u$an resources9 fundin#9 $et%od and+or environ$enta.
Co$"ete t%e tabe for a ris3s identified. .or eac% ris3 identified9 record t%e
conse)uence of t%e ris39 t%e i3ei%ood of t%e conse)uence occurrin# and t%e ris3
$iti#ation strate#*.
,6ternal Conditions and Critical Success #actors
Review and u"date w%ere necessar* t%e infor$ation t%at was "rovided in t%e
Strate#ic Assess$ent and O"tions Ana*sis. 5nsure t%e foowin# is addressed:
6 7%at e,terna conditions 'de"endencies( are critica to t%e need for t%is
"ro"osa8 &%ese e,terna conditions $a* incude %erita#e9 "annin# or
environ$enta issues and+or reations%i"s wit% e,terna "arties.
6 Identif* t%e critica success factors. &%ese are t%e essentia areas of activit* t%at
$ust be "erfor$ed if t%e $ission9 objectives or #oas of t%e "roject "ro"osa are
to be ac%ieved.
6 7%at are t%e co$"e,ities of t%e "roject "ro"osa8
6 Outine %ow t%e e,terna conditions9 critica success factor and co$"e,ities of
t%e "roject "ro"osa wi be $ana#ed.
Business Case: Guideines 0
PR"7,C* M4G,M,4*
I)(le)entation Strate$1
Identif* t%e 3e* "roject $iestones. Identif* t%e 3e* "roject $iestones and detai
t%ese in t%e tabe "rovided. .or eac% $iestone9 record t%e date and res"onsibe
5nsure t%at it is cear w%at is in sco"e and out of sco"e.
Identif* w%ere it is "ossibe for t%e "roject "ro"osa to be bro3en down into s$a
"r$anisational Chan$e
4escribe t%e a""roac% to $ana#in# or#anisationa c%an#e t%rou#%out t%e "roject.
6 7%at effect wi t%e i$"e$entation of t%e "roject "ro"osa %ave u"on e,istin#
services9 "rocesses and "eo"e8
6 Outine %ow current business+wor3 "ractices wi be en%anced+i$"roved and+or
c%an#ed as a resut of i$"e$entation of t%e "roject "ro"osa.
6 Identif* e#isation9 "oic* and re#uator* issues.
Outine t%e re)uired s3is and ca"abiities for t%is "roject "ro"osa. Are t%e*
avaiabe9 ta3in# into account t%e 4e"art$ent:s current co$$it$ents and ca"acit*
to deiver8
7%ere a""icabe9 describe t%e trainin# re)uire$ents and %ow t%e re)uire$ents wi
be addressed.
Business Case: Guideines 1
S*3,8"9.,RS 49:SIS 4. M4G,M,4*
Sta5eholder nal1sis
Identif* t%e $ajor sta3e%oders. .or eac% sta3e%oder9 address t%e foowin#:
6 ;ow coud t%is sta3e%oder i$"act t%e "roject8
6 ;ow coud t%is sta3e%oder be i$"acted b* t%e "roject8
6 In w%at wa* is t%e sta3e%oder su""ortive of t%e "roject "ro"osa8
6 7%at9 if an*9 are t%e concerns of t%e sta3e%oder8
Sta5eholder Mana$e)ent
Outine t%e fra$ewor3 t%at is in "ace for $ana#in# sta3e%oders.
Outine t%e co$$unication "an t%at ensures staff and sta3e%oders are 3e"t
Business Case: Guideines <
MR3,*S 4. *,4.,R
Mar5et Research
4etai t%e $ar3et researc% t%at %as been underta3en.
Outine w%et%er t%e resuts indicate t%at t%e "roject wi be attractive to t%e $ar3et.
Outine w%et%er t%ere is ade)uate ca"acit*9 ca"abiit* and co$"etitive interest in t%e
$ar3et to $eet t%e re)uire$ent.
Outine w%et%er t%e resuts indicate t%at t%e invest$ent s%oud be considered
Provide an overview of t%e tender docu$ents re)uired.
Business Case: Guideines =
Recurrent Cost
7%at are t%e esti$ated recurrent costs for t%is "roject on an annua basis8
7%at recurrent costs %ave been considered8 Ie additiona staff9 trainin# needs etc.
4e$onstrate %ow t%e 4e"art$ent wi $ana#e t%ese recurrent costs wit%in its
e,istin# Bud#et and .orward 5sti$ates aocation.
Ca(ital Cost
7%at is t%e esti$ated ca"ita cost for t%is "roject on a tota and annua basis.
Provide a detaied cost brea3down of t%e "roject "ro"osa. Co$"ete t%e tabe9
insert or deete cou$ns+rows as necessar*.
7%at are t%e confidence eves of t%is esti$ated cost8
7%at "rocesses %ave been identified for esti$atin#9 $onitorin# and controin#
"roject e,"enditure8
#undin$ Sources
7%at aternative fundin# sources %ave been investi#ated8
;ow $uc% fundin# can be sourced fro$ aternative sources8
Business Case: Guideines >
PR"P"S,. ,+9/*I"4 M,*8".
Outine %ow t%e "roject wi be evauated.
Identif* t%e $et%ods and "rocesses "ro"osed for $easurin# t%e resutin# out"uts9
"roject outco$es.
Business Case: Guideines 1?
Part C! Business Case *e)(late
Res"onsibe Officer
Reco$$ended O"tion
Infor$ation @"date
Reason for Project Pro"osa
Reations%i" to Govern$ent:s Poic* Priorities
Benefits+Outco$es to be Ac%ieved
4e"art$ent of AA#enc*B Business Case: AProject Pro"osaB 11
RIS3S 4. .,P,4.,4CI,S
Ris3 4escri"tion Conse)uence 2i3ei%ood Miti#ation Strate#ies
<change page layout to landscape if necessary for ease of completing the table>
,6ternal Conditions and Critical Success #actors
4e"art$ent of AA#enc*B Business Case: AProject Pro"osaB 12
PR"7,C* M4G,M,4*
I)(le)entation Strate$1
Project Miestone 4ate Res"onsibe Person
"r$anisational Chan$e
4e"art$ent of AA#enc*B Business Case: AProject Pro"osaB 1!
Sta5eholder nal1sis
Sta5eholder Mana$e)ent
4e"art$ent of AA#enc*B Business Case: AProject Pro"osaB 1/
MR3,*S 4. *,4.,R
Mar5et Research
4e"art$ent of AA#enc*B Business Case: AProject Pro"osaB 10
Recurrent Cost
Ca"ita Cost
:1 :2 :; :4 *otal
D:??? D:??? D:??? D:??? D:???
AIte$ 1B
AIte$ 2B
#undin$ Sources
4e"art$ent of AA#enc*B Business Case: AProject Pro"osaB 11
PR"P"S,. ,+9/*I"4 M,*8".
5ndorsed+Cot 5ndorsed
4e"art$ent of AA#enc*B Business Case: AProject Pro"osaB 1<

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